capes-and-cowls · 5 years
Profile: Wynter
Vital Statistics
Name: Allyson Stanhope
Nickname: Wynter
Reasons for name: Hero Callsign given by MATTER
Age:  25
Sex Female
Nationality Canadian
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? Glasses for computer and     reading
Physical Appearance
Height: 5'0"
Build: Average
Weight: 110lbs
Complexion: Clear
Color of hair: White, sometimes dyed red
Quality of hair: Fine
Usual hairstyle: Cute short, pulled back, and spikey
Color of eyes: pale blue
Facial features: Clean, eyes flow white with frost when combative
Distinguishing features Full tattoo on her back, and down her arms of an oriental nature.  A kiss tattoo on her right chest reads "Mine"
Scars/birthmarks (if any) Left breast has a burned in brand of the Greek letter Omega.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Flashy and revealing
Grooming: Well groomed
Early Childhood
Birthplace: Calgary, Canada
Father’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Minister Michael Stanhope, deceased
Mother’s parenting style/occupation/attitude: Wendy Stanhope, widow
If no parents, why?
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Not on speaking terms with the family, after recruitment into MATTER
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Grew up in a middle income family.
Happiest memory: Skating on the frozen lakes of Calgary
Childhood traumas: None
Childhood even that still affects him/her: Her first kisses, the brother and sister neighbors before her mutant power manifested
Biographical Details
Education: Private school trained, has a degree in criminology through MATTER
Occupation history: Raised by MATTER after the age of 10, and an employee since that time.
Successes/achievements: Been the partner of Thomas  Avery inside many MATTER operations, assisted in training Scrapbuster Sapphire
Failures: Cover blown on first undercover mission, still seen as her biggest failure.
Obstacles in life (a disability or family commitments): Constantly intimidated and infatuated with people in a higher power than her own.
Special skills (if any): Mutant, blessed with a  regenerative body and the ability to manipulate ice.
Personal Life
Past key relationships: First kisses were the brother and sister neighbors she had in Canada  Had a brief relationship in Academy with a boy named Rory (who would later become the villain Pyromeo)  Had a one week affair with co-worker Thomas Avery, which did not end well.  
Marriages/divorces None
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Why did relationships end? Lack of personal self strength
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None
Hobbies: Reading
Favorite food/drink: Love of alcohol, pizza
Usual haunts: The Indy, a local dive bar in Independence Port
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?)
Religion (if any): Grew up Christian, but after mutation, and sexual orientation came about, left it behind.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single, but committed to Skyy, but there is a physical and mental connection with Vanessa DeVore that Skyy  openly welcomes
Quality of marriage/partnership: Strong, she would do anything for Skyy
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): Skyy is a member of the Carnival of Shadows, something she wants Wynter to join.
Occupation: Watcher for Thomas Avery
Is s/he happy in occupation? If not, why? She wants more, she wants to be in the field
Relationship with work colleagues: Linked to Thomas Avery, and likes many of her co-workers.
Issues at work (if any): Known for her failure, and that seems to follow her around.
Secret Life
Phobias: Fear of being alone
What is the worst thing that could happen to him/her? Having Skyy leave her, or worse, lead her towards Connor
What is the best thing that could happen to him/her?  Being able to live her life with her girlfriend Skyy
Addictive behavior: Alcoholic tendencies
Personal detail most ashamed of: Her failure with the Yakuza haunts her to this day.
What s/he would most like to change about them self.  Why?  To be stronger about herself.
What s/he mostly wants from life Love and Happiness
Personal strengths Compassion, a strong leader, limitless potential
Personal weaknesses: No self assurance
Sexual transgressions Flirty, fun, but when attracted to someone becomes meek and a little unsure.
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