#CW sex addiction
gabessquishytum · 6 months
Morpheus is a demisexual incubus. In other words, being him sucks. He doesn't want to have intercourse with any strangers, thank you very much. He's been feeling like a failure for a long time because what's his worth if he cannot perform his function? And he just can't have one-night stands, it feels very wrong to him. Eventually, after centuries of starvation, he finds a solution: he simply creates dreams of a sexual nature for sleeping minds instead of actually having sex. This is much better. Now, he'd really love to find a loving partner...The problem is, the creatures/gods/humans he tries to date all have a very wrong idea of him. Well, they have the right idea of most of his species - incubuses are beings whose existence is defined by sex - but Morpheus looks for emotional connection and a deeper bond…that's why he gets dumped every time he refuses to give it on the first date. Hob Gadling is a sexaholic. He homewrecked a marriage (or two...or three...or four. he didn't count, alright?), left a string of broken hearts in the aftermath of whirlwind nights, and simply ruined lots of chances for a happy, fulfilling relationship. He's been in therapy for some time now to manage his addiction, and he believes he's ready to give a committed relationship a try. He really strives to maintain sexual sobriety this time and be a better partner. When Hob sees a gorgeous dark-haired stranger with electric blue eyes in a cafe, it's love - and lust - at first sight. The man is beautiful, and, oh, what Hob wouldn't give to bend him over in the gents...But hey, he knows it leads nowhere, so he shakes off the reverie and approaches the stranger, trying to keep himself at bay. And to think of serious intentions. Morpheus is very guarded at first: being an incubus, he can see dreams, nightmares, and daydreams of a sexual nature, and he's ready to bolt together with his cappuccino and pain au chocolat the very moment he catches a whiff of Hob's fantasies about him. However, Hob does his best to conceal his struggle, and Morpheus...stays. They talk a bit, and then a lot, and even have a walk in the park. Hob is smart, funny, and very charming. Morpheus immensely enjoys their spontaneous date. When it comes to the end, Hob doesn't invite Morpheus to his place, but he makes it clear that he'd like to see him again. Morpheus is secretly delighted: he's seen a whole Kama Sutra featuring himself in Hob's mind during their date, but Hob is being so sweet and considerate! Perhaps it means something. He agrees to meet again but tries not to get his hopes high. After all, it's just a second date, and his natural allure of incubus is almost impossible to resist even for a person without sex addiction. How many dates will it take for Hob to get into Morpheus' pants? And will he be able not to break his heart and stay faithful? Who knows...
This is SUCH a good au. Good on Hob for going to therapy, I’m proud of him. And good on Morpheus for giving him a chance, despite all the HD dirty thoughts that are projecting out of his brain!
The thing about Hob is, everybody might as well be an incubus, as far as he’s concerned. Every adult person that he meets is a threat to his sobriety. He has those kinds of thoughts on a near constant basis, as Morpheus begins to realise when they spend more time together. And for Morpheus this is actually a huge bonus. Knowing that Hob sees him just as he sees the rest of the world is actually quite soothing. Hob doesn’t want to fuck him because he’s an incubus - he might as well be immune to Morpheus’s sex magic, because he’s constantly at full capacity already! He genuinely likes Morpheus for his personality as well as wanting to get freaky with him.
Plus Hob is one of the more understanding people that Morpheus has spoken to about his demisexualness. Hob has experienced an extremely heightened sense of sexual attraction for much of his life, and it’s always felt out of his control. So he understands what it is to have a different relationship with sex. He’d never want Morpheus to force himself into sex. Although he is somewhat concerned that his friend (date? friend who he is dating?) may not be feeding as much as he should be.
Ultimately they both want the same thing: an emotional bond, a closer connection. Hob is deeply afraid of fucking it up but he really really likes Morpheus, could maybe ever love him? At least he feels like love actually does exist when Morpheus is around. For half a minute he can stop thinking about sex and just think about Morpheus’s pretty blue eyes and his tiny little smile… he’s stopped counting how many dates they’ve been on without fucking. And Morpheus? Well, he’s starting to feel like sex with Hob would actually be rather nice.
Maybe there’s a place for them to meet in the middle. It doesn’t have to be everything or nothing. At the very least, Morpheus is positive that Hob will taste like the most intoxicating of drugs. And he’s starving for it.
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hal1uzinogene · 8 months
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dethronetheveil · 3 months
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Bet on Me- Chapter One
Synopsis- When Freya’s band gets invited to be an opener on Bad Omens’s EU tour, she is both thrilled and extremely nervous. Meanwhile, the boys in Bad Omens decide to have some fun, specifically involving Freya and Folio. Some bets are involved and some group conspiring. What will come of Freya’s time with Folio and the boys?
Characters: OC [Freya] x Folio
Word Count: 2k
Tag List: @foliosgirl , @dsireland86 , @lma1986 [let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next part!]
Trigger Warnings: Cursing, Allusion to sex, Reference to addiction [let me know if I missed anything]
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The sound of Freya’s boots clomping against the linoleum floor reverberated off of the walls as she walked towards the designated meeting room for the bands. It was two days before the tour officially started and it was kicking off in Berlin. Everyone had flown in the day before, and this was about to be the first time the bands met each other. Luckily, the Bad Omens boys were keeping it small with just Freya’s band and theirs.
The bands decided to meet in the catacombs of the venue they would be playing at in a couple of days. Freya wished she had met up with the other girls, or at least had been on time because it was like a maze that she couldn’t get through. She had a tendency to be late to things, and this was no exception. Her lateness always caught up to her, and this was a prime example. She continued to walk in circles, checking her phone every so often to make sure she remembered the room number. Was she on the wrong floor?
After what felt like hours, Freya finally reached the door— which she swore she had passed several times during this endeavor— with a sign that just listed the band names, ‘Bad Omens and Blood Red Kiss: Meeting.” Freya nodded to herself, took a breath and pushed open the door. The moment she stepped inside the room, she watched as everyone’s eyes darted up to her. The rest of the room looked decently empty, besides the chairs set up in a circle, like some sort of weird AA meeting. Freya just gave a curt smile and walked to the empty chair next to G with her head down. She sat and slumped down in the chair, taking a sip of her coffee, which was the reason she was late.
“Sorry everyone. Needed a pick me up,” she retorted as she lifted her coffee cup up and brought it back to her lips.
“All good. We’re just glad you’re here. Now we can start,” replied one of the guys sitting across from her. He was dressed in a black hoodie that must have been their merch and black shorts. From what Freya knew about ‘Bad Omens’, she guessed this must have been the lead singer, Noah. Freya decided to study the other members of the band, since they were here to meet each other.
Sitting next to Noah was a guy with black hair pulled back in a bun. The thing that stood out most about him to Freya was his soft eyes– she was immediately transfixed. In order to avoid making eye contact with him, she moved on to the guy sitting next to him. This guy seemed taller than the others, but maybe he was just lanky. It was hard to tell when everyone was sitting down. He had long hair that cascaded his face, and Freya noticed his knuckle tattoos. Hard core. Finally, Freya’s eyes moved to the last guy. This guy had shorter dark hair and she noticed a lack of visible tattoos, but he was wearing a sweatshirt, so maybe they were just well hidden. There was something about this guy that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, but she was definitely intrigued.
Freya was immediately shaken from her trance when this mystery guy turned his head to look at her and she subsequently felt an elbow slam into her rib cage. She turned to where the elbow came from and saw G staring at her, trying her best not to laugh.
“Why’d you do that?”
“Because, stupid, we’re introducing ourselves and it’s your turn,” G responded with a shake of her head.
Freya cleared her throat and couldn’t help but blush. Great first impression, now everyone probably thought she was an idiot. “Um, I’m Freya, I uh, play guitar, and I’m excited to be here.”
She could hear snorts and giggles coming from her friends on her side of the room and the guys just stared at her blankly. “Wow, Frey, you really sold that,” she could hear Soph teasing from her seat. At this point, Freya just wanted to sink into her chair and disappear forever. She did the sinking part and placed her free hand over her forehead and closed her eyes. It was too bloody early to have to interact with new people.
Freya picked her head up and opened her eyes when she heard one of the guys begin to speak. It was the mystery guy who Freya was so interested in. “Well, I guess I’ll go now. I’m Nick, but everyone calls me Folio. I’m the drummer for these guys and we’re fucking pumped to be here.”
Freya couldn’t help but roll her eyes a bit. He had too much spunk for 9:00am. She put her head back down and listened to the rest of the guys with her eyes closed. Her fingers found the ends of her hair, as she absentmindedly began to pick at her split ends, dropping golden wisps of hair to the floor. Freya found that she had the inability to sit still, especially when the focus wasn’t on her. Was that self-obsessed? Maybe, but it mostly just felt like circumstantial boredom.
A sigh escaped her lips as she shifted in her seat. She decided to tune back in and learned that the guy next to Folio was named Jolly, or at least that is what he said his name was. There was no way that wasn’t a nickname. The soft eyed guy was named Nick– that explains why other Nick goes by Folio. And then of course there was Noah.
Once everyone was done being introduced, Noah started talking about the nitty gritty details of the tour. He went over all of the locations, all of the dates and times. Finally, he told the group that since they were a team on this tour, that if anyone was sick, someone from the other band could fill in, unless it was him or Soph.
At this, Freya lifted her head and let her words fly, “So, you’re saying we’ve got to learn your songs on top of ours now, too?”
She felt that not-so-comforting elbow to the rib cage once again from G, and she immediately turned towards her, “What, G? That just seems like a lot.”
There was an obvious shift in the room, and Freya felt all eyes on her. God, why did she have to say everything that came to her mind? She had been like that since she was a child. She thought of one specific time in school when a girl in her class called Freya a freak, and Freya decided to mention the fact that this girl’s dad left the family. For the rest of the year, no one would talk to her because they all came to the conclusion that Freya had a big mouth.
“Well, if you think about it, we have to learn all your songs, too,” Freya heard Folio say on her other side.
“Yea, but-”
Freya was cut off by Folio continuing his last sentence, “And we have listened to you guys’ music already. Have you listened to ours?”
Freya crossed her arms over her chest, “Yes, I have listened to your music, but I am just saying it would have been nice to know I needed to learn more songs earlier than two days before the tour starts. All I’m saying…” she finished and put her hands up in surrender.
“You’re right, and I’m sorry we didn’t warn you beforehand, but hopefully that doesn’t have to happen,” Noah responded, taking back the conversation.
Freya almost said more, but she knew it would be pointless. She looked back over to Folio and he was already looking back at her with a grin on his face. Freya had never been someone who was particularly good at controlling her facial expressions, so she returned his grin with a snarl. This made Folio’s face immediately drop.
Freya could barely concentrate on the rest of the conversation, but once she saw Noah shift in his chair, motioning towards standing up, she was the first one to pop up. She followed suit as everyone else folded their chairs up and put them against the wall. She grabbed her empty coffee cup and tossed it in the trash. While she was at the garbage bin, she could feel someone behind her. She turned to see Nick with the soft eyes smiling.
“Uh, hi,” Freya forced out.
“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you. I just wanted to let you know that since we play the same instrument and everything, that if you needed any help, I’d be happy to.”
Freya once again crossed her hands over her chest, “Ah, thanks, but I think I’ll be alright.” Did he really think she needed help? Was this because she said something? This is yet another reason why she needed to learn how to filter herself. She could tell by Nick’s fidgeting that this wasn’t the answer he was expecting.
Nick continued playing with a strand of his hair, “Oh uh, I wasn’t trying to offend you or anything-”
Freya chuckled, “No no, I’m not offended. Just not particularly interested in help.”
Nick dropped his hands, “Okay, well, the offer still stands if you DO want to take it.”
Freya just nodded and smiled, and luckily Nick was smart enough to catch on. He awkwardly turned and walked back to the group of guys, no doubt talking about how off putting Freya just was. She got that complaint a lot, especially from men, but she couldn’t help it. It came out naturally. She had been exposed to too many shitty or just plain rude guys that she completely put her walls up. In all honesty, help with the guitar parts would have been super helpful, but Freya had a special way of fucking things up for herself.
A couple seconds later, she was shaken out of her pity party when Soph came up and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Hi friend, rough night?”
Freya chuckled, “Not even. Just don’t like meeting new people at 9:00am.”
“I completely agree with you,” Sophia responded as the rest of the girls gathered around the two of them, “What do you say we go grab something to eat? Would that make up for all this socializing, Frey?”
Freya rolled her eyes at Sophia but couldn’t help but smile. Soph always knew how to make Freya smile; she did since they were kids, “Yea, yea, I guess so. Are we done with all this?”
“Yep, at least that’s what Noah said,” G responded and all the girls looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“Oh, Noah said?” Sophia asked teasingly in a hushed voice and this sent the whole group of girls laughing. Freya knew the boys were probably staring at them, but at this point she didn’t care. She just wanted to have fun with her mates in Europe and play kick ass music. That’s what she needed to focus on.
Luna pushed open the door and the rest of the girls followed. Once the door was closed, Luna finally said something, “So, who does everyone want to fuck?”
This sent the lot roaring all over again, “Luna!” Sophia shouted through laughter, “But, in all seriousness, Noah.”
“Me too!” G shouted as the group made their way down the hallway. Freya just hoped the boys couldn’t hear.
Freya was still laughing as G shoved her with her shoulder, “What was going on with you and Nick. Like Nick Nick, not the other one.”
Freya looked at G inquisitively, “What do you mean,” she asked as the girls made it out of the building.
“I mean… that moment over by the trash can.”
“Oh, that? He was just trying to see if I needed help with the guitar parts. I said no.”
“Oh, come on Freya, lighten up. Let the boy help you with your guitar,” G added with a wink.
“Oh my God, G. I am not trying to fuck any of them!”
“Okay, whatever you say,” Soph chimed in.
“Not you too, Soph.”
From the other end of the sidewalk, Freya heard Luna clear her throat, “Um hello, no one asked me who I wanted to fuck.”
Sophia chuckled, “Okay, who do you want to fuck, Luna?”
All the girls started laughing again, “I could see it,” G commented as the girls started walking down the street to find some food.
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heartless-aro · 1 year
To HIV+ AlloAros:
A lot of alloaros on here have talked a lot about how they face a lot of stigma for wanting to be sexually active while lacking romantic feelings, and how people often stereotype them as uncaring, promiscuous, careless, or irresponsible. I was thinking about this, and it reminded me of some of the sentiments that I’ve heard directed towards people who are HIV+. As such, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge HIV+ alloaros.
To all those allosexual aromantics out there living with HIV, just wanted to say that you are wonderful. You don’t deserve to be stereotyped as reckless or careless or promiscuous or irresponsible, whether you contracted HIV from your first and only sexual partner, from your 30th sexual partner, from IV drug use, or by any other means. You are not wrong or bad or dirty if you have had and enjoyed sex outside of a romantic relationship, even if you are someone who contracted HIV through casual sex. You aren’t “perpetuating stereotypes” (either of alloaro people or HIV+ people) by existing as an HIV+ alloaro. Your sexual feelings are beautiful and natural, and you should never feel ashamed of yourself for having them. You add rich and meaningful perspectives and experiences to the LGBTQ+ community, and we are lucky to have you as part of this community.
I hope that ART works well for you and enables you to live a long, happy life, and enjoy a healthy and active sex life (should you so choose). If you choose to have a zucchini, foveo, FWB, spouse, romantic partner, soft romo partner, or any other sort of partner (or partners!) I hope that they are accepting of your HIV status and that they are able to take PrEP (if needed) with minimal side effects. If sexual intimacy is something that you want, I hope that you and your partner(s) have sex that makes you feel beautiful and sexy and desirable and happy.
I hope that you are able to have children if you so choose, and that your friends and family are accepting of your HIV status.
If you have any symptoms, I hope that they are manageable and that you’re able to continue enjoying the things that make you happy. If you’re struggling with medical trauma due to your HIV treatment experiences, I hope someday you’re able to feel safe seeking medical help again. If you struggle with addiction and contracted HIV due to drug use, then I hope addiction and/or mental health recovery go well for you, should you choose to seek it out.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and I hope you have a wonderful life.
(For anyone who has read this far, I’ve added a link below to a list of HIV/AIDS research and relief organizations. Consider donating to one of them if you can!)
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andrewckeeper · 5 months
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LIDMF SPECIAL MCDRUGS AI + PHOTOSHOP "Metadonald´s" and "McDrogald´s"
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cantsticktoasubject · 8 months
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Trainspotting 1996
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o-xytocin · 4 months
worst thing about addiction is not knowing if any of your relationships would function or even exist w/o drug$
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niezywa-poetka · 4 months
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zful · 2 months
you either stop or you die
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aleksa-sims · 1 year
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RL Simself Story (18+)
CW: drugs, addiction
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As I was in bed with Dan, he went to the bathroom to get something. Protection, you know. It was already in the morning. Ana was worried. She was looking for me, bcs I didn't answer my phone and she & Adam also had a fight. Since Ana was pregnant a few weeks ago, things haven’t been going really well between her and Adam.
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Anyway, Adam suddenly came into Dan’s room. I think he knocked before he came in. I'm not sure? I thought it was Dan. I was sitting at the edge of the bed, totally high. I constantly nodded and was in that slow motion state, as always, when I was high. Adam sat next to me, he didn’t say anything. I still thought it was Dan, leaning on his shoulder. But after a short while, I recognized Adam by his fragrance. I was just about to open my eyes, to see what he was doing. But before I could see it, I felt it... Adam touched my breasts and my hand was... in his pants.😖 Once I realized, what I felt or HAD in my hand, I almost became sober again. Eww... 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Of course I pulled my hand out of his pants and..... then Ana came into the room.
Adam got what he wanted. He wanted Ana to see us like this. But Ana didn't care about Adam. She was rather shocked and worried about my condition. She also thought that Dennis was taking advantage of me. But he didn't! He didn’t even sleep with me, he was going to, but Ana and Adam got in the way.😬
However, I will have to go home. Ana didn't want me there. I didn't know what to do? I couldn’t go back home to my apartment. I was still so sad and just not ready yet. Second, I was afraid I'd callI Alex to come to me. He'd help me getting durgs again. The only right thing would have been to go to an addiction clinic.
But I won’t! I’ll go to Philip. I mean, I’m not staying with Philip or at his place!!!! I just had a few questions. But apart from that I got to hear some news, that I didn’t expect.
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andrewckeeper · 5 months
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LIDMF AI + PHOTOSHOP "Metadonad´s 2024"
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theaddictspoetry · 2 months
Oh you’re in recovery. Me too actually. How’s it going for you? Pretty dull for me. Like I get euphoric recalls and i miss times of active addiction.
its pretty great!!! i have been in a MAT program for about 4 yrs now. i am working on coming off of it slowly. recovery may get boring, but keeping busy is the key. also surrounding urself by good ppl who encourage u to do better, i understand missing that, but also remind urself of the consequences and bad experiences u had too. with time, u will remember less and less, or you can even start to remember and not miss it! that is what happened to me. i remember all the time, but i dont miss it, cause ive been through so many traumatic experiences in active addiction.
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fightclub1o1 · 2 months
bro is off the perk
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So I made some metaphorical ass art about the ol’ childhood trauma 😀
Tws for under the cut: “Corn” addiction implications, purple goo that kind of looks like blood, said stuff coming out of a large chest wound, overeating, eyes, injection needles, and a guy without a shirt (he has his binder on)
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You gathered food because you were curious,
And I gather food because I’m starving.
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traumacorevomit · 1 year
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cepheusgalaxy · 6 months
How many money does Angel have?
Cws: sex mention, implied addiction, drug ment and abuse ment (you know who I'm talking about). Oh, and also a bit of blood in an image
Ok, so, after watching to "Use Me Up (Angel's Order)" (fan music by PARANOID DJ), I started thinking of something. In the song, Angel cites how he needs money and that's the only reason of why he's having sex with some people (I know it's not canon but I think that music has good characterization), and then I remembered how he also says he liked the Hotel at first because he could "crack there rent free".
He's also one of the only characters that ever mentions money. Charlie is Miss Princess of Hell so money is never something she's need to worry about, I suppose. Vaggie is under her wing, we don't know what's Alastor's or Niffty's deal, and we know what Husk does to his. But Angel, along with the Vees, seems to be one of the most worried about money.
We know he makes lots of money for Valentino (Val says so himself), and he is a famous pole dancer, performer, actor and sex worker. He obviously makes a lot of money. But then I noticed most of it probably doesn't go to him.
Usually, I'd think he's pretty well paid, but like. Why would he? He can't leave for a better salary, Valentino literally owns his soul, so no reason to incentive him to stay by paying him nicely. Also, Valentino benefits a lot from keeping Angel low on money: he already expressed how mad he was when Angel moved to the Hotel, so we can assume that it's because he wants Angel close to him. If Angel can't pay rent, he'll sleep anywhere Valentino gives him.
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"Hey. Whatever means I can keep cracking here rent free. Crack is expensive."
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"🎶Small talk don't pay the bills.🎶"
We all know he joined the Hotel at first not because he believed in Charlie's cause, but because he wanted a free room.
I used to think that was a bit silly, after all he's famous and must make lots of money, but the Hotel was literally his only option. That's why he agreed to stay out of trouble and clean for two weeks (or at least pretend to), just to get a room.
To get away from Valentino.
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