#Cahira story
frostydraconis · 1 year
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Congrats to my charr characters for breaking out of that usual blue color scheme I like to have l o l
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
🧡🤍🩷 Lesbian Visibility Week Special 🧡🤍🩷
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Yandere Short Stories:
A Dragon’s Treasure
Yandere Lesbian Dragon x Shy Princess Reader
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The Emerald Calamity. The Green Inferno. The Jade Death. All of these titles belonged to a feared, emerald dragon by the name of Cahira. She was one of the few dragons that lived in the land and yet she didn’t often pillage villages to earn those titles. No. She only decimated kingdoms for their jewels… for her princess.
Cahira’s true interest lied in the happiness of princess (your name), a woman so beautiful that anyone could fall in love with a single glance? Cahira was instantly enthralled with the idea of the princess. How could a dragon resist the tales of such beauty? Cahira simply had to have her… dragons loved treasure after all.
Yet there was a rumor that really caught Cahira’s attention. Supposedly, the princess was in a scandalous relationship with her own maid… yet it ended up with the maid betraying the princess for money. This rumor made Cahira’s heart flutter since she was a sapphic too.
Cahira’s curiosity eventually got the best of her and she flew to (your name)’s kingdom to be sure. And when her golden eyes landed on the meek princess, Cahira was instantly captivated. Cahira had to have the princess! There was no ifs, ands, or buts about Cahira’s decision either. It was her way or death.
It was a year year ago today when Cahira had decided to steal the princess away. Before (your name) could be married off to some foreign royalty. Men couldn’t possibly take care of such a dazzling jewel. They would ruin (your name) because they wouldn’t be able to protect her properly! The princess didn’t deserve to be some concubine when she was queen material! (Your name) was a permanent prize to be attained, so Cahira was far better for her… at least that’s what the dragon told herself.
Cahira had went to the extremes to try to earn her beloved’s favor. Expensive jewels, extravagant meals, and the finest silks were always within her grasp. The finest for the finest, Cahira always insisted. Yet Cahira noticed how the princess would cower in her room. A fact that deeply upset the dragon.
So Cahira went to a witch for a magic necklace that would allow her to transform into a more humanoid form in exchange for a ton of gold. Maybe her beloved would like her more if she was able to touch her better?
And Cahira adored the blush on her princess’s face when she transformed for the first time. It seemed a voluptuous body made (your name) avert her gaze and turn into a tomato… a cute tomato of course! And Cahira couldn’t get enough of teasing her precious princess!
(Your name) was now an irreplaceable treasure that would be forever cherished by her enamored captor! A princess locked up in an inescapable tower in a giant forest far from civilization. A beautifully decorated cage with her gentle dragon! A cushy life perfect for a pampered princess.
A hero would be vacuous to even create a rescue attempt… no matter how much the princess desired freedom, she would never get away. For Cahira had her best interest in mind… and a dragon never loses sight of their treasure.
(Your name) whimpered when Cahira dragged a wet rag down her back while she sat in the large claw tub. Cahira’s voluptuous human form leaned against the edge of the tub, the dragon hummed a low melody to try to ease her beloved’s shyness.
Sharp talons delicately traced shapes on (your name)’s back as Cahira rinsed the suds off the princess’s delicate skin with the green rag. Cahira leaned forward to press a few kisses against the blushing flesh.
“You’re so lovely…” Cahira whispered in (your name)‘s ear, her hot breath made the smaller woman recoil in embarrassment. “You don’t need to hide yourself from me…”
(Your name) still held her arms over her chest, a shiver ran down her spine when Cahira’s golden eyes flicked over her bare body. Despite the two years they’ve been ‘together,’ the princess still wasn’t used to such brazen behavior. (Your name) was simply lucky the bubbles covered up a bit more of her dignity from this lustful beast.
“I’m still a lady…” (your name) squealed when Cahira playfully nipped her neck, a small red marking now on her nape. “Hey!”
“You’re such a prude.” Cahira stood up from the ledge of the tub. The gorgeous woman stretched her olive arms over her horned head and yawned to reveal her sharp fangs. “I’ll let you wash yourself up then. I simply just enjoy indulging my precious princess.”
Cahira then left the bathroom, her hips swayed behind her in a confident manner. Her emerald tail flicked the door shut behind her, finally leaving (your name) to her own devices.
The princess softly sighed and turned her gaze to the full body mirror across from the tub. There was no doubt Cahira pampered her. She was healthy and dressed in the finest silks (ones that were confiscated from traveling merchants).
Cahira often sung (your name)‘s praises during every interaction. The dragon often made every moment feel far too intimate to simply be a relationship between a captor and their victim… a fact which muddled the princess’s thoughts.
Cahira placed hot kisses on (your name)’s body whenever she could and she would loudly proclaim how she adored (your name) with every fiber in her being. She even stated that she’d burn down (your name)’s kingdom to keep the princess at her side forever. A statement the princess truly believed.
(Your name) just didn’t understand what Cahira saw in her… was she really as beautiful as she said?
(Your name) traced a thumb over her lips in thought. A blush enveloped her cheeks when she noticed all the love marks on her skin from Cahira. How naughty…
Cahira hummed while she waited for (your name) to come to bed. Her tail flicked back and forth like a cat, her golden gaze studied the bathroom door in thought. She wondered if her beloved would put on the emerald night slip she had gifted her? Cahira was really excited by the goods she acquired from the latest merchant. It is a shame she didn’t keep him alive, he seemed to have fantastic taste in clothing… oh well! Men are useless anyways.
Cahira perked up when (your name) shyly peaked her head from the doorway. Did her princess wish to remain hidden? How cute!
“C-Cahira, this dress is too… revealing.” (Your name) blushed when Cahira sprung to her feet. The dragon now face to face with the bashful princess.
“Let me see.” Cahira licked her lips when (your name)’s eyes became a bit teary. So cute! Cahira could just eat her…
Cahira pulled (your name)’s hand to try to encourage her to leave the bathroom’s threshold and what a sight to behold… her beloved looked so darling in emerald hues! The same shades of her scales… it was divine.
“You look so beautiful in emerald green.” Cahira pulled (your name) into a tight embrace, which made the princess squeal. “I need to view everything now.”
(Your name) was quickly guided to the bed and thrown onto the plush covers. The princess made an attempt to try to cover her cleavage with her arms, but Cahira easily smacked them away.
“I’m just looking. Don’t be so shy, it tempts me more.” Cahira chuckled at how terrified (your name)’s expression was. “You look so frightened… like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Cahira grasped (your name)’s hands in hers so she could press chaste kisses to her wrists. “I’ve taken on this form for you and I’ve done so much… I just want to admire you.”
(Your name) sniffled when Cahira bent down to press her lips against her teary cheeks. “I want to kiss you… to love you… yet you’re still so frightened of me.”
Cahira sighed before she pulled away to sit on the end of the bed. “I know it will take time, but you’re much safer here. You don’t have to marry some old, demented man or some promiscuous prince. You’d be my one and only.”
Cahira ran a hand through her curly, emerald hair with a sigh. Though her face wasn’t visible, there was no doubt that she had a hurt expression on her beautiful face. “I really like you… no. I love you.”
(Your name) sat up and frowned. Cahira wasn’t necessarily wrong about her statement. Despite being a princess, she had no interest in princes or kings of foreign lands. To be frank, she had planned to runaway with her maid before she found out her maid had deceived her…
Being vulnerable now made (your name) afraid… yet Cahira had never given her a reason to doubt her devotion. Even in grotesque displays, Cahira eliminated every knight and hero that tried to save her just to show (your name), that Cahira would never let anyone take her away… it made (your name)’s heart flutter and made her head spin in confusion.
The princess had never felt wanted like this before. She’s never been pampered and kissed on… Cahira’s affection was all consuming like the poisonous breath she breathed.
Cahira made loving (your name) seem as easy as it was to breathe. Perhaps she should cut Cahira some slack?
Cahira was shocked when she felt soft arms wrap around her body. Cahira’s golden eyes widened in shock when (your name) buried her face into the crock of Cahira’s neck. Her breath hitched at the heart warming sight.
“(Your name)? What are you-“ Cahira blushed when (your name) shyly pressed a kiss on her left cheek. The princess shyly glanced away.
“I… I like you too-“ (your name) was tackled into a hug as Cahira pressed her lips over and over the entirety of (your name)’s face.
“Love you. Love you. Love you.” Cahira replied between each affectionate peck. “We could get married? I could kidnap some human officiant. Or maybe an elven one if you don’t want human! Then I’ll eat him-“
(Your name) pushed her palms up and squished Cahira’s cheeks together in a way that made Cahira kind of look like a fish. A pout now on (your name)’s face.
“You really need to stop eating people.”
“I do it to protect my precious treasure.” Cahira gave her a grin. “I’d eliminate the entire human race for you if you asked that of me. Whatever you desire, I will obtain it for you, my precious princess.”
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Finished Lady of The Lake (Witcher)
SPOILERS -- Im frustrated and confused with the ending, this isnt particularly complimentary.
And um, what the hell? Is this like a narnia afterlife situation? How did the horse end up in camelot, WHY camelot, why is Ciris future suddenly with this random knight? Why camelot? Am i supposed to be happy? I guess its independence but its not, its just a different world with different rules and politics and complications. I get that we're not doing happily ever after but like.
Kind of feels like the whole party died so the author didn't have to write endings for them. What did the unicorn even achieve, Ciri doesnt need him to travel.
Also a thing thats bothered me the whole time, why is everyone stuck on ciris theoretical future children, why is SHE not destined one? Why is everyone trying to get her pregnant at 16?? Ive never seen a story where the male protagonist has to have kids to secure a prophecy and everyones throwing wives at him. And i dont like the implication after all that that ciris gonna end up with galahad. She should be a lesbian. She cannot be the only descendant of the elder blood, and what were the elves even isolating those genes for?? What was the point of lara? There was no saving the world from politicking or future climate catastrophe.
Its already not a happy ending bc everyone is dead. It just feels like sapkowski didnt really know how to finish things? Lets just throw in some big fights ok now what let everyone noodle around uh guess Ill kill them off now ok. Ciri doesnt even get to grow up. Cahiras scary and significant and then he's just The Fighty Guy of the party, no more complexity there.
And what the fuck is with emhyr and his incest plan? Why does everyone want to fuck ciri including her father?? "The child o sore will be important" YOUR DAUGHTER IS YOUR CHILD BUCKO and then he just lets her go and didnt leave anyone with a knife for Yen and Geralt because why??
Honestly the sexual violence, the fact that every woman is always "provocative" and we always gotta mention their cleavage and fuckability, its so incredibly gross. Especially with everyone wanting to fuck or impregnate ciri. Who is confirmed to be a minor in-world.
Obviously I found the story compelling enough to keep reading multiple books but all these cool concepts just were not executed through. Just an entire book of everyone trying to fuck a child instead of literally anything else. The villain deaths werent satisfying. The protagonist deaths were cheap. I dont remember who the fuck caleb whoever was or half the people referred to in the last quarter of the book even though ive been reading these books fairly close together.
I kind of hope the show does things better but who knows with cavill leaving.
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uldren-sov · 2 years
for swtor Elora!
(when i tell you i rbd the ask meme to the wrong blog LOL but ty anon!!! )
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art by @artofzofia
👊 - A Best Friend
She's lucky enough to have some actual friends on the dark council, close friends at that and some with quite a fair amount of history to be considered best of friends. However, going from "work friend" to bestie with @kornyo's Vrupet is so surprisingly fun and interesting. She's someone that I think El looks up to and admires, and seeing this kind of pillar of the Council for the complicated and at times warm person that she is, I think Elora treasures their friendship even more. Plus catching up now to become Mom and have Mom Friends alongside like Ta'anet is PHENOMENAL. Joining the ranks of stunning moms is just the best way to rank up and reach her full potential. Though whenever she can get away from the Empire anymore she is sure to hunt down and find her Independent best bestie in @sotc 's Cahira.
🎭 - A Former Friend
I'd say she lost a lot of former friends in the course of the war, both to Jedi and Sith hands alike. Though some of the most potent former friends would be ones that have simply betrayed her and she had not anticipated it. Most notably another one of my OCs, Alejo Szalot, who is her master's counterpart in the Sphere of Defense. Both come from Ziost, both were in the academy in a similar time, both went to functions around Academy age and when they were Lords. There was a tenuous camaraderie and acknowledgment as to how similar they were, but they were always frenemies; close enough to rely on each other above others, but rivals enough to fight constantly. But both came up to Darth on their merits, so he had her grudging respect, up until he proved more Sith than her in weaving a political scheme in order for him to ascend higher and sacrifice many to do so. It was the better, cleverer, move, but he lost her respect all at once and now is simply another enemy with whom she has a history with.
🍜 - Someone who’s A Great Cook
I am contractually obligated and literally cannot go with anyone else other than @damarlegacy's Karo. Her Not-Legal-Husband-But-Still-Husband-Slash-"Mistress" due to obviously how impactful he is on her life and how absolutely dismal she is in comparison, which just makes him look better by comparison. He literally ruined her for anyone else because, among other things, he can cook like a mof and honestly what else could she do at that point? You just don't go back to takeout and boring Dromund Kaas taste after that, idk what to tell you. You also don't go back to the kind of partners you had growing up but that's another story.
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shortguyswag · 2 years
wip intro
From ashes
characters: Navy Starfeather, Acacia moonblossom, Kit Sunchaser, August the Tawny, and Edia Darkmoon
summary: family is never simple. And sometimes when your older brother who killed the rest of your family is trying to take over the country, you have to get your best friend, your partners, and also that kid who won't leave you alone to go take him down.
The laskian islands
Characters: Eryl, Rona, Griffith, and Cahira
Summary: surprise! Everything is getting out of control and the elements have granted you magic powers but refuse to tell you what they want you to do with them. And here you thought watching the championship game for your college football team in person would be the most interesting thing you would do.
Rocky mountain sunsets
Characters: Aiden, David, and Chris
Summary: aiden was trans and the perfect relief society 'sister'. David was bi and the bishops son. For both of them, the closet is comfortable and safe. So when they bump into each other at a pride parade, both are terrified of being ratted out, both forgetting to ask why the other was there to bump into in the first place. Davids older brother Chris makes some assumptions, and they decide to play along. It's easier that way.
Unnamed magical boy story
Characters: Tyler, Zach, Razor, Logan, Avery
Summary: by day? Regular high school students. Also by day, usually? They are the magical boys [team name] of [city], here to protect the people from the dark powers of apathy and homework!
...Just apathy? Oh. Okay then.
Hyrule Library for the supernatural
Characters: Link and Zelda (breath of the wild)
Summary: it's been 2/3 (I'm still working on the timeline) years since Zelda and Link beat the calamity. Since then they've settled down in hateno, but Zelda still yearns for knowledge. She picks up the study of the supernatural, abandoned one hundred years ago, but she and Link may end up in over their heads far more than they expected.
bluedancer forever
characters: Orchid, Orange, Daisy, and Hyacinth Bluedancer
Summary: when Hyacinth was little, Daisy found him shivering under a park bench alone. Since then, he's always been apart of the family. It hasn't always been easy, but none of them would have it any other way.
characters: Prince Leon, Alex
summary: After a failed assassination on his oldest brother, Leon gets assigned a guard. As the fifth child and waaay back in line for the throne, he feels it’s perhaps a tad unnecessary. At least the guard’s cute at least?
The Hour of Our Death
Characters: Maya and Zoe
This city wasnt always empty. But apocalypses have a tendency to make ghost towns of cities that used to be home. You're the only ones left now. You and the girl who you can't quite remember right. You both know how this story ends. But maybe you can play pretend a little while longer.
Sounds like a skill issue:
Characters: Arin, Kaden, Daniel, Livvy, Mech-Kenzie
Local space polycule causes Problems on purpose, more at 11
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Good Luck, My Golden Girl
I’ve decided to start writing small oneshots and scenarios of Cahira’s life on Quotev on her blog. Started off simple with her departure from Kakoro for her mission to Earth. Hope you like it!
Breath in. Breath out.
Inhale. Exhale.
Cahira repeated to herself as she placed a hand on her chest to feel her heartbeat as she performed her breathing exercises. Feeling a steady heartbeat, Cahira returned to packing her bag with what she deemed to be essential items for her long term mission.
The young woman had been given a position on the planet classified as Earth. It was far, far from home. She had been on off-planet missions before, but her last one was years ago and for a good reason. The idea of leaving the safe haven made her anxious, sending small tremors to her hands as they held a photograph of Elion - her best friend - and herself.
Kirk's voice broke Cahira's train of thought, startling her in the process but luckily she didn't lose her grip on the photo. "Oh D... Dad! Hey," Cahira relaxed once she turned to her human father. Kirk smiled faintly as he approached his daughter, "How's the packing going? Need a hand?" He offered gently.
"N...Nah. I got it dad, thank you though."
"Ra-Ra, you're nervous."
"Doesn't sound like a surprise, does it?" Cahira tried to joke, cracking a small smile. But her obvious nerves made it hard for Kirk to enjoy his daughter's smile as he would normally. With a quiet sigh, he pulled her into a hug while pressing his bearded cheek to hers. He gave her a gentle squeeze.
"It's just so far from home." She whispered into his shoulder. "I know how it feels, honey." Kirk reassured, pressing her kiss to her hair "You've made it this far and we're proud of you, Cahira. But if you really feel as if you cannot handle it, don't be afraid to call us, okay?" He questioned her in a whisper, receiving a nod into his shoulder. "Now come on, I'll help you pack and carry your stuff to your ship" Kirk pulled away from the hug, brushing Cahira's hair away from her face.
Cahira cracked a small smile, "'My ship'? That's still weird to hear out loud."
Kirk laughed at her comment "How do you think I felt when I could call you mother 'my wife'?" he added, finally earning a louder laugh from Cahira.
"Alright, that's everything...." Cahira took in a slow, deep breath. "Thanks for helping me Dad," she smiled to Kirk, who returned a loving grin. "I'm always here for you, Ra-Ra." Kissing her forehead, before turning to the ship's exit where Tulin, Tyrell and Arcadia anxiously waited to see Cahira again for their farewells.
Cahira, knowing better, started with her youngest sibling Arcadia, who was trying not to cry. Cahira smiled softly as she pulls her into a hug, Arcadia returning it tightly and burying her face into Cahira's shoulder. "Shhh, don't worry, Dia. You can call me every day if you wish to." Cahira tried to reassure the younger hybrid, who smiled up at her with glistening eyes.
Arcadia pulled away, lifting her glasses to wipe her eyes. "Don't have too much fun without us, Hira" the teenager murmured.
Cahira turned to her brother, Tyrell, who still had his arms crossed over his chest and a dull expression on his face. "You're not gonna miss me too much are you, little Ty?" Cahira's lips rose into a small smirk. Tyrell rolled his eyes and groaned "Shut up," before wrapping his arms around Cahira's neck and pulling her flash again him.
Cahira smiled and returned the hug with similar strength. Tyrell will always be Tyrell, actions speak louder than words when it comes to the younger male. Cahira pressed a kiss to his forehead anyway and ruffled his hair only for Tyrell to push her away so he could fix his hair. Cahira grinned before moving onto her mother.
The Full blooded Saharamph ejderhalar latched her daughter in a hug, wrapping her sand coloured wings and arms around her daughter. The Gregory family laughed at the matriarch's antics. "Mother," Cahira murmured into her Tulin's scaly shoulder
"Just be careful, okay? Make sure to call me when you can. Talktomewhensomethinghappensorifyouadvice-" "Mum! I promise I'll keep in contact." Cahira interrupted her mother's rambling. Tulin stopped, looking at her daughter with furrowed eyebrows. The rest of the family knew Tulin's concern, they all shared it. But Cahira didn't want to think about it.
Even though she was nervous, she didn't want her mother to share her nerves. Tulin rested her forehead to Cahira's before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you, my daughter"
"I love you too, mum"
Last but not least was Dad. Cahira melted into Kirk's warm arms as they embraced her. Her dad's beard rubbed against the shaved side of her head and Cahira giggled at the ticklish feeling. "You'll do great, Cahira. You'll love it on Earth, I'm sure of it" He reassured her. After exchanging their 'I love you's before Cahira returned to her ship.
Cahira stepped into the small ramp but stopped at the doorway to look back at her family, who were watching her with sad but hopeful eyes. Her father stepped forward though and said
"Good luck, My Golden Girl."
Cahira smiled, her eyes become glossy before really entering the ship and taking her place in the pilot's seat, starting the engine and taking off of Kakoro's surface.
Earth awaited her now. As well as new adventures in the future.
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smoozie · 3 years
hi hi!!! i notice you rb a whole lotta oc stuff and i actually. have no idea who your ocs are sorry dsjlghndsljkgh
if you dont mind id like to hear what you have to say abt them so i can actually participate in those "ask abt my ocs pls" things!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did one of these a while ago but it's been a hot minute, all OCs I talk abt on here are from the same world so don't worry abt aus or anything
Coira: technically the main character, kinda, major bitch, super girl boss, princess, mom is highkey toxic, can run in heels, dragon motif, fangs, hot as fuck, will kill you
Coen: Coira's brother (twin), sweet baby, does his best, good, lonely, misses sister, tired of castle, kinda kickstarts the story? Eh idk its rough rn, he's a good dude and @winter-jay-official and @hootyloveclub love him, I need to redesign him, has strong magic (in theory) but refuses to use it
Trynn: lower class, adopted into royal fam, hates royal fam, runs away all the time, orphaned at young age, chaotic, likes to fuck with people, dry sense of humor, super powerful could kill you
Synne: besties with Trynn, has like 5 younger siblings (exact number is iffy), loves to get in fights, lots of scars, antagonizes people (Coira), actually great sister, rough exterior, no magic, poor
Saar: seems like a sweetheart, slightly mischievous, very messy, loud, would bite you but feels too bad to, makes her own clothes, mirabel, lots of bright colors, cannot bake to save her life (bakes a lot)
Andrew: Saar's older bro, caretaker, weak magic, no mom :(, kinda bossy, calmer than literally everyone else, the chill in the group, doesn't hate anyone, very loyal
Cahira: Andrew's bestie, big sis energy, Luisa, very strong physically, weak magic (can heal tho), just realized I created Luisa but before disney and slightly off but still, head strong, wants to keep everyone safe all the time
Mika: high class, lonely, doesn't talk to people, only friend is Coira (not really friends), no mom just dad, very high standards, very powerful but not applied, awkward, comes off as rude at times, human interaction skill level -1, loves flowers
Koda: former popular girl, kinda disappeared for a few years, sort of friends with the group??, Andrew is her only connection, oldest, stunning, pretty powerful, secretive, kind of an outcast within the group, avoids most people, smth's off abt her no one's figured it out yet tho
That's off the top of my head without having touched this guys in a hot minute tho, some of that shit I made up on the fly but it's all good
So yeah, those are them <3
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doux-ciel · 4 years
Hello everyone, 2021 is still shit. That’s it...that’s the post loll anyways, here I am back at it again with another short story. Well a short story preview of what’s to come. Enjoy ✨🖤
Oh and it’s called, ‘I still love you’
The paring knife glides through the white onion in a swift motion, Cahira starts to cut the slice into smaller pieces and scoots it over to the side of the wooden cutting board.
As she smelled the ground turkey cooking in the pan behind her, she felt a burning sensation in her eyes.
Squeezing them shut, she turns her head away from the cutting board; as she knows it is the enzymes from the onion that is the culprit of her eyesight being hindered for these few seconds.
Her grandmother always used to tell her to cut onions in cold water.
As always she never listened to her elders, opening her eyes she proceeds to finish chopping up the onions, placing the rest on the side and grabbing the sweet potatoes for her dinner.
After washing the potatoes off, she starts to poke little holes with a fork. Hearing her music playing throughout her kitchen, she starts to sway her 34 inch hips to the beat of the alternative band.
Just when the second chorus started she heard a noise.
Placing the potato down Cahira grips the fork in her hand, ready to charge at whoever was in her 1 bedroom apartment.
As she is walking toward the hallway which leads to the front door she feels that burning sensation again.
Cursing to herself for not just buying onion powder she wipes her eyes with the bottom of her shirt. She feels a tear slowly forming in her eyes.
Cahira hears a bang on the door.
She let out a yelp, her body jumped and she then heard laughter on the other side of the door.
“Open the door yeah?”
Placing her hand over her heart, Cahira recognizes the voice immediately and swiftly opens her front door.
Leaning on the doorway; Cahira brings her hand up to her face, bringing one of her knuckles to wipe away a tear that had fallen. Her crooked smile is seen by her upstairs neighbor Jasir. “How did you know I was home?”
Jasir’s hazel colored irises lift up pondering her question, crossing his hairy cinnamon stained legs over one another. It took him a couple of seconds and he finally answered, “I just had a feeling.”
His nose catches a whiff of the ground turkey, that is currently almost to the point of burning in the pan. The 23 year old enters her home in a hurry, rushing over to the gas stove.
Observing the light brown meat turn even darker as the seconds pass Jasir’s eyes widen. He starts to yell out for Cahira who was chasing behind him.
“You can't just run here like- Oh my gosh my turkey!”
Cahira’s hand travels to the handle of the pan and dumps the ground turkey in the tupperware bowl she had cleaned earlier. Pinching her eyes shut Cahira balances the hot pan in her hands; while Jasir makes his way around the kitchen. Looking for any more potential accidents that might occur.
After gathering her thoughts Cahira places the dirty pan in the foamy warm water that sat in her stainless steel sink. She then focuses her attention on the onions she still hasn’t sautéed. Grabbing the paring knife she had earlier, she proceeds to place the raw onions in the small but hot pan in front of her.
Jasir on the other hand was looking for a dish brush, a sponge, anything to help Cahira out in any way he could.
As Cahira is stirring the onions around she noticed out of the corner of her eye, Jasir turning the faucet of the sink on and grabbing the dish soap.
Cahira’s thin mouth forms a tight smile, while shaking her head she forces herself to not veer her attention towards him. “What are you gonna do to help wash the dishes?”
He sarcastically replies, while moving his stumps on either side of his body. “No hands remember?”
Cahira drops her spoon on the spoon rest near her stove and her whole body spins around as her eyes widen. She peers down at his body, trying her hardest to hold in the laugh that was dying to come out. “You don’t have hands?”
To be continued....
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
~trick or treat! pleased to meet! here’s some fun drabbles to read~
Thank you to everyone voted on that poll for which type of halloween-themed post I would do! I honestly didn’t expect this one to win, but I’m glad it did in the end because I had a lot of fun writing these! If you chose something different, I hope you enjoy this too! There’s a 100-word piece for the five main characters in Laoche Chronicles: Madelyn, Raiden, Alric, Weswin, and Seth. 
I haven’t formally introduced them yet or made a WIP intro for this series yet, but it is my main WIP for drafting and ask games and such now because Storge is being edited and I need to develop the story, so I was glad for the chance to “introduce” them like this! Let me know which one was your favorite, and which characters you’re the most interested in reading more about, I’m really curous to see what you all think of them! I’ll be tagging both the people who voted, and my usual Laoche tag list, so ask if you want to be added/removed from that. 
Happy Halloween! 
Voters! @ryns-ramblings @inkwell-attitude @abalonetea @musings-and-writings @bookish-actor @kristajainauthor @cahira-celosial
Laoche Tag List (if you’re on this already but don’t see your name it’s because you voted and I didn’t want to tag you twice): @thescreamingtwenties  @yearlyaquariace  @re-writing-h @andiwriteunderthemoon @viawrites-andacts
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lilhemmo · 5 years
So for the smut prompt thing I was wondering if you could do 2, 9, 10, and/or 22 with Vegeta. Feel free to include/exclude any of the prompts if you aren't comfortable writing something or you feel like something is missing. I will eat up anything you give me! 👀💅🏻
a/n: thank you for biting the bullet and being the first! pls feel free to request more if you like what i’m puttin’ out!! prompts are in bold as the story progresses!
ps, don’t forget to follow my new blog @gallickingun !!!!!!!! eventually i will move writing for anime over there!! 
pps, don’t think this is what you were aiming for but, it’s what you’re getting!!! 
prompt list is here
#2: “I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”#9: “Try to stay quiet, understand?”#10: “We’re in public, you know.”#22: “Mine.”
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“We’re in public, you know,” Vegeta growls, crossing his arms but not pulling away from you.
You smirk, kissing the juxtaposition of his jaw and neck, “I know. I like to see you squirm.”
“Gah,” his mouth turns downward in a frown, “you know how much I hate sneak attacks. What is this anyway?”
“Affection,” you laugh, “ever heard of it?”
“Yes, I’m not talking about your touching me.” He’s grumbling now and you can’t help as you smile up at him. “I’m talking about that.”
The shop he’s gesturing to is an ice cream shop.
You roll your eyes, “You’ve been on earth how long and never heard of ice cream?”
“Iced cream?” It sounds strange coming from his mouth, his deep voice unable to process the word. His face upturns in a grimace-like expression, “Why would anyone want that?”
You’re dragging him into the shop before he can protest. His brows are raised as you stand in line, “Wh-What are we doing?”
“We’re getting some ice cream,” you speak plainly, “since you’ve obviously never had any.”
He doesn’t do much more than grumble about you yanking him around, having no regard for his status as Prince of All Saiyans, but it’s nothing outside of the normal drivel his spits.
You sit down with both of your cones, immediately digging in. You’re too absorbed in the confection to notice the way that Vegeta’s eyes lock in on your mouth, irises too focused on your lips.
When you tilt your head upward to ask him how he likes it, you pause. He’s got ice cream dripping down his fingers, his jaw hung just agape enough for you to realize that he’s completely distracted. You grab a napkin and lean forward, “Vegeta?”
He snaps out of his fog and blinks a few times before looking down at his hands. Immediately he’s grumbling about the stupid sugary treat currently melting into his palm, and you can’t help but laugh. You help him clean up and then he starts to lick at his cone.
He’s uncharacteristically quiet, not even another complaint echoed in the small shop as you finish off your treat.
Finally, once you’re outside and making your way down the boardwalk, you spare him a glance and notice his cheeks are dusted with a pink hue, eyes focused on his feet.
“Did you not like it?” you ask, wrapping your hand around his bicep. You lean into him, “It’s okay if you didn’t. Ice cream really isn’t good for you anyway.”
Vegeta grunts in response, flexing his arm as you walk. You find a bench on the pier and sit down, beckoning for him to take a seat next to you. Crossing your legs, you stare out at the horizon, watching the sunset bleed from yellow to orange.
“I feel weak,” he blurts, his hands tensing in his lap. Vegeta looks down at his fingers and palms, the harsh look in his eyes confusing to you, to say the least.
You rest your arm against the back of the bench, leaning closer, “Why do you feel weak? It was just ice crea-”
“I’ve never wanted someone to fuck me so badly in my entire life,” he groans, gripping his hands in his hair. “Don’t you understand?”
Your eyes are wide, voice caught in your throat. You swallow and rest your chin on his shoulder to be closer, “You’re embarrassed, I get that.”
“Son of a bitch,” Vegeta grumbles. He runs his hands down his face before crossing his fingers in his lap, “This is what you do to me, you vulgar woman. You and that damn ice cream cone.”
He turns to look at you, your noses brushing as he does so. There’s a burning in your gut that makes you want to grab him by the chest plate and tell him to take you home. You press your palm to his thigh and his throat bobs. 
“And everyone else staring at you pisses me off,” he says, followed by a grunt. Vegeta turns his gaze to the ocean behind you, “You’re mine. Don’t they know?”
“Care to remind me?” you taunt, blinking slowly in an attempt to look tantalizing.
It must work, because before you can innocently brush the heel of your palm against his groin, he’s already blasting into the air with you in tow, flying you back to your house to take you up on your offer.
taglist: @thegodbucky @kamehamethot @vegetasaesthetic @vegetaslilboots @lokipea @nubiadethemyscira @dbzteam @hi-jess-is-here @brieffs @thotful-writing @vegetandbulmaism @dragonballwritingandnonsense @gokus-wife-and-lover @judasbeast @vegeebs @bonkers-4-hatter @cxddlyash @scenariosofcapsulecorp @cahira-the-golden-ejderhalar @sagavegeta @iris-iiridescent @iliektehhaxs @theotakumama 
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 years
Even More Info on Bring Me That Horizon!
I finally decided to compile all of the ideas I have had for this story that I haven’t posted yet into one post. This one’s going to be a long one and a lot of rambling. Trigger warning for torture. Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @merigreenleaf, and @maple-writes! Here, here, and here are posts with info about this story. 
I figured out more about the POVs in this story. The main POVs will be Lynne, Lira, and Nesri. I think these three will be the best POVs for the story. I also figured out that after a while, Aster decides to go back to his parents and try to convince them to not work with the Shades anymore, and while he’s there, he starts working with Cahira and Lira to change how his parents control the people with magic. So, when Aster is captured to try to control Lynne, Lira’s thief group also gets involved because they like him too, which means that the pirates and thieves will team up at some point!
I figured out about the bottom layer of this world. No one goes down there because the waterfall connecting it to the other layers was completely crystallized when the Shades wreaked havoc with the magic. So, no one has the technology to be able to go down there. Somehow, the pirates figure it out (Shine’s awesome), and they go down there. There, they meet people who had the magic the whole time since the Shades came (hundreds of years), and the magic has evolved for them. The crystal they can manipulate and use has a light within and is known as living crystal. The living has become its own thinking being, and it has a hive-mind between individual crystals. 
The humans down there have evolved to have a living crystal as a heart, and they can only use their magic on living crystals. There are different types of living crystals. The living crystals can heal. They fuse into the skin and heal whatever wounds the person has at the time. They can also be poison. If used as a weapon, they cut through pretty much anything, but they have a cauterizing kind of reaction, where the wounds are simultaneously inflicted and the edges of the wound are slightly healed there is no bleeding. A person can only control the crystals they create.
The most powerful use of living crystals is the ability to create a living crystal that can drain the life out of other living crystals. Once a living crystal’s life is drained, it just becomes a normal crystal. This can happen to the living crystals that work as hearts for the people on the bottom layer. The only way to kill people from the bottom layer is to either drain the life from their living crystal heart or completely shatter their living crystal heart. 
The people on the bottom layer hate the Shades because they are descendants of people the Shades tortured to make the rest of the world fear the crystal magic and because the Shades hunt their kind to use as food sources and as communication devices (to learn more about that, read this post). So, in order to preserve themselves, the living crystals came up with a fake prophecy to dissuade the people from going to war with the Shades. The prophecy says that only one person can defeat the Shades and has some really specific criteria for that person. One of the main characters the pirates will meet is one of those people who was believed to be the chosen one but failed. 
I realized that Shine is actually nonbinary, preferring they/them or he/him pronouns. I also figured out about an antagonist who isn’t an awful piece of crap like the Shades. I was going to call him Liam, but I forgot that I already had a character named Liam, so his name is going to be Gideon. He is the information specialist in Lira’s group. While the navy is already looking for Lynne, her adoptive parents personally hire him to get her back. And he’s very good at what he does. He’ll be following them almost the whole story, and he’s friendly and jovial and fun. He actually meets Shine at some point, and he knows Shine’s sign language, so they hold a trash talk conversation in sign language. This is the start of a rivals-to-friends-to-lovers arc!
I’ll talk about the navy now! I don’t know the name of the captain that they’re going to encounter a lot, but she is serious and sticks to orders and is badass. Kiryth, Nesri’s ex-boyfriend, will be working on that ship, and they’ll have some fun fight scenes! Also, one of Iri’s adopted children (Iri is the person who unofficially adopted Lynne and everyone else on the streets) is part of the navy, so Iri asks to be a part of finding Lynne because he’s worried about her. 
I have figured out two animals in this setting. The first one is a type of dragon that is about the size of a large dog. They have light blue scales, can fly, and can shoot lightning. They are basically a requirement for any vessel on the sea because they keep the vessel safe from predators in the ocean and the sky. They are awesome. Triel has one that I don’t know much about. But Shine has a baby one named Mina. She has been trained to listen to commands given in sign language, and she follows their commands exactly. She helps out with the machinery in the engines mostly. The color of the scales on their head indicate how powerful their lightning is.
I also know a land animal. They resemble fennec foxes: they have big ears, big eyes, are fuzzy, and small. They are predator animals. They can shapeshift to look like their prey and give the prey a false sense of security before they pounce. They also have retractable claws, and they are intelligent and can mimic sounds.
Triel’s mother actually has the glowy magic. Because of this, Triel has a diluted form of the glowy magic (smaller radius around her for water and she does not float but she glows). Despite laws that forbid the people with glowy magic to have children, Triel’s mother hid that she was pregnant and had Triel. But the government found out after that and ordered the baby to be killed. Because the soldiers who were to perform the deed didn’t want to feel that in their consciences, they put her in a small boat and set it out to sea. Instead of her dying, she was found by a pirate called Captain Reeves and taken in.
Captain Reeves is no-nonsense, blunt, more willing to punch you than manipulate you, and a very good strategist. She has a parrot who she named Mini Reeves. She realizes when something is beyond her capabilities, so she surrounds herself with crewmates who can cover her weaknesses, and she can cover theirs. She is a fighter, who likes to rush in and destroy her enemies when the moment calls for it. I don’t know her first mate’s name, but he looks like one punch from him can break you in half, but he’s a manipulator. He works with deception and manipulation, and he taught Triel all he knows. She also learned fighting from him and Captain Reeves. 
I’ve decided to get rid of two of my stories, but I’m going to put a few characters from them into this story! The first one is the Immortals Story. So, Kallias will be in this story! His father has the glowy magic, and his mother does not. When she had him, she put him up for adoption to protect him and his father. He was adopted by good people, but when he started showing his diluted magic, his adopted parents let the Shades know (most every normal person thinks the Shades are awesome), and the Shades took him up to the top layer. They tried to control him with their powers, but he’s resistant to their control like Nesri. They called him monster to begin with (because they’re furious that the magic was passed down to someone else without their say). 
He kept being rebellious (because they were torturing him), so a few years later, they decided to severely weaken him. So, they pushed stacks of the magic in him, controlled him enough to make him crystallize the blood and liquid in his arms. They then took the magic back and cut off his real arms, so that his only arms and hands are crystal. This forces him to activate his diluted magic whenever he has to use his hands, which uses up his strength, so he has to sleep a lot. After all that, years later, one of the Shades decided to name him Kallias (meaning beautiful), and all these years, he’s been tortured and exhausted, and he’s desperate for escape. He’s blunt and he’s a survivor. He will do anything to survive.
Also, I’m getting rid of the Cyborg Story, but I’m going to keep Vani, Halia, and Lev. Lev is a researcher for the government. They are trying to figure out more about the magic, and they’re using her and her unethical approaches to figure out more about it. The leaders don’t want to be controlled by the Shades, but they want access to the magic still. Lev had a son, Vani, and she just viewed him as another tool. She somehow got the Shades to take him and give him the magic, and when he came back down, she contracted him to be part of her experiments. He escapes from her with one of the other people with the glowy magic (Halia), and he wants to destroy his mother for what she has done to him and everyone else. Halia is lighthearted and loves joking. Vani is an antihero who doesn’t mind killing, but he does care in his own way. Halia helps him seem less intimidating, since he works with her even after their escape.
But, while he’s wandering, he finds that there is another species of dragon that no one knows about. It’s an endangered species that has been hunted by the Shades. They are called mosquagons because they are mosquito-sized dragons. They feed on the crystals that the people with the glowy magic make, and if they bite a person with the glowy magic, they give them extra powers: elemental magic that depends on the color of the mosquagon. This elemental magic shows itself when activated by giving the user dragon wings made of the element, and they’re able to breathe the element (like a dragon breathes fire) and control the element with their hands. A mosquagon bit him, and he’s become very protective of his mosquagon. I’m thinking Triel will get her own mosquagon, with ice elemental magic
Thank you so much if you got all the way to the end! I hope you enjoy this information!
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pera-mitu · 4 years
LFRP T’pera Mitu
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Age: 23
Birthday: 21st sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Engaged
Server: Mateus
Physical Appearance
Hair: Naturally head, currently died black with pink highlights
Eyes: Dark Grey
Height: 4 fulms, 11 ilms
Build: Athletic
Distinguishing Marks: Tribal tattoos on her face, telling the story of her coming of age.
Common Accessories: Engagement ring, and almost always a flower in her hair.
Profession: Leader of The Blooming Blades, Mercenary, Adventurer.
Hobbies: Sparring, Dancing, Reading.
Languages: Common, Hingan, Doman. Her echo also lets her speak to others, though she doesn’t know this.
Residence: Bloom (Lavender Beds, ward 4 plot 2)
Birthplace: The Peaks, Ala Mhigo. In a now abandoned Miqo’te Tribe
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Failing others, Loosing her friends, the evil in the world.
Spouse: Cahira Slater fiancee
Children: None
Parents: T’fir Nunh (Father)  T’asuhtan (Mother) Father is dead
Siblings: T’ajra Asuhatan @lion-tails​ (Eldest Sister), T’sela T’fir (Sister) T’vanoh Tia (Brother)
Other Relatives: T’sanla Jesal (Cousin)
Pets: A Red Panda named Petal
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Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: None
Alcohol: None
RP Hooks
Leader of the Blooming Blades, an adventuring group trying to help those who can’t throughout the realm.
Former Crystal Brave Commander, now helping the Scions in anything that they need.
Pera spent much of her adolescence in Kugane, training with her adoptive father, a former samuri of the Sekusegumi
Pera works as a lower ranking Scion of the Seventh Dawn, while she’s know where near world saving levels, she does carry with her the title.
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Contact Information
Tumblr: pera-mitu.tubmlr.com
Carrd: https://pera.carrd.co/
Discord Available on request
In game: T’pera Mitu, Mateus
OOC information
I’m EST and often on afternoons to evenings. I’m pretty flexible  when it comes to schedule and am almost always available on here or on  discord.
Story driven and long term RP are a personal favorite of mine but I don’t mind slice of life or darker themes.
I prefer to rp in game over other mediums, at least until our characters have an established relationship.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Too much have I run into that line being crossed and it’s not something I really want to deal with.
I’m  really friendly OOCly and if we RP there is a good chance I’m going to  want to get to know the player along with the character.
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
I love Cahira. I love the way you write her and the story was so compelling! She seemed to really adore the princess but considering her initial interest was hearing about the princess's beauty and then upon hearing she was sapphic was interested in a relationship rather than a piece of her hoard (but still shallow interest built off her draconic greed and pride) can I ask when her interest turned from superficial to something deeper?
I mean, given her princess is so shy and being kidnapped by a huge dragon wouldn't ease her anxieties it would be hard for her to get to know her very well (you did mention that princess was very scared initially). How and when did she start to get to know her princess and grow interested?
Cahira, the Emerald Calamity, Scourge of Viridian hues, plunging the castle into darkness with just the shadow of her massive body: Such a cute little human... I could just eat you up
Princess, scared and flustered, panicking: a-and also with you?
Cahira, discovering morosexuality: ... I thinjk... I haube the plagye?
Cahira has been lonely for a long time. It’s not often to meet other women who like women (most aren’t open about it or interested in actual dating). So Cahira jumped the gun to be with the princess.
Cahira began to grow interested because of how meek the princess was. It’s a Dragon’s nature to want to protect pretty things (treasures) and the princess flicked on that instinct.
Over the year of being together, Cahira adored how the princess always politely accepted her gifts and how she’d blush whenever she’d recieve a compliment from Cahira. Cahira adores the cuteness and the shy glances. The small moments where the princess would read or hum a tune to herself were studied by Cahira.
Cahira wants to show that she’s serious about getting to know and loving the princess. She’s willing to go to any lengths to show that strong devotion. Such as finding a witch to help her be more human like or eating every knight that tries to take the princess back to her kingdom. It’s the little things that matter!
In Cahira’s mind, she believes the princess has a crush on her. Why else would she blush so much and enjoy every gift? It must be because Cahira is an amazing partner!
Cahira is delusional, but also somewhat cognitive. She’s slightly aware that there’s a possibility of the princess being afraid, but Cahira had never given her a reason to be (in her mind). She’s just eaten a couple knights and merchants is all! She’s a pretty gentle dragon.
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liam-slater · 4 years
LFRP Liam Slater
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Age: 24
Birthday: 7th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual, straight
Marital Status: Engaged
Server: Mateus
Physical Appearance
Hair: Dark brown with blue highlights
Eyes: Green
Height: 5 fulms, 11 ilms
Build: Athletic
Distinguishing Marks: crossing scars across left eye and nose, and one right cheek, tattoo on rigtht side of face, light scruffy beard
Common Accessories: Engagement ring, commonly a pirate-esque bandanna
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Profession: Captain of The Blooming Blades, Privateer, Sailor
Hobbies: Sparring, Sailing, Swimming
Languages: Common, has heavy Limsan accent
Residence: Bloom (Lavender Beds, ward 4 plot 2)
Birthplace: On board father’s ship, while docked near Costa Del Sol
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Llymlaen
Fears: Losing or letting down his loved ones, helplessness
Spouse: T’Pera Mitu fiancee
Children: None
Parents: Captain William Slater, Annalise Henry
Siblings: none
Pets: A Red Panda named Petal, Chocobo named Peduncle
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional information
Smoking Habit: None
Drugs: None
Alcohol: Previous addiction, Now 5 years sober
RP Hooks
A captain of the Blooming Blades, an adventuring group trying to help those who can’t throughout the realm.
Previously sailed full time with his father, famous privateer Captain Slater on the Jeweled Anne, still occasionally does small jobs with them and helps to train crew. He has traveled to ports all over the world
Liam mostly grew up aboard his father’s ship, but he also spent time in Limsa with his mother, a diplomat stationed there. Therefore he is educated and well-read
Liam is a close personal friend of the Admiral, who he calls “Auntie Merle” (Merlwyb was too hard for a young Liam to pronounce). He is a Lieutenant of the Maelstrom, though is no longer an active member. He is also an active member of the rogue’s guild and is a close friend of Captain Jacke
Liam was primarily trained with the axe and it is still his weapon of choice, but he is also proficient with daggers and firearms
FTM - previously known as Cahira Slater
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Contact Information
Tumblr: liam-slater.tubmlr.com
Discord Available on request
In game: Liam Slater, Mateus
OOC information
I’m EST and often on in evenings. Normally I work 9-5, but with covid I’m a bit more flexible. Normally pretty reachable on here or discord
Story driven and long term RP are a personal favorite of mine but I don’t mind slice of life.
I prefer to rp in game over other mediums, at least until our characters have an established relationship.
Keep IC and OOC separate.
I’m really friendly OOCly and if we RP there is a good chance I’m going to  want to get to know the player along with the character.
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asinglenote7 · 4 years
Summerfest Swap!
( @writeblrsummerfest​ )
Happy swap @musings-and-writings​! I made you a moodboard for Eryl, and a short piece of writing about her! I really really hope you enjoy this, and I can’t wait to see more of the story unfold!
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Eryl Ka’ina was a child.
Closets and fear, built up in a family, a world, that said she should sit still, be quiet, be normal. So she sat still until she exploded. She stayed quiet until words burst from her lips like bees from a hive. She was normal until she... wasn’t.
Eryl Ka’ina was a fighter.
Rage, rage, against the dying light, against the world against her, against the heaviness in her heart. Fight against the things trying to tear her down, until there’s no fight left. Until there’s only the barest shreds of hope.
Eryl Ka’ina was broken.
When even your own family says you’re not worth anything, you begin to believe it. You begin to believe that you’re worth nothing, and that was what she couldn’t help but believe. She was nothing. She had fallen.
But I would bring her back up again.
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! Sometimes we just really want to fulfill a little guilty pleasure of ours. So, tell us: did you ever add something in a story that had no other purpose than "I want it because I really liked it", even if it doesn't really make sense? (tag @fields-of-ink)
Happy STS, @fields-of-ink! Sorry for the late reply!
Well, the first thing that comes to mind right now is that Cahira is a memer. I haven't quite figured out how to implement that into the story given that it's not exactly in our world, but still modern, therefore the memes would be different, but she loves memes and references them whenever she can!
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