#Candi and Candi should interact. I feel like they would be best friends
yesyourstalker · 9 months
Part two.... Damn this shit. Long as fuck not even done
Warabi: it's the coldest time of yeeeaarrr! But cod damn I'm so warm in siiioode! When you're close to me and you smile at me! My excitement has no place to hide!
Neta: Warabi
Warabi: while the kids are laughing and screaming and grandma starts to siiing! I pull you aside. A nice place to hide and I pulled out that. Platinum. diamond. ring!
Neta: Warabi please
Warabi: you quickly tried to denyyyy it and that smile. I see you hide it! I give you the best ooooon Frosty Fest cuz our love.is.stronger. than. allllll the rest!
Neta: I'm trying to drive
Warabi: baby take my hand and make me your man- Why'd you turn the radio off?
Neta:........... We're sitting in silence
Warabi: but....it's but it's frosty-
Neta: shut up! [Eating]
Warabi: Don't eat all of the salmon bites. Those are for the guests!!
Mahi: holy shit. This place is huge.....it's bigger than the original store.
Baja: look he has two stories! Wow! I wonder what he's going to put up there!
Mahi: He said he wanted some sort of cafe lounge or something? This place is really fancy
Baja: Neta really went all out for this- *gasp* it's.. it's
Mahi: calm down. Take some breaths. Don't be fucking weird..... Hey ikkan you bought some wine I didn't know if it was a white wine or a red wine kind of party so I bought both..... Also this is Baja
Ikkan: thanks. You can just set them on the table over there. You must be Warabi's boyfriend he told me about you It's nice to see you.
Baja: Yes I've heard a lot about you. Not just like from TV and social media and the news. I mean but so has everyone else because you're very successful and famous. I'm sorry I'm rambling but Neta told me a lot about you and it's really nice to see you in person.
Ikkan: It's nice to see you too.... What model saxophone is that?
Baja: ... It's a shanty 44 model it's an Alto. Neta wanted me to bring it to play heheh.... It's the same model as your bassoon. It's a shanty 43 model you played it at the hard shell banquet hall at memorial service If your old high school band director 3 years back.
Ikkan: uh.... Yeah... That's.... Yeah that's correct. Wow ......how did he know that? That's very impressive you know a lot about music
Baja: Yeah it's mostly just history stuff.
Ikkan: That's really cool..... What do you usually play?
Baja: I was in jazz band and I also played an orchestra for the last two years of school
Ikkan: do you know how to play Funtime Frost?
Baja: yes
Ikkan: I'll be right back. I'm going to my car.
Baja: I think we're friends!
Mahi: you two are dorks. I'm going to set up the drinks
Carrie: *gasp* Baja!! I knew you'd come! What do you think of my dress. Pretty isn't it? I usually don't wear light colors like cream or white, but it kind of felt special. I also bought my cello I was going to play it for you remember? but I was rudely interrupted by -... Oh It's just you.
Mahi: Yeah, it's good to see you too you little brat. Get on my way, Baja's over there. Also when Mizole shows up don't try anything. This is a big deal for your dad. I don't ruin it.
Cirrina: as if I would talk to him willingly.... Why is he even showing up? This party is supposed to be for important people. Not has beens like your boyfriend
Mahi: you know what!?!
Neta: Mahi do not fight with my daughter unless you want to be fired! Cirrina crab cakes please don't start fights with the adults. Okay? Show everyone at the party. What a sweet, pretty girl you are.
Cirrina: ok daddy.. ..Oh Bajaaaa! [Flips off mahi]
Neta: monster
Neta: awwww my baby's first crush... She's growing so fast they really do slip through your fingers......*sigh* anyway, everything is set up. Decorations are good... Drinks are all set... The waiters are setting up their trays...... Now we just need to wait for the people..... Baja?
Baja: I've already set up! ikkan's getting his bassoon right now! I can't believe I'm going to be playing with the Ikkan Kane! think I'm going to faint
Warabi: hey Mahi
Mahi: ooh those look good!
Warabi: No, you can't have any of these All right. I made 80 of these and Neta already ate five of them!
Neta: They're good!
Warabi: huff I made 40 cooked ones and 40 raw ones so we have options. DON'T eat all of the raw ones mahi! Save some for the actual guests and that goes for you too babe!
_____________________hour in the part____________
[live music playing over a crowd of people talking]
Pearl: you know when you said Frosty fast party. I thought you meant the ones you used to have at the boathouse.
Neta: Oh you mean the one when l passed on the floor in my own barf?
Pearl: Yeah those parties were fun hehehehe
Neta: getting too old for that now can't handle my liquor like I used to
Pearl: you couldn't hold your liquor back then either Jackass hahahahaahaha remember you get your hands stuck in the toilet hahahah we had to call the fire department hahahaha
Neta:heheheheh It was the party where you flashed the cops
Pearl: Yeah! I got one of the lady cops' numbers and after hehehe *sigh* good times..... Oh this is the Marina. She's my fiance
Marina: Hi, I've heard so much about you. I also saw you once in concert with squid squad! You're so talented! It's been honor to meet you actually
Neta: ahhh finally meeting you in person. I'm a big fan of you as well. I love the dress by the way you look great. Hope you're enjoying the party
Marina: I definitely am. This is such a gorgeous place and this is going to be your store?
Neta: Yes! We usually just sell music, merchandise, instruments.........concert tickets.
Marina: well That's interesting. Dance socks is actually starting another tour next year... Here is the number to our vendor they make most of our merchandise and I can see if I can contact 'ticket stand' and provide you access to our supply.
Neta:oh thanks!
Marina : We're going to refresh on some drinks and we'll catch up with you and talk about this little business later.......What is this about you flashing cops?
Baja: Yeah so father was actually an apprentice of ikkan's old band director he spent one year in Krillarney. He had to leave when you was born.
Zuzu: wow! That's true he lived in Krillarney for 5 years! How do you know that ?
Baja: It was in an old interview on subshellet I read. I think it was 7 years ago
Zuzu: hehehe I should hire you to write my memoir you seem to know a lot more about me than I do heheheh...... Hmmm
Mahi: *sigh*.....*sip*.... Mizole!! Hey over here! Hi babe. [Kiss]
Mizole: hey babe.. [ kiss] I got you a gift..... But it's in my freezer at home. You can't have until tomorrow Mahi I want you to meet wet floor. Guys, this is my partner Mahi.
Mahi: hay guys. Nice to meet you finally...
Wf Candi: He didn't cheat on you yet did he?
Mizole: Candi!!
Mahi: hahaha no!!!..... I hope not
Raley: Oh then he's probably loyal......probably cuz you would definitely know if he was cheating. He's a terrible liar
Mizole: what the hell!! I have never cheated on anyone!!!
Keaton: Yeah I have to back him up on that. He doesn't really cheat. He has ghosted people and never told them that he broke up with them before dating someone else
Mizole: but this time it's fucking different!!. I actually like this one! Mahi makes me happy and I want to see them happy!
Mahi: oh.... mizole.
Mizole: and you know what?? for our one year anniversary that's in a couple months I'm going allllll out! Take them on a trip or some shit! That's how much I care for my partner.
Neil: well I for one am happy you actually found someone that you like.
Mizole: thank you Neil
Neil: I'm more surprised they like you back
Mahi: hehehe .. I'm going to go get some food. You hang out with your friends and be nice to each other and I'll be right back and -oh shit. Sorry man I wasn't looking where I was.......... Why the fuck are you here?
Mahi and Baja ate all of the raw salmon bites before anyone else could get them and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort Saw the whole thing and didn't say anything
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strangesem · 1 year
hobie brown x shy/quiet!reader headcanons
spider-punk x reader this is not a drill
long as hell I’m so sorry
a/n: reader is mentioned as being a mom friend but imo that can be gender neutral so this can still be read by anyone!! if that makes you uncomfortable though please skip this post :)
I also imagine hobie as being 19-ish so it’s kinda implied reader lives alone but can def be read as younger!!
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most people didn’t notice you at first.
you were quiet; really quiet. you’d mumble your thank you’s, whisper apologies, and generally go out of your way not to interact with people as a whole.
I feel like that gentleness/softness would almost draw hobie to you though?
he’d definitely first meet you as spider-man; saving you from some sort of robber or attacker. and then he’d see you be so shy about thanking him and apologizing as if it was your fault??? he finds it sweet but also kinda concerning for you tbh
and over time he begins to notice you more and more during his patrols; something about you just draws him in.
he definitely likes that you don’t try to tell him or others what to do lol
after talking to you enough as spider-man, and you start to open up, he begins to like you even more
you listen to some of the music he likes? your humour?? not to mention how genuine you are???
(also very useful if you happen to be a “mom friend” type who keeps first aid, candy, etc on you at all times!! he’d definitely appreciate a lollipop to help with the pressure changes while swinging around or a bandage for his cuts)
speaking of which if you ARE the type to have those things on you he may start seeking you out if/when he gets hurt
and after that even when he’s not tbh he’ll just pretend to have a headache and eat some of your candy on your couch lmao-
one time though he comes with wounds a little too serious looking for the standard wet cloth and bandaid treatment you had been used to; and it scares you
you raise your voice a bit louder than he’d ever heard, in a scared tone that was different than your normal anxious voice, and you tell him he should probably definitely go to a hospital
“but I like you so much better” he leans in a little too close, holding on to you a little too tight to keep himself steady, and you suddenly realize the reality of you situation
spider-man is in your living room. he’s bleeding a lot. and you’re the first person he thought to come to; because he likes you? not like that obviously- unless it is like that? NO. people barely even notice you, no one would ever feel like that type of thing for-
“you’re staring” you can feel the shit eating grin on his face; it’s practically burning through his mask
you stutter out an apology and after stammering around for a moment you get him to sit down and do your best to treat his injuries
you can tell the disinfectant stings by the way he flinches whenever you apply it, as well as his teasing that he “thought you were supposed to be nicer than the nurses” but he does his best to sit still and let you dress all of his wounds
you both remain still for a moment, and you think you can feel his eyes on you but you’re too scared to look up. your hands are shaking; they have been this whole time.
“that’s everywhere right? I didn’t miss something?”
he takes off his mask to look you in the eye and tell you he’s okay but you’re just like ????
ANYWAYS you are once again staring bc you now know spider-man’s identity???
I feel like he’s gently hold your face and just give you a quick peck to make sure he wasn’t crossing any boundaries
but if you kiss him back? he’s NEVER stopping
he’ll start randomly crawling through your window with excuses of missing you or wanting to show you something
and soon he’s staying the night at your place or he’s swinging you over to his so you can stay with him
I think dates would definitely be super chill and more like hanging out at each others places than anything else
but if he does a show for his music he’d definitely want you there!!
he’d also probably pick you up and start swinging around the city with no warning just for the way you’ll grab on to him so tightly-
but ofc is you asked him not to he’d stop immediately!
doesn’t get super jealous or anything, he’s a pretty chill guy, but he will get sorta bothered if someone’s aggressively pursuing you even after knowing you two are together
like if someone doesn’t know and flirts with you he’s just like “yeah I’m lucky”
but if someone ever went so far to imply you should be unfaithful and/or should leave him he’d probably tell them to back off and either leave with you or put his arm around your shoulder and glare at them until they leave
either way he’s not starting any fights or anything though; he’s super comfortable in your relationship and hopes you are too
genuinely thinks you’re the most beautiful/handsome person ever like he WILL flex to the other spider-people if relationships come up
he’s really not in to pda though; he’ll put his arm around your shoulders/waist but that’s it. maybe hand holding depending on the situation.
but when you guys are alone he likes physical touch; don’t expect to be on top of each other or anything but having your/his head rested on the others lap or him just resting his hand on your leg is pretty common
he’s also not very big into gifts (he doesn’t buy into the capitalist need for abundance and all that) but he does like giving you jewellery/other wearable items bc he likes to see a reminder of himself/your relationship on you
pls make him a bracelet or something he’ll literally never take it off (also jewellery for any of his piercings is fair game)
he values small intimate things in a relationship; like painting each others nails, listening to each other rant about things you’re passionate about, etc
overall he may not be big and showy but he’s an amazing boyfriend and would love you like a lot
he’d also definitely write songs about/for you bc you’re so important to him and he wants the whole world to know that :((
I haven’t written fanfiction in forever but if anyone has any hobie requests I could write as headcanons I’m open to them!! :)
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 11
part 1 | part 10 | ao3
cw: period-typical homophobic language, explicit sexual content (if you are under 18 then kindly GO ON NYOW GIT come back when you grow your first gray pube)
It feels crazy, after all that, to just get up and face the day. Feels like last Fall all over again: he’s concussed in the back of class getting bagel crumbs on a worksheet with his face still pulverized. There’s a gross pang in his chest as he goes about his morning routine, his heart all squishy and bruised like some dickhead smashed a plate over it, but whatever, he guesses. Public education and minimum wage wait for no one.
Robin grills him the whole car ride: “Oh, my god, is he okay?? Is he alive? Is your mom okay? What the hell, Steve?” and he lets her ramble with wide, worried eyes; doesn’t even get to the part about Eddie. When they pull up to the school she gets out of the car and comes around to his side, knocks on his window and leans in when he rolls it down to give him a ridiculously long hug.
"Robinnn," he grumbles; his face is mashed against her boobs. "People are gonna think we're dating."
She bends to hug him tighter still, her bony ass hanging out his window where the whole school can see. "I'd date you in a second."
"You've literally said that you wouldn't."
"Platonically, I would!!"
She gives him one last squeeze, and he watches her waddle off, trumpet case awkwardly smacking her calves.
And then he just... goes to work. He goes to stand around a nearly empty store and pretend like he even has any work to do, restocks the already full displays of candy and buffs the countertops until they shine. Three hours in and he's run out of ways to look busy and Keith is “doing admin stuff” in the back, so he gives his mom a call. Makes sure she's okay; did she eat anything yet; any updates on Ernie?
She’s fine, she's not hungry, he's alive but that's all they know for now, her tone distantly polite like Steve's nothing more than a friendly cold caller.
He shoves his fingers in his eyes ’til he sees stars when they hang up.
He calls the Henderson house next, leaves a message to apologize for skipping out early, promises that he'll be there next Wednesday and he can bring dessert this time. There’s a lunch rush after that, but the day still drags like a bad hangover, a dull throbbing in his bones, and when he finally gets home he collapses onto his bed and passes out on top of the covers with his dumb work vest still on.
Eddie's acting weird.
Steve sees him again on Friday, spots him and his uncle having a smoke out on the porch and wanders over to say hello. Wayne seems happy enough to chat; gives him all the news on Ernie — "Bastard's unkillable," he says, almost impressed. He’s stable now, should be home any day.
Eddie, on the other hand, spends the entire interaction behaving like a skittish cat, eyes darting to and from Steve, leg jiggling as he quietly puffs his cig.
Steve half expects him to slink off and come back to drop a dead mouse at his feet.
He feels his brows knit together, agitation creeping in. It's not like he thought they'd be best friends after a single night of ceasefire or anything — as if they'd start braiding each other's hair and trading their deepest, darkest secrets or whatever queer shit — but like…
He thought they might be cool now. At least a little bit.
And Eddie's not being rude to him, exactly, but that's somehow even worse. The polite disinterest. The subtle shift to the left. Back and away.
“Okay, well, uh...” Steve glances at Eddie, who's looking anywhere but him. Fucking fascinated by a loose thread on his ripped jeans, apparently, plucking at it with anxious fingers. “See ya around, I guess?”
Wayne says not be a stranger, and Eddie gives him a quick nod. “See ya.”
Steve grinds his teeth about it for the rest of the afternoon, then decides, like, screw this. It's a Friday night; he's not sitting around sulking all evening because Eddie Munson hurt his feelings.
He calls up a girl — some pretty blonde chick he remembers from the cheer squad — and sets up a date for later that night. Takes her to the drive-in, buys her a vanilla shake. The date's fine; it's good; it's fine. She's pretty enough, and she offers to suck him off when the main feature starts.
It’s not a good blowjob. Arguably one of the worst ones Steve’s had, and he’s had quite a few. She keeps gagging herself with these gross squelching sounds, barely getting even half of his dick in her tiny mouth and not bothering to use her hands to make up the difference. Just leaves them resting on Steve’s thighs while she makes fake whimpering moans like she’s sooo turned on by this; fucking as if; and somewhere in the middle of her repetitive, sloppy bobbing his mind starts to wander off. To the trailer, to the lot fees, the fucking pharmacy bills. Their ever-dwindling savings and what percentage of them he just wasted on this lackluster movie night; surely they’re gonna run out any day now; tick tock, tick tock.
"Um," the girl squeaks as she pulls off with a gross slurp. Steve looks down at his lap, sees he's gone soft. "Am I, like, doing something wrong, or...?"
Her voice is high and quiet, innocent and sweet, and Steve feels like an asshole. He squeezes himself at the base, gives a few quick strokes to get himself up again. "No, you're perfect, honey," he lies. "Stick out your tongue for me?"
She bats her eyes demurely and rolls over onto her side, gives him some kind of sexy pout before opening her mouth so he can jerk off over her. Steve works his wrist; tries not to be rude and look away, but her colors are all wrong. Strawberry hair. Blue irises. He squeezes his eyes shut, moves his hand faster and thinks of dark brown. Dark hair, dark lashes, dark eyes like the deep woods. Endless. Sort of mesmerizing. Nancy? "Oh, fuck," he gasps as he comes.
The girl squeals and jerks away from him, hands flying to her face. "Oh, my god! Oh, my god! You got it in my nose!"
"Sorry,” Steve grunts, shuddering through an aftershock. There’s cum on his hand, on his pants; all over this poor girl’s face. He thinks he got some in her eyelashes. "Shit, sorry, let me, uh—"
He leans over and rifles through the glove box, trying to find a napkin for her. No dice. Best he can do is an old McDonald's wrapper with a grease stain on the side. "Here, does— does this work?"
“Sorry, I mean it’s that or my shirt, but then I’d have to drive you home shirtless, so-”
“Ugh,” she gives him a bitchy look. Tries to, anyway. One eye is glued shut. “Just give me that, please.”
His limp, spitty cock is still hanging from his pants when he passes her the wrapper. Flaccid and sad, like a white flag of surrender, and a bubble of hysterical laughter slips out. A choked burst of it, a pufferfished pfffft as it explodes past his lips. He’s not sure if it's the orgasm or the ridiculousness of the situation or if he's just plain lost his mind, but the girl glares at him, which...
There's still a glob of jizz on her cheek, so it doesn’t help matters much.
"I think you should take me home."
"Y-yep. Sorry. Yeah."
“Like now.”
Steve tucks himself into his jeans.
part 12
tagging whoever commented yesterday if your settings will let me @slutforcoffein @annabanannabeth @rani-mayida @awolfstudio @noodle-shenaniganery @yourmom-isgay @zombiecreatures @anne-bennett-cosplayer @thestarslittleking @evillittleguy @acedorerryn @messrs-weasley @bronwenmarie @lololol-1234 @estrellami-1 @jaytriesstuff @space-invading-pigeon @violetsteve @ahsokatanoss @slowandsteddie @zoeweee @silver-snaffles @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @thealwithnoname @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @hellion-child @stevesbipanic @trensu @steves-strapcollection @hotluncheddie
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sanjoongie · 7 months
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𐂂Pairing: White Tiger! Hybrid Reader (f) x Spotted Deer! Hybrid San 𐂂Au: Hybrid au 𐂂Trope: best friends to lovers 𐂂Genre: smut, pwp 𐂂Rating: 18+, Minors Do Not Interact! 𐂂Summary: one day you pick up your best friend after a long day of work and can't help but smell his arousal. then you pounce 𐂂Word Count: 1 811 𐂂Warnings: hand job, oral (m), praise kink (m), dom! Reader, sub! San, cum eating 𐂂Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland for being hardworking beta readers. @starlitmark because you gotta tag the hybrid queen when you write one 𐂂divider credit to @cafekitsune
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San opened the passenger’s side door and climbed into your car. He smelled like cotton candy and whiskey, which was exactly like the strip club that he bartended for smelled like. “Hey,” San murmured tiredly.
“Hi Sannie!” You greet him in the driver’s seat. You always picked him up after his late Saturday night shift, insisting that he should never have to worry about anything after. “How was work?”
“Fine,” San rubbed a hand over his face, “I’m starving.”
“Oh!” You unbuckle your seatbelt and get on your knees to reach into the backseat. “I brought you a yummy salad, let me grab it.”
San watched with large eyes as your tail perked up at your excitement. Your tail raised the skirt you were wearing and bared the back of your thighs for his viewing pleasure. He watched at how the body glitter that you dusted over yourself all the damn time glimmered in the late-night light. What would it feel like to fuck his dick between those thighs? Would his dick get covered with glitter too? San shook his head to clear it. What the fuck was he doing? You were his best friend. This wasn’t right.
You sat down, breathless and happy. Your nostrils flared and then you dropped open your mouth, so the smells could hit the roof of your mouth. You closed your mouth and narrowed your eyes at San. “What's wrong?”
San’s eyes widened momentarily before he looked out the window. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Did you get a lap dance from one of those dirty bunnies?” You snarled, eyes scanning the front door for the mentioned strippers. You leaned across the car, placing a hand on his thigh. When San’s muscle contracted instinctively upon your touch, your nails dug into the sensitive flesh there, and he yelped softly.
San’s spotted deer ears rotated anxiously. “I didn't! I pinky swore I wouldn't, remember?”
Your head turned sharply and San sucked in his breath. He'd never been more aware that you were a predator animal and he was prey than in this moment, with your slitted eyes sharp and on him. “That's right. For your own good too. I know some panthers who have caught some itchy bugs from those dumb bunnies. I won't let that happen to you, Hart.” You bit down on your lower lip, staring at him fondly after saying your nickname for him. “But I would like you to answer my original question.”
“N-nothing is wrong!” San stuttered.
San squeaked when you grabbed his antlers firm with both hands, holding his head in place. They were velvety and hard under your skin. “I can smell how wet you are right now, San.”
San whimpered at your dirty words. “Even the back of your thighs are glittery,” he whispered in a slight pout.
“Oh.” You stare at him, blinking a few times. “Yeah. I was out earlier. Stalking night.”
“Oh.” San’s oh sounded desolate. “Did you get anyone good?”
“No.” You studied San’s face like it had all the answers. “Why does it matter that my legs have glitter?”
San’s face began to redden. He sputtered through his sentence. “You get it all over me and I can never get them off of me, you know how much I hate that!”
You half-smiled. “Why are you getting so worked up?”
“Because everyone always asks if it's from my girlfriend and I have to tell them no, I don't have a leggy doe waiting for me--” San gasped as your nails dug into his scalp, at the base of his antlers. 
You smiled regretfully and removed your hands, gently rearranging San’s hair. “I'm sorry.”
San suddenly wished he hadn't snapped at you. Your presence was missed immediately. “No--I--don't mean--you just!!”
You sit properly and re-belt yourself into your seat. “I should get you home.”
The ride is so silent, it's painful. You turn on some music and San can't help but hum along to your music. He knew all your favorites, watched as you drummed your fingers against the steering wheel absentmindedly to the beat. He watched the street lights travel over the plane of your face as you took him home. He loved the quiet moments during the night like this, well usually, but tonight it wasn't comfortable.
You parked your car and sighed. “Special delivery,” You said half-heartedly and San’s heart contracted.
“Kitten…” Where could San even start?
“Nevermind I asked,” You said in a clipped tone, “I had no right.”
“I don't…” San couldn't falter, he had to keep going forward. “I don't want a leggy doe at home. By the way,” he said in a breathy voice.
You rubbed your lips together, eyes watching the neon light across the road run through its pattern. “No? Maybe a plump bunny, huh?”
“I want a lovable tiger who would stay up late just to drive me home and make sure I'm safe,” San corrected you.
You rolled your eyes. “Ridiculous.”
“What do you mean?!” San cried out immediately.
“Everyone knows predator and prey couples never work out,” You reply flatly.
“That's not true!” San protested. “Just because your kind used to dig your fangs into my kinds neck--”
Your sharp intake of breath in response went over San's head. “San!”
“--and used to eat our flesh!”
You licked your lips, eyes glancing down towards the smell you had long ago identified as San’s precum.
“Doesn't mean tigers and deer couldn't be together! Romantically!” San finished his rant.
“I'm right and if you're too brainwashed I can say it again!” San insisted.
“What?!” San yelled back at you.
“Can I suck you off?”
San almost melted into the seat right then and there. “Wh-what?”
“I dunno what you were doing earlier but I can smell your arousal. I can tell you’re turned on. I want to pop your cock in my mouth and--” A low growl emitted from the back of your throat. “Fuck, the things you do to me Choi San.”
“Me?!” San’s eyebrows furrow in frustration? You’re the one that insists on wearing short skirts and don’t bother with the tail slot! You know how many times I’ve seen your underwear because of that damn tricky tail of yours?!”
A slow smile began to bloom on your face. “You like when my tail raises my skirt?”
San swallowed hard, his pulse speeding up. He knew that face. “Yes. No. What are you doing?”
You got on your hands and knees and turned towards San. Your knees were still on your seat and your hands were on the center console. Your ass raised up behind you and your tail lifted out of the way--essentially causing your skirt to fall up your back and expose your ass and underwear. “Let me suck your cute little dick, San,” You purred.
“I-it’s not cute!” San protested, the pout back again, “Don’t say that!”
Your nails dug into the center console, kneading and adding marks. “Let me find out then. Prove me wrong.”
San’s lips pressed together. His eyes flitted about. It was so early in the morning that the rest of the world was still asleep but that didn’t dismiss the fact that the two of you were parked on the side of the street and anyone could see you two. His tail fluttered nervously between the small of his back and the seat. Fuck.
“Fine. Yes. But my place is right there! Kitten!”
You ignored San’s protests as soon as he gave you the green light to suck him off. Your nails made quick work of his pants and soon you were pulling down his leather pants and underwear to reveal his cock. It was only a semi-chubby but it was cute. You cooed at it for a moment before pinching it between your fingers, playing with the head to get San harder. You licked your lips in anticipation of having him in your mouth. He was going to taste so good with his vegetarian diet. Prey lovers were so delicious.
San’s whimper caught in the back of his throat and his back arched into your touch. You were teasing him and tears beaded at the corner of his eyes immediately. “D-don’t,” he whimpered.
You stopped, his dick between your still fingers and you cocked your eyebrow. “Don’t?”
San’s pout deepened. “Don’t tease me.” When your features didn’t smooth out, he uttered a “please” to his previous statement.
You giggled and San’s dick twitched. “You’re cute, Sannie.”
“I’m not cute!” San objected.
“So fucking cute,” You murmured to yourself and dipped your head down even lower to take him in your mouth finally. 
For a fucking deer hybrid, San sure was thick. You didn’t struggle getting him into your mouth, his length wasn’t something to scream about but the girth! He was thick and it somehow matched him perfectly. You bobbed up and down on him and San let out another delectable noise, desperate and needy. 
Your mouth was so wet and hot around him, your tongue swirling around his head, already sensitive from when you played with him. He wasn’t going to last long, not with the way you were sucking him off. “Wait-wait! I’m gonna--not so rough!” San swallowed loudly again, barely containing a groan escaping his lips.
You didn’t listen to a word he said, determined to get him to squirt into your mouth. You wanted him sated and vulnerable. Everything in your predator body said that this was the way. You worked your lips up and down his mouth, rough tongue playing with the slit of his cock and soon San’s hands were on the top of your head, holding you down as he came in your mouth. You swallowed greedily, his sperm tasting wonderfully of the fruits he consumed regularly. It was worth it all. 
You lifted off of him, wiping some cum that had attempted to escape the corners of your lips, and drank in the sight of San post-orgasm. He was panting, his pink lips barely parted to allow for the air to move between them. His eyes were hooded and he was whimpering. 
You leaned over and kissed him, tangling your tongue with his so that he could taste himself. It gave you some perverse pleasure when he made a noise of protest but soon allowed himself to be lulled into the kiss. While he was distracted, you unbuttoned his vest a fraction and rubbed your hand along his upper body. 
San was going to be pissed when he found the glitter later but you’d let your future self deal with the repercussions. He didn’t know you wore the glitter to effectively mark him, warning everyone else off of him until you could get him to a good place mentally to capture him. It was cute that he thought he was talking you into being with him.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴅᴀʏ ɪ - ʜᴀɴᴅᴊᴏʙ
pairing: Neteyam x avatar!reader
a/n: hi and welcome to kinktober x if this first work seems familiar, that's bc it is lol. i have been so so busy and so i have decided that for prompts that fit some of my previous work, i'd give myself a little grace and use those instead. now, i think this works great because there's a lot of new besties here, so this way people get to read some of my earlier work and (hopefully) enjoy it for the first time!! i can't wait to go on this journey with you 🎃🧡 smooches x
words: 1,3k
warnings: it goes without saying, but all of these works (kinktober-related) are smut and therefore minors should NOT interact with them. other warnings include: oral - male receiving, inexperienced Neteyam.
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Being a human had its perks, and being an avatar, well, that goes without saying. One of the perks, turns out, was the wealth of information available to you at the touch of the button. Say what you want about the Sky People, but they were informed in things you could barely even conceive, and well, you've always loved to learn. You spent your whole life learning everything you could get your hands on, from more useful things, like how to patch a wound or how to treat an infection to... less useful things for day to day endeavours, but definitely intriguing to you.
There was a lot in Hell's Gate that the Na'vi and the scientists that were granted leave to stay were unaware of, and you were glad. Your research led you to unearth some... unsightly discoveries, that you were more than happy to have to put to good use right now, after a relaxing swim in the nearby lake, with your best friend that... has some questions. Well, you were nothing if not a good friend, and a dutiful teacher.
His eyes were wide as you smile and push him until he falls to the ground with a small thud. It was quiet in the forest, only the small chirps and trills of the animals living peacefully could be heard over the sounds of both your laboured breaths. He was anxious, you noted, based on his fluttering ears and his erratic tail wags.
"Are you nervous, Tay?" you couldn't help the teasing tone of your voice, as you traced your fingers down his body, from his collarbone, to his chest, down his defined abs, until you hooked your fingers in the band of his loincloth, tugging at it gently.
"Let me make you feel good, Tay. Let me show you what it feels like to be human for a little while."
With that, you untied his tewng and let it fall to the floor, and you gasped a little at his size. He was bigger than you expected, and the sight aroused you beyond belief, beyond words and comprehension, because if before this was just supposed to be a learning experience, now you knew that while he would get his, you would definitely get yours, too.
Almost inquisitively, with a tinge of wonder and awe, you run your fingers over the patterned stars of his length, from the base to the cotton candy pink tip, marvelling at his beauty and how nothing you've ever seen before in movies or magazines could ever compare to it. You tighten your grip and smirk when a sudden inhale broke through the silence and you raise your gaze to meet his eyes, that were tightly shut as his head was pushed back, and you knew then you wanted to see this face, see how he reacts to you, to your lessons, every day of your life.
You slowly start pumping him, taking your time, analysing each contraction of his facial muscles, thrilled at how he's falling apart around you and you haven't even properly started yet. When the tip becomes covered in pre-cum, you can't resist the need anymore, and you slowly inch your lips towards it, a little startled when Neteyam gets up suddenly, concern deeply embedded in his features.
"W-what are you doing?"
A hand still pumping him, you placed the other on his chest, pushing him back, willing him back in the same position he was in before.
"Shh, relax, tay. you wanted to learn, right?"
With that, you placed a small, gentle kiss on the tip, licking every drop of pre-cum, and you were shocked at how sweet it was, how you wouldn't mind having it coat your tongue, and your mouth, and your throat, until it was all you could taste. You shuffled uncomfortably at the ache that took over you, and how good you knew his cock would feel filling you, how just the stretch itself would bring you to the brink of orgasm. Maybe next lesson.
You couldn't help taking more of him in, your tongue pushed flat against his length as it went further down your throat until you gagged slightly around it. The groan that escaped Neteyam, low and uninhibited, emboldened you as you started a steady bob of your head up and down his length, one hand continuing to pump what you couldn't reach otherwise, while the other rubbed circles into his thigh, hoping this way he wouldn't overthink this and just relax. After all, what were friends for if not to help each other... learn and unwind?
His hand finds your hair and you purr against his cock when he starts petting you, the little gesture enough to make you excited for when he'd be experienced enough to take charge, the way you knew he had it in him.
"You feel so good. S-so good, fuck."
His hips buck against you and you moan as he slips further down your throat, as he starts thrusting in your mouth, and you let him, impressed about how quickly he seems to catch on and turned on about how his first instinct was to immediately take control. This would be easier than you thought.
"I'm gonna, i'm cu-"
Ropes of cum shoot down your throat as his cock throbs in your mouth, and the noises he makes, carnal and primal, make you slowly start grinding against the ground to find some of your own release. You make sure to suck him dry as he pulls out with a small pop, and you smirk as you lick your lips, watching him trying to catch his breath, watching him panting and slowly regaining him composure.
"Enjoy yourself, friend?"
"So... when's the next lesson?"
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taglist: @pandoraslxna @sulieykte @blue-slxt @eywaeveng @neteyamsikran @elenamoncada-ibarra @spicymayyo @itsjazzsworld @daddysmurfslefttoenail @eyrina-avatar @iameatingmyhair @
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galaxiasgreen · 6 days
🍭☀️A Cruelty Vivid and Sweet
Slow burn angsty Ominis x F!Reader [T-Rated, 8.7k words]
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"I can't lose him," he whispered, a shattering realisation. "Not like I lost Anne, and... and you." "You haven't lost me." "You are the one good thing in my life right now," he said, voice broken with rage and pain, "and we can't even talk in the hallway!" You leant against him then, shoulder to shoulder. And there it was, like clockwork. Strawberry laces. "Then let's be two normal people right now. Just... for a little while. Like before."
In which, with his relationship with you a secret, Ominis tries to pull his best friend from the brink of darkness.
Tropes: angst/ romance/ drama, slow burn, black cat x golden retriever, opposites attract, forbidden love, pure-blood culture, canon rewrite, book!canon compliant, Ominis meets the Sallow Twins, Forced Proximity, Denial of Feelings, duelling practice, the Relic Quest.
[read on AO3, read on Wattpad] [FIRST][PREV]
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3. A Secret Friendship
From then on, your friendship together was a secret.
Ominis' growing feelings even more so.
There was a forbidden agreement between you that, to save you, and to save himself, you wouldn't interact in the outer world. No cheerful waves in the hallways, no hanging off each other's arms between lessons. The only way to communicate was through notes, traded like secrets, a folded scrap of parchment slipping into his robe or your pocket. Ominis doubted Perry Malfoy and his cronies would bother to learn braille at his expense, after all, and this way you could keep in contact without breaking the façade.
Your grasp of it was clumsy though. In your impatience, you forgot words like the and a, your cadence was robotic and primitive, and one time you forgot the L in public, which made him snort so hard he got detention in History of Magic.
When notes weren't needed, or seemed too risky, there was the language of touch, even more heretical to his family's values, and even more seducing. Your elbow a gentle nudge to his side, in the hallways, on the front lawns, your pinkie brushing his in class, lightning through his skin. They were fleeting, these moments of connection between you, but no less potent.
No less desired by him.
Even though you were a social creature, most energised when you spent time with your friends, you took to this naturally. No matter how tedious, you lived for the notes, for the secrets you shared. Your mood improved drastically, he could sense it, freed of your previous burden.
He felt the same too. Lighter on his shoulders, his heart.
On days when the both of you felt the most daring, where the stars aligned for a culmination of your letters, you met him under the Astronomy deck, when everyone was away at the evening feast, to have a little feast of your own, an eclectic mix of sweets sent from your family and treats bought at Honeydukes. It often left Ominis feeling a little sick, but he never minded, not when it meant he could spend time with you. Sometimes Sebastian joined in – but mostly not, his attentions captivated by his search for a cure.
And, Ominis was starting to realise, by Missy.
"He fancies her sooooo much," you said to him one day.
Ominis reclined against the wood. Even wrapped in blankets by a lit brazier, hushing the cold, he wasn't comfortable – he never would be, not when this meeting was illicit, stolen from beneath the stars. But there was something about you that relaxed him enough to forget it all, even temporarily.
"Do you think it's requited?"
"Er, yeah. Those two are always flirting." You threw a popping candy into your mouth, and it crackled as you spoke. "And goodness, you should see the looks they give each other. Seb makes googly eyes every time she looks at him, and she makes googly eyes when he's not looking."
For once, Ominis was grateful he didn't know what googly eyes were.
"What's she like?" he asked, curious. "Missy?"
You waited a moment, fishing for the right words.
"Like Sebastian then."
"In a different way. Sebastian is hell-bent on finding a cure for Anne. He has one goal in mind. But Missy isn't driven by one thing alone... but I don't know what drives her. She's extremely good at everything she does, spells and history and theory, but she always seems... guarded."
"Naturally, you took that as a challenge."
You made a raspberry noise. "No! I just happened to stand next to her in Flying. She's the sort of person you want as your friend, not your enemy."
That alone troubled him. "And paired with Sebastian makes a dangerous cocktail."
"You think she's encouraging the Dark Arts?"
"I know she's encouraging the Dark Arts."
You didn't reply to that, as unsure as he was.
"She's not a bad person, but she's definitely... hiding something."
She had her secrets. He had his as well, but his didn't try to lead his best friend into the waiting arms of Dark magic. Into Unforgivable Curses and choices that could not be taken back.
Letting Sebastian embrace the darkness was an option Ominis didn't even think to entertain. He was family, after all. Like you were, like Anne. A steadfast companion through thick and thin, through his best days and his worst – and now, when Sebastian needed him most, Ominis would not turn away.
A choice made despite its painful consequences, he now realises.
He remembers the first time he met him, all those years ago. It was not, in fact, in the dungeons of the Slytherin common room, their beds next to each other in the dorms by fate, but earlier, when they were both eleven and the Malfoys hosted an expensive soirée to officially welcome the new incoming year into the magical world.
Ominis already had his new wand and was relying on it excessively, since he discovered with its power his senses were more acute to his surroundings. It pulsed intermittently, moulding the world around him to a language he could understand. The Malfoy Manor ballroom was lit by chandeliers, torches burning along the walls, and a hearth, twice his height, the heat from it alone enough to make the whole house swelter. The floor was polished, heels squeaking along its smooth surface, and scents interwove like tapestry, roast pork and lavender bouquets and a tangle of overwhelming perfumes. How vast it all was, how grand. He imagined this was what it was like to see, to drink in the sights greedily, the world beyond his fingertips fascinating.
Unfortunately, to everyone else, it was not as fascinating as he himself.
"Behave yourself tonight, Ominis," his mother hissed to him as she shucked her coat, dropping it with a whumph onto a tiny house-elf's waiting arms. His father hadn't been able to attend, so she had taken his place, just as callous and stern, caring as much about family connections and alliances as the rest of them did. "Make friends with the older students. They will be your guides. The Nott girls are two years your senior, for example, and one of the Lestrange children three."
"Isn't there anyone starting in my year?"
"A few." Her sneer was audible. "The Reyes have a daughter – Imelda. I've never liked her mother, so uptight and condescending. The McDowells as well, but there's a rumour her father was unfaithful, probably with some Mudblood. It's a shame. The Malfoys, Blacks, and Ellingboes all have their children starting next year."
For some reason that brought him relief. His mother didn't let go of his collar though, thrusting him in front of her society friends and their progeny, sometimes too young for Hogwarts, sometimes having already started. Questions arrowed his way were never about his personality, his likes or dislikes – always, they opened with his eyes and their murkiness and the sight he did not have. One boy even farted and asked Ominis whether he could already smell it, which earnt a cuffing from his father, and led Ominis' mother to pull him away in disgust.
"Ominis," his mother said at one point, dropping her forced, sycophantic pitch. "You remember Phineas Black? He's the current headmaster at Hogwarts."
Oh, Ominis remembered Phineas Black all right. His unpleasantness was legendary.
"You will behave, won't you, Gaunt?" Professor Black spoke down to Ominis, voice a dismissive rumble that said he'd soon forget this exchange ever happened. "Every year there's always someone making unnecessary paperwork for me. Last year a group of sixth-year Gryffindors thought it would be funny to jinx my quills to sing every time I wrote a letter. If it were up to me, I would've had them lashed for insolence."
"It's what they deserved," his mother agreed.
"Alas, capital punishment is rather frowned upon these days. I had to settle with detention instead. And scrubbing the entire Hall of Herodiana with a single toothbrush."
Staying silent, Ominis thought, was the wise move.
Soon his mother tired of brandishing him like a prized Puffskein, leaving him unattended at the buffet table to entertain her friends. Ominis was alone – lonely, when the sounds of laughter and music were suffocating from the inside. He clutched his wand, using it to navigate to the closest wall, where a cascade of belladonna draped over stone. How was he supposed to network? There were too many bodies, too much noise.
"You're Ominis Gaunt."
In the chaotic din of the ballroom, he hadn't heard the snooty boy come up. He tuned to the voice, scolding himself inwardly. Pay more attention. "Yes."
"I'm Peregrine Malfoy."
Well, at least finding the Malfoys had been easy. Ominis frowned. "You're nine."
"Nearly ten."
"You don't start Hogwarts for another year. What do you want?"
"My father says I should introduce myself." Peregrine barely gave himself enough time to pause for breath. "What's it like being blind?"
The question fatigued him. "It's like being blind," he snapped, unable to help himself.
"That's not an answer."
"I can't give you an answer since I don't know what it's like being not."
"If you can't see, how are you going to do schoolwork?"
He thought about telling him about braille, but he was smart enough to know that Peregrine didn't actually want answers. He just wanted to prod where he didn't belong.
When Ominis didn't say anything, however, Peregrine took it as a sign of composed aloofness, and dragged him over to his own clique of friends. It was an overwhelming few moments, shaking hands, first names flying into one ear and out the other, the only one he recognised being Dorothy Ellingboe – his cousin once-removed. He barely knew her, the Ellingboes being an old wizarding family that originated in Norway that extended a branch into England to strengthen the line. Yet Dorothy was a sneering, simpering girl that thought herself better than everyone else, ugly in temperament as well as voice.
"So you're blind?" asked the Fawley boy. "Why can't you just use a spell to make yourself unblind?"
He resisted the urge to sigh. He'd done this rigmarole a thousand times before.
"It doesn't exist."
"Bet it does. You just need to think about the Latin. Vide means see. Have you tried doing that?"
Never, because his parents had already done it.
"Maybe," the boy continued, "you could take a potion. The powdered root of asphodel, for example—"
"Quiet, Hector," Peregrine muttered, facing the door. "Look who's just come in!"
"No way," said Dorothy, sniggering. "I'm surprised they could afford the Floo Powder to London!"
"They look like they've just climbed out of a fireplace, all right," said the Black boy, Ominis didn't remember his name – some pompous star, no doubt. "Like those peasant Muggle chimney sweeps."
"Who is it?" Ominis asked, feeling stupid and left out.
"It's the Stone-Broke Sallow Twins," said Peregrine. "Look at what they're wearing!"
Ominis couldn't see, but he could guess – plainly adorned breeches, or a threadbare frock. He felt the shift in the room as they entered with their uncle Solomon. His mother had babbled about the Sallows once or twice – their parents had been Hogwarts professors who died in a freak accident – often accompanied with similar contempt, but she disdained almost all of pure-blood society, so who really knew what they'd done to invite so much ire.
"We should invite them over, shouldn't we?" asked Peregrine. "That's the courteous thing to do."
"Ugh, this again?" said Imelda Reyes, with an audible roll of her eyes. "Can't we just have one party where we don't butt heads with the Sallow twins?"
"You're one to talk, Imelda," Hector muttered. "Butting heads is all you do every day."
"Only because you make it easy."
"Don't be a spoilsport," Peregrine jeered at her. "Honestly, you're just as bad as Kaydence Lestrange. If you're going to ruin the fun, run along to your parents and be dull with them."
Imelda made a noise like she was going to beat him, physically throw a punch, but instead stormed off.
"Oi, Sebastian, Anne!" With no one to stop him, and Ominis a quiet observer, Peregrine called out across the ballroom. "Come over here!"
Even with this supposed history between them, Sebastian and Anne came over. The tension ratcheted up.
"What do you want, Perry?" muttered Sebastian.
"Peregrine," the boy snapped. "I wanted to introduce you, because it's polite – not that you would know politeness. You remember Hector Fawley, Antares Black and Dorothy Ellingboe, and meet my new friend, Ominis Gaunt."
Friend? Hardly. Ominis had half a mind to run off with Imelda Reyes, and fought to keep a shudder off his face.
"So, who did you bribe?" asked Dorothy.
"What?" said Sebastian.
"To get in, of course," she said, like she was asking about the weather. "No way Edwin Malfoy invited you."
"He invited us," Sebastian said through gritted teeth, "because we're starting Hogwarts next year."
Hmm. Ominis' mother had failed to mention that.
"Can you even afford a wand?" Antares laughed.
"Yes." A soft whip noise as he withdrew it. "Would you like to see how it works?"
"Sebastian," Anne cautioned, grasping his sleeve.
Antares wasn't deterred. "Oh, please. I doubt you know a single spell."
Peregrine laughed then, laced with taunting. "Even if he did, I wouldn't worry, Antares. It's not like that wand chose him. It's probably a hand-me-down from his dead, mud-loving parents."
Ominis was suddenly knocked to the ground, wand scattered out of his grip. There was a struggle above, and Anne's voice rose above the boys' grunts.
"Leave it!" she demanded. "For goodness sake, Sebastian!"
Sebastian shook her off, but the fury was there. "Say one more word—"
"You'll what?" spurred Peregrine. "Cry about being a sad orphan?"
"Boys," came a thundering voice. This one Ominis recognised – Edwin Malfoy. "What's going on?"
The scuffling stopped at once. There were two wide steps back, echoing in the sudden quiet of the ballroom.
"Just some light banter, Father," Peregrine said immediately, still and cool. "Nothing to be concerned about."
Sebastian hastily cleared his throat. He knew the boundaries, too.
"Nothing at all, sir."
Edwin made a noise of disbelieving. "Play nice, Peregrine. You'll all be going to school together soon enough."
But when he left, and Peregrine did too, Hector, Antares and Dorothy dogging his heels, it was with a loud snigger, one that promised that this altercation wasn't the last. Ominis wasn't sure whether anyone even noticed him, left on the ground, panicking as his wand was nowhere close. He palmed the floor in frenzy, terrified someone would tread on his hands.
"Here." Anne tapped his arm, then looped hers with his. "Let me help you up."
He stood. "My wand—"
"It's here." Sebastian pressed it into Ominis' shoulder, and he took it, grateful. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you over."
He was pretty sure it was Peregrine's elbow that went wide, since he was standing right next to him, but an apology of any kind was novel.
"Are you hurt?" asked Anne.
"Just my ego," said Ominis, which made her laugh.
"Ominis Gaunt, right?" Sebastian contemplated a moment. "So you really are blind— ow! Anne!"
"Don't be so rude!" she snapped. "He already knows!"
He did, but he couldn't help but grin anyway.
"You don't like Peregrine Malfoy?"
"Don't like?" Sebastian crowed. "I'd rather lick the underside of a Graphorn's arse than—" He seemed to remember himself. "I-I mean, you know, he can be, er, difficult—"
"It's all right," said Ominis, grinning. "I bet a Graphorn's bottom spews a lot less manure."
Sebastian let out a hysterical bark. Even Anne giggled.
"Thank goodness. We thought we were the only ones who didn't like him. He's so pretentious."
"Hector, Antares and Dorothy can shove it too," said Sebastian. "Mean gits with bad manners. They're all the same. And we're the twins here!"
Ominis tried to picture them, identical, but all he could imagine was their voices, how they inflected the same, laughed the same, spoke in the same accents.
"Dorothy is my cousin, actually."
"What?" said Sebastian.
"Oh, no," said Anne quickly, "h-he didn't mean—"
"And she's horrible."
This time they all laughed.
"I don't understand though. Why don't they like you?"
"Because we don't have money," Anne said, harrumphing as she did. "Because we live in a hamlet and not a fancy house, like this one. Stone-Broke."
"And don't forget Mama and Papa," Sebastian added. "They didn't care about blood or whatever, and taught everyone at Hogwarts when they were professors."
"Like they could turn away the Muggle-borns!"
Aunt Noctua, then, wasn't the only pure-blood to have such radical opinions. He may not have totally agreed, not when he'd yet to meet a Muggle-born, yet to have these notions proven, but it made him like these two, this odd pair the society kids disdained, all that much more.
He stayed with them for the rest of the party. The pair were hoping to follow their parents into Slytherin, same as Ominis; Sebastian liked Aurors and fighting magic, whereas Anne was eclectic, her interests broad yet undefined. Both of them shared an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and eventually even Anne caved to asking about Ominis' condition: how the wand helped him, how he sensed the world. This time he didn't mind their questions. They treated him like a person, not a pet.
When the party was over, Sebastian and Anne promised to wait for him when he arrived at Hogsmeade Station on the first of September. They promised to see their first few months together, as a team. Ominis left the party feeling lighter than he had all summer.
"The Sallows?" A hum escaped his mother's lips when he told her of his new friends. "They're poor. No money to their name, and their parents were happy to educate the Mudbloods at school. Still, they're dead now, and I'm loath to admit they both come from good breeding..."
That had been good enough.
And indeed, Sebastian and Anne had been waiting on the first of September, as they said they would, on the platform. They'd walked into the Great Hall with arms linked, taking in the new sights, smells and sounds, and rejoiced when they were Sorted into Slytherin together. Anne had sought to make her own friends and establish herself independently, free from Sebastian's influence – the last thing she wanted was to live in her boisterous brother's shadow for her entire Hogwarts tenure – but always she came back to him and Ominis. They hung about in the Undercroft, playing Gobstones, testing new jinxes, enjoying their newfound freedom and space.
Eventually she grew fond of you too, like he had. When your schedules worked, you were a tenacious quartet, three pure-blood Slytherins and one, odd little Muggle-born Hufflepuff.
Once you were all best friends. You were family.
Now the darkness threatened to ruin everything.
When the Astronomy deck was occupied, Ominis invited you to the Undercroft. It was dismal there – a reason you didn't enjoy it as much as anywhere else in the castle. Not a reason he understood, of course, but he never pretended to comprehend your particulars, nor your need for natural light. Nonetheless, you agreed on occasion. It was private, it was his, and it was safe.
Until it was no longer any of those things.
He headed down the lift to meet you, excitement brimming in his bones. December had long since arrived, and the chill along with it, weeping from the underground walls. He'd come earlier than planned, prepared to make the place as welcoming as possible. Lit torches, pillows and blankets, sweets, whatever it took.
But as the lift clunked to a stop, a female voice drifted down the hallway.
And it wasn't yours.
"Don't you think you should tell him?"
"What? About our frolicking around for the triptych?"
"It's not funny, Sebastian," Missy scolded. "You can't keep the relic a secret. It's thanks to him that you have this spellbook in the first place."
Ominis' excitement vanished, replaced with the emptiness that came after a string of broken promises.
"I know that," Sebastian admitted, "but if it works, then he'll see we have nothing to worry about. If the relic really can reverse Anne's curse, he'll see that nothing was in vain."
"He'll find out one way or another."
"It won't be from me." There was a hopeful inflection to him. "And... from you?"
She sighed. "I... suppose not."
"I promise," he said, so believing of own delusions, "it's for his own good."
Ominis threw up the gate then.
"I'll decide what's for my own good."
He sensed it then, the small things. A sharp intake of breath. Sebastian's fingers on crinkled paper – his feet moving to block the book.
"You lied to me," Ominis said, thrusting his wand at his friend. "You swore—"
"I actually said I understood—"
"Don't be deliberately obtuse. You knew exactly what you were implying."
"Ominis, please, see reason." Sebastian was calm, which was even more infuriating. "I love Anne, more than the world. Wouldn't you do anything for someone you loved?"
"You're arguing a pointless moral question."
"Am I? You have Gibby, after all."
It was like stone in his gullet.
"Don't you dare compare our situations."
"Why? It's no different."
"I'm not resorting to Dark Magic to talk to her!"
"But you are half in love with her. You're willing to risk being a blood traitor to your family for her."
Hearing him say it out loud was unfathomable.
"I— I'm not—" he stammered. "This is besides the point—"
"It isn't." He pushed past Ominis, spellbook in hand. "We're both willing to do whatever it takes. You do it your way. This," he said, "is mine."
Sebastian had gone through the gate when Ominis yelled, "Your obsession will cost you!"
His friend didn't reply. Soon the lift ascended the shaft, and Sebastian was gone.
Missy stepped forwards. "Ominis—"
"No, you don't get a say!" he barked. "You shouldn't even be here. This is my place. I didn't invite you. Sebastian shouldn't have brought you here!"
"He— he thought you'd be okay with it," she said quietly. "I would've found this place eventually."
"How? Only the Gaunts know of it!"
She didn't answer. Typical.
"I know you've been encouraging this— this madness—"
"I want to help him," she insisted, "but I'm trying to rein him in. I promise."
"Your promises mean nothing to me."
The gate opened then. In you ambled, jovial and beatific.
"Hello!" you piped. "I passed Sebastian on the way here, but he— Missy? What are you—?"
"She was just leaving," Ominis said.
Missy hesitated – a second, two. There was more she wanted to say.
Then, "Yes. I'm sorry to disturb you both."
When she left, you pattered over, joy diminished.
"Something happened, didn't it?"
He blew breath from his teeth. "Something always happens."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Frankly, all he wanted to do was scream, but telling you would do for now, though he was careful to leave out the being in love with you part. The way Sebastian threw it out there so casually... it unsettled him that these secret feelings he'd been trying to quash were so conspicuous. Sebastian was reckless and willing to do anything – would that include divulging Ominis' darkest secret? Did he have to fear the power his friend had over him now, too?
By the time he was done, both of you were leaning against the pillars, your legs tucked against your chest, his anger decaying to a low ache.
"But he doesn't know where the relic is?"
"It's only a matter of time." Ominis was certain of it.
You hummed. "I didn't realise how bad it was. Poor Anne..."
Anne, the victim in this, had her voice filched by her brother a long time ago.
"I'll write to her tonight," you said. "Sebastian has always been too headstrong for his own good."
"I can't lose him," he whispered, a shattering realisation. "Not like I lost Anne, and... and you."
"You haven't lost me."
"You are the one good thing in my life right now," he said, voice broken with rage and pain, "and we can't even talk in the hallway!"
You leant against him then, shoulder to shoulder. And there it was, like clockwork.
Strawberry laces.
"Then let's be two normal people right now. Just... for a little while. Like before."
Before. The nostalgia was painful. He missed those simpler times, when it was you, him, Sebastian and Anne, parading around Hogwarts without a care in the world.
Now Anne was cursed.
Now Sebastian was obsessed.
Now you had become a dirty secret.
And he clung to you, begging fate not to steal you too.
He smiles now, a memory coming back to him fondly. A memory of first year, after Christmas lapsed and the snow and ice were finally retreating from the grass. Exams were looming on the horizon.
And you were doing terribly in Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Though you were Muggle-born and humbling to the magical world, though you knew your grades were poor enough to raise concern, you swaggered into the Clocktower Courtyard that afternoon like an untouchable knight.
"Someone's confident," said Anne. She, and Ominis and Sebastian, had been waiting for you.
"Always," you trilled. "I may be the worst duellist in Hufflepuff—"
"Try the whole year," muttered Sebastian.
"— but I have the most fun, so who's really winning?"
Ominis snorted. You swatted his arm lightly.
"You're going to fail the class if you don't get better at duelling, so," a little teasing fluttered through Anne's declaration, "we're going to be your new teachers."
"You may only address me as Professor Sallow from now on," said Sebastian airily. He paced, drawing Ominis' ear across the courtyard. "And I don't plan on going easy on you."
Your bravado vanished "Do we really have to do this? Have you all fight me at the same time?"
"Diamonds are made under pressure, aren't they?"
"I don't want to be a diamond. A nice, sturdy rock would do."
"You sound scared, Gibby."
"Of course I am! It's three against one!"
"All you have to do is protect yourself," said Anne. She stepped backwards six paces, and Ominis copied. "A simple Protego spell. Okay?"
"If I say not okay, will you leave me be?"
"Stupefy!" Sebastian cried.
"EEEEEK!" Instead of blocking, you pitched to the ground as the spell hissed on stone behind you. "Hey! I-I wasn't ready!"
"Sometimes you won't be ready!" Sebastian said darkly. Then, "Come on, Ominis. Help me."
He wasn't certain attacking you this way was the best way to learn, but, well, there was something about diamonds and pressure. Hogwarts was a safe haven, protected by enchantments more powerful than a dynasty, more ancient than a family tree, but the outside world wasn't so kind. It was cruel. He wanted you to prepare, because Sebastian was right: one day you might not get the chance.
He shifted his weight. "Impedimenta!"
You dodged that one, too.
"You're being— mean!"
He threw up his hands in exasperation.
"Come on, Gibby! At least try!" Anne's boots scraped against stone. "Accio!"
You stumbled forwards. "Ack! P-Protego!"
"Crus Vacillare!"
A soft thud. You tripped over yourself.
"Too weak," Sebastian called. "You have to mean it."
"I-I am meaning it!" You stood. "I-It's just— hard!"
"How about we make it more interesting?" he suggested with a flinty smugness. "If you don't cast Protego successfully... we all get to eat your sweet stash."
Your gasp was unfiltered. "You wouldn't."
Ominis sighed. He would.
Sebastian danced on the balls of his feet. "Again!"
Anne's voice was clear. "Aqua Eructo!"
Water gushed forwards, but judging by only the slight squeal you let out, your charm had been slightly successful.
"That's more like it!" Sebastian yelled. "Again! Impedimenta!"
"Prote— ah!" You were laughing suddenly. "Look! I'm sooooo slooooow."
"Gibby!" Anne cried. "Do you want us to eat your year's supply of Fizzing Whizbees?"
"And all your toffee nougat?" added Sebastian.
"And," Ominis smiled, "your strawberry laces?"
"Okay, okay! I swear I am trying." You inhaled deeply. "Give me the one-two, Ominis!"
He wouldn't attack you very hard. Despite everything, he couldn't bring himself to.
Zing. The spell lanced off the shield.
"Ah!" you cried. "I-I did it!"
Anne came closer. "Only because Ominis is holding back," she sang.
"He's not!" A pause. "... Are you?"
Ominis grimaced, which made Sebastian snigger.
"Boo!" you pouted. "I-I could defeat you, for real!"
He sincerely doubted that. His family had been instilling duelling technique and practice since he got his wand, in first year. It was imperative, they believed, that Ominis learn to defend himself, use his magic to the fullest potential, to prevent their 'enemies' from taking advantage. Their words. It was why he knew Crucio so early into his education, why he knew too much about Dark Magic. He suspected there was more to it – that they feared, because he was blind, he was more susceptible to defeat. Still, he liked to think he'd done well to keep up.
But he was nonchalant with you, not wanting to pop the balloon of your confidence. "Are you challenging me to a duel?"
"Yeah, I am! Let's do this!"
He swung around to create space between you, amused – but if it helped to improve your grade, he was glad.
"Two Sickles says Ominis ends up on his arse," Anne muttered.
Sebastian let out a single, hysterical laugh. "I'll happily take that bet."
"Thanks, Anne," muttered Ominis.
"Thanks, Anne!" you chirruped.
She was right though. For someone who'd only just learnt Protego, your ego was inflated. He had been holding back because he didn't want to injure you, nor your pride, but there was a fine line between that and arrogance. He raised his wand in your direction, preparing a list of spells to use.
"Duellists, bow!" Sebastian called.
He dipped his head. Presumably you dipped yours.
"Ready?" Anne called. "And... go!"
"Pro— eeek!" You rolled out of the way. "Wait— let me think— Stupefy!"
The spell skimmed his ear. Well. That was unexpected.
A great block. You squealed delightedly.
"That's it, Gibby!" yelled Anne.
"Flatten her, Ominis!" yelled Sebastian.
Ominis scoffed. "Impedimenta!"
You parried the blow again, retaliating with your own. He was starting to enjoy the competition, the fierceness of your pushback. You traded blow for blow with him, soon finding a rhythm that worked for you.
Sweat was collecting on his brow. "Diffindo!"
You cried out then, a wild howl, and crumpled to the ground.
"Nice!" called Sebastian.
Ominis smiled.
You didn't respond. You didn't move.
Horror washed over him – he hadn't meant to hit you so hard... he only wanted to graze!
Panicking, he ran over, robes fluttering. "I— I'm so sorry—"
Suddenly he was gyrating through the air, spinning and helpless—
"Arresto Momentum!"
Anne's spell prevented him from smacking his head. Instead, he plonked to the ground, unharmed. Then you were standing above him, clapping, jumping with joy.
"Hahah, you fell for my trick! You did!"
He grunted, sore. "It was... clever."
A mistake. You let it fuel your slightly maniacal laugh.
"I am undefeatable! Unstoppable! Un... Un-attackable!"
"That's not a word." Still he filled with pride and got to his feet. "Well done."
"Yeah, good show, Gibby. Now you won't fail DADA miserably," said Anne. Then she coughed. "Looks like someone owes me two Sickles."
Sebastian grumbled and placed the tinkling coins in her hand.
"I have you all to thank," you said, humbler now. "I will carry these lessons forever, Professor Sallow, Professor Sallow... and Professor Gaunt."
But that wasn't end of them. From then, Ominis didn't underestimate you. He duelled you again and again, testing you, noting your mistakes, but he'd learnt from his own – not to fall for your trickery again. For any trickery. It gave him a sense of peace to know, should the time come, you could hold your own now.
A time, Ominis anticipated, that would come sooner rather than later.
"Where are you going?"
His and Sebastian's clashing ideas had been left unspoken, like shattered glass left on the ground between them, neither willing to pick up the pieces.
"I don't like the accusation in your tone, Ominis," said his friend, shunting another article of clothing into a bag. Their dorm was empty, a rare moment for a Friday morning. "I'm just going to visit Anne for the weekend. That's all."
But Ominis wasn't stupid – he heard the clinking of glass, the sharp, clinical scent of dittany. Who packed Wiggenweld Potion for a weekend home? It honed his suspicions immediately.
"I see," he said at last. "When do you plan to go?"
"Tomorrow morning, after breakfast."
"May I come along? I haven't seen Anne in a while."
But Sebastian was hesitant. "I'm sorry. I just... don't think it's a good idea."
Ominis relented. For now. When he left the dorm, he summoned the house owl with a click of his fingers. For once, he didn't give a damn if he got caught – this was something too worrying to go through the discreet channels with you. He had the Quick-Quotes Quill scribble the note.
Wooden Bridge, 6pm. Urgent.
At six o'clock, during the feast, he was there, waiting, leaning against the crooked panelling and let the biting wind chop across his hair and face. The air was parched today, snow impending but hesitant to fall. Even stacked in layers, a chill ran through him.
He heard the tell-tale clop of your boots, hurrying to meet him. Your breaths came out in shuddering pants.
"What's wrong?" you asked at once. In public, yet you didn't care, coming right up to him, halting a hand's reach away. "Are you hurt?"
"No," he said. "I'm sorry to call you out here, but it's Sebastian."
"Is he hurt?"
"I think he's about to do something stupid," he murmured. "And reckless."
You sighed. "I would have so many Galleons if I bet on him doing something stupid and reckless."
A fair point, but it was especially poignant now. After the argument, the feeling of trust in his friend had eroded. Now that trust was pocked with holes, and those holes were quickly filling with suspicion.
"Have you seen Missy?"
"Today? We did some homework during our morning free period. I asked her if she wanted to finish it tonight, but she said she was going to pack for Irondale. She's going there for the weekend – some catacombs, I think, to pay respects."
Irondale wasn't far from Feldcroft.
It seemed to click for you at the same time.
"You don't think— the relic—"
"I do," muttered Ominis. "In fact, I have a feeling I know where they're going." His heart thundered. "You said she was leaving tomorrow?"
"Have you seen her since this morning?"
You hesitated. So that was a no. Sebastian hadn't been around since the morning either.
They've already left.
You stomped your foot. "Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea!"
"... What?"
"Sugar, honey— never mind, Muggle thing. What do we do?"
"We have to go after them. If they've had a break-through with the artefact, it could put them in grave danger."
"But if they left earlier today, they could be there by now!"
He struggled to think. "Then we fly."
"We— fly?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"But, Ominis— I'm a terrible flier! Madam Kogawa has made me take first year classes every year!"
He wanted to reach for you, to imbue you with confidence. Flying was your weak point, he knew. You loved the sensation – not so much the control it required.
"It has to be you. I can't navigate." He didn't want to push you, but this time he insisted. The stakes were too great. "If we don't do this... Sebastian and Missy..."
"I know," you said, defeated. "Ugh, okay. Meet me at the end of the bridge. I'll get a school broom."
It took you little over ten minutes, to rush to the front lawns and snag a broom from the cupboards. He heard the one you chose guttering over the horizon, shakily hovering to a stop next to him. You took his sleeve.
"I really think this is a bad idea. What if— what if we crash?"
"We won't crash."
"What if you plummet off the side and I can't catch you?"
"I won't plummet."
"What if Ranrok's loyalists shoot us down?"
"They won't spot us."
"... You're suspiciously optimistic."
"I'm moderately realistic," he corrected. "We don't have time to waste."
"Okay." Your grip wavered, even as you guided him to the broom. "Hop on."
It was a sudden hesitation that gripped him then, stuffed cotton down his throat. Because he hadn't considered how, exactly, he would be travelling. That for this to work, he would have to share a broom with you, holding onto your waist for support.
He swallowed, though his mouth was dry, and settled over the broom shaft. Already you were close – too close for him to fathom, the scent of strawberry laces suppressing the billows of pine and lake waters that swept in from the south. His fingers hovered, mere centimetres away from your waist. Even the brush of your coat was enough to drive his mind to catatonia.
"Are you, erm," you said shyly, "are you going to hold on?"
"Y-yes," he choked out stupidly, "right."
He reached around, looping his arms around you, pulling you close. Your back fit neatly against his chest, your heat and warmth abolishing the cold, your head tucking beneath his chin, a swathe of your hair under his nose. Already he was nervous, already he gnawed with worry for Sebastian and Missy, and yet this was the moment he almost unravelled. You were his safety. You were the wind beneath him, buoyant and uplifting.
"Hold tight," you mumbled, voice a vibration through his own chest, which only made him even more delirious. "Three, two—"
You pushed with your legs, sending you both cracking into the air. Stomach yanking down to his legs, his grip cinched, and he cried out as you shot them upwards so fast he didn't get to take a breath. You were hitting max speed too quickly. Wind churned around his ears, sluiced along his toes – you might have yelled something that he couldn't understand.
You steadied the broom, levelling them with the horizon, but he didn't dare loosen his grip. Flying was terrifying, and magnificent, and it was twice as terrifying and magnificent with you.
"Merlin's beard, Gibby! Slow down!"
"S-Sorry!" you called, fear and exhilaration evident. "I'm going right. Brace yourself!"
You leant starboard, and he leant with you. Now that you were pulling on the shaft, the broom slowed to a decent pace, enough that he could hear the sky. The distant rush of train and trees, the snake of the river that ribboned through the valley, a humming thread. Wind, carding through his clothes. He rested his chin on you, and your hair curled against his face, each tendril like a cat's tail, flickering and restlessness.
A thought came to him, unbidden. What would it be like to kiss the top of your head? To draw the hair away from your neck, and place his lips there too? Desire burned through him, drunk on adrenaline and nerves, and he had to clench his jaw to dispel the feelings.
Now was not the time. In fact, there was no time when such thoughts were appropriate.
Yet they came to him nonetheless.
"W-We're going between Irondale and Feldcroft," he pushed out through gritted teeth, through his useless feelings. "South of the mountain peak!"
He feared landing with you even more than take-off, but by some miracle, you managed to shakily jettison them between a cluster of trees, on an even patch of grass. The ground came up hard though, and he took the brunt in his knees, crying out as he fell to the side, the handle tangled between his legs. You stumbled off the broom into a patch of honking daffodils.
"Ack— Gibby?"
"I'm okay!" you chanted, voice pilfered by the tooting flowers. "Just bruised my bum! You?"
"I bruised my everything."
"... Touché."
You came over, sliding the broom from beneath him and helping him to stand. The touch was innocent, and yet your hand in his, with the flight fresh in his mind, hyper-aware of the proximity of you, stoked his cheeks to flames and his heart to a marching drumbeat.
You let go almost instantly, but it was enough.
"Well," you said, "that wasn't so bad."
"We almost died," he muttered. "Twice."
"My lowest record yet, so be grateful. Are we close?"
He withdrew his wand, and the scenery fell into place in his mind. The evergreen honeysuckle, dotting the nearby dirt paths, wending through the uneven terrain of the countryside. A flash of hard, callous stone. A funny taste of smoke and ash, like an unpleasant bonfire. Strange. Nonetheless, you were close – very close, in fact, that he recognised the nearest stretch of fencing, leading towards the Feldcroft Catacombs.
"It's just south of here," he said. "Let's go."
When you reached the cave entrance, the great stone wall had been moved. Someone was already inside, and casting Revelio showed that it was not too late, that the footsteps before you were fresh. You propped the broom aside and went to go in, but he reached for you, held you for a moment – that stupid feeling stirred within him again.
"Wait. Let's— let's think. I don't think it's a good idea they see us."
Truthfully, he didn't know. Perhaps it was only to see what they were doing. Perhaps it was only so he could have you to himself, just a little longer.
"We ought to be cautious," he amended.
You gasped, suddenly excited. "Ominis Gaunt... are you suggesting a stealth mission?"
"Hardly," he retorted. "Let's just— keep our distance."
"Okay." But you were practically bouncing. "We have to catch up to them first. We'll need to be quick."
"Lead the way."
So you closed your hand in his, and led him inside.
The way was dark and cold, a bone-deep sort of eeriness. You cast Lumos, and he did too, to help you see. Together you ran across the dust-ridden earth, over bones and rat droppings and the splattered blood of spiders, pricking the air with a tangy note. You shuddered when a few of the babies crawled into view, but it seemed that Sebastian and Missy had cleared the larger ones out.
Still, you didn't let your fears daunt you. It was quite something to feel your determination, vibrating through your touch, the tremble that went through you as you held his hand to guide him. It gave him courage and might, especially when the quiet sank deeply into him, an omen of trouble to come.
Only at the heart of the catacomb did familiar snippets of voice quell the silence.
"They're close," he whispered to you.
You cast Disillusionment, and he quickly followed. Your boots steps were light, but still the ground crunched. It was enough to let them pursue, closer and closer, until the voices crystallised.
"The relic must be nearby," Sebastian was saying – the desperation in his voice was like nothing Ominis had ever heard before. "I can feel it."
Missy tsked. "Stay focused. I believe there's another chamber ahead – and we have yet to face any of the matriarchs."
"Bet they'll be thrilled when they find their friends dead."
They hurried ahead – you followed.
"Thank you," Sebastian said suddenly. You stopped, causing Ominis to bump into the back of you. "Thank you for doing this."
"It's nothing."
"Nothing? You're risking your life for me, and for Anne."
She didn't reply.
"Why?" he asked into the brazen silence, surprise tinting his voice. "Why are you helping me? I know you partway agree with Ominis, and you barely know Anne. You barely know me."
"Can I not help anyway?"
"No one wants for nothing."
Missy was quiet a moment.
"Perhaps. I'm not entirely altruistic."
"So?" he asked again. "What's your price?"
And she said, "Redemption," like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Redemption?" you muttered to Ominis, at the same time Sebastian said, "Redemption for what?"
But Missy simply scuffed a rock. "Come, we're nearly at the end."
Intense and guarded indeed. You crept forwards on light feet, and Ominis dogged your heel, unsure what to make of the conversation.
There wasn't time to dwell when the spiders descended, great hulking beasts that shook the ground, all the way through his feet. He felt you stiffen beneath your grip – the sight of them must've been terrifying.
"T-There's so many—"
Still, Sebastian and Missy had charged in, spilling enemy blood against the walls.
"S-Should we help them?" you asked.
Ominis hesitated. "No. Perhaps— perhaps it will deter them."
But of course it didn't. The spiders kept coming, vicious wave after vicious wave, and yet, Sebastian and Missy's resolve never puddled.
Missy sent the spider soaring. Unfortunately, it landed on its feet.
Right next to you.
Disillusionment wasn't strong enough so close. The creature heckled, then screeched, sucking up venom through its body, guttering, preparing to shoot—
"No, look out!" you yelled.
It spat venom and you shoved him, hard against the ground. The concealment broke, but the venom hissed against the rock face where his head had been.
"Sorry— it was going to hurt you—"
"No time." He got to his feet, helped you and readied his wand. "Ready?"
"Can't really say no." Then, loudly and brashly, "Confringo!"
The spell blasted the spider backwards. Despite your terrible fear of spiders and insects, you ran into the fray and zapped another off its perch above. Pride reared through him again. That duelling practice, all those years ago, had not been for nought.
"Gibby?" Sebastian yelled. Then, with even more shock, "Ominis?"
"Less talking, more blasting!" he said.
One by one, the spiders were felled. It seemed endless, the onslaught – when one died, three more would surface their way up to take its place. He worried for you, panicked nearly, but remembered to trust you to defend yourself. In fact, you all shielded one another, in tune like an orchestra, thrumming to each other's beat. Sebastian's Exploding charms gave you the opportunity to flee when you were overwhelmed. Missy froze the spiderlings to let Ominis deal with the mothers. Then there were moments he couldn't explain – moments where even magic didn't seem to be the answer. Explosions like lightning, striking down their shrieking enemies, the air charged with a sharp tang of it. Always it followed Missy like a storm cloud, she its wild epicentre.
"Ominis," she called, "watch out!"
The spider had been in front of him – he was certain of it. But suddenly it was not, and Missy was stomping down, crushing shell and bone beneath her boot. How, when it is twice the size of me?
He let the questions fester until the spiders were all dead. Hot breath escaped him in shallow bites, there was foreign blood splattered on his front, and his arm was sore from casting so much, so frantically – but he was alive, and so were you, and Sebastian and Missy.
"What..." Sebastian managed a long breath. "What the hell are you two doing here?"
It was the offence he took that boiled Ominis' blood.
"I could very well ask you the same thing," he snapped back, advancing on Sebastian. "You told me you were going to see Anne!"
Still, Sebastian did the unthinkable.
He turned away.
"I knew it. You are here for the relic!" Ominis yelled. "Don't you dare, Sebastian—"
"Or what?" Sebastian challenged, swinging back to face him. "Why are you so determined to stop me? To stop me from helping Anne?"
"Because you are losing yourself! Because the Dark Arts seem harmless until it is too late."
"Anne is in pain every damn day!"
"A Dark artefact will. Not. Work!" His wand hand shook. "It will not reverse the curse and it will require a sacrifice too steep to pay!"
"You haven't tried! You can't possibly know what will happen!" He laughed suddenly. "Your family is broken, Ominis. You don't understand what it's like for me to fight for mine."
He was enraged, but a new feeling came swooping in, extinguishing and final. Hurt.
"That... that is a low blow—"
"Wait," Missy said, perturbingly cool. "Let's not argue."
"Yes," you agreed at once. "We can compromise."
"And you?" Sebastian scoffed at you. "Are you going to stop me, even though you love Anne too? Are you going to side with Ominis because you always do?"
Your reply was injured. "T-There are no sides, Sebastian—"
"If you're going to stop me, then there are sides!" he bellowed. Ominis heard the wooden whip of his wand. "I'm taking that relic. So step aside."
Ominis gripped his wand tightly.
"I will not."
"Stop," snapped Missy, and this time, she was no longer composed. She was firm, commanding. "We're not fighting. That's absurd."
"Only one of us gets our way," Sebastian muttered. "Are you going to strike me, Ominis? Are you?"
"Sebastian, go stand over there. Cool off, for goodness sake." Suddenly someone hooked Ominis' arm – Missy, dragging him away. "You, with me. Gibby—"
But you were already heading towards Sebastian. Ominis hoped you were talking it out, telling him why it was a bad idea – he had to trust that you could convince him.
He yanked off Missy's grip. "You can't seriously think taking that relic—"
"I know it's risky," Missy hissed at him, "but Sebastian has made up his mind. There's no convincing him otherwise. I tried."
"Not hard enough!"
"He's relentless, Ominis. The only thing we can do now is to let it play out, and minimise the consequences."
It was so ridiculous he laughed. "What was it you said you sought? Redemption?" He flung the word back at her. "Tell me, how does encouraging Dark Magic redeem you?"
By the elongated pause, he'd cracked through her impervious armour.
"How did you—?" Then, he was met with cold steel. "My reasons are my own and not for you to know. I'm trying to take the middle path here, but you're both being impossible."
"I'm trying to stop him making a stupid mistake!"
"And are you willing to ruin your friendship over it?"
His next words rammed themselves back down his throat.
Because the answer was no. He wasn't.
"Ominis," and he hated how perfectly reasonable she sounded, "there will be no talking him out of this. He is beyond reasoning now. So you either step aside, or fight. Your choice."
He knew what it was like to steep in the Dark Arts. He understood its allure, its false promises. Yet even so, he couldn't possibly let these years slip through his fingers like sand. He couldn't possibly release all the joy and jokes, the laughter, the pranks and brotherly love shared between the two of them. Sebastian was an anchor in the perpetual raging sea of Ominis' life. Anne had already been taken from him too soon, and you were teetering close to the edge, risking so much with his family's hatred encroaching you.
If Ominis lost Sebastian, he lost everything.
"You—" Anguish tore him from within. "I... I will step aside."
"A wise choice."
"But I will not stop fighting for him. I won't."
She didn't reply. She merely called Sebastian over to the relic, which fell into her pocket for safe-keeping, and then they were leaving.
"For what it's worth," Sebastian said as he passed on the way out, voice broken with his own hurt, "I... I'm sorry we can't agree on this."
Ominis didn't respond.
They left.
He was alone with you.
There was nothing to say, nothing that could be said. He felt his chest breaking, fracturing into pieces, slowly but surely taking his resolve down until it was lying in dereliction before him. A lump that had swollen in his throat became painful.
Why? he wondered. Why does the darkness haunt me so?
You didn't have to say anything. You simply took his hands in yours, rubbed your thumb over his trembling knuckles.
And he fell into your arms, and cried.
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[FIRST][PREV][Next chapter to come soon <3]
Thank you to my tag list: @cordidy @witchyafterdark If you'd like to be added/ removed, please let me know 💚
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porcelain-savior · 5 months
Now that I know you don’t mind writing ooc stone… I have so many more ideas holy. I’ll send them in separately whenever so you can write whenever you feel like your having writers block or smth!!
Okay, idk if you write for pebble (stones candy trip demon) but I was reading smth on ao3 and it was like “it’s canon that vinnie and skipp can interact with pebble, that would mean that the reader could interact with him too. And pebble is technically a part of stone” and then the fic was like the reader giving pebble some love. So cute. Maybe smth like that?
If you don’t write for pebble as well as stone, I totally get it and it’s no problem! Maybe just more of the reader making stone flustered 😋
Also, im coming out… as an emoji anon!!! I’ve sent in so many asks that I feel that at this point you should know who I am 😭 is the 🪐 emoji free? If so, may I claim it?
Pebble x Reader
a/n: HI 🪐!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE!! BUT HI!! Anyways, I have never really written for pebble before, so if it sounds a little out of character for him let me know 👹
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“What is that?” You asked, pointing over to Pebble, who was poking at Stone’s cheek. “That’s Pebble, he’s Stone’s—candy demon or whatever.” Vinnie shrugged. “He’s fucking annoying.” Stone grumbled, pushing Pebble away, who only smirked. “Such a party pooper…” Pebble muttered, before his gaze landed on you. Stone noticed. “Don’t even think about it!” Stone said, shoving his finger at Pebble who giggled.
“Hi.” Pebble said, titling his head to the side as he smirked. You raised an eyebrow. “What are you here?” You asked, poking his cheek. Pebble chuckled. “Your new best friend.” He said, taking your hands into his. “Maybe even more…”
You blinked, your cheeks flushed. “Oh my…” You giggled. “Could you not flirt with them?!” Stone groaned as he shook his head, before he munched on more candy. “So…is this like the better version of Stone?” You asked, looking over to the other three while Pebble was fondling over you. “He appears when Stone eats too much candy.” Vinnie said as she sighed.
“I might just have Stone eat a lot of candy.” You smirked, glancing over to Pebble who smiled. “What a sweet talker!” Pebble said, wrapping his arms around your neck.
“Oh for christs sake..” Stone groaned as he shook his head. “Out of everyone, including me, you pick Pebble? PEBBLE.” Stone said, looking between you two. You shrugged.
“I like his hair.”
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4, 5, 7, 14
(Okay I really liked these ones fyi)
4. Rank the main 7.
  Ooh tough one. I guess right now, in order of favorite to least favorite, I’d have to go Sodapop, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, Dally, and then finally Darry. But it’s pretty close, and the order changes day by day honestly- I like all of them a lot, y’know? I guess the only one I don’t think about too often is Darry. I still like him and think he’s a really well-written character- I just don’t have a lotta original thoughts about him, is all, whereas I do about all the others. 
5. What are your fave ships?
  In a truly shocking turn of events, I, a frequent draw-er and writer of Stevepop, am going to say Stevepop. I dunno, something about them just makes me happy. Reminds me of like…daydreams I had when I was twelve and crushing on my best friend, and trying to get her attention by doing stupid things and whatever…god I don’t really know how to explain why I like it. Before this fandom I didn’t usually ship things, to be honest. But I guess when I did it’d be stuff like Jesslake in Infinity Train, where it’s the sorta thing that can be seen as platonic or romantic. I reckon Stevepop scratches a similar itch in my brain lol
  But I also really like Marcia x Two-Bit, which I haven’t really talked about here much- They had good chemistry, y’know? I oughta draw something about them sometime
  And then finally there’s my DIY crack-ish ship Soda x Steve x Evie. I like them! It’s all the things I like about Stevepop, plus there’s a cool girl in the mix! I love cool girls! More folks should think about them i think
  I do like other ships okay too- like the Tarry crowd has dragged me in, and sometimes the Jally crowd does too, along with Purly and occasionally Johnnyboy. I’m not an active participant, but when I come across it, I sorta mentally nod and say “nice”, you dig? They’re like…my ship-in-laws. Or like…milk duds and hershey bars- candy I still enjoy, but reach for only after I’m out of milky ways and twizzlers.
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
  Two-Bit and Pony! I like them a lot. Their interactions in the book were some of my favorite parts. That line when Two-Bit was worried about Ponyboy using that broken bottle on the Socs…ugh that part was great. I remember reading it for the first time and just sitting there thinking about how much I liked that detail.
  Then on the opposite side of the coin, Steve and Pony lol. I LOVE how Pony doesn’t initially like Dally or Steve, and yet Dally’s chill with Pony…but with Steve the disdain is mutual. Jk I don’t think Steve really hates Pony- but he definitely thinks Pony’s kinda annoying. I like the idea of him watching out for Pony anyways though, like at school especially now that Soda’s not going.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
Sodapop has ADHD and maybe (?) dyslexia, but it’s the 60s so he won’t find out till he’s well into adulthood
Marcia gave Two-Bit her real number, and was disappointed when he didn’t call it. I like to imagine they end up remeeting at some point and going out together- even if that’s kinda unrealistic lol
Steve hated Dally when he first rolled into town, because Dally was everything he really wanted to be- tough, cool, and street-smart. And he was also scared of losing Soda, who thought Dally rocked- because Dally’s from New York and rides in rodeos! Eventually they became buddies though when Dally gave Steve a compliment or something. Not even a particularly good one- something like “Hey you ain’t bad at fighting”- just barely enough for Steve to feel like Dally’s earned a little bit of his loyalty. Might write fic/make a comic for this- it’s kinda niche but I think the idea is funny
Steve and Soda secretly listen to the Beach Boys at the DX. They can’t tell anyone because it’s not tuff to like a dumb California band. And Ponyboy would like the Beatles if he listened to them, but he doesn’t, so he won’t realize that until years after Beatlemania has died down
Steve is not just a Ponyboy hater but also a horses-in-general hater. He thinks horses are scary and unpredictable and that cars were invented for a reason. He was secretly relieved when Mr. Curtis stopped Soda from riding rodeos, because seeing Soda on a crazy horse gave him mad anxiety. Pretended he was sad though for Soda’s sake
Thanks so much for asking!! I loved answering these so much lol, definitely let me know your thoughts too on ‘em!
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liketheletter-l · 3 months
F: Share a snippet of one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
hmmmmm. okay i really wanted to share something i HAVEN'T posted but i think i have to do the argument in scotch gambit chapter 2, so here's a snippet:
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i spent like an entire month on this argument, making sure there was tension, tweaking the meanness level, etc etc. i'm a big fan of the way it all dovetails and i think the rhythm & pacing of the whole scene turned out really well. Also i love my donnie lines. he's probably my favorite character to write dialogue for
rest under the cut:
H: How would you describe your style?
OOOH i like this question a lot. i would say: very conversational. full of...Flavor. others have described my writing as like saturated which i think tracks. im pretty sure it would taste like sour candy
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and explain why you like them so much.
Okay im going to do fic writers that are not my friends (Yet 😏) bc that seems more fair (but please check out radish and rem and russ and dandy)
@magicalspacedragon (ao3)
god the fucking. The. i don't even have the words to express how much i love this author's writing it's (goes on to express in words) it's just so fucking VISCERAL and full to the brim with personality. This is the type of shit that makes me really THINK about the characters and their motivations and it makes me want to write self-indulgent thinkpieces and characters studies and i just AHAGRARUAGRHGERHGEUYGA';6'35PL63;.' im normal
2. @turtleinsoup (turtlesoupswimmer on ao3)
the lemonade leak is one of the best fics i've ever read dude. The pacing the fucking BUILDUP but i would honestly read this author's grocery lists. their style is So enriching to read it is like a treat for my brain. Literally countless times reading their work i've had to close my laptop and stare at a wall for ten minutes like How Did They Do That. i've been thinking nonstop about their reincarnation au "and again" so you should read that if you want to be really fucked up about twins
3. @stillateenageabomination (ao3)
This author ended my life with "eight long months" and then just kept resurrecting me and killing me again with their whumptober series. Holy fucking fuck. this person is REDEFINING the whump genre guys Literally doing angst like no other. Every fucking time i read a stillateenageabomination fic it moves into the apartment complex of my brain permanently. RENT FREE.
honorable mention: @i-logophile for writing "the glass pawn" one of my Favorite Fucking Fics of Ever. i hope you write many more things in the future because i will devour all of them ravenously holy fuck that fic is so good
V: If you could write the sequel/prequel to any fic out there NOT written by yourself, what would it be?
this is tricky because there are a lot of unfinished fics out there i would love to explore the rest of but wouldn't want to be like "well i'd write a sequel because THEY'RE NOT FINISHING IT FAST ENOUGH 🙄" cuz not only is that rude it would send me directly to Hypocrite Hell
Buuut in terms of fics that are like, well and truly finished, i would fucking love to see the aftermath of "skinning the children for a war drum" by @jumpinginmuddypuddles. this fucking fic is so good. The leo chapter exploded me and all the boys have such strong characterization and interesting backstories and i'd love to see them interact and learn to trust each other/become a family again🥺
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downwiththeficness · 6 months
Shadow and Veil-Chapter Forty Seven (Final Chapter)
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Summary: Eva Moore’s life was a carefully constructed fiction.  Every day, she did exactly what her mother in law, her husband, and his  best friend expected of her. No mistakes. And, that was going pretty  well for Eva right up until a huge complication literally tried to run  her over. Now, she’s faced with trying to keep the pieces of her life  from falling apart while attempting (and failing) to keep her feelings  for her husband’s new business partner at bay.
A/N: This fic is a sister-fic to A Need So Great and A Need Unleashed.  You do not need to have read ANSG or ANU to read this fic, but there  are Easter eggs from those fics in Shadow and Veil for readers with keen  eyes.  This fic is explicit for canon-compliant blood, gore, violence,  and sex. As such, it is intended for an adult audience, only. A/B/O  dynamics come with their own warning. Anyone under the age of 18 should  not interact with this work. I do not consent to reposting this work to  other platforms. Reblog only to Tumblr.  
Word Count: ~1,100
Start from the beginning    Previous Chapter 
Masterlist Read on AO3
Eva sat in the front seat of Horacio’s truck, looking around with interest. There were cars parked in uniform lines on either side of her, each of them pointed at a huge screen.
The weather was just this side of too hot, one last burst of heat before the rainy season. Above, the moon shone high and full, illuminating the field and surrounding forest. The field was tucked away from the road and all the streetlights, leaving them in near darkness that was cut through with the pre-show animations.
She had no idea who Peter Fonda was, or what it meant to be a ‘hired hand’, but Horacio loved Westerns and that was enough for her. She didn’t care that it would be dubbed in Spanish, Eva was just glad to be out and about.
Coming back to Colombia was like surfacing from underwater and taking a huge breath. She was finally back in the home she shared with Horacio. Finally back in their bed. It didn’t matter that Horacio got right back to work or that Eva still couldn’t find a job.
She was home.
The door opened and Horacio dropped into the passenger’s seat with an armful of candy and other treats. Eva stared at the bounty, surprised, “We’re never going to eat all that.”
He lifted a brow, “I’ve seen your snack platters, Eva.”
The man had a point.
“I withdraw my statement.”
Eva carefully arranged the snacks on the console between them, making sure to group them by category—salty, sweet, sour, savory. Picking up a small cut of diced fruit, she got comfortable and dug in.
“Carlos asked us over for dinner,” Horacio mentioned casually.
He nodded, “He got a new grill and wants to test it out.”
Eva chuckled around a bit of mango, “Should we bring a hose?”
Turning a little in his seat, Horacio’s mouth lifted in half a smile, “He said he has one, We’ll keep it at the ready.”
“I think that’s a good idea,” Eva said as she picked up at box of sour candy and slid her thumb under the cardboard.
He was quiet a moment, watching her pick through the candies to find a red one. Then, “He said something else, too.”
She looked up in question and murmured an intrigued, “What did he say?”
Horacio’s earnest expression and the way he was watching her intently set her back a step. He looked nervous, almost worried. She reached over and touched his arm, finding it trembling, “What did he say?”
His palm laid atop hers, “That I was taking our relationship for granted.”
Stunned, Eva shook her head, “I don’t think…”
He cut her off, “I have. A little. I was so...confident that you were mine from the very beginning.” A hand waved away Eva’s soft ‘I was’. He took a breath, “I made a lot of decisions for you. I pushed you too hard. And, I am so grateful that you didn’t tell me to fuck off.”
Eva laughed soundlessly, “Oh, I wanted to a few times.”
“I know,” Horacio drawled, with humor. “I deserved it.”
She sighed, “It was...an impossible situation.” A pause, “Was. Its not impossible anymore. This,” she squeezed his arm, “this is an easy thing.”
Horacio smiled, “You’re right. And, I’ve been so focused on my work, and then Mexico happened.” He drew a breath, “Then…”
Eva shivered as his hand drifted across her gland. Her throat tightened around the still too fresh feeling of their bond.
“So,” he rasped, “I have something for you.”
He reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out a small deli box. Eva smiled when he handed it to her, that smile growing when she recognized the logo on the top. They had been back to that restaurant a few times since returning from their trip. The food was as good as she remembered it.
“I had them make that special. For the occasion.”
Thumb pushing open the top, Eva almost laughed at the little cake inside. Oblong and golden brown, the homemade Twinkie sat on a bed of chocolate shavings. The sweet smell of fried dough reached her nose, telling Eva that it was going to be absolutely delicious.
When she looked up to thank Horacio, he was also holding a box. This one was considerably smaller, fitting in to the palm of his hand. Eva’s breath caught and the weight of what he was doing settled over her.
“I know this is late,” he said, “But, I—ah—I wanted to give you this.”
She took the box from him and opened it. Her eyes watered when she saw what was inside. Blinking away the tears, Eva plucked the ring from its velvet cushion. Set in silver, the oval sapphire was flanked on either side by small, glittering diamonds. Eva slid it on her finger, turning her hand so that the stones glinted in the dim light.
“Its perfect,” she croaked around all her love for him.
Horacio let out a relieved breath, “I’m so glad you like it.”
“I do like it,” she replied, leaning over the console to kiss him. “How did you even get this? You’ve been at work, or with me the whole time we’ve been back.”
His smile was shy, “I actually bought it in Mexico. While we were...apart.” He took a steadying breath, “I told myself that I would give it to you when I got you back.”
All the tears Eva had been holding back burst forth with an ugly sob. She sniffed loudly and reached for him. Eva held him tightly to her, buried her face into his neck, and breathed in tobacco and vetiver.
“I love you,” she breathed, pulling back to kiss his forehead, his cheek, his lips.
Horacio smiled into the kiss, “Let me take you home.”
“We’ll miss the movie,” she murmured, “Look, its already starting.”
Eva was right. The title screen had just faded away and music was swelling through the little speakers. He didn’t even glance in the direction of the screen, “We’ll catch another show.”
“You promised,” Eva reminded him.
A sigh, “I did promise.”
“You did.”
Licking his lips, Horacio made a noise of resignation, “Alright, I promised you a movie, and we’re going to watch it.”
“My first movie,” Eva replied, holding up a finger.
“Yes, yes. Your first movie,” he conceded, “But, the second we get back…” He let that promise hang in the air between them. Then, “Eat your Twinkie.”
Eva picked the Twinkie out from the box and broke it in half, “You want some.”
Horacio shook his head, “Even homemade, it will still be too sweet.”
“More for me,” she shot back primly.
He slung an arm over her shoulders, “Anything you want, Eva. Its all yours.”
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etherealphosphor · 1 year
⟡ Contains: Albedo x Gn!Reader, Reader takes love potion, Sfw, Fluff, A little suggestive at times
⟡ Orange italics are Albedo’s thoughts
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Lately, Albedo’s studies had been interrupted by something he had never quite experienced before. It was a warm feeling in his chest, one he couldn’t quite explain properly. Whenever he thought of you, his dearest friend, that feeling always seemed to occur. It really puzzled Albedo. Was this just how friends felt about one another? Or perhaps something special?
One day, Albedo couldn’t take it anymore and decided to get to the bottom of this emotion. Of course, the first step was to invite you over to his lab for a chat. Albedo got out his feather pen and began to write you a letter.
     "Dear [Name],
I have come across something quite interesting lately, and it seems to be connected to you. I believe that it is worth investigating. It would be lovely if you were to come by my lab tomorrow so we could discuss it. Make sure to pack warm clothing. Dragonspine is a harsh place, and I wouldn’t want you to get frostbite.
     Sincerely, Albedo."
Albedo’s letters were always very straightforward. He licked the envelope closed and set off towards Mondstadt to deliver it to your house himself. This was how Albedo usually invited people, as he was quite introverted. In his eyes, the less social interaction, the better. There was no need for him to come inside to talk to someone when they could just read the letter.
However, just as he was about to set the letter inside your mailbox, he got the intense urge to knock on your door and talk to you in person instead. Hm, that’s new. Another odd feeling surrounding [Name]..
But before he could knock, you walked up from behind him. "Albedo? What are you doing away from Dragonspine?"
Albedo was a little bit startled, but his voice didn’t give it away. "Ah, what a coincidence. I was just about to come to talk to you."
"Oh? About what, exactly?" You asked him.
"Well, I don’t exactly know what it is. That’s why I’m here. It’s worth discussing, I promise you. I would prefer we talk in my lab, if you’re up for the trip."
You raised an eyebrow. "Albedo, you’re the alchemy expert here; do you expect me to understand anything about your research? If you don’t understand something, how in the world will I?"
Albedo laughed. "It’s not about my research, [Name]. It’s something else, and I know it’s connected to you in some way. Do you mind coming with me right now?"
"Uhh.. alright then. I suppose I don’t have anything better to do. Just let me set my bag down inside first; I just went shopping." You said, sounding extremely confused. Albedo was your best friend, but that didn’t mean you understood him a hundred percent of the time.
Albedo nodded and waited outside as you put your things next to your entry table. Though, before walking back out, you grabbed a bottle from inside the bag.
"Well, should we get going?" You asked him.
"Yes, we should. Though I’m curious, what is that drink you’re holding?" He pointed to the bottle, which was filled with a rouge colored liquid.
As you began to walk with him, you explained. "It’s some drink I got while shopping. There was a farmer’s market in town today, and this one stand was giving out free stuff."
"Ah, have you tried it yet?" Albedo asked, trying his best to engage in small talk.
"Nope, not yet." You took the cork out and took a small sip. "Ooh, it’s very sweet; it tastes almost like strawberries and honey."
Albedo’s eyes lit up. He had a very big sweet tooth and was seriously considering asking for a sip. Though, the bottle was quite small, even just taking a small sip would be drinking a lot of the contents in it. So he decided against it. I’ll just find something when I get back to Dragonspine.
As you walked, you soon finished the drink and put the empty bottle in your pocket.
"Oh, Albedo, you like candy, right?" You asked him.
"Yes, I do; why?"
You rummaged through one of your other pockets and handed him a small box of sweets. "Here, have these. I was going to eat them, but that drink was just so sweet that I don’t feel like it anymore."
Albedo took the candy from you, trying to contain his excitement. It was just a small gift; why was he so happy? Sure, he loved candy, but not so much as to make his heart skip a beat when he received it. Strangely, his thoughts lingered on the way you smiled at him when offering the box to him. Another abnormality in my emotions, huh? What could be the cause?
"Thank you, [Name]. I really appreciate it." Albedo smiled back at you.
Eventually, the two finally reached the river bordering Dragonspine.
"Come here, [Name]. The only bridge across is broken; I’ll have to use my vision. Unless you want to go take a swim?" Albedo said to you.
"I’d freeze to death if I went into that river, Albedo." You laughed and then walked over to him.
He set down his elemental skill before picking you up bridal style in his arms. As you felt Albedo’s arms around you, your cheeks began to feel a little warm. Meanwhile, Albedo’s face was tomato red, and his heart was beating extremely fast. What in the world is this feeling? I’m just carrying them; why am I nervous all of a sudden? Hm.. even more evidence that I must speak with them about this anomaly.
Soon, he got you safely across the bridge and set you down. "[Name], you are looking a little flushed; are you okay? Are the temperatures getting to you? I can give you my coat if you’d like."
"Speak for yourself, Albedo." You teased him. "The cold is making you bright red."
Albedo chuckled a little. "Yes, yes.. the cold. Yeah."
It is most definitely not the cold; these feelings have nothing to do with the climate of Dragonspine. 
"[Name], my offer still stands. I can give you my coat if you are getting cold." Albedo seemed a little worried for your well-being.
"That would be appreciated. But what about you? Won’t you be freezing? I wouldn’t want to take it from you if you’ll be suffering without it."
"[Name], do not be concerned. I’m not bothered by the cold, as I’m not human. Feel free to take it." Albedo said as he handed the coat to you.
As you put it on, you could smell his scent on the fabric. A strange feeling washed over you, and you pulled the hood over your head. Something about that chalky aroma of his made you weak in the knees.
After a short walk, you two finally reached Albedo’s lab.
"We’re here, [Name]. Make yourself comfortable while I brew some tea." Albedo turned around to look for the needed ingredients.
You sat down, leaning against the alchemy table. You felt a little dizzy for some reason and were giving yourself a break from standing. Suddenly, your eyes grew heavy, and you passed out.
When you came to, Albedo was sitting on his knees in front of you. "Are you okay!? Do you remember your name? Let me take your temperature. Do you have any idea why you might have passed out? Do you need water? Does it hurt anywhere? Are you taking any medication right now??"
You looked at him as he bombarded you with questions, your cheeks quite flushed.
"[Name], why aren’t you responding? What’s going on? Please say something. I need to make sure this isn’t serious." Albedo looked extremely concerned and began to check if you had a fever.
Suddenly, you grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him in for a kiss. Albedo’s eyes went wide, and his entire face went a bright shade of red. He tried to get away from you, but you pinned him down to the floor.
"[Name], what are you doing!?" Albedo looked up at you, extremely flustered.
However, you didn’t answer him, and you went in for another passionate kiss, savoring the taste of his lips. He tried to struggle again, but it was to no avail. Then he got an idea. When you paused for a minute to catch your breath, Albedo bit your lips. Hard.
Due to the pain, you lost your focus, and your grasp loosened. Albedo immediately rolled away from you and stood up. His hair was messy, and his heart was beating fast. Oh.. oh wow. That was something. Not unpleasant in the slightest, but very surprising nonetheless. As weird as it sounds, I think that I actually enjoyed that.. a lot. I suppose I know what those feelings I was having towards them are now. I fancy them. Interesting.. I’ve never experienced love before. Though, they aren’t acting quite right, there’s something I need to check.
Before you could fully recover, Albedo pushed you against the alchemy bench and used two of his fingers to open one of your eyes wider. Yup, it’s as I expected. Love potion. [Name]’s irises are slightly pink. Even if I like them and don’t mind their advances, I mustn’t let them do as they please in this state. They aren’t in their right mind; it would be wrong of me to take advantage of that.
As Albedo was lost in thought, you managed to knee him in the stomach, winding him.
"Aah-!" Albedo yelped.
You quickly picked him up as he was catching his breath and set him down with his back against his desk. You held his arms down, effectively pinning him.
"[Name], don’t take this any further. You’re not thinking straight." Albedo warned you, attempting to get through to the last bit of sanity you had left.
You leaned down, and Albedo braced himself, expecting another passionate kiss. However, you whispered something in his ear: "Sunshine.."
".. What?" Albedo blushed, the nickname making him feel even more flustered.
"I know you want this, Sunshine. Stop struggling. I see the way you look at me." You said sweetly, trying to convince him.
"[Name], I don’t. Considering your mind is in chaos right now due to that potion and you can’t make proper decisions, using this moment to fulfill my desires would be extremely immoral." Albedo told you, trying to stay calm and collected.
"Mm.. you’re no fun." You moved one of your hands to push some hair out of Albedo’s face. 
Spotting an opportunity, Albedo used his free hand to push you away. This caused you to let go of his arm, allowing him to escape. Once he was free, Albedo ran to his shelves to try to find an antidote. I’m sure it was here; I’m sure I had something to fix this.. I just have to-
Without warning, you grabbed his shoulders, smiling, and turned him around to face you. "Trying to run away? Do you really hate this that much?"
"No, [Name], I don’t hate what’s happening, I hate the fact that the potion is making you do it. I’m not going to take advantage of you, and that’s final. I know you’re only trying to convince me because the potion is fogging up your thoughts." Albedo looked into your eyes, which were now an obvious hot pink color.
You pushed him against the shelf, smiling. "You look cute like this, Sunshine."
Suddenly, Albedo saw the antidote on the shelf. It was just out of reach. If only he could just get a little bit closer, then—
You grabbed Albedo’s hair, pulling his head to one side. Gently, you bit his neck, causing him to let out a tiny whimper.
"Oh? Enjoying that, hm?" You smiled, continuing to bite.
Your fingers caressed his body gently, the feeling driving Albedo crazy. Turning a little bit, Albedo managed to get a hold of the small green vial.
"[Name], can we make a deal here?" Albedo asked you.
You stopped touching him for a minute, intrigued. "Sure, what is it?"
"You drink the green liquid in this bottle, and I’ll let you do anything you want to me, okay?"
You smiled mischievously. "Really? That’s all it takes? Anything for you, Sunshine."
You took the bottle from him, downing the whole thing in one go. The pink color faded from your eyes, and you blinked a couple times in confusion.
You saw a messy-haired, red-faced Albedo standing in front of you. "What.. happened?" 
"Before I tell you, you must promise me that you will never take free drinks from strangers ever again."
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-Don’t pretend you don’t like it -
Blaine DeBeers
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Blaine Debeers x reader oneshot
Thinking of making this into a full collection of oneshots
Best playlist:
Word count: 1,498
❤️‍🔥 smut with backstory
Kidnapping, CNC (reader acts like they don’t like it, spoiler alert, they do), daddy kink, master kink, ownership, rough sex, vaginal sex, zombie reader…
-Don’t pretend you don’t like it-
I feel like I’ve been trapped in this bar for weeks, when really it’s probably only been a few days, not like I could tell, with the limited sunlight through the small basement windows.
The only “human” interaction I’ve had has been another poor girl named Candy, I guess it’s not her real name, but in Seattle, you can never really tell, some guy called Don E, who will correct you if you call him Donny, and of course, the one who caused all this, Blaine.
Crazy how one minute you can drunkly stumble into a hot and upcoming bar with your new roommate and the next you’re locked up in said bar, oh and now you’re a zombie. Not exactly how I pictured my first night out in the big city. I’d heard crazy rumours about supposed zombies roaming the streets of Seattle, but as a newbie in town, I guessed it was just people’s way of playing some sick joke to scare me.
I don’t have much memory of the night I got turned, only that I was ordering a round of shots for me and my new group of friends when a tall, blond guy, who claimed to be the owner or the club, told me it was on the house, we got to talking and the next thing I know I wake up on a small leather couch across from a desk, white streaks in my hair, and an uncomfortable hunger in my gut. Blaine then introduced himself, told me I was now a zombie, he claimed he didn’t mean to scratch me, it was a slip of his nails when I suddenly pulled my hand away from his grasp when my roommate told me it was time to leave.
I wasn’t sure I believed him, but I supposed I didn’t have much choice, the doors have been locked ever since, I’ve tried escaping with the crowds at night, but the large bouncers would always hold me back, returning me to Blaine in his office, where he’d punish me in, well, unorthodox ways.
So here I am, nursing my old fashioned, extra hot, while Don E hammers on about his new business idea,
“Brains on planes! Think about it! We get out hyper rich clientele to choose a brain, and we fly it over to their fancy ass private islands.”
I rolled my eyes and went back to staring at my drink, slowly stirring it with the small red straw, about to take another sip when-
“Y/n, my office. Now.”
I sighed at the sound of his voice, don’t get me wrong, he’s very attractive, his looks, his demeanour, yet I was still salty about the whole zombie thing, naturally. Still, I complied and made my way into the back room, drink in hand.
“Look, I know you can’t help it, but at least try to look happy, it’s a real downer, not to mention bad for business.” He teased, voice stern and menacing, looking me up and down as I sat in the chair across from his desk
“I’d be a bit happier if you’d let me go.” I tried my best to be assertive, even though I knew it pushed his buttons.
“You know, you should be a lot nicer to me! You’ve got a warm bed to sleep in, all the brains you can eat, and the best part… you get to spend all your time with dear, old, me.” He strung out those last few words, taking a step towards me each time.
His hand landed on my cheek, softly caressing it before firmly gripping my chin
“What to do with you… actually, I have an idea.”
He led me to his chair, pulling me down on his lap, one hand stroking my lower back before tightly gripping my waist, other hand playing with the hem of my dress. “Such a lucky girl, yet so ungrateful.” I felt his hand tangle in my hair before starkly pulling it, making me look at him. I wanted to spit back some snarky retort, but I restrained myself, I knew what was coming.
“Off, now.” He motioned towards my clothing, it wasn’t much, just my now wrinkled black party dress, worn from wearing it practically every day since I entered this god forsaken bar. I reluctantly stood up and pulled the fabric over my head, leaving me in just my lace panties.
“You really are a sight for sore eyes, Princess.”
I couldn’t help but blush at his pet-name, swiftly looking down before he could notice.
I felt his strong hands run down my shoulders, to my wrists, my hands, giving them a sweet yet firm grip before spinning me round and pushing my face down onto the hardwood desk, one hand pinning my wrists to my lower back while the other explored my bare torso, then to my thighs.
“Let me put a smile on your face.”
I whimpered as I heard the familiar sound of his belt unbuckling, and then him adjusting his tight black jeans. His hand then returned to my thighs, massaging and gripping them as he made his way from one leg to the other , then he pulled away, only to return with a harsh slap to my ass. I jerked from the shock and bit my lip to hide my moans. He wasn’t gonna break me that easy.
His fingers then found their way to the waistband of my underwear, pulling them down and letting them drop to my ankles, he then ghosted his fingers over my cunt, softly running a digit through my folds.
“Show daddy what a good girl you are.”
I felt his hard-on press against my skin before quickly slamming into me. I yelped in pain and tensed up.
“Easy baby, daddy’s got you” he feigned sympathy, holding still for just a second before starting up and a brutal pace, pulling out almost entirely before harshly entering me once again.
I could feel the skin on my lip break, the metallic taste of blood dotting my tongue as I held back my screams and moans, only stifled noises coming out. I wasn’t gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing how I enjoyed feeling him inside of me, how I loved when he fucked me like this, how I spent every minute of the day thinking about his cock filling my insides.
He shamelessly grunted and groaned with every thrust, throwing in curse words and whimpers of my name every time I let a cry escape.
“Come on baby, don’t pretend you don’t like it.” He moaned while pulling my head up by my hair. My mouth betrayed me, a strained “F-fuck!” Making its way out as he hit just the right spot. He released his grip making me fall back down with a thud.
“That’s it baby, tell daddy how good he makes you feel.” Pride taking over his voice. “You wanna cum for me?” I started shaking me head. “N-no no I-“ I interrupted myself with a loud moan when his free hand snaked its way down to my clit, my body going tense as I held back my orgasm.
He pulled out and I whimpered at the empty feeling.
“Oh you’re gonna cum for me princess, and I want to see your face when you do.” He turned me back around and laid me down on the desk in what felt like a millisecond before pushing his length into me once again, resuming his brutal yet intoxicating pace.
This time I made no attempt at holding back my screams, moaning with every rough movement he made.
His hands found their way to my breasts, giving them a squeeze before moving them down to my hips, grasping them so hard I was sure he’d leave bruises, which I’d later admire in the dirty bathroom mirrors.
“Shit, y/n, such a dirty whore for me, only for me…” he trailed off as he threw his head back, my walls tightening around him as my moans became higher pitched and my hand desperately grasped for something to ground me.
Fireworks exploded behind my eyes and my body went limp as I finally let go, screaming his name, back arching.
A few moments later, Blaine came too, pushing my legs up to my chest as he leaned over me, sweat dripping from his forehead.
After a minute or two of catching our breath, he pulled out.
“That’s my girl.”
I panted softly, staring at the ceiling as I felt two fingers trial towards my pussy, pushing the leaking cum back in before bringing his fingers up to my lips, parting them before making me suck his digits clean.
He then pulled my face towards his, a biting and sloppy kiss landing on my lips.
He pulled up his pants and adjusted his button up shirt.
“Clean this up-“ he motioned towards his desk.
“Can’t I at least go for a smoke first?”
“Good idea, I’ll come with you- after you clean up the mess you made.”
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who1ssheesh · 6 months
Xanxus's s/o being best buds with squalo!!
Xanxus’ s/o being best friends with Squalo
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Pairings: Xanxus/reader, Squalo/reader |PLATONIC|
Notes: maybe I’ve taken “buds” way too serious + Xanxus is a little piece of shit here I’m sorry……I’ll prolly will make Squalo s/o being buds with Xus soon lol. I also think I will expand on this one, feels rushed on some moments here and there
Warnings: swearing, not proofread at all, possible break-up 💀
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If we take the route you’ve become friends with Squalo after starting to date Xanxus, then ooh boy, that’s a rocky start
Superbia admires Xanxus’ strength and specific traits – Squalo never in his life can terrify people around just by mere existing and suffocate with the strength through red wild eyes alone.
But other than that don’t they HATE each other with each letter in capital?
BTW Xanxus, on the other hand, is so ignorant he won’t admit any of Squalo’s strong traits to save his life, and captain acts much more reasonable here. So maybe you’re the one hinting to your man that he should go at least a little bit softer on his right hand
So. Squalo didn’t think Xanxus would date someone….like…….smart…….
He kind of expected a typical mob wife to be a candy of the eye and suck out (pun intended) money since Xanxus doesn’t care about people, you just gotta be useful to him
He can’t even lie he was dumbfounded seeing you for the first time. You are……..normal. He doesn’t mean ugly, you are pretty in a natural? Regular? way, not in a “I want to be a supermodel way too hard” way. Help me, I sound sexist.
It’s not an insult to you, it’s an “I can’t believe someone ambitious and smart got along with HIM”
100% the first time you see him is when Xanxus is beating the shit out of him with glasses again, and you were looking terrified to say the least. And Squalo was so NASTY, he really wished you would see this as the biggest red flag because he doesn’t want to see that bitch happy.
I mean it, there is just no way to get those two along, it’s a weird hate-infused destructive relationship between them.
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You talk for the first time somewhere in the hall after that incident.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Squalo doesn’t answer, but you swear you heard an angry screech of his teeth in return.
You stumbled into each other pretty accidentally. You could be getting coffee for Lussuria (of COURSE you had  to be friends with that-, he would think) and somehow you always got one for Squalo. You are subtle, most of the times not even talking to him, just acting like……you merely treat him as everyone else and don’t pay attention to his tantrums.
You are immune to tantrums with your boyfriend, you’re the reasonable one in the relationship lol
You are the first one to call Squalo out.
“Quit your bullshit”
• You know what’s funny? It worked. Now welcome hell, you can never escape but it’s funny at least.
• You start talking just a little bit, one step at a time, a rare sight seeing Squalo genuinely laugh at something. He enjoys your humor and your brute language, he can now see why you get along with Xanxus.
• You start gossiping with him a lot, he is such a bitch, no wonder Lussuria likes him. As we know, nothing brings you closer than this.
• Anyways, you forgot your furious manchild idiot of a man. And he doesn’t like what he sees, Xanxus unironically thinks you are fucking with Superbia, he is raging and is THIS far from shooting you two
• It’s a long and heated argument, honestly 90% chance it can lead to a break-up. THAT’S IT THANKS FOR READING
• No, but really it’s the first time you have such a scary interaction, it probably includes you having a breakdown.
• Squalo is around there as well, and he is sure to let Xanxus know he won’t let anything happen to you.
• It’s a hard one for your relationship, you probably don’t talk for several days, Squalo will feel guilty despite hating Xanxus with all soul. Xanxus may be a bitch, but you are not.
• Will be your voice of the reason - he can’t and won’t in any way pamper you or pity, but Squalo is good with spitting facts, 10/10 friend material
• Could be having some interactions with Xanxus about the situation, could be not, depends on his mood. But certainly will call his boss a fuck-head
• Sadly, I can’t see your friendship with Squalo go well with Xanxus. Squalo may be the reasonable, but your boyfriend in not
• You both develop a pretty defending relationship, Squalo is sinking with his buds trust me it’s a pride think. So at least you are going to be irritated at him throwing stuff at Squalo -> another argument.
• You don’t go too far though, you both respect each other’s independence and don’t act as mother hen. Rare mature friendship here
• You start going hanging out with Varia a lot, maybe you even meet some of his buds out of Varia. Xanxus is going to be around too btw, some can say he is acting calmer around you
• Squalo is a friend to insult you a lot even as a joke, so thick skin is required. Will be mad at you A LOT, but still is the one to come over at 2am 1000 km away if your car broke down or sum. But if it’s a shitty reason he will get mad and say to fuck your boyfriend’s brain instead.
• Even if you don’t try, you pick up some fencing knowledge lol. Squalo starts rambling a lot and really appreciates you listening. Does so in return, can interrupt you with a dumb joke or some nonsense but just wants to show you he listens
• Squalo can be away for long at missions and develop a habit of bringing you cards with a shitty dad jokes, insults or all together
• You humor synchronizes well, there are a lot of inside jokes, Squalo thinks those are the most important in a friendship lol. Excluding drinking bets
• Has some lines. Won’t get over your house if you are alone. Fair maybe? He wouldn’t be happy if his gf brought Xanxus at their house while he is away. Exception for some emergencies and business questions
• If you ever interested, Squalo will get you tickets to sword fight events. Especially where he participates lol. You don’t have to go, but….he gets you those cause wants to see you ok?? You brobably will go there with Bel or Lussuria
• BROFISTING A LOT AND I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. Sometimes that piece of shit bumbs you with a metal hand on purpose
• Since you don’t see each other in a sexual or any romantic light at all, Squalo often forgets you are a woman and could be smaller or not so tough (in a physical sense) and can hit you too hard
• You two rating others’ attractiveness 100%💀💀💀💀 Sometimes Luss involved
• It takes a really long time, but the 3am late chats while smoking at a balcony are a thing (I have doomer panelka vibes in my blood, doing that rn whatchu gonna do about it)
• He one day comes you for a serious advice because he’s unsure, and you are the only one Squalo trusts. You appreciate that a lot. Like…a lot
• He will do a lot in return to show his appreciation for your support, you know there is always a man behind your back, ready to catch you if you fall
• I don’t know, to be honest, of Xanxus ever makes peace with your friendship. He is not jealous, it’s about…trust. He is dead inside thinking that in critical situation you can chose Squalo, and Xanxus realizes his tantrums (that fight) break your trust in him even more, which makes Squalo more valuable to you. So in conclusion….Xanxus breaks his life again and is scared.
• But at some point, you don’t have to feel sorry for him, he also wounded you, and he knows that (he should). Squalo 100% will evaluate your ego and aggression a lot, you become confident in protecting your boundaries.
• So if ever Xanxus makes you choose (and holy shit I can imagine him doing this-), you don’t have to chose him just to please him? But it’s hurting someone’s trust either way.
• If you prioritize Xanxus, your relationship with Squalo grow noticeably colder. You obviously won’t develop an “I can’t trust you my life” friendship, but you notice Squalo is not angry about it and even sees a certain reason in your decision. He respects your view on the situation (since you are with Xanxus longer than being friend with Superbia) and sees this as a logical conclusion - that’s the character he likes you because of, ok? You still have a joke here and there or go crazy together rarely just like with any Varia guardian. You will notice Xanxus’ gaze anyway, but it’s a different one - he knows he is the one for you and can’t get enough of that fact.
• Well…….if in the end Xanxus hurts you too much….Squalo is flabbergasted to say the least and feels a lot of responsibility in here secretly, even tho he understands you both are adults + Xanxus can fuck himself piece of shit go and die + voi + ratio. He becomes distant because of this, all while you are weeping here all alone and having second thoughts. I’m the end, he comes at you door in the most Superbia fashion - with a slap and now you have 23 hour training sessions to get your mind clear or sum (he is trying). He gotta get you back to your feet with confidence and pride better as ever, because he is a friend. He goes to help at 2am, gets you when you are all out of breath and here to beat some cense back to you. He helps you get your place in a mafia life once you are chipped off of Xanxus and are all alone, he honestly the one to see you succeed and make yourself a name AND he will hardcore convince you to become a swordsman as well if a potential is seen. It could be decades, but you are still here for Superbia as he is for you, and everyone knows you are always around each other - loud, arrogant, bashful and foul-mouthed. And he still bumps you with a metal hand on purpose istg
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sapphic-agent · 11 months
Will work on my Izuocha ask. But here lets talk about Momo. She had a powerful OP quirk and so much potential but is shafted bc she has to be Mineta's target and also an "eye candy" for the fans. I say this as there many, many nsfw works of Momo where...well you get the gist.
1) Momo can create anything as long she can visualize in her mind. She could have been s great ally and friend to Izu as I think she would have to analyse her quirk (would be nice Izu having someone who does analyses too and isnt seen as "creepy")
2) Momo is rich. Extremely so, so why is she a hero? I know is an unfair question as we dont even get the answer for the mc(yes we got a generic "I want to help" but like come on this could have been more explored). But like if she is not doing for the money...then why? What is the endgoal? "I want to be a hero bc...bc!" Every kid, to me, seems to just want to be a hero bc yes (makes make me think: is the mkt in this world is that strong?)
3) Why she is wearing that uniform? While I get the intention of Izu having a costume that is "cosplay for poor" Why Momo used that? Did someone made her mind?(can see Midnight here but I admit I prefer her as a dark figure rather "she is the best woman on earth") like I know Hori did for fanservice but is a fanservice that hurts the character
4) is it canon she has meet Shoto before? Fanon seems to say in fics "Momo and Shoto are rich kids friends" which I mean, make sense as she is a heir (we dont even know what her family does) I ask this bc...IF this is true, did Momo had any positive thought about Endy?
5) Her quirk is super OP...and while I dont think she needs a quirk awaken I do think she, a minor in possession of such quirk needed more protection ...which makes me think if she was to have protection...would be bc of her op quirk or money?
1. I would love to see Yaoyorozu and Izuku interact more! I think they'd mesh well, especially since they're both intellectual people. Could have made for some fun scenes.
2. Yes, she needs a goal! Some have brought up that she could be the result of a successful quirk marriage that wasn't as abusive or dysfunctional as the Todorokis and tbh I think that's my headcanon now. They do imply that every kid wants to be a hero, but the kind of person she is I feel like it should go behind childhood dreams.
3. According to Horikoshi, this was Yaomomo's decision. Apparently, she wanted to show even more skin to make her quirk more accessible, but they restricted her (realistically, it's Hori being a perv). The theme of her suit is supposed to be "functionality" I'm guessing due to the kind of person she is. But the way her costume is, is more of a hindrance than a help. I said this to @anti-katsuki-lounge but she has no chest protection and the bookcase on her back could easily break her spine if she falls on it. I also always thought it would have made more sense for her to have an open back instead of an open chest since her back would be bigger space than her chest and she ends up ripping her shirt to make things out of her back anyway.
4. Yeah fanon is gonna have to take the L here. It's implied that Todoroki was completely isolated. Endeavor didn't even let him see his sibling let alone other kids. I'm almost sure he was homeschooled and even if he wasn't, Izuku was his first friend. And him and Yaomomo don't act like they knew each other beforehand, at most they knew of each other because of the recommendation exam.
5. Yes her quirk is super OP. Tbh, what would a quirk awakening for her even look like?
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godteri-takk · 1 year
I hate that i cant remember names of other peeps oc SORRY
But u have coral? It think so
To them 2, 6, 9, 18, 37, 43
And to Kation: 12, 15, 18, 24,
Anddd to u
Coral: A, B, J
Kation A, B, J as well
Oh wow this is a LOT! This'll be so fun to answer thank you :D theres art too! Image:desc in ALT
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Coral (she/he)
2: How easy is it for them to laugh?
Laughter doesn't always come easy to him, and for long he was ashamed of her laughter. It's a snorty laugh in short quick puffs, I think it's really cute! She feels comfortable laughing around close friends tho, especially late at night after a long hang-out with candy and music :)
6: Do they consider laws flexible or immovable?
She want to be rebellious but in his heart, he thinks they're immovable.
9: Do they swear? First swear word?
He started swearing only after he'd Fallen, and the first one was shit xD
18: What embarrasses them?
Being wrong, wearing clothes he's not comfortable with, not having control over his body, showing people his vent-art, stuttering, being judged, being messy, a lot of things honestly.
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37: Do they have a system to remember things?
She ties the thing she need to remember to a visual picture. For example, if needing to remember how to spell the word "carpet" she'll imagine a little kitty in a car. Car-pet.
43: how would they explain their sexuality?
Ooooh that could've been a post on its own tbh. No! I'll keep it brief! Coral is objectum. He's aroace when it comes to people. His beloved objects, his partners, are Boy! the bunny plushie, Rey the computer, Sugar the flip-phone and Stellar the chain. They're depicted in both the ref-sheets :) So the main type of objects he's attracted to are plushies, technology, chains and sometimes buildings :) But you know, just as with other sexualities, she's not attracted to EVERY object tn these categories, just as lesbians aren't attracted to ALL girls.
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Kation (hen/she/it)
12: How do they deal with a itch in a spot they can't reach? (Thats so spesific what XD)
Can only imagine that being its back. Use a stick or rub its back against something like a corner, a tree, the couch, anything
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15: How do they speak?
She talks on the spot and use a lot of slang and some swear-words, she's quite outspoken and its emotions affect their tone a lot. Its voice is kinda deep and rough/ragged, with a growl hiding just under the surface of the voice.
18: what embarrasses them?
Failing in things hen thought hen was good at, sharing vulnerable feelings, admitting flaws, being considered weak or mean
24: Are they comfortable talking about sex? With whom?
Kation is very confident in its sexuality and is comfortable with talking about it with anyone who wants to! It's just a casual topic to her.
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To Me!
A: What am I excited about these characters?
About Kation I love its design and powers and personality, I love to draw hen and Imagine hen in all kinds of scenarios, how hen interact with others, anything. Designing outfits for both Kation and Coral is super fun, about Coral i love his emotional life, her facial expressions, that she's objectum, his past, his inner conflicts and problems and worries.
B: what inspired me to create them?
Kation was created because I needed a main character in my comic. Hen is a fat, nonbinary demon cus those are all things i think we should see more in media. Well... mostly the first 2, there's a lot of demons lol. But i think those 3 things is a great combo! Coral, as first depicted here, I just drew him cus I wanted to redraw the album photo for Replicas Redux by Gary Numan (with Are 'Friends' Electric? in mind). But I didn't want to draw the guy himself so i just switched him out w a demon i designed on a whim. I liked her design a lot and decided to add her to the lore of the comic i made, and make him Kations best friend, soon with lore of his own!
Question J was only for fandom OCs it seems so ... yeah :)
Wow this was fun!!! Thank you so much I hope it was interesting, either way i now have a cool post with lots of OC lore n stuff!
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www-strawberry1-0 · 2 months
Hello, hello! nice to meet you little person. Below I will leave my introduction in English :³
About me:
My pronouns are: he/she/they
Birthday: May 9
MBTI: Infp - T
Sexuality/s: demi/pan
Nationality: Argentina
Languages: ESP/ING
໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა BYF!! 
—I am a person who likes to interact with other people. (Although, depending on how things go, I will gain confidence) —I don't consider myself very active in some circumstances, but I do my best to make it that way. —He often published things in my native language. —Sometimes I tell very bad jokes, for example: what does one fish say to another? Nothing HAHAHA
—You should also inform that at times I take time to reflect a little and take some time alone. —We can talk about whatever you want in private. (without disobeying the rules pls)
—I have a partner, so I would very much appreciate it if you don't cross the limits. (Any message that contains other types of interaction with other intentions will be deleted and blocked) —Sometimes I can take things personally, and I need it explained to me calmly. —He didn't understand some things well, such as sarcasm, hints, among others. —Messages of hate, discrimination, or bullying will not be tolerated. That's all, thanks for reading it.
( ≧ᗜ≦) I love it !!
My favorite colors are pastel yellow, black and white. Play video games like Roblox (I really like to escape from the facilities), Fall guys, Minecraft, Pony Town, among others.
I really like to draw, and paint with oil crayons or pencils. Listen to music, although I must say that my favorite so far is Immortals, here is the link in case you want to listen to it. I also really like watching series, animations, Ghibli drawings, and among other cartoons. Like some anime and K-Dramas.
animated series:
 Big ​​Hero 6, The Owl House, My Little Ponny, Polly Pocket, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Teen Titans among others.
Ghibli cartoons: Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki Home Deliveries.Animes: SK8 The Infinity, Promised Neverland, Blue Lock, Bungou Stray Dogs.
K-dramas: A Love So Beautiful, King The Lang, Goo - an extraordinary lawyer, etc.
( -_•)︻デ═一 DNI!!
—People who support or defend pedophilia and/or incest.
—You think fiction doesn't also affect reality.
—You support hateful and/or negative behavior
( •̀ - •́ ) I hate It!!
Conceited people, who do not respect tastes, judge other people's bodies or make any type of offensive and unmoral comment. Comshipers and proshipers.
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Favorite youtubers !
Here are my other social networks! :b
For the next example, in the sexuality section. I need to clarify that demisexuality is the degree of attraction that I feel. (Only for one person) to which, I also identify as a gender fluid person, and pansexual.
In case you are interested in knowing, the sweet things that I like the most at the moment are: Moguls Extreme Rocks, sour gummies, or even chewy and soft candies or candies such as Flynn Paff, or other types of sweet things.
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Some of my musical tastes generally tend to be songs that produce happiness, are moved to dance, (although I don't do it much) or also to some degrees, depending on my mood, nostalgic and among other types.
My singers and/or musical groups favorite are:
—Ichiko Aoba.
—Cigarettes After Sex.
—Arctic Monkeys.
—Lisa Ono.
—Ricky Montgomery.
—Jack Stauber.
—Michael Jackson.
—Robleis Music.
—Melanie Martinez.
—Taylor Swift.
—Mon Laferte.
—Atarashii Gakko
—Lady Gaga.
—El Cuarteto De Nos.
And more!
The things that usually bother or displease me are few, but I will include those that at the moment I feel are necessary to add, in case you want to get to know me better.
—The sounds of horns, beeps, loud whistles, or people shouting usually upset me a little.
—I don't usually like things that have a raw consistency, for example: in food, in cases of roasts or meats, I feel that they have to be burned at the exact point, or that red or undercooked areas cannot be shown. The same thing happens with the nerves or veins of the same flesh.
—Places with a lot of people talking, or in awkward silence. (Regarding people talking, I have nothing against it, I just don't like the moments where they tend to raise their voice, or that may be on purpose)
(Btw, my English is not very good, I wrote this in Google Translate, My main language is Spanish, that means I am Hispanic, I am very sorry if I ever make a mistake)
That's all, thanks for making it this far, have a star for your great effort every day. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝★
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