#Canoe Cops
anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
hello, thank you for being here
for those of you who have never visited this blog before and those of you who like my silly little posts each and every day, welcome!
i'm making this pinned post because my follower count has jumped recently, spurred by a mutual, site-wide hatred of mitch mcconnell.
my name is biddy. that is a nickname that i earned by being known for accidentally pushing the wrong button at a previous job... many... many times. my pronouns are literally whatever i do not care. by default, i go by he/him/his but feel free to use whatever floats your canoe.
i am anarchocommunist from the midwest. i believe radical change is needed to our society and that we are already living on borrowed time thanks to the wealthy elite and their government sponsors who ignored climate change for 3 decades.
i was born in 1990 and my retirement date is 2053. as i grapple with the stark reality that i will never have the fortune of retiring and that the world we know will no longer exist by then, i intend to make a furious number of posts about the following things on this blog:
my searing, deep and intense hate of capitalism and the type of society that it creates
my belief that All Cops Are Bastards and the abolition of police and prisons
my wide variety of mental illnesses, the methods i've derived to cope with them
shitposts. lots of shitposts and memes and hahas and hehes and hohos.
if you have to ask yourself "is this sarcastic/ironic/deadpan humor?" the answer is probably a profound, loud and echoing "yes." however, i will aim to be clear about when i am simply being an asshole and when i am addressing something from a serious perspective.
lastly but most certainly not least, if you belong to any of the following categories of human being:
Trump Supporter
Science Denier (Anti-Vax, Climate Skeptic)
Intolerant Religious Zealot
kindly go fuck yourself and get off my blog. may our paths cross in the midst of the revolution. until then, eat shit and die.
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notmorbid · 6 months
the angel of indian lake, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from the angel of indian lake by stephen graham jones.
you're going to secondhand kill me.
this place is dead. someone just needs to bury it.
this is your brain on drugs.
i hope you really do get out of here someday.
maybe we could skinny dip while we're here.
we always find each other again, don't we?
if only i could take you with me when i leave.
you're going to have the world wrapped around your finger.
once the clock strikes midnight, anything can happen.
home is where the heart is, isn't it?
it doesn't have to be this way.
you just like the way i was before.
things do not happen. things are made to happen.
there's more. just wait. just hold on.
i made it through, and now i'm back.
it's not like history changes, right?
you don't walk into my house and tell me what's what.
pictures can do all the work of words.
you were a kid the last time i saw you.
you don't measure moms in height. you measure them in ferocity.
the shit kind of just accumulates.
it's not my responsibility anymore.
i wanted to be the one to tell you.
you're still a weirdo. you know that, don't you?
i don't even vouch for myself.
any trust you give will be used against you.
you think i voted for you?
no body, no crime.
you never stop, do you?
talking about it all just keeps it alive. happening.
this is great, talking to you. we should do it all the time.
still a man, so still 99% an idiot.
i'll walk away from anything for ___. you know that.
can you draw any redder of an x on me?
don't. even saying it is bad luck.
a lot can burn down overnight.
if i don't say it, i can't make it real.
what does it feel like to be loved like that?
i think i just wanted someone to listen to me.
in my head, at least, i'm honest. it's when i open my mouth that things get complicated.
you shouldn't let yourself think about that kind of shit.
in your head, in your secret heart, it's easy to be tough.
i'm pissed at the world, not just you.
you shouldn't be surprised about a little graverobbing.
'evil' and 'christian' are interchangeable to indians.
i think i liked you better when you didn't think like a cop.
when does your pretty wife get back?
nobody has ever said anything that nice to me before.
that would be a pretty good song, 'if i die in a canoe'.
i've always wondered how religions get started.
just because you were locked up doesn't mean the world stopped turning.
i didn't want anyone to see you like this.
captain goes down with the ship.
i just slept the night through, didn't i?
inside every compliment is a burrowing insult.
can i tell you a secret? i actually kind of like the price is right.
you just live here. same as the rest of us.
playing by the rules is supposed to be the key to survival.
you think i'm a biker?
you shouldn't be here alone.
who even are you, really?
that's probably not jelly, is it?
you're older than your years.
in small towns, you wear a lot of hats.
it's not exactly my first rodeo.
where does a name like that come from?
when you have long hair, birds make you nervous.
my mom would kick my ass if i wasn't a gentleman.
capitalism doesn't exactly keep your hands clean.
understanding and approving are two different things.
you don't turn the other cheek much, do you?
have you been getting my mental texts?
solve the mysteries you can solve.
if you don't like it, don't look.
i don't want you to be uncomfortable.
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withered-tears · 9 days
(In case someone doesn't know, any vehicle that Ghost Rider pilots gets automatically pimped with skulls and flames and junk like that)
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gatheringbones · 2 years
hi bones! for life/education/employment reasons I will probably be moving to seattle in a year or so. if you have the spoons and inclination, i'd welcome any advice for someone who wants to do right by hir new community/city but also wants to take care of hirself. (and/or just advice for moving to seattle in general!) i'm a neurodivergent, white, mentally ill butch lesbian, if that affects the advice any. thanks for all the incredible book excerpts and writing thoughts you post!
there’s a breakfast place in Fremont called Roxie’s that does latkes instead of english muffins in their benedicts and where you can get an amazing reuben.
there’s also a Cuban sandwich joint called Paseo’s up the hill where you can get an extremely messy and life changing sandwich. god willing there’s still a Mexican sushi place in Wallingford right down the block from Changes the gay bar.
carry change with you and give it to anyone who asks and remember their face, remember where you saw them, place them on a mental map in a way that reinforces their worth as a full and complete human being. if you don’t have change you apologize with intention. you will have some next time. never offer to substitute food for change; this is a terrible insult.
there’s a queer library at a queer community center called Gay City in Capitol Hill where you can sit and read and check out books and access other community services like therapy and social support.
pay attention to the caste system at work wherever you go in seattle. It’s ever-present and exerts constant psychic force on everyone inside city limits. the people who the city refuses to house or treat flock there because seattle technically offers many services for help and healing, but these services have been allowed to exist in a state of complete overwhelm for decades by city officials who support and value the caste system. the mad the sick and the unhoused are meant to float through third and pine and westlake and the waterfront for the Real people to practice dissociating from. this perpetual dissociation colors the whole city. everyone is complicit. everyone swears not to know what they know and see what they see. everyone receives patient conditioning to sort and categorize the shapes they see moving through the city of seattle as human or inhuman and resisting this conditioning will require all of your attention and insight. you will be asked at every second to betray yourself.
read the archives of the view from Nathan’s bus
read about the Duwamish. go down and buy something from the woodcarvers by the ferris wheel. know that the canoes and masks and religious items inside the restaurant next door were hand carved by a white conservative guy who bought a bunch of books on coastal Salish art and copied as best he could.
there is queer community. the lesbian book club that changed the trajectory of my life isn’t the only one. if you have it in you to look for opportunities and spaces to be around the bodies you need to survive, you will find them.
do not wear headphones while out and about unless absolutely necessary. you need to be able to be spoken to.
go watch the sunset at fremont peak park and if you feel absolutely overwhelmed and alien in the world know that a twenty two to twenty eight year old version of me is sitting somewhere behind you and to your left. look out for a blonde cat and the dinosaur village.
don’t call the cops.
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dustedmagazine · 9 months
Under the Radar: Jim Marks' Year-end List for 2023
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Samuel Leipold, Jürg Bucher, Lucca Lo Bianco
The stream of great new music is constant and impossible to keep up with. Inevitably, some of it goes largely unnoticed. My year-end list consists of releases that I really enjoyed but didn’t get around to writing about and haven’t seen reviewed elsewhere in English. They are presented in no particular order.
Samuel Leipold, Jürg Bucher, Lucca Lo Bianco — Ostro (Ezz-thetics)
This trio of clarinet, double bass, and guitar delivers atmospheric free jazz. Experimental without being confrontational (included is a choice Jimmy Giuffre cover), Ostro offers a rarely heard sound palette and consistently interesting arrangements.
Luis Ribeiro — A Inven​ç​ã​o da Fic​ç​ã​o (Porta Jazz)
The Porta Jazz label out of Portugal released fewer records than usual this year, perhaps a lagging effect of Covid. One standout is the debut by guitarist and composer Ribeiro, who leads a sextet with tenor and baritone saxophones in the front line. Love the eerie vocalization on the opening track. Space age and swinging.
Adrián Royo Trío — Pangea (Errabal Jazz)
This Spanish release initially caught my eye in the La Habitacion de Jazz blog because of the involvement of double bassist Manel Fortià. Strong original melodies and tight interplay make for a standout piano trio recording in a great year for piano trios.
Javier Burin — Escenarios (Los Años Luz Discos)
Another excellent but low-profile piano trio release this year. The assuredness and inventiveness of Argentinian Burin’s playing are the more remarkable given that he is only in his early twenties; check out especially the unlikely cover of “Tenor Madness.”
Marcus Eads — Pride of Ostego (self-released)
This Minnesotan has been putting out gentle Takoma-style guitar music for more than a decade. Strongly rooted in the rural midwestern landscape, his playing and homespun compositions call to mind back porches, canoe trips, and sitting by the fireside.
Scott Tuma — Nobody’s Music (Haha)
I was thrilled to stumble across this unheralded release recently by the Souled American alumnus and one of the architects of slowcore. Apparently first appearing last year on cassette, Nobody’s Music, coming six years after No Greener Grass, delivers more ambling and spindly acoustic guitar lines that seem to drip out of the instrument with the occasional accompaniment of what sounds like harmonica or accordion. Enchanting as always.
Mohamed Masmoudi — Villes Éternelles (Centre des Musiciens du Monde)
Canadian oud master Masmoudi creates a compelling blend of Arabic music and jazz in a percussion-less quartet also featuring clarinet, piano, and double bass. With top-notch musicianship and catchy tunes, the group shows how good world music fusion can sound.
Jorge Abadias — Camins (Underpool)
The Underpool label documents the lively Barcelona jazz scene. Its 2023 releases include this quartet date led by guitarist Abadias. His original post-bop (in the broad sense) compositions tend toward slower tempos, and fine soloing abounds.
Jakob Dreyer — Songs, Hymns, and Ballads Vol. 2 (self-released)
Another solid post-bop quartet recording featuring original compositions. Three U.S. musicians fill out German double bassist Dreyer’s quartet, and this second volume nicely complements Vol. 1 released last year.
Various Artists — You Better Mind: Southeastern Songs to Stop Cop City (self-released)
This project, spearheaded by the Magic Tuber String Band (who also released the outstanding Tarantism in 2023), brings together a broad swath of musicians, including Joseph Allred, Shane Parish, Sally Anne Morgan, Nathan Bowles, the Tubers themselves, and some I was unfamiliar with. The music tends toward the rustic; much of it is excellent, and the cause is as noble as they come.
Jim Marks
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
Recording was cancelled tonight, so we're gonna watch more movies with my parents.
Tonight's Movie: The Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield)
My phone is gonna be charging during the movie, so probably won't get any of my thoughts. (Unless I grab my 6ft cord👀)
Anyway, I think my family has either gaslit me or I'm going crazy. I'm the only one, out of the five of us, who remembers the tradition of us watching The Amazing Spider-Man (or any of the Spider-Man movies, really) every year on New Year's Eve until I was 15.
I know what I know, but no one else does, apparently.
I got the longer cord. Maybe I'll remember to add my thoughts:
We keep having hiccups. We'll get to the movie eventually... In the meantime, and because no one asked or probably cares, I'm gonna make a master post thing for my movie thoughts.
Aunt May!
Uncle Ben!
It'd be a shame if anything happened to either of them.👀
I'm arachnophobic....
Peter is such a dork. I love him.
I am extremely arachnophobic..........
Poor Peter. He doesn't know what's going on. He's got superpowers, though.
You'd think I'd be a lot more prepared to watch a movie called Spider-Man, knowing full well that this one has actual spiders in it. But, nope! I shudder every time a spider comes on screen.
I hate Flash (Spider-Man Flash, not DC Flash.)
I love Uncle Ben. Like, very much so.
Peter and Gwen are very cute. Like, teeth-rottingly fluffy. I love them.
It'd be a shame if something happened to either of them.
He said the thing!!
Uncle Ben!!!😭😭😭😭😭
I'm gonna cry
"He's not a vigilante-" liar.
Good to know that Peter doesn't like spandex at first. He seemed so put off by the fact that every best option was spandex.
I love him. He's such a dork. He's so funny.
Curtis's got a new hand!
It's slimy af, tho.
It's also a bit scaley
He's struggling for words and it's adorable. He's so in love. She's so in love back.
Poor Gwen.
Poor Canoe.
He said the thing!!!
I love the subtitles in the soundtrack that I've never noticed before. Like, there's a series of notes that indicates whenever his Spidey Sense goes off. I never noticed it before now.
Godzilla joke. Subtle.
Godzilla joke mark 2. Also subtle.
Why does no one ever listen to kids? And then turn around, do as the kid suggested, and claim it as their own idea? It's bull.
His phone is so old...
I keep wanting to call The Lizard 'Killer Croc', but this is Marvel, not DC.
I also keep wanting to call him Doc. Oc, which is the right franchise, but the wrong villain.
Cop dad uncomfortable with period symptoms? Tsk, tsk.
Peter! You're hurt! Not the time to kiss your girl!
Hearing voices, doc? Hmm. Smells like a BBEG.
Gwen, sweetie, when people tell you to run away. Run away.
Stan Lee Cameo!!!
I miss him.
Maybe don't get close to the Big, Bad Lizard Man...
Gwen, honey, what did I say about running?
I love that the construction workers are helping him. Like, basically every villain says "No good deed goes unpunished." but Spidey saved one kid and now has all the blue collar workers helping him out. I love it and it doesn't get enough rep.
Cop Dad Stacy!😸
Cop Dad Stacy!🙀
Cop Dad Stacy!😿
Aunt May's a girlboss. I love her
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Garmadon absolutely has a jackass period while under the venom. Because if destiny says I'm dying by the green ninja's hand or defeating them. I'm going to have fun and can't die obviously!
Basically he's fallen in love with extreme sports and stunt work
I am going to have fun and break a few fucking limbs in the process by riding that there Grundle.
See that Venomari over there! I bet them five bucks I could beat their canoe racing time while tripping off their venom!
Libby aka Jay's mom encourages his stunts because YOLO
She bets after he gets shocked by her lightning that he can't walk in a straight line
He manages it somehow
The Cloud Kingdom is losing their shit because DAMN IT GARMADON YOU'RE RUINING OUR PLANS
One Cloud Kingdom Writer had the bright idea of making Garmadon's destiny defying actions work in their favor to try and get it back on track
Make Misako absolutely into extreme sports and do the whole rivals to lovers thing
That will work right?!? It does kinda
Misako's been trying to break the world records for dare devil and stunt work but some dickhead named Gary or Marmalade keeps on breaking them immediately after her.
Their first meeting ends up in a fight that had to be broken up by the cops
Garmadon: Do I know you?
Misako: IT IS ME YOU'RE GREATEST RIVAL! You keep on breaking my records before I can even submit them properly! Or when I do you break them immediately afterwards! Garmalade!
Garamdon: Woah! You're that kooky lady who's always second place. The name starts with M. Mandy? Mary? Missy?
Misako: It's Misako!
Garmadon: That was it Koko. Rude my name is Garmadon not Garmalade though that does sound tasty.
this is all I got so far but It felt outlandish enough for the blog
Yeah....definitely outlandish enough. We don't just accept just any crazy idea you know!
We do.
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thetreetopinn · 1 year
Ended up taking a nap after I got home from work, and had a really strange, ADD style dream.
ADD style? What's that mean? It means the subject of the dream jumped every few minutes.
It started off somewhere I don't recall but it got to a point where I was following people trying to buy a Christmas tree, and the guy selling it to them said they should buy one that had been spayed... whatever the fuck that means... like... so they wouldn't end up with Christmas trees growing in their front yard or some shit?
This led to driving through a forested area looking to get a tree from the wild.
Then, suddenly, isekai moment where suddenly, a pilot from some fantasy-style gundam is swapped with the guy driving the car. The pilot freaks out. Smash-cut to the fantasy-style gundam the driver is now piloting and HE is freaking out, desperately trying to figure out how to get back, accidentally activating some super powered weapon and blasting the landscape.
The HUD remains as the scenery changes and now we're in a PS1 style turn-based roleplaying game--like Chrono Cross or Final Fantasy 7 (the original version) only there's vocalized dialog, and somehow... it becomes a version of Dragonball Z Abridged in my head and Cell is the guy being fought and his HP drops dangerously low and he starts freaking out that he's about to get killed.
Suddenly, and with no prompt or connection at all, I'm remembering a scene from the movie "Dave", specifically the scene where he goes to throw the first pitch at the baseball game. And now there's a discussion about how that scene was filmed. Either they filmed at an actual, real-life game and told the audience what was happening. Or they hired a bunch of extras to fill the stadium section by section and composited them together--as evidenced by my brain's recreation of the scene where in the audience is clearly copy-pasted but with their clothes swapped around.
Smash-cut to being on a fucking wave runner on a lake, slowly navigating around other people while trying to get out past the 'no wake zone' buoys. A water-cop (that's what I'm calling the authority figures that are responsible for making sure people who are boating aren't doing something stupid like driving a boat while drunk) approaches me and low-key demands to know where my dad is--calling him by name--because somehow he knows my dad is the one that owns the wave runner. I tell him my dad is currently in his home at $Address and that he has given me permission because I'm his son, and I'm salty because the water-cop is being a jerk. I pull out my phone with a video-call ready to start with my dad in the thumbnail basically asking the water-cop "You wanna fuckin' talk to him since you don't believe me?"
Smash-cut to docking the wave runner at a dock near a cute little house and workshop where I supposedly work on stupid silly crazy contraptions like hooking up a wave runner impeller style engine/motor to a canoe just to see what happens.
In the dream I have a 'realization' of "I don't want to do anything else with my life, I just want to live out here in the woods next to the lake and make stupid silly crazy contraptions."
This is about when I woke up and I was DEEPLY confused... I don't know what the fuck is going on with my brain.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Evolve Big Alpha Sneak Peak with Duff Man in Halloween Costume
So he's got a computer game and it says evolve and he's playing it with duff man on as a costume.  It might sound ridiculous because it is he is making fun of our son's idea this is not I don't think so he's telling other people to evolve and that's what we're wearing the Duff suit might say that's pretty smart the sunglasses mean stuff like that like Tommy F is a real smart guy no he's a despot and he's stupid and you said something interesting that he'd see his friend recognize him and say there's a guy can beat up and the son thought he was a trumpster so he's waiting for this to come up and I got a lot of hits and it finally surfaced and here it is these guys can do this character 24/7. duck man's getting toothpicks inside a tough man doesn't understand you don't sound like an old and you don't sound like you I don't want no fans going to have to take a break some of the crowd are getting hostile I don't want to say it I have to believe it's break out of cake if it dubbed in and out so leaving these cups with like a duff beard sticker so you get a cop in the drink down at Duff promo so you want to take the canoe and put on the cup free sticker and find the image there dump in freaking out this guy is selling our beer not be our beer OK it's your brew damn it duffman's getting angry sending pelvic thrusts in his direction stop it stop it the fans starting to laugh that was real isn't it yeah you would actually Randy's savage is it raining in Savage so it sounds downloadable it is good uh oh his secret identity has been divulged Ohh here the man is getting serious OK
So it's kind of recording when he's walking around but it works having stickles on cups it doesn't end done in a long long time if at all and you think the sticker and you can put it on your belt your backpack and you can make it sp....r your backpack and you can make it special your refrigerator your car your notebook your iphone or outside your wallet as a reminder
But we have other things to do but we have to get one thing done and move on to the next and we've been told that a few times and this is one of those things we might want to do and he's got something to post.
Thor Freya
we need to fund him se it and more than oce in three our foru years ok and not for almost dying as tommy f does.
we do it now
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sentimentarlequinat · 5 months
Nova desfeta, una més, del Sabadell
Colpidora derrota del Sabadell al Reina Sofía. Els arlequinats han caigut derrotats per quatre a zero davant el conjunt salmantí, que es mostrà certament superior als d’Óscar Cano, materialitzant les seves aproximacions amb un hat-trick de Slavy i una sentenciadora, encara més, diana de Jorge Rastrojo. Primera part Bon inici pel Sabadell. Els arlequinats es van apropar per primer cop a l’àrea…
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promemorie · 7 months
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Echo Lake, 1998
Peter Doig
Echo Lake is a large, dark painting of a scene at night. Like many of Doig’s paintings of the late 1990s, it is landscape in format, with a composition based on horizontal bands of colour overlaid with detail. The painting is bisected by a line of white representing the shore of a lake. Above it is a band of earth and scrubby vegetation painted in white and pastel colours. This area is illuminated by the headlamps of an American-style police car located at the centre-right of the image. The bright lights on the car’s roof are roughly level with the top of the vegetation. Above this point, filling the top third of the painting, is an area of purplish black. A few twinkling lights suggest distant habitations. On the right side of the painting, the trunks of trees growing above the shoreline are partially illuminated. Their branches extend up into the darkness. They are compositionally balanced by a telegraph pole on the left side of the painting at the level of the road on which the police car is parked. A man wearing black trousers, a white shirt and a narrow black tie (presumably a policeman) stands at the lakeshore looking out of the painting towards the viewer. His hands encircle his face and his mouth is an o-shape indicating that he is shouting out into the dark lake. The title suggests that nothing comes back to him but his own voice. The bottom half of the painting represents a blurry mirror image of the landscape above the shoreline. This mirrored reflection provides the visual version of an echo. Images reflected in water are common in Doig’s paintings. Doig has commented that ‘reflections function as entrances to other worlds’ (quoted in Bonaventura, p.15). His painting Ski Jacket 1994 (Tate T06962) consists of two abutting canvases bearing scenes which mirror each other as a compositional device. Doig makes his paintings from photographs derived from a variety of sources including family snapshots, books, newspapers, magazines, prints, postcards and film stills. The photographs are usually put through such processes as sketching or painting over, collage and repeated photocopying, before they reach the state from which the painting is derived. Doig frequently creates several versions of an image as both large and small paintings as well as more intimate works on paper using various media. Echo Lake is based on a still photograph Doig took from the cult horror film Friday the 13th (1980, director Sean S. Cunningham). He has made several paintings based on this image, including Canoe Lake 1997-8 (The Bailey Collection, Toronto), Untitled (Canoe Lake) 2000 (private collection) and Study for Echo Lake (Screaming Cop) 1999 (private collection, Florida). Related works on paper are Echo Lake (Reflection) 1999 (watercolour, sugar and ink on paper, private collection), Study for Echo Lake 1998 (colour photocopy on paper, private collection), Canoe Lake 1999 (oil and charcoal on paper, private collection) and Canoe Lake 1999 (watercolour on paper, private collection New York). The etching subtitled Canoe Lake (Tate P11545) in the portfolioGrasshopper 1997 also belongs to this series. Doig typically applies oil paint in a variety of consistencies, ranging from thin washes which seep into one another to areas of thick impasto. His paintings are about the sensuous materiality of paint as much as the figurative subjects which they portray. He has commented: 
People often say that my paintings remind them of particular scenes from films or certain passages from books, but I think it’s a different thing altogether. There is something more primal about painting. In terms of my own paintings, there is something quite basic about them, which inevitably is to do with their materiality. They are totally non-linguistic. There is no textual support to what you are seeing. Often I am trying to create a ‘numbness’. I am trying to create something that is questionable, something that is difficult, if not impossible, to put into words ... I often use heightened colours to create a sense of the experience, or mood or feeling of being there ... I think the paintings always refer back to a reality that we all have experience of ... I am using ... natural phenomena and amplifying them through the materiality of paint and the activity of painting.
(Quoted in Scott, pp.15 and 17.)
Doig has cited an early influence as the famous ‘zip’ paintings of American artist Barnett Newman (1905-70) in which a vertical band of light colour bisects the painting’s usually monochromatic ground. In Echo Lake the narrow strip of white paint representing the shoreline provides a horizontal version of Newman’s format. The figure of the policeman calling towards the viewer opens the picture plane out into a vast imaginary space beyond the painting. His shout recalls The Scream 1893 (National Gallery, Oslo) one of the best known paintings by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944). With its sinister atmosphere and dark emotional register, Echo Lake stages generic fear, distress and unease in a contemporary setting.
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade BREAKING: IGP restricts vehicular movement in Imo, Kogi, Bayelsa, deploys Marine, Gunboats The Inspector-General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, on Tuesday announced that there will be no vehicular movement as well as movement of canoe, ships and other means of transportation via waterways in Imo, Kogi and Bayelsa starting from Friday. Egbetokun, who said the decision was in line with measures put in place to ensure free, fair and credible elections in the three states, also barred some state security outfits like Ebubeagu and other quasi outfit from carrying out operations during the exercise. The top cop, who disclosed this at the ongoing press briefing at Force Headquarters, explained that both marine and gunboats have been deployed in the three States considering the riverine terrain of the States. Speaking through the Force spokesman, Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the police boss, maintained that the three States have been fortified with different security equipment including helicopters that will be for aerial patrol.
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mason-fanfiction · 1 year
Chapter 10: Endgame, Part 2
Spoiler Warning
Mike announces with a sly, sly smile, "I gathered some foes. From your alma mater." With a grand sweep of his jort, he gestures to the army of souls supporting his right side. A gathering of normal-ass adults gather, fitted head to penis in UConn alumni gear. Mel recognizes each of them from the photos that Mason chews on when he's mad. "Is that… Ethan, Kurt, Graham, Zoe, Paulina, Jake Starn, Veronica Freshman, Krista, Dr. Mills. Zweig, and Britt's ex!" Mel correctly lists everyone's name, and the room is very impressed with his knowledge. Everyone claps.
"Recruiting them was very easy," Mikey explains, "They are still pissed that you guys won the gingerbread house contest Freshman year." They nod.
Mikey continues, "To my behind, I found some miscellaneous characters who also hate you guys, lmao." Mike Tarny pulls a curtain rod to dramatically reveal a nightmare blunt rotation: Kari, Leslie, Grace the Italian hater, Dream, a kidney stone, Red hair girl, and Mason's mom. They don't notice the curtain fall, and are chatting with each other like old friends. They seem to be getting along quite well. Just goes to show, a friendship can still blossom between very different people :).
"We're fucked," says the good guys.
A trumpet sounds through the battlefield (Planet Fitness). Battle is starting.
Blast off! Zoe remembers she has a leadership degree and fires the first shot. She scatters legos on the floor, with her superpowers. Krista assists with her signature bass-boosted attack. Sound waves shake the Planet Fitness, causing Mel to stumble somewhat. He watches as Krista closes her yap, and she begins to recharge her vocal fry. She's just warming up.
Before another move can be made, Kate summons 3 cops with guns and sends them wayward. Still quite new to this skill, the third cop, Craig, appears…wrong. Craig peeps the horror of his creation, and then zhushes himself out the window. The other two pigs fire away. A few foes retreat behind purple machines. Mike Tarny and Sea Man retreat to the safety of the backrooms, allowing their recruits to fight this battle for them.
With the violence in full-swing, each side exchanges a slew of attacks and retreats. Krista breathes deeply and projects her screams. Mason counters, retrieving his otomatone for a quick sound wave blast. The particles collide, causing a terrible shake to the grounds of the Planet Fitness. Glass fragments burst from the windows and scrape against smooth skin. Blood is shed among friend and foe alike. When the glass settles, the temperament of the room shifts and understanding dawns upon the fighters among the smell of blood and sweat. They are fighting for their lives.
Abby summons The Leprechaun. It cannibalizes Veronica Freshman. Sarah summons trees and stuff like that. The gym is overflowing with vines and greenery. She climbs a vine to obtain high ground, and rains avocado pits upon UConn's alumni. Ashley crashes a treadmill into Leslie. Britt stands out of the way of fire, intuitively. Maggie circles the kidney stone at 140mph, trying to suffocate it, like that scene in Sky High, or that fucked up scene in Legend of Korra. Mel stands on a StairMaster and shoots a regular pistol in the direction of the enemy.
Kate's gunmen are struck by a combo between Jake Starn and Paulina. They sync up their words with an "I Cannot BE HERE!". Terror and knives rain upon Kate and her gunmen, knocking out Kate and phasing the gunmen out of existence. Ashley telekenises Kate's body into safety. While distracted, Leslie appears beneath the treadmill. Her jaw unhinges and slaps against the concrete floor. Mad River Canoe Adventure 16 missiles into the air and slams into Ashley’s back with the force of one full-sized canoe. Ashley crumbles from the canoe’s momentum and lay unconscious next to Kate.
Kidney Stone is unaffected by the lack of oxygen in Maggie's runny circle. Kidney Stone activates a sleepen brethren that lay dormant inside her digestive tract. Maggie loses control of her speed and tumbles forward, clutching her stomach, gagging through the pain. Meanwhile, the Leprechaun only manages to eat Veronica's toes before she unleashes The First Plague. It screeches a high-pitched drone as blood pours from its eyes and mouth. Luckily it does not stain Veronica's cute cheerleading outfit as it collapses over itself and deflates onto the conk creet in a pile of meat. Meanwhile meanwhile, Mel's greasy teenage forehead gleams with sweat as he accidentally activates the StairMaster, and he attempts to kill people accurately while getting a real workout.
Mel swims his eyes around the room. The tide has turned unfavourably. Most of Street Smarts is conked out and half of their opponents haven't even participated yet. Their participation grade is going to falter, Mel thinks. Nearby, Britt takes psychic damage at the mention of a participation grade in this story. Sarah remains standing- until Veronica releases the Second Plague, and toads emerge from the crevices of treadmills, bicycles, rowing machines, and dumbbells, somehow. The ghastly ghouls munch Sarah's greenery and spread disease to her magic wildlife. Rather than unsummoning the trees and stuff, Sarah becomes occupied researching how to heal her plants, and she be on that phone. Mel now remains alone to shoot people with his little, little baby pistol. He catches the glance of Ethan, who has deployed a Domestic yak from the mountainous region of Nepal. Lowering his pathetic pistol, Mel cowers with the certainty that he is about to be so freaking crushed under the hooves of this here yak. Mel says a prayer to a religion he does not practice. The Yak charges.
The Yak is crushed under a projection of rubble from a nearby wall. A 20ft tall mechanical monster charges through the wall, scattering debris about. The dust settles somewhat, revealing a shining, silver mech suit- with Bryan visible in the head of the suit, steering the impressive machine. From across the room, Mel and Bryan smile to each other, unspokenly acknowledging how freaking sick the mech suit turned out. Mel pumps his fist in the air and Bryan nods behind the yak-proof glass.
Ethan barks like a puppyboy and begins to summon a second Yak attack. Bryan acts quickly, pulling a lever on his control panel. The robot glides into a squat (with great form) and its robotic cooch opens and dispenses a gathering of individuals: Bone, Party John, Peter Griffin, Sonic, Elizabeth She, Mason L, and Ozgur!
As a nice gesture, the enemy side has paused their attacks for this grand reveal. Street Smarts begins to gain consciousness just in time to witness Bone activate a nether portal. Out steps even more allies from outside the scope of this fictional story but inside the scope of real life: Brian Forbe, Mickey, Josh, Faith, Colleen, Kyle Subog, Fabrenis, Julia Illinois who is now Julia Wisconson, Ballooney, Wilbur Soot, Toothless (now a full-sized dragon), Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey, and Johanna (recently rescued from the pit).
"They didn't fit in the cooch," Bone clarifies for the audience.
Blast OFF! Mason's mom takes the first step with a wicked grin. She releases a barrage of biblically accurate angels. The empty ceilings cloud with smokey grey clusters of angel wings, blocking out the overhead lights and shrouding the battle in darkness. Light beams between the cracks, illuminating the enemy side as the angels charge forward with a piercing other-worldly squeal.
Faith, cool as a cucumber, smokes a J so fat and dubious that it hotboxes the Planet Fitness instantly and chokes the angels to kingdom come. Shannon's angels can't handle the vibes and drop to the ground like dead flies. Faith looks around for validation from her peers.
She's so cool, Mel thinks.
Irene, who came with Ethan, climbs a minifridge. Britt counters by chucking frozen snowballs at her. Irene just leaves.
Zoe's dad summons an earthquake through his hands and rocks the grounds. Machines topple over, the concrete cracks. It's crazy! Mason stands tall and walks towards Zoe's dad. He flirts with her father by sending a kissy emoji on venmo. Her father swoons, and stops the attack. Zoe is PISSED.
Kurt tries to help out by riding his tractor into Mason, but his tractor is slow as shit. He probably shouldn't even be here. He's too old.
This might be controversial, but Graham fights the Leprechaun. He chose to.
Sonic and Peter Griffin make love. Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey rides Toothless around. Toothless burns all of Red Hair Girl's thrifted clothes. She can no longer sell them for 10x the price on Depop. She falls to the ground, defeated. Her red hair deepens to a deep black hue.
Kyle Subog and Fabrenis plan the next special event. Bone and PJ team up, targeting Dream (Bone likes Tubbo better). Dream uses an Ugly attack and face reveals to everyone. Everyone takes damage. Everyone except Wilbur Soot, who has built up an immunity to the situation. Wilbur deploys Ballooney, who floats across to Dream peacefully. Dream catches Ballooney in his gamer hands. Ballooney explodes.
Britt's ex pees everywhere. Jemuel charges everyone $800. Julia Wisconson slightly inconveniences people. Kari's bangs are now slightly shorter, and they look terrible. Paulina falls off her bed. Embarrassed, she commits code Paulina. Jake Starn follows her to the grave.
Grace hates on Italians. Kate is about to respond, when a hand stops her. Josh steps forward with conviction. "It's oolright. I can handle this one," he says in a stupid accent.
Kate hands him a gun. “Are you going to be able to handle her all on your own?”
“Don’t worry,” says Mason L, stepping forward.
Mickey steps forward with a smirk. “He’s got help.”
In an inspiring act of Boy Power, all of the men step forward, wielding weapons or superpowers. Ozgur stays behind because he is wearing women's pants.
"Racism against Italians ends here!" Brian Forbe proclaims to the heavens. Grace’s eyes widen at the mass of men charging directly towards her. Hallelujah is playing. Josh throws Johanna at her. Grace is knocked down, and Johanna's body lands in a pit. Mason L crawls through the ceiling tiles and drops onto Grace’s back, scratching her face. Brian Forbe strangles her with a neck tie. Kyle Subog morphs into a husky and mauls her. It's incredibly violent and unnecessary. She dies after the first barbell hits her. The boys take a bow.
Elizabeth She begins to suck the oxygen out of the room, but is quickly stopped because Dr. Mills kills her. Colleen kills Dr. Mills.
Having lost 5 souls, Mike Tarny and Sea Man emerge from the backrooms, pissed off. The enemy side regroups. A celebrity guest appears for their next attack. It's Justice, from the LC Kickoff event! Street Smarts notices his presence, and instantly knows what's about to happen.
The enemy side lines up, and creates the longest soul train to ever grace the planet earth. Justice is beaming. His life's work is realized. The energy from the world's longest soul train begins to charge a dark red energy blast the size of 10 Josh's.
Panicking, Mel shouts, "Line up! We'll create our own Soul Train!"
Street Smarts follows his orders and creates a line. It's not the world's longest, but Mel thinks that friendship must count for something. The power from this soul train begins to charge a bright blue energy blast the size of 9 Josh's.
The opposing side fires. A beam travels from the far side of the gym towards our heroes. Street Smarts counters quickly, sending out their lesser energy beam just in time.
I went from sticking pennies in the jar.
The two energy beams crackle against each other and a deep hum rings in Mel's ear. Air pressure intensifies, and thunder claps against the ceiling. He can barely see anything, except for the blinding purple light emanating from both Soul Trains. He can just make out the difference between the two colours. He sees the dark red energy beam slowly inching towards them.
"NO! It can't end like this!" Mel shouts. He thinks about Ryan. If Mel had run to CVS and purchased flu medicine, maybe Ryan would have survived. If Mel hadn't taken Ryan on a walk on a rainy day, maybe he wouldn't have caught the flu. There were a million timelines were Ryan could have survived. Mel blames himself.
The dark red energy beam is inches away, still creeping forward. Mel is sweating, and has run out of energy. Perceiving his final moments, he looks at his dad. Mason looks back, and whispers "I love you." Mel says it back.
A new figure appears next to Mel, joining the world's second largest soul train. Confused, Mel glances at a small, disembodied plastic squirrel. It has limbs and a head, but no bodice. It floats as if connected by psychic link.
The light blue energy beam suddenly grows to the size of 100 Josh's, and shoots back at Mike Tarny's squad of goons. Mike Tarny yelps, and the energy blast shocks all of the foes, sending them flying against the wall. Street Smarts is also flung backwards, although they stick a softer landing. Mel snaps his attention from the energy blast to the squirrel beside him.
"Who are you?" He asks.
I am GOD the squirrel. Mel, you summoned me.
"Ok." Mel says.
The dust settles, and the room is quiet. Bodies lay strewn across the concrete floor- some dead, some still breathing. Spider still sits in the centre, tied tf up. Mel and Mason run to untie him. As soon as they reach him, a piece of rubble moves, and Mike Tarny pops up. His eyes fixate on Mason.
"Hold your horses!" Mike Tarny shouts. Mel and Mason freeze. Mike Tarny holds Bryan in a chokehold, a pistol positioned against his temple. Sea Man hoists himself up to stand next to Mike Tarny.
Mel can't hold his tongue and blurts out, "Why did you betray us, Sea Man?"
Sea Man begins to speak, but Mike Tarny stops him. "He didn't betray you, nimrod," Mike Tarny explains, "We were in cahoots from the beginning. He was keeping an eye on you."
Mel frowns. "That's stupid. Why would you work for Mike Tarny?"
"I don't work for him. He's-"
"Sea Man believes in my revenge plan for Mason," Mike Tarny cuts him off. Mel gasps. Mason gasps. Bryan gasps.
Mike Tarny saunters closer to Mason, his pistol still raised to Bryan’s head.
"You chose Ryan." Mike states plainly.
"And you chose Shelly." Mason responds.
Mike scoffs. "You knew she was using me for witchcraft. After you and Ryan got married, I felt like I had no one. I was raising Fatty all on my own, because you didn't want to keep OUR baby."
Mason is silent. Mike continues, "I did choose Shelly eventually. I was overwhelmed raising Fatty on my own, so I married her after college. She hated you too- even more than me. She encouraged me to take revenge. But I didn’t need encouraging.”
“Typical,” Mason whispers to Mel.
Mike keeps fucking talking. “Of course, some parts were her idea. It was her idea to kill Ryan.”
Mel’s head snaps up. ‘YOU killed Ryan?”
“Yeah, we poisoned him. Hired someone to declare him dead from influenza. We had Mason drafted for the war, and Shelly dressed as a man like in Mulan. She impersonated a general, and ordered the attack against Mason.”
Mason thinks back to the war. “I couldn’t place the face at the time, but it’s because Shelly was dressed as a man. I saw the hatred in her eyes. It seemed familiar.”
“Shelly was a little psychopathic,” Mike admits. “But Spider pushed you out of the way, and you survived. I had to scramble to find other ways to zonk your gourd. And then your son got too crazyyy and involved. I don’t want to kill a kid, but here we are. I had to organize a freaking epic battle. It was really hard getting everyone here. We all have such different schedules.”
Just then, Maggie shows up for the battle in a Pooh bear costume. She sneaks in the back.
Mel glares at Mike Tarny with his whole pussy. Something still didn’t add up. Mike Tarny lost Fatty when he was still a baby. But now Mike claims that he raised Fatty all on his own- or with Shelly’s help. So where is Fatty now?
Something clicks in Mel’s brain. He looks at the person standing by Mike’s side. He notices one crucial detail: A tuff of golden red hair atop Sea Man’s head. Mel gasps.
“FATTY.” Mel points at Sea Man. Mason starts to tell Mel not to be rude (he would never call someone fat), until Sea Man responds “Yeah?”
“We are brethren, Sea Man. Half-brothers. Kin. Did Mike Tarny ever tell you that?”
Sea Man looks at Mike Tarny. “No, he didn’t tell me that.”
“Mason is your daddy,” Mel explains. “And-and mine too. Mike Tarny is using you for a petty revenge plot- you have to see that! And he caused 9/11.”
“What’s 9/11?” Sea Man asks.
Mason says, “Sea Man, or Fatty, I’m sorry I abandoned you at birth. It won’t happen again. Please, man, join our side instead. You won’t have to hang out with this annoying dude anymore. Fr.”
Sea Man looks at Mike Tarny, hurtfully. “You lie. Papa.” He says that like Eleven or whatever. From Stranger Things. Like when she said Papa You Lie. Lol. Lol. Also, fuck it, Sea Man had a British accent this whole time.
“I’m proper joining your side,” Sea Man declares. He lowers his gun and stands proud next to Mason and Mel. They join hands, even.
Mike Tarny is stomping mad. “What the hell man.”
Bryan clears his throat. “Uhm. Excuse me, Mr. Tarny, are you going to murder me yes or no?”
Mike Tarny releases Bryan like a bad fish. “Nah, man, I’m not gonna kill a kid.” Bryan trots back to the group. “But I am gonna kill Mason,” he says, shooting his gun finally. At Mason.
A few things happen at once. First, Bryan sneezes. Second, Mel says bless you. Third, Mike Tarny says that line. Fourth, Dennis bursts through the Planet Fitness wall and shouts “I’m alive!!”. Fifth, Mike Tarny shoots his gun. Sixth, Dennis takes the bullet for Mason, and dies.
Mike Tarny cries out in defeat. Foiled again. Kate summons her cops and they arrest Mike Tarny. The remaining people on the enemy side pack up their string bags and go home. Two women kiss. This fanfiction is now banned in multiple countries and will not be airing on Cartoon Network.
Mel pushes Dennis’ body out of the way with his shoe and hugs his father. Mason hugs back, but he has pee real bad so it’s a short hug.
It’s summer now, a few years later. Partly cloudy, a slight breeze. All you need is a light jacket. Mel is visiting Ryan at the Wallingford Cemetery, sipping a nice oolong. Mel brought flowers and 3 DVD copies of Spanglish with Adam Sandler.
He breathes deep, patting the grave on the back. “Well Rye Rye, I’m going to college next week. I wish you could help me move in. We really could use your gadgets and gizmos.” He laughs, but in a sad way.
A waiter arrives with a tray of tacos. She says it’s for Brittany. Mel tells her Brittany is not here. The waiter leaves.
Mel spends some time chatting with Ryan about his last few months of high school and the big change ahead. After some time, Mel sees Mason whip around the gravesite in his black car and park on the side of Ryan’s grave. Mason was recently released from prison for Shelly’s manslaughter.
Mason greets Mel. “Hey Mel, I thought I’d find you here. I brought Fatty.” Fatty steps out of the car too. They join Mel.
They watch Ryan’s grave for a while in silence. “I miss his body,” Mason says, choked up.
“I didn’t know him,” Fatty says.
“Thanks guys, I needed to hear that.” Mel means it. A few years ago, Mel felt like his family was broken. Looking at his dad and bro, he doesn’t feel broken. He lost a father and he gained a brother. Mel tries to hug his family. They hold up their hands and say “Don’t.”
Some time passes. Mason sees a bird and gets really excited, like an old man. Fatty orders tacos. They are having a nice afternoon :).
“So Mel,” Mason says, in between bites of taco, “Are you excited for band preseason?”
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Wed 7:30 🕢 am pt 26 April 2023
I currently have no beef 🥩 with Travis McCoy. It’s not the part that I have beef 🥩 about. It’s the part Incubus sang. But it don’t matter anymore. 7:33 pmpt
8:58 am pt when I met Scott the first time, I scowled at him to discourage any s*xual relationship btwn us Bcz I was VERY attracted to him physically but we both had boyfriend/girlfriend. Jessica was very sweet and a little shy ☺️ a little quiet. An architect major at the time. 9 am pt she called him sunny 🌞. 🎶🎼🎵🎤🎧🎸 I said are you gonna be my girl? 1 2 3 take my hand 🤚 and come with me Bcz you look so fine I really wanna make you mine 4 5 6 come on and gets your kicks 🦵 [...] big black boots 👢 long brown hair she’s so sweet with her get back stare 🎶🎼🎵🎤 9:03 am pt
6:02 pmpt right butt cheek flared 🔥😞😖😭. Smelled 👃 acetone in the bathroom 🚽. Smelled 👃 like nail polish remover 💅🏼 6:04 pmpt. We don’t wear nail polish 💅🏼 currently.
6:05’pmpt might be retailiation for my blog. I mentioned nail polish 💅🏼 recently. 6:06 pmpt
6:07 pmpt around 2 pm pt I tried to take pictures using Instagram, Facebook, & tumblr of when I was around 4 years old. It wouldn’t post after I selected to “use photo”. 6:09 pmpt incubus doesn’t want me posting it I guess. I wonder 💭 why .
8:08 pmpt I don’t believe in the incubus anymore. I 💭 think he’s twisted. Making child rape happen. He knows how to make people weird and make them forget right from wrong. 8:10 pmpt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ why. He likes torture? Of children 👶? And he likes rape? I remember b4 my birthday 🎂 in 2000 probably, after school 🏫 probably, I was laying on the couch 🛋 (right jaw bone 🦴 pain 😖😭😰😱 feels like he might snap off the corner of it! 😭 he also attacked my vag multiple times probably last 48 hours with acid again!) mtv was on, the lady who said she had boxes 📦 of old vintage toys 🧸 for toy fairs was my neighbor, Carson Daly was on and they were was Avery young woman 👩🏼 naked? on tv 📺 with only whipped cream covering her vag. And a man also was ther and they rubbed their private parts together. Carson said someone’s dad is going to be very upset. 8:15 pmpt I got h*rny. I wonder if the incubus was around. I wasn’t even 15 years old yet. 8:15 pmpt
8:23 pmpt it was probably that same school 🏫 year that I found the ring 💍 (cramps 😖😭😫) in the girls bathroom 🚽 and strangely 💭 thought it was for me. 8:24 pmpt. 8:25 pmpt I didn’t wear it for years. I wore it recently though in the last 3 years. 8:26 pmpt
8:28 pmpt a pipe was changed a few days ago. Unfortunately the people who changed it seem to intentionally put a lot of dirt in the pipe. I have very sensitive skin so I reacted to it. Right shin pain. I’m guessing they are Cano’s friends. I am guessing that some of Cano’s friends are staying in the hotel 🏨 and are mocking me Bcz they know all the tiny secret architecture stuff of the hotel 🏨 and are using it to poison ☠️ me through the air and maybe 🤔 the water 💦. 8:31 pmpt
11:10 pmpt incubus (left heel pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵) god planned dugard’s stolen life. A very ugly awful reality to live. He faked her out every day. She could have been saved quickly but she wasn’t. She was naked sitting 🪑 on a bucket 🪣 in a shed with fuzzy/fluffy handcuffs (porn stuff) 11:14 pmpt it would have been obvious with his history what he planned to do. But cops 👮‍♂️ followed what demon angels told them to do. It was very obvious that what they were told to do was wrong. Yet they did it. Cops 👮‍♂️ of all people, you would think 💭 it was obvious to them. Which means they intentionally let bad things happen Bcz they have no motivation to do the right thing. 11:18 pmpt what decency? Their god is heinous, but they have all sorts of reasons. Now I’m wondering 💭 what is true???? Are all people bad? Are all people good? How did we survive b4 god? My brain 🧠 is getting attacked by acid again now it’s significantly attacked. I’m very scared 😱 when will be the last attack? 11:21 pmpt how do you prove you’re good? Greeks say friendship is a slow ripening fruit. Why Scott is expecting me to trust him and automatically trust any feelings (acid throat pain 11:23 pmpt) how many ways did he intend to use “fell for”? Love 💗? Tricked? (Left hip bone 🦴 pain 11:25 pmpt. He very early on drew my name looking like I was going to get fat and fall with 6 backward 7s. I think 💭 he planned to not elaborate/explain much, withheld information ℹ️, and pretending that he was thinking 💭 one way publicly, but it is obvious to me after the fact when I reviewed things that happened that he is portraying himself the opposite of what he really is. 11:28 pmpt pretending to accidentally get cat 🐈 hair on the condom. But when I told the doctor 👩‍⚕️ the doctor 👩‍⚕️ saw through it and thought 💭 it was intentional. 😤😤🥵😤🥵😖😭 chest heart ♥️ pain 11:30 🕦 pmpt 11:31 pmpt
11:32 pmpt he said the Bible was “interesting.”
12:21 am pt incubus probably helped the man 👨 who s*xually assaulted and murdered Jon benet Ramsey. Maybe he was actually there in person. 12:22 am pt
incubus hurt my spine I felt something stab inside and push in. Right jaw pain left shin pain. In 2021? Someone broke into our apartment and spoiled our food. How do I know? It was a coconut 🥥 (acid throat pain 12:25 am pt. The shell was hard when we bought it. When we came back the shell was only soft on the bottom as if someone stayed a while to soak it until it turned to mushy soft shell. 12:26 am pt every apartment I lived in from 2020 to 2022 had weird realtor lock 🔒 boxes 📦 on the stairs. 12:28 am pt. I thought 💭 someone was trying to toy 🧸 with me. 12:28 am pt some of our things spontaneously got broken. 12:29 am pt. Food was also stolen in 2020/2021. Neighbors behaved strangely and had very minimal furniture 🪑, uncluttered apartments. 12:31 am pt end of 2020 I think 💭 they moved out. 12:31 am pt. Those lockboxes are weird. Left hip bone 🦴 pain left shin pain. Why would incubus toy 🧸 with me all my life to fake me out in the end? I was miserable 😖 😭the way I was. I wanted to be genuine authentic and happy with friends. Why would he do something so cruel? Why is there child rape? Bcz he is cruel. Simple. 12:34 am pt
12:40 am pt I guess garrido might have been 100% zombie 🧟‍♂️. Bcz he seemed to have a multiple personality disorder. Switching btwn sobbing 😭 saying sorry (so that god incubus looks better to people) and then 180 degrees change in mood and all of them did had lapses in memory on specific events. And Bcz the cops 👮‍♂️ let it continue that’s confirmation that it was all coordinated by incubus god and they all agree to do it. 12:45 am pt rough acid pain brain 🧠. If that isn’t proof enough that he’s the devil and you should not do what he says if you’re a cop 👮‍♂️ or a doctor 👩‍⚕️? Then I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ what else to say. 12:47 am pt but I guess Bcz they keep doing it, then they’re resigned to the design of this is how life ends. You do what the devil says then it means you should know you’re at the end of your life. It’s not only the person you do wrong but it’s also yours. We are all designed to take out each other then. I was going to write ✍️ something but I forgot... if you have very good abilities to think 💭 I guess. There are things you knew that a lot of people don’t know Bcz of mind control, then you’re very guilty. Like probably Scott -> scottservo. 12:52 am pt. A lot of people only know a little Bcz they’re usually very distracted that they don’t connect the dots and they don’t realize a lot. 12:53 am pt I tried to explain the way I saw 👀 and dealt with things. 12:54 am pt
12:55 am pt is this way of life neverending? You will know when I don’t have something/a part of my body anymore. I don’t want to live broken anymore. 12:57 am pt. I am the secret symbol for whether child rape ends or not Bcz I am sacrificial lamb 🐑/cow. Jon benet Ramsey. Japanese r = L sound. Left hip bone 🦴 pain acid throat pain 12:59 am pt. They groomed me to possibly be raped when I was 4 years old. If you believe in the test. Otherwise we have a cruel twisted god. 1:01 am pt. Why let someone be born to torture them? Heinous. 1:02 am pt
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laresearchette · 1 year
Thursday, April 06, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR RAP CAVIAR PRESENTS (Season 1 - All Episodes Available)
BKT TIRES & OK TIRE WORLD MEN’S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP (TSN/TSN5) 9:00am: Germany vs. Canada (TSN) 7:00pm: Canada vs. Scotland
MASTERS GOLF (TSN5) 10:00am: First Round - Amen Corner (TSN4) 3:00pm: First Round
IIHF WOMEN’S HOCKEY (TSN2) 11:00am: Germany vs. Sweden (TSN5) 3:00pm: Japan vs. Czechia (TSN3) 7:30pm: France vs. Hungary
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:00pm: Jays vs. Royals (SN Now) 7:00pm: Padres vs. Atlanta
NHL HOCKEY (SN/SN360) 7:00pm: Wild vs. Penguins (SNOntario) 7:00pm: Leafs vs. Bruins (TSN2) 7:00pm: Capitals vs. Habs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Panthers (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Chicago vs. Canucks (SN360) 10:00pm: Kings vs. Knights
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
NBA BASKETBALL   (TSN4) 7:30pm: Heat vs. 76ers (TSN4) 10:00pm: Nuggets vs. Suns
CANADA'S ULTIMATE CHALLENGE (CBC) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE):  In the final nail-biter, players go for broke in three team-only challenges; Lobster Haul off the Confederation Bridge; Fundy Mud Sled-and-Slide in Hopewell Rocks; Cape Cliffhanger at Cape Enrage, NB.
EVOLVING VEGAN (CTV Life) 8:00pm: While in Portland, Oregon, a diverse group of chefs create mouth-watering plant-based dumplings, fried "chik'n" sandwiches, and Vietnamese "catfish"; Mena forages for lobster mushrooms, and visits the oldest tofu factory in America.
JUST FOR LAUGHS (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Ronny Chieng: On Guard: Ronny Chieng hosts a night of comedy at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal; with Rashid Badouri, Alonzo Bodden, Julie Kim, Jay Pharaoh, Nish Kumar and Nimesh Patel.
MARTHA'S VINEYARD MYSTERIES: POISONED IN PARADISE (CTV Life) 9:00pm: A young waitress gets in too deep with the wrong people and seeks the help of ex-cop Jeff Metcalfe, who urges her to go to the police. When the waitress is found poisoned, the case becomes personal and Jeff teams up with Zee to solve the mystery.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 9:00pm: The final four must flush away their nerves to create functional urinals, and then recreate iconic Wedgwood Jasperware for the remaining three spots.
THE PIECE MAKER (Magnolia Canada) 10:00pm/10:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Eric traverses the great Alaskan wilderness to research his next puzzle.  In Episode Two,   Eric explores the Big Island of Hawai'i to discover the connection between the land and sea; he dives with manta rays, roasts Kona coffee beans, hikes an active volcano and surfs in an outrigger canoe in order to create an authentic island puzzle.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: Ataraxia; The Onyx Butterfly
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brittlebonesguy · 1 year
onward and upward: season 5 ep 1,2,3
jan girl....its okay you don’t have to cry because you have to pick teams. the oldest man on the show is a big strong guy but the oldest women is an old lady who’s frail? okay john.....bottom of my list currently. i support jan and her tribe. this other tribe is so shallow. like sorry but are we forgetting tina was a winner and she was older? and paschal who won multiple challenges and made it to final 5? annoying. i hope they lose a whole bunch fuck those guys. robb is really going to annoy me. so john wants to pull a little prank and i just don’t see that going well after everyone swam so far. okay so they didn’t come out with the canoe because thats stupid and you will tip it trying to climb in, dumbass and maybe don’t use language like that ghandia. okay so robb and ghandia not off to good starts. 
okay yes food should also be a priority but shelter is massively important as well like.....what? it’s not about having a floor it’s about having some shelter from the monsoon’s that are gonna come through damn. not robb called shii ann sweetie when she’s been out getting food after being told to get food. like sorry you’re stupid and got your hands all cut up? doesn’t mean you’ve been working harder. AND THEN HE SAID BABE NEXT? fuck this guy i hope he’s voted out first of the season. i knew ghandia would be the weak link makes sense. before her part they were dominating that challenge. john being the first one out.....thats funny. he was too overbearing i get it and he called ghandia sweetie after writing her name down. icky. 
okay everyone needs to stop coming down on jan because of her age. she isn’t even that old why are we doing this (misogyny). helen’s “im just so much stronger than her so i can’t get mad that i have to do more work” i’ll bite you shut UP! and the gun comment? wow so quirky and funny of you. i’m anti helen. oh ken’s a cop? no wonder i hated him the moment he opened his mouth. okay hold up. jed and stephanie have been making all the food and getting all the water and they’re being called lazy? .......be serious. the shelter is important but you mother fuckers think you don’t have to do any work beyond that? anyway jan seems sweet and if i was with helen i’d make her do all the work too because she’s annoying. very rude thing to say about a person who’s making you food clay. robb dives like an idiot. jan’s 20 second mistake MAYBE set you back a little and then the other team had like a minute of a hiccup and you guys STILL couldn’t win so how is it her fault? thank god tanya’s gone so i don’t have to see her throw up anymore. also okay i still don’t like helen but how is it her fault that she can’t cry because her coworkers will make of her. like it’s those men that are the problem but ghandia doesn’t like how “she has to keep her emotions in check”
figures this tribe wouldn’t know what to do with the reward. they straight up don’t deserve it. TED DID WHAT? he needs to be thrown out of the game what the fuck. ghandia you get full permission to throat punch him. “im sorry if i’ve offended you” ........that is not an apology. the “get out of here” when she said that she’s been assaulted before. men....that is not a correct reaction. i need someone who IS NOT TED or a man to give her a hug. robb’s behavior this entire challenge irritates me. the crotch grabbing, the unregulated anger, the flipping off....jeff? his tribe member? unclear. i feel like he’s ready to get violent at a moment’s notice and im not kidding he’s going on my least favorite survivor players list alongside tom. and him grabbing clay by the throat??? and jeff was saying no the whole time and he still didn’t stop? i hate him. the purple team clearly don’t understand the rules of the game but also this makes sense for them. they’re a team of entitled 20 somethings this behavior tracks. 
thank god you thought about it ghandia because i didn’t like his excuse or apology either. robb....lost their fishing net.....and he’s just laughing about it....
.....a man would accept the completely fake “oh nothing happened” and move on even though ted was saying it’s a long story before that. fuck off brian. and then clay calling her crazy lady. FUCK OFF  every man this season can get hit by a bus. i am fully anti man this season. okay the difference between your two year old throwing a tantrum and ghandia screaming is that ghandia was violated and the man responsible is denying he did anything. i hate them all. i fully support ghandia. oh the classic “i’m not even attracted to you why would i want to assault you” calling this drama is actually disgusting. like it doesn’t matter if he did it on accident he doesn;t even sound remotely apologetic and that’s the problem here. 
that was too many votes for shii ann quite frankly. 
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