#Captain engl.
lorenzlund · 2 years
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(e nur) Käppis, *auch Männer besitzen welche. Und es gibt sie auch in rot!
Langsam trinken so, vielleicht auch gar nicht, man kennt die genauen Inhalte hier nicht dieses Getränks! *Denn dass es sich hier nur um einen erneuten Spass wieder handelt, mit dem Käufer, ist ganz unübersehbar!
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Honecker erklärt den Äthopiern in einem persönlichem Brief beide Formen des Krieges, dem der real stattfindet und dem kalten. Äthopien, seine Revolution, bräuchte sie von nun an beide nicht mehr, und dass jemand sie irgendwann gegen auch sie erneut vielleicht führte, dem Land stehe eine geradezu glänzende Zukunft bevor!
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Würden wir angegriffen so wäre die Kompanie nicht länger mehr einsatzfähig!
(*so der ungefähre und lediglich aus der Erinnerung heraus von mir wiedergegebene Wortlaut. Entnommen wurde er einem Zeitungsbericht von mir)
Soldaten aus einer deutschen Panzerkaserne äußern sich zur beschlossenen Abgabe von 12 ihrer bisherigen Leopard-Panzer an die Regierung der Ukraine. Derzeit sind es weniger als 50, und nicht alle laufen!
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Das sogar auch Offizierskasino und/oder Bistro (’Lounge’)!!
*Anderen würden die Soldaten danach sehr schnell auch ausgehen, ist anzunehmen, zeitgleich mit größeren Kreisen dann selbst auch aus der Bevölkerung, dann nämlich, kaufte diese sich die selben Getränke in Supermärkten regelmäßig vielleicht auch!
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Gute Connections haben! der selbst Verpackungsbeutel oder Tüte. ‘Komm gerade aus dem Offiziersbistro!”
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Der Saubär, ein er. Blaubeermarmelade-/Joghurt.
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Krieg der Alten (entweder beide Seiten bekriegen sich dann erneut dadurch und zeitgleich, wie die Regierungen zweier Staaten, oder eine handhabt es so nur mit der anderen, die selber kriegt davon nichts mit oder kaum etwas!).  der Kalte Krieg (er findet zwischen Nationen statt, auch sind diese direkt benachbart!).
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‘Huhuh, Neverman! knows: When I was down I was your crown! So don’t go and break my heart’ (crown für: nobody, clown anstelle von: crown, heart for: hard). die Männerkrone-,kronen, Rose of England (das Abschiedslied für Lady Di, gesungen auf ihrer Beerdigung), Krone von England/Wales etc.
‘Nevermen! hat vor: er will eine Mauer errichten!’ Walter Ulbricht
“Das ist eine rote Linie, und die sollte besser niemand übertreten!’
‘Wir sollten hier politisch eine sehr klare Linie ziehen!”
der Mauerbau : eine ‘Er Sau’ + eine vielleicht gleich noch weitere ‘Sau’, oder sogar dritte *so wie bei der Band ‘Trio’ und in einem auch ihrer früheren Songs schon mit: ‘Herz ist Trumpf/ *Herz isst Rumpf, so auch dessen damaliger Titel. (mau + er + bau). Neben dem Eber kann es auch die weibliche Sau dann sein. Das sogar auch: Sextrio oder gemeinsame Bett-Trio. Das Schlager-Duett. Eine Mauer ziehen. Die Grenzziehung. ‘jemd. Grenzen setzen oder eine innere wie äußere Mauer errichten’, und auch er soll sie dann besser von nun an nicht überschreiten.
“Dann rufst du an, und ich fange an zu schweben, was gibt’s schön’res zu erleben: Herz isst Rumpf ...!” (’Trio’)
‘Donald’s Rumpf’/ ‘Donald’s Trumpf’. ‘Baracken- oder die Lager-Oma’.
“Friedhof nach vorübergehender Schließung jetzt ganz frisch wiedereröffnet, und sogar erweitert!” der neue Ortsteilbürgermeister, auf einem neuerlich angebrachten Hinweisschild auch seiner Behörde für Friedhofsbesucher!
Vorgesehen war er erst für das Amt des neuen Polizeichefs Gesamt-Berlins!
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Echte Zwillinge! Womöglich sind es sogar Zwillingstürme! (An b!eiden fällt der Umstand erneut auf, dass der Inhalt des einen ein schwarzer, während der Inhalt des anderen Behältnisses weiß ist: Salt & Pepper! Wofür selbst aber Salt oder dt.: das Salz als Neu-Wortschöpfungen immer noch genauso auch stehen (’S-alt), ist längst hinlänglich bekannnt, es steht für den bereits deutlich älteren Po oder Hintern von Frauen wie Männern, vornehmlich ist es aber wohl immer der von Männern! Mit: ‘St. Peppers Lonely Harts Club Band’ als Song hingegen verzeichneten selbst die damaligen Beatles aus England einen ihrer größten auch eigenen Charterfolge (in Form eines auch von ihnen neu herausgebrachten Albums)!! *Das bietet jede Menge Stoff zu vielleicht irgendwann ein paar auch gänzlich neuen diesbezüglichen Deutungsversuchen, oder auch einer Neu-Interpretation, selbst fänden die erst in der Zukunft dann so vielleicht statt, und auch seitens von mir!
Ich fand es dann aber doch deutlich schneller heraus, und zwar deswegen, weil ein ‘Club’ in der englischen Übersetzung im betreffenden Songtitel gleich auch mit auftaucht! dt: der Prügel, auch: Holzprügel oder Schläger! Es gibt nämlich  selbst auch den ‘Club’ stets zweimal oder in doppelter Hinsicht noch genauso, er steht auch für Tanzclub!
(H)Ar(s) (the) ley/Gesetz, aber auch: Gesäss by David & Son, or David’s Son. The Cigar of(f) David. Cigar by David. David’s Camp.
We remember! : Bi-, (We), der Rücken, Re- + Men + a Bär.
(neugebauter) BER Terminal, ‘The Terminator’, etw. beenden
Das Think Pad vom Hersteller Lenovo (China). Thing by a Dad. *Einen Laptop dieser Marke besitze ich derzeit auch selber. Er wurde mir von Shopangestellten Lenovos in Berlin vor wenigen Tagen geschenkt! (Gerade arbeite ich ein weiteres Mal an ihm!)
‘Words can’t bring me down!’‘ (from a song)
I know!
(I wanna remember the Berliner Gesundheistministerium here! Home by Karl Lauterbach! *Eine halbe schon Bauruine ist es derzeit ersichtbar von nahezu allen Seiten durch Bauzäune umgrenzt! Wie lange kann der Minister darin noch arbeiten!
“Das Universum schlägt zurück”)
(Words only won’t make it that a/some man finally fails or falls! For this you need a little more!!)
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luna-moon-26-20 · 6 months
Foxhole Force Episode Guide
Hi everyone! Since season 1 is finished I thought I'd write an episode guide and add it to the collection of information of the story.
Feel free to share it as many times as you want so we can spread the knowledge about this series and maybe bring new readers to enjoy the AU 🙌🏻
(I think I avoided all major spoilers)
S1 E1: Call of the Fox (Part 1)
Neil Josten arrives at the City of Palmetto in a last attempt to find his mother alive. After getting attacked by Ravens and saved by mysterious warriors in colorful suits, Neil finds a job at the Foxhole Court, a sports Youth Centre meant to be a safe haven for kids in risky situations.
S1 E2: Call of the Fox (Part 2)
After finding out his coworkers at the Foxhole Court were actually the Power Rangers, Neil gets roped into the team when he merges with the spirit of the Red Fox, becoming the new Red Power Ranger. Despite trying to refuse the responsibility, Neil accepts it and stays in the city long enough to join the battle against the Ravens.
S1 E3: What it takes to be a leader
Neil feels slightly ridiculous and lost when he morphs for the second time after the Ravens find a new target at the beach. When Coach tells him he is supposed to be the leader of the team, he argues that Kevin would be better suited for the job. 
S1 E4: A done deal
Neil has trouble morphing into the Red Ranger and is forced to stay behind while the others go out to fight a new monster and the Ravens. Later, Andrew ropes Neil into a fake training session where he interrogates him. After getting berated by Coach, Neil and Andrew come to an understanding.
S1 E5: Unexpected allies
Neil runs into some trouble searching for his mother. Lieutenant Mureau and a new perfect Raven are sent to destroy the Rangers for their constant interference. They almost succeed but a new and unexpected ally wearing the same outfit as the Rangers prevents it from happening. 
S1 E6: There’s no I in TEAM
The team hits a wall when their dysfunctional dynamic causes a target to get hurt and taken by the Ravens. The Rangers have no idea where the Ravens continue to produce these terrible monsters from but they are strong and difficult to fight, especially because now the Ravens can make them grow as tall as buildings. 
S1 E7: A dead end
The Ravens decide to ruin the team’s Sunday plans when they attack a local school that is holding a science fair at the gym. The Rangers pour themselves into the battle, trying to protect the students and teachers present, and even the Black Ranger makes an appearance to help them. 
S1 E8: Smoke and… mirrors?
The team is unbalanced and fractured but the Youth Centre has to remain open for the kid’s sake and they have a fundraising to host in the middle of which there is a Raven alert. Neil gets trapped and relives some of the trauma from his past. He vows to recruit the Black Ranger into the team.
S1 E9: A fool’s errand
Neil is having an off day in which he keeps butting heads with his coworkers at the Youth Centre. The distance between him and the Red Fox is wider than ever. He sets himself on a mission destined to fail as he tries to recruit the Black Ranger into the team. He and Andrew end the day on pretty unfriendly terms and Neil feels more isolated than ever from the rest of the team.
S1 E10: Neil who? (Part 1)
A Raven alert wakes the team in the middle of the night and they are introduced to Captain Engle, a new perfect Raven stronger and faster than any other they have encountered. The Red Fox is tired and hurt and not even the Black Ranger can help Neil get rid of Mureau.
S1 E11: Neil who? (Part 2)
Alone and unmorphed, Neil faces off against Riko. Riko turns his world upside down by revealing the thing he’s been after and that he believes Neil knows its whereabouts. Later, Andrew helps Neil out of a panic attack but also gives him an ultimatum.  
S1 E12: A Swift exchange
As he recovers from his injuries, Neil is faced with the deadline Andrew has set. Kevin starts acting weird: violent and angry. He begins to transform into a Raven, injuring Andrew in his attempt to escape and save everyone from himself. 
S1 E13: Between a rock and a hard place 
Neil and Andrew, on a quest to find the truth behind the Ravens and Neil’s family, go to the library together. But the building collapses on them leaving them trapped underneath. With nothing else to do but wait, they play a long round of their truth for truth game. 
S1 E14: How to kill two birds with no stone at all
The City of Palmetto is more dangerous than ever when the Ravens decide to change their modus operandi. Neil starts doubting their protectors’ role and asks about a cure for Ravens no one believes exists. Discouraged, he goes into battle hesitating until it becomes clear that it is either kill or be killed. He discovers some coincidences about Kevin’s past.
S1 E15: The Red Fox
The team runs into an energy source so powerful the monitors at the Command Centre go crazy with alarms. In a desperate attempt to stop the Ravens from getting it, Neil touches the source and the amount of energy affects him in unimaginable ways. Scared and injured, he follows his instincts towards Andrew who is the only one who knows how to handle him. 
S1 E16: A quiet state of mind
Neil has to spend an entire day without his Fox. Alone and at the verge of constant panic, he is too happy to spend the day with Andrew in Columbia as a distraction. Neil becomes aware of a certain way in which he is starting to think about the blond. The Rangers respond to an alert in which Matt singlehandedly deals with the monster.
S1 E17: All for the game
An alert brings the team face to face with a monster that traps them in another dimension to play a deathly game of exy. With the way the Black Ranger plays and fights, Neil starts to suspect Andrew might be the Back Ranger. He confronts Andrew on the roof and the night takes an unexpected turn.
S1 E18: Don’t ask for the truth
Neil lives a couple of weeks in pure bliss as he and Andrew delve more into the new nature of their relationship. However, the appearance of a woman from Andrew’s past changes the course of their day into one of tense emotional reactions and a complete emotional withdrawal from Andrew.   
S1 E19: Black Danger (Part 1)
After two long weeks of absence, Andrew finally comes back to the Centre. After a panic attack from Neil because he doesn’t want to fail his duties again, the team faces Muldani on the beach. The Youth Centre is attacked by Riko and all his perfect Ravens. Andrew gets hurt and Abby declares he is trapped inside his own mind.
S1 E20: Black Danger (Part 2)
Neil ventures into Andrew’s mind to try and bring the blond back from wherever he is trapped inside. Going through Andrew’s memories, Neil is faced with several sides of the blond that leave him unsteady and worried. He gets some unexpected help during his quest to find Andrew.
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yowzar--meow · 3 months
Torchnoster: Look Away
These are not my characters, all credit goes to the show Torchwood and Doctor who
Vastra froze with Jenny, she slowly looked up at the ceiling. The silurian was prepared for anything, but not this.
TW. The silent, mentions of violence/blood, I'm not a doctor, out of character characters.
Vastra looked over at Jenny, sighing deeply at the engl- 51st century man
"all we need is your detective skills and this-" he mentioned with his hand, "- will be over with."
Vastra understood why this Captain Harkness needed them so much, but why can't they use actual detectives with some sort of alien technology, it baffled Vastra deeply.
"may I ask, what are we looking for exactly?" Jenny asked, she placed her teacup down on the small table.
Jack crossed his arms and sat back. "We've been noticing high rift spikes around Cardiff, me and my... crew haven't been able to find anything," he explained.
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apebook · 1 year
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readingforsanity · 1 year
The Langoliers | Stephen King | Published 1990 | *SPOILERS*
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Stephen King’s unforgettable novella - first included in his 1990, award-winning collection Four Past Midnight and made into a highly acclaimed miniseries - about a terrifying plane ride into a most unfriendly sky. 
On a cross-country, redeye flight from LA to Boston, ten passengers awaken in Bangor, Maine, to find that the crew and most of their fellow passengers have disappeared. The airport shows no signs of life. Yet they hear radio static in the distance. Craig Toomey, an irritable investment banker on the verge of a breakdown, believes it is The Langoliers, monsters he was afraid of as a child who attack those who waste time. It’s mystery author Bob Jenkins who first theorizes that they have flown through a time rip. Bob declares they have entered a place that forbids time travelers to observe or interfere with past events. It turns out that Craig is right, in a way. Two creatures, followed by hundreds more, emerge from the forest and head for the plane, consuming everything in their path. Can the survivors manage to fly the plane back to LA, back to the correct time, before the Langoliers succeed in their deadly mission to destroy the plane and the world? Dinah Bellman, the young blind girl whose aunt did not survive the time rip, has the greatest insight of all. 
A spine-tingling, propulsive novella, The Langoliers is a brilliant read from the masterful Stephen King. 
11 passengers are about to embark on an adventure that none of them asked for. 
Brian Engle, a pilot for the airline American Pride, has just landed a plane at LAX after a surprisingly dicey flight. Once safely on the ground, and in desperate need of sleep due to a headache, an executive of the airline appears and informs him that his ex-wife, Anne, has died in a fire back in Boston and that he must return at once. 
Brian, along with the other passengers aboard Flight 29, begin their ascent into the skies on a red eye flight across the country. Due to his headache, and feeling a bit overwhelmed over the news he just received, he dozes off. But, he is awakened later when a young girl, Dinah who is blind, awakes and finds the other passengers, including her Aunt Vicky, have disappeared. This causes her to raise the alarm. Brian, along with several other passengers, join her in the main cabin. There is Bob, a mystery author; Albert “Ace” Kaussner, on his way to study music; Bethany, being sent to Boston to stay with her aunt due to a drug addiction her mother can no longer handle; Nick Hopewell, a British man who is very imposing; Don Gaffney, an older gentleman; Rudy Warwick, whose hunger appears to be taking over his senses; Craig Toomy, a banking executive who was on his way to Boston for an incredibly important meeting; Laurel Stevenson, a young woman who was on her way to Boston to meet a man she corresponded with through personal ads; a man who is still fast asleep at the back of the plane, and of course, Captain Engle. 
They are unsure as to what happened, but they are aware that they’re entirely alone - the other passengers and crew of the flight have seemingly disappeared. Luckily for them, Brian just happened to be on board the flight for the airline he works for. But, this very fact sends ripples of fear throughout many of them, as they think this is some sort of experiment and that Brian is in on it. 
Their nerves get the better of them, but Brian makes the decision to instead send the plane to Bangor, Maine instead of their intended destination. He has tried to raise the alarm to ground control but cannot reach anyone. This greatly upsets Mr. Toomy, who was deadset on being on time to his appointment in Boston. But, when he realizes that nobody is going to listen to him, he takes to ripping up an onboard magazine into strips, much like he used to do as a child when his parents were being particularly abusive. 
They land in Bangor without incident, and deplane using the plane’s emergency slide. They enter into the seemingly abandoned airport, which is quite odd. But, they need to figure out what has happened to them and fast. In the distance, Dinah can hear what sounds like rice krispies after milk has been poured into the bowl. With her exceptional hearing, nobody questions her but they understand that this sound is not of the world they have left. Craig Toomy tells her that they’re what is called the langoliers, creatures sent to take care of the lazy children of the world and that they don’t take prisoners. 
The group attempt to get their bearings. It is decided that they cannot stay here long. The food is bland and tasteless, the drinks without fizz and carbonation. Toomy goes off on his own in search of something that he may protect himself with. As previously stated, he is deadset on getting to Boston and will take great measures to ensure that he gets there on time. He lies in hiding waiting for the perfect moment to strike. 
And he does, when Brian and Nick are off doing their own thing. He stabs Dinah in the chest, leaving her lung punctured. He gets away once again, goes into hiding. 
It is decided that the plane must be refuelled in order for them to attempt to get back to where they came from. Bob has ultimately come up with a hypothesis that makes the most sense. He believes that during their original flight, they entered through a time rip, causing those who had been awake aboard the red eye flight to simply disappear, while those of them that had been asleep have awoken in the nightmare they’ve currently found themselves in. 
Nick, who has made it clear that he is some sort of soldier, helps Dinah by pulling the knife from her chest. He sends Don and Albert off to find a stretcher inside the airport services area, which is exactly where the madman that is Craig Toomy has found himself. When they enter, Albert realizes slightly too late that he is in there, though they have found the stretcher, but not before Mr. Toomy has attacked Mr. Gaffney. Albert begins to defend himself using something he had used as a child that nearly broke his brother’s arm. He does quite a bit of damage to Mr. Toomy, though he thought he had killed him at first. Dinah makes sure Nick understands that they need Mr. Toomy. 
Brian sets about refuelling the plane, and though they are running very short on time, barely make it before the creatures known as the langoliers appear. They look like balls, with rows of sharp teeth, eating away at the earth around them. Mr. Toomy, who has since regained consciousness, is told, by Dinah in some etheral form, that the people he had been sent to meet with have come to him, and he makes his way outside. But the langoliers spot him, and quickly take to getting rid of him, allowing Flight 29 to take off in the air again. 
They are attempting to find the time rip again, though nobody knows what they’re looking for. However, when they do, it’s the most beautiful thing that any of them have found. But Bob, the writer, has remembered something that they have forgotten - all of them had been asleep when they went through the first time, and they should be again. Nick has graciously agreed to be the person to stay away, affecting the cabin pressure enough to knock them all out, and to bring them back awake. He increases the pressure just in time, before he himself disappears and ceases to exist. 
They land at LAX, though it appears to be the same as when they landed in Bangor. However, there is something slightly different - colors are more vibrant, there is wind in the air and sounds have gone back to normal - all things that weren’t the same back in Maine. They re-enter the airport and realize that the present is catching up with them, as they have gone into the future though they can’t tell how far, though Bob seems to think no more than 15 minutes. They brace themselves against the wall, and they reappear in time, revealing themselves as the new people. 
The passengers of Flight 29 go outside, happy to be back in the world in which they had known it before their strange flight occurred. 
Back when I was a young child, I came across the miniseries for The Langoliers one day. It was several years after it had originally aired, but I was hooked. The story itself was appealing enough to keep a young me invested in a 3 hour miniseries. However, I had never read the book until just now. 
It was originally a novella with three other stories written by King, but now it is a standalone book in itself. The story, and what I remember of the miniseries, are so close that it was like i was reading the script from the miniseries itself. Super well done, and entertaining. Not exactly scary, of which is King’s forte, but definitely unsettling. 4/5 stars. 
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mariacallous · 2 years
Rishi Sunak steps up to the lectern of doom outside Downing Street, illegitimate, unelected, with no manifesto. The ungovernable party avoided the instant cataclysm of a run on the pound that may have come had Boris Johnson been refenestrated. But that’s the end of the good news, the forecast is bleak.
How Sunak will shape up is anyone’s guess, but he has the advantage of the lowest ever bar if he wants to improve on his two disgraced predecessors. One scar he bears is from that boast to Tunbridge Wells Tories that he had deliberately diverted funds from deprived urban areas to affluent places like theirs. Now we shall see if any concept of levelling up has gone for ever. A budget planned in days will reveal his intent. We know our leaders not by their words but by their budget priorities, and there may end whatever blip of a honeymoon he hopes for.
The country now pays a “moron premium” in higher borrowing costs for the stupidity of a party that chose Liz Truss to trash lenders’ confidence in Britain. Now a “sensible” pair of hands turns the ship into that grim “safe” haven we know so well: the captain and chancellor will crack the whip, batten down the public spending hatches and cut rations and pay. The annual inventory of HMS Britain taken last week by the Institute for Government and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) found shocking conditions in public services. The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, warns of “eye-watering” remedies: expect leeches and arsenic.
Everyone talks of “hard choices”. But remember they are choices. This threatened programme of austerity is a political choice, not an economic necessity. Truss crashed the last chance the government had to borrow, which would be the normal Keynesian way to ease an oncoming recession. Now, the straitjacket is no borrowing for day-to-day spending, only for investment. But there’s no better time to be honest with voters who feel the depth of the crisis and blame the governing lunatics who chose tax cuts for the best-off instead of necessary tax rises.
Public services are at breaking point: ambulances are stacked for hours outside A&E while headteachers are warning of huge cuts in their stricken state schools, which are still funded below 2010 rates. The Institute for Fiscal Studies’ green budget graphs show steep falls in each department’s budget with cuts of over a quarter in benefits, housing and local councils. Torsten Bell of the Resolution Foundation warns of the “colossal fall in incomes next year”, with a horrific graph showing the depth of social injustice: those at the bottom lose 15% while top earners lose just 3%. The less you have, the more you stand to lose.
In signing up Sunak, the Tory party will embark on even deeper austerity in search of £40bn in cuts. Voters may not mind that the new prime minister is richer than the King, but it doesn’t help if he ignores starving children when only families living on less than a shocking £7,400 get free school meals. Tory MPs frightened for their seats are cakeists who want fiscal discipline. Yet even they may rebel at any medicine that prescribes cuts to services used by pensioners or adult social care.
Expect little talk of “protecting the most vulnerable” or “compassionate conservatism” from Hunt; he has taken Rupert Harrison, the former chief of staff to George Osborne and architect of austerity, as an adviser. Lest anyone forget, Paul Johnson of the IFS describes that era as “completely unique in history for the scale of spending cuts”. The Institute for Government and the CIPFA say further cuts are impossible. There is nothing left to scrape off the bones of Britain’s derelict public services.
But if you want a sign of how the mood is changing, even among the most orthodox disciplinarians, consider the surprise intervention from Mervyn King, the former governor of the bank of England. He said there’s “a strong case for higher public spending” and that austerity would be more difficult this time round. Back in the day, King praised Osborne’s devastating mid-year axe-swinging in his 2010 budget.
Osborne’s decision to make cuts during a recession led to a deeper recession and slower growth. The UK’s growth has since fallen behind equivalent countries. King seems to have learned from this disaster. Now he tells the BBC it’s “time to front up” and tell the public they need to pay “significantly higher taxes”. No more pretending US tax rates can fund European-style spending, he warns. He’s right – and these facts are best coming from a reformed austerian. King not only backed Brexit but even called for a killer no deal with the EU; now he avoids mentioning Brexit at all. But that gives him all the greater heft in calling for tax rises when the likes of Iain Duncan Smith still mendaciously demand “efficiency savings” that don’t exist.
What’s needed, says the economist Paul Johnson, is a five percentage point rise in income tax, lifting tax rates to 25%, 45% and 50%, which, he tells me, would raise about £50bn. That requires a transparent and honest conversation with the public. He suggests correcting many existing tax absurdities: uncap council tax on high-value properties, for example, which still yield less than the old rates. Or have pensioners pay national insurance on all income, as they are one of the groups least likely to be poor (a quarter of pensioners have £1m in wealth or more).
Labour has its own plans for raising taxes, including windfalls, abolishing the non-dom status that allows people born in another country to pay tax only on their UK income, imposing VAT on private schools and cancelling some of the £175bn blown on tax relief, according to the IFS. Wealth is grossly undertaxed and trillions have been secreted in homes that have multiplied in value which their owners aren’t taxed for.
But the hard truth is that the bulk of tax everywhere comes from VAT, income tax and national insurance contributions. Even with taxes on wealth, there’s no avoiding most earners paying more. Politicians never dare advocate tax rises before an election, but this time there is a groundswell of economists preparing the ground for the public to choose taxes over cuts. Had we taxed more to invest in human and physical capital, as France, Germany or the Netherlands have done for decades, we might be up there with them. Low taxes don’t breed prosperity: thanks to Truss, the public now knows it.
With Sunak now leading the country, we can expect two more years of turmoil: look how even the erstwhile “sensibles” such as Ben Wallace and Alok Sharma backed Johnson. He warns he’ll be back, hovering over these “hard choices” to swoop back for an election if Sunak’s punishments prove lethally unpopular. Labour is now all but certain to win according to most psephologists. Rejecting austerity, it promises to account for every penny raised and spent. Voters need to know these are all choices, not an iron destiny.
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moonwatchuniverse · 2 years
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X-15 pilots received USAF “ Astronaut wings “ … August 5, 1965 X-15 testpilots LtColonel Robert Rushworth and Captain Joe Engle received their USAF astronaut wings as military pilots qualified as astronauts if they flew above 50 miles (80 Kilometers). Robert Rushworth flew a record 34 X-15 flights (June 1963 flight 87 above 50 miles) and Joe Engle flew 16 X-15 flights (June 1965 flight 138 above 50 miles). August 26, Joe Engle will turn 90 years, the last X-15 pilot alive! Note both testpilots wore an Accutron Astronaut GMT pilot watch. The microsonic Accutron tuning fork wristwatch, brainchild of Max Hetzel, was introduced by Bulova  in October 1960. (Photo: NASA/USAF)
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
pilot Francis Stanley Gabreski
Ronnie Bell Following
pilot Francis Stanley Gabreski
Francis Stanley (Gabby) Gabreski, (born. 28 January 1919 in Oil City, Pennsylvania, died. 31 January 2002 in New York City, New York) is an American pilot of the Polish, the fighter, known as "Gabby", by fellow American third on the list of ACEs USAF pilot in World War II. The Chevalier Cross Of Valour.
Pilot training In 1940 he joined the School of pilots Parks Air College, military aviation base in Alabama Maxwell. He graduated from high school in 1941. Trained on the aircraft:
Stearman PT-17
Fairchild PT-19
Vultee BT-13
North American BT-9
North American North American AT-6
The promotion received 14 March 1941 and assignment to the unit of the Luftwaffe.
Service in Hawaii[Edit]After training he was sent to the base Wheeler Field on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. There, educate on RAF otu, P-36 and P-40. Especially this first this matured him to taste. He witnessed the attack of Japanese Aichi D3A aircraft at Pearl Harbor. In the film Pearl Harbor is the scene where several pilots getting into the machinery to take the fight. Such a situation occurred in fact, and one of its players was just Gabreski.
He was promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned to Washington, and later, at their own request, was sent to Great Britain.
Combat over Europe[Edit]During the November 1942-February 1943, he flew in combat with the Polish pilots in No. 315 by doing 20 combat flights. He fought on the airplane Spitfire Mk IX. He was, however, not the enemy, their practical experience. Then he returned briefly to the United States, where he was commander of the 61 Squadron "B" Group. Educate on aircraft Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Fighter Squadron, being in the service of 61. He fought in Europe on an airplane P-47 d in versions:
P-47 d-1
P-47 d-5
P-47 d-11
P-47 d-25
He soon promoted to Commander of the 61st Fighter Squadron. Before the invasion had already in its counteroffensive "account" 27 zestrzeleń. 5 July 1944 made another flight. He shot down another enemy machine, 28, which was a record in American aviation in Europe. He received the title of America's Greatest Living Ace (engl. the largest of the living of ACEs). Additional prize was returned to the United States. Before returning to the House he decided to perform one more flight. on July 20, 1944, at the time of the oslony expedition of bombowej of Germany, during the attack from the ground hit a propeller in flight koszącego the purposes of obstacle and fail over lądował, by hitting to captivity[5]. In Stalagu Luft I in Barth stayed to the end of the war. After the liberation of the camp by the Red Army in April 1945, he returned to the US and founded the family.
The fight over Korea in 1951 , "Gabby" was sent to Korea. There was a Deputy Commander of 4 Wing Fighter, and later Commander of the 51st Fighter Wing. He fought on the myśliwcu North American F-86 Sabre. He shot down in enemy aircraft, Korean war 6,5. After returning to the US he was responsible functions in the USAF, until 1967 , when it was moved to retire. He zestrzeleń some 34.5 and 3 probable.
Visited Poland twice – in 1992 and 1999, he died on 31 January 2002, in a hospital in New York City.
Enemy kills Date Zestrzeleń Type Place Aircraft of its own Assignment
24 August 1943 1 Fw 190 Dreux, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
3 September 1943 1 Fw 190 St-Germain, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
November 11, 1943 1 Fw 190 Rheine, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
26 November 1943 2 Me 110 Oldenburg, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
29 November 1943 2 Me 109 Bremen, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
on December 11, 1943 1 Me 110 Emden, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
29 January 1944 1 Me 110 Emden, Germany P-47 d Dow 56 FG
January 30, 1944 1 Me 410 Lingen, Germany P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
January 30, 1944 1 Me 109 Lingen, Germany P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
20 February 1944 2 Me 410 Koblenz, Germany P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
February 22, 1944 1 Fw 190 Paderborn, Germany P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
16 March 1944 2 Fw 190 Nancy, France P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
on March 27, 1944 2 Me 109 Nantes, France P-47 d Dow. 56 FG
May 8, 1944 1 Me 109 Celle, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
22 May 1944 3 Fw 190 Höperhöfen, Germany P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
7 June 1944 1 Me 109 Dreux, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
7 June 1944 1 Fw 190 Dreux, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
June 12, 1944 2 Me 109 Évreux, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
27 June 1944 1 Me 109 Connantre, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
5 July 1944 1 Me 109 Évreux, France P-47 d 61, 56 FG Dyw.
5 July 1951 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Korea Dpr F-86A 4 FIGS
September 2, 1951 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Korea Dpr F-86A 4 FIGS
2 October 1951 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Korea Dpr F-86A 4 FIGS
11 January 1952 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Dandong, China F-86E 51 FIW
February 20, 1952 ½ Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-15 Korea Dpr F-86E 51 FIW
April 1, 1952 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Korea Dpr F-86E 51 FIW
April 13, 1952 1 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 Korea Dpr F-86E 51 FIW
Source: Air Force Historical Study 85: USAF Credits for the Destruction of Enemy Aircraft, World War II and Air Force Historical Study 81: USAF Credits for the Destruction of Enemy Aircraft, Korean War.
Awards[6] [Edit]
Francis Stanley Gabreski in 1956Decorations, us
USAF Command Pilot Wings
Cross for distinguished service (Distinguished Service Cross)
Army Distinguished Service Medal
Srerna Star (Silver Star)-twice
Legion Of Merit (Legion of Merit)
Distinguished Flying Cross (Distinguished Flying Cross) – trzynastokrotnie
Bronze Star (Bronze Star)
The Air Medal (Air Medal) – 7
Prisoner of War Medal
American Defense Service Medal
American Campaign Medal
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal – dwukrotnie
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal – trzykrotnie
World War II Victory Medal
National Defense Service Medal – dwukrotnie
Korean Service Medal – trzykrotnie
Air Force Longevity Service Award - sześciokrotnie
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
9 notes · View notes
iloveahangar · 3 years
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I thought this was great 😁 - despite the seriousness of being a test pilot in the 60s flying some truly remarkable aircraft, these X-15 pilots still managed to fit in things likes this… brilliant! 👏🙏 Pic 2 is the “serious” shot 😁( 1966) Color: Left to Right: Air Force Captain Joseph H. Engle (August 26, 1932, 89 yrs young ) Air Force Major Robert A. Rushworth (October 9, 1924 – March 18, 1993), NASA pilot John B. "Jack" McKay (December 8, 1922 – April 27, 1975), Air Force Major William J. "Pete" Knight (November 18, 1929 – May 7, 2004), NASA pilot Milton O. Thompson (May 4, 1926 – August 6, 1993)  , and NASA pilot Bill Dana (November 3, 1930 – May 6, 2014). Available only at www.iloveahangar.com @iloveahangar #aircraft #airforce #airshow #avgeek #aviation #aviationdaily #aviationgeek #aviationhistory #aviationlovers #aviationphotos #avnerd #instaaviation #militaryaviation #customkicks #skateshoes #oldairplanes #pilot #planepics #vintageaircraft #warbird #warbirds #testpilot https://www.instagram.com/p/CVaNu4sB--s/?utm_medium=tumblr
11 notes · View notes
35 (Excelsior Company)
A'den Skirata
Ace (ARC trooper)
Alpha 332
Alpha 662
Alpha 989
Atin Skirata
Beta 030
Beta 963
Blue Leader
Blue Six
Boba Fett
Bogey 1212
Bogey 3856
Bogey 4409
Bogey 5632
Bogey 9662
Bravo 4
Breaker (Breakout Squad)
Chatter (radio communications)
Chi 178
Chi 987
Comet (ARC trooper)
Connor Freeman's father
Crazy Legs
Darman Skirata
Delta 23
Delta 32
Delta 607
Delta 855
Epsilon 234
Epsilon 497
Epsilon 905
Fi (clone trooper)
Fil (clone trooper)
Fi Skirata
Fixer (clone commando)
Fixer (cold assault trooper)
Fox (Order 66)
Gamma 022
Gamma 264
Gamma 785
Gamma 789
Gamma 935
Gamma Five
Gamma Four
Gamma One
Gamma Three
Gamma Two
Gearshift's comrade
Gold Leader (Anaxes)
Gold Leader (Muunilinst)
Gold Two (Muunilinst)
Green Leader
Green Wizard
Hardcase's Kamino commander
Havoc (ARC trooper)
Havoc (clone trooper)
Hawk (Kamino)
Hock Malsuum
Ion Team's comlink specialist
Iota 432
Jag (Jai'galaar)
Jaing Skirata
Jester (ARC trooper)
Kappa 429
Kappa 473
Kappa 773
Knuckles (182nd Legion)
Kom'rk Skirata
Lock (Breakout Squad)
Lost Prophet
Mad Clone of Kaikielius
Mereel Skirata
Mu 262
Niner (Vassek moon)
Niner Skirata
Nu 783
Omega 370
Omikron 621
Ordo Skirata
Phi 022
Phi 854
Pi 610
Prudii Skirata
Psi 487
Red (Kamino)
Red Leader
Retired clone trooper
Rho 106
Rho 557
Rho 571
Rho 773
Rogue assassin
Sarge (commando)
Sconto's father
Scythe (ARC trooper)
Sev (Lambda Squad)
Sev's ARC Trooper
Shadow Five
Shadow Four
Shadow Seven
Shadow Six
Shadow Ten
Shadow Three
Shadow Three (Kadavo)
Shadow Twelve
Shadow Twelve's gunner
Sharp (Devil Dogs)
Tarvyn Lareka
Tau 378
Tau 616
Tau 753
Theta 198
Theta 269
Theta 687
Torrent Four
Tranquility clone trooper captain
Trench (Gamma-383)
Tyto (Bacta Company)
Unidentified 13th Battalion clone commander
Unidentified 187th Legion Clone Commander
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper 2
Unidentified 187th Legion clone trooper 3
Unidentified 187th Legion marine
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion Trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper (Utapau)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 1(Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 1 (Yerbana)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 2 (Yerbana)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper captain (Bandomeer)
Unidentified 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper sergeant (Ryloth)
Unidentified 35th Infantry clone trooper (Gaftikar)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 3 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 4 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 5 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 6 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone escort trooper 7 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone medical officer 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone medical officer 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Coronet)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (E-web)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Yerbana)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Jedi Temple)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper (Yoda's saber throw)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 1 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 4 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 5 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 6 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 7 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 8 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper 9 (Umbara)
Unidentified 501st Legion guard 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion guard 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion heavy weapons specialist 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion heavy weapons specialist 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified 501st Legion clone trooper sergeant
Unidentified 501st stormtrooper (first casualty)
Unidentified 501st stormtrooper 2
Unidentified 612th Attack Battalion clone trooper
Unidentified 91st clone trooper (Anaxes)
Unidentified 91st clone trooper 2 (Anaxes)
Unidentified 91st clone trooper lieutenant
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando (Aridka)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando (intelligence officer)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando 1 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando captain (Nadiem)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando commander (Aridka)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando commander (Nadiem)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando heavy gunner
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 1 (Hypori)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 1 (Muunilinst)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 2 (Hypori)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando Lieutenant 2 (Muunilinst)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando pilot
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force commando 2
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Devaron)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Ryloth)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Devaron)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 2 (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 3 (Kamino)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper 3 (Umbara)
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper commander
Unidentified Advanced Recon Force trooper lieutenant
Unidentified air group commander
Unidentified Alpha Squad clone trooper
Unidentified ARC trooper
Unidentified ARC trooper commander
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 1
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 2
Unidentified Blue Squad commando 3
Unidentified Blue Squad sergeant
Unidentified Bogey Squad BARC trooper
Unidentified Captain of the Royal Guard
Unidentified clone (cremation center)
Unidentified clone (morgue)
Unidentified clone 2 (cremation center)
Unidentified clone 2 (morgue)
Unidentified clone 3 (cremation center)
Unidentified clone cadet
Unidentified clone cadet 2
Unidentified clone cadet 3
Unidentified clone cadet 4
Unidentified clone cadet 5
Unidentified clone chief medic
Unidentified clone commando (Arca barracks)
Unidentified clone commando 1 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 2 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 3 (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando 1 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 2 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 3 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando 4 (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando captain (Theta Squadron)
Unidentified clone commando pilot
Unidentified clone commando sergeant (H.O.P.E.)
Unidentified clone commando sniper
Unidentified clone commando weapons specialist
Unidentified clone engineer 1 (Twilight)
Unidentified clone escort trooper (Coruscant)
Unidentified clone medical officer
Unidentified clone medical officer (501st Legion medical bay)
Unidentified clone naval captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone naval commander (Resolute)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Anza)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Battle of the Kaliida Nebula)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Citadel)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Endurance)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Kamino)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Patitite Pattuna)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Quell)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ryloth)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ryndellia)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Sanctuary III)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Sullust)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Ukio)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Valor)
Unidentified clone naval officer (Venator-class Star Destroyer)
Unidentified clone naval officer 1 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Anza)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Ryndellia)
Unidentified clone naval officer 2 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone paratrooper (212th Attack Battalion)
Unidentified clone scout trooper (Umbara)
Unidentified clone SCUBA commander
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper (First Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper (Second Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper 2 (First Battle)
Unidentified clone SCUBA trooper 2 (Second Battle)
Unidentified clone sergeant (Amidala's transmission)
Unidentified clone sergeant (New Dawn)
Unidentified clone shock trooper (docks)
Unidentified clone stormtrooper
Unidentified clone stormtrooper gunner
Unidentified clone scout trooper (Kashyyyk)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Felucia)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone tank gunner (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper
Unidentified clone trooper (79's)
Unidentified clone trooper (Amedda's bodyguard)
Unidentified clone trooper (Anza)
Unidentified clone trooper (arm wrestle)
Unidentified clone trooper (Asuin)
Unidentified clone trooper (Brentaal IV)
Unidentified clone trooper (Brighthome)
Unidentified clone trooper (Christophsis)
Unidentified clone trooper (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper (commando cross-training)
Unidentified clone trooper (Endor)
Unidentified clone trooper (Endurance)
Unidentified clone trooper (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosian kill)
Unidentified clone trooper (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper (Gwori)
Unidentified clone trooper (Hailfire droid victim)
Unidentified clone trooper (Honoghr)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kaliida Shoals)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper (Negotiator)
Unidentified clone trooper (Nelvaan)
Unidentified clone trooper (Oznek)
Unidentified clone trooper (Prosecutor torpedo bay)
Unidentified clone trooper (Resolute)
Unidentified clone trooper (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper (Second Battle of Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper (TB-73)
Unidentified clone trooper (Third Battle of Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper (Timira City)
Unidentified clone trooper (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper (Triumphant)
Unidentified clone trooper (Twilight)
Unidentified clone trooper (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper (Ventress victim)
Unidentified clone trooper (video call)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Drongar)
Unidentified clone trooper 1 (Hadde Base)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Gwori)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Hadde Base)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Prosecutor)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Ryloth)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Saleucami)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Triumphant)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Kamino)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Kiros)
Unidentified clone trooper 3 (Vassek moon)
Unidentified clone trooper 4 (Citadel)
Unidentified clone trooper captain
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Bandomeer)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (besieged moon)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Bogden 3)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Hoth)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Hunter Squad)
Unidentified clone trooper captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (bank)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Chrisophsis)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Gyndine moon)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Hitaka)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Hypermatter refinery)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Impavid)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Jedi Temple)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Separatist factory)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Unidentified planet)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Viidaav)
Unidentified clone trooper commander (Zeffo)
Unidentified clone trooper gunner (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (501st Legion)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Medica)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Pols Anaxes camp)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant (Sarrish)
Unidentified clone trooper lieutenant pilot
Unidentified clone trooper medic (Shinarcan Bridge)
Unidentified clone trooper officer
Unidentified clone trooper pilot
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Florrum)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Kadavo)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Mandalore)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Rodia)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Vanqor)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Yerbana)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Consular-class cruiser)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Quell)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Bothawui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Consular-class cruiser)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Quell)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 2 (Rodia)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 3 (Bothaqui)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot (Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 3 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 4 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 5 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 6 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot 7 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot captain (Second Battle of Geonosis)
Unidentified clone trooper pilot captain (Tranquility)
Unidentified clone trooper scout
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (14th Infantry)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (501st Legion)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Coruscant patrol)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Malastare)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant (Timira City)
Unidentified clone trooper sergeant medic
Unidentified commander (Christophsis rescue mission)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (camera monitor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Chancellor's Office)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (guard platform)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Naboo)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (prison balcony)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (prison entrance)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Tano's escape)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard (Ziro's escort)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 1 (prison corridor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 1 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 2 (prison corridor)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 2 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 3 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard 4 (prison riot)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard heavy weapons specialist 1 (Scipio)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard heavy weapons specialist 2 (Scipio)
Unidentified Coruscant Guard sergeant
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper (plasma welder)
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit clone trooper 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit heavy weapons specialist 1 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Doom's Unit heavy weapons specialist 2 (Ringo Vinda)
Unidentified Green Company Clone Commander
Unidentified Green Company trooper
Unidentified Horn Company trooper
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 1
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 2
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone trooper 3
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 1
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 2
Unidentified Jet's Unit clone flame trooper 3
Unidentified Juma-9 Squad clone trooper
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 1
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 2
Unidentified Kamino Security Team clone trooper 3
Unidentified Kamino Security Team officer
Unidentified Keeli's Company clone trooper 1
Unidentified Keeli's Company clone trooper 2
Unidentified Lightning Squadron trooper (Ryloth)
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 1
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 2
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 3
Unidentified Mojo's Unit clone trooper 4
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 1
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 2
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 3
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 4
Unidentified Muunilinst 10 clone trooper 5
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 3 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 4 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 5 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 6 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 7 (79's)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (arm wrestle)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (arm wrestle)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 1 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 2 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 3 (Toast)
Unidentified Open Circle Fleet clone naval officer 4 (Toast)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion clone trooper (Kamino)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion heavy weapons specialist (Kamino)
Unidentified Rancor Battalion heavy weapons specialist 2 (Kamino)
Unidentified Republic Navy captain
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Kamino)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Ryloth)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (of Sullust)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Kaliida Nebula)
Unidentified Resolute naval officer (Pre-Kamino)
Unidentified rookie clone trooper
Unidentified Shadow Squadron gunner
Unidentified Shadow Squadron pilot
Unidentified shock trooper 1 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 2 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 3 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 4 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper 5 (79's)
Unidentified shock trooper (Scipio)
Unidentified shock trooper 2 (Scipio)
Unidentified stealth pilot
Unidentified Theta Squadron captain
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 1
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 2
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 3
Unidentified Theta Squadron clone commando 4
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper (Biitu)
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper (Teth)
Unidentified Torrent Company trooper 2 (Teth)
Unidentified Triton Squad Advanced Recon Commando
Unidentified Triton Squad clone commando lieutenant
Unidentified Triton Squad clone stormtrooper
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 2
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 3
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 4
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 5
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 6
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 7
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 8
Unidentified Triton Squad clone trooper 9
Unidentified V-19 Torrent starfighter pilot
Unidentified Wolfpack clone communications officer (Malastare)
Upsilon 168
Upsilon 733
Upsilon 941
Ven (Kothlis)
Ven (Qiilura)
Xi 778
Xi 999
Yellow Five
Yellow Leader
Zeta 654
187 notes · View notes
Tumblr media
29 Jun 1965 at Edwards Air Force Base - Captain Joe Engle
118 notes · View notes
lorenzlund · 1 year
‘Frank und offenherzig’ und krank.
Das Kranksein. der Er-krankte aus dem Krankenhaus.
Herz zeigen! ... beweisen!
*Das uns von jemand gezeigte Herzsymbol, geformt aus sowohl den Zeigefingern wie Daumen beider Hände, es ist nie das was wir zunächst in ihm sehen oder was wir davon erwarten! Eine Geste des Wohlwollens und tiefer Zuneigung zu uns und dem Mann! Stattdessen stellt es dann erneut die ‘Kirsche’ von Männern dar! “die Kirsche *umgangsprachlich) für Spitze des männl. Gliedes
Zuletzt begegneten mir wiederholt auf meiner Einreise nach Bayern auf Bürgersteigen in Kleinstädten so Frauen, die ein weiteres Mal ohne die eigenen Ehemänner unterwegs waren. Vor einem Jahr sei auch er sehr schwer erkrankt! Hieß es dann wieder! Solche Äußerungen ich bin sie von Ehefrauen bereits gewohnt! Sie kamen dabei aus allen Teilen Deutschlands!  Ihre Gesundheit erweist sich regelmäßig dabei als sehr viel robuster oder besser als die auch ihrer Männer: 
"Plötzlicher Schlaganfall bei meinen Mann! Es passierte ganz allmählich und im Laufe des Tages, dass er Symptome zeigte! Und weil er dann nicht ins Heim und in ärztliche Behandlung wollte, musste ihn erst Polizisten dorthin bringen! Genauer gesagt waren es drei! Mein Mann ist ein sehr stattlicher! Er verfügt über viel Kraft!”
“Mein Ehemann ist länger auch nicht gesund!”
“Er leidet unter Multipler Sklerose!!”
“Hat ihre Nelly eigentlich noch Demenz??”  (*so der Name des Hundes der ersten Ehefrau, eine weitere war inzwischen hinzugekommen, ihr fehlte der sie begleitende Hund bereits ganz, er war erst kürzlich verstorben, wenn auch zugegebermaßen in einem schon sehr hohen Alter!)
“Bevor wir Nelly während eines von uns gemachten Urlaubes in Düsseldorf von jemand anderem übernahmen, mein Mann und ich, sie war da 2, jetzt ist sie 11, litt sie bereits unter sehr starkem Darmkrebs!”
(Spaziergang durch auch Bad Wörishofen)
*der große Müdigkeits- oder Schlafanfall. Meist leiden auch wir an ihm erst nach der frisch auch uns servierten und von uns eingenommenen Essens-Mahlzeit und einem vielleicht zusätzlichem Getränk. Es kann vorkommen, dass wir auf andere dann sogar vergesslich wirken. Oder uns die Erinnerung vorübergehend sehr stark fehlt. Eine solche Mahlzeit sie besaß dann vielleicht nur wieder besondere Inhaltsstoffe! Es muss gar nicht die behauptete Demenz dann wieder sein! Sehr oft aber lautet die ärztliche Diagnose genau darauf, dem Patienten wird dann erneut vielleicht dringender ärztlicher Handlungsbedarf unterstellt! *hart, hard (engl.), h-a-r-t-s(-z), the ‘Captain’(of my Heart’), (Ober)kappe, Rote Mützen, Multiple Rosen, 'die Rose’ (auch: ‘Rosette’ in der Umgangssprache), -skle: Ekel, ekelig, ‘Ekel Alfred’ aus dem deutschen T.-v. als Rentner, ‘Z’ (’-S’, the Ass), ‘Zorro, Der Mann mit der Maske’ (The masked Singer’, als Sendung aus selbst auch dem heutigen bundesdeutschen T.v. der Nachkriegszeit)
Zuletzt wirkten selbst das Innere größerer Gebäude Baden-Würtembergs und Bayerns auf auffällige Weise regelmäßig auch verstrahlt, wie selbst die einzelner gastronomischer Betriebe oder Herbergen für Reisende! Damit hier jemand seine Mahlzeit auch weiterhin einnehmen und an seinem Tisch verbleiben kann, ohne dass auch er dabei vielleicht zum Aufstehen genötigt wird und den Raum so wie ich es zuletzt immer wieder tun musste ebenfalls verlassen muss (In der Tat nahmen die Schmerzen dann fast immer signifikant sofort auch wieder ab, bis sie am Ende ganz verschwanden!), benötigte dieser jemand  ein einwandfreies und am besten fehlerloses Gebiss! Oder aber er gehört den noch sehr jungen Leuten dieses Landes an von unter 30 Jahren! (Und es hilft dann auch keineswegs, empfindet man sich selber vielleicht als ‘junggeblieben’ oder ‘Junggebliebenen’, so wie es mir sehr oft in der Vergangenheit damit als Schriftsteller u. Komponist, der beständig auf Reisen ist und das Reisen liebt, auch schon ergangen ist!!)
0 notes
askkrenko · 4 years
Krenko’s Guide to Creature Types: God
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Art by Jason Engle
What is a God (flavorfully)?
A God is an arbitrarily powerful supernatural entity that rules over mortals and some aspect of nature. What makes something a God as opposed to a strong Demon or Angel or Elemental is pretty vague, and plenty of cards without the God type have been worshipped as Gods, like Ixidor, Karona, and a number of Planeswalkers, but the God type generally refers to Gods like in Greek, Norse, Egyptian, etc. mythology.
So like Thor. But bigger. Magic the Gathering gods are all really, really tall.
What is a God (mechanically)?
Gods are immortal. Whether it be with the Indestructible keyword or an ability to return from death, God cards can’t be defeated by normal means. They generally have to be exiled, but even that doesn’t stop the cycle of gods from War of the Spark.
Gods come mostly evenly in all five colors, and are all big. The smallest is a 4/4 and the largest are a 7/6 and a 6/7. 
Most gods are specifically undercosted for their size and immortality and make up for this by being unable to attack unless a condition is met. For Therosian Gods, this condition is a certain amount of Devotion required or they count as enchantments, not creatures. For Amonkhet Gods, the condition is unique to each deity.  Nicol Bolas’ corrupted and undead gods have no such restrictions, nor does Ilharg the Raze-Boar.
Every god is Legendary. There are no generic gods.
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Can I make a God deck?
First off, let me say that the majority of the 35 God cards are good, playable cards in their own right. You can make a deck focused around any one of those Gods, and I’ve seen nearly all of them at play in Commander or Brawl at one point or another, plus a number in various Standard decks. 
That said, making an actual God deck is generally a bad idea. As most of the gods have requirements to attack and block, and these requirements almost always require some building around, and some are mutually exclusive, working with many gods at once is fraught. Now, I have seen five-color enchantment Commander decks running all the Theros gods, but while that worked out okay, it really relied on being an Enchantments Matter deck and had a hard time getting enough devotion for any of the gods to attack, let alone all of them. And as all the gods are Legendary and Indestructible, even in a sixty card format you don’t really want to run any of them as a four-of.
If you are insistent on playing God Tribal in commander, I suggest Sisay, Weatherlight Captain. With one other Legendary permanent, she can start tutoring out Gods, and even when your Gods aren’t able to attack or block due to lack of devotion, they can increase her power and toughness. Another option is using either Karona or Progenitus. Both explicitly work as finishers, but the former will provide devotion for your deities and make them stronger on the attack, and the latter will provide a LOT of devotion. 
Another strong option is Child of Alara. When it destroys all non-land permanents, your gods will either ignore the effect due to being indestructible or return quickly due to their other divine abilities.
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Is God a good creature type?
Despite being a newer, smaller creature type, God hit the ground with a strong mechanical identity, and kept that even as it played with it in later cards. While I am generally opposed to the addition of more and more creature types, it’s hard to complain when it’s done with such style in both flavor and mechanics as it has been with God, especially when it’s a new creature type that opens the gates for many more options.  Magic the Gathering has a long history of deific beings that the card game hasn’t let us punch in the face, and I want to fight them all.
The one weird aspect of God as a creature type is that it implies that all the other Gods we’ve known that DO have cards aren’t actually Gods. Like the cycle of Spirit Avatars in Shadowmoor that are explicitly called Gods. If Deity of Scars isn’t a God, I don’t know what words mean anymore. And Progenitus is supposed to be some sort of God, too. 
Mechanically, God is doing what it needs to do, and I don’t expect to EVER see God Tribal, outside of perhaps some five color card that supports the idea of a Therosian Pantheon working together. Flavorfully, there’s so many non-God Gods in the game, most of which are Avatars, that I think could get the type.
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ladyhistorypod · 4 years
Episode 11: [Insert Political Joke Here]
Patsy Mink
National Women’s History Museum
University of Hawaii
United States House of Representatives
Patsy Takemoto Mink
KHON2 News (YouTube)
Further Viewing: Internet Archive, Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority (Trailer)
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
The White House Historical Association
Theodore Roosevelt Center at Dickinson State University
Find A Grave
The New York Times
Smithsonian Institute
Wilma Mankiller
National Women’s History Museum
Oklahoma History
Time Magazine
National Women’s Hall of Fame
Smithsonian Magazine
Attributions: Cherokee Nation's Chief Wilma Mankiller, Marching Drum, Power Of People: Sea-Tac Airport Travel Ban/Immigration Protest
Click below for a transcript of this episode!
Archival Audio: I'm really very excited by, and my process says our difficulty has been that not enough have run. We can’t expect that every woman, because she's a woman, the minute she runs she's going to be successful. That's not possible. So we do need to have the numbers in there competing, and given the numbers I think we're going to be more and more successful over the years.
Alana: So this is the first episode that's going to come out after the election is over. Like, by the time this comes out we're gonna know.
Haley: I was thinking of that when I was looking at the schedule and I don't know… I'm real nervous. I have class that night. It's going to my first class being like on the east coast, so I'm gonna be real tired. I’m gonna be with my cat though it's gonna be fine.
Alana: No this podcast is gonna be so nice.
Lexi: To be fair, we might not know who actually won by that Thursday.
Haley and Alana, somehow at exactly the same time: That’s true.
Lexi: Because there's going to be a lot of contention about mail-in ballots. So, dear Lexi listening to this on Thursday or even on Tuesday while editing it of election week; how's it going? What’s up?
Alana: Are you okay?
Lexi: Are you doing okay? Do we know yet? When will we know?
Alana: When will we know? We probably won't know on Tuesday when you're editing it, but… 
Lexi: And we probably won't know on Thursday.
Alana: On Thursday when it comes out.
Lexi: We might get a result and then we might get told it's not the result. There might be a lawsuit.
Alana: This podcast is gonna be really nice for the two of you to have to remember my voice by when I die in the coup.
Lexi: Yes the coup that will occur in DC. That might be more like January.
Alana: That's true, the coup will be in January.
Lexi: When someone refuses to leave… the area… to evacuate the premises.
Alana: Maybe he’ll be dead by then.
Alana: Hello and welcome to Lady History; the good, the bad, and the ugly ladies you missed in history class. Here I am, still on Zoom, with Lexi. Lexi, have you ever run a political campaign?
Lexi: Oh my god. I have.
Alana: Did I set you up for this?
Lexi: Yes. My dog is running for daycare class president. Please vote for him. His name is Captain, he's a Portuguese water dog, he's two and a half years old, and he's really cute. His platform is that he'll give you a snuggle.
Alana: I love him.
Lexi: Me too.
Alana: And someday will be reunited in person, Haley. Haley, what's your political platform?
Haley: I know. My skeleton is allowed to be in my passenger seat so I can ride in the carpool lane.
Lexi: Skeletons is people.
Haley: My plastic Napoleon Bone-aparte should be my second in command. Thus, me going in the carpool lane.
Lexi: Vote for Haley, skeletons is people.
Alana: And I'm Alana and my single issue vote is not ushering in the apocalypse.
Lexi: I have experience as a campaign manager, feel free to hire me.
Haley: A lot of people are gonna hate that.
Alana: No I love that.
Haley: I’ve never met–
Lexi: Listen, the people who support NAGPRA, they will love that.
Haley: He’s fake. My mom really had to grill me and I–
Lexi: He’s not real. Her skeleton is not real.
Haley: My mom was terrified that I got a real skeleton. And like honestly, of all people, I could go on the deep dark black webs, sure, but she even like texted my roommate like when we were all like in a group chat and we were calling or something and she was like “Caroline it's plastic, right.” And then also, y'all were involved in this– when Robert and I started dating, for like months he thought that was real and wouldn’t go near it and was like, heavily creeped out that like he was sleeping in the same room as a real skeleton. And it wasn’t until like I pitied him and–
Alana: First of all, he’s sleeping in the same room as two real skeletons.
Haley: That's true.
Lexi: He's sharing a body with one.
Archival Audio: Because the women have not until recently reached retirement age after having worked a full lifetime, only now are beginning to realize that there is inequity in the law.
Lexi: Congresswoman Patsy Takemoto Mink was born on December 6, 1927, near a sugar plantation. She was born on the Hawaiian island of Maui, and I just have to say, Maui is one of my favorite places on Earth. It was the first place I took scuba diving lessons and it is seriously an amazing and beautiful place. I have trouble thinking of any place I've ever been that's as beautiful. Patsy was a third generation American and her grandparents were immigrants from Japan. The term among Japanese Americans for a third generation child is sansei, not to be confused with sensei which means teacher. And sansei are the first to be raised by parents who are themselves raised in America, so they are very American and that is why they get a special name. Patsy was close with her brother Eugene and the two spent most of their childhood exploring the island together, foraging for edible mushrooms and bamboo shoots which is really cute. The family mainly spoke English at home, but Patsy learned Japanese in order to communicate with her mother's parents. Her father, Suematsu Takemoto, had been orphaned at a young age and served in the military before attending the University of Hawaii and becoming a civil engineer. He served during World War I. Suematsu was the first Japanese American to earn a degree in civil engineering from the University of Hawaii and he set a precedent for his children who would go on to break barriers themselves. Patsy witnessed racial discrimination faced by her family at a young age and this may have served as inspiration for her work in later life. Patsy also grew up in a community where many families did not have the privileges and comforts that her family had, and she realized this when she started to attend school; this also likely shaped her future work. Patsy's parents treated Eugene and Patsy equally, breaking Japanese tradition in which strict gender roles were imposed. This likely contributed to the strong bond that she and Eugene shared, valuing each other as equals. Patsy, who always kept up with her brother, decided to attend school a year early to be with him in class. She started primary school at the age of just four. In the fourth grade, her and her brother were transferred to a new school. This new school, which focused on English language learning, only admitted students with fluent English skills, effectively segregating white students from non white students and indigenous people on the Hawaiian islands. Every teacher they had in class was white. Patsy and Eugene were admitted because they had great English skills, but of course, English was their first language and it was also language their parents spoke to them at home. And Patsy and Eugene were part of only five percent of the student body that was non white, so ninety five percent of the school was white. Though Patsy flourished academically, she had trouble fitting in at the new school and made very few friends. Patsy's hobbies included listening to the radio and reading books which connected her to the world beyond Maui. Eventually, Patsy entered a new school to begin high school. There she was elected class president. She claims the support of the football team helped her secure the position. This was the start of her career in politics. While Patsy was in high school, the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred.
Archival Audio (FDR): Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.
Lexi: Local non-Japanese citizens became wary of the Japanese locals, despite no Japanese Hawaiians being involved in the attacks. Japanese families destroyed culturally significant family heirlooms such as katanas and kimonos. They shut down Japanese language schools and they disbanded their cultural clubs. At the same time, Japanese Americans in mainland America were being rounded up and sent to internment camps. Many of them had been born and raised in America and had never even visited Japan. Some of them were sansei, just like Patsy. But racism and fear led non-Japanese individuals to oust even their closest Japanese friends. In Hawaii, far less Japanese were sent to internment camps and Patsy narrowly escaped participating in a tragic part of her generation and culture’s upbringing. Despite this, Patsy later in life claimed that President FDR was her political inspiration. Patsy graduated from her high school as valedictorian in the middle of a global war. In the fall, Patsy was admitted to the University of Hawaii, her father's alma mater, and she began her studies. She participated on the debate team and became president of the pre-med club because at the time she was considering pursuing a career in medicine. As the war continued, many of Patsy's college friends decided to transfer to schools on the mainland for security reasons. One of her professors suggested she apply to a women's college on the mainland. She was admitted to Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania which happens to be my home state. She met with the president of the college upon her arrival at the school; he told her she would probably struggle with her course work because the classes are all taught in English and she would be granted a private room. Patsy later recalled that he was so shocked when she replied in perfect English for multiple sentences, and she was then put in a shared room because if you can speak English, you can share a room. This was Patsy’s first taste of the ignorance many mainland Americans had about the Hawaiian territory, which was not yet a state. Patsy found the course work at Wilson to be below her, stifling her for real learning. She also faced discrimination from classmates and faculty. Because of this, she transferred to the University of Nebraska. It was at her third college that Patsy became engaged with policy making. The university's policy segregated white students and students of color in student housing. The international house, where she assumed she had been placed purely because Hawaii was not a state at the time, actually was home to both international students of color and American students were Black, Latinx, or Asian. The school’s other dormitories and the on-campus Greek housing only admitted white students. Patsy decided to take action and began a campaign to end the discriminatory policy. She led letter writing efforts, worked with the school newspaper, and spoke with local newspapers about the issue. Students she did not even know began supporting her in her campaign. She became president of the Unaffiliated Students, a group of individuals were not associated with Greek life at the University of Nebraska. Patsy was within just one semester a campus leader. The same year she starred at the University of Nebraska, the housing discrimination policy was lifted by the board. Unfortunately, Patsy suffered a medical emergency and had to return to Hawaii to be with her family, where she finished her last semester of college just where she started, at the University of Hawaii. She earned a dual major degree in chemistry and zoology. After graduation, she applied to medical school. Every school she applied to reject her. At the time, women were not admitted to medical school at a fair rate and women made up only about three percent of the student body of most American medical schools. And, because it was 1948, many colleges were focusing on admitting returned veterans. The odds had been stacked against Patsy, and unfortunately she would not be able to fulfill her goal and dream of becoming a doctor. Then Patsy started her first job in a museum at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. Museums always seem to be a factor in our shows… huh… Well anyway–
Alana: I wonder why… 
Lexi: I wonder why… I mean I didn't even know this about her when I picked her so this is super fascinating.
Alana: You were just– you are drawn to her.
Lexi: Yes.
Alana: The museum called out to you.
Lexi: The little museum bit. And this is actually where she met her mentor who encouraged her to pursue law, so it was through the museum that she found her true calling. And she was accepted to the University of Chicago under their international student quota, and though she desperately, desperately wanted to correct their error and remind her that being born in the Hawaii territory made her an American, she did not want to mess up the chance to get into law school, so she just rolled with it. So, she went to Chicago and she started law school. Patsy found law school intellectually a good match for her and it kept her engaged in her learning which was something she really cared about. She made many friends, some of whom were also Japanese American students studying law. It was at law school where she met her future husband, John Francis Mink. John was from a Pennsylvania mining town and his grandparents were Czechoslovakian immigrants. He had received his undergraduate degree from Penn State and was pursuing a Masters in geophysics at the University of Chicago. Patsy and John married while still in grad school. Patsy's parents disapproved, saying they wished that she would wait until the two graduated, though it is speculated they may have had qualms about her marrying a white man. Patsy graduated in 1951 as the first Hawaiian woman to graduate from the University of Chicago with a law degree. John and Patsy remained in Chicago and had a daughter named Gwendolyn who goes by Wendy for short. And after she was born, they decided it was time to move back to Hawaii. A really shitty, dumb law at the time made women citizens of their husbands’ home states. Who decided that, what for, I do not know. This meant Patsy, despite spending less than a semester for life in Pennsylvania, was a Pennsylvania resident. She fought this law, arguing that the couple had never resided there together and she was granted Hawaiian residency and she was able to take the bar exam in Hawaii. Though she passed, she could not find work as a lawyer. The dual reality of her gender and race was working against her. Potential employers found that it would not be appropriate for a married woman to work long hours as a lawyer and they also feared she would decide to have another child. Go figure, they just assume these things about women, blahblah blahblah blah, people suck. So with the assistance of her father, she opened her own firm, advertising herself as the first Japanese woman lawyer in Hawaii. She had few clients, so she worked as a part time professor and took court appointed cases to supplement her income. When Hawaii was granted statehood, Patsy knew she wanted to run for government positions. She helped start a club in Oahu for young Democrats and expanded her interest in politics. In 1959, she ran for a position in Congress, but was not elected. In 1962, she won a seat in Hawaii’s State Senate. She had run an intense door to door community campaign, and it had worked. Patsy became the chair of the Education Committee and served in the State Senate until 1964. Patsy was determined to make change on a national scale and continue to campaign for selection as a candidate for the Democratic Party of Hawaii. In 1964, Hawaii was granted a second seat in the US House and Patsy ran to be the representative; she became the first Asian American woman to serve in Congress and the first woman to represent Hawaii. During the eighty ninth Congress, from 1965 to 1967, only thirteen of the five hundred thirty five combined senators and representatives were women. Patsy was the only woman of color. There's actually an awesome picture of the thirteen women and Patsy’s just right there in the middle with a big smile, but I think it's so crazy when you think about percentages and scale and how that doesn't accurately represent America, and, hm, anyway. Patsy fought for gender and racial equality. She promoted bilingual education, co-wrote Title IX, and promoted affordable child care. As a working mother, she knew she needed to support other working parents. Even though she moved to DC to take her new role she often traveled home to Hawaii to visit her constituents and hear their concerns. In 1970, she was the first Democratic woman to deliver a State of the Union response. She also passed an act in 1974 protecting women's access to equal education. She also spoke openly against America's participation in the Vietnam War, fearing the effects on civilians of the weapons that were being used. In 1976, she attempted to run for the U. S. Senate but lost. Then the Democratic Party of Oregon asked Patsy to run for president. Because they had an anti-war focus, Patsy felt they shared values and agreed to run for them. Patsy only got two percent of the Democratic primary vote, but she broke barriers as an Asian American and woman running for president; she was the first. East Asian American woman to seek the democratic nomination for president. Patsy also served as the Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs in the Carter administration. In 1990, Patsy returned to Congress as a representative for Hawaii. She founded the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and served six more terms in the House. In the summer of 2002, Patsy fell ill with pneumonia. She was hospitalized in her home state. She died in September 2002. Because ballots had already been printed for the 2002 election, her name still appeared as the candidate. Despite passing before the election, she won by a vast majority. Her replacement, Ed Case, still serves as a representative for their district of Hawaii today. After Patsy passed away, the Title IX Act was officially renamed the Patsy Mink Act. Patsy was actually one of the women I covered in my personal Instagram campaign to combat the lack of Asian American women in U. S. history core education standards, and as of 2020, no state public school history standard mentions an Asian American woman by name. I've said it on the pod before, I'll probably say it again; let's make sure students learn about people like Patsy, especially young girls in the Asian American community who can see themselves in politics because someone like Patsy broke barriers for them. Patsy continues to be the subject of documentaries and podcasts. In fact, of all the women that I've covered so far, she was featured on the most podcasts according to my quick Google. Obama awarded Patsy a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom, commemorating her work for the people of Hawaii and the nation, and remembered her as the embodiment of the Aloha spirit. Of Patsy, Obama said “Every girl playing little league, every woman playing college sports, and every parent, including Michelle and myself, who watches their daughter on a field or in a classroom, is forever grateful to the late Patsy Mink.” Patsy left her mark on US politics, paving the way for iconic Asian American politicians today like Mazie Hirono, Tammy Duckworth, Andrew Yang, and even Kamala Harris. Mahalo and arigato, Patsy. Lastly, I would like to thank the National Women's History Museum for the awesome page if they put together on her which I used as one of my main sources and I interned there this summer and the content is really well researched and totally worth checking out if you need resources on other women like Patsy.
Alana: I think I remember Obama– like I remember him giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom to her. And I think I remember him also being like she was a political icon of his, outside of what she did for like Asian Americans and women and Asian American women. Like he was just like this is someone else from Hawaii who was doing cool political things. Like role models don't need to be gendered.
Lexi: Yeah I was just gonna say like Hawaii is his home. It might be that being born there and her being born there really built a connection for him between them.
Archival Audio: My mother and I were put behind a screen door in the drawing room. We were allowed to listen, but we couldn’t be seen.
Haley: This is gonna be a wild ride because I have a lot of anecdotes about my life and to this woman, and this woman is Alice Roosevelt Longworth known as the president's daughter or the American celebrity of her time, and she was even referred to as Princess Alice. Like I said, I have a lot of anecdotes about my life and the Roosevelts. Can I interest anyone with a fun fact?
Lexi: Yes I love fun facts.
Haley: Thank you for your enthusiasm Lexi. Her father–
Lexi: Yes! I love fun facts!
Alana: Always! I always want the fun facts!
Haley: I love these two people. President Theodore Roosevelt is technically my fraternity brother. It's like a technical, like they– we say it, we claim as like the boast Roosevelt is like our fraternity brother but there's no– I think, I don't think there's like actual documentation that they were Alpha Delta Phi fraternity members, so– and also if you're listening to me like “that's a fraternity, no women allowed” I am part of the Alpha Delta Phi Society, we still claim post-split to be like gender neutral and be like “hey, women should be involved not just as our secretaries.” That's a whole other tangent I could go on. Google it, if you will. I think there's even a Wikipedia about it. But yeah he's my fraternity brother. I say that a lot when I like, see pictures or like statues of any of the Roosevelts, it’s a great time. I'm gonna start us off with like an inkling of a Teddy quote since we've been talking about him, and a lot of you may know that this quote whisper it while you listen to it if you're in the car, taking a shower, just chilling on your bed hugging a dog, anyway Teddy once said “I can do one of two things, I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice. I cannot possibly do both.” That's just giving you a taste of what a ride we’re going to go on. So what did Alice do to be worthy of such a quote, and the honor of being one of our political ladies for this episode? Honestly I could go on hours– I know I say this all the time, I can go on an hour long tangent on Alice, and I'm going to keep it just to like her pol– main political topics. Again, cracking this history book wide open to the birth of Alice on February 12 1884. Unfortunately, two days later, both her mother and her paternal grandmother died, and she was raised by her aunt Anna Roosevelt, and grew up with her five other half siblings between New York and Washington. This leads into another fun fact, if you will. You can visit their house at Sagamore Hill, and my friend was a ranger there once last year, and I got to go visit her during our Friendsgiving and slept in one of the barns on their site and there's like, I think Teddy's buried there, Alice is not but we'll get to that. But they have a whole like Roosevelt cemetery, it's a whole historic site in Long Island. The barn is haunted by something because I could not sleep at all, I just felt like something kept waking me up and I kept looking at this like one creaky door. Because we were in like her guest rooms, which was like two, two other twin beds in case they were like more Rangers on duty. And mine looked straight at this old door that kind of like lead into a mudroom and the outdoors. I swear there was no light outside. Like I went around, like the next time, I twisted my ankle trying to get around to that area, and I couldn't find like where this porch light would be giving such a green mist of color around this door at night because like all the lights were like those museum fluorescent like white bright lights or like– nothing green light and it freaked me out. Anyhoo that's end of like my tangent with that fun fact. Go visit Sagamore Hill for more Teddy content. And as a child– back to Alice– it was clear that she was a brilliant woman. Many sources noted that she was quote self taught in many of her areas of studies and was an avid reader. Along with her brilliance, she was considered to be a stubborn, strong-willed, risk taker, headline-maker, rabble-rouser, and trendsetter. Just all the things and you want in a lady. Alice's political side didn't shine through her skin cells until her father was sworn into office after President McKinley was assassinated in 1901. She was also, if not like the first, the first of any of the president's daughters to take like on a political role, kind of like with Lexi you were saying like there are a lot of firsts going on, and I believe this was like a first, for whatever reason, but she was the first of like president's daughter having some sort of political action that she like was like “hey let's fix this. I'm gonna do this, I'm a lady, I'm brilliant, I can do this, I have a voice.” And for example, in 1905 she accompanied Congressmen to Asia as like a quote goodwill ambassador for the administration, for like one of those let's go see the sights that we see a lot of political figures around the world do. There she was involved in a lot of peace discussions that were like post Russo-Japanese War. So there's a lot there. There's a lot on like the White House website that's in the sources, but it was more about the politics rather than Alice herself and I saw that a lot when I was reading things about Alice. Like when it started to get political it was heavily on the politics not much so what Alice did for those political actions or her political voice. I don't know if that's like author writing stuff…  I didn't write it, all I know is that she was married. I believe it was like around 1906 and it was to Nick Longworth– that's why we have the Roosevelt Longworth name– who was actually part of the Republican Party. So at this time it was the Progressive Party which was her father Teddy Roosevelt and herself and then the Republican Party. And Alice agreed with her father on political stances, thus the Progressive Party, thus making these different political ideals kind of like a wrench in their relationship. But there’s a lot of other stuff that made this marriage kind of like a very topsy turvy one. But also there was alcoholism and affairs and they didn't necessarily come from Nick. This is where I read many sources where like Alice had many different lovers. I didn't really dig into Nick’s because like… men… we're here for Alice. But it was noted that she had different affairs, lovers, and these were all other men in the government. More on her political leaning, I didn't see anywhere that they got divorced, but they did have a daughter, Paulina, and Nick died bef– like way before Alice's death and she would– like should write books and go on like traveling trips, even post Daddy being in office to support Paulina. So I said her father died– that was a great segue, good job Haley. Even after her father died, she continued to use her voice in politics. She was one of the people who led the charge to keep the US from joining the League of Nations, and this is we're gonna get into like right around World War II. She was also a tough critic on how FDR was handling the Great Depression, and she at this time had a syndicated newspaper column where she would just bash politics, essentially. She would use this column to speak her voice and say “Hey, I have this, I’m gonna use it, I'm going to speak my mind, not care if I'm gonna piss any other political figure heads off” which… snaps for her. She also used her voice when she was on different committees to help the US, especially throughout World War II. She was heavily on the side of being neutral. I believe she was like even the head of some of these committees, these US implemented committees, to stay neutral. And just like overall politics itself. I couldn't find any where she was on a specific women's rights, education, it was more glossed over. I could have missed something. Other than being on committees, writing in newspapers, going on different platforms to speak her mind, she also would campaign for others such as Taft’s campaign and it was noted that she was friends with the Kennedys, Nixons, and the Johnsons; all other political figurehead families and future presidents. I didn't know where to put this little story, but like I need to say it, it's great. She was known for like, being like, that wild child. But in her wild child youths, she was known for smoking on the White House rooftop, and I'm like trying to picture the White House in my head, and obviously it probably changed a little bit since like Teddy was president, but like… I want to know if like you could see her from like walking on the Mall just like chilling on the roof because her father said she couldn't smoke inside the house for like a whole laundry list of reasons, it's not ladylike, blah blah blah, and she would just go to the roof and be like “I want to smoke. I'm going to do it on the roof. You can't touch me when I'm on the roof.” And she would also carry around a snake in her purse, and the snake’s name is Emily Spinach, yes, Emily Spinach was her… her snake’s name. Like honestly I would just love to carry around like a snake in my purse or any animal in my purse.
Alana: That’s my aesthetic.
Haley: It's an iconic name, Emily Spinach. This also confused me because I saw many pictures of her with a small dog. Like, kind of like a chihuahua, kind of like a pomsky, like one of those small fluffy dog mixes, so I want to know if like the snake and the dog got along. I don't– I don't know. I couldn't see my small dog like, liking a snake much.
Alana: I think small dogs were bred to hunt snakes. I'm not good at like the history of dog breeds but a lot of those small breeds were bred to hunt like pests, so–
Lexi: Rats, snakes.
Haley: Yeah, very confused.
Lexi: I guess if you raised it from a puppy around your snake, it might– it might have a different view, but like I don't let my parrot and my dog hang out. Maybe she didn’t let them hang out. That’s chill. I don’t know.
Haley: Yeah, I couldn't find a picture of like the two of them together, and if anyone does, please send it our way. That is– that would be an incredible portrait. Because she also– a lot of her faces are kind of like a “I don't want to be here” face, the classic “please leave me alone” which is iconic. And like one of her wedding photos is between like her, her dad and like her husband, and her face is just like “I so don't want to be like here right now…” Chef's kiss, I can feel it. I felt the energy. My last tidbit, of course, is while she was born in New York City, she was buried in Rock Creek Park Cemetery when she died at the age of 96. And I actually went to Rock Creek Park Cemetery a few years ago, when living in DC. At least like on the outside of it, if it's the same cemetery. I went to many cemeteries in DC, doing like the spooky tours but also getting from like point e– point A to point B, because like Rock Creek Cemetery is like way to get into like Maryland area. Also, anyhoo, on their website she's noted as one of their famous residents, and on their tour I believe that her like tomb, grave area is like part of their cemetery tour. Keep it respectful, people. And that's my story on Alice. 
Alana: I like that she carried a snake around in her purse. That is my aesthetic. That is goals.
Lexi: Snakes are fun little noodles.
Alana: They’re so fun.
Haley: Snakes are fun. I would love a snake. Emily Spinach. I now want like a stuffed snake to name it Emily Spinach. Lexi, I remember that one of your friends or your sister requested this.
Lexi: Yes, my sister Elena Hoffman who is in law school in DC at the George Washington University. She’s not my biological sister, she's my sorority sister she sent me this like– 
Alana: That always confuses me.
Lexi: Sorry.
Alana: Lexi will say that she has a sister and I'm like no you don't and I've– because I forget that she’s in a sorority.
Lexi: Anyway, she sent me this picture that's like one of those tumblr history… we take it with more salt than the Dead Sea.
Alana: Take your internet history lessons with more salt than the Dead Sea.
Lexi: Exactly. And it was like one of those like distorted screenshots where some screenshots it a million times and shares it like a meme. It was– it was about her being crazy, was like smoking cigarettes on the Mall, carrying around a snake, blah blah, a lot of which turns out to be true, so… Elena, thank you for suggesting her. I hope this confirms your weird internet history for you.
Haley: I really thought because I've seen like some of those pictures too, but it kept coming up in sources that I was like “oh they're not gonna give me like misinformation.” If they were, like I wouldn't be surprised, like misinformation comes up even in like what we call good sources. Like correct us if you're more widespread in the Alice history. Because I keep forgetting that like when we do this research, we do like probably like three hours of research, maybe less, maybe more depending on the person, but there are like, people devoted to this for their life's work. So like please, again we say this every episode.
Alana: If we're wrong let us know.
Archival Audio: “My guest, director, producer Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, let's start with the subject. What is the subject of your– your documentary?” “Well the name of the film is Mankiller and that actually is Wilma Mankiller’s last name. Wilma was the first woman elected Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation and her story is just so relevant today.”
Alana: So my political icon for today is Wilma Mankiller, who has the best last name ever in the entire world, it's amazing. It's actually a military rank that was achieved by one of her ancestors, but kids made fun of her for it. If your name is Mankiller, why would you– why would you make fun of that? Because one time–
Lexi: First off, I would be scared.
Alana: Exactly! Exactly, why wouldn't you be scared? One time as like a grown up she was fed up with it and she said to somebody that it was a nickname and that she'd earned it. And I’m just like, what a woman. Very cool. So, she was born on November 18, Scorpio, 1945 in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Her father's name was Charley Mankiller and he was Cherokee, and her mother was an Irish Dutch woman named Irene Sutton. And Wilma describes her family as an “activist family” so that is how she grew up to be an activist. She was the sixth of eleven children so right there in the middle. And when she was eleven years old, when she was eleven years old, the federal relocation programs that meant to encourage– I'm doing the massivest air quotes in the whole world– encourage assimilation. (Frustration noises) The racism!
Lexi: I just puked in my mouth a little bit.
Alana: The racism! But they moved her family to San Francisco, where they were poor in Oklahoma and they were destitute in San Francisco. It was bad news bears. She married for the first time in 1963 to an accountant from California named Hector Hugo Olaya de Bardi. They had two daughters, and I'm gonna bring up their names– Gina and Felicia. Felicia is my middle name. I think it was Haley, Haley was it you who I told you my middle name and you thought I was kidding?
Haley: Yeah.
Alana: Felicia is legit my middle name. That's true. I will show you my birth certificates, or my passport probably is more likely because I have that on me. In 1969, there was a nineteen month Native American occupation of the island of Alcatraz. Like nobody was using it, it had yet to become a tourist trap and it wasn’t a prison, and so it was sort of like out of use. But for nineteen months, Native American activists occupied Alcatraz and they like had schools and were just doing really amazing things.
Lexi: That's so cool. I didn't know that about Alcatraz and that is so cool.
Alana: It was amazing. But this happened while Wilma was living in San Francisco, which is you know right near Alcatraz, of course. It awoke something in her. She considered it a benchmark in her activism that inspired her to shift her career more towards political activism as opposed to being a mom and doing other things. Her husband wanted her to stay home and be more of like a traditional– massive air quotes again– housewife, so they got a divorce, which is what I would do as well if my husband was like “no I want you to stay home.” I’d be like first of all, why didn’t you tell me this before we got married we could have saved both of us a whole heap of trouble and just not gotten married in the first place but okay. But they got divorced, and so Wilma moved with her daughters back to her family land in Oklahoma, where she became involved in community government and improvement projects. In 1979, she survived a very bad car accident where her best friend died and she was also diagnosed with– I'm probably gonna pronounce this super wrong– myasthenia gravis, which is a neuromuscular disorder that made it hard to talk, hard to write, hard to use her hands in general. So she started the Bell, Oklahoma water project; and Bell, Oklahoma is a tiny, itty bitty, little town in Oklahoma, so small, most people only spoke Cherokee, and they were in like dangerous living conditions. There was no clean water, it was just a bad time all around. But using federal grant money and local volunteers, she managed to construct eighteen miles of a water system and repair a lot of the dangerous living conditions. While she was recruiting volunteers she met her second husband who was full Cherokee named Charlie Soap. I'm not gonna say nothin about her dad and her second husband having the same name, but okay. That's a deal breaker for me, but you know what Wilma, go for it.
Haley: If I found another person with the name Fuzzy. I think I would have to marry them. I don't know like I feel like that's just too insane not to.
Alana: So Ross Swimmer, in 1983, chose her as a running mate for the Cherokee Nation election as he was running for Principal Chief and he wanted her to be his deputy. And they won, despite sexism and death threats. And in 1985 Swimmer took a position in the federal government and Wilma became full time Chief, full time Principal Chief, not deputy anymore. She served two more terms, for a total of ten years as Principal Chief. She decided not to run for reelection in 1995 because of her health. Under her leadership, tribal enrollment was up, infant mortality was down, literacy was up, unemployment was down. She created a self-sufficient health care system, although that's not really going so great anymore because of Covid and racism. Two really bad things, just in general. Of my least favorite things right now, I would say Covid and racism, really high up there on my list of dislikes. She won the Presidential Medal of Freedom, actually, in 1998 from President Bill Clinton who I'm probably gonna talk about in not a flattering light in a couple weeks. And she died in 2010 of pancreatic cancer. She left a legacy of cultural pride and self sufficiency and self government for the Cherokee people. It was her whole thing was like we can do this ourselves, we aren't helpless, we can create our own governments and our own systems, we can be just as good at government for ourselves as these white people who are like imposing these restrictions on us. We can govern ourselves. And so that was her whole thing was like we don't need outside help. That's the story of Wilma Mankiller. I have a couple of closing statements about– for the episode in general. I have been very frustrated lately with people who say that they stay out of politics.
Lexi: It comes to replace a privilege.
Alana: It comes from a place of privilege!
Lexi: But people in different communities can have different levels of privilege, unfortunately.
Haley: Yes.
Lexi: And they can try to exclude themselves from the political process because they think it doesn't affect them, which is blowing my mind. I just–
Lexi: The place I see it the most, and I'm– I don't know if you guys have noticed this too; so many people outside of museums, old heads in museums, trying to say museums should be apolitical. And this frustrates me to no end. For one, everything is political. The existence of a museum is political.
Haley: Yes.
Lexi: Our existence is political. People working in a museum, people who live and then also work in a museum. It's all political. Everything you do– your kid going to school? Political. Your kid go to school? that's political. You eat food? Politics. You wear glasses? You go to the doctor? All politics. This is all political. So, when people say museums are apolitical, I just want to– or or even when they say museums are bipartisan, museums lean one way or the other. And museums tell stories, and stories always have a bias in them, and museum shouldn't try to be apolitical. Museums should aim to tell stories and to make change in their communities. 
Haley: I’ve had a similar conversation– I will not give like personal details, but the bottom line was that… the argument that this person was trying to say why they shouldn't be political, were all like human rights… it was just like oh well museums are already like not racist, or like not gender biased and it’s like–
Lexi: Well that's wrong.
Alana: That’s just false.
Haley: But they– like they were trying to skirt around the way of saying like, “oh but these aren't, these are human rights stances, like we can talk about those in museums.” Even though like kind of saying that they're like not happening, trying to be on the more of like there is no gender bias there is no like blah blah blah– which is false, but saying like because those are human rights that they're not political, thus like a museum can talk about it, but we can't say like major political statements which–
Lexi: Human rights is political. It shouldn’t be, all humans should have rights, but…
Haley: Yes! Yes!
Alana: That's why they're called human rights.
Haley: The US has made this a political argument, of course like– regardless of what your stance is, like say “oh these are purely human rights,” not everyone sees it that way.
Lexi: And museums are racist.
Haley: Yes, museums are racist.
Lexi: You know, everyday– everyday, I like sit in the shower because I'm just so overwhelmed. And I think “Museums bad. Museums racist. Museums sexist. Me museums? Me learn museums? Me bad. Me racist. Me sexist. What this all for.” And then I say “That’s museums. Long live the museum.” Because I believe museums can be better places, but–
Haley: And we see that a lot.
Lexi: Yes. There are so many museums doing good work, like District Six Museum in South Africa, the Anacostia Community Museum in DC, one closer to home. Like there are so many museums doing good work, actively anti-racist work. But the historical institution, until we admit this organization is founded on racist and sexist principles–
Haley: We’re getting into a whole chunk of my thesis about the origin of museums. I could–
Alana: I was more talking about, in the broader sense. Like the non-museum people who I know who are like “oh I stay out of politics” and who have friends who are opposite sides of the aisle.
Lexi: Oh, “I don’t vote because I don't care”? Like–
Alana: “I don't know because I don't care.” I think there comes a time, you come to realize that just you existing is political.
Lexi: Yes.
Haley: I also think–
Alana: Like, my existence is political just by virtue of who I am.
Haley: Yes. I also want to like reference like Enola Holmes, remember that part where–
Alana: I was thinking about that a lot.
Haley: It was in the cafe and it was Sherlock–
Alana: Sorry, Lexi. 
Haley: And this other cafe human…
Alana: Edith, I think is her name.
Haley: Edith, yes. She was running the cafe and running the upstairs like women learning Jiu Jitsu…
Lexi: The suffragist karate school.
Haley: Yeah, yes. Don’t quote me if it’s Jiu Jitsu.
Lexi: They did not mention the kind, I think it was just martial arts.
Haley: Okay, martial arts. Martial arts. But Sherlock was like “oh I don't get into politics” and…
Lexi: That pissed me off.
Alana: Because like, then she was like “because the system in place benefits you and you don’t want to see it change.”
Archival Audio: “Show me what democracy looks like!” “This is what democracy looks like!” “Show me what democracy looks like!” “This is what democracy looks like!” “Show me what democracy looks like!” “This is what democracy looks like!”
Lexi: You can find this podcast on Twitter and Instagram at LadyHistoryPod. Our show notes and a transcript of this episode will be on ladyhistorypod dot tumblr dot com. If you like the show, leave us a review or tell your friends, and if you don't like the show, keep it to yourself.
Alana: Our logo is by Alexia Ibarra, you can find her on Twitter and Instagram at LexiBDraws. Our theme music is by me, GarageBand, and Ameliea Earhart. Lexi is doing the editing. You will not see us, and we will not see you, but you will hear us, next time, on Lady History.
Haley: Next week on Lady History, we’re cracking open the history books and talking about some historic and iconic lady authors. Remember, a book a day keeps the stupidity away.
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Confederate Obelisk # 8 
On the Sixteenth of October, 1802, Brigadier General Humphreys crossed the Potomac at Butler's Ford, with Six Thousand Infantry, Five Hundred Cavalry, and Six pieces of artillery, and advanced on the roads leading to Kearneysville. Another force, commanded by Brigadier General W. S. Hancock, with his own brigade, fifteen hun- dred from other brigades, four regiments of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, advanced from Harpers Ferry at the same time, in the direction of Charles Town. We had, at the time, a line of pickets extending from the North Mountain to the Shenandoah River. The advance was so sudden that it cut off some of the pickets. Company D, of the Twelfth Virginia Cavalry, was pick- eting from Engle's Hill to the Shepherdstown road. The reserve was near where Marker No. 8 stands, at the inter- section of the Uvilla and Charles Town roads. A sharp en- counter took place between the Federal advance and com- pany D, a little south of this point in Rocky Lane. Captain Knott was wounded in the shoulder. Many of the company were from this section, and knew every road. They easily made their way through the enemy's lines and joined the Regiment. Thus they played even; for about a month previous, our line of pickets were being advanced, and com- pany D struck their pickets at Duffields, and chased them back on their company reserve at Marker 8. They held their own until the company had closed up, when a charge was made and they were driven to Lucas' woods, where a regiment was stationed. They all decamped and crossed the Potomac.
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