#Carlitos Alcaraz
how can someone look so HOT and so CUTE at the same time??!?!?!
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double-faults · 2 days
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foxdoodles · 2 months
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colour study
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mmmngoc · 2 months
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latin5mamii · 2 months
Later - Carlos Alcaraz
Summary: He just doesn’t care, if he wants you, he’s having you.
Genre: Carlos Alcaraz x you, Juancarlos!Daughter x Carlos Alcaraz
Warnings: slightly smut, suggestive talk
Author’s note: Had this in mind and i had to write it down😌
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“Estás tan hermosa esta noche”
He was so fucking hot, and he knew it. He knew the power he had over you, the way a single look from them dark, big eyes could make your heart race and your mind spiral out of control. No matter how much you wanted to resist his charm, to not feel the way you did whenever he spoke to you, you always failed.
He had become your biggest weakness, an addiction you couldn’t shake no matter how dangerous it was. ‘Dangerous’ because you were his coach’s daughter, and if your father ever found out what had been happening between you two over the past few weeks, there would be hell to pay. But that didn’t matter. The thrill of sneaking around, lies over lies, kept pulling you back to him, time and time again.
Tonight was no different.
His voice snapped you out of your flashbacks of last night, a night spent in his arms, his touch still fresh on your skin. You turned to him with a disapproving look, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.
Not that you minded, if anything, you craved it,but not here. Not at this dinner where both your families and his team were present.
“Don’t do it,” you warned him, your voice barely above a whisper, trying to keep your composure.
“What shouldn’t I do?” he replied innocently, his hand already sliding onto your thigh, fingers trailing lightly across your skin. The contact made your breath hitch, and you shot a quick glance at your father, who was thankfully engrossed in conversation with Carlos’s father.
Carlos’s hand continued its exploration, moving up and down your thigh with agonizing slowness.“Carlos, stop,” you said, your voice lacking the conviction you so desperately needed it to have. But your body betrayed you, your legs instinctively parted slightly, granting him more access. Why did he have this effect on you? Why, when you knew better, did your body respond to him like this?
The truth was, the risk of being caught, the danger of what you were doing, only made it more thrilling. And that was the problem.
"Tu cuerpo no parece querer que me detenga",
(Your body doesn’t seem to want me to stop,) he murmured, that infuriating smirk you both loved and hated tugging at his lips. His hand moved higher, brushing against the delicate fabric of your panties, the touch sending a shockwave through your body.
"Si tan solo tu padre supiera las cosas que haces... probablemente ni siquiera te reconocería a ti, su chica inocente y obediente. Es una pena que no sea así" he whispered, his hand still teasing your skin.
(If only your father knew the things you do… he probably wouldn’t even recognize you,his innocent and obedient little girl.It’s a pity that it isn’t so)
You grabbed his wrist to stop him, your grip firm, but inside, you were unraveling. You were fighting a losing battle, and you both knew it. All you could think about was how, if you were alone with him right now, you’d be begging him for more, abandoning all pretense of resistance.
“Carlos, please,” you whispered, your voice shaking. “Not here. Someone will notice.”
His eyes darkened with desire, but there was a teasing glint there as well. “I love when you say please,” he murmured, leaning in closer so his lips were almost brushing against your ear. “But you know as well as I do that you don’t really want me to stop.”
You hated how right he was. How, despite the fear of getting caught, despite knowing this was wrong, you couldn’t help but want him. Crave him.
Carlos’s fingers traced along the edge of your panties, and your grip on his wrist tightened, trying to push him away, but it was no use. The fire he ignited in you was too strong, too overwhelming. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, but it was impossible with him so close, his cologne filling your senses, his touch driving you mad.
“Imagine,” he continued, his voice, "Si deslizara mis dedos un poco más... ¿qué harías? ¿Podrías callarte? ¿Podrías seguir fingiendo que no pasa nada debajo de esta mesa?"
(if I slipped my fingers just a little further… what would you do? Could you keep quiet? Could you keep pretending like nothing’s happening under this table?)
The thought se your body on fire, and you swallowed hard, struggling to maintain your composure. But you were losing this battle, and Carlos knew it. He thrived on it.
Just when you thought he was going to surpass your limit, a familiar voice from the other side of the table made you feel literal fear.
“What are you two talking about so intensely?” Your father. You opened your eyes, your heart pounding, and forced yourself to push Carlos’s hand away.
Carlos turned toward your father with his usual easy smile, completely unfazed. “Oh, just discussing a few plans for after Wimbledon,” he said smoothly. How could he be so calm when you were fighting yourself only for smiling?
Your father’s gaze flicked between the two of you, a slight frown creasing his brow. There was an edge of concern in his eyes, but no immediate suspicion. “Plans for the future, huh?” he said, his tone more curious than accusatory.
It’s not that your father was jealous or thought anything bad about Carlos, but Carlos’ a handsome, rich and young man, he wouldn’t even want to imagine his daughter suffering for him.
“Nothing more,Juanki. I swear,” He says laughing like he just doesn’t care, which is true.He doesn’t care at all.
He wanted you to be his, and nothing and no one could ever change that.
Juan Carlos nods and smiles back to Carlos.He quickly looks at you, and turns back to talk.
As soon as your father was distracted again, you shot Carlos a look that was half exasperation, half something else entirely.
“You’re impossible,” you hissed under your breath, trying to regain some semblance of control over your racing heart. “And so a pathologic liar .”
Carlos only grinned, leaning in close enough that his breath brushed against your ear. “And we didn’t got caught” he murmured, his voice filled with that familiar, dangerous amusement. “And that’s what makes it fun, isn’t it?”
You wanted to argue, to tell him off for taking such a risk, but the truth was, he was right. The thrill of almost being caught, the danger of it all, was as intoxicating as his touch. And it scared you how much you craved it.
Before you could find the words to respond, Carlos’s hand found yours under the table, his fingers intertwining with yours in a gesture that was both intimate and possessive. He squeezed your hand gently, his thumb stroking your skin in a way that made your breath hitch.
“Más tarde” he whispered, his voice a low promise.
"Encuéntrame más tarde. Ya sabes dónde".
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qweenofurheart · 27 days
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cheer up, carlitos!!
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friedpestochicken · 4 months
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RG24 💚🧡
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now I wanna carry him in my pocket 🥺🥺
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📷: twitter
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endzithefangirl · 2 months
Doubles, fries and interviews
Authors note: I love Carlos Alcaraz, like it's not even normal how big of a crush I have on him. I mean, I always cheer for Novak, he's the best but... I can't say I wasn't really happy when Carlitos won Wimbledon.
Summary: Carlos does somethng unthinkable and you just have to expose him on TikTok
Warnings: As always English isn't my first language, no use of Y/N, gender not specified but the term 'girlfriend' is used
Word count: 1.6k
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"I still can't believe I'm playing mixed doubles with Djokovic!" you tell Carlos excitedly over dinner. He looks at you with a smile, "I know it's a dream come true for you."
"Yeah. He's actually really funny and very nice." He chuckles and looks at you, leaning back in his chair. "And very handsome, yeah," he says, teasing.
"I'm sure his wife thinks so."
He looks at you fondly. "I'm sure she does, lucky woman."
"He makes a lot of jokes," you say, taking one of Carlos' fries. He watches you take the fry and narrows his eyes at you jokingly. "You say that as if he's funnier than me."
You narrow your eyes back at him jokingly. "You know, he made a joke about us."
His interest perks up at that, and he raises an eyebrow. "About us? What did he say?"
"He asked me if I could prevent you from reaching the Wimbledon finals next year."
He looks at you, mock offended. "And what did you say to that?"
"I said, 'Oh, how do you expect me to do that? Want me to break his arm?'" He tries to keep a straight face, but a smirk keeps creeping over his lips.
"And what did he say after that?"
"He said, 'I was thinking leg, but arm could do too.'"
At that point, Carlos lets out a snort of laughter. "Sounds like he's really planning to stop me in any way possible, eh?"
You throw your hands in the air. "Listen, listen, I love Iga, right? But... if she fell down the stairs right before Roland-Garros... I can't say a part of me wouldn't be happy."
Carlos nearly spits out his drink at that comment as he bursts into laughter. "Oh my God, you are too much sometimes."
"What can I say, I go for the kill," you joke, taking another one of his fries. He watches as you take another one of his fries and rolls his eyes playfully. Carlos moves his plate a little further away from you. "Stop eating my food, woman."
"Heeeeyy, I only took like three fries!" you protest.
"Three of my fries," he stresses the possessive, sticking his tongue out at you. You pout and take out your phone, sitting back. He laughs at your childish pouting and takes the chance to eat in peace as you take out your phone.
"Guys, my boyfriend just said he wants to break up with me," you say to your phone camera. Carlos' eyes go wide. "Wha— I did not say that!"
You don't let him speak and continue into the camera with a serious face. "I think this is the end of our relationship. I mean, what he said... I just can't forgive. I mean, he might as well have cheated on me. This is just... the worst thing a boyfriend can tell his girlfriend," you continue all serious. Carlos sits there, watching with his mouth open in shock as you keep going on the camera, not sure if he should say anything. "He said, and I quote, ladies, 'Stop eating my food.'” You sigh. "I mean... I mean, it's like I mean nothing," you say, slightly laughing at the end to show that it isn't serious.
"Yes, yes, I'm horrible, I know..."
"Oh, this is a good one. I'm putting this on TikTok," you laugh, watching the video back.
"Of course you are, you have like 2 million followers on that app."
You take a sip of your drink as you upload the video. Just a couple of minutes later, your phone pings, showing all the comments that were pouring in under the video. "Anna says, 'Immediate break up, throw him in the trash.'" You laugh as you like her comment.
"I'm glad that people agree with you that I'm the worst boyfriend known to man."
You put the phone away. "You're not the worst boyfriend. You're the best. I just have to make fun of you sometimes." He softens at that, and his sarcastic expression melts into a genuine smile. "I know, I know, I understand." He grabs your hand across the table and caresses it with his thumb.
"May I please have one more fry, Carlitos?" you ask politely with a sigh. He thinks about it for a second before nodding. "Oh, alright, but only one," he says, holding up a finger to emphasize the "one" part.
You take only one, dip it into ketchup, and eat it very slowly. After that, you take the hand that isn't holding his and put it up in defeat. He watches you, amused at your overly deliberate eating.
"See, you can listen to instructions sometimes."
You roll your eyes playfully. "Love you too, by the way."
He lets out a soft chuckle and rubs your hand with his thumb. "Mhm, I know, I know. Love you too."
After dinner, you make your way back to the hotel, hand in hand, as per his insisting. As you were waiting in some line, you check your phone and laugh. He notices you looking at your phone and gives you a curious glance. "Hmm, what's so funny?"
"The official Wimbledon TikTok account commented under my video."
He raises his eyebrows at that. "Really? What did they say?"
"'We are revoking his Wimbledon Buffet pass immediately.'"
He chuckles at that. "Oh no, not the buffet pass! That's the most important part of Wimbledon, obviously!"
You laugh. "I can already tell you're gonna get a lot of questions about this at the press conference tomorrow..." He feigns a look of terror.
"Oh god, you're right, what have you done!" he says in an exaggerated manner with a smirk. You laugh and then take his hand to kiss the back of it. "Don't worry, I'll save you," you say in a joking tone, although Carlos is pretty sure you would actually beat someone up for him if need be. He chuckles at that and looks at you with a warm smile. "My knight in shining armor... thank you, mi amor."
You reach the hotel. As you stand alone in the elevator, Carlos still holding your hand tightly, you turn to him. "Are we going to our separate beds, or do you wanna hang out more?"
Carlos looks at you and caresses your cheek gently, studying your face for a moment as he thinks about it. "Hang out more, definitely hang out more."
"Your room or mine?"
He thinks about it for a second before replying, his eyes fixed on yours. "My room, if that's alright with you."
"Sure," you say, not minding at all. The elevator stops on Carlos' floor and the doors open. He lets go of your hand and places it on your lower back, gently leading you down the hall to his room. Once you reach the room, he unlocks the door and opens it for you, gesturing for you to enter first. You enter his hotel room, putting your bag on the bedside table that he's not using. After taking your shoes off, you then sit on his bed. He closes the door behind him and joins you sitting on the bed. He scoots closer to you until your thighs are touching.
"Hi" you say teasingly as he sits next to you with that cute stupid grin. He laughs softly and nudges you playfully with his shoulder. "Hi to you too."
"Wanna do something, or are we gonna sit here like we're on a date in the fifth grade?"
He chuckles at your little jab and wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer. "Hmm, I think I have some ideas to pass the time."
You lay down next to him, now staring at the ceiling. "So what are we gonna do? Wanna watch something?"
He hums and nods slightly. "We could watch something. As long as I get to hold you, I don't care what we watch."
"Ah," you say with a soft laugh, "so the usual." He leans into you as you lay facing the TV, his head on your chest and his arms wrapped around you. You put one hand into his hair, running your fingers through it, taking the remote with the other, lowering the volume, and scrolling through channels. With his head on your chest, he can hear your heartbeat, a steady and comforting rhythm that he loves. Carlos feels himself relax as your fingers run through his hair, closing his eyes partially as the feeling soothes him. He, as expected, falls asleep like that. You don't move, allowing him to sleep like that for a bit before moving him into a more acceptable position.
The next day after Carlos won his round of 16 Australian Open match he went up onto the interview stage. The interviewer, holding the microphone close to his face, starts with the familiar "Congratulations on the win, it was quite the performance out there." Carlos flashes a smile and nods at the compliment, slightly out of breath from the match. "Thank you, I'm just glad to have won that one."
"Now, Carlos, you might not have been in much trouble during the match, but you were in trouble with your girlfriend." The crowd laughed. He sighs softly, knowing exactly what the interviewer is referring to. He chuckles slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh yeah... I am in the doghouse currently, that is correct, yeah."
"Hopefully you know, you won't be demoted to the couch; you need to keep your back in good shape for matches," the interviewer said, and the crowd laughed.
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abigailxli · 26 days
bed chem-carlos alcaraz
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author: reupload for @yungbludz and everyone else who wanted it back-yea it sucks but i literally had to write about him with this song
summary: your guy bestfriend relates to lyrics a little bit too well..
warnings: none?? (idrk abt warnings so let me know)
“who’s the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent?”
carlos looks at me surprised as he hears my speaker. i’ve been a huge fan of sabrina carpenter for the longest time, and carlos isn’t surprised by me staying up until 1 listening to her new album. we both are best friends since we were younger and not because we don’t have the money, but he recommended to share a hotel room in no other than the city of New York.
“sounds like she’s singing about me”
i laugh, eyes not leaving my phone as i look as the lyrics.
“how many songs do you have left”
carlos sighs, not getting his sleep for his round 1 match tomorrow for the us open by me blasting sabrina’s music from my speaker. i finally look up at him, eyes meeting his dark brown eyes.
“it’s gonna be a long night, carlitos.”
carlos sighs again, he’s tucked in bed wearing a white tank top that shows his muscular arms, shining like he oils them everyday. my gaze lingers on his shoulders for a bit longer than needed. my cheeks flush as i turn back to my phone scrolling through the lyrics.
“you do know if you keep this up the entire night i’m probably gonna lose.”
his eyes stay on his phone, looking through social and the predictions for his upcoming match. i sit up on my bed, looking at him as the album continues to play.
“your fine, don’t be so dramatic,” i say rolling my eyes as carlos lets out a chuckle at my words.
“oh, so i’m the one being dramatic?” his eyes leave his phone as he looks at me from his bed. we lock gaze for a few seconds until i look down, embarrassed by how cute he is. is he usually this cute? i’ve never had a crush on him for all these years, and he sees my cheeks turn bright red.
he smirks to himself enjoying you being embarrassed.
“Y/N you didn’t respond no?” he still has a smirk on his face as i look back at him as my face has finally turned into a tomato.
“cállate,” i mutter
the album comes to the end, and i finally turn off my phone and the speaker.
i look at the time and notice how it’s already 2am. i look back at carlos, him yawning and putting his phone on the table beside the bed. he gets up from his bed, his muscular legs being complimented by the black short shorts as he leaves to go into the bathroom. i get my suitcase with my skincare and start using it with my little mirror that i brought from home.
carlos comes back from the bathroom without his tank top he was just wearing and i notice from my mirror. he leans against the wall, watching me put on my skincare for the night.
“how much shit do you put on your face?”
i scoff, turning around and immediately staring straight his bare chest. i stutter, the words not coming out of my mouth as my eyes cannot leave his chest. he notices me once again and walks toward the small wooden desk with all of my skincare all over it.
“listen y/n, i know how you look at me and we both know what you want.”
i look up at him, quickly looking down at the desk but he gently grabs my chin to force me to look at him.
“Los dos sabemos lo que quieres.” he says again and i swallow hard. why is he making this so difficult?
“just like sabrina said, “but i’d bet we’d have really good bed chem.”
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foxdoodles · 2 months
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vamos carlitos!!
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latin5mamii · 2 months
Superstition - Carlos Alcaraz
|WARNINGS: smut, +18 |SUMMARY: You and your boyfriend's superstitions... |AUTHOR'S NOTE: I missed writing for carlitos😭 but i'm back now😉😉
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Paris at night was stunning, and tonight felt especially magical. The Eiffel Tower sparkled in the distance, and the soft hum of the city outside made the hotel room feel extra cozy. Carlos and you were snuggled up together, but he seemed a bit distracted. His fingers were tracing patterns on your arm, and you noticed he was lost in thought.
"What's on your mind, Carlos?"
He looked at you with a playful glint in his eyes. “Do you remember the night before I won Wimbledon?”
You remembered that night all too well. A smile spread across your face as the memory came back.
“What about it?” you asked, laughing softly, feeling playful.
He gazed at you, the city lights reflecting in his eyes. “That night brought me so much luck, cariño,” he said, his voice low and teasing.
You cuddled closer, enjoying the warmth of his body against yours. “And you think tonight could be the same?”
Carlos's touch was both soothing and electric. “I don’t just think so. I’m certain,” he said softly, his eyes filled with desire. “I need this.”
You could sense a mix of nervous excitement and need in his voice. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to be too tired for the match tomorrow.”
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head. “How could I ever be too tired for you?”
He leaned in and kissed you, and what started as a gentle touch quickly became more passionate. His hands slid up your back, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened. You responded eagerly, tangling your fingers in his hair.
As the intensity grew, Carlos’s hand slipped under your shirt, sending shivers down your spine. You pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, making sure he was really sure about this. “Are you sure this is what you want? You have a big day tomorrow.”
Carlos smiled, his gaze full of desire. “I want you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I need you.”
His words made you shiver with anticipation. You pulled him back, kissing him passionately. Carlos’s hands were everywhere, exploring and teasing, driving you both higher with each touch.
Soon, your clothes were tossed aside, the cool air contrasting sharply with the heat between you. Carlos’s lips traveled down your neck, his breath hot against your skin. “You drive me crazy,” he murmured, his voice filled with a mix of awe and hunger.
“Good,” you whispered back, running your hands over his chest. “Because I want you to remember this tomorrow. I want you to think about me.”
Carlos’s eyes darkened with desire. “Trust me,” he said, his voice rough, “I won’t be able to think of anything else.”
He kissed you again, this time with even more intensity, as his hands roamed your body, caressing and exploring. You arched into his touch, your moans growing softer.
Carlos’s lips and tongue worked their magic, sending waves of pleasure through you. “Te vuelves loca,” he whispered in Spanish, his voice filled with wonder. “Me vuelves loco.”
His hands rested on your thighs, holding you open as his tongue continued its teasing dance. “Eres todo lo que deseo,” he murmured, his voice a mix of reverence and desire. “Quiero sentirte así toda la noche.”
The sensation of his tongue exploring you made you gasp, your body trembling. The room was filled with your soft moans and his spanish sentences that could me you go wild. “Dime lo que quieres,” he said, his voice husky. “Quiero escuchar tus gemidos.”
You could barely speak, the pleasure overwhelming you. “Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice thick with need. “Please, Carlos.”
He responded with renewed fervor, his movements pushing you closer to the edge. The combination of his touch and whispered dirty talk made everything more intense.
“Eres mi todo,” he murmured against your most sensitive spot. “No puedo tener suficiente de ti.”
As the waves of pleasure crashed over you, you clung to him, your body arching and trembling. Carlos’s movements never faltered, his focus entirely on making you feel amazing.
He moved up to kiss you again, his lips capturing yours with fierce passion. As his kisses deepened, he guided you to the edge. Carlos positioned himself between your legs, his hands tracing a path along your inner thighs.
“¿Estás lista?” he asked, his voice low and filled with anticipation.
You nodded, your body already responding. Carlos entered you slowly, the sensation of him filling you completely made you both moan softly. His movements were steady, each thrust deliberate and passionate.
Carlos’s eyes locked onto yours, and he whispered in Spanish, “Eres todo para mí.”
You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him closer, feeling every inch of him. The connection between you was electric, each movement heightening the pleasure. Carlos gripped your hips firmly, guiding you both through the rhythm of your desire.
The room filled with your shared pleasure: moans, gasps, and whispered endearments. Carlos’s breath was hot against your ear as he pushed you both toward the edge. “Quiero sentirte más cerca,” he murmured, his voice urgent. “No te sueltes.”
You clung to him, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations. The rhythm between you grew faster, more urgent, both of you pushing toward the peak. Carlos’s movements were driven by a mix of need and love, each thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
“Please, baby, please,” you begged, your voice filled with need.
Carlos’s release came in a powerful wave, and you felt him empty himself inside you.
Carlos pulled you close, his breath mingling with yours.
“This is surely going to bring me luck tomorrow,”
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kb9-ships-mistercriky · 2 months
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the kid is living his dream...
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friedpestochicken · 4 months
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fluff alphabet - c.alcaraz
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author's note: i had the biggest tenderness attack while doing this and picturing it in my head 😭 i'm just a big sucker for sweet Carlitos
dividers: @enchanthings
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a = affection + activities (how affectionate is he? how does he show affection?/ how does he spend his free time with you?)
Carlos is naturally affectionate in the softest, most endearing ways.
He loves holding your hand, sneaking in forehead kisses when you least expect them and constantly checking in with cute texts.
In his free time, he’s all about quality moments with you.
Whether it’s trying out new sports, binge-watching series or just having a nap cuddling each other.
b = beauty - what does he admire about you? what does he think is beautiful about you?
He thinks everything about you is beautiful.
From the way you smile when you’re talking about something you love to the way your hair gets naturally wavier during summer.
But his favorite thing about you is how your eyes sparkle when you're looking at him.
c = cuddles + comfort (does he like to cuddle? how would he cuddle you?/how would he help you when you’re feeling down?)
He’s the ultimate cuddle-buddy.
Carlos loves to hold you close, especially after a long day.
When you’re down, he’ll wrap his arms around you, stroke your hair and whisper comforting words.
His go-to move is to bury his face in your neck, making you laugh until you forget whatever was bothering you.
d = domestic + dreams (does he want to settle down? how does he picture their future together?)
He’s open to the idea of settling down, though he doesn’t rush it.
Carlitos pictures a cozy home, somewhere warm in Spain, filled with laughter and definetly a dog or two running around.
e = equal (is he the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?)
Carlos values equality in the relationship.
He isn’t dominant or passive; he sees you as a team.
He loves making decisions together, bouncing ideas off each other and respecting your independence.
f = fiancé (how does he feel about commitment? how quick would he want to get married?)
Carlos is all in when it comes to commitment. Once he knows you’re the one, he doesn’t hesitate.
He’s the type to casually drop hints about your future together, teasing you about where and how he's going to propose to you.
He knows you both are young now (so marriage is a future project) but he definetly knows he wants to go through it by your side.
g = gentle + gratitude (how gentle is he, both physically and emotionally?/ how grateful is he; is he aware of everything you do for him?)
He is gentle both physically and emotionally.
He’s mindful of your feelings, always considering how you’re doing.
He’s incredibly grateful for the little things you do.
Whether it’s showing up to his matches or just making him laugh on a bad day.
He never takes you for granted and tells you how lucky he feels to have you.
h = honesty (does he have secrets he hides from you? or does he share everything?)
Carlos believes in transparency.
He doesn’t keep secrets, even if something’s bothering him.
Even though he's still learning how to express his feelings, he’s open with his emotions and always listens when you need to talk.
i = i love you (how fast did he said the L-word?)
He didn’t take too long to say it.
Carlos felt it early on, but he waited for the perfect moment—a calm, intimate moment when it was just you two.
He said it while holding you close, whispering it like a secret while looking at you with his glimmering caramel eyes.
j = jealousy (how jealous does he get, does he get jealous easily? how does he deal with it? what does he do when he’s jealous?)
Carlos doesn’t get jealous often, but when he does, he tries to be subtle about it.
Maybe a protective arm around your waist or holding your hand a little tighter.
He trusts you, but when he’s feeling a bit jealous, he’s extra affectionate to remind both of you that you’re his.
k = kisses (what are his kisses like? where does he like to kiss you? how was your first kiss like?)
Carlos’s kisses are the perfect mix of sweet and playful.
He loves teasing you with quick pecks, just enough to make you want more, then grinning when you try to pull him back in.
His favorite place to kiss? Definitely your lips, but he’s also obsessed with sneaking kisses on your neck or your forehead when you're not expecting it.
Your first kiss? Total butterflies.
It happened out of nowhere—one minute you were laughing together, the next he was leaning in, holding your face softly.
The kiss was slow, but not too serious, with just enough heat to make your heart race.
l = love language (what’s his love language? is it compatible with yours?)
His love language is a mix of physical touch and acts of service.
He shows his love by being there for you whether it’s cooking dinner or giving you a massage after a long day.
Luckily, your love languages are super compatible, cause you're just as touchy as him.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with him? what’s your morning routing like?)
Mornings with Carlos are the best.
He’s an early riser but loves to spend a few extra minutes in bed with you, cuddling and talking.
He loves when you tell him what you've dreamt that night while he plays with your hair or just caresses your back slowly.
You usually make breakfast together, and there’s always playful teasing as you sabotage each other on the kitchen.
n = nicknames (what does he call you?)
Carlos calls you cute, Spanish nicknames like “mi vida” or “amor.”
Sometimes, when he’s feeling cheeky, he’ll call you “peque”, especially if he’s teasing you about how tiny you look next to him.
You adore calling him "cielo" and he literally melts everytime he hears you saying it.
o = on cloud nine (what is he like when he’s in love? is it obvious for others? how does he express his feelings?)
When Carlos is in love, he can’t hide it.
He’s constantly smiling, his eyes light up when you walk into the room and his friends tease him about the "stupid look" on his face all the time.
He expresses his feelings with small gestures like leaving you sweet messages on a whiteboard you have at your fridge door or surprising you with fresh flowers everytime he sees you.
But he's top way of expressing how he feels is by showering you with LOTS of kisses and cuddles.
p = pda (is he upfront about your relationship? does he brag about you with others? or he rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?)
Carlos is not shy about showing his affection.
He’s proud to be with you and doesn’t mind kissing you in public or holding your hand for everyone to see.
While he’s not over-the-top, he makes it clear that you’re his.
q = quizzes (how many little things does he remember about you?)
He remembers everything—from your favorite ice cream flavor to the way you like your coffee.
He pays attention to the smallest details, surprising you by remembering things you didn’t even realize he noticed.
Like the time he bought you a set of earrings and ring just because he saw you looking at them mesmerized on a shop window.
r = romance ( how romantic is he? what would he do to make you happy? what is your favourite moment in your relationship?)
Carlos has a romantic side that shines through in simple, thoughtful ways.
He’ll plan spontaneous date nights or surprise you with handwritten notes.
Your favourite moment is when you're just cuddling at the sofa and talking about anything after a long day.
s = security + support (how protective is he? is he helping you achieve your goals?)
He’s protective, but in a way that’s sweet, not overwhelming.
Carlos always makes sure you’re safe, whether it’s holding your hand in a crowd or walking you home.
He’s your biggest supporter, constantly encouraging you to chase your dreams.
He'll sit by your side when you're studying or doing things related to your job and he'll ask you to explain everything to him.
t = try (how much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Carlos always goes the extra mile to make you feel special.
He loves planning sweet surprises, like a cozy picnic or a spontaneous weekend getaway.
He’s not just about the big stuff either—he’ll help out with day-to-day things, just to make your life easier.
He loves putting in the effort to keep things fun and fresh.
u = understanding (how well does he know you? is he empathetic?)
Carlos knows you so well.
He’s empathetic and can sense when something’s off, even before you say anything.
He’s always there to listen and understands that sometimes, you just need someone to be there without saying a word.
v = value (how important is the relationship to him? what is it worth in comparison to other things in his life?)
To Carlos, your relationship is everything.
He cherishes what you both have, often saying it’s worth more than any trophy or title he could ever win.
He prioritizes your time together, always finding ways to make you feel loved and appreciated.
Whether he’s busy with training or matches, you’re always on his mind.
He sees you as his greatest treasure, and he knows that the bond you share is what truly makes his life complete.
w = whole (would he feel incomplete without you?)
Carlos can’t imagine his life without you.
You’re his partner in everything, and even the thought of being apart for a bit feels a little empty.
You bring so much joy and meaning to his life, and he loves sharing all those moments with you.
x - xtra (a random fluff headcanon)
Cuddled up on the couch, you and Carlos were wrapped in a cozy blanket, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm light around you.
He turned to you, a playful smile on his face. “You know, I could get used to this,” he said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah? Just sitting around doing nothing?” you teased.
“As long as it’s with you...” he replied, leaning in closer and rubbing softly his nose against yours.
You couldn’t help but grin at his cheesy charm. “Smooth talker, huh?”
“Only for you” he shot back, his eyes sparkling.
With a sudden burst of mischief, he snatched a popcorn kernel from the bowl and tossed it at you. “But seriously, I could stay like this forever.”
You laughed, grabbing a handful of popcorn and tossing some back at him. “Forever sounds pretty good to me.”
y = yearning (how would he cope when he’s missing you?)
When he’s missing you, it hits hard.
He’ll send you random selfies from wherever he is or FaceTime you late at night just to hear your voice.
He’s the type to tell you he misses you even if it’s only been a few days.
z = zeal (is he willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind of?)
Carlos is all in, willing to go to any length for the relationship.
He makes every effort to carve out special moments for you, whether it’s a quick coffee date between practices or sneaking in a call after a long day.
His dedication shines through in every effort he makes to keep the spark alive, showing you that no matter how busy life gets, you’re always worth it.
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alejdrgiannax · 1 month
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cute carlitos in his childhood 🥹🥹🫶🏽
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