moacirvdearaujo · 11 months
‭João‬ ‭6:35‬ ‭ARA‬
[35] Declarou-lhes, pois, Jesus: Eu sou o pão da vida; o que vem a mim jamais terá fome; e o que crê em mim jamais terá sede.
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eurekadiario · 1 year
Lukashenko cede a la Asamblea Popular de Bielorrusia el derecho a enviar tropas al extranjero
El principal órgano de poder se ocupará de determinar la política interior y exterior, la estrategia de desarrollo económico y la seguridad nacional.
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Alexander Lukashenko, presidente de Bielorrusia, en una conferencia de prensa en Minsk. © Proporcionado por El Español
El presidente bielorruso, Alexandr Lukashenko, firmó este sábado una ley que otorga a la Asamblea Popular de Bielorrusia la facultad de enviar tropas al extranjero, declarar la ley marcial y aprobar la doctrina militar del país.
Dicho órgano también podrá relevar al jefe del Estado, declarar el estado de emergencia, proponer enmiendas constitucionales y referendos, y valorar la legitimidad de los procesos electorales, según informa la agencia BELTA.
Durante los cinco años de mandato dicha asamblea, que estará integrada por miembros de los poderes ejecutivo, legislativo, judicial y de la sociedad civil, y diputados municipales, se ocupará de determinar la política interior y exterior, la estrategia de desarrollo económico y la doctrina militar y de seguridad nacional.
La oposición democrática en el exilio cree que Lukashenko, en el poder desde 1994, podría dejar la presidencia y asumir la jefatura de dicha asamblea, que se reunirá en abril de 2024, con el fin de perpetuarse en el poder.
Bielorrusia no ha participado directamente con sus tropas en la guerra en Ucrania, pero cedió su territorio para que el ejército ruso penetrara en territorio del vecino país, por lo que Kiev le acusa de complicidad.
A mediados de junio Minsk recibió las primeras armas nucleares tácticas prometidas por el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, lo que provocó los temores de sus vecinos y fuertes críticas de la OTAN.
Lukashenko viajó este sábado a Rusia, donde se reunirá el domingo con Putin por primera vez desde la fallida rebelión militar protagonizada hace un mes por el jefe del paramilitar Grupo Wagner, Yevgueni Prigozhin. 
Tras la mediación del líder bielorruso, Prigozhin aceptó trasladarse con sus mercenarios a Bielorrusia, donde esta semana comenzó a proteger la frontera con Polonia.
Varsovia anunció seguidamente el despliegue en la zona de dos unidades militares, tras lo que Putin advirtió a Polonia que un ataque a Bielorrusia sería como una agresión a Rusia.
Esas declaraciones, en las que también aseguraba que las regiones occidentales de ese país habían sido "un regalo de Stalin", llevaron al Ministerio de Exteriores polaco a convocar al embajador ruso en el país.
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sauolasa · 1 year
Brasile, il presidente Lula "cede" sei aree protette agli indigeni
Le attività sospese sono vietate e le popolazioni autoctone potranno sfruttare la terra per attività tradizionali. Ma c'è chi vede il bicchiere mezzo vuoto
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
i was trying to organize the difference between the batboy's ages and i failed miserably, so i've decided tim was actually a fetus when dick's parents died and watched from the uterus
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
Friendly reminder that A Land for All is an excellent organization that is still, even now, working to create an equitable resolution to the conflict. Please check them out:
I also strongly recommend reading through their full proposal here.
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clockwork-carstairs · 16 days
do you ever think about how matthew fairchild was such a sunshine coded character—a golden boy, floated through school, charmed everyone with his infamous smile; a starry-eyed dreamer who had faith in most things that weren’t himself. and how because of one moment of naivety he lost years of his life to devastating self-sabotage, believing himself worth nothing, deserving of nothing, drinking day by day to numb out the pain—because he believed people could only ever like him when he wasn’t sober, when he wasn’t fully himself. and how despite visibly not being okay, nobody ever really said anything about it until he basically hit rock bottom. and do you ever think about how matthew would’ve given up his love for cordelia in a second if it meant james could be happy, when james wouldn’t do the same? you knew. i told you in the letter. and how he joked and deflected so much to hide how sad he really was, because he believed no one would care enough to see it. i did not know that i looked sad, to you. because i think about it a lot and it makes me very sad
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lordgrimwing · 2 months
Gotta love how all encompassing the Doom of the Noldor is. Doom on you, Doom on your children, Doom in your dog.
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librarycards · 4 days
The narrative surrounding AI is that people will be “left behind” unless they adopt it ASAP. How is AI going to revolutionize education? How is it going to transform agriculture? How is it going to make logistics a million times smarter? Almost every sector is being faced with the proposition that they should jump on the AI train or risk getting left behind.
To my frustration, rather than having concerted, critical, and honest conversations around who benefits from this technology—and why and how—we’ve been sold the idea that it’s inevitable, and we better figure out how to make use of it, to deal with it as best we can.
I could see some approaches to AI being more punitive, like “I will do this and this if you use AI” [...] [but] I really wanted to approach my students as empowered agents of their own learning and to express to them, in the best way that I could at the time, what my reservations are. Not just with the tool in a technical sense and how it, as many people have confirmed, is much more like a stochastic parrot than it is something that learns or that is cognitive.
Beyond that, there is the larger “assemblage” of AI that enables these systems to run in the first place. Since I’m an environmental studies professor, it became clear that a lot of those pieces were an entire material world of energy, water, and other resources; of labor undervalued and exploited. And there’s the racialized and encoded assumptions that emanate through the texts upon which these chatbots are trained.
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the-woman-upstairs · 4 months
It’s just…so painful to watch Armand readily submit in order to obtain the love he so desperately craves. And while it’s most assuredly a manipulative tactic, it’s still one borne out of fear and desperation. He cannot lose this person he’s come to love and so will become whatever they want, do whatever they want just so they’ll stay with him. But it won’t be enough. No matter how much he acquiesces or seeks to control (himself, others, the environment), he won’t be able to make Louis stay with him in the perfect life, perfect self he built in the hopes of finally being loved. It will all crumble with Armand left alone in the rubble of what he created, the author of his own abandonment.
#this unfortunately hits way too close to home for me#let’s not even get into Claudia’s anger at never being enough#iwtv spoilers#interview with the vampire#armand#this is just me speaking from personal experience…but there is definite manipulation at play here from Armand#and I don’t necessarily mean that pejoratively- when you’re desperate for people to like/love you you’ll become whatever they want#or whatever you think they’d want and you give it to them so they’ll want to keep you around#I’ve done it so often with the people in my life- and make no mistake it’s also a survival tactic#you give someone what they want they won’t hurt you#and when that’s how you survive for years and years it becomes the default method of interacting with others#even with normal people who genuinely mean you no harm you revert to that people pleasing mode#as a means of control both external and internal#this is what i see armand doing- his way of surviving that he’s never truly broken out of#armand ceding coven control to Louis and curating the Dubai penthouse for Louis are part of the same pattern of behavior#and even tho it’s ultimately harmful and will only end badly for armand and Louis’ relationship#idk if armand knows how to not exist that way with someone he loves/desires#all of this also ties into louis and daniel#because of course Armand will lose it over Louis finding connection and interest with someone else aside from him#someone HUMAN no less#and I can see Armand taking out his anger on Daniel as a way of expressing his own frustration at still not being enough for Louis#breaking daniel’s mind in a desperate attempt to understand why this human could reach Louis in ways he couldn’t#not saying any of this to excuse Armand and his behavior obviously (I’m very upset and worried over the trial looming on the horizon)#but I do understand this impulse and how you’ll throw ANYONE under the bus in order to preserve your place with loved ones#it’s all horrifying but unfortunately I empathize#like even if Louis is right to walk out on him when he learns/remembers the truth of what happened to Claudia#I’ll probably still find myself saddened by Armand’s fate because I’ve absolutely been there myself#it’s a tragedy of his own making- his fear and desperation birthing manipulative and controlling behaviors#that ultimately result in your own abandonment#god this fucking show
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
there are no words for how narratively horny I am for julian in hippocratic oath
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princemick · 1 year
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weepingwitch · 3 months
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ot3 · 1 year
the fact of the matter is that given the current state of both the art industry and the legal landscape of copyright/ip law, there will not ever be legislation around AI image generation that restricts companies while benefiting independent artists. rather than pushing for formal legal weigh-ins on what does or does not qualify as theft by generative outputs (i still think there could be something to be said about what companies are legally allowed to input into their generative models) we really just need to continue to. well. use our brains.
i may be in the minority in that i believe there are plenty of ways to use generative models as a tool in your artistic process (rather than being a replacement for an artistic process) that doesn't infringe on the work or livelihood of your fellow artists. and rather than wasting energy on trying to shove this genie back into the bottle, which, will not ever happen, we should work on publicly discussing where these boundaries lie. and we should also, without question, continue giving major shit to companies who are using AI generated images to avoid paying artists.
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creativitycache · 10 months
Netflix has to stop doing this to me. They have to stop putting shows on my homepage that are so new they don’t even have an AO3. How could they target me like this? Now I am STARVING for fix it fics of two random side characters and I have NO FOOD.
I’d get in the kitchen and make some myself but there isn’t even a RESTAURANT OPEN YET.
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swindlefingrs · 1 year
this game can't show me Halsin, the reluctant arch druid, battling self-doubt and regret, admitting that people see his size and ignore his feelings, and not give me scenes of him being dominated to different degrees of comfort because he's exhausted by being in charge
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thevalleyisjolly · 4 months
Is it just me or has the Doctor's interactions with Ruby been directly referencing/paralleling past companions? The theme of coincidence in the Christmas episode - Donna and the Doctor in Partners in Crime, constantly missing each other until they reunite and then it's coincidences galore (except not so coincidental because Dalek Caan was manipulating the timeline to pull them together...). In The Shakespeare Code, Martha asked the Doctor about changing time and the butterfly effect, and then Ruby has nearly the exact same conversation about the butterfly effect and there was a whole two minute gag about the consequences of her stepping on a butterfly. Rose and the Doctor's first big fight over Rose crossing her own timeline to save her father, and the Doctor explicitly warning Ruby that they can never cross her own timeline because of the consequences. And in Boom, Ruby both having to take charge in lieu of the Doctor and displaying a confident recklessness in ignoring the Doctor's orders to stay away and firing the gun into the air to divert the attention of the deadly AI - some similarities to Clara near the end of her arc? I don't know if this is anything, it's just interesting in light of all the in-show references to the fourth wall and how the episode card for The Legend of Ruby Sunday appears to show the behind-camera view of a TV set.
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