#Cecily Yildirim
melonoverlord · 4 years
the new asks for Cecily
 Which parent do they look the most like?
Although she and Micah are generally broader than her very slender fae family, she looks a lot like her mom, which as a child she liked because she wanted to be like her mom but as she’s growing up, she doesn’t like that she has such a big tie to her mom.
Is there a name they were almost given (either by their parents or during character creation)?
Micah and Cecily’s generation was the first to outgrow more older and traditional fae names, but before she was born, there was talks of having her being named Dafne. Luckily Fina did do a brief consultation with her five year old son, and he said he liked the name Cecily. And thus the name of Micah’s favorite person was born.
What were they like as a kid (if they’re currently a child, what would they be like as a teen)?
Cecily’s currently just a leetle gorl, but when she’s older she’s going to be the most badass teen out there. Her anxiety of childhood and the pressure of being the best will still be lingering, which she will need lots of reassurance from her friends, but she will be very ripped and ready to defend her friends with her big heart, big muscles, and big sword. She will also be the very very annoyingly in love girl who can’t get any work done because she’s just fawning over her boy.
What’s their drinking tolerance and what kind of drunk are they?
She only drinks wine at home right now, but when she’s older and starts drinking, she’s going to have an impeccable tolerance. She’ll even be able to outdrink her brother, even if it’s just for the spite.
Where do they like to be touched?
whispers It’s about the hands. Cecily has a lot of her emotional control tied to her hands, which is why when someone holds her hand, she feels a lot safer when she has someone to hold her hand. But when she’s older, she will like when people touch her very strong barbarian muscles.
What’s their favorite position (top/bottom/switch/pillow princess/etc.)
When she’s older, she’s definitely more of a top switch, as she loves taking care of Rory the way that he has taken care of her over the years. But sometimes when older Rory is just a fucking swoon machine, her more bottom tendencies come out and she just wants him to take care of her the best way he knows how (answer: it’s many many kisses).
What are their kinks?
Girl would definitely be into roleplay but takes it very very seriously. What started as a “Queen has an affair with her bodyguard” now is several nights long of on the run from the evil spy organization who wants to kidnap the queen and sell her secrets, and the bodyguard got his powers from a super soldier program and they’re both learning to love. They have to actively remember that it is supposed to lead to sex. Also Robin Hood!Rory? Hoo boy.
As for other kinks, she would never bring it up to Rory but she would lowkey vibe with bondage on his end. She for reasons wouldn’t ever want to be tied up or have her sense deprived, but being a sweet caring dom while her boy is tied up or blindfolded? She could vibe with that.
How do they feel about adrenaline (roller coasters, extreme sports, etc.)?
Ce aint one to half ass shit. The first time this girl goes to an amusement park, you have to argue with her to put her safety harness on during rollercoaster because she just wants to nyoom. Part of the reason she will start the softball team is to feel the thrill of running very fast and hitting things with a bat.
What is their fight or flight response?
Any problem that can’t be stabbed is a problem that can’t be solved. However, if the danger is revolving around an authority figure who she wants to like her, she will slide into the fawn method, where she does whatever she can to make sure she doesn’t get hurt or have other people get hurt.
What’s their pain tolerance?
Cecily is a very strong girl and can take many many hits before getting knocked down for good, and tends to get rather excited when she’s hit? For her, pain is something that grounds her because if she’s thinking about getting hit, she doesn’t have to think about anything else. However, if she gets a paper cut she will cry for twenty minutes.
What character archetype are they the most like (the Innocent, the Hero, etc.)
Although she’s the youngest of the squad (or at least the Player Characters) she fits more of the Hero than any of the other archetypes. Part of it comes with being a protector at heart, but she wants to prove her worth and travel the world and is extremely courageous especially for a sheltered ten year old child who had her first brushes with murders.
What TV-Tropes trope would they be?
Pint-Sized Powerhouse. Although starting second year, Ce starts hitting a growth spurt, she begins at the second shortest of the main squad at 4′10 but I think she has the most max HP due to being a barbarian and she is built like a baby tank. She is chonky and adorable.
What John Mulaney quote/bit do they most embody?
“No one cared about my opinion when I was a little kid. No one cared what I thought. Sometimes, people would say, ‘What do you think you’re doing?” But that just meant ‘Stop.’ They didn’t actually wanna know my thought process. They didn’t want me to be like, ‘Well, I was gonna put this bottle rocket into this carton of eggs, so that when I lit off the bottle rocket, the eggs would explode everywhere.’ ‘Oh, well, that’s very interesting. And what brought you to this experiment?” ‘Oh, well, thank you for asking. Well… you know how I’m filled with rage? I’m so horny and angry all the time… and I have no outlet for it. So… eggs.’“
With the exception of love interests and immediate family, who are they closest to?
Given that Rory will become a love interest and she sees Dahlia as a mother figure, Ciara hands down. She would die for her spunky best friend.
What is their moral alignment? What would have to happen for it to shift?
Cecily started as Chaotic Neutral, but with every day with her new set of family and friends, she is quickly sliding up to Chaotic Good. Although she acts more like a Chaotic Good, she still has some of that neutral as her motivation for doing good deeds is still purely for the love and attention of those she views as authority figures. The only thing that could fully slide her to the evil category is if she just didn’t think there was a way to please anyone or get any appreciation, so she just immediately fends for herself to get people away from her.
Are they a morning person? What are they like before 8am?
She’s a little loopy early in the morning because she needs lots of rest in order to replenish all the energy she needs for her muscles, so if she gets up too early, she won’t get out of that head fog until she has a good breakfast. Don’t try to talk to her before she has coffee, she will process exactly none of the information you give her.
What are they like when they’re tired?
Cecily gets very jittery when she’s tired and is a lot more prone to emotions. The first sign that she needs sleep is she’ll start shivering even in the middle of summer and it feels like her skin in crawling. She will absolutely need to take a nap immediately or she will feel feverish for the rest of the day.
What are they like in arguments?
It really depends what’s she’s arguing for and against. If it’s either a stupid argument or for something she cares about strongly (such as taking care of Micah or being let in on a detective mission) she will talk until her face turns blue until she gets her way, but if it’s against an authority figure like her mom or grandparents, or someone she respects like Dahlia, she will give her side timidly once and then try to find the best compromise that really is Cecily agreeing with the authority figure to avoid getting in trouble.
What is their dominant hand?
Out of 10, how happy are they? How happy do they think they are?
Cecily always thought she was 10/10 because she was the best and if you were the best you are always happy, but she is quickly learning that she is neither the best (and is still coming to terms that maybe no one is the best) nor is she obligated to be the best. So she’s still at about an 8/10 but she’s wondering how long that happiness will stay.
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osamu-jinguji · 7 years
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My next exhibition at RossoCinabro Gallery in Rome, Italy https://lnkd.in/fFNw2-2
XIII Giornata del Contemporaneo AMACI (XIII Day of Contemporary AMACI)
[ARTWORKS CONNECTIONS] 14 - 31 Ottobre, 2017 (14 - 31 October, 2017) opening sabato 14 ottobre ore 18:00 - 20:00 (opening on Saturday, October 14, 18:00 - 20:00) dal 16 ottobre sarà visitabile dal lunedì al venerdì orario 11:00 – 19:00 (from October 16, will be open Monday to Friday, 11:00 am - 7:00 pm)
Via Raffaele Cadorna, 28 Roma - Italia
Showroom: Piazza Mazzini 6 Palombara Sabina Roma - ITALIA tel/fax: +39 06-60658125
Il prossimo Ottobre la collezione permanente ritorna da RossoCinabro con una nuova presentazione dinamica di 40 opere provenienti da tutto il mondo. La mostra comprende i favoriti iconici accanto a nuove acquisizioni, che verranno esposte per la prima volta in Galleria. I curatori Cristina Madini e Joe Hansen hanno selezionato i lavori e concepito l’allestimento. La mostra allontana le distinzioni gerarchiche e l'idea della voce del curatore come autorità assoluta, presenta, invece, le opere che generano associazioni e interpretazioni in continua evoluzione. I lavori sono organizzati in modo lirico per simulare una versione analogica del Web, usando un approccio associativo derivato dal modo "ipertestuale" di navigare il mondo di oggi. I visitatori sono incoraggiati a trovare il proprio percorso attraverso una rete di possibilità che evidenziano connessioni esplicite e risonanze sottili e inaspettate tra le opere d'arte esposte. Ogni opera racconta molte storie e ognuna è resa ancora più interessante attraverso i rapporti con altre. Rimane fondamentale in un mondo in continua evoluzione esporre opere che continuano a sviluppare significati e generare domande attraverso il contatto con le altre.
(This October the permanent collection returns to the RossoCinabro Gallery with a dynamic new presentation of 40 works from all world. The exhibition includes iconic favorites alongside new acquisitions, which will be displayed at the RossoCinabro for the first time. Cristina Madini and Joe Hansen Curators, selected the works and conceived the presentation. The exhibition does away with hierarchical distinctions and the idea of the curator’s voice as absolute authority, instead presenting works that engender ever-evolving associations and interpretations. The works are loosely thematically organized to mimic an analog version of the Web, using an associative approach derived from the way we navigate today’s “hyperlinked” world. Visitors are encouraged to find their own path through a network of possibilities that highlight explicit connections as well as subtle, unexpected resonances among the artworks on view. Each artwork tells many stories, and each is made even more interesting through relationships to other works and ideas. As those works continues to develop meanings and spawn questions through contact with other artworks, it remains vital in a changing world.)
Artisti: Renate Anding, Dina Babay, Annamaria Biagini, Helga Borbás, Elda Calabrese, Daniele Calvani, Alan Cariddi, Laura Casini, Cecily, Celina, Dino Coffani, EDMX Montanari, Giovanna Fabretti, Francesca Guetta, Jaanz Lynn, Osamu Jinguji, Hiroshi Kawazumi, Agnieszka Konopka, Mirella La Rosa, Lady Yupiigold, Sybille Lampe, Lisa J Levasseur, LEX, Giacoma Lo Coco, Vincenzo Messina, Elvio Miressi, Päivyt Niemeläinen, Anja Stella Ólafsdóttir, Vilma Panula, Daniela Rebecchi, Elke Reis, Rizza Boo, Christina Steinwendtner, Inga Svanberg, Linda Syvertsen, Gitana Vaicyte, Martina Volandri, Anouk Wolse, Yalim Yildirim, Derya Yilmaz, Ziba Moasser
a cura di Cristina Madini e Joe Hansen (curated by Cristina Madini e Joe Hansen)
Check above details on the following other SNS's "Exhibits at RossoCinabro Gallery in Rome, Italy (August - October)": Check on Behance→https://lnkd.in/gJz6V2e Check on LinkedIn→https://lnkd.in/gEu-4ET Check on Tumblr→https://lnkd.in/g8h87yZ Check on Artconnect→https://lnkd.in/g4V_Jmn
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AMACI - Associazione dei Musei d'Arte Contemporanea Italiani→https://lnkd.in/fdiagJc
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melonoverlord · 6 years
Turt’s ask meme for cecily (aka the better sibling)
1. What would be their favorite Disney (or other animated) movie?
Cecily has never seen a movie, but when she and the other first years binge watch Disney movies, she gets really into Peter Pan. Peter reminds her of herself and she gets that cartoon crush that we all got no matter our sexuality. She also likes Peter Pan because the song Second Star to the Right is one of the most beautiful songs she’s heard.
2. What do they usually like for breakfast?
Eggs and spicy sausage. She likes the full Turkish breakfast experience, and is glad that at Isladine she can still have a little piece of home. Though she has come to appreciate Eggo waffles.
3. What sort of cuddler are they?
Cecily’s almost as touch averse as Micah is in the sense that she won’t cuddle up to you unless you’re super close to her (which is why she’ll cuddle Micah), but she’s the type of person just to throw herself over you and rest her chin on the top of your head if you’re sitting down.
4. How do they say “I love you”?
Ce doesn’t like saying “I love you” if she can help it because that ruins her cool facade, but one ways she portrays it to Micah is helping him whenever he’s overwhelmed by sitting and singing with him to drown out outside noise, or doodling with him. Her version of saying “I love you” is learning about what makes you comfortable or calm down and trying to implement those when she sees that you’er struggling.
5. What kind of shoes do they wear?
She usually went barefoot when she lived with her clan, but otherwise she likes wearing either brown flats or gladiator style sandals. She hates closed toed shoes with a passion and if there is an opportunity to take her shoes off, she absolutely will.
6. What is their favorite accessory?
She has pink flower earrings she wears nearly every day and doesn’t feel her outfit is complete without them. She even sleeps with them in.
7. Are they more inclined towards fashion or comfort?
She always manages to find that middle line between fashion and comfort because she doesn’t want to be uncomfortable the entire day, but an outfit is not an outfit unless it is fashionable. If she had to lean towards one, though, it would be fashion. She will not allow herself to be frumpy.
8. What makes them laugh?
When Micah throws people off by being blunt as fuck, anything wild that Nat or Nadi do (especially when it involves flustering her brother), and whenever she can humiliate Reggie. Both she and Micah have a beautiful laugh.
9. Do they have a favorite flower?
Local yellow princess loves sunflowers.
10. Would they be the one to propose to their significant other?
Absolutely. She is always the one to make the first move in a relationship since she thinks that she missed out on having connections that weren’t people you knew since the womb.
11. What bad habits do they have?
Talking back to adults, sitting on top of things that shouldn’t be sat on (like the Headmistress’s desk), and egging people on.
12. What are their biggest insecurities?
Cecily is one of the rare cases of a character having high self esteem, and mixed with being a ten year old who thrives off humiliating her older brother, Cecily actually doesn’t have any insecurities... yet.
13. How do they wear their hair?
Mostly in pigtails in various hair colors, though her hair style changes day to day. Sometimes she’ll put it down, which brings her hair almost down to her waist, and other times she’ll put it in milkmaid brains and give herself a little hair crown. Cecily is the queen of hair game.
14. Are they an impulse shopper? If so, what would they buy?
Oh definitely. She’s never gotten to go shopping before, so the first time she goes to the mall and is allowed to get anything, she comes back with bags that are heavier than her just because she wants everything.
15. When do they usually sleep?
Micah still makes her have a bedtime of 9pm, but she’ll stay up til about 10pm watching Disney movies with the other first years.
16.What makes them worry?
Whether she’ll have to follow her grandmother’s orders if Micah doesn’t adjust to school the way her family wants to, whether she’ll be forced to return to their clan and not be able to experience human life, and if Micah will really fit in here.
17. Do they have any creative outlets?
She likes designing clothes, which is how she was the most fashionable five through nine year old in her clan. She designed her own clothes, then got her mother or grandmother to go get cloth to make them. Now that she can actually have access to a sewing kit, she likes making clothes for her squad (which consists of some first year followers and the poor saps who chose to befriend Micah).
18. How do they comfort an upset loved one?
She’s had to do it a lot with Micah, but usually since she pays attention to what makes her loved ones happy or feel safe, she’ll go sit next to them and try to take their mind off what’s bothering them or make them forget their worries.
19. What are they like when they’re sick?
She and Micah actually switch places when sick. When she’s sick, she becomes a blunt asshole who gets straight to the point because she just wants to get better.
20. Do they say what they’re thinking, or keep their thoughts to themselves?
She usually says what she’s thinking, she’s just more crafty about it than Micah is. She likes to form her words to fit whatever the person she’s talking to wants to hear so she can get on their good side.
21. What is the best gift they’ve ever received?
A chance to lead a normal life at Isladine.
22. Are they good at keeping track of time?
Absolutely not. Micah always has to act as her alarm clock. If she were left on her own, she’d be missing for two days and think she was only gone for like eight hours at most.
23. What is their favorite ice cream flavor?
Mocha Almond Fudge
24. What would they order from a fast food/take-out place?
Mushroom chicken, orange chicken, an ungodly amount of potstickers, and pineapple fried rice.
25. What is their favorite pizza topping(s)?
She finds that she really like BBQ Chicken pizza, so she’ll put chicken, basil, cilantro, and red onion.
26. What is their favorite type of cookie?
Double chocolate with peppermint bark.
27. Do they paint their nails?
It was one of the things they were able to smuggle into the clan, so she and Micah like panting their nails a bunch of different colors. She usually likes yellow and pink.
28. What is their favorite board game?
Never play Monopoly against her. You will lose all your money in a span of four turns. She has really good luck buying houses and hotels and rolls well enough to always skip the fees.
29. Are they more of a pants or skirts kind of person?
She loves wearing both, but usually opts for skirts. Especially the flow-y kind.
30. Do they dream often? What about?
Sometimes she’ll dream of women on horses with swords, which invigorates her even though she has no idea what they mean, other times she’ll have more worried dreams about actually having to carry out what her grandfather told her if Micah doesn’t adjust well to Isladine. On really bad nights, she’ll just dream that she’s standing in a field while a thunderstorm rages all around.
31. Do they have any phobias?
Dogs and thunderstorms. Both are a big no no and if she got in the presence of either, she would start crying on the spot.
32. If they were a pokemon, which would they be?
Slyveon, beautiful and powerful fairy child who’s beloved by everyone.
33. How well do they handle sea travel? Air travel?
She’s fine with both until there’s a storm involved. She hates thunderstorms and lightning more than anything so if there’s a chance of showers, she will stay on the comfort of land, thank you very much.
34. Which Disney character are they most like?
Gogo Tomago from Big Hero 6. Smart, sarcastic, and better than the main character. She’s also a bubblegum babe like Gogo is. 
35. What sort of parent would they be?
She’s the fun parent 100% of the way that lets her kids get away with whatever as long as they’re being for the most part safe. Bed time is never.
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melonoverlord · 6 years
ur ask meme for lil ce
What convenience store food would be their go-to at a 7-11 (Fantasy or otherwise)?
Since she can’t get tacos at a convenience store, girl is going after those giant slushees. Blue Raspberry is her absolute favorite and she likes showing Ciara and Rory her blue tongue afterwards.
Who is their drinking buddy? If they don’t drink, which drunk friend would they watch over?
Baby is much too small to drink, but she would pick the best friend squad, Ciara and Rory. Alternatively, I feel like Dahlia and Nadiah would be the type to start teaching her how to drink at like fifteen.
Who would be their go-to character in Clue?
Mrs. Peacock. She looks like she could light a motherfucker up.
If they ever had to go to college, what major would they pick?
Since “Sword” isn’t a major, Dance or Literature.
Do they have a signature color(s)?
Yellow and pink like the sweet baby girl she is.
What would be their favorite vine?
It’s a toss up between “I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me” and “Hey. I think you’re really cool. I like you a lot. Maybe we can hang out or something.”
If they had a social media account, what would it be about?
Her instagram would be full of dance videos and pictures of clothes she’s made, her twitter would be venting about Seith and Reggie and also full of love for her friends, and she’d follow a lot of horse tumblr blogs.
Who would they invite to be their best man/maid of honor at their wedding?
Micah 100%. He’s her big brother and although she sometimes makes jokes that she doesn’t like him, she is his number one fan and she wants him by her side.
Alternatively, who’s best man/maid of honor would they be?
She would def be Micah’s maid of honor and she is really really hoping she could be Ciara’s.
What would be the title of their sex tape/mixtape?
“Is that a sword or are you just- oh, it’s both”
If there was no prejudice, what time period/place would they love to visit?
She would be heartbroken to learn that she can’t visit the places of fairytales to see princesses, but she would look amazing in 20s and 40s fashion.
What three words would they use to describe themself?
Small, Tough, and Curious
What three words would their friends/family use to describe them?
Most people would say overall curious, bold, and excitable. Rory would also say friendly, Ciara would say fun, and Dahlia would say “unsure of herself”
What nicknames do they have? Any particular stories behind them?
Ce’s been her nickname since she was small (though really only Micah called her Ce). Micah found it easier to write and cute to say. Nadiah calls her Cec (which irks her the slightest bit) or Little Dude/Man, which she calls everyone smaller than her.
Do they consider themself a good person? Why or why not?
Cecily’s self worth as “good” person fluctuates on who she looks up to. If they say she is a good person, she thinks she is as well. If they say she is a bad person, she will think she’s a bad person. (So if Ce considers you a parent figure, watch what you say around her)
If they were a cryptid, what would they be?
Chupacabra, has wanderlust and loves exploring, can be a bit of a wild child, and wants adventure.
What is the one thing they wish they could’ve said to a loved one, but never did?
She really wishes she could tell her grandparents that she would rather die than follow what they want her to do.
What would they tell their ten year old self?
She currently is ten, so she would either tell her five year old self “your childhood is not normal. There is only one person that actually loves you.”
Who would be on their team in an all out prank war? Who would they be against?
Ciara, Rory, Micah, and Dahlia definitely would be on her team, and between her and Dahlia, they would probably enlist Nadiah. They would be against Seith and his toadies, and of course she will throw Reggie off the highest tower.
Can they drive a car? Are they good at it? (If cars don’t exist, would they be able to drive if they existed?)
She has never seen a car, and she is very short right now, but she would Baby Driver and be an amazing getaway driver.
Tell the story behind their most stupid injury/scar.
When she was four, another boy in their clan made fun of Micah, and she tried to beat him up, which of course resulted in Cecily getting punched in the eye. Though it was here where she learned the phrase “You should see the other guy”
What word(s) would they freeze up at if someone said it to them?
“Useless”, “Stupid”, “Disgrace of a Fae”, “Micah doesn’t need you”
Who is someone that they don’t talk to much, but would probably get along with?
She is just starting to talk to Dahlia and she is going to be her future daughter because goddammit, Ce deserves someone who loves her. She would also probably get along with Nat if Nat wasn’t a lone wolf in every sense of the term.
Have they ever done something they think is unforgivable?
Not yet. But there is something over her head that if she does it, she knows it will be unforgivable.
What type of soda would be their favorite?
She doesn’t really like soda, but she loves raspberry lemonade.
What do they want more than anything?
To be free of responsibility and just live her life with her brother and friends.
What is their fatal flaw?
She is very misguided and has her loyalty with the wrong people and allows them to abuse her.
What Greek God would they be most like?
Athena, goddess of wisdom and warfare
Who do they looks the most up to?
Micah, her grandmother, and now Dahlia, Nadiah, and even Wisty.
If they had to pick between their best friend or significant other, who would they pick?
Right now she’d pick Micah over anything else, even Rory. In the future when she gets closer to people, it would still have to be either save Micah or save everyone else to get her to go against her brother.
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melonoverlord · 6 years
Ashley's ask for micah's much cooler sis
What high school stereotype would they be (goth kid, cheerleader, nerd, etc.)?
Cecily is the Popular Kid to the T. Always makes sure to dress impeccable, pretends not to care about most things but always has no trouble making friends, and of course, has purple hair.
What song would they want played at their funeral?
‘One Less Problem Without You’ by Ariana Grande. But take out the Igloo Australia verse because Igloo will never be shit.
What did they want to grow up to be when they were a kid?
She wasn’t given a lot of options as a kid, as she really only had one job opportunity growing up. But as she got into human culture like her brother, she found that being a hero was something that sounded pretty sweet to her. Since she was young, her secret wish was to be a firefighter.
Would they root for the prey or the predators in a nature documentary?
She roots for whoever looks the coolest. If the prey has poison on their side to avoid being eaten, she roots for them but if the predator looks sleek and and powerful, she roots for them.
Who is their hero? If they don’t have one, what kind of person would be their hero?
Her grandma. She knows she’s the favorite in the family and looks up to her grandparents who unofficially run their community, despite not wanting to take her grandparents’ place.
What is/would be their weapon of choice in a fight?
She’s a sword pan at heart, but she’s down for any weapon that can be swung. If the Academy ever had a huge battle and no one could use magic, she would opt to take a table leg and just start going for people’s knees. Surprise, motherfucker.
What’s the most embarrassing thing in their internet search history? If the internet doesn’t exist, what’s the weirdest question they’ve ever asked someone?
‘Is it legal to glue someone to the wall’. Reggie was being particularly asshole-y that day and she needed to know what legal steps she could take.
Who would they sell to Satan for a single corn chip?
She doesn’t have a lot of people she actively hates, but she would 100% sell her dweeb brother’s roommate Reggie to Satan for a single corn chip. Not even for Micah’s sake, but because Cecily just hates Reggie with every fiber of her being. She does say about twice a week that she can’t wait to sell Micah to Satan. She drops when she sees that it actually distresses him.
Are they a city or a country kind of person?
City. She lived in the country for the first ten years of her life, and although she likes it enough at home, she really hates that nothing changes even after a decade. It seems that in a city, things change every minute.
What’s their favorite mythical creature?
Pegasus. There’s just something majestic about winged horses that could probably trample someone to death. Also pegasi are just one step away from unicorns and she is a ten year old girl. Unicorns are her life.
Who are they afraid of?
No one at the moment, but she is a little afraid of her grandfather, who makes it clear what her duty at Isladine is, especially regarding Micah.
Who would they take a bullet for?
She would absolutely never, ever say it because it would ruin her reputation as Micah’s much cooler sister, but she would absolutely take a bullet for her brother. She knows that it takes a lot for him to go somewhere unfamiliar and although he mainly did it to please his mom, he also did it because he didn’t want Cecily to be alone.
If they had to dress totally different from their usual style, what would they wear?
Cecily is always a good mix of fashion and comfort so she usually shows up in leggings or capris and a flowy blouse, but as she got older she would probably dress in a bomber jacket and skinny jeans.She always has to look like she’s not trying but still be the most fashionable one in the room.
What makes/has made them cry harder than anything else?
Cecily shares her brother’s fear of thunderstorms and when she heard heavy thunder for the first time, hid with Micah in their shared room and cried until it was over. She also has a fear of dogs after she was bit by a wild dog in the community and was only able to alert her family by crying and screaming extremely loudly.
Would they laugh at dick jokes?
Nah, she’s 10 and doesn’t know about dick jokes. Besides, if someone showed her dick jokes Micah would probably kill them.
If they were a Pokemon trainer, what would be their favorite type?
Fire types. Strong, cool, and sometimes you can get a hint of softness underneath their fiery exterior.
Would they go to a haunted house?
She is an adrenaline junkie and would drag Micah along just to watch him scream. However, she’d also be the person that wacks an actor when they pop out at her accidentally.
What’s the worst promise they’ve ever broken?
She promised her grandparents she would keep watch over Micah and make sure he was growing up into what he was meant to be, and if he wasn’t, she had to straighten him up and make sure that he went back on the right path. However, once she got to school she just wanted to live like a normal kid and only visited Micah because she wanted to spend time with her dorky brother, not to watch over him.
If they could go back in time and change one event from their life, what would it be?
She would’ve asked her mom if she could have been sent into the world sooner. She absolutely loves modern society and wants to experience all of it, unlike a certain older brother.
What was their favorite game to play as a kid?
Cecily and Micah always were a team in tag, as Cecily was climbing trees and scouting to see where the other children were, while Micah was insanely good at sneaking up on people without a sound. On days she didn’t feel like tag, she also loved playing charades in door with some of the other children and Micah. She loved playing out the charades rather than guessing.
What is/would be their favorite meme?
She’s a fan of ‘Why would you say something controversial yet so brave’. It’s more of a reaction image, but she sends in group chats anytime someone says something that can be a little asshole-y. She likes keeping track of which people are dicks to each other by the count of how many times she sends that image.
How do they usually spend their rainy days?
She loves being outside just experiencing the rain and letting it run down her face as she runs around, using it as an excuse to get as wild and dirty as she can. In most other parts of her life, Cecily is always collected and seems a little bit more mature than she actually is, but her childish side comes out during rainy days.
What’s the most romantic thing they would do for a significant other?
Cecily has always been a bit selfish, at least compared to her brother who is very obedient and follows orders to the very end. She knows that she thinks of herself and her own goals more than she thinks about other people, so if you can get her to devote herself to you and have her help you reach your own dreams, you know that she really loves you.
How far are they willing to go to get what they want?
Cecily is definitely more ambitious than her brother and knows exactly what she wants in life. Although she would seldom physically hurt anyone or take a life to achieve her goals, she doesn’t mind doing other dubious activities such as stealing or manipulating people to get her way. She’s still a kid and has a lot of growing up to do.
Sum up their personality in a single gif.
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melonoverlord · 7 years
aaaand 50 qs for micah's much cooler lil sis
Their age?
Lil baby 10 year old.
Their sexuality/sexual preference?
She hasn’t had any crushes yet but she’d be a raging pansexual
Any siblings/Only child?
She has a dweeby older brother, Micah.
Their favourite season?
Spring. She loves to break out her shorts and t-shirts and run wild in the flowers. Ce gives no fucks.
Who were/are their parents/guardians?
She was raised with Micah by her grandparents and mom, Fina, but were raised by their community altogether.
Their gender?
Their date of birth?
May 24, 2007
What clothing style?
Halfway between casual and preppy, she will dress in a skirt and baseball tee one day, and leggings and blouse the next. The only rule is that each outfit has to be cute as hell. There is no frumpy for Cecily. She has to look on point at all times.
What is their favourite food after a break-up?
Baklava. Just the right amount of sweet that can replace any stupid boy or girl.
Their favourite thing to do after a break-up?
Go to the tallest building and just lie down and stare at the stars. Possibly scream.
What happens in the ‘honeymoon phase’ for this character?
She will constantly text her boo about things that reminds her of them, just giggle at random times because she thought of them, and go all out on little gifts and escapes for the two of them to take.
How many serious relationships have they been in?
None because she’s 10.
What is their nationality?
What languages do they speak?
English, Turkish, Hebrew, Norwegian, and Farsi.
What is their profession/Education?
She’s been homeschooled for the last ten years but is about to start school at Isladine Academy and is here for it.
Their favourite comfort food?
When she gets to Isladine Academy, she is all about Taco Tuesday. When Micah is upset about the 10th thing that day, she just gets a plate of ten tacos and takes it up to his room, makes sure to spill some salsa on Reggie’s chair and give two tacos to Micah and eat the rest herself.
What’s a food they hate?
Seafood of most types. Especially shrimp.
Their music taste?
Girl bands and artists like Halsey, Beyonce, Rihanna, Kesha, and Adele.
Is there a story behind their name/meaning?
Not really. Her grandma advised her mother to name her Cecily due to the “dainty and alluring” aspect of it.
Something they do that seems childish to others?
She has about twenty stuffed animals and has to kiss every one of them goodnight before she can go to bed.
What is their all-time favourite TV show?
Drake and Josh. It’s a classic, she can’t lie.
What is their all-time favourite movie?
Black Swan. She loves Thrillers even if Micah won’t watch with her.
How big is their family?
Birth family it’s just her, Micah, her mom, and grandparents, but considers all her community her family. It’s just always been that way.
Are they close to anyone specific in the family?
She’s closer to Micah than anyone and feels protective of him while teasing him relentlessly at the same time, but also feels close to her grandmother as she saw that Cecily had more potential than Micah did.
Have they got any allergies?
Like Micah, she is extremely allergic to cats, but peppermint as well.
Are they an emotional person?
Yes, but doesn’t usually outwardly show it to others. She displays her personality as cheerful and easygoing.
Do they get angry/lose their temper quickly?
Nah, she’s got a cool head fairly often.
What are some of their guilty pleasures?
Too much pineapple ice cream, vine compilations that she tags Micah in, making sure that her older brother knows how much better she is than him.
Do they have pets? Do they want pets?
She’s never allowed to have any pets, but really wants a snake. She’d name it Slim Shady.
Do they like kids? Do they want kids/have kids?
She likes them enough. She grew up among other children in the compound, but is too young to think about having kids right now.
Who’s cuddle buddy are they?
Micah’s. She is the only one he doesn’t have a problem touching and whenever either of them had a bad day, they would just sleep the day away in the same day, curled up against each other.
Do they have any tattoos?
Nope, she’s 10
Do they have any piercings?
Just lobe piercings.
What is their hair colour? Is it their natural colour?
As soon as she got to Isladine she got a hold of some hair dye and dyed her dark brown hair purple.
Do they like musicals?
Nah, not her thing. She’s more into bands/artists with a strong female voice. Catch her rocking out to Adele, Kesha, or Halsey.
Do they like marmite?
Sounds like something Reggie would eat.
Do they like glitter?
She likes glitter eyeshadow but that’s about it.
Do they believe in the supernatural?
She is the supernatural. She follows cryptids’s whereabouts on twitter.
Have they ever seen a dead body?
Except for animals, she’s never seen a human dead body.
Have they ever had a near-death experience?
Nope, and hopefully never will.
Have they ever broken a bone?
No, but she’s broken Micah’s.
What are they like when they’re drunk/what kind of drunk are they?
She’s a chill drunk, opposed to how she is sober. If you want to just have her sit there and smile and bop her head, let her get drunk or else she will be on the dance floor.
Have they ever drunk underage?
She drinks wine at dinner
What is the first thing they do when they wake up?
Pick up any stuffed animal that fell off her bed during the night and apologize to them.
Do they consider themselves popular?
Yes. It doesn’t take her long to make friends at Isladine Academy and she can work any crowd.
How do they like their tea/coffee?
She will only drink hot chocolate and nothing will change her mind.
What do they smell like?
Lemon vanilla shampoo, sage, chestnuts
Are they a virgin?
She’s 10
Do they wear glasses/contacts?
Nope, she has perfect vision.
Are they good at remembering significant dates? Anniversaries, birthdays etc?
Usually, but she’s also ten and has more things to focus on like making friends.
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