thegaylink · 2 years
I hate TikTok because I made a video saying that the fact that the only way to detect cervical cancer was to pry open the vagina and swab is ridiculous, and said there should be more options. And if we really cant get any other options, at least find a way to do biopsies through the skin like you would a liver or Lung biopsy for people who experience traumatic events and/or SA and cannot do vaginal exams and i got ATTACKED in the comments saying i was "so fucking dumb" and "dramatic". One person said that we had a system that works and "they have more important things to worry about" and it just goes to show that people really do not care about people the way they should. You should WANT other people to have good medical experiences. You should WANT people to have a positive relationship with medicine and doctors. You should want people to have OPTIONS when it comes to their health! One person said I was "embarrassing myself" after I said "options are so incredibly important, especially when dealing with procedures like this" and I genuinely cannot fathom how caring about other people is considered "embarrassing." It is not unreasonable to say that in this day and age, with how technology and medically advanced we've gotten, we should have more than one method to screen for cervical cancer in AFAB individuals.
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hgirasol-blog · 2 years
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cbphysiotherapy · 2 years
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Have you heard of Cervical Myelopathy? It's a condition that affects the spinal cord in the neck and can cause a range of symptoms... 
It is most commonly caused by degenerative changes in the spine. That's why it's so important to be aware of the symptoms and seek medical attention...
Physiotherapy can be an effective way to manage the symptoms of Cervical Myelopathy, improving strength, flexibility, and coordination. ..Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in managing this condition. 
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natconbiolife · 2 years
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Joint EZE Pack
An exquisite product for the management of “Arthritis”- contains scientifically validated ingredients “Green Lipped Mussels” Country of Origin: India Best Before: 24 Months from the manufacturing date. Item Dimension: (109X100) mm Item Form: Capsules No. of Capsules: 180 Non-Vegetarian product
Features of Joint EZE Pack: Joint Eze Pack is an ingenious combination of two products viz. “Ortho Joint” and “Omega Joint” which helps in the management of Arthritis and the pain associated with its, this effectiveness chiefly pertains to its scientifically validated ingredient Green Lipped Mussel Extract.
Key Benefits of Joint EZE Pack:
Helps in the reduction of Joint Inflammation without any side effects.
Relieves persistent pain.
GAG’S (Glycoamino Glycans from GLM improves Joint lubrication.
Restores worn out cartilages.
ETA in GLM is scientifically validated for its anti-inflammatory effect.
Restores level of depleted synovial fluid.
Why Joint EZE Pack is a wholistic management for Arthritis? Joint EZE Pack has dual effect i.e anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective and that too without giving any side effects.
Joint EZE Pack Contains Following Ingredients: Enzaq GLM- A Source of ETA and GAG. Boswellia Extract- A potent anti-inflammatory ingredient. Bromelain- A source of anti-inflammatory enzyme used as an additive. Omega -3 – A fatty acid to supplement the balance between omeg-6 to avert inflammatory agents. Payment methods:
Pay on Delivery, EMI Easy Returns No-Contact Delivery For better safety, we recommend you to opt. for Online Payment, to minimize contact at delivery.
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SPORTS FIT PACK Joint, Bones & Muscles A super performance enhancer Country of Origin: India Best Before: 24 Months from the manufacturing date. Item Dimension: (135X148)mm Item Form: Capsules No. of Capsules: 60 Non-Vegetarian Product
Building muscles, excelling in sports and athletics are strength and skill development activities. Strictly speaking, they cannot be classified as fitness promoting activities. Ideally, for an all-round development, pursuing fitness is a must.
Consuming proteins is beneficial for muscles and building strength. But joints and bones, which play critical roles, cannot be overlooked, which can suffer injuries. Such injuries are serious and can hamper your efforts and disrupt your routine.
To nourish your joints and bones as well as support your efforts to develop strength, endurance and quick recovery after intense workouts, we have developed a super product, which we call ‘Sports Fit Pack’ (SFP).
SFP is an Explosive combo of 2 Super Foods:
GLX 5 – ETA: A storehouse of nutrients GLX Omega-3: Anti-inflammatory essential PUFA’s GLX 5 – ETA: Imported from New Zealand. It is a lyophilized powder from Green- Lipped mussels (GLM) harvested from the arctic oceans of Southern New Zealand. It is a Giant Super food packed with energy providing nutrients. The active components of GLM are:
Natural array of Vitamins and Minerals: Booster of energy, Vitality and sturdy bones. Essential Fatty acids: Fuel for brain and packed with anti-inflammatory properties to maintain robust joints free from injuries. GAG’s and Bio-active collagen: for tissue repair and fast recovery from heavy workouts. All the Essential Amino Acids: builds muscles and boosts energy, strength and stamina. GLX OMEGA-3: Wide range of Omega 3 PUFA’s for healthy Brain functions and Inflammation-free joints and muscles; supports healthy heart.
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Dormir bien y sus beneficios contra la mala circulación
¿Te despertaste con dolor de espalda o cuello? ¿Tiene inconvenientes con su circulación sanguínea y esto le provoca el entumecimiento de manos e hinchazón de pies? Si la contestación a una de las preguntas es sí, entonces debe considerar si duerme en la situación adecuada, pues la posición influye no solo en su sueño, sino más bien asimismo en su salud y, en particular, en su circulación sanguínea. Pero, ¿De qué manera dormir para mejorar la circulación sanguínea y qué posiciones debe evitar?
La mejor posición para dormir
En la posición boca arriba, la espalda, el cuello y, lo más esencial, la columna tiene una situación natural. Aparte del hecho de que esta es la posición más adecuada para la espalda, los hombros, la columna vertebral y el cuello, asimismo es la mejor si padece de mala circulación sanguínea. Elija una almohada como la almohada cervical New Pilow 360 que le permita dormir con la cabeza tenuemente más alta que el colchón y acompáñela con una almohada bajo las pantorrillas.
Dormir boca arriba también previene la acumulación de líquido, lo que previene los pies y manos entumecidas al despertar en la mañana y le garantizan un sueño placentero y reparador de la energía perdida para un mejor desempeño en el trabajo y con la familia.
Para aquellos que duermen boca arriba, es ideal una almohada de pluma natural ya que es cómoda y el relleno se mueve fácilmente, adaptándose a la manera de su cuerpo y dependiendo de su posición.
La segunda mejor posición
Si no puede dormir boca arriba, la alternativa saludable es dormir a un lado. Esta situación resguarda su cuello y espalda, pues ayuda a que su columna se Haga clic para saber más mantenga erguida. Si tiene problemas respiratorios, es una situación que lo favorecerá, ya que facilita la respiración durante el sueño. Para las personas que tienen problemas con el reflujo gástrico, también es una buenísima situación para aliviar los síntomas.
Para las mujeres embarazadas, no obstante, esta es la mejor posición para dormir. Las mujeres embarazadas deben dormir de un lado, porque en esta situación la circulación sanguínea es mejor, no hay presión en el medio, como sucede si duermes boca arriba.
La almohada ideal para quienes duermen de un lado es el látex o la espuma. Es una almohada suave, que no deja que la cabeza se quede bajísima. También puede escoger una almohada de espuma viscoelástica, que tomará alguna forma dependiendo de de qué manera duerma sobre ella. Si prefiere algo natural, aún puede elegir una almohada hecha de plumas y plumón.
Si desea lograr la mayor eficiencia del sueño al dormir de lado, también se recomienda utilizar una almohada especial entre las piernas, bien sea entre los muslos o entre las rodillas, lo que sostiene al cuerpo alineado a pesar de la altura de los hombros o el tamaño de la almohada.
Situaciones poco saludables
Algunas personas duermen en posición fetal. Es una situación poco saludable para el cuerpo, pues cuando el cuerpo está doblado, la columna no se encuentra en una posición natural. Además, cuando se duerme doblado, es más difícil respirar apropiadamente y, debido a que tocar la almohada con la cara, no es una situación recomendada para las personas preocupadas por las arrugas.
Respecto a la almohada, para la posición del embrión se recomienda exactamente el mismo género de almohada que para la posición de un lado.
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marzipanandminutiae · 29 days
As someone who works with social history for a living, I feel like I’m the aggressive opposite of an anti-vaxxer
I fucking LOVE vaccines, friends. Give me the science stab. I’m so ready. it’s a beautiful day to not die of a Bajillion and one diseases that carried off like half the population before they had even reached age 10, and a significant portion before they made it to old age, 150 years ago
I go to the old cemetery. I see the vast numbers of infant and child and young adult graves. And then I go to my doctor and get injected with Potion of Fuck That Noise. This is beautiful and miraculous and I do not remotely understand how some people can reject it – not just for themselves, but for their children
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aurawomen · 1 month
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lima-norte · 3 months
La postura y peso de la cabeza y su impacto en la Columna Vertebral
La Postura de la Columna Vertebral y la Inclinación de la Cabeza: Impacto del Peso en la Columna La postura de la columna vertebral y la inclinación de la cabeza son aspectos cruciales para la salud general del cuerpo. Una postura incorrecta puede llevar a diversos problemas de salud, incluyendo dolor de espalda, cuello y hombros, así como problemas más graves como hernias discales y deformidades…
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okbuy99 · 3 months
😴 Diga Adeus às Dores: Travesseiro Nasa Cervical Ortopédico Lar Conforto! 😴
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georgiasedify · 3 months
What are Fibroids?
What are Fibroids? Part 2 (Wound Healing)
Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Another medical term for fibroids is leiomyoma or just “myoma”. Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Fibroids can grow as a single tumor, or there can be many of them in the uterus. They can be as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit. In unusual cases they can become very large. It is estimated that…
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gstc-366 · 3 months
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rohitjagotra · 4 months
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Ayurvedic Treatment For Cervical | Dr. Sharda Ayurveda
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uppercervicalcarehq · 4 months
Why Choose Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Houston?
Precision and Gentle Care: Upper Cervical Chiropractors use advanced diagnostic tools and gentle techniques to identify and correct misalignments. This approach is precise and non-invasive, making it suitable for individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly.
Holistic Health: By addressing the root cause of health issues rather than just treating symptoms, Upper Cervical Chiropractic care promotes overall well-being. Many patients report significant improvements in their quality of life, including better sleep, increased energy, and enhanced immune function.
Chronic Conditions: Upper cervical chiropractic offers a promising alternative for those suffering from chronic conditions that have not responded well to other forms of treatment. Conditions like fibromyalgia, vertigo, and multiple sclerosis have shown improvement with this specialized care.
The Upper Cervical Chiropractic Experience in Houston
When you step into an Upper Cervical Chiropractic clinic in Houston, you can expect a personalized and thorough approach to your health. Here's what typically happens during your visit:
Comprehensive Evaluation: Your chiropractor will conduct a detailed evaluation, including a health history review and specific diagnostic imaging to assess the alignment of your cervical spine.
Customized Care Plan: Based on your evaluation results, your chiropractor will develop a tailored care plan. This plan may include precise adjustments, lifestyle recommendations, and exercises to support your recovery and health goals.
Gentle Adjustments: Unlike traditional chiropractic adjustments that may involve forceful movements, Upper Cervical adjustments are gentle and precise. The goal is to restore alignment without causing discomfort.
Real Stories, Real Results
Many Houstonians have experienced life-changing benefits from Upper Cervical Chiropractic care. Here are a few testimonials from local patients:
Sarah M.: "After years of suffering from migraines, I finally found relief with Upper Cervical Chiropractic. The gentle adjustments have made a world of difference in my daily life."
John D.: "I was skeptical at first, but after seeing how much my neck pain improved, I became a believer. The care I received was personalized and effective."
Finding Your Upper Cervical Chiropractor in Houston
If you're ready to explore the benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic care, Houston is home to many skilled practitioners. Take the time to research and find a chiropractor who specializes in this technique and has a track record of helping patients achieve their health goals.
In the vibrant city of Houston, Upper Cervical Chiropractic care is helping residents unlock their potential for optimal health and well-being. By focusing on the alignment of the atlas and axis, this specialized care offers a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the root causes of many health issues. Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or simply seeking to enhance your overall health, Upper Cervical Chiropractic might be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you.
Embrace the journey to better health and discover the transformative power of Upper Cervical Chiropractic care in Houston today!
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neurptherapy · 4 months
Cervical treatment in Ludhiana
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Twist O Neurotherapy specializes in cervical treatment in Ludhiana, integrating modern equipment and caring care to provide effective relief from neck pain and discomfort.
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al-emadi22 · 5 months
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Al Emadi hospital provides the most excellent physiotherapy in Qatar. We have an experienced team of physiotherapists dedicated to facilitating fast recovery for patients experiencing mobility issues. Our hospital offers rehabilitation treatments for patients affected by a sports injury, arthritic conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., various spine conditions like cervical, dorsal, or low back problems, spinal stenosis, and several neurological conditions like paraparesis, paraplegia, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, carpel, and tunnel syndromes, etc., and lymphoedema. Our physiotherapy treatment includes various physical modalities like the hot moist pack and cold pack application, electrical therapy, shock wave therapy, etc., and rehabilitation modalities like therapeutic exercise programs, lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, Huber 360, etc.
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avvayphotoshoot · 5 months
News from Spartanburg Chiropractic
At Upper Cervical Chiropractic, we believe in educating our patients as much as they need to know. If you're searching for a chiropractor who can help you live a healthier lifestyle and enhance your quality of life, look no further.
You will discover how chiropractic therapy may enhance your life and keep it as healthy as possible for many years to come with each visit to our office.In addition, we offer you and your family up to date on the newest chiropractic news with our semi-monthly blog, which features practical advice.
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