#Chair and table dolly
Title: Upgrade Your Game: The Latest Basketball Accessories Trends
Hello, basketball enthusiasts! Are you looking to elevate your game and improve your performance on the court? Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, keeping up with the latest trends in basketball accessories can help you gain a competitive advantage and enhance your overall experience.
In today's basketball world, there are a plethora of accessories that can take your game to the next level. If you want to enhance your performance, consider investing in technology-driven products like smart basketballs, wearable performance trackers, and compression sleeves. These accessories can help you track your progress, analyze your performance, and improve your skills on the court.
If you're more focused on style, plenty of trendy accessories are available too. From colorful headbands and wristbands to personalized shoes and socks, you can add a touch of flair to your game without sacrificing comfort or functionality. And suppose you're someone who cares about the environment. In that case, eco-friendly basketball accessories like bamboo basketballs and reusable water bottles can help you reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying the game you love.
Further, let's explore some of the most popular and cutting-edge basketball accessory trends currently taking the game by storm. From innovative equipment to stylish apparel, we'll cover everything you need to know to stay ahead of the curve and maximize your potential as a basketball player.
Performance-Enhancing Gear:
First, let's talk about gear designed to take your performance to new heights. From compression sleeves that improve circulation and reduce muscle fatigue to ankle braces that provide added support and stability, today's basketball accessories are all about maximizing your potential on the court. Investing in high-quality performance gear can help you stay injury-free and perform at your best when it matters most.
Tech-Infused Accessories:
Next, let's geek out over the latest tech-infused basketball accessories revolutionizing how players train and track their progress. Imagine a smart basketball that analyzes your shooting form in real time or a training app that provides personalized drills and feedback based on your performance. With advancements in technology, players now have access to powerful tools that can help them elevate their game like never before.
Fashionable Courtside Style:
Who says you can't look good while dominating the court? The intersection of fashion and function is alive and well in basketball accessories. From bold-coloured arm sleeves and headbands to customized socks and sweatbands, players embrace their individuality and express their style on the court. So rock those statement accessories and let your personality shine while you ball out.
Environmentally Conscious Gear:
As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, so too does the world of basketball accessories. Brands are using eco-friendly materials, recycling initiatives, and ethical production processes. By choosing accessories that prioritize sustainability, players can feel good about their impact on the planet without sacrificing quality or style.
Youth-Focused Accessories:
It's important to consider the next generation of basketball players when considering the sport. Various accessories are available that are designed with young athletes in mind, such as adjustable hoops and smaller-sized basketballs. These accessories can make it easier for children to play and enjoy the game. There are also a number of colorful mouthguards and fun-themed gear available to add a touch of personality to their basketball experience. By making the game more enjoyable and accessible for kids of all ages, these accessories are helping to shape the future of basketball, one dribble at a time.
Final Words
So, whether you're a professional athlete or a casual player, there's something for everyone in the world of basketball accessories. With the right gear, you can take your game to the next level and shine bright on the hardwood. So there you have it, folks – the latest basketball accessories trends taking the game by storm. Whether you're looking to improve your performance, stay stylish on the court, or positively impact the planet, there's something for everyone in the world of basketball accessories. So upgrade your game and let your skills shine bright on the hardwood!
0 notes
ohproserpine · 7 months
viii. deer dolly
see all chapters here tags: fem! reader, alastor tweaking, VERY heavy warning for violence and blood, overdose, murder, DEATH, hunting, VERY graphic descriptions of injuries, vox being painfully obvious, vox malfunctions (lmao L), drowning, flooding, mentions of glass piercing skin, a gun, threats of death, valentino warning, alastor's demon form
Alastor's head snapped to the side, with a sickening crack accompanying the movement
"Show me," he snarled, his voice taking on an inhuman quality, heavily filtered by radio waves.
Without hesitation, Angel gestured towards the billboard, his expression blank.
"Get in there, and see for ya'self."
A few blocks away, at the Vox Tower.
The heavy door before you swung open to reveal a diner. Chandeliers hung from the lofty ceiling, the crystals casting shattered reflections of light across the expanse of golden tables below. The centerpiece of the room was an expansive aquarium, its transparent walls housing sleek, metallic sharks that glided gracefully through the rose-tinted waters.
Vox guided you inside with a hand on your back, leading you towards a secluded booth. He was dressed in a neat, crisp royal blue suit, perfectly matching the attire chosen for you by Velvette. She had dressed you in a stunning cerulean silk dress that hugged your figure in all the right places. The fabric flowed gracefully as you moved, the long skirt sweeping across the floor with every step of your white heels.
"I didn't realize there was a restaurant tucked away in here," you whispered, your eyes widening in awe as you took in the glowing ambiance of the place.
"Well, we at VoxTek are full of surprises, my dear," Vox chuckled smoothly as he moved to pull back the chair at your table. "It's quite a diverse company."
"I see," you murmured, a sense of intrigue coloring your tone. Taking a step closer, you sank into the plush seat, a soft hum of contentment escaping your lips as you settled in. Vox pushed you in before taking his seat across from you. With a snap of his finger, he gestured for a nearby waiter to approach.
Once the menus were presented, Vox glanced over at you expectantly. "Feel free to order whatever you'd like, my dear. Consider it a treat for all your hard work." A waiter slid over a tablet for the bill, and Vox pulled out a sleek black card which he quickly swiped. "Take your time. We have all night to go over your contract."
Grateful for the gesture, you returned a smile before turning your attention to the menu, scanning the options while Vox took a sip from his glass of wine, the scarlet liquid swirling.
Before the moment could continue, however, a sudden wave of static crackled through the room, causing the tables to tremble, drinks spilling and tabletop decor tumbling aside as the lights flickered erratically. Startled, Vox choked on his drink, coughing as he accidentally spilled it on himself.
You looked around in worry, confusion furrowing your brow as you whipped your head around to assess the situation. A few of the patrons were talking amongst themselves in hushed tones, their concern mirroring your own.
"What was that…?" you asked, your voice barely audible above the din of the lingering static.
"Second fucking time," Vox grumbled under his breath as he attempted to wipe the wine off his crisp white dress shirt, but his efforts only seemed to smear the stain further across his chest. The crimson stain stark against the pristine fabric made it look as if he was just mauled.
With a resigned sigh, he abandoned his futile efforts and without a care in the world, tossed the soiled tablecloth back onto the table. Despite the mishap, he flashed you a reassuring smile.
"I'm sure it was nothing, my dear. Just a temporary glitch in the system. I'll have my workers look into it later," he said, waving it off.
Vox clapped his hands with a sharp, authoritative gesture, summoning a few waiters to swiftly clean up your table and retrieve the menus from your hands. They rushed over with a sense of urgency, their movements swift as they began tidying up the contents, the clatter of plates and silverware echoing through the air.
Meanwhile, a tall, slim blonde receptionist approached, her steps slow as she made her way towards Vox. Her slender fingers pushed her slim red glasses up on the bridge of her nose, accentuating the sharpness of her eyes as she addressed you both with a polite nod of her head.
"Mister Vox," she began, tapping a pen along her clipboard. "I have a few tables available for you upstairs. Would you like to transfer while we get the ground floor cleaned up?"
"Do that for us, will you?" Vox nodded, standing from the table with a sigh you couldn’t hear but could see in the slump of his shoulders. Straightening up, he brushed invisible dust off the front of his jacket and suit pants with swift, agitated motions.
"This day has been nothing but shit to me. The hell even was that?" Vox muttered under his breath as he glanced down at his watch, a luxurious 10-million soul bucks carat model he had allowed himself to purchase a few moons ago. "Alright. Time is ticking. Let's not waste any more time and move somewhere else, love."
With a nod, you followed suit and stood up, mirroring his movements as you prepared to leave the table. But before you could take a step, another round of static swept through the room, much stronger this time. The vibrations pulsed through the floor, causing you to stumble and grasp onto the table for support. The lights flickered and dimmed before abruptly going out, enveloping the room in darkness.
"What the fuck?" Vox snarled, the glow of his screen casting eerie shadows in the darkened environment as he turned sharply to the receptionist, the faint illumination of his face acting as a temporary flashlight.
"Get this checked out, will you?" Vox hissed.
"Of course, Mister Vox," the receptionist nodded briskly, maintaining her composure despite the chaos unfolding around her. Her pen scratched against the paper as she made a note of his request. "I'll have someone look into it right away."
"Satan. Alright, come on, doll," Vox called for you and slipped his hand into yours, interlocking them together with a firm grip. Reluctantly, you accepted his hand, feeling a sense of unease creeping over you as you followed him towards the staircase.
Together, you ascended the steps, the lingering sensation of static still hanging heavily in the air like an ominous fog. Another wave swept through the atmosphere, causing your skin to tingle with prickles and sending a shiver coursing up your spine.
Something was off.
The second floor was eerily quiet, devoid of the bustling activity in the ground floor. The subdued murmurs of the remaining patrons echoed faintly against the walls. You noticed that some of the only patrons left were already making their way down the stairs, their hurried footsteps punctuating the hushed atmosphere as they descended the glass steps.
As you scanned the area, your eyes landed on a TV perched high on the wall. Whatever show had been playing before was now reduced to nothing but static and glitches, its wires crackling with electricity like an angry serpent. Thin wisps of smoke curled up from the tangled mess.
"Doll?" Vox turned his head, catching your wandering eyes with a knowing look.
"I apologize for all this trouble, my dear, but worry not, everything will be handled in a jiffy," he reassured you, his thumb tracing soothing circles over your skin as he guided you by the railings.
Leaning his elbows against the metal, he took your hand into both of his, kneading and caressing it as he grumbled to himself. "If I knew this was going to happen, I would have taken you out another night."
"Well, there's no way you could have seen that coming," you muttered as you turned your gaze towards the ground floor. Below, various demons and imps scurried around, attempting to manage the chaos. With a shrug, you moved to lean against the railings, the cool metal soothing against your skin.
Resting your cheek on your free hand, you continued, "I mean, there's always another day. We can even hash out the contract right now."
At your words, Vox visibly deflated, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he cast you a dry look. "Always so professional, are you?"
"Yes?" you replied with a nod, tilting your head in genuine curiosity. "Is that bad?"
"No, not at all," Vox huffed, a barely concealed smile playing at the corners of his lips as he pulled you closer to him. "It's actually quite charming."
With a yelp, you stumbled into his arms, your hands pressing against his chest for balance. Vox leaned in further, his left hand coming to rest on your back, his touch gentle yet firm as he looked deep into your eyes.
"But would it be bad to say I wanted something more?" he murmured, a pinkish gradient tint glowing softly on his screen, casting a warm and inviting glow across his features.
You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden intimacy. "Something more?" you echoed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His gaze softened, his thumb gently tracing the curve of your cheek, his touch tender against your skin.
"Yes, my dear," he murmured, trailing his thumb down to press and part your lips. "Something… personal."
"I-I don't really get what you're telling me," you stammered, your heart pounding in your chest. As Vox leaned in closer and closer, you found yourself backing away until you could no longer retreat, your back arching dangerously over the railings.
"Then perhaps it's best if I show you," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.
Popping the lid open, a familiar golden band sat inside, glimmering softly in the dim light of the room. Your eyes widened with recognition, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"My ring," you gasped, your fingers trembling slightly as you reached out to pluck the precious jewelry from its box. However, your hand halted in midair as you noticed an unfamiliar engraving gleaming on its honey-colored surface. A wavy symbol was etched onto it, its silver detailing standing out against the smooth gold of the ring.
"Vox, what's… what's this?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly as your eyes darted back and forth between the two sights. You could feel a hot fire starting to coil in your gut, your skin already slowly cracking. "What'd you do?"
Vox's expression remained impassive for a moment before softening with a touch of vulnerability. "It's a symbol, my dear," he explained, his voice gentle as he slowly took your hand and raised it to his lips. "A symbol of our… partnership."
"Partnership?" you echoed, your eyes tracing the movement of his lips as he pressed a gentle kiss to your fingers.
"You'd make a good wife," he blurted out, catching you off guard. Your gaze shot up to meet his, wide with surprise, as his declaration hung in the air between you. "I could provide for you. I could make you happy. Give you anything, anything you want."
A clawed hand, its digits tipped with sharp, pointed nails, delicately plucked the ring out of its velvet cushion. Taking your hand in his, he gently slipped the ring onto your finger, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. Before you could even process what had just happened, a wave of static washed over the room, crackling through the air like tiny bolts of lightning, causing him to curse under his breath.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he growled.
The room trembled again as another wave of static hit, this time with greater intensity than any of the past waves. The floors shook beneath your feet, the building groaned in protest, and you stumbled forward with a gasp, your knees buckling under the force of the tremors. Desperately, you reached out to grab onto Vox for support, clinging to him as the world seemed to tilt and sway around you.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the receptionist stumbling toward you both. Her calm demeanor had vanished, replaced by frantic movements and panic in her voice.
"Sir, sir!" she huffed, her words punctuated by labored breaths as she stumbled to her feet. Her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were torn. "The building is under attack!"
"Attack?" Vox scoffed out in disbelief, his shoulders shaking from his laughter. "Who in Lucifer's name would even think of crossing me?"
The receptionist shook her head vigorously, her eyes wide with terror, strands of her disheveled hair clinging to her sweaty forehead.
"The radio demon," she rasped out, her voice barely above a whisper, laden with fear.
You froze, your hands shaking as they moved to cover your gaping mouth. Another wave of static shook the building, but your thoughts were scattered, unable to focus amidst the chaos.
Vox's grip tightened on you and the handle of the railings, his claws raking against the metal with a sharp scrape. His expression slowly shifted, the laughter fading as a dangerous seriousness settled over him. He took a deep breath, shutting his eyes briefly before looking back at the receptionist with a dark glint in his eyes, a storm brewing within him.
"What did you just say?"
Before a response could be made, an explosion thundered through the floor, sending debris and dust swirling through the air. In shock, you watched as tendrils of inky shadows began to writhe and thrash, lashing out and slamming into the walls with bone-shaking force.
A particularly powerful tendril crashed against the aquarium, its force shattering the glass and unleashing a deluge of water that flooded down through the ground floor, drowning the patrons below. The sharks were caught in the torrent, their powerful bodies tossed and thrashed about as they were swept away.
Another tendril snaked its way through the dust, wrapping around the receptionist with a vice-like grip before flinging her high into the air like a ragdoll. The desperate cries of the poor woman echoed through the room before abruptly falling silent as she slammed into a wall with a sickening thud.
"Fuck—" Vox cursed, pulling you into him. His arms tightened around you protectively as he scanned the scene, his eyes darting around in search of any functioning piece of technology that could offer an escape and allow him to teleport you both out. However, his efforts proved futile; every piece of tech in the room was malfunctioning, either from the rampant waves of static or the overflow of water from the shattered aquarium.
Suddenly, there was a deafening sound, cutting through the air and the chandelier above you both began to tilt dangerously, its crystals catching the flickering light before it started falling. Vox's curses mingled with the din as he swiftly scooped you into his arms, his muscles straining under the weight as he sprinted away just in the nick of time. With a thunderous crash, the chandelier came hurtling down, shattering into a thousand glittering fragments upon impact with the floor.
The glass shrapnel, propelled by the force of the chandelier's collapse, began to ricochet in your direction. Reacting swiftly, Vox made a split-second decision and hurled you over the railing and onto the ground floor. Screaming, you landed with a thud, the shallow water from the shattered aquarium splashing around you, soaking your dress and sending a shiver down your spine. However, Vox's own descent was less fortunate. As he jumped to follow, a few sharp glass shards found their mark, piercing his metallic body, tearing through his frame, and exposing the wires beneath.
"Ah…" Pushing yourself off the floor, you grappled with a moment of hazy confusion before a shock of fiery pain shot up your leg, so intense that your body instinctively recoiled, nails clawing at the flooded floors. A scream threatened to escape your lips, but you bit it back, your breath catching in your throat. Your eyes blinked rapidly against the pain, struggling to adjust to the darkness surrounding you.
Everything blurred together in a mess of shadows and rushing water. Your breaths grew heavy and frantic, your heart pounding in your chest as you began to shake from the sheer intensity of the pain.
"Doll—!" Vox's voice crackled through the darkness, his form glitching and sparking from the water that seeped into his exposed circuits. Before his outstretched hand could reach you, shadowed tendrils snaked around him, yanking him away with a jolt and tossing him aside, sending him skidding into a nearby column.
You watched in horror, the dim light reflecting off the wet floor and casting eerie shadows on your face. Just then, the tendrils, like twisted serpents, slithered towards you, causing you to shut your eyes tight, bracing for the impending danger.
Time seemed to stand still as you lay there, your breaths shallow and rapid, every nerve on edge.
Still, nothing happened.
Slowly, cautiously, you dared to open your eyes, your vision blurred. As your sight cleared, you found yourself face to face with a familiar shadow.
"William?" you croaked out, your voice raspy from the exertion. William, Alastor's loyal shadow, perked up eagerly at the sound of your voice, its form undulating as it slithered around you, enveloping you in a gentle embrace.
With a weak smile, you raised a trembling hand to pat at the comforting darkness. "Hey, buddy…"
Your attention was abruptly torn away as a red blur darted towards the spot where Vox had been slammed into. Shock seized you, freezing you in place as you watched with wide eyes, feeling your pulse pounding against your chest and skull in a frantic rhythm.
William followed your gaze, his form stiffening as he silently scanned the area for any sign of danger. After a tense minute of no one seen nor heard, he turned back to you, his shadowy head tilting in confusion.
With quivering lips you uttered one name that had explained everything, "Alastor."
"Mgh!" Vox grunted as he collided with the wall. The sickening crack tore through his body as he crumpled to the floor amidst a splash of sparking wires, debris, and hanging metal. His systems went haywire, his vision obscured by flashes of glitches and static, each burst of light stabbing into his consciousness like searing knives.
Despite the system failures, Vox couldn't miss the sight of a familiar red-clad demon stalking towards him with a menacing grin etched on his face.
Struggling to move, the overlord felt his arm pinned under debris, the weight pressing down on him like a vise, squeezing the air from his lungs. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he sucked in a breath. Each inhale felt like fire scorching his insides.
Finding the leverage, with closed eyes and clenched fists, Vox braced himself and pushed with one hand while the other pulled, every movement sending waves of torment shooting through his body like bolts of lightning.
There was a sickening crack, the sound drowned out by the deafening roar of static and electricity that erupted from him. His back arched involuntarily, nerves and sinew spasming, his body instinctively attempting to curl in on itself to shield against the onslaught of pain as he ripped his arm off. Opening his mouth to scream, Vox found no voice escaping, only a glitched, distorted wheeze.
"My, my," Alastor chuckled, his voice dripping with sadistic amusement as he watched Vox dry-heave from the pain, relishing every moment of his torment. "Good show! Ho-ho! It's always such a thrill to witness your suffering."
"Wh-Wh-What the fuck do you want, old man?" Vox's voice glitched out as he shakily got to his knees, beads of water dripping and soaking through his suit, mingling with the blood and grime that coated his skin. The stench of metallic decay hung heavy in the air, mixed with the acrid scent of burning wires.
"You've got some nerve coming for me straight at my base," he shouted out, his screen flashing with a fierce red hue. "I've got you at a disadvantage!"
Alastor raised a brow in mocking surprise, twisting his head side to side to survey the torn-up tower with exaggerated interest. "Who's at a disadvantage?" he quipped with a shrug, his tone laced with derision as he gestured casually at the chaos surrounding them.
"I'm not the one on my knees, old pal," Alastor mused, his tongue dripping with sinister amusement as he tapped his staff against the flooded floors, the sound echoing. In one, swift motion, a shadow shot out, piercing Vox's shoulder and pinning him back against the wall, the tendrils coiling around him like a vice.
"Fuck you!" Vox hissed, his anger boiling over as he shot out wires of his own. Alastor made no attempt to dodge, staying put as the wires struck through his shoulder, flesh and muscle spraying out in a grisly display. Despite the gruesome injury, Alastor seemed unfazed, tilting his head with an audible crack, his grin widening into something unsettling.
"Sloppy," Alastor spat, blood trickling down the side of his mouth and dripping down his chin. With deliberate slowness, he raised a hand to grasp at the wires, his fingers curling around them with a sickening creak as he pulled them out.
"What the fuck are you even here for?!" Vox screamed.
"Funny you should ask," Alastor mused, his empty gaze boring into Vox's screen. Shadows wrapped around his injured shoulder, forming a makeshift bandage, while his other tendrils reached out, snaking towards Vox's ankles and forcibly dragging him forward. The demon fell onto his back, briefly submerged in the water as he was pulled towards Alastor.
Humming, Alastor slammed his foot down on Vox's torn arm, eliciting a scream of pain as sparks shot out. Chuckling, the Radio Delon hand came down hard, driving Vox's own wire into his eye with a sickening crack, causing the screen to fracture in a spiderweb of cracks.
"I'm here for my wife."
"Wife?" Vox narrowed his eye at Alastor in confusion for a moment, his screen flashing with red, blue, and yellow hues, before widening in recognition at the sight of a golden glint on Alastor's mangled, clawed hands.
Immediately, he snarled, his voice barely audible over the glitches and static, "I ain't telling you shit."
"Oh," Alastor drawled slowly, twirling his cane in his hands with a devilish grin. "You will."
Alastor moved with startling speed, lunging forward to grasp Vox's arms with his bare hands. With a vicious snarl, he began to tear at Vox's chest cavity, his claws digging into the metal casing with a sickening screech as he began to pull it off. Vox screamed in pain, his systems protesting against the assault, but he fought back, unleashing a flurry of sparks and glitches in a desperate attempt to break free.
"Old piece of shit!" Vox roared, his words dripping with venom as he punctuated them with a furious pound of his fist against the ground. Leaning up, he lunged forward, his hand shooting out to scratch at Alastor's eye with a scream of rage. "Radio's fucking dead!"
"You've got quite the fight in you, don't you?" Alastor's laughter echoed through the room as he jolted back from Vox's retaliatory strike.
With a casual flick of his hand, he wiped the crimson blood from his cheek, strands of his hair falling over the new scar that marred his face. "But I'm afraid spirit won't be enough to save your worthless life."
Alastor leaned down, his muscles tensing as his fist crashed into Vox's broken eye with a crack, causing the screen to fracture further. Lifting Vox by his collar, Alastor brought him closer to his face with a snarl.
"Radio killed the video star."
Alastor's tendrils coiled like vipers ready to strike, but before he could unleash them, a sudden crash of debris behind him jolted his attention. With a swift twist of his head, he peered over his shoulder.
Against the backdrop of the dark brick wall loomed a disheveled figure, her rosy cheeks and tousled hair framing her big, doll-like eyes. The shimmering of a necklace with a delicate rose pendant around her neck caught his attention, and in an instant, he recognized you.
Your hand pressed firmly against the wall for balance, while his shadow, William, enveloped your waist, supporting your weight. The fabric of your dress clung to your drenched skin, torn in parts, with one heel missing from your sprained foot. Streaks of makeup ran down your face, smudged by tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. You sniffled, your face flushed with warmth as a burning pain spread to your throat, choking back every sob that threatened to escape.
Alastor didn't know what to do with himself.
Every muscle in his body tensed, locking him in place as if he were frozen in time. In his shock, Vox slipped from his grip, crashing to the ground in a heap of metallic clangs and crackling wires.
With cautious steps, he stepped forward, testing the waters, metaphorically and literally. To his surprise, there was no barrier, no force pushing him back, and no contract manifesting before him.
"Cher?" he called out, breathless.
The sobbing wail that escaped your lips was answer enough.
Heart pounding in his chest, Alastor rushed forward and caught you in a desperate hug. His arms enveloped your trembling form tightly, as if he could shield you from the world's horrors just by holding you close. You sobbed against him, your nails digging into his shoulders, your body going limp like a puppet whose strings had just been cut. His hand flew up to cradle the back of your head, his touch both tender and urgent, his claws grazing your skin slightly in his desperation.
The smile on his face long dropped. His muscles tensed as he whispered your name over and over again like a mantra, each repetition a plea to whatever higher power might be listening.
For the first time in decades, Alastor felt fear grip his heart in its grimy claws. His eyes remained wide open, unblinking, as if he feared that closing them would make you vanish before his very eyes.
"Mon cœur," you heard the dark timbre in his voice, the faint crackle of radio static lingering in the air. Your husband drew his head back, and you winced at the loss of touch, but he immediately dove back in, pressing his lips against yours in a long overdue kiss. The taste of his metallic blood flooded your mouth, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
Sighing against his lips, you tilted your head and pressed yourself further against him and Alastor grunted in response, his clawed hands mapping up the curve of your hips and moving up to your chest, pressing his palm flat against your heart to feel its steady rhythm. It beat for him, raced and throbbed because of him
You trembled beneath his touch, more tears slipping from your eyes, dribbling down your cheeks.
"That’s it, cher," he hushed. "My sweet girl. You’re alright. Everything’s going to be alright."
His hand reached out, cupping both of yours firmly, causing your rings to clink together. His thumb gently traced over the back of your right hand, caressing the golden band.
Alastor paused, his fingertips gliding over the unfamiliar texture of an engraving on the ring, a curious furrow creasing his brow as he moved back in to examine your hands. You hesitantly allowed his inspection, silently noting the subtle twitches on his blank expression.
Despite the tenderness of his touch, Alastor's face remained devoid of his usual smile. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, silently asking for an explanation, and you answered the unspoken question immediately.
With just one word, Alastor immediately understood. A fleeting smile graced his lips as he pressed a final tender kiss to both of your eyelids before his grin returned in full force. he snapped his head back to face Vox, holding you close in his arms, supporting your weight due to your broken ankle. "It seems we have some unfinished business."
"Yeah, we fucking do," a new voice interjected, causing both you and Alastor to whirl around.
Velvette and Valentino made their presence known as they stood stoically by the entrance, their disheveled appearances and visible injuries painting a picture of the struggle that had unfolded. Every bruise, every torn piece of clothing seemed to speak on its own of the relentless assault Alastor had unleashed upon the building. It was clear that they had endured their fair share of the battle.
Velvette reached her hand out, and you felt an odd sensation of tugging at your neck. Suddenly, a hot pink collar materialized around you, and before you could react, you were forcefully pulled forward with a sharp yank. The sudden movement caused you to stumble several feet, your injured ankle buckling beneath you with a jolt. A scream ripped from your throat, the intensity of the pain washing your vision with a blaring flash of white.
Valentino immediately grabbed you by the hair, wrenching you up as though you were nothing more than a prize to be claimed. "You want her? Well, we're going to have to make a deal," he taunted.
Something primal gnawed and snarled at Alastor's insides. Even in the brief seconds since you were torn away from him, the ache for your presence already began to consume him, searing through his veins like a wildfire. It cut him deeper than any of the physical wounds he received. He had just gotten you, and now you were being torn away from him once more.
He wanted to scream, to tear at his own flesh in anguish, to rip through the barriers separating him from you until he could hold you close once more.
And if he had to paint the sidewalks of hell with the blood of these vermin to achieve that, then he would stop at nothing to see it through.
"There's not going to be a deal. I doubt anything you can offer would be of any value," Alastor's grin twisted into a snarl, his eyes flashing red. With a swift motion, he slammed his staff against the floor, unleashing a blare of crackling energy and swirling shadows into the air. "I'm going to end your fucking lives."
"Ay, calm down," Valentino snarled, his voice dripping with menace as he spread his wings, casting a shadow over the room. Dipping a hand into his coat pocket, he drew his gun and pressed it tight against your temple, the cold metal sending a shiver down your spine. Sweat beaded on your forehead as the searing burn of the barrel pressed against your skin, a silent threat hanging in the air.
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt Valentino's thumb run across your cheek, the demon cooing at you as if you were a child. Blinking away the tears, you opened your eyes to find Alastor's figure standing out vividly amidst the chaos, his red suit and hair glowing like fire against the darkness.
Like blood.
Alastor's entire body practically shook with anger, the shadows in the corners of the room writhing and twisting.
Their tainted blood should never dare to soil your skin, nor should the gaze of these wretches ever dare to tarnish your beautiful visage. In his eyes, you were pure and untainted, and above all, you belonged to him.
Only him.
"Now," Valentino chuckled, a twisted smile playing on his lips as he reached out to pet your head with a hand, his fingernails sharp and threatening. "It's really not worth the trouble. So why don't you stop this tantrum, grab your little bitch, and get out? She's not this fucking valuable to us."
"D-D-D-Don't!" Vox's voice crackled from his spot on the floor, his one functional arm trembling as he struggled to rise.
"Oh, shut the fuck up," Velvette scowled, her nails digging into the fabric of her torn dress as she hurled your contract towards Alastor with a vicious flick of her wrist. "Do we have a fucking deal?"
Alastor's hand shot out, snatching the contract mid-air before it could reach the ground. Holding it aloft, he tore it apart with a savage rip, the sound of paper shredding echoing like thunder through the room.
Instantly, the chains restraining you dissolved, and Valentino moved away from you. You felt a gentle tug as Alastor's swirling shadows guided you towards him. His arm enveloped you protectively, pulling you close as if shielding you from any further harm. His wide-eyed gaze remained fixed on Velvette and Valentino, a silent warning in his stance.
"I'll make sure you regret ever crossing us," Alastor declared with a menacing growl, summoning a swirling portal of shadows behind him as he slowly backed away, pulling you along with him. Before departing, he deftly removed your engraved ring from your finger and tossed it in Vox's direction.
"Radio isn't dead," Alastor snarked as the shadowed portals began to envelop you both, their inky tendrils curling around you like a shroud, "but this broadcast is coming to an end."
With that, you and Alastor vanished into the swirling shadows, leaving the three figures standing amidst the aftermath.
The building lay in ruins, reduced to disrepair. Water trickled down from the shattered remnants of the aquarium, its glass now fractured and broken, mingling with the thick dust that hung in the air like a shroud. From top to bottom, no room was left untouched by the devastation wrought on by the Radio Demon.
Velvette stood rigid in the center of the room, her figure shadowed as she bore her intense gaze into Vox. The TV demon scoffed dismissively, his broken screen flickering erratically, casting disjointed shadows across the room.
"I'm killing her," Velvette declared.
"Who?" Vox croaked, doing his best to sit up as Valentino helped him to his feet.
Velvette clenched her teeth, her frustration boiling over as she stepped forward and forcefully slammed her heels down on Vox's legs, sending him slamming back down, the sound echoing in the room. She spat in his fractured screen, her voice dripping with venom.
"Don'tcha worry about a thing, sweetheart!" Mimzy chirped cheerfully, her voice ringing out above the din of the crowded bar. Balancing a huge stack of beer in her arms, she maneuvered skillfully through the maze of tables, dodging patrons and obstacles with ease. The dim lights of the bar reflected off the bottles, casting shimmering patterns across the worn wooden surface, while the faint scent of alcohol lingered in the air, mingling with chatter and laughter.
Arriving at the table, a group of men erupted in hollers and cheers. Mimzy giggled in response, her laughter joining the chorus of noise as she shot a playful wink in their direction. With a bit too much force, she shoved the tray onto the table, causing the overflowing glasses to slosh and liquor to spill onto the tabletop.
With a toss of her hair, she sauntered away, her heels echoing against the wooden floorboards as she made her way towards the entrance. The club was delightfully full tonight, and Mimzy could practically taste the mouthwatering green of money already.
But just as she reached the doorway, a hand grabbed her, yanking her out into the darkness beyond. The blonde's cheery demeanor disappeared in an instant as she found herself shoved up against a nearby wall.
The cold grime and mysterious mold clinging to the brick surface sent a shiver down her spine, the dampness seeping through her clothes and chilling her to the bone. The dim light from the bar seemed to fade into obscurity as the darkness of the alley enveloped her, suffocating her senses. Panic surged within her as she struggled against her assailant.
"Hey! What gives—" Mimzy began, but her words caught in her throat as she realized she was face to face with Velvette. The overlord looked disoriented and disheveled in the dimly lit alleyway, her clothes torn and her hair in disarray. Her eyes, usually sharp and calculating, now held a wild, frenzied glint.
"There you are," Velvette's grip on Mimzy's dress tightened, her nails digging deep into the fabric and piercing skin, sending a sharp twinge of pain through the blonde. "I've been looking for you."
The blonde recoiled as Velvette's claws trailed up her throat, leaving a trail of stinging scratches in their wake. The metallic smell of blood flooded her nose as one of Velvette's nails grazed over her skin, catching on the delicate chain of her necklace and tugging it slightly.
With a trembling voice, Mimzy managed to choke out, "Oh! W-What do you need me for, sugar?"
Velvette's lips curled into a sinister smile, the glint of her sharp teeth shining under the alley lights.
"Oh, just a little chat," she replied, her voice dripping with malice. "Aren't you curious about what's been happening in your absence? Some skeletons in a closet got dug up."
The blonde's eyes widened, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized the gig was up.
"I didn't—!" she started, but her protest was cut short by the sickening thud of Velvette's fist against the wall beside her. Cracks spiderwebbed across the brickwork, the crumbling debris cascading to the ground in a cloud of dust.
"Don't lie to me," Velvette hissed, as she leaned down to the blondes height, meeting her face to face. "You knew who she was. And you helped him."
"I-I didn't know," Mimzy lied straight through her teeth, trembling in her heels. "I swear, Velvette. I didn't know anything about his wife."
"Don't play dumb with me, bitch. You knew full well who she was," the overlord snarled.
With a derisive laugh, she threw her head back and added, "But you couldn't even keep it under wraps! You got fucking ratted out in less than 2 days!"
"No! No, I swear on my life, sugar!" Mimzy pleaded, her voice trembling as she shook her head, her golden curls bouncing around her shoulders. "I was just a stray bullet!"
But Velvette's expression remained cold and unforgiving, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"You fucking liar," she spat, her voice dripping with venom.
A flash of silver caught Mimzy's eye, and she flinched as she saw the dagger in Velvette's hand. The cold metal glinted with a blue glow in the dim light of the alley, its edges sharp and sleek.
It was angelic iron, and the very sight of it sent bile rushing up her throat.
It hurt her eyes to look at the dagger, its presence filling her with a sense of dread she couldn't shake. But despite the fear coursing through her veins, she couldn’t tear her gaze away. She was frozen in place, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
But then, there was a sudden blur of movement.
A sharp, searing pain shot through Mimzy, causing her to gasp. The sensation of blood trickling down her skin sent waves of nausea through her, and she dry heaved, struggling to keep herself upright.
Her eyes remained locked on the smeared blood on the steel lodged in her, the sight both horrifying and mesmerizing. It was so revolting, so surreal, that she failed to suppress a shudder of dread as she stared at it, transfixed by the grim reality of her impending fate.
Coldness began to envelop her, seeping into her bones as the darkness closed in around her like a suffocating cloak. Dark spots danced at the edges of her vision as the edges of her consciousness blurred and faded. She felt herself slipping away, consumed by the shadows, as the alleyway swallowed her whole.
Velvette let the body drop, the dull thud echoing in the desolate alleyway. A twisted feeling of satisfaction flooded her veins, coursing through her with a sickening thrill.
The harsh glow of the streetlights cast eerie shadows across her features as she surveyed the aftermath of her actions. With a flick of her head, she turned away from the lifeless form, her cracked heels echoing against the cold pavement as she disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind a trail of crimson steps in her wake.
"And so it begins."
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frost-queen · 4 months
Effecting herbs (Reader!Bridgerton & Bridgerton siblings)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her   ,  @evilcr0ne   , @vviolynn    , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m  , @lovesanimals0000
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Loud stomps on the stairs alarmed your coming. Gregory and Hyacinth standing still on the upper floor. They were making their way downstairs, but paused near the stairs, having heard your loud footsteps. With each foot you stomped louder to make it clear. Dress pulled up slightly to not trip over the hem. With bloated cheeks, you were mumbling under your breath. Hyacinth and Gregory made way for you to let you brush past them.
Once out of reach, Hyacinth turned curious to her brother. – “You think she’s in a mood?” – she asked receiving a glance of her brother that stated the obvious. The two younglings rushed down the stairs to the drawing room, eager to know any gossip that would sure be attached to the appearance of your mood. You knew exactly what door to pick, knowing it would allow you to ramble.
You swung the door open, startling two of your brothers. Benedict and Colin. Stationed across each other, a small round table in between. Porcelain cups for each. Colin looked over his shoulder with a curious frown. You had pressed your back against the door, exhaling loud, slouching a bit through your knees.
“Calling hours already over?” – Colin questioned. – “Has it been productive?” – Benedict asked. Removing yourself from against the door, you paced around them. – “I’m sensing some negativities.” – Benedict spoke with a waving gesture at your aura. It made you groan loud with a hard stare at him. Colin was about to gesture to spill your heart when you already begun spewing your frustrations. – “What is with men?” – you called out. Benedict responding with his body language at your question.
Cup in his hand as he pulled his shoulders up. – “Have… have none been of your liking?” – Colin asked. – “Liking?” – you repeated loud, followed by a puff. – “Is it something about me that makes me attract the most uninteresting of men? Am I that dull-looking?” – you wondered about yourself starting your irritations. – “Were there no interesting topics to discuss?” – Colin wondered, having no clue which men had called upon the house for you.
He had no interest in joining, leaving it all to Anthony and mama to do so. Perhaps they had required his assistance, surely now with two daughters debuting. – “If you call being compared to a bird a topic.” – you answered sarcastically, taking a hold of one of the chairs, to both their side.
Benedict snorted loud, unable to stop himself. Colin sighed disappointed in his brother’s silly response. – “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” – Benedict said waving his hand around. – “Y/n has Anthony not assisted you in the matter?” – Colin wanted to know as your eyes fell upon the tea on the table. – “What are you two tea-gathering about?” – curious what made them decide to share a tea together around four. Colin chuckled nervously, moving his hand over the table to let a little sack disappear.
“Nothing.” – Colin said moving his hand under the table. Benedict leaned a bit more back in his seat, looking with one squinted eye at you. – “Perhaps you need to loosen up? Get that rage out of you.” – he suggested with half a smirk. – “No!” – Colin made clear with a point at Benedict to not suggest what he was thinking. Benedict sighed soft with a roll of his eyes.
“I was merely teasing. I would never let her…” – he began hinting subtly at the tea he was still holding untouched up in his hand. – “A long-wattled umbrellabird he compared me with. What even in heaven’s name is that?” – you outed with frustration plucking the cup of tea from Benedict’s hand. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as Benedict lunged forwards, wanting to grab the tea from you.
You took a sip from the tea, tasting it funnily in your mouth. – “I’m not sure whether it was an insult or not!” – you said lowering the cup a bit. Colin cupped his hands underneath it wanting to take it from you as you moved the cup to your lips once more. Benedict wincing in discomfort as he watched you drink the entire content in one breath. Colin took the cup of tea out of your hands, staring inside.
With a soft gulp, he turned the empty cup to his brother to look upon. – “Dear God.” – Benedict breathed out, wiping his hand down his face. – “What?” – you called out confused to your brother’s absurd reactions. Benedict shoved his chair back, coming to stand by you. – “How… how are you feeling sister?” – he asked touching your arm. Colin gave him a slap against his arm.
“It does not take effect so quickly.” – he said between clenched teeth, outraged by the outcome. – “How am I supposed to know?” – Benedict countered throwing his hands up. – “Why did you drop the entire content in the tea?” – Colin shout-whispered trying to keep his composure. – “Why didn’t you stop me?” – Benedict responded in sheer panic. – “I tried!” – Colin made clear with a loud voice.
Your sudden giggling made your brothers look upon you. – “God she is giggling.” – Benedict said, letting his head fall back, scrunching his nose. You started giggling more, shuddering with your shoulders. Colin noticed the blush appearing on your cheeks. He pointed it out with a gesture, looking annoyed at his brother. – “Mend her!” – Benedict let out pushing you a bit in his direction. Colin caught you, looking with wide eyes at Ben.
“What? I can’t mend this?” – he answered as you interrupted him with more giggles. – “It was your tea, you mend her!” – Colin pushed you back to Benedict as you spun into the arms of your brother. – “Benny…” – you said rubbing your cheek against his, arms tight around his neck. – “I wuv you Benny…” – you said dozily as Benedict tried to get you off him. He managed to push you off as you spun dizzily against Colin, making him catch you by your arms.
“It were your herbs!” – Benedict breathed out, pulling his shirt more down. Colin gasped loud at his accusations. – “For you! Not for her!” – he shouted pushing you a bit to the side, so he could see his brother clearer. The hem of your dress caught underneath your shoe as it send you flat down. Falling with a loud thump to the ground.
Your brothers turning their heads worriedly at you. You got back up, flapping your hands against your side, bits of your skirt fluffing up. – “I am quite alright.” – you told them, standing a bit wobbly on your heels. It made them both almost jump at you to restrain your balance. Giggling again. Colin pinched his nose-bridge. – “Anthony cannot see her like this.” – Benedict spoke as a wave of fear washed over him.
If Anthony knew, he’d punish them so gravely they would not see daylight for numerous years. – “Mama!” – Colin gasped out fearing her reaction too. – “Perhaps… perhaps it wouldn’t be as terrible as we think?” – Benedict responded calmly yet at the brink of fearing his poor nerves. A soft ‘whee’ sound came from you. Patting your hands in the air as you twirled around. Dartling around like a butterfly. Benedict’s first response was to slap his palm against his forehead. Colin gaping at the effects of the herbs visible.
They turned back to each other, to continue their bickering. – “How are you going to keep this quiet from mama?” – Colin stated keeping his voice down. – “Me? You mean us!” – Benedict made clear, as Colin had as much blame for it as him. – “You poured it in the tea!” – Colin argued keeping his voice low. – “You brought the lavender herbs!” – Benedict finished.
Colin sighed loud, turning his posture to you. – “Y/n come.” – he said… apparently at a blank wall. Blinking confused and rapidly. Benedict’s eyes widened. – “Where is she?” – he called out in a panic, ducking down a bit to look lower to the ground. – “She has not shrunken!” – Colin shouted annoyed. Benedict straightened his posture. – “Oh really!” – he let out sarcastically ready to throw hands at Colin for being so humouring in such a dire time. Both froze hearing something in the hallway. – “You don’t think?” – Colin started as Benedict feared the same idea.
Pushing each other out of the way, they ran out of the room into the hallway. Benedict gasped loud seeing you on the floor. Clearly having tripped. Colin hastened himself over, pulling you up by your arm. – “For goodness sake Y/n, sober up.” – he whispered in your ear. You let out a hiccup in response. Chuckling amusingly afterwards. The opening of a door made the three of you stare and freeze like deer. Francesca left her room, holding music sheets in her hand.
Eyes glued on the notes scribbled on the papers. – “Francesca!” – you called out, throwing your arms up. It made Colin loose his grip on you. Before he could hold you back, you ran up to your sister. Startling her as you cupped her cheeks, pressing a thick and deep kiss on her forehead.
Benedict made haste, pulling you off Francesca. – “She… she is very excited to see you.” – he said nervously, keeping you behind him. Francesca blinked slowly trying to process the sudden kiss attack. – “Y/n no!” – Colin called out as you had freed yourself from Benedict, running down the stairs. He hastily went after you, groaning at the annoyance of this cat and mouse game. – “Sister! Come back!” – Colin shouted in pursuit. Benedict had smiled sheepishly at Francesca before hurrying after Colin.
“Keep her away from the drawing room!” – Benedict spoke in a panic. – “Keep who away?” – To their dismay turned Anthony up. Appearing as if he sensed something was off. Colin took a hold of your elbow, pulling you closer to him. – “No one… who?” – Benedict answered nervously to his brother. – “You. You said keep her away from the drawing room. Who?” – Anthony wanted to know, already moving his hands to his hip. – “Who?” – Benedict repeated to confuse Anthony.
“You!” – you called out loud with a point at your brother. Colin gave your arm a pull, scowling you for drawing attention. Anthony’s stare was tentative. Observant to say the least. – “What is with her?” – he questioned seeing you get distracted by your own skirt, watching it twirl at your ankles.
Benedict came standing in front of his view, hands up. – “Nothing, why?” – He asked moving his hands under his armpit. Anthony sensed something off, pushing him out of the way. – “She is testing the swiftness of her skirt.” – Colin interfered to say something. Benedict looked questionable over to him.
Colin pulling his shoulders up as it was the best he could think off. Benedict hurried over to the two of you, grabbing you by your arms to push you away. – “Come sister, your dress is most perfect for a sketch of mine.” – Benedict grinned sheepishly over his shoulder to Anthony, hoping he would not find it suspicious. It took Anthony a few thoughtful seconds before shouting Benedict’s name.
“Hurry!” – Colin called out, pushing you harder as they started running to get away from Anthony. There was clearly no fooling Anthony. – “She needs to sober up and very soon!” – Benedict warned Colin. – “I know something.” – Colin huffed out, running through the house with you.
Colin opened the door to the cleaning room. He hastened himself to pick up a bucket and hurry back outside to fetch water. You hugged the doorframe hazily as Benedict moved you away from it. – “I don’t feel so good.” – you mumbled out, feeling lightheaded. Benedict held you by your arm, moving a small stool closer. Pushing you down to sit on it. You sat more to the side, as the stool tipped over, making you fall down.
Benedict pressed his hands worriedly against his cheeks. You did nothing but laugh hysterically. – “Y/n.” – Benedict groaned out, helping you back up. He sat you down as you booped his nose. Smiling high as the sky at him. You then smacked your hands against his cheeks, moving it around, squashing and stretching the skin on his cheeks out of pure amusement. – “Y/n stop that!” – Benedict let out, pulling your hands down. The first reaction from you while feeling this strangely was to cry. – “Oh… no, no, no.” – Benedict called out, not intending for you to cry.
He looked anxiously over his shoulder, begging Colin to hurry up. He began shushing you, wiping your tears away.  – “I’m sorry, sorry sister. Here.” – he took your hands bringing it back to his cheeks. – “You are allowed.” – he rubbed your hands against his cheeks in an attempt that you would continue, yet you just kept crying, not engaging.
“Please Y/n stop crying. I am begging you.” – he responded not wanting to alarm anyone else to this room. You cried even louder, ugly crying as if you were doing it on purpose. Benedict was at the brink of shutting your mouth by covering it up with his hand just to deafen your cries when Colin stumbled inside. A bit of water splashing over the edge of the heavy bucket he was carrying.
“Out of the way!” – he called out, moving the bucket up. Benedict’s eyes widened jumping aside as Colin splashed the water on you. A shower of cold water over you. The sudden shock making you jump up, drenched, sputtering out some water. Colin lowered the bucket out of breath. – “Are you insane?” – Benedict called out to Colin. Clatter teething, you rubbed your arms.
“Co-o-old.” – you stuttered out. Benedict shot Colin a warning glare before fetching you a towel. – “How are you feeling sister?” – Colin asked curious, trying to come closer as you slapped his hand annoyingly away. Benedict wrapped the towel around you. Still feeling a bit out of yourself, it was improving. – “Please don’t tell mama.” – Colin said as you shot him a dead glare.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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lovelytsunoda · 6 months
9 to 5 (what a way to make a living) // logan sargeant
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summary: its y/n's first day of work at her new job, and logan is trying his best to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
pairing: logan sargeant x girlfriend!reader
warnings: logie bear being the bestest boyfriend ever.
author's note: no logan fic will ever quite match 'jolene', but in the same spirit, here is another logan x dolly crossover event :)
she had taken the clothes out of her closet the night before, the dress pants hanging from the bedroom doorknob, silk shirt pressed over the back of her desk chair. she had been so nervous the night before that it had taken two melatonin to knock her out for the night.
which is why logan felt so bad for needing to wake her, but if she was going to make it to the first day of her new job on time for nine am sharp, she couldn't sleep in any longer.
"princess." he hummed, gently shaking her shoulder. he could smell the toast from the kitchen, hear the soft hum of the morning show he had put on the flat screen tv. "its time to wake up. its your first day of work."
"no, fuck off." she whined, smacking logan's hand away. "i don't wanna go. you have more than enough money for both of us."
logan knew that was true. he'd been born with the metaphorical silver spoon, but that didn't mean his dad didn't make him work for it, and that he wasn't still 'working for it'. it was just in a job that was more highly paid than anything else on earth.
he also knew that y/n would go insane sitting around the house all day with nothing to do, so it was important that she went to work, found a purpose and made new friends. that she socialized with other people once in a while.
"come on, you're getting up. go have a quick shower, i'm making breakfast, and they're interviewing ryan gosling on kelley and mark this monring."
begrudgingly, she sat up, her hair tangled and her face marred with red lines from the imprint of her pillowcase. "i hate you."
"no you don't." logan laughed. "shall i go finish breakfast, or do you need me to stay here and make sure that you get out of bed?"
logan was in the kitchen, listening to the morning show hosts play 'stump mark', and frying up the flattened breakfast sausages. the table was already set, laid out with fresh flowers, a large stack of toast, a glass of ice water and three small heart-shaped chocolates.
everything needed to be perfect.
he had even taken the day off to make sure that all the household chores got done, and that his beloved could relax when she got home.
she emerged from the bedroom, hair still damp but curled around her shoulders, the silk shirt hugging her torso. silver hoops dangled from her ears, and logan thought she looked beautiful.
"awe, logan. you made me breakfast?" she sighed, hands over her heart.
logan grinned, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table. "and lunch. and i made you a hot chocolate to go, and packed your purse with all the essentials. i'm also working from home today, so if there's anything you think of during the day that needs to be done and starts making you anxious, shoot me a text, i'm sure james won't mind if i'm only half present in a meeting."
her heart felt full, her skin warm. she took a bite of the breakfast logan had prepared to buy herself time to think of a thoughtful answer, one that meaningfully encompasses just how much this gesture meant to her.
"logan, you're too good for me."
in a world of crappy boyfriends, and ones that are sweet and funny and kind yet unattractive (and the ones that look stunning but act like pieces of crap), how did she end up with a man like logan? a one in a million, authentic, rich, athletic, funny, charming, caring boyfriend?
"no i'm not." logan grins, hugging her from behind and placing a soft kiss to the top of her head. her hair was still damp, and smelled like her pumpkin spice shampoo, even though it was the middle of spring. "you're too good for me."
"can i trust you to make dinner as well, or will i come home to a burned down house?" she asked slyly, turning to face her boyfriend, still twirling a piece of bacon around her fork.
logan laughed. "babe, i think i can handle it. kyle is gonna come over, we'll get the barbecue out and make an afternoon out of it. the panthers are playing today!"
he was so excited, she almost didn't want to ruin it by reminding her lover of what happened the last time he invited kyle over to barbecue something. they were fishing charred brisket out of the pool weeks later. having the kirkwood boy over at their house just opened a whole new pandora's box. one that she was always happy to be a part of.
as long as she wasn't cleaning up after them.
feeling her eyes on the back of his skull as he crossed to the other side of the table, logan relented. "we're not making brisket today! just a simple steak roast."
"sure. you say that now, but once you and kyle start drinking, you overestimate yourselves." she jokingly jabbed back.
"don't you have to go to work?"
"don't remind me! i'm hoping they'll forget i was supposed to start today."
at long last, and at the moment she was dreading the most, she was ready to leave for work. her purse was slung over her shoulder, packed thoughtfully by her boyfriend to contain a small bottle of sodastream water with berry flavoring, a fresh lip balm, her allergy medication, a printed map of directions to her office, and her car keys.
she paced the front hall nervously, resisting the urge to scrunch her shoulders and tuck her hands away into the sleeves of her trench coat.
she could do this. she was about to be a working woman. this is why she went to college.
but her bed was so warm, and that book on her nightstand really needs reading. and she's two episodes away from the finale of big little lies-
"stop looking for reasons not to go." logan sighed, hands in the pockets of his adidas pants as he leaned against the doorframe. "you're going to do great, princess. they'll love you."
"how are you so sure?" she asked quietly, avoiding his eyes as she brushed a few errant strands of hair out of her face. "what if i get there and i'm bad at everything, or my supervisor hates me and i get fired and it takes me years to find another job-"
"babe, babe. calm down." logan soothed, resting his hands on her shoulders. "look at me, pretty girl. you are brilliant and funny and smart, and way more emotionally intelligent than most people give you credit for. your worked hard for this degree, and you earned it. if they don't love you there, that's their loss. any boss would be lucky to have you. you graduated on the dean's list, for god sakes. you will do just fine."
she wanted to believe him. she really did. but there was still a small voice in the back of her head that just kept going on about what-if's.
logan pulled her in for a hug, gently running a hand up and down her back.
"you are going to do wonderfully. and if you don't? i will be your sugar daddy while you find a new job."
he wasn't serious when he said it, and he knew he had said the right things when y/n began to laugh in his arms.
"don't say that. now i'll never go to work. i'll just lie by the pool with my book and make googly eyes at the pool boy while you do all the work. you know, like all rich couples." she giggled, pulling away so logan could see her face, and fully tell that she was joking.
"i love you." logan said, cupping her face with one hand, leaning in to kiss her softly. "i'm so proud of you, you deserve this job more than anyone i know."
"i love you too, logie bear. and please try not to burn the steaks."
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @httpiastri @twinkodium
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Late Night Confessions 18+
Request: Oh my lord you do Tim Bradford imagines ? 🥺 Now I love you even more than before !
My bday would also be next week, so I might wanna send something in, but only if you have time. No problem if you don't want to ❤️ 
You being Tim's new neighbor and you both seem to be secretly catching each other's heart, but you don't think you'd stand a chance with a handsome police officer like him. One time after shift you call him over for some help at the house and he gladly comes to help you. Then you insist that he stays over for dinner as a thank you and later as he's about to leave you kiss him. Instead of pulling away he grabs you and you end in bed ? 💗🍀
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Evers!Lawyer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, smut
A/N: Happy birthday/belated birthday to the annon who sent this in! Prepare yourselves @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms.
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 You had just moved to LA and were currently moving into your new house. You had just broken up with your boyfriend after you found him cheating on you with his secretary and you were looking to move when the perfect opportunity opened up. You were a lawyer and a new position opened up in LA and you took it even before your boss could even ask you if you wanted it, you just wanted to get out of Florida. This was also a chance for you to be with your older brother and his wife, who you loved so much. You could’ve asked your brother for help to move in but you didn’t want to inconvenience him so you said “Fuck it, I’ll do it myself.” Even though your brother had told you to wait until he got there to help and he could bring a dolly but you were stubborn which helped you in court a lot and had won many cases and some major cases.
It was a Saturday and you had closed on the house a week ago but you needed to sort some stuff out back in Florida. You sighed and looked at all the boxes you had still yet to unbox but then you got to work. You had unpacked the majority of the light stuff but now it was on to the heavy stuff. You got most of the boxes in but you were struggling with one and you tried multiple of times until you set it out down with a huff. You put your hands on your hips and glared down at the box “Why do you hate me so much?” You asked it like it was going to answer you.
You were going to try to move it again but a male voice was heard “Need any help?” They asked and you looked up at the voice and saw two guys were heading your way. One was handsome tall and the other was a little bit older and you smiled they looked trustworthy.
“If you don’t mind that would be great. I just have a few heavy boxes and my bed to move and that is it.” You said “I’m Y/N.” You said and held out your hand for them to shake and they did as they introduced themselves to you.
“I’m Tim Bradford.” Tim said and you could’ve sworn you fell in love right then and there and then you let go of his hand and turned to the other male that started talking and smirking.
“I’m John Nolan.” Nolan said and you smiled and shook his hand and then let go and then you turned and pointed to the box on the ground.
“If you one of you don’t mind moving this one, it’s being stubborn. It goes into the kitchen.” You said and they chuckled you were funny and they liked you.
“Of course.” Tim said and he bent down and picked it up with ease and you watched his back flex and you wondered what he would have looked like without a shirt. You stared at him and watched him walk into your house when John’s voice shook you out of your day dream.
“What else do you need moved?” He asked politely and you smiled. You pointed him to the truck.
“I’ll show you.” You said and he nodded and then you both got to work. It didn’t take long and everything was unloaded and all that was left was your chest of drawers, bed, couch, and table, you had already unloaded the chairs. The three of you got those unloaded and situated. “I’m sorry if you making you spend your Saturday like this but I really appreciate it.” You said feeling guilty especially after looked down at your watch and saw the time.
“Nonsense. We were happy to help. Tim actually just lives next door so it wasn’t a bother at all.” John said and you perked up at that and smiled. “I have to ask why you moved to LA.” John asked taking a sip of water from the water bottle that you had given them once you all were done.
“I’m a lawyer. I got an incredible offer and I took it also my boyfriend cheated on me with his secretary. Plus, I’m gonna be closer to my brother.” You said and they nodded listening “What about you guys?” You asked.
“We’re police officers for LA Police Department.” Tim said and you smiled.
“Well thank you guys so much. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other a lot. I’ll find a way to repay you as a thank you, I would offer you something to eat or make you something but I don’t have a stocked kitchen yet.” You said looking down.
“You really don’t have to do that.” John said and you looked up and shook your head.
“I want to. I’ll get it to you somehow.” You said
“No seriously it’s fine. We’re always happy to help out a beautiful girl like you.” Tim said and you blushed and looked down.
“Ok.” You said
“We’ll let you settle in. If you need help, I’m just next door.” Tim said and you smiled.
“I won’t hesitate to ask.” You said and he smiled and nodded and then they were on their way. You walked them out and shut the door and leaned against it. All you could think about was Tim and how handsome he was but you pushed it to the back of your mind because there was no way you could be with him. He was handsome and you thought you weren’t he could have anyone he wanted and you weren’t going to stand in his way.
The next day Tim and Nolan went to work and Tim was nonstop smiling and in a really great mood and this creeped most of his coworkers out. Nolan knew why but wasn’t going to tell anyone else. Briefing went off without a hitch and before they knew it, they were out in the streets doing what they need best. When lunchtime rolled around, they met at their normal spot. Instead of them splitting up like they normally did they actually sat together but that was probably because all the tables were full. “So, Wesley and I are having a welcome party for his sister.” Angela said as she took a bite of her food.
A collection of “I’ll be there.” And “Count me in.” were heard from the group. They didn’t fail to notice the friendly interaction and smiling Tim and Jackson had to ask the question everyone was dying to know.
“What’s got you so happy?” He asked and Tim looked at him.
“What do you mean? I’m always happy.” He said and a few scoffs were heard from the group and he looked at them all “What? I am.” Tim said.
“Sure.” Lucy said and taking a bite of her lunch.
“He met his new neighbor that we helped move in yesterday. He’s in love.” Nolan said not able to hold in the news any longer. Everyone smirked now that they new what was going on they now had something to tease him about.
“I am not in love.” Tim said and everyone rolled their eyes but smirked but they were saved by a call coming in and splitting up their little group meeting. Tim was certainly in love and he knew that but he wasn’t going to admit that.
You had just made it through your first day at work and now you were meeting with your brother for lunch. You had agreed from him to come and pick you up when you saw his car you smiled and walked over to it as he got out and opened the door for you. You got in and he shut the door “How was your first night in LA?” He asked as he pulled out onto the street.
“It was good! I met my neighbor and he helped me move everything into the house.” You said as he stopped at a stoplight.
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re fitting in and loving LA.” He said as he pulled up to a small cute café that everyone raved about. He parked and killed the engine and then the both of you got out and walked in. You walked to the counter and ordered and then went and sat down to wait for your food. “So, we’re throwing you a welcome party.” Wesely started and you gave him a look “Before you even start. We’re doing it and you can’t say no.” He said and you huffed.
“Fine.” You said
“Love you, sis.” He said and you rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Love you too, bro.” You said then your order was called and he walked over to get it and then walked back to you and you both ate and caught up on everything you missed in each other lives.
The rest of the day went off without a hit. Everyone was really nice and friendly and valued your opinion. You went home with a smile. You had just pulled into your driveway, parked, killed the engine, and got out when you saw Tim’s truck pull into your driveway. You smiled thinking about how nice he was but knew he would never fall for a girl like you and as you thought about that the smile turned into a frown as you walked to your mailbox. Apparently, Tim had the same idea because he was doing the same and when he saw you, he smiled “Hey Y/N.” He said and you looked up at him and put a smile, one that didn’t meet your eyes.
“Hey, Tim.” You said sounding a little defeated and he frowned not liking the tone or the smile that didn’t meet your eyes.
“Everything ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea, just a little tired from the first day. Also, my brother is making me go to a party.” You said and smiled.
“Well, I hope you have a nice time while there and have a little fun.” He said and you smiled.
“I will. See you later.” You said and he nodded.
“See you later.” He said and then you both went into your houses and you got ready to head over to your brother’s and sister-in-law’s house.
It was time for you to leave. You looked yourself over and then you were off to their house. You walked out to your car and frowned when you didn’t see Tim’s truck in the driveway but you shrugged and got into your car and turned the engine over and headed off to their house which was only 15 minutes away. When you got there you raised an eyebrow when you saw Tim’s car in the driveway and several other cars. You pulled up next to Tim’s truck and killed the engine and got out and walked over to the house. You walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds later your brother was opening the door smiling. “Y/N! You made it!” He said.
“I hope I’m not late.” You said and he shook his head.
“Nope. Right on time. Now come in. I want to introduce you to some people.” He said and you followed him in. Instantly you spotted Nolan and smiled.
“Hey, John!” You said and he smiled when he looked up and saw you and walked over and hugged you.
“Hey, Y/N! What are you doing here?” He asked releasing you from the hug and before you could answer Wesely came over and threw an arm around you.
“This is my sister. How do you two know each other?” He asked
“He and Tim helped me move in when I arrived.” You said and then just then Tim walked in from the backyard along with your sister and 3 other people that you had yet to meet.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Tim asked and you smiled and walked out from under your brother’s gaze and walked over and hugged him.
“Hey! I told you my brother was making me come to a party. Wesley is my brother.” You said as you released each other from the hug. Then he turned to Angela.
“Wait, Y/N is your sister-in-law that you were talking about at lunch?” He asked and she nodded and then the three other people introduced themselves as Talia, Lucy, and Jackson.
“Food is about ready. So, make yourselves comfortable and it’ll be here before you know it.” Wesley said and you nodded and smiled, your night just got even better. Everyone mingled about and ate food when it was ready. As the night was dwindling down most people were leaving and slowly you helped clean up despite being told you didn’t have to but you weren’t the only one there, Tim was there as well. In no time you were done and Angela and Wesely were thanking you profusely. You both ended up leaving at the same time and when you arrived in your respective houses you both said goodnight and you both headed in for the night ready to settle down and get another day started.
A few months later and you had gotten to know everyone very well and you loved everyone and they loved you. You had practically become family and had everyone’s numbers and they had yours. You had the day off whereas everyone else had to work. You had just gotten back from the store after getting groceries for dinner. As you were starting to get ingredients together and went to turn on the water in your sink it sputtered and then stopped at all together which you thought it was weird because you know you paid the utility and water bill and your shower had worked this morning. You sighed you didn’t have the tools and were about to give up and order out when you heard Tim’s truck pull up into his driveway. It seemed like he just got off of work and you hated to do it but you needed help. So, you grabbed your phone and went into your contacts and hit his. It had rung 3 times before he answered.
“Hello?” He asked and you smiled.
“Hey, Tim. I hate to bother you but I need your help.” You said biting your lip.
“Everything ok?” He asked
“My sink in my kitchen just went out and I don’t have the tools to fix it.” You said
“Well, I think I do. I’ll be over in a minute.” He said and you smiled.
“Thank you so much.” You said
“It’s not a problem.” He said and then you both hung up.
Just like he said a minute later he was at your door ringing knocking and you walked over and opened the door and smiled and let him. “I don’t know what happened. It was fie this morning.” You said as he bent down and got under your sink and you had a good view of him and you couldn’t help but bite your lip.
“I see your problem.” He said “It looks like a pipe had come undone.” He added and then a few twists he was tightening it and you watched his arms flex. “There.” He said and came out from underneath your sink and turned on your sink and it shot out water at first but it was working.
“Thank you so much.” You said as he turned off the water. “You should stay for dinner. I was just about to start cooking but the sink decided to be a bitch to me.” You said and he chuckled.
“Ok, I’ll stay.” He said and you smiled.
“Great! I’m making steak fettuccine.” You said filling the pot with your now working sink.
“That sounds good. Anything I can help with?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nope.” You said popping the ‘p’ “You already helped me with my sink. Now it’s my turn to repay you.” You said and he sighed.
“Fine.” He said with a smile and watched you work around the kitchen with ease. “Where did you learn to cook?” He asked generally curious.
“My mom mostly but Wesley and Angela and I trade recipes a lot. Wesley actually taught me as well.” You said as you strained the noodles and checked on the steaks which was almost done. The two of you talked while you finished cooking and then you two were plating up and sitting down to eat as you grabbed some beers from the fridge. You both talked throughout the dinner and laughed both of you secretly falling more in love with each other.
“Dinner was delicious.” Tim said as he put his plate in the dishwasher after dinner was done.
“Thank you. It’s my signature.” You said and put your plate in the dishwasher. He took the last sip of his drink and then turned to throw it away.
“I better get going.” He said as he turned to face you and you knew it was now or never and so you said ‘Fuck it.’ To yourself and stepped closer to him and smashed your lips onto his with your hands on the side of his face and it took him a second but he kissed you back and grabbed your hips and pulled you closer. You two only pulled apart when air was needed and you two looked at each other both of your pupils were blown and your lips were back on each other’s. He patted your thighs signaling you to jump and you did so and you wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He started walking into the direction of your room, which he knew where it was because he had helped you move in. With each step you could feel his erection through his jeans and it was rubbing you where you needed it the most which caused you to moan in his mouth. When he got to your room, he walked you to your bed and gently laid you down without breaking the kiss. You once again broke apart when air was needed.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now.” You said and he smiled.
“So have I.” He said “May I?” He asked when he put his hands on the hem of your shirt and you nodded and he carefully pulled it up and over your head to revel your lacey navy-blue bra. He started to unbutton your jeans and he slowly slid them off as he kissed down your sternum to the top of the you matching underwear. He hooked his thumbs in them and slowly slid them down until they were off and you made quick work of getting rid of your bra.
“Hey, you have to many clothes on.” You said and he chuckled and he slowly but quickly shed his clothes and you were right he was built and just the way you had imagined. His erection sprung up and hit his abs. Your mouth watered and you clenched around nothing.
“Like what you see?” He asked and you moaned and nodded.
“Yes, I do.” You said and he smiled and then he got back on to the bed and spread your legs and slowly kissed the inside of your thighs all the way up to where you need him most. You were already soaked. He licked a broad stripe up your soaking core and you moaned. He ate you like you were his last meal and he was wanting to savor it. Your hands clenched your bedspread and your head was thrown back. “Tim.” You moaned out. He licked you up and down and tongue fucked you and then when came up and paid attention to the bundle of nerves that made the rubber band start coiling up. What did you in was when he pushed a thick finger in and started to finger fuck you and then he hit you g-spot and you were cumming screaming his name and he was just licking up your juices. As you were coming down from your high, he was sitting up and you could see your juices on his chin and then he slowly pulled his finger out of you and then put it in his mouth licking it clean and the sight of that made you moan.
“You taste so good.” He said and then he was crawling up and kissing you letting you taste yourself. Tim then moved down to your neck. He pumped himself and then positioned him at your entrance “If you need me to stop just tell me.” He said and you nodded as he pushed himself in. He stretched you in ways you haven’t been before and none of your past lovers/boyfriends have done before. “You’re so tight, baby.” He said and he stilled letting you adjust.
“Move.” You moaned out and he nodded and started to move and it was heaven. He filled you like nobody else had before and hit you in all the right places. “Oh, Tim.” You moaned out and he smirked against your neck and he gently bit it and that made you moan. Your hands went to his back and your nails dug into his shoulders creating indents from your finger’s nails. “Faster, baby.” You moaned out and he did so. The rubber band in your stomach was coiling back up.
“I’m close.” He said looking at you in your eyes and you nodded. Sweat had covered the both of you and the room smelt like sex and sweat. Both you guys’ breathing was heavy.
“So am I.” You said and then his thrusts started to get sloppier.
“I’m gonna cum.” He said
“Me too.” You said and then he stilled and painted your walls white as the rubber band snapped and you came for the second time that night. It was a good thing you were on birth control. He slowly slid out of you and laid on the other side of you. You curled up on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you and you drew shapes on his chest as his other hand came and rested on your hand which was drawing shapes on his chest.
“You were amazing.” You both said at the same time and you chuckled and looked up at him as he looked down at you.
“I’ve been slowly falling in love with you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you.” He said and you smiled.
“It was the same way with me when you agreed to help me move in.” You said He leaned down and kissed you. “It’s late. You should just stay the night.” You said and he nodded once you both pulled away.
“I think I can do that.” He said and kissed your forehead. You pulled back to the covers back and the both of you worked easily and effortlessly to get underneath them. You cuddled up against him again and both of you fell asleep with a smile on your faces. Boy were you glad that your sink decided to break and that he lived next door with the tools you needed.
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chuulyssa · 5 months
Chuuya with 1,5,6 and 12 pleasee
★ PROMPT ─1, 5, 6, 12
!! FT. ─ chuuya
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─ wearing his clothes
Chuuya sniffed the new coat he had bought. His eyes widened when he recognized the scent. Your scent. He walked straight into your room and slammed the door open. You looked up from your phone to see him outraged.
"Why?" he demanded.
You looked from him to the coat in his hand and the pieces clicked together.
"It smells like you," you smiled.
"Why- you," he jumped onto your bed in faux-anger and glared at you, trying to hide his fluster.
"It smells like you," you repeated, kissing his forehead.
He gritted his teeth. "Stop that. Can't you see I'm angry?"
"Sure, you are," you said.
Chuuya crawled on top of you with a frown and a pout on his face before kissing your neck. You yelped and he snickered.
"That's for stealing my clothes, dolly."
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─ kissing
Kissing was Chuuya's favourite pastime. Even now, with him sprawled across his chair and you leaning towards him from his table, grabbing him by his tie and pulling him in more, Chuuya felt as if he was in heaven.
You gave him a harder tug, and his chair rolled to you until it hit the edge of the table. Chuuya smiled in the kiss and stood up to match your height, holding the back of your head and pushing you further into the kiss.
He brushed your jaw with his fingers as his lips trailed down to your collarbone to plant soft kisses there. You giggled.
"Is this behaviour inside the office appropriate?"
"I'm the Executive," he mumbled, planting a long kiss on your lips to shut you up. He pulled away for a moment and said, "And it's hardly my fault you look so gorgeous right now."
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─ cuddling
Chuuya put his hand on the back of your head, burying you further into his chest. Your hands glided from his arms to his hips, and he felt goosebumps arise at your touch. He thrust his fingers into your hair, brushing it gently and kissing it all over.
It was another stressful night with an even more stressful amount of paperwork. But what put him to ease were your feathery kisses on his neck, and your fingers clasping around his wrist so beautifully.
His legs were tangled up with yours, occasionally spooning you. Chuuya moved his body so you lay on top of him, smiling and hugging him more. He slowly slid his hands to grab your hips and pull you closer towards him.
You whined at the sudden movement and Chuuya simply smiled.
"I'm sorry, doll. I just can't seem to get enough of you."
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─ styling his hair in silly ways
"How much longer?" he groaned, burying his face into the crook of your neck to kiss it.
"Just a few minutes more, and stop that!" you squirmed on his lap, hairclips falling out of your hand.
Chuuya licked your neck to tickle you, his fingers reaching to your stomach to caress you, but you slapped his hand away.
"Behave," you said sternly, and he pouted. "Don't forget, I can chop all your hair off right now."
His eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously, leaving you with a satisfied smile. A few minutes passed that way, with you straddling him and him admiring your beautiful face, occasionally shifting around to get more comfortable with the position.
Chuuya reluctantly tore his eyes away from your lips and looked at the mirror. His hair was tied in seven small different ponytails, with a bow hair tie on each. The hairclips you had put on his front hair were all hearts and stars.
Chuuya took one heart clip off and pointed at it while saying, "This is how you make me feel."
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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luveline · 1 year
hey jade!! i love kisses before dinner and was wondering (if you like the idea) maybe you could write something about avery realising how scary giving birth can be and starts worry about it before the new baby arrives? <3<3<3
thank you for your request! kisses before dinner —mom!you and dad!steve comfort avery when she has concerns for your health. fem!reader, 3k
cw discussed maternal mortality and death
Steve Harrington looks out over the kitchen table that night with a great sense of success. You're sitting at the other end with Dove on your knee, feeding her bites of macaroni cheese between feigned spoonfuls given to her rainbow teddy bear. Bethie sits to his left eating without complaint (a victory considering her pickiness). Avery sits to his right, trying to pour her own glass from the juice jug. It's awesome. 
Steve quickly swallows the drink he'd been sipping on and offers to help her, hand extended, "Here. I got it."
"I can do it," Avery insists, her long arms shaking under the weight. 
He doesn't mind her being independent, nor her improving capabilities, but the last thing he wants to do tonight is clean up a huge juice spill. Steve takes the juice gently and refills her plastic cup. 
"Dad," she whines. 
"Avery," he whines back. 
She huffs and grabs her fork, ignoring her fresh cup of juice to shovel in bites of broccoli and macaroni instead. 
"I think I'm done," Bethie says. Steve must have jinxed it. 
He attempts to do the impossible —convince Bethie to finish dinner. He takes up station by the side of her chair, having tried everything now, and only this works. 
"Beth," he says, putting his hand behind her back, "Are you sure there's no room left? I don't want you to be hungry again before we go to bed 'cos you won't tell me, will you?" 
"I'm full," she insists, reaching for her drink bottle. 
"Is there something wrong with it?" he asks, rubbing up and down her back.
"No, daddy, it's nice," she says. She isn't quite convincing, but she tries. 
Steve looks at her. She looks like Steve sometimes, like neither of you other times, but mostly he looks at her and he sees you. Your smile, your frown, Bethie's tell is the same as yours when she lies. Steve can read you both like a book. 
"Is it cold?" he asks, sticking his pinky finger in the corner of her macaroni. "A little. If I heat it back up for you, would that make it better?" 
"No, please," she says. 
He sighs. "Make you something else? Sandwiches?" 
"I'm not hungry, daddy." 
Steve plasters a smile over his worries and kisses her cheek. "Okie smokie. Well done, honey, you ate lots and lots. Let's try even more for breakfast, yeah?" 
"Yes!" she agrees, sliding off of her chair.
"Where are you going?" he asks. 
"Need to pee!" she yells, running to the stairs. She opens the baby gate (which she’s known how to do for too many years, way before supposed to know how to —thanks so much, Avery) and Steve listens to her sprint up the stairs with a wince. 
"Call me if you need help!" he yells after her. 
"You think that's why she didn't want to eat?" you ask, wiping the corners of Dove's mouth with her bib. 
Steve stands up and stretches his arms behind his head. "I don't know," he says, rolling his neck around in a circle. 
"Is it gross if I eat her leftovers?" you ask. 
"I'll make you another pot, if you want it," Steve offers, arms dropping down to his side. He's been trying to get back into shape lately. It's not working out. "You having cravings?" 
"I'm just hungry all the time," you say, your voice melding into a sing song as you finish wiping Dove's face. "All done! Good girl, Dovey! You're my good girl." You plaster her forehead with a layer of kisses before putting her down on the floor. She wobbles, hands on your thighs. "Okay? You want another drink?"
"Dotty Dolly," she says, taking your hand. "Please. Please, Dolly."
"Yeah, my love. I'm coming." You groan as you stand up, not quite pregnant enough to worry about popping soon but more than enough to feel exhaustion to the marrow. 
"Just me and you then," Steve says to Avery, tucking in chairs and piling plates at the table. 
"Me and you, sir," she agrees in a funny voice. 
"Still mad at me?" 
She remembers to glare at him. "Yes!" She takes another bite of macaroni. "Okay, no." 
"If you're not gonna chew with your mouth closed, put your hand over your mouth. I don't wanna see your chewed up dinner." Avery pokes her tongue out, laughing when Steve says, "Ewww." 
He sets the leftovers aside for you rather than waste Bethie's largely untouched pasta in the trash, stacking the dishes in the sink and wetting a cloth to wipe down the table. He cleans around Avery, squeezing her neck, shoulders and arms to make her squirm as he goes.
"You want seconds?" he asks, returning to the sink. 
"I want dessert." 
"Good idea. You know Mom's so pregnant all she does lately is wake me up for ice cream."
"She wakes you up?" Avery asks. 
"By accident trying to put her socks on at the end of the bed. Baby's getting too big now, she can't see her toes." 
"It's a good thing she has you, dad."
"Yeah, but you'd help mommy, wouldn't you? Help her put her shoes on if she couldn't reach?" 
Avery hops off of her chair and passes him her plate, completely clean of food. She grows like a bamboo shoot and eats like a rabid dog. He loves it. She's evidence that he's a good cook. 
"Thank you. What did you want for dessert?" he asks. 
"I have something to ask you." 
"Oh." Steve hates the sound of that, theorising that she wants a new something or other he'll have to say no to. He grabs her by the waist, wet hands and all, hoisting her up onto the counter by the dish rack. He puts a rag in her hands. "You dry and I'll answer." 
"It's a weird question," Avery warns.   
"Avery, you wouldn't believe how weird some of the questions I've asked are. Don't worry about it." 
He scrunches dirty water out of the dish sponge and squirts soap onto a dirty plate. The hot water burns his fingertips. Avery dries a plastic plate diligently, her question coming out slow as running wax. 
"Mom's gonna be okay, right?" she asks quietly. 
Steve fights to keep his eyebrows down. They bob anyways. "Okay from what?" 
"When she has the baby. She's not going to get hurt?" 
"Well, having a baby really hurts. But there's medicine for her to take, and I'll be there to hold her hand." 
"No," Avery says, frowning, "that's not…" 
"Sorry, Ave. Ask me again, try a different word." 
She puts the dried plate down to her left and picks another to dry. "Will mom die?" 
"No," he says. Doesn't miss a beat, though his pulse capers. He knows that childbirth is hard, that lots of things can go wrong, but if he truly thought you might die he wouldn't have asked for another baby. And even if he did think it were going to happen, it's not a thought Avery needs to have. "She won't die, I promise you. Where'd you get that idea, honey?" 
"Jordan's mom died having a baby." 
Steve nods and tries to recalibrate the conversation. He knew of Jordan's mom passing away, he made a couple of trays of food for Jordan's dad and put money in the collection plate for her memorial, but he didn't know Avery knew precisely how it happened. 
"Right, she did," he says gently. "And that's scary, huh?" 
"Why can't it happen to mommy if it happened to her?" Avery asks. 
Steve shuts off the water. Hand still wet, he rubs his forehead roughly. "Can I have that?" he asks Avery, gesturing for the dish cloth. She gives it to him, putting down her last plate, and Steve wipes his fingers dry to pick her up without getting her wet a second time. 
"Let's have a talk," he says, tilting his head to the side. He sees his eyes looking back at him, smaller and softer, longer lashes but the same honeyed brown. "Me, you, and mommy. Okay?" 
"Dad," she says, startled. 
"It's okay, It'll be better if you talk to mom, too, because it's mom that's already had babies, not me. I think I know everything because my brain is so big and stuff, but I can't tell you what your mom is thinking." 
"I don't want mommy to get upset," she says. 
It's partially his fault for asking her to tell him if there's a problem rather than you a few weeks ago. He didn't want you walking up and down the stairs unnecessarily, and your blood pressure is something they've been keeping an eye on. He didn't mean for Avery to bottle things up. Every time Steve thinks he's doing something right it finds a way to bite him in the ass. 
"I meant if Bethie's turned the faucet on and flooded the bathroom, or if you want to change your bed or something, not that you can't ask her things that are worrying you," he says, readjusting her weight. Her knees dig into his sides as he carries her to the living room doorway from the kitchen. 
"Hey, mom?" he asks. 
Your head jumps up. You're sitting on the edge of the couch with Dove's face in your knee, a dribble patch dampening your pants. Bethie has her hand in yours sitting next to you. You're still in your work clothes, your bump straining against everything now, but yet to drop. He'll have to wash your pants tonight. 
"Hey?" you say, a guilty smile tugging up your pretty mouth. "I'm coming to do the dishes, I swear. My girls caught me in their net." 
"Can we talk to you? For a minute," Steve says. 
Your eyes widen. You stand up with a funny noise like someone's stepped on your toes, lifting Dove by the armpits to sit next to Bethie. You kiss the girls goodbye and they're too distracted by Dotty Dolly playing on the TV to mind. 
"What's wrong?" you ask, following Steve back into the kitchen. 
"Want me to explain?" Steve asks Avery. She nods. "Avery's a little worried about you." 
"About me?" You put your hands under your face and beam at her. "What's worrying you? I've never been better." 
"She's worried about when you have the baby." 
"'Cos of Jordan's mom," Avery whispers. 
You hear it despite her small voice, your smile sobering. "I see�� I see. You know… you're a big girl, Avery. You're my big girl, and I wish I could keep you this young forever sometimes, but I know that you know that people don't get to stay with us forever, so I don't want to scare you, but I'll tell you what I think, yeah?" 
Avery swallows around nothing. 
Steve gives her back a sympathetic pat. "It's okay," he says to her, enthusing his voice with some pep to calm her down. 
"Jordan's mommy was sick when she passed away," you say, your hand resting on your bump now, inching closer to Steve and Avery where they've paused under the kitchen light. "She knew things were going to be hard. When you have a baby, you know things won't be easy, but it's not fair. It's very sad. She," —you look at Steve with a parent familiar fear that says, Am I saying the right things?— "said goodbye before anyone wanted her too, but Avery." Steve knows what you're going to say. It's a promise he made only minutes ago, one that you have no control over keeping, but a necessary one nonetheless to make. You could very well have complications down the line, things could spin out of control, but Avery doesn't need the stress of that hanging over her. "I promise you here and now that I'm not going anywhere. Daddy won't let me." 
He laughs a little breathlessly. "Damn straight." 
"But daddy isn't a doctor," Avery says, holding out her arm. 
You walk into Avery's reach, letting her climb from Steve's arms to yours without complaint. "He didn't have time to be a doctor, he was too busy being the best dad ever." 
"Are you flirting with me?" Steve asks. 
"Duh, Stevie." You turn your attention to Avery, struggling to hold her and stroke a hair from her face. "Don't worry about me. Promise me you won't, Ave." 
"I just don't want you to go away," Avery says with a frown. 
Steve feels an unexpected heat behind his eyes. You smile softly, your thumb on Avery's cheek. "Then I won't. I'll stay. I can't go anywhere without you, gorgeous." 
Steve strokes the back of Avery's head. "And I can't be without either of you, so mom doesn't have a choice." 
He wishes things were that simple. Steve has no idea what the future holds, but he chooses to believe it'll be a good one, where every one of his girls gets to grow old. But the future isn't something he can predict nor change by wishing alone. 
"Did that make much sense to you, sweetheart?" you ask Avery.
"It makes sense. Sorry." 
You and Steve make twin sounds of loving disbelief. 
"Sorry for what?" you ask, as Steve says, "No, God, don't be sorry!" 
"It's okay to ask me stuff," you say.
"That's what we're here for." 
Avery wraps her arms around your neck. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she whispers, near imperceptibly, Steve's ears straining to hear her under the sounds of the water heater and the television. 
"I'm sure. I've done it three times already."
"Are you scared?" 
You shake your head resolutely. "No. You know why?" 
"'Cos I know, at the end of it I might get another little girl who's just like you. Or like Beth, or Dove. Maybe I'll get one who's nothing like any of you, but I know with such a great big sister she's going to be amazing." 
Avery rests her cheek on your shoulder. "You think so?" 
"I know so." 
"Thank you," she says. 
You laugh again. "For what?" you ask, nails raking up and down the length of her back. "Only telling you what's true. Me and daddy think you're the bestest." 
Steve rubs his face with both hands rather than cry. Crying makes his eyes sore and he has to wake up at six AM tomorrow to take the girls to swimming lessons at seven thirty. (He also doesn't want Avery to see him crying and get the wrong idea, what with the previous conversation.) 
"Mom?" Bethie asks in the doorway. 
"Yes?" you murmur, resting your head atop Avery's gently. 
"Excuse me." 
You laugh a charmed laugh and scoot out of the way, resting your weight on the door jam. Bethie looks incredibly small idling at his feet, even though Dove is much smaller. She smiles nervously. 
"Yes?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. He pretends to be nonchalant, while inside he's thinking about lots of things. Avery's huge heart and all her worries. Bethie's emerging cheekiness after years of quiet. Dove's roaring giggle when you squeeze her just right. And you, your bump, your devotion to him and the girls, but more than that —your voice and how you talk with all the good you possess. How you're talking now to Avery in dulcet tones. 
Bethie takes his hand. "Can I have the rest of my mac and cheese, please?" 
"Yeah, babe. Unless you want dessert instead?" 
His hand sways in her grip. "I want mac and cheese if that's okay." 
Steve picks her up with a typical dad groan. He'll check on Dove first, but he has no qualms with warming her mac and cheese. He'd offer to make you another helping if you weren't distracted entirely, nose bridge nuzzling into Avery's neck. 
He doesn't know what the future holds, but he hopes for more of this. 
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bachibae · 3 months
yandere!manager!alexis ness × idol!reader
long oneshot, edited from my wattpad 'cupid' fic because idk what to post here nor how to use this app #lol
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You were a sucker for adoration.
That's why you shimmered under the spotlight, your (h/l) (h/c) hair cascading down, bouncing along with your movements, as you sang the final note of your latest hit. Your big, dolly shaped eyes with the help of the complex eye makeup, and red lips formed an image of perfection that your adoring fans couldn’t get enough of. Just like that, you commanded the stage with an allure not easily found on ‘commoners’. And the ending finally arrived; the applause was deafening as you bowed, smiling sweetly and waving to the crowd. How could you not, when your name was cheered from start to end?
Backstage, your manager Alexis Ness watched with a mixture of pride and longing. His perpetually calm, almost sweet demeanor. To the public, he was the perfect manager: efficient, kind, and always composed. But beneath that exterior lay a twisted devotion to you that you had no idea existed.
As you entered your dressing room, your smile vanished. You picked up a cigarette from the table and lit it, exhaling a plume of smoke as you flopped onto a plush chair. The sweet idol your fans adored was nowhere to be seen.
Ness followed you in, carrying a stack of papers. "Your schedule for tomorrow, [name]," he said, placing the folder on your vanity.
You glanced at him, your expression hardening. "Just leave it there," you muttered, “And you're late.”
Ness bowed his head slightly. "I apologize. It won't happen again."
"It better not," you snapped, lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke directly at him. Ness didn't flinch; he simply stood there, enduring your disdain with a quiet, almost disturbing acceptance. You didn’t know it, but Ness’s heart ached with a twisted love for you. He adored you, every cruel word, every dismissive glance. It only fueled his obsession.
“Do you need anything else?” His voice came out gentle, despite your harsh attitude towards him.
You scoffed. "What I need is some peace and quiet. You're always hovering, Ness. It's annoying."
"Of course, [name]. I'll give you some space," Ness replied, stepping back but not leaving the room. He watched you with a mixture of pain and adoration, his love for you hidden behind his unwavering professionalism. You had no idea how deeply he cared, how much he yearned for your affection despite your constant mistreatment.
Long red nails adorned your fingers as you boredly opened the folder, reading the plans for the following month.
A hum escaped your tinted lips in satisfaction upon seeing your schedule; a collaboration between two of the most important Japanese agencies to engage in a photoshoot. And, obviously, you were chosen for it. just as expected.
Or maybe Ness was just that hardworking, working his ass off to be able to get you all these opportunities. But you weren't one to think about these possibilities, anyways.
The next day, the studio buzzed with activity. Your agency had arranged a high-profile collaboration with one of the world's most famous football stars, Itoshi Sae. Both would be modeling together for around two whole months for an exclusive fashion campaign, a fusion of sports and entertainment designed to captivate a broad audience.
Ness coordinated the logistics, ensuring everything was perfect- as always. He had always known about your secret admiration for Sae, so he seriously didn't understand why he helped you get that collaboration. I mean, it's not like you had never told anyone, but Ness had pieced it together from the way you watched his interviews, the way your eyes lit up when his name was mentioned.
When Sae arrived, his presence was commanding. At 180 cm, he matched Ness in height, his demeanor cool and unbothered. His piercing gaze swept the room, and you felt your stoicism falter. You approached him, your usual sweet mask firmly in place.
"Itoshi Sae," you said, extending your hand with a charming smile. "It's an honor to work with you."
Sae shook your hand briefly, his expression unreadable. "Likewise," he replied, his tone polite but detached.
Ness stood on the sidelines, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene before him. A mixture of envy and bitterness churned within him as he watched you interact effortlessly with Sae, someone you had long admired. Each smile you shared with Sae felt like a stab to Ness's heart, a reminder of the growing distance between you two.
Despite his best efforts to maintain a professional demeanor, Ness struggled to conceal the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. He plastered on a practiced smile, but inside, his emotions threatened to spill over like a dam about to burst.
Two months. That's all it would take for this agonizing collaboration to come to an end. Two months until he could finally put this chapter behind him and reclaim your undivided attention. Or so he had hoped.
But as the days turned into weeks, Ness found himself increasingly consumed by jealousy. The chemistry between you and Sae was undeniable, their connection drawing the attention of everyone around them. With each passing moment, Ness's envy grew, a bitter taste lingering in his mouth.
The collaboration between the renowned idol and the star athlete quickly became a hot topic on social media, further fueling Ness's insecurities. He found himself obsessively scrolling through comments and mentions, seeking validation while simultaneously torturing himself with the praise lavished upon you and Sae.
Ness's hands clenched into fists as he read the countless messages extolling the pair's compatibility. It was as if the world had conspired to rub salt in his wounds, to remind him of his own inadequacies in the face of your admiration for Sae.
With each passing day, Ness's facade of professionalism began to crack, revealing the seething resentment bubbling beneath the surface. By the seventh session, his composure was hanging by a thread, his every glance at you and Sae filled with simmering anger.
It was in one of those sessions, where you and Sae were busy modeling for the last photoshoots, that Ness's professionalism finally grew from slowly cracking to threatening to burst anytime, every glance you gave to Sae, every laugh you shared, (‘what the fuck? Sae laughing?! He didn't even smile at [name] the first few days!’ Ness thought furiously), each touch on the arm or shoulder during the shoot sent him plummeting into the dark depths of his obsession.
He could feel the jealousy gnawing at his heart, whispering that he alone should be the one by your side, the one making you smile, the one you should love. Once the photoshoot finally ended, Ness was quick to find you and congratulate you for it, bubbling praising words begging to leave his throat to be directed towards you.
“[Nam—]!” He called,
But he was forced to stop right in his tracks when you ignored him completely, not even sparing a glance in his direction, darting instead towards Sae.
"Itoshi," you called, voice purring with a honey-like sweetness.
"Yes, [name]?" he calmly responded, turning his back around to hold eye contact with you.
"Today's photoshoot was nice, I really enjoyed working with you today…So, let's meet again, alright? I know this French cuisine restaurant that just opened around, and apparently their food is exquisite."
Sae was somewhat surprised. He would lie if he didn't say he thought that you were just acting nicely to him because of your job. But seeing that you made your way towards him, daring to invite him... he didn't think that a popular singer would even invite him to dinner.
But Ness? Oh, sweet little Ness wasn't believing his eyes.
"Oh?” Sae responded, “Well... My schedule still has some free spots. So I guess I could... Next Friday, is it?"
Your grin widened. "Next Friday it is."
The sight of you and Sae talking, and worst, planning on meeting again, only fueled Ness's jealousy. He watched with clenched fists, his mind racing with dark thoughts. It was supposed to be him, not Sae. Why couldn't you see that? He had sacrificed so much for you, working behind the scenes, securing opportunities and navigating the treacherous waters of the music industry. And yet, you seemed to discard him like a mere puppet.
He couldn't contain himself any longer. Interrupting your conversation, Ness inserted himself between you two, his voice dripping with false enthusiasm.
"[name], my dear, I believe we have some last-minute paperwork to sign before wrapping up today's events," he began, his words laced with an artificial warmth, hoping to divert your attention.
You barely spared him a glance, your eyes still gleaming with longing towards Sae. "Can't it wait, Ness? I'm having a conversation here.”
"Ah, it's alright." Sae spoke. "I understand if you have some stuff to deal with your manager. I'll get going now.”
Ness seethed internally, watching as Sae excused himself from the conversation and your scowl deepened. It was a small victory, but he couldn't deny the bitterness coursing through his veins.
With Sae gone, Ness turned his attention back to you, masking his simmering anger with a polite smile. "Please, [name], let's discuss those papers now. It won't take long.”
Your face twisted, clearly displeased by the interruption and the thought of dealing with paperwork. "Ugh, fine. But could you at least try to make it quick? I need to get out of this wretched makeup and onto my skincare routine."
Ness nodded, his lips stretching into a tight smile, knowing full well that he had no intention of rushing anything. He gestured for you to follow him to a secluded area away from prying eyes, a random room reserved for only the workers. As you reached a quiet corner, Ness presented the folder to you
As you flipped through the pages, Ness could barely contain his impatience. "I also have a few personal matters to discuss with you," he finally managed to say, "Regarding your schedule and upcoming collaborations."
You raised an eyebrow, clearly uninterested in any personal matters that didn't involve yourself or your career. "Can't it wait until tomorrow?" you sighed, your gaze lingering on the documents rather than on him. "I really need to get out of here.”
Ness's facade slipped, a flicker of resentment crossing his face. "No, [name]. I think it's best if we address these matters right away." His voice grew firmer, refusing to let you brush him aside. "They concern your well-being and your future... our future," he added, a possessive edge tainting his otherwise sweet words.
"Ugh," you groaned, rolling your eyes. "Fine, what do you want to discuss so urgently?" You set the documents aside, clearly wanting to get this conversation over with as quickly as possible.
Ness took a deep breath, attempting to steady his shaky voice. "I have concerns about the future collaborations we discussed," he began, his tone filled with a mixture of calculated concern and veiled possessiveness. "They may not be aligned with your true artistry or your unique talents. The one with Mr. Itoshi, for example—"
Your frustration seemed to reach its boiling point. "Oh, please," you scoffed, "Here we go again with your obsessive need to control every aspect of my career. It's suffocating.”
“E-eh? I'm not controlling you at all, [name].” Ness stammered, dangerously approaching the edge.
“Seriously,” you continued, uncaring, “Can't you just trust me to handle my own decisions? If I want to work with Sae, so be it. Do you really think I could care less about my career and how it's ‘aligned with my true artistry’?”
Ness's grip tightened on the folder he was holding, struggling to keep his cool in the face of your scathing remarks. That was it. He wasn't going to, but you mentioning Sae was the worst thing you could do at the moment. "Trust you?" he snapped, his voice rising in volume. "Trust you? How can I trust you when you're spending time with people like Sae, when you're neglecting the work I've put into building this career for you?”
"I've worked sleepless nights, poured my blood, sweat, and tears into crafting your image and securing collaborations that would catapult you to the top," he continued, his voice getting louder as he gestured frantically. "And yet, here you are, fawning over someone as insignificant as him, wasting your precious time on a worthless athlete.”
You stood in stunned silence, your eyes widening as Ness's outburst continued. You had never seen him lose his composure so visibly before, especially not over something as trivial as a simple business collaboration. His words cut deeply, revealing layers of obsession and possessiveness that you never knew he harbored.
Ness continued, his voice wavering between frustration and desperation. "Don't you understand, [name]? I've given you everything. I've done everything to make your dreams come true. And this, this is how you repay me? By drooling over some footballer like a lovestruck teenager?!”
You remained speechless, your usual feisty demeanor replaced by a bewildered expression. Ness's possessive rant shattered the image of the reliable manager you thought you knew, revealing a dark, obsessive side that chilled you to the bone.
And with each sentence, Ness's voice grew strained, his words spilling out like a pent-up floodgate. "I do everything for you, [name]. I give you the world, and all I want in return is your love. And yet, you ignore me, push me aside, and throw yourself at the feet of someone like Sae!”
"What... what the fuck do you even think you're talking about...?” you stammered in bewilderment, not believing the words that left your hardworking manager's mouth. “Have you already lost it?!”
Ness's expression darkened, his eyes gleaming with a twisted intensity. "Lost it? I've lost myself in you, [name]! My heart, my soul, my entire existence is dedicated to you. You are my muse, my light, my everything. But sometimes it feels like you don't even notice me, like I'm just a shadow in your grand performance.”
As Ness spoke, his fists clenched at his sides, knuckles turning white with the force of his emotions. You took a hesitant step backwards, your eyes wide with surprise and concern. “Seriously, I can't understand you at all…”
"Do you have any idea how many times I've heard praises about you? How people talk about your beauty, your talent, your charisma? And they always ignore me, the one who made all of this possible. They forget that without me, you would still be just another girl singing in some run-down pub!”
With each accusation, Ness's voice rose in pitch, echoing off the walls of the room. Your hands fluttered nervously at your sides, unsure of how to respond to his outburst. It's not that you felt scared, you felt confused. Something you weren't used to feeling at all. But annoyance was boiling on your skin… along with an eerie feeling of surprise. You knew Ness was weird, but this facade was truly something unexpected.
"And now, you want to spend time with Sae, acting like some lovesick schoolgirl. What do you expect from a footballer? What does he have to offer you? Fame? Money? Power? I can give you all of that and more!”
Ness took a menacing step closer, his gaze piercing into your own. You could feel your heart racing, torn between emotions you didn't know how to describe.
"I've been the one by your side all this time, supporting you, guiding you. I've given you my heart and soul. And yet, you still choose to look elsewhere. It's… unbearable! The pain, the jealousy, the fear of losing you. That's why I can't stand it, can't bear the thought of you being with anyone else but me!”
A tense silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of your breathing. You were quiet. Too quiet.
Then, with a sharp crack, something inside Ness seemed to fracture. His shoulders slumped, and he took a shaky step forward, the last one, the weight of his emotions finally overwhelming him.
"Damn it, you drive me crazy, [name]," Ness finally snapped, his control slipping. Without warning, he forcefully pulled you close, his lips crashing against yours in a desperate, hungry kiss.
Your eyes widened in surprise, your body tensing at the unexpected display of passion. However, Ness's determination and possessiveness were relentless. He deepened the kiss, holding you tightly against him as if you were his most cherished possession. Time seemed to stand still as Ness poured his pent-up desires and frustrations into the kiss, desperately trying to claim what he believed belonged to him alone.
As Ness kissed you, his touch grew more urgent and possessive. His hands gripped your arms, his fingertips digging into your skin, as if he feared you'd slip away from his grasp if he let go for even a moment. Each breath, each movement, held a hint of desperation, a need to claim you, to make you his, to stake his claim upon your heart and soul.
The kiss continued, Ness pouring all his unrequited emotions into every brush of your lips. It was a hungry, desperate kiss, fueled by a mixture of love and obsession. He held onto you tightly, his body pressed against yours, as if trying to merge your very being together in that moment. In his mind, there was no room for logic or reason. All his actions were guided by the overwhelming need to claim you as his own, to possess you completely.
And as it deepened, Ness's hands moved possessively down your body, tracing every curve and contour. He claimed you with his touch, seeking to possess every inch of your being. However, his sudden display of passion caught you by surprise, and you found yourself torn between desire and apprehension.
Just as quick as it started, the kiss finally broke, leaving you both gasping for breath. Your eyes widened, a mix of shock, confusion, and... perhaps something else, swirling within your gaze.
“[name], please-” He interrupted you before you could even start, hands trembling on your shoulders, “Just… just accept me at your side. I'll do anything you want, I- Literally anything!”
Ness's desperation sent chills down your spine. And a really, bad idea, formed in your mind.
You knew you shouldn't take this so lightly. You liked Sae, and that's without taking into account the so painfully obvious problems Ness suffers from. Seriously, you thought people that obsessive only existed in fiction.
But still, even if you knew you should have immediately fired him, some would even fill a restraining order, you took his words slowly. Too slowly.
As the moment stretched on and Ness's confession hung in the air, a twisted smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Leaning in, you whispered, your voice dripping with honeyed poison, "Anything for me, huh?"
Ness, his heart skipping a beat, immediately responded, "Anything. Please, consider me a toy if you want...! Just don't-... don't leave me alone.”
Ness's response, tinged with desperation, seemed to bring a perverse satisfaction to your twisted heart. You leaned in closer, savoring the power you now held over him. With a mockingly sweet smile, you whispered,
"Well then, I'll make sure never to leave you alone. Because if I did..." Your voice dropped to a dangerous tone, "What would be the point of having such a devoted plaything, mhm?"
After all, you were a sucker for adoration.
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Could we get a cute little one shot for Harlequin of Cade being an awesome big brother to Anya (the Jesterdoll kid) for Specter :)
Harlequin AU credit: @iamespecter @tadc-harlequin-au
Cade sprinted through the mansion halls and up the stairs to his shared bedroom with Anya. He burst through the door, startling his younger half sister from her book.
"ANYA, ANYA, ANYA!! THE TREEFORT IS DONE! COME ON!" He jumped up and down, pointed back through the door he nearly knocked off the hinges.
"Really?" She put down her book, careful to bookmark her page, and grabbed her teddy.
"YEAH! We have a real fort to play in this time! Come on, come onnnnn!!!" He ran in circles by the door.
Anya smiled and went to follow but Cade impatiently grabbed her hand and ran with her outside.
It was a beautiful day. Spring was in full swing and everything around the manor grounds was vibrantly green and alive with bloom. The treehouse was built on the sturdiest tree on the edge of the small forest on property closest to the mansion, in plain view of any windows.
The miniature two-story structure was built around the trunk of the tree. A wrap-around balcony offered a scenic view from all sides. It had two slides, a straight slide from the first floor and a spiral slide from the second. It had a zipline connected to another distant tree that would take them to the ground. Two swings hanging below. A rock climb as an alternative way to get inside from the ladder.
Cade let go of Anya to climb up the ladder and check out the inside. It was huge! While the inside was plain, it wasn't empty. They had play tables and chairs and toy boxes and drawing boards on the walls and a small swing inside. A short staircase led to even more space on the lofty second floor. The windows were open, letting in light and the breeze, but he saw small lightbulbs on the ceiling and the balcony.
"Woooooow..." Cade quietly exclaimed. This was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.
"Eh...urg-" Anya struggled up the ladder with her teddy.
Cade heard her and helped her up. "There you go. Isn't this place cool??"
Anya looked around with a smile. "Yeah! We could have so many tea parties up here." She pictured filling one of the toy boxes with her dollies and bringing books up to read in the swing by the sunshine.
"Heck yeah, we can! And we can race down the slides! And- oh my gosh, a zipline!! I've always wanted one of these!" He ran to the drop point on the balcony and grabbed the rope with a small wooden circle seat to ride down. "Hey, Anya, you wanna go first?"
Anya squeezed her teddy and stepped back. "No, thanks."
Cade shrugged. "Okay. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" The zipline was everything he hoped it would be; fast and fun all the way down. The cord widened to a slow stop before his feet touched the ground. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!" He shouted back at Anya, watching him from the balcony. "YOU SHOULD TRY IT!!"
Anya nervously looked at the long line down. "....no, I'm okay." From her vantage point, she saw a large lumbering figure emerging from the shade of the trees. She gasped. "CADE!! LOOK OUT!!"
Cade spun around to see Kingr coming out of the forest, covered in twigs and loose leaves. "Uncle Kingr!! Look! We have a tree fort now!" He jumped up and down as he excitedly pointed at the new playhouse.
"I see! Good for you to have such a strong fortress at such a young age." Kingr beamed with pride.
Cade's eyes narrowed mischievously. "Bet you can't get us inside!" He sprinted away and scrambled up the ladder, giggling the whole way.
The invitation to play caught Kingr off guard but he gladly accepted. "Oh, can't I?" His four arms snaked out from his back as he encroached in the kids' fort.
"Hide, Anya! He's gonna get us!" Cade rushed inside to go to the second floor.
Anya smiled and playfully screamed as one of Kingr's hands tapped along the edge of the balcony nearest her. She ran along the circling balcony, only to be stopped by another hand crawling at her. She ducked inside and went upstairs with Cade.
They both screamed and squealed and laughed as Kingr's hands playfully followed them around. He eventually got both of them, gently holding one in each hand and reels them down to him. "Gotcha."
"No fair, Uncle Kingr!! Your arms are too long!" Cade struggled against the light grip on him.
"You dared challenge me. Of course I'm going to use all of the assets at my disposal." He chuckled. "Who made this marvelous structure anyway?"
"Z did!" Cade answered. "They said they would do it, and they got it done so fast!"
"Have you thanked them yet?" Kingr arched a brow.
Both children looked sheepish. "No..." Anya said quietly.
"Then that is your next mission. Operation: gratitude." He looked around and spotted Z coming out of their residence. "There they are, go say thank you, but don't get too close. They can't see you if you're underfoot." He released them and Cade immediately bolted towards Z. Anya followed at a walk.
"Z! HEY, Z!" Cade waves his arms to get the massive puppet's attention.
Z stops and looks down at the comparatively tiny child. They weren't going to move an inch until they were sure Cade and Anya were clear of their footpath.
"Thanks for AWESOME TREEFORT!!" Cade fidgeted in place, still having way too much energy to burn.
Anya caught up. "Yeah! We love it!"
Z nodded. "I'm glad you like it." Their heart warmed from the admiration for their work. A constructor's pride that she could never quite deactivate.
"Did somebody say TREEFORT!?" A voice surprised them.
"JAX!!" Cade and Anya cheered at the sight of their favorite playmate. Cade immediately goes in for a tackle, only to be caught and hoisted onto Jax's shoulders. Anya runs in to hug his leg. Jax pats Anya on the head before scooping her up in his arm.
"What kind of trouble are you squirts getting into today?" Jax took long legged strides towards the treefort. Kingr had moved on elsewhere.
"We defended the fort from Uncle Kingr!" Cade raised his arms up in victory.
"I wanna go down the slides." Anya said quietly. "Will you go with me?" She gripped the lapels of Jax's coat.
He could never say no to her, especially when she gave him such baby doll eyes. "Of course. Which one do you want to do first?"
"The...the big one that spins around."
"How brave." He encourages her with a smile. "Chompers here can race us down the other one."
"YEAAAAH!!" Cade kicked his legs with excitement.
Jax's flexible body noodles down the slide with ease. Despite the spiraling slide being higher up, they beat Cade to the ground several times. When Anya had the courage to go down the slide alone, Jax waited at the bottom to catch her. "You did so good!" He cheers for her as he lifts her up in the air. She giggles and reaches out to him for a hug. He holds her close and squeezes warmly. Anya gives him a kiss on the nose with her teddy bear. A part of him heals in that moment.
"Oh boy! Snacks!!" Cade suddenly says and runs at Gangle, approaching with a tray of refreshments.
"Hello, young sir Cade." Gangle greeted with a gentle smile. She lowered the tray and let him take his choice of snack and drink. "Are you having fun?"
"THE BEST!!" He tossed the snack in his mouth and monched it loudly.
Anya joins and takes only a drink. "Thank you, aunty Gangle."
"You're very welcome, young miss Anya." She raised the tray back up and offered it to Jax. "Would sir Jax care for a snack?"
"I already do." He winked.
Gangle nearly dropped the tray, her mask flushing with flustered patterns. "Oh, my... Not in front of the children." She whispered.
Both Anya and Cade were completely oblivious to the conversation, enjoying their refreshments.
"I'll take one." Pomni grabbed a finger sandwich from the tray and popped it in her mouth.
"Oh! Of course, Madam Pomni! Have as much as you like."
"You really don't have to call me that." Pomni said through the food in her mouth. "We're friends for fu-" She spots her kids watching and clears her throat. "-for crying out loud."
"I insist!" Gangle asserted her stance. "You are the wife of the Master of the Manor! It's only proper."
Pomni rolled her eyes and popped in another mini sandwich. "Whatever you say."
After Cade finished his snack he wrapped his arms and legs around his mother's leg. "Play with us!" Anya joined him, grabbing Pomni's other leg. "Yeah!! Pleeeeeeease?"
"Fiiiiine, since you asked so nicely." Pomni smiled and tried walking with both kids clamped to her shins. It was slow and awkward but she was making progress to the swings under the treefort.
"Welp, looks like I've been replaced." Jax chuckled and put an arm around Gangle. "How about you and I go see what there is to eat in the pantry."
The tray clattered lightly as Gangle's hands shook. "That- that sounds like a wonderful idea, sir Jax." The patterns on her mask rorschached wildly on her cheeks as she left with him.
Pomni alternates pushing Cade and Anya on their swings. Cade insisted on going higher with every push, Anya was happy with a light swing.
Ragatha and Caine were having tea in the garden, watching Pomni and the children. Ragatha poured him a cup and he sipped it without adding any alcohol. He sighed contently. "I don't know about you, but I feel like we won at life."
Ragatha smiled, looking at Pomni and Anya. "I couldn't agree more."
Bubble hovered nearby. "Congratulations to you both for fucking the Harlequin and winning." He sniggered.
Ragatha spat her tea. "BUBBLE!!"
"I WILL DEACTIVATE YOU IF YOU DON'T LEAVE THIS INSTANT!!" Caine blustered at the moment being ruined by his snarky butler.
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talkfastlibrary · 1 year
Choices--Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 4.1k
warnings: small mention of blood, hospital, angst
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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“Move in with me.”
The wine sloshes down your chin and onto the black tabletop. You stare at him unblinking while he stares back completely relaxed. Your mouth is opening and closing truly at a loss for words.
“You, you, you–” is all you can splutter out when your phone starts to ring.
You fumble it out of your purse and see it’s the hospital. Your heart stops. 
“Who is it?” Jake leans forward.
“The hospital,” you murmur, concentrating on the vibration in your hand. 
“Do you want me to answer it?”
You shake your head, take a deep breath and answer it. “Hello?’
“Hi y/n we found blood in Betty’s urine and her hemoglobin levels are low.”
“Okay, so what does that mean?”
“We’re going to try and find the source by doing a procedure in her bladder in an emergency surgery–”
“I’m on my way. Thank you.”
“What’s happened?” Jake asks, concern etched on his face..
“They found more blood…she needs surgery. I have to…I have to go.”
“Let’s go,” he nods, then tosses some bills on the table. 
“Clearly I’m taking you, how else would you get there?” He stands up from his chair pocketing his wallet.
“No, I’m taking you,” he holds out his hand, “Come on, Sugar.”
As soon as your hand slips in his he pulls you from your chair and out the door. He opens the passenger side of his truck, practically swings you inside and jogs to his side of the vehicle. 
“Buckled?” he asks and you fumble with the seatbelt. Once he’s satisfied you’re secure, he peels out of the lot then gets onto the highway. 
You’re about to tell him which way to go but he takes the proper exit and turns perfectly, then you remember he paid for her stay so he must know where the hospital is. That realization spurs another thought, how much does he actually know about you?
No, you can’t think about that now. You have to focus on your grandma, but even as you stare out the window at passing houses, you can’t help but replay his request of moving in with him.
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When you arrive at the hospital he follows you to your grandma’s room and she’s fast asleep while nurses check her monitors. They let you know her surgery will be in an hour, the doctor is on his way. As they leave, your grandma stirs awake and you’re quick to sit by her side taking her hand. 
“Hi Grandma. You’re going to be taken in for surgery pretty soon, they found blood in your urine again,” you remind her gently. “How’s your pain?”
“Okay,” she responds softly then notices Jake behind you. “Are you the doctor?”
“No, ma’am,” he smiles, approaching the other side of her bed. 
“This is Jake, he’s…helping me.”
“At the flower shop?”
“Yes,” you agree. That seems the easiest way. No way were you going to try and explain the arrangement proposal to her in this state.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Jake continues to smile using his Southern charm. “I’ll be waiting here with your granddaughter until you’re all better.”
“He’s mighty handsome, Dolly,” she tells you using the nickname she’s used since you were born. 
Your cheeks warm and you don’t dare look at Jake, but you can probably guess he’s looking pretty smug right now. She goes in and out of sleep until it’s time for the surgery to start. You kiss her soft cheek telling her you’ll see her as soon as she’s out.
Then it’s you and Jake alone. 
“Thanks for bringing me here, you can go home now.”
“And how will you get home?”
“I’ll call Reynolds.”
“No, I’ll stay.”
“I’m not leaving you here by yourself, Sugar.”
“You don’t have to stay–”
“When are  you going to realize I’m here for you no matter what?”
“But why? I haven’t done anything to you to deserve this…treatment of financial compensation.”
“I like your company, that’s all I need. Like tonight, I enjoyed spending time with you and I’m going to continue being that person that takes care of you.”
“No,” you rub at your temples. 
“No, we are not discussing the parameters of this arrangement right here, right now in the hospital and no one knows why she keeps bleeding or is concerned enough to try and stop it! Just go home, Jake.”
“Nope,” he responds smoothly and removes his suit jacket. He places it on the back of the hospital chair. “I’m staying right here, Sugar.”
“You drive me crazy!” you groan in frustration.
“That’s okay,” he smiles. 
“Don’t be so smug. It’s aggravating,” you begin to pace. “I don’t get you. You take me out to nice restaurants, pay for things like my grandma’s medical bills and all for my company? It doesn’t make sense.”
“I thought we weren’t talking about this?” his smile turns to a smirk.
“Ugh!” you throw your hands up in the air and move to the windows watching cars drive by down on the street. 
“While we are sort of on the subject anyway…” he moves closer to you, his reflection coming closer in the window and you feel his body heat against your shoulder. “It really is as simple as me wanting to be around you. You make me feel…at ease. Which is something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Don’t be afraid to ask me for help, whether it be money, someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on…I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”
“I still don’t understand why. Why me? We’ve only known each other for a couple weeks.”
“Yes…” he purses his lips then ducks his head closer to yours. He stares until you turn to look at him. “But I feel like I’ve known you longer.”
“You’re a woman full of questions, aren’t you?” he says but it’s not in a way that’s condescending. His tone reflects something of…reverence. 
“And you’re a man withholding answers.”
“See?” he chuckles, “that’s why I enjoy your company. You keep me on my toes, you call me out and are always surprising me.”
“Did someone tell you about me or something and said I needed help?”
“Before I answer…we are talking about this, right?”
“Yes,” you sigh with an eye roll, “I suppose we are.”
“You won’t blow up at me?”
“No promises.”
“Fair enough,” he leans on the windowsill with one arm. “Penny told me about you actually. Said you planted the flowers around The Hard Deck and picked up waitressing shifts after you took on the flower shop. She said you’re always so willing to help out anyone who needs it, even if it’s a perfect stranger. She also said you run yourself to burnout almost always.”
You shift uncomfortably.
“That, right there, is also why I want to take care of you. You’re very humble and you don’t do nice things to get noticed or the praise for it, it’s just who you are. But you’re special, Sugar, and I want to be the one who shows you that.”
“But why set up paperwork?”
“That’s more for your benefit than for me, just to show you how serious I am and that I won’t leave you high and dry like some might believe,” he smirks as if he remembers a joke.
“Have you done this with other women before?”
“Yes…” he answers slowly.
Your heart falls at that and you’re not sure why exactly. Of course he’s done this before, a guy as good looking as him has probably had many relationships with women. You must not be that special as he says.
“I know what you’re thinking, but you’re very different from them. They were all too quick to agree and ask me for money but they didn’t reciprocate their end of being my companion. You’re the first one I’ve wanted to have paperwork with and I’m glad you’re giving me pushback. It’s exciting.” 
“You’re an interesting man, Jake Seresin. This all still seems too good to be true.”
“What will it take for you to see it’s not?”
“How long will this arrangement last?”
“As long as you want it to.” 
You stare into his emerald green eyes waiting for a punchline but his gaze is steady and intense. You’re very aware of how close you are now, while discussing the situation he moved closer and closer to you. Then you noticed you mirrored his stance with your arm resting on the sill too; did you move closer to him without even realizing it?
“Then you’d move onto the next one?”
“No, there’s no moving on from you, Sugar.”
You inhale deeply, there he goes again saying things that leaves your stomach in flips. It only confuses you more, because he seems to really mean them but considering the arrangement…
“Why do you say things like that?”
“Like what?”
“Sweet things. That’s what someone would say to someone they’re interested in.”
“I am interested in you.”
“Isn’t that a…conflict of interest? Considering the situation?”
“Not really,” he shakes his head leaning ever closer. “I’ll never deny my attraction to you. Whether you want me to do something about it is entirely up to you, Sugar. You’re in charge, remember?”
You stare at him a moment longer then step back suddenly remembering where you are. It’s so easy to get caught up in his eyes and his words. You have to be careful. 
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, but thank you for answering some of my questions.”
“You still have to answer mine. About moving in with me.” 
“We’ll discuss that one later,” you sit down on the couch. 
“I’m open to discussion. Mind if I join you?” he gestures to the spot next to you. You shake your head. He sits down at an appropriate distance from you. 
You sit in silence and you have this nagging feeling he was still holding something back. Forty-five minutes went by and a nurse came in and told you they’d found a mass on your grandmother’s bladder and that surgery was going to take longer than they thought. 
You thanked them then sat forward with your head in your hands. It’s been a long day. Was it really the same day you went shopping with Jake? It seems like forever ago.
Suddenly, you jump at the touch of Jake’s hand on your back.
“Sorry, I know it’s been a long day. I thought this would help,” he says then starts to rub at your back. 
“Just surprised me, that’s all,” you shake your head. 
His hand moves up to your neck, his fingers rubbing and squeezing at the tight muscles. You roll your head in certain ways then groan when he’s at a certain spot that feels like heaven. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you apologize awkwardly.
“It’s fine. You know, if you want to sleep for a bit my shoulder is pretty comfy,” he gives you a wink and a smug grin. He pats his shoulder for added effect.
“I’m not sleepy,” you shake your head. 
You soon ate your words as the clock on the wall lulled you to sleep with its rhythmic ticking. You shifted on the couch by resting your cheek in the crook of your forearm on the back of the couch, swearing you were only going to rest your eyes. 
An alarm from down the hall yanks you out of your soft slumber, you blink your eyes slowly and sigh loudly. Something soft is under your cheek and after such a long day you nestled in closer to the soft object. A nurse must have brought in a pillow for you. Then something cold and sharp-edged poked the back of your head and you flashed your eyes open.
You were completely horizontal on the couch, you turned your head still blinking awake and when you’re staring at the ceiling you see Jake gazing down at you. 
“Hey sleepyhead,” he teases softly.
“Huh?” then you gasp because you realize you’re lying on his lap and shoot straight up. Another gasp comes out as you connect with Jake’s chin, a hard clunk from your bones colliding. “Ow!”
“Gah!” he grunts but rests his hand underneath your head holding you above his lap. “I didn’t  mean to scare you. You okay?”
“Are you okay?” you ask quickly.
“I’m fine,” he laughs rubbing at his chin, his eyes glancing above you. “Your grandma’s back but she’ll be asleep for a little while longer. Everything went well.”
“Good. Um,” you sit up all the way and situate yourself back into a sitting position with both feet on the floor. “Sorry for falling asleep on you, I didn’t think I was that tired.”
“Not a problem, you’re cute when you sleep. Your nose scrunches and you purse your lips…very kissable.”
“Shush,” you shake your head at him but he’s relentless.
“I know I said my shoulder was comfy, that’s where you started but I guess my lap is the better option, huh?”
“I’m ignoring you,” you mutter, then stand up to get closer to your grandma. At least she’ll have a nice sleep thanks to the anesthesia. You touch her hand giving her a light squeeze before adjusting the blankets around her, she’s always cold.
“I didn’t want to wake you but the nurse said as soon as you woke up, we do have to go since we’re well past visiting hours. I tried to convince her to let us stay but it didn’t work,” Jake says.
“Okay, that’s fine,” you nod. “She knows to call me tomorrow when she’s awake.” You bend down to kiss her cheek. “Night, Grandma. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Ready?” Jake asks, draping his jacket over your shoulders. You nod and let him lead you out of the room, into the hall and in the elevator.  
The day has finally caught up with you and you tried as hard as you could to keep your eyes open but as soon as his truck began to move, your eyes closed and you were out.
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The next time you open your eyes is when you’re staring into a lavender pillow that is most definitely not yours. Heart hammering in your chest, you lift your head up slowly in case a naked and sleeping Jake is next to you but you’re alone. Rising on your elbows, you take in the room. You’re shocked to see a tree next to you and you think you might still be dreaming. 
Turning over you see a nightstand with a plant on it and a Hydro flask with a note tucked underneath it. 
Where in the world are you?
Not wanting to leave the comfy confines of the bed and heavy comforter, you slide to the edge of the bed and pull away the note. 
‘Here’s some cold water for when you wake up. Don’t be mad, you are at my house but I’m closer to the hospital. I thought that would be best. Take a left and follow the hall all the way down until you see the stairs, you’ll find me in the kitchen. Spare clothes are in the closet, feel free to use them.
See you soon, Sugar,
“Of course,” you groan, then grab the bottle of water. As soon as the cold water touches your throat you realize how thirsty you are so you drink and drink until you’re gasping for air. 
Your phone is charging on the other side of the plant so you snatch that up as well. Ignoring social media notifications you go to the Messages ones and see a quick text from your grandma. She says she’s fine and will be sleeping on and off. She’ll call you later in the day. 
You type a quick reply then remember you were supposed to be at the shop! Another text message is from one of your employees, and good friend, Serena that wrote: ‘some guy named Jake called and let me know about Betty. We’re all good in the shop, babes, call me if you need anything else!’
The whir of a smoothie machine echoes from the cracked door and you decide to get out of bed–but it’s very difficult because the bed is probably the best thing you’ve ever slept in. The closet has double doors and there are tons of clothes on shelves and hangers and drawers. You decide on some soft gray shorts and a thin crewneck.
When you step out you see a bathroom to the left so you head in there. It’s glamorous and spacious of course with a huge claw foot tub in front of a half-circle window. A large shower is in the corner and has one of those waterfall type shower heads. 
After using the toilet you see other little notes scattered on the cabinets of the vanity listing off towels, wash clothes, makeup wipes, toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, hair products, facial cleansers, q-tips. 
“Well, guess the Navy really teaches organization,” you mumble, then go to the desired drawers.
You spend a decent amount of time washing your face and brushing your teeth. There’s a very fancy dry shampoo that you’ve only seen on TikTok and Instagram, something you’d never be able to afford and decided to try it out. Your hair looks fabulous of course and you feel very refreshed.
The claw tub stares at you in the mirror and you wander over to it, fingertips skimming the gold faucet handles. It really is deep and you’ve always wanted to take a bath in a claw-foot tub. Maybe you could someday soon. 
The gurgle of your stomach prompts you back out to the bedroom and you follow Jake’s instructions, pocketing your phone in the pocket of the hoodie. Along the hall are professionally done photos of fighter jets, and a bunch of family members on the opposite wall until you get to the stairs. The house is massive and the carpet feels like a cloud as you descend the stairs. 
Finding the kitchen easily enough, you’re taken aback to see Jake at the stove with a towel over his shoulder. There’s a huge spread on the long island with a pitcher of orange juice and a small vase of pink peonies. Bagels pop up behind Jake and he spins around to grab them then catches your eye. 
“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” he smiles, plopping the bagels on a plate. “Glad you found everything okay. I’ve got bagels, pancakes, and some ham and eggs that are just about done. Help yourself.”
“You did all of this?” you step into the kitchen lightly, surprised at how warm the floors are. Of course he’d have heated floors.
“Rhea helped make the muffins, they’re her specialty,” he indicates to a basket of cranberry orange muffins. “But yeah, I love making breakfast.”
“That wasn’t in your paperwork,” you say slyly. 
“Gotta leave some things as surprises,” he smirks. “It’s pretty warm out if you want to eat on the patio. Take as much as you want, then I figured we could go to the hospital for a bit before going out?”
“Um, going out?” you’re distracted by the yummy food choices as he prattles on. 
“Yeah, there’s an event I help sponsor and donate to on the pier. There’s food, games, and vendors with fun trinkets I thought you might like.”
“That sounds like fun. Could we stop at my place so I can change?”
“Change?” his brows are furrowed as he slides the ham and eggs on another platter. “There’s clothes here you can use.”
“I don’t feel like wearing clothes you’ve bought for other women.”
“Other…no, Sugar, those are all new for you. I’ve donated the others. Everything in that room is new and catered to you.”
You stare at him as he builds his own plate. How much money does he actually have to just buy a bunch of clothes and a whole new bedroom set?
“Do you not like it?” he asks, realizing you’re staring. 
 “I–that’s all for me?”
“Of course it is, that’s your room if you’ll take me up on my offer.”
Your lips form a thin line as he reminds you of that, the events of last night all rushing back. 
“And you think a breakfast spread, a comfy bed and a closet full of clothes will convince me?”
“No, that’s me being generous. Although, I have the best security system and live in a gated community. I’m closer to the hospital, and–” he scoops some grapes onto his plate but pops one in his mouth, eyes on you, “--there’s a great coffeeshop ten minutes out of the subdivision. I’ll be on the patio.”
He leaves you stunned at the counter, your hand still holding one of the cranberry orange muffins. Jake leaves the sliding doors open to the patio so you quickly pile on some more food and pour a glass of orange juice. Some of it sloshes onto the counter but you’re too heated to clean it up and follow him outside. 
He’s sitting at a long dining table lined with white wicker chairs. To the left is another seating area with chairs and a couch, all of it is overlooking a pool complete with chaise lounges. Jake is already happily eating his breakfast. Part of you wants to be petty and go sit by the couch but you also don’t want to be rude so you take the seat across from him. 
“So, what do you think?” he asks.
“I think you’re crazy.”
“I meant about the food,” he clears his throat.
“Oh, um…” you fork up some ham and eggs. They’re amazing. “Wow, those are good.”
You eat some more but can sense he’s a little stung about your comment.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think you’re crazy. You drive me crazy, that’s for sure, but I shouldn’t have said that anyway. This is all so much at once, I’m trying to wrap my head around it and I just can’t,” you shrug weakly. 
“I know it’s a lot. I’m probably coming on a little too strong but it…the look you get when you realize I’m doing all of this for you…” he shakes his head, “it makes me want to keep doing it. I’d give you the world if I could.” 
“But why?”
“Why do you always ask that? Did someone tell you you have to do something nice first in order to be treated well in return? That’s not how this works.”
“I’m sorry,” you drop your fork to the plate, pressing your palms to your temples. “It’s…hard for me to accept help and nice things. I’m doing this all wrong, I’m not being appreciative. I don’t deserve all you’re doing for me.”
“y/n look at me,” his voice is tender.
You look at him with your hands over your cheeks, squishing your face together.
“I’m sorry if someone made you think this is how you should be. You don’t owe anyone anything to be treated with respect or for an exchange of help. I can help you with one simple step.”
“What’s that?”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” your response is automatic. He smiles warmly at you.
“No, Sugar. You say, ‘thank you’ and I say ‘you’re welcome’ and we finish our breakfast and have a nice conversation. Can you do that?”
You remove your hands from your cheeks and take a hearty swallow of orange juice. Mustering up the courage, you fiddle with a little plant decoration on the table, your leg bouncing underneath and then you look at him. He’s waiting patiently.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“You’re welcome. Should we pick up some flowers for Betty before we go visit?” 
“She’d like that,” you smile. 
While you finish your breakfast, you think of the choices you have to make. Signing the papers and moving in with him. Would it really be so bad? He said there’s room for your grandma once she’s able to leave, and living in a gated community does seem a lot safer than where you live now with your busted door. 
You know you should say yes, you want to say yes, but something inside you is keeping you at bay. When Jake makes eye contact with you as he drinks his coffee, and you get a little lost in his green eyes, you realize that’s what it is. You could easily fall for him but would it really be real? 
Feelings definitely aren’t part of the arrangement. 
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frost-queen · 3 months
Place your bets (Reader!Bridgerton & Bridgerton brothers)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , 
@harleyquinnswifeyfrfr  , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m, @erikasurfer
Summary: Colin and you (the youngest Bridgerton) are home alone when there is a note. Signed to come and collect drunk Anthony. Needing to take you along, Colin did not expect to pick up drunk Benedict as well. When his eyes are turned on his drunk brothers are you winning bets against the lords.
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Colin quirked his eyebrow up, seeing you making faces whilst thinking. It made him chuckle, pulling you out of concentration. – “What?” – you blurted out with wide eyes. Colin snorted loud at your sudden confusion. Furrowing your brows, you stared a bit dumbfound at your brother. – “Nothing Y/n, you were looking very cute… with your mimic…” – he said gently moving his hand in front of his face.
Understanding what he meant, you stuck your tongue out to him. – “It was a compliment.” – he reassured you. You lifted your chin up, not wanting to hear it. Taking a card, you placed it on top of his. Colin’s eyes widening at the card you had placed. – “I win.”  - you called out.
Colin looked at his own cards to the once’s you had placed down. Trying to see how on earth you won as he thought he had the winning hand. – “How… how did you…” – he wanted to know, curious to your play. Placing the remaining cards upside down on the table, you held your hands up. – “I’m not telling you my secret.” – you made clear.
Colin laid his cards defeated down. – “Another round?” – you asked gathering the cards. – “Uhmm…” – Colin was a bit hesitant as you had been winning the previous three rounds in a row now. Wondering if ever he was going to beat you at cards. A game he always thought he was good at. The door to the drawing room opened as one of the staff entered. He approached Colin holding a tray.
Lowering his arm, he offered the tray with a single note on it to him. Colin took it, turning it over to see from who it was. – “Y/n… why don’t you keep shuffling.” – he said getting up from his chair. You hummed loud, placing the cards right before shuffling. Colin patting you on the head as he went to stand a bit further away from you.
An anonymous note. Hesitant it might be something with gossip or leverage over his family. Finally he opened it, reading the note. – “God.” – he groaned out annoyed. – “What is it brother?” – you questioned, hearing him. Colin sighed loud, rubbing his forehead.
You left the cards alone, getting out of your chair to hop over to him. Taking the note from Colin to have a look yourself. Colin panicked, snatching the note back before you could read the few lines it said. – “It’s from Anthony.” – Colin told you to reassure you. – “Or rather someone who wrote for him…” – he mumbled reading the note once more. – “I…I…” – Colin started with a deep sigh. Kneeling down, he came up to your level.
“I have to pick up Anthony.” – Colin explained to you. – “Where is he?” – you questioned. – “At a… a… Gods this is frustrating.” – Colin expressed out, getting back up. You were a bit confused about your brother’s behaviour. – “Is Anthony hurt?” – you panicked, lip already quivering at the thought of your brother hurt. Colin turned around, seeing your eyes swell up with tears.
“No, Y/n no, no he is alright.” – Colin reassured you, kneeling back in front of you. He brushed some tears away that found an escape down your cheek. – “He’s at a bar.” – Colin told you. – “What’s a bar?” – you asked frowning a bit. Colin got back up, looking around the empty drawing room. – “It is unfortunate…” – he said to himself.
Sighing deep, he took your hand, leading you out of the drawing room. – “Are we going somewhere?” – you asked curiously. Colin made eye contact with one of the staff, letting them know to fetch your coat. – “Yes, to get Anthony.” – he spoke as your coat arrived. He took it from the man, laying it over your shoulders to tie in the front with a little knot. – “At this bar?” – you replied balancing on your feet.
“Yes.” – Colin answered with a deep sigh. – “Let’s just hope we are back home before mama and the others return home from their trip to Lady Danbury.” – Colin said out loud, taking your hand. The doorman opened the door for Colin, not saying a word. It was not his place. You jumped down the last few steps before running up to the carriage.
Gasping in wonder as you finally get to ride the carriage. The footman opened the door for you. Colin picked you up, holding you under your armpits to set you in the carriage. Joining you shortly after. The door got shut as you sat with a big silly smile on your face. The carriage got in motion as the sudden budging startled you.
A bit frightened, you got up, nearly falling across against your brother as he caught you. You sat down beside him, crawling against his arm to feel saver.
“When we get there Y/n, I need you to listen very carefully to me.” – Colin instructed. You nodded your head, rubbing it up against his arm. – “It isn’t a place for girls… specially little girls where we are going.” – he explained making you swallow nervously. – “Just… stay close to me.” – Colin asked of you. The carriage came to a stop as the footman got off. Opening the door for you both.
Colin held your hand tight, under no circumstance wanting to lose you at a bar. Hesitantly he looked down at you, wondering if he should even bring you inside. Perhaps it was better if you waited in the carriage? But then he had no sight of you. What if you got out of anyone else entered the carriage.
Not wanting to think about it, he shook his head. With big paces, he entered the bar in search for Anthony. A drunk Anthony. The air felt thick with smoke and smelled disgusted to you. Colin stepped into the room full of men sitting at round tables.
“Colin!” – His eyes widened, seeing Benedict jump up from his seat, arms up. – “Gods.” – Colin sighed out. Benedict nearly tripped trying to get away from the table to go to his younger brother. Benedict ran up to Colin smelling like a liquor bar. Benedict pressed his hands against Colin’s cheeks, giving him a big kiss. Colin a bit startled as Benedict squashed his cheeks closer together.
You saw your brother Anthony sitting at the same table, Benedict came from. Overjoyed to see your brother, unaware of the surroundings, you ran up to him. – “Anthony.” – you said happily. Anhtony could barely lift his head up. Blinking overdramatically to clear his vision. – “This… this tiny human looks like my sister.” – he chuckled out, looking at the man across from him.
“Why are you being silly Anthony.” – you responded unaware of his drunk behaviour. – “You even sound like her.” – he said squeezing your cheeks together to make sure you were real. – “Are you my sister tiny human?” – he asked you, his voice drowsy. – “Yes.” – you exclaimed with laughter.
Anthony breathed out a laugh, trying to clear his vision at you. He got up from his chair picking you up with a groan. He presented you to the other gentlemen at the bar. – “This tiny human is my sister!” – he proclaimed proudly, holding you up in the air. You waved shyly at the men. – “Anthony!” – Colin shouted loud. – “Put her down before you drop her!” – Colin made clear trying to stop drunk Benedict being so clingy.
Anthony set you down, nearly falling over you. Colin rushed over to him, grabbing him by the shoulder. – “Why?” – he asked, wanting to know why his brother got drunk at an hour like this. Anthony responded by hiccupping loud in Colin’s face. Colin closed his eyes disgusted, trying not to think too much of it. – “Honestly Anthony.” – Colin groaned out annoyed pulling at his arm.
Anthony had a difficult time to keep his balance. Colin grabbed Benedict by his arm as well, dragging him along. – “Y/n Come on!” – Colin called out, knowing he couldn’t hold your hand now. You moved to go after your brother till your eyes fell on a card game on the table you passed.
You looked at the men’s game as they quirked they eyebrow up at you. A man was about to take out his card as you stopped him. – “That is a losing card.” – you told him. The man looked confused at you. – “If you lay that card, you ultimately lose the game.” – you explained.
You moved closer to him to look at the other cards in his hand. Biting a bit on your lip thoughtfully, you watched his hand. – “Take this one. It won’t make you win, but it keeps you in the game to have another opportunity later with a better card.” – you finished. The lord took out the card you pointed out, placing it down.
Immediately two of his opponents threw their cards in defeat on the table. – “Now I’ll be damned.” – the lord said in disbelieve. – “You know your cards little lady.” – he told you. – “You only won this round because of her!” – one of the losing lords said. The lord you helped shushed him hard. – “You seem to know the game well little lady.” – he stated, seeing you nod.
He offered you a seat as you sat down. The cards got divided as you waited for your deck. A lord at the round wanted to light up a cigar as lord Willson took the cigar from him. Throwing it away. – “Hey!” – Sir Bronson called out. – “No smoking around the girl!” – Lord Willson made clear with a glare. The cards got played out as the first round started. Within a few minutes you won the first round. – “Beginners luck!” – Sir Bronson said with a puff.
You set your hands on the table, sitting on your knees on the chair to reach the table better. – “Want to bet?” – you asked him, staring him dead in the eye. Lord Willson snorted loud. Sir Bronson laughed loud. You stuck your tongue out to him in anger. – “Don’t disrespect the little lady, Bronson.” – Lord Willson said, giving you a wink. – “Bet!” – you called out wanting him to bet with you. Lord Willson being your saviour took out his satchel, revealing a few coins of him on the table.
“I’ll bet.” – he said. Lord Mortison joined as well. Now Sir Bronson was obliged to join. More gentleman were intrigued with the bet, joining your table. Several lords and sir’s were surrounding your table. Watching the sports. – “My money is on the little Bridgerton!” – one of them said. – “Mine on Bronson, this kid is going down.” – another man said.
Lord Willson got up. – “Bet’s on Little Bridgerton here!” – he shouted accepting money from those bidding on you. Lord Mortison calling the bets for Sir Bronson. The game started as everyone watched with eagerness at the game of cards.
Outside was Colin struggling to get both his brothers in the carriage. Benedict had let himself fall forwards onto the seats. His legs still sticking out. Annoyed Colin grabbed his foot, pushing him inside. Not caring how he would land. – “Get in!” – Colin grunted out, shoving his foot in. Benedict rolled down the seat, landing on his bottom in the middle, foot up. Colin then shoved Anthony in it.
Anthony set his hand down on Benedict’s stomach who grunted at the sudden pressure. Anthony stumbled over Benedict, mumbling an apology. Colin had already undone himself of his jacket, having rolled his sleeves up for the hard labour of getting his drunk brothers in the carriage. Anthony and Benedict struggled to get up and sit down. – “Alright Y/n let’s go.” – Colin said, looking behind him.
His eyes widening when he didn’t see you. – “Yn?” – he panicked. Anthony and Benedict in the carriage sat beside each other. Benedict’s head resting against the frame as he snored softly. Anthony resting against his arm, trying to sober up. – “Y/n!” – Colin shouted startling his brothers in the carriage. – “Can you keep it down.” – Benedict let out to him annoyed.
Colin ignored him, rushing back inside. Worrying any of the drunk gentlemen were intimidating you. Entering the room once more, he stood perplex by the sight. A group of drunk lords going wild at how the game was going. Sir Bronson and you playing cards against each other. Lord Willson enjoying himself to see Sir Bronson’s ass get kicked by a little girl. – “Y/n?” – Colin panted out, breaking out a sweat.
You placed a card down, taking the win as the crowd went wild with cheering. Lord Willson picked you up, setting you on his shoulder for a victory round. Sir Bronson thumping his head mournful on the table. – “Y/n!” – Colin shouted. Everyone stopped, staring at Colin. Colin rushed over to you, taking you from Lord Willson. – “Next time again?” – you asked Lord Willson with a cheeky smile. – “You bet little Bridgerton.” – he answered with a laugh. Colin shook his head, not wanting it to happen anymore.
“We’re leaving Y/n!” – Colin said firmly, pulling at your hand. Lord Willson whistled loud, coming after you. – “Your winnings little Bridgerton.” – he said kneeling before you. You accepted the patch of coins. Colin nearly had a heart attack. He left the bar in a hurry with you, setting you in the carriage with your drunk brothers. – “Why is Y/n here?” – Anthony asked, sobering up a bit. – “Oh shut up.” – Colin bit at him annoyed.
Once at home, you ran into the drawing room. Anthony already having sobered up a bit. – “Look at what I won!” – you ran up to Benedict who laid sloppy in the sofa to sober up. – “Oh.” – he said surprised, his mind still spinning. – “That was really fun!” – you exclaimed out of breath. – “I want to go to bars more.” – you told your brothers. – “No!” – Anthony and Colin both shouted loud. 
Your lip started quivering once they had raised their voices at you. Colin nudged Anthony hard to make her sad. – “You brought her to a bar.” – Anthony responded, gesturing at the results of it. – “Well you shouldn’t have gotten yourself drunk!” – Colin said back putting the blame back on him. – “We can play cards here.” – Benedict let out still feeling like a wreck, but more compatible.
“We can?” – you gasped out. – “With betting?” – you looked curiously at your brothers. Anthony and Colin sharing a concerned look. – “Maybe.” – Colin answered giving you a bit hope. Smiling wide, you crawled in the sofa with Benedict, leaning with your elbows on his chest to show him all the coins you had won.  
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wardenparker · 11 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 5
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 10.4k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* Teasing, fluff, Dolly has low self esteem but it's not her fault, Bat Max comes with his own warning. Summary: In the course of one day, conversations turn from right interesting to downright life-changing, as Max starts to learn the truth of your connection from you but also from his sire. Notes:  Big revelations are coming, folx! 🎵 Let's have a beautiful picture of the wonderful ballroom this week.
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4
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You really should be paying more attention as Candance and Tracy talk through coven business. The room that you have come to know as the Green Salon in your inherited house is full to the brim with coven members all talking about the food drive they want to help out at for Thanksgiving next month. There are volunteer signups to follow through with and your own can drive to be organized, and you have to admit that this is the most community-focused coven that you've ever been a part of. But still you can't focus. The dreams have been so vivid lately, and they're such a mix of topics – your little bat friend pops up so often, and you haven't dreamt about Yayo in years. And now...now thoughts of Max are starting to slip in between the cracks and you aren't quite sure what it all means.
Mrs. Taylor smiles as she listens to the chattering of the coven. It's been too long since there has been life within these walls. He had been right in assuming that you would bring that life back to the mansion. Knocking on the door, she opens it to find several heads turned her way and she clears her throat. "Ladies, lunch is served."
"Thank you, Mrs. Taylor." Her appearance snaps you out of your daze for a moment, and you lend her a grateful smile. Breakfast this morning was simple because it was just for you, but Renee said that Mrs. Taylor had already been toiling away on lunch from early in the morning. She seems to revel in having people in the house again and you are the last person to want to deny someone the thing that makes them happy.
"Let's go in and we can start planning the masquerade while we eat," Allison suggests, pushing up from the couch that the two of you had been sitting on.
The housekeeper smiles before she disappears again. Aware that he is upstairs and once the meal is presented for the humans, she is going to take him one of the special blood bags that he requests when he is in residence.
The coven has preferred things ‘family style’ in recent years, even when Ms. Brown was a more traditional and formal woman most of the time. So Mrs. Taylor has set the table with bowls of fresh salad, baskets of warm homemade crusty bread, and tureens of steaming hot beef bourguignon. A few of the ladies, Allison included, all groan happily to have Mrs. Taylor’s cooking back. She pulls out a notebook to place at her seat but pauses, allowing herself what she thinks is a private smile when Eddie enters the dining room.
“Is it still alright for me to join you?” He asks, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans and a nervous expression on his face as he looks around. The invitation is a week old and might not still hold, so he wants to check.
"Of course!" Allison leaps up from her chair, even though it technically should be you answering Eddie since it is your house. "I mean, I don't think anyone would mind, right?" She looks around the table and is silently grateful for when the girls easily shift down to leave a spot right next to her own chair for the vampire to sit.
“Of course.” When you echo your agreement that seems to be the end of any debate at all. “We were going to start planning the masquerade while we eat.”
"Oh, I have to admit, I am hoping that I am invited." He tells the coven hopefully, giving them a charming grin. "I have always wanted to go to a masquerade."
“Of course you will be.” Candace pipes up from across the table, where the bread basket is already being passed around. “You live here. It would be awfully rude not to invite you when you live here.” Of course, it’s for Allison’s benefit too. And for you, since you seem a little more relaxed around Eddie than most other people.
"That's good." He makes sure to pass the bread to Allison when it comes his way, not taking one for himself. "Is this - it's going to be a thing that requires dates?" He slides his hands under the table to rub them on his thighs. His hands aren't sweaty anymore, he doesn't sweat, but he is nervous.
"It could be." Allison worries her bottom lip as she takes a slice of warm bread and passes you the basket. "What do you think, Dolly?"
"It...it doesn't seem nice to make it mandatory," you admit, taking a slice of bread and passing the basket along again. You can't imagine anyone in the world would be your date to such a thing and you would hate to be excluded from the night for something like that. Especially, like Candance said, with it being held in your own house. "But dancing is always fun with a partner."
Eddie nods, sensing that you don't like the idea. "Then we should make sure that it's not required to have dates, but maybe the guest list is even to make sure everyone is paired up when it comes to dancing."
“Like dance cards?” The salad is making its way around now and once more Eddie passes it on while he listens to you. “As in…something old fashioned? Dance cards for everyone who wants one?”
“I don’t know what it would be like, but I love the sound of that.” He glances towards Allison and wonders if he can make sure that he is on her dance card more than once.
“Mrs. Taylor brought out some old photographs from past masquerades in the house.” You haven’t seen them yet, but you’ve been told that all the gowns were one of a kind and the men looked resplendent in their costumes. That’s what Mrs. Taylor said, with absolute rhapsody on her face. “A hundred and fifty years ago they would start the ball at ten or so at night, serve supper around midnight, and end the thing with breakfast at sunrise for whoever was left.”
“That sounds perfect.” Of course, Eddie knows why it was held at night, but he’s not going to say anything about that. “Are you thinking of keeping to that tradition?”
“How does it sound to everyone else?” You ask, looking around the table.
“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Of course, Allison would practically think anything Eddie suggests would be wonderful, but this does sound amazing. “It’s an ode to the past.”
“A return to the Gilded Age sounds fun.” Candace agrees. “We can do themed menus if Mrs. Taylor is okay with it? And encourage historical costumes?”
“I think that Mrs. Taylor would love that.” Eddie agrees. “She loves things like that. It would make her year. And I’ll help out wherever I can.”
“Thirteen of us, plus guests. That’s a fairly big party isn’t it?” You differ to Mrs. Taylor, who has popped into the dining room again to bring more bread like she somehow magically knew the first round would go instantly.
“Invite as many as you like, ladies,” she insists. Her smile is excited and eyes are twinkling like she has a secret she is just bursting to share. “This house can handle hundreds.”
“You could always invite the town as well.” Eddie suggests. “Make it the event of the season.”
“The whole town? Can we do that?” Tracy looks intrigued at the idea and glances around the table. “It could be a hell of a fundraiser, and I know we’re always looking for ways to do more good in the community.”
“It could be a ticketed event.” Eddie muses. “All proceeds going to the coven's charitable works?”
"It actually sounds like a whole lot of fun." The last time you organized any kind of dance or fundraiser was with your dance studios in high school and then in college, but back then it had been a blast to get decorations, refreshments, flyers, and all the necessary things sorted out for big events. It was a sense of accomplishment that nothing else quite seemed to give you. Bringing people together and seeing everyone happy? Your mother called it your hostess's heart, and had always said you would use it to help people one day. This seems like a beautiful way to make her words come true. "Tracy, you work at town hall, don't you? If we need any permits for serving alcohol or having a large fundraiser, would you be able to take care of them?"
“Of course!” Tracy beams at the thought of being able to help in any significant way. “I’ll find out Monday and let you know.”
“What about music?” Allison asks next. Everyone is starting to eat, and people are getting excited. And with Eddie sitting beside her, Allison has to admit that she’s more than a little excited, too.
“You know…..” Eddie tilts his head. “The orchestra group in college has been talking about needing to have more live events.” He sounds out. “To practice. What if I see if they would like to perform?”
“That would be perfect!” Candace lights up at the table and few of the other girls nod alongside her. “Gilded Age theme, right? Maybe we can make it like classical versions of pop songs? Like they did for Bridgerton?”
“I’ll ask them.” Eddie chuckles and nods his head. “It’ll be a challenge that I think they would enjoy.”
“I’ll ask Mrs. Taylor to look out for any old boxes of party decorations from long enough ago to be an inspiration for us. If we’re lucky there will be something in the attic alongside the clothing we borrowed this week. I sort of get the feeling that most things don’t get thrown out in this house.” As always, Mrs. Taylor’s cooking is off the walls amazing and all around the table people are humming happily and enjoying their lunch as the planning picks up.
“The house is basically a museum.” Eddie snorts, sipping his double walled cup. “What could possibly give you the idea they don’t like throwing things away?” He winks at you to remind you that he’s teasing playfully.
"It's a beautiful museum." Every day you spend here, you fall more and more in love with the house. There's always new details to discover. New intricacies in the carvings, new details in the paintings, new trinkets in the cases all around the hallways. "I'm glad everything got kept. It gives it so much more character than all the brand new houses that are just painted white and made of one big room divided by furniture you're not supposed to touch."
Eddie tilts his head, watching you smile, and he thinks about how far you have come since the first time he had talked to you. Even your posture is more assertive, as if you have come into your own skin. He would believe you had been turned if it weren’t for the steady thump of your heartbeat, mixed with those of your coven.
"So when are we doing this?" Allison has her notebook, and in the front is a calendar that is just positively chock full of little notes to herself but she flips open to it anyway. "Can we actually get all of this organized by the end of the month?"
“I’ve already aired the ballroom out.” Mrs. Taylor announces, having just come back from the tower. “As far as the menu goes, you tell me what you would like and it will be done.”
“Mrs. Taylor thinks we can manage it.” And for some reason that bolsters you more than almost anything else. It just makes you wish that you had someone to dance with. “That’s good enough for me.”
“Invitations, tickets will need to be printed.” She muses. “Perhaps an ad in the paper?”
"We can hand out flyers at the farmer's market," Allison nods, glad to see the infectious excitement go around the table. "It's going to be fantastic. I can feel it."
“Since your theme is the Gilded Age, the ink should be gold leaf.” Mrs. Taylor suggests. “There is a printshop in town that Ms. Brown would use.”
"You should take Max with you and check it out." Candace's suggestion takes you off guard and your eyes must get a little wider because she immediately adds, "You know...because he's business guy. Maybe he can make a deal on pricing or something?"
"Oh! I–uh–that's actually not a bad point." You wouldn't have thought to get him involved in any of this at all, but of course Candance is right. You have no head for business and that's literally all Max does. "I'll ask...see if he has any time to spare."
“Did I hear my name?” As if on an invisible cue, Max appears in the doorway of the dining room. “Ladies, ladies, speak my name and I shall appear.” He flashes everyone a charming grin but he smirks when his eyes fall on you. “Queenie, you are looking radiant, have you been plotting?” He asks playfully before he hides the one side of his mouth facing Mrs. Taylor. “I think you can take her.” He faux whispers loudly and winks at you.
"We were working out the plans for the Samhain Masquerade," you admit, probably the only one in the room who doesn't see the way you light up at Max's little joke. And only because you're too busy hiding a small laugh.
"Join us." Candance could not possibly be grinning any more widely and immediately shuffles her chair to one side to make room next to you for Max to pull up a chair.
Max looks over the food that is on display and grimaces slightly. “I’ll sit, but I couldn’t possibly eat.”
"Have an early lunch at the office?" Eddie guesses, a slight smirk going along with his raised eyebrow. He has a much stronger stomach for human food than Max does and doesn't mind still indulging in a bloodless meal from time to time.
“Lunch with the bosses.” He agrees, patting his stomach over the vest. “So what are you thinking? Aerobatic performers? Jugglers? Fire breathing?” He waggles his brows as he smirks at the table.
"We were talking about a theme." Having him sit next to you makes you suddenly hyper aware of yourself and you take a sip of your drink. "Making it an old fashioned Gilded Age thing with classical versions of modern music, food served overnight, and elaborate masquerade costumes. Even selling tickets and donating the proceeds to charity."
“That sounds fun.” Max chuckles. “Everyone will shit themselves to get exclusive tickets.”
“And we’ll be taking a poll of every guy who buys a ticket to find one good enough for Dolly,” Tracy adds, wondering how Max would react to that idea after seeing the way he had marked you at the Mabon bonfire. They had all seen it, and all understood that you had no idea it was Max. Which only makes the whole thing more fun.
That makes the grin slide off Max's face. Just for a split second before he forces his lips to twist up out of the pout that had taken over before you could notice. He's not going to make you think that he is controlling, not with the way you react to everything. "That's a tall order." He settles for a slight grumble in his voice as he leans back in his seat.
“Newport’s a pretty decent sized town, I bet we can make it happen.” She caught the slight slip in his expression and is fucking delighted by it. None of them have ever seen Max actually care about another being and it has the few of them that talked about it convinced that he must actually be feeling things for you. “We’re going to make sure her dance card is completely full.”
"Good luck." Max snorts, crossing his arms and trying to look smug rather than worried that he might not spend any time with you. It's a feeling he doesn't like. "She's not going to enjoy the stomping of the men who think they can dance because they took lessons when they were twelve and haven't trod a dance floor since."
“Well,” Allison’s head tilts in curiosity and she affects a fully innocent expression as she shrugs her shoulders. She knows you don’t like to be the center of attention but this is developing in an interesting direction. “I suppose it would be different if our girl had a date for that night.”
It feels like Max is being led somewhere and he really doesn't like it. But the idea of you having some faceless date that might try to take advantage of you, or hurt your feelings has Max nearly snarling in anger. Body tensing beside you like he's a guard dog about to attack until he hears your heartbeat speed up beside him, anxiety flooding your scent. "That would be up to Dolly." He manages to keep his tone light, almost cheerful. "She might not want one."
“I don’t know anyone.” Your voice is quiet, not liking the fact that there seems to be an argument brewing over you in any way, shape, or form. The only two men you know here are Max and Eddie, and you would have to be blind not to see Eddie’s interest in Allison. “It—it really doesn’t matter anyway.” You insist. “It’s been a long time since I danced.”
"You should dance." Max frowns as he turns towards you, ignoring Allison the second it sounds like you are contemplating not dancing. This is your party, after all. "Do you want to dance?"
“Well…of course I do.” He knows better than anyone that dancing means everything to you. Having to give it up felt like it would kill you. “But it doesn’t matter. It’s not…I mean…I wouldn’t want anyone to feel like they had to ask me. That’s…not okay.”
He wants to roll his eyes at the stupidity of that statement, but he knows you will get upset. No one has to ask you. "You should go with me." He decides easily. "We are by far the best dancers and it's not like it would be taxing to pick you up." He jokes. "I can tell you who will stomp on your pretty dance shoes and who would be a moderately good dancer, though, not nearly as good as I am."
The entire table seems to hold its breath — half of them expecting the invitation and half taken completely aback by it. It’s not like Max Phillips has ever shown any one of them specific attention before. No. He usually hits on an entire room at once and then zeroes in on the most vulnerable. But you don’t know that side of him. You’ve never seen it. Max might be full of himself but he’s reasonably nice to you these days. He teases more than anything else, and you’re starting to learn his sense of humor. “You don’t have to do that.” You tell him, assuming he’s only asking out of pity. Out of some sense that you’re actually as pathetic as you think you are, which is absurd to everyone but you. “If you…if you want to look for someone else..I can be your backup date.” To you it seems like the best offer in the world. The most sensible and the most likely to alleviate whatever sense of duty he might feel toward you as a housemate. “It’s still weeks away. You never know what can happen.”
Max snorts and shakes his head. "I'm thinking about the competition, babe." He scoffs. "No one could keep up and it's better that the best dancers are paired together, right?" He knows he's cocky, that he's brash and the fear that you don't want to go with him strikes a cord that makes him slightly more bold than usual. "I'd rather have the best, and you're the best."
Unconsciously, your head tilts, surprise tempered with a swipe of confusion. “You’ve never even seen me dance.”
“I have.” Max responds vaguely.
“When?” The incredulous question comes out of your mouth instantly, knowing that you’ve danced maybe twice in the last year and neither time was in this house.
Online. That’s the real answer, but he doesn’t want to weird you out. Your competitions had been filmed. Instead he just shrugs and grins
“Well…” Slightly unsettled, you just shake your head and shift in your seat again. “You don’t have to decide now. I’m sure there’s someone else you’d like to take more, and you should be able to.” It hurts more than you expect, the idea that he would choose someone else over you, but you tell yourself to stop being silly. You’re nothing special. You never have been. And Max is…well, you’re starting to see how truly special he really is.
“No.” Max frowns when he hears the smattering of whispers and giggles but he doesn’t focus on that. Instead he’s looking at you. “We’re going together. Unless you don’t want to, of course.”
“I want to.” It’s almost too hurried. Too enthusiastic. But once it’s out of your mouth there’s no going back.
“Then it’s settled.” Eddie says quickly. “Dolly and Max are the first couple for the masquerade.”
“Perfect.” Allison practically holds up her glass in salute. “If you wanted to, I bet we could make some pretty killer king and queen costumes out of whatever clothes Mrs. Taylor finds upstairs,” She suggests instead, having noted that Max seems to be the only one who calls you Queenie.
Max doesn't seem to get the reasoning behind that and hums thoughtfully. "If she likes it. I am easy to dress." He winks playfully. "Killer abs and all that."
“I—I really don’t need to be a queen.” You protest right away, feeling like that would be way too much look at me for one night. You’ve spent so long trying desperately to fly under the radar that you doubt you would even know how to stand out anymore. You’d end up looking like a little girl playing dress up and embarrass Max. And you definitely wouldn’t want to do that. “We’ll figure out costumes along the way.”
Max raises his brow and nods, sensing that you are not comfortable with the idea. Throwing his arm around the back of your chair, he leans in. "Just as long as we can dance, right sweetheart?" His tone is low, just meant for you.
“Right.” Just as instantly as you had become uncomfortable, that one thought soothes you, and in your gratitude you end up looking Max directly in the eyes for maybe the first time ever — there are entire worlds in his deep brown eyes and somehow this is the time you’re discovering it. At the table eating lunch with a dozen other people. “As long as we can dance,” you murmur in agreement.
He had spent the afternoon taking care of legitimate business. Things that he had to take care of instead of spending the rest of the day with the coven of witches like he had surprisingly wanted to do. He doesn't mind the witches, having nothing against them and finding them pretty entertaining, but he had really wanted to see you more relaxed, to see the smiles that have become more common now that you have settled in and finding your place.
The ballroom seems to call your name tonight, and you aren’t sure why. Or at least you would never admit to the reason. To say that you’ve been stuck on the thought of dancing with Max all day would feel utterly silly. To admit that you perked up at the mere mention of him while having dinner out with some of the girls from the coven makes you feel like a silly teenager. It isn’t worth it. He’s just being nice, and the last time that a guy was nice to you, you ended up in a decade-long abusive relationship with him. You’re just…you’re not the kind of person who can be in a relationship. Period. So you shouldn’t be daydreaming about it, either. Especially not mere weeks after being kicked out of Derek’s house. But you know damn well that you were emotionally done with that relationship well before the door ever closed behind you.
The thing about vampires is that they are blessed, or cursed with a keen sense of hearing. You would be mortified to know that every vampire in the house could hear you fart in your sleep. Most of them had trained themselves to block out the sounds of human prowling around again. Max couldn't, or maybe wouldn't, would be a better word. Drawn to the quiet strands of "The Blue Danube". Quickly and silently making his way to the ballroom, and to you.
You shouldn’t do it. You know you shouldn’t. Anybody could just walk in, and it’s not as though you are the type of person to show off. Or that you even could show off at this point. But you just can’t resist. The thought of dancing with someone — Max — has been in your head all day and you turn on some music on your phone to take some basic waltz steps around the ballroom all on your own.
He approaches quietly. His ears filling with the strands of the music, making his fingers twitch with the urge to join you when he sees you waltzing around the large, polished dance floor. You are grace itself, floating on air and seemingly carefree as your eyes close and the small smile on your face brightens into full joy.
A few turns around the floor with your eyes closed are all it takes to find your feet and your frame again, and in mere seconds it’s like you’re back in your first rehearsal room with your first real freedom after learning to dance. It’s a return to the easiest and most natural feeling in the world. And then, without even realizing anyone was nearby, someone steps into your frame and sweeps you up in the dance.
"Seamless." Max chuckles quietly as he enjoys the look of shock on your face. Starting to lead you through the steps as the music swells. "I knew that you would be flawless."
“Max…” Pure surprise has his name coming out in a breath of disbelief, but you don’t stop moving. He’s completely right. It was seamless. “I—I didn’t hear you come in.”
"I didn't want you to hear me." He chuckles quietly. "You were caught up in the music." His grin is wide and warm as he continues to lead you through the dance.
“It’s…been a long time.” For all your protests, you never miss a step or fail to follow a lead. Maybe your frame isn’t competition ready anymore, but Max’s hold isn’t demanding it.
"It doesn't feel like it." Max counters, moving you into a dip and smirking when you gasp before he pulls you upright again.
Ballroom dancers will tell you that when you find your perfect partner, it’s obvious. Steps feel surer and your hold feels truer. The rhythm of movement feels more natural. It’s something you had thought wistfully of someday long in the future, sort of the way you thought about your soulmate. Someday my prince will come, that sort of thing. You’re just shocked to be feeling that feeling in your gut when Max pulls you up from the dip. Like your heart has skipped a beat, but that only happens in movies and fairy tales. “I think it’s all down to a strong lead,” you manage, heaping the credit on him where you feel it’s due.
“Not from what I’ve seen.” Max tuts, backing you through the next few steps and leaning in before he pulls you back in the opposite directly. “You carried your partners before. It takes talent to lead and yet make it appear that they are leading.”
“Never managed to find my perfect partner,” you mumble, unable to shake the monumental feeling that yes you have but it’s only just now. “How have you seen me dance, Max?”
“YouTube.” He shoots you a grin, shameless now that he has danced with you. “Your competitions were beautiful and it’s amazing what you will find online now, if you know where to look.”
“I guess so.” It’s not something you ever would have thought to look into, but when you give it even a little thought it makes perfect sense. “Those were…the good days,” you admit. “The best days. Giving it up felt like it might kill me.”
“Why did you stop?” That has him extremely curious because he has seen how talented you are. Even now, every step you take is more poised and confident than the last. Dancing is so naturally in your blood that you are holding a conversation while doing it.
“Gotta grow up sometime, right?” It’s a bullshit excuse. You know it is. But what else can you say? The expression on his face says he doesn’t buy that excuse for a second and you sigh while he turns you both around the room. “My boyfriend wanted me to get a full time job,” you explain quietly. “Being home to take care of the house and make dinner every night meant there was no time for competitions or classes anymore. He— he wanted me at home.”
Max frowns, finding that to be a bunch of sexist bullshit. As much as he might have joked about having the little lady barefoot in the kitchen, normally that meant getting a snack before he fucked her silly and fed from her again. “Well, he’s an asshole.” He snorts, firming his grip on your waist. “You don’t make someone you love give up what they love.”
“It was…a bad decision all around.” As the song comes to an end, another one will begin right afterward, you just don’t know what it will be. The playlist you chose was just marked Classics. “It’s a long story. Not something you need to worry about.”
The urge to compel you is nearly overwhelming, but Max resists. Instead of commanding that you tell him, he just watches you. Letting his silence do the talking for him.
“I thought he was going to rescue me.” It comes tumbling out of your mouth when his eyes fix on yours, and you’re sure that it’s just your imagination that says he wants to know everything. “I had gotten stood up on a blind date and he—my ex— he came up to me at the bar and dried my tears and took me home…and I really thought that he was going to teach me how to grow up. But it’s obvious now how naive that is to believe.”
“Did he hurt you?” Max’s voice is soft, not wanting to scare you, even if he can’t help the darkness in his eyes. The anger that leaps to life at the thought of someone hurting someone as gentle as you are.
“I—” Yes. He did. He broke down who you were as a person and tried to reconstruct you into an automaton who would do only his bidding. And he almost succeeded. “It doesn’t matter now.” The tears that spring up in your eyes are unavoidable, and your feet stop moving with the heaviness that settles on your shoulders. “He got sick of me and kicked me out and then I came here. It’s done.”
A bad dance partner would have stepped on your feet, not able to avoid continuing despite the fact that you had stopped suddenly. Max doesn’t. He sweeps you into a hug that is encompassing. “He was a fool and you are safe here.” Max had wondered why he had wanted you here, now he wonders why he had not brought you here sooner.
It’s such an unexpected gesture, for his arms to lock tight around you, and you really almost break down sobbing right there in his arms in the middle of the ballroom. You find, though, that that isn’t the message that you want to convey to him — or at least it’s not how you want to convey the message. Your gratitude is boundless, but it boils down to just one thing. “I believe you.” Is what you murmur instead, burying your face in his chest as he holds you to him.
He stands off to the side. In a corner where it’s almost impossible to see him. Slippery as the shadows on the walls and twice as deceptive. Strong, white teeth flash in a smug smile. It was working.
The most overwhelming and surprising — well, maybe not most surprising, but it certainly surprises you at first — urge you have in your whole body is to kiss him. He’s never made a single serious motion in the way of wanting you, or being interested in you. He’s never done anything but be polite. But you’re so close to him now that you feel like closer is the only way to be and stepping apart even a little would be agony.
“Queenie…” Out of the corner of his eye, Max sees something. Head whipping up only to find a wall sconce. He had sworn he had just seen a flash of movement.
“I—I’m sorry.” He must have known what you were thinking somehow. Or you must have leaned in without realizing it. Stared at his lips accidentally. Something. But he doesn’t let you out of his arms when you start to pull away self-consciously.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” Max looks back at you again. “I’m sorry. I thought I saw someone.”
“I thought…” you look to the doorway too, but there’s no one there. Not even a hint of Renee and her duster. “Thought…nevermind.”
“Thought what?” Max prompts softly, wanting to know what is going on in that pretty little head of yours. Dying of curiosity to know what you think of him.
“That you didn’t…” Your cheeks are burning hot on fire and your heartbeat is somewhere in the proximity of your eardrums rather than your chest, but you shake your head. “I thought you could tell what I was thinking. That’s why I apologized,” you admit finally, when his eyes don’t leave you for an instant.
“I could.” Max doesn’t know what you were thinking, but he’ll figure it out. “I just got distracted.”
“It doesn’t…” It doesn’t matter. It was a thought you’ve had far too many times since sitting and watching tv with him last week and he just doesn’t need to know that you’ve started dreaming about him. That’s…that’s far too much. “It’s nothing. I’m sorry.” You apologize again. If he really could tell what you were thinking then you can only assume how either disgusted or exasperated he is. But for some reason the knowledge that Max Phillips couldn’t possibly want you makes you crack apart like you’re leaving the dance studio all over again.
Max frowns slightly, not approving of the way that your eyes shutter, your shoulders seem to curl around in an effort to protect yourself. It's as bad as if you had flinched away from him, fearing that you would be hit. He slides his hand up your side and cups your cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Queenie." He wants to kiss you, a feeling that he normally would act on, but he doesn't want to scare you. "When the moment is perfect." He decides, murmuring it out loud.
It’s not a rejection but it’s also not a full acceptance, and for some reason the unexpected space between the two things leaves you feeling like you’re in some sort of emotional limbo where all you can do is nod against his hand and try not to look too wistful at the gesture itself. It’s just wishful thinking that has you feeling like you never want him to let you go. At least, that’s what you’re going to keep telling yourself.
There’s a pregnant pause, a feeling in the air that makes Max lean in. Feeling that the moment is now. That he needs to get this urge to kiss you out of his system. Watching you to see if you pull away or panic fills your eyes when the front door opens. Startling him because he had been so entranced by you, he hadn’t heard anyone approaching.
Jumping away from him like a frightened children’s film or cartoon character, your whole face and body are on fire for so many different reasons but you bury your face in both hands and stammer out another vague apology before looking to the stairwell with frozen fear. “Eddie!” His name is a squeak in your voice and nothing more.
Eddie is there in an instant, obviously worried that Max had done something from the look the other vampire shoots him. Making Max narrow his eyes and huff at the assumption. The song fades and the silence in the ballroom settles awkwardly. “Dolly?” Eddie reaches for you. “Everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine.” He has awful timing, that’s all. But you’re not even sure that Max was going to kiss you. You could have been imagining it. “I—I think I’m going to grab a book from the library and turn in. Good night.” You announce, snatching up your phone and hightailing it to the library as fast as your legs will carry you.
Max huffs at Eddie. “Thanks asshole.” He grunts, rushing off towards the balcony doors that lead out to the gardens.
“What?” Eddie shrugs in complete confusion as you and Max both flee from the room.
Heading through the marble hall and into the library, you scoop the first edition copy of Rudyard Kipling’s Rewards and Fairies off the shelf where you left it that morning. It will make for good bedtime reading now that you’ve gone through both books you were reading previously. Quick as a mouse and just as quiet, you rush upstairs to your room with every intention of just locking yourself inside for the night. But there, sitting and chirping on your windowsill, is your little bat friend.
As soon as he had cleared the doors, Max had transformed. Not wanting you to run away from him, but he’s also found that you find comfort in his bat form. It’s interesting considering most are afraid of bats, but you pet him, snuggle him, and talk to him. He flaps his wings impatiently, telling you to open the window to let him in.
“Hey, Cutie.” It’s such a relief to see this little friendly face that what you once just called the bat as a descriptor has now become his name. Cutie is now featured in any number of bat things around your room, like little sketches tucked into the corners of your vanity mirror and the embroidered pillow that you brought home early on. You go to the window to let him in knowing that he will hop right into your hand, and leave one window cracked for him to leave by when he eventually wants to. It’s chilly, but you’re not going to trap the little guy inside the house. That would be cruel. “Were you waiting for me?” You croon, sniffing back tears of anxiety and instead focusing on petting his little head to soothe yourself.
Max chirps, acknowledging that he had been waiting for you, just not as long as you might think. He nuzzles into your hand for a moment before he shoots out of your hand, crawling up your arm and chest to curl into your neck.
“Awwe, I’m sorry I kept you waiting, Cutie.” The feeling of being hugged is as real and undeniable as being hugged by Max just a minute ago and you sniffle again before continuing to scratch the bat’s head. “Please don’t be upset with me…” Though how the little animal could show it, you don’t know. This bat is more expressive than any other creature you’ve ever known. “I…got caught up dancing. Haven’t done that in a long time.” A soft sigh escapes you and you peak down at the bat’s expression of curiosity. “Lemme put on my pajamas and I’ll read to you, okay? You seem to like that.”
Max wants to watch you undress, but even he isn’t that unethical. So he flutters off your shoulder to the chair where you sit every night he comes, reading to him. Landing on the arm rest and fluttering his wings as he folds them up, chattering at you.
It isn’t so much changing as just stripping down a few layers to your tank top, and you replace your jeans with flannel pj pants. You come out of your dressing room far more relaxed and pick up the Kipling from the side table before coming over to the chaise. “You want your nest, Cutie?” Sometimes he likes to curl up in your lap and sometimes he likes to be snuggled against you, but either way you plop down on the chaise and grab your ballet slipper throw blanket to tuck around you.
Max waits until the blanket is on your lap, hopping right into it and looking up at you. He knows you have a soft spot for this version of him, so he plays it up, cooing at you.
“Here we go.” Fixing the blanket so it’s slung over one of your shoulders gives him a cozy place to settle near your collarbone, and you could swear that the little bay must like the vibration of your voice or something because he loves to perch there. “I got us some Kipling tonight,” you tell him, feeling more relaxed by the second. “A little something different than the gothic novels I’ve been reading you.”
Max chirps again, surprised that you are in your pajamas. It’s the most amount of skin that he has ever seen on you. He decides that he will make a lap around you, get the full effect of your comfortable clothing.
“Is that an excited chirp or a chirp of protest?” Either way it makes you laugh. Just a quiet, half-huffed sound, and you open the book in your lap while Cutie takes off around your chair. He seems excitable tonight and maybe you need that. A little positive energy before bed.
You’re beautiful. He’s popping the equivalent of a bat boner from the innocent scene, unsure why you are so irresistible to him. You’re pretty and kind, but so are other women who don’t affect him as badly. Max takes another lap and damn near falls out of the sky when he sees it. Discolored skin, in an unusual grouping. A birthmark. Screeching wildly, Max dive bombs your arm to make sure he’s not seeing things. But it’s there. The matching mark that has been the only blemish on his skin since he had been brought back by his sire. You’re his fucking soulmate.
“You okay, Cutie?” He’s never lost his balance in the air like that and suddenly you’re worried there’s something wrong with the little bat’s wing. Twisting around and scooping him out of the air, you take a careful look at both appendages and don’t see anything wrong.
Those big eyes bug out even more and he squawks as if you could hear him. Soulmate. You. You’re his soulmate. There’s zero doubt in his mind that he knew that. And the fact that he kept it from Max infuriates him. But it also explains why Max was kept here. How long had he known? All of these things run through Max’s mind as he flaps his way out of your hold and immediately crawls his way up your arm to stare at your birthmark again.
"Alright, alright, if you want to hang out back there, you go right ahead." It's a weird choice, but you're the one talking to a fucking bat so who are you to judge? You just let the little guy curl up behind your shoulder and open your book to start reading. The ritual is something that you've started to find immensely soothing so you're going to appreciate every second of it tonight, while thoughts of Max still race through your head. Unshakeable and unwavering.
Just to make sure he’s not insane and it’s not some makeup covering some tattoo or whatever, his little bat tongue comes out to lick at your skin.
"What are you doing?" You twist to look at the bat over your shoulder quizzically. "Not like you can answer me, can you? It's just a birthmark, Cutie. Nothing to be confused about."
Max looks up at you, his eyes meeting yours and his tongue swipe your skin again. Convinced it’s not makeup causing the discoloration.
“What is up with you, huh?” The book goes down to your lap again and you frown a little at the winged ‘pet’. He’s never licked you or anything before. Just nuzzles and chirps or squeaks while he cuddles into you. This is all new.
Max pulls his tongue back into his mouth and climbs up your shoulder, nuzzling your cheek and chirping again. Unable to vocalize the issue, but he doesn’t want you to shoo him off.
"How about I just cover up, then." He climbs back up on your shoulder and you pull the blanket around you, covering the little star-shaped set of marks on your skin that make up your birthmark. It must confuse his little bat mind or something. That's the only explanation you can come up with. "It's just some marks on my skin, that's all." You explain, rather uselessly. After all, what does the bat care? "My skin and no one else's. I used to have tattoos, too. But...well, the person that gave them to me is gone now. So I don't have them anymore."
Max flaps his wings, squawking indignantly. He’s right here. He wonders why he wasn’t allowed to have his tattoo put back. Some kind of punishment?
“You wanna be my soulmate?” Bats don’t have soulmates. Not that you’re aware of. Just humans, some species of monkeys, and some people think that dogs and cats do but that’s just wishful thinking. But then, what is this if not wishful thinking? Talking to a bat is as wishful as it gets. “Okay, Cutie. You can be my new soulmate. Since you’re a little bit spooky and like being read to, I think it’s perfect.”
If he could preen, Bat Max would. Your words soothes him instantly and he cuddles against your pulse, cooing and almost purring happily. You accept his bat form, and that’s half the battle in his mind.
"Yeah?" You giggle softly, glad for the now familiar feeling of the small winged creature cuddling against your chest. "Is that all you wanted? Just my never ending love and devotion?" This laugh is slightly more hollow, and you pet his little head with two fingers as you pick your book up again. "Somebody might as well have it. I don't think I trust myself to actually give it to a human anymore."
Max blows out a breath, actually needing to breath as a bat, funnily enough. He hates the idea that you are so hurt that you wouldn’t trust and love again. You’re too sweet to put yourself on a shelf.
"Just you and me, Cutie." You murmur softly. "That's all I need." Maybe. Just maybe. If you say it enough, it will be true one day. Unfortunately for your heart, though, it's already given itself away. And denying it won't do a single ounce of good.
Max listens to the sadness in your voice, still freaking out because you’re his soulmate and he can’t tell you. How would he explain himself? You aren’t to know that the residents of this house are vampires. On his orders. How would he explain that he has no marks? They disappeared four years ago when he was staked through the heart and turned into a blood splatter on the wall. The only reason he’s here now is because his sire, somehow your relative, took pity on him.
Reading is calming and before long you're yawning between paragraphs and curling deeper into your blanket. When you're on the verge of drifting off you stifle another long yawn and rub two fingers along your little bat friend's head. "I'm glad you came to say hello tonight," you tell the little creature, right before your eyes shut.
Max chirps softly, listening to your heartbeat slow down. Waiting until you are asleep before he moves. Changing back to a human form and watching you. Staring at you in awe, not hearing someone else approach.
He watches as his protégé stares at you. A smile curving his lips and exposing the pointed fangs. He senses the turbulent emotions in the younger man, able to sense what he is feeling since he created him. Linked in an inextricable way. He had hoped to visit you tonight, but he sinks back into the shadows with glee. You are already entertaining it seems.
Deciding that it is time for a conversation - not the one Max will want, but the one he will get for now – he disappears back downstairs and settles himself in the kitchen, knowing that Max has a tendency to go for a 'midnight snack' glass of blood before turning in for the night. Sleep is not necessary the way it is for humans, but rest helps to keep vampires strong. And Max is using quite a bit of stamina every night to transform in and out of bat form.
Max whistles as he comes in the kitchen, trying to put on an air of nonchalance as he grapples with the very real knowledge that his soulmate has been discovered. He had watched you for far too long, unable to move until you had shivered in your sleep. Picking you up and carrying you over to your bed as if you were no heavier than a feather, Max had tucked you into bed again. Closing the window like he had before and slipping out of the door to come down to the kitchen. Every step he had been taking away from you being one he was forcing himself to make.
His tendency toward dramatics is well documented, especially by those closest to him, so for him to be lounging in the pitch black kitchen when Max comes in and flicks on the light out of deeply ingrained habit? Well, it should surprise no one. The skies outside have torn open and the midnight rain is torrential, making the scene all the more delightfully gothic as rain pelts the kitchen windows across the room.
“Fucking shit.” Max isn’t afraid of much, but the sight of him appearing has the younger vampire jumping slightly, his dead heart nearly leaping to life in his chest. Relaxing slightly before he remembers. “Why are you here?”
“Business.” He answers, languidly rolling the word over in his tongue and drawing out the hissing sound of the last syllable. “Amongst other reasons.” There are already two glasses of blood poured and he gestures to the other side of the kitchen table for Max to join him.
Max snorts and rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t refuse the invitation from his maker. “And does ‘other reasons’ include the human upstairs?”
“She seems to be settling in.” While it’s an observation instead of an actual answer, the older vampire shrugs one shoulder gracefully.
Frustrating, that is what the old man is. Hissing slightly, Max remembers that he also enjoys getting a rise out of people, so he leans back and picks up the glass of blood. “New pet?” He asks.
While he won’t give Max the satisfaction of a sharp reaction, he does set his glass down and let his eyes sweep over the younger vampire appraisingly. “As I understand it, she is the one keeping a pet. Not me.” He’s seen it with his own eyes. And while it’s unexpectedly charming, it certainly does represent a communication issue. “Or is ‘Cutie’ a different resident bat that I’ve not met before?”
It’s only because of the fresh blood that max has ingested that allows the flush to rise up under his skin. “She doesn’t know it’s any different from a regular bat.” He defends himself. How he knows about that, Max doesn’t know, but he always seems to know things he shouldn’t. As far as he knows, no one else in the house knows about his nearly nightly routine.
“She will eventually.” There’s spice in this blood. Something warm and tingling. Mrs. Taylor always somehow manages to provide the best of the best for him and he’s grateful to have had her for the last several hundred years. “One day she’ll know everything.”
“How long have you known?” That is the question that is burning under his skin. He doesn’t elaborate, knowing the elder understands what he is referring to.
“That she exists?” He is evasive by nature. Always has been. And he waves off the question with ease. “Her whole life.”
Max rolls his eyes again, obviously he should have been more specific. “That I am her soulmate?” He clarifies tightly.
“Oh?” One eyebrow quirks up in interest and he takes another sip of blood. “If that were true it would be a most interesting state of being. For you, of course. Entirely inconsequential to others.”
Max frowns, staring at the man who had changed him in college. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“That I firmly doubt the soulmate status of one infant vampire will matter much to the general population of mortals in the world.” The immortals, he knows, will take a great interest. They did the last time a vampire and witch were soulmates and they will take an even greater interest this time.
Max takes a sip of his blood. “Stimulating conversation, as always.”
Amused, his sire almost smiles but just the ghost of the expression makes it to his lips. “Ask the correct question and I will gladly answer.”
It’s always a game with him. “What is she to you?” Max demands, leaning forward and his eyes are darker than they should be, directed at his sire.
It isn’t the right question, but it is an important one. One that he isn’t quite ready to answer in full, but he swallows and lets his eyes close for a brief moment. “Now that Cookie is gone, she is everything to me.” It is an honest answer, if not a whole one. And certainly more than he would have given Max at any other time.
Max sighs, aware that he’s not going to get the answers he wants from the older vampire. “What’s the correct question, then?” He huffs. “Since you want to play your little games.”
“What is it you truly want to know, Maxwell?” He tilts his head in curiosity, wondering what the most important question is to his protégé’s beatless heart. The correct question is the one that matters the most — Max has not learned that lesson quite yet.
Max growls, increasingly frustrated and sure he’s not going to get an answer to his question. His maker is some kind of mood and it is impossible when he is like this. “Is she the reason I’m here?” He asks.
“Yes.” Although the question might give Max complicated feelings, his sire’s answer is simple. There is no other possible answer, in fact. “She is the reason for much.”
“Fuck.” Max is aware that the program that he was selected for was very high stakes, pun intended. Most humans were eaten. “Is she-“ he stops, wondering if he really wants to know this. “Is my connection with her the reason I was changed?”
“Partially.” After another sip of blood, his sire chuckles at the purses frown on Max’s face. “You were always going to graduate the program, Maxwell. But she is the reason that I am your sire and not a lesser vampire.”
“Because she’s somehow related to your soulmate?” He still doesn’t know the relation, but that’s because he’s never cared to ask. Not that Mrs. Taylor would spill if he didn’t wish for Max to know.
“Now you’re getting it.” The intention was never to keep the entire truth from Max. Never. But to tell him before telling you? He may be unscrupulous, but he is not uncaring.
“Why does one distant relative matter so much?” Max asks, frowning again. Since his own family turned their back on him, he’s hardened himself against that sort of connection.
“Have you ever known me to be careless in my decisions?” The honest question is not meant to be a trick, but it is meant to make Max think. “Have I not kept my family as close as I am able? And the families of those I have sired?” It may also be ever so slightly evasive, but he will not apologize for that just yet.
One thing Max can say for sure is that he is not careless. But it brings up another question. “Then why have you not brought her here sooner?” He huffs. “She’s been abused, that much is obvious.”
Shame is not a thing most creatures like to feel, and he likes it even less than most. But unfortunately shame is what he must endure, and for once he lets his protégé see the emotion in his face when he finds the younger man’s eyes. “I tried everything in my power to find her before now, but I was prevented. Kept from her. And I will never let such a thing happen again. Not for all the days I roam the endless earth. It is our duty now, to protect her. Yours and mine.”
Max bites his lip and nods. “I don’t know what she thinks of me.” He admits. “She’s more comfortable around the bat than the man. It’s- I’m drawn to her, now I know why.”
“She seemed quite fond of dancing with you.” Which is no small thing, and brings a smile unburdened to his lips. The fluffy pink tutu, tights, and shoes he had bought for an eager four-year-old spring to mind immediately. “Perhaps she ought to be trusted with the truth. That the bat and the man are one.”
Max huffs out a laugh. “And how should I do that?” He asks jokingly. “Just transform in front of her? She doesn’t believe vampires are real.”
A sigh overtakes him. Weary and far more emotional than he would normally let on, but your disbelief at the existence of vampires hurts more than he can possibly say. “She knows, in her soul. In her heart. But her mind has been bound from believing it.”
Max frowns slightly and rubs his tongue over his teeth. “It sounds like you believe she was supposed to be raised in this world.”
“Because she was.” A flash of anger in his eyes has to be tamped down before he says more than he should, but the point is firm. “She was born to it. She belongs here.”
“Okaaaaaay.” Max’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise at the passionate answer. Sometimes it seemed like Cookie was the only thing the older vampire cared about. Obviously you are just as important, though the connection is still vague. “It’s not like she’s your daughter or something.”
His sire huffs, burying anger and sadness back under mystery where they belong, and shakes his head. “A witch and a vampire having a child? What a fantastical thought.” His tone has turned droll under the guise of heaviness. “That would be the stuff of Legend if it were true.”
Max snorts and sends him a small smirk. “As if you aren’t already a legend.”
“Am I?” That flash of mystery and amusement graces his features and Max’s sire sits back in his chair. “I had nearly forgotten.”
It’s not like he had bragged about it. Max had to learn of his sire’s exploits through the rumor mill that seems to power a college. Even a vamp one. He wasn’t one to boast or rest on his laurels apparently. Max hadn’t known how great the honor of him being his sire was until he was nearly graduated. And just now, he’s learning the reason why he had turned him. “Aren’t you?” Max asks, taking another sip of the warm blood. “Maybe not.”
“If you want to bait someone, Maxwell, go find Eddie and tell him flannel has gone out of fashion.” He chuckles at his own joke, taking the last sip of blood from his goblet. “Understand fully, though, before you leave me tonight. That Dolly is of the utmost importance. She is the only priority that matters.”
The weight of his words settle on Max and he bites his lip before he voices the concern. “Should I- would you prefer that I leave her alone?” He asks, unsure of why he would be giving such an obvious warning.
“If that was my wish, you would never have known she existed.” His sire tells him honestly. “You would not have be among those I deemed worthy of eternal life, and you certainly would not have been brought back after that stunt four years ago.” He shakes his head, wishing now for wine more than blood. Something to temper the emotional rollercoaster he has been on since you were finally located weeks ago. “You have been brought here for her, Maxwell. Endeavor to be worthy of that honour.”
“I don’t think she wants romantic entanglements.” Max admits. “She’s - skittish and I’m….” He trails off and shrugs. With his sire, it’s a lot easier to admit shortcomings. “Not.”
“But it is what you want?” Knowing Max as he does, it takes a great deal of willpower for his sire not to play on Max’s usual cocky side. This is too important for that anyway.
“I-“ Max stops, unsure of how to answer that. He wants you, but he also knows that you aren’t ready for something like that. It’s why he had spent so much time as the bat lately. “For her to be happy.” He decides. How that happiness looks is up to you. He’s already been selfish and he’s paid too high a price to chance it again.
“Good.” There may not have technically been a correct question to ask earlier, but there was certainly a correct answer to this one, and Max has hit on it. “You will tell her the truth soon. She’s made of stronger stuff than whatever she’s been through.”
It sounds like an order, but Max nods. “I hope you are right.” He tells the vampire who had turned him into what he is now. “Otherwise, we ruin the only safe place she has.”
“It is all the stronger for having us in it.” He reminds the younger vampire. “In the meantime, not a word to Eddie or anyone else. Only Mrs. Taylor knows I’ve arrived.”
His brow lifts again, but he doesn’t say a word about it. “Then back to the tower with you.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie
VW: @haileymorelikestupid, @miraclesabound @nastiasnow @vabeachazn @oberynslady @grogusmum @kittenlittle24 @guelyury @8-900 @survivingandenduring
My Masterlist!
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miss-anachronism · 4 months
I posted something yesterday throwing my hat into the ring of Merlin and Valen relationships, and people seemed to like it! These guys are best buds to me, im glad yall see it too. It inspired me to write a little drabble, so here ya go <3 this is Valen and my (fem) Merlin, so it gets kinda specific at parts lol
It’s been a long day.
And as much as Valen wishes it were the easier type of long day: boring and uneventful, where he has to drag himself from task to task; it was quite the opposite. Exhilarating, exhausting, and deadly; now he was sinking into a sofa chair in the Mystical house, nursing a spiked drink and a sprained ankle.
It wasn’t even a mishap- he’d launched the attack perfectly, but that godforsaken golem had grabbed his leg at the last moment and slammed him back down into the ground. Lucius said he was lucky to have avoided a concussion. But what does Lucius know, anyway.
All this to say, the entire ordeal has left him grumpy and secluded. He’s tucked into the library, where the din of the bar can’t touch his slowly receding headache. It’s lovely in here, quiet and serene, fresh air drifting through the large open windows on the south wall. The smell of old books mingles nicely with the outside breeze, stopping just shy of being overwhelming. He would have never thought himself a library person; the one in Holistone was lackluster. But Merlin, as she often did, had flipped his conceptions upside down, and provided Valen one of his favourite spaces in her impressive library.
It’s a little ridiculous to expect privacy and solitude from a house that isn’t your own, especially one housing at least five others, but Valen still finds his every muscle tensing when he hears the library door open and close with a soft click.
He exhales slowly through his teeth, trying not to make his disappointment too obvious. He sends his farewells to his peaceful rest, and a quick prayer that whomever has entered isn’t in a talkative mood. He really doesn’t feel up to playing up the charm.
The soft pattering on the floor and the long exhale that come from behind him, however, chases those fears away. The momentary panic slips from Valen’s body, and he glances to the side, grinning when a green, eerie eye catches his gaze.
Merlin grins back at him, though she looks just as tired as he feels. “Hey, sorry. I know you’re hurt, but it’s winding down out there, and I wanted to do some research before I turn in. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” Valen chuckles, “It’s your home.”
“Well, yes, but you’re my guest. And if you want me to shut up and leave you alone, say the word and I’ll be gone, no harm no foul.”
“It’s alright, Merlin,” he confirms, slightly surprised that he doesn’t even need to lie, “your company is appreciated.”
She grins at him and sets her own drink down on the small coffee table, and pulls another chair up. “Thanks, Val. I’ll keep it down, promise.”
She’s true to her word, shuffling through a few eclectically stacked books around the floor of the library before settling with three in hand. She puts the biggest one between them, and opens it up to reveal a collection of beautiful woodcuts, depicting various temples across the globe.
Valen lets out a low whistle and leans in, watching as she flips through a few illustrations, and then spins the book around to show him a full two-page print. It takes him a moment to recognize.
“The Moon Temple?”
Merlin nods, her eyes never leaving the paper. “Back in its heyday. We were talking about it, and Dolly mentioned that I should have an old book of prints in here somewhere. I’m lucky I found it so quickly.”
“How old is this book?”
“Four hundred years, give or take.”
Valen half gasps and half laughs, staring at the book in wonder. He’s shocked Merlin even has the balls to touch the thing, let alone open it.
“I can’t believe you just have ancient scripture lying around.”
“Hey, this is far from ancient,” she teases, glancing up to wrinkle her nose at him.
“You’re right, you’re right. It doesnt hold a candle to the oldest artifact in this room: you.”
Merlin sticks her tongue out at him, and Valen returns in kind, before they both return to the book.
The Moon God had been dead for a thousand years or so before this print was made, so the Temple isn’t exactly in perfect condition. Still, it’s a far cry from the decrepit ruins that it’s in today. Beautiful pillars surrounding the pouring, majestic fountains, each flaw and imperfection dutifully recorded… Valen finds himself being drawn in by the skilled execution of the print itself, scanning over the evenly spaces hatching and intricate detailing in the stonework, the water, the attention to values… it’s a beautiful recreation. Valen can even make out the carvings on the pillars themselves.
There’s a little blurb of writing at the bottom of the page, in a language Valen can’t identify. He reaches out to tap at it, stopping just shy of actually touching the book.
“Can you read this?”
Merlin hums in assent. Instead of flipping the book back around to face herself, she stands and moves over to Valen’s side of the table, kneeling next to his chair.
“It’s not much. ‘The Moon Temple, for the greatness and majesty of Nakalig the many-faced…. Cast a moonstone into the divine spring… a chance for divine lunar enlightenment…’ yeah, we know all this already.”
“It’s still interesting,” Valen contests, watching as Merlins finger drifts over the words. “You’ll have to teach me how to read this.”
Merlin scrunches her nose again. “The language is pretty dead, Val. I think you’ll only find Celestials who speak it fluently, nowadays.”
“So? If it’s spoken by Celestials, I’m sure it’s gorgeous. And mysterious. All the more reason to learn it.”
Merlin scoffs. “If you received a love letter written in the old, dead language, would you actually go on a real life date with the sender?”
“A date? I’d bed them on the spot,” Valen jokes, and Merlin throws her head back and cackles.
“Gross, ugh.” She sneers, giggling. Valen grins.
“Thousands of years old, and you still have the humour of a teenager.”
“Shut up,” she huffs, lightly punching him in the shoulder, only for her eye to immediately widen in concern.
“Ah, shit, that didn’t hurt did it? You’re hurt, I shouldn’t be jostling you around.”
“Merlin, babe, do you really think you can push me around?”
“You underestimate me! I could totally beat you up.”
“Mhmm,” Valen chuckles, taking another sip of his drink. Merlin gives him a wry smile.
“Seriously, though, you okay?”
Valen pauses a moment, taking stock of himself. Yes, his ankle still aches, but the spinning pain in his head has thankfully receded. The exhaustion still runs deep in his bones, however; he thinks if Merlin asked him to stand up, he’s simply collapse.
“I’m alright, all things considered,” he settles on, “but tired. Exhausted.”
“Hey, bright idea here! Maybe you should go to bed!”
“A genius, you are.”
“They don’t call me Merlin for nothin’.”
He chuckles. “It’s nice here. I don’t get much time to relax. And the sun’s only just setting,” he waves a hand towards the window, bathed in pinks and oranges, “let me have an hour, at least.”
“Fine,” Merlin conceded, resting her head on the arm of his chair. Dutifully, Valen proceeds to use her head as an armrest. She huffs in amusement.
They stay like that for a few minutes, Merlin lazily flipping through the book, pausing every time Valen leans closer to inspect a print. Eventually, she complains about her neck, and Valen lets up to allow her a slightly more comfortable position.
“I don’t know how to teach languages,” Merlin says suddenly, startling Valen out of his concentration, “but I think, with Hammie’s help, I could teach you a couple phrases and see where it goes from there?”
Valen blinks in surprise. “You don’t have to do that, Merlin.”
She shrugs. “I want to. Gives me something to do. If you want to, of course.”
Valen pauses, thinks it over, takes another long sip of his drink.
“…sure. We’ll see where it goes.”
Merlin nods, and flips the book closed.
“but if I’m a bullshit student, you can’t be mad at me.”
“I’ll never believe you are,” Merlin sniffs, scooping the book up and standing with a grunt. “Deep down, you’re a nerd like the rest of us, Mr. Playboy Solitaire.”
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xxemiexx · 1 year
Quick birth, breech baby
Around 700 words
This labour was progressing quickly, I rocked my hips from side to side leaning against the kitchen counter.
"Mommy?" Lottie asked 
"Yes sweetie?" I asked, my eyes closed as I breathed through the pain.
"Why is your belly so big?" She poked the low hanging bump harshly with her finger.
"Your little sister is in there." I swayed my hips on the birthing ball.
"Mommy?" Taylor joined in too.
"Yes baby?"
"Can you get me a juice?"
"Yes." I groaned internally as I pushed myself up and waddled to the kitchen.
"Mommy watch my dolly party!" Lottie shouted from the living room. "Hurry!"
"Argh!" I winced quietly and leaned on the counter riding out a contraction.
"Mommy!" Taylor shouted after his juice.
I waddled back to them and gave him his juice, slowly lowering myself back down onto the ball.
"I want juice too!" Lottie demanded.
I sighed and pulled myself back up, the movement made me suddenly feel very full.
"Ew! Mommy's peeing!" Lottie cried out as a puddle formed at my feet.
"Don't worry, mommy will clean it up." I went back to the kitchen for juice and paper towels.
"Here you go." I handed her the juice and cleaned up my leaking fluid.
My water was still slowly leaking down my legs.
"Can you play with me Mommy?" Taylor asked pulling my trousers.
"In a little while baby, Mommy needs to help your sister inside her tummy first." I rubbed my stomach.
The first urge to push caught me off guard, I gasped and slowly squat down as I began pushing.
"Mommy come look at my dolly party!"
I ignored the calls as I focused on the baby rapidly moving, the third baby was coming quickly.
I pulled my pants and trousers down as I felt the head coming to my opening.
I panted to slow things down.
"Ew! Mommy there's a little foot!" Lottie cried out.
I gasped and reached underneath my stomach to feel it.
A foot! I panicked but didn't have time to think as I pushed again.
"Mommy I dropped my crayons, can you get them for me! I'm drawing!" Taylor smiled brightly and showed me his underwater scene he was colouring. I made my way over to the table where he was sat slowly and looked at the crayons on the floor.
I took a deep breath before bending to pick them up, this was very ineffective as I couldn't reach.
I got into a squat position instead, picking them into my hands quickly as the position forced the baby down.
"Oh god!" I gripped the table as I pushed the baby's other leg out. The hips keeping me open.
"Can I have them mommy?" Taylor took the crayons out my hand.
I panted and stood up slowly, the burn of being held open rippling through me.
"Do you like my drawing mommy?" Taylor gave it to me.
"It's beautiful sweetie!" I smiled through the pain.
"Can we put it on the fridge?!" He exclaimed and got off his chair taking my hand and tugging me to the kitchen.
I waddled very slowly to the kitchen, side stepping most of it feeling the baby sliding down further with each step.
He stood at the fridge and held his arms up to me
"Pick me up!"
I reached down to him and hauled him up, the effort forcing me into a push, suddenly forcing the baby's shoulders out.
I gasped feeling the spurt of fluid around the head.
"Argh!" I cried out, quickly putting my toddler down and reaching for the baby hanging between my legs.
"I didn't get to put it on." Taylor said sadly.
I panted through the urge to push so I could pick him back up, the weight of him on the bump forced fluid out around the head, he finally picked a magnet and stuck it to the fridge.
He giggled and thrashed happily in my arms, the moment against my stomach causing a contraction.
The head was coming now!!
I quickly put Taylor down and reached for the baby as the head rushed out with a burst of fluid.
I gasped and cried out as my legs shook from the loss of pressure.
The baby cried instantly, I pulled it to my chest and cradled it.
"Mommy is that our new baby!" Lottie looked so excited.
"Yes baby it is!"
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cassie48 · 1 year
•Safe and sound•
Pair: oc x Thomas shelby (platonic)
Warning: attempts of kidnapping, violence, crying, use of a gun
𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗯𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗮𝗺, 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀. 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁
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Rose shelby was an energetic six year old. She loved horses, dolls, her aunt and her older brothers. Tommy was her favorite, though she wouldn’t dare tell the others. He was like a father to her, because she didn’t even know her real father properly. She didn’t remember her brothers very well before the war, but when they returned home, it’s like she remembered them instantly.
This morning she woke up with one thing she was determined to do.
All the Shelby family were sitting at the table eating breakfast, when suddenly they heard light footsteps coming from the stairs.
“Tommy”? Questioned little rose.
“I’m here rose” thomas answered his little sister. She ran straight to him with a smile on her face. The hugged his leg then reached her arms up. This is what she did when she wanted to be picked up.
“Come on” thomas said placed his sister in his arms.
“What do you want for breakfast rose”? Thomas asked the six year old.
“I don’t mind” said the girl.
“Here rose have the end of my bread” Ada, her sister says.
Thomas walked over to the table and placed little rose on one of the chairs. “Morning sleepy head” said her aunt polly.
“Morning pol” said rose, while eating her breakfast. She greeted her other brothers and finished her meal.
“Polly? Can I ask you something” Said the girl.
”sure love” answered her aunt.
“Please please please let me play with my dolly’s on the street” the girl asked with a pleading look on her face.
“You know Tom doesn’t like you doing that missy” Polly said with a knowing look.
“But he’s at the pub. Please pol please” she begged.
“Fine, but only for an hour”, she said sternly
The girl quickly ran to get dressed and picked out her dolls. She always wanted to do this, but Tommy never let her.
“Bye Polly” the girl shouted.
“Be back soon” Polly said.
“Ok” is all the girl said as she headed out the door. She was a little worried that Tommy would be mad at her. He always said that it was too dangerous to play on the street at her age.
The small girl played on the street with her favorite dolls with a huge smile on her face. Suddenly she realised she had to go home, before she got in trouble.She then realised she had lost one of her dolls. She quickly searched the street, but couldn’t find her. So she went around the corner to search there too. Suddenly a huge man came out, towering above her.
“You’re the Shelby girl aren’t you”the man said in a mean voice.
She nodded not knowing what she was getting herself into.
“Come with me, I have a lovely surprise for ya” the man said.
Despite how much rose loved surprises, she was feeling a little frightened right now. “She nodded her head no and said “Tommy wouldn’t like that”. She then turned to walk away.
“Oi, I said your coming with me” the man shouted, grabbing her arm.
“Ow, that hurts”the girl cried, feeling pain in her arm.
This only made the man angrier, as he let go of her arm, a slapped her right cheek.
The girl began to start crying and shouting for her brother.
The man went to grab her again,when suddenly rose saw him get shot in the head.
The girl began to scream until she saw her big brother in front of her.
“Rose, its alright” Tommy said placing his arms around her.
“He was trying to take me Tom” she replied letting out a loud sob
“It’s ok, I’m here” he said to her, as he picked her up.
“I’m scared Tom” the girl said with a frown on her face.
“I’m never gonna let anyone hurt you, alright”?he says hugging her tighter
She nodded in his arms, and they went back home together
Safe, and sound.
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗼 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴!
𝗹𝗺𝗸 𝗶𝗳 𝗶 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗱𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀💕💕
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ddollys · 1 month
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˙ . ꒷ 💻. 𖦹˙—
:: IN WHICH :: it’s an alternate universe, and you have an undeniably handsome boss who seems to think that you’re quite pretty too. let’s see what he makes you do to get a promotion. maybe this awfully boring office job is becoming more thrilling.
:: soft smut :: (gojo is aged up) — afab reader! (sorry, i write mostly for females), making out, grinding, pet names, praises, reader is in early twenties and gojo is late twenties . (if any of these trigger you, do not read! <3) also not proofread so, there may be some spelling or grammar mistakes, i apologize
satoru gojo was drop dead gorgeous, and you mean it. the way his icy cerulean eyes would stare at you through his pretty white eyelashes—and that look he always gave you, it was a gift. though, those thoughts would be confined in your mind for you only.
but—who knew that satoru thought the same for you? he kept replaying the times where you would ask for help, or when he caught you stealing glances at him occasionally when he walked by sent him to the edge.
groggily dragging your fingers over the keyboard, you let out a fatigued sigh. you’ve been held back, and for what? you shifted your gaze to the stacks of paperwork, sorting out some papers would be easier—and it would also refresh your strained eyes that have been glued onto the computer for hours on end.
you removed your hands from the computer and traveled to the jumbled pieces of documents, but moments later your ears perked up from the sound of that oh, so familiar voice. your boss. you already knew that it was him by your nickname—but his smooth, sweet, sugary voice was also a sign.
“dolly, get off that computer. i have a surprise for youuuu!” an excited satoru chirped, his large frame towered over yours as he spun your chair to face him. leaning down, he whispered, “come on, it’s a very urgent surprise!” he grinned, tugging on your wrist and yanking you out of your chair.
“w…what?” you stammer before getting dragged to his office. your eyes were wide, and your lips were parted. you swallow, easing the burning sensation that was buried deep in the back of your throat. you step into his office, the air was cool and there was many, many pictures of him framed… yes, he was handsome but he was also definitely conceited.
satoru let go of his death grip on your wrist and walked over to his chair. his grin turned into a soft smirk as he shuffled around in his chair, before spreading his legs wide open and patting his thigh. “mm, doll, come here.” satoru cooed, his hand that bulged out veins still tapping his palm on the body part.
“are you sure this is work appropriate-” you say, but satoru’s voice cut you off sternly.
“princess—do you want a work promotion? now, come, sit on my lap.” satoru’s voice rang out, his eyes looking at you from across the table. you swallow again, a series of mixed feelings swirled in you; hesitation, and need. yes, your boss was hot, but this wasn’t work appropriate. though, it was a promotion and you could sit on his lap. guess which option you took?
of course the second one. you go to him and straddle his thighs, his already hard cock nestled between your warm, plush thighs. a low groan emerged from his lips as he stared at you, darting his tongue out and licking his lips.
“good girl.” he praised, his face leaning into yours. for a moment, he stared at your pretty eyes before suddenly smashing his lips onto yours. you kiss back, a pathetic whimper coming out of you. his hands snakes around your waist before pulling you flush against his torso. his tongue forced itself into your warm mouth and tangled itself with yours.
you wanted- no, needed this. it was so good. he was delicious.
you rub your thighs against his cock, making his hands loosen it’s grip on you. you never imagined this—but, satoru was such a whimperer. his little moans were so cute coming from a dominant man like him. you grind against his cock, the friction making your clit puff up with desire.
you pull away, a string of saliva connected you and satoru’s lightly puffy lips. “…so good for me.”
and after a moment of comfortable silence, “you’re promoted, baby.”
goshhhhh this have been on my MINDD for a while
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