#Change Yourself
dumblr · 1 year
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reality-detective · 2 months
Every cell in your body is a battery, with Bruce Lipton, PhD. Change your thinking, you change your perception which changes your cells and your life. 🤔
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xyznini · 11 months
How to be unforgettable
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1. wear a unique and memorable scent, to make the scent last longer you can use a moisturiser with the same scent.
2. be nice and gentle towards others, remember what goes around comes around
3. be quiet and mysterious.
4. have a close friend group instead of many friends.
5. always smile towards others.
6. learn subtle confident body language, like sitting up, head up, and smiling.
7. take care of your skin every day. DONT SLEEP IN MAKEUP 😭😭
8. study and read every day
9. take care of your body etc. workout,meditation,yoga
10. eat healthy.
11. be yourself!!
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alilarew23 · 7 months
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this is soooo loa-ditch-the-old-self-coded. i fucking love the phrase “tipped over in the middle of invention.” be brave enough to persist in your invention.
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luhafraser · 5 months
"love is a meeting of souls" - Sam was never and never will be that deep. He's as shallow as they come. Nothing more than self-absorbed, money and fame hungry. You've been fanning a total phony.
I believe you are quoting something @outlanderskin posted. Anon, you don't know anything like the rest of us. I don't think Sam is everything you said, but I understand why some people think that and are spiteful when saying what he is or isn't. Although, I don't think that kind of feeling is necessary.
I believe Sam is deep (listen to him reading his letter to the Lyceum). But I think he doesn't show who he really is. This Sam that you consider as "self-absorbed, money and fame hungry" is just a guy who now has the means to not go back to the difficult times he's already been through in his life... Who thinks about ensuring a comfortable future for himself and his loved ones. I don't think much differently about Caitríona... Although I have my reservations about C allowing her family and friends to get involved in this circus, like they did.
Do I agree with everything Sam does? With this shitshow? Definitely not!!! But I also know that this won't change anything. And if I fed this anger that you carried in your words (because you seem to take this seriously), I would evaluate myself and not who Sam is or isn't. I can't change him, but I can change who I am and what I do. 😉
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ivemanifest · 6 months
Your ONLY part in the manifestation process is to show up for yourself, hold yourself accountable & take responsibility for your actions & mindset. EVERYTHING else, is the Universe working it's magic to bring you the gifts that are in your HIGHEST alignment ✨
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freyatarotreadings8 · 10 months
In order to embrace parents, allow them to evolve on their own terms and at their own pace. People only change when they choose to change. The more you tell someone to do this and that, the less they want to do it. Instead, allow your parents to choose their own path and accept the fact that they may never change. You may be the only person who wants them to change, but they won't, even though you think it would be good for them. Give up the fantasy that one day your parents will change. When we can't accept another person, it's usually not about that person. It's about us. We try to control the actions and behavior of others because we don't want to deal with our own grief. Recognizing our parents' right to be who they are means we have to face reality and leave the fantasies behind. It means we have to come to terms with the fact that they weren't as caring or as supportive as we imagined or wanted them to be. It also means we have to accept that it is not in our power to get "perfect love" from our parents or, for that matter, from anyone else. Our fantasy of our own parents only hides the pain we felt as children. Realizing that it is only a fantasy can bring back our childhood pain. However, we can only be free when we work through our emotions - anger, resentment, shame, fear and grief - and when we accept our parents for who they are. Only by accepting our parents will we be able to take on the responsibility of loving and caring for ourselves without expecting or depending on them for anything. The only way to improve our relationship with our parents is to change the way we treat them. And to do that, we must change ourselves.
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If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self transformation.
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harmony-and-peace · 1 year
Zawsze możesz zacząć od początku. Nigdy nie jest za późno, żeby zmienić swój mindset i zacząć pracować nad lepszą przyszłością dla siebie. Pamiętaj, że parę bezproduktywnych czy gorszych miesięcy lub lat nie przekreśla reszty Twojego życia. W każdym momencie możesz sobie powiedzieć STOP. ZACZYNAM OD TERAZ. I tak właśnie zrobić. Każdy moment jest dobry, żeby zacząć wszystko od nowa.
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faybelinesworld · 11 months
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only1lorrie · 9 months
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skillsuptamil · 5 months
How to Change Yourself Completely
1.Identify your triggers for behaviors you want to change. 
Changing a bad habit is really hard, but figuring out your triggers might help. When you feel tempted to engage in a bad habit, write down what was happening beforehand. This might be your trigger, so avoiding that situation in the future could help you make positive changes.
Let’s say you’re trying to stop eating junk food. When you feel tempted to munch on a bag of chips, you might consider what was happening when the craving hit. You might realize that when you feel stressed, you crave junk food. Managing your stress levels might help you avoid triggering your cravings.
2. Make a list of the habits and behaviors that are holding you back. 
You’ll need to swap out your bad habits for good ones if you want to make a big change. Identify the habits that aren’t helping you live the life you want. Additionally, recognize the behaviors that are causing problems in your life. List out these habits and behaviors so you can work on changing them.[2]
As an example, you might recognize that your habit of eating take out on weekends is preventing you from saving money to use for your hobbies and from eating healthy meals.
Similarly, you might realize that scrolling on your phone is taking all of your free time.
3 .Describe what your best life looks like.
 If you’re wanting to change yourself completely, it’s likely you feel that your life isn’t going the way you’d like. To help you be your best self, decide what your ideal life would look like. Include the job or path of study you want to pursue, how you want to spend your day, and how you want people to perceive you.
For instance, you might decide that you want to be a teacher so you can work with kids. In your free time, you might spend your day helping others, making things, and spending time with your family. You may want people to perceive you as a kind-hearted, hard-working person.
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reality-detective · 29 days
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CYMATICS Science Vs Music
On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. Hooke ran a bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with flour, and saw the nodal patterns emerge.
The German musician and physicist Ernst Chladni noticed in the eighteenth century that the modes of vibration of a membrane or a plate can be observed by sprinkling the vibrating surface with a fine dust.
Full video 👇
Everything is frequency, everything is energy, everything is not what it appears to be. It's time to change your thinking⁉️🤔
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wishbrightdreams · 7 months
Reinvention Progress Diary #2
Hiya dreamers! 💖
How was everyone’s week? Spring is just around the corner, I’m so excited for Spring! It’s my favourite season. This past week, I got some of my goals done, but not all because I was busy preparing for my online course that started on Friday.
My Weekly Progress:
Health: So I didn’t prep my juice this week, but I’ll try for this week. I didn’t prep my breakfast wraps either due to not getting enough food to meal prep. I ate ok, not bad but not great. I didn’t eat as many greens this week. However, I did get on a new superfoods protein shake! It’s pretty good so far. I learned to cook plant based sausage and hard boiled eggs by myself this week. I also walked three times, twice for 5-10 minutes and once for 15-20 minutes! I didn’t get on the red light this week, I think I only got on it once. My sinuses were really acting up due to the weather changes of the season and I didn’t feel like doing it.
Professional: I finished my course’s pre-work, and I started the live training portion on Friday!
Adulting: No progress on financing, except for figuring out what’s leftover in my annual government personal funding program that I receive every year. I had a doctor’s phone call appointment this week about my meds. It went well, I have upped my dosage on my meds. No progress on my to-do list system.
Hobbies: My hobbies took a back seat this week because I was prepping for my online course.
Healing/Spiritual: I had a spirit guide meditation session this week! All of my spirit guides were there including a new person I have never met before. I affirmed my manifestation throughout this week and no progress on the energy protection.
Style/Self-Care: I had a little progress this week. I decided to get into doing simple makeup (before I didn’t really like to wear makeup). I haven’t put any on yet, but I found a great 5-10 minute make up routine video on YouTube to follow! Simple is better for me when it comes to style & self-care.
What I Need To Work On:
Keeping things simple, I always jump right into it, instead of working my way up to it. I don’t think I will prep juices right away until I feel more comfortable making simple juices instead.
Next Week I Will Focus On:
1. My online course
2. Decide on the 6 drugstore makeup products I’ll get for my simple makeup routine for next month’s budget
3. Ask my parents about opening a savings account on their profiles so I’m not tempted to use any of that saved money on my account
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big-low-t · 4 months
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