#Charles Leclerc x gender neutral!reader
lipringlrh · 6 months
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lando ending | logan ending
summary: lando’s your best friend but seems to like you when he’s drunk. but then again, he seems to like everyone when he’s drunk.
pairing: lando norris x gn!reader
wc: 1.5k
The music was too loud but Lando was so close that he didn’t need to alter his volume - he was talking at the perfect volume that only you could hear him. Each sentence was getting lower, deeper and quieter, but your own mind made him louder, filling up every space in it with replays of him. He was engrossing. He was all you could think about.
He almost dropped the cup in his hand as he took the final step closer, not that the cup would've mattered to him, his only concern would’ve been making sure you stay dry. Still, your throat turned dry at the little distance between you both; at the prospect of what was surely about to happen.
His free hand drifted to your jaw, holding it so delicately and manoeuvring your face gently to face up at him at the perfect angle for him to kiss you. When it was just right, and he could no longer remove his eyes from your lips, not even for a second, his hand moved to the back of your head, holding you in place.
He leaned down, oozing out confidence despite the absolute fear inside of him, and rested his forehead against yours. You had closed your eyes, expecting him to kiss you, but you opened them again when you realised he wasn’t, pulling away only slightly due to the hand on your head preventing it further.
“Lan,” you breathed, your tone showing everything that you weren’t saying, “What are you waiting for?”
His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily like resisting kissing you was the hardest thing that he’d ever done in his life. “I’m just making sure you want this,” he paused, opening his eyes and flicking them between your eyes and your lips, “Do you want this?”
“Yes,” you responded instantly, your desperation being evident from miles away. He held back a chuckle and instead revelled in the fact that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. “Please, Lan.”
“So polite,” he whispered, his voice low and hoarse. He titled your head again, bringing you impossibly closer. You could feel his shirt against your chest and his breathing on your face - there was no going back and you both knew it.
He was going to kiss you, he was leaning down, too slowly for your liking but it was happening and so you weren’t complaining. You felt a ghost touch against your lips - the slightest feeling - but it was there before being harshly ripped away in an instant.
“Mate! I’m going now, congrats on the podium,” Carlos said after walking up to Lando from behind, a hand on his back, the other one shaking his hand.
“Congrats on your win, more like it,” Lando replied, a half smile on his face, trying to be as genuine as possible and not show his annoyance that his moment was ruined.
Carlos looked towards you, about to share a goodbye with you, before noticing your dazed look and shifting between you and Lando as he noticed what was happening. “Shit- sorry, man- carry on, I’ll see you later, yeah?” he said, not letting either of you reply before wandering off, towards the door.
You both stood there frozen for a while, not speaking or moving, just staring into each other's eyes, begging the other for an answer.
Quickly, Lando had given up and stood up straight, looking into his cup and swirling what was left around. “I’m getting another drink, do you want anything?”
“No,” you said, barely audible and no longer looking at him or in his general direction. If you hadn’t shook your head as you spoke, he wouldn’t have known what you said and he really didn’t want to get into an awkward cycle of asking you to repeat yourself a few times before he finally heard you.
“I’ll find you,” was all he said as he left. You watched him as he cut through the crowds to the bar and ordered a drink and a shot, downing the shot the second that he got it.
He turned around and scanned the room, briefly meeting your eyes. You could tell he was debating whether to come back or not but you didn’t know what he decided as he began to stand up, so you made the decision for him and walked away to the side of the club, hopefully weaving through the tides of people enough that it would take a while for him to find you.
You ended up in one of the back corners of the club, pushing yourself into the wall so that people could squeeze past you and so you could people watch better. You were busying yourself giving strangers names and storylines, trying to distract yourself from whatever just happened, or could’ve happened, when you almost threw yourself to the floor in shock from a sudden hand waving in front of your face.
“Don’t jump - I was just trying to get your attention. I called your name a few times,” Alex said. You turned to look at him, slouching right next to you against the wall.
“Sorry, loud music,” you replied. It wasn’t a lie, the music was loud, but you could barely hear it over your thoughts whirring anyway. You watched Alex grimace and shake his head, somehow knowing it wasn’t the music distracting you.
“I saw,” he hummed as you took in a sharp intake of breath.
“I don’t-”
“You kissed him, finally, then what happened? Why are you all alone?” he questioned, his eyes scanning the place for Lando, knowing he’s not usually the type to leave you alone in places like this. He could tell you were upset and confused, and he needed to get to the bottom of it in order to work out whether he’d need to drive his car into Lando’s during the next race or not.
“No- he almost kissed me. Again. Carlos interrupted and he left. He left, Alex. Asked if I wanted a drink and left,” you spat, a mixture of uncertainty and anger clouding your voice. Why did he leave? He started it and left knowing exactly what was happening whilst leaving you with nothing - it was unfair.
Alex sighed. He wasn’t happy with Lando but knew what he felt for you and ultimately wanted to give him the chance to tell you without any mistakes.
“Maybe talk to him about it. He might just be unsure of where you’d like it to go-”
“He called the shots, Alex, he does it whenever he’s drunk, I don’t think he gets to be the confused one,” you sighed, looking at your feet. Alex paused and tried to think of another way to give Lando another chance to tell you how he feels without ruining it.
“Maybe talk to him when he’s sober. He’ll-”
“He doesn’t want me when he’s sober,” you whispered but wanted to scream. It hurt you to say it but you felt like it was true. Alex felt his breath hitch and his heart ache to scream at you that Lando does want you.
“That’s not right. Who wouldn’t want you?” he could see how it was affecting you and wanted nothing more than to make you feel better, but his train of thought was abandoned when he saw your body recoil into the wall in disgust.
He followed your eyeline to find Lando towards the middle of the room, kissing some girl that you had never seen before. He was leaning into her as if he’d die if he let go, and his hand was on the same place on the back of her head as it was on yours.
“Oh,” Alex said, not really knowing what else he could do. He was furious and wanted to mortify Lando in front of everyone in the room.
“Yeah, oh,” you repeated sarcastically. Your knees felt weak and your eyes were on the brink of bursting - it was impossible to hide if you tried. “I’m going to go home,” was all you could get out, your voice choking on every word.
You tried to convince yourself that you weren’t upset and rather you were disgusted but you couldn’t after the image of Lando sucking some other girl's face was plastered in your mind and you shed tears the whole way home. Lando didn’t know - in your mind he didn’t even care but as you were crying to Alex and Lily in an uber, he was looking for you everywhere. But as it hit him, the guilt and weight of what he’d done, and the realisation that you must’ve seen, he prayed that you’d let him explain, like he did every time this happened, whilst you would tell yourself, again, that you meant it this time; that he was too late.
lando ending | logan ending
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lokideservesahug · 4 months
Always With Me
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader (I think gn)
Warnings: Nothing, just a(n inchident?!? Sorry lol) short thing :).
Notes: CHARLES WIN IN MONACO!!! WOOOOO❤❤❤ I was inspired by something @a-beaverhausen said when we were talking about Charles and his jewellery in the cool down room (or more particularly, the blue set I've never noticed before)!!
Summary: Your boyfriend is famous for his jewellery. But you can't help but pay special attention to his newst additions.
Charles wore a lot of jewellery, you know that. Everyone knows that. Whether it was the rings he's worn for years or the friendship braclets given to him by a multitude if fans over the race weekend, he always wears some kind of jewellery. So despite you loving and caring for your boyfriend deeply, you didn't pay much mind to any new additions to his person with how often his wrists sported new accessories.
However, when you watch the projection of the three podium sitters in the cooldown room, your attention is fixed soley on your boyfriend. Or more particularly what he's doing. You find it both endearing and extremely sweet that one of the first things he does after every race is re-adorn himself with his staple jewellery (whether he DNF's or wins for the first time ever in his home track). Yet, more particularly, you take notice of the more expensive looking set of bracelet and ring he's currently putting on (rather attractively you must say).
Now, Monaco is a busy weekend because:
a) It's Monaco for crying out loud and
b) It's Charles' home race of course.
So you noticed that he had new, clearly expensive looking jewellery this weekend but hadn't had the time to fully take it in. Yet as you look at it you swear that it's the familiar shade of your birthstone. You, however don't have much time to ponder on it before the crowd goes wild with applause and Carlos makes his way on to the podium and you wait excitedly for your boyfriend to make his Monaco podium debut.
Light cuts softly through your soft slumber and you feel your boyfriend nuzzle futher into your shoulder and groan slightly. As most would expect, last night's celebrations were off the charts. But, that also leaves your boyfriend in a very hungover, very clingy state. You, fortunately (having the saner mind last night out of the two of you) decided not go get wasted and so that left you able to admire your drowsy boyfriend who was currently waking from the last holds of slumber. He throws his left arm over your waist and that's when you notice his jewellery again.
Exactly as you expected. The lovely shade of your birthstone greets you or rather the sight or many of your birthstones on his ring and bracelet meet your curious gaze. You hear a soft grumble and then "Bonjour ma chérie." You chuckle at his gruff voice. "Morning Charlie." You kiss the crown of his head. "How is my favourite Monaco race winner today?" You feel his toothy grin against your chest and hear his chuckles. He awners your question and you distantly clock his far off words but don't respond.
"Darling?" You hum at him and meet his soft gaze. "What has you so distracted?" You shake your head slightly and your eyes catch in to his bracelet once again. "Nothing." He follows your gaze and blushed once he realises the object of your attention. Charles buries his head in your chest once more and mumbles something inaudibly. "Pardon?" You softly beckon the man to repeat himself. He lifts his head but refuses to meet your eyes "I said. I was hoping you wouldn't realise that." You tilt your head at his words. "What? Why?" He shakes his head and his cheeks warm again. You smile fortly at him. "Come on you can tell me. I just want to know about your new jewellery. I didn't take that as your style." Charles meets your eyes and elaborates. "It's just a friend of mine wanted to make some jewellery for me when you were away a few weeks ago." You hum at his words and gesture his hand for him to continue. "And I just really missed you and didn't like feeling like that. So I thought if I had jewellery of your birthstone it would be like I always had a piece of you with me."
It was now your turn to blush at his clearly love filled words. "Oh..." Despite making the connection that his jewellery was made of your birthstone, you hadn't hadn't bold enough to make the assumption that he had done it deliberately for you rather than it being a consequence. "Well." You softly kiss his nose. "I think it's sweet." You smile at him. "Although, I can't say I don't feel a bit left out." His face swiftly splits out into that full face grin you fell in love with. " Well mon ange, I can easily fix that."
And despite your teasing words holding no weight, his certainly did. And he proved this when two days later, he gifted you a small box with a rather large, attractive opal of his birthstone sat on a gorgeous chain and a promise of a ring coming soon. Only he didn't specify exactly what kind of ring he meant and he knew that the one he was going to gift to you also came with very important question...
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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andcars · 23 days
f1 drivers x gn!reader , MV33 CL16 DR3 LH44 GR63 LS2
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TAGS . . . # gender neutral reader , crack , mentioned/referenced sex FIC STYLE. . . # texts
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you support me best on tumblr with reblogs and comments !    by andcar
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ghostking4m · 6 months
Male readers exist
So this is mostly for the hockey and sports world writers, I don’t mean to be mean or make anyone uncomfortable when I say this, but male readers exist too. Believe i’ve tried writing for male readers, but, I don’t have the talent or even time and energy to write for male readers at my current stage in life. I just want to request that more writers for the sports world, particularly hockey, F1, american football, maybe even just specific athletes. I’ve seen that some writers are including more gender neutral and male readers to their work, but when all you see is straight girls getting every piece of writing, it really sucks and makes us feel pretty shitty
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Charles Leclerc x Gn! Reader
I love you, Y/n L/n
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This shit is inspired by tears of heaven by Eric Clapton, I had a different song in mind but I realized that song didn't fit the plot. And I remembered this one, hopefully it's good enough 🥹🥹🥹
First gender neutral reader I've done (only labeled one lmao) hope this is good enough to wait for the very dramatic fanfic up coming. I'm shit at emotional stuff so it's taking extra long 😭😭 sry anon.
Enjoy 🫶
I tried to proof read but I'm busy, hope you atleast understand it 🥹🥹🥹
"When I go, can you promise me to move on from me, someday? Have kids? And maybe, just maybe name a dog after me."
They said in a weak voice as they lay in our bedroom.
"I-I will, I will Y/n."
I held their hand weakly as I held it to my lips as I kissed it.
"Don't cry, Charlie."
They weakly reached out to wipe the tear that unknowingly fell down my cheek.
"I love you, Y/n. Know that, please, I love you, I love you so much. I don't want you to leave me, you are the r-reason I stayed strong when my father died, and now you leave me too. It's unfair it's s-so unfair, you were my first love, Y/n."
I said as I let out a sob I was holding in.
"Please don't cry, I hate it when you're sad."
Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
‘Cause I know I don't belong here in Heaven
a voice said, next to me.
"Hi, I'm Y/n."
They said as they smiled at me.
"I'm Charles."
I smiled back as I held out my hand. They slowly began to shake my hand hand.
"Are you new?"
I asked as they nodded shyly.
"how old are you?"
I asked them as we completely forgot about the teacher at the front.
"I'm 16."
They said anxiously.
"I'm also 16, do you have any friends here, yet?"
They shook their head no.
"Want to eat lunch with me?"
They nodded.
"You're not very talkative."
I chuckled, they shook their head no.
Would you hold my hand if I saw you in Heaven?
Would you help me stand if I saw you in Heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day
‘Cause I know I just can't stay here in Heaven
"Want to come to my first f2 race?"
I asked Y/n as we were walking around the streets of Monaco.
"Where is it?"
They asked as I looked at them on my left.
"I-i can't afford that, Charlie, I would love to, but I can't."
"I'll pay, I'll pay for everything, just go, please."
We stopped walking as I grabbed his hand.
"I'd feel guilty."
They said sadly.
"Consider it, my early birthday gift to you."
They rolled their eyes at me as they took back their hand. But I wrapped my arm around their shoulder and pulled them close to me.
"Come with me and my father, or I'll cry."
I said childishly as I pouted.
"Fine, you big baby."
They pushed me away from them.
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart, have you begging please
Begging please
Cheers and yells were all around me as I climbed up the podium, and stood still for the Monegasque anthem to play. As the anthem was playing, I looked around the people searching for Y/n, I smiled sadly as I saw them alone. My father was supposed to come, but God had other plans.
As the anthem ended, I grabbed the champagne and began to shower the other two drivers on the podium and the people below. I grabbed my trophy and raised it up after I finished my champagne and climbed down.
I immediately went to where Y/n was, giving the trophy to my team on the way. As soon as I got to them, I pulled them to me and kissed their lips. My hand on their neck pulling them closer and the other on their hips gently squeezing.
I slowly pulled back, needing oxygen but I rested our foreheads together as I looked at their eyes, wanting this moment to never seize.
"Be mine?"
Beyond the door, there's peace, I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more tears
in Heaven
I heard their voice call out to me as the door to our apartment opened and closed.
I heard footsteps getting closer and crinkling of paper. I turned to them and they hastily hid something behind their back but the crinkling of paper could still be heard.
"Any problem, amour?"
I asked as I approached them, they shook their head no.
I looked down guiltily.
"I don't want to ruin your home race."
They said with a smile.
"If you say so, I trust you, Y/n."
I smiled back and put a hand on their cheek.
"But please, if it's very important, tell me as soon as possible, okay?"
I said worriedly.
They took my hand on their cheek and pulled me close, kissing my cheek.
"What were you making?"
"Pasta, it's the only thing I know how to cook."
I put my arm around their waist and walked with them towards the stove where the water was boiling over and the pasta becoming mush.
"That's a lie."
They laughed as they turned off the stove and threw away the pasta.
"You're hopeless in the kitchen, go back to racing."
They rolled their eyes at me and pushed me away.
"Go wait in the living while I cook something edible."
"You're mean."
I hugged them from behind and kissed their neck.
"Yea yea now go, shoo out with you."
They pushed me out of the kitchen, on my way out I saw the paper on the counter.
Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven?
Would you be the same if I saw you in Heaven?
Y/n said as I ran towards them and hugged them tight, as I felt tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm so proud of you, Mon amour."
They said as they hugged me back tight, and kissed my hair. As my face was buried in their neck.
"I love you so much, I again, I won here when I met you, and I won my home race."
I mumbled against their neck.
"I love you too."
"I wish we could've spent more time together, Mon amour."
I mumbled against their hand as the beeps became flat, and their body became limp.
I must be strong and carry on
'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven.
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charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
Hello, Welcome to my account. Please enjoy reading…..
Wedding dress shopping with the leclercs-Wedding dress shopping with the Leclerc family 
rainy days are movie days- a little blurb of a rainy day with your boyfriend Ollie
first look- First look with Lando on your wedding day
young love- a family vacation with the Leclerc fam and Ollie and the Insta post from hell
the reception- y/n and Landos wedding reception. part two to first look
studying with you-Oscar Piastri helps you studying and ensures you there is no where else he would rather be. 
marry me French girl-you learn French in order to make a great first impression on Charles family and Charles is over the moon about it 
family holiday- a family holiday with Lando Norris and his kids.
KUWTL- Christmas morning
Pierre Gasly- fertility doctor ( smut )
Leclerc!sister- the wedding dress ( part two )
KUWTL- ultrasound
Ollie bearman- young love part two
Requests : OPEN
Please feel free to send in a request through my request tab for any of the following drivers
Charles leclerc
Lando norris
Oscar Piastri
Logan Sargeant
Pierre Gasly
daniel Ricciardo
Arthur leclerc
Ollie bearman
please note this is a space where we respect all writers and readers. If my fic has sensitive topics I will always put a warning feel free not to read if that makes you uncomfortable. Have a lovely day. 💕😊
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miloformula123fan · 8 months
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charles leclerc x ferrari!race engineer!male reader
okay honestly excited about this, like this will save charles from awkward strategy calls
Please keep requesting - y'all have awesome ideas, and it keeps me motivated - my guidelines are here, and if you want some prompts, they are here.
also feel free to come in and start chatting to me in my asks, would love to get to know y'all better
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verstappensrealwife · 7 months
╰┈➤ ❝ Lance Stroll Masterlist ❞
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I write for any driver on the grid ( incl. retired drivers ) ╰─▸ With retired drivers, please specify whether the fic will be set before or after their retirement ♡ Feel free to send in a request - They can be anonymous! ♡
★ Indicates smut ღ indicates fluff ☂ indicates angst
Beyond Friendships Boundaries ★
click here to read ★
Race to Remember ★ღ
click here to read ★ღ
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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iheartmonaco · 3 months
Calling them "bro"
🔸 F1 Drivers X Male Reader (Can be taken as Gender Neutral too, only mentioned 'boyfriend' in Charles'
🔸inc.: Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, Max Verstappen, Daniel Ricciardo, George Russell, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel
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hiraishua · 6 months
+ 최고 — other lists
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☥ charles leclerc
sunkissed face : with female reader series!
secrets he’ll keep : with female reader part two
ode to the dogs of war : with female reader series!
birthday cake : with female bianchi reader series!
☥ max verstappen
last call : with female reader oneshot!
roses and feelings : with female reader oneshot!
seven : with female schumacher reader oneshot!
blonde hair, lemonade tea : with female reader oneshot!
the cat sitter : with female reader series!
two lines : with female reader oneshot!
too cold : with female reader oneshot!
☥ daniel ricciardo
peace : with female reader oneshot!
girl crush : with actress reader oneshot!
though i have to travel far, remember me : with gn driver reader oneshot!
baby ric : with female reader oneshot!
the 1 : with female horner reader part two
☥ lando norris
6 to 1 : with female leclerc reader series!
you are my sunshine : with female reader oneshot!
wedding bells : with female reader oneshot!
drunk girls do cry : with female reader oneshot!
all i want is my sweet lover : with female reader oneshot!
big dad vibes : with female reader oneshot!
a golf swing and a trampoline part two part three
it’s a match : with female reader series!
in a galaxy far, far away : with female reader series!
dont fuck it, you muppet : with female reader oneshot!
spider-man lando : with gender neutral reader oneshot!
☥ oscar piastri
lavender and vanilla : with female reader oneshot!
best i ever had : with female reader oneshot!
☥ lewis hamilton
the muse behind the camera : with female reader oneshot!
☥ mick schumacher
oh, baby : with female reader oneshot!
☥ lance stroll
sugar plum : with female reader oneshot!
keeping it professional : with female reader oneshot! part 2
☥ ollie bearman
enamorado : with female reader oneshot!
☥ other
little leclerc : with female leclerc reader series!
— features ollie bearman x reader
the lighting on track : with female stark reader series!
— a mcu and formula one crossover!!
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delicious : lando norris with female sainz reader
winner’s prize : charles leclerc with female reader
second time around : lando norris with female reader
naughty list : oscar piastri with female reader
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vettelsbees · 9 months
whatever it takes
charles leclerc x redbullracingadmin!reader
fic type: social media au
summary: charles is dating the redbull racing admin which is why there’s a sudden uptick of charles content…but it’s proving to be a hit for engagement so they're just kinda allowed to continue
note: welcome to my second-ever smau. i am still learning kinda how to do these, so my formatting might change as i figure out what works best for me. this one is pretty different format-wise than the last and I'll probably end up somewhere between. and, of course, any constructive feedback is welcome! the next one i have planned (a charles x piastri!reader introduced via arthur) might need a bit of texting so if anyone has recommendations for how to make fake texts - let me know!
disclaimer(s): I try to keep it mostly gender-neutral but I do picture a girl when writing and my pinterest selections tend to be fem coded so it isn't truly gender neutral just be warned. also, i am borrowing content from (obviously) the redbull racing insta and from public instagrams. these are real things redbull posts haha. also i think there is swearing.
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@//redbullracing has posted a Reel to Instagram
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@//redbullracing Some classic Maxplaining and Leclerifying
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@//lecfosi everyone is charles fan
@//dutchlion8 stop i thought this was a fan account not rbr
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername day job makes me sleepy
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@//bestie_estie pop off with the soft launch
@//landogirlz is this one of the f1 workers?? where are the drivers?
@//zhouscloset it's their personal but okay
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@//redbullracing has posted on Instagram
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@//redbullracing We are racing in Las Vegas!
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@//patofan how is charles half of these he's not a redbull driver
@//snowmansandesteban loving the charles content
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername just explorin'
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@//lovefrombrasil Now this has become a proper soft launch
@//maxverstappen1 Hm
@//yukipopsoff this is who we think is the rbr admin @//ln4theresties
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername it's kinda hard to protect the feed AND soft launch
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@//artiesparty then hard launch
@//georgerushing scream, sobbing, foaming at the mouth
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@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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@//yourusername nowhere i'd rather be <3
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@//whiteandsilverarrows this looks like a certain monégasque...
@//elpadrenando someone ask arthur about it
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@//redbullracing has posted on Instagram
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tagged: maxverstappen1, schecoperez
@//redbullracing Looking back through our festive wardrobe
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@//charleswife16 girl where is charles
@//yukigasly boo bring back sharl
@//rockytherb19 Great team!
@//yourusername has posted on Instagram
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tagged: charles_leclerc
@//yourusername saved him for the priv account this time
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@//yukigasly THERE HE IS
@//sharllechair god...it's me again
@//tripodgasly girl me too. i can't believe they confirmed it
@//alpharedbull no one tell christian
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hehe the end
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redclercs · 1 year
i only see daylight ✩ charles leclerc
— or, three times charles showed you love is golden.
✐ charles leclerc x gender neutral reader
✐ requested. inspired by taylor swift's song 'daylight'.
✐ warnings: lowercase intended, small mention of reader being insecure of their looks, 1k words.
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i don't want to look at anything else now that i saw you
"why are you looking at me like that?" you ask, eyebrows tightly knitted. you've done your best to avoid asking the question, but charles' stare is making you self-conscious despite your best efforts. intrusive thoughts swarm your brain now and then, telling you he's too good for you in many, many ways, but the most evident one might be how plain you look compared to his beautiful exterior.
"do you think the moon is jealous of how beautiful you are?" he's so sincere your heart hurts a little, and yet, a smile spreads on your face imitating his own.
you laugh, shaking your head, as he's still staring at you.
"i'm being serious," charles joins in your laughter, all contradiction to his spoken words. "you're the most beautiful thing i've ever laid my eyes upon."
you've been told you're pretty in different instances of your life, you've been called 'cute' 'adorable' and on very very strange occasions, beautiful. but charles calls you all of that so often, that you're shocked the words haven't lost any meaning. he speaks from his heart every time he talks to you.
the awkwardness has seeped out of your body, replaced by the warmth of knowing you're loved in a way many people spend their lives desiring.
all of you, all of me, intertwined
it's your racing heartbeat that wakes you up. you lie in bed, eyes open and blood rushing to your ears, waiting for another sound to come from outside the bedroom. you are supposed to be alone, but you swear something fell in the kitchen.
you're frightened, but you know you have to deal with whoever is rummaging through your cupboards at 2 am. grabbing your cell from the nightstand, you dial three digits for the emergency line and skip the 'call' button, this is a dumb idea, but you are going to the kitchen.
it takes you three minutes to find one of charles' golf clubs, and you get a pinch of regret about using them as a weapon, but deep down you know he won't mind. tiptoeing your way down to the kitchen, your heart is about to burst out of your chest. this really is a dumb idea, you could just be endangering yourself further.
"ah putain!" a male voice whisper-yells, followed by the sound of another pot crashing to the linoleum. your boyfriend is angry and disheveled, and he has never looked better in your eyes.
"what are you doing?" you question, leaning the golf club against the wall. there's this happiness that only he brings you by just being in the same space, that your fear is gone. there's surprise in your heart too, pleasant surprise, he is supposed to be on the other side of europe still.
charles straightens up so fast he gets lightheaded, but it doesn't stop him from crossing the kitchen in three long strides, arms open and with a huge smile that shows his dimples clearly. "mon amour!" he's still whispering, although you're awake and currently being asphyxiated in his embrace.
"i thought you were taking the eight am flight," you mumble against his shoulder. he carries with him the smell of the plane, which is not unpleasant, but it hides his normal scent; the one that makes him feel like home.
"i couldn't wait to see you," he's peppering your head with kisses, his hands roaming down your sides as he takes you in, as if he's missed you for years and not just a weekend.
"hmhmm," you love being in his arms, you just don't love the lack of oxygen that's getting to your head.
charles lets go of you, not without leaving a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
"and what were you doing sneaking around like a mouse in the kitchen?" you look at the pot still on the ground and the wooden spoon resting on the stovetop.
"well," he's sheepish now, scratching the back of his head. "i was hungry. i hate plane food."
you laugh and he takes this as a chance to hold you against him again. sleep has abandoned you completely, you are too giddy now that you're with him.
"and what exactly were you planning to cook?"
charles shrugs, "whatever i could find, to be honest."
you make yourselves busy with preparing a three am snack, quickly falling into synchronization after so many meals prepared together in this same kitchen. sometimes in silence, others like right now, there isn't a pause while charles tells you everything about his weekend away, there isn't a thought in his brain that doesn't make its way to his mouth when he's with you.
it's three am, you're both sleep deprived and you can't picture yourself doing this with anyone else or for anyone else.
i once belived love would be black and white
in your experience, there were only two possibilities when it came to a disagreement: i’m right and you’re wrong.
fighting with charles is uncommon, your disagreements over petty things can be solved in childish ways, a game of rock, paper, scissors, pulling the short straw, etc. these stupid little issues end with a laugh and short mockery of whoever lost, and the agreement to don't bring it up again. which is the harder part, teasing each other in a lighthearted manner is a love language too.
you still remember the first time you had your first big fight with charles. the reason it started has slipped to back of your mind, insignificant. but you remember the crying and the yelling.
the thought of your love being over was the worst stab, straight into your heart. things like these had happened before, your previous relationships never bounced back from your mistakes. it always was all right or all wrong when it came to you.
charles hadn't yelled, he had waited patiently for you to finish and when you were a mess with reddened eyes and a clogged nose, he hugged you and told you he loved you.
yes, he was mad at you too. but his temporary anger didn't cloud his better judgment, words cannot be taken back, and hurting you wasn't something he could forgive himself for.
“pause, okay?” charles says sometimes, others it’s your turn to freeze the frame, when things are getting too ugly to be sane about them.
and you pause. because there is right and there is wrong, but there are no absolutes between the two of you, except maybe when it comes to loving the other.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hi! this is my first request on this blog, so thank you so much to the anon that requested this. I hope they and everyone who stumbles upon this enjoyed it!❞
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lokideservesahug · 5 days
Bordering Professional
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ferrari/ Future Team Principal!reader
Notes: For some reason, my thoughts are consumed by Charles Leclerc and Ferrari/ Future team principal!reader (+a moodboard)
Charles Leclerc meeting his future team principal... Or so the rumours say. Fred Vasseur is good but this rising star is better. You're not only extremely talented and overwhelmingly intelligent, but you're also incredibly captivating. Cameras have caught drivers stopping to catch glimpses multiple times. From Lewis readily talking to you whenever you visit the paddock (in what he claims is getting to know his future team better) to the time Max faltered for a moment in his post qualifying interviews as he caught sight of you in that outfit that accentuated your features all to well. You're captivating and everyone knows it.
You know the effect you have on many. And if it isn't your brains or beauty turning heads, your family name certainly is. Being one of the last to carry the Ferrari name is certainly a burden but you pay it no mind. People can't even complain about nepotism when you help the team so much and half of the paddock follows you around like lost puppies. Making life much easier for all.
Charles finds it quite professionalism quote infuriating (when it doesn't get him going, not that he'll admit that). Your sheer refusal to blur any lines with him or anyone else in the paddock is infuriating but keeps a small part of him happy, knowing that he doesn't have any competition or at the very least it's all equal.
You're there in Monaco when he gets the win. All bright smiles and Italian praises thrown at him. But they all blur into insignificance when you kiss him on the cheek. It's a quick peck. Nothing more. But gosh does it send him reeling. Charles wants nothing more in that moment than to swoop you into his arms and kiss you senseless. He's brought back to reality by the feeling of Fred engulfing him in a hug and he tries to rationalise his thoughts. "It's just the adrenaline" he tells himself.
He never thought a moment could top that. And whilst he doesn't want to compare two of the most joyous moments in his life, Monza 2024 is certainly up there with Monaco.
He wins. In front of what many would call his second home crowd. He wins in front of the Italians, the Tifosi but most importantly, you. Your professionalism bleeds into all aspects of your life. You don't show much emotion unless you need to, most people can count the times they've seen you smile even the slightest on one hand. Yet he's met by another one of your big grins. And as he realises two of the happiest moments of his life also being you a lot of joy, Charles can't help but fall more and more in love with you. You give him a tight hug and whisper "Well done Charlie." To which he just grins. He takes in your feautures, trying his hardest to commit this moment to memory. He almost swears he can see tears in your eyes as well but he's pulled away before he can come to a definite conclusion.
That night he stays a bit later, wanting to soak up the last bits of energy at the track before he hits the streets of Monza. He finds you and does something that he'd only dreamed off. He kisses you in an adrenaline filled haze, desperate to show his appreciation and affection for you. Charles didn't think far ahead, but as the kiss goes on, he's surprised that you didn't pull away and hit him. After a few more moments you both pull away. He expects to be lectured about how unprofessional it was, about how it ruins the both of your careers and images. But instead he's just met with a quick peck (the same type as the one you gave him at Monza) but this time on the lips. His eyes widen as you chuckle slightly and turn on your heel. "Well done Il Predestinato. See you in Baku."
And as he watches you walk off, Charles' suspicions are confirmed. He knows he shouldn't, you're probably his future boss and at the very least you're his co-worker. Heck your family surname is surrounding him, his suit is brandishing the logo of the company you'll one day inherit.... But Charles doesn't care. He just knows that he's completely and irrevocably in love with you.
Sorry for how random this was... Also I tries my hardest to make it gender neutral. Idk where this came from or why but I hope you like it...
And please send any asks if you want to, or want me to elaborate on this...
Taglist: @nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee @thatgirlmj
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Charles Leclerc x Reader: A Fur-Ever Family
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Prompt: You and Charles decide to adopt a pet together. The process of choosing, bringing home, and caring for your new furry friend brings out your nurturing sides and adds a new dimension to your relationship.
Reader: Gender Neutral
Word count: 846
Average reading time: 3 min 5 sec
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Charles and Y/N strolled hand in hand through the narrow streets of Monte Carlo, their steps in sync, their hearts light with joy. Today was a special day for them; they were about to adopt their first pet together, a long-haired cream Dachshund they had already decided to name Leo.
“Are you excited, mon amour?” Charles asked, his voice soft and filled with affection. His eyes sparkled as he looked at Y/N, the love of his life.
“More than you can imagine.” Y/N replied, squeezing his hand. “I’ve always wanted to have a dog, and now we’re doing this together. It feels perfect.”
Charles stopped walking for a moment, pulling Y/N close. He cupped her face gently in his hands, gazing into her eyes. “You make everything perfect,” he whispered before leaning in for a tender kiss. The romantic moment was briefly interrupted by a group of children running past, laughing and playing, reminding them of the lively world around them.
The couple arrived at the pet adoption center, their excitement bubbling over as they entered. The sound of playful barks and meows filled the air, and they were greeted by a friendly staff member who led them to the area where Leo was waiting.
As soon as they saw Leo, it was love at first sight. The little Dachshund wagged his tail furiously, his big brown eyes filled with curiosity and excitement. Charles knelt down and extended a hand towards Leo, who immediately trotted over and sniffed it before giving it a friendly lick.
“Look at him, Y/N,” Charles said, his voice full of awe. “He’s perfect.”
Y/N knelt beside Charles and gently petted Leo’s soft fur. “He really is. I can’t believe he’s ours.”
The adoption process was quick, and soon they were on their way home with Leo happily settled in Y/N’s arms. Charles kept his arm around your waist, occasionally glancing over at you and Leo, his heart swelling with happiness at the sight of his beloved and their new furry friend.
Once home, they set about making Leo comfortable. They had prepared a cozy bed, bought toys, and filled bowls with food and water. Leo explored his new surroundings with curiosity, his little tail never stopping its wagging.
“He’s going to be so spoiled,” Charles said with a chuckle as he watched Y/N play with Leo, her laughter filling the room.
“He deserves it,” Y/N replied, smiling up at Charles. “We’re going to give him the best life.”
Over the next few days, Leo settled into their home and hearts. Charles and Y/N found themselves falling into a routine, each day filled with moments of joy and laughter brought on by Leo’s playful antics. They took turns feeding him, taking him for walks along the beach, and cuddling with him on the couch in the evenings.
One evening, as they sat on the couch with Leo nestled between them, Charles took Y/N’s hand in his. “Y/N, adopting Leo with you has made me realize something,” he said, his voice serious but filled with love. “I want to build a life with you, filled with moments like this. You, me, and Leo, forever.”
Tears filled Y/N’s eyes as she looked at Charles. “I want that too, Charles. More than anything.”
Charles leaned in and kissed Y/N, a promise of a beautiful future together. As their lips met, Leo barked happily and wriggled his way between them, pushing his little snout in an attempt to join the affection.
“Leo! You little rascal.” Charles laughed, gently pushing Leo back.
“He just wants to be part of the moment.” Y/N giggled, holding Leo close.
Charles pretended to pout. “He’s stealing my kisses now.” he teased.
“Guess you’ll have to share.” Y/N replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Charles leaned in for another kiss, but Leo jumped up, licking Y/N’s cheek instead. Y/N laughed and Charles couldn’t help but join in. “Alright, alright, you win, Leo.” Charles said, playfully rubbing the pup’s head.
Later that evening, Charles and Y/N found themselves in a playful tug-of-war with Leo. Charles would reach for a toy, only for Leo to clamp down on it and tug with surprising strength. Y/N watched, laughing, as Charles pretended to struggle.
“You’re no match for Leo, Charles.” Y/N teased.
“Oh, is that so?” Charles grinned, then lunged playfully at Y/N, tickling her sides. Y/N squealed, trying to wriggle away while holding Leo, who was now excitedly nipping at Charles’s fingers.
“Hey, hey! Not fair.” Charles laughed, pulling his hand back and shaking it. “Leo, you little biter!”
Y/N was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. “He’s defending me! Good boy, Leo!”
Charles pouted dramatically, but the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusement. “You’ve both ganged up on me. What am I to do?”
Y/N leaned in, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. “You love us both too much to mind.” she whispered.
Charles wrapped his arms around Y/N and Leo, pulling them both close. “You’re right about that, mon amour.” he murmured, his lips brushing against Y/N’s forehead.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
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artsyjedi · 1 year
They don’t stay together at the end | Charles Leclerc x reader
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summary: you and charles meet, live and life goes on.
author’s note: i enjoyed this but no at the same time? maybe it’s a little confusing, sorry. I hope you enjoy anyway :) and let me know if you do! english isn’t my first language!!!! and it’s been a while since i wrote something, be nice please
*also: I think the reader is gender neutral, but i don’t exactly remember.
warnings: none but If you find any let me know
**2nd part: ‘they see each other again’
“Move in with me to Monaco” Charles’ voice caught your attention.
You had met during that week, three days ago to be more precise and the days since have been more than a dream. A true fairy tale.
Charles’ was travelling, enjoying his days off before the begin of the season, and you were trying to make a life in a new place. You were working at a cafe when you met him; brown eyes enchanting you right away. He was a prince; the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
“Hi” he said softly while paying for his drink.
“Hi” you answered back with a mere whisper. If he wasn’t paying fully attention to you, he wouldn’t have heard.
And that was when you figure it out how powerful a two letter word can be.
This simple ‘hi’ became a whole conversation at the end of your shift, and then him showing around the city; his favorite spots, places he holds deep in his heart. Charles told you stories and you loved how his eyes sparkled with passion whenever he mentioned his family, friends or his career. He loved talking about art, he showed you his songs. Every little thing he did, you fell more and more.
But this dream would end one day. You knew - and so did he. This whole fairytale is gonna come to an end eventually and he’s gonna go back to his prestigious life as a driver while you gonna go back to your cafe and small apartment you share with other three people. Everything was gonna be nothing more than a memory - one you will hold close to your heart forever.
He was still staring at you, body and hair wet from the hot shower. You were on his hotel bed, covered with the white sheets, hair a mess and body tired. You were still sweating. He looked ethereal.
“I can’t, you know that” you laughed.
“Of course you can” he sat next to you, hand holding yours “You can live with me. At least at first if you want to live somewhere. And if you want, you can find a job there - or not too. Just come. I need you”
“You’re insane! I can’t just go and leave everything behind again. I need to create roots, a life. And more: what people would say? They would think I’m using you for money and fame”
“Who cares about what people think? It’s me and you that matters, nothing else. Create roots with me. We’ve been having such a good time together here, why not keep this going?”
“Because” you tried to argue, taking a deep breath before continuing “Because this is just a moment, Charles. This is good, perfect, but we both know it won’t last. This is good because it’s gonna come to an end. That’s all. Destiny played its part: we met each other, we learn from each other, and now we need to follow our own paths”
Charles got quiet. He was sad, you could see it; feel it even. But he knew you weren’t wrong. You couldn’t just drop everything you’ve been fighting for and go on this adventure with him; he had everything right already. A name for himself, a career.
“I love you. I love this” your hand held his face and went to his hair, caressing the brown humid strands. He closed his eyes, letting his head lean on your warm touch. When he opened his eyes, he found you smiling. Charles Leclerc was truly a thing.
He leaned further, nose meeting yours and he let himself enjoy the intimate touch. He kissed you then, with more passion than he had on the previous days.
“Fine” he rested his head against yours “I hope we meet again soon. Until there, let’s enjoy the time we have, ok?”
The days passed and everything felt then times more real. The feelings you had towards each other were crude and transparent to everyone. You went more places together, ate together, slept together. You loved him and he loved you. Life was simple.
The day he left, you went to the airport to say goodbye. It felt right.
While you saw him walk to his gate and disappear from your sight, you thought how beautiful those days were. It’s was not just about love, but about moments, about knowing to live with the knowledge that everything can and will end. One hour, one day, one week, one month or an entire life - moments are what makes life what it is and the best thing we can do is be grateful for them to happen at first place, and for the people who are part of it.
When you left the airport, the cold breeze met your face. That day was a good day, and you hoped faith would put Charles in your path once again; in that life or in another one.
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Everything Happens to Me
Everything Happens To Me
Charles Leclerc x Reader.
background: It was well known to everybody that Charlotte and Charles were maybe the most loved couple on the paddock, so when they broke up everyone started going crazy and wondering what will Charles do or date now, times where difficult, but little did Charles know that his life was about to be turn upside down by an Italian girl living in Monaco. (forbidden love)
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I am not 100% happy with this, but I have a plot in my mind that I think might have potential, so I hope you like this one despite not being the absolute best. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Love you flowers.
tw: none in this particular one, maybe swearing, but I don’t think so. Some bad translated french maybe. not proof read, english is not my first language.
Dialogue in italics are in Italian.
Meeting each other.
Where y/n and Charles met each other for the first time stuck in a restaurant garden out in the cold.
Y/n has been living in Monaco for quite a while now and she actually enjoys it very much there, besides that everything is kinda expensive, but what she is making as an influencer gets her the money she needs to live there. One day she is having dinner at a restaurant to shoot some content for a brand “Sorry where may I find the bathroom?” “It’s in the garden outside.”.
It’s late November and it’s already pretty chilly in Monaco and it was almost closing time. She goes to the bathroom and has to wait for a small queue because the bathroom was gender neutral. Charles is at the same restaurant having dinner by himself after a long travel back to Monaco returning from a race, the times have been difficult to him, with Charlotte’s break up and a series of eventful races that made him hate his team more than ever. As soon as he finished his food he decides to freshen up in the bathroom as well ending up in the small queue that formed in the small outdoor garden. As y/n enters the loo Charles is waiting for his turn outside the door. Meanwhile the people who are working in the shop start to close up without checking if someone is in the garden or the bathroom. Y/n gets out and recognizes right away Charles smiling at him, but thinking it might not be the best occasion to talk to him as he of course needs the bathroom, so she washes her hands and head to the door leading to the restaurant “No way” she raises her eyebrows while trying to open the very locked door.
After trying for a few minutes Charles gets out of the bathroom and sees her struggling with the door “Besoin d'aide ?”Do you need help? he asks her “Oui, Ça ne s'ouvre pas, j'ai peur qu'ils nous aient enfermés.”Yes, it doesn’t open, I’m afraid they might have locked us inside says her with a strong Italian accent “Oh, you’reItalian?” asks him showing off his Italian skills to her while trying to open the entrance “Oh no, I think it might be closed ” he declares with a worried look on his face. She tries again and again, shivering because she has been staying in the cold for twenty minutes now “I’ll try to call the restaurant number, maybe someone will come for us” she says, he is starting to get cold to and decided to go sit on a little sofa. y/n calls them and luckily they answer right away “Merci, Il n'y a pas de problèmes”, thanks there is no problem she goes sit near Charles “Well, good news is they’re coming to save us, the bad one is that the only person that has got the keys lives one hour from here.” Charles breathes deeply incredulous about the situation “By the way, I’m Charles” says him smiling at her while she’s sitting on his side “I’m y/n, nice to meet you” she smiled at him. “it’s a weird way to meet someone, isn’t it?” he jokes around, she nods in agreement. “Even more if one of the two is a F1 driver” she jokes just to letting him know she know who he is. “It’s bloody cold out here” y/n is shivering and don’t really know how to feel a bit warmer “Too much and we still have to wait at least forty minutes” Charles says lowkey scooping a little closer to her, she notices that and does it as welltryin to relieve the uncomfortable feeling of the cold air on her sking. “How come do you live in Monaco?” he asks her trying to chat the wait away “Well, I have a degree in Journalism and I work here as an influencer.” she answers, they start talking about the city and the life there and eventually about their own lives. Charles starts telling her about the last races and all the drama following his breakup with Charlotte and y/n listen to him leaning with the head against the sofa trying to stay comfy, but at the same time feel a less cold. Y/n tells him a lot about her life to and how she had to leave everyone behind because following her dream at home is nearly impossible, she tells him how she loves Monaco even if she hasn’t many friends here and feels a bit lonely at times. It is obvious that there is some sort of chemestry between there, having lots of things in common and both of them being incredibly interested in one and another’s lives.
Eventually someone arrives and opens the door for them apologizing like hell and offering us a free dinner “Vous pouvez venir quand vous voulez pour votre dîner gratuit ! Désolé encore.”You two can come when you’d like for a free dinner, I am so sorry! They finally get out and stop in front of the door “Thanks for being such a good waiting companion” he smiles at her “Thank you and you can have the free dinner. Don’t worry.” she offers him handing him the coupon that they gave them “Why don’t we come together, at the end of the day it’s a dinner for two, unless you don’t have a jealous boyfriend you didn’t tell me about” he giggles looking at her in the eyes, she slightly blush at those words “No boyfriend, so that’s not a problem. But are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t feel like it.” he nods smiling “That’s perfect then, this is my number calls me when you’re up to it.“ She says leaving him a small business card “I know it’s a bit formal, but it’s useful to be honest.”. They both laugh saying goodbye.
Charles immediately writes to her when she gets home, thing that she wasn’t expecting, and they keep talking everyday until they’re both free for that free dinner. After that dinner there were many others friendly meetings with an excuse or another “I should take you to this italian restaurant”, “I have to take you to oceanograph if you have never been to it” “there’s this nice exbition we shoul really go together” and things like that. At last Charles after a workout together at the gym where he devastated y/n with his f1 workout he asks “I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometimes” y/n giggles at those words not really getting it “Charles, did the workout hit too hard on you? We always hang out together when you’re at home.” He laughs nervously “I didn’t mean it that way. I meant it more like: Dans le sens où j'aimerais avoir un rendez-vous avec toi.” I would like to go on a date with you. y/n blushes at those words, was really a guy like Charles fucking Leclerc wanting to go on a date with her. “I would love that” she says almost quietly afraid to ruin it. “Okay, I plan it and you trust me.” those words scared y/n already “Mm.. J'ai peur, mais c'est bon.” I’m already scared but alright. Both feel so happy about the outcome of that conversation and go home with the biggest smiles on their faces.
chapter 2
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