#Charlie Gunningworth
silverhallow · 1 year
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newtonsheffield · 4 years
What’s Posy up to in your au?
Hello! Hello! 
Posy has unfortunately not made an appearance in this AU yet. I love Posy’s story and the way she showed up for Sophie in the end but I just couldn’t really figure out a way to fit her into the story. Here’s a little bit on her! 
Sophie had been four years old when she’d been left on Richard Gunningworth’s doorstep, the door had swung inwards and a girl only a few years older than her had opened it frowning down at her. You look like my stepdad she said matter of factly and then the whole world had gone upside down. A woman had appeared and said Posy whoever it is just get rid of them for god’s sake girl very sharply and then stopped dead at the sight of Sophie. Hours later Sophie was crying quietly in the room she’d been shoved into listening to the screaming in the near distance. There had been an odd noise at the door and Sophie had looked up a little confused to find a lollipop shoved under the door, with a little smiley face sticker on there.
When Sophie had been dragged back from boarding school in Wiltshire three days after her 16th Birthday Araminta Gunning worth had turned to her and said My husband has died Sophia I’m afraid your happy little life is over and Sophie had wanted to scream Is this what you call happy?! but instead she’d listened to the way her life was going to be in perfect silence to avoid the sharp slap to her cheek she’d become accustomed to and then she’d been shut back in her bedroom and let herself cry a little. The door had opened and Posy’s nervous face had appeared she’d thrust a mug of tea into Sophie’s hands and said Sophie, I’m so sorry and then Araminta’s footsteps had clicked down the hall and Posy had ducked out of the room before Sophie could respond. Sophie had heard Posy being screamed at all the way down the hall.
Sophie had been walking through Hyde Park one day, Charles toddling beside her his hand clasped in hers, Alexander in a carrier strapped to her front. And then she heard a soft voice say Sophie Beckett? Sophie had turned towards the voice a little startled as she remembered who it belonged to. Posy was standing a short distance from her, her eyes wide with surprise and Sophie had stilled, stunned. My Mum’s Sophie Bridgerton Charlie chirped happily, looking at Posy with a tiny smile on his face. Posy’s eyes widened even further and then she laughed I suppose she is now and then she looked at Sophie with a soft smile and said Sophie, your boys are absolutely beautiful. I saw your wedding photos  few years ago and I’m so glad you’re happy now. I’m glad my mother didn’t completely ruin your life.  And still Sophie hadn’t been able to say anything, to this girl who was terrorised almost has much as Sophie had. Posy had smiled sadly as Sophie stayed quiet turning away and finally Sophie found her voice Posy! She called after her a little desperately, Posy turning around yet more surprised I was just taking the boys to get some Ice Cream, we’re meeting Benedict, Did you want to come? and Posy had smiled and nodded  
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silverhallow · 2 years
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Chapter 3 of A Game of Two Halves coming later today…
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silverhallow · 2 years
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Word count: 287
Part 5 of 5
For @ambitionspassionscoffee
Growing and expanding
If someone had told her 2 years ago that she’d be married to a Bridgerton and have a son, she’d have called you insane…
But here she was, Sophia Maria Gunningworth-Bridgerton, joint head of the Gunningworth-Bridgerton Enterprises… the two former crime families now completely legitimate with a successful import and investment business.
She and Anthony made incredible sense as business partners and with her connections within Italy and France due to her roots, they had been able to make the move to legitimate imports and exports with surprising ease.
Anthony had the law background and her husband Benedict, had the connections within he art world and they’d started with that and expanded.
Charles Richard Anthony Bridgerton had come into the world a little less than a year after Sophie and Benedict married and Benedict had cried when Sophie said she wouldn’t hyphenate his surname.
She only kept the hyphen in her name due to her family connection and protection. It gave her status and protection, they might be legitimate, but it didn’t stop some of the other families… trying to come after them.
But today Sophie had a secret to tell her husband, they were going to a wedding, Daphne was to marry Simon Bassett, joining yet another former Crime Family into theirs and Sophie hadn’t planned to tell her husband until much later on but when he came down the stairs, their son settled in his tattooed hands, Charlie in his little dungaree’s and she couldn’t wait “Oh my handsome boys” Sophie crooned as she kissed her husband on the cheek and her now squealing son on his head “I wasn’t going to tell you this til later but… we’re going to have another little troublemaker”
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silverhallow · 2 years
Currently you have a lot of fics but are you planning any new one?
I’ve got two in the pipeline properly that are on my to do list…
Bridgerton 11- a modern Bridgerton story around the sort of Oceans 11 sort of vibes, where Sophie goes to the Bridgerton’s for help retrieving a painting that is hers and her families… and she happens to fall in love with a certain artist!
Hope is a Heartache: a legitimate Sophie Story… featuring Charles Gunningworth, older brother. Sophie’s mum dies giving birth to her and her father is good friends with the Bridgerton’s and Charlie is Anthony’s age… Sophie’s been in love with Benedict for as long as she can remember but he’s never really seen her as more than a friend, (she’s a year younger than him) but as her 22nd birthday comes around she can’t put off her debut season anymore… and she knows that a love match is no longer possible. (Edmund is dead in this but we’ve bumped the time scales up)
Richard and Violet are frustrated as they know they will be perfect for one another and Violet knows her son loves Sophie he just hasn’t realised so they devise a plan…
But said plan goes array once Sophie’s in London and Benedict ends up offering to marry Sophie save her from a scandal and ruin…
And it’s everything around this, Benedict realising, Sophie’s season and then being idiots basically…
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silverhallow · 2 years
I mean I've most likely sent you a message either gushing or demanding answers if there are any scenes or situations that have gotten to me, so I'm just gonna let you choose if there are any scene(s) you want to talk about ⭐
Let’s talk about Charles Gunningworth…
He might be my favourite every character I’ve created.
There are some scenes coming up where he’s just like the ultimate big brother and then best friend.
And I talk about his friendship with Benedict but I can’t help but imagine this:
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Is them when they’re in their more causal environment.
Benedict being arty and Charles being all scientific and eveyone just bemused at how they’re so close.
Both of them breaking hearts when they’re at Uni (and yes maybe even sharing a drunken snog or two)
But they’re there for one another through thick and thin and they’ve got the same relationships with their sister.
Ben with Eloise as Charles with Sophie.
So when shit hits the fan Charlie feels sick and stuck in the middle, the man who’s likes his brother and his sister. Who he knows are perfect for one another.
He’s going to be a major player in them sorting their heads out… after a few punches are thrown outside of the lime light.
Charles sees Benedict as more than just a Prince, the first person outside of his family to do so… and Benedict sees Charlie as an equal and it’s why they work so well.
They’re polar opposites in terms of creativity and scientific knowledge but they work well together.
Though Charlie is still fuming Benedict beat him in the boat race… and in the fencing… though Benedict is still fuming that Charlie out rode him (and Anthony) during the Polo games.
And both Princes were raging that Charles was named Hottest Royal the summer after the World Cup…
Sophie however thought it was hilarious. Kate joked with Anthony that she might trade him in… but he was the better kisser…
Which resulted in Sophie nearly having a heart attack as she realised her brother had snogged her best friend…
Charlie… eventually ends up marrying Benedict’s cousin Beatrix.
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silverhallow · 2 years
Okay so here are some moments in my stories that haven’t made it in and probably won’t make or didn’t make it in
✨ in Starstruck AU the Mike that Phillip mentions in Mr Stirling. Who in this AU is a fashion designer and he begs Sophie to let him design her outfit for the Golden Globes for the following year. Lucy loves his work and agrees with Sophie and Sophie is all over the papers the following day and Mike’s brand Kilmartin becomes an over night sensation.
🪨 in Rock Paper Scissors… Benedict dresses up for Sophie as Robin Hood. Green tights and all… he doesn’t walk straight for two weeks afterwards.
🌷 in WWWY on Sophie’s 20th birthday; Benedict talks Anthony, Will, Simon, Pete, Henry and Roger into performing Everybody(backstreets back) by the Backsteeet Boys knowing how much Sophie loves that song… they repeat this on Benophie’s Wedding day.
⚽️👑 in a GoTH Richard and Esme ended up delivering Benedict at the palace after Violet’s water’s break in the middle of a huge event and she doesn’t tell anyone… Esme herself is heavily pregnant and is a nurse. Once they get to the hospital Esme’s waters Broke… Charlie’s full name is actually Charles Henry Edmund Gunningworth and his birthday is the day after Benedict’s.
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silverhallow · 1 year
So for GOTH, can you tell us something that's on the board? Either for the actual fic or a potential missing moment extra
Plus, spring has sprung! I'm guessing PAWS Benophie & Co. are busy, have you heard any updates from those two about how life is going?
Okay so for GoTH… I’m not sure if this is gonna make it in or not…
But dinner with the Bridgerton’s and the Gunningworth’s, Kate’s there and is teasing Charlie about the fact his best mate has snogged his sister…
Only for Benedict to shoot back, “well it’s not like Charlie’s not snogged Sophie’s best friend…”which results in three drinks being spat across the table, Anthony sending his flying and Sophie’s outrage… only for Richard to sigh, drag his kids from the room and kick their arses…
As for PAWS…
Spring had Spung on the farm… the chicks are hatching, it’s lambing season and despite being ready to pop herself, Sophie is determined to oversee the lambing procedure…
Resulting in Benedict having to carry Sophie back to the house because her waters broke…
Thank god Kate and Violet were their to help… and a mortified Anthony having to hold up the phone for Mary to talk them through Sophie’s unplanned home birth…
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silverhallow · 2 years
Congratulations 🎉🎉👏!!! I would love a smutty drabble please.
Okay so we all love some jealous Benedict but what about some jealous Sophie…
This is set in the A Game of Two Thrones AU
Words: 521
Warnings: references to sex, swearing
She knew it was silly to get jealous, they we’re together, the whole world knew it but watching the Greek Heiress that he had once dated have her hands all over him…
Well it made her want to walk over there and yank the hair extensions from her head and give her a reason to have some much foundation caked on.
Charlie watched Sophie with amusement “you look like your contemplating murder sister or either that or your going to mount Benedict in public… either way I don’t wanna watch this”
“Hmmmm” Sophie replied, her lips pursed “excuse me” she said and she decided that enough was enough.
The woman, Tessa, had her hand inching up Benedict’s arm and honestly, Sophie was ready to do something very indecent at a charity event, so rather than create a scene she walked over to them, a smile plastered on her face.
Benedict smirked as he saw Sophie walking over, he didn’t want Tessa all over him and was trying to politely remove himself but he saw the flash in Sophie’s eyes and it excited him
“Your highness” Sophie said in her most Ladylike tone.
“Why hello my lady” he grinned at her as Sophie casually pushed her way past Tessa and slipped her arm around his waist “have you met Miss Tessa James…”
“I can’t say I have” Sophie said looking at the woman who was looking her up and down
“Ah I’ve.. not had the pleasure”
“Well, Miss James allow me to introduce the woman I was just talking to you about, Lady Sophia Gunningworth. Otherwise known as Sophie the Pocket Rocker Beckett, my girlfriend”
“It’s a pleasure Lady Gunningworth.”
“Indeed, please excuse us, I need to borrow his highness for an urgent matter” she said tugging Benedict away and she heard her brothers bark of laughter behind her and made a note to murder him later.
“And what, pray tell, is this urgent matter?” Benedict asked as they weren’t quite out of earshot of Tessa
“Your going to fuck me in the nearest coat closet” Sophie said, her voice carrying and she heard the gasp from Tessa and her glass shattering as she dropped it.
Benedict laughed as he started to run out of the room “Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“I’m not…” Sophie said as Benedict opened the door to a broom closet and pulled Sophie in before she could say anything else
“Oh my love, I recognise the look, I had it myself when you were talking to Ronaldo at the Ballon d’or awards…” he smirked “now, I think I’ve got some urgent business to take care off…” he smirked as he dropped to his knees and disappeared beneath Sophie’s skirts and made her scream several times before they reappeared into the party both looking dishevelled and Charlie just sighing “can we get through ONE party without you two fucking in a cupboard”
Sophie just giggled “probably not it’s too much fun”
Though getting caught the following week by the King… was a little off putting and did stop them for a few weeks anyway.
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silverhallow · 3 years
Benophie Fics
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30532578/chapters/75302928 - Wildest Dreams (WIP) Bridgerton Enterprise AU
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29155608 - Becoming a Bridgerton - Regency Era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29202384 - Benedict’s Bathing Beauty - Regency Era - Bathtub scene - E rated
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29359515 - Dancing Lessons - Regency Era - E Rated
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29803248 - A Families Love - Regency Era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29471733/chapters/72394440 - Benedict and Sophie - Regency Era - Baby Bridgerton Series - (Charles Edition)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30517047 - Annivesary Regecy Era - Post Benedict and Sophie
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31543325 - Irrational - Regency Era, Post Violet Birth
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31561106 Righting some Wrongs- Regency Era - Married Life - E Rated
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31602980 - Feelin’ Good - Bridgerton Enterprise AU - Deleted Scene - E Rated
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31624151 Towards Forever Regency Era - Wedding Day Benophie
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31797772 - In the Morning - Regency Era Mild Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31880494 Strip Poker Brigderton Enterprise AU deleted scene
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31897912 - Midsummer Regency Era fluff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31941082 - is that my shirt? Regency Era M rated Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31987174 - Brush Stroke - Regency Era Explicit Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32041012 Lucky - Regency era, set just before the Story of Alexander Bridgerton
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32045101 Desk Distractions - Bridgerton Enterprise AU - E Rated Smut
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32089147 Oblivious (Oblivious AU- Papa Gunningworth is alive) (Sophie works there) - Modern AU
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32234842 Surprises - Oblivious AU (Modern)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32243101 An Artist’s eye- Regency AU- post wedding fluff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32261653 Family Portraits - Regency AU (All the Siblings)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32282407 Secret Love Song (Song Fic) Regency
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32287456 First Steps - Regency Era - Charlie Bridgerton story
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32302633 - You Belong (oblivious AU) Song Fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32324092 A blast from the past - Baby Bridgerton Series Outttake
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32360899 Perfect Moments - Regency AU Pre-Baby
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32363233 Anything for the Birthday Boy = Bridgerton Enterprise AU - very very smutty
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32392105 - Penwood Pastries - Coffee Shop AU (modern)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32428312  Priceless - Benophie on their honeymoon - Regency Era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32444119 - I knew I loved you - Songfic Regency Era
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32537098 The Lily and the Rose - Pre-wedding Regency Fluff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32044849/chapters/79377910 The Story of Alexander Bridgerton - Baby Bridgerton Series
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32703154 - A Team - Regency Era, Charlie Bridgerton Story
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silverhallow · 2 years
first line meme (published fics edition)first line meme (published fics edition)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 published stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
1.September had been throwing some wild weather their way, thought Kate, and today was no exception. (A Stormy yet Perfect Birthday - Kanthony)
2. Sophie needed to talk to Kate, desperately. (Her Best Friend’s Brother in Law - Benophie)
3. Benedict has been extremely stressed out at his job. (Following Instructions -Benophie)
4. Since their return to London after their Honeymoon the newlyweds had been kept busy, Sophie had been helping Kate with Miles and Edmund and learning how to run a household, Benedict had been writing to solicitor’s, setting up accounts and letters had been going back and forth to Wiltshire to make sure things were ready for them upon their return. (High Tea - Benophie)
5. Benedict Bridgerton had never thought himself a jealous man, but over the last few days, he was starting to think that perhaps he was wrong. (Green-eyed Monster - Benophie)
6. Sophie Beckett understood the definitions of unfair and difficult before she even turned 11. (Time After Time - Benophie)
7. It was the first anniversary for Anthony and Kate, Benedict and Sophie and the entire family had gathered for a big party and the annual rematch that Kate had declared that they should do and host at Aubrey Hall and since it coincided with the pair of couples Anniversaries the family had agreed. (Rematches and Revelations - Kanthony and Benophie AMD AU)
8. Valentine's is by far the busiest time of year at the modest flower shop and Eloise had agreed to help him out as he was busy with the twins today and it was leading up to the big event of love, hundreds of men and women passed through those doors to purchase the perfect selections of flowers and plants for their loved ones. (Flowery Seductions - Philoise)
9. Sophie had been busy that morning, she and Benedict had come to London for a week so Benedict could get some meetings done with Henry and John Constable to get things set and ready for his exhibition in a few weeks. (Mistakes and Missing Braincells - Sophie & Anthony)
10. Inspiration came in the form of many things and over recent years Benedict Bridgerton had found that inspiration in the form of his wife (A Lack of Inspiration - Benophie)
11. It was strange, Sophie thought as she sat on the floor of the bedroom in Aubrey Hall, she hadn’t thought about her father in so very long and yet over the last 4 days, she had done not a lot else but think about him in her time between fittings, between the shouting and screaming of the Bridgerton’s around her (Pre wedding reflections Sophie & Richard Gunningworth/ Benophie)
12. Benedict wanted to do something nice for Sophie, she had been having trouble sleeping and with Charlie teething and their current unborn child currently using her insides as a punching bag, he knew his wife was downright miserable but she had such a sunny disposition that she wouldn’t complain about it but he saw the way her face flinched every time their new child kicked her insides. (Benedict vs The Stove- Benophie)
13.Andrew Rokesby hadn’t worn his uniform in some time but when Billie informed him that they were hosting a joint summer party with the Bridgerton’s that year and the King and Queen were due to attend he dug his blues out and wore them for the first time since his wedding with pride. (Sophie and the Captain - Summer 1803 - Sophie & Andrew Rokesby - AMD AU)
14. Edmund knew letting Colin travel at 18 was a stupid idea but the boy had been desperate and Andrew has said he had a friend who was heading over to Greece and who would look after him (A Trip to Forget - Benedict & Edmund & Colin & Anthony AMD AU)
15. Sophie beamed as her father said she could go play with the other children. (When Benedict met Sophie- Aubrey Hall 1802 - Benophie AMD AU)
16. Benedict and Sophie had been stuck at My Cottage for a good week already, the storm they had gotten caught in was far worse than anything anyone could have imagined and the Crabtree’s had been unable to get back from wherever they were so Sophie had been left to care for Benedict. (A Close Shave- Benophie)
17. Anthony had no idea what was going on or why Gregory and Hyacinth would just not screaming (Lavender Blue - Bridgerton Siblings)
18. It had been a really easy journey, it was just a weekend away and Sophie had begged him to take the motorbike, they had clothes and they had everything they needed at their cottage and in the end it didn't take much begging (Too Close for Comfort - Benophie - Bridgerton Enterprise AU)
19. For Sophie, there was nothing more perfect in her life than her family. (Like Mother Like Daughter - Sophie & Violet)
20. Paris Fashion week had been everything Sophie had hoped. (What Happens in Paris. Kanthony & Benophie - Bridgerton Enterprise AU)
I think my favourite has to be “For Sophie, there was nothing more perfect in her life than her family.” because it just sums up everything Sophie had ever wanted in her life. It’s just beautiful.
I do realise I don’t have a style or a particular trait… half of these are concise, half of these are random and long. A bit like my brain hahahahaha
I’m not tagging anyone cause I think people are busy enough but if any of my mutals wanna have a go please do 🧡
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