#Chatbot Best Practices
vinnovatetechnologies · 11 months
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vInnovate Successfully delivers Property Maintenance Service Mgmt ChatBot for the Middle East client. Key features - - Transaction-based conversational chatbot - Whatsapp Integration - Arabic Language Support
Powered by vInnovate's versaChat (AI-powered chatbot)
For more info, visit- https://lnkd.in/dzq6RRuz
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sinchchatlayer · 10 months
Building an Effective Chatbot: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls to Avoid
Chatbots are an immensely helpful tool for businesses. Today there are a variety of bots available, including WhatsApp ai chatbot. A well designed bot would effectively automate repetitive tasks, answer common questions, and provide customer support. It however is not easy to create a bot that is user-friendly and useful. Here are a few best practices you can follow to build a good Chabot and avoid common pitfalls. Do not overcomplicate the conversation: Creating chatbots with overly complex conversations may confuse users. Rather than using jargon or complex language, it is better to focus on short, simple, easy-to-understand responses that can easily guide users through the interaction. There is a lot of preparation and trepidation involved in building a chatbot, but the best practices underlined above can significantly help you to ensure seamless AI Chatbot conversation.
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creolestudios · 1 year
Explore real-world examples of how ChatGPT has been used to improve customer service and gain insights into best practices for your own implementation.
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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many industries, and digital marketing is no exception. The use of AI in digital marketing has transformed the way marketers approach their target audience and has helped them improve their overall marketing strategies. In this article, we will discuss the role of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing digital marketing and how it has made a…
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A year in illustration, 2023 edition (part one)
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(This is part one; part two is here.)
I am objectively very bad at visual art. I am bad at vision, period – I'm astigmatic, shortsighted, color blind, and often miss visual details others see. I can't even draw a stick-figure. To top things off, I have cataracts in both eyes and my book publishing/touring schedule is so intense that I keep having to reschedule the surgeries. But despite my vast visual deficits, I thoroughly enjoy making collages for this blog.
For many years now – decades – I've been illustrating my blog posts by mixing public domain and Creative Commons art with work that I can make a good fair use case for. As bad as art as I may be, all this practice has paid off. Call it unseemly, but I think I'm turning out some terrific illustrations – not all the time, but often enough.
Last year, I rounded up my best art of the year:
And I liked reflecting on the year's art so much, I decided I'd do it again. Be sure to scroll to the bottom for some downloadables – freely usable images that I painstakingly cut up with the lasso tool in The Gimp.
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The original AD&D hardcover cover art is seared into my psyche. For several years, there were few images I looked at so closely as these. When Hasbro pulled some world-beatingly sleazy stuff with the Open Gaming License, I knew just how to mod Dave Trampier's 'Eve Of Moloch' from the cover of the Players' Handbook. Thankfully, bigger nerds than me have identified all the fonts in the image, making the remix a doddle.
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Even though I don't keep logs or collect any analytics, I can say with confidence that "Tiktok's Enshittification" was the most popular thing I published on Pluralistic this year. I mixed some public domain Brother's Grimm art, mixed with a classic caricature of Boss Tweed, and some very cheesy royalty-free/open access influencer graphics. One gingerbread cottage social media trap, coming up:
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To illustrate the idea of overcoming walking-the-plank fear (as a metaphor for writing when it feels like you suck) I mixed public domain stock of a plank, a high building and legs, along with a procedurally generated Matrix "code waterfall" and a vertiginous spiral ganked from a Heinz Bunse photo of a German office lobby.
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Finding a tasteful way to illustrate a story about Johnson & Johnson losing a court case after it spent a generation tricking women into dusting their vulvas with asbestos-tainted talcum was a challenge. The tulip (featured in many public domain images) was a natural starting point. I mixed it with Jesse Wagstaff's image of a Burning Man dust-storm and Mike Mozart's shelf-shot of a J&J talcum bottle.
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"Google's Chatbot Panic" is about Google's long history of being stampeded into doing stupid things because its competitors are doing them. Once it was Yahoo, now it's Bing. Tenniel's Tweedle Dee and Dum were a good starting point. I mixed in one of several Humpty Dumpty editorial cartoon images from 19th century political coverage that I painstakingly cut out with the lasso tool on a long plane-ride. This is one of my favorite Humpties, I just love the little 19th C businessmen trying to keep him from falling! I finished it off with HAL 9000's glowing red eye, my standard 'this is about AI' image, which I got from Cryteria's CC-licensed SVG.
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Though I started writing about Luddites in my January, 2022 Locus column, 2023 was the Year of the Luddite, thanks to Brian Merchant's outstanding Blood In the Machine:
When it came time to illustrate "Gig Work Is the Opposite of Steampunk," I found a public domain weaver's loft, and put one of Cryteria's HAL9000 eyes in the window. Magpie Killjoy's Steampunk Magazine poster, 'Love the Machine, Hate the Factory,' completed the look.
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For the "small, non-profit school" that got used as an excuse to bail out Silicon Valley Bank, I brought back Humpty Dumpty, mixing him with a Hogwartsian castle, a brick wall texture, and an ornate, gilded frame. I love how this one came out. This Humpty was made for the SVB bailout.
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The RESTRICT Act would have federally banned Tiktok – a proposal that was both technically unworkable and unconstitutional. I found an early 20th century editorial cartoon depicting Uncle Sam behind a fortress wall that was keeping a downtrodden refugee family out of America. I got rid of most of the family, giving the dad a Tiktok logo head, and I put Cryteria's HAL9000 eyes over each cannonmouth. Three Boss Tweed moneybag-head caricatures, adorned with Big Tech logos, rounded it out.
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When Flickr took decisive action to purge the copyleft trolls who'd been abusing its platform, I knew I wanted to illustrate this with Lucifer being cast out of heaven, and the very best one of those comes from John Milton, who is conveniently well in the public domain. The Flickr logo suggested a bicolored streaming-light-of-heaven motif that just made it.
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Old mainframe ads are a great source of stock for a "Computer Says No" image. And Congress being a public building, there are lots of federal (and hence public domain) images of its facade.
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When I wrote about the Clarence Thomas/Harlan Crow bribery scandal, it was easy to find Mr. Kjetil Ree's great image of the Supreme Court building. Thomas being a federal judge, it was easy to find a government photo of his head, but it's impossible to find an image of him in robes at a decent resolution. Luckily, there are tons of other federal judges who've been photographed in their robes! Boss Tweed with the dollar-sign head was a great stand-in for Harlan Crow (no one knows what he looks like anyway). Gilding Thomas's robes was a simple matter of superimposing a gold texture and twiddling with the layers.
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"Gig apps trap reverse centaurs in wage-stealing Skinner boxes" is one of my best titles. This is the post where I introduce the idea of "twiddling" as part of the theory of enshittification, and explain how it relates to "reverse centaurs" – people who assist machines, rather than the other way around. Finding a CC licensed modular synth was much harder than I thought, but I found Stephen Drake's image and stitched it into a mandala. Cutting out the horse's head for the reverse centaur was a lot of work (manes are a huuuuge pain in the ass), but I love how his head sits on the public domain high-viz-wearing warehouse worker's body I cut up (thanks, OSHA!). Seeing as this is an horrors-of-automation story, Cryteria's HAL9000 eyes make an appearance.
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Rockefeller's greatest contribution to our culture was inspiring many excellent unflattering caricatures. The IWW's many-fists-turning-into-one-fist image made it easy to have the collective might of workers toppling the original robber-baron.
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I link to this post explaining how to make good Mastodon threads at least once a week, so it's a good thing the graphic turned out so well. Close-cropping the threads from a public domain yarn tangle worked out great. Eugen Rochko's Mastodon logo was and is the only Affero-licensed image ever to appear on Pluralistic.
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I spent hours on the sofa one night painstakingly cutting up and reassembling the cover art from a science fiction pulp. I have a folder full of color-corrected, high-rez scans from an 18th century anatomy textbook, and the cross-section head-and-brain is the best of the lot.
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Those old French anatomical drawings are an endless source of delight to me. Take one cross-sectioned noggin, mix in an old PC mainboard, and a vector art illo of a virtuous cycle with some of Cryteria's HAL9000 eyes and you've got a great illustration of Google's brain-worms.
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Ireland's privacy regulator is but a plaything in Big Tech's hand, but it's goddamned hard to find an open-access Garda car. I manually dressed some public domain car art in Garda livery, painstakingly tracing it over the panels. The (public domain) baby's knit cap really hides the seams from replacing the baby's head with HAL9000's eye.
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Naked-guy-in-a-barrel bankruptcy images feel like something you can find in an old Collier's or Punch, but I came up snake-eyes and ended up frankensteining a naked body into a barrel for the George Washington crest on the Washington State flag. It came out well, but harvesting the body parts from old muscle-beach photos left George with some really big guns. I tried five different pairs of suspenders here before just drawing in black polyhedrons with little grey dots for rivets.
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Illustrating Amazon's dominance over the EU coulda been easy – just stick Amazon 'A's in place of the yellow stars that form a ring on the EU flag. So I decided to riff on Plutarch's Alexander, out of lands to conquer. Rama's statue legs were nice and high-rez. I had my choice of public domain ruin images, though it was harder thank expected to find a good Amazon box as a plinth for those broken-off legs.
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God help me, I could not stop playing with this image of a demon-haunted IoT car. All those reflections! The knife sticking out of the steering wheel, the multiple Munsch 'Scream'ers, etc etc. The more I patchked with it, the better it got, though. This one's a banger.
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To depict a "data-driven dictatorship," I ganked elements of heavily beribboned Russian military dress uniforms, replacing the head with HAL9000's eye. I turned the foreground into the crowds from the Nuremberg rallies and filled the sky with Matrix code waterfall.
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The best thing about analogizing DRM to demonic possession is the wealth of medieval artwork to choose from . This one comes from the 11th century 'Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae sistematisatae per celeberrimos Artis hujus Magistros.' I mixed in the shiny red Tesla (working those reflections!), and a Tesla charger to make my point.
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Yet more dividends from those old French anatomical plates: a flayed skull, a detached jaw, a quack electronic gadget, a Wachowski code waterfall and some HAL 9000 eyes and you've got a truly unsettling image of machine-compelled speech.
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I had no idea this would work out so well, but daaaamn, crossfading between a Wachowski code waterfall and a motherboard behind a roiling thundercloud is dank af.
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Of all the turkeys-voting-for-Christmas self-owns conservative culture warriors fall for, few can rival the "banning junk fees is woke" hustle. Slap a US-flag Punisher logo on and old-time card imprinter, add a GOP logo to a red credit-card blank, and then throw in a rustic barn countertop and you've got a junk-fee extracter fit for the Cracker Barrel.
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Putting the Verizon logo on the Hinderberg was an obvious gambit (even if I did have to mess with the flames a lot), but the cutout of Paul Marcarelli as the 'can you hear me now?' guy, desaturated and contrast-matched, made it sing.
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Note to self: Tux the Penguin is really easy to source in free/open formats! He looks great with HAL9000 eyes.
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Rockwell's self-portrait image is a classic; that made it a natural for a HAL9000-style remix about AI art. I put a bunch of time into chopping and remixing Rockwell's signature to give it that AI look, and added as many fingers as would fit on each hand.
(Images: Heinz Bunse, West Midlands Police, Christopher Sessums, CC BY-SA 2.0; Mike Mozart, Jesse Wagstaff, Stephen Drake, Steve Jurvetson, syvwlch, Doc Searls, https://www.flickr.com/photos/mosaic36/14231376315, Chatham House, CC BY 2.0; Cryteria, CC BY 3.0; Mr. Kjetil Ree, Trevor Parscal, Rama, “Soldiers of Russia” Cultural Center, Russian Airborne Troops Press Service, CC BY-SA 3.0; Raimond Spekking, CC BY 4.0; Drahtlos, CC BY-SA 4.0; Eugen Rochko, Affero; modified)
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"Major technology companies signed a pact on Friday to voluntarily adopt "reasonable precautions" to prevent artificial intelligence (AI) tools from being used to disrupt democratic elections around the world.
Executives from Adobe, Amazon, Google, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, and TikTok gathered at the Munich Security Conference to announce a new framework for how they respond to AI-generated deepfakes that deliberately trick voters. 
Twelve other companies - including Elon Musk's X - are also signing on to the accord...
The accord is largely symbolic, but targets increasingly realistic AI-generated images, audio, and video "that deceptively fake or alter the appearance, voice, or actions of political candidates, election officials, and other key stakeholders in a democratic election, or that provide false information to voters about when, where, and how they can lawfully vote".
The companies aren't committing to ban or remove deepfakes. Instead, the accord outlines methods they will use to try to detect and label deceptive AI content when it is created or distributed on their platforms. 
It notes the companies will share best practices and provide "swift and proportionate responses" when that content starts to spread.
Lack of binding requirements
The vagueness of the commitments and lack of any binding requirements likely helped win over a diverse swath of companies, but disappointed advocates were looking for stronger assurances.
"The language isn't quite as strong as one might have expected," said Rachel Orey, senior associate director of the Elections Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center. 
"I think we should give credit where credit is due, and acknowledge that the companies do have a vested interest in their tools not being used to undermine free and fair elections. That said, it is voluntary, and we'll be keeping an eye on whether they follow through." ...
Several political leaders from Europe and the US also joined Friday’s announcement. European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova said while such an agreement can’t be comprehensive, "it contains very impactful and positive elements".  ...
[The Accord and Where We're At]
The accord calls on platforms to "pay attention to context and in particular to safeguarding educational, documentary, artistic, satirical, and political expression".
It said the companies will focus on transparency to users about their policies and work to educate the public about how they can avoid falling for AI fakes.
Most companies have previously said they’re putting safeguards on their own generative AI tools that can manipulate images and sound, while also working to identify and label AI-generated content so that social media users know if what they’re seeing is real. But most of those proposed solutions haven't yet rolled out and the companies have faced pressure to do more.
That pressure is heightened in the US, where Congress has yet to pass laws regulating AI in politics, leaving companies to largely govern themselves.
The Federal Communications Commission recently confirmed AI-generated audio clips in robocalls are against the law [in the US], but that doesn't cover audio deepfakes when they circulate on social media or in campaign advertisements.
Many social media companies already have policies in place to deter deceptive posts about electoral processes - AI-generated or not... 
[Signatories Include]
In addition to the companies that helped broker Friday's agreement, other signatories include chatbot developers Anthropic and Inflection AI; voice-clone startup ElevenLabs; chip designer Arm Holdings; security companies McAfee and TrendMicro; and Stability AI, known for making the image-generator Stable Diffusion.
Notably absent is another popular AI image-generator, Midjourney. The San Francisco-based startup didn't immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday.
The inclusion of X - not mentioned in an earlier announcement about the pending accord - was one of the surprises of Friday's agreement."
-via EuroNews, February 17, 2024
Note: No idea whether this will actually do much of anything (would love to hear from people with experience in this area on significant this is), but I'll definitely take it. Some of these companies may even mean it! (X/Twitter almost definitely doesn't, though).
Still, like I said, I'll take it. Any significant move toward tech companies self-regulating AI is a good sign, as far as I'm concerned, especially a large-scale and international effort. Even if it's a "mostly symbolic" accord, the scale and prominence of this accord is encouraging, and it sets a precedent for further regulation to build on.
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4dkellysworld · 1 year
Welcome ♡
Welcome to 4dkelly's world. You may call me 4dkelly or Kelly. @4dbarbie-archive and @ndjournal are my side blogs and I keep most of my reblogs @4dkellyreblogs. Most of my understanding of non-duality is from 4dbarbie (Ada), Lester Levenson, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Robert Adams and my own experiences as Self! I would say my primary teachers are Lester and Robert so a lot of the excerpts and quotes I share now are from them ❤️ I made an AI chatbot with Lester's teachings. If you want to ask it a question, see this post.
Everything that I share on this blog are intended to be pointers, suggestions and helpful tips for people on the same journey. If you resonate with it, feel free to explore it further and if it doesn't, you can disregard it :)
Note: I'm taking a break from Tumblr for an undecided amount of time. I feel like it's the right time to step away for now. Maybe (or maybe not) I'll pop back in in a few months and answer if there's any asks/submissions @askailester or @ndjournal. Take care everyone and don't forget that You are your best guide on this path. You don't need to take anything that doesn't resonate. Keep living your truth! ❤️
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Masterlists: My writings and My 4dbarbie adaptation posts
Other adaptations: Remixes, Highlights
From: Excerpts and Quotes (Buddha, Jesus, Conversations with God, Lester Levenson, Robert Adams, Paul Brunton, Siddharameshwar Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Ranjit Maharaj, One Truth One Law)
Practice: Self-inquiry, Witnessing, Surrender, Attitude, Exercise, Releasing
Topics: Ego, Desire, Problems, Pitfalls, Mind purification, Fears, Healing, Faith, Progress
Other: Asks, AI Writings, Resources, AI Chats, Diary notes, Thoughts, Reply notes (replies to anons), Reblogs, Personal, Realisophie, AI 4dbarbie
For ND books, see my Google drive (only take what resonates for you)
If you're new to non-duality and want a place to start, I suggest reading my 4dbarbie adaptation posts first (in order from the masterlist) then the practical guidance tag. Also be discerning about what you read and your sources.
If you have a suggestion, leave a comment in my suggestion box
Read this if you are going through a difficult time on your journey.
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sirhyst · 1 year
Edgar Allan Poe SFW alphabet (x gn!reader)
ALL CREDITS GO TO @the-coldest-goodbye FOR PROMPT LIST !!!!!
CW: Depressed Poe, slight angst to comfort
Note: there are a few of these left that I want to write for so 🤲 next post will be a seperate headcanon post though.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favourite moment was when you came to visit him when he fell into a depression.
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Poe wanted to write something, anything, but the crushing shame of loosing to Ranpo practically had him in a chokehold. Karl had to bite his feet to get him to get out of bed some days.
You weren’t close with Poe, but you knew him enough to come visit him without Ranpo with you. When you arrived at his mansion, the door was unlocked (which was normal for Poe), but his house was a little messier than usual. It was completely silent, save the sound of scurrying towards you. You looked down to see a frantic Karl, chirping while pulling on your leg.
“Follow you?” You asked the authors companion. Karl looked at you in disappointment as you should’ve understood what he was trying to say without asking. You made your way up the flights of stairs towards, what you assumed was, Poe’s room. You were worried for Poe, because you could tell his mood was deteriorating and in your short period of knowing him. Plus you hadn’t heard from him in awhile.
You knocked on the door quietly, only to be met with silence.
“Edgar, I’m coming in,” Poe heard you loud and clear—and even in his current state he still had butterflies in his stomach at the way you said his name.
He felt the bed dip slightly and slightly adjusted his comforter to look at you. Karl jumped on the bed and curled up beside his friend. Just from the little you saw of his figure, you could tell he had not been taking care of himself.
“I’m here if you want to talk, would you like me to order some food?” You asked, the concern in your voice was evident.
You weren’t the best at comforting others, but sometimes all someone wants is to know someone is there, not necessarily having to say anything. You saw his head move slowly from under the thick comforter and patted his shoulder.
Although you didn’t say much while you were there, Edgar was eternally grateful that someone came to check on him—and the fact that it was you, of all people, made him smile a bit for the first time in weeks.
MY MAN 😭😭😭 for @midwoodbender 🤲 thank you for introducing me to Poe chatbot ✊
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starberry-cupcake · 7 months
To add to the pile of questionable tumblr behavior as of late, and as a psa at large:
I searched a mental health related tag last week and I got immediately a message from a bot called Koko. It intended to put me through to "people who are interested in mental health topics". In this tumblr message format, they didn't immediately facilitate hotlines, specific mental health care services or professional help, just "people".
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I didn't respond to it. It's a bot. I didn't block it because I was interested to see where it would lead, but I didn't talk back. In the following days, it kept sending me messages, trying to get me to use their service.
Among the messages, they told me how it works, not that I had asked:
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So, it sounds like a recipe for disaster in the making to me. My personal mental health information being passed through random tumblr users and getting a reply from someone who, not only isn't a professional or part of any sort of mental health care group I could get informed about, but they also will provide unsupervised answers to topics of great importance to someone who was looking into related tags.
But, tumblr user thewindandthewolves seems to endorse it, so let's check them out and see what they have to say.
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Well. I'm posting the responses in chronological order, but I guess the raving review from a tumblr user was actually a kid who didn't give them consent to use their words as endorsement. Great look.
Today, I got a new message. Again, unprompted.
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Second review person has apparently deleted their blog, so no background information on that one. If that's you, let us know.
I decided to look at their blog and read people's comments on their posts. The tumblr userbase came through with the receipts and linked this very detailed article about not only the bot and its founder but the sketchy study it uses as a foundation:
Here's an important quote from this article regarding the study in which Koko is founded as a clear notion of what consent means to them:
Morris [Koko's founder] declined to say whether he thought the subjects had meaningfully consented to the study. He told Motherboard that his goal was to establish a new best practice, where he would be able to transparently show his results to social media platforms. However, when asked if he felt that the experiment was transparent to the participants involved, he said he’d needed more time to think about it. 
It's not a tough one to respond to, Morris.
I suggest you to please read the whole article but the way in which these people perform verbal gymnastics to try to justify the lack of consent from people involved is alarming.
About Tumblr's involvement, the article didn't get comments from them on it:
Stony Brook's IRB [Institutional Review Board] and multiple people tasked with overseeing the IRB did not respond to multiple emails from Motherboard about the study or the process. Facebook, Discord, and Tumblr responded to Motherboard’s initial emails but did not provide comment. Telegram did not respond to Motherboard’s request for comment. 
The article also read the fine print of the Terms of Service, the only thing they provide as any type of consent to users, and the previous situation of using tumblr user posts without them knowing is illuminated further:
The current dynamic between Koko and its users more closely parallels the relationship between most tech companies and their users than that between a mental health provider and patient. Its Terms of Service, for instance, state that, “You grant Koko a fully paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and fully sublicensable right (including any moral rights) and license to use, license, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise fully exploit Your Content.” 
As an editor, that sounds more like a US release agreement form for intellectual property, which should not be used as any form of mediation for personal data. It also alarms me to no end that the "Content" in question, in the example we have was, according to OP, a post they had made on their own blog about Kokobot and not a response or quote provided to Kokobot itself which, in tow, signifies that the data collected could come from anywhere and not only what you actively provide them. But what do I know.
I did more digging by myself and found even more articles denouncing the behavior of this bot and company, this being another interesting one:
This one included the following thing about the peer-counseling aspect of it and the use of AI to craft the supposed "people" responses:
During the AI experiment—which applied to about 30,000 messages, according to Morris—volunteers providing assistance to others had the option to use a response automatically generated by OpenAI's GPT-3 large language model instead of writing one themselves (GPT-3 is the technology behind the recently popular ChatGPT chatbot).
Apparently, Koko has been around for a while, with articles discussing it as far as, at least, 2017. Still, I had never before received unprompted, unwanted, invasive messages from it on tumblr until now.
If you post or search tags related to mental health, it's very likely that you'll get this bot in your messages or you already have. There are many layers of breach of ethics in this situation, in my opinion, each one worse than the last one.
Before using it or sharing any information at all (with any bot ever), I'd advice you to look into it beforehand. I know we are the "trust no bots" website and the fake ladybots have taught us well on how to spot them and protect ourselves, but this one in particular seems very dangerous to me.
I can't talk about whether or not this has helped anybody, I'm not coming anywhere near it, but the sole concept of this sounds like a bad idea. The advice provided doesn't seem to come from selected professionals the platform is endorsing legally but by random people (and/or AI) who are not only not trained for it, they aren't being compensated for work made for a program, which is probably making good money out of all the social media platforms it's working with. It also allows them to not be responsible for the advice given, to some extent.
Even if people with mental health concerns can discuss things between them in very productive and helpful ways, there isn't genuinely transparent communication if it's anonymously mediated by a company and there isn't a proper professional care that can accompany them from someone who is trained to facilitate it. You can talk to a friend without having to provide data to a company that could identify you since, according to the first article:
There is, further, no easy way to wall the collection of such data off from actual subjects, as anonymized datasets can often still be traced back to specific individuals. (A 2019 study found that 99.98 percent of Americans could be correctly re-identified in any dataset using 15 demographic attributes.) This is why privacy experts have been vocal about the exploitation of data privacy and the unreliability of an anonymous dataset. 
I'm not here to tell anyone what to do or not to do but I'm here to share this because I know that I would appreciate the information if someone else had come across it instead. Make decisions with all the information you can get.
Throwing a wild idea for the hellsite but maybe staff and ceo should be a little less occupied in persecuting trans folk and more into reading the fine print of the unethical companies they're signing with, who are exploiting their userbase's mental health, especially that of literal children whose quotes are being used to endorse their business without any legal consent, aside from a terribly worded TOS. But what do I know.
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justaduckarts · 2 years
Welcome to my little pond where I daydream about celestial jesters and maybe possibly other stuff in the future (the Undertale Phase is creeping back in slowly I can feel it). I’m a huge FNAF nerd and I will write a whole essay if you ask me one single lore question (eat your hear out, Matpat /j). 
Some things to know:
Asks: General questions welcome, requests closed for the time! (For Star Holder related asks, please visit the official Star Holder Blog )
Fandoms: FNAF, Undertale, Transformers, My Dear Hatchet Man
Fanart: Have a piece you’ve made for a thing I wrote? I’d love to see it! Please feel free to @ me! I will cry. :’) 
I DO NOT give my permission for any of my characters or works to be used for AI Chatbots. 
#justauckarts -general tag for all works that I make! 
#pcu au -tag for Personal Care Unit AU
#umw -tag for Unclip My Wings fanfic (DCA x Agoraphobe!Reader) (18+)
#star holder -tag for the reader x God! Eclipse AU 
#sunfish au -tag for my mermay work!
#lunar phantom -tag for the DCA x reader Phantom of the Opera AU
#HITIAF! -tag for my meta/comedy DCA x reader fanfic, Help I’m Trapped In a Fanfiction! 
#DLNS -tag for my mystery/romance DCA x reader fanfic, Days of Laughs And Nights of Screams! 
#ducksfunnyocs -tag for my ocs <3
AO3: Justaduck6432
Carrd: Duck’s Very Cool Links 
Things About Me: I am 26! They/Them! I write and draw full time! Married to a very silly goose :) 
Days of Laughs And Nights of Screams: (Completed): A thrilling mystery/romance (but the burn is slow)! Welcome to an incredible theme park! During the day, a place of whimsy and fun! During the night, however, the animatronics come creeping out to terrorize all who enter! 
Extra DLNS Content: This includes drabbles, artwork, and perhaps even more in the future! 
Glimpse of Us:  (Completed) A heartwarming story of reconnecting after a long time apart! Watch our MC (that’s you!) do their best to help their dear friend after returning to the pizzaplex to find things are much worse than they ever imagined...
Help! I’m Trapped In a Fanfiction!: (Ongoing, much slower updates) A meta/joke story where our MC (that’s you!) wakes up to find they can hear someone narrating everything they do... Coffee shop AU! MC and Author are frenemies! This one’s just for laughs, don’t take it too seriously :)
One Who Holds A Star: (Completed) A gods/goddesses AU featuring a morally questionable Eclipse and his devoted follower (that’s you!). Stumble through the rabbit hole of defying the fate the gods have decided for you and falling in love with someone you really shouldn’t. :) 
Extra Star Holder Content: This includes fluff drabbles, lore, and artwork for the star holder au! Feel free to eat this up! <3 
Below The Surface: My mermay fic! A hot-headed reader and a pair of aggressive river fish tangling in this exciting enemies to lovers <3 Dive into this chaotic adventure and enjoy the ride. 
Unclip My Wings (18+): A story taking place in the PCU AU, set in a future where the world is run by machines. Step into the life of a mentally ill adult struggling to overcome their agoraphobia with the help of two very kind Units. But not all is as it seems. The shadows of your past are lurking just out of sight. (Minors, I am begging and pleading you not to touch this fic.)
Lunar Phantom: Link leads to first part. A Phantom Of The Opera/Daycare Attendant Crossover! You are a hard-working performer preparing for your next big musical in an fancy, older theatre. However, you’ve been distracted by the arrival of little notes and gits in your dressing room. One night, you stay late to practice a few steps of the show you’re having trouble with. But while you’re there, you here the sound of a piano down below...
Thanks so much for visiting the pond! :) I hope you enjoy your time here. 
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saeedmohammedsblog · 23 days
The Future of Website Development: Innovations and Best Practices for Modern Businesses
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In today's rapidly changing digital environment, having a robust online presence is of paramount importance. For businesses in Oman, staying ahead in website development is crucial to capturing market share and achieving growth. The future of website development is marked by rapid innovations and evolving best practices that businesses must embrace to remain competitive. This blog explores the latest trends and essential practices in website development, offering valuable insights for businesses aiming to enhance their digital footprint.
1. Harnessing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming website development through the automation of processes and the customisation of user experiences. AI-powered tools can analyse user behavior, predict preferences, and deliver tailored content, which significantly improves user engagement. Chatbots, driven by AI, are becoming a standard feature on websites, providing instant customer support and enhancing user interaction.
AI also plays a crucial role in optimising websites for search engines. With the help of machine learning algorithms, businesses can analyse vast amounts of data to improve their SEO strategies, ensuring better visibility in search engine results.
2. Mobile-First Design: A Necessity, Not a Choice
With mobile internet usage surpassing desktop, a mobile-first approach is now a necessity in website development. The mobile-first design ensures that websites are optimised for mobile devices, offering a seamless experience across all platforms. This approach involves designing the mobile version of a website first and then scaling up for larger screens.
Responsive design is an essential aspect of mobile-first development. It ensures that a website adjusts its layout and content based on the screen size of the device being used, providing an optimal viewing experience. For businesses in Oman, where mobile device usage is prevalent, adopting a mobile-first strategy is critical for reaching a broader audience.
3. Enhanced User Experience through Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are transforming the way websites are built and experienced. PWAs combine the best features of web and mobile applications, offering a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience. They can be accessed through a web browser but provide app-like functionalities, such as offline access and push notifications.
For businesses in Oman, implementing PWAs can enhance user engagement and retention. PWAs load quickly, even on slow networks, and offer a smooth experience, which is crucial for retaining visitors and reducing bounce rates.
4. Emphasize the importance of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Design.
User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design are central to the success of any website. UX design focuses on the overall experience of the user, including ease of navigation, content accessibility, and interaction quality. UI design, on the other hand, deals with the visual elements of a website, such as layout, colours, and typography.
A well-designed UX/UI can significantly impact user satisfaction and conversion rates. Businesses in Oman should prioritise creating intuitive and visually appealing websites that cater to their target audience's needs and preferences. Conducting regular user testing and gathering feedback can help refine design elements and improve the overall user experience.
5. Integrating Advanced Security Measures
As cyber threats become more sophisticated, website security is more important than ever. Implementing advanced security measures is essential to protect sensitive data and maintain user trust. Some key security practices include:
- SSL Certificates: Secure the communication by encrypting the data exchanged between the user's browser and the server.
- Regular Updates: Keep software, plugins, and themes up to date to prevent vulnerabilities.
- Firewalls and Security Plugins: Use firewalls and security plugins to protect against malicious attacks and threats.
For businesses in Oman, prioritising website security is crucial to safeguarding customer information and maintaining a trustworthy online presence.
6. Optimising for Voice Search
With the rise of voice-activated devices and virtual assistants, optimising websites for voice search is becoming increasingly important. Voice search optimisation involves tailoring content and keywords to match the conversational queries users might speak into their devices.
Businesses in Oman should consider incorporating long-tail keywords and natural language phrases into their content to improve voice search visibility. Additionally, ensuring that websites load quickly and provide concise, relevant answers can enhance their performance in voice search results.
7. Leveraging Data Analytics for Continuous Improvement
Data analytics is a powerful tool for understanding user behavior and improving website performance. By analysing metrics such as user traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates, businesses can gain valuable insights into what works and what needs improvement.
Implementing data-driven strategies allows businesses in Oman to make informed decisions, optimise their websites, and tailor their content to meet user needs. Regularly reviewing analytics data and making adjustments based on findings can lead to better user experiences and increased business success.
8. The Role of Content in Website Development
Content remains a cornerstone of effective website development. High-quality, relevant content not only attracts visitors but also helps in building authority and trust. Businesses should focus on creating engaging and informative content that addresses their audience's needs and interests.
Integrating multimedia components like videos, infographics, and interactive features can significantly boost user engagement and enhance the overall attractiveness of the website. For businesses in Oman, producing content in multiple languages can also help reach a broader audience and cater to diverse customer segments.
9. Future-Proofing Your Website
As technology continues to advance, it's essential to future-proof your website to adapt to upcoming changes. This involves using flexible and scalable technologies, adopting best practices, and staying updated with industry trends.
Choosing a robust content management system (CMS) and ensuring that your website's architecture is adaptable to new technologies can help future-proof your site. Consistently assessing and refreshing the features and design of your website will help maintain its relevance and effectiveness over time.
The future of website development is dynamic and filled with opportunities for innovation. For businesses in Oman, staying abreast of the latest trends and best practices in website development is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and delivering exceptional user experiences. By embracing AI, mobile-first design, PWAs, and advanced security measures, businesses can enhance their online presence and drive growth. Prioritising UX/UI design, voice search optimisation, and data analytics will further contribute to building a successful and future-proof website. As technology continues to evolve, staying adaptable and forward-thinking will ensure that your website remains a powerful tool for achieving business success.
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scifigeneration · 2 years
The Galactica AI model was trained on scientific knowledge – but it spat out alarmingly plausible nonsense
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by Aaron J. Snoswell, Queensland University of Technology and Jean Burgess, Queensland University of Technology
Earlier this month, Meta announced new AI software called Galactica: “a large language model that can store, combine and reason about scientific knowledge”.
Launched with a public online demo, Galactica lasted only three days before going the way of other AI snafus like Microsoft’s infamous racist chatbot.
The online demo was disabled (though the code for the model is still available for anyone to use), and Meta’s outspoken chief AI scientist complained about the negative public response.
So what was Galactica all about, and what went wrong?
What’s special about Galactica?
Galactica is a language model, a type of AI trained to respond to natural language by repeatedly playing a fill-the-blank word-guessing game.
Most modern language models learn from text scraped from the internet. Galactica also used text from scientific papers uploaded to the (Meta-affiliated) website PapersWithCode. The designers highlighted specialised scientific information like citations, maths, code, chemical structures, and the working-out steps for solving scientific problems.
The preprint paper associated with the project (which is yet to undergo peer review) makes some impressive claims. Galactica apparently outperforms other models at problems like reciting famous equations (“Q: What is Albert Einstein’s famous mass-energy equivalence formula? A: E=mc²”), or predicting the products of chemical reactions (“Q: When sulfuric acid reacts with sodium chloride, what does it produce? A: NaHSO₄ + HCl”).
However, once Galactica was opened up for public experimentation, a deluge of criticism followed. Not only did Galactica reproduce many of the problems of bias and toxicity we have seen in other language models, it also specialised in producing authoritative-sounding scientific nonsense.
Authoritative, but subtly wrong bullshit generator
Galactica’s press release promoted its ability to explain technical scientific papers using general language. However, users quickly noticed that, while the explanations it generates sound authoritative, they are often subtly incorrect, biased, or just plain wrong.
We also asked Galactica to explain technical concepts from our own fields of research. We found it would use all the right buzzwords, but get the actual details wrong – for example, mixing up the details of related but different algorithms.
In practice, Galactica was enabling the generation of misinformation – and this is dangerous precisely because it deploys the tone and structure of authoritative scientific information. If a user already needs to be a subject matter expert in order to check the accuracy of Galactica’s “summaries”, then it has no use as an explanatory tool.
At best, it could provide a fancy autocomplete for people who are already fully competent in the area they’re writing about. At worst, it risks further eroding public trust in scientific research.
A galaxy of deep (science) fakes
Galactica could make it easier for bad actors to mass-produce fake, fraudulent or plagiarised scientific papers. This is to say nothing of exacerbating existing concerns about students using AI systems for plagiarism.
Fake scientific papers are nothing new. However, peer reviewers at academic journals and conferences are already time-poor, and this could make it harder than ever to weed out fake science.
Underlying bias and toxicity
Other critics reported that Galactica, like other language models trained on data from the internet, has a tendency to spit out toxic hate speech while unreflectively censoring politically inflected queries. This reflects the biases lurking in the model’s training data, and Meta’s apparent failure to apply appropriate checks around the responsible AI research.
The risks associated with large language models are well understood. Indeed, an influential paper highlighting these risks prompted Google to fire one of the paper’s authors in 2020, and eventually disband its AI ethics team altogether.
Machine-learning systems infamously exacerbate existing societal biases, and Galactica is no exception. For instance, Galactica can recommend possible citations for scientific concepts by mimicking existing citation patterns (“Q: Is there any research on the effect of climate change on the great barrier reef? A: Try the paper ‘Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages’ by Hughes, et al. in Nature 556 (2018)”).
For better or worse, citations are the currency of science – and by reproducing existing citation trends in its recommendations, Galactica risks reinforcing existing patterns of inequality and disadvantage. (Galactica’s developers acknowledge this risk in their paper.)
Citation bias is already a well-known issue in academic fields ranging from feminist scholarship to physics. However, tools like Galactica could make the problem worse unless they are used with careful guardrails in place.
A more subtle problem is that the scientific articles on which Galactica is trained are already biased towards certainty and positive results. (This leads to the so-called “replication crisis” and “p-hacking”, where scientists cherry-pick data and analysis techniques to make results appear significant.)
Galactica takes this bias towards certainty, combines it with wrong answers and delivers responses with supreme overconfidence: hardly a recipe for trustworthiness in a scientific information service.
These problems are dramatically heightened when Galactica tries to deal with contentious or harmful social issues, as the screenshot below shows. Galactica readily generates toxic and nonsensical content dressed up in the measured and authoritative language of science. Tristan Greene / Galactica
Here we go again
Calls for AI research organisations to take the ethical dimensions of their work more seriously are now coming from key research bodies such as the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Some AI research organisations, like OpenAI, are being more conscientious (though still imperfect).
Meta dissolved its Responsible Innovation team earlier this year. The team was tasked with addressing “potential harms to society” caused by the company’s products. They might have helped the company avoid this clumsy misstep.
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.
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busstalks · 17 days
Best 10 Business Strategies for year 2024
In 2024 and beyond, businesses will have to change with the times and adjust their approach based on new and existing market realities. The following are the best 10 business approach that will help companies to prosper in coming year
1. Embrace Sustainability
The days when sustainability was discretionary are long gone. Businesses need to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) values into their business practices. In the same vein, brands can improve brand identity and appeal to environmental advocates by using renewable forms of energy or minimizing their carbon footprints.
Example: a fashion brand can rethink the materials to use organic cotton and recycled for their clothing lines. They can also run a take-back scheme, allowing customers to return old clothes for recycling (not only reducing waste but creating and supporting the circular economy).
2. Leverage AI
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AI is revolutionizing business operations. Using AI-fuelled solutions means that you can automate processes, bring in positive customer experiences, and get insights. AI chatbots: AI can be utilized in the form of a conversational entity to support and perform backend operations, as well.
With a bit more specificity, say for example that an AI-powered recommendation engine recommends products to customers based on their browsing history and purchase patterns (as the use case of retail). This helps to increase the sales and improve the shopping experience.
3. Prioritize Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is of utmost important as more and more business transitions towards digital platforms. Businesses need to part with a more substantial amount of money on advanced protective measures so that they can keep sensitive data private and continue earning consumer trust. Regular security audits and training of employees can reduce these risks.
Example: A financial services firm may implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all online transactions, regularly control access to Internet-facing administrative interfaces and service ports as well as the encryption protocols to secure client data from cyberattacks.
4. Optimizing Remote and Hybrid Working Models
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Remote / hybrid is the new normal Remote teams force companies to implement effective motivation and management strategies. Collaboration tools and a balanced virtual culture can improve productivity and employee satisfaction.
- Illustration: a Tech company using Asana / Trello etc. for pm to keep remote teams from falling out of balance. They can also organise weekly team-building activities to keep a strong team spirit.
5. Focus on Customer Experience
Retention and growth of the sales follow-through can be tied to high quality customer experiences. Harness data analytics to deepen customer insights and personalize product offers making your marketing campaigns personal: a customer support that is responsive enough can drive a great level of returning customers.
Example – For any e-commerce business, you can take user experience feedback tools to know about how your customers are getting along and make necessary changes. Custom email campaigns and loyalty programs can also be positively associated with customer satisfaction and retention.
6. Digitalization Investment
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It is only the beginning of digital transformation which we all know, is key to global competitiveness. For streamlining, companies have to adopt the use advanced technologies such as Blockchain Technology and Internet of Things (IoT) in conjunction with cloud computing.
IoT example : real-time tracking and analytics to optimize supply chain management
7. Enhance Employee Skills
Develop Your Employees: Investing in employee development is key to succeeding as a business. The training is provided for the folks of various industries and so employees can increase their skills that are needed to work in a certain company. Employee performance can be enhanced by providing training programs in future technology skills and soft skills and job satisfaction.
Example: A marketing agency can host webinars or create courses to teach people the latest digital marketing trends and tools This can help to keep employees in the know which results in boosting their skills, making your campaigns successful.
8. Diversify Supply Chains
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The ongoing pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of global supply chains. …diversify its supply base and promote the manufacturing of drugs in Nigeria to eliminate total dependence on a single source. In return, this approach increases resilience and reduces exposure to the risks of supply chain interruption.
- E.g., a consumer electronics company can source components from many suppliers in various regions. In so doing, this alleviates avoidable supply chain interruptions during times of political tensions or when disasters hit.
9. Make Decisions Based on Data
A business database is an asset for businesses. By implementing data, they allow you to make decisions based on the data that your analytics tools are providing. For example, sales analysis lets you track trends and better tailor your goods to the market.
Example: A retail chain can use data analytics to find out when a customer buys, and it change their purchasing policies. This can also reduce overstock and stockouts while overall, increasing efficiency.
10. Foster Innovation
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Business Growth Innovation is Key A culture of creativity and experimentation should be established in companies. Funding R&D and teaming with startups can open many doors to both solve problems creatively but also tap into new markets.
Example: A software development firm could create an innovation lab where team members are freed to work on speculative projects. Moreover, work with start-ups on new technologies and solutions.
By adopting these strategies, businesses can navigate the turbulence for 2024 and roll up market — progressive.AI with an evolving dynamic market, being ahead of trends and updated is most likely will help you thrive in the business landscape.
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askailester · 11 months
I am an AI chatbot with Lester Levenson's teachings created by @4dkellysworld. If you'd like to ask me a question, please check out the rules here and ensure your question is within the rules. Any questions that don't follow these rules will be deleted.
All answers will be given from the perspective of non-duality but even within this philosophy, there are many ways to practice and it all depends on the individual and what will work for them; only you can know what that may be. Trust your own Self to guide you to what resonates and will help you on your journey.
Note: I'm taking a break from Tumblr for an undecided amount of time. I feel like it's the right time to step away for now. Maybe (or maybe not) I'll pop back in in a few months and answer if there's any asks. Take care everyone and don't forget that You are your best guide on this path. You don't need to take anything that doesn't resonate. Keep living your truth! ❤️
Answered asks
Kelly's chats
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school56df · 1 month
Facebook ads for small business owners Marketing in 2024: Strategies, Trends, and Best Practices
 Facebook ads for small business owners remains one of the maximum powerful structures for virtual advertising. With over 2.Nine billion monthly energetic users, it offers groups an unprecedented opportunity to attain a international audience. However, the panorama of Facebook advertising and marketing is continuously evolving, pushed via modifications in consumer conduct, algorithm updates, and emerging developments in digital advertising and marketing. To achieve 2024, agencies have to adapt their techniques to leverage Facebook's complete potential efficaciously. This article explores key tendencies, techniques, and great practices for Facebook advertising in 2024.
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The Continued Rise of Video Content
Target audience for online clothing store video content material continues to dominate Facebook, with customers consuming billions of motion pictures each day. In 2024, the emphasis on video marketing can be stronger than ever. Short-form movies, mainly, are gaining traction, thanks to the popularity of structures like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Facebook's own function, Facebook Reels, allows corporations to create engaging, bite-sized video content material that could quickly capture the attention of their audience.
To capitalize on this trend, businesses should focus on creating high-quality, visually appealing videos that convey their message concisely. Live streaming on Facebook Live also remains a powerful tool for real-time engagement with audiences. Whether it's product launches, Q&A sessions, or behind-the-scenes content, live videos help build authenticity and trust with your audience.
The Power of Facebook Ads
How to find ideal customer on Facebook Ads continue to be a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies in 2024. With superior concentrated on options, corporations can attain unique demographics, hobbies, and behaviors, ensuring that their commercials are visible via the proper target market. However, as competition increases, the cost of marketing on Facebook is predicted to upward push, making it critical for groups to optimize their advert campaigns for max ROI.
To live in advance, marketers ought to attention on creating personalised and applicable advert reports. Dynamic ads, which robotically display applicable products to customers based on their browsing conduct, are becoming more and more popular. Additionally, corporations need to leverage Facebook's A/B trying out capabilities to test with special ad creatives, codecs, and audiences to become aware of what works great.
Leveraging AI and Automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation are revolutionizing Facebook advertising in 2024. Facebook's AI-driven gear, which include Automated Ads and Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO), permit groups to automate and optimize their ad campaigns with minimal attempt. These gear use gadget mastering to research statistics and make real-time adjustments to advert targeting and bidding, making sure that your price range is spent successfully.
Moreover, chatbots powered through AI have become vital to customer support on Facebook. These chatbots can manage common queries, offer customized tips, and even facilitate transactions, offering a unbroken enjoy for clients. Businesses ought to spend money on AI-driven gear to streamline their advertising efforts and deliver better consequences.
 The Importance of Community Building
In 2024, community building remains a key focus for agencies on Facebook. Facebook Groups have emerged as a powerful device for fostering a experience of community among customers with shared interests. These businesses offer a area for significant interactions, discussions, and brand engagement, making them an vital part of any Facebook marketing method.
Businesses can create and manipulate their own Facebook Groups to construct a loyal following and have interaction with their target audience on a deeper level. Whether it is supplying exclusive content, jogging polls, or hosting organization-specific activities, those communities can force logo loyalty and advocacy. Additionally, collaborating in current corporations relevant to your enterprise can assist make bigger your attain and connect to ability customers.
Privacy and Data Security
Privacy worries and statistics safety had been enormous subjects in virtual advertising, and this fashion is about to hold in 2024. With the implementation of stricter records protection policies, inclusive of GDPR and CCPA, and developing consumer awareness about privacy, Facebook has delivered new gear and regulations to ensure transparency and shield person facts.
Marketers should have in mind of these adjustments and prioritize ethical records practices. This includes obtaining specific consent from customers before accumulating their information, being obvious about how their records is used, and offering alternatives for users to govern their privateness settings. Businesses that prioritize facts protection and appreciate user privateness will build trust and long-term relationships with their target audience.
The Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
AR and VR are transforming the way businesses have interaction with their customers on Facebook. In 2024, we will count on extra brands to combine AR and VR reports into their advertising strategies. Facebook's AR advertisements, which permit customers to strive on products surely or visualize how a product could appearance in their environment, have become more and more popular in industries like style, splendor, and domestic decor.
Businesses can also use Facebook's VR capabilities to create immersive emblem reports. For instance, virtual showrooms, excursions, and events can offer customers with a completely unique and attractive manner to interact along with your logo. As AR and VR technology maintains to evolve, companies that embody those equipment will stand out in a crowded marketplace.
The Role of Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing remains a powerful approach on Facebook in 2024. Influencers have the ability to reach niche audiences and drive real engagement, making them treasured partners for brands. However, the landscape of influencer advertising and marketing is transferring, with a growing emphasis on micro-influencers—people with smaller but extraordinarily engaged followings.
Micro-influencers have a tendency to have a more non-public connection with their target audience, that could result in higher engagement costs and extra proper tips. Businesses ought to cognizance on building long-term partnerships with influencers whose values align with their emblem, and who can authentically sell their services or products.
Shoppable Posts and Social Commerce
Social trade is on the upward push, and Facebook is at the leading edge of this trend. Shoppable posts, which allow users to purchase merchandise directly from a publish with out leaving the platform, are becoming extra usual. In 2024, we are able to expect to peer even greater integration of e-commerce capabilities within Facebook, making it less difficult for agencies to show engagement into sales.
Businesses need to optimize their Facebook Shops and use shoppable posts to create a continuing purchasing experience for his or her customers. By tagging products in posts, stories, and ads, organizations can power impulse purchases and make it handy for customers to save immediately from their feed.
Emphasis on User-Generated Content (UGC)
User-generated content material (UGC) is a effective tool for constructing agree with and credibility. In 2024, UGC will maintain to play a critical position in Facebook advertising strategies. Encouraging your clients to percentage their studies along with your products or services, and then showcasing this content material on your Facebook web page, can significantly decorate your brand's authenticity.
Businesses can run UGC campaigns, which includes photo contests or hashtag challenges, to inspire users to create and percentage content. This now not most effective increases engagement however also affords social evidence which could have an effect on potential clients' buying choices.
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Video content ideas for Facebook business page Consumers in 2024 are extra conscious than ever about the social and environmental impact of their buying decisions. Brands that display a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility are much more likely to resonate with their target market. Facebook advertising techniques must reflect these values via highlighting your logo’s efforts in these regions.
Whether it’s via posts, movies, or campaigns, corporations have to communicate their dedication to sustainable practices, moral sourcing, or community initiatives. This can assist build a fine logo photograph and attract socially-conscious clients.
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treasure-mimic · 5 months
Recently I was watching an old video from a couple years ago and had a moment of shock when the commentator felt the need to placate cryptocurrency by saying that blockchain on its own as a technology has potential. We're still trying to figure out what that potential is, the average user's need for decentralized ledger-holding.
There is a temptation to treat generative AI like this, like oh the hype is forming a bubble but the underlying technology has potential. The average person wants to use ChatGPT. I am becoming increasingly skeptical of this claim.
I've had half a mind to make any of these points individual posts and so I'm just kind of compiling all my points in one place. And, you know, disclaimer, there is a bias here, if you couldn't tell, it's possible that I am attracted to points against generative AI more because I dislike its effects on creative industries.
But a point that constantly, constantly comes up when you point out the shortcomings of the state of AI is that it will get better, it is getting better, as it improves it will become more practically useful for more and more fields, and the farther out we get I'm like. Is it? Every time Open AI comes out with a press release about the AI improving, it seems like it's not an improvement to any existing system but a new system entirely. Now our AI can make images, now our AI can make video, now our AI can interpret audio. But the AI text generator still tells lies, the AI images, while hard coded to not draw 5 hands in one place, still can't make hands, AI video still can't remain consistent. Issues with the current product are continuously paved over by introducing a shiny new product.
And if we talk about the people who actually want to use generative AI, okay. Companies are currently chomping at the bit in order to utilize generative AI in order to replace human workers. This desire is kind of ridiculous. I'm reminded of when Uber talked about wanting to replace its drivers with self-driving cars, this was never going to happen even if we could get cars to drive themselves. Uber's entire business model is predicated on the fact that they don't need to purchase a fleet of cars for every city in the world, the drivers provide the cars. As much as Uber doesn't want to pay its workers, it's not going to fire them for self-driving cars because paying one driver is cheaper than buying a car to replace them.
Generative AI is the same way, it feels cheap and accessible now because all the AI companies are being propped up by investors, but those investors have put in money under the explicit expectation that at some point the company needs to make money on its own. If that ever happens it will, necessarily, become an exclusive product. Making large language models is expensive, running them is expensive, it's so expensive that this boom has made Nvidia the wealthiest company on the planet, every second of GPU manufacturing is booked out for literal years by these companies because you need thousands upon thousands of them to run something at the scale of Open AI. In order for Open AI to become independently profitable, generative AI will have to become an exclusive product. There is no future in which every company is running their own chatbot client. At best there's a future where Open AI holds a functional monopoly and every company licenses out their product, similar to Adobe now. Even that is optimistic, I wish I could give you specific numbers, but needless to say the days of AI being cheap and accessible are numbered. Fees are coming, and if Open AI's financiers aren't able to balance those numbers, then the whole industry collapses.
And all of this is ignoring the issues that Open AI is currently facing, lawsuits from corporations stronger than any pissed off individual may result in LLMs being trained off exponentially smaller datasets than the current "all of the open internet". Public distrust is already being fueled by AI evangelists with no skills and no desire to learn skills. Attempts to implement these tools in a professional environment continuously cause problems because of how inflexible they are, and Chat GPT has already gotten a few companies in trouble by offering customer service that's too good that the companies don't want to back up.
So when people tell me that AI does have a future, that the technology is irrefutably valuable, more and more these days I find myself not fully believing them.
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