#Checks Unlimited
grewsomeart · 1 year
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Patia Por’co, Keeper of Scrolls
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dimidarling · 1 year
The new Superman show is all well and good but I don’t want to see any of you watching it acting like it’s the first time Superman has ever been nice/kind/sweet/interesting/a person outside the suit. As if the DCAU Superman hasn’t been here for years and years, and the Legion of Superheroes cartoon Superman hasn’t been here for years and years and various comics Supermans haven’t been written to be the most compassionate people ever, and some live action Supermans being down to earth and kind. It’s cool if this show makes you enjoy Superman in a way you didn’t before! I def want more media to focus on him as the good person he is, not the muscle suit popularized in some circles. But know it is not the first media, and especially not the first cartoon, to show him this way. Also don’t woobify him I’m begging on my knees to treat him like the grown ass man he is orz
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thesparkwhowalks · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every 90s cartoon in which a familiar comic book hero is thrown into a high-tech cyberpunk setting and ends up friends with a killer robot who broke its programming and grew a conscience....three nickels.
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Left to Right, in order of them tackling this plot: The Phantom 2040 (1994, where a shapeshifting Biot named Heisenberg is basically one of his super friends), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999, featuring a VERY loose adaptation of Jack Kirby's X-51 The Machine Man), and Batman Beyond (also 1999, his robot buddy Zeta even got his own show).
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greencheekconure27 · 3 months
Hey antitank squad, have we seen this
@ hazeltongzhi person before or is it a new one? Something tells me that they might have had their blog terminated before🤔
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Somehow I don't think that a person who uses "ukkkraine" makes "unlimited genocide" memes doesn't have very good takes on Ukraine. "Russia is a stepping stone for combatting imperialism" with what, more imperialism? Also check out their very normal tags.
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dannielricciardo · 11 days
my favourite and by favourite i mean most hated type of blogger on here is the ones who are like "oh i was told this but i will wait until it is confirmed to tell you guys sorry can't leak stuff bc i wanna keep getting leaks" bitch if you tell it only after it's public then you probably didnt know shit
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rogunetocentral · 3 months
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X-Men Unlimited #36- Written by Ian Edginton; Paints by Joe Chiodo
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mementoasts · 10 months
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cat... catboy elias... (something somewhere has caught his attention)
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lil-vibes · 1 year
Now that the translations are out I gotta say that IF this is trully how it ends for him, I'm disappointed. Like I was never under the illusion that Gojo would've survived till the end of the manga but this just feels so... off? So underwhelming, almost? Like, it feels incomplete and granted, Gege has killed characters that, arguably, weren't finished with their arcs (Nobara, Nanami) before but even if we take that into consideration this one still feels so wrong to me.
Obviously I wanted Gojo to win and obviously everyone knew that he wasn't going to (historically, he has always lost something so important whenever he 'wins' a battle that it renders his victory almost meaningless) but killing him off screen, even with all of the explanations, when he was straight up folding Sukuna's shit for like 10 chapters straight just feels cheap and Sukuna's victory actually feels undeserved to me bc of it.
He was on the defence most of the fight. He pulled out every single thing he could from Megumi's CT and STILL got his ass handed to him multiple times. Im gonna be real, despite me making fun of his ✨fraud-core✨ chapters, I like Sukuna. I like him a lot as a character and as an antagonist and so I want to see his victory actually mean something, or be hard won since this was a fight between THE pillars of the jujutsu world. Perhaps if he killed Gojo with his own CT it would have felt more right ? Maybe..
Besides all of that, what happens now? What could possibly be done against Sukuna now that The Strongest is out of the picture? Kashimo, and let it be known that i love him dearly, will be folded in probably 2 chapters max. Yuta (<3), Yuuji, Maki, Hakari and his domain will not be enough.
Like sometimes I feel like people just either forget or don't grasp the sheer depth of the power gap between Gojo and EVERYONE else. It's just so insanely large that after defeating him, Sukuna is trully unstoppable. And if Gege pulls some shit and has him defeated regardless, then that will just be bad writing and Gege, for all I curse him on the daily, isn't a bad writer.
Truth be told, whenever a chapter ended before, I wasn't all that scared that Gojo was done for solely because the manga would have ended. Like, in universe, if Gojo goes down then it's a wrap for everyone else pretty much immediately (like mans got sealed and not even 10minutes later everything went to hell in that godforsaken train station) so now that this has happened I trully wonder where this will go from here?
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faedreamy · 5 months
y'know what fuck it, anyone who comes into my messages begging me to commission them (and i haven't followed them beforehand) gets blocked
and even if i've been following you beforehand and you ask me to commission you, know that no means no and pushing anyway puts you on thin ice
i'm not an infinite well of money
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
The grind never stops
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fishfishiee · 2 years
SAGAU Imposter!AU as an unlimited flow instance. Maybe not designed for a multi-person instance, so maybe like an 'entrance test' instance?
For those unfamiliar with the term, 'unlimited flow' refers to a type of webnovel that combines world hopping and horror. Characters, usually referred to as 'Players', will get thrown into various horror worlds (usually called 'instances') like an abandoned hospital, haunted mansion, etc. Players typically have missions or tasks they have to complete, ranging from staying alive for a period of time or specific things that they have to do.
So, imagine going to sleep and waking up in Windrise, in front of the Statue of the Seven. You're so excited by the premise of getting isekai-ed to Genshin Impact, but then a hologram screen popped out in front of you.
Welcome, Player #3782 to Fragmented Nightmare. Beginner Instance: Creator's World Last night, the Creator dreamed about an imposter that is wearing their face roaming around Windrise. Now, their dearly acolytes from a nearby city are out and about hunting for them, willing to do anything to bring the imposter to justice. Main mission: Survive for 7 days Beginner instance safety time period: 1 hour(s)
Chills went down your spine as you read the screen in front of you. Creator? What creator? The Genshin you know never mentioned anything like this. Was… Was this still the Mondstadt you knew from Genshin Impact?
Seeing the countdown period in the screen started ticking away, you started to look around. You then noticed that Venti's Statue of the Seven was a bit different. It was more… decorated than you remembered in the game. There is a shrine behind it. You can see a lot of Mondstadt specialty items laid in front of it, cecilia flowers being the most abundant. Inside the shrine, you can see a small portrait framed with a beautifully carved frame. As you get closer to take a look at whose picture was in it, blood drained your face when you realized who was the lavishly dressed person in the photo was.
It was you.
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years
Every so often I’ll pull up this clip of EXU and watch it just because.
Still remains one of my favorite Orym moments.
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bucketsofmonsters · 9 months
To Kill the King - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
find the full book here
After they both watched wide-eyed as the princess walked away, the kid began to pull him inside what he assumed was the squire’s hall. The building was full of rowdy boys, so not so different from any other squires’ quarters he’d ever seen. He assumed this was a central room for the boys to eat in but it looked more like a tavern than anything. The walls were washed in a warm glow from candles that were balanced precariously on windowsills and tankards of ale were haphazardly left on the edges of tables. Judging by how sticky the floors were, the squires of this kingdom had not yet perfected the art of setting cups down. Beside the candles and the alcohol, pieces of armour were strewn about, most next to abandoned cleaning rags. 
As soon as he got inside the kid announced, “This is Leo’s squire, Princess Lorelai told us to be nice to him.”
Everand winced as they introduced him. He was used to being know by his relation to Leo but now there were two people of higher class he would be perpetually tied to in their minds. As soon as the kid said those words most of the boys in the room dropped what they were doing to stare at him. 
There were a few seconds of silence before the other boys rushed towards him, intrigued by this interesting newcomer. He was bombarded with questions on all sides. 
With the endless barrage of questions, it was impossible to understand what any of them were asking. He wasn’t sure how he was meant to answer them, even if he’d actually wanted to. But decidedly, he did not, so he just kept his head down and tried to seem as unapproachable as possible until their interest waned. After a few minutes, the questions slowed and at least he could understand some of what they were saying. Not that he didn’t still have his fair share of attention, but at least he could breathe now. 
He sat down on a bench in the corner, still garnering stares from everyone in the room and maintaining a small crowd around him. The kid that had led him in was still at his side, yet to be discouraged by his decidedly unfriendly air the way some of the other squires had been. Then again, the other squires were not operating under orders from the princess. 
He wanted to ask where he was supposed to be sleeping but the other squires around him did not seem particularly interested in letting him speak, cutting him off a few words in every time.
“Are the stories about Sir Leo true?”
“Why were you with the princess?”
“What is Sir Leo like? I’ve heard he’s the bravest knight of all.”
“Well I heard he’s here because he ran from a fight.”
“Is it true the princess and Sir Leo might be getting married?”
“I hope not, she deserves a better man than a coward.”
“I don’t know, at this point I wouldn’t blame the king for marrying her off to anyone.”
“I don’t understand what happened, she’s lovely. Her sisters had no problem finding husbands and I think she’s prettier than all of them. I wonder what’s wrong with her?”
“I heard she’s turning them down.”
“At some point her father would stop that surely, wouldn’t he?”
“I heard she’s cursed.”
“Cursed or not, I’d marry her.”
“If she remains much longer the king might let you.”
“We’re getting ahead of ourselves, he hasn’t answered yet, is Sir Leo really a coward? Because I think the other knights might’ve made it up because they were jealous.”
“Yeah, your knight maybe. Mine wouldn’t make up rumours like that.”
“Well, was your knight the one who told us about this?”
“I mean, no…”
“Then that doesn’t matter, does it? We’re not talking about your knight.”
“Who told us he was a coward?”
“That’s not important, we have our answers sitting right here in front of us!” 
Everand let his head fall onto the table in front of him. He hit it harder than he’d meant to, a thud sounding as his skull connected with the wood. Maybe if he banged his head on the table enough times he wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation any longer.
Somehow this was going even worse than he’d anticipated. He didn’t even know that was possible. The boys around here seemed to confuse his frustration for tiredness, completely unwilling to recognize how irritating they were being.
“We should let him get some rest. It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah, just one more question, and then we’ll show him his room.”
Everand was seconds away from strangling someone. He gave the boys what he hoped was a half convincing smile and stood up, saying, “I’m just going to get some ale, I’ll be right back.”
He walked over to the drinks as slowly as he could, waiting for the boys to start their bickering again so he could slip away. He’d find his room himself, it couldn’t be far. Or maybe he’d get lost on his own which at this point seemed preferable to having to sit with the other squires any longer. 
The hallway he’d slipped into was lined with doors all the way down and when he peeked inside one, he saw a messy bed pushed up against the wall in a small room. He didn’t know which room he was supposed to be in but he figured that he’d sleep in the first one with a neatly made bed. It felt like a safe bet. In his experience, young men were not the tidiest group on the planet. 
As he walked down the hall, opening each door and peering inside to check the beds, he could’ve sworn he heard footsteps. He stopped to listen but the second he paused the footsteps disappeared completely. Hesitantly Everand started walking again, listening intently as he hurried his search. Just as the footsteps echoing his own returned, he found an empty room with a made bed. It seemed unoccupied, with no boot marks on the floor and a little dust on the doorknob that joined the air as he pulled the door open, like the door had been abandoned for just a little bit too long. 
As he was about to enter the room, he heard a voice that sounded like it came from nearby. Echoing down the hall, the voice said, “Everand. Aren’t you tired?”
His common sense was saying not to follow the eerie voice, as anyone’s would. On any other day he wouldn’t have even considered it. But he’d had a rough day and he knew somewhere deep inside of him that he wouldn’t be able to rest until he engaged with the unexpected visitor.
Slowly and carefully, he swung the door shut again, taking note of which door it was. He rested his hand on the dagger on his belt that he barely knew how to handle and walked down the path in the direction of the voice. 
Despite the danger he was probably in, Everand was too exhausted to be scared. If anything tried to kill him, so be it. He was due for a good rest.
Frankly, the dark hallway didn’t feel any more threatening than it had before some random voice had come echoing down it. It was as threatening as a squire’s hall could be, he supposed, but that wasn’t a very high bar to clear. Anything that was interested in squires, maliciously or benevolently, couldn’t be doing all that well anyways. Not that that meant Everand would fare any better against it, but he did know that if he did get killed, whatever did it wouldn’t be all that competent.
All of a sudden, appearing from nowhere, looming in the shadows, was a man in a dark cloak. His face was hidden under the robes, draped in dark fabric and shadows alike.
The voice from before called out again. “Come closer boy.”
“Closer to the man dressed like an assassin in a dark hallway? No, I don’t think I will.” He waited for the man to speak again and when he didn’t, he added “If you’re going to murder me, please get on with it. It might be a mercy at this point, but I don’t have all night.”
“I’m not going to hurt you. I have an offer for you.”
“Bit menacing for a salesman,” he said. 
The figure did not seem amused. “I’ve been aware of you for some time, young man. You have potential but you’ve been ignored for too long. You’re disillusioned, you’re lost. I have opportunities for you.”
Everand fought the urge to roll his eyes. “I’m sure you do.” 
It wasn’t that the figure was wrong. In fact, he was probably right about some things. He was certainly disillusioned. However, he did not feel the urge to discuss his potential with shadowy figures. Considering he was giving this speech to Everand, the man was either trying to trick him or he was stupid, and he didn’t care to find out which.
He turned to leave but before he could, the shadows behind him that the man was standing in shifted from sweeping darkness to a faint glow. He looked back to try and figure out where the sudden light was coming from and he saw the man holding out his hand as it shone a strange burnt orange, shifting as if it were emanating from some invisible fire. Somehow, despite the new light, the man’s face was still cloaked entirely in shadow. 
He’d seen mages before, but never had he seen magic. Everyone knew it existed, had been told of its power, but it wasn’t exactly common. But this sourceless light was clearly magical in nature. 
         Some of the oldest stories every child was told were cautionary in nature, tales of rotten deals in dark corners. Of promises of anything you could dream of as a pretense to snatch up your soul. He’d had nightmares about hooded figures like this promising him the world many times when he was younger. 
The longer things went on and the more exhausted he got, the less those deals had frightened him. What was he doing with his soul anyways? As he heard whispers of the stories told to young children he couldn’t help but think, whatever the result, at least he’d be out of here. That was worth an unimaginable amount. 
Even beyond the rarity of magic, it was hard to know if these deals with the highest stakes imaginable were real because no one would ever admit to them. That would mean admitting to whatever horrid deed the monster wanted them to do in order for them to succeed in the gamble. Standing here, before this man, he knew exactly how real they were. He could feel the sheer power radiating off of him from the second the auburn light touched his skin. This figure was capable of it all, could give him whatever he desired or snatch his lifeforce away to do whatever he pleased with it. He could make that deal.
“That’s not possible,” Everand said, breathlessly. 
“And yet here I am. I see potential in you. Do what I ask and you will have whatever you want. Power, status, anything. You clearly know how these deals work. Shake my hand and it’s set in stone. You complete your end of the bargain and I must complete mine. If I have the power to foster a deal like this, you know I can get you exactly what you want.”
He shouldn’t be considering this. He remembered all the scary stories he was told that kept him up at night when he was little. Smart men didn’t mess around with magic. Shaking this man’s hand would mean breaking open his soul to make the deal, would mean leaving him incredibly vulnerable. And yet, he wanted nothing more than to take it. He wasn’t a little kid anymore, he wasn’t scared of the monster under his bed. He knew that shaking his hand could get him into trouble but it couldn’t be worse than the life he was leading right now. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to kill the king.”
Everand stuck his hand out, ready to shake on it but the man hesitated. “That’s it? No questions, no more thought into it? Are you sure you’re ready for the task ahead?”
“Absolutely not, but I’ll try my best.”
“If you do not succeed…”
“Trust me, I’m aware. Shake on it.”
And with that, the man took Everand’s hand in his own and an orange glow overtook them both as Everand let out a scream. 
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seithr · 5 months
i finished unicorn overlord i have immense haead trauma now
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lukewarmsnakepiss · 10 months
"omg 2020 was almost 4 years ago"
me: yeah no shit
"omg that 11 episode anime with the gay short king billionaire detective that made anime twitter go feral with a single trailer came out almost 4 years ago"
me: wait. WHAT.
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heksen-sabbat · 3 months
i love making mutuals who post frequently about interests i have no knowledge about. don't know what all these posts mean but it rocks let's go
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