#Chef Hatchet's Mom
dylanblakesgal · 8 months
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Ok noticed some people hasn't shipped these together this is a crackship am not being serious I made up names for Chef Hatchet's mom and Leshawna's Grandma I don't think they have names so when they do I change it so the ship name I come up with for them are Gerose or Rorry for Gerry X Rose and LilPete or Lete for Lily X Pete so no attacking me I was just being funny with this one if you do like them together ok cool like I said I haven't seen alot of certain older characters not getting shipped together so this was made.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Four: Dinner is Served (Or is it lunch?)
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One year ago
"How the hell did you get a pack of cigs in here?" Duncan turned around to see his girl stalking up towards him. She wore the similar orange jumpsuit, and had her hair tied back into a harsh looking hairdo. "I'm just special." He shrugged getting her to roll her eyes.
"Want one?" He asked his best friend. "When have I ever said yes to that question?" She gave him the 'look' as his fellow inmates had dubbed it. "I hope one day you realize how much that affects your health, Duncan Tarun."
"Are you worried about me, L/N?" He teased her. "If anything I should be worried about you." She sat down next to him as they looked out at the yard. "You sure know how to put a downer on things doll." He muttered his fingers tapping nervously on his thigh. "Your dad died, today, one year ago. I killed him because you came to my house almost dead, Duncan. You have to be feeling something." The girl sounded more annoyed at herself then him.
"I've told you a hundred times, I wanted you to kill him. He was hurting my mom. If you hadn't done it, I would." Duncan explained. It was silent for a moment before she reached out for his hand, he took it without a second thought.
"I don't blame you for your anger. Your anger has kept us alive countless of times, Y/N. Without you my dad would've killed me at four. You are worth losing everyone." Duncan squeezed her hand as her head plopped down on his shoulder.
"Aren't I the one supposed to be comforting you?"
"We're best friend, doll. It's what we do."
Present day
Chris had you all crowded into the small cafeteria as clearly, very angry man started yelling. "Listen up, I serve it three times a day, and will eat it three times a day. Grab your tray, get your food and sit your butts down." Chef Hatchet yelled at the line of campers.
"He seems like a nice guy." Duncan muttered to no one in particular causing you to stiffle your laughter. "Got something to say, smart ass?" Chef yelled at Duncan as you grabbed your plates, the food looked almost sentient.
"No, sir." Duncan stood straight to attention doing a mock salute and you had to pinch your thigh to stop yourself from laughing. "I'll be keeping an eye on you. No one likes a smart guy." Chef growled ushering you both off.
"You are going to get your ass beat, you know that?" You hissed in his ear causing Duncan to laugh. "I bet you'd like to see that, darling." you both sad across from Izzy who waved cheerfully at you.
As Duncan stabbed his food to keep it from wandering off, you on the other hand just let it leave. It was probably healthier to just simply not eat it. Then Chris walked in. "Welcome to the main lodge." He announced to the eating campers.
"Yo, my man can we order a pizza?" Geoff asked before a knife slid inches from his face embedding itself into the door. "Woah, it's cool G, brown slop is cool. Right guys?" Geoff replied nervously as Chef Hatchet sent a terrifying glare his way.
"Mine had a redish tint, actually. But too each his own." You muttered causing Duncan to chuckle. "Your first challenge is in one hour." Chris announced walking back out. Katie (Or was it Sadie) voiced her concerns but DJ quickly quieted them.
When you all finished Chris had you meet at a top of a very large hill wearing swimsuits. He told the girls to cover up before going so he'd get videos of the girls in swimsuits.
It was creepy, but whatever got the job done. You had pulled your hair back into a french braid that fell down your back, and wore a maroonish-purple two piece swimsuit, you felt insecure about your stomach being on live television so you stole Duncan's jacket to have around your shoulders and zipped up high enough to cover your stomach.
"Your first task is to jump of this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris explained the task, talking about man-eating sharks, and hoops or whatever. Frankly, you were bored. After you had finished the challenge he wanted you to build a hot tub which didn't sound very fun, but you know.
Bridgette went first as you and Duncan discussed which one of you would go next. Two dudes went, then Eva and you smiled before flipping onto your hands. "Wait, don't jump into the water with my jacket." Duncan warned you.
"Make me." You stuck your tongue out, still upside down as you walked toward the edge of the cliff, you then made a half heart symbol with your fingers causing Duncan to groan, and fell backwards down the cliff whooping for joy.
Duncan leapt after you.
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You both landed in the safe spot, easily. Then Harold came down, and landed on his crotch screaming like a little girl. "Well that's cute." Duncan muttered his hand finding itself around your waist. You smiled leaning into his arms before he unzipped the jacket, bolting off with it.
You ran after him, you were screaming curses. "How long would you say they've been together." Courtney asked Bridgette. "Oh, probably a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if they were married." The blonde shrugged. "That's fair." Courtney laughed quietly as they watched you tackle Duncan you both wrestling in the sand.
Eventually you pinned him down, both of you breathing hard, your faces red. "Your so pretty without the sweater, embrace yourself." He explained before you could hit him.
"Fuck you."
"You wish, cutie."
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Idk why but I feel like Toby would be unironically good with knives and good at sharpening them
I like that you specified unironically
Anyway yes. I could see him being the type to beg his mom to get a butterfly knife when he’s like 14 so he could practice but she’s mortified at the idea of him swinging it around but he keeps BEGGING AND BEGGING so lyra gets him those practice ones with no blade as a birthday present.
Eventually he would get good enough at it … I could see him getting some money from dog sitting for the neighbors/his aunt so he’s finally buy one for himself (behind his moms back) and fuck around.
I could also see him trying to help his mom cook cuz he was homeschooled and had so much free time, so he’d be decent with cutting up veggies and stuff … peeling potatoes etc… maybe not a good chef but wow r those potatoes peeled
And of course sharpening . He prob keeps a switchblade on him cuz he LOVES carving random shit into trees and a hatchet isn’t too easy to carve his name with ..
Overall he’d be fond of blades. Hatchets, axes, machetes, knives .. def got his fair share of cuts on his hands
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actually i love how in that one episode of dramarama chef's mom calls him cheffrey, implying that chef isn't his title but his shortened first name. and every time someone refers to him as chef hatchet they're just saying his full name.
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dozing-marshmallow · 4 months
Hi!! Love the fic that you wrote of reader visiting Chris in prison. Could you write an angsty follow-up of reader finally breaking up with him after he gets out of prison with her being fed up with his unablity to change his negative thoughts and actions.
Ouchhh! Quite angsty, indeed!
HEY EVERYONE! Sorry for my long due absence. I’m currently in the middle of exam season, so that’s been taking up majority of my time, but I can say with certainty that afterwards (in four weeks), I’ll be free to post as frequently as I did before and complete all the requests I received! Thank you all for being so patient, and I hope you enjoy part 2 of this one shot!
Content warning, this one shot involves dysfunctional relationships, so please read at own risk.
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“(Y/NNNNN)!” your sweet separated husband exclaims, fixing his arms around you on his return home,“It’s so great to be back again!”
“H-Hi Chris...” you cough, squeezing him back,“How do you feel?”
“Better!” he chirped, patting your spine,“You know, I actually feel like a changed person!”
“Really?” Yeah right.
He nods, pulling away, that grin of his never ageing,“Yep! I realllyyy feel like a functioning member of society, ready to amend and give back!”
Yeah right.
You never thought you would be in the back kitchen with Chef about this.
Two years after his first release.
That’s right.
With heavy bags and sore limbs, you desperately explain,“I’ve tried to convince him to see a therapist or go to marriage counselling sessions with me, but he doesn’t listen!” you wince down to the ground. That word “marriage” felt more like “Hell” to you,“I feel like he’s getting worse and worse...”
“What can you do, (Y/N)? By law, he’s a grown man. No one, not even his mom can tell him what to do.” Chef Hatchet grunted, slicing some potatoes, as though he was not surprised,“Have you considered divorce?”
Divorce!,“That’s ridiculous, Chef. You know you can’t just file a divorce whenever you want. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and I still see the man I love.”
“And it’s that he’s takin’ advantage of.” That knife went blunter this time around,“He thinks it’s okay to go about like a criminal, because he has the money and popularity to get out of it, but if you walk out on him, he’ll eventually realise what he’s lost. I’m dead serious. You keep sticking by him like this, he’ll never change.”
“Hm...” that was an interesting way of thinking, you’ll admit. Maybe it was time to start looking into divorce? But... “What if that approach just turns out for the worst? You know how he is. He’ll turn the tables and play victim, putting the blame on me for not being strong enough to support him and for breaking my promise for making my love conditional-“
Chef looks at you like the pieces were threatening to cut your fingers off,“Do you even hear yourself as you speak about him?”
You stop. 
Dang it, he had a point,“But divorce... It still feels a bit too drastic. Besides, I want to give him a chance.” you offer a strong smile.
He paused entirely in his vegetable slicing this time,“A chance?”
Oh... Yes, you’ve given him plenty of chances already. You force the smile to stay on, as convincing as you tried,“W-We’ll just see how it goes. Besides, I still really wanna make this work.”
Your husband’s so-called best friend shakes his head, leaving you with a pitiful glimmer in his eye,“You’re a good woman, (Y/N). You don’t deserve this.”
Well, you wish you listened to him sooner.
And at some point, you couldn’t take it anymore.
So one day, when you got your suitcase ready and your temporary accommodation sorted in secret, you mustered the courage to break it off.
Your heart was leaping. From what? Anxiety? Excitement? Both? You’ll never know.
It took a lot to get this far. You were going to see it through the end.
No matter how messy it will be.
Obviously when you gently touched on Chris’ behaviour as the reason why you were filing for divorce, he tried denying it,“What are you talking about? I’m a changed man! Prison’s changed me for the better!”
Oh please,“Unless it’s Opposite Day, you should not be using that word.”
You weren’t afraid and that’s what startled him,"N-Now who gave you the right to declare the end of this relationship?! Only I get to choose whether to throw you out on the street or keep you around!” he then strangely turned his head to lean the smooth skin on his cheekbone in your face,“Now give me a kiss."
You almost puke in your mouth,“I’m serious, Chris. I want nothing to do with you anymore.”
“Serious? What do you know about serious? You don’t understand anything!” he barked, slamming his fist on the table.
Your eyelids remained just halfway down,“I understand plenty.”
“No, you don’t! You don’t understand that this is a really dumb decision! We’ve had so many great memories (Y/N), you and I!” his defensive tone morphs into a tone of love,“I love you so much, more than Total Drama ratings! And you give meaning to my life, more than any show I’ve ever hosted!”
There it is. He says all these words then treats you like a broken clock. You made sure he witnessed your sight tap on the papers you laid out for him.
“You’re totally being dramatic! In the worst way possible! I literally give you the life, not even middle class peasants can dream of, and this is what you do to me!?” he was raising his voice. The sign of desperation,“How do you think I feel? Have some respect!”
Respect, huh? You scoffed, rolling the pen further to him,“Oh I’ve tried to be respectful, Chris. In fact, I would much rather live as a “middle class peasant” than live with you any longer.”
He gasps, before snarling,“You don’t mean that.”
“Yes, I do.” Chris was too arrogant to get physical with you, and you knew that. The worst he was gonna do is throw petty insults at you.
But he took a scarier approach. He wasn’t fuming or swearing or raving; a smile drew on his lips instead as he sprinkled sugar laced words in your direction.
“Awww. Don’t let your anger speak for you, darling. You know sooner or later, you’re gonna regret ending us like this. And I won’t let that happen. I won’t let you regret losing me. Losing us,” now he has your waist in his arm,“Come on sweetheart, talk to me. I know you just need someone to listen.”
Listen. Is that a fucking joke?
Adoration emitted from his eyes into yours,“We can talk about this. We can talk and exchange forgiveness like we always do. Because we love each other. We’ll come around to see eye to eye and I’ll forgive you for being so annoying.” His other hand begins to comb your hair,“We can forget this ever happened and I’ll even treat you to an awesome date night. I know you really love those, and I would be more than happy to give it to you, as your beloved husband.”
...The thought was tempting.
But that was a lot more motivating.
“Nice try. Your empty promises won’t work on me this time.” you push him away. That’s it. You’re strong, you’re strong, you’re strong!,“I don’t need your money. Or your time. I can do fine on my own.”
He stopped running his hand in your hair. Oh, the pride you felt when you watched his bottom lip quiver! You could watch the scene over and over again.
Your instinct to smirk is quickly cowered when Chris shoves you away, thankfully not so forceful to make you lose balance completely as he huffed, that charming persona displaced by his true ugly.
“You want your stupid divorce? Fine!” He angrily scratches the papers with his signature,“There’s your stupid divorce! Now get out of my sight before I change my mind! Only a stupid whore like you would go through with making the awesomest celebrity in the world give up on you! You better not come crawling back after selling your body around for six dollars!”
Wow! Who knew he would resort to sexualising you in such a derogatory way to try get a reaction from you? “No... That’s not true! You know I would never do that! I’m more than just my body!”
“I’ll take the six dollars over you any day.” Hah! Who cares what he had to say? He’s not your husband anymore!
He gritted his teeth as he witnessed you leave his mansion one last time,“You’re ruined, you hear me!? I’ll make sure you lose your job and never find one again!” That’s not true. That’s not true,“I’ll see to it that you live on animal carcasses disposed by yours truly for the rest of your moping days, in conditions more suffocating than maximum prison!”
Such is the behaviour of a scumbag who lost control.
That was the right thing.
Thank Heavens you had your loyal friends and your own ethical job. If any of these things were different, even by a tiny bit, you probably would have still been stuck with Chris McLean. Chained. Trapped. Miserable.
This was the right thing.
You don’t want to think about what could have happened. The important thing was, you got out of it, and he wasn’t your problem anymore. Yet a part of you felt so dissatisfied with how the whole ordeal went. I thought I would feel more different... Why do I still feel something missing? Is this actually the end of our life together?
And your mind, learning from the worst, continued the cycle of torment. Was that really the best way to end things? Why didn’t you leave sooner? Was it really the right choice? Why did you waste so much with him? Were you still in love with him? Is it really too late to start over with love again? Did you really make the worst choice yet by leaving him?
You take a deep breath, and stare back into the eyes of the solitary woman, whose worth was still blinded by the thorns of that demon.
Her brain is pounding from the silence. This might take some getting used to.
You turn the tap on and sigh. For now, you’ll take a nice long shower.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Everything More Than Anything pt. 1
Sydney Adamu x Carmy Berzatto, R rated in future chapters.
Syd works out what she needs to do to get those stars she's dreaming of. Carmy works out what he needs to do to support her.
Full Masterlist
Sydcarmy Masterlist
Chapter 1
In case there’s ever any doubt, knocking on your boss/partner’s door at 3am is never a good idea. Especially when you didn’t actually say goodbye until way past midnight. And he drove you home, and you’ve since undone that goodwill by getting up and walking to his apartment in the middle of the night… Syd considered. Sure, she had pepper spray and a swiss army knife, but she knew this would make him mad as hell. Still, she didn’t care. It wasn’t just a spur of the moment decision either. She’d undertaken specific, strategic research… and then she’d also tossed and turned for the best part of three hours until it became crystal clear what she needed to do, and she didn’t want to wait til 7am to have to tell him.
She’d taken food to Marcus. Trying to make amends, bury a hatchet, get back into his good books… whatever it was, she did it via the route she knew best. Through food. She’d taken the most gorgeous tagine over, warmed it for him, and sat while he ate. Still stilted, their conversation didn’t flow as naturally as it usually did. Their silences stretched out into awkwardness rather than comfort. She was almost relieved when he went to check on his mom, leaving her alone in the kitchen and nursing a mountain of couscous. His phone on the counter had rumbled across the surface with a call. LUCA, the screen flashed. She answered it almost on autopilot, “Hey man, how you doin’?” The figure on the phone wasn’t looking to the camera but at what looked like a tray of perfectly identical pastry cases. He did a double take at the sound of her voice.
“Uhhh hi. Marcus is just out of the room, he’ll be back in a sec?”
“You must be Sydney?” He grinned, she could have cursed, another pretty blond boy and their… eyes. Excellent.
“I am, Luca? Nice to meet you, kinda.”
“You too. Kinda. Have you been looking after my good friend Marcus?”
“Well. I’m trying,” his frown matched hers,
“Everything ok?”
“Long story. I’m sure you’ll hear his side of it.” “I already have.”
“He’ll be ok.” He assured her. She suddenly felt a desperate need to change the subject, 
“So you knew baby Carmy, huh?”
“Yeah, we were just scruffy kids. I was scruffier.”
“I find that very hard to believe.” She replied with an arched eyebrow,
“S’true. And I got more deranged the harder I tried to keep up with him.” He laughed. Something fired in Syd’s brain,
“Say more?”
“I was telling Marcus when he was here. I thought I was the shit, y’know? The golden balls. Then, I had a few days trying to keep up with Carmen, and I was in pieces. Spent the rest of my time watching, learning… trying to keep up with him. It made me a good chef, and I got a really good mate out of it as well. Eventually, anyway. Once we’d stopped trying to kill each other.”
“You didn’t get better than him?”
“Nooo, god no. Not better than him. No one is better than him. Except maybe you, from what I’ve heard.” 
“Heard from who?” She asked curiously.
“Marcus, Terry… the man himself.”
“Now I know that’s a lie, he doesn’t answer his phone.” She cackled.
“He does to a select few. The important people in his life.” She thought back to the last few times she’d called Carmy since he’d emerged from the walk-in. Just stupid ‘what about this?’ kind of calls. He’d picked up before the first ring had even completed every time, answered every text. “We all talk, you know? Not all that often, but we keep up. It’s one thing we’ve never lost from our time with Terry. It’s like she honed in on the fact that we both had shit relationships with our parents and made sure we had her instead.”
“She sounds nice. I was really fucking jealous when Richie got to stage for her.”
“Nah, you should catch her for a cuppa - it’s much more fun. No milk, no sugar.” He advised. “So, I also know through the grapevine that you’re chasing stars?” Syd rolled her eyes, making a mental note to kill Marcus. Or Carmy. One of them, at least. 
“He’s such a little gossip!” She grumbled, “I just think it would be nice.”
“It would, you should go for it. And from what I’ve heard, The Bear is capable of getting them. I’m looking forward to a visit - there’s only so many times I can listen to how good you are. Plus it’s been a long time since Carm cooked for me.” Marcus came back through and took in Syd on the phone to Luca,
“Well, you’ll be welcome anytime. Marcus is here, I’ll let you off the hook now. It was good to meet you.”
“You too. Good luck with the stars.” She handed the phone over to Marcus and went back to her couscous, her mind ticking over.
The conversation with Luca had set things in motion in her brain. Three days later, she found herself loitering outside Ever on her way to work. Every day for a week she took the same route until she saw a figure emerge.
“Excuse me?”
“We don’t have any job openings. Check the website.”
“I’m not here for a job. My… friend, Richie, did a week here a few weeks ago? And my business partner, Carmen, knows Chef Terry and -”
“You’re Sydney?” Her jaw dropped,
“Uhh… yeah? I mean, yes, I didn’t mean that as a question,” she stammered, “that is me, I am her.”
“Richie talked about you a lot, and of course I know of Carmen. I’m Garrett.” The young man held out his hand and shook hers. “You coming in? I take it you’re here to see Chef Terry?” He asked, holding the door open on his way back inside. Though taken aback, Syd didn’t hesitate in following him. He gave her a whistle stop tour of the restaurant and kitchens before leaving her with Jess briefly.
“How’s Richie?”
“He’s good. Really good, actually.” “We miss him. Tell him I said hi?”
“Of course. You guys should come for dinner?” Syd invited,
“Oh god, absolutely. Garrett, Syd said we should go to The Bear.”
“We definitely should. Terry can’t see you today, she said she’s sorry, but she’s got a free hour tomorrow morning if you wanted to help her prep?” 
“Yes. Of course, I’ll be here. 6am?”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you outside.” She gave Jess a small wave and continued on to The Bear to start her day. The conversation with Luca and the quick preview of Ever buzzing in her mind, she felt like a bundle of nerves all day.
“Cariño, you good?” Tina asked as Syd’s knife narrowly missed her finger on its way to the onion she was making a poor attempt at chopping.
“Yeah, T. I’m fine.”
“Boy trouble?” She could feel Carmy, Richie and Ebra all raise their eyes as inconspicuously as possible. Thank fuck Marcus was at an appointment with his mother and Fak was under the pot wash sink.
“Fuck no. No time for that, mama.” She smiled down at Tina who was glaring at Ebra.
“Baby, you should make time for that. You’re like… buzzing. You should get laid.”
“Maybe she should keep buzzin’ an’ that’s the answer!” Richie called over,
“Ay, mind your business Richard! I ain’t talking to you right now, I’m trying to make sure this lady is getting what she needs.” Tina pointed at Richie with her knife.
“I’m just sayin’! She don't need a man, right Syd? Just some decent batteries.”
“Richie, shut the fuck up please. Tina, can we not be having this conversation right now?”
“Hey, it’s all good - you have needs, we all have needs. Might help you relax a little, y’know what I’m sayin’? You're very on edge.” Tina clicked her tongue between her teeth with a wicked grin. Syd scooped up her onions and dumped them into the empty container. 
“Behind.” She stuck her tongue out childishly at Tina and moved around her to the walk-in. With the onions on a shelf, she brought her hands up to her flushed cheeks. Eternally grateful her blushes weren’t broadcast to the world, only she could feel how hot her face felt. She fanned herself with her hand and took a minute.
“Behind, Chef.” Carmy stepped into the chiller with a container of mushrooms. “You ok?”
“Yeah, fine. Good to know there’s no escape from the probing mother figure. Poor Louis.” She grimaced at the thought of Tina’s teenage son trying to hide his sex life from her.
“She’s just looking out for you.” 
“I mean, I’m pretty sure then that she wouldn’t be encouraging… the things that she’s encouraging. But whatever. Either way, I still have no time.” Syd mused before realizing that they were still on Tina’s topic of conversation. “Thank fuck no one knows when I’m blushing.” She muttered, hand on the door to leave,
“I do.”
“I can tell when you’re embarrassed. You uhh become very interested in your shoes, and you pull your collar.” He explained, reaching out to put her jacket collar back into place. Her hands were fighting to stay away from it. True to form though, her shoes became very interesting indeed. 
“Didn’t know you were some kind of fuckin’ body language expert,” she huffed a laugh and left him in the walk-in.
The following morning, Syd waited outside with three takeout cups. As Garrett pushed the door, she handed him one.
“Coffee, to thank you for this.” “Nothing to thank me for. Come with me.” He raised the cup in salute and guided her down the previous day's familiar corridors.
“Sydney Adamu. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” A cheerful voice said as she rounded the corner. Garrett had disappeared already.
“Chef Terry, it’s… it’s an honor to meet you.” Syd put the takeout cups down and held out her hand, only to be pulled into a warm hug.
“You too, darling. Grab a sprig, we’re doing rosemary and basil.” She pointed to the bench where there was already a space out for Syd. 
“Thank you. I got you tea - no milk, no sugar.”
“Then it’s perfect. And very kind of you, thank you.” Syd picked up a bunch of rosemary and set about plucking the tiny leaves from the stalks. “I don’t pull them or drag them, I want the leaf to remain perfect.” Terry explained to Syd. “So tell me, how’s my boy doing?”
“Carmy? Well, I don’t know what your baseline is -”
“He was working for me shortly after his mother drove a car into their dining room.”
“Oh,” Syd realized she didn’t know that story, that there was so much she didn’t know. “Pretty low then?” “Pretty low,” Terry smiled.
“He managed to get locked in our walk-in on our soft open night a few weeks ago.”
“An interesting ploy to get out of appearing in front of the diners.” She chuckled. “Hmm. Broke up with his girlfriend while he was in there.”
“And since then, touch wood,” Syd brought a hand to her head like her mother had used to do, “he’s been better, I think? Calmer, more present. Like he’s really trying.”
“There’s a very big difference between the way he used to work in New York to the way I know he wants to work.”
“Yeah, we both don’t want that toxic, shouty,”
“Aggressive, demeaning,”
“All of that - we don’t want that, like, at all.” Syd emphasized, “sometimes it feels impossible, but we’re trying.”
“He’s told me about all of you, you know? How much he cares for you all and believes in you.”
“I think he needs to understand how much we want that for him too?” Syd paused with a sprig of Rosemary in her hand. Terry did the same with her knife hovering over a bunch of basil. “I swear he thinks he’s still alone, and he’s trying to keep all the plates spinning and… it’s a lot.”
“I agree.” She said finally. “It’s hard to convince someone they deserve to be loved or that they're not alone.” She said ruefully. “Is that why you’re here?”
“No. Yes? I’m not really sure. Luca suggested I meet you.” Syd shrugged,
“Ahh, my other brilliant young man. That reminds me, I need to call him.”
“He’d heard that I want us to go for stars at The Bear.”
“Well, I can’t advise you on how to get them, exactly.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to.” Syd assured her, “I guess I want to understand Carmy better? We seem to have this… unspoken language, and I want to build on it, and there’s so much I want to learn from him, but also I want him to learn as well? Sometimes, I feel like I should try and be more patient with him, but then he does stupid stuff that makes me want to kill him.”
“Oh I know that feeling all too well! The best thing you can do is to make your relationship airtight. The stars we earned here were earned together because we listened to each other and learned from each other.” Syd nodded in agreement,
“Exactly. He kept telling me the stars were bullshit, we didn’t need them, and why would I want them. Like I’m the only one who wants them.”
“There’s nothing wrong with ambition, Sydney. In fact, it suits you beautifully.” Syd smiled, bashful under Terry’s praise.
“I want them for both of us. I kind of want them so that I can use them to beat Carmy with for the rest of our lives to say, I dunno, ‘look what we can achieve when we believe in each other’? Because I do, I believe in him.” She said earnestly.
“I can tell.”
“He spoke to everyone I’d worked for in the past to understand why I wanted to work at the Beef.”
“Did he find the answer he was looking for?”
“I don’t know.”
“And what is the answer?”
“I wanted to work with him.” Terry smiled knowingly.
“Yes. He certainly has that effect.” She set down her knife and picked up her tea instead. “Keep doing what you’re doing, Sydney. He’s a total pain in the arse sometimes, but he’s worth the work.”
“Oh he is absolutely the biggest pain in my ass. Even more than Richie most of the time.” Terry laughed,
“You seem to have a good handle on them. Here, come and see this before I have to go,” she took Syd’s arm and led her down a walkway between the kitchen areas to a photograph on the wall of Carmy and Luca. “My lost boys. I am immensely proud of them.” She said fondly.
“He’s worth the work.” Syd said firmly, mostly to herself.
“He is. And so are you. I cannot wait to try your food. He tells me you’re the best he’s ever seen.” Syd scoffed,
“Oh, be serious right now.”
“I am, darling. I promise. He believes in you. I don’t think those stars are too far out of reach.” She patted Syd’s arm. “Now, I have to get back to work. Thank you for the tea. I hope you got what you needed from our time together?”
“I think I did, thank you, Chef Terry. Thank you for making time for me.”
“I would say anytime, but we both know that’s impossible in this profession. I’ll just say don’t be a stranger instead.”
“You too. He’d love to see you at The Bear, we both would.” As if by magic, Garrett appeared at the end of the corridor. Terry hugged Syd once more and disappeared around the corner. 
“Nice morning?”
“Why does it feel like I just met the Wizard of Oz? Or, like, Willy Wonka? How is she so cool and mysterious?” He smiled as he showed her out, 
“She’s Terry. She’s the best and she likes looking after the people she cares about. It was great to meet you, Syd. We’ll see you again soon.” He closed the door, leaving the building looking like an impenetrable fortress.
She rattled through another day at The Bear on edge, trying to decipher the things she’d learned over the course of the last couple of weeks. On the third attempt of placing a tiny flower onto a starter plate, she threw her tweezers with a groan of frustration.
"Ugggh, fuck me!"
“Breathe mija, breathe.” Tina set a hand on her arm. Syd nodded and stepped back while Tina gently dropped the flower into place. 
“Hands please.” Syd called out once the plate was completed, throwing a grateful look to her Sous.
“Try tellin’ me you don’t need an earth shakin’, mind blowing -”
“Tina, I beg you, do not finish that sentence.” Syd dragged her collar away from her neck, 
“Works wonders for your concentration.” The older woman wiggled her eyebrows.
“Please. Stop.” Syd hissed as Tina moved onto her next task. With a heavy sigh, she locked eyes with Carmy on the expo as he tried to hide a smile behind his hand. “Don’t you fucking start.” She warned.
And now here she was at 3am on Carmy’s doorstep. Another night owl had let her into the main building as they headed out for a run so she’d tiptoed up five flights of stairs and knocked loudly enough to wake him but not so loud it was disruptive to anyone else. The door flung open before she’d dropped her hand and he was pulling on a jacket,
“Woah, fuck -”
“Are you… are you going out? At 3am?”
“I was coming to see you. Wait, how’d you get here?” “Walked?”
“At 3am?” He pulled her into the apartment by her elbow. “Anything could have happened to you?”
“Why were you coming to see me?” She asked defiantly. “Why were you coming to see me?” He replied, avoiding the question completely.
“I need you,” she pleaded. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline,
“Is this… is this about what Tina was saying?” He asked quietly.
“What? No! Oh my god, Carmen! Is that why you think I’m here right now?”
“It’s 3am, Syd. It’s a pretty reasonable guess?”
“No, it is not a reasonable guess! There is… there is nothing reasonable about that guess!” Syd looked mortified.
“Well, look. Okay, thanks for that - thanks a lot -”
“Wait, I didn’t mean that it would be, like, horrible or anything! I didn’t say that, I’m sure it would be great…” She wrung her hands and sighed, trailing off into embarrassment. “Let me start over?” He nodded. 
“Good idea.”
“Hi, sorry to disturb you at 3am. I had an epiphany, and I needed your help.”
“I was up anyway. What can I do?”
"I know what I need to do for us to get those stars," she held her hands up as he started to protest, "I know, we don't need them, they're bullshit, blah blah blah."
"Blah blah blah?"
"I know what you're going to say, Carm. I know you think they're worthless"
"You know a lot, huh?" He said with a smile. 
"More than you give me credit for." She retorted. 
"Syd -"
"Carm. Please. I don't want it for me, I want it for us. I want it because we deserve it and we worked for it."
"What's your epiphany?"
"I need to care about everything, more than anything,” He arched an eyebrow,
“Well… yeah, I distinctly remember telling you that already?”
“I need to learn from you. Like, not just learn, I need to do what Luca did. Get better just by being near you." Both of his hands threaded through his hair and came to rest behind his head. She felt her stomach swoop. “I need to shadow you or something -”
"You are better. You don't need me, Syd."
"I do. I really do. I want you to help me make sure that we do this right. I get you've done the whole suffering for your art thing, but I want us and our team to thrive, not suffer." He fell quiet and watched her closely. "I don't want us to go through the same shit we went through before. We do this right and learn from each other and that is how we care about it more than anything else - by caring for everyone in it." He nodded. 
"Family style. A good, supportive family."
"Yes!” She beamed, “Yes, exactly.”
“And I'm gonna pretty much live in your pocket and you're gonna get so sick of me spending every fucking waking hour with you -"
"I said OK. And I won't get sick of you. Fuck, move in if that's what it takes." 
"We will do whatever it takes and we'll do it together. But I swear to god, Syd, while you're watching for fucking stars I'm gonna be watching you. Y'hear me? The second you're not eating or sleeping, I'm gonna be on your ass and we stop. And it takes as long as it takes. It’s not a goddamn race."
"Fine, yes. I'm in."
"It's not gonna be easy?" He warned. "Gets harder every year."
"Good. I know we can do it." He dropped his arms to his sides with a shrug. 
"Ok. Where'dya want to start?"
Phew! This is probably the longest I've gone without posting anything since the early summer! 😅 I couldn't hold off any longer. Fandom seems so quiet at the moment with shows finishing and others on a break... Just trying to keep us all busy and content until we have news!
Let me know what you think, would love so much to hear from you! 💜
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td-tbbg-official · 9 months
“You finished up with the teasers yet?”
“Just for Generation 4, why?”
“Just askin’. No reason. None at all.”
“…You want to do the ones for Generation 1, don’t you?”
“Can I?”
“Have at it, man.”
“Oh, this is gonna be so fun… The reactions will be off the charts.”
“I bet! Some of these transformations are drastic, man! Some of the cast will be completely unrecognizable!”
“Especially her…”
“I know. I’m not worrying too much about her, though. She’s used to it.”
“Well, she’s in the public eye a lot, of course she is. Compared to him, at least, she handles fame well.”
“The artists of the cast are such a unique bunch… The single mom, the starving artist, the independently wealthy, the famous…”
“And then there’s the ones who flew under the radar, like—”
“Love, I just realized the camera’s on and the video’s live.”
“…Have we said too much?”
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That’s right – Generation 1’s teaser comes in full-colour for you to enjoy. Their introduction posts will be evenly aired out, two per day, and you will also get some backstory we managed to squeeze in from them, to know what they’ve been up to in the last fifteen years!
I’m your co-host, Chef Hatchet, and this is… Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
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THE BEAR S3 in a nutshell according to the trailer and to the in-plain-sight foreshadow Storer has us all used to by now:
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Someone ordered a tremendous musical foreshadow?
Mixed emotions
Button your lip, baby Button your coat → that's what they'll be wearing most of the season bc it's focused on the high-functioning kitchen. Thom Browne loves this. Let's go out dancing Go for the throat → pretty self-explanatory to me.
Let's bury the hatchet → I'm thinking Claire and Richie, maybe even Donna And wipe out the past → I'm thinking Claire FAVEST MUSICAL FORESHADOW EVER! 🥳🥳🥳 And make love together → I'm thinking Sydcarmy not just romantically, but businesswise, like "vibrant collaboration" recommends. Stay on the path
You're not the only one → I'm thinking Sydcarmy vs Clairmy, the clash of the shippers. With mixed emotions → pretty self-explanatory to me. You're not the only ship → again, the clash of the shippers. Adrift on this ocean
This coming and going Is driving me nuts → Carmy becoming the bear and attacking, but not review style, Psycho style, EMP style.
This to-ing and fro-ing Is hurting my guts
The get off the fence now → ANOTHER FAVEST MUSICAL FORESHADOW. CARMY WILL HAVE TO DECIDE BETWEEN C AND SYDNEY. PERIOD. 🤩🤩🤩 You're creasing your butt Life is a party Let's get out and strut, yes
You're not the only one With mixed emotions You're not the only ship Adrift on this ocean
You're not the only one That's feeling lonesome → Carmy vibes You're not the only one With mixed emotions
You're not the only one You're not the only one
Let's grab the world By the scruff of the neck And drink it down deeply And love it to death → I'm thinking Sydcarmy and all the other kinds of love the show is about and Marcus mom.
So button your lip, baby Button your coat Let's go out dancing Let's rock 'n' roll yeah
You're not the only one With mixed emotions You're not the only ship Adrift on this ocean
You're not the only one That's feeling lonesome You're not the only one With mixed emotions Mixed emotions
You're not the only one You're not the only one
You're not the only one You're not the only one
You're not the only one You're not the only one
Now, obviously, none of these are set in stone but IMO these are things we must pay close attention to. It's a map. I'm confident it leads to SYDCARMY. The bets are open and I'm all in, chefs!
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kudosmyhero · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) #24: City Fall - part 3
Read Date: February 24, 2023 Cover Date: July 2013 ● Writer: Kevin Eastman ◦ Bobby Curnow ◦ Tom Waltz ● Art: Mateus Santolouco ◦ Mike Henderson (pg 3) ● Colorist: Ronda Pattison ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I remember being annoyed in the previous issue that Casey Jones's mom basically guilt-tripped him into staying with his toxic, abusive father. In this new vision, thankfully, she is absolving him of responsibility of his father. ● holy crap Casey Jones looks rough. no surprise considering Shredder nearly killed him ● April and Angel are in his hospital room with him when he regains consciousness ● heheh, their reaction after Hob asks them what makes them think he's lying:
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● heheh, leave it to Michelangelo to tame Slash with junk food ● ohhh, so Hob led them there after all. it looked like a double-cross at first ● Donnie looks angry and scared, Raph just looks angry, poor Mikey looks scared spitless ● holyyyy… wow, when you have a character who is the epitome of calm and patience, it's all the more impactful when something finally makes them lash out:
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● oh Leo… ● SLASH SMASH! ● Slash's face when he asks Mikey for more "can-dee" while at the same time slamming a Foot ninja to the floor is just… chef kiss ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: The Shredder walks in on Karai practicing a Korean form of martial arts, geommu. He tells her to get ready to battle Splinter and the Turtles.
Casey Jones is still unconscious from surgery. In his imagination he is at the old pond where he used to practice hockey. He sees his mother as an angel and she tells him to wake up. Casey wakes and asks April and Angel to tell him what's going on with the Turtles.
Old Hob has lead Splinter, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo to the Foot's hideout where Leonardo is being held. Due to their past history, Hob has to assure them he's telling the truth. While Splinter, Raph and Don debate whether or not they can trust Hob, Mikey introduces Slash to candy, burrying the hatchet. Hob leads Splinter and the three Turtles to a door and picks the lock, letting them enter before him. They enter the pitch black room, when suddenly Hob slams the door shut and locks it. The lights come on and the Shredder stands before them, flanked by Karai and Alopex. Splinter states that they have come simply to retrieve Leonardo and that no bloodshed is necessary, although they will use deadly force if they are forced to. Shredder says that as they speak, his Foot ninja are staging a multi-pronged attack, cementing the Foot's hold on the criminal underside of the city. Shredder says that he will end Splinter and the Turtles as well, and that he has already ended Leonardo. At this, Splinter attacks the Shredder, prompting Leonardo to step forth, clad in Foot Clan regalia. He says he will not allow Splinter to harm his master. Leo attacks Splinter, saying he is not his son. Raphael charges Leonardo, but Leo blocks him. He attacks Raph, Don and Mikey all at once, but because they're holding back he defeats them all. Shredder tells him not to finish Splinter, as he wants to kill him himself, but he may slay the rest. Splinter and the three Turtles attempt to fight their way to the door, but a whole legion of Foot ninja have surrounded them. Just when the battle seems hopeless, Slash bursts through the large warehouse door, allowing the group to escape. Hob explains that he had to make Shredder think he had delivered Splinter and the Turtles to him to keep him off his back, and that his offer to team-up still stands.
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Fan Art: Alopex by RuslanaN
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 46
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realitytvpros · 4 years
So does Chef have an actually name? Or did his parents name him Chef because they hate him.
he’s the only character without a first name sadly :( i’ll just guess that his name was chuck or something starting with ch- but over time the nickname Chef stuck
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blueberrymclean · 2 years
Madison: Hey Christina, what game(s) do you like to play? :D
Christina McLean 🎻🥤: Hi Maddy :3 .I'm glad to see you
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To be honest, lately I don't often play games like I used to…I often play playing cards with Chris and Uncle Hatchet or chess with my mom…
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However, I will gladly tell you the games that I like to play.
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Here are the games I like to play :
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I like playing horror games the most, especially zombies, unfortunately my mom doesn't let me play them because she worries about me.Sometimes I play with my friends some games that can be played together.Oh…John and I play Stardew Valley together (because he doesn't like to play zombies, just like his father Shawn)
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That's all … I wanted to talk a lot about other games, but I also wanted to ask you - what games do you like…
•Bell sound•
Chef Hatchet 🪓 : Dinner is ready… Christina where are you?
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Christina McLean 🎻🥤: Oh, this uncle is calling me … It seems it's time for dinner…
Anyway.. Thanks for asking Madison. Okay, I've got to go…Bye
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Just Friends {Elorcan}
31 Days of Halloween: Day 2.
All installments co-written with @snelbz​
Based on a prompt sent in by @sjm-things​: “I got invited to a costume party. Do you want to come with me?"
Happy Spooky Season, readers!
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Elide hated Halloween. It wasn’t for one reason or another, but for a series of reasons that had built up over time. When she was young, she was scared of everything. She was the kid at the Halloween party that was hiding under a blanket every time they showed a scary movie. In Middle School, she stopped getting invited to Halloween parties, and in High School, she was made fun of because she couldn’t handle the haunted houses. Now, in college, she stared at the invitation that had been sent to her mailbox.
A costume party.
She sighed, knowing full well that Halloween was only a day away, and she probably only got a pity invite last minute. 
The trek across campus from the mailboxes was horrible. Everyone seemed to be excited, especially since the weekend had arrived and Halloween was near. 
Oh, how Elide just wanted to stay hidden at home, watching light-hearted movies, like Disney’s Halloween Town, drinking a mug of steaming hot cocoa. Her roommates would never let her, though, which made her think that she should probably go to the costume party, if only to shut them up.
If only to shut everyone up.
But, she didn’t even have a costume. 
As soon as she got to her room, she tossed her backpack on the floor by her desk and pulled her phone out. Dialing the familiar number, she flopped down on her bed, listening to the phone ring in her ear.
A familiar, deep voice answered. “Nice timing, I just got out of class.”
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Thought I might go trick-or-treating with the neighborhood kids, why?” She could hear the humor in his voice.
Elide cleared her throat. “I got invited to a costume party. Do you want to come with me?”
There was silence on the other end.
“Lor,” she snapped.
His soft chuckle came through the line. “A costume party?”
“Yeah,” Elide sighed, suddenly lacking confidence. “I know it’s ridiculous, but I figured I should go.”
“You don’t do Halloween.”
“Yeah, but I’m doing it now.”
She knew Lorcan was grinning when he said, “Fine. I guess I’ll throw together a costume, but just for you.”
She knew she could always count on her best friend. “It’ll be fun.”
“I don’t know about that,” he muttered. “At least there will be booze… there will be booze, right?”
“All I know is that there will be costumes,” Elide laughed. “We’ll figure the rest out when we get there.”
Lorcan paused. “There better be booze.”
“Why do you always need booze?” Elide asked, pointedly.
Lorcan sighed. “If I’m going to show up at a party dressed as a zombie, I’m going to need alcohol.”
“A zombie? That’s what you came up with?” Elide asked.
Lorcan snorted. “What’s wrong with a zombie? It’s the first thing that came to mind.”
“There’s a Halloween store in the mall, meet me there in an hour,” Elide said, sighing and staring up at the ceiling.
He chuckled and said, “Fine. I’ll see you there.”
True to his word, when Elide walked into the store, she found Lorcan holding two separate bags and hurried over to him. “What did you find?”
Lorcan sighed, holding up a bag from the department store. “My mom’s birthday is Friday. I got her a watch.” He held up the other bag. “And myself a black hoodie.”
She blinked, and looked at the black hoodie he had on. “Another black hoodie? Lor, that’s all you own.”
He scoffed. “This one has a gray stripe across the chest.”
She suppressed her laughter as she nodded. “Fine. Alright, how about in this store, found anything you like?” 
Lorcan shrugged. “I just got here. Nothing stands out so far. I still think a zombie would be fine.” 
“A zombie what though?” Elide pressed, looping her arm through Lorcan’s and practically dragging him through the store. “You can’t just be a zombie. You have to be a zombie doctor, or a zombie farmer, or a zombie chef obsessed with brains.”
Lorcan snorted. “A zombie farmer?” 
Elide shrugged. “Just trying to get creative.” 
“I think I’ll pass.” He let her drag him, though. Partly because she was adamant, but mostly because she had quite the hold on him. As she was admiring a wall of wigs, he asked, “Why are we doing this?”
Elide looked over at him. “What do you mean?” 
“You hate Halloween,” he followed. “I hate Halloween.”
“You hate all holidays,” Elide grumbled. 
“Not true,” Lorcan protested, picking up a long, purple wig and handing it to Elide. “Christmas is okay.”
Elide grinned, taking the wig. “One, I would definitely pull this off. Two, I don’t know. I should at least go to one party I’m invited to while in college, right? May as well be one where no one can tell who I am.”
“And why am I going to this party?” He asked, crossing his arms and looking at the wall of fake weapons opposite the wigs. He picked up an extremely convincing hatchet. “I don’t do parties.”
“Because you want to spend time with your best friend, obviously,” she said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And this has nothing to do with the fact that you’ll start crying if you see someone in a scary mask?”
She could tell he was smiling and she hated him for it. 
“We’ll be graduating before we know it,”  Elide went on. “When will we ever go to a Halloween party again?” 
“Never,” Lorcan said, following her down the aisle. “Because we hate parties.”
“No, you hate parties. I hate fake blood,” Elide corrected. 
“Then what’s your excuse for all the other parties we don’t go to?” Lorcan chuckled, picking up a coconut bra. “Here. There’s a hula skirt to match..” 
Elide rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right. Pig.” 
“Well, you have to pick something and I can only stand this store for another two minutes, tops,” Lorcan said, shaking his head. 
“Halloween makes you crabby,” Elide mumbled.
Nonetheless, she made her way over to the racks and racks of costumes and started flipping through them. One by one, she named them off.
“Vampires… Hot dog suit… Sexy cop…”
“Well, I’m set, what about you?” Lorcan joked, looking over her shoulder as she pulled it out and looked at the hilariously short skirt the officer was supposed to be wearing.
“Shut up,” she said, laughing, but continuing to flip through them.
“Stop, what was that?” He said, reaching out and grabbing one. His eyes lit up and he smirked. “This is it.”
Elide snorted. “I never saw you as the cowboy type.”
“This isn’t a cowboy, this is an outlaw,” he corrected.
Elide slowly lifted a brow. “And the difference is….?”
Lorcan just shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re my best friend.” 
He kept the costume, and Elide, starting to feel defeated, continued her search. 
“Stop,” Lorcan said, again, only to find that he wasn’t standing beside her anymore, but at the rack behind her. “I found your costume, El.”
Elide turned around and immediately rolled her eyes. “That’s a demon.”
He was holding a little red dress that came with a tail and a headband with little red horns on it. 
“A sexy demon,” Lorcan corrected. 
“They’re all sexy,” Elide snorted. “It’s going to show my panties.”
“You’re short,” Lorcan argued. “It’ll at least reach mid-thigh.” She rolled her eyes and he added, “It’s this one or I won’t go with you.”
Elide’s mouth fell open. “That’s not fair.”
“That’s my price,” he said, holding it out to her.
She narrowed her eyes at him, snatched it and headed for the register.
“I’ll be over at eight,” he hollered after her, and once again, she could practically hear his smile.
She threw a vulgar gesture over her shoulder.
The next night, at seven-forty-five, she was turning around in her mirror. Oh, this was not good. The little red dress certainly did not reach mid-thigh, however all of the essentials were covered.
She had to admit, she looked pretty damn sexy. If it was anyone but Lorcan she was going with, she’d have a shoe in for a hell of a night. 
But, no. It was only her best friend. 
Said best friend knocked on the door five minutes later, looking absolutely ridiculous in his not-cowboy outfit.
With one look at her, the second she opened the door, Lorcan was staring, which earned him a chastised comment, one after the other.
“I’m not staring.”
“Yes, you are, knock it off.”
They walked to the party together in a comfortable silence, Lorcan looking over at her from time to time to chuckle.
“What?” She snapped, after the third time.
“Nothing,” he said, a small smile on his face as she looked up at him. “You just look cute.”
She scoffed.
Cute was the last thing she wanted him to say when she was dressed like this. She’d even dug out the ridiculous three-inch black heels Aelin had convinced her to get for their trip to Vegas last year. She thought she was looking decidedly un-cute tonight.
They walked the rest of the way in silence and when they walked in the front door, conversation nearly stopped.
Whether it was from the sight of Elide and Lorcan together or the fact that they both showed up at a party for once, or maybe it was Elide’s legs, Lorcan thought, but they were both pulled into separate directions by their friends.
Elide frowned as Manon’s hand wrapped around her wrist, and Lorcan shot her an apologetic look as Rowan hauled him by the back of the collar to the table where the drinks sat.
“What the fuck?” He asked.
“You and Elide?” Rowan asked, shoving a beer into his friend’s hand.
“What do you mean you and Elide?” Lorcan asked, although he definitely caught the underlying meaning.
“You show up together, her looking like that?” Rowan asked, and judging by the cloudiness in his eyes, it was clear he had been drinking already.
A lot.
“We came as friends,” Lorcan corrected.
Rowan snorted. “She got you to come to a party, man. ‘Friends’ my ass.”
His eyes glanced across the room as he took a drink of his beer and they found hers, Manon and Aelin looking at her with very different expressions, one of approval and one of displeasure. She was sipping from a straw and Lorcan could tell from her face that whatever was in it was strong.
He smirked as he admitted to himself that maybe Rowan wasn’t completely wrong.
He hadn’t been completely truthful with Elide earlier when she’d caught him chuckling to himself. He was laughing at how ironic her costume was. She didn’t look cute.
She looked hot as hell.
And she knew it, too.
Lorcan’s eyes snapped to Rowan’s, who was watching him with an amused expression.
“I was telling you to go for it,” Rowan said, taking a gulp from his bottle. “You love her, she loves you, and you’re both being ridiculous.”
Lorcan scoffed. “Fuck off.”
“No,” Rowan protested, with a drunken grin. “Because I’m right.”
He was right.
Lorcan knew it.
Elide knew it.
Everyone knew it, but it wasn’t that easy. They’d been best friends since grade school. Shit just didn’t change over night.
“Just let me know when it’s an acceptable time to go home,” Lorcan said, sipping from the bottle in his hand.
“When she asks you to take her home,” Rowan said, clapping him on the shoulder. He tossed his empty bottle in the trash and made his way over to Aelin. After pulling her away from the conversation she was having with Lysandra and Nehemia, he whispered something in her ear.
From the way her eyes widened and zeroed in on him, on top of how drunk Rowan seemed to be, Lorcan was sure it had be something along the lines of, Lorcan wants to fuck Elide, but his balls aren’t big enough to do it sober.
What difference did it make if he was right or not?
Lorcan grimaced, focusing on the drink in his hand. Beer was good, beer was always there, beer didn’t pressure him to make a move on his best friend.
Maybe it did.
Either way, Lorcan downed the beverage and grabbed another. After a while, he wandered around, trying to find Elide - not to prove Rowan right, but just to make sure she was doing okay.
When he found her, he froze, and Aelin shot him a daring smile from their circle. “Care to play, Salvaterre?”
Lorcan sighed. “You know I’m not one for games.”
“Come on,” Elide crooned, and Lorcan noted the slight slur to her words. “You won’t dance, at least play.”
Unable to stop himself from eyeing her costume, Lorcan said, “Fine, but only for a minute.” Elide grinned as Lorcan joined the circle around the little table they were hovered around. “What are we playing?”
“Kings cup,” Aelin grinned, holding up a deck of cards.
“Trying to get us all plastered?” Lorcan muttered.
“Some of us, yes,” she said, cocking her head to the side and smiling, a little too innocently.
And so it began.
Lorcan didn’t know if she’d pre-shuffled and the cards to fuck him directly, but before he knew it, his empty stack of cups was four deep and Elide’s thigh pressing against his and how warm her skin felt was all he could think about.
“Dicks,” Aelin crooned, pointing to where Elide held the six of diamonds in her hand. “Drink up, boys.”
“Is it just me or is that the seventh six we’ve pulled out of this deck of cards?” Dorian asked, cracking open a new bottle of bourbon and refilling his and Chaol’s glasses.
Chaol chimed in with something incomprehensible. 
Lorcan’s head was falling on Elide’s shoulder after his gulp of whiskey. At this point, all his taste buds had died and it was like drinking water. 
“Doing okay, Lor?” Elide asked, giggling, patting his thigh.
“I’m sleeeeeepy,” he sang. “Night-night, El.” 
“Better get him home while he can still stand,” Rowan grinned. “Don’t wanna have to carry him home.”
“Same could be said for you,” Aelin winked, although Lorcan was far more drunk. 
He had been targeted, and his friends had won. 
“Alright, alright,” Elide laughed and stood, hauling Lorcan up with her. Yes, he was able to stand up, but he was definitely holding onto her for stabilization. “Come on, Lor.”
“You smell nice,” he mumbled, pressing his nose to the top of her hair. 
“Have fun!” Aelin sang from behind them as Elide dragged Lorcan out the door. 
Elide grunted the moment they were outside. “Lor, you gotta try a little bit, you’re heavy.”
Lorcan blinked, as if he was just now noticing where he was. “Elide?”
She laughed as she helped him walk across campus. “Yeah?”
“You look s-sexy as hell,” Lorcan slurred. “I mean, th-that dress? Fuck.” 
Elide didn’t even pretend not to notice the flood of butterflies that filled her stomach. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said, sighing dramatically. “N-not just t-tonight, either. Always. Sexy. Fuck.” 
Elide looked up at him, at his drooped eyelids and dark, clouded eyes. “Always?”
“Always,” he confirmed, then lowered his voice. “I shouldn’t be telling you this, though. So, sh-shhhhhhh.” 
“My lips are sealed,” Elide promised, unable to stop her bright smile. “Let’s get you to bed, okay?”
“But I-I have to tell you something,” he went on, nearly stumbling over his own feet. Elide kept him steady.
“Tell me,” Elide said. 
“I like you,” he said, his mouth close to her face. Elide was hit with an overwhelming scent of whiskey. “I like you, a-a lot. I l-l-love you.”
The words she had wanted to hear from her for so long, but not at all the way she wanted it to be shared. 
“You’re drunk, Lor.”
“I know,” he said, sighing, once again. “I-I mean it, th-though. I l-love you, El.”
Elide looked up at him, then, and saw the desperation in his eyes. She chuckled, and shook her head, slowly. “How about we talk about this tomorrow, okay?” If you remember this conversation when you wake up.
He groaned, loudly, but said, “F-Fine. You’ll stay, though, right? With me? Tonight? I-I promise t-to keep my hands to my-myself.”
Elide wanted to ask him not to, but she nodded. If Lorcan ever touched her, she didn’t want him drunk while he was doing it. 
When she looked up at him, again, just in front of his apartment, she smiled and brushed the long, messy hair out of his face. “Of course, I will.” 
He was sound asleep, still in his costume, and she was tucking him in less than five minutes after they walked through the door. 
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapters Eight: Talent? Where? Certainly not here.
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Chris had gathered you all in a amphitheatre. You and Duncan sat by Tyler. "Welcome to our brand-new-deluxe state of the art amphitheatre." Chris announced on the stage.
It very clearly was not any of that.
"Okay this weeks challenge is a sumer camp favorite... a talent contest!" Chris pointed out into the audience, and Courtney almost immeadiately looked at Duncan and you. You both clearly had some acrobatic talent, and definetely were the fittest people in the Killer Bass cabin.
"Each cabin has eight hours to choose their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. You can sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He gave you and Duncan an extra hard glare and you groaned.
"Darn." Duncan laughed.
"You will be judged by our resident talent scout. Former D.J, V.J, and rap legend Grand Master Chef who will show his aprovall via the Chef-O-Meter." Chris explained.
Chris then began his whole speech about whoever lost would have to send a camper home, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Your team left the pavilion to go back to the cabins. Duncan and you flipped onto your hands walking as you talked about some type of gun absent-mindly to each other. Your cabin mates watched you with amazement.
Courtney had Chef Hatchet set up some trapeze equipment for you and Duncan to showcase your skills much to Duncan's dismay. They started off with Sadie and Katie showcasing their 'skills'.
Then Tyler and his 'yo-yo' magic. Then it was D.J and Geoff, also known as the ballerina and skater-boy. Then Courtney made you and Duncan try out. "Just do something acrobatic." She ordered pointing at the trapeze set above you.
"Let's shower her 'acrobatic'." Duncan smirked and suddenly you were running at him causing your cabin to gasp. You jumped into the air, jumping onto his shoulders, before jumping again grabbing the trapeze bar and as you jumped Duncan grab your ankle propelling himself upwards as well.
You flipped Duncan onto the opposing bar and you both began letting go of your bars swinging onto the opposing one causing your team to gasp in fear.
"They're in." Geoff said for Courtney who nodded weakly. Luckily for you Chris counted you both as one person since it was a two man act.
You all were practicing on stage, actually doing quite well.
Bridgette was giving Duncan tips on how to launch you, Katie was helping make sure the bars were dry, Sadie was helping wash Geoff's skateboard but Geoff kept making her laugh so the water was going everywhere.
Then it was showtime.
Justin was up first. (Personally you didn't see the appeal, you thought the green-haired devil next to you looked a lot better, but to each his own.)
Then it was Duncan and you. Your performance went without a hitch because it was something you had done since honest to god you were five years old.
Eleven years ago
"Duncan, honey, you have to wait Y/N isn't here yet." Duncan's mom warned him from her place on the bleachers. Gymnastic's practice was about to start. He was buzzing with excitement. Suddenly he heard footsteps and he turned around just in time to launch you into the set of trapeze bars above him.
Almost as if it was on instinct he grabbed your ankle and your ability to glide through the air propelled him onto the opposing bar and you began to swing on the bars laughing and breathing hard.
There was nothing you loved more thenn being in the air, as free as a bird.
Except maybe each other.
Nothing could touch you up there, no one could hurt you up there. If you got to look at Duncan's carefree smile for the rest of your life up there, you would've stayed up there forever, and be happy.
You fell back onto the ground and bowed. The cheers were loud and you felt a heat crawl up your cheeks. It had been a long time for the both of you since you performed. He squeezed your hand.
When Duncan stared at you it felt like he was thirteen again crushing on you in middle school.
|Trending on X right now|
"Hey, L/N after school you want to spray paint the library," He asked and you nodded laughing. "Hell yes, if I ever answer no to that question feel free to shoot me."
There was no way he crushing again, on his best friend, who he treated like shit a good solid 80% of the time. But it was okay because he was imagining having a crush on you again...
Chef Hatchet gave it a 9/10 much to the other team's dislike. Your team roared.
D.J sadly failed, hard, he tripped on his ribbon and Chef Hatchet gave it a 2/10. Then Trent went and he sang a song obviously for Gwen. Then Heather went reading Gwen's diary aloud which was fucking wild but you know, whatever.
Geoff got very bad stage fright and had a panic attack back stage, so Harold got up...
Then he started beatboxing...
and was good....
I know, I'm as surprised as you are.
"Holy shit am I high?" Duncan asked you quietly. "...Am I high is the better question." You whispered because seriously, what the fuck was happening right now.
Grand Master Chef declared Harold the winner... honestly you couldn't blame him. The crowd roared with applause.
The Screaming Gophers lost again tonight and that made you extraordinarily happy. Until you find out what the challenge is next week...
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sxveme-2 · 3 years
strawberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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DESCRIPTION: Lily Osborne and Bucky Barnes were never blessed with an easy relationship. Whether it be emotional trauma, or Lily's parents trying to be evil scientists. But they somehow made it work, after coming together once again after the birth of Lily's nephew. They were smooth sailing for a while. He proposed, they got engaged, but have yet to marry. While also juggling raising a teenager together as Hunter reaches the age of 16 now. All the while struggling with adjusting to their new lives in Long Island, balancing careers. Meanwhile, Lily struggles with the new found fame of being the fiancé of The White Wolf; and handling the tabloids critiques on her life and gossip columns digging up any information they can on her. While trying to maintain a low profile; and handle her life as it is. And becoming parents. Lily for the second time, while Bucky, well, this is his first attempt at a biological child. All the while a new threat from their past rises up once again, blind siding the family. Bringing forward old hatchets that had been buried, and putting their relationship at risk once more.
DISCLAIMER:  I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
STATUS: Unedited
NOTES: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Two: The One With The Dinner
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2241
    “Who does that woman think she is?” Lily exclaimed as she burst into the Barnes residence, “Telling me I need to calm down. She called my fiance a terrorist.” The blonde fumed, storming into the kitchen to start making dinner.
“Doll what’re you doing?” Bucky sighed as he set Stella down, following the woman into the kitchen, “We have the conference tonight. Remember?”
Lily dropped her hand from the cupboard, placing her face into her hands. She had forgotten that Bucky and she had an Avengers conference dinner that they had to attend. The dress she wore was sitting in their room, calling for her to go put it on. She could feel the pressure laying on her shoulders from the level above her. The blonde turned her head, meeting Bucky’s eyes. He looked sorrowful and sympathetic, knowing that Lily wanted to stay home more than ever.
“Is that tonight?” Hunter asked as he joined the others in the kitchen, “Did we agree that Stella and I were coming?”
“Yeah, why don’t you start getting ready,” Bucky began, “Take Stella with you to her room. I’m just gonna talk to mom quickly.”
Hunter nodded and took his little sister from Bucky’s arms, glancing back at his mother as he walked up the stairs to the second floor of the house. Lily leaned back against the counters of the kitchen, her face still resting carefully in her hands as she attempted to calm herself down. The entire day had been something out of a nightmare for Lily, especially when she learned about what happened at Hunter’s school. The anxiety in her skyrocketed, and she wondered what everyone around them thought of the two’s relationship. About Bucky raising two children. Marrying an “all-American girl”, or so the tabloids had been saying over the last few years when the public got a hold of their relationship and Lily’s story.
“I know you hate these, baby,” Bucky whispered, walking towards the blonde and placing his hands on her shoulders, “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s been a very, very long day,” Lily whispered, removing her hands from her face and staring up at the man, “Don’t apologize. Let’s just...let’s just go get ready.”
“Wait wait,” Bucky sighed, taking Lily’s hands and pulling her closer to his chest, hand moving to the side of her face.
“What’re you doing?” She sighed, tilting her head into his hand.
“Jus’ lookin’ at ya,” he purred, Brooklyn accent pushing through, “My beautiful, beautiful, fiance.” The brunette cooed, bending down and pressing a gentle and barely-there kiss to Lily’s lips.
Laughing softly at his words, Lily squirmed from Bucky’s grip, “Sam’s right. You have a staring problem.” She teased, poking her fingers into the brunette’s stomach before turning towards the stairs.
Lily sighed as she readjusted her black peacoat. Her hands dusted off the satin material of her dark green dress that had a black lace pattern along the entirety of it. After readjusting herself, Lily bent down to Stella’s height, smiling softly at her beaming daughter. The four-year-old wore a white dress with a baby blue floral pattern along the entirety of it, white tights on her legs, with bright white ballet flats as well. Her dark brown locks pulled into a bun, a baby blue flower pinned onto it.
“You do love dressing up, don’t you?” Lily cooed, pressing a kiss to her daughter’s cheek before standing up, running her hand through her curled blonde hair, “Shall we?”
“That makes one of us,” Hunter muttered as he readjusted the white dress shirt he wore, glaring over at the crowd gathered in front of the building, “I feel like a clown right now.”
Lily chuckled softly at her son and ruffled his tousled blonde hair, before picking up the four-year-old girl. The dinner was being held in Gotham Hall, a beautiful place where the Avengers were gathering to recognize a few that were retiring, and welcoming more who were joining in on the initiative. It was a televised event, and each Avenger was individually introduced to the hall, including the families. Meaning Lily, Hunter, and Stella were being introduced alongside the White Wolf, aka Bucky Barnes.
“Did we remember to tell Tony to have the chef make Stella chicken fingers? She won’t eat what’s on the menu.” Lily sighed, following Bucky as they walked towards the entrance, smiling at a few of the paparazzi and fans.
“I told him, as did Steve. Mostly because we had to ensure that Leo also got chicken fingers.” Bucky chuckled, hand resting on the small of Lily’s back, other arm slung around Hunter’s shoulder.
The family waved and smiled as they walked down the sidewalk, shielding Stella’s eyes from the bright lights. Friday night in New York was already an insane time, and with an Avengers event, it only grew more hectic. Which is not always the best for a four-year-old who was not the biggest fan of large crowds. Hence why she thrived in the countryside in Long Island, enjoying her time alone or with a few of her close friends. It sometimes freaked Lily out just how much the girl was like her father. But warmed her heart at the same time.
“Let’s go find our seats,” Bucky whispered in the blonde’s ear as the four walked into the hall, making their way through the halls towards the dining area, finding their seats with Sam and Steve.
“Well look who decided to show up,” Sam chuckled as he embraced Bucky, kissing Lily on the cheek, “You lot clean up well, hm?”
“Your girlfriend cleans up better than you,” Bucky teased as he embraced Rose, kissing his fiances sister on the cheek as well before taking a seat next to Lily, “Even Leo looks better than you.” He teased, winking at the five-year-old boy across the table.
“He was being nice Buck, c’mon,” Steve chuckled, clapping the man on the shoulder before smiling as Natasha joined the table, “Now the whole families together again.”
“Oh don’t go pestering cyborg, I looked at the playlist Tony made,” Sam chuckled, sitting at his seat, “He’s got Marvin Gaye on there. Might be the thing that sends robocop over the edge.”
Lily chuckled and shook her head, pouring a glass of water for Stella and placing a straw that was on the table in it. She loved hearing the banter between the three and laughing at Rose and Nat’s interjections. Lily herself was not the best at bantering back and forth with them all, but apparently, a few of her quips were some of the funniest things said. Hunter as well. Neither of them were big talkers, which is why the two never really enjoyed the events that they had to attend.
“When are they doing introductions? Just to prepare Stella for the camera that comes zooming around,” Lily hummed, catching Bucky’s attention, “You know she freezes when they come by.”
“We’re up first,” Steve commented, sipping his whiskey, “So it’ll be done and over with quickly.” The blonde chuckled, pinching his goddaughter’s cheeks gently, “But they may be doing interviews. Tony sent an email.”
Lily glanced to her side, watching Bucky turn his head away from her gaze and focus on the whiskey he himself had. The blonde shook her head, focusing her mind on the water in her own glass. Hunter seemed to go a bit pale as well, most likely worrying he’d have to speak. Lily nudged Bucky’s arm, nodding towards Hunter. The brunette nodded, turning to the boy and whispering to him. Lily sighed softly, watching Hunter relax at his words.
Time went on and Lily felt herself relax a bit. But when the camera crew entered, her anxiety skyrocketed once again. Bucky’s hand rested on her thigh, the coolness of the metal seeping through her satin dress, causing goosebumps to pop up along her skin. Stella was busy on Lily’s phone, too distracted to really see the cameras entering and everyone setting themselves up. Lily pursed her lips and turned to Bucky, looking up at him through her lashes. The older man bent down and pressed a kiss to the woman’s forehead, soothing her nerves. Or at least trying to, as the cameras made their way over.
“Welcome everyone to the annual Avengers Dinner!” The announcer chuckled, her voice radiating through the speakers around the room, “Let’s start this legendary night with the star of the show, Captain America!” She grinned, “Or, should I say. Captain Americas.”
Lily sighed softly as she watched Stella lift her head, dropping Lily’s phone into her lap. The blonde rested her hand on her daughter’s shoulder, squeezing gently as the cameras made their way towards the table. The announcer plastered on an obviously fake smile that made Lily want to leave the room, but she stayed silent as she came closer.
“Look at this lovely group,” she chuckled, “Steve Rogers, always an honour to see you here. Alongside the ever ravishing Black Widow, aka, Natasha Romanoff. And who do we have here? Sam Wilson, aka Captain America, and fashion designer Rose Osborne! With her little one.” The redhead grinned, gesturing to the group before turning her attention to the family of four, “And last, but not least, the Barnes. James Barnes, the now-retired White Wolf, with his stunning fiance, Lily Barnes. Have you two tied the knot officially yet?” She asked, lowering the mic to Lily.
The blonde flushed a deep red, chuckling softly, if not awkwardly, “Not yet.” She stated simply, readjusting in her seat.
“What’s the holdup? We’re all dying to know!”
“Just been busy.” Lily hummed, glancing over at Stella, who was staring down at her lap.
“How could I forget! You two have your own kid,” she hummed, glancing over at Hunter, “Kids, sorry. Stella and Hunter correct? How do you two feel about the announcement tonight?”
Bucky jumped in, taking over as he saw Lily’s confused face, “Walker has had a past. But I’m sure he’ll do great. Especially with some reinforced supervision.”
“Walker!?” Lily whisper yelled, pushing open the front door, “What the hell is Tony thinking?” She muttered, dropping her purse as she cradled Stella’s head on her shoulder.
“We tried to talk him out of it.” Bucky sighed, nodding up the stairs for Hunter to head up to bed.
“It’s ridiculous,” Lily sighed, following her son up the stairs, Bucky following close behind, “Was what happened nothing to him? He decapitated a man in a town square.” The blonde continued, walking into Stella’s room, slowly stirring her, “Darling wake up, gotta get you into PJ’s.”
“He redeemed himself near the end of it all,” Bucky sighed, pulling pyjamas out of his daughter’s dresser, “Maybe that counts for something in Tony’s books.”
Lily had her own personal reasons to resent the man. Whenever there was a function where he attended, he was always a bit friendly with the blonde. Bucky mostly stepped in before it got too far, but still, it made Lily uncomfortable regardless. But above all of that, the events that happened with the Flagsmashers was something that Lily couldn’t get past. Bucky had gone to help with the entirety of the ordeal but ensured to keep in constant contact with Lily, who was sitting at home, pregnant as can be.
She remembered the day he came home like it was yesterday.
Lily watched the TV with relief in her eyes. She watched Sam’s speech with pride, her heart swelling at his words. She had always admired Sam, and watching him officially take up the mantle was something Lily would remember for decades to come. Her hands rested on her swollen stomach, counting down the minutes before she could see her boyfriend walk through the door of the Manhattan home they still lived in.
Lily made her way to bed, laying uncomfortably in it. She didn’t remember how she was able to sleep when pregnant with Hunter, but the baby currently growing inside of her was making her want to turn back the time and keep Bucky at bay that night she was positive was the day the fetus was conceived. Though she knew deep down, she would want to relive that night time and time, and time again. As she tossed and turned, the blonde wondered if Bucky was still directly in the middle of the city.
When the door opened, she felt herself almost float up from the bed. Turning her head, the blonde jumped from the bed and walked towards the man, not hesitating to kiss him deeply as his hands found her cheeks. When they broke apart, he dropped to his knees and pressed his lips to Lily’s seven-month pregnant belly.
“Please tell me the arrested walker,” she whispered, running her hands through Bucky’s brown hair, “Please.”
“They didn’t...I’m sorry my love.” He whispered, standing to his feet, “We don’t know what’s going to happen with him.”
Three years later, they figured out just what would happen to Walker. He’d be given the same privileges as people who had saved the world countless times, including that of Lily’s fiance. It sat heavily on Lily’s shoulders as she undid Stella’s hair, placing the elastic to the side and running her nimble fingers through the dark tresses as Bucky helped the young girl get changed into her pyjamas.
After the two tucked their daughter into bed and undressed into pyjamas themselves, and climbed into bed, Lily let out a heavy sigh. Not only was the Walker situation heavy on Lily’s mind, but the announcer’s comments on the state of their engagement did also as well. She never really thought about it. The two had been busy, there was no time for them to really sit down and properly plan a wedding. But then again...Steve and Nat had been able to. Their own rehearsal dinner was in a week. They had gotten engaged about six months ago. Lily and Bucky...they had been engaged for two years.
Yet legally, they weren’t married. And it worried her.
“Why haven’t we gotten married yet?”
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marshunter06 · 5 years
Duncan’s Good Reputation?
Inspo credit and mad love to @stuckupwindbag your post about Duncan’s first PO becoming a monk totally inspired this. Then it turned into a 5+1 cause I’m a sucker for those things.
Oddly enough, Courtney first finds it through a letter. She hadn’t meant to be snooping, but with their relationship beginning again, trust was a touchy subject. She can just hear her mother’s voice- “once a cheater always a cheater hun, don’t ever forget that.'' To be fair, he left the open letter in plain view. It was just sitting on top of his kitchen counter close to where she placed her car keys. She was only looking for her keys when she accidently ended up glancing at the letter. It was handwritten. She would only skim it.
Nice to hear from you personally instead of through your new parole officer asking for advice. Glad to see that you’re out of trouble nowadays. I always knew you had a golden heart. Speaking of advice, I gave you some that I know you took- Congrats on the outcome - I finally did listen to my heart as well. After some traveling I found my place on a mountain on a little island. I’m finally at peace and I’m happy. Never thought I would say this, but thanks for getting in trouble all those years ago. I wouldn’t be on top of the world if it wasn’t for you.
Much love,
Your old PO
David, a newly devote Monk
“Hey Princess, did you find your keys?”
She jumps as the voice and moves as far away from the counter. If he noticed she was acting weird, he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he picks up her keys then tosses it to her. He smiles as he sees the letter.
“Thanks… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
“Is it cool if we meet for an early lunch instead? I gotta mail David back.”
“You mean brunch? Sure… who’s David again?”
“Brunch is for pansies. He’s my old parole officer. Dude just became a monk, go figure.”
Confusion was written all over her face as she chose to ignore his brunch statement. She waits to see if he’ll elaborate, and surprisingly, he does.
“We met the first time I got out of juvie, he was meant to be a mentor to me sorta. It didn’t work out that way. I kept getting into trouble and he tried to help, but he couldn’t because of protocol. I didn’t really care, but it bothered the hell out of him. Right before I left for Island, I told him to quit his job and do some soul searching since he was so unhappy. Besides, I figured I’d win and I wouldn’t need him anymore. Guess he finally found his calling.”
Duncan shrugs it off like it’s no big deal, but Courtney knows there’s more to the story he’s not telling her. She doesn’t push for the details, just happily accepts that he opened up about a piece of his past.
She almost loses it when she finds him repeatedly liking the same girl’s post on Instagram. She decides to get information before confronting him. When she finds out the girl was an ex she was ready to kill him, until she reads through the comments. The first picture is of a selfish of this gorgeous blonde with blue eyes. The caption read: Your fav girl is back, and this time with a new username!
duncansthename: with love huh?
ashwithlove: you know it dunkie (;
The second picture wasn’t any better. The same girl is smiling at the camera in a bikini at the beach. The caption read: Sun’s out so your fav hun’s out!
duncansthename: you’re not very creative Ash.
ashwithlove: did you even read your own @?
duncansthename: lol same old Ashley
ashwithlove: back at cha asshole (:
The third picture is when she became curious instead of just angry. Another selfie except this time her hair was considerably shorter. The caption read: New hair, who dis?
duncansthename: geez who hurt you babe?
ashwithlove: *rolls eyes* says the guy who broke up with me through a text.
duncansthename: we were 13! I said sorry already, besides you were going to do the same thing.
ashwithlove: I know, I’m just teasing (:
The fourth and final picture she comes across is what finally gives her all the pieces. Ashley was smiling with her eyes and both hands up pointing at a rainbow. The caption read: Never been happier in my life than right at this moment.
duncansthename: guessing it went well then, congrats Ash
ashwithlove: I owe it to you dunkie! Thanks to you, I can be ash with love <3
duncansthename: don’t get all soft on me now, I don’t do that shit
ashwithlove: sure tough guy, maybe I should message your princess (;
duncansthename: stay away from my girl, you live on the other side of the world now anyways
ashwithlove: no promises, besides the heart knows not distance only love
duncansthename: you’re unbelievable
ashwithlove: I learned from the best (;
“Pizza’s here if you’re ready for a break Princess.”
Even though she was no longer jealous, she still wanted to make sure her assumptions were correct.
“Duncan, who’s Ashley?”
He doesn’t even flinch, a good sign since he all but jumped away when she confronted him about Gwen way back.
“She’s an ex girlfriend of mine. My first girlfriend actually.”
“Don’t worry Princess, I’m not carrying a torch for her. Besides, she has a girlfriend now.”
“You’re not just saying that right?”
“No? That’s a dumb thing to lie about. If you met her, you would know. She’d hit on you instantly.”
“But you just said she has a girlfriend.”
“Her girl would probably hit on you too. You’re fucking gorgeous Court.”
She feels her cheeks warm up at his compliment. She still wasn’t used to him being sweet again, so she shrugs it off.
“Stop changing the subject.”
“Just being honest. Anyways, you just reminded me to reply to her message.”
“You still message each other?”
“Every now and then… She says hi… shit and now she’s FaceTiming.”
“Dunkie! Let me talk to your princess! I know she’s there!”
“No! I always knew you would try and steal my girlfriend after having your heart broken by me.”
“As if. You were the one left heartbroken after I came out to you.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.”
“Okay, but for real. Thanks dude! I can finally be me now. It’s officially! Your fav girl is out and proud! Mom took it better than I thought and she’s going to meet Dana on Monday!”
“Told you she would accept you. Your mom loves you.”
“I know, thanks for listening though.”
“Anything for my first girlfriend.”
“Careful, I might actually hold you to that! I gotta go, but double date soon?”
“You live in London!”
“So? Okay I really gotta go! Bye Dunkie! Tell your princess I said hi!”
Ashley hangs up on the call leaving Duncan slightly annoyed, but not really. He was about to apologize to Courtney, but she stops him. There was no need, besides the pizza was getting cold.
If being on a reality show taught Courtney anything was that she shouldn’t be surprised at anything. Still, she was caught off guard when she bumped into Chef Hatchet on her daily run through the park. She was even more thrown off when she sees that he’s not alone. He had six kids with him. He lets them take their hands off the walking rope as long as they promise to stay within the playground. The children all nodded yes then ran off towards the slides and swings.
“Courtney? Is that you?”
“Chef? What are you doing here?”
“Just taking the daycare kids on an outing. They’re repairing our playground, so I thought it would be nice to take the kids to the park.”
“Daycare kids?”
“Yeah! I’m a daycare teacher now.”
She must be in an alternate reality, there’s no way Chef Hatchet could be around children voluntarily. Especially with half the shit he helped pull on Total Drama, no sane person would hire the man.
“I can see you’re confused, but this is my true calling!”
“No offense Chef, but are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
“I’m perfectly fine, Courtney. I thought Duncan would have told you already.”
“Yeah, he was the one to convince me I needed to do something different.”
“Wait, Duncan told you to quit and you actually listened?”
“He gives pretty good advice, that kid’s a good listener. I’ve never been happier.”
“What exactly did he say to you?”
“Just that even I deserve to be happy and to give it a chance.”
One of the kids starts crying and Chef is immediately on the move. It’s a strange sight, but Chef is extremely patient with the child and soon the little one is off running again. Who would have thought?
Courtney was ready to go grab her second cup of coffee when her phone buzzes. It was a text from Heather. She was going to ignore it until she saw that her boyfriend’s name was mentioned.
Heather: I just wanted to say I’m sorry. Pass that message to Duncan. He still has my number blocked.
Courtney: How do you even have my number? Also why were you texting Duncan?
Heather: Your boyfriend’s the one who gave it to me. Also that’s none of your business.
Courtney: You made it my business when you texted me. What did you do?
Heather: I didn’t do anything… okay fine I bitched him out for being nosy.
Courtney: Um… what?
Heather: He was butting in on my relationship with Alejandro again.
Courtney: Are you sure we're talking about the same Duncan?
Heather: Okay fine. I may have bothered him about my relationship.
Courtney: … and why would you do that?
Heather: He’s honest and he’s not afraid to tell it to my face even if he knows I’ll get angry.
Heather: Look, just tell him I’m sorry and that Alejandro and I are okay now.
Duncan picks her up after work and she immediately wants to bring up the messages. She waits until they’re back at her place to say anything.
“How was work Princess?”
“Fine… um… so Heather says she’s sorry?”
He raises an eyebrow at that. He wasn’t expecting that either apparently.
“I told her to only talk to you in case of emergencies. I should have never given her your number, sorry Court.”
“Normally I would be angry, but I’m just curious now.”
“Heather’s been picking fights with Alejandro because she’s afraid of commitment. She found out we got back together, so she asked me how we did it. I told her that she was being stupid and that he clearly loves her. Somehow I end up listening to her break up and get back together with him only to break up again. This was only last month too.”
“Well, I guess they’re back together again. She told me I should tell you that too. Is that why you blocked her? Cause she was being too annoying?”
“No. She obviously loves the guy, she just needed someone to slap some sense into her. I’m surprised she apologized though.”
“Me too, guess she’s really changed. Are you going to unblock her? I think she genuinely feels bad.”
“She should after what she said.”
Courtney waits patiently to see if he would tell her, and just like last time, he does. There were no secrets between the two. Duncan just had a bad habit of forgetting to tell her things that he didn’t think was important.
“She said some shit about you and I got pissed.”
“Typical. Well I don’t care what she thinks. I can’t believe she would talk about me and expect me to help her.”
Her phone buzzes and she can’t help but roll her eyes at the message. It was from Heather again, unbelievable.
Heather: By the way, you’re both invited to my engagement party.
Courtney learned long ago that she could only count on herself. She learned that the hard way after she started drifting apart from her sister and her parents were no help. Admittedly, part of it is her fault too. They were always interested in different things, it was hard to find common ground.
Things started to change on her birthday. She gets a call from Cate and maybe it’s because they’re older now, but they reconnect. She’s grateful that she at least has one family member she can count on.
The two sisters become inseparable and they tell each other everything. Today was no different.
“I can’t stand him sometimes, but I love him.”
“He’s a good guy Court. You know, I still haven’t thanked him yet.”
“Thank him for what?”
“For bringing us together.”
“What are you going on about Cate?”
“While mom and dad were going through their divorce he reached out to me and asked how I was doing. He told me that you didn’t take it very well and he suggested that we talk about it. I put it off for months. I didn’t know what to say, but then it was your birthday and I knew this was my chance to say something without it being totally awkward. Now here we are.”
“He did that?”
“He did. He really loves you big sis. You picked a good one.”
She smiles at that. It’s true. She didn’t fall for a bad boy after all.
A bonus-
She used to think he ruined her life, turns out he made it so much better. Well, until now.
She almost hangs up at him when she got the phone call. The only reason she didn’t is because her stupid heart told her she still loves him. She really should’ve expected this. He went to juvie, he had a record, why wouldn’t he end up in jail again?
“Princess are you still there?”
“You wanna tell me why you’re locked up? Again!”
“How was I supposed to know I wasn’t allowed to walk inside?”
“The door was locked and it was someone else’s home!”
“Well they need a better security system, that was way too easy.”
“I’m going to hang up on you.”
“Wait! I’m kidding. Sorry, can you please just come bail me out.”
“I’ll think about it.”
She hangs up the phone then screams into the closest throw pillow. It was supposed to be their date night and now her date was in jail. He is never going to hear the end of this once she bails him out. She was all dressed up and now she was going to waste it by going to a detention center.
She was still fuming as she gave the address to the Uber driver. She didn’t even notice that she had arrived until the driver told her so. Except she was definitely not where she needed to be. She was in a neighborhood with nice houses up and down the block. Duncan must’ve given her the address of the house he broke into instead. Great. She was just about to figure out how to call Duncan back when the phone rings again.
“Are you here yet Princess?”
“I thought you only get one phone call.”
“I took another guy’s turn. Where are you at?”
“I’m at the house you tried to break into. You gave me the wrong address!”
“Shit. Sorry, it’s right down the street. Just cut across the park and you should be there.”
“You’re in so much trouble when I get there!”
She had to take a deep breath and calm herself before she started walking. He is so lucky she loves him.
When she enters the park, bright lights catch her attention. She wants to look away, but the path is along the lights. She stops when she reaches the bridge. There he was standing in the middle smiling at her. She heads toward him already asking a bunch of questions, but he doesn’t answer any of it. Instead he pulls her close and kisses her. When her eyes open he’s kneeling on the ground with a ring.
“Courtney, I love you. You’re my favorite girl and I know that everything that happened in my past lead me to you. I know I can be myself around you and still be accepted. We have our ups and downs, and I know I don’t deserve you, but I love you. There’s no one else I can count on without fear of judgement. You’re my princess, marry me?”
“Yes! Of course it’s a yes! I love you too and that’s all that matters.”
She brings him up to kiss him again then he slips the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly.
“You know, you really had me worried.”
“I’m not dumb enough to get caught. I left that life behind me anyways.”
“No, not that. I was worried that you were going to lose your good reputation.”
“Did I scare you that badly? My reputation is anything but good Court.”
“Oh I don’t know Dunkie, I think there are a few people who would say otherwise.”
A/N- There probably could’ve been a better title... anyways, 5 times Courtney finds out Duncan changes someone’s life for the better and the one time he changes her life for the better. (Alternatively you can say that she changes his life for the bonus as well).
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sparda3g · 5 years
One Piece Chapter 945 Review
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Take a look at the Stampede color spread. It is hype calling. Not just for the movie, but as well as this chapter. Going into this chapter, I was excited for an all-out brawl. Even the first panel has someone screaming for it. After reading through, I was disappointed in Oda for teasing the fans one more time. To make the matter worse, there’s a good reason for it when you reach to the last page. But enough about my disappointment, because this chapter was still pretty entertaining; a second part of the hype train.
Don’t let the anticipation distract you that the greatest douchebag, Orochi, is still around with his punch-able face. I know I shouldn’t judge by their looks, but he’s one exception. If you were hoping for Zoro versus Kyoshiro, well sadly, that won’t happen here. Instead, the Oniwaben arrives, thanks to the alarm, and break out the fight. It’s like witnessing Naruto versus One Piece with jutsu or ninja arts in play. Actually, that’s a lie (for now), because one “ninja” uses a damn gun, yet call it a jutsu. So, Naruto then.
Sanji does have a quick exchange with Drake, and so far, it’s looking good. The thought of a chef going against a dinosaur intrigues me to no end. Speaking of intriguing, I’m always laughing at the sight of Brooke’s ghost and his goofy acting. It works very effectively against Oniwaben. Maybe if you tell them it’s a ghost pokemon and not a ghost, they will change their way. To recap, it appears Zoro versus Kyoshiro would have to wait and Sanji continue his fight with Drake, though the last part may suggest otherwise.
The one battle that has me interested instantly is the two Worst Generation members, Law and Hawkins. The appeal is the consequences. Hawkins’ Devil Fruit is quite something else; actually make straws threatening. That’s One Piece alright. The real kicker is he possessed four lives, including himself, and he let Law know by cutting his arm. That’s messed up. It’s even more messed up when you realize if he dies, three of Law’s comrade will follow. Not Bepo as well! I’m intrigued to see how he’s going to handle it; perhaps use his doctoring skill to the test.
I mentioned about the last part with Sanji may detour to somewhere else. I’m referring to the next scene, which is pretty hilarious. I got a good laugh at the startup with Sanji’s eyes turning into an alarm detector for damsel in distress. It even has lock-on feature; that’s funny. Too bad for him, because Zoro ends up saving Hiyori. Sanji was infuriated by the sight. Not only his chance to be Prince Charming was stolen, but out of all people, Zoro, the man he despise, was the guy. That face is priceless. I love his train of thought resort to Zoro knowing her and bragging rights about the bounty. Even with the increase, he still can’t outclass Zoro. That made up for the small interaction when grouped together; wish to see more next time.
We have a new scenario to look forward to, and it revolves with Kin’emon and his continuous journey to reunite the Samurai. He finally confronts with Ashura, though it doesn’t go smoothly. Eventually, Ashura settles down but after Kin’emon kneeled down for forgiveness after years of struggles. You can’t blame them; they did literally time-skip and didn’t begin to apologize for their mistake. At least they managed to bury their hatchet, I assume at least, but the curiosity stems from what Ashura is going to show them. I don’t know if it’s more historical piece of Wano Country or something else, but I’m looking forward to it.
Easily the best part of the chapter is Big Mom on the main floor. I mean the chapter’s title is named after her; well, traditional sense, but still her name. I was waiting for this moment and despite the rampage is saved for next time, I was very amused. The reactions toward her arrival are priceless, just priceless. Queen is losing his mind; nice knowing you, guy. Luffy got me laughing badly, because he believe he was tracked down from far deep in the ocean for the sake of revenge. It’s like a nightmare as he called it. Sounds like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2 to me. I also laughed at Chopper for not expecting his plan to work almost too well. He’s like, “Oh damn. I actually got it right.” Oh, that was just fun.
I’m a little surprised that Chopper didn’t reunite with Luffy, but priority has him going for elsewhere, so it’s fine. I like the jab at the handkerchief being the perfect disguise. It’s like ninja turtles wearing a trench coat; it’s very convincing. I’m more surprised that Queen didn’t back out and has the kintama to take on a Yonko. It’s what happens when you have two food huggers dueling.
Everyone thinks it’s crazy of him to take on Big Mom, but he was angry enough to transform into Brachiosaurus. I didn’t expect that form, but it works to his human design somehow. You would think this battle may be on equal level. For now, nope. Big Mom freaking slams his head hard to the ground right before the chapter ends. Wow! Now that’s a Queen Slayer. Spoke too soon about her being bullied, Chopper. I don’t know if he’s really down, but whatever the result is, this was a glorious way to close.
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It may not be the chapter that had me excited in the first place, but its content has its own value of entertainment and interest that forgive my disappointment. Honestly, I was only acting spoiled, so it really didn’t effect anything from my enjoyment. Anyway, the build-up continue to be intriguing with a possible new battle and a new discovery to see. Everything at Udon was hilarious and the last panel was glorious. The only cruel part is the break; not a cool move, Oda. In due time, we’ll see if On-Lin has become Queen Slayer or the battle is only getting started.
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