#Cholesterol test
nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Lipid Profile Test: Understanding Cardiovascular Health
Learn about lipid profile blood test, its significance, results interpretation & managing cholesterol levels. Ensure heart health with lipid profile test.
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facts1590 · 2 months
Lipid Profile Test: Understanding Cardiovascular Health.
Learn about lipid profile blood test, its significance, results interpretation & managing cholesterol levels. Ensure heart health with lipid profile test.
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truwellth · 2 months
Here find detailed info on: Cholesterol Levels. Know about, Cholesterol Foods. Cholesterol Symptoms. Cholesterol Causes. Cholesterol Levels By Age Chart. Know, How To Reduce Cholesterol?... from Rajashree Gadgil… Top Nutritionist in Thane & the founder of TruWellth Integrative Health Center… the best nutrition center in Thane.
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rmlpathology · 3 months
Comprehensive Lipid Profile Test by RML Pathology
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Monitor your heart health with the comprehensive Lipid Profile Test provided by RML Pathology. This essential test measures key indicators such as LDL (bad cholesterol), HDL (good cholesterol), total cholesterol, and triglycerides to assess your risk for cardiovascular diseases. With our state-of-the-art facilities and expert medical professionals, you can trust RML Pathology to deliver accurate and reliable results, helping you make informed decisions about your heart health. Schedule your Lipid Profile Test today and take a proactive step towards a healthier future.
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dixvlogslive · 5 months
7 Tips for Lowering Cholesterol Levels
In the grand quest for health and vitality, one often encounters the formidable foe known as high cholesterol levels. 🛡️ But fear not, for there are ways to embark on a journey toward cholesterol reduction and reclaiming a state of well-being! 🌿
So, how can one tip the scales in favor of lower cholesterol levels? Here are the 7 tips for cholesterol
🍎 Embrace a Heart-Healthy Diet: Fuel your body with a bounty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Incorporate foods rich in soluble fiber like oats, beans, and nuts, which can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. 🥑
🏃‍♂️ Get Moving: Exercise isn’t just for sculpting muscles; it’s a potent weapon against high cholesterol levels. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Whether it’s brisk walking, cycling, or dancing, find activities that spark joy and get your heart pumping! 💓
🚫 Bid Adieu to Bad Habits: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on cholesterol levels and overall health. Kick these habits to the curb to pave the way for a healthier you. Your heart will thank you! 🚭
🥗 Mindful Eating Habits: In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to devour meals on the go or in front of screens. Slow down, savor each bite, and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Mindful eating can help prevent overeating and promote better cholesterol management. 🧘‍♀️
💤 Prioritize Sleep: Ah, the power of a good night’s rest! Aim for 7–9 hours of quality sleep each night to support overall health, including cholesterol regulation. Prioritize sleep hygiene practices like maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a restful bedtime routine. 😴
🌞 Soak Up Some Sun: Vitamin D, often dubbed the sunshine vitamin, plays a role in cholesterol synthesis. So, bask in moderate sunlight exposure or consider incorporating vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and mushrooms into your diet. ☀️
💖 Manage Stress: Chronic stress can wreak havoc on cholesterol levels and overall well-being. Explore stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you love. Your heart will thank you for the peace it finds. 🧘‍♂️
By weaving these lifestyle modifications into your daily tapestry, you can chart a course toward healthier cholesterol levels and a vibrant life. For more details watch full video here
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hearthealth · 8 months
Get a Cholesterol Test
From 2017 to 2020, 86.4 million U.S. adults age 20 or older had high or borderline high cholesterol (a total cholesterol level greater than or equal to 200 mg/dL) read more
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maxinhealthcare · 9 months
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uniqpathlab · 1 year
The body can't function properly without cholesterol, a crucial molecule. Although high cholesterol levels can cause serious health issues, there are numerous cholesterol myths that can be perplexing. By understanding current realities about cholesterol and working with your PCP to foster a treatment plan, you can successfully deal with your cholesterol levels and decrease your gamble of creating difficulties related with elevated cholesterol.
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iconhub2023 · 2 years
Lipid Control Plus Cholesterol
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Lipid Control Plus is a multi-ingredient food supplement designed for people who want to take comprehensive care of their cholesterol levels, liver health and cardiovascular system. The product has been created on the basis of 8 natural ingredients. Take control of your cholesterol!
Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of the lipid profile. The product supports detoxification and the flow of digestive juices. Lipid Control Plus also prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their removal by the liver. Consumers will appreciate that the product supports heart health and supports proper liver function. 7 benefits of taking Lipid Control Plus!
Lipid Control Plus is a multi-tasking food supplement sought after by informed consumers. Reach new customers with your offer - promote Lipid Control Plus Comprehensive support for the body Product Ingredients!
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nextfitlife · 2 years
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unpretty · 9 days
god i wish there was a section in mychart to put "we do not have to spend twenty minutes re-litigating the evidence in her fitness tracker before ordering more bloodwork because her existing bloodwork is too good for an ass that fat"
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primamedikatama · 11 months
Tempat Jual Tabung Plain dari Prima Medikatama DI TANGERANG
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Dalam dunia medis, peralatan yang digunakan harus memenuhi standar ketat untuk memastikan hasil yang akurat dalam setiap pengujian.
Salah satu perangkat penting dalam dunia medis adalah tabung plain.
Artikel ini akan membahas tabung plain dari Prima Medikatama, sebuah perusahaan terkemuka di TANGERANG yang menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi untuk kebutuhan medis.
Tabung Plain: Spesifikasi dan Kegunaan
Tabung plain Prima Medikatama memiliki spesifikasi yang sangat penting untuk memastikan pengujian berjalan dengan baik.
Tabung ini memiliki ukuran 3ml/3cc dan terbuat dari bahan plastik berkualitas tinggi.
Setiap kotak berisi 100 tabung, dengan berat total setelah dipacking sekitar 800 gram.
Dimensi packingnya adalah P: 20cm, L: 18cm, T: 15cm. Harga yang ditawarkan sangat kompetitif, yaitu 120.000 rupiah per box.
Tabung plain ini dirancang untuk digunakan dalam berbagai prosedur medis, terutama dalam pemeriksaan kimia darah, imunologi, serologi, dan crossmatching test pada bank darah.
Keunggulan utama dari tabung plain ini adalah bahwa mereka tidak mengandung zat aditif apa pun.
Hal ini sangat penting, karena zat aditif dalam tabung pengumpul darah dapat memengaruhi hasil pengujian, terutama dalam pemeriksaan kimia darah.
Dengan tabung plain Prima Medikatama, darah akan tetap segar dan tidak akan menggumpal sebelum diuji.
Keunggulan Tabung Plain Prima Medikatama
Kualitas Tinggi: Prima Medikatama dikenal sebagai produsen yang mengutamakan kualitas. Tabung plain mereka terbuat dari bahan plastik yang kuat dan tahan lama.
Spesifikasi yang Akurat: Dengan ukuran 3ml/3cc, tabung ini memungkinkan pengukuran yang sangat tepat. Hasil pengujian akan menjadi acuan yang baik bagi tenaga medis.
Kuantitas yang Memadai: Setiap kotak berisi 100 tabung, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir kehabisan persediaan saat Anda membutuhkannya.
Harga Terjangkau: Harga 120.000 rupiah per box adalah penawaran yang sangat menguntungkan. Prima Medikatama berusaha memberikan nilai terbaik kepada pelanggannya.
Pemakaian Tabung Plain
Tabung plain Prima Medikatama digunakan dalam berbagai prosedur medis, termasuk:
Pemeriksaan Kimia Darah: Tabung ini memungkinkan pengambilan dan penyimpanan darah tanpa pengaruh dari zat aditif. Ini sangat penting dalam pengujian kimia darah yang memerlukan sampel yang murni.
Pemeriksaan Imunologi: Dalam pengujian imunologi, tabung plain memastikan bahwa sampel darah tidak terkontaminasi oleh bahan tambahan.
Pemeriksaan Serologi: Dalam pemeriksaan serologi, hasil yang akurat adalah segalanya. Tabung plain Prima Medikatama memastikan hasil yang andal.
Crossmatching Test di Bank Darah: Tabung ini sangat penting dalam pengujian kompatibilitas darah sebelum transfusi. Ketepatan hasil adalah kunci dalam prosedur ini.
FAQ (Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan)
Apa yang membedakan tabung plain Prima Medikatama dari produk sejenis? Tabung plain Prima Medikatama unggul karena mereka tidak mengandung zat aditif apa pun. Hal ini membuat hasil pengujian menjadi lebih akurat, terutama dalam pemeriksaan kimia darah.
Bagaimana cara memesan tabung plain dari Prima Medikatama? Anda dapat menghubungi Prima Medikatama langsung untuk memesan tabung plain mereka. Mereka akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.
Apakah tabung plain ini cocok untuk penggunaan satu kali atau bisa digunakan lagi? Tabung plain ini dirancang untuk penggunaan satu kali. Penggunaan ulang dapat mengakibatkan kontaminasi dan hasil yang tidak akurat.
Berapa lama waktu pengiriman setelah memesan tabung plain dari Prima Medikatama? Waktu pengiriman dapat bervariasi tergantung pada lokasi Anda. Prima Medikatama akan memberikan perkiraan waktu pengiriman saat Anda memesan.
Apakah Prima Medikatama juga menyediakan produk lain selain tabung plain? Ya, Prima Medikatama memiliki berbagai produk medis lainnya. Anda dapat mengunjungi situs web mereka atau menghubungi mereka untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Tabung plain dari Prima Medikatama adalah solusi yang sangat baik untuk berbagai kebutuhan medis, terutama dalam pengujian kimia darah, imunologi, serologi, dan crossmatching test di bank darah.
Dengan spesifikasi yang akurat, kualitas tinggi, dan harga terjangkau, produk ini dapat diandalkan untuk memberikan hasil yang akurat dan andal.
Jika Anda mencari tabung plain berkualitas, Prima Medikatama di TANGERANG adalah tempat yang tepat untuk mencarinya.
Dapatkan produk berkualitas dan hasil pengujian yang andal dengan tabung plain Prima Medikatama.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau untuk memesan Tabung Plain, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui https://wa.me/6282311150090 atau dengan mengklik tombol “Tabung Plain ” Untuk Pemesanan.
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thedisablednaturalist · 2 months
im deficient in folic acid and b12 yippeee
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truwellth · 2 months
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Here get detailed info on: Cholesterol Levels. Cholesterol Normal Range. Cholesterol Symptoms. Cholesterol Causes. Symptoms of High Cholesterol in Females… from Rajashree Gadgil… the best nutritionist in Thane & the founder of TruWellth Integrative Health Center… the best nutrition center in Thane, Mumbai.
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loki-zen · 7 months
What's the news on saturated fat? My impression was that earlier narratives overly vilified it but that it remains kinda sus.
Well okay, my considered position is "we don't have enough evidence to support a blanket recommendation to everyone that they should alter their diets to reduce saturated fats."
As the authors of these papers often point out, official guidance and the practice of many health professionals is still to advise reducing saturated fat. This is probably a good amount inertia and bloody-mindedness. It is not uncommon for experienced doctors to weight their own idiosyncratic and biased-in-the-recollection clinical experience over the preponderance of evidence. Doctors and especially public health bodies like to display "caution" in their recommendations, which is not a terrible instinct necessarily, but I feel it is overapplied in this case.
Nutrition is horribly complicated, and the business of dietary recommendations involves things that people are really on just starting to figure out how to properly take account of in healthcare research, such as patient behaviour in the context of burdensome indefinite medical lifestyle intervention advice.
As it's horribly complicated just to figure out what advice to give one person who we have bloodwork for, it is next to impossible to figure out advice that it's a good idea to give literally everyone. With other kinds of medical interventions, such as drugs and anything with a financial or capacity cost to healthcare providers, 'caution' would mean that even if you had good evidence of benefit in a specific population, you would need evidence of clear benefit in everyone else before you could recommend it to everyone else. (Did you know your cholesterol can be too low? If you haven't got someone's bloodwork how can you know if their cholesterol is too high or too low?) And if a drug had excellent evidence but the papers were all fairly recent, caution might mean being reluctant to suggest it yet. However, in nutrition, "the advice we've been giving since the 1950s" is being treated as a privileged hypothesis in the same way that "not recommending a given drug" is the privileged hypothesis of any public health body or practice guideline until lots of evidence has been accumulated over many years.
I think this is because our models for thinking about medical interventions have double standards about lifestyle interventions. Doctors love them; drugs are scary. Only in recent years (perhaps in no small part due to the increase in published research by AHPs) have we even begun to consider the obvious truth that "not being able to eat the things you like" and "having to read a lot of nutrition labels" and "feeling guilt about what you want to eat" are negative quality-of-life-impacting side effects in the same way as headache or nausea might be negative quality-of-life-affecting side effects of a drug treatment.
Considering all the proper factors, the evidence does not support the recommendation of this intervention for the general public.
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The Healthcare horrors persist
#Updates on this whole mess:#Im insured under my dad#he has Healthcare option 1 which is government provided since he is retired millitary and option 2 due to his new job#after his retirement option 1 went funky for me and changed things around meaning i was no longer able to be seen by my pcp#Im also unable to log in to any of my accounts for 1 so im not sure whats going on there and what plan of 1 i have specifically#so i switched to a new pcp which accepted option 2 (which was super hard to find) literally last week#made an appointment with her for next month so i can finally get answers about my funky blood test results#(which is still don't know what specifically is wrong with it! for all i know i could just have high cholesterol-#or i could have markers for rheumatoid arthritis instead of my prior fibromyalgia diagnosis!)#(i also do not get refils for my anxiety medication until i have an appointment with my new doctor)#crisis averted right? WRONG!#I just got a call from my Dad saying he is switching jobs so I am no longer insured under 2#meaning...#1) i need to call option 1 and figure out how to get into my accounts and what my insurance is#2) check that this pcp acceprs said insurance#3) find yet another pcp if she doesnt and make an appointment for god knows when#and here is the kicker:#since option 1 is government and millitary based it is going to take FOREVER to get anything done#And Im not sure if they are going to want me to renew my millitary dependent ID or not#because that shit is EXPIRED and i was under the impression i can no longer renew it due to his retirement#but also in order to make any acoount with option 1 they require a benefits number which expires alongside the ID#Then on the other side of things i also have my wisdom teeth surgery to schedule (through my mom thank god)#and school starting again in a few weeks#going to defenestrate myself istg
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