#Christ Church Cathedral/Indianapolis
tpanan · 2 months
Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, S.T.D., D.D.
Bishop of Crookston
Chairman of the Board of the National Eucharistic Congress
“If then my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chr 7:14)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
At the opening Holy Hour of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, on Wednesday July, 17, 2024, I prayed these very words, inviting tens of thousands in the stadium and thousands more watching virtually to join me in asking the Lord to pardon our sins and heal our land.
Then on Friday evening, July 19th, we all united around Our Eucharistic Lord again in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis to make reparation for our sins. We humbled ourselves in the presence of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Recognizing that if one member of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer, we prayed together for healing and forgiveness. We were lead through a litany of healing and repentance in the Eucharist by Fr. Boniface Hicks, O.S.B. Many people told me that this moment of communal penance and reparation was a moment of great healing for them. It was amongst the most powerful experiences of grace for me personally during those holy days.
Just one week later, on July 26th in Paris, where the newly restored Cathedral of Notre Dame stands as an iconic reminder to our belief in the importance of the Mass, which makes spiritually present to us the Last Supper, nearly 1 billion men, women and children, in person and through live telecast, witnessed the public mockery of the Mass, the “source and summit of the Christian life” (LG, 11). During the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics, the famous DaVinci Masterpiece The Last Supper was depicted in heinous fashion, leaving us in such shock, sorrow and righteous anger that words cannot describe it.
Brothers and sisters, we know that what the enemy intends for evil, God uses for good. We know that “where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more” (Rom 5:20).
Throughout salvation history, the Lord and his prophets have called us—the people of God—to respond to the darkness of evil with the light that comes from the Lord. At the heart of this call are prayer and fasting. Jesus told us that some demons “can only come out through prayer [and through fasting]” (Mk 29:9). He modeled this for us when he spent 40 days in the desert before beginning his public ministry, praying and fasting, begging God the Father to prepare him for all that lay ahead—including his perfect gift of self through his death on the Cross.
We believe that the Last Supper is united with the death of Christ on the Cross and, together with the Resurrection, these events are all one in the Paschal Mystery. This passover, which begins at the Last Supper, is the most sacred moment in the life of Jesus. This is when Jesus offered his life for us so that we could share in his divine life forever.
Jesus experienced his Passion anew Friday night in Paris when his Last Supper was publicly defamed. As his living body, we are invited to enter into this moment of passion with him, this moment of public shame, mockery, and persecution. We do this through prayer and fasting. And our greatest prayer—in season and out of season—is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
As the Church throughout the world gathers tomorrow at the Lord’s Altar, let us do so with renewed zeal. Let us pray for healing and forgiveness for all those who participated in this mockery. Let us commit ourselves this week to greater prayer and fasting in reparation for this sin. Perhaps you could attend Mass once more this week or do an extra holy hour?
We may also be called upon to speak about this evil. Let us do so with love and charity, but also with firmness. France and the entire world are saved by the love poured out through the Mass, which came to us through the Last Supper. Inspired by the many martyrs who shed their blood to witness to the truth of the Mass, we will not stand aside and quietly abide as the world mocks our greatest gift from the Lord Jesus. Rather, through our prayer and fasting, we will ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us with the virtue of fortitude so that we may preach Christ—our Lord and Savior, truly present in the Eucharist—for the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.
Let us, strengthened by Christ, be the Eucharistic Missionaries we are called to be.
+In Christ Jesus,
Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens, S.T.D., D.D.
Bishop of Crookston
Chairman of the Board of the National Eucharistic Congress
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saltchurch · 2 years
pussy so emotionally distraught it got me listening to the christ church cathedral choir of men and boys indianapolis
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keywestlou · 6 years
  Happy Fourth of July!
Independence Day. The birthday of our country.
Two hundred forty two years old. It was July 4, 1776 at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia that the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
We are a young nation. Compare our age to that of European nations. Still growing. Tensions abound. The Trump era crazy and dangerous.
America celebrates. Tonight, fireworks! In Key West, off the White Street Pier.
This past week has been strange politically. Relatively quiet. We have not heard from Rudy Giuliani and other Trump cohorts who were making the news. Are they quiet because of Michael Cohen on the verge of possibly flipping?
Cohen is making noise like Trump when he wants something. He is using the media. Cohen seems to be telling the Second District he wants to jump fence and play on their side. Thus far they have not picked up on his offer.
Spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Thoroughly enjoyed doing the show. Covered a multitude of sins. Wish I had had more time.
Casey joined me for dinner before the show. At Roostica.
Casey and his 70′ x 30′ catamaran sit in the water off Hogfish. Casey new to Key West. Been here all of 10 days. Yesterday, he took his dingy and visited Wisteria Island. He is interested in Key West lore. The day before he went out into the Gulf a bit and did some diving.
Jennifer waited on us. It has been two years since I last saw her. She was pregnant at the time and due any day. She proudly showed me her son’s picture. Two years old. A handsome little man.
Good friends Fran and Tom Dixon have arrived. Buffalo their home. They visit four times a year. Stay at Ocean Key. Tom is on the Board.
We are doing dinner tonight. Meeting at 6 at the Chart Room. My turn to host. Probably the A&B Lobster House. Plan on calling for a reservation since today is a holiday.
Fran is concerned for me. She thinks I am not well fed. She brings me food from Buffalo. Tonight, I will receive at least 4 jars of homemade sauce containing pork, sausage and meatballs. Plus low carb bread and home made candy.
Love the woman!
You have to believe in guardian angels! God, too! Two examples evidencing why.
A few days ago, the cruise liner Norwegian Gallery was 28 miles off the northwest of Cuba. A crew member fell off the ship. His fall seen. The ship backed up and searched. Could not find him. Authorities notified. Air and sea searches proved fruitless.
The next day, the cruise ship Carnival Glory was traveling in the opposite direction. Twenty one miles off the north coast of Cuba. Saw the crew member in the water. He was rescued. In good health.
The man had been in the water 22 hours. Treading. No life jacket. Fortunately the water is warm and calm this time of year. Even more fortunate, a shark did not come upon him.
Did the man have a guardian angel? No question in my mind. God was looking after him.
A Thailand event the other example.
A 12 member soccer team and their coach got lost in a mountain gave in north Thailand. The boys 11-16.
The cave is part of a huge mountain. Full of corridors of all sizes. Some entrances small. The boys had to squeeze to get through. The team was able to get down into the heart of the mountain about one mile.
Then stuck. Water all around them. The caves have flowing water in various depths.
They could not get out. Spent 10 days in the dark and without food. Searchers and divers arrived from all over the world. A total of 1,000 looking to provide assistance. Two British divers found them over the weekend.
All basically in good health. Food, water and medical assistance provided.
At this point it is clear the kids and their coach had a special guardian angel looking over them. God directing their rescue.
The rescue is not complete however. It has been raining since the team got lost. The rainy season. Every day. The rain sometimes six inches in an hour. Cave passage ways flooding.
The team will have to swim and dive in order to get out. A mile.
None know how to swim or dive. Present plans are to teach them how to swim and dive. Then take them out. Two professional divers guiding each team person.
It is estimated the plan will take months. However so far the only way determined to get them out.
Hope the guardian angels and the good Lord stay with them.
Children detained in chain linked cages. We should be ashamed! I do not understand how Trump supporters find nothing wrong with the scenario: “They broke the law.” “They brought their children into the U.S.” “They invited what is happening to them.”
For shame!
The Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis is expressing its concern and disagreement. Statues of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus sit on the lawn of the Church in a chain linked enclosed cage.
BOB says it is a holiday. He is not writing today.
Enjoy your Fourth!
  HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY was originally published on Key West Lou
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Clouds (No. 441)
Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Indianapolis
Gold Building, Indianapolis (four pics)  
Indiana State House, Indianapolis
Wrigley Building, Chicago (three pics)
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profeminist · 6 years
“An Indianapolis church protested President Donald Trump's child separation policy by "detaining" statues of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph in a chain-linked, enclosed cage on their lawn.
“The statement with the Holy Family says as much about our policy as any statement would say,” the Rev. Canon Lee Curtis of Christ Church Cathedral, who came up with the idea, told NBC News. “We want an end for family detention. Families, all families, every family, is holy, and we hope and pray that families who are seeking out a better life for their kids are afforded that opportunity.”
"I know what the Bible said," Carlsen told the Indy Star. "We're supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves."
Read the full piece and watch the news video here
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Tuesday, January 1st, the 1st day of 2019. There are 364 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
404: Last known gladiator fight in Rome. Sometime earlier, Telemachus, a monk from the eastern Roman empire, had been killed by spectators in the Roman Coliseum for attempting to separate gladiatorial combatants. According to church historian Theodoret, when Emperor Honorius learned of this, he declared Telemachus a martyr and abolished the games.
1519: The Swiss Reformation begins when Huldrych Zwingli assumes his duties as priest of Zurich and begins preaching through the Bible.
1585: Giovanni Gabrieli becomes the leading organist of St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice. His innovations, such as grouping musicians in separate areas, and marking dynamic changes, will foster a revolution in music.
1622: The Gregorian Calendar, so called because it was promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII, makes January 1st the first day of the year in Catholic countries. Under the Roman calendar, March 25th had been the first day of the year.
1802: In reply to the Danbury Baptist Association (of Connecticut), which is concerned that Baptists could be forced to belong to an established church, Jefferson declares there is “a wall of separation between Church and State,” a phrase which will later be wrested out of context to deny public expression of religious belief on governmental property.
1824: Over breakfast, David Naismith organizes The Glasgow Young Men’s Society for Religious Improvement. One object spelled out in its constitution is “to establish and promote throughout the city and suburbs associations of Young Men for Mutual Religious Improvement.”
1871: An act to disestablish the Church of Ireland goes into effect, meaning it will no longer be the government-run church of that country.
1927: Kawai Shinsui publicly announces that he is establishing the Christ Heart Church, a Japanese denomination independent of the west.
1937: Death of J. Gresham Machen, a gifted Presbyterian scholar and defender of the Christian faith in the United States. Concerned with a rising tide of liberalism among Presbyterians, he had helped found the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
1945: Death of Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, first native-born Anglican bishop of India. He had relinquished leadership in two mission agencies to work in Dornakal, one of the poorest regions of India. Upon his arrival in Dornakal, Christians had numbered 8,000 with six Indian ministers and one hundred and seventy-two lay-workers. By his death the diocese had one hundred and fifty ministers and about three hundred thousand converts despite the opposition of Mahatma Gandhi.
1977: At the Episcopal Church of All Saints in Indianapolis, Jacqueline Means becomes the first woman ordained to serve as a priest in the Episcopal Church (USA).
1979: Beginning of the Third General Council of the Latin American Episcopate, held in Puebla, Mexico. It will emphasize popular piety and place special emphasis on the poor.
2011: Muslims in Alexandria, Egypt, bomb the crowded Two Saints Coptic Church, killing more than twenty Christian and wounding scores of others.
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cuddyclothes · 6 years
Love it when Christians act like Christians.
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daretoliveinhim · 4 years
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Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ.  Before I can go in this new blog post, I would like to update everyone:  It has been a few weeks since I last posted anything.  I have lost my Facebook profile for good and as a consequence, became very discouraged because I am unable to post to my primary audience.  I still have Instagram, Twitter, and have recently created accounts on Tumblr, Parler, and Reddit so I can find other ways to reach other folks.  I will start posting regularly beginning tomorrow.
Hawaii, particularly the island of Oahu, has been under a Hurricane Watch.  Hurricane Douglas has been bearing dangerously close to our island but it seems like we will be okay.  Thanks folks.  Now on to the blog post:
This blog post is to show how much of our Mother Church is under heavy attack.  It is aggravating, agonizing, and saddening to see our Churches under attack, particular in North America.  All of this information I have compiled from the Interactive Map of Attacks on Catholics from the website Complicit Clergy.  There have been churches in other parts of the world also that were attacked as well and I will make another blog post in regards to those attacks of the churches in other parts of the world.  Let us pray hard, pray unceasingly, and stay faithful to the Lord.  God bless!
May 21, 2020:  Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sudbury, Ontario:  Not a Hate Crime? Bronze Stations of the Cross Statues Beheaded in Broad Daylight
Damages:  Stations of the Cross statue beheaded
July 3, 2020:  Notre Dame Cemetary, Ottawa, Ontario:  Mischief charge laid after headstones vandalized at Notre Dame Cemetery
Damages:  Cemetary headstones knocked down
July 13, 2020:  Sacred Heart Church, Calgary, Alberta:  Statue Of Jesus Vandalized At Catholic Church In Calgary
Damages:  Statue of Jesus defaced
July 19, 2020:  Basilica of Our Lady Immaculate, Guelph, Ontario:   ‘We’ll be praying for whoever did it’: Mary statue vandalized outside Guelph basilica
Damages:  Statue of Our Lady was vandalized with some symbols, one being a swastika
July 9, 2020:  St. Patrick’s Parish, Markham, Ontario:  Statues vandalized at Markham parish
Damages:  Statue of Mary lifting Jesus off the cross damaged, hand broken off and facial features damaged.  Face of Mary was smashed and statue knocked off its base.  Second statue of Padre Pio had face and hand smashed.
United States of America
May 29, 2020:  Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon St. Peter Maronite Catholic Cathedral, Los Angeles, California:  
Damages:  Church was vandalized with graffiti.
June 2, 2020:  St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Wasco, California:  Vandal hits Wasco church
Damages:  Head and Arms Misssing
June 18, 2020:  Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California:  Statues of Junipero Serra, Ulysses S. Grant toppled at Golden Gate Park
Damages:  St. Junipero Serra statue toppled
June 19, 2020:  Placita Olvera, Los Angeles, California:  Junipero Serra statue toppled in downtown L.A.
Damages:  Statue of St. Junipero Serra toppled
June 25, 2020:  Cross atop Mount Rubidoux, Riverside, California:  Police investigating vandalism of Junipero Serra cross at Mt. Rubidoux in Riverside
Damages:  Cross was vandalized with graffiti and by axes.
July 3, 2020:  Sacramento’s Capitol Park, Sacramento, California:  Protesters tear down statue of Spanish missionary and saint Junipero Serra in Sacramento
Damages:  St. Junipero Serra statue taken down
July 3, 2020:  San Jose Mission, Fremont, California:  ‘Native Land’ graffiti in Fremont mission being investigated as hate crime
Damages:  “Native Land” graffiti on sides off church, splatters of paint to indicate simulated blood
July 11, 2020:  San Gabriel Mission, San Gabriel, California, USA:  Morning Briefing: Arson A Possibility In San Gabriel Mission Fire
Damages:  Church set on fire in choir loft
July 14, 2020:  Ventury City Hall, Ventura, California:  Ventura City Council Votes To Remove Junipero Serra Statue
Damages:  Father Junipero Serra statue being removed by City Council
July 15, 2020:  St. Isidore Catholic Church, Yuba City, California:  St. Isidore Catholic Church statues vandalized
Damages:  Two statues, part of the Stations of the Cross monuments, were vandalized.  Station 12, part of the statue where Christ is nailed to the cross was stolen.
June 16, 2020:  Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel, Flagstaff, Arizona:  ‘Our church deserves better’: Families gather to clean Our Lady chapel after vandalism
Damages:  Front door of chapel was spray painted across front door and nearby statue of Jesus.
May 5, 2020:  St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Casper, Wyoming:  Suspect Arrested, in $25,000 Casper Church Vandalism
Damages:  Kicking property, and knocking over a statue.  Estimated damage over $25,000.
July 11, 2020:  Statue near Chair 2 on Whitefish Mountain Resort, Whitefish, Montana:  Jesus statue at Whitefish Mountain Resort vandalized
Damages:  Statue was vandalized with holding flags that read Rise Up and #BLM and with brown painted skin tones.
May 28, 2020:  Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Denver, Colorado:   Homily and Reflection:  Father Ron Cattany, Pastor and Rector:  Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Denver
Damages:  Church was vandalized with much graffiti.
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July 13, 2020:  St. Mary’s Cathedral, Colorado Springs, Colorado:  Statue of Our Lady Of Fatima vandalized outside St. Mary’s Cathedral. Toes are painted, “Red Rum” painted along the bottom.
Damages:  Our Lady of Fatima statue vandalized with graffiti.
May 25, 2020:  San Juan Basilica, San Juan, Texas:  San Juan Basilica vandalized, suspect charged
Damages:  Front doors were vandalized with graffiti
May 28, 2020:  St. Jude Chapel, Dallas, Texas:  Cleanup underway for Dallas businesses vandalized after Friday night’s George Floyd protest
Damages:  Rocks were thrown through front glass of chapel.
January 3, 2020:  St. Therese Catholic Church, Abbeville, Louisiana:  Statue vandalized outside St. Therese Catholic Church in Abbeville
Damages:  St. Therese Statue vandalized with satanic graffiti
January 28, 2020:  St. Cecilia, St. Louis, Missouri:  Vandals spray paint graffiti on South City church
Damages:  “Hail Satan” Graffiti on various walls and windows of church
May 27, 2020:  Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis, MN:  Oldest Basilica in the US Damaged In Minneapolis Riots
Damages:  Fires were set to church pews
April 13, 2020:  Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Palos Hills, Illinois:  Man out on bond on hate crime charges tried to burn down Palos Hills church: police
Damages:  Attempted to set parish on fire and perpetrator used clothing to carve “Kill Christian now” on cell wall
May 29, 2020:  Pauline Books & Media, Chicago, Illinois:  Rioters Loot Catholic Media Nuns’ Bookstore in Downtown Chicago: “My Heart is Breaking”
Damages:  Broken windows, cash stolen
June 24, 2020:  St. Patrick’s Church, Joliet, Illinois:  Mary statue at St. Pat’s in Joliet ripped apart
Damages:  Mary’s statue ripped off, hands removed
July 5, 2020:  St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Rockford, Illinois:  St. Bernadette Parishioners Pray for Crucifix Vandal
Damages:  Corpus statue (Jesus on Crucifix) destroyed with hammer
May 30, 2020:  St. John the Evangelist Parish, Indianapolis, Indiana:  St. John pastor keeps prayerful watch over parish during unrest
Damages:  Car burned in parking lot close to church, church walls walls vandalized
July 2, 2020:  St. Ann Church, Gary, Indiana:  Virgin Mary statue vandalized, church leaders say
Damages:  Mary statue beheaded
May 28, 2020:  Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, Kentucky:  Cathedral rectory damaged in protests
Damages:  Windows were shattered.
June 4, 2020:  St. James Catholic Church, Madison, Georgia:  A marble statue of St. Mary is toppled in the St. James Church outdoor prayer garden
Damages:  Virgin Mary statue was deliberately knocked over and found crumbled on the ground
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July 10, 2020:  Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Punta Gorda, Florida:  Man Vandalizes Statues In Florida Church
Damages:  Statues of Virgin Mary, three children (Probably Fatima children), and Jesus knocked to the ground
Original Image and article no longer available
July 10, 2020:  Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Ocala, Florida:  Florida man crashes into church, sets it on fire with parishioners inside, sheriff says
Damages:  Car was crashed into church and set on fire, with parishioners still inside
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July 14, 2020:  Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Miami, Florida:  Statue of Jesus Decapitated in Miami
Damages:  Statue of Jesus decapitated
July 10, 2020:  St. Stephen Catholic Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee:  Statue of Virgin Mary Beheaded at Tennessee Parish
Damages:  Statue of Virgin Mary beheaded
North Carolina
June 15, 2020:  St. Elizabeth of the Hill Country Catholic Church, Boone, North Carolina:  Blessed Sacrament and tabernacle stolen from North Carolina Catholic Church
Damages:  Tabernacle and Holy Eucharist stolen
July 18, 2020:  Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio:  Campus sign shot
Damages:  St. Joseph Center sign shot
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New York
January 11, 2020:  St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Brooklyn, New York:  Video shows vandal spraying juice at Catholic priest in Brooklyn
Damages:  Priest is sprayed with red juice during Mass
January 11, 2020:  Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Queens, New York:  Cops searching for vandal who tagged MS-13 graffiti on Bayside church and school
May 29, 2020:  St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, New York:  Two protesters arrested for St. Patrick’s Cathedral vandalism
Damages:  Cathedral exterior walls for spray painted with profanities
July 6, 2020:  St. Mary’s Parish, Washingtonville, New York:  Schmitt: ‘Evil and hate targeted our community last night’
Damages:  Flag pole of 9-11 Memorial was cut down.
July 10, 2020:  Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary, Elmhurst, New York:  Virgin Mary statue vandalized with graffiti in NYC
Damages:  Virgin Mary statue spray-painted “Idol”
July 14, 2020:  St. Joseph’s Church, New Haven, Connecticut:  Archdiocese: New Haven Catholic church vandalized with ‘satanic,’ ‘anarchist’ symbols
Damages:  Front door was vandalized with satanic and anarchist symbols
Rhode Island
June 21, 2020:  Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island:  Cross and graves vandalized at Catholic university cemetery
Damages:  Cross and graves vandalized at cemetary
July 10, 2020:  St. Peter Parish, Boston, Massachusetts, USA:  Police: Virgin Mary statue burned at Dorchester parish, arson investigation underway
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Holy Mother Church in North America under attack! Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ.  Before I can go in this new blog post, I would like to update everyone:  It has been a few weeks since I last posted anything. 
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lolcuddles · 4 years
Praise The LORD 💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👋🏽👂🏾💜🎊💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾 My Precious Ones, Happy Juneteenth My Brothers And Sisters 👊🏽; On Yesterday, June 18 I Celebrated My Birth Into The Kingdom Of CHRIST, That’s Right, It Was Thursday, June 18, 1987, About 10:45 pm, 33 Years Ago At The Cathedral Of Praise Bibleway Church, Indianapolis, Indiana That I Received The HOLY GHOST By The Utterance Of Speaking In Tongues! I Remember Like It Was Yesterday! I Just Thank HIM (JESUS CHRIST) For The HOLY GHOST 💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾👏🏾💃🏾💝
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momentsandpresence · 5 years
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Christ Church Cathedral
Indianapolis, IN
August 2019
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yourreddancer · 6 years
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The name of the Church “Celestial Church of Christ” from Indianapolis was revealed by the Holy Spirit through a Prophet who was held in trance for seven days.
Mode of worship includes the setting of the Altar, and the seat therein, the number of candles used for various types of services and the seating arrangement in particular, it should be noted that the seating arrangements was revealed through a Prophetess who under the influence of the Holy Spirit in the wilderness on Friday 5th of October, 1947, sketched the seating arrangement using oranges.
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rabbitcruiser · 6 years
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Churches (No. 58)
Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta
Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Atlanta
Christ Church Cathedral, Indianapolis
First United Methodist Church of Chicago
St John United Church of Christ, Chicago
Salt Lake Temple, Salt Lake City (five pics)
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intlchristianherald · 6 years
You're Going Too Far People: Indianapolis Church Puts Jesus, Mary, & Joseph in a Cage to Protest Trump's Immigration Policy
Jesus Christ is in a cage.
Nativity statues of the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, which usually mark Christmas, were incarcerated behind a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire on the lawn of Monument Circle's Christ Church Cathedral on Tuesday.
The Rev. Stephen Carlsen, dean and rector of Christ Church, said the caged Holy Family is a protest to President Trump's zero-tolerance policy that is holding families in detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border.
"I know what the Bible said," Carlsen said. "We're supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves."
Indianapolis clergy: "Every family is holy."
The Rev. Lee Curtis, who came up with the idea for the demonstration, said the Biblical trio was a family of refugees seeking asylum in Egypt after Jesus' birth.
"An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, 'Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him,'" the Message Bible says in Matthew 2:13-14. "When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt."
Said Curtis: "This family is every family, and every family is holy."
The church set up the caged nativity scene Monday night as part of its #EveryFamilyIsHoly campaign. Click here to read more. Source: Indy Star
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theradiodude · 6 years
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – An Indianapolis church is sending a message about the nation’s current immigration crisis. Christ Church Cathedral put up the display at their lawn on Monument Circle overnight. It shows statues of Mary, Joseph and Jesus in a cage. “On our lawn tonight we placed The Holy F...
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vceichhorn · 6 years
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I didn't make it to mass this morning but I did get to see the #everyfamilyisholy piece at Christ Church Cathedral Indianapolis #cadafamiliaessagrada (at Christ Church Cathedral)
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