#Christ this is messyšŸ˜…
glittery-ishfish Ā· 1 year
Needlessly Long and Dramatic APH Belarus Slander
A/N: Just to clarify, I am NOT at all referring to the REAL COUNTRY of Belarus. The citizens of Belarus are already trying so hard to fight, literally risking their lives, for freedom and national identity. I am not about to ignorantly hold an entire country accountable for what their government and dictator do and have done, especially since people are dying trying to fight for basic human rights.
This is about HETALIAā€™S Belarus. SPECIFICALLY Hetaliaā€™s Belarus as a PERSON, not as a nation. As I said in one of my first posts, thereā€™s not nearly enough slander of this depiction of Belarus. And when there was, it was for the wrong reasons (ā€œshe gets in between me and my shipsā€). This has been festering inside me and I need to let it all out.
And do keep in mind that this is APH Belarus slander. This is my opinion. It's in the title. Don't like it? Then move on. I don't care, I don't wanna hear it.
And if you stayed, I hope you're ready because I'm about to spill my angry guts outšŸ˜ƒšŸ‘
Hetaliaā€™s Belarus is a terrible person and a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Let's see, uhā€¦
She bullies, deliberately ignores, and is overall a complete cow to her older sister because she falsely assumes that Russia wants to marry her instead.
Is needlessly hostile and rude to everyone, regardless if they mean well.
Threatens and curses people who disagree with, or even question, Russia because "how dare they have an opinion".
Gets angry when Russia talks to anyone who isn't her, regardless if itā€™s for professional reasons.
One of the (many, many, many) reasons why Russia doesnā€™t have any friends is because she scares people off just to have him all to herself.
Blames other people (especially her sister) for Russia's constant avoidance of her rather than reflecting on her own behavior.
Is weirdly contradictory. Sheā€™s been shown actively stalking seeking out recruits to ā€˜become oneā€™ with Russia but gets all ornery and pissy when said recruits are close to him (like, what did you expect??).
Makes Russiaā€™s life more of a living Hell and even curses him when he outright tells her ā€œnoā€.
Throws violent temper tantrums when things donā€™t go her way and destroys things.
Has deluded herself into thinking that Russia does want to marry her and dismisses his fearful reactions as stubbornness/ā€œTsundere behaviorā€.
Is completely on board with Russiaā€™s desire to take over the world (which she misinterprets as "turn everyone into big brotherā€™s slaves" rather than Russiaā€™s real intentions [as fucked up and naive as they are], "being friends with everyone").
Has been bullying Lithuania since childhood even though he loves her and has repeatedly broken his fingers and legs.
Has been implied to have done questionable things to the Baltics ("Today, I played around with___. Itā€™s interesting to see what expressions he makes when I do such things to him").
Isnā€™t above hurting animals. Got into a fight with a cat simply because it was ā€œin big brotherā€™s wayā€.
Has done an impression of the stereotypical "Imōto-chan trope" in an attempt to "persuade" her brother into marriage (I know it's minuscule compared to what I've already mentioned, but the fact that she just blatantly assumes that Russia is the kind of person who would be into that is just...ew).
Held Liechtenstein in a chokehold when asked to interact with her.
Actually likes her authoritarian jackass of a boss and has made a fansite of him (the only other person sheā€™s done this for is Russia, which is saying a lot).
Silent calls people out of spite.
Has stolen, smelled, and worn her brother's underwear on her head as a nightcap.
Takes invasive photos of Russia without his knowledge or consent.
Constantly ruins and/or breaks down Russia's doors.
Leaves scratch marks on Russia's property as a hobby.
Has indecent, sexual fantasies about her brother.
Has used physical force on Russia (ie. crushing his arm) to get him to marry her and showed zero remorse over hurting him.
Has an entire Hetastagram (Instagram) account called ā€˜Daily Big Brotherā€™, where she praises, stalks, and publicly posts photos of Russia online without his consent (and Iā€™m willing to bet that some of them were the suggestive ones I mentioned earlier).
Overall, not a good person. A brat, even.
Belarus is one of those characters that I adore aesthetically. I love her design (have you seen her in a ponytail?), I occasionally do voice impressions of her for fun and Iā€™m always ecstatic when I discover canon information about her. Hell, I have an entire document dedicated to canon descriptions of her physical appearance just to cosplay her (Iā€™ve been wanting to cosplay Bela for a very long time).
But at the same time I know for a fact that, if I knew her in real life, I would absolutely hate her guts.
I already don't like her as a person, and I know I said this is about her personality specifically, but I especially don't like her as a personification of a country that's already been going through hell just to keep its independence (and it's even more gross and insulting in real life knowing that it's Russia that's out to take away Belarus' national autonomy).
Belarus' obsession with Russia does influence most of her bad traits. He's not, by any means, a good influence.
However, she fails to recognize his many fatal faults and misinterprets what he wants as malicious world domination and enslavement, which she's concerningly more than happy to indulge.
She sees Russia as this idealized, flanderized version of himself. She sees him as something to praise and revere, as this brooding, merciless god-on-earth who's righteous in every way. To put it into perspective, the way she sees Russia is very similar to how the fandom saw him during the 2010s and sometimes still sees him today.
She doesn't really know her brother or even see him as his own person. Sure, she can name every location he's ever been to, is obnoxiously protective of him, and knows his pinky toe turns red when he's embarrassed, but she doesn't know who he is as a person. His likes, dislikes, what he wants, and especially, what he doesn't want. She likes the idea of him and just makes assumptions from there without any input or consent.
Belarus won't acknowledge it, but to her, Russia is essentially a doll. Just a target. An object to keep, project, and force her affection onto.
And this isn't the same as Russia doing harmful things out of a lack of understanding of how the world works. This isn't the same as Russia being cognitively unaware of everyone's fear of him.
No. Bela knows exactly what sheā€™s doing. She knows better than to be doing what sheā€™s doing. But she indulges anyway simply because she lacks impulse control. And from the looks of it, it's deliberate.
And the worst part about all this? Sheā€™s never been held accountable for her actions. Not once does someone reprimand her or call her out for her shitty behavior and, if anything, itā€™s enabled.
Russia can't bring himself to tell her off or get rid of her (out of both familial love and fear), which only makes matters worse since Bela's fanatical dumbass will only assume that his lack of action means that he approves of her behavior.
But it's not like what Russia does matters anyway because if he even tries to put her down (gently or otherwise) and behaves outside of her idealized version of him, she'll just throw a shit fit and make him more miserable. He's forever stuck in this vicious cycle until he's drained from her antics and finally gives in to what she wants.
And the reason(s) why other people let her get away with the shit she pulls is because:
They're also scared of her.
Sheā€™s a female nation, and no one tells female nations what to do.
"Sheā€™s just so cute!ā€ (PrettyPrivilegeā„¢ļø).
The closest thing sheā€™s ever gotten to a ā€˜reality checkā€™ was in that 2011 Halloween comic. When Denmark casually brushes off her usual attempts at intimidation.
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And laughs to her face for even trying in the first place.
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(Denmark, youā€™re wonderful, donā€™t ever change)
Belarus is implied to be lonely and has had a rough upbringing like her siblings, leaving her with a pessimistic view of life and relationships. She's tried to break away from Russia once (I imagine her bosses at the time forced her to) and lived with America, who also got tired of her antics and tried to get rid of her as well. This would explain a lot of her obsessive, co-dependent behavior and, by all accounts, is enough to garner some form of sympathy.
However, the reason why Bela is lonely is that she's actively choosing to cling to one person. She pushes all of her projections and issues onto Russia, further isolating him while not giving a single flying fuck over how her actions affect him and those around her.
And even when there are other people who love and care about her unconditionally (for some reason), sheā€™s dismissive and a complete bitch to them. She takes those relationships for granted and only ever indulges them if it serves some sort of benefit to her (usually as a means of getting closer to Russia).
As if the fact that she's indulging in incestuous fantasies isn't bad enough, she's making active attempts to make them a reality and giving no regard over how her target feels. She takes time out of her day to intentionally hurt others who dare to disagree. The fact that there are other people who care about her and want her to be happy means nothing to her. It's painfully frustrating to watch.
Even traits that should be positive (strength and passion) are manifested in negative ways. She's been noted to be talented and has so much potential. But instead, she chooses to waste said potential in favor of being...this.
So long story short, Belarus is the kind of person who will never be happy. Regardless if she magically gets what she wants in the end.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I absolutely love it when the fandom goes the extra mile to expand on her character. She's shrouded in mystery and could have at least one positive trait for all we know (unfortunately, that reveal's not gonna happen anytime soon).
I typically don't care for headcanons and this is one of the few exceptions. It's a breath of fresh air to see different interpretations of her character.
Man, Belarus. You bring out the worst in people.
And you're not putting in any effort to change that. To be a better version of yourself. Have you any self-respect?
So you must be happy with where you are. And if that's the case, then why should I, or anyone, feel bad?
I guess I see why I should be sorry for you, but I also see no point in wasting sympathy on someone who's content with being a shitty person.
Don't go out of your way to be a petty asshole and this wouldn't happenšŸ¤—
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So yeah, Hetaliaā€™s Belarus is not just a terrible person, but a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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yeyinde Ā· 1 year
Just saw a TikTok where a kid send their favorite stuff animal to his dad who's deployed. Just imagine this happening with 141 šŸ„ŗ (I'm actually sending this to my favorite writers hoping I can get a cute scenario šŸ˜…)
I admire your honesty lmao. So. Here ya go:
ā€”Gen. Reader (but tbh, *you're* a very minor part of this). Child is not named or gendered, either, and can easily be read as adopted instead of bio (with cheeky little hints geared toward this). Fluff(ish).
ā€”I'm not really sure if this constitutes as cute but I wanted to try and write something that was extremely vague but also incredibly...not vague. Transparent, almost. This is that. A thought experiment. Enjoy.
On the surface, the package isn't anything special. Nondescript beige. Square. It's a bit beat up from its journey, bruised and dented like most boxes shipped halfway across the world tend to be, and much too light to be a care pack.Ā 
He sits in his assigned cot with a heavy sigh that creaks through aching bones and tender muscles, eyes already half mast from a day staring at sand dunes and trying to divine answers in gunpowder, reading bullets like tea leaves. Sleep isn't beckoning, it's screaming. Howling loud in his ears and knocking all his thoughts asunder.Ā 
He has half a mind to tuck the box aside, lay down with his boots still on, and sleep until it doesn't make his head split at the seams to keep his eyes open. It's needed, too. They head out tomorrow. Sure, firm, and bound in brass. An unavoidable calamity as they chase shadows with grasping hands, fingers always a hair too short to reach. He might, yet, he thinks, but the box is nearly weightless in his hands, and despite its featherlight heft in his lap, it calls to him.Ā 
If he waits, it'll never leave the sanctity of this safe house. It'll get lost in the shuffle. In the tumult tomorrow morning, a breath before dawn, will surely bring.Ā 
So, he opens it.Ā 
Clumsy fingers, numbed from curling around the butt of a gun all day, paw at the tape until it unravels in a messy cluster, sticking to the palm of his hand. He presses it to the side before slipping his fingers through the flaps.Ā 
It might be a letter asking for a divorce. He thinks about laughing, maybe, but the humour is bereft of reprieve.Ā 
You'd hit him, he thinks. Smack him upside the head for the very thought.Ā 
(Maybe dislodge the monsters in there, too.)
But when he peels back the lips, and peers inside, it isn't a letter. It's a bear.Ā Ā 
Pocket sized, he remembers saying. A negotiation tactic in the middle of a toy aisle to keep the tears from flooding over a glistening lash line. It was as effective as he expected it to be, but the compromise, however shaky, was reinforced with the promise of McDonald's if they didn't cause a scene in the middle of the shops. Sniffles meet his ears still, but they slow, considering the offer. Head tilts adorably to the side (ladies in the aisle over coo). Then, sticky, wet fingers slapped his palm. Deal made. Done.Ā 
The bartering toolā€”a subpar toy for less than twenty dollars in lieu of a roaring dinosaur that was nearly seventy (Jesus fuckin' Christ)ā€”becomes a reluctant ally against a set of imagined enemies, and then trusted friend. A companion, one carried everywhereā€”the bath, school, bedā€”and its loved state is shown through its disarray. Carried in patches of scant fur, in a nose that lost its glossy shine from too many kisses at night and in the morning, and just because ("because he's cute and he needs a kiss!"), and from rips and tears, and clumped cotton when it was hung to dry lopsidedly after spending a day at the beach. It's in the missing button on the little dungarees it wears, and the loose threads that split the seams.Ā 
It's just a bear, butā€”
"If anything happens to Mr Bear, I will die, dad!"Ā 
Little feet pounding the pavement, frantically searching for the fallen friend who slipped from the basket after a walk to the park. Eyes wide, wild, and filled with tears. Head swivelling in all directions.Ā 
"Why will you die, exactly?" He hedges, brows drawing taut. He's not versed in this well enough to know if this is alarming yet. Maybe. He thinks it might be, has a nagging suspicion that it is, but you offer a shrug in response, and he's calmed a bit by your nonreaction. Normal, then, he thinks, and turns back the way they came, peering at the grass for any signs of an ugly little bear.Ā 
"Because!" It's snapped in that waspish huff only children can musterā€”the one that says, duh! despite the absurdity of it all. "We share a heart. That's what mum says. And if a cat got him and he's all chewed up, andā€”"
You have the wherewithal to be a little bit sheepish when he turns to you, mouthing the words back.Ā 
"It wasā€”," you start, shrugging. A touch embarrassed. A little flustered. It suits you, he finds. You wear it like an endearing garment. "It was just a joke, but kids take everything so literally, and so nowā€”"
"Mind, body, heart, and soul!"Ā 
More little stomps. A pout forms. Wobbles. He bends down before the tears fall, gentle as he thinks he can be (and gentler some, because if parenthood has taught him anything, it's that his patience for a little being that picked him, that looked at him and said, you, you, you; I want you, is infinite) he places his hands on trembling shoulders, and tries to soothe the pain that etches in glossy eyes. Hand bearish and uncertain, but quivering from holding back, from offering nothing in this moment except liquid adoration and unfettered devotion. He feels it writ across the lines in his face.
"It's alright," he gruffs, and then hides a wince when the boney, fragile shoulders beneath his hands tense, shake. Soft as smoke, he adds: "we'll find the bastardā€”"
"ā€”the bear."
A sniffle. "His name is Mister Bear and I love him to the moon and back."
It melts him in ways he never expected. Unthaws tundric parts of himself he thought were lost to permafrost; empty and void of life. It cracks, shatters. He moves, tugging the little body wracked with sobs tight to his chest as if he means to tuck them between his rib cage where they'll stay, a little bird safe and sound and untouched by the uglier parts of the world that wants to maim and hurt. Gentle shushes fall from his lips. Clumsy affection he doesn't know how to give but will learn if it means he can whisper the same wordsā€”to the moon and backā€”until his throat rots and his words turn to ash. Until his bones are brittle and weary, and the earth reclaims his life.Ā 
He says them, then, stilted and unsure, but firm. Heavy.Ā 
"Love you, little bird," he rasps, lips pressing tight to a plump cheek. "Now let's find that Bastarā€”" ahem! "ā€”bear. That bear. Okay?"
The bastard was in a pile of rubbish by the side of the road. His ear was lost to the many washes he went through to rid the stench of trash and cat piss from his fur.Ā 
You'd scrubbed the bear in the sink before, it's little dungarees hung up to dry in the garden. He startled you, then, when his hands wrapped around your middle, tugging you tight to his chest. Your ring caught, cutting a clean stripe through the one beady it had left.Ā 
He paid it little mind at the time, too busy nipping the nape of your neck as you offered weak protests that fell apart when you arched into him. Pretty and wanting.Ā 
"Maybe another?" He'd rasped into your ear, eyes drifting down to the ugly, sodden bear in the sink. "Call up the stork and have one delivered tomorrow, mm?"
"You're ridiculous," you huffed but it wasn't no.Ā 
And it wasn't meant to be, either. He was called away three days later, the words murmured out while you stitched up the misshapen mess of a teddy bear in the living room. Patient to a fault, you'd simply smiled at him, taut and painful around the edges, and said, be safe.Ā 
The announcement of his departure wasn't nearly as smooth, though. A tantrum, fraught with heavy sobs and howled no's seemed to threaten to topple the house down over them all.Ā 
But you'd spoken words he couldn't hear, and moon-shaped eyes turned to him, fogged over with tears. There was acceptance buried in the webbing nebula, but it was shaky. Tenuous.Ā 
Childish hands hold him tight before he leaves. "Mr Bear always keeps me safe.
The sentiment was overlooked at the time. A passing murmur that was lost in the shuffle of packing, leaving. Kisses and whispered worries in the middle of the night.Ā 
But he thinks about it now, and tries not to laugh.Ā 
At the bottom of the box is a note. He'll keep you safe, too! Love you to the moon and back.
He tucks the bear into his breast pocket where it'll be the safest on this journey, and wonders what you thought about the whole mess. It makes his lips curl.Ā 
Halfway across the world, and they still make him smile.Ā 
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murfpersonalblog Ā· 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Claudia
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Please--Y'ALL owe Claudia an apology!
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Wicked Stepfather Armand has entered the chat!
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Not Santiago being a better support system than Louis, I CANNOT.
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Foreshadowing as usual, go awf. (Also: does Claudia live with the coven now?)
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I cannot BELIEEEEEVE they have me about to LIKE Santiago of all people. My daughter needs a friend--did it HAVE to be this buffoon!?
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Of all people, did it HAVE to be a Nazi sympathizer, AMC? šŸ˜©
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They're slow-burning us with Claudeleine, and I really wanna like someone not from this effing coven, so chop chop, AMC! šŸ˜…
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These Yellow Dress (TM) jumpscares are gonna HOSPITALIZE me!
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2 years since Claudia & Madeleine first met, ok. 1947ish?
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PLEASE don't gas her up to go and do something stupid.
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Oh god no, my Memnoch PTSD war flashbacks! Lestat & Claudia have waaaaay too much in common! (Did Claudia ever get a period, even? I was 14 when I got my first one, so she very well could've died not having had one.) Run, Madz! XD (How the heck did she just sit there in a pool of her own blood like that though? God, life before maxi pads with wings must've been MESSY--I'd kms.)
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Didn't Louis JUST tell you he doesn't like the way you treat his daughter?
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Why're y'all always YELLING!? That's how you're gonna get caught, always talking about vamp stuff in friggin public!
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Um...NO ONE'S noticed the child abuse happening TWO FEET in front of you?
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I commend how they're REALLY fleshing Armand out, making him more complex and multidimensional. But he's not beating the Wicked Stepfather allegations.
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Pot meet kettle. At least she's out there looking--Lou's the type to just mope at home for another 6-7 years.
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OOHHHHHH.She's who he was yelling at in the trailer! O_O (There he goes again with that nasty "Yeah, go get in the hole!" attitude from Ep1.) You just KNOW he's been holding that outburst back ever since S01E05--she left him LONG ago, and Lou NEVER recovered. But neither of them are exactly what the other needs. Louis wants/needs a HUSBAND, but he NEVER really "left" his daughter--she's the one who insisted on being "sister." In his head he never thinks of her that way. She ghosted him for 7 years while he was worried sick about her (as a runaway child, I'm 100% team Claudia, but omg my mom whined & complained about it, so I get the other side, even though I don't particularly CARE). She picked the coven, she was even ready to pick that Revenant! But Lou put her in the line of fire over & over--he let Les harass & abuse her; Armand disrespect & humiliate & exploit her; he let her walk into the lion's den not knowing their secret had LONG been blown. Like wtf.
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šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ She'll always be her parents' daughter. šŸ’”
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Omg--Santiago's gonna read all that at the Trial. EFF! That's her very first diary after she was turned! The flowery one's the diary she had when she met Charlie, so at least Santiago doesn't have that ammo. But he's got her Kill Book with Les' blood! šŸ˜±
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He knows everything about how/why "Uncle Les" made her. This is BAD. U_U
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thekinkyleopard Ā· 1 year
The Gathering
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A group Non-Canon Fic (LONG!)
Ft: Alistar, Remi, Biziil, Rexar, Kriia and Meeko
āš ļøContent Warningāš ļø
Contagion, Uhā€¦germ rolling?, Teasing, Fluff
Description: The Anti-Christ has been up to his usual antics, but now heā€™s craving something new. He wants excitement. He goes looking for it, and it coincidentally enough, seems to work outā€¦or does it?
Snz Color Key:
Authorā€™s Notes: Hey Guys! A little bird has told me they want some Al sneeze and Iā€™ve decided to make it happen! Also bare with me on the cover art, Geez is busy and Iā€™m impatient so I just snipped the teaser for now šŸ˜… I donā€™t wanna talk about it šŸ„² šŸ˜‚ anyway! Enjoy!
Alistar has gotten bored of soul collecting, and life ruining. He needs something new. Heā€™s been on earth for a few years now, and heā€™s expanded his horizons a few ways, by making friends. Kind of. If you could call half of them that. Whoā€™s he kidding, they all secretly love him. However, he was feeling, melancholy, bored, missing something. He had watched so many of his mates come down with colds and messy sneezing afflictions. He wanted that. What did it feel like? To be out of control of your bodily functions? He only felt like he had met that feeling in sex, when he reaches orgasm and that electric shock tingles through every cell in your body. He had to imagine it was something like that, but for some reason it brought those afflicted, suffering. It seemed less than suffering to him.
Step one; Find someone sick. Which wasnā€™t hard to do in a friend group where many are cursed with poor health and immunities. Al sent everyone a text.
ā€œHey Hruā€ and though some went unanswered, he did get one back from the little mutt.
ā€œBringing some cold medicine by Leeā€™s, Remi is sick again, why?ā€ the demon snickered. No wonder he didnā€™t hear from either the cat or wolf. Typical, the man was a walking virus. He knew that would be his best bet. However, getting into their space while Remi is unwellā€¦might be a tad more difficult to achieve than he originally planned. Itā€™s fine. The wolf wouldnā€™t be able to strangle him into a one way ticket to hell, being less than 100% condition. Heā€™ll risk it. Without texting Draeko back, the mutt feeling a bit annoyed that the demon bothered him for no reason. Al got his keys and made his way to the Conderson House.
Parking in the driveway, he had stopped at the store with all kinds of different goodies he could use to charm the two, less than friendly, acquaintances of his. He got out of his car with the bag of care items in one clutched fist, he approached the front door, knocking for once. Maybe it would make them feel a bit less apprehensive sending him away. Shortly, the door opened and there standing was the freckled face cat.
ā€œAlistar?ā€ He asked confused, raising an eyebrow as he looked the demon up and down, taking note of the bag in his hands. ā€œWhat are you doing here?ā€ It was never usually good when the red head showed up, so Levi was more or less on guard.
ā€œHeard the wolf is sick, thought Iā€™d bring some stuff and help out,ā€ shrugging his shoulders. Levi narrowed his eyes. This was unlike the other. He didnā€™t care. He didnā€™t help. He didnā€™t nurse. What was his angle?
ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ The cat asked now with great apprehension.
ā€œWhat??? Why do I have to want something to help out my dear sick friend, Remi? You offend me so,ā€ smiling to sell the image he was clearly trying to provide. Levi wasnā€™t buying it even more than he had been previously.
ā€œAl, please, he is not in the mood to deal with any of your clown behavior, you can leave the stuff and go back home,ā€ the leopard went to reach for the bag of items the demon brought, however, it only left access for the redhead to slip inside.
ā€œI wonā€™t be long, donā€™t worry,ā€ snickering in an almost unnoticeably menacing way. Truthfully, Levi was just too busy closing the door and trying to brace himself for the irritation that was soon to be fogging up the entire house. Al stepped into the bedroom where Remi was splayed across the bed in only a pair of boxers. Sniffling and loosely wiping his arm across his reddened and chapped nostrils. ā€œNnnnā€¦ā€ the wolf groaned as he rubbed his nose in hard circles soft clicks echoing off his face.
ā€œHey buddy, you look like shit!ā€ The demon chuckled as he dumped the contents of the bag onto the floor at the wolfā€™s bedside. Speaking of, his pale green eyes shot open and immediately looked to the intruder.
ā€œWhat the actual fuck are you doing here?ā€ He growled low in his sore throat trying to avoid coughing through the angry response. Alistar stood back, giving a performance of offense as he touched his chest with his open palm.
ā€œIs that ANY WAY to treat your friend?? I brought you supplies! Snacks! Drugs! Wellā€¦the boring oneā€¦ I brought you edibles!ā€ He now gestured to all the things he had just previously dumped onto the floor.
ā€œGreat, now leave,ā€ followed with a rough, hoarse cough that ripped through the manā€™s already pained throat. It felt like daggers going in and out his esophagus every time. He groaned lowly, his face twisting, nose clenching and scrunching as he was trying to stifle in the prickling tickles that threatened to over power the conversation with each flex of his jaw.
Al stood a bit closer immediately trying to waft the sprayed contagion that entered the air as the larger black haired man had expelled his coughs into open air.
ā€œStop that, freak,ā€ Remi glared harder at the strange demon as he wiped his mouth. Alistar more or less ignored the statement as he collected the balled up tissues sprawled about the space within the bedroom. ā€œWhat the fuck are you -hdā€™ISCHhh, hh'IETSHā€™UE!ā€¦!?ā€ The wolf tried defensively sitting up, but exploded into a loud powerful series of sneezes that caused his whole body to tremble, his hands trembling, bringing them to his face in a panic. Trying to cover himself, hating that the demon was here to see him like this.
ā€œIā€™m just cleaning! Uncle fuckinā€™ Christ, man, worry about that illness of yours,ā€ the red head shook his head slowly, almost with joking solemness followed by a humored chuckle. Remi sighed deeply throwing his head back against the headboard to fight between his deteriorating health and the obnoxiously strange demon collecting his trash.
ā€œLeeeeeave!ā€ He groaned snatching up Leviā€™s pillow and hucking it over violently at the quick moving demon. Who eventually threw his hands up in defense.
ā€œCan you do that again though? One more time?ā€ He waggled his eyebrows suggestively before another pillow was thrown directly into his face with a PFFD! It then fell to the floor with an almost silent thud. ā€œOkay! Okay! Iā€™m leaving! Shit!ā€ Mumbling as he snatched up his now refilled bag of used goods and shuffled with haste out through the bedroom door. Levi stood in the living room, looking at Alistar with an apprehensive gaze. ā€œSomeone is a sore anal cavity today,ā€ the red head chuckled as he shot a wink toward the cat. Whom in turn rolled his bright ceruleans.
ā€œYou want me to take that bag of yuck?ā€ Already starting to reach forward in Alā€™s direction, but was quickly met with retaliation, the demon recoiled from Leviā€™s grasp.
ā€œNo! Uhā€¦I got itā€¦sā€™fine!ā€ Chuckling nervously, he scratched the back of his neck before awkwardly shuffling his way now to the front door. ā€œThanks for letting me stop by!ā€ Waving frantically before he disappeared altogether and began racing his way to his car.
Levi, inside, walked toward the bedroom and looked out the large window that overlooked their property. Remi sat up now as well. ā€œWhy did he take all that trashā€¦?ā€ The wolf asked with confusion as he sniffled loudly, rubbing his nose with a new piece of the throw away cloth.
ā€œNo ideaā€¦ā€ the leopard muttered back but continued to watch through the window, while Al scrambled into his car, and proceeded to dump the bagā€™s contents over his head. Grabbing handfuls of the used trash and rubbing it across his face. Levi looked over at Remi, who too was watching and they equally shared a silent, but confused gaze.
Alistar on the other hand was now stuffing tissues in his nose, huffing them through his open mouth, and just overall being a gross menace. Once he felt that he was satisfyingly submerged in germs and ick, he started up his car and headed home, leaving the two stunned silent and with millions of unanswered questions.
The Next Day
Alistar woke up with a pounding headache, his body hot, sticky, like heā€™d been sitting in a sauna. He sat up and pressed his palm to his forehead. ā€œDear Grandpa Godā€¦.what the actual fuckā€¦ā€ groaning lowly in his newly sore throat. This was an experience he had never felt in his entire existence. His entire body was stiff, almost entirely impossible to move. Managing to muster any strength within his aching bones, Al came to a stand and slowly stumbled his way into the bathroom, flicking the light on and met face to face with a gruesome reflection. ā€œOh, Unholy shitā€¦ I look worse than I feel,ā€ he mustered up a sore chuckle before it followed with a hacking cough. ā€œAck!ā€ He cleared his throat, trying to fight over the uncontrollable urges building within his now awakened body.
Though most would find this current state of being completely de habilitating and check out for the next few days, Al was fueled by the aching that throbbed behind the cells of his vessel. Suddenly, an entirely new, foreign feeling started to prickle at the inside of his nostrils, trailing down his throat. He swallowed once, and twitched his pierced nose back and forth. Nothing would soothe and he found himself squinting under the harshness of the bathroom lighting. ā€œHā€™hā€¦ā€ he stuttered, his breath catching in his throat as he begged to swallow it. ā€œW-Wha-HEhHā€™eEZSCHhhā€™iiEW!!ā€
It came exploding out of the anti-Christ at lightening speed, he hadnā€™t time to cover as a mess of saliva came splashing across the bathroom mirror. He sniffled loudly and hung over the sink weakly, each hand on both sides of the counter to hold him up. ā€œFuckā€¦ā€ he gasped with a raspy voice, his eyes leaking and nose starting to drip. ā€œOh shitā€¦ā€ he stumbled around and grabbed a towelette hanging from the little golden ring on the wall. He slid his nose over it and tried to relieve himself of some of the wetness that polluted him as he grinned with bright satisfaction. ā€œSo thatā€™s what thatā€™s likeā€¦ā€ he bit his lower lipā€¦interesting. There has to be someone he could play with in this condition.
It took most of whatever strength he had left in him to move himself out the bathroom and through the halls. He searched Draeā€™s room, nothing. Kanaiā€™s room? Also nothing. Living room, kitchenā€¦ ā€œSeriously? None of my toys are home?ā€ He clicked his tongue with irritation as he scanned the small home. ā€œFine, Iā€™ll just find some,ā€ he grabbed his keys and he was on his way to find some trouble with his new found virus. Who knows what could happen.
On the other side of town, Alistar found himself quite at a loss. It seemed no one wanted to come near him as he sniveled and sniffed. It seemed that majority of citizens look at him as if he said something offensive, and walk very quickly away. He didnā€™t understand why no one else wanted to join him with such glorious displeasure of bodily suffering. He snorted a glob of snot from the base of his sinuses down his throat to avoid hacking it out. When a flash of familiar white and red hair caught his attention at a near by cafe he happened upon. He looked over, there they were. His friends. Rexar, Biziil, Meeko, Kriia and Remi all at one table. Where were the others? He wondered silently to himself.
ā€œIā€™m tellinā€™ you bro, dude, male hummingbirds are like MAD horny cause they got hella testosterone, I read it online,ā€ Rex went on and on about the most random of facts that he had recently absorbed, while on another 14 hour acid trip, doom scrolling online.
ā€œNature is so beautiful,ā€ Biz shook his head with a softened smile still finding the appreciation for the world and how it moves to grow and evolve. Meeko, however, looked over at her boyfriend and giggled almost unable to hold the childish expression written on her face.
ā€œItā€™s something thatā€™s for sureā€¦ā€ the ginger haired girl swung her feet, more or less keeping the inappropriate jokes to herself as she was seated on top of the table itself. Remi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
ā€œNature is weird as fuck, and now I will never unknow that dude hummingbirds are just Perma horny,ā€ the wolf also shook his head, but almost solemnly, as if this news really, genuinely, sat uncomfortably with him.
ā€œHonestly, good for them,ā€ Kriia laughed openly, which then gave Meeko the courage to giggle loudly right along side her. The boys shaking their heads with softened smirks at the two immature women.
Slowly, Alistar approached the congregation of friends, blackened hands in his pockets as he came to a halt at the perimeter. ā€œWell Hello there, crew, what arā€¦huhā€¦HIā€™Hā€¦HEhHā€™eEZSCHhhā€™iiEW!!ā€ The demon sneezed outwardly onto the middle of the group, causing them all to recoil quickly and cover their own faces. A fine mist floating amongst them. Al breaking into a fit of coughs now.
ā€œFucking, ew, dude,ā€ Remi glared hard at the red head scooting his whole chair back at least a foot from the table itself now. ā€œI literally just got better, donā€™t even look at me with whatever weird, super demon virus you have,ā€ the wolf looked disgusted, his emerald eyes narrowed and glaring daggers down at the sick cretin.
"Whoa, Al are you sick? I didn't think that was possible!" Meeko looked genuinely shocked, almost curious enough to inspect him closely but deciding it would be best to stay away. Al sniffled and slid his hand lazily over his dripping nose.
"It's fibe, I'm fibe...oh...no, my voide id weird now...." the redhead furrowed his brows.
"Yeah, I think you may need to go home and lay down..." Biz said cautiously, also taking a slow up and down look at the male. "You look terrible,"
"Yeah like a pile of dog shit run over, twice," Rex chuckled sparking up a joint with the snap of his index and thumb. "But if you manage to feel better later dude, you should come to my show! I'm spinnin out at the theatre, my family owns the venue so we can get hella rowdy," a cocky, charismatic smirk spread clear across his face, while everyone else's fell. Did he just invite the visibly ill demon to the show? In a small venue? Packed like sardines?
"Dawg...seriously?" Remi looked over at Rex, being the only one brave enough to actually speak up before Al could accept the invitation. Kriia shrugs her shoulders and puts a hand on the wolf's back.
"In his defense, he did say if Al felt better," the redheaded female spoke matter of factly, but still with an air of gentleness to defend her mateā€™s careless action.
"Yeah exactly, thanks babe," he winked at his girlfriend giving her a soft purse of his lips as if to kiss her from afar before taking another long dramatic drag of his jay. Alistar cleared his throat and stood his ground, shaking his head back and forth regardless how lightheaded that action made him feel, he cleared his throat to gain some composure.
"I'm fine! What time tonight? I'll definitely slide through," shrugging off the loving embrace of his illness to convince the rest of them he was actually completely fine. More than half of them, audibly groaned, Biz slapped his palm over his face.
ā€œ8pm sharp, thatā€™s when I go on and rock everyoneā€™s world,ā€ he chuckled releasing a cloud of smoke in the wake of his excitement. He really just wanted to try and get a huge gathering going, he wanted as many people to see him as possible. He believed music could heal. Even if his music was of special taste.
ā€œI wouldnā€™t miss it,ā€ Al smirked as he pulled up a chair only for Biz to stop him, coming full stand and pressing an open palm to the demonā€™s chest.
ā€œGo. Take. Meds. Rest. Youā€™re not gonna hang around us and give us your disease, youā€™ll give it to my little bug here, and sheā€™ll pass it to our love at home, and then Iā€™m stuck nursing their weak immune systems back to health,ā€ the two men furrowed their brows at each other, but Biz easily towered the redhead. Al grumbled and stepped back from the chair only for Kriia to speak up.
ā€œAh, come on Bizzy, what if he just stays within 6 feet of little Crickers here,ā€ Meeko snapped her gaze to look at Kriia. She hated the nickname her brother gave her, she hated it worse when his friends used it. She folded her arms and huffed but remained relatively silent on the matter. Biz now narrowed his grey brows again at the female who put her hands up defensively. ā€œJust trynaā€™ be accommodating my bad,ā€ snickering at how serious the bear got.
ā€œCome oooon Bizā€¦ā€ Al pleaded with his watery eyes, dripping nose and chapped lips not selling his argument any further.
ā€œNo, go home,ā€ the silver haired man sat back down in his seat, knowing full well the demon wouldnā€™t challenge him any further.
ā€œYouā€™re a dickā€¦.Iā€™ll remember this,ā€ the anti-Christ squinted at the large man, who made eye contact over with Remi.
ā€œAm I a dick, brother?ā€ The polar bear asked his in law from across the table, who could only return the gaze with a hefty chuckle and shrug of his own large shoulders.
ā€œYou? A dick? Laughable,ā€ his glowing emeralds moving slowly to gaze at the pouting dragon that could only cross his arms with annoyance and defeat.
ā€œYouā€™re all gonna be sorry,ā€ quickly lifting two fingers up to his own Ruby red orbs, and pointing it back out to the group in front of him. ā€œDonā€™t say I didnā€™t warn you,ā€ he tried to smirk, he tried to be his usual catty, elusive and sneaky self but his threats were followed in a violent series of coughs and yet another loud sneeze. ā€œHhā€™HeSHHā€™IEW!!ā€
ā€œAlright man, well, weā€™ll see you at the show then,ā€ Rex finally having checked back into the conversation after getting lost in his phone scrolling for a moment. He wasnā€™t too interested in the mindless squabbles. The rest of them looked at the pyro like heā€™d just farted amongst them. Yet, Alistar turned on his heels and went to lick is contagiously ill wounds.
Later that Nightā€¦
Rex was already behind the theatre, getting ready for his performance while the crowd piled in. Stage management making sure the jockey table was set up right. It was definitely a full house, and he probably could have anticipated it, but he was always shocked regardless. Biz, Meeko, and Kriia were all up front, securing their spot while Remi went to grab them drinks. ā€œBear, these shoesā€¦are already starting to kill meā€¦ā€ the ginger haired girl complained, the heels she chose to wear out to the event were starting to make her feet throb.
ā€œDo you want to go up on my shoulders, mouse?ā€ He asked already turning to grab her by her waist.
ā€œHmm,ā€ she looked down at the floor, trying to gauge the level of sanitation, and figured it couldnā€™t be that bad. ā€œItā€™s okay, baby, can you just put my shoes in your backpack?ā€ Already starting to unstrap them to hand over. Biz smiled softly and nodded, reaching out to let her hand them to him before he stuck them in his black Jansport.
ā€œBetter?ā€ He asked her while she stood there for a bit but as she lifted and stepped her feet a few times, he was met with a look of disgust.
ā€œMmh..ā€ she sort of muttered uncomfortably trying to hide the fact she was regretting this mistake upon realizing the floor feltā€¦.sticky.
ā€œHere, mouse,ā€ Biz bent down and took off his own captain laced boots, now standing in his socks and handing her his shoes. She grinned at him with a brightness that always brought him straight to his knees. A soft dust of pink fell over his cheeks and nose as he looked at her lovingly.
ā€œThank you, Bear,ā€ hurriedly she slipped them on and tied them tightly so they wouldnā€™t slide off. Despite their naturally tight fit, the shoes were significantly bigger, however they worked out way better than the previous solutions.
ā€œAbsolutely, darling,ā€ he leaned down to kiss her lips with a tenderness, a display that caused the red headed girl next to them to audibly respond.
ā€œYou guys are disgustingly adorable,ā€ Meeko blushed brightly and grinned clinging tightly to her large partnerā€™s arm. Biziil could only look down at his girl, enthralled by everything she did.
ā€œThanks Krii!ā€ The orangette giggled before the lights started to go down, and the crowd began to push in. Remi slowly squeezed in from behind the group, shoving people with his knees as his hands were full of drinks.
ā€œHere,ā€ he grumbled, though it went unheard, the intro music starting to blare through the crowd. The group each took their respective drinks, began to sip on them as they awaited Rex to start his set. Remi slid next to Kriia in the front row, his hands grasping the barricade as the sea of people started to sway around them. The stage lights started to shine and change different colors against the performance area, the stage screen starting to display animated characters flashing to the beat of the music. The jockey table displayed as a matching puzzle piece to the main screen showing. Everyone began to cheer when the screens matched up to Rexā€™s artist logo. Meeko and Kriia both screaming and jumping with excitement. Biz and Remi remained in a stoic stance as they drank their beverages, stealing a glance at each other in response to the reactions of the women. Smirking at one another.
Unbeknownst to them, figuring he hadnā€™t healed up, Alistar was late to sliding through the entrance and security. He had a few too many items in his pockets against theatre rules. Grumbling angrily between sniffles and rubbing his nose with aggressive fervor, that his weed, pills, vodka flask and switchblade were all confiscated in order to enter. He almost went home. However, it was fine, he still had some stuff, hidden. Heavily bagged eyes scanned through the crowd, finding Biz, the tallest in the building up front with the rest of the crew. ā€œTargets acquired,ā€ the demon snickered loosely that followed with a loud and obscenely large spray of mess. ā€œHEHHā€™DZSCHhā€™iEEW!!ā€ Offending a few close by fans that became casualty to his sick. He could only audibly ā€œSNNDDFF,ā€ with a sly, charismatic grin at those he had wronged within the crowded space. Those of them having seen the shit eating expression, rolled their eyes.
Alistar started to move his way through the crowd which wasnā€™t hard, anyone who gave him an issue, took one good look at him and immediately wanted nothing to do with him. He looked worse than he had earlier in the day, his skin visibly glistening with sweat, darker grey than it had ever been, one eye completely blackened, the other his sclera black and iris still red. A terrifying face to be confronted with in a dark venue for many reasons.
The demon moved fast through the people and up to the back of the crew going relatively unnoticed as Rex came into set and began to raise his hands up, flames shooting from his fingers. ā€œLetā€™s, FUCKING, GO!!!!ā€ He shouted before launching into his first song as the music blared wildly, and bodies began to collide and crash together, Al took his opportunity. He hovered behind Biz and Meeko at first, the two were glued together and managing to get pickled right behind the both of them was honestly better than Al could ask for. He focused his darkened eyes and concentrated on the bright lights flickering about that eventually brought back that tickling, and thrilling sensation from moments ago. Oh it was coming, it was going to be a big one, his nose dripping already with anticipation as it hitched up through his sinuses to front and center. ā€œHihā€™AESSSHHā€™UE! SHHā€™UH! TCH-SHIEWW!ā€ A short series of loud bursts came flying out of his open maw, but between the two sweating and the loud music, it went passed the coupleā€™s ability to hear anything but filthy trap music. His bacterium floating within their spacing, Meeko consuming it within her unknowingly as she gasped to sing what lyrics she knew and the music itself, had. She was bouncing in her place, as Biz tried to cling to her side, his eyes fixated on the moving images on each screen unaware of the illness being spread quickly through both of them.
Despite the sound, and going undetected, both parties did feel the fine mist of saliva that hit their exposed parts of flesh, but thought nothing of it but maybe a spilled drink. Neither turned to notice the demon, nor that he was mouth breathing so openly behind them as the sudden force from the sneezes, lack of oxygen and lights were having an effect on his flesh vessel.
ā€œShitā€¦ā€ he gasped out loud to himself as he held his head in his palm. He could only grin. ā€œYouā€™re a tough little virus, arenā€™t you?ā€ He thought to himself internally. Never mind that his vessel felt weakened, he allowed the dizziness only to fuel his desires. While the first half of the set he hovered over the unsuspecting couple, to make sure they were well marinated. Who knows if his plan would even come to be fruitful, as most times they were hit or miss. Yet, he wouldnā€™t squander the opportunity to at least make an attempt at his dreams. After all, thatā€™s what being on earth was all about, no?
A few times the demon found himself having to duck behind others, trying to avoid being spotted by Remi when heā€™d leave and return with drink refreshments, which wasnā€™t terribly hard to do. The wolf wasnā€™t as entirely clever as Levi in spaces like these and wouldnā€™t go looking for someone ducked within the space of people in the crowd. His anxiety usually caused him to avoid most things. Something the demon has noted long ago. Once the coast was clear he just had to maintain a low profile, behind the large raven haired man. Shouldnā€™t be too hard. Kriia was definitely distracted enough, occasionally flashing Rex during his set. Rex couldnā€™t really see anyone past Kriia who knew just where to stand to be visible under the lights of his set blinding him. He smirked as he continued to perform. Alā€™s jaw fell open and his eyes watered over, spilling tears down his cheeks. His body prickled in goosebumps while a sharp gasp was the last thing he could control before he sneezed again, ā€œHihā€™AESSSHHā€™ue!!ā€ just to the side of the woman, unnoticeably, another cloud of speckled spit ghosted through the atmosphere. Alistar sniffled, wiping his nose across his arm.
Remi was however, side eyeing the crowd, and had been, three drinks in he started to notice the swift flashes of red butā€¦thatā€™s Kriia? Right? On occasion he heard the slight snuffle of a stuffed nose coming from his right ā€¦no? His left? It caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up, desperate to lose himself in the music like everyone else. Yet, he couldnā€™t shake this feeling there was something hovering them.
Alistar, ducking back and forth, completely obtuse to the music just trying to keep himself from falling over and also being seen by the ever so observant man. ā€˜God, canā€™t he ever just chill the fuck out? I just want to get him sick, whatā€™s the big deal? Just enjoy your music, stop worrying about whatā€™s behind you, asshole,ā€™ the demon thought internally in between snuffles and throat ripping coughs. He didnā€™t need to keep his volume down, the speakers were set close to front row. His actions all drowned out as he continued to skip back and forth between them all. He traced a finger down the center of Meekoā€™s back, and she shuddered, suddenly feeling very cold, almost woozy. She tried shaking it off, the feeling of a light touch caused her to stir, however she could only assume it was Bizzy just being affectionate. She pushed closer into the large man who wound up enveloping her, as the ginger haired woman now stood in front of the large bear man.
ā€œBuzzkill,ā€ Alistar thought as his access to the small woman was blocked. Itā€™s fine, it would all be fine this was only the beginning. The set was coming to a close, Rex announcing he had two songs left. That meanā€™t the anti-Christ only had a few moments before theyā€™d all meet up back stage in the dressing room. Biz sniffled, not really noticing the sudden feeling inside his nose, and Meeko the same. Kriia was feeling hotter than she normally would at a show, but Remi, he was the only one seemingly fine as he downed a 4th drink.
The demon just couldnā€™t get a proper in on the wolf, anytime he would get close, the large man just knew something was beside him. How was he going toā€¦.oooh he knew how. Pulling out of his sock was a single muscle relaxer, it would be enough to keep the larger from getting too violent. Donā€™t ask why the demon consistently carried different types of drugs on him. He just did. He crouched silently trying to stifle his sneezes and coughs, his focus completely on taking the large male off guard. He just needed him to look away from the drink for a second.
As Rex announced his last song, Remi finally decided maybe he would cut loose, they got this far into the set with no issues, why would there be any now? His drink hand lowered at his side while he rocked his head back and forth, eyes closed shut as he absorbed the music. This was his entrance, Al quickly lurched forward and dropped the pill into Remiā€™s awaiting beverage, it dissolved quickly mixing within the substance undetected, Al slid back and disappeared to the other side now. The lights continued to flash crazy, and the crowd pushed up against each other, Remi quickly lifting his drink to save it from spilling. Scoffing before deciding to just chug the rest and call it a night, tossing the cup onto the already dirty floor.
Alistar snickered with a lose and flemmy cough to follow. He decided to slide his way through the crowd and to the side of the audience, closest to where theyā€™d be going to meet Rex in the back. He wanted to see all their faces when they realize heā€™d been in the sea of people with them. His irritated nose was still sopping and full, it throbbed on his face and he tried to desperately rub at it to soothe the irritating sting. ā€œNot now, nosey! We have to save it! We have important plans for these germsā€¦.ā€ As he spoke, he was just out of range of speakers to be heard by a stranger. Who he looked over to make eye contact with. He stared at the human, that blinked with confusion toward him. Alistar blinked his own crimson eyes as they stood in awkward silence.
ā€œForget I said anything,ā€ his Ruby orbs now glowing brightly as the stranger now looked to have seen a ghost, but after a few moments, he blinked and looked around himself.
ā€œHey bro, you seen the merch table?ā€ Suddenly asking the demon, whoā€™s eyes had stopped shining at this point.
ā€œOver there,ā€ pointing a slender finger in the opposite direction to earn a nod and a lift of the other manā€™s index and middle to fashion a peace sign.
ā€œThanks bro,ā€ seemingly forgetting about the sickly plotting Alistar had been doing just moments before. As the stranger made his journey away from Al, the red head waited patiently while the set came to an end and people started to clear out.
ā€œItā€™s time,ā€ Al snickered, moving his spindly legs through the venue and into the back area where he would meet a very sweaty and exhausted Rex, already sparking a joint as he walked down the stage stairs.
ā€œDuuuuude! You made it!ā€ Rex slapped the demon on his shoulder and grinned, taking a long hit off his joint and blowing it within the space between them, shoveling them both into the dressing room.
ā€œI did indeed, friend, it was a very good show, energetic,ā€ smirking to himself as he looked around the room to partake in any free refreshments. Only finding a buffet of different energy drinks, alcohols, mixers and candy. The redhead blinked but turned around to meet Rex face to face, almost startling him. ā€œOhā€¦ā€
ā€œHey thanks!! You feelin any better dawg? You still look pretty shit,ā€ noticing that Alā€™s scleras eyes were now entirely black, large purple bags floating under his eyes.
ā€œNah, but I wasnā€™t going to miss the first home show, come on now,ā€ winking towards the pyro before a tight breath caught in his throat. ā€œI-Uh..Hhā€™HhEhhā€¦ā€ at this same moment Alistar struggled to keep his secret sauce contained, Biz, Meeko, Kriia and Remi all came walking in. And the second Meeko toddled herself inside, and the door closed behind her? ā€œHEHā€™EZSCHhā€™IEW!ā€ And almost like a bomb was set off in the room, everyone else started to realize just how poorly they were starting to feel, Remi catching a face full of Alā€™s release. Immediately the wolf closes his eyes and brings his arm up to defend himself as a reflex, but itā€™s already too late.
ā€œFucking SICK, dude, why are you even HERE?? I should beatā€¦ā€ but as the raven haired male raised his fist to sock the shit eating grin right off Alā€™s smug face, his arm collapsed and he found himself much weaker, like all his muscles were asleep. He furrowed his brows. ā€œWhat the fuck?ā€
There was a click on the other side of the door, Kanai locking the only way in and out of that room , from the outside, sitting on the floor. ā€œOkay Donnie, doorā€™s locked,ā€ Biz turned around quickly to shoot a look at the door and then back at Al.
ā€œAlistar, what are you doing?ā€ His voice suddenly very stern, Meeko gripped the large manā€™s arm and buried her fevering face into it.
ā€œHnnnā€¦ā€ Bizā€™s eye twitched as he heard his girlfriend groan in discomfort, he knew that sound, he narrowed his eyes tighter.
ā€œHey, you all made ME feel like YOU GUYSā€¦Snndfffā€¦DONT WANT ME AROUND!ā€ Swiping the underside of his nose with the back of his hand. ā€œI donā€™tā€¦Hhā€™ā€¦ā€
ā€œPlease cover your mouth, Al,ā€ Biz sighed shaking his head, palm on his forehead as he tried to massage the incoming headache.
ā€œHā€™HEHhā€™DZSCHhā€™UE!!!! PssffF-TSCH!!ā€ His nose twitched and stretched as his mouth opened and fumbled against his sneeze. Bottom lip dripping as he drooled slightly, almost kind of regretting the fact he left home, cause a blowjob from his bestie sounds almost as good as this whole, revenge plan.
ā€œhAGHā€™SHHHEUhh!ā€ Now Biz was sneezing, like a sudden oncoming train it just smacked right into him. He looked almost completely bewildered. ā€œSo because we wanted you toā€¦ā€ he crunched his nose, wiggling it in tight circles to shove away, and scratch that building, insufferable, terrible itch. His whole body feeling hot. ā€œWe wanted you to stay home cause youā€™re SICK Alistar, not because we donā€™t LIKE you,ā€
ā€œI donā€™t like you,ā€ Remi admitted proudly with our hesitation. Biz sighed, trying to keep his train of thought.
ā€œā€¦.Point BEING, Most of us here donā€™t have any issues with you, Al, genuinely, we just didnā€™t also want to get sickā€¦ and nowā€¦ā€ he paused, the room starting to feel much faster now as everything spun around him, making it difficult to keep speaking.
ā€œEhā€™KSSHOO!!ā€ Meeko sneezed into the side of her large, clammy boyfriend, he shuddered, blushing as he heard the loud squeak of his sweet Princess.
ā€œOh, Darlingā€¦ā€ he looked down at her and wiped his index under her leaking nose to clear it from her softened face. Wiping his hands on his pants only to return the palm to her burning cheek.
ā€œN-no itā€™s okay I-Iā€™m Fibeā€¦ā€ sniffling weakly trying to push the attention away from her.
ā€œLook it, Al! Youā€™ve gotten us sick!ā€ Kriia shouted feeling empathetic toward the suffering couple to her left.
ā€œThis doesnā€™t explain why I canā€™t lift my fucking arms to make him go lights out!ā€ Now Remi chuffed in, angry and ready to head butt the demon if he so had to. Bite his flesh off bit by bit. He didnā€™t care.
ā€œI may have slipped you something in the crowdā€¦.ā€ The red head shrunk a few sizes as he could feel the incoming heat was about to face.
ā€œWHAT?!ā€ The wolf exploded with rage almost completely ready to do whatever means necessary.
ā€œLook, maybe I was being a liiiiittttleee irrationalā€¦but canā€™t we just enjoy this? I donā€™t know if you all noticedā€¦.but I think we can all agree, this is going to be a good timeā€¦.ā€ Al lifted his hands up in defense, slowly, inching his way behind Biziil to keep the irate man from riping him to shreds with his teeth. Though, he raised a single red eye brow to further insinuate the cheeky pleasure of sin.
ā€œYeah assumingā€¦Rex doesnā€™t set the place on fire and I donā€™t throw up because MY SISTER AND BROTHER IN LAW ARE TWO OF THE PEOPLE IN THIS ROOM,ā€ the black haired male still yelled though each time he spoke with such force, it was taking more and more out of him, and the virus only worked through his blood faster.
ā€œOkay well, itā€™s fun for me, I just thought If I could paint the illusion that itā€™s a benefit for you, we could move on from this conversation,ā€ Al shrugged his shoulders still perched behind the large polar bear man.
ā€œIā€™m going to kill him,ā€ Remi narrowed his eyes and looked up at Biziil this time.
ā€œYou canā€™t keep killing him,ā€ the larger shook his head.
ā€œBut it feels goodā€¦regardless,ā€ now looking away like a kicked puppy, he mumbled loosely.
ā€œOkay, look, Iā€™ll just have Kanai open the door, itā€™ll be fineā€¦.NAI, LET EM OUT,ā€ he grumbled almost, while still speaking loudly enough for the hell hound to hear. Yet, there was no sound to be heardā€¦silence.
Unknown to all of them, Kanai had barricaded the door, making sure it was secure just as Alistar instructed of him. However, Al did not say he could not explore the theatreā€¦and there was so much to learn about human entertainment! He couldnā€™t resist taking a peak around.
ā€œIs he ā€¦okay?ā€ Kriia asked quietly , her own features flushed, her eyes lowered not just cause sheā€™d been sharing a joint with Rex as they watched all this unfold, but she was not feeling very well, whatsoever.
ā€œā€¦Nai?!ā€ Al called out again now sweating from illness AND nerves because the longer the silence went the closer Remi inched toward the demon. In turn, Al would step two inches away every time he did. ā€œOkayā€¦soā€¦we might be trapped here for a bitā€¦ā€
ā€œBiz, are you SURE I canā€™t kill him???ā€ Out stretching his arms to try and strangle the panicking red head.
ā€œIā€™m sure, too many consequencesā€¦youā€™ll have to hear from Drae,ā€ Remi shuddered at this realization. He would. Drae chastised him every time he sent the demon back to which he came. All because that one time he didnā€™t come back. Whatever. The wolf sighed and rolled his eyes, lowered his arms and the began sitting on one of the couches provided.
ā€œGuess we just have to wait for idiot #2 to come back,ā€ he finally spoke, allowing the fire to calm into a fizzling steam within him.
ā€œHey, thatā€™s my idi-ā€¦.Hhhā€™ā€¦ā€ Alistar went to interject but found himself struggling to get it out.
ā€œOh for fucks sake can you just close your mouth!ā€ Remi shouted tossing a nearby coaster at the anti-christ. It missed him just by an instance as the demon lurched forward and dodged it by blowing out.
ā€œHIHā€™AESSSHā€™UE!ā€ He sneezed loudly, directly across him, toward the pyro, without much conscious thought to it, truthfully.
ā€œOh, godā€¦ā€ Rex wiped off his face as the spray hit him directly in the mouth. Kriia smirked, reaching over to wipe it off with her loving thumb.
ā€œJust got sneezed on by a Demon, babe, thatā€™s lowkey kind of hotā€¦ā€ the white and red haired male looked over at his girlfriend, matching her grin and shrugging it off.
ā€œGotta try everything at least once,ā€ now acting as if his intuits response wasnā€™t genuinely how he felt. However, if Kriia was into it, he was into it.
ā€œI heard that,ā€ she smirked back at him reaching up to kiss him tenderly. Their arms entangling around one another regardless of the others around them.
ā€œGuysā€¦can we be ssā€¦H-..Hhā€™RSHHā€™hiiu!!ā€ The bear snuffed loudly, taking the tissue Meeko took out of her purse to give him. ā€œThank you, Mouse,ā€ he mustered that same gentle smile he always gave her.
ā€œNini id godda be do updetā€¦ā€ she sighed shaking her head solemnly, knowing all too well their poor girlfriend was going to be shocked at their current state of health.
ā€œShe isā€¦but itā€™sā€¦ahā€™KESHhhā€™yiewā€¦just is what it isā€¦ā€ he sighed and the small ginger haired woman giggled reaching up with another tissue to dab, and wipe his leaking eyes and then poor reddening and pierced nose. Trying to be careful, and clean the metal as well to keep it from crusting over.
ā€œSā€™k we take good care ob you baby,ā€ reaching up to kiss him but she was caught by the sudden storm brewing from within her own sinuses. ā€œHAā€™AETTCCHHā€™uh!ā€ Her spit hitting Biziil directly in the middle of his once cleaned face, now undoubtedly wet again. He blushed brightly, trying to hide the fact he found it undoubtedly adorable of her to do such a thing. He cleared his throat.
ā€œOh! ..Bless youā€¦darling,ā€ Biz quickly started to dab at his face with the tissue he had clasped in his own hand, and then her face as well.
ā€œS-Sorry B-Bearā€¦I..ā€ she started to apologize but was quite swiftly cut off.
ā€œShh..itā€™s quite alright, mouse, itā€™s not your faultā€¦itā€™s his,ā€ he looked over at Al who was ogling perversely at the two, an obvious line of drool falling from the corner of his mouth before he loudly slurked it back up and looked away, clearing his scratchy throat. ā€œStop enjoying this,ā€ Biz narrowed his gaze.
ā€œI canā€™t help it! Itā€™s not my fault youā€™re all relatively sexy and now ā€¦afflicted with my demon germsā€¦itā€™s wonderful,ā€ he wiped a single tear from his eye as he felt warm and fuzzy all over.
ā€œHhā€”hEhTXSSHhhā€™ihā€¦iitā€™shHIEWā€¦FUCK!ā€ Remi cursed loudly as he sneezed despite his best attempts to keep the rest from becoming aware. Too late, stewing in this small room only a few feet from everyone around him sneezing, his own terrible immune system failing him yet again. ā€œHow the fuck did it happen so fast?!ā€
ā€œI predict the fact that I am not from hereā€¦probably mutated the virusā€¦theoreticallyā€¦of course,ā€ the red head shrugged his tired, heavy shoulders.
ā€œheTā€™CHXOO!!ā€ Rextar now but instead of a fine mist of saliva, no it was a cloud of flames, everyone quickly jumped back, Kriia only moved slightly to the side, rubbing his back gently. ā€œShiiiitā€¦sorry guys..sndfff,ā€ rubbing his nose on the back of his performance hoodie sleeve.
ā€œYou only mildly scorched the carpet, no biggie, we can pay the damages,ā€ Kriia shrugged trying to assure her boyfriend that everything was fine, minus the trapped in a room full of sick individuals that canā€™t stop sneezing, thing. Everyone looked at each other with pitiful sunken eyes, every other sound a sniffle or cough. It was roughly a 300 square ft space, it more or less, didnā€™t have a whole lot of elbow room. Everyone could be at most, 3 feet away from the other person.
ā€œDude, Iā€™m so going to kick your ass once I have full mobility,ā€ the wolf groaned, slumping in his chair with his head thrown back, thumb and index pinching the bridge of his nose. The thudding echoed from the center of his head to the rest of his body, he felt miserable, all he wanted was his little leopard, rubbing his head and making him soup. He lifted his head up enough to try and pull out his phone but it was pointless, there wasnā€™t any service in here. ā€œFuuuuuuck!!!ā€ He groaned loudly throwing his head back again but the quick motion only forced the itch back up his bridge, and tickling his throat, he bit his lower lip tightly.
Alistar grinned sliding closer to the wolf trying to be quiet but was pulled backed with a tight hand on his wrist. Turning his head he was met with another ice cold stare from Biz.
ā€œNo,ā€ the demon sighed and stood back again, crossing his arms.
ā€œSit,ā€ and though everything inside of his aching vessel screamed at him to defy the large Inuit man, he decided against it and simply sat, crossing his arms.
ā€œFine but you canā€™t stop me fromā€¦ā€ twitching and and stretching his nose with purpose before sticking his blackened index tip against the edges of his nostrils tickling it carelessly. ā€œHhahā€™AETTTSHHā€™uh!!! Hā€™ETSCHU! HNā€™CH!ā€ Loudly, proudly, like he had something to prove, which he did. Despite the fact they all realized he came to the show sick and had spread his germs on to them, and wanted out, they couldnā€™t. Theyā€™re stuck here with him. As well as the constant puffs of sickly sprays that shot from his wet lips.
ā€œStooooop!ā€ Remi groaned with an exaggerated sigh to finish it, he would kill to turn these lights off right now.
ā€œUuuggghhā€¦.ā€ Kriia wiggled a bit back and forth grabbing at her boyfriendā€™s arm. ā€œThis is too muchā€¦ā€ feeling a mixture of embarrassment as she was turned on and terribly terribly ill.
ā€œWhatā€™sā€¦ā€ but before he could get the words out..
ā€œHtā€™tchkt!!! Hhhā€™nGNxxt!ā€ It was Kriiaā€™s turn to lose control, trying to send the second into Rexā€™s other sleeve, but finding it hard to find privacy in such a position. She snuffled loudly, wiping her face loosely back and forth on the fabric. Rex blushed, brighter than his already sun kissed cheeks currently were. He tried to clear his throat, while he allowed his girlfriend to intimately release onto him and use his clothing as a rag.
ā€œB-Bless you, baby,ā€ considering maybe even just giving the demon what he wanted, a show, but he shook his head, no, not the right place or time.
ā€œOooo look at you two, see, I knew someone would enjoy this! We are making VALUABLE memories right now,ā€ he tried to pull out his phone but before he could even open the app, Remi grabbed the device in one quick swoop and hucked it across the room. It shattered against the wall.
ā€œDonā€™t be a fucking creep!ā€ The wolf practically towered over him now. Fuck he was fast. Alistar rolled his eyes and lifted his palms up in defense.
ā€œI was simply going to seeā€¦if I could contact K, that is all, I wasnā€™t up to anything and frankly Iā€™m insulted youā€™d accuse me,ā€ the two men stared each other down. Remi refused to believe his innocence.
ā€œThereā€™s no service, you know that,ā€ slanting his dulling emerald eyes even further in accusation toward the demon.
ā€œI forgot?ā€ Al raised a thin red brow before suddenly he was taken by the throat, as if his head hadnā€™t been pounding as it was, it surely increased with the lack of oxygen to his brain now as Remi squeezed his fingers around him.
ā€œForgot?? Is that a question? See? Why should we ever trus-ā€¦.ā€ His eyes widened, his grasp slightly weakened just before Biz could finish standing back up to stop the manā€¦./it/ happened.
ā€œ-hdā€™ISCHhh!! HIā€™DTSCHIEW!!ā€ Almost like granddad finally heard him, like he was calling Alistar on speed dial. ā€˜Hello my sonā€¦I grant youā€¦this blessingā€¦.ā€™
ā€œThank you, Granddadā€¦.ā€ He thought internally as a large gesture of spiddle and debris hit his entire face, Remi feeling mortified in between snuffling, he quickly let go and leaped back. Alistar realizing now, he didnā€™t think what he said, he had spoken it. Now the wolf was half across the room rubbing his nose from under his hoodie, almost feeling dirty, like he needed a hot shower.
ā€œYouā€™re fucking vile,ā€ the raven haired male glared, turning his back.
Alistar shrugged his shoulders, not even a hint of shame written on his face, but satisfaction. ā€œIā€™ve gotten what I wanted out of this, I donā€™t know about any of youā€¦ā€ he smirked before he wiped a straying trail from under his nose with the back of his hand but not the wet from Remiā€™s previous sneeze.
ā€œI mean I got to play my show and once we are out of this me and Kri are def gon-..etā€™TCHOOO! etCHXIEW!!ā€ Throwing his head in an upward direction to keep his heated blow outs from singeing anyoneā€™s eyebrows clean off their faces. Regardless, a mistral of flames spewed out of him, smoke following out his nose as he slurped loudly to contain any of his salivic mess. Kriia bit her lower lip and just continued her motions of assuring and comforting back rubs. Her nails digging every so often.
ā€œOh, you already know meā€¦ā€ licking her lips before reaching to brush a few strands of his red locks away from his tear stained white and ruby eyes. They shared a moment together, while Alistar could barely contain himself. This was more than enough mental storage for later tonight. Endless imagery. If Alistar had a choice a of favorite sneeze in the room, it was Rexā€™s, because it came with a dark edge of danger. Nothing better than a sneeze followed by, FIRE?! Are you KIDDING ME?! This was enough to last him a life time.
Just when it was starting to get good, they all collectively heard a series of thuds at the door.
ā€œAl, you done yet?ā€ Kanaiā€™s voice echoed from behind it, everyone feeling a sense of ease and relief but Al hummed lightly an index and thumb at his chin. Considerably, he could tell the hound no, and stretch this out for a painfully long time. However, he wasnā€™t sure how long it would take for the wolfā€™s blood to burn out that muscle relaxer and beat the dog shit out of him, it seemed to already be weakening. Having gotten this far alone, was a win. Best to not push his luck.
ā€œA while ago.. why the fuck did you leave post???ā€ He yelled back toward his best friend, when a moment of silence rolled by before the hound had any nerve to respond.
ā€œItā€™s a historical theatre, Al, and you didnā€™t tell me I had to man the post, just barricade the door until you said, soā€¦mind you, I did,ā€ almost a slight edge of sass to his usually monotoned communications. He was spending too much time with that bratty pet of theirs, Drae.
ā€œOkay, smartass, open the fucking door then,ā€ Al hucked his foot toward the wood, making a loud banging sound. Remi snorted, trouble in paradise. He couldnā€™t relate since he and Levi made such a good team. They heard a serious of bangs and shifts of metal against the wood when suddenly, it came swinging open.
ā€œIf I am a smart ass does that mean itā€™s a compliment? Typically oneā€™s ass does not have a brain, so therefore it has no intelligenceā€¦with that being said would tha-ā€¦.ā€ Alistar took his full blackened hand and palmed the center of Kanaiā€™s face before pushing him clear out the door frame entryway.
ā€œJust take me home,ā€ shaking his head back and forth with a roll of his tired ruby orbs. As they all relatively sighed with relief and began to walk out, Biz quickly grabbed Al by the shoulder and turned him around
ā€œHey Al?ā€ He spoke softly, almost suspiciously kind.
ā€œYeah?ā€ Al looked at the taller male, cautiously but curiously still.
ā€œI donā€™t hate youā€¦.Connie adores you, in some strange way, and I respect thatā€¦so I want you to know that despite how Remington may openly feel, me and my girls do not hate youā€¦okay? Youā€™re always welcome overā€¦ā€ the grey haired man opened his heart, and metaphorically his arms to the demon. His girl saw something in him that was more than difficult for anyone else to, but he would do anything to make amends for those thoughts that may play inside the redheadā€™s brain. If only for her.
ā€œOhā€¦uhā€¦thanks, Biziilā€¦I appreciate thatā€¦but you know, I donā€™t, really feel that way right? I was just trying to stop Remi from serving me rare to the gates of Hell,ā€ he chuckled, slightly shocked that the large man, cared about how he might feel if the group really did hate him. Regardless, they were friends of his pet, and in turn just more toys to play with. It was not important to him whether or not they liked him.
ā€œWell, whether or not it was true, I just want you to know that there are people on this plain of existence that care about youā€¦.if you ever do, start to feel, anything,ā€ the large bear followed with a chuckle, and it almost made the demon think deeply on it for a second before Meeko came stumbling out behind him.
ā€œBearā€¦hot bathā€¦homeā€¦pleeeeeaaaasssseeeā€¦.ā€ She whimpered slamming her forehead onto the middle of his back, arms slumped at her sides.
ā€œOh sweet girlā€¦as you wish,ā€ Biz quickly wrapped his strong tatted arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him before he turned to look at Al with a wink. Disappearing to the parking lot. As everyone else made their way home, Kanai walked with Alistar out to their own car.
ā€œWhereā€™s Drae?ā€ The red head asked loosely, almost as if it didnā€™t really matter in the first place.
ā€œHeā€™s at home in bed watching some human drama show you like, because he misses you,ā€ Kanai responded, unlocking the doors to the vehicle as they approached it.
ā€œJeez, heā€™s so needy,ā€ shaking his head back and forth but feeling a slightā€¦tingle in the base of his chest at the thought.
ā€œHe is quite persistent of our company, that must be a human thingā€¦I have to research it when we get homeā€¦ā€ mumbling now to himself as his brain started ticking away at the theories and possibilities.
ā€œOkay nerd brain, just take me home so I can get my dick sucked at the LEAST with this fucking head cold I haveā€¦.ā€ He groaned rubbing at his temples. ā€œI just know the orgasm is going to be fucking mind blowing,ā€ unable to stop himself from snickering pridefully as they slid inside the car.
ā€œI can imagine it would be a nice change of pace to have that feeling whilst also afflicted with that terrible one at the same timeā€¦might even possibly cure youā€¦let me know,ā€ the grey one looked over from the driver seat before the red head shot the hound a finger gun and a cheeky wink.
To Be Continued?!
Authorā€™s Notes: Iā€™m so sorry this took so long and IS so long?! Uncle Fucking Christ! (Sorry I love saying that) anyway I decided to do a part two for when Alistar comes home and Drae helps him feel relief (; itā€™ll be a lemon one shot Part 2 which should be easier for me to crack out than a full fic with 6 characters to keep track of Lmfao. Thanks for supporting mine and Geezā€™s characters! We appreciate the love it really is just the best šŸ„° Itā€™s nice to create for fun and have others just simply enjoy it for what it is. All my love šŸ«¶šŸ» @aller-geez owns Meeko, Remi, Rex, Kriia and Kanai! (also Draeko who was mentioned!)
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elieslittlecreations Ā· 1 year
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Anyone dislike shading?
šŸ˜… starting off with the basicsā€¦ a ball. I had to share my messy carpet. Itā€™s 17 years old, gone through renters, dogs, cats and it is undergoing the abuse of toddlers. (Anyone else with cats notice how instead of puking on the hard floor they need to puke on the carpet? Legit, thatā€™s a thing. Sometimes the hard floor is right beside them and they just. Blepā€¦ carpet cleaner is a God send) This week, starting on Friday we are putting in new flooring, vinyl flooring can take the abuse, I know it. But not too much abuse because we are hoping to sellā€¦
I got news earlier the week before last week that I have chronic painā€¦ which at first I was relieved because, we made sure to cross off cancer off the list of possibilities of what may be wrong with me, I have been struggling tbh. Iā€™ve prayed for healing, for even the strength to endure, to just get through this. I think overtime my pain has been gnawing at me for over a year and Iā€™ve been teetering, barely hanging on. Trying everything and anything to just feel okay. It wasnā€™t till I reached out to friends that I learned that asking for prayer is also letting go of fear.. and maybe even pride. I felt bewilderedā€¦ as the day I asked for prayer I was basically symptom free and I had a noticeably different dayā€¦ I had energy, I had bounce in my step and was able to get projects done. Struggling with depression and fatigue to feeling almost as light as a featherā€¦
I wondered, did I not have enough faith? Iā€™ve experienced healing, Iā€™ve had answered prayersā€¦ Does God not hear me now? Did I do something wrong? And, so I pondered and asked my friend.
I always felt like He at times is always there for others, but when it came to being there for me, He isnā€™t, why would He want to? When it comes to hearing my prayers, He will get to it when He gets to it. I know I deserve nothing, I canā€™t say that I have been coming boldly to the throne, especially as of late. That stems from my past, from abuse, from trauma, not God.
What my friend told me is (and Iā€™m paraphrasing) that as believers, we need community. We need to be vulnerable and we need to be needy at times, to be humble. We arenā€™t meant to follow Christ alone. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to be in a community of other like minded believers.
Church isnā€™t a building. Believers are the church, we are His Church.
Asking for help, asking for someone to notice me is extremely hard at times, as it is for many others, my friend included.
We are all tested with fire, and we shall come fourth like gold.
That is all.
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chloeworships Ā· 4 hours
Quick Updates
First, I would like to remind everyone that God is NOT messy. LOL Someone said that to me today and I started laughing šŸ˜‚ But on a serious note, the LORD wants us to turn away from sin, to treat each other with respect and dignity (even if we are not fond of each other) and accept Jesus Christ as LORD and Saviour. HOWEVER, He knows (as well as do we) there is evil in this world and JUSTICE must be served. We will be seeing more of that. If you haven't as yet given your life to Jesus, please I implore you, consider it. He is SAVING lives šŸ›Ÿ
Now the updates....
1. The Holy Spirit spoke to me about King Vaughn. He said to me "King Vaughn Curse District". There is a curse upon that area. My son told me this area is called "O Block" (thank God for sons who can keep me up-to-date lol). The LORD would like a powerful (and brave) Pastor, Apostle or Prophet to pray to remove it. You may need to physically go there. Perhaps there is already someone close by who can do this to help usher in peace in the area. Below is a scripture that gives an example of the type of curse that is on that land that seeks to murder and destroy the young (particularly the young men). Joshua 6:26-27 is an example of the type of curse that is on this land and the LORD is giving permission for it to be restored. The city of Jericho was overthrown by the Israelites. I saw some men in a vision, drumming. God is coming through to overthrow Chicago. The people are crying out for justice and peace especially the mothers and girlfriends.
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2. The LORD has been showing me the word "Unlock". This is excellent news!! A door is going to be UNLOCKED for someone and or their VAULT is going to be opened. You could also be moving up a level. You are ADVANCING! Let the LORD confirm this to you. SN: I had a really crazy vision very similar to the bridge that broke apart. It's not rooted in biblical ideology but interesting indeed. I get this when someone is playing around with NUCLEAR ENERGY. Babes, we donā€™t understand the HALF about this energy source ā˜¢ļø Remember what the LORD shared with us šŸ¤«
3. I saw the Mossad on a computer typing away and the LORD showed me the word "scheduled". mmhhhmmmmmm. #iykyk
4. I was shown "JP Morgan" and that was all. What's up one of America's largest and most profitable bank? šŸ¤”šŸ’­šŸ¦ 5. The LORD allowed me to see a bunch of blue chickens šŸ”šŸ˜… It's been the same blue we have been seeing. Something needs to be examined here about this. Also this could be a bunch of people who are afraid.
6. I was shown damaged DNA šŸ§¬ It was incredible! Sadly, it does mean someone's health is deteriorating. Please take care of YOU. 7. I was told something about some Oligarchs being racists towards Madam Vice President Kamala Harris. May the LORD rebuke them for that. 8. THE PATRIOTS was shown to me also šŸˆ
9. I saw a HUGE mushroom cloud explosion šŸ’„ I have no idea where this is but wow. Stay safe.
10. A Japanese Samurai was shown to me upside down typing on a keyboard. I have never seen anything like this before šŸ˜‚ A Samurai on a keyboard??? āŒØļø šŸ‘€ Perhaps computer systems or some kind of technology is outdated and MUST be upgraded soon or the Japanese government is put to something. The Japanese are a highly advanced and technologically society šŸ˜ Also, Samurai's are ANCIENT WARRIORS hence why I initially said system upgrades may be needed however, an online feud may erupt between several individuals. Remember the LORD told us about social media and THREADS šŸ§µ, going back and forth etc. etc. Earlier today while napping, I was shown the Japanese flag šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ The LORD is turning things upside down in Japan. This Samurai is the territorial spirit that governs Japan. I often see him when the Japanese are threatened somehow. I adore the Japanese people so I will be adding them the prayer list šŸ™šŸ¾
11. The LORD is hilarious. He showed me a PINK macron (French cookie) LOL and I asked him what this means cause your girl CANNOT eat those. I donā€™t need the TEMPTATION šŸŖšŸ¤£ Do we have a French Cookie Monster on our hands that we donā€™t know about? Whatā€™s going on here? šŸ˜…I learned the President of France, Emmanuel Macron was visiting our wonderful nation and theeeee best Prime Minister we have ever had, Justin Trudeau. However, I was also shown the French flag šŸ‡«šŸ‡·šŸ‘€ SN: I was also shown shots being fired at our PM and I jumped in front and took a bullet for him šŸ‘€ I had this vision today while waking from a nap šŸ˜“ The LORD is trying to protect him. Lawd have mercyyyyyyyyyy šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ¾ This reminded me of what happened to Trump. I also got the movie The Bodyguard.
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12. Along with Macron, here are some other noteworthy public figure mentions the LORD shared with me:
Alex Wagner (her book), Ellen DeGeneres with EpsteinšŸ‘€, the band Oasis (oh em gee I love them and heard their song this morning "Wonderwall"šŸ˜). Apparently they could be coming to Toronto šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ and I am loving this! Sting, Stephen Colbert, Justin Trudeau, Paul Manafort (who shows up to me anytime I speak about Trump and corruption), King Charles in his royal robes huntyyyyyy. He was walking through parliament šŸ¤“šŸ¼šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§Cam Newton, Beyonce, LeBron James, Mark Zuckerberg, Hunter Biden, Mayor Patrick Brown, Cristiano (again ā™„ļø) and something about several Presidents. President Zelenskyy looked gravely concerned. When I asked why, the Holy Spirit repeated what he said before ā€œnew crisis in Ukraineā€ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ Immediately I began praying. Idk what that new crisis is but my goodness šŸ˜£ I also heard this specifically about the US šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øPresidents ... "Reagan, Bush [#2] Biden...wishful thinking" šŸ‘€ It sounded as though I were overhearing a conversation. If thatā€™s not it, perhaps these presidents may need to re-examine what they are currently working on. Pray about it.... take it the LORD. When I see Presidents it's a big deal babes. These are powerful men who make POWERFUL moves that impact all of us. Pay attention please to your political leaders and be VOCAL and if you can get involved, even BETTER. I can't stress that enough.
I will update everyone, if the LORD provides any other details. I was also shown Bill Clinton -- what is everyone up to? Clearly the LORD is shining the spotlight šŸ”¦ on these individuals. I hope it's good things babes!! Make our Father in heaven PROUD!! He loves US.
PS. A person with the initials CJN-M is being closely watched. I recorded a message but I am unsure if I should publish it.... yet, so here is your FYI. Please be careful and know this is connected to hocus hocus šŸŖ„ (humiliation rituals). I prayed and will continue to pray.
PPS. The so called Haitian eating animals propaganda was a women who was mentally ill and who practices voodoo. This was a one off incident and she's not a migrant.
Lastly, I was shown a suicide demon. The one who looks IDENTICAL to Smigel. He was on the same bridge I saw before in France šŸ‡«šŸ‡· Babes, you know what? I receive plenty of messages of suicides depicted in France and I donā€™t know why. Iā€™m not familiar with the healthcare system in France but perhaps this is something that needs to be looked into. The good news is IMMEDIATELY after seeing Smigel, I saw two halos šŸ˜‡ God dispatched his angels INSTANTLY to save this person. Honestly I believe this spirit was sent. Even when itā€™s not sent to me, I can feel the intensity when itā€™s sent to someone else. This is a very evil spirit. I want you to know God loves you and has sent Angels to guard you. This was one of the most surreal visions I have ever had. PRAISE GOD.
Take care āœŒšŸ¾šŸ’¤
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hoghtastic Ā· 8 months
Her post is god awful, the suit looks messy and donā€™t even start me about the shoesā€¦the photos look half arsed. She definitely bugged the brand and said we have pics! Alex hogh took pics! Christ this woman has no shame. šŸ¤®
šŸ˜… ā€Ž
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sciderman Ā· 3 years
i notice you use procreate ! how do you organise your comics? for some (definitely autism-related) reason i find it so unfriendly when trying to make comics šŸ˜…
simple and honest answer anon? how do i organise my comics? i don't. it's horrible. i have them all saved in one big ugly folder with no rhyme or reason and it's repulsive
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734 artworks dear christ
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i'm kind of a grotesquely messy person when it comes to organising files so i'm really not the person to ask,, i do dislike that procreate doesn't have a folder-with-a-folder situation, but also i am a messy bitch with low low standards
i do have a GDrive where I save everything in a slightly more orderly fashion, but procreate is just messy bitch territory. and yes, every single last bit of art in this folder is titled "untitled artwork". i'm so so sorry anon, this probably upsets you greatly.
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oumaheroes Ā· 3 years
Like to see a fic where..... Arthur is proud of his cooking and someone he cares about tells him food is yummy. I'm sorry hahaha Soft, domestic kitchen stuff is just a weakness šŸ˜…
Sorry this took so long to answer, I hope you enjoy! ā¤
Characters: England, France, Spain
ā€˜What are you eating?ā€™
ā€˜Hmm?ā€™ France turned around to find England in the backdoor of Portugalā€™s kitchen, slightly flushed and messy haired. He never did cope well in the heat unless he was exposed to it for a long period of time and, despite it now being evening, it was still incredibly warn outside where most of the gathering was. Either that, or heā€™d found Portugal after all, ā€˜Enjoying the party?ā€™
It certainly was loud enough out there.
Seeing where Franceā€™s eyes were going, England flushed and hurriedly tried to flatten down and smooth back his hair, ā€˜No. What are you eating.ā€™
ā€˜Nothing.ā€™ France rubbed his hands over the sink.
ā€˜Okay, what were you eating.ā€™
ā€˜Why on earth does it concern you?ā€™
ā€˜For Christā€™s sake, just tell me.ā€™
ā€˜Because youā€™ll eat it.ā€™
England opened and closed his mouth, ā€˜What?ā€™
France shrugged and moved away from the sink, picking up his half-filled glass of wine and taking a sip. He really would need to compliment Gabriel on this one, it was a good bottle, ā€˜Youā€™ll eat it. It was delicious and I only wanted a small piece. You, however,ā€™ he poked England in the stomach, ā€˜wonā€™t be able to help yourself and take far too large a portion than is fair.ā€™
England scowled at him, slapping his hand away, ā€˜How the fuck would you know.ā€™
ā€˜Because you have a sweet tooth,ā€™ France grinned at him, tilting his head to kiss England on the mouth, ā€˜There, youā€™ve had a taste. Happy now?ā€™
ā€˜No,ā€™ England pushed past him and made straight for large oak table in the centre of the room. After a few seconds of checking it over, a pile of sliced up cakes and treats and drink, he licked his lips and turned back to France with a triumphant, wicked grin, ā€˜Was it this one?ā€™ he asked, pointing to one in the centre.
France was beginning to feel as though he would soon be upset, ā€˜Yes, that one.ā€™
It was a PĆ£o de LĆ³ cake, very moist and rich and clearly handmade, judging from the taste.
Englandā€™s grin widened, ā€˜I made that one.ā€™
France was upset. England wouldnā€™t let this one go for a while, ā€˜Are you sure? I thought youā€™d made Gabriel that little scraggly one in the corner as a prank gift for his birthday.ā€™
ā€˜No, that one was Prussia,ā€™ Spain had silently joined them from the living room and was now leant against the doorway, sadly observing the table, ā€˜He told me that he was ā€œtrying somethingā€ but I canā€™t bring myself to ask him what it was.ā€™
They all wordlessly took in the lumpy, misshapen bulge that had been carefully tucked away to the side of the spread and half covered in napkins.
ā€˜So, you liked it?ā€™
'Franny, Feli wants to talk to you.' Spain cut in quickly, shooting England a warning look, 'And Arthur I'm sure someone's looking for you. Outside. And then stay out there, we're giving the toast, if we can gather everyone.'
'Delicious, you said,' England looked far too smug, 'Funny, I remember you telling me not to bother.'
'Scarred from prior experience.' France waved a hand airily, 'I've not yet recovered from that abomination you called Chinese food last-'
'Okay!' Spain clamped his hands on France's shoulders and spun him around towards the living room, 'Time to go.'
'Might want to tell people which one's yours dear,' France called over his shoulder, 'everyone will think that it's Gilbert's otherwise.'
'Fuck you!'
Shout out to @needcake for her advice on Portugal's preferred cake!
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tomhardyspinkyfinger Ā· 2 years
102. ā€œDonā€™t cover youā€™re face, i want to see youā€ hi itā€™s me again lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜… but can you do Tuck Hansen for this short Drabble plz?? I loved the Alfie Drabble and I was hoping to see one of Tuck he really deserves so much love but thank you and I canā€™t wait to see what you have in storešŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ’•
You loved your job more than anything,
Except for right now.
Your boss dropped a case file on your desk early that morning, you were assigned to an Italian mob boss's son, he had been embezzling funds from his multi-mullion dollar company and is being investigated for a few other heavy charges. Your job was to get close to him, undercover.
Undercover assignments were incredible, you flourished on the field and loved bringing in the scum of the earth, but this time it was different.
The target in question was difficult to get close too, so your mission was to act as an exotic dancer at the club he frequented. Much to your relief, the recording gear and cameras weren't small enough to fit inside the lingerie the girls are required to wear, so your boss settled for you being a waitress.
You were called into the disguise department to be fitted for your undercover work. On the way there Tuck and FDR intercepted you in the hallway. They were also put on the case as intelligence since the target knew every man in his posse, Tuck and FDR wouldn't be able to blend in the way you could.
"Sup Miss Congeniality! Ready to try on some slutty panties for us?" FDR teased, nudging your shoulder. You shoved him playful and scoffed.
"In your dreams. I'm not wearing lingerie dumbass, can't hide our goodies that way." You shrugged. FDR laughed.
"I can think of some good spots to hide them in." He chirped. Tuck groaned at the same time you did.
"Seriously? Gross, man." Tuck complained. You laughed a bit too hard. You had always had a crush on Tuck, but he wouldn't go for you in a million years. Your hair was always messy, clothes baggy and unflattering, and crazily low self esteem. Basically you barely passed the work appropriate dress code. Your teen years were spent studying the law and training in martial arts, not playing with makeup.
The three of you entered the disguise department and went your separate ways, Tuck and FDR needed to be fitted for undercover as well, they were going to be telephone repair men. The van and jumpsuits would disguise them while they surveyed the outside of the club.
After a painful two hours of waxing, blow drying, constricting outfits, and heavy makeup, you were finally ready. Tuck and FDR stood in the garage, Tuck leaning against the van yawning, FDR pacing in front of him, both becoming anxious and ready for action.
"Holy. Shit." FDR sputtered out. Tuck looked at his friend questionably before noticing what caught his attention.
There you stood, looking away and rubbing your arm. Tuck looked at you from head to toe, at a loss for words. You wore black heels, fishnet stockings, leather shorts that could pass as underwear, and a matching bralette. The hair and makeup was gorgeous too, but he always thought you were gorgeous, he just never knew you had a body.
"That's what I'm talking about! Finally! Some skin! Where the hell have you been hiding? Christ! You look like you know Victoria's Secret with those tit-" Tuck punched FDR in the stomach before he could finish. The pair shared a look before FDR huffed and got in the van, giving Tuck and you some privacy.
"You look beautiful." Tuck spoke. You scoffed.
"Yeah, because I'm wearing makeup and my ass is hanging out." You grumbled. Tuck's eyes widened.
"No! Well, I'm not complaining about those things, but it doesn't change the fact that I always think you look beautiful." Tuck spoke. You looked down and felt your face flush. Tuck stepped up to you and tilt your head to face him.
"Don't cover your face, I want to see you. I love this look on you the same way I love every other look. I just didn't have the balls to tell you until FDR started to finally realize how breathtaking you are. We've fought over girls before, it never goes well." Tuck explained. You smiled.
"I don't want FDR, Tuck." You spoke, barely above a whisper. Tuck gently pecked your lips, it was quick but electric.
"After you kick some criminal ass tonight, we are putting on our ugliest jammies and ordering a pizza. My treat, we'll have our official first date on my couch." Tuck said with a smile.
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lulu-zodiac Ā· 3 years
I just saw your "underrated cockles moments" list and šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ --- But I was surprised that #3 on your list didnt include what JENSEN did in that same period on stage, perhaps in reaction to misha's little display lol. He (Jensen) made a certain gesture with his mouth that was šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ and the very thing that nailed the dumpster cover shut right over my head. --- Someone else will have to link the gifs. It's quite, um, obsence. šŸ‘€
i think my brain must have been total mush from rewatching that video in the first place, because youā€™re right oh my GOD. how did i forget to talk about this?? the way jensen literally does the eyes up and down checking-you-out to misha, looks fucking directly at mishaā€™s crotch with that heavy dark gaze and then very visibly swallows?? and then his blatantly provocative blowjob tongue movement??? fucking hell. the oral sex implications of literally everything he does here are the least subtle thing iā€™ve ever seen. truly peak cockles insanity. you can practically SEE his pupils dilating jesus christ.
for anyone who hasnā€™t seen it before, please tread warilyā€¦ you wonā€™t be climbing back out of the dumpster after this one šŸ˜… (the last gif here)
thank you for reminding me of this nonnie šŸ’— i will now unable to think of anything but jackles and his messy flirty for the rest of the day lol
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betasuppe Ā· 3 years
christ how is your art just this damn cute? I swear it just legit warms my heart seeing it!
Awww, tankies, mate!ā™”
I think I just channel all the remainder of child-like joy that still rattles around in my empty head & use it ONLY for my dumb draws lol
But again, thanks! I feel my style is messy & lacking in any sorta charm, so I appreciate your kind words saying the very opposite of how I feel!!!! But, if nothing else, even while being hard on my craft, at least I can draw funny expressions, idk šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
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ninebluehearts Ā· 2 years
Ooooh I have a good idea for a Marc/Steven/Jake x Reader oneshot. So Iā€™ve been reading a bunch of Moon Knight x Widow!Reader stories lately, and I was wondering if you could write a oneshot based on the premise on the reader telling the system about her past as a widow shortly after they reveal to her about their activities as Moon Knight. Theyā€™ve been in a relationship for a bit and she finds out about their vigilante gig when she finds them in the suit. When they tel her the truth, she decides to open up about her past to keep things open and honest. Sheā€™s afraid that theyā€™ll hate her because of what she did under Drekovā€™s mind control, but they comfort and reassure her instead. Angst with some fluff ā˜ŗļø
This idea is so creative- jesus christ, I love it so much šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
Listen my loves, I would honestly love to write this for you, but I honestly don't think I could šŸ˜… See, when it comes to writing for physical fight scenes, characters with powers, or certain themes similar to those, I don't know why, but my mind goes blank and I have no idea how to write for it-
I wrote two things kinda similar to this ask? (Here, here)
I'm sorry to disappoint, loves, but this is a wonderful ask and I really don't wanna disappoint you with a messy fic, ya know?
Thank you for understanding šŸ’•
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engineers-curry Ā· 3 years
I love your Lewis/George snippets and 3 sentence fics. Could you maybe write one about them getting caught by Toto?
Also I really liked the one snippet where George is James's and Bono's son and Lewis finds out (maybe could work out as an actual fic? Just an idea no pressure please)
Yeah sorry, no more fic writings at the moment, I first have to do a seminar on mitochondria and have a ton of papers to read šŸ˜…āœŒļø
Lewis is sure that drivers rooms are definitely not made for intimate times for you and your boyfriend - the walls are way too thin, somebody is always trampling down the corridor and George is too tall to fold him easy over the couch or physio table - so against the wall it is.
Itā€™s messy, the height difference isnā€™t working in their favour but at least theyā€™ve lost the top of their fire proofs while Georgeā€™s hands are tangled in his braids and Lewis hands are somewhere else.
ā€œHey Lewis, Iā€™ve knocked three times- Christ!ā€ Totoā€™s yell makes them separate immediately, Georgeā€™s face is flushed while Lewis only grins smugly at his bossā€™s pale face.Ā ā€œMy office in five, put on some clothes, you two have an interview! And no finishing whatever this is or Iā€™m telling the engineers to give you shitty settings in the sim!ā€
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marigoldvance Ā· 5 years
Feral III
Tumblr media
R - semi-descriptive sexy-timeĀ Ā 
Two hours later and they were slick and sticky and loose. She was an inferno above him, moving in hypnotizing waves ā€“ up and down, a twitch and rotation of her hips, wet moans and blunt nails kneading his chest. He was shackled to the bedpost in silks. Mitchell knew ā€“ knew ā€“ she imagined those bonds were tight, almost painful; proper restraints that would keep him from lashing around too much. Ā 
His eyes were shut on a wail of pleasure when, beneath the slaps and grinds of skin and sensation, he heard it. Heard the moonlight glint off the sharp edge of the blade. And he couldnā€™t have that. In one inhuman motion he wrenched himself free from his bonds and flipped them, his cold cock still sunk to the hilt inside of her. He splayed one hand on the wall through the bars of the headboard, the other he wrapped around her throat and squeezed.
Her reaction was breathtaking and not at all what he expected. She laughed. A buoyant, melodic sound plucked at his nerves with sharp fingers. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes and fell but a smile stayed on her lips. She coughed and panted and mewled, the knife slipping from her grasp so she could claw half-heartedly at his shoulders, arms, back, anywhere she could reach.
He tightened his grip and watched her cheeks redden. Felt her throat constrict as she tried to swallow a breath.
In that moment, he recognized exactly what was hidden beneath a guise of eager youth. A fledging predator who seduced her prey between her thighs before offering them messy ends. He could smell her impatience. Her naivety and carelessness. The need for the high eclipsing the need to get away with it.
Mitchell wondered how many had come before him, how many there would be after. If he would allow there to be an after. He could admit he was curious. Impressed, even. He bowed his head, breathed into her mouth and traced her lower lip with his tongue. The decision wasnā€™t hard.
She gasped and coughed, too anxious for air, when he released her throat. He felt her constrict around him like a vise in the aftermath of her near-death. Christ, sheā€™d loved it. Her head thrown back, exposing the fingerprint shaped marks heā€™d left behind, her face tear-damp and blotchy-red and fuck was that enough for him. Mitchellā€™s fangs descended, pierced the delicate skin of her throat and sunk into her pulse. He saw stars in the darkness for the first time in too long as he drank her in. When he finally had his fill, he pulled back to admire what heā€™d done. The blood, the sweat, her glossy eyes and fading smile. Ā 
Such a pretty little serial killer.
I have no idea if Iā€™ll continue this. The above is pretty much what I had when my brain decided I needed to focus more on it than on drabblesĀ šŸ˜… Maybe one day? But I didnā€™t wanna leave it without some kind of ending.Ā 
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