#Christian literature
atheostic · 1 year
You can enjoy something that has flaws, but you need to acknowledge the flaws
Me: Tolkien's Middle Earth works, especially the Hobbit, are very antisemitic.
Tolkien Fans: No they're not! What basis do you even have to make such a claim?
Me: Dwarves are a displaced group of people whose language was based on Hebrew & are described as being greedy, secretive, & with big noses/ears.
Tolkien Fans: That doesn't mean he intentionally based them on Jewish people though!
Tolkien: The dwarves of course are quite obviously, wouldn’t you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic, obviously, constructed to be Semitic.
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Wilhelm Horkel - Träume sind keine Schäume - Moritz Schauenburg - 1974
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beloved-of-john · 4 days
have you read God and the gay Christian? :0
I have not but I've just added it to my to-read list!
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iambecomeafangirl · 7 months
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Books I’ve read in 2024
FEBRUARY |  A. Horodeński "Śledztwo w sprawie Pana Boga" 🙏🔬🧬✝️
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debussyandbooks · 2 years
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10 rajab 1444 \\ 1 february 2023
🎧 kniven i hjärtat - mannen i blå
i haven't posted in forever and tumblr feels dead these days with like a billion softpornbots like am i to post for 200 bots lmao but oh well this evening is spent zooming with my dear, watching kniven i hjärtat for the 8th time and reading st basil's hexaemeron for the christian traditional literature circle i attend 🥰
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spokenalive · 1 year
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penmanshipeb · 2 years
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And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. – Mark 1:35 I’ve come to see that in true Holiness, there is so much to do in God that we can’t do it all. I’ve come to see the need for taking full advantage of the time God gives us from the moment we awake. I’ve come to see that if we make God our all, he’ll be our all. Christ’s life was ministry. So, I’ve come to see the necessity of “Being About Our Father’s Business” from the moment we awake (Luke 2:49). The scriptures say that within Christ’s three years of ministry, “There are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen” (John 21:25). I never read that Christ said that he was bored. In the Acts of the Apostles, I never read that from any of them. However, I did read that Christ was too engaged in ministry to eat, where he said to his disciples’ urging of him to eat: “I have meat that you know not of” (John 4:31-32). I can recall that before wholly coming into God, boredom was a situation. I used to find myself bored from time to time, but in Christ, God has too much for us to do in this dying world. Boredom is no longer a factor. Truly coming into Christ is a life where GOD HAS YOUR LIFE PLANNED! IT IS A LIFE WHERE ALL WE MUST DO IS BELIEVE. The belief entails obedience, faith, and trust, or reliance on God. The faith is the action but is also the humbling of ourselves throughout our following God. The obedience is the receiving, believing, and trusting God’s word or instructions and commands to us. These great reads would also assist one in this endeavor. About MY Father’s Business showcases how others in God’s word came into God’s divine will for their lives. It establishes and illustrates his means of bringing one wholly into what He has for them. And Enduring To The End is an inspiring title to compliment one’s endeavor of fulfilling a momentous purpose. It empowers one toward excellence, to achieve, and to be great. From the moment you awake, set your heart upon what you were given life by God to do (Ecclesiates 3:21; 12:7). One can purchase these titles here:
 About My Father’s Business: https://www.slingshotmin.com/
Enduring To The End: Enduring To The End: https://www.amazon.com/Enduring-End-Personal-Testimony-Entrepreneur/dp/1736313347/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1A5LUMSEV5O2Y&keywords=odell+sanders&qid=1677001735&sprefix=%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-1
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mr-legoman · 1 year
Finished the Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
Its a bit interesting how this book parallels and has similar ideas of Silence by Shusaku Endo. Although some parts do feel inverted in a way. The main characters feel for example almost inverted opposites of each other.
Rodriguez (Silence) is an outwardly good priest who struggles with his own pride and wants to become a martyr. And he believes he can help make a difference to the believers in Japan. He ends the story, believing he has a better understanding of God. (Which I don't believe is actually true.)
Meanwhile The Whisky Priest from The Power and the Glory. Doesn't want to become a martyr or a Saint and continually thinks of himself as pathetic. And his sin is outward. He's a drinks so often he smells and he has a illegitimate daughter. He also ends the story thinking he's a terrible priest.
Spoilers under the cut
However of the two protagonist, it's the Whisky Priest who remains faithful to Christianity in the end. And successes in his calling as a priest. The final chapter shows some of the people who the Whisky Priest encountered and how in small ways they changed. Showing that he did in fact change people. And the most important part he begs for forgiveness in his final chapter. He doesn't think he's worthy of it but he asks all the same.
Meanwhile in Silence. Rodriguez doesn't seem to overcome his pride in the in of the novel and fails as a Catholic priest. He does have a better understanding of God but is never shown to repeat after stepping on the Fume. He seems to just include that in his Martyr complex. Saying he knows more than the priest back home. He is still in sin but thinks it makes him better.
Both characters don't end in happy situations However only one of them ask God for forgiveness in his final moment.
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bones-ivy-breath · 2 years
The strife of thought, accusing and excusing, began afresh, and gathered fierceness. The soul of Lilith lay naked to the torture of pure interpenetrating inward light. She began to moan, and sigh deep sighs, then murmur as if holding colloquy with a dividual self: her queendom was no longer whole; it was divided against itself.... At length she began what seemed a tale about herself, in a language so strange, and in forms so shadowy, that I could but here and there understand a little.
Lilith by George MacDonald
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stone-cold-groove · 1 year
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Divider page from The Christian Family in the Struggle Against Hostile Powers - The Holy Family.
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holyreadsonline · 11 days
Why the Right Platform Matters for Christian Books and Literature
Choosing the platform for Christian books and literature that is right for you can greatly benefit your reading experience. A carefully selected platform opens up a vast and rich collection of texts from everlasting classics to modern works. The perfect platform has features that improve the reading experience by making it easier to find, engage with, and enjoy Christian literature books. Thus, selecting an appropriate platform is crucial for those seeking to deepen their knowledge and connection with Christian literature.
Choosing the Right Platform
When choosing the right platform for Christian books and literature, the impact of this decision is huge on the reading experience. An apt selection of a platform grants one access to numerous texts and lets them select from the historical and present classics. This diversity attracts different readers, and thus, one can achieve a deeper comprehension of Christian teachings. The right choice facilitates an enjoyable journey through Christian literature by making exploring various genres and authors easy.
Access to Diverse Collections
The best possible platform always has many Christian books that deal with different ideas and periods. It should have a large library that contains both popular and rare works and offers various options. A thorough collection allows readers to go deep into theological studies, devotional works, and historical texts. This kind of diversity not only adds to the breadth of knowledge but also guarantees a thorough understanding of Christian literature.
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The various features like search functions, personalized recommendations, and user-friendly interfaces are the key considerations for most people when choosing a platform. The readers are thus enabled with these tools to swiftly search for certain books, learn new authors, and navigate through large collections of books. Enriched reading features are one of the reasons for the more engaging and efficient reading, which not only helps the reader to engage with the material but also improves the understanding of Christian literature.
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The appropriate platform is a companion in the readers' spiritual way by giving extra tools like study guides, discussion forums, and educational materials. Such tools can help get insights into the studies and better engage with Christian texts. Through these resources, a platform holds an important position for a reader to help them in terms of spirituality and knowledge attainment.
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Holy Reads offers an app that provides the best insights from bestselling Christian books and literature. Dive deep into enriching content and discover profound spiritual guidance effortlessly.
For more details, visit https://www.holyreads.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3znMbGl
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debussyandbooks · 8 months
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4 rajab 1445 \\ 18 january 2024
🎧 lavinia meijer - gnossienne no. 5
a package of books i ordered some week ago arrived, so i went and picked it up this afternoon. all judeo-christian penguin classics 🥹🥹
the ninety-five theses and other writings by martin luther
the history of the church by eusebius
the aprocryphal gospels
the kabbalistic tradition
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The conclusion of this book summarized and spoke truth about the Christian life and what we can learn from these faithful women. Their stories are so beautiful.
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allhourshealth · 3 months
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holyreadsapp · 3 months
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vanekamilespr · 5 months
New Release: In Sickness and In Health: What Did You Vow? by Lakisha Johnson
Synopsis/Blurb Jade and Alex met as children in the foster care system, overcoming obstacles and beating the many odds stacked against them. Over the years, people and life disappointed them. Yet, the one thing they could always count on was each other. Even when jobs and school separated them, they always found their way back to each other. Seven years ago, they stood before a justice of the…
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