#Christian principles
thinkingonscripture · 1 month
The Value of Integrity
Integrity is the currency of a healthy relationship, but only among those who value it. It is the fruit of a morally upright heart that practices honesty, loyalty, and justice (Psa 15:1-5; Prov 19:1; 28:6; Mic 6:8). Without integrity, trust is compromised, communication suffers, and the stability of the relationship is jeopardized. Duplicity stands in stark contrast to integrity. While integrity…
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“Why you so sensitive? You’ve touched worse!”
Leverage S03E12 The King George Job.
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thewordfortheday · 4 months
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But Queen Vashti refused to come at the king's command; therefore the king was furious, and his anger burned within him.” (Esther 1:12) Although a pagan queen, Vashti had principles she refused to compromise. When Ahasuerus called for her to present herself before his guests, she refused to display herself to the leers of other men and thus refused the king's command and therefore was removed from her position as queen. Whether at work, in social or in the political arena, Christians face tremendous pressure to participate in activities and attitudes contrary to God's will and command. It's important, however, that we take an uncompromising position when it comes to our principles. May the Lord strengthen each one of us to stand for our principles.
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francesderwent · 5 months
I joke, but everybody is welcome to hang out here. I don’t have a DNI. if you think some of my thoughts are cool and interesting, and think some of them are taking the Christian thing a little far, that’s cool, you’re free to just take the stuff you like and ignore the rest of it. but maybe don’t be surprised when the Christian thing rears its head in a way that’s less subtle, because it is behind all of it.
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meduseld · 1 year
But also something so ! about how John Irving, the character with most faith thus most faith to be tested, is the one to find the salvation, the divine providence, the literal manna in the desert, of Koveyook and his party, taking it in with humility and gratitude is just. Irving really did get to see a form of God in the way William Blake wrote it:
“I sought my God and my God I couldn't find; I sought my soul and my soul eluded me; I sought to serve my brother in his need, and I found all three; My God, my soul, and thee.”
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dramoor · 5 months
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pippsbeb · 22 days
mocked the veterans. mocked the disabled. bankrupted a casino. cheated on three wives. Epstein's friend
this is the BEST the GOP has to offer.
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rickybaby · 11 months
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Daniel and Franz in the garage ahead of FP1 (Photo by Rudy Carezzevoli/Getty Images)
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Hihi, I dont mean for this to come off weird at all but as a follower of Jesus are you open to or against being prayed for by people of other religions? I'm just curious as to your take on it, have a lovely day!!! 💜
Hello friend! Not a weird question at all.
Personally, I don't believe that praying to a god who, based on my knowledge of how the world works, isn't real has any bearing on my life or yours, positively or negatively, just as background context. That's not being said to be mean, but because I know some Christians might think it makes some negative spiritual impact, but I don't think it does.
And on the flipside? To be cared about enough by someone that they take the time to ask the most important being in their universe for something on my behalf? Whether or not their god is real, I know that their love for me is.
So no, I don't have any problem with it. 🤍
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redkoi1 · 2 months
The Spiritual Guidelines of both ✝️Christianity (KJV)✝️ and ⛧Satanism⛧ (31 Total)
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☯️Tao Te Ching☯️ (Wey Wu Wey[?]) - 'the way of non-action' ~1:40:00
7 Hermetic Principles - ☿ The Kybalion ☿
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^so far, the best tone/frequency i've found against "Sexual Hallucination"-Schizoaffective symptoms/Psychic Sexual Attack/Incubus-Succubus Attacks. It even sounds like lo-fi hip-hop. enjoy. Stay true. https://youtu.be/nx4RXczEfdA?si=f_sEtILtgdombE4l
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dionysus-complex · 10 months
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Chloe Simon and Charis Hoard at MMFA:
On Monday, the Republican National Committee adopted a platform proposed by presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump that changed language regarding abortion, removing calls for various forms of national abortion bans  and replacing that with a statement that the 14th Amendment “guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process” and that the party will “oppose Late Term Abortions.”  Some mainstream media outlets initially took the obvious bait, publishing headlines claiming the party was “softening” its anti-abortion language and hardline stances, even though Trump and the party continue to be extreme on abortion and reproductive health.  Some partners of Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration, have split on the platform shift, but it is clear that the end goal of all parties involved remains the same -- a national ban on abortion and federal recognition of “fetal personhood."
Several Project 2025 anti-abortion partners have supported the platform, claiming the 14th Amendment language shows the GOP support for fetal personhood 
Several anti-abortion organizations have thrown their support behind the RNC platform, including some partner organizations of Project 2025, an extreme initiative led by right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation to guide the next GOP presidential administration on various policy issues including abortion. Partners including Americans United for Life, American Principles Project, and Citizens for Renewing America (part of the Center for Renewing America), among other organizations, signed a letter endorsing Trump’s platform, highlighting his commitment to “pro-life and pro-family policies.” The letter also commends the 2024 GOP platform as “a set of common-sense promises that will Make America Great Again.”  Other partner groups seized on the platform’s 14th Amendment language, saying it shows the GOP’s support for achieving fetal personhood -- a longtime goal of the anti-abortion movement that would “outlaw abortion and threaten the legality of both IVF and hormonal birth control.” 
Americans United for Life, which “played a unique unofficial advisory role” in drafting the platform language, claimed that the platform “defends the rights of preborn American children.” Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life applauded the GOP's commitment to the 14th Amendment, claiming that under the amendment “it is Congress that enacts and enforces its provisions.”  Similarly, Students for Life Action also jumped on the 14th Amendment language in the platform, saying that it was a “Significant Contribution” by the party to protect the “pre-born.”  SLA President Kristan Hawkins posted that the GOP’s “support of 14th amendment protections for preborn children is an open door to passing strong pro-life federal legislation.”  Many other anti-abortion organizations with a hardline stance on abortion -- including Project 2025 partner Family Research Council Action, Faith Wins, and the National Association of Christian Lawmakers -- lamented the changes to the party platform, in particular the deletion of explicit references to personhood that were in the previous 2016 version. 
[...] As The New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie wrote, “The Republican Party coalition is still grounded in the grass roots activity of anti-abortion groups and the ideological ambitions of movement jurists and politicians. The platform makes no real difference in their efforts to ban abortion and limit a woman’s right to live a free life and pursue her own vision of the good.”  And as author Jessica Valenti argued, “Taking out language about a national ban doesn't mean shit when they can use Comstock to enact a backdoor ban.” Anti-abortion activists are weaponizing the Comstock Act, a 150-plus-year-old statute that prohibited the mailing of anything “indecent, filthy, or vile” or “intended for producing abortion,” in an attempt to revoke the FDA approval of medication abortion mifepristone. The Supreme Court has halted the anti-abortion challenge to medication abortion access, at least for now.  Much of Trump and right-wing media's strategy around abortion has been to obfuscate and downplay their position and policy goals on the issue as they reckon with the unpopularity of their abortion agenda -- mainstream media outlets shouldn't lend them a hand.
My response to the recent platform changes by the Republicans on this issue: they have NOT “moderated” one bit on abortion, except rhetorically.
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weird thing about growing up evangelical: sometimes, that environment (accidentally) has some nice accommodations if you’re autistic. you don’t need to wear fancy clothes, that’s vanity. no you shouldn’t party and socialize as much as The World says you should. use your talents even if other people find you intense or strange, that’s your calling from God
so anyway, angel Crowley
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wisdomfish · 9 months
Christianity is not principally a system of ethics, but rather a religion of divine redemption.
Kenneth Samples
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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christian fascism is here. don't let anyone tell you or try to convince you that voting democrat is the wrong choice. what little democracy we have left is on the ballot. before we can help anyone outside the united states, there must be democracy in america. without it, we are of no use to anyone anywhere.
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the-casbah-way · 1 month
FINALLY finished my outline for prodigal son it’s going to end up way longer than i planned </3
#there’s so much i’m trying to get across without making it ridiculously long#i’m like. trying to make it clear that malc isn’t the driving force here#because he’s a bit older than jamie and jamie’s only eighteen and pretty sheltered so it could seem dodgy#and don't get me wrong i'm not going to NOT write something just because it's objectively shady especially for ttoi#but it’s not like malcolm swoops in and initiates everything. that wouldn't fit the characters#jamie’s a determined wee shit and he’s fucking relentless when he wants to be#it’s more a case of malcolm caving and agreeing to let him into His World as it were#and jamie’s always had this anger and this rebellious streak that leaves him susceptible to doing shady shit#he’s not a kid he’s making his own decisions malc’s just here for the ride#and also like. jamie SEEMS like he’s losing his faith at points but it’s actually getting stronger#i don’t want it to seem like he’s given up god for the sake of following malcolm#he’s just making peace with the fact that his god and the christian god don’t align too well#it's kind of like. malcolm is partly helping him be more honest and brave and do some good in the world#but he's also partly (mostly unknowingly) being a genuinely bad influence too#but all the bad shit jamie's going to end up doing comes from himself. it was already there#because i see jamie and malc as huge enablers for each other. it's their whole thing#and i think it's interesting to show them in my fic being (for the time) very radical and rebellious#and it stems from a genuine desire to a) do good in the world and help people and b) break themselves out of the working class bubble#but by the time they reach canon that has manifested into something quite horrible#their rebellion and radicalism is now used to do bad things that don't even justify the end goal anymore#and now they've broken out the working class bubble they're just playing into the toxic westminster mindset#because that's the only way you survive in the game (or at least in malcolm's case. he ends up with no spine)#because he's willing to abandon his principles if it keeps him and the party in power#and at some point down the line the good intentions get lost to his own ego and need for control#anyway i'm normal#ttoi
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