#Claudia Gregor
indecisivegloom · 1 year
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krautjunker · 2 years
Hechtpirsch im Herbst und Hecht sanft geschmort
Hechtpirsch im Herbst und Hecht sanft geschmort
Rezeptvorstellung von Thomas Raak Wenn die Tage kürzer werden und die Blätter der Bäume bunt zu Boden fallen ist Raubfischzeit. Die sinkenden Temperaturen und weniger werdenden Sonnenstunden lassen die zahnbewehrten Flossenträger unvorsichtiger und gieriger werden. Das will ich natürlich gern nutzen, also ab ans Wasser. Einen Tag zuvor, versuchte ich es, bei bedecktem Himmel und fast…
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kirnet · 1 year
the thing about the founders trilogy, and maybe this is just because im listening to the audiobook and i really dislike the narrator, is that 40% of it is just frustrating overexplaining of concepts we already know bc we've been here for three books!! and even in book 1 there was so much of it that was unnecessary. so big chunks of the book your just beating yourself over the head like "can we get on with it??"
and then the rest of it is just. fantastic. the magic system! the characters! the plot! the stakes! its such a unique magnificent world to be in! i just want the actual sentences to reflect that, ya know?
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itsloriel · 2 years
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photo by Claudia Gregor
via Simple is Beautiful Photography
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arisenreborn · 5 months
The Tramont Family
Time for me to scribble down my thought-thinks about Olivia's family that have been kicking around in my head!
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Lord Matthias Tramont. A stodgy man rumored to have once-upon-a-time been quite charismatic, but Olivia can’t believe that. He is all about maintaining the families position and adhering to tradition - or whatever Queen Regent Disa tells him will help their position. The family ascended to nobility through a history of service in the military (along with a few clever marriage arrangements), but in the recent past they took a slip down the political power ladder, which seems to have influenced him. He is at regular odds with Captain Brant and Watchhead Gregor. He took great pains to arrange a potential marriage to Regentkin Sven for Olivia, only for her to spurn those efforts and, to his mind, make an utter fool of him. As such, their relationship is quite rocky at the moment. Her becoming Arisen has in some small way ‘mended’ that, but now everything he’s worked for and the connections he’s made are being tested as Disa would rather be rid of Olivia, having seen how her bullheadedness makes her unpredictable and troublesome. So, Matthias presents an air of the most detached support; giving her the most cursory and basic of protections from the Tramont family, but nothing further, while biding his time looking for the most rewarding opportunities.
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Lady Claudia Tramont. A noblewoman whom Matthias was arranged to marry by his father, she is the perfect image of a true lady - carefully concealed warts and all. She is deep down a little more understanding of Olivia’s desires to break out on her own and do what she wants beyond her fathers wishes for her. Yet outwardly she goes along with Matthias in all things, and regards Olivia coldly for acting out - something that may stem from a root of jealousy. She dotes endlessly on Ephraim and (not-so-)secretly loathes her youngest son being marched off to battle. Similarly she takes great pride in young Abigail for being everything Olivia failed to be.  As for Oliver… Yes, a mother should be so proud to have such a successful and formidable son… And she will say as much to any who would broach the subject of him, but there is a marked way in which she otherwise avoids ever talking about him that would suggest some level of discomfort. Perhaps even fear.
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Oliver “The Bull” Tramont. As a child, Olivia idolized him; he was a strong and powerful knight who protected the people and would slay dragons, to her mind, and she would one day do the same. Now, however, the naivete of childhood is long gone, and she knows him to be little more than an opportunistic mercenary who upholds everything she hates about the nobility.  While his father prefers to bow and scrape to the other nobles, Oliver prefers a more hands-on approach, proving their indistinguishable value through the wholesale slaughter of any enemies. He is equally feared and revered on the battlefield, a beast of a man who sends monsters fleeing before him. While he gets his men out alive (and mostly unscathed), he will also hire Pawns for particularly dangerous work and bears them only the least amount of respect afforded them in Vermund, often enough using them as fodder.  While he seems to care only for battle, however, he secretly has designs on the throne, throwing in his lot with the likes of Allard… He also holds great disdain for his elven heritage, going so far as to cut the pointed tips of his own ears off, and 'encouraging' Ephraim to do the same.
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Ephraim Tramont. Though your classic sickly Victorian child in his youth, he is now training to follow in his fathers and older brothers footsteps as a soldier in the Vermundian military. Perhaps needless to say, Olivia couldn’t help but to be jealous and bitter towards him for this, though she’d never actually act out in such a way towards him. Indeed they were very close, and in his youth she would often bring him trinkets and gifts when he was confined to his bed. Alas, eventually he started parroting Matthias and Oliver by telling her she needed to simply accept her lot in life - in part out of his love for her, and in part his jealousy. As much as he loves her, he also hates her for being so ‘free-spirited’ about everything. (By then, however, she was already enlisting under their noses.) He’s a rather weak-willed sort, doted on endlessly by his mother and not at all cruel at heart, but desperately tries to make up for his shortcomings by emulating the strength and demeanors of those around him.
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Abigail “Abby” Tramont. The youngest of the Tramont’s and Olivia’s favorite. She is everything her older sister is not and more than happy to follow in her mothers footsteps, enjoying all of the dancing and needlework and such. But she loves her big sister dearly, ever enamored by the tales of adventure Olivia would put her to bed with, and Olivia’s romantic dreams of the ideal knight.  After Olivia’s return as Arisen, she would send her letters or even sneak to her house to visit her, gifting her embroideries she made. She loves to listen to all of Olivia’s own adventures now, while sipping on tea and the tasty treats she brought that she knows Olivia loves so well. And while she had next to no opinion on Pawns before meeting them so much more up close and personal through Olivia, upon doing so she’s quietly disturbed by how her eldest brother speaks of them in comparison to the reality she sees. She is very fond of Emrys and somewhat unknowingly regards him like a big brother - she’s certainly never had a brother like him, who is actually fun to be around.
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eddy25960 · 1 year
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Claudia Gregor photography
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pristinepastel · 10 months
Limbus Company English Voice Claims
Vergil-- Leonard Cohen
Charon-- Sophia Coto
Yi Sang-- Stephen Oyoung
Faust-- Cate Blanchett
Don Quixote-- Katy Clarkson-Hill? María Elisa Camargo?
Ryōshu-- Katherine Kingsley
Mersault-- Tim Storms
Hong Lu-- Yuri Lowenthal
Heathcliff-- Richard Armitage
Ishmael-- Daisy Ridley
Rodian-- Nina Yndis
Sinclair-- Finn Wolf-hard
Outis-- Claudia Doumit
Gregor-- Liam O'Brien
got bored enjoy
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dr-archeville · 2 years
Tetris - Official Trailer (2023) Taron Egerton, Toby Jones [source]
The game you couldn’t put down, the story you couldn’t make up. Check out the trailer for Tetris, an upcoming Apple original film starring Taron Egerton. The movie is inspired by the true story of how one man risked his life to outsmart the KGB and turn Tetris into a worldwide sensation.
Tetris is directed by Jon S. Baird and written by Noah Pink. The film’s executive producer is Iain MacKenzie. Producers include Matthew Vaughn, Gillian Berrie, Claudia Vaughn, Len Blavatnik, and Gregor Cameron.
Tetris is streaming March 31 on Apple TV+
... what?
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soylazaro · 7 months
IKEA // The Room from Stefanie Soho on Vimeo.
„The Room“ - a film about a young couple’s imaginations of the evolution of their new apartment. Thanks to everyone involved! 

This is the Director’s Cut. ______
Client: Ikea - Immacolta Lidia Costantino, Stefanie Albrecht, Natalja Marija Grün, Michael Haas Agency: thjnk - Benjamin Calcott, Sabine Kuckuck, Andreas Richter, Berthold Brodowski, Stephanie Schmitz, Mona Bergmann
Production: BWGTBLD GmbH Executive Producer: Jakob Preischl Producer: Tom Erhardt Production Coordination: Frika Plank
Director: Stefanie Soho Director of Photography: Mathieu Plainfossé
1st AD: Gregor Budde-Petrusch Unit Manager: Patrick Berghold 1st AC: Claudia Schnoor 2nd AC: Shay Coten Beinwoll
Cast: Eliza Lawrence, Oliver Clayton
Gaffer: Jürgen Bosse Key Grip: Robert Wedemeyer Production Design: Kirsten Grabbed Set Dresser: Grit Kronacher Styling: Julia Quarte Hair & Makeup: Nadin Wagner
BWGTBLD Team: Rayk Hawlitscheck, Alex Göke, Leonor Alexandrino, Nick Martinelli, Lukas Keuchel
Edit: Nik Kohler via Cabin Edit Postproduction: bEpic Music: Yehezkel Raz   Music Client Version: Gustav Karlstrom Sound Design: Moritz Staub Mix DC: Staub Audio´ Mix Client Version & VO Recording: Kraatz Color: Emiliano Serantoni VFX: bEpic Post Producer: Filomena Alder
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lokaleblickecom · 2 years
Kooperationsvereinbarung für historische Bildungsarbeit abgeschlossen
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Stadt Duisburg, die Universität Duisburg-Essen und die Stadt Essen schließen nach langjähriger und erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit jetzt eine Rahmenvereinbarung über die Kooperation im Bereich historischer Bildungsarbeit. Ausführende Stellen sind der Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Ralf-Peter Fuchs für die Landesgeschichte der Rhein-Maas-Region, das Haus der Essener Geschichte / Stadtarchiv (HdEG, geleitet von Dr. Claudia Kauertz) und das Stadtarchiv Duisburg / Zentrum für Erinnerungskultur, Menschenrechte und Demokratie (ZfE, geleitet von Dr. Andreas Pilger). Gemäß der Namensgebung der UDE rücken Niederrhein und Ruhrgebiet so enger zusammen. Die Präsentation der Kooperationsvereinbarung erfolgte feierlich am vergangenen Freitag im Haus der Essener Geschichte. Für die Gestaltung der Partnerschaft sind bereits zahlreiche Veranstaltungen durchgeführt worden. HdEG und ZfE unterstützten als außeruniversitäre Lernorte die zwei wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls, die unterschiedliche Epochen bearbeiten. Benedikt Neuwöhner (Epoche: Neueste Zeit) führt im ZfE seit dem Sommersemester 2019 und Dr. Gregor Maximilian Weiermüller (Epoche: Frühe Neuzeit) im HdEG seit dem Sommersemester 2020 regelmäßig Seminare und Übungen durch. Nach der Unterzeichnung des Vertrags sind weitere Kooperationsprojekte geplant. Archive und historische Institute an Universitäten sind Akteure der historischen Bildungsarbeit. Aus dieser gemeinsamen Zielsetzung heraus bemüht sich die Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE) im Zusammenhang mit der Qualitätsverbesserung von Studium und Lehre seit langem schon um einen engen Schulterschluss mit den Stadtarchiven der Region. Durch die Arbeit mit vielfältigen Originalquellen aus den Epochen Frühe Neuzeit sowie Neuere und Neueste Geschichte erlernen Studierende die Grundlagen der historischen Forschung. Vordringliches Ziel der Zusammenarbeit von Archiven und Universitäten ist die Förderung der Recherchekompetenz und die Vermittlung grundlegender Kenntnisse im Umgang mit archivischen Originalquellen. Gleichzeitig können Studierende im Archiv noch nicht oder wenig erschlossene Archivalien aus den Beständen in ihren Seminar- oder auch Qualifikationsarbeiten auswerten. Sie leisten damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur regional- und lokalgeschichtlichen Forschung. Bildzeile: Die Kooperationspartner (v.l.n.r.): Dr. Gregor Maximilian Weiermüller (UDE), Dr. Claudia Kauertz (HdEG), Dr. Andreas Pilger (ZfE), Prof. Dr. Ralf-Peter Fuchs (UDE). Foto: Merlin Goriß (HdEG) Read the full article
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queen-breha-organa · 3 years
Day 256 of asking Claudia Grey to please write a Rex, Wolffe and Gregor book set right after RoTS-
Please at this point I’m begging
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mistwraiths · 4 years
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5 stars
Sancia is a thief and a damn good one. But when one of her heists has her end up with a magical talking key, things go wrong and escalate very quickly. Soon, she's got an unlikely group of allies, secrets that unravel everything, and more.
I absolutely loved this book from page one. Sancia is such a great character. She's capable, smart, resourceful, and has just the right amount of snark. The book mainly sticks to her although eventually as Sancia finds allies, we get to see their parts. Each character is such full of life. They're stubborn and angry and selfish, and I loved each of them! Gregor, Clef, Berenice, Orso, and Claudia and Giovanni.
Foundryside is essentially a heist book. There's also plenty of action, the banter is actually top-notch and I laughed several times outloud. What makes this book even better is the magic system and the secrets and mysteries in the world. Sigils that basically break reality of inanimate objects to do something. It has a strict set of rules as well and it's all good fun watching them act around or break the rules in reasonable ways. The worldbuilding as well was done very nicely. You're constantly getting information but it doesn't feel like a dump of information. Instead it is slowly revealed as you continue into this world.
I could guess a reveal or two before it happened but the writing was so interesting it didn't take away the joy of the reveal itself which is great writing. I didn't see the actual villain until it happened. The pacing of the book was done really well. I never found myself bored or wanting to switch to another character or looking at the page number.
There were things I did dislike. The slavery, the oppression of women, the passing remarks of sexual assault (all who ever partook or tried to act got what was coming to them), etc. A big part was a lot of the book tended to be in thoughts or speaking through minds. It seemed an odd choice to use brackets and italics when italics would have been just fine.
Overall it was so good and unique, and I can't wait to read the second one.
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fictionfromafar · 4 years
My favourite Crime fiction novels in Translation from 2020
Whatever 2020 has thrown at us, it has certainly given us more time to read!
Before listing my favourite books published in 2020, here is a mention of some of the older books that I have enjoyed this year:
The Fragility Of Bodies – Sergio Alguin (Argentina)
The Shadow Of The Wind – Carlos Ruiz Zafon (Spain)
Miss Smila’s Feeling For Snow – Peter Hoeg (Denmark)
The Undesired - Yrsa Sigurdardottir (Iceland)
Baby Blue – Pol Koutsakis (Greece)
Red April – Santiago Roncagloilo (Peru)
Endgame – Ahmet Altan (Turkey)
The Body Snatcher – Patricia Melo (Brazil)
The Good Son - You-Jeong Jeong (South Korea)
Havana Fever - Leonardo Padura (Cuba)
The Lady Killer - Masako Togawa (Japan)
Entanglement - Zygmunt Milosewski (Poland)
Snare - Lilja Sigurðardóttir (Iceland)
The Defensiveness - Kati Heikkapelto (Finland)
Three Days And A Life - Pierre Lamaitre (France)
The Winter Queen - Boris Akunin (Russia)
Back Up - Paul Colize (Belgium)
Death of a Red Heroine - Qui Xiaolong (China)
Smaller and Smaller Circle - FH Batacan (Philippines)
Three, An Imperfect Number - Patrizia Rinaldi (Italy)
So due to the above list and more, it took me a while to get really started in 2020. The following 10 novels are at the timing of writing, each but one I have already reviewed, so my favourite reads published this year:
The Silence Of The White City by Eva García Sáenz, translated by Nick Caistor, Vintage Crime / Black Lizard (Spain)
A captivating read about twin murders in the Basque Country – this novel gives a strong location setting, history, intrigue, convincing characters and a great whodunit!
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The Man In The Woods by Ilaria Tuti, translated by Ekin Oklap, Weidenfield & Nicholson Orion (Italy)
Set in the Italian Alpes this novel features both a unique lead detective and a unpredictable and wild perpetrator.
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The Coral Bride by Roxanne Bouchard, translated by David Warriner, Orenda Books (Canada)
Set in a remote fishing community in Quebec, this is a captivating read in an enchanting setting.
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The Creak On The Stairs by Eva Björg Ægisdóttir, translated by Victoria Cribb, Orenda (Iceland)
Such an accomplished debut novel, set in a small town in Iceland
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The Lost and The Damned – Olivier Norek, translated by Nick Caistor, MacLehose Press (France)
The first volume of the Banlieues Triology featuring Captain Victor Coste of the Parisian violent crime unit. Review coming soon
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The next five as as follows:
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Summer of Reckoning by Marion Brunet, translated by Katherine Gregor. Bitter Lemon Press (France)
Betrayal by Lilja Sigurðardóttir, translated by Quintin Bates, Orenda Books (Iceland)
Like Flies From Afar by K. Ferrari, translated by Adrian Nathan West, Canongate (Argentina)
Mexico Street by Simone Buchholz, translated by Rachel Ward, Orenda Books (Germany)
Sword by Bogdan Teodorescu, translated by Marina Sofia, Corylus Books (Romania)
Special mentions also for Hurricane Season by Fernanda Melchor – Fitzcarraldo Editions (Mexico) and The Fox by Solveig Palsdottir (Iceland)
I’ve still more books to review from 2020, among this pile are some you may see reviewed soon.
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Here is a list of most of 2020's releases available through Bookshop.org
So it’s far from out with the old and in with the new. Happy Hogmanay!
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colorel11 · 5 years
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© Claudia Gregor
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strixton · 5 years
So my fandom dads are:
Steve Jinks from Warehouse 13
Bruno Bucciarati from JJBA
Leone Abbacchio from JJBA
Professors Kukui from Pokemon Sun and Moon
Both Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens
Old Joseph Joestar from JJBA
My fandom moms include:
Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13
Lisa Lisa from JJBA
Zelda from LOZ
My fandom sons include:
Link from LOZ
Alucard from Castlevania
Hector from Castlevania
Adam from Good Omens
Kakyoin from JJBA
The Knight from Hollow Knight
Gregor from The Metamorphosis (he deserves love shut up)
Frankenstein's Creation from Frankenstein (also deserves love now shut up)
Young Joseph Joestar from JJBA
i don't remember having any fandom daughters other than Sypha from Castlevania
I have too many fandoms and this is not all of my fandoms
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paolo-streito-1264 · 5 years
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Claudia Gregor  #photography.
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