#Claudia dpr
mjbarrosart · 1 year
My Dragon Prince Boards season 5 part 1
So, now that season 5 is out I can share with you some of the work I did in the show as Storyboard Artist. This boards were done between the last months of 2021 and the first ones of 2022.
If you have questions about the process of boarding for the show please ask, just remember not to ask about seasons 6 and 7 :)
This is going to be more than one post, so It's divided by episode.
Episode 502
My first sequences was with Callum and Rayla in the forest in their way to Xadia.
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Jack de Senna acting was so animated that was hard to not make Callum's acting super extra too. Callum/Rayla's dynamic is pretty fun.
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My next sequence was with Claudia's team. A much dark mood than the previous one. Racquel Belmonte is my favorite voice actor in the show, so any chance to work with Claudia was a privilege. Also, Terry is a sweetheart.
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The next one was when Viren meets Kpp'ar on his fever dream. This one was hard, is an slow moment that needs to feel tense but still interesting. I really love what the lighting and compositing team did with the lights here.
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I also did the sequence when Callum and Rayla are leaving the comfy Inn, their interactions are so fun in that sequence, hahaha.
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My last sequence on this episode (and my favorite of it) is the one where Callum and Rayla are crossing "The Scar".
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I remember clearly reading on the script the line where Rayla is talking about how is a wound that is healing, and in one of the meetings I asked Aaron "Is Rayla talking about the scar or about their relationship?" ... well I leave the answer he gave me to your imagination ;) but after that meeting I added this shots :3
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I really like the little symbolism at the end of the sequence with new life growing in a place like this. The world can heal.
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Those were my contributions to episode 502, next post will be 505. Thanks for checking my art!
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eltelescopiocl · 3 years
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Mesa público privada para abordar temáticas de la sequía en el Maule · En la reunión, encabezada por el delegado presidencial regional, Juan Eduardo Prieto, junto a la seremi de Obras Públicas, se abordaron las problemáticas relacionadas a la escasez hídrica y los desafíos para enfrentar el tema. Mediante una Mesa del Agua, liderada por el delegado presidencial regional, Juan Eduardo Prieto, junto a la seremi de Obras Públicas, y en la que también estuvieron presentes representantes de Agricultura, como el director de la Comisión Nacional de Riego, Marcelo Díaz, y juntas de regantes de la región, entre otros actores, se abordó la problemática en torno a la sequía que afecta a gran parte de del país. “Nos reunimos todos los entes involucrados en el tema del agua, por la preocupante situación que tenemos, es clave seguir teniendo estas reuniones periódicas. Vimos los temas de la fiscalización, seguridad, avances de los proyectos y todo lo relacionado a este problema que nos afecta hace ya largos años”, señaló el dpr Prieto. Hace unas semanas, los ministerios de Obras Públicas y Agricultura anunciaron grandes inversiones presupuestarias adicionales para enfrentar esta escasez de precipitaciones que ya lleva más de 12 años en la región y el país. Se trata de $ 4.083.650.000 por parte de Agricultura y $14.765.787.000 desde el MOP para enfrentar esta crisis hídrica. “Hoy les mostramos la inversión que tenemos en estas glosas de sequías que son adicionales al presupuesto. Aumentamos también la inversión en el trabajo en los ríos, con el desmalezamiento y encauzamiento de los ríos y otras obras como embalses y viendo otras instancias con asociaciones de canalistas y ahora revisando con las juntas de vigilancia y asociaciones de usuarios para trabajar la cartera del 2022”, destacó la seremi de Obras Públicas, Claudia Vasconcellos. @claudia.vasconcellos666 @dprmaule (en Región del Maule Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVpyZU4l8Tt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rmolid · 4 years
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thenomadnetwork · 5 years
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The Cities Connection Project (CCP) via v @dpr_barcelona- is a connector between cities and their architecture, created by architects Nicola Regusci and Xavier Bustos, with the aim of generating synergies between architects, cultural agents, governments and universities among European cities. v @dpr_barcelona http://www.dpr-barcelona.com/index.php?/projects/re-activate-the-citybruxellesbarcelona/
First edition: 2018 dpr-barcelona Editors: Nicola Regusci, Xavier Bustos (CCP), Nathalie Brison Translations: Natalie Mariez Cosset (FR), Daniel Lacasta Fitzimmons (ENG). Graphic design: Claudia Mainardi with dpr-barcelona Exhibition panels: Pamela Könsgen ISBN: 978-84-949388-0-1 Size: 25 x 18cm.
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Artificial Intelligence Aids Gene Activation Discovery
With the aid of artificial intelligence, UC San Diego scientists have solved a long-standing puzzle in human gene activation. The discovery described in the journal Nature could be used to control gene activation in biotechnology and biomedical applications.
Scientists have long known that human genes spring into action through instructions delivered by the precise order of our DNA, directed by the four different types of individual links, or “bases,” coded A, C, G and T.
Nearly 25% of our genes are widely known to be transcribed by sequences that resemble TATAAA, which is called the “TATA box.” How the other three-quarters are turned on, or promoted, has remained a mystery due to the enormous number of DNA base sequence possibilities, which has kept the activation information shrouded.
Now, with the help of artificial intelligence, researchers at the University of California San Diego have identified a DNA activation code that’s used at least as frequently as the TATA box in humans. Their discovery, which they termed the downstream core promoter region (DPR), could eventually be used to control gene activation in biotechnology and biomedical applications. The details are described September 9 in the journal Nature.
“The identification of the DPR reveals a key step in the activation of about a quarter to a third of our genes,” said James T. Kadonaga, a distinguished professor in UC San Diego’s Division of Biological Sciences and the paper’s senior author. “The DPR has been an enigma—it’s been controversial whether or not it even exists in humans. Fortunately, we’ve been able to solve this puzzle by using machine learning.”
In 1996, Kadonaga and his colleagues working in fruit flies identified a novel gene activation sequence, termed the DPE (which corresponds to a portion of the DPR), that enables genes to be turned on in the absence of the TATA box. Then, in 1997, they found a single DPE-like sequence in humans. However, since that time, deciphering the details and prevalence of the human DPE has been elusive. Most strikingly, there have been only two or three active DPE-like sequences found in the tens of thousands of human genes. To crack this case after more than 20 years, Kadonaga worked with lead author and post-doctoral scholar Long Vo ngoc, Cassidy Yunjing Huang, Jack Cassidy, a retired computer scientist who helped the team leverage the powerful tools of artificial intelligence, and Claudia Medrano.
In what Kadonaga describes as “fairly serious computation” brought to bear in a biological problem, the researchers made a pool of 500,000 random versions of DNA sequences and evaluated the DPR activity of each. From there, 200,000 versions were used to create a machine learning model that could accurately predict DPR activity in human DNA.
The results, as Kadonaga describes them, were “absurdly good.” So good, in fact, that they created a similar machine learning model as a new way to identify TATA box sequences. They evaluated the new models with thousands of test cases in which the TATA box and DPR results were already known and found that the predictive ability was “incredible,” according to Kadonaga.
These results clearly revealed the existence of the DPR motif in human genes. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence of the DPR appears to be comparable to that of the TATA box. In addition, they observed an intriguing duality between the DPR and TATA. Genes that are activated with TATA box sequences lack DPR sequences, and vice versa.
Kadonaga says finding the six bases in the TATA box sequence was straightforward. At 19 bases, cracking the code for DPR was much more challenging.
“The DPR could not be found because it has no clearly apparent sequence pattern,” said Kadonaga. “There is hidden information that is encrypted in the DNA sequence that makes it an active DPR element. The machine learning model can decipher that code, but we humans cannot.”
Going forward, the further use of artificial intelligence for analyzing DNA sequence patterns should increase researchers’ ability to understand as well as to control gene activation in human cells. This knowledge will likely be useful in biotechnology and in the biomedical sciences, said Kadonaga.
“In the same manner that machine learning enabled us to identify the DPR, it is likely that related artificial intelligence approaches will be useful for studying other important DNA sequence motifs,” said Kadonaga. “A lot of things that are unexplained could now be explainable.”
This study was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) at the National Institutes of Health.
source https://scienceblog.com/518425/artificial-intelligence-aids-gene-activation-discovery/
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eltelescopiocl · 3 years
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Gobierno destina casi $ 19 mil millones para enfrentar la sequía en el Maule · A través de fondos sectoriales históricos para la región por parte de los ministerios de Agricultura y Obras Públicas, se está trabajando en ir en ayuda de los más afectados por la escasez de precipitaciones que se extiende por más de 10 años. Inversiones en estudios y ayudas concretas por casi $ 19 mil millones para el Maule a través de los ministerios de Obras Públicas y Agricultura, se destinarán para los afectados por la larga sequía que afecta hace más de 10 años y que detallaron el delegado presidencial regional, dpr, Juan Eduardo Prieto y los seremis de esas carteras, Claudia Vasconcellos y Luis Verdejo. Se trata de $ 4.083.650.000 por parte de Agricultura y $14.765.787.000 desde el MOP para enfrentar esta crisis hídrica. “Sabemos que somos una región agrícola y la sequía nos ha afectado por varios años y por eso que estamos anunciado este plan de sequía para los próximos meses para trabajar y combatir esta situación. Este esfuerzo hoy lo estamos haciendo a través de recursos nacionales y que estamos ejecutando con ambos ministerios”, destacó el dpr Prieto. Hace aproximadamente un mes, el MOP decretó la Escasez Hídrica, lo mismo Agricultura, con la Emergencia Agrícola, con lo que se empezó a realizar los catastros y coordinaciones para enfocar la ayuda tanto a agricultores como para el consumo humano. La titular de Obras Públicas agregó que se construirán sondajes; estudios hidrogeológicos; obras de conservación de APR; encauzamiento de ríos; limpieza, desmalezamiento y desembanque de varios cauces naturales; entre otras obras, con una inversión por sequía en servicios sanitarios rurales por casi $5 mil millones y sequía de riego DOH por más de $ 10 mil millones. “Este año en particular el Ministerio de Obras Públicas ha tenido una inversión alta pero principalmente en el consumo humano prácticamente el doble, sobre todo en las losas de sequía para saber dónde se encuentran las fuetes de agua y hacer los sondajes. Son 24 las comunas que ya son beneficiadas con esto”, informó la seremi Vasconcellos. @eltelescopio.cl @radio_pulso (en Región del Maule Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUc8RqPgElw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rmolid · 4 years
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rmolid · 4 years
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