sovereignspades · 1 year
I'm so sorry to the anon that sent this, they had asked for more Cult of the Ink stuff with Alice, Bendy and Boris, but when I went to the inbox to answer it, for some reason???? it just wasn't there D8?????? and I know for a fact I didn't delete it???? idk man @ ~ @ I'm going to go and screenshot my inbox just in case this happens to the other ones, but anon you know who you are, I'm so sorry > < Here have them sparring <:3
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rael-rider · 2 years
An interview with Lanzing and Kelly about their new Guardians run and the more I read it the more I don't know what to think about it.
It's not trying to match the movies in tone (there's that I guess) but I also think the writers are expressing some ideas as being new when in fact they have been done before.
Like they mentioned Gamora in their run for example will be doing more jokes as something new and unusual for her when she originally was someone who did joke a lot. Drax will be going through a spiritual journey and trying to find his true self when he did just that in the Duggan run while trying to become a pacifist.
The Guardians breaking apart and trying to build up and become a family again, it's something that's been repeated since the Bendis run really (even Ewing did just that).
Also they're picking up from Vita's Nebula story, yes the story that never got finished and ended in a cliffhanger.
Mantis will change personalities a lot because she's channeling from different versions of herself? I dunno.
Writers are still coy about Groot and Rocket and their whereabouts but they'll appear in the future.
The writes also flat out state that there's no plans for Phyla and Moondragon. They straight up admitted to it and it doesn't look like they will expand on the roster so this is most likely staying as an exclusively MCU roster for the remainder of this run.
Story is dark, the Guardians have trauma and they won't be expressing it in healthy ways. The theme for this comic is a dark one (this already sounds like the beginning of the Cates run! Including the missing Rocket)
The writers mentioned that they talked with Ewing before doing this, they said that Al's run still happened but they didn't want to continue after it and went into this direction instead.
Yeah I am not sure about these ideas but I do like Lanzing and Kelly's Cap run so I'll be reading this.
Anyway look at this beautiful Chechetto Gamora cover.
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Welp, time to toss in my own ocs into the mix.
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Meet Adelynn Murphy and Alexis Angel everyone!
Adelynn is the main character for a fic I plan to write (unnamed for now), a sequel fic taking place nearly 50 years after the Dark Revival. While I'm writing, feel free to send me any asks regarding dear Adelynn and/or Alexis.
It's gonna be Bendy/Ink Demon x oc because I'm not normal about him.
[Notes for those who maybe can't read what I wrote under the cut]
Adelynn Murphy (26-ish years; she/her)
Adelynn is an animator for ArchGate Films working on the new 2022 Bendy series reboot. Despite being a usually silent and reserved person, she's got a close, almost familial relationship with the rest of the Bendy team, willing to fight for and alongside them in tough times. So when a company merger between ArchGate and tech giant "Innovation" threatens to sack the entire Bendy team in a mass company lay-off along with her boss having mysteriously vanished, Adelynn will have to return to an uncomfortable figure from her past in order to find her boss and save her team's and her's livelihoods.
She's gonna wish she hadn't gone back to him.
Can be intimidating.
A usually quiet person until you get her to talk about her interests, the she won't shut up
She is South African-American
Quite close with her boss
Fascinated with creepy characters (design-wise)
can get anxious quite easily
A monsterfucker in denial
Her favourite characters are Bendy and Alexis Angel
Alexis Angel (Ageless; she/her)
"Born for the stage and starlight, Alexis greets the stage with a coy wink and goofy smile, entrancing the audience and a certain lil' devil darling with her heavenly voice and blessed dance moves"
Alexis Angel was created as the love interest for the Dancing Demon himself for the 90s hit series "The Hellish Tales of Bendy the Dancing Demon". Despite getting mixed reactions during her debut, Alexis is remembered fondly nowadays and has amassed a massive cult following, which allowed her to return to the newest reboot.
Regardless of how one might feel about her, it cannot be denied that the chemistry between her and Bendy is electric!
....Almost like he got a say in what he wanted her to be like....
Sounds a little like Minerva Mink
Love Interest to Bendy
Competitive rival to Alice Angel
A lil' shit disguised as a femme fatale
Loves to dance, especially with Bendy
Main difference between Alexis and Alice is that Alice tries to stop Bendy from getting into trouble- Alexis is usually in trouble with him from the get go.
Ink Demon Approved
The Jessica to Bendy's Roger. Though far more mischievous they are both. Alexis loves Bendy with all her angelic heart.
Adelynn Angel (she/her)
....And like it always does, everything goes horribly wrong.
Adelynn is trapped in the world of the Ink Machine with 3 main goals in mind: Survive, Find her boss and Figure out what's going on. While doing that, she uncovers the past of her boss and the studio and even begins to grow close with some of the denizens of the Ink World, especially with a certain demon she struggles not to think about, considering he's as much in her head as she is in his head...
Oh she might definitely be catching feelings
A mix between her human form and Alexis Angel.
In a lot of pain from halo being forced attached to her skull and possibly brain.
Exhausted and Anxious
Felt too exposed in Alexis' normal outfit, found a coat to wear to cover up.
Draws to soothe nerves
Rarely speaks to anyone besides the voice in her head- which btw->
Is telepathically connected to the Ink Demon.
A bit of a story piece here: the first time she saw the Ink Demon in person, she was not afraid nor disgusted but fascinated and enchanted. She LOVES to draw him. She let it slip once that she was in love with his design and he hasn't been normal since.
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My Issue With Jay Nakamura...
I have an issue with Jay Nakamura.  Now, it isn’t what you think.  This is going behind the cut, but I don’t think it’s anything terribly offensive. Just in case, though…
My issue with him isn’t that he’s Jon Kent’s boyfriend.  Granted, it was poorly-paced and rushed for the sake of headlines and sales.  I’m not entirely sure why Jon is attracted to him, but hey—love is rarely rational, so there’s that.
My issue with him isn’t that he has no apparent weaknesses.  I mean, his phasing power isn’t the most defined thing. If he’s in danger, even without his awareness, he phases.  I mean, it’s not like we know what his limitations are.  Does he have to breathe when phasing?  Can he be locked into intangibility?  Can the power be nullified?  Could, say, Manchester Black reach into his mind and switch the power off, since it’s not technically “harming” Jay?  There are so many questions Mr. Taylor has opted to be vague or coy about because he doesn’t want to deal with it.  It’s not like he failed Character Creation 101 in this aspect.  But no, that’s not my issue.
My issue with him isn’t really even his behavior as he and Jon start to get together.  I mean, it’s not like it’s borderline-manipulative and shady at times, even if it is justified in the end.  I mean, it only looks like Jay is taking advantage of someone who has refused to admit deep trauma and avoided therapy, one who is extremely vulnerable emotionally.  No, that’s not my issue with the character.
(OK, I blame Bendis for the trauma.  Jon is stuck for six years on the Hell that is Earth 3, why?  Does it make sense?  Nope, it’s for The Drama.  And everyone afterwards kind of glossed over that because they didn’t want to deal with it. Because, I’m given to understand, stories where the protagonist tries to overcome trauma with introspection and therapy Don’t Sell.)
No, folks, here’s my big issue with Jay Nakamura:
Gossamer is a terrible name for a super-hero.
Well, consider that DC Comics (or is it just DC now?  I forget.) is currently owned by Warner Brothers.  Warner Brothers also has a significant stable of cartoon characters.
This is Gossamer.
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Mr. Taylor needed to do a little more research, I think.  Though, it might be amusing to see Jay dressed up as a big, furry red monster with sneakers.  He might be exclaiming to Jon, “Why didn’t you TELL me the NAME WAS TAKEN?!”
And that, folks, is my big issue with Jay Nakamura.
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onlynicexthings · 5 years
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Flashbacks of their lifes of time displaced Jean Grey in All-New X-Men #5 (2013) and Karma in All-New X-Men #41 (2015)
All-New X-Men #5 is written by Brian Michael Bendis, penciled by Stuart Immonen, inked by Wade von Grawbadger and Craig Yeung, coloured by Marte Gracia and Jason Keith and lettered by Cory Petit
All-New X-Men #41 is written by Brian Michael Bendis, penciled and inked by Mahmud Asrar, coloured by Marte Gracia and lettered by Cory Petit
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blood-and-cigars · 6 years
Two useless headcanons because they’re interrelated:
1) Walter is a very good gardener, it’s how he relaxes during his free time. Amid the more practical herbs and vegetables he grows, he has a small plot dedicated to flowers.
The type of flowers change from year to year, he enjoys the challenge of learning how to cultivate different blooms. Of course he has it down to an art.
2) There is a vase, and for some reason Walter doesn’t quite know, to him that is Alucard’s vase. Something to do with an old half remembered memory, perhaps. 
For twenty years, he arranges fresh flowers in it every week. He tends to the flowers well, changes their water, trims dead heads, etc.
 He checks it every day, never letting the vase remain empty or with sad wilting flowers in it. That is, until 1989, where while packing his belongings (there weren’t many, he knew it’d be a very quick trip), he empties the vase and sets it aside, refusing to bring it out again. 
It’s just a silly vase, he tells himself. He simply doesn’t like the way it looks anymore.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
okay but imagine waking up next to soft!dom harry in the middle of the night and snuggling closer to him because you had a nightmare or you just couldn’t get to sleep well and he just kisses you, whispers sweet nothings and holds your hand as he helps you back to sleep
Wednesday’s are most tiring for Harry. Shit tons of paperwork, shipping and unloading and then being a visible leader at the workplace to make sure the gang runs efficiently.
Weary and knotty in his muscles Harry dragged himself all the way to the threshold of his house to his room, his comfort space for many reasons— it smells incredibly sweet of his lovie, it’s cosy and the blankets are always toasty with her warmth and the room temperatures's the perfect chilly against your skin, akin to whole house.
“Hi Mushy,” He greets her coarsely, ducking down and a bit to the left of her gaze when she busily mumbles a ‘hi!’ Back with her head stuffed into her books, crossed legs on the chunky silken duvet and blankets.
“No kisses, pretty?” He asks, patting her head gently and she looks up at him. Equally tuckered out and bushed, she’s been trying to solve this stupid stupid algebra and it seems like algebra solved her and kicked her in arse telling her to do this nonsense with someone other.
“Sorry.” She sighs, scurrying to her knees and lifts her bum to plant a soft kiss to his lips instead ends up smashing a sloppy peck to his chin making both of them giggle.
She really thought she was about to get a good sleep, after having a tummy full dinner, doing her night routine with Harry and cleaning the little mess around her room because it keeps on irking her the whole night of otherwise --- she really hoped.
Her hopes were crushed brutally with a bulldozer when Harry knocked out the moment his floppy head hit the pillows, his embrace's homey and his breath melting into her skin makes her wants to learn the pattern mentally and sleep to it— she did.
She almost lulled herself into a light slumber when their whole house shook, the windows squeaked and their bedhead banged against the wall ever loudly from the force of her jolt due to the peal of unexpected thunder.
Y/N hates thunderstorms. It hyperventilates her badly and she’s never able to sleep during them, she might ends up crying or trying to make a clever run god knows where. She’s a science student still her silly and scared brain convinces her that the lightening will fall on them and burn them to ashes.
For a moment it didn’t happen again, replaced with calming patter patter of rain and she was glad she hasn’t woken Harry up. Who’s snoring softly into his pillow, his arms lax around her body and his facial features placid and soft.
There’s an ominous roar again in the sky and this time it fucks her up properly. She whimpers like a puppy shrinking into Harry’s side, eyes bolted shut as she feels her heart pumping in her ears – thumping eerily against Harry’s chest and she gasps, her knees knocking against Harry’s lower abdomen when there’s furious amount of non-stop thundering. Quite funnily he only mutters something incoherent and tucks her further into him.
Y/N’s sleepy, loggy and her scary surroundings doesn’t makes any sense to her and she doesn’t want to wake up Harry.
She’s feeling awfully, small and little and skimpy.
Terrified her eyes blows away when she sees the light-flashing outside scarily bright, “Daddy!” She cries out, latching her elbows around Harry’s neck and her thighs around his waist -- practically haggling the dude into a bendy doll.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy. . .” She mumbles unremittingly into his throat, her tears soaking the crew neck of his shirt -- tummy jolting against him and it stirs Harry, trying to take in his wear-bouts— knuckling the blurriness away from his eyes, he looks down at his lovie in haziness worried something bad happened because last he remembers she was good and about to drool over him. His warm palm gliding up her back, the fabric of her pyjama top bunching in his hold.
It doesn’t took him long to realize why his lovie’s so rucked up, clinging onto him like she depends on him for dear life when another wave of thunder-clapped and she was shoving herself into him with a frightened sob.
“Hey, hey . . Poppy. Daddy’s here. Not g'na let anything happen t’ya, sweet girl.” He whispers, cupping her face with both of his hands and tilts it up gently to look into her scared eyes, he sandwiches her shaky hands in-between his thighs and brings her impossibly closer to him – stroking his thumb over her wobbling wet bottom lip.
“We're gonna die!” She stutters a whiny sniffle hating that this awful thundering wouldn’t stop. Her outburst quirks Harry’s lips into a small smile, his heart oozing with overloaded infatuation for his love who’s just too innocent and cute for her own sake.
He gives her an eskimo kiss, pecking the corner of her salty lips then kissing her mouth tenderly and lovingly, “Said the same thing last time baby.” He calms her down. Rubbing her back, halting at the dip of her hip to massage the soft spot gently.
“Shh, shh, ‘s okay . . . I know it scares my darling so much, hate tha’, wouldn’t want my little’s poor heart to suffer this much would I?” He says groggily, tone coy and affectionate. He brushes the frays falling over her eyes out of shakiness, behind her ear and smooches a kiss to the side of her temple.
A surreal quietness blanketed them, her timid voice breaking through it and Harry smiles foppishly and lazily down at her hands still covering her ears. He tuts caringly when she blinks and glistening moisture collects under her eyebags.
“Sorry, didn’t wanna wake you,” She skootches impossibly closer into him, nuzzling her face in his strong healthy rising chest and he shakes his head petting her hair, “Would’ve been bummed if you didn’t,” He hugs her securely, and she relaxes taking a nourishing breather. Something so protective, safe and warm his huggies makes her feel.
Harry himself is the definition of tenderness, for her.
“Good?” He inquires, pressing his lips to where her neck and shoulder meet—- rubbing his hands up and down her arms smiling assuringly when Y/N hums in meekness.
His head perks up, brows shooting up nonchalantly when Y/N groans again upon all of it starting again and he coos, tightening his hug more compassionately screwing his mind too think of any idea to distract her.
“Would my baby like to keep me inside her, keep daddy warm?” He cuddles her chuckling softly when she buries her face in his neck, fisting the waistband of his joggers out of shyness and quick to bob her head timidly as Harry showers her in tiny sloppy wet fond kisses.
“Hmm. My soft little one.” He murmurs, hooking her panties away and spitting in his palm to squeeze it around his girth and gives himself few pumps before lubricating her with his own precum and eases carefully inside, not to hurt her.
Their temples falls against eachother, whimpers mingling as Harry bottoms out inside her. Balls snug against her bum, his eyes glassy as he nudges her playfully, “Now if we get stoned to death . . atleast it’d be with me cock inside ye',” His belly does a loopy loop upon earning a shy giggle from her (he takes pride in making his lovie laugh) and she moans breathily when he squishes her bum cheek grumbling disgruntled.
“Not letting them see yer bum thou,” She hiccups a giggle, feeling ticklish from all the raspberries he’s blowing at her skin and lapping the sensitive spot then, teasing it dry.
“You’re s’nice to me, I love you.”
“I love you too, my little one.”
Harry’s forever and always gonna be her comfort person.
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thetravelerwrites · 5 years
Seznik (Drow) Lemon
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Rating: Explicit Relationship: Female Human/Male Drow Additional Tags: Drow, Monster Boyfriend, College, Sexual Harassment, Terrible Teachers, Relationship Goals, Sex Words: 2133
A continuation of @cozycryptidcorner​‘s monster match! A professor at the reader's school has a secret that could get him in a lot of trouble, and the reader is determined to expose it, with her drow boyfriend's help. Please reblog and leave feedback!
The Traveler's Masterlist
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There’s always a learning curve when you start a new school. You figured that was all it was, that once you got used to your new classes and new professors and new classmates that it would get easier, and for the most part it did. There was only one class you seemed to struggle in: 3D sculpture. Instructor Bitner, whom everyone but you was allowed to call Justin, just seemed to dislike you from the moment you stepped into his classroom for the first time. You were sure at first that it was just a clash of personalities, but after a month, however, you were convinced he had it out for you.
You stomped into your apartment as Seznik was entering the kapotasana pose, the bendy fuck. He’d completed college the year before and was spending a year off before sending out resumés. He was fortunate enough to have parents who cared about his education and well-being and had the audacity to be chipper about it.
“More trouble with Justin?” Seznik asked.
“Don’t call him that like you’re friends,” You said, flouncing down onto the couch.
“I’ve never had a problem with him,” Seznik replied. “Maybe he just doesn’t like how abrasive you are sometimes, and you know you can be.”
“I’m not abrasive, I’m direct. It’s a rare virtue,” You told him with a sniff. “Besides, you’re not going to believe this, but he’s failing me because he knows I won’t put out.”
Seznik fell out of his pose awkwardly. “What?”
“I overheard a classmate brag to her friend that she’s been getting better grades or extensions because she gives Instructor Bitner blowjobs on the weekends.”
“You’re kidding,” Seznik said, pulling himself up on his knees. “That’s a complete ethics violation. He definitely could get fired for that.”
“He should get fired for it,” You said bitterly. “I wish I could take this to the dean, but I don’t have proof.”
“So get some,” Seznik said. “Wear a wire and flirt with him. Or hell, if he likes men, I’ll do it.”
“I don’t think he likes guys,” You said thoughtfully. “A lot of the guys in the class were bitching about him. I don’t think he gives them breaks, so he’s probably straight.”
“Hmm,” Seznik hummed, sitting next to you on the couch. “Let me make a call.”
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Turns out, Seznik had a cousin, Tiel, who was a private investigator. Tiel was shorter, a paler purple than Seznik, and had silver hair rather than white. He came that following Sunday to discuss how to conduct the investigation.
“First, video is better than audio for catching him with his pants down, literally and figuratively,” Tiel told you, giving you a belt buckle with a camera hidden in it. “Seznik will be observing from a distance, probably in a car outside nearby or an empty classroom.”
“Should we inform the dean?” You asked him.
Tiel tsked. “I’m torn, because on the one hand, some deans would accept your complaint and start a formal inquiry, and on the other there are those who defend their faculty. Can you say for certain which is which?”
You frowned. “No, I don’t know him that well.”
“So we get the evidence first, then.” He pointed at Seznik. “When you think you have enough evidence, or if we see some sort of dangerous situation happening, Seznik will call you and you make an excuse to leave. Take whatever evidence you have to the dean.If the dean doesn’t do anything, take it to the college’s board of directors. If that doesn’t work, leak it to the internet and let people sort it out. Simple enough?”
“Sounds like it,” You said. “But I don’t know if he’ll even be open to me trying to seduce him. I don’t think he likes me on a personal level.”
“You don’t have to like a person to accept a blowjob from them,” Tiel said flatly. “Besides, you won’t be seducing him. It’s very important not to ask leading questions. Think about this like going undercover in a criminal investigation. It’s very important that he initiates the exchange. You can be flirty and coy, but don’t offer anything. He needs to be the one who asks. Be available, not seductive. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, completely,” You said. “Only problem is, I don’t know how to be flirty, really. I got Seznik because I nearly beat him up.”
“Yeah, well, he’s a masochist.” Tiel snickered. Seznik shrugged and nodded. “I can’t tell you how to flirt, but I’d suggest maybe giving him reason to infer that you’d suck his dick for a better grade.”
You made a horking sound, but nodded your head in agreement.
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The next day, you actually didn’t have his class, but waited until his last class let out before walking at his door as the students filed out. A few of them smirked at you knowingly, but no one said anything. You were wearing the belt buckle while Seznik waited in an empty classroom, watching and recording the feed on his tablet.
“Mr. Bitner?” You called from the door. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“What do you want? I’m busy,” He said, not even looking up from his paperwork.
You stuffed down your seething rage and came into the classroom, closing and locking the door behind you. Bitner looked up at the sound of the lock clicking in place and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sorry, I think you may have gotten the wrong impression of me. I really admire you as a teacher, and I wanted us to have a better working relationship, you know what I mean?”
He looked at you appraisingly, and you noticed his glance lingered on your breasts, and you choked down some vomit.
“I think I understand,” He said. “I’m not against the idea of working more closely, if you’d like. Did you have a particular concern you wanted to bring to my attention?”
Your creeper sense was activated, but you trudged onward.
“My last grade, actually. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to bring it up? Some kind of extra credit? I’ll do whatever you want me to do, I promise.”
His hand was moving stealthily toward his crotch, and you flicked your eyes to the same place and then back to his face quickly in an effort to seem like you’d looked accidentally, biting your lip in an attempt to seem enticing. You hoped you weren’t coming across as psychotic, which is how you felt.
“I think something can be worked out,” Bitner said, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs a little wider. “You understand what I mean?”
“Yes, sir,” You said, trying to make your voice low and sultry. “I do understand.”
“Good,” Bitner said, and he reached down and undid his pants, plopping his wrinkly old man dick, short and stubby, onto his lap. You floundered for a second before your phone rang.
“Sorry, I have to take this,” You said, pulling out your phone. Bitner frowned but said nothing. His bits still lay in his lap, seeing sunlight for the first time in decades, probably. “Hello?”
“Sounds like you’re having fun,” Seznik said.
You swallowed your annoyance. “Are you sure?”
“You tell me,” He laughed.
You sighed and tsked as if disappointed. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” You hung up and turned to Instructor Bitner. “I’m sorry, there’s a problem at home. Maybe we can pick this up again… later?”
He made a noise of aggravation and stuffed himself away. “Fine. But there’s a deadline. Don’t make me wait too long or the opportunity will pass you by.”
“I understand,” You said, your stomach churning with disgust. You forced yourself to say thank you and unlocked the door, walking out into the hallway. You dashed to the room where Seznik had set up shop. He was sitting with his headphones on and watching his tablet, smirking.
“I can’t believe you didn’t crotch-shot that guy,” Seznik said, taking off the headphones, his long ears flicked one after the other as he did so.
“I wanted to, trust me,” You said. “Let’s go home. We can take this to the dean tomorrow. Dealing with him was exhausting.”
Back at home, he set the tablet down on the kitchen table and you started taking off your jacket. Seznik grabbed the fabric as you did so, effectively pinning your arms behind you, pulling you against him.
“Did seeing old man junk get you excited or something? You asked.
“No,” He said, kissing your neck. “But you outing a pervert and probably getting him fired and discredited is pretty hot, I have to admit.”
You could help but nod. “Yeah, that was pretty badass.”
Holding your hands behind you with one of his, he used the other to whip your belt out of the belt loops of your pants and discard it, bending you over the kitchen counter. He pulled down your pants one-handed and spread your legs open, pressing his face between your thighs. You didn’t stop him, biting your lip as his talented tongue found your slit with ease, slipping inside and swirling around a little before suctioning onto your clit and flicking it back and forth in his mouth.
You chuckled. “You know what, yes. I earned this,” You said breathlessly.
“Yes, you fucking did,” He said, slightly muffled. He sucked at your pearl as he used the free hand to work his fingers into you, and your eyes rolled back in your head. Being in a relationship as long as you had with Seznik lent the two of you the knowledge of how to please each other efficiently. The first one you got for free. The second you’d have to work for.
Your thighs began to shake as the muscles in your feet contracted involuntarily, popping you up on your tip toes. You moaned as the orgasm hit you, feeling your inner walls clamping down on his fingers. He stood up and shed his clothes as you recovered, pulling off the jacket that held your arms in place. He then jumped up onto the counter, laying out flat.
“Babe, that is so dangerous,” You said.
He laughed and shrugged. “What’s life without a little risk?”
You rolled your eyes and lifted yourself up over him, straddling him, and eased his cock inside you. The counter was rather narrow, and you were feeling a little bit of vertigo, but you shook it off and rode like a champ. He had a powerful grip on your hips as you grinded on him, so you doubted you’d have fallen anyway.
He thrust up into you as you came down on him, creating a fabulous friction that propelled you toward the crest even faster than the first time, except he grabbed, pull you down, and stopped altogether, denying you that pleasure. You groaned in disappointment. He chuckled in your ear.
“Not so fast, buttercup,” He said. He managed to roll the both of you without falling off the countertop and slammed into you hard. You cried out in surprise and delight, pulling his ear sharply. He hissed and laughed. He took off, ramming into you fast and hard, and you held on for dear life. You forgot the possibility of falling, you forgot your disgusting teacher, you forgot everything as the pleasure whited out your brain and left you feeling like your bones had been removed and you were made of jelly.
He grunted and strained, flooding you and pulsing. You locked him in place with your legs, not letting him move and inch until he was spent. He collapsed on top of you and wheezed.
Slowly, carefully, the two of you climbed down off the counter. Moving to clean yourself up, you reached down and picked up your pants to extract your phone when you remembered the camera.
“Hey, babe?” You asked. “Are you still recording?”
He seemed confused, lifted up the tablet, which had been face down on the table, and laughed. “I guess we’ll have to edit this out before we take it to the dean.”
“Don’t delete it, though,” You said, coming up behind him. “That’ll be for us.”
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You submitted the evidence to the dean the next day. By the end of the week, Bitner had been fired. It was extremely satisfying to see him boxing his things up and walking out of the building for the last time.
Seznik was with you in the parking lot as Bitner loaded his crap into his car and drove off, never to be seen on campus again.
“You did good, babe,” He said. “You did real good.”
“Hell yeah, I did,” You said with a satisfied smile.
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Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 13 Part 2
Nearly made it to Alpha Centauri!
Warnings for this chapter: the terrifying vastness of space; vertigo; and more child endangerment than we’ve seen so far.
Link to next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 13, cont.
Of all the infinite spaces they’d found themselves in recently, this one truly made each of them feel small.
Nebulae crackled in the corner of their eyes. Comets sparked across the heavens like distant fireworks. There were stars, billions upon billions of stars, a riotous tumble of them. And planets, cold and grand, passing by like ships.
Aziraphale had never been here before. For the life of him, he had no idea why. No - perhaps he was afraid of the vastness. Of feeling engulfed.
He leaned, half-consciously, towards Crowley. Their fingers brushed. Slowly, as if moving underwater, Crowley gripped Aziraphale’s hand.
Aziraphale tore his eyes away from the magnitude of space and looked at Crowley. He was in profile, lips slightly parted. His eyes shone with starlight. Aziraphale wanted to kiss him and keep watching him forever. He remembered Crowley had probably seen this room before. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years in the past. Perhaps it hit him harder to come back than Aziraphale to see it for the first time.
“Did I ever mention I helped build some of these?” Crowley whispered.
“Yes, dear,” Aziraphale whispered back. His heart brimmed over.
He happened to know the only part of Her creation missing from this room was the Earth. That was because it was on the top floor. He saw it the last time he presented his weekly report to Gabriel, floating in the air like a large, sedate disco ball. They would all use it in three days' time to transport themselves to Earth for Armageddon. Every angel in Christendom, pouring out of the sky.
Aziraphale peered around. There didn’t seem to be much of a filing system in here. Maybe all he had to do was…
“Alpha Centauri?” he said.
It was like going for a gentle stroll and accidentally stepping off a skyscraper.
Space lurched. The detritus of the universe streaked towards him, and past him before he could think about screaming. Two blue dots came out of the darkness like all-knowing eyes that meant the end of all things. They expanded until they were the size of suns, filling his vision, pinning him under their gaze, until with a heart-stopping wrench -
It all stopped.
Space was still again. The binary star system of Alpha Centauri lay before them, winking blue.
Aziraphale shook off the feeling he’d just freefall dived from a million miles up. He glimpsed Crowley’s face, and got a sudden idea of what it must have felt like for him, before all this happened. The Fall. He squeezed Crowley’s hand. Crowley’s eyes were glazed. Slowly, he came back to himself and squeezed back.
Aziraphale remembered, a fraction later than he should have, to check on Adam.
The boy’s face was white with exhilaration. “Wicked,” he whispered to himself.
Spacedog yipped and scratched his flank with his cybernetic back leg. His ears jiggled inside his fishbowl helmet. He didn’t look impressed. Aziraphale supposed he was made for this environment. Then he went back to deliberately ignoring Spacedog, because while Spacedog’s existence was remarkable, Aziraphale found him far too ridiculous to dwell on.
“We want Proxima Centauri B,” he said.
This time they all braced themselves. There was a relatively short, painless lurch forward as the room zoomed in on the planet orbiting one sun, Proxima Centauri. The planet was pockmarked like porous stone. It turned ponderously in the light from its star.
“Oh!” Crowley leaned forward in wonder. He pointed down at the craggy little planet. “I remember this! This one was one of mine.”
Aziraphale watched him puff out his chest and smiled.
“Yup. I totally helped with this one. Well. I looked over the plans. Well. I graffitied a rude word in some space dust.” Crowley paused. “They probably took it out.”
“How lovely,” Aziraphale said, dryly.
This was it. Triumph rang through his head. He was about to become an outer space fugitive. He couldn’t believe they’d got this far. There was only one step left, and they were home free. Or… not home. Not yet. But definitely free.
“Crowley, do you trust me?”
Crowley’s head snapped round. “That’s a funny question at this stage,” he said, sounding perturbed.
“Sorry. I need to be sure, though, or this next part won’t work.”
Crowley’s golden eyes regarded him.
“I trust you, angel.”
Aziraphale turned to face him. Crowley did the same, mirroring him. Aziraphale caught his other hand, holding them both, bare and gloved.
“Fuse with me.”
Relief lifted Crowley’s face.
“Oh, thank Satan. I was worried for a moment.”
Aziraphale gave a chuckle. “Sorry for being dramatic. I wasn’t -”
He broke off. He hadn’t been sure. If Crowley had truly forgiven him, yet. It would be understandable if he needed more time.
Apparently not. Crowley was attempting to loosen up in the receptionist’s tailored trousers. He stretched his inhumanly bendy spine, wiggled his snaky hips. It would have been rather alluring if Crowley wasn’t, as Aziraphale well knew, an awful dancer. It still was quite alluring, actually.
“Remember how to do this?” Crowley grinned.
“Of course. Like riding a velocipede.”
Crowley groaned and laughed. He began… a kind of shimmy, Aziraphale supposed. It was very wriggly. It had a slight drunk-wedding-guest-cum-gay-bar aspect, not that he’d been to a wedding or a gay bar in over eighty years.
Now that push came to shove, he felt rather foolish doing this in front of an audience. He avoided looking anywhere near Adam and broke into a modified Gavotte.
They danced towards each other. They were taking it slower than the urgency of the situation asked for, if he was being honest. But it was thrilling, the build up without touching, the coy flashes of eye contact. Aziraphale felt Crowley’s body heat through his silk blouse. Crowley’s long, skinny chest wiggled inches away from him. His gem glowed softly, like it was warming up.
Aziraphale clasped his arm, and his own gem flared.
They melted together.
Zadkiel stumbled out, wide-eyed and flushed.
“Wow. I need to get a room.”
He noticed Adam.
“Ummmm. Hello there. We’ve sort-of met, sort-of haven’t. I’m Zadkiel.” He held out his hand.
Adam glared as he took it. Some weird grown-up stuff had just happened, and he was ready to zip away from it at the speed of light.
“They just… turned into you,” he said.
“They’re really bad dancers.”
“So am I!”
“Right. Why’d they do that, then?”
“Well… they’ve been apart for a while, and while they’re not human, as you know, er, I know for your species the whole dancing thing can be something of a mating ritual… has anyone ever given you the Talk?”
Adam looked deeply disgusted.
“Why’d they turn into you?” he asked, in slow, measured tones.
“Oh! So they can’t track us.” Zadkiel flashed a grin. “The people we’re running away from can tell whenever Aziraphale or Crowley use their powers - their alien powers, that is - but I don’t show up on their, errr, alien scanner things. So they can’t follow us to Proxima Centauri.”
This was going to require a lot of discipline, he realised. If they wanted to be good intergalactic space fugitives - and Zadkiel absolutely did - there would have to be no more performing of miracles unless fused from now on. One thoughtless snap of the fingers from either of them, and it would all be over. Zadkiel hoped the other two were up to it.
He squared up to the orbiting planet below.
“Enough explanation. It’s time to go. Are you ready?”
Adam nodded. The blue lights of Alpha Centauri shone in his eyes.
“Brilliant. Hold on to my arm and don’t let go no matter what.”
Adam scooped up Spacedog,[1] along with the Book, and looped his spare arm through Zadkiel’s. He may have shown up unexpectedly, but he was a reassuringly large presence.
Zadkiel performed the ritual on himself and Adam. Nobody needed to leave their gems behind accidentally at this stage. He guessed it would be messy in Adam’s case.
“Here we go -”
Zadkiel reached out.
His fingertips dissolved as they neared the planet. Then his whole body melted into a stream of atoms, and this really was a freefall, dimensions compressing around him, his body stretching back miles, stars streaking across his vision. He was made of mist and he was rushing through a cold tunnel faster than any living thing had ever moved
They popped out at the other end, mouths agape like fish.
The first thing was the silence.
It was crushing and absolute. It was the silence of a void. A sea of darkness full of pinpricks of light that only made the darkness more infinite. He remembered, from two different perspectives, rowing across a lake that had been like this.
Then, the planet.
It spread out below him. A hard, mountainous, canyon-pocked waste-scape. He could see where it curved, the crescent of light like the rind of an orange. He could see the shimmering corona of its atmosphere. He could see the granite and sandstone and marsh-coloured patches of its body, all merging like a paintbox left out in the rain.
He had never seen anything like it. A new world. Untouched. Alien.
He had to admit it was a cracking view.
Adam’s fingers dug into his arm. The green dog yipped at a hysterical pitch.
Zadkiel looked down at the boy and noticed the third thing.
Adam gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. He stared into Zadkiel’s eyes, terrified, as his lips turned blue.
[1] Neither of Zadkiel’s components knew what to make of the dog. They’d each secretly hoped that fusing would bring some wisdom on the subject. Zadkiel was happy to report: nope. The dog thing was really weird.
(Link to next part)
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sovereignspades · 1 year
I need more of bendy being protective in the cult of the ink au 🥹
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davidmann95 · 5 years
Breaking news about Tom King, and lemme just preemptively theorize that what's actually happening is that he's just gonna launch a new Bat-ongoing a la Morrison's Batman & Robin. Buuut in the event that's not the case... thought?
Much as I have a sinking feeling that it really has been all flushed down the toilet, I feel like more signs point to this than not? There’s little to nothing to precipitate a full out-of-nowhere shutdown when if there’s an issue with his remaining plans he’d have a year to recalibrate, it’s still the highest-selling book out there (that weird but appreciated Immortal Hulk blip aside), no other creators have started voicing eulogies for the run on social media yet (even if they can’t publicly condemn the decision making behind its end, that sort of thing is still fairly normal), if the report’s true he’s already planning several new DC titles rather than running out the clock on his contract (which you’d think he’d have had to have planned out a ways in advance, which would be troublesome if he thought he was still going to be doing a twice-monthly title until last weekend on top of his Mister Miracle spiritual followup and Superman: Up In The Sky), and Mitch Gerads’ clearly in-the-know vague tweets on the subject seem more…playfully coy than pained for a friend and partner (not to mention a book he probably would have done an issue or two more for himself), repeatedly all-but-saying there’s an upside here we’re not yet aware of. If the formal announcement was that King and his main collaborators are flipping over to a monthly Batman and Catwoman maxiseries to do the 20 issues of emotional payoff after the action climax of City of Bane at their own pace…well, it’d still kinda suck that the emotional climax didn’t get to be acknowledged as important enough to be the ‘main’ Batman narrative after everything that’s been put in. But if it was a thing all parties agreed on as the best way forward I’d be more than down for it. It’d be in the tradition of both his immediate major predecessors in Morrison and Snyder after all, with Batman and Robin/Batman Incorporated and All-Star Batman/Dark Nights: Metal/Batman: Last Knight on Earth.
If not? It means DC either fired him for a brief sales dip that still leaves it the biggest book in the industry, right BEFORE the big story that’s going to get it right back up again, or they fired him because after almost half a decade of forewarning management decided it didn’t like a plotpoint and didn’t let him use the year of time he had before the end to come up with something else. If they really shot their most critically acclaimed runner in the knee a few yards away from the finish line after 70 issues of letting him build up steam, I don’t think there can be any question it’ll go down in history as one of the great behind-the-scenes horror stories of the medium, a demonstration of publishing cowardice and editorial failure on an era-defining scale.
In any case, I’ll take my solace for now in that Gerads is high-key hinting his and King’s next 12-issue maxi is gonna be a Justice League book.
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jcogginsa said: So it seems like King actually is leaving Batman at 85, which obviously sucks because that means he’ll be on their less than he planned to. But, as I am an optimist by nature, I’d like to channel this into a more positive conversation: When King finishes his run, who do you want to take over on the title?
Assuming Tomasi and Hill are out as they’re on other books: I think that depends on how King’s leaving. If he’s going to finish his story elsewhere, then they’ll put someone sizable on it to maintain momentum and steer it closer to what they want it to be. If he’s being kicked to the curb mid-stride with all the controversy and narrative disjointedness that’ll kick up, I’d imagine it’s going to be a sacrificial lamb to soak up the hate for a few months to a year before the next big thing, a disposable midcard player whose name they can justify slapping on the cover but who won’t be any great loss when they’re left at least somewhat radioactive for awhile if only due to suffering by comparison, somebody on the Ben Percy or Robert Venditti tier. Or pull out poor ‘ol James Robinson again.
Assuming less bad blood or if someone of prominence turns out to be a serious scab, there’s a number of reasonable possibilities. Since he’s said he has a big solo Batman story in him and he already has a recent acclaimed Bat-family epic with the sort of action-driven storytelling that would be expected to drive sales under his belt - not to mention a friendship with DC’s MVP in Scott Snyder - James Tynion IV might be the most likely. While neither is on top of the list of probabilities at the moment, I think Tim Seeley and Steve Orlando are both conceivable: both tend towards high-concept action, both have Bat-experience, and the former’s friendship and partnership with King might go a long way in making clear this is a peaceful transfer of power. Christopher Priest would be fascinating and they did let him on Detective Comics #1000, but if DC’s looking for a Bold New Era he hardly represents the most serious pivot away from King. Maybe Joshua Williamson pulling double-duty on this and Batman/Superman just as Greg Pak did the last Batman/Superman run alongside his Action Comics, especially given his input on the current run. While Bendis and Rucka are profoundly unlikely, they are both working for DC right now and I suppose do merit mention.
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Easily the most exciting theory I’ve seen floated is that the rumored upcoming Warren Ellis/Bryan Hitch Batman story might find a home in the main book. Hitch has shown he can hold down a monthly for a solo hero these days, and even if it sticks to twice-monthly, someone like Ellis’s recent Bat-partner Becky Cloonan could feasibly step in. Assuming, again, that this wasn’t under the circumstance of big a huge middle finger to King, this is basically the best case scenario; in my book Ellis is to Batman as Garth Ennis is to Superman, and the prospect of a full-scale run by the one guy who might be able to surpass King as my favorite Batman writer of the non-Morrison division would be almost too much to ask for. I don’t know that I’d call this likely for Batman proper, but fingers crossed that this is real as at least a mini.
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kaijuguy19 · 5 years
Angelic Friendship
A BATIM fan fic for a contest held by @celina-melody Wanted to give my try at it. :) 
Celina Angel hummed a merry tune as she walked along the streets that are adorned with the many rainbow colored light posts that reminded one of a cave filled with jewels. It was rather a good day at work since she was able to get her daily tasks as general done on time which leaves her a lot of free time this weekend. She thought of how to spend it when she heard sobs or at least what she thought was sobs around the alleyway. Both curious and saddened at the noise, she went towards it to help out this person though she had her sword in ready in case if it was a trick. After all she was compassionate but that didn't mean she was gullible.
She reached the spot then looked at the corner to find a female angel, sitting down at a sidewalk covering her eyes as she sobbed. she had a black dress with black hair which reminded Celina of someone she knows well. Carefully walking up to the female angel she sat down next to her.
"Alice?" Celina asked. The female angel looked up in surprise to see Celina then looks relieved.
"Oh....Hi Celina." Alice replied. "I didn't see you there...I'm sorry I need to be alone for a while."
"Are you sure?" Celina asked her with a concerned look. "You look pretty upset I mean extremely so. Are you sure you want to be alone?"
"Well..." Alice said in a drawn out sentence but then she sighed. "Actually no...I...I don't know what to do..."
"It's ok Alice." Celina said to her putting her hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'm your friend you can talk to me."
Alice looked at her in both relief and emotional. "Thanks....The Guardian Angel council found out about me and Bendy."
"Really?" Celina said in surprise. "How did that happen?! You were so careful about keeping a secret for a long time! What changed?"
Alice looked down again but with a more angry tone. "Someone tipped them off. I have a feeling that it's one of the demons that had a beef with Bendy and him ratting out on my friendship with Bendy was his way of hurting him. So the council stripped me f my guardian angel rank, then they made sure to not have any high end place in Heaven take me in."
Her voice then cracked with sadness as she struggle to keep on but tears again started to flow. "To add insult to injury they kicked me out of my own house as a way to make my punishment worse. I have no where else to go!"
She sobbed again making Celina hug her tightly. Celina has heard about that sect of angels and how they deal with any demon related incidents even more severe then in her own unit even if it was minor so seeing it happened to one of her best friends was heartbreaking. She knows too well what it was like to be faced with persecution by angels who weren't understanding of her history with demons in her family. As Alice stopped sobbing, Celina began to have an idea of how to help Alice.
"You know Alice" Celina said at last. "There's no law saying that you can't work or live on one of the lower levels of heaven. My level's just one step down from yours so you can always move into my place and go to my other job."
"Ot-Other job?" Alice asked in confusion.
"Yes." Celina said. "My other job is at a nightclub when I'm not spending my hours as a general. I work as a singer,dancer along with other "fancy" professions." She giggled at the last part.
"Celina I...I don't know what to say. You don't have to do that." Alice said.
"I know. It's because I want to." Celina held Alice's hands. "I can't ignore someone who needs to help especially a friend like you."
Alice looked at Celina with joy then hugs her. "Thank you so much Celina!"
Celina hugged back, Happy that Alice's now in a better frame of mind, and getting out of a horrible situation.
They soon left for Celina's house which isn't far off from the alleyway thankfully. When they've entered the house, Celina wasted no time showing giving Alice a tour of her house along with the room Alice will be sleeping in. When it was finished Celina guided Alice to her dressing room.
"If you'll be working at the club you'll need the right clothing for it." Celina went over and searched for some clothes. "Is there a specific job you'd like to take there Alice?"
"Hmmm tough choice." Alice pondered. "I guess....I'd like to show off my singing and dancing to the audience still."
"Good choice." Celina said with a smile "but you can get to do more then that for them if you want." She giggled with a coy look.
"What do you mean?" Alice asked in confusion but then she quickly figured out what she meant and blushed deep red. "Oh Celina I don't know about that."
"Listen you don't have to go that far if you don't want to!" Celina said quickly, not meaning to make Alice uncomfortable. "It's that if you wish to do more for the crowd other then singing and dancing like getting intimate with a male guest, you can."
Alice pondered for a bit, She's always been a more conservative angel despite being in fancy clubs but deep down she's always wondered what it's like to be more sultry and seductive especially with wearing sexier clothing. In the past she didn't want to show it due to her status as a guardian angel but things have changed now with her no longer being an angel meaning that she doesn't have to follow rules like that anymore. In a way it's liberating.
"Well..." Alice finally replied. "I can grow into this overtime. After all I don't follow the guardian angel rule anymore."
Celina smiled. "That's great Alice! I promise you won't regret this!: She finally found some clothes and gave it to Alice. Alice took them and went into the dressing room to change. Celina at down to wait then started to write letters to her brother and sister about the news. Celina looked up when she heard Alice coming out of the dressing room to present herself.
Alice is now wearing what seems to be a showgirl outfit that does evoke a green sleeveless leotard used for ballet. Celina noticed how it brought out how big and lovely Alice's breasts looked along with how the outfit brought out Alice's curves. Alice is also wearing fishnet tights with blue heels that made her already attractive legs even more desirable. Alice's rear end showed some blue feathers coming out from the back. On Alice's arms Celina saw that she was wearing blue elbow high gloves similar to her black ones from before. Completing the look was Alice's head piece that was both green and blute complete with a black feather at the center reminding one of the fashion women wore at parties in the 20's and early 30s. Alice blushed as she showed off her new suit.
Celina was taken aback about how amazing Alice looked in it that she rushed over and hugged her. "You're going to make everyone fall in love with you!"
"Th-Thanks Celina." Alice said as she adjusts her suit still blushing. "I won't lie I feel pretty exposed even though I know I'm not that exposed....But I like it."
Celina looked at Alice with a confidant grin. "Glad to hear it. I get the feeling that your debut at the club will be a hit."
Three days passed since Alice moved into Celina's house and started training for her debut night at the club. The night eventually came as dozens of angels in the district including her brother Ciel, and interesting enough Bendy and Boris who disguised themselves to not be discovered.
"So Celina invited you two as well?" Ciel whispered to Bendy.
"Yeah." Bendy replied. "Well Boris convinced me to do anyway."
"I figured it'd be good to help get his mind off what happened." Boris replied, looking at Bendy with sympathy. "After what happened with Alice getting the boot he needed something to get his mind off."
"I appreciate it Boris but that feeling ain't gonna leave anytime soon." Bendy grumbled. "Least seeing some hot women will distract me." He sighed.
The curtains then ruffled as Celina stepped out into the stage. She was wearing a blue waist jacket covering a white shirt with a vest and tie. She was also wearing a purple leotard underneath the shirt along with fishnet tights and purple heels. On top of her head was a big purple top hate with a blue stripe going around it. She looked quite stunning and got a lot of whistles from a lot of angels. she giggled as she took off her top hat to speak.
"I'd like to thank you all for attending this night." She said "Because I'm here to introduce a new member to this family. She's pretty well known in heaven but this is where she'll begin anew. I would announce her name but she'd like to do the honors herself."
She then placed the top hat down on the stage floor then the hat comes back up slowly on it's own to reveal someone that was inside it. First came the blue heels then the legs covered in fishnet tights followed suit. Afterwards came beautiful birthing sized hips with a curved body coming with it. The other reveals came in two beautiful breasts covered in a green leotard like outfit with slim arms covered in blue elbow high gloves . The audience looked in amazement at this transition as it led into the body being fully revealed with only the hat remaining covering the head. Finally the arms came up and pulled the hat away from the body revealing Alice Angel's head with her headdress who then gave it back to Celina. Bendy and Boris stared at the sight, mouth opened comically at the stunning sight of Alice Angel wearing such a sexy outfit. Ciel in kind was smitten at the sight of the lovely angel. Alice smiled as she heard the music begin playing then began singing.
I'm just a lonely angel Sittin here on a shelf At times it seemed If I just dreamed I'd not be my myself
I never gave up hopin That you would come along How bleak it seemed Till you found me So now I sing this song
Alice then swayed her hips back and forth as she began to dance to the music almost hypnotic like. She continued singing.
I'll Be Your Angel
I'll be your angel sent from heaven above Your little angel cast down for you to love I'll be your angel Ya fit me just like a glove So wontcha say a prayer to me baby
As she sings, she keeps on dancing in a pretty sexy manner such as bending down to reveal her cleavage mostly to Bendy who if it weren't for Boris holding him back would've leapt at the chance to be smothered in them as well as leaning on walls then slowly coming down sensually.  Ciel tries to get his nose to stop bleeding but to no avail.
Cause I've been waiting And I've been so alone Ain't had nobody I could call my own So be my angel and say a little prayer to me
Celina joins in the dancing, wanting to join in the fun. all around the audience started to cheer as they grew to love the act more and more. Alice and Celina then walked off the stage and into the audience. Celina went around giving some lucky audience members some attention by sitting on their labs and caressing them. Alice meanwhile went into Bendy's direction, much to the Ink Demon's joy. Alice then sat on Bendy's lap then wrapped her arms around his neck knowing well that this is her beloved ink demon coming to see her.
And when I fall it's into your arms I never could resist all your charms you devil!
It's far too late my soul cant be saved Cause When I hear hear ya callin my name you angel
Alice then kissed Bendy's forehead which made Bendy almost faint with happiness. Alice giggled then got back up singing more.
My heart goes she boop de boop boop she boop bee do wow!
Both Alice and Celina got back on stage as they both sing the last few verses of the famous Lonely Angel song.
Brush off my halo and try out my wings Im just your puppet When ya tug on my strings I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart Sha boop de boo boop she boop bee Doo Bow!
They finish it off with them waving at the audience who cheered and clapped then with a gust of wind they flew back to the curtain. the rest of the evening consisted with other angels both men and female serving the guests refreshments and fanservice. Ciel, Bendy and Boris were still stunned about the inclusion of Alice Angel whom they thought wouldn't show that side of her. Well they were proven wrong and they had a feeling Celina helped her in that. Not that they had a problem with it not by a long shot.
When closing hours came, Celina came and led them into the dressing room where they met Alice still wearing her suit greeted them.
"So what did you think of my act boys?" Alice asked in a coy voice. "It took you all by surprise didn't it?
"Well-Uh-Yeah-Errrrrr…" Bendy stammered still blushing at the sight of Alice Angel's outfit.
"Well of course Alice! You did all sorts of things that we'd didn't think you'd try in million of years!" Boris replied "I mean yeah we all love it but still talk about coming out of your shell!"
"That's one way of putting it Boris." Alice chuckled.
Ciel looked at Celina with an amused look. "You've really managed to turn Alice's life around Celina."
"I know." Celina replied. "It took time yeah but still Alice really came to grow into this act. Best part is that since she's now a hit, the higher Angel council won't bother her much since she's out of their jurisdiction."
Alice hugs Celina. "I know I've said this many times Celina but thank you so much. You're really a good friend."
"Thanks too Alice." Celina replied with a smile. "I mean friends need to look after to each other."
Alice nodded then turns to Bendy. "I hope after what we've been through we can still be in touch. I know I'm out of a lot of clearing but still."
"You kidding me angel of course!" Bendy replied. "I wasn't gonna give up seeing you before but with all of this amazing stuff you have going I ain't gonna miss every night you do!"
"I figured you wouldn't." Alice smiled. "You may want to change your disguise up every now and then. After all wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache isn't going to fool anyone twice."
"Heh fair point." Bendy chuckled.
Boris looked happy about seeing two of his friends this happy especially with what they had to go through. He still couldn't stop feeling sorry for Bendy when he first heard about Alice being kicked out and trying to hide his anger and guilt. But now things are now going smooth from now on. a thought came to his mind all of the sudden then looked at Alice.
"There's one thing that I'm still wondering Alice." He asked her. "How the heck were you able to pull off that coming out of the hat trick you and Celina did?"
Both Alice and Celina giggled. "Oh Boris a magician can't reveal her secrets." Celina replied.
Celina Angel and Ciel belong to @celina-melody
Alice Angel,Bendy and Boris the Wolf belong to TheMeatly/ Kindly Beasts.
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The night before Christmas
Enjoy this Christmas one shot I wrote ages ago, any reviews and reblogs are always greatly appreciated!
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse'
At least that was the case in most houses at this time of night on Christmas eve, the Bella house however was quite a different scene. It was now almost midnight and Beca found herself being bullied into getting out of her comfortable pj's and putting on her winter clothing.
An hour earlier the Bella house had been quite conventional and all seemed as though it were going to be a quiet cosy evening, the girls had watched a Christmas movie together and drunk hot coco, Beca had been snuggled on the sofa between Chloe and Fat Amy, some of the other girls had been sprawled out on the floor of the living room, Jessica and Ashley shared the armchair as per usual.
It was comfortable and relaxing, and although Beca wasn't the biggest fan of movies, despite Jesse's best efforts, she did enjoy spending time with the girls.
After the film they all went and collected their Christmas stockings for the morning and wished each other a happy christmas and said goodnight. Beca had been about to get into bed when a tumultuous noise was heard throughout the Bella house scaring her half to death, it didn't take Beca long to recognise the noise was coming from Fat Amy who was bellowing up the stairs.
"SNOWWWWWW, SNOW, SNOW, SNOW" she was wildly shouting. Beca sighed to herself and she knew her plans for an early evening had just been shattered, as expected before she even had chance to finish breathing out her sigh she heard the familiar sound of someone walking up the stairs to her room.
Beca was greeted with the familiar sight of bright red hair, brilliant blue eyes and an enormous smile, Chloe was clearly just as excited as Amy was about the snow, only she refrained from shouting all through the house. All Beca really wanted to do was sulk about how her evening had been ruined by frozen rain, but one look at Chloe and she couldn't help but smile too, her friend didn't even need to say anything, her smile alone was infectious and her eyes were gleaming the most brilliant blue clearly enjoying all the commotion.
"Becs…" Chloe began stretching out Beca's name as she spoke and emphasising on the s.
"What?" Beca responded flatly failing at trying to sulk and letting a coy smile slip onto her face, she knew exactly why Chloe was here.
"In case by chance you didn't hear Amy, it's been brought to our attention that it's snowing…will you come help me build a snowman?" Chloe asked looking all innocent, she was hardly able to stand still with the anticipation of going outside to play in the snow. "I will give you your Christmas present at midnight" Chloe smiled using bribery to entice her friend.
"Fine, it's not like you'll all give me much of a choice anyway." Beca grumbled pretending to be displeased with the invitation. By now Chloe knew Beca well enough to know that she wasn't really grumpy, and once she was outside with the rest of the Bellas she would enjoy herself.
"Give me a minute to put on some sensible clothes." Beca said to Chloe as she removed herself from the comfort of her bed and went to find sensible winter clothes.
"Okay." Chloe said cheerfully not moving an inch from where she was stood watching Beca.
"Dude, some privacy?" Beca asked Chloe when she realised the red head was watching her every move, Chloe had a tendency to forget personal boundaries where Beca was concerned, not that Beca really minded, she was used to it by now. "Oh yeah, oops!" Chloe blushed slightly and turned her back to Beca so she couldn't see her getting changed.
The instant Beca finished tying the laces on her boots, she suddenly found herself being yanked down the stairs by Chloe who had an iron grip on her wrist. "Hurry up Becs, everyone else is already outside" The red head whined tugging Beca with her, the house blurred past Beca as she was directed down the stairs and out the front door.
Beca couldn't deny that the sight around her was quite spectacular, Fat amy was making snow angels without wearing any form of protection from the bitter cold, she had decided winter clothes were for the weak, and she wasn't afraid of a little frost bite. The rest of the Bellas were busy building snowmen and having snowball fights and there was lots of laughter and giggling and happy faces all around her, only it wasn't the other Bellas or even the snow that had Becas attention, it was Chloe.
Chloe had released Beca as soon as they stepped outside, she was currently busy looking up to the sky and watching the snow gently fall all around her while slowly twirling on the spot. Beca was memorised by her, and this wasn't the first time she caught herself staring at her blue eyed friend.
"Whatcha looking at Becs?" Chloe asked once she noticed her smaller friend staring in her direction.
"Ughh just the snow falling, it's really beautiful" Beca quickly lied and hoped Chloe didn't spot the blush quickly finding it's way to Beca's cheeks. "Are we building a snowman or what then?" Beca asked quickly trying to change the subject.
"Eeeek yes!" Chloe squealed excitedly and jumped up and down on the spot.
Despite Beca's initial protests to coming out into the cold snowy night, like she often did when she spent time with the Bellas, Beca found herself enjoying herself.
Beca was busy rolling a head for hers and chloe's snowman while Chloe went in search of sticks for arms, she returned shortly with two very bendy "arms" in hand and then helped Beca place the head she had made on top of the large round body they had rolled together a few minutes before.
"Ooh he's perfect" Chloe exclaimed after giving him arms and placing her bobble hat on his head and scarf around his neck. "But he needs a name." She said not looking away from the snowman while asking Beca the question.
Beca considered for a moment "How about Nick?" she asked using St Nicholas as inspiration.
"Hmm Nick.." Chloe thought out loud "I like Nick." Chloe decided nodding her head in agreement.
"So can I have my Christmas present now?" Beca asked looking at the time and noticing it was almost midnight, it was almost Christmas day and Chloe had promised her a gift.
Beca's question distracted Chloe from admiring her snowman "Nick" and she turned to face her friend with a large grin on her face and her eyes gleaming with joy. "Of course you can!" Chloe said excitedly "but you have to close your eyes" She said trying to sound all serious, but failed with the amusement in her voice clearly sounding through.
"Aww Chloe do I have to, really?" Beca whined
"Yes!" Chloe said with a small frown, and Beca knew there was no arguing on this condition so she did as she was told and slowly closed her eyelids.
Beca could hear Chloe walking towards her through the snow, the familiar sound of the soft powder crunching under her feet as she made her way to stand just in front of her friend.
Beca could feel Chloe just in front of her now, and she felt the redhead slowly put her hand in her front pocket to retrieve Beca's phone.
"Less than a minute until midnight" Chloe stated and slipped Beca's phone back in her pocket.
"You can open your eyes now" Chloe said and Beca did as she was told once again. Chloe was so close to Beca now she could feel their bodies touching, Chloe gently held onto Beca's waist and smiled down at her when she saw the brunettes eyes open.
Beca was speechless, she wanted to ask what her present was but found herself lost for words when she looked into those enchanting blue eyes that were so close to her now, and ever so slowly getting closer.
Beca couldn't stop herself and she sneaked a peek at Chloe's lips, only for a split second, but it didn't go unnoticed by the redhead. Chloe's smile broadened and she continued to move her head painstakingly closer to Beca's, she gently pulled the small girl by the waist wanting to remove all distance between them, and Beca didn't resist her.
"Happy Christmas Becs" Chloe whispered with only a few seconds left before midnight and a mere few millimetres left between Beca's lips and her own. Beca heard Chloe say Happy Christmas and she wanted to respond but she was too fixated on Chloe moving towards her, she was so close to her now, pulling her closer, holing her, with only a few millimetres left between their lips both girls closed their eyes as they leaned forward to finally connect their lips.
Only instead of a satisfying kiss both girls were forced out of their moment when a giant snowball connected with their faces.
Beca knew who the culprit was that ruined their kiss before she even opened her eyes to see Amy on the floor in a fit of laughter. "Happy Christmas Acca Bitches!" Amy shouted at them both. Beca stopped glaring at Amy to look at Chloe who had now released Beca from her grip and was struggling with her own fits of giggles while cold beats of snow dripped from her face.
"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AMY" Beca bellowed at the large Australian. "I'm going to kill her" Beca said again to Chloe in a slightly more menacing tone, and a grin slid onto Beca's face as she bent down to pick up some snow to pelt at Amy. Chloe had controlled her laughter now and was smiling at Beca's reaction
"So you don't want your present anymore then I guess?" Chloe asked teasing.
There was a moment of deliberation on Beca's face as she tried to decide if vengeance was more important than her kiss from Chloe
"I will be back in a second to finish this!" Beca decided gesturing with her hand between the pair of them, not dropping the snowball she had just created, she quickly ran up to Chloe, gave her a quick kiss on the lips, and then ran off again towards Amy in search of justice.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 years
Regarding Ink Bendy not breaking the boards, I personally believe he's been playing you this entire time. He shows very coy behavior at the vent by running his finger along a slat with a squeak and looking back at you as he walks away. He also peers in at you after Norman, showing he KNOWS you've been hiding in the stations. It may explain why he never tries to open the doors; he knows you're there, he just doesn't care. Either Ink Bendy really is protecting you or Joey is bring a right asshole.
Bendy is really mischievous in the cartoons, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that leaked into the IRL version’s personality a bit.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Inside DC's Legion of Super-Heroes Reboot
The DC Universe is about to have a brand new future when Superboy joins the all new Legion of Super-Heroes! We've got the details...
Brian Michael Bendis and DC Comics are about to bring back the Legion of Super-Heroes in the pages of Superman, before launching them back to where they belong, headlining their own monthly book. It’s been a minute since the Legion has graced the pages of DC Comics, but Bendis and artist Ryan Sook are ready to bring back the future’s greatest and most hopeful team in the pages of a new Legion of Super-Heroes series. Mr. Bendis told us all about the hope for a better tomorrow, Superman’s place in the DCU of the future, and everything Legion of Super-Heroes! 
Den of Geek: Since the New 52, Legion of Super-Heroes appearances have been sparse. Why is now the right time to return to the Legion?
Brian Michael Bendis: I can’t speak to why it was sparse but I can say that the time is now for the Legion of Super-Heroes because the story of the Legion is a group of heroes who get together and try to live the best versions of themselves through unity and living the ideal lives of heroes. That’s the world we need right now. That’s the world we are not getting outside our window. It is such an honor to reveal a hopeful future where everyone gathers together to be the best version of themselves. 
read more: Batman Universe is a New Kind of Dark Knight Story
There are people who are generously coming online and telling me, “Hey, thanks for that 20 minutes I didn’t have to think about what the real world is giving me. I really needed a break so thank you.” Or, “I really needed some hopeful thoughts in my head.” That is something we can offer the audience that they’re not getting anywhere else, so I’m happy to. I’m so happy that the Legion’s legacy, going back to the earliest days, has always been about peace. This isn’t something new, this was the most hopeful world in comics. 
Where does the Legion fit into the Modern DC Universe?
There have always been people that were like, “I’ve heard about the Legion but where do you start?” Well, you don’t have to worry about that because the way it lines up, the Legion has actually never appeared in the DC Universe. When you read their first appearance, that’s actually the first time Superman is meeting them or anybody. Their first appearance will be in Superman #14 and #15, so you’ll meet them along with the Superman family. The Legion will have a big offer and the offer will then generate where we’re headed which is a future where excitement awaits. 
We’ve had a whole year and change to build something new, something magical, and, you know, because it’s such a buy in, we’re doing Legion Millennium. It’s a two issue series that is a DC artistic jam event where each chapter is done by one of the great artists working today. We came up with this interesting idea where there’s a character, right now, in today’s DC Universe who will discover, “I’m not aging. My powers, I’m not aging,” and from that discovery, which is scary and terrifying, she walks us through all the DC futures and histories that are coming, some of which people know very well, some of which we get to reintroduce. We’ll line them up in a way that they haven’t been lined up before and then this character will take all those experiences and all those futures, including the one we’re living in right now, and walk up right up to the Legion of Super-Heroes’ front door and start a new chapter for all of us. 
We’re going to see Kamandi, OMAC, Booster Gold, Tommy Tomorrow, and Batman Beyond, and from all of that, she’ll walk right up to the Legion front door.
The Legion’s future is one of the most narratively rich and hopeful sci-fi futures ever. What appeals to you about the setting of the Legion?
You said it perfectly. It is a very dense and rich sci-fi universe. Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen and Mike Grell and Jim Shooter, so many creators have added to it over the years. What we’re getting to do, with all these seeds, it’s similar to what I did on Ultimate Spider-Man, which is cherry pick the best things about the characters and the world and put them in this beautiful stew of everything that’s great about the Legion and put it out in a modern story. That’s what my job on Ultimate Spider-Man was, and I realized, “Oh my God, the Legion doesn’t exist here; we can create the Ultimate Legion,” for lack of a better word. This is literally like every era of Legion, all the best parts put into ours. All the parts that are the most inspiring, the most hopeful, the most story motivated. 
What Legion characters are you looking forward to exploring?
All of them! And I’m not just saying that. Each of them can lead their own series. The frustration of writing the Legion is that you can’t get to all of them in every panel. On top of the classics I have loved my whole life, we have new characters. That’s very much part of Legion tradition. Every generation adds characters to the mix, so we’re doing that as well. I’m so excited for these characters. I’m thinking of writing stuff outside the comics to put online just to have more stuff out there. That’s how excited I am. 
What is your take on the bond between the Legion and Superman?
I was so happy that the pathway to Legion was so clear when I got to DC. When I hopped on Superman I was looking for the greatest parts of Superman, and Legion is one of them. So I was like, “Oh, can I have Legion too?” I was getting greedy. In my first meetings with Dan Didio I was like, “Let’s tell this big story that gets us to Legion.” That’s what was planned, first thing. 
Back in the day, the Legion was introduced through Superboy. Can we expect Jon Kent to be part of the new Legion’s future? 
People have already scene Jon in the artwork so I’m not being coy about this but how he gets there and why, you’ll find out in Superman #14. There’s a general reason and it’s pretty cool. Superman #16 has a reunion of the Super Sons and the fallout of the Legion as well. 
Favorite oddball Legionnaires?  
I don’t think any of them are oddball. I’m not bullshitting; they’re all awesome. I will say, I’ll plug our new ones. We have Monster Boy coming. We have Gold Lantern coming. We have a new Doctor Fate. So we’ll see the future of magic at DC. Also, I’m getting a lot of positive feedback on the design on Timber Wolf, so I’m very happy to hear that. 
Check out the two amazing covers for Legion of Super-Heroes #1...
Here's DC's official synopsis of the first issue...
"Welcome to the 31st century! Inspired by the acts of and lessons learned from the greatest heroes of all time, the Legion of Super-Heroes have gathered together to stop a galaxy from repeating its past mistakes. The greatest lineup of heroes in comic book history returns with new, fresh, and reader-friendly stories! Eisner Award-winning writer Brian Michael Bendis reteams with master artist Ryan Sook (Action Comics) for one of the most ambitious mainstream comic books ever created! Why have the Legion of Super-Heroes broken the cardinal rule of the United Planets and inducted Jon Kent, a.k.a. Superboy, into the Legion? What are they hiding? And what does it have to do with Aquaman’s long-lost trident?"
The new saga of the Legion begins in Superman #14 which arrives on Aug. 28, continues in the two-part Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium in September and October, and then the all new Legion of Super-Heroes #1 on Nov. 6.
Read and download the Den of Geek SDCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Interview Marc Buxton
Aug 16, 2019
DC Entertainment
Legion of Super-Heroes
Brian Michael Bendis
from Books https://ift.tt/305Tf3G
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