#Coeur de Xocolat
lizseyi · 1 year
What Are Some Of The Best Ways To Make School Assemblies More Fun And Interesting - Coeur de Xocolat
Yes, we know what you’re probably instinctively thinking in response to that question… can there such a thing? After all, your own school days might have been characterised by some less-than-enthralling assemblies, to the point that clock-watching became one of the go-to sports in your school.
But of course, boring school assemblies don’t do much good for anyone. If a school assembly isn’t delivered in a fun and engaging way, the pupils in attendance won’t absorb its messages. And the job satisfaction of the teacher leading an assembly certainly won’t be enhanced if they can barely summon up much enthusiasm themselves.
So, if you want to know how to make an assembly fun, let’s cycle through some proven ideas, right here. By adopting a few of them, you can help ensure everyone present at the next assembly you lead actually appreciates it, as part of an occasion that emphasises personal development and the school’s place in the broader community.
Make the assembly short, snappy, and memorable
With so many assemblies taking place over the typical school term or year, you don’t necessarily need to hold long assemblies that will just drive young minds to boredom anyway.
Instead, you might like the idea of making your assemblies shorter, but still impactful – perhaps by building on the same topic through a series of assemblies. This could also help make children more willing to participate in an assembly that they know won’t drag on seemingly forever.
Speak from the heart
Even if, in any given assembly, you’re addressing the children about a topic that might not be greatly related to you, there could still be scope to incorporate your own personal take on things.
There may be stories and examples you can use that can help make the given subject more relatable to the pupils, and that will help you communicate your own passion about it.
When someone is effortlessly enthusiastic in what they’re saying, this shines through to others. And by ensuring this in your school assembles, you can help give greater insight into your own values, and those of the wider school.
Incorporate music and video in interesting ways
Music isn’t just something to open a school assembly with! It could form a more integral piece of the assembly in general – perhaps with opportunities for the children to consider and communicate their emotional responses to any of a range of music genres.
There might even be a certain link between the music that you play and the theme of the rest of the assembly, and you could ask the pupils present to identify what that theme is.
Similarly, relevant and suitable video clips could be used at various points in the assembly to ‘punctuate’ proceedings. You could source a short film online to provide a starting point for discussion, or even – if you have the resources – create your own to tie in with certain themes.
Give your next assembly a ‘chocolate’ theme!
It might seem like a “cheat code” for making a school assembly more interesting, but yes, chocolate really can be the key (well, one of them) to making your own assemblies more worthwhile.
We aren’t, of course, suggesting that you merely hand out chocolate treats to the pupils. Instead, why not arrange a school visit by Coeur de Xocolat?
For your next school assembly, the children could be learning more about so many of the things that make chocolate so interesting and relevant to our world, ranging from the journey of a cocoa bean to the process of actually making a chocolate lollipop or bar.
To find out more about how to make an assembly fun and educational with our help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today, so that we can put together the right assembly presentation for your school, at the right price.
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bradfordzone · 6 years
Wakefield 'Willy Wonka' opening chocolate factories around the world
Wakefield ‘Willy Wonka’ opening chocolate factories around the world
A master chocolatier who supplies his equipment and expertise to budding ‘Willy Wonkas’ globally, is looking to double his international activity.
David Greenwood-Haigh, who trades under Coeur de Xocolat, has received support from the Department for International Trade (DIT) to help grow revenue as a result of exporting from 40% to 80% by 2020.
He has worked with advisers to improve Coeur de…
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lizseyi · 1 year
What Are Some Of The Best Ways To Make School Assemblies More Fun And Interesting - Coeur de Xocola
Yes, we know what you’re probably instinctively thinking in response to that question… can there such a thing? After all, your own school days might have been characterised by some less-than-enthralling assemblies, to the point that clock-watching became one of the go-to sports in your school.
But of course, boring school assemblies don’t do much good for anyone. If a school assembly isn’t delivered in a fun and engaging way, the pupils in attendance won’t absorb its messages. And the job satisfaction of the teacher leading an assembly certainly won’t be enhanced if they can barely summon up much enthusiasm themselves.
So, if you want to know how to make an assembly fun, let’s cycle through some proven ideas, right here. By adopting a few of them, you can help ensure everyone present at the next assembly you lead actually appreciates it, as part of an occasion that emphasises personal development and the school’s place in the broader community.
Make the assembly short, snappy, and memorable
With so many assemblies taking place over the typical school term or year, you don’t necessarily need to hold long assemblies that will just drive young minds to boredom anyway.
Instead, you might like the idea of making your assemblies shorter, but still impactful – perhaps by building on the same topic through a series of assemblies. This could also help make children more willing to participate in an assembly that they know won’t drag on seemingly forever.
Speak from the heart
Even if, in any given assembly, you’re addressing the children about a topic that might not be greatly related to you, there could still be scope to incorporate your own personal take on things.
There may be stories and examples you can use that can help make the given subject more relatable to the pupils, and that will help you communicate your own passion about it.
When someone is effortlessly enthusiastic in what they’re saying, this shines through to others. And by ensuring this in your school assembles, you can help give greater insight into your own values, and those of the wider school.
Incorporate music and video in interesting ways
Music isn’t just something to open a school assembly with! It could form a more integral piece of the assembly in general – perhaps with opportunities for the children to consider and communicate their emotional responses to any of a range of music genres.
There might even be a certain link between the music that you play and the theme of the rest of the assembly, and you could ask the pupils present to identify what that theme is.
Similarly, relevant and suitable video clips could be used at various points in the assembly to ‘punctuate’ proceedings. You could source a short film online to provide a starting point for discussion, or even – if you have the resources – create your own to tie in with certain themes.
Give your next assembly a ‘chocolate’ theme!
It might seem like a “cheat code” for making a school assembly more interesting, but yes, chocolate really can be the key (well, one of them) to making your own assemblies more worthwhile.
We aren’t, of course, suggesting that you merely hand out chocolate treats to the pupils. Instead, why not arrange a school visit by Coeur de Xocolat?
For your next school assembly, the children could be learning more about so many of the things that make chocolate so interesting and relevant to our world, ranging from the journey of a cocoa bean to the process of actually making a chocolate lollipop or bar.
To find out more about how to make an assembly fun and educational with our help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today, so that we can put together the right assembly presentation for your school, at the right price.
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lizseyi · 1 year
What Exactly Is Chocolate Consultancy - Coeur De Xocolat
What exactly is ‘chocolate consultancy’, and what difference could it make to your business?
If money makes the world go round, the sweet treat known as chocolate seems to play a key role in greasing the wheels!
With recent reports indicating that some five million tonnes of chocolate are produced annually, supporting a global chocolate industry worth more than €124 billion, it is clear that the world’s passion and yearning for chocolate helps a lot of people to make a living.
And the prospects for the chocolatey economy could yet get even better; a report published by Fior Markets has indicated that the value of the chocolate industry could surpass €177 billion by 2028.
But it’s also true that all that cocoa-powered economic growth doesn’t happen by accident. It is made all the more possible by the knowhow and experiences of those that have helped guide chocolate-based businesses from a state of merely surviving, to thriving.
Chocolate consulting that is the best, ‘bar’ none, for your business growth
This brings us neatly onto the subject of our own international chocolate consultancy service here at Coeur de Xocolat.
Based in the UK, we possess decades of experience in the retail and out-of-home food industries, and have an excellent track record of working alongside chocolate-related businesses at every stage of their development.
Our rollcall of former clients is impressive enough, encompassing such renowned names as Danone, Oxfam, Divine Chocolate, Traidcraft, and KPMG. However, we are also not greatly concerned with the past, other than as a means of bringing important lessons into the future.
Your business could benefit from those lessons as it coordinates the next step in its growth or evolution, whether you are at the pre-startup stage, a startup, or a decision-maker for a multinational corporation.
With our many areas of knowhow encompassing the essentials of bean-to-bar chocolate manufacturing, new product development, recipe engineering, brand strategy, sales strategy, and so much more, your firm will be in the best possible position for success with our advice and support.
Chocolatey heaven could soon be a reality for your brand.
Whatever your business’s engagement with the world of chocolate might be, joining forces with our international chocolate consultancy – and going through our four-stage process that will allow you to make the most informed decisions for your business’s growth – could be one of the best decisions you ever make.
Give us a call now on +44 (0)7595 623427, or send us an email, [email protected] we will be pleased to give you the benefit of a free telephone consultancy.
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lizseyi · 1 year
Why Should You Choose A Chocolatier Masterclass Over Alternative ‘Quirky’ Team Building Activities - Coeur de Xocolat
Yes, we’re using that word “quirky”, which we’re sure has already induced a bit of wincing in some of you reading this! But we’re mentioning it for a good reason, touching on the subject of the “unusual” or “unconventional” team-building event (other adjectives are available).
Indeed, you might have landed on this very article after Googling something like “unusual team building activities”. And we certainly wouldn’t deny here at Coeur de Xocolat that adopting some measures to help get your team members talking to each other and working effectively together can be extremely important, so we have no objections to the whole notion of team building.
Still, if you’ve ever Googled a phrase like the above, you will have probably come across various suggestions that you could have come up with yourself – escape rooms, yoga classes, arts and crafts workshops, and so on.
Something else that you might have heard is supposedly good for team building, is achocolatier masterclass. But what would such a masterclass even look like, and what is it about such a thing that elevates it above the various other cringeworthy “unusual” team building activities out there?
Below, we’ll explain all.
A chocolatier masterclass can take many forms
One reason why arranging a chocolatier masterclass for your team can be a great idea, is that there is far from just one way to “do” a chocolate masterclass. So, even if some of your employees have been involved in such an event previously, the next one they participate in could look and feel very different.
Here at Coeur de Xocolat, for example, we make available the likes of truffle masterclasses and chocolate tasting masterclasses, typically taking between one and three hours.
If you like the idea of a chocolatier masterclass, but you don’t have a great amount of time or budget to devote to team building activities at the moment (and in the cost-of-living crisis, so many companies don’t), something like our fast-paced Truffle masterclass could be an excellent choice. It works well with small groups, but you could also have as many as 100 of your company’s people on one of these masterclasses.
Or what about our Chocolate Tasting masterclass, which we can do for as many as 1,000 people in one session? It a class that appeals to one of the most familiar pleasures many human beings have – tasting chocolate – and in the process, your team members will get to find out so much more about chocolate and chocolate tasting than you might have ever imagined.
So, when it comes to versatility and catering to a broad range of different needs, one can barely do better than a chocolatier masterclass (provided, of course, that you go with a reputable provider such as Coeur de Xocolat, although we’ll admit we’re slightly biased).
A chocolatier masterclass is an experience of (near) universal appeal
Let’s face it: the relationship that many of us have with chocolate is of regarding it as a bit of a treat or an indulgence, and we might not have the time in our lives to think about chocolate much beyond that.
So, what if someone told you that you actually could indulge in those chocolate pleasures that you often forbid yourself from enjoying, or even feel guilty about sometimes enjoying? In a way, that’s what a chocolatier masterclass will be like for your organisation’s team members; it is the classic “kid being let loose in a sweet shop” experience, where the participants get to enjoy pleasures almost for their own sake.
Of course, if you’re thinking of enrolling your team members on a chocolatier masterclass, you won’t want them to simply “enjoy pleasures for their own sake”; you will want them to bond to some degree as a result of this process.
And here at Coeur de Xocolat, we have designed our masterclasses to deliver exactly this. We get participants inspired, talking together, and learning about a subject (chocolate) that great numbers of us take pleasure in, even if we aren’t all “chocolate experts”.
Anyway, with our words above, we will have hopefully got you inspired about what a chocolatier masterclass could mean for your team. To learn more and to book your own organisation’s masterclass, why not browse the relevant pages of our website, or reach out to us via phone or email?
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lizseyi · 1 year
Coeur De Xocolat - Chocolate Consultancy & Workshops
We offer a chocolate consultancy based in the UK setup to help both small and large businesses around the globe with understanding the basics of bean-to-bar manufacturing of chocolate. A Chocolate expert and award winning chocolatier lead company that provide consultancy services and teaching along with chocolate themed teambuilding coach and food safaris contact us for free quote. +44 (0)1133141212
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