#Commander Comso SPG
Hello! So, I am not entirely sure about this ask, but here we go! I was wondering if it would be possible to see some Ravaxis Starburner X commander Cosmo? They are honestly my main focused ship right now lmao. I love reading your fics, and I can't wait for more.
OH MY GODS I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE!! You've been waiting abt 2-3 weeks!! Finding the right thing to go with this was difficult, but it's here! No tws other than referenced alcohol so read and enjoy!!
“Just pretend to be my date for one night and then Bam! We’re scott free!” Ravaxis Starburner exclaimed, crookedly grinning at Commander Cosmo as he searched through his closet for a suit.
Commander Cosmo felt the nebulas on his face darken from purple to more of a plum colour as he gaped at the space cowboy. “I’m sorry? Your solution for you being an outlaw on three different worlds is to go to one of their fancy parties with me as your date?” He growled, frustration and flusteredness bubbling up in his chest and curling around his throat.
Ravaxis nodded, humming a tune as he continued searching through his closet. “I gotta pick something up for a trade I gotta make and it’s only found on those three worlds, so I have ta go back. If I show up alone, they’ll either kick me out or behead me. If I show up with you, however, they’ll let me be. Ooh, do ya think they’d grovel if you got upset?” Ravaxis explained, a devious grin growing on his face as he started to go off on a tangent.
Commander Cosmo repressed a shiver. He quite liked where Rav’s head was at the time, having it cut off would be… not preferable. Commander Cosmo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Ok, ok. I’ll do it,” He said, his frustration bleeding into his voice.
Rav popped his head up, a look of shock crossing over his face before one of mischief quickly replaced it. Cosmo quickly found himself regretting his decision.
“Do I really have to do this?” Cosmo asked, sitting in the cockpit of The Alexander as Rav was trying to tame his unruly wolfcut.
“Uh, yeah! You agreed, and now you must face the consequences,” Rav sang, peering into his small, handheld mirror as he brushed his hair.
Cosmo sighed, straightening his suit and checking his watch for the umpteenth time. Why he had agreed to go with Rav to this party, he didn’t know. He had agreed, and now here he was, halfway to Solas IV, dressed in a formal suit and trying his best to keep the nebulas on his face from bursting into bright pink.
The planet came into sight just as Rav finished messing with his hair. “Alright! Let’s go!” He said, buttoning his coat and turning around.
Cosmo almost had a heart attack. “What did you do to your hair?!” He cried.
Rav’s hair was puffed up every this way and that, making him look like a very disturbed bird or a ball of hair. “Whaat? I did my best!” Rav groaned, shooting the spaceman a look.
The blue matter in Cosmo’s chest swirled around, making the galaxies on his face shift from purple to blue and red. “Come on, let me fix this,” He said, trying his best to keep the nebulas on his face from darkening or turning pink.
Rav pouted but let Cosmo manipulate his hair, fluffing it this way and that, smoothing and combing ten different ways at once. When Cosmo was done, Rav held up his little handheld mirror and gasped. His hair looked less like a bird of paradise and more like actual hair, styled amazingly. “Wow… Cosmo, where did you learn this?” Rav asked, inspecting himself in three different ways.
Cosmo felt the nebulas on his face pinken, despite his best efforts. “We-Well, uh, when nobody wants to cut your hair, you gotta do it yourself and know how to make it look good,” He explained, wincing internally at his stutter.
“Mhm… Anyways, we’re beaming straight into the party, so prepare for that!” Rav said, grinning and pressing a button, putting his mirror back into his pocket.
Cosmo frowned, feeling the familiar feeling of the transporter start to take effect. “Wha-”
The next thing he knew, he was standing in a ballroom, Rav at his side. It was open air, the marble roof held high over their heads by pillars of a matching make. Two sides were closed off, meeting at a ninety degree angle. “I told you to give me a warning before you do that,” Cosmo growled, the nebulas around his pale eyes darkening as he tried to control the nausea that always came with using the transporter.
“I did! What’re you talking about?” Rav teased, straightening his tie and shooting Cosmo a grin.
Cosmo sighed but let it go; arguing with Rav would get him nowhere. “I’ll go to my guy and get the thing- you can either come with me or just wander,” Rav said, fluffing his hair as his dark eyes scanned the ballroom.
Cosmo found himself staring at Rav, inspecting the dark colouration around the spaceman’s eyes that mimicked eye shadow and admiring the look it gave him. “-osmo? Cosmo?” Rav’s voice snapped him back to attention, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, I’ll just wander until you need me,” Cosmo said, trying to preserve whatever courtesy he had left.
Rav shrugged and wandered off into the crowd, his green skin quickly swallowed up by the light blues and yellows of the world’s inhabitants. Cosmo quickly found the bar and snagged a glass, doing his best to remain inconspicuous. If anyone saw him and knew who he was, they would probably throw a big fit and get everyone focused on him.
He wandered to an open area near a wall. It was draped with beautiful blue and purple coloured cloths, some diamonds sprinkled in here and there to reflect stars. Cosmo held back a smirk; it was like a little corner designed to hide him.
He stepped into its shade and let out a breath he didn’t know he had been hiding, the tense cerulean and orchid purple swirling off of his skin and deep blues and indigos emerging, small stars twinkling in the void. His shoulders relaxed and he closed his eyes, revelling in the peaceful corner. Cosmo liked space, he always had, but having space on his skin had been a bit too much at first. Now… now he was grateful for it. It reminded him of Rav a bit and of his love for adventure. However, this wasn’t the adventure he had in mind.
“Did we invite the invisible man to this party or are you just hiding?” A sultry voice crooned somewhere to Cosmo’s left.
Cosmo frowned, disappointed that his peace had been broken so soon. He opened his pale, empty eyes. They glowed in the low light of the ballroom, some orangish clouds floating onto his skin. “Can I help you?” He asked politely, trying to maintain his professionalism.
The lady gasped, her black eyes going wide and her face blushing a rich blue. “I-I apologise, I didn’t realise I was interrupting,” She said, smiling regretfully.
Cosmo saw right through her. She knew what she was doing, and this was just part of the plan. Still, it would be rude to snap. “No, you weren’t interrupting anything. Still, can I help you?” He said politely.
“Well, my friends and I were wondering if you would like to dance? You seemed so lonely over here,” She crooned, gesturing to a group of high-status looking women by one of the massive poles holding the roof up.
Cosmo internally groaned. High-status people wanted to dance, and refusing would be especially rude. Thankfully, he had an excuse. “I already have a date, thank you,” He said, doing his best to keep the raspberry coloured nebulas from emerging onto his face.
The woman giggled. “Nonsense! Come on, you must dance with us!” She insisted, grabbing Comso’s hand and tugging it.
Cosmo reluctantly let her pull him over, dead sinking into his stomach. What would Rav think? Those raspberry nebulas finally emerged onto his face as he desperately tried to reason with his thoughts. He was just very motivated! That was it!
He failed to convince himself it wasn’t because of his gigantic crush on the cowboy, because that was it. He was brought back to reality when someone tried to drag him out onto the dance floor. “No thank you, I’d rather not,” He said, trying to keep his growing temper in check.
“Come on, live a little!” She laughed, tugging at his arm yet again.
Cosmo felt his anger begin to sizzle beneath the surface of his skin, angry red clouds beginning to bloom on his hands and the clouds around his eyes darkening. “I said I’d rather not,” He said, his voice hard.
“Bu-” “Peter! There you are!” Rav’s voice came, cutting off the lady.
Cosmo felt his anger dissipate and his cheeks turn bright pink. That was the first time Rav had called him by his first name. Oh no, he's hopeless. “‘Scuse me ladies, just gotta get to my man. Are you having fun?” Rav said, sauntering over and squeezing between the women to snuggle up to Cosmo’s chest.
Cosmo felt like his heart was going to explode. “I-I, uhm, y-yes? Ye-yes, I think so,” He stuttered, frantically looking away from Rav’s dark eyes.
“You’re his date?” One of the women asked, her scepticism dripping from her voice like water out of a leaky faucet.
Rav grinned, snaking his arm around Cosmo’s waist. “Yep, I’m his date,” He said casually. Cosmo felt like he was going to die.
“Prove it!” One of the ladies cried.
“All right,” Rav said, and then the next thing Comso knew, Rav was kissing him.
Ravaxis Starburner was kissing him. Cosmo’s eyes widened and he froze, his heart beating fast and a meteor shower shooting across his cheeks. Rav pulled away, a grin on his face but a dazed look in his eyes. “There, that enough proof for you?” Rav asked, turning back to the group.
They grumbled, but the ladies dispersed back into the crowd. “I’ll meet you back at The Alexander,” Rav said before there was the transporter’s usual flash of blue and then he was gone.
Cosmo shot out of the side of the building, provoking a few screams from its inhabitants, but he didn’t care. Rav had kissed him. Willingly. He broke through the stratosphere and let out a whoop of joy into space, grinning like he was a teen again. His crush had kissed him.
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Also! I know I just submitted one, but can we see some headcannons for Peter IV or Commander Cosmo? Views on Cosmo x Rav? Or just all around things he likes about Rav?
Of course!! I just did a lil thing with Cosmo simping over Rav, but I hope you enjoy it! A CosmoxRav fic was actually one of the first fics I read for SPG lol
There’s a lot of things Commander Cosmo likes about Rav. He likes how fierce he is, how he’ll never back down when it comes to something he cares about. He likes how Rav laughs, how it sounds like honey and stardust. He likes how soft Rav can be when he relaxes, how calm he becomes, like a cat. He likes the colour of Rav’s eyes; they remind him of the core of a star, burning a bright amber. He likes how safe he feels with him, like he’d trust Rav with his life and not regret it for a second.
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