#Compare flights and hotel prices
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sigh-tofm · 19 days
if you’re their sugar baby… (18+)
… price
- absolutely spoils you. adores giving you anything you want. if your gaze lingers in a shop window, he’ll buy you whatever’s in it. you suspect he’s infiltrated your phone somehow, because anything you look at online will show up on your doorstep a few days later. he takes you to private jewellery fittings and sits back with a glass of whisky while the jewellers puts glimmering necklaces and earrings on you.
in return, he likes showing you off. regularly takes you out to restaurants so expensive they don’t even list their prices on the menu. spoon feeds you black caviar and picks out the correct wine, the bottles so old they still have wax seals on them. loves seeing you wearing the dresses he buys for you, revealing the fleshier parts of your body that the rest of society tells you to hide. always wants you to wear diamonds in your ears when you’re his date. nothing is ever too expensive if it’s for you.
takes you to a luxurious hotel after and fucks you good and well in the satin sheets. goes back to base before you wake up the morning after, and leaves a generous cash tip on the nightstand in addition to the monthly four digit payments transferred directly to your bank account.
… kyle
- takes care of you. a sergeant’s pay is low compared to a captain’s, but it’s still a substantial amount and much, much more than you make. enjoys having a pretty lady to spoil. any visit to the hairdresser or nail salon is on him. will occasionally request a specific colour for your nails, and you know it’s to match a dress he’s bought you, waiting for you at home.
takes you dancing, spends the whole night downtown and treats you to high-end street food at three in the morning. you get fancy cocktails and colourful shots and anything else you want to try. if another woman gets close to him on the dance floor, he makes a point out of feeling you up, splaying his hands over you wide hips and soft tummy.
takes you home to his and you both fall right to sleep, waking up past noon the day after. arranges a massage for you to help with your hangover. sits in on the appointment and flips your towel up to eat you out when the massage therapist leaves. reminds you to use the credit card he’s given you in between your orgasms.
… johnny
- whisks you away to scotland when he’s off duty. borrows the family cabin in the highlands and accommodates you both in the master bedroom, spending the cold nights in a grand bed with a heavy pelt covering the duvet. loves the fantasy of having a big, soft secret stowed away in the mountains.
spends the days hiking with you or takes you down to the coast, where you watch the wild waves and enjoy cottage pie in a local pub. asks for the finest whiskey, refusing anything but the best for you. tells you all about the history of the old stone kirk of the town over steaming mugs of spiked cider.
lays the pelt out on the floor before the great fireplace in the living room and grins when you mention the cliché of it all. remarks that clichés exist for a reason and pulls you close. your skin grows goosebumps in the cold air of the cabin, but the fireplace (and the rigorous activity on the pelt rug) warms you both up. lays with you after, smoothing his hand over your side and enjoying how your soft body gives way to the pressure of his fingers. pays for first class on your flight back home and gives you cash enough to cover both rent and supplies for the month. makes out with you messily at the airport before you part ways.
… simon
- takes you along to all his going ons outside of active duty. enjoys having a partner in crime, so to speak. in the military he’s a lone wolf, so when he’s off he just wants to have you for company. price thinks it’s a good idea for him too, to at least pretend he has some normalcy in his life. you oblige. he takes you to all his mundane errands; groceries, changing the tires of his car, walking the old bridle paths in his area.
has you tucked in under his arm when the footie’s on in the evening, trays of hot takeaway on the sofa table. if you can’t decide what you want to order, he has you list everything you’re interested in and orders it all. entertains your questions about football terminology and plays with your hair. pulls a blanket over you when you’re close to falling asleep and turns the volume down.
herds you to bed after a little while and so enjoys having a warm, soft body to put his arm around at night. to you, it’s all so casual and natural that you almost forget it’s an arrangement, but he never forgets to pay for your company according to your agreement and always tips generously.
doesn’t say it out loud, but likes it when you straddle him on the sofa and lets him feel you up and make out with you until he comes in his pants like a schoolboy.
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arisu-artnfics · 5 months
“A trip to Paris” 5
Chapter: 5/12 Previous Next (First). Versión en Español
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Chapter 5: “From Amity to Paris”
That evening, Sam offered to help the Fentons with their hotel reservations, or rather, insisted she help them with the hotel booking. She wanted only the best for her boyfriend after all, even if she didn’t say it out loud. After several searches and comparing prices here and there, they finally decided on the ‘Le Grand Paris’ hotel. It was a bit fancier than the Fentons were used to, and maybe a bit overpriced… or, well, very overpriced, but that didn’t bother Sam, it was the best option for the family. 
The hotel had two boarding options: suits and apartment-style rooms. The suits slept four people, while the apartment-style rooms could have up to six. As a family of four, the suit sounded perfect to the Fentons, that is, until they read some reviews. Everyone said the suit’s first bedroom was fine, but the second was so small and cramped that you could barely open the dresser and there was no place to put your suitcase. The apartment-style option would be better for them, even though it was an odd choice for four. It consisted of a main bedroom with a king-size bed and two smaller rooms that each came with either a queen-sized bed or two twins. That way Jazz and Danny could have their own rooms, rather than them having to share like when they were very, very little. 
Sam took this as an opportunity to once again suggest that she go with them since there would be more than enough space for her too. She proposed that she could share a room with Danny, one of the ones with two twins, rather than a queen. 
Jack and Maddie were hesitant to say ‘yes,’ they obviously didn’t mind the two teens sharing a room since they had invited her to stay the night, but they had already bought their plane tickets. And even though they had accepted Sam’s help with their hotel –for her insistence rather than something else– they weren’t sure if they could get a ticket for her on the same plane. 
At that, Sam whipped out her phone, asked the Fentons for the flight information, and managed to use the power that came with being a Manson to not only get a ticket on the same flight, but sitting right next to them. She offered to upgrade all of their tickets to first class while she was at it, but the Fentons declined, they had saved up enough money for their travel expenses and didn’t want her to spend more –or rather, much more– than necessary.
After that, the Fentons simply allowed Sam to finish booking their hotel for the two weeks they planned to be in Paris. She respected their wishes and did as requested, only buying herself the plane ticket and making sure the family and herself were comfortable in one of the nicest hotels in Paris. After all, the idea was for them to have a relaxing and worry-free vacation, and that included not stressing over details that she would be more than happy to help with. 
The Fentons and Sam had everything arranged for their trip to Paris, and Dani and Valerie were prepared to stay behind and protect Amity Park. Everyone was excited for the start of summer vacation, everyone except Tucker. 
He loved his job as the Mayor of Amity Park, he really did! It was like that time he’d run for class representative, only better! But he missed spending time with his friends. He understood why he had a private tutor instead of going to school, but seriously, he was still a teenager! He never thought he would miss Casper High, but he was working on a way to attend classes there again next year, even if it was just part time. He wasn’t planning on running for the position again, so as soon as someone else was elected, he would be free to go back to being a full time student.
It was way too hard to lead, or even live in, a town overrun with ghosts, so both Tucker and the citizens of Amity were more than relieved when the news spread that the Fentons’ portal would be closed for two weeks. They were even more relieved when they heard that Jack Fenton would be out of the country and they could take a break from constantly checking their rear-view mirrors for that monstrosity they called an RV. It would be nice to have a break from the daily chaos, even if it was just temporary. After all, closing the portal forever wouldn't do any good in the long run. Ghosts from natural portals would still need a way to get back into the Ghost Zone. That was a main part of the case the Fentons presented to the FBI for why they should be allowed to repair their portal. 
Students would be out of school soon, but a Mayor’s job was never done. Tucker needed a break too. When he heard the news that his friends were planning a trip to Paris, he started thinking of a way to travel there too. If he could come up with a good enough reason, he could use money from the budget to pay for it… Even though it was mainly an excuse to have a vacation, he had thought of actually doing something official while there, so it wouldn’t be seen as a complete abuse of power. He did have responsibilities after all.   
The rest of the school year came and went. Danny’s time management plan was in full swing, and, although there were plenty of things that needed to be improved, it seemed to be working. He had help fighting the ghosts, and with Mr. Lancer doing his part as well, Danny managed to pass all of his classes. Now all that was left was the packing. 
The day of their departure finally came, and Mr. Gray and Dani drove the Fentons to the airport. 
When Damon learned about the little girl and what she was exactly, he almost couldn’t believe it until he met her and saw just how much like Danny she was. He was invited over to FentonWorks a couple of days before so Jack and Maddie could explain what to do if the portal accidently got activated or something else happened, as well as to get to know Dani a bit more. 
The Fentons made sure that the filter got changed before they left, so that wouldn’t be a risk, but Dani knew what to do if that was the case anyway. Everything was taken care of, now the adventure was about to begin. 
They were at the airport, pulling their suitcases out of the car. Danny made sure he unloaded the heaviest ones, as his powers helped them more than the others were going to accept, at least out loud. 
“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” he said. ”You guys really closed the portal… I– I don’t know what to say… ”
“Well, believe it little brother. You’re actually going to get some rest now, like you need to,” said Jazz. It was time for Danny to take a break from using his powers, even if it was just the super strength that he used almost without even realising it these days. Jazz had noticed how he had taken the heaviest suitcases himself. 
The group of travellers said their goodbyes to Dani and Damon, waving until they drove out of sight, then they headed inside. Jack and Maddie followed closely behind the three teenagers. It was strange to see them wearing ‘normal’ clothes, having left their jumpsuits behind, but they had promised a nice, non-ghost-hunting holiday. And even though it was a big change for them, they were true to their word.
“Exactly Danny–boy! We’re here, and everything is taken care of! It’s time to relax!” boomed Jack.
“Your father is right, Danny.” Maddie paused, “Jack dear, did we remember to thank Mr. Gray for driving us here? ” she asked. Even though they had, she had the feeling that they were forgetting something. 
“I hope they remembered that Dani and Valerie made him promise to pick us up from the airport when we get back, too...” said Sam knowing that they had kind of forced him to make the offer, even though they would be arriving very late in the evening. 
“I feel kinda bad about asking him to do so much for us, Dani and Valerie shouldn’t have… I mean, I could've flown us to and from the airport at least,” said Danny. He knew well enough that he was more than capable of carrying the family and their luggage without much of a problem. 
They quickly dropped their suitcases off at the check-in counter and headed for security.
Jazz pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, “For the last time, Danny, this is a holiday. That means you shouldn't be exerting yourself, you shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting. And before you say anything, just because you can doesn't mean you should.” She kept her voice low and made sure not to mention Danny’s powers as they were in public, but her firm tone of voice let him know that she would brook no argument.  
“Yeah, I know, I know,” said Danny with a wave of his hand, “but— ”
“No. No buts, Danny.” Sam interrupted. “We already talked about it, didn’t we?” She was just as tired of trying to get Danny to stop using his powers all the time as Jazz was. 
“Yes, I know...” Danny sighed, “You’re right.” He looked around for the number of the gate that they needed to go. There weren’t that many gates, but it was their first time there. 
“This way!” Jazz pointed out their gate. It hadn’t taken her long to find the number that matched her boarding pass, it was a small airport, after all. ‘Amity Park Airport’ was fairly new, and probably one of the only good things that Vlad had done as mayor. 
“Good eye, Jazz, dear,” said Maddie, heading in the direction Jazz had pointed. 
In the waiting area by their gate, there was a large window that looked out over the runway and they were amazed by how many planes they could see and how busy and bustling it all was. Even though the Amity Park airport was small, it was still big enough for there to be several planes flying at the same time to different parts of the country. It was their first time travelling like this. Yes, they had flown before, but never in planes this big, let alone internationally. The seating on their first plane was divided into two sections of three seat rows on each side of the walkway. Danny, Sam, and Jazz sat together on a row while Jack and Maddie sat behind them next to a nice, young businessman. It was a short flight to Chicago and an easy layover at O’Hare before they were off again. Their second plane, the international one, was much bigger than the first. This one was divided into three sections, two on the sides with three seats to a row, and one in the middle with four. Just as with their first flight, the three teens sat together with their parents in the row behind them.  
A bit longer than ten hours later, the Fenton family, plus Sam, landed in Paris at the ‘Charles de Gaulle Airport.’ They picked up their suitcases and exchanged some of their dollars for euros, just in case, though they planned to use their credit cards mostly since it was easier. Luckily for them, the currency exchange post employee did speak English well enough. They were also grateful that they had booked transport from the airport to the hotel in advance, because French wasn’t easy, especially after such a long flight.  
When they arrived at the hotel, they checked in and then were guided to their rooms by a helpful bellhop. Once inside, they quickly set about exploring their apartment style suite, admiring just how big and luxurious it really was. Then they claimed their rooms and their beds, and did some light unpacking to settle in. Jack and Maddie obviously took the master bedroom, while Danny and Sam got the room with two twin beds and Jazz took the one with the queen. Just as they had agreed back home.
“Alright kids, let’s try to get some sleep,” Maddie looked at her watch, it was well past midnight in Paris, even though it didn’t feel like it.
“But I’m not tired,” Danny complained. “Can’t we stay up a little longer?”
Maddie levelled a motherly glare at him. “You’ll wish you’d gone to bed when morning comes and the jet lag hits,” she reminded them.
“She’s right, you know,” Jazz said. “It feels like it’s only five or six in the afternoon because that’s what time it is in Amity Park. But we aren’t in Amity Park anymore, and if we want to enjoy all the things Paris has to offer, we need to adjust our sleep schedules as soon as possible.”
They moaned and groaned and dragged their feet, even the adults, but eventually everyone was in bed. It took them some time to actually fall asleep, but the night came and went and before they realised it, it was the next day.
They woke up bright and early, much to the dismay of the teenagers and the family made their yawning, shuffling way downstairs for breakfast. The restaurant part of the hotel was on the first floor, or ground floor, as it was called here. They didn’t have much planned for the day other than getting used to being here and getting used to hearing everything in French rather than English. 
Once they were sitting at the breakfast table, Sam admitted to learning some French thanks to her parents' insistence on having a “well-rounded and cultured daughter.” Of course, Sam had never liked the image that her parents tried to force on her, she just wanted to be herself. But despite her best efforts, she had still picked up a little bit of the language.
“Well this is going to be interesting...” Danny said as he picked up the breakfast menu, it looked like it was written in Latin or something.
“Here, Danny, try this one,” Sam handed him the international menu. Even though this one was in English, it was still several pages of food he could not pronounce, because, of course, anyone who could afford it ate there and they needed a fancy menu full of fancy food to satisfy all their fancy tastes.
“I should have known,” Maddie muttered, mostly to herself, as she looked at the menu, “The price was decent for the room but not the food...” She and Jack were thinking about ordering some large breakfast platters for the family to share. 
They had found a pretty good deal on the hotel, it was well within their budget, but Sam still insisted on paying for it and well, how could they refuse?
“Hey, Sam, do you think we got such a good deal because of the French–American Friendship Week that happened recently?” asked Jazz. She had heard somewhere that it was going on, maybe she had read something about it… It sounded fun, but her family was never one for celebrations. Not even Christmas was correctly celebrated at her house, sadly.  
“What?” Danny asked in confusion. “The what–what, now?” He thought about it for a moment, and maybe it sounded a little familiar, but hey, holidays weren't his forte. 
“I’m sure you learned about it in school, Danny. The French–American Friendship Week is a celebration of our shared history, going back to the Revolutionary War when France was one of our first allies as a young nation. It happened just a couple of weeks ago, if I remember correctly. Just before, well, everything…” said Jazz, thinking back to what she saw when booking the hotel with her parents. The website had said to ‘book now’ before the ‘offer’ ended. “I think that this pretty hotel offered special discounts for Americans only… or something, lasting for the rest of the month...”  They got lucky that the booking allowed them to have the cheaper prices for that extended time. 
“I think so,” replied Sam. “I completely forgot about Friendship Week, it's not like they said anything about it at Casper. We live in Amity Park, and if it’s not about ghosts, it’s like nobody cares. As if history doesn’t even matter! But everyone should learn from history so things like wars won’t repeat again, you know?” she ranted, but without any real anger. She knew that they all shared similar ideas about the education in Amity Park.  
Jazz hummed her agreement. Education was important, but well they were from Amity… What can you do, right? That’s why she did her best to help teach them some of the important things that they didn’t learn in school. She also did her best to keep up with the latest technology. Nobody said that their education was bad, just that there were definitely gaps. At least it met the government standard, but not by much.  “All right kids, I think I got it!” Jack exclaimed after he and Maddie had spent a while reading over the menu options in silence. The small explanations beside the names of each dish were very helpful. French names were a challenge, but that wasn’t going to stop Jack Fenton.
“Got what?” asked Danny. “Oh right, breakfast! Um, how about, uh, French toast?” He didn’t even know what to get yet, or why he suggested that when he doesn’t even like toast. He may have forgotten that they were supposed to be deciding what to get. It was breakfast time after all, and, for the first time in a very long time, he was actually going to get to eat something that wouldn’t attack him. 
“Really, Danny?” Jazz crossed her arms, unimpressed. “French toast?”  
Danny simply shrugged in response. It was the only thing that he could think of at that second. 
“Your father and I have been looking over the menu… and, well, there’s a family special that includes a variety of food,” Maddie explained, tapping the menu for emphasis as she spoke. “We were thinking of getting that. It comes with toast, Danny, so everyone should…” 
Sam turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. So far she wasn’t sure that they offer vegan options, so not everyone would be able to eat that, or that was what Sam was thinking. 
Maddie blinked a couple of times at that expression, “Don’t worry, Sam dear, from what I can see, we can order it with part of it vegan and the other part not, and this one includes vegan options,” she finished saying. She was pretty sure the ‘V’ symbols on the menu must be for vegan options, right?
“Oh...” said Sam, who checked that section of the menu for herself to find that Maddie was correct. Fancy restaurants did have a tendency to be like that anyway. Whether here or in Amity, fancy also means ‘do whatever the client asks for.’ She’d never had a problem with that back home, so why should she here? And it was clear that the ‘V’ symbol was indeed for vegan options, and also that the platter had the option to make half of it vegan. 
After they looked over the menu for a few minutes, a butler that introduced himself as ‘Armand’ appeared to take their order. 
Even though he was usually on call for Miss Chloe, attending to her every whim, being a butler for the Bourgeois family meant that he was basically an employee for everything. He worked for Le Grand Paris, checking people in at the front desk, delivering room service, and sometimes he stepped in to help out the waiters in the restaurant or the hotel bar. 
The Fentons did end up getting the family special, as well as some other vegan options to accommodate Sam. After breakfast, Jack and Maddie announced that they were going to explore the hotel, just to make sure it wasn’t haunted. One can never be too careful, they always said. The kids quickly piped up that they would rather walk around and explore the city. And after Danny promised not to transform and fly them around, invisible or not, they let them go. 
Danny understood why his parents asked that of him, it made sense. Even if he wasn’t supposed to be taking it easy, they couldn’t risk anybody seeing Phantom in Paris and connecting it to the Fenton Family’s trip. He understood it, but that didn’t make it an easy rule to follow. During the flight here, he had been very tempted to fly below the plane for a while, just because he was desperate for a little bit of time to himself. Being crammed together in close quarters for several hours with a bunch of strangers was stressful, especially when one of those strangers was a very unhappy baby. His ghost powers had never seemed so appealing.
The kids headed for the door, calling out that they would keep in touch as they waved goodbye. 
The Fentons had never travelled out of the country, and so they hadn’t considered that they would be leaving their cell phone network behind. Luckily for them, Paris had a pretty good wifi grid. They also had their Fenton Phones as backup. Danny had sheepishly confessed to bringing his on the plane, and then one after the other, the rest of the team admitted to doing so as well. Although they were designed specifically to work inside the Ghost Zone, in the human world they technically worked as phones without the need for a network or data for basic communication. They did have the drawback of only being able to be used for calls, not texting; for that they would need wifi. This trip was going as unexpectedly as they thought it could be. But even though it hadn't been planned, at least with the Fenton Phones they could communicate with each other if something happened.  
Not far from their hotel, the three teens found a small park. They were drawn in by the beautiful landscaping and curiosity about the statue they could see in the middle of it. As they followed one of the many winding paths to the centre of the park, they felt oddly at home. Their city wasn’t named Amity Park for nothing, and even though they had only been gone a day, they already missed it.
A short walk later and they were examining the statue up close. It was obviously important for the city or it wouldn’t be here, but looked fairly new. It seemed to depict a pair of superheroes, or at least that's what it looked like to the three of them, what with the costumes and all. As they were wondering who the mystery heroes could be, Jazz pointed out a plaque at the base of the statue. They moved closer to read the inscription on it, and with the help of Sam’s limited French, they learned the pair were local heroes called 'Ladybug' and 'Chat Noir.' 
"Are they for real?" Danny asked with a laugh.  “That’s a bit on the nose, isn't it?” 
Their costumes did look like a ladybug and a black cat. At least, he was pretty sure ‘chat’ meant ‘cat’ and ‘noir’ meant ‘black’ but he couldn't remember where he'd learned that. And ‘Ladybug’ was obvious, that was just English.  
"Hey, you can't say anything, Mister…” Jazz quickly looked to see if anyone was near them, “Mister I'm-a-ghost-named-Phantom,” she whispered with a teasing smile. 
"And just what's wrong with my name?" he feigned offence. “It's way better than the one the media gave me, I could have been 'Inviso-Bill’ for crying out loud! Phantom is so much cooler!”
"You went from one shameless pun to another, Danny,” his sister replied with a deadpan expression. “I mean, you could have picked anything, but that’s what you went with?”
"Hey! That’s a great pun! Took me weeks to come up with!” He crossed his arms with a sniff, “Who knows, maybe I'll find someone around here who actually has good taste. That'll show you.” 
He stuck his tongue out at her and, after a moment, all three teens burst into laughter.
Once they calmed down again, Danny wondered aloud if there was a statue of him in Paris. It was a capital city, after all.
"You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking." Sam warned. It would be easy for Danny to explore the city as Phantom without anybody knowing, at least not any Parisian, and try to find out what the locals thought about him. "You know if you go off by yourself and get lost, you won't be able to just ask for directions. We can't even do that now, when we're together. Which is exactly why we're not going too far from the hotel." Even if she did speak some French, that didn’t mean she was fluent. 
"That's why I brought a notebook,” said Jazz, pointing to what was, indeed, a notebook in her hand. “And I'm writing down the names of all the roads we see, so at least we could point and try to ask for directions if we need to."
Danny sighed, "No, I wasn't thinking about that, really. I promised Dani, and, well, you guys and my parents, too… and even Valerie. For this trip I'm just plain old Danny Fenton. No superheroing. No ghost powers at any time." It had been hard to accept their terms, but a real holiday was sounding more and more tempting each time someone mentioned it. 
"Good,” Sam took Danny’s hand with a smile and a blush, “We’re here to relax, remember?" Even after all this time dating, they still gave each other butterflies.
"All right, now where?" said Jazz, clearing her throat. Even though she was happy for Danny, it was a bit awkward seeing her little brother still blushing over something so simple. It had taken them such a long time to finally admit their feelings for each other, and she was happy for them, she really was, but she was starting to feel a bit like a third wheel.           
"I don't know… the river?" he suggested, looking around and noticing that they weren't that far from it. "Wait, is that a school? Across from that bakery?" he asked, confused. It was a bit odd, if you asked him, to have a school, a bakery, and a park so close to what he assumed was the tourist area, their hotel wasn't that far after all.
Sam shrugged after noticing the school he was referring to, "Who knows, maybe this whole area isn't as touristy as we thought. I mean we’re still pretty far away from the eiffel tower or any of the museums." 
“She’s right, you know,” added Jazz. She had looked up all the big tourist attractions on a map before they left the hotel, and nothing was in walking distance. 
“I guess… so, the river?” Danny asked. He wasn’t going to overthink it. He was here to be a tourist, and tourists visited the river.
“The Seine.” Jazz interjected automatically.
“Whatever.” Danny rolled his eyes.
"I suppose the river could be nice…" replied Sam, just happy to be spending time with Danny. She would have preferred if it was just the two of them, but she didn’t mind Jazz tagging along. 
They bid farewell to the statue and crossed the park in the direction of the bakery. From there, they would make their way to the stairs that went down along the river. 
Just as they reached the bakery, the main door flew open and a girl with blue-black hair pulled into twin pigtails ran out of it. She was carrying a tower of boxes so tall she couldn’t see where she was going and nearly ran into Jazz. Thankfully, Danny reacted quickly, pulling her out of the girl's way just in time.
The girl nearly tripped over thin air when she noticed the three of them, stuttering something in rapid French.
They simply stared at her with confused faces.
“Uh, sorry, we’re not French,” Danny offered as he helped her balance the boxes that she was carrying.
“Oh!” the girl’s face lit up as she recognized the language, repeating her apology in English. “And thank you for your help!”
Danny gave her a friendly smile. “It’s okay, happy to be of assistance.”
“I’m Marinette,” the girl introduced herself. “And my family owns this bakery. I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m running really late with this order, so, um, goodbye!” She turned to run in the direction of the park and immediately tripped over her own feet, almost falling again. 
“Woah, careful!” Sam called, helping Marinette with the boxes this time. She hadn’t thought it was possible for anyone to be this clumsy.  
“Would you, uh, like some help?” offered Danny. He caught the topmost boxes before they could slide off their precarious tower. That was the third time in as many minutes they had helped her with them and he wondered if this was something she could normally do by herself. 
“Oh!” said Marinette, noticing how much easier it was to move now that she didn't have so many. “Thank you! I should have waited for my friend to help me with these… but she had to babysit and they really do need to be delivered right away...” She sighed, “I’m so sorry to trouble you, but I would appreciate it if you could…I mean, you are helping me already… so, thank you.” 
Marinette smiled at the kind strangers. She really did need the help. Her friend had offered to help her the day before, but had to cancel at the last minute because her parents needed her to watch the twins. 
“I'm Danny,” said Danny, smiling back at her. If Marinette had introduced herself to them, it was only polite that he return the gesture, right? 
“Sam,” said the girl next to him, inclining her head when Marinette looked at her.
“And my name is Jasmine, but you can call me ‘Jazz,’” said Jazz, when it was her turn. 
“Sorry again for all of this. I normally take turns to do this many boxes, or ask my friend Alya to help,” she started walking and the three Americans followed her, “but like I said… well, it’s my fault really. I got distracted, and, well, I didn’t leave when I should and well…” 
They wouldn’t know as the attack had happened before they arrived, but Ladybug and Chat Noir were out until late last night fighting an akuma. Because she had stayed up so late, Marinette had overslept this morning. 
“Hey, it’s all right, you don’t have to explain yourself to us, you know. And I’m sure that whoever is waiting for these will understand you taking a bit longer, won’t they?” Jazz said gently, trying to calm Marinette down. The poor girl obviously had a lot on her mind and her distraction certainly wasn’t helping her coordination. She was already very clumsy, and when she wasn’t paying attention, the boxes began to tilt and fall because she wasn’t holding them up straight.
“Yeah, it’s okay Marinette, we don’t mind lending a hand. It’s not like we had anything else to do,” said Danny, still following Marinette with the boxes. Their only plans for the day were to get used to Paris and adjust to the time difference. They weren’t planning to visit the Eiffel Tower or any museums until later in the week. So all good in that department. 
“Oh god! I’m so, so sorry!” Marinette started again. “I didn’t even ask… I just assumed that–” 
“No, no, you’re okay there! We don’t mind,” Sam interrupted. “Just like Danny said, we don’t really have anything planned for today. For now we’re just getting used to everything, you know?” She rushed to reassure the Parisian, she was not about to hear another rant of apologies from a girl that they just met. She knew that would get annoying fast. 
“Ah!” said Marinette, realising that they had probably just arrived in Paris. “Where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking. Maybe after dropping these off,” she hefted the boxes as if to point out the favour they were doing her, “I could help you guys find a guide or something? It’s the least I can do to thank you for helping out a complete stranger during what I assume are your holidays.” She felt a bit guilty for bothering tourists.
“Well, it looked like you needed a hand, and we were right there, so why not pitch in, you know?” Danny shrugged, the boxes in his hands bobbing up and down. “We’re from Amity Park, Illinois. You probably haven’t heard of–” 
“Oh! I know that place!” Marinette interrupted excitedly, recognizing the name, “You are from that ghost town, right?”
Danny had forgotten that even though Amity isn’t really considered big, it was big news now. 
“Well, not a ‘ghost town’ ghost town, but that is where that new hero is from, isn’t it? Is he really a ghost? Sorry, probably a silly question to ask...” Marinette murmured, feeling a bit dumb now that she had said it out loud, but she and Chat Noir had been very curious about him since they had put up the new statue.
“Don't be so hard on yourself Marinette, it’s only natural that you would be curious. When the ghosts started appearing, a lot of people in Amity didn't believe they were real either. I told my little brother here, that now that Amity Park has been in the news, people all over the world would be wondering the same things we did in the beginning,” said Jazz. Although she hadn’t really expected to find someone actually asking… Or even anyone who recognized the name of Amity Park so quickly. 
“Thank you,” said Marinette. Jazz's words made her feel a bit better, but her cheeks still burned in embarrassment. Thankfully they had just arrived at their destination. “Well, we are here!”
Noticing that they had walked all the way back to their hotel, Danny had a sudden realisation, “Wait, are the baked goods here from your family's bakery?” he asked. 
“Are you staying here?” asked Marinette, making a face. Only very rich and famous people stayed at ‘Le Grand Paris,’ so Marinette was a bit surprised that her new friends were staying there. They were nice, but didn't look particularly rich or famous.
“They had a deal running for French–American Friendship Week, so…” Sam shrugged as if that was very obvious. She didn’t know what was with her attitude all of a sudden. 
“Oh, right...” Marinette replied. She had forgotten that for a whole month the hotel booked anyone from the United States for very, very cheap prices. She had been surprised when she heard about it, as it didn’t seem like a very good business decision, but then when she saw the extra publicity it gave the hotel, she understood. “Wait, I thought that promotion ended before the summer break… ” she added.   
“We made our reservations during the promotional period, and the deal carried over,” Jazz explained. She knew the normal prices, and it seemed like Marinette did, too, so her reaction was understandable. It was a very expensive hotel, after all. 
“And even if it hadn’t, Sam would have paid anyway,” Danny shrugged, not giving it any further thought. 
“Danny!” admonished Jazz. It was rude to assume that Sam would simply pay for everything. She had offered, but still.
“I mean, yeah, I would have anyway. But it was still good to get the offer, just so your parents wouldn’t feel so bad about me spending money on you guys, you know? Don’t think that I didn’t notice them looking for alternatives. And I don’t blame them, I mean the normal prices at this place are ridiculously expensive,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Tell me about it,” murmured Marinette. Although she personally hadn't checked their usual prices, she knew that the Bourgeois family wouldn’t normally allow such cheap prices. That’s why only internationally famous people came here. People like Jagged Stone or her great-uncle.
“Ah, what did you just say?” asked Danny. He thought he heard her say something, but wasn’t sure. 
“Oh!” she exclaimed, surprised at being heard. “Well we should get inside...” she quickly changed the topic and shifted the boxes in her arms. She ran inside and made a beeline for the reception area, it was a good thing she was expected. 
“Oh, right,” said Danny, following her into the hotel. He shrugged, he must have just been imagining things. They were still getting used to it all. 
Jazz and Sam shared a look, rolling their eyes at the antics of the other two. 
After Marinette and Danny dropped off the boxes, they all headed back to the bakery. She thanked them again for their help, even though it had mostly been Danny, and he waved off her thanks saying that it was nothing and he was happy to do it.
On their way back Jazz began plying Marinette with questions about all the typical, and not so typical, places that they could visit while they were in Paris. Marinette was more than happy to help them get around and launched into a detailed explanation of lesser known attractions and also how there is a direct bus line that goes from their hotel to the Eiffel Tower if they were interested in it. She then even talked about Ladybug and Chat Noir, the two local heroes, as well as how her best friend probably knew more because she runs the ‘Ladyblog,’ an online blog totally dedicated to the local heroes. 
Danny was surprised that he was right when they were guessing what the statue was about, especially the part about obvious names.
Marinette agreed that the names were pretty obvious if you thought about it, but those were the names that the heroes gave to the public. She personally never thought about it, she may ask Chat what he thought about when she saw him as Ladybug. 
When they got back to the bakery, Marinette offered them some pastries as a thank you for helping her. The three teens declined her offer, saying that her advice about what to visit and how to navigate the city was more than enough. Jazz of course had written down everything that Marinette told them. She had made sure to note down every single detail, after all she was in charge of it since it was her idea. 
Just when they were about to say their goodbyes, Marinette’s parents joined them in the front of the bakery. They introduced themselves as Sabine and Tom, and thanked them for their help as well. They had noticed that their daughter was struggling with all the boxes and were about to take turns helping her when they saw the three of them step in. Normally they would need to start preparing a second batch of baked goods just in case the first one didn’t make it to the hotel, but they seemed like a responsible group of young people with decent balance and so they had gone back to tending the shop, sure that their daughter was in good hands.
Marinette’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink as her parents explained how clumsy she was. Now these nice people would never want to be her friends! She groaned and buried her burning face in her hands.
Jazz patted her comfortingly on the back and Danny said that they understood her pain all too well. After all, the Fenton parents were about as subtle as a flashing neon sign. Even Sam could relate, there was a reason she didn’t like her parents very much.
The Dupain–Chengs apologised to their daughter and repeated Marinette’s offer of baked goods as a thank you and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The family’s combined efforts finally convinced them to accept a box of treats, not like they had much of a choice. Mr. Dupain had just shoved the box of baked goods into Danny’s hands when a nearby explosion rattled the bakery.  
To be continued :D :D 
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evan4ever · 2 years
Girlll don’t make us wait any longer and write episode 3 of Unlikely Lovers plsssss!!!
(And a smutty one would be the cherry on top ❤️‍🔥)
Unlikely Lovers
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Part 3 — part 2 here
Warnings - smutty smut 🤪 unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, penetration
a/n: honestly can’t believe the popularity this series has 😅 I never intended to make a part 2, yet here I am with part 3 😂. Love it and all of you peeps!! 🫶🏻 also sorry for the length, I always say I’ll keep it shorter but it never happens LOL
Others requesting part 3 minus one or two I already answered
Where’s Unlikely Lovers part 3 girllll??? 🥺🥺
Omg!! Unlikely Lovers pt 3? Do we see this in our future? 🥹🥹
It was your turn to visit Evan, though instead of going to LA where he lived, he insisted on a trip to New York City. Of course you were more than happy to take a trip with him. No, you weren’t “official” yet, but there was no doubt in either of your minds that that’s exactly what you both wanted — to be together. To be in a relationship.
You spent the last two months FaceTiming, calling, and nonstop texting. Since the day he left from visiting you in Montana until the day you arrived together at the airport in New York. It was a long two months, but it was more than worth it. Evan never had you questioning if you were wasting your time, since you were giving your all to him. In fact, he made it perfectly clear that his intentions were the same and he, too, was giving his all. He reminded you often, not even to your own asking, that he wanted you. And you wanted him more than anything in the world.
“You booked a hotel already?” You raised your eyebrows as if it was a big surprise, even though it shouldn’t be considering hotels booked fast in NYC. Evan chuckled and nodded, turning his phone screen to you to show you the hotel he had chosen for the two of you to stay at. Your jaw nearly hit the taxi floor seeing the luxurious building, quickly recollecting yourself and letting out a breath. “Evan, you didn’t have to book such an expensive hotel? We could’ve stayed at like.. a Holiday Inn or Best Western?” You urged, feeling guilty at the pricing of the hotel and that you hadn’t pitched in, only because Evan wouldn’t let you. He didn’t even want you paying for your own flight tickets but you insisted and you weren’t going to lose, him finally giving in.
“I didn’t have to do anything, I wanted to. I want your first experience in New York to be amazing and nothing less.” He grinned at you, meeting your eyes that were already on him. You dropped your eyebrows slightly and returned a soft smile.
“My first experience will be amazing because I’m here with you.” You assured, laying your head to rest on his shoulder as you both now looked out the taxi window and watched all the tall buildings go by with every pedestrian walking along the streets and sidewalks. You were in complete and utter awe in being in such a place. You had dreamed of visiting NYC one day, you knew it would be magical, but it was nothing compared to how you felt now being here with Evan by your side.
Soon, the taxi came to a stop at the front of the building that Evan had shown you and it looked even more mesmerizing in person. Evan got out and took your hand helping you out next, your eyes wandering to the people taking your bags for you from the trunk. You had never seen a valet in person, only in movies, so that was quite the experience as well. You felt Evan’s hand on the small of your back as he began leading you into the front doors of the hotel, the lobby alone looking like a place only dreams were made of. It was full of people filing in and out, some standing at the Starbucks, others talking in groups. Many dressed professional, like they were on a business trip. You were flooded with an overwhelming sense of insecurity, like you were definitely not meant to be in the presence of some of these people, but feeling Evan move his hand from your back to taking your hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze, you finally tore your eyes from those around you and glanced up at him. He looked down at you and gave you a reassuring smile before continuing to the front desk.
You stood patiently and quietly while he gave the clerk your guys’ info, watching as he handed Evan the room keys and directed him in the correct direction of your room. Evan retook your hand in his and once again led you down the hallway, the valet following behind with a cart, your bags placed carefully on it. Up the elevator and down another hallway. Once at your hotel room door, Evan gave you the key and turned to grab your bags while you opened the door, revealing the most beautiful hotel room you’ve ever seen. You walked in with Evan following behind, your mouth agape as you take it all in in complete awe. Evan watched you from behind, grinning ear to ear at your admiration. He wanted nothing more than to give you the best of the best.
“This place is just… wow” you sigh out, walking over to the window and looking out. You were on the 18th floor and everything looked like ants from below you. “This is incredible Evan.” You words came out in a whisper of disbelief.
Evan walked up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing gentle kisses up your neck to your ear before resting his chin on your shoulder and looking out the window with you. Goosebumps raised on your skin from Evans gentle kisses, your arms placed around his that were around you.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Almost as beautiful as you.” He spoke against your cheek now, a smile creeping on your lips as you leaned your head into his, turning your face and meeting his lips in a soft kiss, one of Evans hands making its way up and holding your face carefully to him.
When you pulled back just enough to see his face, your smile grew just looking at the beautiful man beside you. “Thank you for bringing me here.” You spoke quietly, Evan only placing a kiss on your cheek and then on your shoulder before stepping away from you and back to your bags.
“There’s so much to do here, so you have any specific places you’d like to go first?” He asks, you walking over to where he was.
You shook your head and shrugged. “I only know of Central Park, from movies.” You chuckle. “Anywhere you want to take me, I’m happy to go.”
He glanced up at you and shot a smile your way before digging through his bag again. You watched curiously until he pulled out a small but long, navy blue box. Your eyebrows furrowed still confused, meeting his eyes when he looked at you.
“I got you something” he stated, walking so he now stood before you. You glanced back down at the box then at him again.
“Evan..” you shook your head, already overwhelmed with what he’s done for you.
“Shh” he grinned, “I wanted to.”
You let out a breath then finally gave him a small smile, looking down as he opened the box and revealed a beautiful diamond heart necklace.
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Your eyebrows shot up as you gazed down at the simple yet beautiful necklace, your hand placing itself over your heart. Your teeth bit down hard onto your bottom as your heart pounded like crazy in your chest.
“God, Evan..” you looked back up to him, seeing his famous goofy smile you loved so much. “It’s so beautiful, thank you.” Your hands reached and placed themselves on either side of his face bringing him to your lips again, kissing him much more deeply than the last one. His free hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him, your heads tilting opposite allowing you to kiss with more passion.
You honestly couldn’t understand how you got so lucky. One day you were paying for this famous actors coffee thinking he’d never even know it was you who did, and now, you were in New York City with this man, kissing him passionately. The months seemed to be flying by even though the time apart feels like it’s drawn out. You couldn’t ask for anything more than what you have right now.
You pulled back and quickly turned around, pulling your hair from your neck so Evan could latch the necklace around it. His hands felt so soft against the bare skin on your neck as he connected the ends, carefully setting it down against your skin and letting his fingers trace gently down your neck to your back, your backless shirt giving him the access he needed to do so.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, chills being sent throughout your body. You sucked in a sharp breath when you felt his lips against your shoulder, kissing your bare skin before placing another one below it.
Your breathing deepened as he continued kissing your skin all over, his hands having placed themselves on your hips holding them tightly. You dropped your head to the side so he was able to kiss back up your neck and behind your ear, wanting him now more than ever.
You hadn’t had sex yet, obviously deciding to wait until you had gotten to know each other better. But after the last two months of learning everything possible about the other, you were ready.
“Evan..” you breathed his name out softly, slowly, feeling him hum against your skin as his kisses began placing themselves from your ear up your jaw. “Please” you whisper, your voice shaky from nerves and neediness.
Evan’s grip on your hips tighten hearing your desperation, slight worry that you may not actually be ready like you feel, but also wanting nothing more than to give into your plea.
You feel him pull your hips to turn you around, doing so and looking up at him. His eyes flicker down to the necklace around your neck, loving how it looks on you and turning him on more before flickering back to your eyes below him.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” He says lowly but completely serious. Your gaze shifts from his eyes to his lips, to his clenched jaw then back up to his eyes. Your hands slowly find their way to his cheeks, holding them gently still maintaining eye contact.
“I am.” You confirm, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss it his lips. You hear him suck a sharp breath from his nose as his lips move perfectly against yours, his hands carefully finding their way around you and caressing up and down your waist slowly, as if allowing you to be sure before he moved any faster.
When you didn’t back out, completely ready to give yourself to him, you feel his hands then move down your legs and to the back of your thighs, gripping them and hiking you up in one easy motion. You immediately wrap your legs around his waist, your hands still holding his face to yours while you both deepened the kiss into another passion filled one. Your tongue slips from your mouth and glides across his bottom lip slowly asking for access, his mouth opening to grant it and your tongues colliding against the other for dominance. Though you were eager, you were no match to him, his tongue sliding into your mouth now and tasting every inch of you.
Evan carry’s you carefully over to the bed, lowering you onto and resting above you with on hand holding him up while his other explored your clothed body. Your hands slide down his chest to his torso, lifting his shirt for him to take off, Evan pulling back from your lips and sitting up enough to pull it over his head, tossing it somewhere in the room as he quickly leans down and finds your lips again. Your hands find their way back to his now shirtless body, feeling his warm skin under your touch.
“Sit up” he mumbles against your lips, helping you sit up on the bed, his hands finding the bottom of your shirt while his eyes meet yours silently asking if he could remove it. You lift your arms to grant him his request, feeling his slide your shirt up and over your head. He gazes over your almost bare torso with a smile, your eyes watching him admire your body already.
Your arms reach behind you, unclasping your lace black bra while Evans gaze intensifies, eager to see you bare. You slide the straps of the bra slowly down your shoulders before removing it completely, tossing it aside and looking back up to him. Your body quickly tenses with insecurity, scared that he might not be attracted to what he sees, but he quickly leans back into you and presses a kiss on your lips.
“Beautiful” he breathes out, his hands sliding down your waist gently, reassuringly. Your eyes look up at him through your long lashes, nothing but complete lust filled within them. Your body was trembling ever so slightly from all the nerves you felt, and Evan could feel it under him.
“Is this okay?” He asks quietly, looking sternly into your eyes wanting your complete honesty, ready to make a full stop if you weren’t. But, you only nod, looking between his eyes and leaning your head up to reconnect your lips, carefully pushing you back down against the bed.
You feel his hands make their way down to your legs that were still clothed as his own were, gently massaging into your thighs with his thumbs. You softly buck your hips into him, feeling his bludgeoned against your core and letting out a quiet moan against his lips, causing him to let out his own moan that drives you insane.
His hands quickly unbutton your pants, you lifting your hips for him to slide them down your legs painfully slow. You watch as he pulls them off and begins placing open mouthed kisses back up your legs, the ache between your thighs growing with every touch. You let your head fall back against the bed, your eyes fluttering shut feeling him slide your panties down next, his hands taking ahold of your knees and carefully spreading them. Once again feeling slightly insecure being completely bare and vulnerable to him, you control your heavy breathing and allow his hands to slide up your thighs gently, so close to where you need him the most.
Finally, his thumb presses against your clit making you suck in a sharp breath at his touch, holding it in as he begins rubbing slow circles over it.
“F..fuck” you stutter out, your hands flying to your head and holding your face in them, completely withering in his every move. Evan glanced up at you, the way you hold yourself and the sounds you make for him making his dick throb through his jeans. He bites onto his lip and looks back down at your pretty, wet pussy in front of him, groaning at the beautiful sight. Continuing his thumb movements, he uses his middle finger from the same hand and slides it into you, smiling at your long moan. As he begins pumping it in and out of you, his other hand moves up placing itself on your abdomen and pressing your body down against the bed denying your body from the bucking it had began doing and adding more pressure onto your heat helping your climax build.
“God.. Evan” you moan, lifting your head to watch the picture in front of you, seeing Evan working on your pussy so effortlessly and beautifully. The sight alone could’ve made you cum, but you held it in, wanting to reach your orgasm with him inside of you. Sucking in and letting out a few more shaky breaths, you reach for Evan, grabbing his arm and pulling him back up and onto you. You quickly reach down and fumble with his jeans, eager for them to be off. He helps undo his buttons and wiggles them down his legs, his boxers following. Your eyes immediately land on his boner, clenching your pussy at the sight. Your eyes look up to Evan’s as you reach out and wrap your small hand around him, watching his eyes flutter shut as you begging stroking gently. Seeing him melt in your touch gives you a new sense of confidence, leaning yourself up and licking a strip from the bottom to the tip.
“Fuck… yes” Evan groans, his hand resting against the side of your head for support as you take all of him into your mouth. You bob slow at first, looking up so you could watch his face, his eyes already on you, and allowing yourself to begging bobbing faster. Your hand rests on his stomach, sucking his dick so perfectly that his legs began shaking from under him, his hold on your head tightening and strings of long, deep moans escaping from his beautiful mouth. You pull back and suck on his tip, paying extra attention to the sensitive spot and feeling him tensing up.
You were determined to make him cum right there, but he pulled your mouth from him and let out a breath, light chuckles leaving his mouth as you looked up at him with a pout.
“I wanna cum from that perfect pussy of yours” he said, his voice deep and eager as he lifted you further onto the bed and placed himself between your legs. He took ahold of his dick and slid it through your folds a few times, both of your eyes fluttering shut from the sensation.
“Fuck me” you breathe out, and Evan doesn’t hesitate to line himself up and allow his dick to slide inside of you slowly, looking up to your face for assurance that you give with quick nods, wanting him to continue. He pulls out before reentering, groaning at how perfectly wet you are for him, making it so easy to fuck you.
As he pulls out and slides back in, his head falls onto your chest, one of his hands gripping tightly onto your hip. Your mouth falls open with each deeper thrust, head falling back in pure ecstasy at the perfect tempo.
“So fucking good” he groans against your skin, opening his eyes to find one of your tits and taking your already hardened nipple into his mouth, a moan-muffled yelp from you at the surprise and new feeling and feeling your hand against the back of his head encouraging more. His other hand reaches up and plays with your other nipple, pinching and rubbing his thumb over it and listening to the sounds you make in response.
After a few more thrusts, he removes his mouth from your nipple and leans back, grabbing your legs and resting them over his shoulders so he could fuck you deeper, thrusting hard into you and hitting that perfect sweet spot.
“Yes, oh god.. don’t stop” you encourage him, his thrusts speeding up at your words. You could feel your climax building again, your hands finding your face again as it grew closer. “Fuck Evan I’m gonna cum” you nearly shrieked out, only making Evan slam into you hard repeatedly wanting to make you cum all over his dick.
“That’s okay baby, let it go… cum for me” he encourages, his words sending you over the edge and your thighs attempting to squeeze together but to no avail with Evan between them. You arch your back as your orgasm floods through your body, releasing on his dick while he continued thrusting into you closing in on his own orgasm.
He watches your body react to the way he keeps fucking into you, your trembling legs and heavy rising and falling chest finally sending him over the edge. He thrusts once more before pulling out and pumping his dick while he cums onto your stomach, his head falling back and your eyes on his dick watching as he cums all over you.
You suck your lip into your mouth, biting down onto it while he strokes his dick coming down from his own orgasm, your eyes flickering up to him and watching his face scrunch up before relaxing, his eyes opening to meet yours. You press your lips into a smile, his copying yours as he leans down and connects your lips again, much more gentle this time.
“That was so..”
“Perfect” he finishes for you, grinning down at you before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Perfect.” You nod, agreeing with him. You wrap your arms around him into a hug, his arms sliding under your body and wrapping you up against him.
You both lay there embracing the other for some time, listening to his breaths slow and feeling his pulse calm down. You nuzzle your face into his neck, kissing the skin softly.
“Do you want to go out?” You hear him ask, smiling against him.
“Mhmm” you hum, breathing in his scent before loosening your hold on him. He presses another kiss to the side of your head before he stands to his feet, walking over and grabbing a towel before returning to you and wiping his cum from your stomach, cleaning you first before he cleans himself. You smile at his choice of aftercare, your stomach bursting butterflies at how gentle and caring he was.
“I think I know the perfect place to go” he grins to you before turning and finding his clothes, pulling his boxers up before his jeans. You sigh, so happy and fucked out, sitting up in the bed and admiring Evan as he dressed.
“Where might that be?” You question. He looks back at you and shrugs playfully, walking over to you.
“You’ll just have to wait and see” he says quietly, leaning down to kiss your lips again, your lips smiling through it against his.
“Okay..” you sigh again, breathing in a deep breath before standing from the bed, finding your clothes and going to the bathroom to wash up first.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl l @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
I'm not shying away from the discourse. I just have a tendency to READ THE ROOM. I understand tensions are high and a lot of JM stans are very sensitive- justifiably so. I don't see the point in engaging in a discourse that's only going to exacerbate the issue.
Just because you have something to say don't mean you have to say it RIGHT NOW. That's counterintuitive and unproductive if you care about the message and it's reception.
As I said, my space is a safe space for you. I recieve praises and rants and I'm not gonna judge. But when your rant is not about releasing pent up emotions or frustrations but mixed up with targeted hate and vitriol towards a member, me or anyone else I will not indulge you. Simply bcos I don't hate no body and I cant get get behind that sorry.
Like I said, I understand the frustrations and the need to compare how different artists are treated differenrly under the company.
But while it's easy to go berserk on the company, it takes much effort and detachment to understand that these people we are fighting for have agency in the equation. And because I've talked about this in the past I hate having to repeat myself over over.
I really wish I cared enough to dig into my archives to reblog those posts. I don't want to- it's not fun🥴
But yea, once again, I'll point out to you that all these JK was sent here and was given that and that only speaks to the faith and chance the company was willing to take on him and the lack of faith they had in JM as an artist. They undermined and underestimated JM and to an extent just didn't know what he needed or how to nurture his talents.
They could see his potential as an exceptional dancer and even incorporated dance into the groups act mostly because of JM. They could see he had the looks and a unique voice but at the time of inception it wasn't what they needed for a hiphop group.
People made fun of a hip-hop group dancing as part of their routine and some of the members didn't want to dance- cough Suga, cough Namjoon- Namjoon💀 bless his heart😩
Then they were made fun of for being pretty boys and for wearing make up as hip-hop artists and all that was challenging to them all because they were all being molded into what they are today.
And believe it or not JMs street dance style together with his overly masculine and toned body was more priced in the hip-hop industry at the time more so than his unique voice which wasn't very suited for rap.
And while we compare JM and JK- understand that within that context of the past, at debut, JM didn't need dance classes🤷🏾
In fact, JM was the ideal body type at the time and the others were pushed to attain his body type and imitate his work ethics. Context really matters.
We can talk about members like suga who hated to dance and felt it was stupid and who desperately needed those dance lessons but couldn't afford it and had to work as a delivery boy to support himself. One would think, he could use that dance class investment no?
At debut JM was taking rap voice training. He didn't need to get flown to the US for this training because guess what? The entire team were flown out to participate in vocal training and rap training- on the show we have agreed not to mention on my blog💀
Sometimes when we talk about our dislike for the company, I feel we hate the company for opposite reasons. For instance, I am not too particular about what each member is given. You know why? Because THEY PAY IT BACK eventually. every dime.
The resources they give to the boys is not for free. hybe is not into charity. And I remember pointing out moments of JM himself talking about this. He would be having a meal or drink with the members and he will point out how this will be taken out of their stipends. Everything is paid back. Even the food at the hotels they stay at. The flight they take, the studio time, their vocal lessons, dancing lessons etc.
It's an artist managerial contract.
I feel we've all been in the Fandom long enough to have these concepts at the back of our heads all the time. Hybe is a business not a charity.
The only reason they may not be investing much in an artist is if they feel that artist does not have much selling power or potential to sell to begin with or if THE ARTIST THEMSELVES DECIDES THEY DON'T WANT TO BE INDEBTED TO THE COMPANY.
Sadly, these companies don't care about how talented you are all they care about is how much money you can make them. You could have the biggest fanbase in the world, if it's not translating into money you are a high risk for them to invest in.
I feel, and this is just an opinion you can disagree with it, that they thought JM was alright vocally speaking- because his voice is the most exploited out of the vocal line💀
When I say exploited I mean, he's always harmonizing, providing adlips, hitting high notes and not given much range and dynamism to experiment with his voice. It's an opinion I could be wrong about this.
I feel it's why the first thing he did on his album Face was to experiment with his voice. And it's why a lot of people felt confused about it because they were used to hearing him do one thing over and over with his voice. Where as for the others you don't place them in the same box and say well Tae is all low registers and it's weird hearing him sing falsettos now. But if JM deviates from his high key almost feminine range then suddenly it's "that doesn't sound like JM"
It can be objectifying you know?
And for hybe they seem to have an idea of what they think will sell and to a degree they might be on to something with that. However that leaves no room for experimentation with their artists. You either conform or fit the mold.
When I say I have a feeling the members have a similar but unique terms of contract with the company people act like its the most absurd thing they've heard but if you can tell just by looking at how much they disproportionately invest in the boys then you can conclude they have different contract terms that allows for these different treatments. Otherwise a contract that mandates JK to take dance lessons abroad would mandate JM or Tae to do same. Because it's one and the same contract.
The company has resources and it decides how to distribute those resources to artists based on their intuition about those artists and also based on the statistical returns on those investments. They are a for profit venture after all.
The company had their money out on some members and not so much on others. Jimin, Tae- dead ass hid Tae for the entire duration of predebut and had Jimin walking around uncertain he was gonna debut with the group. And not just that they had him worrying if he didn't work twice as hard nearly to perfection that they would drop him
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Imagine the brain fuck that is and for a minor nonetheless.
For a company that began as a hip hop dance group their primary concern was of course THE RAP LINE. Jimin was pushed to rap even though he hated it and thought rap just wasn't for him. Yet they were pushing him to take rap lessons when he didn't have the passion for it. The results? They left him full of self doubt and confusion and stripped him of his sense of self and his confidence simply because they couldn't nurture his potential.
If I hadn't had a breakdown over him choosing to conform to mainstream male body standards by buffing up, old me would have spiraled hearing him rap on Set me free and yall would have canceled me again 🙃
For me, I'm triggered easily seeing him dabble in things that he'd said he'd been traumatized by and coerced into doing in the past. Rapping, working out, exposing his body, the list goes on. They've been coerced into conforming to certain things and my eyes twitch whenever I see them accepting and conforming to things they weren't comfortable with- like Jm saying he pushed himself to tone his abs thinking they were all going to be showing off their bodies only to find out he was the only one that was going to do that and how uncomfortable he had felt.
These men will share their trauma with us but keep us in the dark when they healing through those traumas and spring surprises on us having us looking crazy😐
Do yall remember him saying, when he was reviewing their sexy photos during Be that now that they were grown concepts like that suited them? These men were coerced into objectifying themselves for our entertainment as minors and we don't talk about that💀
Things like that is why I hate the company. The exploitation, objectification, and frankly I don't think they paying these men WHAT THEY DESERVE to be putting them through all that. Bang PD rich rich when it's the boys killing themselves to make him all that money🥴 I'm looking at you hybe
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Yet these I feel, how much resources they allocate to an artist depends entirely in the artist. Now they have agency and bargaining power and enough resources to invest in themselves.
Company investment is like a loan to them which they have to pay back and I think now they are in a position to say no to that especially if those charges are ridiculously high.
Remember, they are paying the company to manage them not the other way round. So if you are going to push for more resources to be assigned to them take a minute to consider if it's a debt the artist wants to take on or something they are willing to pay the company back for.
And remember the company themselves raise funds through venture capitalists or bank loans which they have to pay back eventually so they don't just cut the checks on a whim. They need to justify to stakeholders and account to them what and where they put those monies so they don't end up losing all their money and going into debt.
Hybe nearly went bankrupt before BTS. Suffice to say, they do trend carefully.
Besides, Jimin's potential isn't something the company has always seen or recognized. It's why many of us were drawn to Yoonmin in the first place. He nurtured jimin through some really difficult moments of indecision and identity crisis trying to find his place and purpose within the group.
With hybe I feel they have too many talents than they know what to do with sometimes and most times they are winging it and dare I say hoarding talents because while they don't know what to do with them they fear letting them go because if there's one thing they know for certain is that the market is unpredictable.
When we support Jimin, we show the company he is marketable and profitable as an artist and worthy of investment and shouldn't be underestimated. Forget who else sells. Yes Jungkook would get a BB number one too and so will Taehyung. Inshallah. BUT THEY HAVE NOTHING ON JIMIN.
1. Hybe wasn't investing in JM bcos in my opinion they undermined him or couldn't recognize his potential. THEY SHOULD LOOK AT HIM NOW
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2. Jimin has enough bargaining strength and resources outside the company to invest in himself now even if the company refuses to do that for him
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3. He controls his destiny. He has agency. He decides the direction of his career and if the company is holding him back as a SOLO artist and not giving him resources for his MV or to tour- even though his tours can be paid for and sponsored by companies and brands HE CAN DROP THEM COS HE A BAD ASS
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Also just because I have a lot of girl boss gifs don't mean I'm a lesbian. I could be a feminist. Please don't judge.
Let me know if this post makes sense
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jopetkasi · 8 months
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Right after the New Year, I threw in a couple of shirts and a hoodie and left for Hong Kong because like what I told you, I will be on a working trip. Meaning, I will buy merchandise that my cousin, Jay, and sister-in-law, Belle will peddle at their Lazada and Shopee pages.
It's a long list of things to purchase mostly ready-to-wear clothes, chocolates, house items, lotions, and perfume among others. since this is Hong Kong, expect the prices to be lower compared to Manila since they are tax-free. I also pre-purchased extra baggage weight on the flight back home, while those I cannot bring, will have it shipped door to door.
at the immigration desk, the officer asked why I frequent HK since last year saw me visiting the island twice. of course, I was at my best behavior for fear of being offloaded. I explained that I am a reseller and I travel to buy "paninda"
"Dual citizen ka?" as he ran my information at the counter.
"yes po, ROC Taiwan" and handed him my other passport to verify.
"magkano dala mong pera?" this time, I was already getting annoyed. but then again, being offloaded is such a hot mess, I decided to give all the info he asked.
"$1000 USD and the rest sa credit card po"
he stamped my passport and I was done with immigration.
by the way, the ticket was scored at a budget airline's seat sale. No issue with me. as long as I get to my destination and back home, I don't mind except that this passenger planted his big ass on my designated seat and started to do a Facebook live.
"excuse po, dyan yung upuan ko"
"huh? puedeng dito nalang ako?"
"hinde. umalis ka"
"ang sungit"
you know when you get to my age, you feel that certain amount of authority that when you exert it, no amount of effort is given, it comes naturally. I paid extra for my seat, unless you are fucking Piolo Pascual I would give in but then he's not. Besides, I don't think Piolo flies budget airline to begin with.
a couple of hours, we landed safe. I took the train from HKIA to Central and from Central another train to TST or Tsim Sha Tsui where our favorite hotel is located (Caritas Bianchi Hotel) it is affordable and best of all, the rooms are clean and spacious, unlike those damn cramped hotels in the city.
Hungry, I had beef brisket noodles and it was so so so good...it's like eating pares, nasta masarap sya. then I walked towards MongKok because I wanted to buy the dyowa some decent sneakers since the one's he is using has seen better days.
so there. I hope you guys are all safe and happy.
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longsightmyth · 1 year
I know this isn't your usual stuff you post about, but I have a friend coming to visit me next year and they'll need to stay in a hotel. Do you have any tips or advice for when the best time to book or get the best deal?
The best time is going to be variable, but it's best to start looking early (IN INCOGNITO MODE)(ON THE ACTUAL HOTEL SITES OR APPS) and keep comparing. Jump if you see a special or something. Generally you'll get better prices earlier, but they can also be nonrefundable so be sure to triple check. If you DO make a nonrefundable reservation and suddenly can't make it, do not despair: that's where NOT BOOKING THROUGH THIRD PARTY SITES comes in. See below.
Incognito: because many sites will notice you are looking at the same flights/stays and start upping the prices accordingly. I didn't actually learn that through my job but through my degree. Not every site/company does this, but it's worth being careful about.
On the actual hotel sites or apps: it is tempting to look through third party apps like expedia or priceline or their many subsidiaries because they appear to have cheaper prices. Sometimes they even do! But if you have trouble at a hotel or want to adjust dates or make special requests or ask about better prices, you WILL be shit out of luck. At a property level third party reservations are stuck. We don't have YOUR money so we can't return it (9/10, you pay the third party. Then they give us THEIR virtual card. We can't even give you a receipt, because we don't have your card or your money), and except in some very specific circumstances you don't get credit with any memberships you have. We can't adjust your reservation for the same reason, so if you have to cancel after the cut off date you are Out Of Luck. If you've made your reservation directly through a hotel's specific site/reservation line and contact the property directly and are polite you will usually find a clerk willing to at least check if, say, triple A or student or hospital discounts are available. As humans we can and often do take 'oh shit there's a hurricane and people can't travel' or 'death in the family' etc as reasonable explanations for cancelling after the cut off date, and generally someone on property will be a compassionate human and manually change the charge to $0 or something, which, say it with me: We Cannot Do If The Reservation Is Booked Through A Third Party Site (or I suppose in theory we could 0 it out, but that would only benefit the third party site and not you).
Also I really do suggest joining a rewards program or three. They are almost always free to join, you can make sure your info is on there for easier reserving, there are member-specific discounts (not always large, but even ten bucks counts, right?) and most brands are willing to go to some extra effort for members. I do NOT suggest saving your credit card to this rewards profile: while database security is pretty good these days and most places DO fire anyone found giving ANY guest info out, the starwood breach a few years ago made me wary and this will ALSO prevent someone from fraudulently using your rewards account/credit card to check in via mobile, which is where most fraud happens these days. One weekend I caught seven people. It was A Time.
I hope this was helpful to you, even if it got really long.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Christmas is in full swing in New York City; lines snake through Midtown as tourists oggle department store windows and the Rockefeller Center tree, and the Union Square Holiday Market is bustling with vendors and shoppers. All the while, hotel prices are up and vacancies down compared to the 2022 holiday season—and there are almost no short-term rentals, like Airbnbs, for people to book.
It’s too soon to say there’s no room at the inn this holiday season—searches on Airbnb for places to stay during Christmas and New Year’s Eve in New York City bring up hundreds of hotel rooms, rooms in apartments, and rentals claiming to be exempt from new rules in the city. But many of the short-term whole apartment rentals that Airbnb was known for are gone.
With short-term rentals all but banned, early data shows hotel rooms are getting pricier and harder to come by. New York City’s new short-term rental regulations, which took effect in September, are among the most restrictive of any large city in the world. Such restrictions haven’t stopped people from visiting the Big Apple—and this holiday season is a major test of the city’s new rules.
The city’s clampdown on Airbnbs and other short-term rentals seems to be part of what’s sending interest in hotels soaring. Searches for hotels in New York City during the last two weeks of December are up 25 percent year over year, according to data from Expedia Group, which is also the parent company of Vrbo, another short-term rental booking platform. Times Square hotels in particular are up 55 percent in searches, and neighborhoods like Chelsea, Central Park South, Union Square, and Herald Square are all also seeing spikes.
Hotel bookings and prices are inching upward, too. In November 2022, 79 percent of hotel rooms were occupied, with an average cost of $307 a night according to CoStar, which tracks commercial real estate intel. But in November 2023, occupancy climbed to 84 percent, and the average nightly cost hit $333. By the first week of December, occupancy jumped to 90.3 percent, up from 89.6 percent in early December 2022. The average nightly cost swelled from $416 to $477 from December 2022 to December 2023.
It’ll only get busier. Some 64.5 million people are predicted to visit in 2024, according to New York City Tourism + Conventions, the city’s official tourism marketing organization. That’s up from a forecasted 61.8 million this year. This year’s tourism numbers didn’t top records set in 2019, but they got closer, showing that people are returning to travel at near pre-pandemic levels.
The disappearance of short-term rentals may disproportionately affect guests that don’t fit in a small New York hotel room, like families with kids. “Those people are either having to pay up for more expensive hotel offerings that are comparable to Airbnb, or are simply not able to visit the city,” says Sean Hennessey, a professor at the New York University Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality.
That’s what happened to Mia Heil, who is bringing her family of five to New York City from Houston the week between Christmas and New Year’s. She had booked a three-bedroom apartment on Airbnb and didn’t know about the rule change until the host canceled their stay the following day. Because they already had flights, Heil says she scrambled to find a hotel room that could fit the family. The effective end of Airbnb in the city doesn’t mean her family wouldn’t have visited New York, Heil says, but she might have come at a different time when hotel prices were lower.
Hennessey says the registration law may be just part of what’s driving prices up. Some people might be traveling for the first time post-pandemic. The city is also now housing thousands of migrants in hotel rooms—though many remained open to visitors this summer.
Airbnb allowed stays through December 1 to remain booked as part of a grace period, so this month is the first one where people are truly pushed to find other places to stay. “Visitors to New York City have fewer accommodation options due to the rule change, which means less choice and higher prices” says Taylor Marr, housing market economist at Airbnb. “As a result, many tourists could be priced out of visiting the city, especially during peak periods such as the holiday season, resulting in economic loss for local workers and businesses.”
The registration law was meant to crack down on a proliferation of short-term rentals in New York City, many of which had long been banned by a rarely enforced law. Those in favor of the rule say short-term rentals siphon away housing that could go to full-time residents and lead to rising rent costs. At one point in 2022, there were more listings for Airbnbs than there were apartments for long-term lease in New York City.
But opponents argue that it bans not only big-time landlords but also middle-class city residents who are renting out just one unit to make ends meet. Both hosts and booking platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo who violate the rule by listing unregistered properties can face fines. The number of short-term stays, those for fewer than 30 days, fell from some 22,000 this summer to around 3,700 as of November 1, according to Inside Airbnb, a housing advocacy group that tracks the platform. The number of short-term stays has always been dwarfed by hotel rooms, of which New York City has around 128,000, according to Vijay Dandapani, president and CEO of the Hotel Association of New York City. Dandapani says 15,000 of those rooms are housing migrants, and another 7,000 are closed.
As of Monday, the city’s Office of Special Enforcement, which oversees the short-term rental registrations, has received more than 5,000 applications from hosts, granted 971, denied 732, and sent more than 2,000 back to applicants for additional info. Christian Klossner, the office’s executive director, tells WIRED that the office has not issued any fines to those in violation of the registration law yet, as the city is still working with booking platforms on compliance.
To cope with the ban, some hosts are moving away from platforms like Airbnb and instead listing apartments on sites like Craigslist and in Facebook groups, and on alternative rental platforms such as Houfy. Some advertise their stays for Christmas and have weekly rates. One asks people to provide an Airbnb profile with guest reviews when requesting to book.
Ultimately, the short-term rental rule is good business for hotels—even if the jury is out on it being a good thing for New Yorkers. And some of that current occupancy squeeze may lessen in coming years: More than 70 new hotels are expected to open in the city in the next three years, bringing 10,000 additional rooms, according to New York City Tourism + Conventions. The end of Airbnb in New York doesn’t signal the end of tourism, but it’s already looking pretty different.
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brookebeebe-blog · 2 months
July 26th - Travel to Taitung
The cough is very persistent. It also seems most of the people on the trip also have the same illness now and unfortunately, I think I was patient zero. So if any of the people on the trip have been keeping up with my blog to see how their illness might progress: the cough stays forever. We woke up early today for a bunch of travel. I packed my bags and got some breakfast this morning. A bit of a culture shock to me is the fact that they serve dinner food for breakfast. I had chicken nuggets at 8am for the past 2 days. Not complaining though because I love chicken nuggets. After breakfast, we headed to our train, which was going to take us to Taipei. I haven’t been on a train in forever, and this one was really nice. The ride was about two hours and then we got to Taipei for our bullet train. We grabbed some lunch at the train station and then boarded the train. This was my first time on a bullet train and it was super fun. It felt like we were flying, but it’s crazy because you stay level to the ground. On a plane, you can’t really tell how fast you’re going because you’re so high in the air, but the bullet train is very different. When we finally got in Kaohsiung, we boarded a bus to take us to Taitung. We finally arrived at our hotel at around 8pm. It is another hot springs resort. We’re here for two nights and then we go back to Kaohsiung. I also just learned that my mom is reading these so, hi mom!
Academic Reflection
Today, I would like to reflect on the construction of the bullet train. The high speed rail was opened in 2007, and since then, it has been quite the learning curve. The system costs $15 billion US to construct. The train also hits speeds of 186 mph while transporting people from Taipei to Kaohsiung. The direct train takes only 90 minutes for a 345 km trip. When the article I’m doing my research on was written, it was 8 months post opening. Domestic airlines were cancelling dozens of flights due to low demand, air traffic on competing routes plummeted more than 50%, there was a 10% decline of traffic on the north-south freeway, and tour agencies became wildly more popular as new areas to vacation were becoming accessible. Buses were also seeing fewer passengers, along with the taiwan rail. The price of the ticket is also affordable to most middle-class people in Taiwan. With a price of $45, it is a much more feasible option compared to a flight. The railway was extremely difficult to build due to the complex topography of Taiwan. Building tunnels and elevated tracks is quite expensive and due to the nature of the high speed rail, the tracks have to be straight and level. Only 9% of the track was built on the ground, the other 18% is underground and 73% is elevated, which makes the Taiwan high-speed rail the longest continuously elevated railway in the entire world. Most passengers agree that the high speed rail is an excellent addition to Taiwan’s infrastructure and a fun travel experience. In 2020, the net profit of the high speed rail was $187.5 million US.
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soutienshivam · 3 months
Flying with Sun Country Airlines: Affordable Travel with a Personal Touch
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Are you looking for a budget-friendly airline that doesn't compromise on quality? Sun Country Airlines might be your perfect match. With a focus on providing affordable, comfortable, and reliable air travel, Sun Country has carved out a niche for itself among savvy travelers. Here's everything you need to know about flying with Sun Country Airlines and why it could be your new go-to for both domestic and international travel.
About Sun Country Airlines
Sun Country Airlines is a Minneapolis-based low-cost carrier that has been in operation since 1983. Known for its friendly service and affordable fares, Sun Country primarily serves destinations within the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The airline's mission is to make flying accessible to everyone, all while maintaining a high standard of customer service.
Why Fly with Sun Country Airlines?
1. Budget-Friendly Fares
One of the biggest advantages of flying with Sun Country Airlines is its competitive pricing. The airline offers low base fares and regular promotions, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers. Whether you're planning a quick domestic trip or an international getaway, Sun Country provides great value for your money.
2. Flexible Travel Options
Sun Country offers a variety of fare options, allowing you to choose the level of service and flexibility that suits your needs. From Basic Economy to First Class, you can tailor your travel experience to fit your budget and preferences. Additionally, the airline offers vacation packages that include flights, hotels, and car rentals, making trip planning a breeze.
3. Customer-Centric Service
Despite being a low-cost carrier, Sun Country prides itself on delivering exceptional customer service. The airline's staff are known for their friendliness and willingness to go the extra mile to ensure passengers have a pleasant flight. This personal touch sets Sun Country apart from many other budget airlines.
4. Convenient Routes
Sun Country operates a network of routes that includes popular vacation destinations and major U.S. cities. Whether you're heading to sunny Florida, the beaches of Mexico, or a bustling urban center, Sun Country has convenient options to get you there.
Tips for Flying with Sun Country Airlines
Book Early: Like most airlines, Sun Country offers the best deals when you book in advance. Keep an eye out for sales and special promotions.
Pack Smart: Sun Country charges for checked bags and larger carry-on items, so pack efficiently to avoid extra fees. A personal item like a backpack or small bag is included with your ticket.
Check-In Online: Save time at the airport by checking in online through the Sun Country website or mobile app. This also gives you the chance to select your seat in advance.
Consider Upgrading: If you're looking for a bit more comfort, consider upgrading to Premium or First Class. These fare options include additional amenities like extra legroom, priority boarding, and complimentary beverages.
Onboard Experience
Sun Country Airlines operates a fleet of Boeing 737 aircraft, known for their reliability and comfort. The cabins are clean and well-maintained, with comfortable seating and ample legroom compared to many other low-cost carriers. While the airline does not offer in-flight entertainment screens, you can bring your own devices and enjoy their streaming service on your personal device.
In-Flight Services
Sun Country offers a selection of snacks and beverages for purchase on board. If you're flying in Premium or First Class, you'll enjoy complimentary drinks and snacks. The airline also provides in-flight Wi-Fi on most flights, allowing you to stay connected and entertained throughout your journey.
Final Thoughts
Sun Country Airlines is a fantastic option for travelers seeking affordable fares without sacrificing quality and service. With its customer-centric approach, flexible travel options, and convenient routes, Sun Country makes it easy to explore new destinations and enjoy a pleasant flying experience. Whether you're a frequent flyer or planning your first trip, consider Sun Country Airlines for your next adventure.
Have you flown with Sun Country Airlines? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! Happy travels!
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Flight Hacks Mastering Cheap Flights in USA
Traveling by flight in the USA is an exciting experience. Finding the best deals on flight bookings can make the journey even more enjoyable. Whether you are looking for cheap flights from India to the USA or seeking domestic flight ticket bookings in India, it's important to explore all available options to make the most of your travel plans.
When it comes to booking cheap flight ticket, it's essential to consider several factors. From the convenience of booking online to the flexibility in choosing travel dates, finding the best deal on flight bookings can enhance your overall travel experience. With a lots of options available, you can access a wide range of choices for flight bookings, ensuring that you find the most suitable and affordable options for your travel needs.
Exploring different airlines and comparing prices can help you secure the best deal on flight ticket bookings. Additionally, keeping an eye out for special promotions and discounts can further enhance your travel experience. By being proactive in your search for cheap flights from India to the USA or for domestic flight ticket bookings in India, you can ensure that you make the most cost-effective and convenient travel arrangements.
Moreover, formalities and procedures related to flight bookings should be approached with care to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Keeping track of important details such as travel regulations, baggage allowances, and necessary documentation can contribute to a stress-free travel experience.
Another great strategy is to use flight comparison websites and apps. These tools allow you to compare prices from different airlines and booking sites, helping you find the most cost-effective options. Additionally, signing up for price alerts can notify you when there's a drop in fare for your desired route.
It's also worth mentioning that booking your flight well in advance or being spontaneous with last-minute deals can sometimes work in your favor. While planning ahead can secure lower prices, last-minute offers can be surprisingly affordable, especially if airlines are looking to fill empty seats.
Lastly, don't forget to clear your browser cookies when searching for flights online. Some websites may track your visits and increase prices based on your search history. By clearing your cookies or using private browsing mode, you can avoid potential price hikes.
Furthermore, consider joining frequent flyer programs or utilizing credit card rewards to earn points that can be redeemed for future flights. These programs often come with perks such as free checked bags, priority boarding, and access to airport lounges, enhancing your overall travel experience. In conclusion, when it comes to travel with flight in the USA by booking the cheap flight in the USA, getting the best deal on flight booking is crucial. Whether you are planning to book a flight from India to the USA or seeking domestic flight ticket bookings in India, being thorough in your search and considering various factors can help you secure the most suitable and affordable options for your travel needs. Safe travels!
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my3sonsmoving · 4 months
How do you plan an out of state move in 2024?
Planning an out-of-state move can be a complex and stressful process, but with careful planning and organization, you can ensure a smooth transition. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you begin:
Research Your New Location:
Cost of Living: Begin by comparing the cost of living between your current state and the new one. This includes housing, groceries, utilities, and taxes. Websites like Numbeo can provide detailed comparisons.
Housing: Look into neighborhoods, housing prices, and rental options. Consider factors such as proximity to work, safety, amenities, and school quality if you have children. Online platforms like Zillow and Realtor.com are excellent resources.
Job Market: Investigate job opportunities and the local economy. Sites like Indeed and LinkedIn can help you understand the job market and connect with potential employers.
Lifestyle: Consider the climate, local amenities, schools, and community culture. Explore forums, social media groups, and local news sites to get a feel for the area.
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Moving Costs: Get estimates from moving companies or calculate costs if you plan to move yourself. Include packing materials, transportation, and potential storage fees. Companies like U-Haul provide cost calculators for DIY moves.
Travel Expenses: Budget for gas, flights, hotels, and meals if you’re driving. Websites like GasBuddy can help estimate fuel costs, and travel sites can assist with finding affordable accommodation.
Initial Setup: Plan for deposits, initial rent, utility setup, and any immediate purchases needed upon arrival.
Create a Moving Timeline:
Plan Ahead: Start planning 2–3 months in advance to avoid last-minute stress.
Checklist: Develop a detailed checklist of tasks to be completed each week leading up to the move. This should include everything from hiring movers to packing specific rooms.
Hiring Movers vs. DIY
Consider hiring professional movers by researching and selecting a reputable moving company. Check reviews on sites like Yelp and get multiple quotes to compare prices and services.
DIY Move: 
If you decide to move yourself, rent a truck, recruit friends and family, and plan the logistics of driving and unloading. Ensure you have the necessary equipment like dollies and moving blankets.
Declutter and Organize:
Inventory: Take an inventory of your belongings. This helps in estimating moving costs and ensuring nothing gets lost.
Declutter: Sell, donate, or discard items you don’t need. This reduces the volume of items to move and can save money.
Organize: Label boxes clearly by room and content. Use a color-coded system or numbered labels to simplify unpacking.
Update Your Information:
Address Change: Update your address with the postal service, banks, subscription services, and any other relevant parties.
Utilities and Services: Arrange for the disconnection of utilities at your current home and setup at your new home. Ensure you transfer internet, cable, water, and electricity services in time.
Licenses and Registrations: Update your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and voter registration as soon as possible after your move.
Pack Strategically:
Essentials Box: Pack a box of essentials for the first few days, including clothes, toiletries, important documents, and basic kitchen items.
Fragile Items: Pack fragile items with care, using plenty of padding. Clearly label these boxes to ensure they are handled with care.
Room-by-Room: Pack one room at a time and label boxes accordingly. This method makes unpacking more manageable.
Travel Arrangements:
Transport Vehicles: Decide whether to drive your car(s) or have them shipped. Companies like Montway Auto Transport can assist with vehicle shipping.
Pets: Make arrangements for moving pets safely, including carriers, food, and necessary medications.
Accommodation: Book any necessary accommodation if the journey takes more than a day. Plan your route and make reservations in advance.
Settling In:
Unpacking: Start with essential areas like the kitchen and bedrooms to make your new home livable quickly.
Explore: Take time to explore your new neighborhood and meet your neighbors. Familiarize yourself with local grocery stores, pharmacies, and parks.
Emergency Contacts: Find and note down local emergency contacts, such as doctors, vets, and hospitals. Register with local healthcare providers as soon as possible.
Stay Organized:
Keep Records: Maintain a file with all moving-related documents, including contracts, receipts, and inventory lists. This helps in case of disputes or for future reference.
Backup Plans: Have contingency plans in case of delays or unexpected issues. This could include having extra funds for unforeseen expenses or knowing alternative routes.
By following these steps, you can ensure a more organized and less stressful out-of-state move. For personalized assistance with moving in the central Kentucky area, consider reaching out to My 3 Sons Moving and Storage Company.
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tzatairovic · 6 months
Lol what u mean profitable?ofc not lol it's all will end up to marketing budget. It's relatively nothing compare to big films but we can guess. I think they travel 2 two private jets,London Monte Carlo relatively small distance google giving 15k price let's assume it's mid size private jet 20k each so 2 jets for 20 people it's 40k on flights, next hotel average price 1.1k by google,but it's definitely luxury hotel so 1.5-2k 2k*20people 40k plus 10k on organization of this small protocol
So out budget for day 40+40+10 ~ 90k
Next stop Milan it's even closer. It's over the sea flights would be costly London - NYC 75k London LA 120k typical price,but if not I welcome fly commercial would be chaper
Sorry, I realized I worded it oddly. What I meant was, does the exposure they get from being there for just a couple of hours justify the cost of flying them out and possibly even booking a hotel But yeah, in the grand scheme of things, the money spent on their travels isn’t that significant.
Regarding private jets, it really depends on the level of luxury. For example, if they’re flying in a 13-seater Legacy 650 from 2011 for a 2-hour flight from London, it can be as low as 16,000€ for one direction. However, if they’re flying in a 12-seater Challenger 650 from 2020 for the same duration, it can be as much as 40,000€ for one direction. So yeah, it also depends on factors like that.
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webdevnajmul · 6 months
How to make a travel website design
how to design a successful travel website, combining best practices and essential considerations:
Planning Phase
Define Your Niche: What kind of travel will you focus on? Luxury, adventure, budget, specific destinations, or a blend? This clarity will guide your design choices.
Target Audience: Understand your ideal customers – their age, preferences, and how they like to research trips. Your design should resonate with them.
Competitive Analysis: Examine other successful travel websites. Note what you like, dislike, and where you can offer an improved experience.
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Design Fundamentals
Simple, Intuitive Navigation: Visitors should find what they need fast. Use clear menus, breadcrumbs, and a strong search function.
Responsive Design: Your site must adapt flawlessly to all devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones). Travel planning happens everywhere.
Visual Impact: Stunning, high-quality images and videos of destinations and experiences are key to inspiring wanderlust.
Compelling Content: Engage with well-written descriptions, travel tips, and blog posts to boost interest and SEO.
Social Proof: Include testimonials, reviews, and social media integration to build trust and credibility.
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Essential Features
Robust Search Functionality: Allow searches by destination, activity, date ranges, and budget. Include advanced filters to refine results.
Detailed Listings: Provide comprehensive information on hotels, tours, flights, etc., including photos, descriptions, pricing, availability, and amenities.
Secure Booking Engine: Integrate a reliable, user-friendly booking system that supports multiple payment methods.
Personalized Recommendations: Use data and AI to suggest trips that align with individual user preferences.
Maps Integration: Use Google Maps or similar to visually display destinations and travel routes.
Trip Planning Tools: Allow users to save itineraries, create wishlists, and compare options.
Customer Support: Provide accessible contact options (live chat, email, phone) for resolving queries.
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Technical Considerations
Website Builder vs. Custom Development:
Website Builders (Wix, Squarespace, WordPress): Offer ease of use and templates but may have limitations in customization.
Custom Development: Provides maximum flexibility but requires coding skills or hiring a developer.
Hosting: Select a reliable host with sufficient bandwidth to handle traffic and ensure a fast-loading website.
Content Management System (CMS): A CMS like WordPress makes managing your content easier.
Design Execution
Color Palette: Choose colors evoking travel (blues for oceans, greens for nature, etc.). Maintain a balanced and visually appealing scheme.
Typography: Use clear, readable fonts. A hierarchy for headings and body text improves scannability.
White Space: Avoid cluttering. White space allows information to breathe and enhances the design.
Call-to-Actions: Place prominent "Book Now", "Learn More" buttons to guide users through the booking process.
Testing and Launch
Thorough Testing: Test on various devices and browsers. Ask friends and colleagues for feedback.
Launch: Once you're confident, launch your site!
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Promotion and Maintenance
Marketing: Utilize SEO, social media, content marketing, and potentially paid advertising to drive traffic.
Updates: Keep content fresh, add new destinations, and enhance features based on user feedback.
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Let me know if you'd like a deeper dive into any of these aspects, or help choosing a website builder or CMS!
Thank you
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malbecmusings · 1 year
Bellingham, Wshington
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July 25: So long Bellingham. We didn't see much, but we found a good BBQ restaurant and, most importantly, the peeps at the hotel and FBO were awesome. Gas is a little higher here at $7.20/gal but that'll look cheap compared to the prices farther north.
The first order of business after getting checked into the hotel last night was to find dinner. Shoutout to Big Stick BBQ; I'm a little too far west to find my favorite Eastern NC BBQ, but the brisket was pretty damn good. We spent a couple of hours catching up, comparing notes, and making plans, then went back to the hotel and promptly crashed.
The temperature this morning was a cool 54°. Goodbye sweating, hello down jackets. We had breakfast at the hotel (a big thank you to Danis for taking care of us early) before Jose hauled us to the Fred Meyer and to the airport. Even with shuffling 5 planes up to the pump to fuel up, we were wheels up by a few minutes after 8.
The plan was to go from Bellingham to Ketchikan to refuel before ending up in Juneau, or an alternate location if everything aligned. We skirted Vancouver and followed the Strait of Georgia north until we turned direct to Ketchikan. I've been on, and in, Puget Sound. As stunning as it is from the surface, it's insanely beautiful from the air. With the view of the vast Pacific off to port, especially breathtaking at the 140 mile-wide opening to Queen Charlotte Sound, it was easy to imagine the #NextChapter when we'll be sailing north instead of flying. (or motoring as the Inside Passage makes for terrible sailing)
Although we don't have any real use for them now, I've been teasing the Boy Scout about getting floats. All I could think about as we flew over the island-dotted waters was how sick it would be to look down, pick a spot, and land on the water. Maybe do a few dives off the floats before having lunch and flying off to find the next interesting spot. After today I don't think he needs more convincing.
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The Ketchikan International Airport is located on an island across from the town of Ketchikan, which appears to exist solely to cater to the cruise industry. Like many other towns in Alaska, Ketchikan is not connected to the rest of the world by any kind of road; it's accessible only by water or air. We topped off the tanks (11.29/gal) and continued toward Juneau.
About halfway to Juneau we passed over the community of Wrangell which lies opposite the Stikine River Delta and several glaciers formed from the Stikine Icefield. There are several National Park and State Recreation cabins available but we couldn't see any way to access them short of a boat or a float plane (hey cowboy). Flying over them confirmed they were a no go. What we did find was a multitude of gravel bars which was the perfect excuse to put the new tundra tires to work. For the most part the ground was sandy/gravel and pretty smooth but the big tires made the landings like buttah. After finding a wide gravel bar where we could park and tie down all five planes well off the water, we set up camp in the tree line overlooking the river. A few tried their hand at fishing (no luck) while the rest of us gathered firewood, did a little exploring, and chilled. A little river-bar happy hour soon commenced around the fire while we thought about what freeze dried delicacy would be on the dinner menu.
I should add here that I'm not a boy scout. I grew up sailing, not camping. Tonight's events were the most boy scout shit ever, and it was awesome. More flight-seeing, including glacier flyovers, tomorrow before we head to Juneau for a couple of days. Assuming the local bear population doesn't get rowdy in the middle of the night.
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alphagodith · 10 months
tips for flying about the usa
what to wear
comfy shoes you can take off and put back on easily/quickly, such as flip flops or velcro shoes/zipper boots. if going somewhere requiring a different kind of shoe, you'll need to decide whether you want to get through security faster, or have more room in your suitcase.
light jacket with large, secure(can close/things won't fall out easily) pockets for storing phone, wallet, and any other especially important items, so you can simply remove the entire jacket without having to empty pockets during screening, and don't risk losing said items if a bag needs checked or is otherwise lost.
comfy pants that don't require a belt(which would need to be removed for screening), such as sweatpants, and if they have pockets, don't use them so you don't have to empty them for security.
a face mask is recommended due to the high volume and density of both airports and planes, as well as the higher risk of illness from foreign bugs you may be newly exposed to and thus have no natural immunity for. just be aware you will probably be asked to remove the mask briefly during the initial security check to compare your face to your id.
choosing tickets
from my personal experience, southwest airlines suck (the layover they gave us wound up too short and our next plane left before we could even disembark the first one, and they did not reimburse us for the hotel we had to get while waiting for the next available flight), and united is good.
also just from my personal experience, la quinta inns are just nastier, shoddily put together versions of the nicer holiday express inns. (like they had the same exact showers but the ones at la quinta were put together wrong so the shower curtain couldn't close at all and stuff like that)
try to book tickets several months in advance, and use private browsing/clear your cache often, to get lower prices
early morning flights are best as they are less crowded, the staff are nicer, and you are less likely to be tempted to try to squeeze in more activities before departing, thus risking missing your flight entirely
plan to get to the airport no less than 2 hours early in case of traffic, issues getting through security, or other unforeseen delays
if possible, try to avoid any layovers that are less than 1 1/2 hours long, as they often result in either rushing or just straight up missing your next flight. if you can afford it, it may be worth manually booking individual flights, or just staying overnight somewhere rather than risking a tight layover.
try to only fly 2 hours or less per day if possible so that you can feasibly drive the distance in a day instead in case you miss a flight.
pack light. wear clothes multiple times and only bring what you are HIGHLY likely to need. do not bring extra entertainment items. your destination and/or phone apps should be plenty.
if you must pack an extra pair of shoes, maximize space efficiency by putting small clothing items like socks and underwear into plastic bags and then into the extra shoes.
miniature bottles of toothpaste and meds should be stored in clear plastic bags but likely won't need to be removed from suitcase during security check. you may want to pack them so they are easily accessible just in case though.
electronics larger than a phone may or may not need to be pulled out so pack them in a way that makes them quick to pull out and put back.
no knives. ever. some airports allow small ones but some don't, so you may get them through initially and then not be able to take them back home.
don't bring neck pillows, there's typically not enough room to use them on the plane anyway.
try to leave some room in your main suitcase/carry-on if you can, and bring an additional purse or other smaller bag even if you don't need it, so you can fit potential souvenirs.
verify that all tags on luggage have up-to-date address and phone number, and make sure bag isn't too easy for others to mistake as theirs. (if you like plain black suitcases like i do, cover it in ribbons or keychains to make it easy to identify at a distance. i've had someone mistakenly take my bag and then turn it into security when they realized it wasn't theirs before)
other general tips
don't eat less than an hour before any flight, as you may become ill due to turbulence/gas fuel smell and the enclosed space of an airplane is pretty much the WORST place to be sick.
if you have time before a flight, go to the restroom even if you don't currently feel a need to. you REALLY don't want to have to go on the plane.
don't be afraid to ask to swap seats if your ticket doesn't get you where you want to be. people are generally nice about it, especially within the same row. (just be prepared to accept a no- they payed for that seat and aren't obligated to give it to you)
if you drive yourself to the airport, make note of exactly where you parked. the spots are usually numbered and lettered.
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