#Constance Lockwood
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
For whatever situation you can think of XD
Donning the Crown
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“…Are you sure-“
“YES. Noah. I’m okay.”
Pandora sighs. The servants continue to doll her up, adding layers to her clothes, and doing her makeup.
The makeup was a mix of smoky navy blue and glittering gold tones, while the dress was a long sleeve velvet navy blue dress with a removable trail and gold embroidery.
On top of it all, a white cloak with navy blue embroidery
And to top it all off, a halo crown, her mother’s specifically.
“Won’t this all get ruined?” Noah inquires, donning a similar getup, instead similar to that of Arthur De La Dáinn’s.
“Yes. But that’s the point of these outfits. Morgana’s leaders have a tradition of this sort. Where we dress our best to off-put the enemy we’re fighting. Besides, it looks nice when you die like this.”
“I have no plans of dying, Noah.”
Besides, Lazarus wanted her to look her best. Her request when he left the letter after kidnapping and trapping her family.
“Lady Pandora?” One of the maids speaks quietly. She was an older maid, one who had been there since her mother was a young girl.
She looks over at the maid, giving a friendly smile, “Yes?”
“I just wanted to say. You remind me so much of your mother on this same day. Although, it was a bit happier.”
“You look so much like her. You should be proud.”
Pandora looks back in the mirror and smiles. Noah behind her, smiling too. A rare moment of happiness.
They carefully walk out of their shared room, finally finished with preparations. Arms linked as they descend the large, centered, navy blue staircase. At last, they meet up with The Crux.
Every last one of them is dressed to the nines in traditional Morganian attire.
“Looking good guys.” Constance speaks carefully.
“Thank you, I appreciate it. You look lovely too.” Pandora smiles. It’s an empty smile, a smile hiding more wrath than anything.
“We should go. Before we’re late to ‘his majesty’s’ dinner.” Nathan scoffs at the title
Pandora nods, “I agree. Let’s go.”
As they walk out, Pandora makes a prayer to Maveth.
“To the King of Crows, I know you probably will not help me fight this battle. But give me the strength to win, please. Mors Omnibus Venit.”
And now. It’s time for dinner.
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Mors Omnibus Venit - “Death Comes For All” (based on my limited research of Latin) is a phrase used to end a prayer to Maveth
The King of Crows - another name for Maveth
The gold embroidery on Pandora’s dress and cloak - shows her family’s story, from Maveth and Cynthia (on her cloak) to the death of her family (on her dress)
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
Well, ig I’ll just do The Crux members in order then, give you guys something to work with? Idk, anyways here’s some descriptions of each of The Crux members:
Pandora De La Dáinn:
Pandora De La Dáinn, the youngest in the next generation of the noble family of Morgana, has lived in the post of her relatives’ massacre her entire life. But the tragedy doesn’t stop there.
At eight years old, her eldest brother, Victor, suddenly disappears into the depths of the night after saying goodnight to Pandora, and is never seen again.
At fourteen, she is stolen in the dead of night and murdered by the woman known as Alice Ripper. Alice working under a man named Lazarus’s orders. She awakens in the Neverwhere, a place full of souls of the deceased, and finds herself in front of the god of death himself. She pleads with the god, asking him to give her one more chance as she hasn’t done what she feels she must do. The god agrees, under one condition, she become the champion of death for him, and she will gain one more chance. She awakens in front of her family’s ancestral mansion, her hair white and her limbs a transparent navy blue, only her bones showing.
At eighteen, she finds one of Victor’s many journals and discovers where he went next. She then hastily writes a letter, telling her family what she expects from them when she gets back and why she’s leaving. Ending the letter in:
“If I return without Victor, it will be bad news, or, it means something more important than Victor has happened”
She sets off to find out what happened to her brother, and through these journals scattered around Selcouth, will learn why he left to begin with. All the while finding who she is outside of her family, who she will become as Champion of Death, and what she stands for as an individual.
Noah Ripper:
The finished project of two people’s genius, Noah is an android who was created to be nothing more than a weapon to the cruel and self absorbed Alice Ripper.
Running away at fourteen after seeing his mother murder a girl his age, he finds himself in the heart of the Agrona Branches, in the kingdom of Morgana. He takes in this new world after being hidden from it for so long, and eventually meets two tiefling kids whom he befriends.
The three travel together throughout the kingdom, until eventually, Alice finds him and attempts to dismantle him. Saved only by a girl his age with white hair and a knack for engineering and tinkering, he and his two friends promise to repay her for her kindness.
After the incident regarding his near dismantling, he vows to seek revenge on his mother and anyone involved in the horrible abuse he endured growing up. And finds his opportunity to do so when Pandora asks him, Ambrose, and Constance to travel with him.
They agree, and he sets out with a thirst for blood, a gun, and a handful of ideas on how to murder those who hurt him.
Ambrose & Constance Lockwood:
As two of the three children of the terrifying and dangerous Lockwood couple, Ambrose and Constance are born into a life of destruction and conquest. They are set to inherit their parents’ fortune and the countless kingdoms they ruled over as dictators. However, once the two were forced to take up a contract with two demons, they begin to question the righteousness of their family’s actions.
Seeing their eldest brother, Lazarus, fall further and further into torment, anger, pride, and violence, calls this into question even further.
After overhearing a plan to attack another noble family’s daughter and kill her, the two decide to run away that night. They quickly escape at fourteen and twelve years old without incident and make their way to the one kingdom they know Lazarus and their parents’ cult won’t want to touch, Morgana.
They meet an android boy their age, and quickly become friends due to their similar situations. But when the boy, named Noah, is attacked and nearly dismantled, they find a noble girl and beg for her help.
She fixes Noah up, and they learn her name is Pandora. They vow to her that they will find a way to repay her some day, and that day would come soon enough.
When Pandora asks for them to travel with her, the two plus Noah agree.
Ambrose and Constance make a promise to each other that they would do as much good in the world as possible, and that they will learn the details of what atrocities their family has committed and right those wrongs.
Little do they know what Lazarus is planning…
Nathaniel, Nico, and Natasha Woodwhisper:
Growing up the children of the Last Hunt Tribe’s chieftess, Dawn Woodwhisper, they lacked any knowledge of their father until age fifteen. Their mother begins telling them stories of their father, how he was a strong warrior and the Champion of Death.
Nathaniel despises him, seeing as he left their mother alone with triplets, and never once came to visit the family.
Natasha idolizes him, and does everything in her power to be just like him.
Nico is stuck in the middle, he understands Nathaniel’s position, but also understands Natasha’s. He is trying to balance his opinions.
One day, a group of strange people attack the tribe, setting the forest it’s in on fire and burning the entire forest to the ground. They are left without knowledge of where their mother is at or their tribe, the last words they heard from Dawn were:
“No matter what happens or how you feel about it, please go find your father, tell him what happened, please.”
And thus, the three set off with a group of four to find their dad, and figure out their familial mysteries.
Josiah & Lilith Mantlebar:
Josiah and Lilith Mantlebar are the children of a renowned cleric and bard. Lilith herself is a bard, playing the guitar, while Josiah is a paladin.
When Josiah was sixteen, he was chosen by the Thunder God Asterope to be their paladin and made an oath with them.
Lilith has had her dream since she was younger, that she would try to become the best bard there was out there.
One day, while the duo is out and about in a neighboring village, they return home to find their village in ruins. Their parents and neighbors nowhere to be found.
They stay in the ruined village for a few weeks, before they decide that in order to find their parents, they have to travel. And maybe they could achieve their goals along the way.
So the two set off, to find their parents, one to be the best bard in Selcouth, the other to learn his role as a paladin.
Karissa Jester:
Karissa grew up in a small village with her parents, she was a small tiefling girl and was happy for a long time, until her parents decided that the best option for her, was to give her up for adoption. She never knew the reason, but she knew it wasn’t a decision they wanted to make.
Going through dozens of different adoptive families and ultimately being put up for adoption every single time in the end, she decides to run away from the orphanage she was staying at and find somewhere she fit in at.
She’s finds that place eventually in Magnus Wanderlust, a traveling circus. She felt unconfident and afraid, but decided to try and see if she could join. The ringmaster, a lovely changeling woman, known for her changing in appearances, took Karissa in and decided that she would train her in the ways of the circus.
Karissa soon mastered her fire magic and proceeded to be a fan favorite by many, eventually becoming one of the highest paying acts the circus had.
But she wanted more, she’d seen some of the world, but only the small populated areas, never the unpopulated areas or the big kingdoms. And she wanted to learn who she was and where she came from. Lastly, she was ultimately lonely, she knew nobody her age who she was friends with, she didn’t mind being friends with all of the older members of the circus, but she wanted to experience true life as a young adult in Selcouth.
She brings this concerns to the ringmaster who nods and agrees that she has most likely outgrown the circus, and gives her some necessities and trinkets before she leaves.
And then, she’s off into the world, eventually meeting a pair of halfling siblings, one named Josiah, one named Lilith.
Lilith introduce Karissa into the world of music, and she never went back since, playing the guitar alongside her. Josiah taught her how to use her fire in a variety of different ways as well.
And thus the three became inseparable, traveling the world to find themselves and to explore.
Chance Boone:
Chance Boone was a famous cowboy out in The Restless Borderlands. He was known for his work with sheriffs, helping people out, and riding off into the sunset at the end of the day.
However, he was also known to be a violent man, destroying an entire town from his childhood who abandoned and ostracized him.
He loved the life he lived, but over time he became bored with the constant struggle of finding food or getting gold. And something kept gnawing at him.
He’d been kidnapped as a child and managed to escape, and his family had been murdered by these people. It was one night when he decided he would find the people who did that, and make sure they would be served justice.
And thus he hopped on his horse, and rode into the dawn, on a mission.
Barbara Monroe:
Barbara Monroe was known for being the outlaw of The Restless Borderlands. And her track record with Chance is certainly one to behold in the amount of times the two had met. She led her life, stealing, killing, and on the occasion finding a partner who’d inevitably stab her in the back and end up dead.
She always wondered what the rest of the world had in store. But knew she’d never leave The Restless Borderlands. That is, until her band of outlaws attempted to get rid of her under orders from a new outlaw king. Limping out into the desert with a gunshot wound in her side, she found the place Chance was staying at, and stumbled inside.
Chance was surprised to find his rival and nemesis asking for his help, he could’ve let her die, he should’ve let her die, but for whatever reason he chose to help.
The two talk for a while, until the topic of Chance’s family comes up, Barbara had a similar story about her family, and mentions the fact that she was put in the outlaw group to begin with because of that incident.
And with that, the two make a deal. They’d work together to get back at the outlaw group, and then they’d help each other with anything else.
For Chance that means exploring the world, for Barbara that means escaping her past.
Amelia Hayes:
Amelia was a noblewoman from the kingdom of Eudaemonia, she wasn’t from the noble family of Eudaemonia, but she was a noble nonetheless.
She would travel out to The Restless Borderlands in order to provide medicine and other sorts of technology to the people there, as they were behind on the times.
That is until she comes across a town that labels her a witch, and proceeds to try to burn her to death. Until, a pair of cowboys shows up and fights the ones attempting to kill her. One was a woman, the other a man.
They scare the rest of the townsfolk into leaving her alone, and then begin talking to her.
She explains her want to give medicine and other forms of technology and science to the world, and the two explain their wanting to explore the world.
And thus, after that, she began traveling with the two.
Owen Cogwright:
Owen, or, the second mind in the making of Noah, is a troubled man. Cursed with the heirloom curse given to his family by the god of souls, he is forced to work on the project for the god lest he be in an immense amount of pain.
He locked himself away like so many do, attempting to do the project on his own. That’s until Alice weasels her way into his life, and promises more than she can offer.
Owen works with her, creating the first 5 blueprints for Noah, ages 5-10 years old. However, Alice one night threatens Owen with his life if he didn’t leave the project with her and that he would have to deal with her taking credit.
Scared for his life, he unwillingly left, heartbroken for having to leave the one creation he saw as his own son behind.
Years and years passed and Owen never made another project, suffering with the pain and agony he endured from not working on it.
Until one day, he meets a group of people in the tavern he worked at, who he tells his story to. The short half elf girl with white hair asks him if he’d like to travel with them. And Owen, seeing as his time was running out in life due to the curse, decided to go with them. To see the world before he died.
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
IMPORTANT: I've just found out that Internet Archive has Runaway Robot, top-tier kids' sci-fi novel, available for borrowing. If you would like to meet my favorite robot of all time, please go read it. Rex is a delightful narrator, is too good for this world, too pure, and he deserves appreciation.
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ilvero-love · 1 year
Clothes Maketh the (Wo)Man (or the colour coding of the Iron Trio)
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I saw a post recently wondering about the significance, if any, of the colours our Iron Trio wears💙🖤🧡. It prompted me to go looking. Like everything Complete Fiction seems to do in regard to this show, the choices are careful and deliberate.
Lockwood is black and white🖤🤍 He has a business to run and his suited appearance declares that he is prepared to do just that. He’s business like because he has to be. The success of this company rides on his back and the choices he makes. He is ambitious certainly, seen in his constant striving to take Lockwood and Co to the top and in his drive to put them into the public eye, often at the expense of other’s wishes. But it’s understandable. He has bills to pay and people (George and Lucy) that rely on him. Even after they successfully square away their debts, Lockwood remains conscious that there are still other bills to pay.
Lockwood presents an adult façade to the world. Even Lucy (in the book) is surprised to realise he is scarcely older than her upon first meeting him. But, whilst he may appear an adult, he’s still very much a teenager navigating his way through a world where children are dispensable and adults, despite their general uselessness, still call the shots. It’s Lockwood’s sneakers and pink socks that give him away and reveal the teenage boy behind the façade. This was such a clever choice on the part of Complete Fiction 👏 They remind us that whilst Lockwood has been forced to grow up too quickly, at heart he is still a teen.
So, black and white. Very simple and clear cut. Except life isn’t like that, is it?Only Lucy has insight into how tenuous his grip on control can be, and we see this in the delightful stairwell scene 💖💖💖
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😍Take a moment everyone- right, where were we?
Ah yes, Lucy and her blue persona (colour not mood). Lucy’s blue is a nice foil to the green of the ghostly world they inhabit. Both blue and green are heavily associated with nature. I don’t know what that means here, but it’s interesting to ponder.
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Blue is traditionally seen as a colour of constancy, loyalty and reliability. She certainly provides this for Lockwood. But it’s also a strong colour, hence its traditional association with boys. A practical colour, heavily associated with working, it feeds into Lucy’s active strength.
(Some of these ideas came after reading the interesting article https://www.allure.com/story/beauty-and-the-beast-blue-dresses-in-female-centric-films . Not sure I agree with all of it but certainly food for thought).
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Finally, George 🧡 Orange radiates warmth. George is the only from a stable family background, only leaving because of a burning desire to solve the Problem. 
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. Despite taking a while to warm to Lucy  (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. He’s homely-he embodies home. As Lucy says to Lockwood, “Portland Row is my home-You and George”. And despite having taken a while to warm to Lucy (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
It is interesting too that orange is also a complementary colour to blue, meaning that you can argue that George balances Lucy, providing stability for Lockwood.
So, there you have it, my thoughts, nonsensical or not, on the colour coding of our three heroes 🧡💙🖤
Maybe, just maybe, they were completely random colour choices based on what CF could source. But knowing Complete Fiction, I somehow think not 😉
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doctorwhogirlie · 4 months
Big Finish People!
Hi, tell me if I'm missing any companions please! Big Finish only! :)
Dr. Evelyn Smythe 
Charley Pollard
Hex Schofield
Gemma Griffin
Samson Griffin
Lucie Miller
Oliver Harper
Thomas Brewster
Alex Campbell
Dr. Elizabeth Klein
Tamsin Drew
Mary Godwin
Flip Jackson
Raine Creevy
Lysandra Aristedes
Sally Morgan
Dr. Liv Chenka
Hannah Bartholomew
Molly O'Sullivan
Hector Thomas
Constance Clarke
Dr Helen Sinclair
Ann Kelso
Anya Kingdom
Hebe Harrison
Valarie Lockwood
p.s anyone I've missed plus if you think any of these aren't technically companions (I've not listened to all of big finish so appreciate it!)
Lady Audacity Montague
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
Fortnight of Books: Day 1
Overall - best books read in 2023?
No new five-star books this year, although I might decide to promote some of them later after a reread. Five stars are reserved for books that absolutely rocked my world, and it often takes time for me to decide to confer the distinction.
A selection of the ones I enjoyed most includes:
The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier
The Dean's Watch by Elizabeth Goudge
Giant Pumpkin Suite by Melanie Heuiser Hill
The Eleventh Trade by Alyssa Hollingsworth
The Invisible Boy by Alyssa Hollingsworth
Tin by Pádraig Kenny
The Monsters of Rookhaven by Pádraig Kenny
The Lockwood and Co. series by Jonathan Stroud
Bellwether by Connie Willis
Best series you discovered in 2023?
Space Boy by Stephen McCranie has been a delight so far, and I am eager to get my hands on the next installment.
Best reread of the year?
Tenthragon by Constance Savery is always a very moving reread.
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entangledmuses · 8 months
By Fandom
9-1-1: Lucy Donato
BAD BOYS: Kelly Lewis
BITTEN: Elena Michaels BRIDGERTON: Daphne Bridgerton                                                     Kate Sheffield/Sharma Sophie Beckett
BUFFY/ANGEL: Cordelia Chase                                                          
DCEU Harley Quinn (Selective) Dawn Granger
FEAR STREET Cindy Berman
GAME OF THRONES: Margaery Tyrell
HARRY POTTER: Astoria Greengrass          Demelza Robbins                     Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger          Padma Patil                                                           Parvati Patil Pansy Parkinson                 Victoire Weasley     Lily Evans/Potter      Rowena Ravenclaw                                       
HEMLOCK GROVE: Letha Godfrey
The HOST: Melanie Stryder
HUNGER GAMES: Madge Undersee
Jurrasic World: Claire Dearing
KINGSMAN: Roxy Morton
LAST KINGDOM: Eadith of Mercia
MCU: Maria Hill Michelle ‘MJ’ Jones                                               Natasha Romanoff Sharon Carter              Yelena Belova
The MUMMY: Evelyn Carnaham
MUSKETEERS: Anne of Austria Constance Bonacieux
MYTH/LEGEND/LORE: Amphitrite (Greek)                                                 Artemis/Autumn (Greek) Hera/Helena (Greek)               Persephone (Greek)            Athena (Greek) Aphrodite (Greek)      Mina Harker (Dracula) Guinevere (Arthurian)
NARNIA: Susan Pevensie
OUTER BANKS: Kiara Carrera
REACHER: Karla Dixon
REIGN: Mary Stuart Lola Narcisse
ROBIN HOOD (BBC): Marian of Knighton
The ROOKIE: Bailey Nune Grace Sawyer Lucy Chen
SECRET CIRCLE: Diana Meade (Book based)
SHADOWHUNTERS: Sophie Collins (Infernal Devices) Tessa Gray (Infernal Devices)           Izzy Lightwood (Show based)
SHAMELESS: Fiona Gallagher
The SOCIETY Helena Wu Kelly Aldrich
STRANGER THINGS: Chrissy Cunningham Nancy Wheeler
SUPERNATURAL: Bela Talbot                                         Claire Novak Lisa Braeden                                     Jo Harvelle Donna Hanscum        Sarah Blake      
TEEN WOLF: Braeden Lydia Martin             Hayden Romero Cora Hale Laura Hale
THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY: Belly Conklin Taylor Jewel
TRUE BLOOD: Jessica Hamby                           Nora Gainesborough Sookie Stackhouse
VAMPIRE ACADEMY: Jill Mastrano - Dragomir Lissa Dragomir Rose Hathaway                       Sydney Sage
VAMPIRE DIARIES: Bonnie Bennett Caroline Forbes Katherine Pierce Rebekah Mikaelson
VIKINGS: Amma Katia Lagertha
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday Addams
The WITCHER: Yennefer of Vengerberg
SINGLE SHIPS: Rose Larkin Clarice Fong Emma Brunner Connie Matthews Ariel Megara Alice Chambers Zoey Miller
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autoacafiles · 2 years
So who in totals travelled with the doctor? I know we saw donna, but what other companions are there?
This is gonna be a big one, so *Takes a deep breath* In his first incarnation, the First Doctor started his travels with his granddaughter Susan, accidentally taking her school teachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. Along his travels, people would come and go, including Vicki Pallister, Steven Taylor, Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Oliver Harper, Dodo Chaplet, Ben Jackson and Polly Wright.
In his second incarnation, the Second Doctor would continue his travels with Ben and Polly, taking on Jamie McCrimmon, who would stick with him through his life. Along the way, The Doctor would also travel with Victoria Waterfield and Zoe Heriot. It was during this time that The Doctor would also meet Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, who would become an important figure during his most of his lives.
In exile is his third incarnation, the Third Doctor was forced to work with the Brigadier as UNIT's scientific advisor. Working initially with Liz Shaw, Mike Yates and John Benton, he would finally be able to travel again, first with Jo Grant, and later Sarah-Jane Smith.
In his fourth incarnation, continuing to travel with Sarah-Jane Smith and joined by Harry Sullivan, the Fourth Doctor would go on to travel with Naomi Cross, Leela of the Sevateem, Margaret Hopwood, two models of the robot dog K9, "Anne Kelso", Romana in two of her incarnations and Adric.
In his fifth incarnation, The Doctor continued travelling with Adric and took on Nyssa of Trakken and Tegan Jovanka, who he had met towards the end of his previous incarnation. Along the way, he would also travel with Marc, Thomas Brewster, Hannah Bartholomew, Vislor Turlough, Peri Brown and Erimem.
Still travelling with Peri in his sixth incarnation, The Doctor would travel with others including Frobisher, Evelyn Smythe, Charlotte Pollard (retroactively under the guise of Mila due to already travelling with his Eighth Incarnation), Flip Jackson, Constance Clarke, Melanie Bush and Hebe Harrison.
Continuing to travel with Mel in his seventh Incarnation, the Doctor would go on to be joined by Ace McShane, Bernice Summerfield, Hex Schofield, Sally Morgan, Lysandra Aristedes, Mags, Raine Creevy, Elizabeth Klein, Will Arrowsmith, Chris Cwej and Roz Forrester, though ultimately ended up travelling on his home.
The Eighth Doctor would find himself starting afresh, briefly meeting Grace Holloway and Chang Lee, before going on to travel with Izzy Sinclair, Fitz Kreiner, Charlotte Pollard, C'rizz, Mary Shelley, Lucie Miller, Tamsin Drew, Molly O'Sullivan, Liv Chenka, Helen Sinclair, Tania Bell, Andy Davidson and Bliss.
The War Doctor would go on to make a point of travelling alone, never taking on a travelling companion during his life.
Though he would continue travelling alone for much of his life, the Ninth Doctor would finally yield and take on Rose Tyler as a companion, and later Adam Mitchell, Captain Jack Harkness and Tara Mishra
In his tenth incarnation, The Doctor would continue travelling with Rose, though would later go on to travel with Mickey Smith, Martha Jones, a returning Captain Jack, Donna Noble, Gabby Gonzalez, Cindy Wu, Anya Kingdom and Mark Seven.
The Eleventh Doctor would start his travels with Amy Pond, going on to take on Rory Williams, Alice Obiefune, John Jones, ARC, The Squire, Abslom Daak, The Sapling, Valerie Lockwood and Clara Oswald.
Clara Oswald would continue to travel with the Twelfth Doctor, who would go on to travel with Hattie Munroe, Nardole and Bill Potts.
In her Thirteenth Incarnation, the Doctor would spend her entire incarnation travelling Yasmin Khan, being joined by Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien and Dan Lewis.
Throughout many of their lives, The Doctor would constantly meet River Song, though on many occasions would be forced to forget their encounters to preserve the web of time.
And with that, I'm taking a nap - Dev~
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Favorite bratty heroines?
I think there are very intentional brats (authors who wrote with the concept in mind) and heroines who just so happen to be brats.
What compelled me to make the shelf was my Kings of Italy binge--both Frankie (Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling) and Gia (Mafia Madman) come off as total brats. Like, Frankie sending Fausto videos and pics to get him worked up while she's trying on lingerie, the "flaunt the bikinis in front of other people" scene. I think Fausto actually calls her monella.
And Gia.... Lol dude. Gia is iNSANE and I love her, easily one of my favorite heroines ever. Like, Enzo puts her in an actual cage to ~break her~ and she responds by doing naked yoga, fully knowing he and his men are watching on security. And his brain just BREAKS. She's so good at taunting and teasing him--it's one big reason why I love the book so much.
Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway has a very explicitly bratty heroine (I think he calls her on it). She's always breaking his rules, deliberately teasing him into spanking her, getting him hot and bothered in public.
Katherine Delafield from Joanna Shupe's The Bride Goes Rogue is super bratty. Joanna obviously has a thing for writing this; the heroine of My Dirty Duke has a similar vibe, and while I don't know that Nellie from The Duke Gets Even is exactly there, she definitely teases Lockwood a lot.
It Happened One Autumn--this is one of the closer bratty heroines Kleypas has written, to me. Like. So much of Lillian's personality is just working Westcliff up, and this continues after their marriage.
Constance from The Earl I Ruined is verrry much this. And her hero is very much a dom.
Lizzie from The Billionaire's Wake-Up-Call-Girl is so bratty she literally gets him going over the phone.
Vanessa from Run, Run Rabbit by C.M. Nascosta! Basically dancing around Grayson and antagonizing him until he can't take it throughout the book.
I've always felt like several of my favorite heroines from IAD had brat vibes. Mariketa (Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night) is constantly teasing Bowen and driving him insane (she also hexes him). Ellie (Lothaire) lives to fuck with Lothaire's head and get one over on him. Sabine (Kiss of a Demon King) is theeeee brat, to the point that she throws tantrums and I... love her.
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73chn1c0l0rr3v3l · 2 years
why not jump on the bandwagon?
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maple-bow · 4 months
Constance - Anti-magic, debunking, counter-brainwashing, De-zombification
Anna - Admiration, Aspiration, Aesthetics
Rose - Guide to the royal line of Prior Island
Rose is brainwashing Prince Mikael by changing what he wants to do. Anna is "brainwashing" Lockwood by giving him ideas.
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alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
For Lazarus 👀
Lazarus is actually like, scarily quiet (unless he pissed off at something), when by himself.
What’s the point of wasting energy on trying to be his usual loud self if nobody is there?
He doesn’t truly deal with the loneliness though, and he does feel VERY lonely.
He rules an entire empire as an emperor, and has people who work directly with him and such, but nobody who willing goes out of their way to be around him.
And he gets used to it, tells himself it never bothered him, says that he’s been that way since he was a kid.
But not even that is true. He still had Constance and Ambrose when he was younger.
And now he has no one. But isn’t that a good thing? It gives him less weaknesses, nobody he cares that much about that people could use against him (which is also a lie, he still cares about his siblings and is saddened by the fact that he’s ruling this empire without them).
When he’s by himself, he thinks a lot.
About his position, his siblings, his power and magic.
Hell, he even occasionally thinks about Pandora and the De La Dáinn family, wondering how they’re doing.
Wondering if Pandora will be willing to actually fight next time they meet or if she’ll just let him win again.
And figuring that she’ll probably be his downfall. How ironic, he thinks.
But he probably wouldn’t have it any other way.
Which is why he’s so surprised when Pandora DOESN’T kill him.
When Pandora goes out of her way to meet with him at the prison, to talk to him with only a set of bars separating them.
Hell, even Noah and Lazarus’s siblings start visiting him too. Sometimes, on the rare occasional, the entirety of The Crux visits him.
Even rarer, Diana or Victor will visit.
But Pandora always has someone there to talk to him, even if she’s not in town.
And it just boggles his mind. He doesn’t understand at all.
But maybe he doesn’t need to understand it.
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
The Crux (pt. 1)
While exploring a burnt forest, Pandora, Noah, Ambrose, and Constance find themselves face to face with three individuals.
A loud slice was heard throughout the forest as Ambrose cut the smaller branches off of the burnt trees. Constance and Noah were searching diligently for any enemies that may appear, while Pandora uncomfortably walked in silence.
“Pandora.” Ambrose speaks.
“What is it?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re uncomfortable about something, what is it?”
She looks around at what she could only assume was a once thriving forest.
“Is it really a good idea to be cutting down those branches? It feels disrespectful…”
“They’re already dead.”
“I know but need we disrespect them any more than they already have been? It could upset someone.”
“Nobody is here Pan.”
She pinches the bridge of her nose, “You don’t know that. The forest spirits and dwellers are probably displaced among the ashes at the moment, I’d like to not ruin their home further than all that has already happened.”
Ambrose sighs in irritation, “Fine. If it makes you happy, I’ll stop.” Just as he desummons his swords, an arrow comes flying towards his head. He manages to grab it before it pierces his skull.
The four draw their weapons, preparing for the worst, when three people walk out from behind the burnt trees. They look scared and uncomfortable, one looks down right angry, and is presumably the one who shot the arrow judging by the longbow in his hand.
Pandora sighs, “What did I say? I knew we were going to make someone mad by doing that.”
“Who are you?” The young man with the longbow demands.
“Hm… I’m Pandora, these three are Ambrose, Constance, and Noah.”
A short young man peeks out from behind the taller, first one, “You… you guys don’t look like you’re from here.”
“Ah, we aren’t.”
“So then what do you guys want?”
“Hm? We… don’t want anything?”
“Usually whenever someone comes into the forest it’s because they want something.”
“Is that how…” She looks at the trees.
Tears prick the shorter boy’s eyes as his presumably sister hugs him. She stares with distrust at them,
“Yeah. It is. And we’ve got nowhere to go now.”
Pandora’s expression sorrows, the other three seem disinterested. She thinks for a moment before deciding on an option.
“You guys could travel with us? See if you’re able to find another place to settle down for the time being while the forest regrows?”
“Pan—“ Noah begins to protest, she quickly shoots him a look and he stops speaking.
She turns back and smiles gently, “It’s up to you guys.”
The three siblings look between each other before looking back, the taller boy comments,
“What other choice do we have?”
“Ah… well then, I’ll make this clear. You guys don’t have to like us, you can simply just travel with us and decide on a place you want to stay.”
“Not a problem.”
“What’re your names?”
The shorter one pipes up, “R-right! I’m Nico.”
The taller one puts away his bow, “Nathaniel Woodwhisper, you can just call me Nathan”
“And I’m Natasha Woodwhisper, Nat or Tash works fine.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all.”
With that, the group of now seven head off out of the burnt forest, Pandora smiles to herself, maybe this is the start of something.
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thechaosmuses · 8 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my original characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as a canon muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson Roman Ryker Mikaelson Erik Flynn Mikaelson Kareena Dawn Mikaelson Thyra Selene Mikaelson Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson Serenity Faye Mikaelson Sawyer Finch Mikaelson Aurelia Nova Mikaelson Felix Ares Mikaelson Willow Luna Mikaelson Tobias Floyd Mikaelson Zephyr Raven Parker Zariyah Dove Parker Kennedy Taylor Parker Myles Zane Parker Mariana Joy Parker Paisley Juniper Parker Braeden Talia Salvatore Holden Atlas Salvatore Ezra Grant Salvatore Liberty Faye Salvatore Jensen Graham Gilbert Easton Reed Gilbert Jesse Jonathan Gilbert Elias Rhodes Gilbert Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert Atlas Rowan Petrova Titus Izaiah Petrova Kamen Maverick Pierce Natalie Adrianna Pierce Eleanor Marie Bennett Salem Elijah Bennett Gabriel Graham Gustin Belladonna Sharie Bennett Seraphina Rose Ward Theodore Joseph Brickenden Kaia Asherah Halloran Carter William Forbes Cameron Myles Lawrence Jameson Tyler Rosza Tatum Jaxson Lockwood Tatiana Jade Lockwood Taylor Jacob Lockwood Axel Madden Hughes Ashton Malik Hughes Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe Niall Nash Novak Montgomery Felix Langston Ophelia Esme Lovell Sapphire Lee McGuire Rami Calder McGuire Warren Jaxon Kingsley Jeremiah Michael Kenner Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair Rosemary Belle Whitlock Hadley Kamryn Fuller Kamryn Avery Marshall Lorella Diane St. John Andrew Kolton Rogers Blair Lilith Walsh Zachariah Cole Norwood Matthias Lucien Delacour Matias Camilo Garcia Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins (tw to tvdu)
Jubilee Fawn Ellison Carson Elijah Mayes Maddox Rhett Lancaster Malia Rayne Lancaster Makai Reid Lancaster Delilah Anne Malone Austin Blake Coleman Damian James Taylor
Teen Wolf
Aspen Bella Stilinski Adrian Archer Argent Addison Athena Argent Lyla Sage Martin Amaia Tala Alexander Malik Elias Hale Madelaine Emery Hale Isaiah Parker Lahey Amadora Constance Sharpe Callum Tate Raeken Dawson Cole Reynolds Jared Taylor Parrish Stephen Ezekiel Hemming
Amelia Mae Allen Melody Athena Hayes Lucilla Marie Nightstar Eden Faith Cruz Elijah Luke Cruz Valentina Rosalie Hart Adaliah Ember Darhk Alexandria Skye Earp Lillian Dahlia Campbell Adriel Xavier Grant Talon Colt Ashford Silas Kai Parker Josephina Jazmyn Walker Elyza Alice Pierson (tvdu to spn)
DC Comics
Kiera Jaylin Davis
Kailee Elizabeth Holtz (hero and villain verse) Kaiden Edward Holtz (villain and hero verse) Camelia Waverly Maximoff Kaleb Jonas Barnes Maxine Josephine Rogers Melody Elizabeth Young Anastasia Sloane Lenkov Wren Nika Volkov Wynter Nadia Volkov Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir Amora Delphine Brantley Celeste Juliet Livingston Nikolai Nathaniel Novak (tvdu to mcu) Charmeine Ayla Hanlon (spn to mcu)
Stranger Things
Stella Blake Russell Scarlet Ember Ward Valerie Mae Henderson Mitchell Elliot Mayfield Meredith Eleanor Mayfield
Ambrosia Nyx Tartarus Acacius Nile Tartarus Duncan David Dalveron Damien Dawson Dalveron Brantley Cole Kline Rosalie Grace Anderson Rowena Greyson Andrews Ryker Grant Andrews Aviana Summer Archer Dylan Bryce Thatcher Sterling Atlas Ward
Evelyn June Buckley Ethan Jace Buckley Hazel Jayne Walker Hayes Jesse Walker Izaiah Edison Hendrix Waverly Chloe Hendrix Matilda Iris Monroe Fallon Pierce Richards
Book Babes
Cyra Lux Vespara Wilder Blaze Hawthorne Dion Ignis Vanserra Pyralis Jax Vanserra Warren Forrest Hayward Solana Aruna Meridian Anatole Cyrus Solari Althea Zaria Cadlawon Tynan Kerrell Visita Kirsi Gwyneira Nieves Lyall Colden Whittaker Caspian Calder Conway Maribelle Aelia Sommer
Wyatt Keegan aka Aries Kianni Phoenix aka Sagittarius Leon Cyrus aka Leo River Mira aka Cancer Dylan Lucas aka Pisces Josephine Nova aka Scorpio Conrad Atlas aka Taurus Kailynn Amelia aka Capricorn Taron Sage aka Virgo Alice Skye aka Libra Aaron Micah aka Aquarius Adelaide June aka Gemini Arianna Rose aka Gemini
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gilded-ghosts · 2 years
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More Constance. May she haunt your every dream.
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panther-os · 3 years
Not me making a quartet of Fed lieutenants with some of the most pretentious names ever who have decided Wash is Dad and eventually form friendships with the Rebel lieutenants. Three of them are lesbians and the other one's gay.
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