#Constructive criticism appreciated
coucou-uv · 2 months
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Earthbound selfies
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well-golly-gee-balkan · 2 months
@sodapopboy I’m pretty sure made a post on Darry js loving pandas a while ago or smth. I can’t find it but I’ve been thinking abt it so I kinda drew him… getting hugged by pandas…
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Idk if I like him better w or w/o the little panda so u can have both
Also shoutout to @pumpkinsy0 for giving me the idea for SpongeBob socks ily<3
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kannedia · 2 years
WOL profile: Asel Kha
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Name: Asel Kha
Possible Azem names: Pandora or Charon
Age: 28
Gender: Female [She/Her]
Race: Xaela Aura
Class: Scholar [Main], Summoner, Ninja [Post ARR Patches, at Yugiri's suggestion. Figures it a good backup to her magic], Bard [Post SB. Influenced by time at the Azim Steppe.] and Warrior [Post ShB, In memorial of Ardbert.]/ Omni Crafter and Omni Gatherer. [Hates fishing, but she'll do it.]
Height: 5'2"
Orientation: Disaster Bi-romantic Asexual, leaning towards women. [open to queer-platonic pairings.]
Crushes: Minfilia, Y'shtola, Lyse, Sanson [briefly] and, Mide [also briefly].
Potential Pairings: Y'shtola or Lyse
Potential QPR: Estinien, Y'shtola, and/or G'raha
Idolizes: Y'shtola [Since she first met her in Limsa Lominsa], Cid, and Baderon Tenfingers [She once accidentally called him dad].
Personality: Tends to struggle with reading people, situations, and moods; Asel has a habit of withdrawing into herself if she cannot find what she feels is an appropriate response to a situation. This is rarely helped by her tendency to overthink things. She slowly gets better during her time in Eorzea and The First. In fact, there are points in the later expansion packs where she is too honest. Usually when she's angry.
Adaptable [by necessity] and excitable [despite herself]; Asel will speak more if she's comfortable in either her location or company. This can seem inconsistent as she has memory problems when it comes to names and faces. Has a considerable amount of patience and tries to present a friendly face to those she helps despite her nerves. Asel is easily flustered and doesn't like being the center of attention. Her fame makes her jittery and anxious.
Hobbies: Loves to learn new things. Is usually drawn to folklore, mythology and fairy tales which is probably what influenced her to take up the mantle of bard. She takes to practicing the flute by some point in the SB patches, though only in private. She has stage fright and tends to freeze up.
Asel also loves to travel and explore new places. That being said, she wasn't exactly blessed by the Navigator. The aether compass Haurchefaunt gave her sees a lot of use because of this as it has a compass. Actually enjoys helping others and is unbothered by all the fetch quests she gets sent on. Prefers crafting to fighting, and wishes to make things for her friends. So far shes only gotten to make a hammer for Cid back when she first met him.
Unique animations: Rubs her eyes against her sleeve to prevent people from seeing her crying. Tends to default to crossing her arms across her chest.
Commonly found: The Great Gubal library, as soon as she learns of it. Asel starts making journeys to the Ziggurat when she learns of it's connection to red mage history from her research. She hopes to find more on the history of their weapons.  She spends her spare time in The First either in the Cabinet of Curiosities or volunteering in the Spagyrics, putting her experience from working at her parent's apothecary to good work.
Left home to see the world and continue her studies.
Daughter of two retired adventurers, her parents met when her father treated her mother for an injury that took the sight in one of her eyes. They opened an apothecary sometime between their marriage and the birth of their child. Asel worked there from twelve to when she left home at twenty-eight.
Has wanted to be an adventurer since she was a child. Her parents, determined to make sure she survived should she follow through with this goal, trained her to the best of their abilities in medicine, survival, and magic. She does know how to swim and is one hundred percent willing to help Alphinaud and Urianger should they ever ask. They probably won't
She started studying advanced aetherology around the beginning of Heavensward. At first it was in order to help in finding her fellow Scions. Asel decides to continue said studies once they are found in an attempt to keep up with them. Or at the very least understand what is being said.
Didn't have any real friends growing up, due to her job at the parent's store taking up a lot of her time, and her focus on her studies to become an adventurer. Her parents tried to help with this by having her do delivery work. Which gave her experience with communication and developing a good poker face but did not address the key issue. She now sees the scions as her family and can be a tad overprotective of those she gets close to.
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jaypost576 · 2 years
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fo0lizsh · 4 months
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Hi I saw Venus and IMMEDIATELY fell in love with them <333
( Venus created by @linked-maze)
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xuanbaoo · 3 months
Love Blooms in Early Spring.
masterlist || rules
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content: pre-timeskip tsukishima, fem!reader, fluff, reverse comfort and angst if you squint?, third year tsukishima and reader, yamaguchi mentioned.
warnings: mentions of divorce, isolation, and neglect maybe?, not proof read very well, kind of scattered plot? if i'm missing anything feel free to tell me!<3
word count: 1.6k
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Tsukishima Kei never was one to enjoy physical touch. It made him feel uncomfortable, vulnerable even. After the divorce of his parents when he was 14, he preferred the known which wouldn't hurt him. His mother slowly became more distant, leading to him spending more and more time alone. He didn't mind, he preferred it this way.. right?
It was a chilly spring day, the air in the classroom refreshing and light. You always liked spring. Early spring, specifically. You loved how the chilly air hit your skin waking you up. You breathed the cold air into your lungs as the teacher babbled on about kinetic energy and boring school stuff.
Tsukishima didn't care for spring. It was cold and wet. Not to mention the constant rain that seemed to only occur in the afternoons to evenings. The only thing good about spring, he thought, was how you always shone brighter than ever.
Ever since first year, you two have been in the same class. The first time he noticed you was when your class had to do presentations on electron configuration. You raised your hand to present, saving everyone from the wheel picker. You presented with this air of confidence, and though Tsukishima wasn't usually one to pay attention to class presentations, you had this overwhelming presence which seemed to demand attention.
He's noticed you more and more after that presentation. He's noticed you pay close to no attention during class but somehow get grades on par with his or even better which he will never admit, you are pretty popular with your classmates, you always are the first to leave after the dismissal bell, and what stood out most to him was that you always—without fail—smile at him when you catch him looking. Oh how he loved your smile. He was growing fond of you, though he would desperately like to deny that fact for as long as he can.
You noticed him staring a few times, but you paid it no mind. You two, though having been classmates for almost three years, have barely spoke. Sure, a few pleasantries have been exchanged but never an actual conversation.
Today, in class, that would change. The teacher was assigning a partner project, and paired you with Tsukishima. As she let the class begin getting to work, you look over and see an empty seat beside him. Smiling, you collect all your books and plop down in the seat next to him, scooting your desk so it was adjacent his.
"Hi." He said awkwardly as you set up station next to him. Looking up at him with a smile, you also greeted him. He was suddenly hyper aware of every small movement he made. Where does he put his hands? Was his breath normal? Could she hear his heart which was going at around 100mph?
"Tsukishima? Earth to Tsukishima?" You said, snapping him out of whatever trance he was in. "Ah, yes, sorry." he responded, coughing and adjusting himself in his seat.
You spent most of the time just talking about the project, and he was realizing how easy you are to talk to. Looking up at the clock, you realized there was around ten minutes left of class and you two were halfway done the assignment already. "We work so quickly." I said with a smile, pointing out the time to him. Tsukishima nods in agreement, slightly surprised at the rate in which you two got so much done.
"Uhh, if you'd like we could finish up today at my house." He offered impulsively, almost biting his tongue at the words which flowed surprisingly easily. From the little time you two spoke, you could tell he was introverted. You gave him a warm smile. "That would be great, heres my number, text me when I can come over!" You said, quickly scribbling your number onto a piece of paper and sliding it over to him. He took the paper and thanked you nonchalantly, but inside he was freaking out!
As the dismissal bell rung, you, as usual, quickly collected all your stuff and put the desk you borrowed back to where it was before, saying a quick goodbye to Tsukishima, then leaving.
At home, Tsukishima just stared at your contact on his phone. He had been cleaning for the past.. very long time, making sure his room is spotless before you came over. He was struggling to find a way to text you. 'Be here at 5:30.' sounded too demanding, but 'You can come at 5:30' sounded like he was too eager (it doesn't, he's just overthinking). He eventually settled on: 'Come over 5:30', which was met with 'Okay!' and a thumbs up emoticon from you.
You were at his house at exactly 5:30, knocking on his door, which swung open immediately as he had been waiting anxiously by the door for your arrival. "Hi! I brought gifts." I said with a smile, handing him a box of homemade strawberry shortcake. A surprised look adorned his face. "Thanks." He said, a small smile forming on his lips.
He led you into his house, placing the cake in the kitchen and leading you straight towards his bedroom, trying to avoid Akiteru teasing him later for finally bringing a girl home.
As you walked in his room, you were shocked to see how neat and just overall cleanly it is. "Wow, your room is very well kept." you remarked, which was met with a grumble from him as he forgot to hide some childhood photos. I noticed his volleyball jersey hanging on the wall and smiled. "You play volleyball?" You asked, looking back at him. "Yeah, since I was little." He replied, sitting down on his bed. You smiled, "That's so great, my little brother also plays." you said, sitting down next to him and getting out your books.
The rest of the afternoon was mostly talk about volleyball, the assignment, how siblings were annoying, etc. You evidently got more comfortable with each other as the night progressed, and even exchanged some playful banter. By the end of the night, you two spent more time just chatting and laughing away than doing the assignment, but in the end getting it done.
After the assignment was done, you both didn't want the night to end, so you ended up just putting your school supplies aside and chatting. "So, what do you plan to do after high school?" You asked, looking over at him with a smile. "University as an arts history major. And i'm going to keep playing volleyball, thats for sure." he said, "What about you?". "I'm going to university as a Psychology major, and maybe after that law school." you responded with a smile, followed by a short silence.
"Gosh, why didn't we talk sooner?" you said, breaking the silence as you look over to the blonde sitting beside you. "Because you never approached me, idiot." Tsukishima mumbled. "Well you never approached me either, Einstein." you retorted, but there was no heat behind your words. You both laughed it off as it became later and later, and eventually you had to bid your adieu's to your new friend, heading home.
During the rest of your third year, you and Tsukishima grew closer and closer. He introduced you to Yamaguchi, and you two became quick friends. You fit perfectly into his life, and soon you three became inseparable. You soon began to grow fond of Tsuki. Be it his constant teasing, nagging you about taking care of yourself, and little things he does to show he cares, you loved it all.
One chilly spring afternoon, after all classes had ended, you, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima went to a coffee shop to study for a test you all had in a week. "No, it's obviously 3^4-2 dimwit. If you'd look here, then—" Tsukishima rambled, but was cut off by Yamaguchi's constant coughing. "'m sorry guys.. I think i'm sick." Yamaguchi said in a raspy voice. "Yams, you should get home. You don't look too great." you said, worried for your friend's wellbeing. Tsukishima agreed. "Alright then, I'll go home." Yamaguchi said, getting his stuff and saying his goodbyes before leaving the shop.
This left just you and Tsukishima to your bantering. You were ranting to him about how these questions were far more advanced than what she teaches on the board, meanwhile he could be making some snarky comeback, he stays quiet, content with just listening to you speak. He smiled and gave you amused nods as you rambled about how annoying this subject was, and how kissable your lips looked right now. He was scared, he didn't know how you'd react.
But you were so close, he could just reach up and.. he kissed you. This immediately shut you up, and at first you froze in surprise but quickly melted into the kiss. After you both pulled away, his face was bright red with embarrassment as yours had a rosy tint. "Oh? Tsukishima Kei likes me?" you teased as he looked up at you and rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah tease me all you want shorty, who was the one kissing back?" He retorted as he tried playing off how nervous and flustered he was. You just laughed it off.
As you both quieted down, he looked into your eyes with the most genuine expression.
"I like you, Y/N. I've liked you for a long time." He said, barely loud enough for you to hear. He was okay with your kiss, your touch. He was okay with you. And maybe.. maybe he didn't want to be alone anymore.
"I like you too, Kei." You said, as the shop door opened, the cool spring air hitting both of you. "I like you too."
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disclaimer: i do not own any of these characters! this is also my first time writing this type of fanfic guys so please cut me some slack.. sorry if its hard to follow or just bad writing!
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floatyhands · 4 months
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thinking about dad
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en-stbc · 5 days
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murder drones brainrot took over... i am a firm believer of nonbinary N
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we-all-horny-here · 2 years
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Went through the character tags for some doodle inspirations part 1 Original posts under the cut
[Check my pinned to see how you can support me <3.]
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asexual-cat-furry · 6 months
TF2 nationality headcanons
(I think of RED and BLU as separate characters, who might just happen to look/act alike)
RED Scout - american (Boston, MA) (his ma has irish ancestry, from Galway - I saw this headcanon somewhere and I love it)
BLU Scout - filipino-american (NYC)
RED Soldier - american obv (Atkins, AR) (I know that he's supposed to be from the midwest but I don't care. I headcanon that his dad is from Idaho and his mom is from Ohio. Also I think he's like 25% native or something because I think it'd be funny/interesting if he's not 100% White American™)
BLU Soldier - american obv (somewhere in Virginia) (he was raised by eagles in the Appalachian wilderness, so he barely speaks coherent english)
RED Pyro - chinese (somewhere in the south, but spent most of their childhood homeless in Shanghai) (they never told anyone and it's unlikely they ever will. The only people who know are Pauling and the Spies, but none of them will tell) (I know it's a popular headcanon but I never really saw them as mexican, sorry)
BLU Pyro - irish (Dublin) (their muffled voice is made harder to decipher due to their hardcore irish accent. BLU Demo can understand it best)
RED Demoman - scottish (Ullapool) (literally canon)
BLU Demoman - scottish (Glasgow)
RED Heavy - russian (somewhere in far eastern Siberia) (his family doesn't look white, especially Zhanna, so I think they're probably some kind of siberian people)
BLU Heavy - ??? (swedish? belarusian? idk man)
RED Engie - american (Bee Cave, TX) (I hc the Conaghers as a whole to be a mix of white & latino, so the Engies speak spanish as a second language and often just switch to it to exchange praise/insults/advice without others noticing)
BLU Engie - american (Bee Cave, TX) (RED Engie's cousin although doesn't have the Conagher surname actually)
RED Medic - german obv (Stuttgart) (jewish, although his family probably converted to christianity many years ago and either way they're not particularly religious, Medic is actually the "most religious" of his immediate family but that's just because he knows Satan exists)
BLU Medic - british-greek
RED Sniper - new zealander, half-māori (born in Auckland, raised near-ish to Perth)
BLU Sniper - australian, half-aboriginal (somewhere in the outback in Queensland) (the half-aboriginal thing is also a headcanon I saw somewhere and happily adopted)
RED Spy & BLU Spy - french (Paris) (they're twins)
Edit: Dang it I forgot the tags
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1i2love-7myself · 10 months
top jaehyun x bttm male reader !!
the reader is also in nct 127 and they are born in the same year but the reader is younger than him and all that fans know is that they are always together like where the other is the other one is not far away type
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Jaehyun and you were unable to cease yourselves from landing a touch onto each other's skin, speaking to each other or just having notions about each other.
But today was unusual. Jaehyun would usually stare at you for approximately 10 seconds then remove his eyes from you but... all he did was stare throughout the entire live.
Why? We all have knowledge of why... he was probably extremely horny and was in need to be inside of your warm heat.
That was happening at the moment.
Laying flat on your stomach, jaehyun's cock so deep inside the younger that you were unable to help that you were imagining the little things that were out at night also known as stars.
Moans after moans after groans after whimpers went straight to Jaehyun's cock that was rearranging your guts by each second. And to make things worse (better), he was super huge so after every thrust, your body would vibrate.
Focusing on every small detail, you eyeballed the action of him panting extremely hard as the bed would slam against the thin wall.
Drowsiness over powered you by an inch and by the second, your consciousness was beginning to fall in and out of slumber. You were in hopes to stay awake but, slumber kicked in quicker. Now at the moment you were out of it.
Jaehyun immediately noticed your lack in sexual mouth noises so to wake you up from your not so peaceful slumber.. his hips made a hard thrust inside of you, waking you up whimpering.
"Don't fall asleep on me, love... stay." Jaehyun whispered into your red tip ear. Who would say no to that?
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darkcademiasss · 7 months
Sentimental- @wolfstarmicrofic word count: 237 february 23
Remus knew sirius like the back of his hand, sometimes he wondered if he knew sirius more than he knew himself.
Therefore he knew when sirius looked at the rose in his hand and looked up at remus, he knew sirius was going to get sentimental .
Sirius crushed him, putting his arms around remus and hiding his face in Remus' neck. Remus could feel his breath hitch when he felt sirius nuzzle his nose on the crook of his neck.
"Sirius'' he lightly whispered trying to fight the blush that was rising on his cheek
"Padfoot come on" he repeated when there was no reply.
Sirius finally released him, remus immediately wanted to pull him in again and never let him go but he settled on fisting his hands.
" you got me flowers" sirius muttered.
Remus could see he was on the verge of crying and started to panic did he do something wrong? Does sirius not like flowers?
"I- I uh i'm sorry if you dont like them, I can take them back. I just thought you'd like it" he stuttered nervously, one hand scratching the back of his neck.
"No no dont you dare these are mine, I'll keep them forever" he declared blushing then looked nervous before adding " it's just that ive never gotten flowers before"
Remus promised himself there and then that he is going to give Sirius black flowers for the rest of his life
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somereaderinblue · 4 months
Melanie & Rem, Flawed Mothers
I've seen a lot of people draw parallels between Rem & Meryl and they're right, I can see them. However, today I noticed another female Trigun character with parallels to Rem, one that doesn't get as much recognition as the aforementioned insurance agent/reporter.
Miss Melanie.
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So based on this brief Tristamp appearance she has, there are 2 possible theories.
She's worried because she has a feeling that something is wrong.
She's worried because she KNOWS something is wrong.
Theory 2 was always a gut puncher to me. Maybe it's because some of us subconsciously hold mothers, the ones who carried us, birthed us, nurtured us, in higher esteem. Maybe it's because in-universe, the 'evil' characters outnumber the 'good' ones so we ourselves latch onto what little 'good' any character has. Heck, in all Trigun iterations, the main protag, Vash, himself puts his mother, Rem, on a pedestal.
Then I realized that's the point. Trigun is first & foremost about human flaws. Being a parent of all things is the last position that grants one immunity from messing up, it isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card from weaknesses. Rem herself is proof of this.
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Both Rem & Melanie take on maternal roles to children who aren't related to them biologically but still theirs in every way that matters. Both did their best to give them a happy loving childhood in a world that will (never might or if, not a possibility but an inevitability) chew them up & spit them out.
Both of them have failed & continue to fail these children.
Rem failed Tesla & she tried her best for the twins. But sometimes a parent's best isn't enough & as they die (in the same spaceship that served as a coffin to the first child they failed), they can only hope their children grow up to be better than them.
If either theories I mentioned earlier were true, it's possible that WW isn't the first child the EoM has taken & considering what happened to Livio, he's not the last. Hopeland isn't the only orphanage on NML either. How many other adults in Melanie's position had to send their own wards off to the slaughterhouse? How many had to be complicit to their crimes?
More importantly, what can Miss Melanie do? She's one woman against an entire murder cult. Rem was a SEEDS navigator & had the resources to forge fake data for the twins but even then, she was also one woman against an entire spaceship of scientists with dubious morality.
Even if the world sees you as one woman, your child sees you as their world. They'll be forced to grow up fast because the only other option is dying young, but they'll be grateful that you were there to give them a childhood, brief as it was.
So both Miss Melanie & Rem kept trying, kept loving and kept giving. They're mothers who've committed mistakes they'll take to their graves; but like their children, I love them, flaws & all.
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eldrith · 1 month
I’ll get around to the 11 or so anons that just popped up in my inbox telling me they didn’t like my a golden cage fic or the way i write eventually 🫶🏻
but fr im gonna take a step back with the discourse and answer other stuff,… maybe ill pretend i never posted anything on this fucking website for a bit lmao😭 peace and love
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agent-toast · 9 months
is it too early for an art redraw?
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a lot of text below \/
so things have changed since i first got into the ieytd fandom in late september/early october, my phoenix went from he/she/they (which was what i meant by 'any' pronouns cause at that time i wasn't aware of neopronouns sorry :>) to he/they with sometimes she/her. this has nothing to do with the '>:(( fem phoenix is bad' thing, all phoenixes are equally awesome.
i think i mostly used she/her as one of phoenix' pronouns because i'm afab and it'd feel easier rping them that way. but idk now i feel like my phoenix is more bigender/multigender using he/they? it's just what i'm comfortable with now. and it fits with the way i draw them androgynous but also fem but ALSO masc haeha
why am i gender questioning my favourite fictional characters now sjskd
anyway art stuff in the past i used more of a red-orange colour but now it's reddish maroon because that's cool >:)
and maybe it's just me but i think the proportions are slightly better? idk leave ur thoughts in the tags/comments
also i switched the sandwich and the lighter hehe
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Starkid D&D AU Fic
(i haven’t proof read this yet so idk if it’s good or bad yet 😭 also sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i re-watched the stream to fact check some stuff. this is all i have so far, so on that note, let’s get into it)
Sat atop a rustic cottage, a lone figure rested. One who was formerly a dragon-born, and now an average-sized cookie dragon.
Her light brown tail with darker brown spots coiled around her frame, gently tapping against the hay roof. Muddy eyes surveyed the horizon of Stalewind, as if in search of something. Someone, even.
A few inches away, she heard the rustling of the hay adjacent to her. Turning her head, she spotted a single hand. Another hand joined it, and before she knew it, Zak was hauling himself onto the top of their cottage. Hat, dirt-caked suspenders, messy dark hair, and all. He offered her a smile.
“Zephyr n’ Angelo are inside cookin’ up-uh, somethin’ nice for all of us.” Zak’s strained attempt at making a conversation would’ve made her laugh if she wasn’t so focused on what she was doing.
She offered a half-nod. “Cool.”
Zak looked at her for a few moments before he fished a hand into one of his pockets. As he brought out his hand, a small potato came out with it. Spudicus Maximus wiggled a bit in his palm. The silence was loud enough to hear the mewls of it saying, “Dada,” over-and-over. Zak smiled.
“It’s nice. Us four livin’ together, eh? No more famine ‘ere thanks ta’ us. Everythin’s peaceful n’ stuff. Well, if you can count Angelo’s daily Bible readings as that, but, ya know. I like this place, n’ this run-down cottage.” Zak looked up from his son to the swamp of trees before them.
“It reminds me of my old place, back in Brooklyn. Delancey Street, n’ all of that. My family’s back there, ya know. My moms and my younga’ brothas. I miss ‘em everyday, but with the Earthworm…I don’t wanna put ‘em in danger.”
Zak looked at her, a sad smile on his face. “You miss Tony, Stephonia. You’ve had that look in ya eyes ever since the Hag killed ‘im.”
i had a dream about this and a different npmd au last night so i woke up at 7 and busted out my computer 😋 also i feel like zak having two moms and being an older brother is canon but ‼️‼️ that’s just my interpretation lol
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