lanavecorona · 1 year
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my sister got me the camp wifi password ✌️today is Cooro/Nana day bc we said so 💕
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topazpearl · 29 days
ship bingo: aidlyn, cooronana, tuurmil 😏
yeah wooo yeah
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nebulardrip-art · 2 years
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Christmas/Late birthday gift for @topazpearl
cooronanana wedding~
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cooronana · 2 years
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haha wow who left these here?
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Happy CooroNana day!
It's late but here's a fanfic from the randomly generated cooronana prompts.
Nana and Cooro go camping, Cooro reads the map upside down and the two become terribly lost.
Nana felt beside herself as she packed a backpack of clothes and food. She honestly thought she would never have to sleep without a bed again, and certainly wasn’t looking forward to the spending the night in the forest. She and the boys had finally found a home within a small village, they had to work hard for the humble lives they’d procured but she appreciated it all the same. Which is why when Cooro and those ridiculously cute puppy eyes asked her to go camping with him she’d said yes.Husky, ever the stubborn one, was unwavered by Cooro’s requests to join. As for Senri, while they had all grown over the past years he was still essential for having the physical strength to do manual labor, effectively being the main breadwinner of the house- he simply couldn’t take off with Cooro just for fun if they wanted to continue the living arrangement.“C’mon Nana!” Cooro ecstatically called, he’d been ready to head off for awhile by this point. “Coming, coming…” Nana half grumbled. She still couldn’t sympathize with his exuberance over what she was somewhat dreading, but all the same she followed out the front door to join him. If there were any traces of her hesitance over the excursion it instantly vanished as she was met with Cooro’s remarkable smile. She felt her cheeks redden again, the tightening in her chest as she tried to look normal. This had become something of a routine- she couldn’t say for sure when it started, (possibly shortly after his growth spurt made him taller than her) but undeniably she had a terrible crush on him.
Cooro, on the other hand, hadn’t started acting any different from when they were kids. Her attempts to be seen as a grown and attractive young lady had thus far failed spectacularly. So far she had tried wearing makeup (Nana had made some herself from home remedies), Cooro had asked her if she was sick. She’d tried giving him chocolate as a special romantic gesture- he shared the chocolates with Husky and Senri, saying that Nana had made them all some chocolate. Husky had even given her a look of pity when he clearly put together the misunderstanding.But she wasn’t the kind of girl to give up. She’d made a new plan. When Cooro asked her to join him on this camping trip he didn’t have any specific destination in mind, so she picked their destination. To the East not too far there was a small pond that had formed in the shape of a heart. She’d heard stories in the village about it, girls told romantic stories of proposals at sunset and dashing forbidden love affairs. While she didn’t plan on any marriage proposals or running away together, it would make for a scenic spot for a confession- maybe they would even kiss.
Feeling the heat rising in her face she shoved the map, into Cooro’s hands. “We should get going so we get there before dark.” She squeaked, instantly mortified by the consequence of her tight chest. “Okay.” He agreed chipperly, taking the lead. He held the map in one hand, excitedly pointing and urging she look at every pretty rock or cool thing he spotted. There was something so nostalgic about their quest that despite herself she found herself with some of the same childish excitement he had.However, neither one in their energy were taking care to make sure they stay on the same trail they’d started on; and Cooro only checked the map occasionally. And the golden rays that had been a warm blanket on their nostalgic trek dwindled, making Cooro haphazard map reading all the more questionable as he began to squint to make out the lines. “Can I see that?” Nana asked, feeling her heartbeat beginning to quicken. She didn’t like this. They should have arrived there by now. When Cooro nonchalantly handed her the map her she felt her hole body tighten, her hand slightly crumpling the map as they clenched the paper. This was definitely the same way he’d been looking at it, and it was upside down.
Cooro slightly tilted his head as he stared at Nana, “Something wrong?” he asked, clearly ignorant of his mistake. Nana sprouted her wings wordlessly, ordinarily she would have had plenty to say about this situation, but the sun was setting and there wasn’t anytime to waste. “We’re lost you idiot!” She shouted as she took off in flight. She didn’t even see his reaction before she was in the air, the world blurred by her tears. The trees, there branches so dense, blocked what little sun was left. Her sleeve tore as a branch caught it, as if grasping to pull her back down. Her breath was shaky and she felt a claustrophobic fear she hadn’t confronted in a long time.“Nana!” She heard Cooro call after her in the distance. Her feelings in the moment were far to raw for her to be quelled by her puppy love. As she emerged above the trees she gasped, it was like she could finally breath again. The world was still blurry, she was trying to regain her composure as fast as she could. She had yelled at Cooro. She had to apologize, so she wouldn’t be like him- her mind flashing memories of her father she had long since tried to bury. “Nana!” Cooro called again, this time as he practically tackled her in a hug.
With that hug any hope of Nana gracefully composing herself was gone, she hugged him in return and wailed into his broad shoulders. She said sorry over and over, her apologies being hardly discernable as her sobs wracked through her voice. He rubbed his hand on her back as he continued to listen to her. As her tears started to slow down her mind was finally able to return to this moment. But as crying so hard makes a person exhausted, rather than feeling embarrassment or shyness she just thought how remarkably kind Cooro was.“I’m sorry.” Cooro said in a soft and sad voice. Nana finally raised her head off his shoulder to meet his eyes. “You didn’t mea-” She started to pushback against his apology, it was an accident afterall- and wasn’t like they’d be stuck wandering the forest. But Cooro cut her off, “I shouldn’t have pushed for this… I just… I wanted to spend time with you like we used to.” There was a bittersweetness to his expression. “Cooro…” Nana softly responded.
“I always want to spend time with you.” She said, her exhaustion having beaten any anxiety she would ordinarily be far to bashful to say something so close to a confession. “Me too.” Cooro’s response that should have felt like a victory felt hollow. He doesn’t mean that. He doesn’t mean it like she means it. He just sees her as a friend. She did her best to muster a smile when, perhaps experiencing a similar courage though tiredness as she, Cooro pulled her into kiss. First she felt the surprise, then let herself melt into the moment. There, in the moonlight, with lover’s pond just ahead of them, they were more than friends.
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raycatz · 7 years
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Nana and Cooro probably help each other with wing maintenance. I think Cooro really likes physical affection, so having someone he trusts help with his feathers would be really nice for him.
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raycatzdraws · 4 years
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You have black wings like me!
If you haven’t read +Anima I highly recommend it! It’s an amazing found family story about a group of kids with animal powers.
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lanavecorona · 2 years
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ignore me i’m here to have fun and post fanfic memes
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lanavecorona · 2 years
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i couldn’t decide so i just made both aheehee~
happy valentine’s day everyone! ♥♥♥
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topazpearl · 2 years
cooro x nana for the ship bingo!!!
he he he
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topazpearl · 2 years
The Stray
The kids have lured in a stray kitten. Surely Cooro and Nana can decide on a name, right?
Characters: Cooro & Nana, slight shipping Word count: 523, drabble Genre: Gen, cute, silly
Cooro's heart swelled with joy as the young, white cat rubbed against his legs. It was just a bit older than kitten-age and quite lanky, but still adorable. 
"Can we keep it?" Cooro said to Nana, who crouched next to him in the grass. "Please?"
"I don't know. We should ask Harden and Margaret," she smiled. The cat kept pacing between them, rubbing its face and getting plenty of pets and scratches from the two pre-teens. 
The cat had found the house a couple months ago, and the kids had become enamored with it–whether Husky wanted to admit it or not. The cat didn't seem to fear humans at all, hinting that it wasn't feral. So the kids had started leaving out water and food scraps for it until it became a regular around the house. 
"I hope they say yes," Cooro said. 
"Yeah. Husky might be like 'we can't have a pet!' though," Nana said, mimicking a grouchy voice. 
Cooro laughed. "Cats are good to have though! They keep mice away."
"Yep," she nodded. "My family had a couple outdoor cats that hung around our farm. I miss them… Sometimes it felt like they were my only friends… back then, I mean." Memories of a fluffy, brown tabby and a black tuxedo cat came to her mind. 
Cooro pondered her wistful countenance. "What were their names?" he said. 
"Oh! Um… Brownie and Midnight." A small smile spread on her face. 
"We should name this cat!" Cooro smiled. 
"Yeah!" Nana said. Cooro's enthusiasm, as always, was contagious. 
"What about Snowflake?"
"Hmm… maybe. Is it a boy or a girl?"
Cooro lifted up the cat, unafraid of any retribution he might receive. Luckily, the cat was relaxed. "A girl, I think." 
"Ooh! It has to be really cute then! Like…Princess!" 
"Maybe. I still kinda like Snowflake though…"
Nana gave him an amused look. "It's not very…original."
"But you named a cat Midnight. I bet it was black, right?"
"Well…yeah, but I was also like, seven!" she stammered, caught off guard by his accuracy. 
He chuckled. "We can have everyone vote on it." He gently, but confidently, scooped up the cat. He wondered how soft her fur would be after a good wash. 
"Noo!" Nana pouted. "Husky will hate my name, I know it. That's an automatic vote for you!"
"Probably!" Cooro grinned, which made her heart do somersaults. 
"Hold on, I need to think of something else!" Her mind desperately scrambled around. "Uh…Daisy? Or maybe Lacey?" she thought out loud.
"Those are white things, too, Nana."
"No, they can be any color!" 
He hummed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Nana huffed. Cooro cradling the small cat in front of her was distracting, just from how cute he looked. "I… I pick Lacey," she decided. 
"Okay! Let's go!" He turned to walk into the house. 
"Ah, we'll need to ask if we can keep her first," Nana realized.
"Oh yeah," Cooro chuckled. He had nearly forgotten the cat wasn't theirs yet.
Nana pursed her lips and looked at him. "...Get your puppy-dog eyes ready," she said quietly as they neared the door.
"Already on it~" 
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Pretty CooroNana to be thinking of him first/most 😏🤭
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cooronana · 2 years
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Art Dump: Sketchbook Edition ♥
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cooronana · 2 years
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Art Dump: Digital Edition ♥
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cooronana · 2 years
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topazpearl · 2 years
your favorite out of the love square, tuurmil, cooronana (or if someone else asks i want your thoughts on husknana), and lukagami
oh BOY
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oh I WILL give my husky/nana thoughts
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i like the idea of luka/kagami enough but they've only Really interacted for One episode so im neutral on it
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