#Corbin Delahaye
odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 1
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The weather cannot predict how the day may go. Sure, a lovely spring day with light breezes, the endless emerald pastures, and the clear blue sky dotted with ravens croaking their calls could be a herring for a bountiful or peaceful day. As a young caucasian college student, with the name Darius Jenner or Darry, with short brown hair and matching, eyes drove down the seemingly infinite road in his sister's, Patricia Jenner or Trish, car thought the weather means a pretty okay day. Said sister right next to him on the passenger's side, gazing out ahead of them with her mind occupied abput her regular life, not thinking of any of the dangers ahead. 
Then again, how could she have known? It seemed like another regular Spring Break and another regular trip to their parents' house like for the past few years. How could either sibling know that was all to end this year? To know about the horrors that lies ahead
"Just turn 15, you were a senior. You took me out to mom's old station wagon, The Dragon wagon, to teach me how to drive. But there was that one tree."
Darry recalls to his sister to pass the time, laughing at the memory. Trisha continues to stare ahead at the road, her eyes focusing on a stop sign ahead. 
"There was a guy banging the car while we were in the building."
Trish recalls. Darry gives a short chuckle before he continues.
"That's right. You actually lied for me."
Trish rolls her eyes, wonder, not for the first time, is she really related to this goober? Yet, Darry could see right through his sister's denial.
"No no come one, you lied for both of us. You actually did something decent for me, that's a part of history you can't change."
Darry concludes as he drives past a stop sign which Trisha notices as she glances back.
"That was a stop sign."
She points out to which Darry just shrugs off as he glances at his sister, incredulously.
"You're kidding right?"
"In your car, I'd be kidding."
She answers sarcastically as she glances at her brother to show her commitment to her statement.
" On this road? I haven't seen a car in fifty miles."
Darry answers back. They continue to drive at an average speed for cars on highways until Darry spots an RV. Feeling the familiar rush of sibling competitiveness, Darry speeds up to the RV, seeing no danger of it given the mostly vacant road.
"Come on Darry."
Trish warns in a half tired tone. She again had to ask herself, how did he remain alive for all these years, again? She already knew the answer, but it doesn't quite take away the annoyance that comes with her brother's antics. They drive up behind the RV to where they can see the vanity license plate that read,
"Gay- Gay fever, no Gay forever! Gay forever! Ha! that's mine. That's 3 for little bro"
Darry claims in victory as they drive just a bit closer to the RV, seeing what he thought was a G, was actually a 6. Darry frowns dramatically at this which causes his sister to give a slight chuckle at his state, which only increases his frown.
"That's a 6, not a G you idiot. That's Sexy forever, that's mine and that's 5 to 2."
Darry mumbles disappointingly. Trish then glances over at Darry with a raised brow.
"Gay fever?"
Trish asks her brother incredulously. She just huffs in amusement, when they drove up to the driver's window to see an elderly couple, who didn't look too amused.
Darry utters out in realization, yet his tune changes after the elderly couple turn a corner and they drive past them.
" Sexy forever huh?"
Darry teases with a grin at his unamused sister.
"You know that's you in 40 years."
Trish deadpans to her brother, as she then proceeds to gnaw on a part of her reading glasses as neither had anything left to say, for now. They drive in silence for a good long moment, with their friend in the back snoozing away being the only sounds besides the road.
" You know there's usually a reason when you like the long way home." 
Darry starts, not wanting to beat around the bush and get straight to it. Better to rip the band-aid off, just as his sister would tell him. However, in this case, it would appear that Trish didn't want to hear it.
"Gee like, maybe I like the country?"
She retorts, turning her head to her brother with no trace of humor on her expression.
Darry replies, disbelief being definite in his tone.
' Geez, hypocrite much, sis? '
Darry thought to himself in irritation but decides in the end that he wasn't going to drop it.
"Just drive brat."
Trisha commands Darry, who persists with his questioning.
" Hey, I'm only thinking the same thing mom and dad are going to be thinking, "Trisha, why are you driving home for spring break with your brat brother, and not heading off somewhere with that nice Mr. Poly-side-track-team guy?"
Trisha rolls her eyes at Darry's "mom" voice and sighs. 
" I will tell them the exact same thing as I'll tell you, none of your Goddamn business."
Trisha again repeats, frustrated at her brother's insistence. Why can't he just let her keep her own damn life private? He's the baby, not her. 
" Better not let mama hen back there hear you." 
Darry teasingly warns, referring to the woman in the back with her luggage as well as the siblings'. She's a 6'1; olive skin; long messy caramel hair that goes past her waist slightly: full lips; a curvy figure; wearing converse, a teal bandanna, and a black baggie hoodie. This is Corbin: she is traveling with her close friends for the break since well, she's got nothing else to do or family to visit, at least that's what she told them.
"Oh please, she's knocked out like a light, something about late-night errands, and it goes the same for mama hen there, it's none of her business"
Indeed she was sleeping on the window, eyes shut with on hand on her cheek. Her long hair a mess from it rubbing against the door with some drool gathering at the corner of her mouth, signaling how truly asleep and dead she is to the world, currently.
"Oh you think Corbin and I can't understand the complex nature of your relationships?"
"No, I look at you two as real experts."
Trish replies back. She sometimes had to ponder in the depths of her mind, why would she tell her immature brother? How would he understand, when he never takes anything seriously? Corbin would be a no go too, knowing she'll pry even more insistently than Darry. Then maybe go kick whatever perpetrator there is where the sun doesn't shine. Darry just scoffs, trying to play it off.
" Heh, whatever, whatever I don't care."
Trisha then leans up to tune on the radio only to get crazy rambles, farmer reports, and about a lizard-headed demon. Annoyed with nothing decent is on, Trish gives up and shuts off the radio. Although, it's starting to sound
" Just saying that you should break it off with him, you should at least figure it out what you're going to tell Mom and Dad. They're the ones in love with the guy, or do I need to sick Mama Hen on the guy? Mmmhh? "
There was a silent pause, as Trish decides to just keep searching through different stations. Corbin not stirring at all from the back which Trish hopes would be the case for the rest of the trip.
"You wanted the back way home. That's 10 hours of preachers, farm reports..."
"Can you possibly just shut up and drive, please!"
Trish snaps. Ok, so sister is pissed, what do? Humor, the best way to go about this situation from what Darry knows. Darry then starts to sing, with a teasing smile.
"You broke my heart in two,
Now I can't find the duct tape
to put it together for you,
Come on, girl sing along now"
Darry says to his sister, oblivious to the large truck creeping behind them as he focused on the road ahead, ticking off his sister with every verse of his improvised song.
"When I met you, I thought I would die
I wanted to cry
Didn't know you were evil
or that you would hurt me
Mr. Poli-Sci-Track-Team guy,
Turns out your a twit and a real-"
Corbin shouts in utter surprise, practically jumping out of her seat which results in her bumping her head on the ceiling turning her head in the Jenner siblings' view, to a large rusty looking truck that being driven as if it were by a crazy driver.
" What the hell is his problem?!?"
Darry cries out fearfully in his high-pitched voice that, as Corbin pointed out, happens whenever he's scared.
" Just get out of his way Darry!"
Trish demands in a panic, as the trunk honks it's horn again, still not making up its mind as it tries to ram them off the road.
"Mes Couilles Sur ton front!"
Corbin swears frantically.
( ? POV )
The smell of fear, so invigorating and addicting I just can't get enough of it. What's this? Ahhh, this scent is new, though I've only had a faint wisp of it once, I can still recognize it for it still sends a pleasurable shiver down my spine. Sharp yet sweet, with a smokey tinge to it, but now I hunger for it in a different way from food. Desire is a more appropriate word, maybe even more than my regular hunger.
I may have finally found my mate.
(Now back to the terrified Jenner Siblings and an angry Corbin)
" Let him pass you Darry! Darry what are you doing?"
"Peau de fesses!"
Trish shouts in a panicked frenzy, as Corbin continues to spit out every insult she knows in her motherland's tongue.
"Go around me!"
Darry begs as he frantically signals the driver to move around him, but this driver continues to act like a maniac ready to most likely run them all over, still honking its loud horn.
"Get off the road and let him pass you!"
Trish shouts at Darry from her own panic rising within her. Darry looks behind his shoulder with wide eyes and teeth clenched, contrasting to Corbin's " I'm so done with this" face.
" He's nuts!"
"I know he's nuts, now pull over!"
Trish demands her brother. The truck's tires squeal as the driver once again honks its horn. Darry then once again signals with his hand frantically, hoping the driver could get the message. Yet, he suspects that with those tinted windows, the guy can't see sh*t through them.
" GO around me!"
"Slow down and let him f@#$%ing pass you!"
"Caca Boudin!"
" I'm trying!"
Darry shouts to his sister, as Corbin continues to swear. Finally, the crazy driver passes them, giving them a good look at its vanity license plate that says, BEATINGU.
Trish exclaims almost breathlessly, her ears pounding from the rush of blood going through her veins.
Darry breathes out, his heart still pounding against his ribcage.
" What the hell is his problem?"
Corbin shouts, knowing she wouldn't get any answers but needing to speak her frustrations out anyway.
"My guess,"
Darry then sticks his head out the open side window, and shouts in the wind to the now distant driver,
They watch for a bit as the truck gets smaller and smaller, finally disappearing from view. Corbin just facepalms at Darry's remark, shaking her head. Oh, she loves the knucklehead, but why is he so idiotic? She just knows one day it's going to get him killed.
" Get a load of that nasty old thing. What is that? The vehicle of choice for assholes and f*cking serial killers?"
Darry asks rhetorically, his knuckles going white from how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel.
" Everyone ok?"
Corbin asks with concern in her green eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just had the piss scared out of me, but otherwise just fine."
Darry comments which had Corbin having to hold in a smile and chuckle. She then elects to look at forward ahead of them, her eyes glued to where the manic driver went off to. She lets out a huff through her nose as she leans back against the window.  Silence took over for a brief time until Trish is the first to break the silence.
"Yeah, hey you know what I just thought of?"
Darry gives a knowing look as he briefly glances at his sister.
" Kenny and Darla? Trish, they died about a 100 miles from here"
"It's the same highway."
' Poor Kenny and Darla. '
Corbin tells herself as she recalls the news of their prom night. They were just heading home from the night of their lives when apparently their car smashed with the roof ripped open with their bodies nowhere in sight. She could still recall seeing the image of their wrecked car smoldering at the side of the road with glass everywhere. Who could've done that? 
"No no, they never found her head."
Corbin says butting in in the sibling's conversation. Darry nods his head glancing at Corbin.
"They found the car. Didn't find him or her head."
Corbin then takes Trisha's hand into her own.
"Goodness, you're still shaking Trisha."
Corbin gently told Trisha and then hands her a bottle of ice tea as Darry continues.
"You don't think every generation has their cautionary tale, of drinking and driving on prom night?"
Trisha shakes her head no, unscrewing the bottle of ice tea to take a huge swig out of it.
"I always heard it was true. Wheaton Valley High, class of '78."
She takes another gulp of the drink, a dry chuckle coming from her.
"Heh, want to know something?"
Corbin nods and Darry hums to signal that he's listening.
"When I first heard that story... I used to think this was the highway I would die on."
Silence is what filled the car for a brief moment until Corbin comments,
" Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?"
Corbin replies with a deadpan expression before giving a teasing grin, knowing not to take her pedantic moments to seriously. She just had to make friends with a drama queen, huh?
"I agree, quite the cheery think today, aren't we sis?"
Darry asks rhetorically before giving a small chuckle.
"What? What's Poli-Sci-Guy been doing to you anyway?"
A snarl forms on Corbin's facial features as her blood starts to boil.
" I don't like that guy's vibe, just something up with him."
Corbin retorts, her tone going down an octave as she claws at the back of their seats. Trisha looks back at her friend, raising at her attitude and feeling some annoyance bubbling inside of her. But before she could tell Corbin off, her brother spoke to her once more.
" Beating you? "
Darry says which in turn made Trisha and Corbin turn their heads to him in confusion.
" There was a license plate on the van we just saw, B-E-A-T-N-G-U. So beating you."
Darry cries out in victory.
"That's mine. That's 3 to 5!
"You can't call it now."
Trisha counters, smiling to herself.
"My ass!"
Darry complains. Corbin just lays her head on the back of Trisha's seat.
" Sacre bleu, you guys get over it!" 
Corbin complains exasperated by the bickering about the sibling's game but had a slight grin to her face in amusement. It's so cute to see them acting like little children, showing just how close and annoying they are. Just like with her own sister.
"No cause, You have to call it when you see it."
Trisha explains to Corbin. 
" I was in shock!"
"Does it really matter?"
Darry insists, as Corbin just rolls her eyes and leans back to her seat, unbeknownst to them, she was holding a hand over her mouth to hold in her chuckles at the ridiculousness of it all.
Trisha argues back.
(Corbin's POV)
The bickering went on for a while as they both exchange insults like middle school children, arguing over the rules of their game. Just like the day, I met them. And now they're arguing over license plates, and still annoying the hell out of me. Good times. Do you know what's not a good time? Getting almost ran over by a crazy driver, in an ol' rust bucket with wheels. The heck does he think he's doing? At least I'm guessing he's a guy from what I can tell; although something about that driver didn't sit right with me. I mean, who puts a cowcatcher on a truck?!?
Not to mention the glass was very tinted; anyone who looked at that thing would've thought that thing came straight from a horror movie. I hope we don't run into that guy again, as much as they can be a pain in the ass at times; I don't wish anything to fall upon Darry and Trisha. My gut's telling me something's going to go wrong, and my gut hasn't failed me yet.
A/N: Don't forget to comment, like, reblog, and whatever else! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
A sketch of Corbin I did
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It’s not quite done yet as it needs coloring. But I’m proud of how it turned out😁
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeepers Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events 9
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(An older drawing of mine with Corbin)
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The early morning light mostly lights the entrance halls, another day for the Poho County Police Station. Except, if you were to look further back the bloodstains and broken glass act as clear evidence of last night's activities, which most officers want to just forget and go back to dealing with regular carjackers. Darry and Trish didn't share the same desire, even as shaken and mentally scarred as they are, they refuse to forget the sacrifice their dear friend made for them both. 
Darry attempts to comfort his sister by rubbing her back, although he could think of nothing to say that could alleviate them both; having neither the words for comfort or a quip. Trish crouches over on the bench she's currently seated at, gripping tightly at the green bandana in her hands. Her grip over it being so strong that the police didn't dare to take the piece of paraphernalia away as evidence. Neither sibling look up or acknowledge when Jezelle comes through the front door towards them.
"Your folks just pulled up outside." r
Unsurprisingly, silence is what she's greeted with and it's the silence mixed with tension that falls between them for a while. An uncomfortable mixture that made Darry break it first.
"Looks like this answers my question."
Jezelle nods in agreement, licking her chapped lips before speaking.
"I guess so."
As if awakening from a long slumber, Trish blinks her eyes to rid herself of some of the grogginess that built up behind them. Still, like her brother, she doesn't look Jezelle directly in the eyes.
"You saw it was Darry, didn't you? He was the one screaming in the dark while listening to that song."
She's not sure if she could stand the pity and sadness she knows the psychic holds for them with her soft brown eyes. 
"You also saw a second path, didn't you? But you didn't say anything because it seemed too crazy to be true."
Jezelle looks down in shame and remorse with the morning light helping to elongate the shadow covering her facial features. Both Jenner siblings didn't need to shift their gazes to know about the tears forming in the older woman's eyes.
"That girl rewrites all the rules, but I didn't know if she can rewrite fate definitely. Though I'm just a crazy old woman, ask anybody around here, they'll tell you,"
Jezelle gives a long weary sigh, silently watching the two siblings get up from the bench.
"just a crazy woman, with crazy dreams."
She trails off in a dejected tone which Trish is barely able to catch, by the time she and Darry walk out the front door. Darry takes the moment to close his eyes and just feel the slight breeze on his face, breathing in the cool morning air deeply. 
"Aaa! Aaa! Aaa!"
Darry opens his eyes at the croaking of a passing raven, its dark figure standing out against the clear sky. Trish looks up to her left as it flies by her field of vision; she feels another stab of guilt in her heart at the strong reminder of the friend she failed to save.
' I'm so so so sorry for being so weak...'
Trish twists the bandana in her hand while tightly clenching her jaws. At that moment, Trish Jenner swore to never be anyone's prey ever again, to exact vengeance for those who were that thing's prey. She'll drag it to hell with her if she has to.
The raven that flew past the Jenner siblings, keeps his one eye on the condemned meat factory in the distance. He flies past the surrounding crows and ravens gathered around the building. Instinctively, he follows the familiar presence through the many holes in the building, past the dripping rusty pipes, then glides down the stairs where he could fully hear an old upbeat jazz tune playing.
"All those weepers.
How they hypnotize 
Ramada, Ramada, Rama da da"
The one-eyed raven didn't need to look too hard for his favorite person, finding her curled up in the dryest spot she could find. Corbin sat huddled in the nook in the wall, with her back to the wall with one arm around her legs and the other holding a photo.
'I can already tell that I'm gonna be sick of this song.'
She frowns in the direction of where she knows her "mate" is working on Darry's replacement. A small croak catches Corbin's attention, lessening her frown slightly into an almost smile at the small comfort the Corvus brought. 
"Sar si sogodi, Beowulf?"
Beowulf gives another croak and nods his head, confirming to the inhuman woman that all is well for her friends. Some tension visibly leaves Corbin, who then unwraps her arm from her legs to rub a thumb over the necklace she wore. She then looks down at the photo she held in her other hand, the dim candlelight illuminating showing her and Darry celebrating Trish's high school graduation. Those were good times, simpler times, times she knows she can't go back to unless she wishes to bring Darry to an early grave.
"In their eyes"
Corbin furiously rubs her eyes as tears unwillingly starts spilling, the instrumental phase of the song playing in the background. She gives a sniffle before doing her best to keep her expression neutral when spotting the Creeper approaching her. She keeps her chin up as she lets her eyes convey the loathing she holds for him. The only other physical indicator of her scorn being the twitching of her tail. The Creeper doesn't show any reaction to his new mate's displeasure, instead, gesturing to his worktable with a tilt of his head.
"Golly gee, where'd you get those heaters on?
Whoa is me, time to put my cheaters on."
 He then offers a hand to Corbin, who rejects it with a huff and a flick of her tail; however, she still complies and removes herself from the nook. She walks in front of the Creeper who follows close by to their destination, which Corbin huffs at and gets up by herself following him to the table. The inhuman woman mentally wills herself to not turn around and claw out his stolen orbs, but Corbin knew that would be unwise in her current weakened state.
"Jeepers, creepers.... Where'd ya get them peepers? Oh, those weepers.... How they hypnotize Where did ya get those"
When they both come in front of the table, the Creeper then reaches into a small crudely handmade bowl containing two eyes, handing one of them to Corbin before taking the other. He then leans forward to rub his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling Corbin's scent with a drawn-out satisfied sigh. He lifts his head slightly, his hot putrid breath brushing against her ear with each drawn out, deep and gravely with a hint of a southern accent. 
"You... uphold... vows?"
I willingly accept you as my mate. Spare the other humans here, especially Darius and Patricia. As long as you promise to uphold it, I vow to support, provide, and treat you as you would do for me. Do you accept?
Corbin finds herself clawing her free hand before digging it into her palms. She takes a breath before exhaling.
"You promise then?"
The Creeper retreats his head from his mate's shoulder to give her a firm nod. Both cryptids maintaining intense eye contact, neither breaking it to submit.
Corbin rolls the eye she has between her fingers.
"Then I accept."
Corbin then swallows the eye at the same time as The Creeper. She blinks and found that she can now see out of her formerly damaged left eye. The Creeper watches in fascination as Corbin's green left eyes to morph into her natural amber coloration. He gives out a satisfied purr before licking the dried blood around her left eye. Corbin forces herself to return the sound with her own, straining to keep it up as the realization of being stuck with this monstrous brute for both of their long lives.
"Golly where'd ya get those
Where did ya get those eyes?"
A/N: Let me know if y'all would like to read the next installment here on Tumblr. And if you want to read more before I can publish it, the next one is right here on Wattpad. Where you can find me under the username, JazzyHands02.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeepers Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events 8
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(Don’t worry, I plan on finishing coloring this when I get back home😁)
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I've never been this scared shitless before in all my life. This entire day is just terrifying, between that crazy woman's prediction of dying by THAT thing's claws and finding out my so-called friend, Corbin, had lied about being human when she's really a monster like that creature, for so long. Still, seeing my brother squirming in that creature's grasp, I knew I have to do something, anything. I swallow my fear( and bile) then stare straight into the son of a b*tch's icy, hungry, predatory eyes. 
"Take me."
Corbin turns from her position on my left and starts frantically shaking her head 'no', with wide eyes filled with an emotion I never expected to see from her.
The creature growls as he stares me down. I'd be lying if I said that being caught under its cloudy eyes didn't make me squirm on the spot; yet, I didn't care in the slightest. This is about saving Darry, f*ck whatever happens to me.
" You don't want him. Whatever it is you want, you can take it from me."
Corbin shakes her head again, mouthing for me to stop what I'm doing, but I ignore her and continue my offer.
" You don't want Darry. No, you don't."
I tell it, shaking my head at the fact, allowing the fear crawling up my throat to wash over me. I don't care that tears are streaming down my cheeks, I don't even bother wiping them away. My focus is all on my baby brother.
The aforementioned brother chokes out from the monster's iron hold,
"D-Don't chu be a hero!"
I lock eyes with Darry briefly, long enough to mouth that he'll be fine before turning my attention back to his captor. I'm desperate as I shout for that thing's outstretched ears to catch loud and clear,
" I have everything the same inside, you take me!"
Darry claws against the rough and decaying arm to free his throat enough to gasp.
"It's okay..." 
It really isn't Brat. None of this crap has ever been okay and I'm not losing you! I'm supposed to protect you and get you out of your own goddamn messes! It's why I then roar at the abomination in front of me.
"You take me, you fucking let him go!"
The creature roars back as if to upstage my pathetic attempts of trying to be louder than it. I feel my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach when it then spreads out its wings, ready to take flight. The S.W.A.T raises their guns in response to this sudden action, trigger fingers poised to shoot.
I desperately search for any sign on the creature's expression that he'll change his mind.
"Please, let him go."
"Don't do this Trish."
"Just think for a second, I won't fight you! You take me! I'm stronger you want me!"
There's a short pause although, to me, it may as well have been an eternity. I could barely utter out my next words, as an invisible hand slowly completely encases my throat. 
"Drop him, please."
The creature seems maul over my proposal, I couldn't help the slight ember of hope as the gears working in its grotesque head. The head looking unnatural just like the rest of its body. Dark grey; ridges showing where those head fins must usually rest; a sharp hooked nose; hooked piranha-like teeth; and a mostly bald head except for a mane of white coarse-looking on the back of it. It's already terrifying to look at, but even worse with its webbed head crest out.
My heart sinks further than I thought it could possibly go when, after a few seconds, it huffs and turns around with Darry still in its hold. Just as I'm about to scream, another roar, similar to the monster's and just as ear-splitting, broke the silence.
Without any hesitation whatsoever, Corbin tackles the monster holding Darry through the window, spraying glass and debris all over the ground outside. Is she fucking insane!?! Never mind, I don't give a shit! God bless, you beautiful maniac!!! I run to the window to see Corbin curled around a figure with the son of a b*tch a few meters away from them.
Is it?
My suspicions were confirmed when Corbin groans before she unwraps her glass-embedded wings from Darry, who looks more to be more in shock than any actual harm. Still, I couldn't help myself from shouting at them both.
"Darry! Corbin!"
Corbin nods her head at me in assurance, revealing her eyes to be luminescent amber with cat-like pupils; her hair now pitch-black but still the same length and messy style; her skin reptilian like the creature's only darker and smooth, lacking the bumps that decorated its entire body.
She still has her head crest spread out, which resembles devil horns and split into two sections, revealing her spikes and exposed flesh underneath them. It sort of reminds me of a sort of crown or frill certain types of animals or maybe lizards would have to look intimidating, which is working just fine!
Faster than I could process, Corbin, smacks the monster away from her with her tail, sending it a good distance away from her and Darry. She gets on all fours in front of Darry, meeting the opposing creature with a hiss and a roar of her own.
The monster met her challenge with its own crest still raised and on all fours as well, growling as it arches its back to look bigger.
"Hold on!"
(Third POV)
Corbin manages to pry Darry out of the Creeper's hold, immediately tucking her head in with her body curled around Darry as they tumble onto the hard ground. When they stop moving, she untangles herself to sniff Darry for any unseen injuries.
"You alright?"
Darry stiffly nods, his brown eyes still blown wide open from the fall. Corbin smiles in relief, only for it to fade when her ears pick up the sound of grass crunching and footsteps. In a millisecond, Corbin pushes Darry to the ground as she uses her tail like a large whip to smack the Creeper away. She goes in front of Darry, using her tail to keep him behind her.
"Stay here."
She warns her close friend. Darry watches as the Creeper gets on all fours to meet Corbin in her challenge, giving out a roar for dominance and intimidation to go with his large form and large outspread wings much like many animals would do in challenge. Corbin spreads out her own black ones and then pounces at the Creeper, claws out and fangs bared.
The Creeper backs up in slight surprise at Corbin's torrent of claw swipes, hitting him plenty while he only held up his arms in defense. Impressive given how she barely healed from their last encounter. The Creeper couldn't help feeling some admiration, but this takes a backseat when she goes to strike again. Quickly, he grabs her arm to flip her on the ground to put her in a chokehold while straddling her hips with his knees on either side of her, thinking that would subdue her.
In response, Corbin thrusts her waist and hips up, causing the Creeper to lean forward from the imbalance. She uses this to lock his arms under her own crossed ones to then use her left foot, outside of the Creeper's own, to flip them over in one swift move. With her now on top, Corbin strikes the Creeper two times in the face then pushes off his neck to get up in another fighting stance.
The creature recovers, growling lowly at Corbin who growls in response. They circle around one another as two lions would; this time, the Creeper makes the first move, going to claw and strike Corbin. She dodges them for the most part, going in to claw at the Creeper again with, this time, being for his neck.
He sees this, giving Corbin an upper swipe that gets her good in the left eye, leaving her black blood to quickly blind it. He goes to strike again, with Corbin's guard seemingly down from her eye injury; only for her to spread out a wing to slam him on his back to the ground.
Corbin stomps the Creeper, below the ribs, with her taloned feet that left scratches on the Creeper. When she goes to do that again, the Creeper takes a hold of her foot to bring her to the ground beside him. However, before he could top her once more, Corbin uses a leg to kick his side and under his ribs once more, then uses a clawed hand to dig her thumb into his right eye with the other going for his throat.
'An eye for an eye... How fitting.'
Corbin muses to herself briefly. The Creeper uses his arm to hold back Corbin from slitting his throat, yet was unable to stop her from utilizing her thumb clawing out his eye completely. The Creeper rolls Corbin to the opposite side to put her in another chokehold, this time not pinning her down and keeping her on top of him as to not give her any leverage from the ground. Corbin gasps for air then, in an act of desperation, bites down hard on the Creeper's arm, her teeth digging right into the bone with the taste of his earthy blood and dead skin on her tongue. The Creeper gives a roar of pain, almost deafening Corbin, as he instinctively loosens his grip which Corbin took as the opportunity to roll them over to quickly get up and shake him off of her to slam her elbow into his ribs, a loud CRACK echoing from inside the Creeper's body.
Just as the Creeper falls, he grabs on to Corbin's tail pulling her towards him. Corbin uses her back legs to kick him away, which inadvertently leads him to scratch up her tail and its fins. Seeing this, Creeper grins to himself before launching himself to the sky with Corbin following close by. There, they continued to claw and bite each other with Corbin continuing to try and land fatal blows on the ancient Creeper, as the Creeper tries to subdue the fiery female. When Corbin attempts to bite the Creeper's hand off, his talons managing to snag a large chunk of Corbin's tail, causing her to lose balance in the air, forcing her to head back to the ground. Observing this, the Creeper uses this to knock her out of the air, making her crash land.
(Trish's POV)
I rush down the stairs and floors of the police station, practically flying down each one. Inside, I'm able to hear the sounds of hissing and growling with claws and blows being exchanged, no doubt from Corbin and the fucker's brawl. I burst through the entrance to see them lock in a whirlwind of animalistic rage in a battle of tooth and claw.
The S.W.A.T team got in front of me and my brother, as I check him over, relief washing over me to find him well overall despite being shaken pretty badly. I shake him, hoping for him to snap out of his shock.
"Come on, Brat! Now's not the time to freeze up!"
I give him three good slaps across the face before he finally reacts. He gasps for air like a fish before he starts panting.
"Corbin! We got to help her!"
Darry tries to get up to join the fight, yet I'm not about to let him pull that sh*t on me. I grab him back next to me as we continue watching the two nonhumans maul one another.
"This is Corbin, she'll be fine!"
Just as I said that Corbin lands on her side in front of the S.W.A.T team. Darry and I quickly drag her behind the guys to make sure she's still breathing. To say she appears badly roughed up, wouldn't exactly cover it completely, as she looks as if she were put through the wringer only to be spat up into a woodchipper, given her reopened wounds on top of multiple scratches and knicks on her body that leaked out black blood.
"Please, wake up! Come on! Come on! Corbin!"
Darry shakes Corbin, who groans in response as she reaches a hand to her messed up left eye. Meanwhile, the S.W.A.T team opens fire on the monster, who only took them as if meant sh*t! The thing tore through the lines as it tore through their bodies, repairing itself of most of the damage Corbin inflicted on it. Bowels and blood spray in the air as it rips out their throats, their screams could be heard for miles as it was the last scream they ever utter before death took them away with its cold lifeless grasp. I watch as limbs were torn from their bodies like they're merely wet tissue paper only that it gave a loud rip and CRUNCH when they were forced from their sockets. 
The Officer, that apparently knew Jezelle, from earlier became one of the last remaining people between us and that thing's jaws. His face turns red as he's being choked by the monster who held him by one arm. He brings him close to smell him deeply, opening a disgusting third nostril that's a slit on the bridge of its nose. 
Corbin sits herself up, taking in the view of the carnage. A glassy sort of look takes over her expression as she clenches her jaws, a certain familiarity subtly written on her features. She shuts her eyes and shakes her head before looking at us both then back at the monster squeezing the life out of the Officer. She pulls us close and nuzzles my brother and me's faces with her own. 
"I'm sorry."
That's all she whispers to us before springing into action without warning. She sprints towards the monster before tackling it to the ground, effectively making it lose its hold on the officer. She pins the creature down with both hands on its chest and straddles its hips, yet doesn't make a move to attack it. No, instead, she lowers her head next to its ear and whispers into its ear. Neither my brother and I could pick up whatever she's saying to the monster. Eventually, she raises her head, leaving a kitten lick on its cheek which the creature returns from her jaw to her cheek.
What the hell did she say to it??? At least, when Corbin gets off that thing, it doesn't immediately go to chow down on the rest of the survivors. Like a moron, Darry thought he may as well push his luck by slowly walking towards Corbin, with the monsters still a few inches behind her.
The ugly fucker growls at Darry, it takes a step forward with its needle-like teeth bared and ready to rip him to pieces. However, it stops in its tracks when Corbin puts her hand to its chest and nuzzles her head under its chin while making a cooing noise. In my complete bemusement at her 180-degree turn-in attitude, I somehow kept enough sense to grab Darry to put him behind me as we watch the bizarre scene play out in front of us.
The monster makes a deep scratchy rumbling sound from within its chest in response to Corbin's gesture. It took me a few seconds to its fucking purring! The sound and knowledge of it send a disgusted shiver down my spine. I feel digging under my skin and all over it in a way I know I can't ever wash away. It then takes both of Corbin's hands, its own massive ones completely encompassing them and acting as shackles, yet she doesn't fight back.
 I hug Darry close to me so that if that thing tries anything, it'll have to take my brother from my cold dead hands. I could feel Darry's rapid pulse beating like a hummingbird's wing, as he too is paranoid of what that bastard may do next. Despite her earlier gestures, Corbin's expression showed any but, instead, showing more of a somber one as the weight of whatever is she agreed to is made clear. On the other hand, the creature wears an extremely pleased expression as if it were the cat that finally got the cream. It puts its nose in the crook of her neck, deeply inhaling her scent while running one of its hands through her dark mane while the other grips at her hip. I feel bile rising in my throat when it licks her shoulder wound, giving a pleased groan while savoring the taste.
I couldn't see Corbin's expression since the thing's head blocked our view, but I knew exactly what Corbin is thinking from how she clawed her hands close to her body. Quick as a flash, it then pulls her toward itself, holding her bridal style closely to itself. Then it snaps open its wings once more, and just like that, it's gone in the blink of an eye, having launched itself into the night sky.
I scream helplessly, both of my brother and I now running in a futile attempt to follow Corbin. In the back of my mind, I knew running after them both while they're high in the sky is a fool's errand, but at the time, neither of us cared. Briefly, both she and her captor are illuminated by the full moon that's surrounded by dark clouds. Our efforts were in vain.
We screech out into the night helplessly, our pleas disappearing into the air. We kept galloping after the fading figures until we ran out of breath, watching as the black clouds consumes them both from sight. Darry clings tightly to me as he begins to tremble from the sobs racking his body. I could only stand there looking up at the sky as tears stream down my cheeks, my feet rooting to the spot. They come heavily flooding out as I feel an indescribable weight push down behind my eyes and onto my shoulders, as some part of me feels as if I'll never see my friend again.
Corbin has done nothing, but try to keep us alive during this whole ordeal and I treated her like shit... She didn't deserve any of this! At least, she didn't deserve to be eternally shackled to that monster! Right now, I don't care what she's done or her appetite, she's more human than it and a lot more other assholes!
Now, I will never joke or laugh with her again. I won't be able to hear her give advice or hold me close after a break-up. I won't be able to listen to her snark or jibes at me or Darry's expense. I will never meet anyone who's as much as a friend indeed.
Finally, I have her. After much difficulty, I finally have the burning spitfire. My beautiful mate. 
I can't deny how much her struggle while irritating at certain points, excited me in a way I haven't felt for a long long long time. Making it all the more satisfying when she finally submitted to me, on the condition I spared those meats. Between a quick meal emanating tantalizing fear and a life long companion, I'll admit, was more a difficult choice than I would have liked, especially with delicious organs not so far from me; however, I couldn't say no to such sweet words which usually mean nothing to me, but it helps to have come from such a sweet-smelling female.
Amazing how much her sweet and bitter scent reflects her so well, from her bitter and tangy blood to saccharine gestures of forced affection. That will change eventually, hopefully without taking too long as I prove how I can provide everything she needs. For now, it seems like a long journey ahead.
She's neither bitter nor sweet this instant, instead, looking back where we left the two siblings. Even with her obvious longing, she doesn't scream, struggle, or pry herself away like so many humans. I take a moment to admire the way the moonlight made her black scales glow in an ethereal way concurrently reflecting off some of her still-fresh wounds. Her scales being so much softer than mine, almost silky in a way that pleasantly rubs against my bare chest. Somehow, her already bright honey-colored eyes become brighter under the moonlight as well, one's I hope to look at me with the same want as my own. Never in my long existence have I met such a curious specimen like her who's much like me but, at the same time not.
I could barely contain the excitement I feel coursing through my being when we land. Our new lair may not be as comfortable as the last, but I hope she won't mind the short notice. For now, I may as well give her a tour.
A/N: Don't forget to like, comment, and reblog if you like this chapter! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeepers Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 7
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" Would you tell Dad to stop shouting, please?
Trisha asks her mother over the phone before listening as her mother continues to endlessly pry how they are. 
"Mom, it's fine, really-"
"No, it is not! You were being chased down by some bum fuck psychopath and you're saying that it's fine???"
Trish holds the phone away from her ear, not wanting to get another earful from her father. On the other end, Mrs. Jenner shushes her husband before speaking to her daughter in a calmer tone. 
"What your father is trying to say is, we're just worried and don't even worry about transportation. We'll be over as soon as we can"
Trish thanks her mother before continuing to explain to them where they all are. Meanwhile, Darry and Corbin were leaning against the wall the payphone is on, Trish's conversation becoming white noise to them. Darry looks with a raised eyebrow at Corbin eating a peach she had on her. She looks back at Darry with an inquisitive look as she swallows another bite.
"I thought you're carnivorous or something like that."
The disguised blonde takes another bite of her fruit snack, shrugging at her friend. 
"I enjoy the taste even if it really does nothing for my body, kinda like how much you like those cheeto puffs."
Taking one last bite, Corbin walks over to a trashcan to toss the peach's pit away, licking at the stray juices in her fingers, before heading to a bathroom. Darry's eyes fall onto a corkboard that's practically had missing posters completely covering everything on the board. Corbin exits the bathroom just as Darry walks up to the board. Darry observes, upon closer inspection, that under the more recent missing persons posters were ones that dated back to entire decades including the 50s. Corbin frown beside Darry at the sight of some of these posters including children as young as 10 years old. She looks to her friend, her emerald-colored orbs looking into his chocolate brown eyes that look at her in a silent pleading question and then back at the corkboard, which may as well served as obituaries for all those poor lost souls.
"I try to go after those who won't be missed."
Darry is just barely able to swallow, what he thinks, is his own bile before staring back at the wall. Corbin reaches out a hand towards Darry before dropping, deciding to keep her hand to herself and head low. Darry looks up at his dear friend, sensing her own discomfort and maybe even guilt. Slowly, he raises up a hand and places it on Corbin's mustard-colored shoulder. The barest form of a smile appears on her face.
"I'll talk to you in a few hours."
Trish finalizes as she then hangs up the phone, and walks next to where her brother is standing. Trish bites the inside of her cheek, having a strong feeling about how each of those people ended up having their faces posted on the board. The eldest Jenner sibling slaps a hand on her brother's back.
" Dad,"
Trisha starts in an amused tone to which Darry answers.
" Thought I wrecked the car?"
Darry gives a dry chuckle.
"For once no, it's more of Corbin. I may have changed a few details a bit"
Trisha then warily glances back to see Corbin giving her a displeased frown but doesn't protest. 
" Either way, She's trailer trash."
Darry gives a snort before replying.
"Pig fucker,"
"Booger eater."
Corbin looks up from picking at her nails at the sound and scent of someone else entering through the front. Immediately, from her facial expression alone, Corbin could tell the elderly woman bearing bad news.
The siblings stop their banter as they look up to the source of the voice, instantly recognizing her as the woman on the phone from earlier. She's an African American with curly light brown hair and age lines with wrinkles decorating her face.
"Trisha, Darry, and Corbin right?"
 The Jenner siblings look away from the board, both having distrust and confusion written on their faces at the woman who knew all their names, apparently. Corbin walks in front of them both with her arms crossed over her chest and her chest squared as if she were a club bouncer. She narrows her eyes at the woman as she walks up to all of them. The police officer at the front desk glances up from his paperwork before he leans out from his desk to address the woman.
"Jez, what are you doing here?"
"Jez" continues walking on by him. The sergeant lets out an irritated groan and slams his pen down on the table in frustration before shouting.
"Excuse me, Jezelle?"
Sergeant Tubbs, a man just entering his 40's with a noticeable gut, shouts but is once again ignored by Jezelle, who stops in front of the trio. She doesn't mind Corbin's warning glare too much, although she can't stop the feeling of the hairs on the back of her neck rising. She didn't exactly make direct eye contact, but she didn't need to in order to feel those piercing eyes trying to pick her apart.
"Darry, Darry Jenner,"
Jezelle then holds out a hand towards the young man.
"Jezelle Gay Hartman, how do you do?"
Jezelle tries to shake Darry's hand, but he doesn't take the offer. Sergeant Tubbs comes up behind Jezelle, grabbing her arm in an effort to usher her away from the group
" Come on, they've been through a lot."
" Trisha,"
Jezelle starts, desperate for the Jenner siblings to listen only to be interrupted by Tubbs once more as he insistently tries dragging her away.
"Godammit Jez!"
"I really need to talk to you, if you could just spare me a minute." 
Tubbs gives up on dragging the woman away, seeing as Jezelle isn't going to budge anytime soon. He figures he may as well ease the frightened young adults by giving them an idea of who she is.
" Jezelle here likes to think she's the resident psychic here. She helped us on a missing person-"
"Could I just talk to these kids by myself!"
Jezelle shouts over the ringing of one of the phones, throwing her hands in the air. Tubbs points his index finger at Jezelle as he also shouts.
" You go home, turn off that police scanner and go to bed!"
Jezelle only was raising her hands up to usher Tubbs away as he walks back to his desk to answer the ringing phone. 
"You got missing persons and a fire in the next County, go do something useful!"
Sergeant Tubbs turns around briefly, pointing back at Jezelle even though her back is turned to him.
"I mean it, now, leave them alone! "
He finalizes before going back to his workstation to continue with tonight's hectic report. Jezelle then continues to address the trio, subconsciously taking a step back when Corbin leans slightly forward.
"You don't have to believe I'm psychic. You don't have to believe a word I say, but I've come a very long way to see you."
Trish and Darry both shared similar expressions of skeptism towards Jezelle. 
'F*ck this bullshit.'
Trish thinks to herself before turning to her brother to hold him by the arm to start walking away from the supposedly psycic woman
"You know, I'm not sure we should be talking to anybody right now."
Trish starts off.
"I'm not sure we should be talking to anybody right now."
Trish and Darry start to walk away, stopping when Jezelle speaks once again, her tone grim and frightened as if she wishes she doesn't see all she does. Upon closer inspection, Corbin notices the bags forming under Jezelle's eyes, no doubt from sleepless nights from the visions that plague her in her sleep. Yet, unable to forget them in the waking world as the images are seared into her mind.
"You found all those bodies, down in that cellar. I saw them too."
Darry stares back in bewilderment, his attention now fully captured by Jezelle.
"Because she dreams of it. "
Corbin then turns her head from Darry's direction to look back at the psychic, recognition written all over her face. The blonde's able to sense the slight surprise from Jezelle over the underlying horror swirling around within her. 
"You dream of a lot of things don't you, human who sees beyond?"
Jezelle flinches when seeing those green eyes flash into an intense amber color. Nonetheless, even if both women already knew the answer, Jezelle nods her head in confirmation and then turns her attention back on the siblings.
"Have you seen the cats yet? I saw you with all those cats too."
Darry and Trish look at each other in shock and the realization that everything the woman said would happen, has been proven to be true thus far. Darry looks at Jezelle, with wide terrified brown eyes as he points a shaky finger at her. 
"The Diner, you're the one who called us."
Trish swallows the large lump in her throat that made it difficult to breathe, but the older sister hardly notices. Not when her brain is scrambling from the warnings and information implies. She didn't want to believe it, no, she wants to deny it. A part of her felt the urge to grab the woman around the throat and demand that Jezelle stops with all these cryptic warnings and to the hell get away from her brother! Trish clears her mind of all of this, opting to walk around Corbin and gently put her hands on Jezelle's shoulders
"Will you excuse me for a second?"
She then turns back to her brother.
"Darry I need to talk to-"
Jezelle already frustrated as she is that no one will listen pushes Trish out of the way to grab Darry by the shoulders to maneuver him to sit down on a nearby bench.
"I need you to listen and not talk."
Jezelle deliberately avoids making eye contact with the disguised blonde when she hears a barely audible growl.
"Truth be, I'd be lying if I said telling you this would do you any good."
The psychic woman solemnly warns them, the metaphorical weight of the bad news she carries somehow appearing to increase to the group.
"Any good? What does that mean?"
Trish questions in an almost inaudible tone with her gaze fully on the older woman, with her ears open to take in every word she had to say. Corbin's own attention fixates on elderly humans, fully aware as well that each word is to be listened to and heeded. With all these gazes on her, Jezelle takes a moment to take a breath before exhaling. 
"Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days it gets to... eat."
Nothing is said for a long period of time. Darry had his suspicions, hell he saw what that thing did to that severed head! Yet he couldn't blame it all on hallucinations or trick of the eye, not with the final nail in the coffin being confirmed. 
That is all the youngest brother could utter in shock. Noticing this state, Corbin reaches out a gentle hand to rub into his back in an attempt to soothe him which did only so much for the poor man.
" You know that it eats the same thing as Corbin and don't make me tell you!"
Jezelle's breathing starts picking up as her brow creases deeper.
"You think I like having this in my head? Well, I don't."
Biting the inside of her cheek, the psychic woman then continues in distress.
"I don't like knowing this and not knowing why I do."
Corbin's stomach gives a loud growl in response to her picking up Jezelle's fear that settles thickly into the air. She raises her head up slightly as drool starts to pool in her mouth at the sweet delectable meal sitting in front of her. Corbin licks her lips as she makes direct eye contact with the psychic's own brown eyes; another flash of those cat-like eyes makes Jezelle scoot as far as she can from the hungry beast in front of her. Jezelle shuts her eyes tightly as she picks up the mental words whisper into her mind, unable to block them out. The voice being femine and smooth, easily coiling around her head with no trouble besides a pinprick of pain.
'Mmhhhh... Lungs, eyes, stomach... all so warm and tasssty...'
Corbin feels her muscle tensing in a familiar way as the hunger in her starts to grow louder in volume; however, she stops herself when catching sight of Trish's terror-stricken face. The blonde bites her lower lip as she pushes down the primal voice to the back of her mind. She then crosses her arms over her chest to also dig her nails into her arms. 
However, Darry doesn't appear to notice the exchange between Corbin and Jezelle as his mind blanked out briefly from the realization hammered into his mind.
"You said it eats?"
If it were possible, the grim expression on the psychic woman's face turns even grimmer. 
"Only certain things, from certain people."
Jezelle elaborates, wincing to herself at the image of its gnarled claws covered in blood that glowed black in the moonlight appearing in her mind's eye. Trish once again, still in denial about any of the woman's warnings, reaches out to her brother again.
"Just get away from her."
Jezelle puts out an arm to block Trish before she shouts
"It eats lungs to breathe!"
Dark and cold the cavernous room was, the candlelights only making the shadows dance mischievously against the walls. They seem to dance in twisted glee at the inhuman figure pulling out a bloodied organ with a carving knife and its claws.
The older woman tries to think of her dog, her niece, anything else as the vision of brown human eyes stared back at her from a beastly face. Fortunately, Corbin spares her from giving the next detail.
"Eyes so it can see; legs, so it can walk; tongues, so it can taste; ears, so it can hear your screams."
Corbin finishes for Jezelle, who nods vigorously in agreement even with tears threatening to spill out. The disguised blonde didn't miss the horror-stricken expressions of both siblings at the details she just divulged. Taking another breath and heavily exhaling, Jezelle picks up for Corbin.
"It all becomes a part of it. Whatever it eats, becomes a part of it. It dresses like a man, only to hide that it's not. You hurt it out there on the road, but only as much as it can be hurt. 'Cause, it can keep eating, till it hurts no more."
Unknown to either of them, a familiar figure pulls up behind the station in his worn-looking truck. The creature from earlier carefully climbs out of the driver's seat and onto the ground, not wanting his already heavily damaged to collapse from a simple impact. The creature takes a moment to look up at the building, its expression mostly shadowed by his wide brim hat but leaving its mouth visible in the low light. He licks his chops at the thought of the feast waiting within the walls before it starts dragging himself on his good foot, to the building; more specifically, towards where the junction box is.
After Jezelle pauses to gather her wits, gripping at her knees, she continues her dreadful warning. She forces herself to look at each of them in the face before continuing. 
"You've got something it likes, one of you, and it's not gonna stop chasing you until it knows which one."
Jezelle then makes herself look at Corbin in the eyes, which noticeably has softened out of concern for her charge. A whole plethora of emotions run through the psychic woman; her fear subsiding enough to give way to pity, sorrow, and hesitation. Completely unaware of the blonde picking up each color of emotion and her barely audible thoughts from over the others.
'She has to already know that he wants her... Could she do it if the time comes?'
Jezelle is brought out of her ponderings when Darry piques up.
" How?"
Darry refuses to be left in the dark about what's going on. In his mind, if it's imperative for his survival, he has the right to know!
"Never mind how."
Trish tries to convince her brother, but he shakes his head in response.
"How does it find out, by running people off the road?"
Before Jezelle could say anything, Corbin explains.
"He needs to scare you. There's just something in fear that attracts us to a particular person, in order to find something inside someone, that we might,"
Jezelle finishes for her, her tone barely above a whisper. Darry frantically looks towards both Corbin and back to Jezelle. As he spoke, he's unable to stop his voice from trembling, making him almost stumble over some of his words.
"Y-you're telling us this thing is out driving down the highway, trying to f-freak people out, so it can smell them?"
Trish finally lets out her frustration boil over. 
"Christ Darry! Why are we still standing with her?"
The power then goes out, stopping Trish from going on a full tirade. Dread simultaneously crawls up the small group's spine.
Sergeant Tubbs puts the phone to his ear, hearing no answer not even the familiar sound of the receiver. He hangs up the line in frustration before shouting.
"We got lights and phones out up here!"
When he gets no answer, the Sergeant demands somebody to talk to him. The trio and Jezelle look up to the ceiling, despite the lack of lighting as if expecting to catch a glimpse of the monster slithering from the shadows.
"I-it's gone, we ran it over till there was nothing left. "
Darry whispers in disbelief. How can this be? No regular guy could survive such injuries! However, a little voice in the back of Darry's head mockingly whispers that he already knows. Corbin gathers the Jenner siblings near her when Sergeant Tubbs announced the station going into lockdown after the emergency lights were activated. She knew that no matter what the police do, it won't stop him.
"We pounded it to dust. We watched Corbin f*cking tear it up."
Darry doesn't dare raise his voice, a part of him knowing that doing so could give him away to the creature. Corbin follows them as they slowly walk under one of the lights with Jezelle walking in front of them all.
"I think it's eaten too many hearts for its own to ever stop."
Jezelle breathes into the dead silence, leaving them all with heavy dread about whatever fate awaits them. 
Jezelle maybe had a point about the hearts keeping the Creeper going, however, she failed to mention how his own determination and hunger pushes him to drag his meat suit to the next suitable meal. Which is how he found himself walking down the hall of the County jail, his left arm flapping uselessly by his side. One inmate made the mistake of reaching his hand through the bars, trying to catch the mysterious figure's attention. He pays an arm and leg for this lack of judgment, leading the Creeper to tear off his tattered clothing to force open the bars to get to the rest of his meal. Fear heavily fills the air as the inmate's fellow criminals could do nothing but watch in paralyzing horror as the Creeper tears into the poor soul, who's unable to scream after his jaw was torn off. 
The Creeper digs into the carcass with more force than required, taking out his frustrations with his chosen prey causing a delay and Corbin's relentless defiance with each bite of flesh. He doesn't even mind the growing puddle of blood growing below him as his mind turns to his main focus as of now. 
'While it always makes it interesting for prey to fight back so they may break even more when realizing the futility of it all, it doesn't make getting run over any less aggravating. I still don't know which of those meats have what I'm looking for, but it's one of them for sure.'
Still, the Creeper knew the real reason for his anger and that person is someone whose face he hasn't even fully seen in all its glory. He won't deny the skills or prowess she displayed enraptured him like nothing before; proving to possess both great strength and level-headed even as passionate as she became during their fight. She would make a fine and strong mate as well as a fierce mother to their offspring. Unfortunately, Corbin ( as he has learned to be her name) seems to be delusional or out of her mind for daring to interfere in hunting those two humans! He hates when the hunt doesn't go according to plan! He just has half the mind to kill her just to relieve himself of this anger, however, the more logical side of him argues doing so would be an unnecessary waste.
'It's not as if you'll have another opportunity with or without the cycle. Carpe Diem, as humans say but she'll only get one last offer, otherwise...'
The Creeper's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of one of the policeman's footsteps approaching the cell he's feasting in. However, the Creeper felt no panic or fear rather, he feels a twisted sense of glee as his limbs stat to repair himself and his wounds close up. He finishes up swallowing his late few bites before rising from his crouched position. A malicious smile makes its way to the creature's expression, which only the other inmates can see.
'Nothing wrong with grabbing a few more quick bites.'
The Creeper barely flinches as a couple of rounds are shot into his person, not when the problem is solved easily when he pounces at the officer. The delicious scent of mouth-watering fear leaving him to eat in more of a feeding frenzy than the last one.
Back at the front of the station, Tubbs answers his radio to receive a call from the County jail. 
The only thing to answer him is blood-curdling screams and wet hard thumps, that sounded like a watermelon being hit with a mallet before it cuts to static. Tubbs may not have worked in homicide for over a little 20 years, but he still knows a death scream when he hears one. He gets up from his desk to rub behind the trio.
"Okay, you three, you kids wanna come with me? We're putting you in a holding room, down the hall."
Sergeant Tubbs doesn't notice how Corbin's claws grew longer and darker as he attempts to herd them to one of the said rooms. Yet, Jezelle stops the Sergeant from moving any further, waving her hands in front of the group.
" You can't do that! He finds you in there! He finds you, hiding in a room!"
Tubbs ignores her insistent warning and gestures to Jezelle with two fingers.
"You too."
Instead of obeying the officers, she sings the lyrics from the songs she and the group heard way back at the diner.
"Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those peepers?"
Darry shakes his head in response to the lyrics. 
"We heard it in the car hours ago."
The knot forming in his stomach only tightens further at what the psychic is implying. 
"No! It's playing on an old phonograph."
Before Jezelle could explain any further, Tubbs speaks over her once again as he addresses one of his fellow officers.
"Escort Jezelle here to the big blue Winnebago she's, no doubt, blocking the driveway with."
"Jeepers Creepers, where'd you get those eyes?"
Jezelle reiterates once more, her eyes pleading desperately for the siblings to truly listen to her. However, Tubbs fails to recognize her legitimate urgency as he responds with vexation clear in his voice.
"I swear, I will lock you up, Jez."
One of the officers pulls out their cuffs from their belt to use on Jezelle, who she only shakes off as she hurriedly tries to finish her sentence.
" I hear it playing, while one of you is screaming! Screaming down in the dark somewhere, screaming the last scream, you'll ever scream!"
"Once stop li lounye a! You're scaring them!"
Corbin shouts at the psychic, inadvertently letting her fangs show to which Jezelle visibly flinches at. Trish doesn't pay the creole or her friend's fangs any mind, as she asks her own inquiry.
"What are you exactly doing here?"
Trisha demands with her voice slightly trembling near the end of her sentence. Jezelle notices how the younger woman's own brown eyes seem to water up while screaming out her fright. Jezelle doesn't get a chance to answer when one of the officer's walkie talkie buzzes to life.
"Up top?! Anybody on ground level? We have an 11-99, repeat, we have an 11-99!"
Corbin recognizes the code from countless encounters with the police to know that it means this is an extreme emergency. Tubbs takes the walkie talkie from one of the officer's possession to answer.
"This is Tubbs, go ahead."
"We got a situation down here, Sarge!"
The man screams over the line, clearly scared out of his wits. 
"It's headed toward you, up the rear stairs. You copy? Coming up the rear stairwell."
At the same time, a whole group of policemen thunder hurry down the stairs, clearly to act as the requested backup. The small group takes notice of this and watches as they all flooded the halls to run past them. Tubbs hands his coworker's walkie talkie back to reach for his own.
"Stay here."
Tubbs instructs them before running to the rear stairwell with the rest of his coworkers. At the same time, the fire alarm blares throughout the building. Jezelle, unsurprisingly, immediately disobeys instructions to walk ahead of the trio.
"I'm gonna get you here. "
Jez looks back, finding neither of the trio moved an inch. Letting her own frustration pour into her tone, she gestures to the trio to follow.
" Come on I said!"
The Jenner siblings look towards Corbin, who, after a slight hesitation, nods in response, giving them the all-clear to follow the psychic. They run with her past the other policemen running in the opposite direction of the darkened halls. Corbin made sure to have both hands on the backs of both Darry and Trish to assure herself there'd be no stragglers.
She's able to feel both siblings flinch at each gunshot that rings out across the entire building. She already knows from personal experience that bullets are more like mosquitos than anything for her, by that logic, which she secretly prays she's wrong about, no matter how much ammo all those men and women use, they won't do jack sh*t against the male. Corbin bites her tongue at the spike of fear coming from all three of the humans with her.
'No, no, no! Worry about it later!'
They all stop at a lit exit, jumping in shock at the chorus of gunfire coming from the other side of the building. Wasting no time, both Darry and Trish start banging against the locked metal double doors to no avail.
"This is your way out?!"
Darry shouts at Jezelle before going back to slamming his hands futilely against the doors.
"These must lock automatically if the power's out!"
Corbin moves Darry out of the way before she backs up a few feet and slams her shoulder against the door, creating a dent. A small one, but a noticeable dent nonetheless. She ignores the bolt of pain that came from her abdomen and continues to repeat the process. Darry's eyes widen at the sight of his Bannon sweatshirt darkening around Corbin's injuries including her shoulder and stomach with, what he now knows to be, her blood. Before Corbin could try a fifth attempt, Darry grabs Corbin by her arm. She's about to tug it away when she caught sight of Darry's concerned expression. She tries tugging her arm away, but Darry vigorously shakes his head in response, gripping on to Corbin tightly even though he's fully aware she can break his grip if she so wishes. Reluctantly, the disguised blonde gives in, lest her own frustration get the best of her.
While both Corbin and Darry were attempting to open the two doors, Trish turns to Jezelle with her face contorted in fear and anger.
" You didn't know that?"
" I don't dream of everything!"
Jezelle shouts, barely covering up her agitation which is mostly covered by her extreme anxiety.
"This isn't everything! This is our way out!"
Trish shouts into the woman's face. The older woman fidgets with her hands as she almost stumbles over her words to explain.
"  It's not like watching a movie, honey! T-there are parts missing sometimes!"
Everyone stops what they were doing, the entire building eerily quiet, too quite. They couldn't hear anymore gunshots or shouting. Trish's mind automatically jumps to the conclusion that the thing killed and ate everyone; she quickly mentally swats the thought away like an annoying gnat as she knew she couldn't focus too much on that right now. Corbin's ears strain, picking up something the other humans with her couldn't here. It starts off as a tip tap with the occasional scrapping noise, Corbin clenches her jaw at the familiar sound of claws.
" We have to get out of here, now."
Corbin whispers, subconsciously crouching down in a defensive stance as she searches for any sight of those scales with concentrated green eyes. Trish and Darry, instead, work to pound the door open, hoping to use the dents their friend caused to gain leverage.
" The only way out is, the front door."
Trish huffs in frustration at the psychic woman. Abandoning the double doors, she walks up to the woman to let out her pent-up aggravation.
"  The front door is out! Why don't you predict something useful?"
It seems, Jezelle shares the same sentiment, clawing up her hands to bellow out.
" I thought if you knew what I saw, maybe you could change it! Why the hell do you think I'm here?"
Darry also gave up on opening the metal doors, opting to lean against the doors with both index fingers to his temples. His eyes widening as the realization strikes him as a bolt of lightning would in a storm.
"You know,"
All the women glance over at these uttered words.
"Don't you? You knew when it walked in."
Jezelle doesn't answer, pressing her plump lips together in a tight line as she shuts her eyes tightly. Darry gets up from against the door to slowly approach Jezelle, pointing an accusing finger at the older woman.
"You know who it wants. You know what it wants."
Jezelle catches both Trish's and Corbin gaze, knowing they both share the same question on their mind. Licking her lips, the psychic nods in answer.
"I dreamed this."
Darry's now only a foot away from the woman, making her back up against a nearby wall, whispering in an almost demanding tone.
"Then you know what's gonna happen."
Jezelle's brows knit deeply on her face as she reveals to the college student what she dreamed of, praying to the Holy Father that this fate can somehow be avoided.
"You will run up the stairs and hide, but I don't know what happens to me." 
Darry abruptly grabs the poor woman by the arms to start shaking her.
"Jeepers Creepers. Jeepers Creepers, right?"
Darry doesn't wait for an answer before continuing by now, breathing heavily from the marathon his heart is running.
"Who? Who hears Jeepers Creepers while screaming in the dark?"
Instead of giving a direct answer, Jezelle turns her head to Trish. Trish, Corbin, and Darry all concurrently feel their hearts seize at the implication. Take in another breath, Darry puts both of his hands on either side of Jezelle's face. The woman in question, now letting all the tears she was holding in, come flooding out.
"Are they ever wrong?"
Jezelle doesn't answer immediately. Being as hard headed as she is, even now Trish tries to deny what she's hearing.
" I don't believe you."
Yet, Trish did believe. Considering the monsters and the fact that everything the woman predicted so far came true, presents pretty strong evidence. Not to mention, the fact that Corbin doesn't rebuke any of this is also a good indicator of how screwed they all are.
"You don't understand."
Jezelle sniffles as she shakes her head, but Darry pays this no mind, opting to repeat his earlier action.
" Your dreams, are they ever wrong?"
Trish whispers loud enough for all to here. 
"You go to hell. Same for you, Corbin."
Corbin flinches at the hard glare her friend gives her as utters those words. The words cutting deeper into her than an ax, even as she tries reasoning to herself that Trish is just scared. Yet, the more pessimistic side of the disguised blonde argues it's likely that after this is all over, Trish isn't going to want to ever hear from her again.
'I mean, it wouldn't be the first time this happened.'
Corbin's heart begins to twist at that thought, as if someone took a dagger and twisted into her person again.
Why did she think this place would be any different? It's all the same, as long as they distance themselves from those they deem monsters far enough from human, even if it's an innocent girl! Oh God! None are spared from the rope! No, please, she's just a child! Blood, Blood everywhere, on her skirts, her claws, it even stains the stones into a permanent red color... Your fault! Your fault! Your fault!
'Ferme ta gueule!!!'
She roars to herself mentally before forcing herself to focus on the present moment, as sh*tty as it may be. The present moment including Trish vilifying the only other person who knows what's going on.
"She doesn't know shit."
Corbin growls lowly within her chest, having up to here with Trish's connerie. Trish feels her stomach drop when the blonde speaks.
Whatever she was about to say doesn't matter, as everyone utters a sound of surprise and fright when the creature chasing after them for so long pops from around the corner.
" Get upstairs, now!"
Jezelle hollers to the trio, Darry and Trish immediately complying. Corbin, however, takes the moment to whisper into the psychic woman's ear. 
"You'll be fine."
The blonde turns to then swiftly catch up with the Jenner siblings before Jezelle could fully let her last words sink in. Understandable, given she's left to face the monster on her own as it rapidly climbs towards her direction on the wall, the emergency lights giving the elderly woman a clear view of its horrid face. Left with no other options, Jezelle gets on her knees to bow her head and clasp her hands together. 
"Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy,"
The psychic looks up when the sound of claws scraping against the wall cease. 
'Where in the?'
Bewildered, Jezelle's eyes quickly scan the area in front of her for any place the Creeper could've hidden. She doesn't have to wonder long when his clawed hand grabs her head and pulls it back in an inescapable grip. Jezelle couldn't do anything as she's left completely at the mercy of the beast from all her visions, who breathe her scent in deeply with a couple of huffs. The psychic lets out utterances of fright, closing her eyes tightly as she tries to mentally prep herself for its fangs to dig into her tender flesh.
It never came, however. No, instead, Jezelle hears a deep raspy voice within her mind. The voice being masculine and causing, something like a nail, to strike to her frontal lobe.
'She's mine'
She's then released from its grasp, free to pursue the trio up the stairs. Jezelle looks up at the stairwell, bile rising up to her throat as dread weighs heavily in her stomach.
'It's about to come true.'
Corbin takes Darry and Trish to a door with distorted glass. She opens the door for them, flinching when it gives out a loud creak, gesturing with her head to enter the room, which they do so without any complaints. The siblings immediately run toward the windows of what looks to be an interrogation room. Darry and Trish start to search around the windows, hoping to find a latch anything to open them.
Meanwhile, Corbin slowly walks up to what looks like a mirror, from which she caught the same earthy scent as the Creeper from. She puts her hand over her eyes, as she tries to look through the two-way mirror to see if her suspicion is correct. Unbeknownst to her, that a grey hand covered in scales caresses her cheek through the mirror with great want in the owner's eyes as he puts his face only centimeters away from her image. He couldn't help but to purr in content at her scent from behind the glass.
He thought at the sight of Corbin's amber eyes that are as bright as a flame. He could also make out the other humans pulling her towards them, urging towards the other window in the room. They refuse to listen to her warning, however she still complies and removes the Bannon sweatshirt to tie around her waist, revealing two black bat-like wings. All of this transpires silently behind the mirror, which is broken when the Creeper unceremoniously breaks through the door, showering the floor with glass shards.
Corbin stands in front of the siblings giving a low dangerous growl, as the creature approaches after it flips the table. Corbin pounces at the creature, only for it to dodge as it then takes Darry and Trish by their necks. She watches in horror at the ones she cares gasp for breathing. She watches the creature give each of them a sniff and, to her disgust, lick Trisha's face. Luckily, that's all he did before tossing her out of the room.
Corbin immediately rushes to check on Trish, sniffing her for any injuries as she holds her close. Corbin then raises both her and Trish up on their feet, seeing as the creature intends for Darry to be his meal. Before they could get to them, however, the windows seemed to burst from nowhere as S.W.A.T team members start to flood the room, Tubbs in the lead. The Creeper holds Darry in front of him, in a vice-like grip, huffing and growling at its "audience".
Corbin and Trisha's walk past the officers, as it lowers its head for a bit, a wet and clicking sound being heard as its crest opens up, revealing it to have spider-like appendages with webbing between each of them.
It roars out, screeching out its lungs. Its true face on display to everyone in the room. Trish's face looking like she stared right into oblivion in contrast to Corbin's own determined expression. No one said anything except Tubbs.
" What in the holy name of God?"
Darry continues to gasp for air like a fish out of water, writhing in vain in an attempt to break its hold on him. He may as well have been trying to push a brick wall away, as the Creeper keeps an iron grip on the young man. Everyone in the room freezes in place, except for Trish. She walks from Corbin's grasp to look at the creature dead in the eyes. She knew what she had to do, or so she thought at least.
A/N: What did you think guys? This book is coming close to an end, but the story ain't. It's far from over. Don't forget to comment, reblog, and like! Stay weird, my fellow humans. ;)
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeepers Creepers Unexpected Turn of Events: Chapter 6
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"Come on! You're gonna kill us!"
Darry shouts in panic, seeing the speedometer's needle pointing past 80 miles per hour. Trish only spares her brother a glance as she continues to accelerate. Corbin, not wanting to risk being mangled in a car wreck, shouts practically in Trish's ear. 
"For Christ's sake! Slow the hell down!"
When Trish doesn't appear to have heeded her, both she and Darry shout out simultaneously, 
Trish glares at her brother as she then acquiesces, slowing down until they came to a stop. She, and everyone else in the car with her, allowing everyone to finally catch their breath. Darry glances over at his sister's side, spotting the real reason why she stopped. To their left, is a two-story house, slightly worn down with no lights on, hopefully, because the residents have turned in for the night. 
"Ah, no way."
Trish immediately counters as if it should be blatant.
"There's a phone."
Trish snaps her head at her brother.
"So, you and Corbin told me to stop."
The mentioned blonde raises a finger to point out. 
"Technically, we precisely said to slow down."
Darry leans back against his seat in resignation. 
"How far is the next town?"
"You mean the next phone?"
Trish's voice noticeably cracks as she puts her hand back on the gear shift.
"Cause it's pretty goddamn far, you want to wait to find out?"
Putting the car back into drive, Trish pulls up onto the property's driveway to park right outside the front gate. As the two siblings stepped out of the car to continue bickering, Corbin went to the trunk, popping open the lid to pull out a hand-carved bow and homemade arrows tipped with black feathers.
She adjusts the feathers on the end of the nocking point then carefully rubs her fingers along the raven feathers that were used as the fletching, nodding to herself in satisfaction at their condition.
"...Help from who?"
Darry turns back to look over to his close friend, his eyes widening to see her carrying a bow with a quiver slung over her shoulder. Trish is unable to come up with any response, even though she wanted to ask when the hell did Corbin bring those? Darry has no such issue at sardonically shouting to her.
" What do you plan to do with that? Go full fucking Rambo on the guy who pulls tongues out of severed heads with his own goddamn teeth?!"
Darry gestures frantically with his bandaged hand at the oak bow. Corbin gives a nonchalant shrug in response.  
That is all she answers as she walked up to the house, past a field with a raggedy scarecrow, standing at attention with her body coiled and ready to spring. Much like a soldier on the battlefield before they're given the word. Turns out, the house wasn't as empty as it first appeared, one window being lit with the faint sound of a radio reverberating into the air. Both Jenner Siblings walk up side to side with their enigmatic friend, Trish not quite sure what to make of this shift in Corbin. Sure, she can be prudent at times and overly cautious, but enough to keep weapons on her even on vacation? Although, Trish can't say that the precaution isn't appreciated, feeling some sense of security that Corbin brought it along. She's pulled out of her musings by the resident of the house.
" Who are you?"
An old raspy voice croaks carefully, her silhouetted form appearing behind the screen door in front of her, wherein in the background you can hear the collective mewling of a clan of cats.
Darry and Trish said nothing and followed Corbin next to where she stood. An old woman's silhouette appeared in front of the screen door asking once more,
" I said, who are you?"
Trish points to herself and gestures to her brother and Corbin as she introduces each one of her group.
"Patricia Jenner. This is my brother Darry, and this is Corbin Delahaye."
" What do you want? Surely not to shoot me?"
The old lady demands as she turns her head in Corbin's direction, who isn't even looking at the woman as she sniffs the air.
"No, no, no! Just a telephone."
Trisha frantically explains with her hands waving out in front of her. The cat lady shakes her head.
"I don't have one."
Corbin may not be able to see her face, but she knew that the elderly woman's distrusting gaze is mostly focusing on her. Darry leans over to his sister, his own suspicious gaze still on the cat lady, to whisper into her ear. 
"I say we keep driving until we see people."
"I think she is."
Trish whispers back, although this wasn't a time for humor out of any of them. The woman heaves out a sigh before she walks closer to the door, a feline shape in her arms. 
"What do you need a phone for if I had one?"
Corbin wanders off a little ways from both her charges as Trish continues to bargain with the Cat Lady to use her phone. She scans the area around them before taking a deep breath to steady herself. She reaches into her quiver with careful movements, nocking an arrow back and the bowstring already pulled back slightly at the sounds of cats growling and mewing in fright. 
While she stood as taut as her bowstring, Darry, Trish, and the Cat lady are filled with a sense of dread deep in the pit of their stomach when the latter's house lights went out. The cats only grew louder as they gather near the windows. In the distance, the howling of dogs could be heard as if, even with miles separating them, they too sense something malicious is nearby. The Cat lady speaks once more, her voice barely above a whisper, afraid to speak louder than the wind. Even though the wind came to a stop like everything else in anxious anticipation.
"You kids got anyone else with you?"
Darry shakes his head before all of them turn their heads towards the field they passed by earlier. There in the fields, instead of a scarecrow made with burlap, is a dark silhouetted figure with bushy white hair. The trio instantly recognizes it as the figure from earlier. 
Corbin springs into action, in the blink of an eye, she lets her arrow fly through the air. It impales itself, point-blank into its chest. The figure doesn't flinch nor does it make any noise.
" That's not my scarecrow."
The Old Lady finally utters out before turning back into her house. Corbin reaches for another arrow, internally willing for her heart to calm down. She gets one out just as the old cat lady comes back with a double-barrel shotgun in hand. She brushes past her and the Jenner siblings, shouting with as much force as she can with her withered voice box.
" You got 10 seconds, to get your ass out of my yard! And don't think I'm gonna tell you twice!"
Other than the Cat Lady positioning her gun in a proper form, no one moved except for the rustling of the wheat. All is still, until the figure lifts up one arm to itself, tugging its arm back with a squelch before tossing away Corbin's arrow.
" Get the hell away from him."
Corbin commands the elderly woman in a dangerously low tone, one that Darry and Trish recognize as when she leaves no room for argument because you should fucking listen to her.
" Corbin, what are you doing?"
Trish asks. The 'scarecrow' then moves away from his position as he starts to make his way towards their general direction. Corbin reiterates her warning to the old woman, who had no idea what she's up against.
" Get the hell away from him!"
Alas, her warning was not heeded, since the woman fires her gun. She ends up setting off a mini-explosion to her actual scarecrow with the figure having to dodge the shots with inhuman speed. He then leaps, higher than humanely possible, toward and through the roof of the Cat lady's home. The woman looks in great horror at the sound of crashes and the sound of distressed "babies".
" Come on, let's go!"
The old woman urges the trio, pushing past them to head towards her house. Darry grabs her arm and drags her back to him. 
"No! Don't you go up there!"
"Listen to him!"
Trish urges the elderly woman, looking anxiously at the woman's house as if expecting the figure to burst through the door at any moment. 
" We gotta get out of here, you old fool!"
Corbin entreats the stubborn cat lady earnestly as she grabs Trish by the arm, ready to make a break for it. The Cat woman breaks out of Darry's grip before shouting into their faces.
" The hell did you bring into my house?"
She then strikes Darry right in the crotch with the butt of her shotgun. Darry grimaces with his mouth opened in a choked shout with his hands over his crotch. Corbin doesn't stop the woman from climbing up the steps to her house, the woman ignorant of the death glare she received from the blonde.
" Get out of here!"
The woman yawps to the trio, not looking back to see Darry crouching to the ground in pain as Trish tries to comfort him, while Corbin nocked an arrow into her bow. 
" Stay away from my babies, you sons of bitches!"
The old lady hollers out as then a tidal wave of cats comes rushing out of the house. They run around the trio as a mass of mewling and hissing fur. The Cat Lady shouts one last curse.
" Jesus fucking hell!"
Then renters her house, slamming the screen door behind her. The trio could only stand there in petrified anticipation. Darry and Trish flinch at the sound of gunshots, briefly lighting the dark house.
Bang! BANG!
 Two shots rang out into the air and into their ears before silence falls over them once more. Darry and Trish both share knowing glances at one another before nodding in silent agreement. Even with Corbin shaking her head, the Jenner siblings approach the house with bated breaths, trying to take a look through the screen door. They could hardly make out anything through it, except for the deathly still silhouette of the elderly woman. 
Darry calls out, only to get no response besides a faint croak. Corbin observes the silhouette at the door, her focused green eyes narrowing in suspicion. She walks in front of the Jenner siblings when she hears footsteps too heavy to be the old women's. Finally, the door opened and the siblings stood in horror as they finally got a good look at their inhuman assailant's face in the faint moonlight. 
He looked human, but only in general shape alone. His skin appeared a dark greyish green in what little moonlight spilled through the trees above. Yet, what truly gave away to his inhuman nature was the mandibles that surrounded his face, and his smile revealing every dagger-like tooth. Similarly to the woman they met earlier, his hair was white yet it jutted out from the back of his head, leaving the top completely bald.
In his hand, he held the croaking Cat lady off the ground. She wasn't moving much other than giving off another croak, clearly in pain. He then smiles at the group, revealing rows of needle-like teeth which only accentuates his frightening appearance. Corbin doesn't hesitate to aim her arrow at him once more.
"Non noceat te mihi infantes miserrimos!"
Corbin declares with the air of a highly respected queen. The monster then throws the old woman to the side to take a step towards the group, only to receive an arrow to the neck. Corbin knows that would only slow him down enough for him to just rip the barded arrow out of his neck, but it should be enough time. The blonde then turns her head at the siblings, her finger pointing at Trish's vehicle.
" Get to the car!"
Trish is the first to react, turning around to dash to her car with her brother not too far behind her. Only, he was being dragged away by the arm towards the car, much to his protest. 
"Wait, wait, wait! Trish!"
Darry looks behind him to watch as the creature pounces on Corbin with the same speed it displayed earlier. Corbin drops her bow and arrow, turning the creature's tackle into a roll. All the while, she attempts to claw the creature on her and attack it any way she can with it returning with just as much vigor. 
Darry cries out but felt like he was unable to move his feet. Trish continues attempting to drag her brother to the car only a few feet away from them. 
"Come on, brat!"
When they came to a stop, with surprising strength despite being pinned down, she uses her back legs to kick him off before quickly jumping to her feet again. She quickly runs back to the car and practically rips open the trunk to take out something neither Trish nor Darry could make out at first.
'What the hell is that thing?!?'
Both siblings wonder in utter bewilderment at the sight of the hooked curved blade, catching a glimpse of the rune carvings with the low light. Just as quickly as she made her way to Trish's vehicle, she runs back to where the creature is slowly making its way to them at a regular pace. She takes a swipe at its head with the curve of the blade, only for the creature to flick its wrist and blocks the blow with a blade of its own, a battle-ax. Sparks literally fly between the two before they're back at each other's throats, the sounds of their blades clashing ring through the air and into the high heavens. 
Their movements become a blur to Trish and Darry, as they swiftly exchange parry after parry. Corbin uses both hands to thrust her blade at her adversary, who blocks the stab with the handle of its ax before twisting it to dislodge it from Corbin's hold. It doesn't succeed as she backs away, weapon still in hand, narrowly dodging having her head cut off before going in once more. She strikes the creature's battle ax with the curve of her blade, sending more sparks flying, then twists her wrist to slice the inside of the blade to cut deeply into the creature's torso, spraying her with black blood. At the same time, it uses its ax to cut deeply into her abdomen before pulling out and leading her own blood to gush out, but Corbin takes this opportunity to dig a hand into the creature's opened chest wound to split open the flesh and make the wound larger and larger.
Darry couldn't tell who drowned out the other as both opponents roar out in pain, but it doesn't stop either of them for long as Corbin keeps slashing at the creature as it goes for her legs. Both of them gaining more injuries as much as they were giving the other. Injuries that would usually put a normal man down for the count, but not these two. 
Both of the Jenner siblings were so enraptured with the battle taking place, they didn't close the last few feet between them and possible escape. At least, until a one-eyed raven perched near them, croaks out.
" MOVE!"
The Jenner siblings spring into action once more, slamming the car doors behind them. Trish turns the key in the ignition, however, when she tries to move the stick, she's met with a sharp wheezing noise from the engine. Trish swallows her spit as her blood thunders in her ears.
" Somethings wrong."
"Don't say that!"
Darry shouts in response, glancing back over to Corbin who got close enough to the creature to stab it in the diaphragm. In any other situation, he might be geeking out over the fact that his friend is an apparent weapon's nut, but he can only pray that the lunatic just finish it already and get the hell out of there. Trish silently begs the same thing as she struggles with the stick.
"What do you want me to say? The gears are sticking!"
"Unstick them, Trish!" 
Darry then leans over Trish to roll down her window.
"Corbin, hurry up!"
Darry hollers out to the blonde,  who's currently pinned to an oak tree with the creature's ax's handle digging into her exposed throat. 
"A-a bit busy here!"
This is all Corbin could choke out as continues to writhe against the creature. Darry rubs his eyes, not sure if what he's seeing is real or not when he spots a tail protruding from his struggling friend. He's not given a moment to double-check before Trish shoves him back down in his seat.
Darry shouts in protest to his sister, who only gives him a glance before looking over at the scene unfolding in front of them then back to the gear.
"What Darry? It's stuck in reverse!"
" We can't leave Corbin!"
"We're not going to!"
Trish assures as she continues to push the stick with as much force as she could without breaking it.
An inhuman howl pierces the night air, the creature having been stabbed in the side of the neck with a switchblade. With it temporarily stunned, Corbin bolts straight into the car nearly ripping the door straight off its hinges. She didn't give any chance for anyone to speak as they all spot the creature limping towards them, bleeding heavily from several wounds.
Not minding the gear was stuck in reverse at the moment, Trish floors the accelerator and reverses out of the now-deceased woman's driveway. However, the car then stops when Trish hits the breaks, still unable to move the gear shift. At the sound of the faulty engine, the creature smiles to itself as its two prey sat helplessly in their machine. 
" You're gonna break it!"
Trish shouts to her brother as he tries using both hands to move the stick. Everyone looks toward the windshield when the creature jumps onto the hood of the car. Here, they had an even closer view of its visage, the left side of its neck still oozing out black blood and its black heart exposed with the flesh around it hanging loosely.
" It's stuck in reverse!"
" Go in reverse!"
Both Darry and Corbin scream at Trish, who floors the gas pedal in immediate response. The creature smoothly does a backflip off the hood of the car, landing perfectly fine on its feet. Trish reverses a few more yards away from the monster. The monster in question walks side to side, stumbling slightly from the apparent blood loss, in their field of vision, giving off a growl neither sibling could hear in challenge.
" What do we do?"
Trish whispers, able to feel those beady eyes looking at her hungrily like a great white shark.
" Hit him, hit him, Trish."
Darry encourages his sister, followed by Corbin. All eyes were on the creature when it pauses in its strides to stand in the middle of the road. Almost as if to make itself the perfect target.
" Do it!"
Darry yells out to which Trish obliges as she moves the gear stick forward in Drive then stomps the pedal as hard as she could. The distance between them and the creature rapidly decreases, yet it doesn't move. Just when Darry and Trish thought they were about to hit him, he jumps up and runs over the car! Trish hits the breaks then looks out the back window to see the creature unharmed. The creature stares back after he lands, snorting as if asking if that's the best they can do.
Trish repeats the same action, this time with the gears in reverse only for the exact same results to happen. Trish stares in disbelief at the unscathed monster, mumbling more to herself than her companions.
" What the hell is that thing?"
Neither her brother nor friend gave any answers. Darry turns toward Corbin to check on her, only to get a hand to his mouth before he could make any noise at the sight right behind him. His friend's usually smooth face is now partially covered by black scales, similar to a snake's, along her jawline. The hand that covered his mouth is also covered in black scales, with hooked claws scraping his cheek. Luckily, Corbin didn't apply enough force to dig into Darry's skin although he could instinctually tell that it would require no effort from her to do so; however, what really horrifies him the most is his friend's usual emerald eyes are now an intense shade of yellow-orange. This is no trick of the light or a stressful hallucination.
Darry couldn't get the words out when Corbin removes her hand since his attention is then grabbed by his sister fiddling with the gear shift again. She recreates the same wheezing sound from earlier, the ear-grating noise-making itself known to anyone nearby. Unfortunately, the only other person around is the monster in front of them.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Darry cries out, afraid that his sister may have lost her marbles. However, that sort of thinking is far from what the eldest Jenner siblings actually has in mind.
" Come on, you son of a bitch"
Trisha grumbles as the monster starts to walk up to them at a regular pace. Corbin's eyebrows raise in interest with her lips twitching in a barely contained grin, already having guessed what Trish is about to do.
"That's right, walk that ugly face right over here."
Trisha continues to monologue to herself as the monster continues to close the gap between them, sure of its prey's imminent demise.
"Come on."
'Just one step closer.'
Trish closes in on in itself from both terror and anticipation as the monster comes close enough.
'That's close enough, you sick bastard.'
Trisha shouts as she then switched the gear to forward and floors the accelerator. This unexpected turn of events gave the monster no time to dodge as the car rammed into him, point-blank. The impact sends him flying over the car, disarming him of his battle-ax and various knives onto the hood of the car before landing on the asphalt a few meters behind. The Jenner siblings and Corbin look behind themselves to see the fallen form of their assailant. The creature remained unmoving with its still open wounds forming a black puddle around it. 
 After a brief pause of silence, Darry is the first to speak.
" Do you think he's dead?"
In response, Trish shifts the gear into reverse to hit the gas again.
" They never are."
Then runs it over again, not minding how the bump made them all jump from their seats slightly as it was worth the sickening crunch that follows. This sends the monster's body to roll for a bit only to come to a stop when Trish runs her car over it again. And again. And again. Each hit causing the car to tremble each time from running over the body. Trish didn't want to stop, not until that unholy horror is nothing but a pulp. She knows if she allows it to live it will just come after her and her close loved ones. The son of a b*tch had it coming to it, although Trish couldn't deny the slight thrill of power she with each crunch. She briefly imagines each crunch is taking away the looming power it lorded over all of them and giving it back to them. No one else will become prey to this unspeakable horror. 
 Each crunch sends an internal shiver to go down Darry and Corbin's spine. When Trish was about to do it once more, Corbin reaches over to Trish's hand with a normal hand on the steering wheel.
"Enough, you're wasting gas at this point."
She firmly commands,  breaking Trish out of her stupor. Trish stops the car so she and everyone else could look in front of them to see the damage Trish caused. The creature lays on its stomach with tire marks clearly visible on its now flattened outstretched arm and leg. The puddle from earlier is spread all over the road, leaving more tire marks on its back and around it. It's clear that if this were a normal man, it would've already been down for the count, but this isn't the case. Oddly, upon closer inspection, the back area appeared to be writhing around just under the raggedy brown duster. The duster is then torn from the back revealing a single large veiny bat-like wing. The Jenner siblings stare in bemusement as the inhuman appendage flaps for a few seconds before collapsing to the ground next to its owner. 
"Let's get out of here."
Darry whispers to his sister. He glances over at Trish, who's still staring ahead as she tries to understand what she just witnessed. She doesn't answer her brother, her head swirling with millions of thoughts and feelings that she could just barely grasp.
'This all just seemed too unreal, it's too unreal to even be really happening... Right?'
Darry snaps at his sister which seems to break her out of her musings. Trish blinks her brown eyes before starting the engine again as it wheezes and groans. Briefly, Trish fears her vehicle won't start up like so many horror movies she's seen, only for it to quickly diminish when the vehicle starts up. 
" I'm not sure how much farther this car is gonna go."
Trish looks over the gas gauge, the needle is much closer to the large E symbol than she would like. Corbin looks over at the oversize roadkill in front of them with an unreadable expression, a contrast to Darry's own befuddled one.
"Far enough."
Corbin reaches out her hand to place on Darry's shoulder, who only flinches away from the friend he thought he knew. Darry scoots as far up as he could away from her with his head facing forward as Trish runs over the creature one last time before speeding away. If he were to look behind his seat, he would've seen Corbin's hurt expression as if Darry wounded her and not the creature far behind them.
' I have a shit ton of explaining to do.'
Corbin wistfully thought to herself before shedding off her now torn hoodie, ripping up the shredded fabric into makeshift bandages for her still bleeding wounds. She pokes at the deep gash in her stomach, hissing to herself at the pain. Darry glances over at Corbin in the rearview mirror, now back to her usual appearance, as she dresses her stomach. Guilt stabs his chest at the sight of the wound bleeding through her bandages, knowing she got them defending him and his sister. She's not an enemy nor should any of the siblings treat her as such.
"I think there's some Advil in Trish's bag."
Corbin shoots Darry a small smile before digging through Trish's bag and taking out the capsule. Trish watches in the rearview mirror as Corbin downs three of the pills before getting back to her wounds. The eldest Jenner sibling grimaces at the sight of Corbin's leg with the gashes seemingly reaching bone.
"We'll take you to a hospital as soon as we can, okay?"
Corbin shakes her head as she finishes tying fabric around her lower leg.
"Doctors are nosey."
Trish responds in an unusually soft tone. 
"Still, those wounds are going to need to be looked at."
"There's no need."
Darry gulps at the implication of his friend's words, recalling the small glimpse he got of her more inhumane appearance. 
"Do you also...?"
Darry doesn't finish the sentence, the thought of his close friend eating tongues from severed heads and stitching up bodies in her home, made him want to hurl. Seeing his expression, Corbin quickly assures them.
"Not like he does,"
'Excuse me, he?'
Trish interrupts the blonde, who gives an annoyed glance at her. Thinking back, Trish supposes the thing resembles a man, so it would make sense it'd be male in whatever species it is. 
'Does that mean... NOPE!'
Trish doesn't dwell on that thought, shaking her head to dislodge it from her brain. She did not wanna think of all its parts that a male humanoid would have, instead, she asks her friend. 
"What are you exactly?"
Corbin only gives a shrug in response. 
"I don't know, I just know that I am Corbin. I feed on humans, yes, but I do it to live not live to eat."
A weary expression cross covers her entire face, making the seemingly young woman they've been traveling with closer to her true age. Without her usual hoodie, both Jenner siblings are able to observe the hard-earned muscles that made up her body, making her bulkier than one would think at first glance. Lying beside her is the tail Darry saw earlier, only now he knows it belongs to her. The tail being fairly long and covered in the same black scales Darry saw earlier, however, it had two black fins parrel on either side at the end of the tail. When Darry reaches out to touch it, finding it to be smooth with a texture similar to pliable leather. 
"It's actually kinda cool that you have one, Cor."
Corbin gives a chuckle in response, her smile almost contagious to the youngest Jenner sibling.
A more comfortable silence befalls the trio as Trish continues her mission to find help.
"Since we can't take ninja girl to the hospital, the next best thing is to go to the police."
Darry and Corbin give Trish a doubtful expression to which she rolls her eyes at.
"Come on, they most likely have a phone so we can call mom and dad. And we're going to need to report that lady's death."
That gets the both of them to make sounds of agreement, to which Trish holds her head high over. Darry reaches for his bag in the back, taking out his college sweatshirt before handing it to Corbin.
"Here, can't go into a police station looking like you were in a death battle."
Corbin takes the clothing item from Darry's hand.
"Haha, but that fight did leave me peckish. I might just have to eat you."
Darry gives an awkward chuckle in response while his friend put on the shirt that was baggy over her figure. 
"You're kidding right?"
Corbin only gives a grin in response with her green eyes shining with mirth. Trish then piques up over her shoulder, just able to spot building lights not too far ahead.
"You better be, or I WILL kick your ass myself."
Everyone bursts out in laughter over Trish's quip. The Jenner siblings witnessed a horrid monster eat a human tongue with his own teeth; move faster than they could keep track of; saw their close friend go toe to toe with him, who very much proved to be as dangerous; ran the creature over and then saw it had wings; then their close friend confessed to not even being human; yet, here Trish is a regular human girl, threatening to kick Corbin's ass if she were to eat her brother like she just forgot Corbin isn't even human. Call them crazy, but in this sort of situation, what's not to laugh about?
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A/N: Dun Dun DUN! Corbin isn't actually human after all! Hope y'all enjoy this character so far. Comments, reblog, and likes are appreciated. Also you can find the original and its sequel on Wattpad under my username, JazzyHands02
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 4
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They continue to drive for a bit until they pulled up to a roadside dinner. Trish sighs as she takes the keys out of the ignition before turning to face her brother beside her.
"Gonna make a phone call?"
Darry nods stiffly in response.
"You two better throw some water on yourselves, you look like you crawled out of a sewer."
Corbin glances over at Trish with the same stony expression she kept for the entirety of the ride.
"To be fair, that's close to what happened, only much worse."
Trish looks over at her using the rearview mirror to meet her green eyes with her own brown eyes before giving a hum to signify she heard her.
"I guess."
That is all Trish had to say to her as she then opens her side's door, followed shortly by Corbin and Darry. Not too long after, the familiar ominous rusted truck racing down the highway they just got off of.  The trio all tense up at the very vehicle none of them ever wanted to see again, with the Jenner siblings simultaneously feel their hearts drop to the pits of the stomach. Corbin on the other hand clenches her fist as if ready for a fight with her jaws clenched together. Trish was the first to spring into action, reaching over to grab both her brother and friend's arms.
" He's going back. He going back. Come one!"
She then dashes towards the diner, dragging the others behind her. The dinner bell rings loudly as they all burst through the door. Trish looks towards the rest of the patrons, staring back at her and the rest of her companions. She feels an uncharacteristic rush of heat flow into the back of her neck and into her cheeks, hoping nobody notices, as she speaks up in a tone that she internally cringes at, seeing as sounded as if she were asking her 1st-grade teacher to head to the bathroom cause she had an accident. 
"Excuse me."
Trisha asks out loud for anyone of authority here, even with the rest of the diner's patrons still staring at her, she repeats with a bit more confidence as she approaches the crowd.
" Excuse me, we need help. I need you to please call the police."
Trisha asks the diner waitress, who appeared to be in her 40's. The diner waitress stops her path towards the kitchen to approach the three strangers with a dish towel still in hand.
" The police? " 
She asks them but doesn't say more, hoping that the young woman and her two dirty pals that burst into her job place would give an explanation as to exactly why. However, she doesn't divulge any further explanation.
" We need help now, please!"
Corbin pleads to the older woman on behalf of her friends. The waitress takes a look over her and Darry's filthy appearance, Darry's wide eyes reminding her that of a deer in headlights with the other women in obvious distress, before relenting. She makes her way towards the breakroom to use the phone there to fulfill their request. Trish then turns her attention back on Corbin and Darry, both women walking back towards Darry.
"Just tell them what you saw so we can get out of here, alright?"
Trisha instructs. Corbin nods, but Darry stands there still visibly trembling. With her frustration now reaching a boiling point, Trish pushes her brother to the wall near a payphone, to hell with the people staring at them!
" Come on, brat! I mean it! I need you to hold it together."
Trish shakes her brother by the shoulders as he fruitlessly holds out his hands on her forearms before leaning his head from her, not wanting his sister to still see his horrified expression. However, she did catch that expression which gets her to stop shaking him before talking in a softer tone. 
"Look at me Darry."
Corbin pushes them a little bit away from each other, gently prying Trish's hands off of Darry's shoulders. Darry looks back towards both his sister and friend both speaking in a voice that's barely above a whisper, yet both could still pick up on the slight shake to it.
" I'm so scared guys. I'm so scared."
Corbin sighs putting a hand on Darry's cheek.
" We're all scared, all right?" 
Corbin gently assures him as she gestures to Trish and herself, to make her point. Trish nods in agreement. Darry frantically shakes his head in response.
" He's gonna get back to that church,"
Darry gestures with his head towards the window.
 "and he's gonna know that we were there."
Darry counterclaims. However, before either Trish or Corbin could say anything, the payphone rings right in their ears, making Darry practically jump out of his skin as he backs away from the phone instinctively. The other customers once again, turn their attention toward the trio's direction as the phone continues to ring. Corbin, in turn, gives them all a hard glare at all of them with her hands clawed at her sides, her height helping her in literally staring down at most of them. Not wanting to challenge her wolf-like stare, the others awkwardly take their own eyes off of her and her close friends. However,  one middle-aged customer decided to voice the collective curiosity of his fellow peers, albeit without any direct eye contact.
"A-are you g-gonna get that?"
Trish acquiesces, after taking a breath to steady her nerves, to answer the phone.
" Yeah, hello?"
Trish asks into the phone. However, instead of answering Trish, the voice, clearly belonging to an older woman with a slight southern drawl, answers with her own question. 
"Have you seen the cats, yet?"
The younger women's brows furrow in confusion, but she didn't have time to answer when the woman on the other end continues.
" You, your brother, and your friend."
All of them look at one another in clear confusion, all of them having heard what the woman said.
" Me, my brother, and my friend?"
Trish parrots back with puzzlement clear in her voice. Darry just stares at the phone in his sister's hand as Corbin shrugs her shoulders just as dumbfounded.
" You, Darry, and Corbin. I saw you with lots of cats."
Corbin forcefully takes the phone from Trisha.
"Who the hell is this? How do you know us ?"
Corbin demands with an authoritative voice that left no room for nonsense, but then Darry takes the phone from Corbin.
"Who is this? "
Darry demands as, his sister and friend huddle closely together around the phone to listen to the conversation.
Is Darry's only response before the woman persists in a hasty tone.
" You know the cats I'm talking about ?"
Darry once again repeats his earlier question, frustration laced in his voice as the knot in his stomach continues to tangle further even tighter.
"You have a torn shirt, right? And a bloody hand?"
Darry looks down at his appearance as she lists them off, running a hand down his body to find her frighteningly accurate.
"Shirt's torn right above a small rose tattoo, on your stomach. And, and your friend with the  bandanna has a rip on her jeans, with brown stains all over her jacket, with a hoop earring on her right ear with a raven engraved in the golden metal."
Darry moves the torn section of his shirt away from his stomach area to run a hand over the rose tattoo that is indeed on his stomach, winding across his belly button. Corbin automatically touches her earring at the mention of it, a brief flood of nostalgia and grief washing over her at the moment. Trish looks closely at Corbin's signature earring to find that there are swirled markings making up the shape of a bird. 
" Who is this?"
Darry demands once again, starting to walk away with the phone in hand. Only to be pulled back by the phone's line, which caused a slight ting from the bell. Neither Trish nor Corbin gave a chuckle at that as they were too focused on listening to more of what the unknown woman had to say.
" How the hell do you know us?"
The woman once more doesn't do so, instead, she speaks in a tone that had a terror in her undertone.
" You found its House of Pain."
Darry questions confused. Corbin and Trisha try to move closer to the phone to hear the call, practically shoving one another to get closer to the speaker.
"The what?"
"Those bodies down there, that what it likes to call it, its House of Pain."
The woman elaborates, the terror in her voice now much clearer to them all.
" I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"
Darry shouts shaking his cut hand, frustration, and fear rising within him as he sweats at the next words the woman had to say.
" I don't know if it's a demon or a devil, or just some hungry thing from a dark place in time. Just that it's similar to your friend Corbin."
The siblings' eyes go wide as they look back at one another before turning their gaze to the woman they called their friend, unable to truly comprehend what the unknown caller is talking about. No Corbin isn't like that... right?
Quickly, both siblings mentally run through what they do know about her. She works as a seamstress, goes to a different college from Darry, has no relatives to speak of, lives alone, and clearly had it rough in life.
But as they think back on her, some things about her don't see, to add up. Why she always goes out to eat and never invited them? Corbin told them once she never needed to drive before yet, how does she get to places miles away so fast? What exactly happened in her past before coming to the city where they lived? Is she involved in some kind of gang or criminal history?
Darry just shakes his head, another issue to worry about later. 
" I don't know what the hell you're talking about."
" I just know it's not gonna stop coming after you, "
Darry puts his cut left hand on the side of his head at the woman's pause.
"or anyone else it wants to. Once it has the scent of something it likes, it can't stop."
"Is what-"
Darry starts but gets interrupted by Trish, demanding confirmation.
" What is she saying?"
" I saw that awful truck too."
The woman continues, but when Darry makes a noise of befuddlement again, the woman speaks in a clearly irritated voice.
" With the license plate!"
" Beating you ?"
Darry answers, unsure what the strange woman is going with all of this before briefly wrestling his sister for the phone.
"The license plate on its truck!"
By this time, frustration and exasperation could be heard in her voice. Darry answers, having been the one to claim victory over his sister.
" Right, beating you?"
Darry repeats, still obviously in the dark which the woman could practically feel from the other end of the line.
" No think about it, for Christ's sake!"
Darry shakes his head, eyebrows scrunched up, and throwing his cut hand up in the air.
That is all he could manage to utter.
"Hold on, I need you to listen to this."
Over the phone, the trio could hear a chorus of men singing an upbeat tune.
"Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers?
where'd you get those eyes?"
The trio on the other line, all look at each other with dumbfounded expressions at this seemingly random 40s song. Was now really the time to be listening to this woman's oldies collection?
That is all that Darry could muster again. The woman continues to speak, as the song played in the background. 
"You hear that song, you run. And I mean run. 'Cause that song means something terrible for you. Something so terrible you couldn't dream of it, not even in your worst, most terrible nightmare."
Darry feels his hands shaking once more as he looks in all directions as if expecting something nightmarish to suddenly burst through the wall and drag him to its lair. As the woman continued, Darry feels his own frustration finally reaching its peak, leading him to just shout into the phone.
" Fuck you lady!"
Then he slams it back on the receiver, a ring sounding out through the entire restaurant, getting them more unwanted attention. Darry barely acknowledges them, instead, making his way to the entrance to slam his hands against the door. Trish turns to Corbin with a raised eyebrow and a slightly fearful look, that twists the blonde's own stomach.
"What did she mean by,"
"Later, now is just isn't the time."
Corbin answers curtly, making it obvious there's no further discussion. Trish and Corbin then turn their attention back on Darry, who was leaning against the diner's entrance with both hands on the door. Neither approaches him, seeing that he clearly needed to gather his bearings. He gave a great sigh as he pants quietly to himself, the urge to crawl up into a ball and hide from everything coming to him strongly as the women watch.
Corbin calls out in a soft comforting tone as she slowly approaches him, her converse tapping against the tiled floor.
"Darry? Hello!"
Trisha shouts at her brother, watching Corbin put a hand on his shoulder. Darry shakes the handoff, causing Corbin to retreat it when he turns to face the others with eyes wide enough to where 
" Let's talk with the cops, and get the hell out of here."
Neither Trish nor Corbin argues with that plan, considering the clear conviction in Darry's tone and the practicality of it.
'What is this, avoid all questions hour?'
Trisha ponders irritably. Corbin starts to softly rub his back, in a soothing manner calming Darry only slightly. She wrinkles her nose at the smell emanating from both her and her friend, the pungent odor extremely unpleasant to her senses. 
"Let's first clean up, I can barely stand being this near you when you smell like rotten meat."
The other siblings murmur their agreement, Darry now able to smell more of himself sending nausea into his gut. With a quick trip to the car and rummaging through their respective luggage for a change of clothes and some hygiene products before parting ways to the separate bathrooms that fit only a single person.
Corbin assesses the bathroom, seeing one toilet, sink, trashcan, mirror, and a single small window too high up for anyone to just walk by and take a peek at her. She makes her way towards the bathroom mirror, inspecting the grime and dirt-covered woman in the mirror that she felt as if it were a separate being even though she knows her and her reflection one and the same. Due to her youthful face being a ruse compared to how weathered and old she felt within her being. She leans against the sink, hand on either side of it, as she feels her bottled exhaustion creep into her bones as she lets her shoulders fall as if she were physically carrying the entire weight of the entire situation on her back. She lets out a breath of her own as her mind drifts off.
'What are we gonna do? We're being chased down by a maniac with no qualms about the things he does. Sooner or later, he'll catch us. The police won't be of any help or, most likely, no help at all... As they usually are...'
Corbin's lip lifts slightly as if in a snarl at that before shaking her head to banish herself of those thoughts. Instead, she reaches towards her necklace, stopping short of touching it with her grimy hands. She clenches her hands into fists instead to the point the nails pierced her skin enough to draw pinpricks of blood.
'I won't hesitate to end that son of a b*tch if the time comes. It won't come to that... I've already let so many other people down.'
Instead of divulging into that train of thought further, Corbin turns on the sink to thoroughly wash both her hands and face. The blonde envisions that she's not only washing away the filth on her away but her some of her anxieties and doubts as well. Yet, a small part of her already knows she can never be fully clean no matter how much soap and perfumes she uses. 
Once she dries herself off, Corbin finally takes off her hoodie along with her bandanna. She notes how her ribs are slightly outlined from her tank top, which she's used to seeing from not eating for a while. However, Corbin is not alarmed at the sight given she's used to having scarce meals from her childhood. However, while in those days, her family could at least get by on the little that they could scrounge up for everyone, she hasn't eaten a speck of anything for almost a week now. While her job as a seamstress pays well enough for rent and other expenses, it's not enough for her in the end. Yet, this Spring Break should be able to solve that issue when they reach their destination, but it seemed outside forces had other ideas.
Without thought, she scratches at her exposed right arm in irritation, not caring for the dry skin she was removing through this action. She stops as she reaches the bottom of her tank top, the familiar sense of eyes gazing upon her making her senses on high alert, compelling her to look at the window where she felt those eyes burning into her. Only to find nothing or no one.
While others may brush this off as paranoia, Corbin doesn't take any chances and uses the cleaning supplies and rolls of toilet paper to block the high window's view. When satisfied that her makeshift cover blocks out enough of the glass then does she undress out of her soiled garb into the second set of clothes and a jacket. Just in time, Corbin looks towards the door at the sound of a fist knocking onto the wooden door and shouting, recognizing the familiar shouting belonging to none other than Trish herself. 
"Are you still busy doing your hair or something?"
"No, I'm busy preparing for the big beauty pageant."
Corbin grins to herself as she could almost hear the frown in Trish's tone of voice. 
"Whatever, just come out, the police are here."
Her grin falls, but she acquiesces and picks up her bag before exiting the bathroom.
"Yeah yeah, I hear you."
Unknown to any of them, there was a figure watching the blonde woman, whose growing infatuation with Corbin continued to grow even more. Now that the driver had a face to go with the alluring scent he found in his lair. The strong one that carried a slight spice to it that mixed well with her smokey aroma and natural sweetness. He could tell from her scent alone that she's full-grown albeit very young compared to him, in good health, carried no young, and fertile. His hungry gaze took in her appearance along with her smell, taking in her flawless smooth skin, beautiful long hair that looked to be soft to the touch, a well-built muscular figure, good proportions, well-groomed, and eyes that reminded him of the uncut beauty of emeralds. 
Just when he thought she couldn't get any better, she removed her hoodie and bandana which only made her even better in his eyes. One important tidbit he picked up, was her lean body and the obviously exposed ribs that told him that she hasn't eaten in a good while. Judging by the slight odor that usually clung to people coming from cities, apparently that hunting hasn't been well there either because the female was unable to or lack of skills is not something that concerns him. However, her exposed body causes a sort of thrill to rush through his entire being at the implications of it all. Right here in his grounds, he had a full-grown female, clearly starving, unmated, ripe for breeding, and a sight to behold.
Clearly, she came here for better hunting grounds and to find a mate. He could see no other logical reason, given she isn't in the best condition in the first place and there's plenty of meat here for the taking. She's already aware that he's here as well, possibly waiting for him to approach her first by attracting his attention. Well, she's succeeded in that part. It's just a shame that she then blocked further viewing of herself. Still, he found that he still couldn't deny her from the stunt she pulled earlier, entering directly into his lair. 
While he's here, he still could kill two birds with one stone. The driver couldn't help darkly grinning to himself at the truth of those words. 
Later on in the evening, the siblings and Corbin explain everything to the police including the strange phone call they received from that unknown woman. They observe the pair of police officers talking to one of the employees at the bar stand on the other side of the restaurant. Corbin impatiently taps her nails against the table she and her friends are sitting at. Trish rolls up Darry's own tattered Bannons shirt as Darry puts on a new one, completing his freshly washed look, catching the waiter and the officers looking over at them from where they're seated.
" Maybe you should've left out the part about the phone call."
Trish then takes a seat right by her brother with Corbin on the opposite side. 
" It sounds like too much like a bad dream."
"I wish."
The blonde grumbles out in agreement, sounding more agitated more than anything. A feeling that Darry didn't seem to share as he clasps his hands together.
"Well everything I said I saw, I saw."
Feeling that this wasn't exactly unanimous, Darry turns his head to look at his older sister.
" What, you think I bumped my head or something? "
"I didn't say that."
Trish simply replies to her brother. Seeking confirmation, Darry raises his voice's volume. 
" Well you believe me, right? Right?"
Darry questions his sister, who didn't answer, instead, turns her head away. This causes the young man to nearly shout his next words with desperation clear in his tone.
"Look me in the eye and tell me you believe me."
 He then grabs his sister by the arms and starts to shake her, his words going off like a bomb next to Corbin's ears
"Look me in the eyes right now, you tell me you believe everything I said!"
Having enough, Corbin gets up from her seat to pull him away from his sister before placing her hand on his shoulder firmly to keep him in place.
"Stop it Darry."
She then looks over to Trish before putting a hand on her shoulder too. She gently squeezes both siblings' shoulders as she spoke in a softer and quieter tone compared to Darry's, her expression softening at their faces.
" Look we both know what we saw, I can vouch for that. But right now is not the time to lose our heads? Alright? We have to stick together, no matter what. "
Darry and Trish stare at each other's eyes as if in a mental conversation then both siblings simultaneously nod in agreement. Corbin gives a satisfied smile then gives them one last pat each before returning to her original seat. The police officers, a man, and a woman make their way over to where the trio was currently seated. The man, who appeared to be middle-aged, is the first one to speak.
"We're running the plates, and we got some people out to the old church."
Darry waits for the policeman to continue. Sensing his anxiety, Corbin places her right hand on his back to rub it in soothing circles. 
"These kids you saw on that wall, who did you say they were again?"
This time, Corbin answers with no hesitation in her clear voice.
" Darla Cleeway and Kenny Brandon."
The policeman continues his questioning, causing Corbin to feel the first stirrings of impatience.
"We found their car all smashed up, about 23 years ago. Am I remembering this right?"
Corbin has to hold back an irritated groan before smoothly answering.
"Yes, that is correct, officer."
Darry reaffirms with a nod of his head as well. 
"Those bodies would be nothing but bones by now."
'Golly, you think?! Yeah, we came out of something called the House of Pain in an abandoned church with stitched bodies and decided to spin this tall tale on two high schoolers who disappeared in the fucking '70s, mystery solved!'
The blonde doesn't share this cynical thought with the officers, understandably. No need to make an unusual situation seem even worse with a sharp tongue now.
Now your friend Corbin here said here, that they still had the skin on them and he had a ring on his finger."
Darry narrows his brows together in suspicion.
" What are you saying?"
Corbin lets out a huff with her fists clenched. She reaches over to the policeman's arm to grab it with her own arm to jerk him towards her.
"Look he told you already, and I confirmed it! I grabbed one of the hands like this."
She then starts to shake his arm, hoping to get her point across.
"The texture was hard and smooth, those two bodies well preserved to the point looked to be life-size dolls.
She then releases his arm, letting it fall to his side. Darry then speaks up with urgency prevalent in his voice.
"Y-yeah yeah yeah and he's got them all stitched together like some kind of quilt!"
Trish looks at both her brother and friend in concern, frightened herself at the image the two were creating in her mind.
"I'm just trying to get all the facts here."
The police officer tries to calmly reason. Corbin only throws her hands in the air as she doesn't even try to hide her irritability.
" And we told you all the facts!"
Corbin irritability tells the officer, throwing her hands in the air then leaning back in her chair.
" This guy drives an old brown truck, and it nearly killed us. And we saw him throw a body down down a pipe, that dumps in the cellar of that old church."
Darry continues to rant on, not caring how his voice rises in pitch at his description.
"This guy must have 500, maybe 600 bodies down there and we both saw them!"
He gestures with his right hand at himself and his friend. 
" Stuck up on the walls l-like some psycho version of the Sistine Chapel!"
Corbin looks up at the police officers with a tilt to her head seeing them staring at Darry in, what she recognizes, as judgment. She then practically seething out her next words in a sardonic tone as her free hand continuing to rub circles into Darry's back which he sighs at.
"If you don't believe us, think of us as two college hooligans looking for some trouble? Then how about you get in your cars, drive down to that old church, and have fun looking into the dead eyes of porcelain corpses all stuck with expressions of what, most likely, was their final moments!"
The policeman puts a hand up in order to try and appease the clearly simmering woman. Unnoticed by either of them, a crowd starting to gather around the front windows.
"No one is saying you two are lying."
" Well good 'cause we're not lying!"
Darry butts in as well, slightly rising out of his seat his hands on the table. The policeman continues to speak in the same monotonous tone.
"Look at this from my point of view, this is a pretty big story you're laying on us here."
" Hey!"
The waitress from earlier interrupts the two police officers, who turn their attention to her as she addresses the siblings and Corbin. The trio also now just realizing the gathering crowd.
"That's your car by the pumps, isn't it? "
The trio takes one glance at each other before immediately running outside followed by the waitress and police officers. They're greeted by the sight of Trish's car with one of the doors open and a pile of laundry trailing out. They start to walk up to the car but turned around when the waitress starts to explain to them. She gestures to the car in question.
" Bunch of folks saw him from the window, the man there at your car."
She then puts both her hands up to her face in a vague gesture of what she heard from the other diners.
"He was standing there at your car, sniffin' that laundry,"
The woman pauses when catching Darry's frightened and disgusted expression which isn't helped in the slightest as the waitress continues.
 "Holding big handfuls of it under his nose."
The group shares a glance at one another in bemusement at the woman's words.
"Looked like he was liking it, too"
 Darry bends down to pick up his scattered laundry joined by both his sister and Corbin, who recognizes some of the clothing being her own. She lowly growls to herself at the thought of the same sick fuck from earlier putting his hands on her own belongings, much less her own private garments. Darry spares another look at his sister as he continues his task, his voice laced with sardonic and an I-told-you-so tone.
" Still think I bumped my head?"
However, he doesn't maintain this attitude when his voice starts rising as dread crawls under his skin at the implication of such an act.
"He had time to get to the church, then back here."
The young man didn't care for the crowd of people gathering around to see the commotion, including the officers, as h
"This guy is after us! 'Cause he knows what we saw!"
Darry loudly proclaims shaking his laundry in the air. He then picks up one of his undergarments that's lying on the ground, with his name clearly written on the inside of the waistbands. Darry couldn't help but think to himself bitterly that this is a clear sign that he's screwed.
"And now he even knows my name!"
Darry shouts, slapping his underwear down on his leg in frustration. 
'Dammit, mom! Why does she have to insist on writing my own fucking name on my tighty whities!?'
 Corbin was picking up the last of her own laundry, just as the policewoman reports into her walkie-talkie. Corbin looks down at the car handle, noticing the dented metal in the vague shape of a hand with, what looks like, dust covering the handle.
'There's no denying it now...'
"You interested in a handprint?"
This immediately got the police officers and the Jenner siblings to rush over to inspect what Corbin found. Darry clutches his laundry to his person as he turns his head at the policeman.
"You can dust that right? Get a print?"
The officer looks over at the dust-like material on the prints.
"Looks like someone already did."
The officers and Darry continue to observe, however, their conversation becoming white noise as Trish looked up to the sky at the sound of heavy flapping noise. 
'No birds, but what could've made that sound?'
 She then turns her head to see Corbin looking up to the sky too with a steely look in her eyes. Leaving Trish to ponder to herself, watching her friend scan the skies.
' What is she even searching for?'
A/N: I hope you like that little scene with Corbin in the bathroom. FYI, her whole beef with the cops is nothing personal from me or is it meant to slander individual policemen as well, who are people with good legit intentions and save lives. For Corbin, she has a personal grudge for reasons having to do with her past experiences. Please comment and share, let me know what you think of the rewrites and how I can improve on them. Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 3
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A/N: This is some old art I did for Corbin, not my best but not my worst either. I hope y'all enjoy the rest of the chapter!😁
Darry's eyes were shut against the distant sunlight from his position on the ground. The world sounded like it was submerged underwater, the ringing in his ears that filled his mind didn't help. The most he could focus on catching his breath after it was pummeled out of him from his fall, ith the rest of his mind has gone blank. As seconds go by, however, the voices become clearer and clearer until they form into actual words.
Corbin and Trisha shout in unison voices laced with concern.
"Oh God, Darry talk to me!"
Trish shouts to her brother. She squints her eyes to look at the distant figure of her brother, able to make out Darry by his yellow shirt. Darry slightly moves his head at the sound of his sister's concerned voice, finding himself able to level his breathing.
"Darry, say something!"
Trish begs, leaning in the pipe to look further in but stopped by Corbin, who didn't want her to fall in as well. Darry groans as he regains complete consciousness, recalling what exactly got him in this position. 
'I'm not gonna be able to live this down.'
 He opens his eyes, immediately closing his eyes at the light. He squints at the blurred figures of both women calling to him. 
"Are you okay!"
Trish asks her younger brother in great concern. Trish's mind races at countless scenarios of what could be down there, each one even less pleasant than the last. Whatever is down there, she knew that it can't be good if that's where a psychotic maniac uses it as a dumping ground. Oh God, what if Darry ends up as one of those bodies?!? Trish is about to speak to her brother once more, only for Corbin to beat her to it.
"How are you gonna get out of there, Dar?"
 Corbin question lace with concern and a hint of fear. Darry pushes against the ground to raise himself up, wincing to himself at the jolt of pain to shoot from his left hand. He raises it in front of him to see a long bloody cut in it. He wipes his open wounded against his shirt to get most of the dirt off of it while glancing down at his left foot. He discovers that he's missing a shoe which he quickly spots to be dangling at the jagged end of the pipe by the laces. Darry looks up at both women from where he is.
"You guys suck."
 Both Trisha and Corbin let out the breath they were holding, knowing that Darry is well enough to insult them like a second-grader.
"We are so sorry."
Trish apologizes for both her and Corbin. 
'You're the one who let him go, I kept hanging on until I got kicked in the face.'
Corbin doesn't voice this out loud, seeing as this isn't the appropriate time. She makes a quick mental note to bring it up later along with Darry's idiocy.
"I bet you are."
Darry responds sardonically while getting back up on his two feet, slightly unbalanced from missing his other shoe.
"I am. I don't know what happened. You were kicking and we couldn't hold on."
"Not as sorry as I am.'
Darry counters back, dusting his shirt off for as much dirt as he can.
"There were rats coming at my face."
Trish reasons with her brother, shivering in disgust at the thought of them crawling up all over her.
"There were running at me too, Trish."
Darry points out in his sister's reasoning. He then rips off a piece of his torn Bannon's shirt to dress the cut on his hand. Trish looks over at the highway for any signs of the rusty truck from earlier. She quickly pushes the thought away of him killing both her and Corbin with their backs turned or pushing them down the pipe.
"I feel really bad, are you okay?"
Trish inquires to her brother. Darry nods in response, not really caring at the moment whether or not his sister could make that out.
"Thank you so much, by the way. Thank you so much for this, Trish Jenner. Coming through in a clutch."
Darry responds with heavy sarcasm before walking closer to the jagged end of the pipe where his shoe was still dangling. He then jumps up to grab his missing shoe.
"Hey, you were the one who wanted to come and have a little adventure."
Corbin scolds to Darry, who holds an internal groan to himself. Even though he knew she would be like this, it didn't necessarily make it any less irritating to Darry, especially in this situation.
"Shut up."
Darry tells Corbin.
"How the hell are you gonna get out of there?"
Trisha asks Darry. Darry looks up from his shoe, to see the body that he saw earlier thrown down the pipe. His eyes widen in shock before dread starts to creep into his heart, causing him to clench his fists together. Anxiety causes the back of his neck to feel uncomfortably heated as he continues to stare at what lay before him. When Darry doesn't respond, that same anxiety uncomfortably causes a knot to form in her stomach.
Trisha calls. Darry turns to the pipe's opening to look at the silhouettes of Trisha and Corbin. He then continues to stare at the wrapped-up figure as he builds up the nerve to walk towards its form, though he felt his knees wanting to collapse under him.
Trish once again calls to her brother, fear lacing her voice. Darry doesn't respond instead, he slowly walks up to the wrapped-up body with a dumbfounded expression.
"Say it isn't so."
Darry begs underneath his breath as he stops in front of it. He then taps the body with a shoe softly, feeling something soft yet firm underneath. However, he received no response from his prodding.
"Did I hear you talking?"
Darry asks, mostly, himself.
"Darry, who the hell are you talking to down there?"
He's almost reluctant to pull his eyes away from the lump seeing as he then looks up at the pipe's opening.
"I found our body."
Both Trish and Corbin glance at one another before Trish speaks up once more.
"You what?"
"I found our- AH! JESUS!"
Darry almost leaps out of his skin when an unexpected hand grabs a hold of his ankle. He tugs his ankle away from the surprising grip as he feels his heart pounding in his chest.
"AH! get him off!"
Having heard this and fearing the worse, Corbin leans forward in the pipe to screech out.
Darry pries his ankle away from the hand before looking back at the body as it writhing against the cloth and rope. Darry kneels down and hastily uses his hand to the old and flimsy fabric, covering where the face is. Revealing a man so blue that his lips were blue and bags were visible under his eyes. He stares at Darry's face with eye blown wide open, gaping at the air like a fish dying for breath.
The man tries to speak yet is unable to with his irregular breathing. Instead, he gestures with his head and eyes towards his abdomen. Darry gets the message and ripped the cloth covering that spot, to reveal a fleshy stitched up stomach.  The stitches being a thick black sort of thread with the surrounding flesh still bruised and tender looking. Darry looks with pure fear in his eyes and his jaw falling to the floor at the sight, almost unable to believe what was happening. Yet, there's no denying it, not when the harsh reality is right in front of him. He then looks back at the man's face, as he tries to speak.
"What what?"
Darry asks under his breath. Darry tries to listen, but the man couldn't tell a word as he takes his final breath before he stills completely. The still alive young man couldn't believe what he saw before him, as he feels his mind crawling into a corner to preserve some sense of sanity. To take him somewhere that wasn't currently here, next to this dead man. His gaze wanders to look up at the pipe's opening.
"Darry? Say something. You're scaring the shit out of me!"
Trisha pleads to her brother. Corbin starts crawling into the pipe, sitting on the metal as if it were a slide.
"That's it I'm coming down there!"
Corbin declares already sliding down before Trish could stop her. 
The blonde uses her feet to drag into the metal to stop herself from immediately sliding off the jagged end. Instead, she carefully makes her way over the end to land on her feet with no exerted effort. All those years as a dancer can come in handy sometimes to move with careful grace even with this sort of situation. However, Corbin's immediate concern is Darry, who she spots still staring at the opening with his unblinking eyes. Without any hesitation, Corbin tightly embraces him securing him in her arms, however, he didn't return. She then glances behind Darry at the now dead man. Darry could feel Corbin tensing up against him as she tightens his hold on him.
"Darry, Corbin, either of you, tell me what's going on!"
Trish once again pleads, feeling her throat starting to close up in her rising concern for the two. Darry looks up with wide eyes, face caked in sweat. Corbin rocks him in her arms a bit putting his head to her chest, trying to desperately calm him down or at least not lose his sh*t completely.
"We gotta get out of here."
Darry finally spoke to which Corbin nods in agreement. 
She then pulls away to give him space to then glance around the new location she's in. The smell of decay and dust filling her senses so much that it causes her to sneeze, nearly scaring the socks off of Darry.
Corbin apologizes before she shouts up towards Trish.
"Get help, Trish!"
Trish finds her voice once more, hoping it didn't sound as shaky as she felt. Not only does she worry about her brother being down in a psycho's lair, now she has to worry about her friend as well! What are they even doing down there?
"What are you two looking at?"
 The blonde responds in a sure voice.
"Get out to the road and find somebody who can help!"
Trish didn't budge immediately, not until she knew both of them had a chance out of there. 
"Well, how are you gonna get out of there?"
This time, it's Darry who spoke up.
"Th-this is some kind of basement, right, for the church?"
Trish internally groans at the thought of entering into the decrepit building. Especially at the thought of running into whatever else that maniac keeps down there.
"Oh you don't think I'm going in there, do you?"
Corbin speaks once more to Trish.
"Get out to the road, flag down anyone you see, tell them to get the cops out here right away! There's gotta be a way out. We're going to find it."
She then thinks over their last encounter with the sinister truck driver, realizing she couldn't have Trish standing around like a scared goat.
"And Trish, if you see that old truck coming, you get back to this pipe, you holler as loud as you can."
She hoped that it doesn't come to that, but she can't take any chances here.
"You just had to say that, right?"
Trisha asks, her voice just dripping in sarcasm in an automatic defense. She then turns away from the opening, walking away from the pipe back to the car to carry out what Corbin told her. Trish may not always appreciate how she asserts herself, yet she's the most level-headed out of all of them right now and right now, that's brings Trish some comfort in this unprecedented and, most likely, dangerous situation. Cause Corbin has proven time and time again her ability to stand strong against even the strongest tides.
Trish looks over her shoulder at the sound of cawing, to see a crow cawing as if mocking at her, and next to that crow is a one-eyed raven looking at her head titled, with its beady eyes. The crows then all started to caw rapidly, as if they were an alarm system, or having a good laugh, at the thought of their misfortune.
Back at the pipe, both Darry and Corbin get a move on to make their way to the exit. Darry shines his flashlight, which he managed to hold on to, to shine on the now dead man, before lighting even more of the surrounding darkness to reveal even more wrapped up bodies. With him fully aware of their likely condition is. Corbin glances over at Darry who's mouth is slightly agape at the sight and then tugs on his shirt's sleeve.
"Darry, let's just keep going."
She then takes his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze like his mother would whenever he got scared as a kid. Darry shakes his head and they both walk forward towards where they're hoping an exit is. He continues to shine his flashlight slowly around the place, revealing a dusty table with a winged monstrous creature with its claws and fangs on display, spools of thick thread, metal contractions, and colorful liquids in bottles. Corbin wrinkles her nose at the faint smell from the bottles. 
'Guess the guy never heard of spring cleaning.'
Corbin stops when Darry stops in his tracks. Before she could ask why stopped, he hands the flashlight to her to then kneel down. Corbin quickly realizes it's to tie his shoes. She couldn't help the slightly irritate thought that ran through her mind as Darry continues his task.
'Really? Now? Especially here of all places?' 
As he's tying his shoes, Darry sees a drop of water landing on the toe of his shoe. He glances up before silently taking the flashlight from Corbin to light it on the ceiling. Looking up revealing over myriad naked human corpses of all shapes and sizes stitched together. All of the lining every visible inch of the walls and ceiling with their faces frozen in terror, some notably missing a body part. This became too much for Darry, causing him to start breathing rapidly with his knees threatening to buckle underneath him, Corbin is quick to take action. 
"Darry Darry, look at me! Don't look at them, look at me."
Corbin firmly orders Darry to grab either side of his head, forcing him to look at her and only her. She then switches to a softer, but still reassuring tone.
"Just keep your eyes on me, okay? Don't focus on anything else, alright?"
Darry just nods his head, swallowing his spit for his suddenly dry throat.
"Good, good, good."
 Corbin starts walking backward with both hands on Darry's shoulders, using her other senses as her guide to not bump or trip into anything.
"That's it Darry, you're doing good, you're doing good."
Corbin softly praises Darry, anything to keep him distracted from the horrors he just witnessed. She, on the other hand, had to will herself not to freak out from the macabre art above her. Why didn't she just stay above ground, even though she knows what this could entail? Right, cause Darry had to poke his nose where it doesn't belong. Yet, this doesn't mean Corbin isn't gonna leave him alone down there with all those frozen terrified corpses. Especially after he witnessed a man die right before his eyes for the first time ever. No, she isn't going to leave him in a state like that.
Corbin glances over her shoulder to be sure where they are and over to Darry, in the broken light that shinned through the boarded windows she spots a naked couple that's stitched together. She couldn't help herself but walk up to the two people, grabbing the male half by the arm.
 Corbin thought to herself at the wooden texture of the two human beings that looked more like morbid dolls than anything. She notes to herself that whoever did this had to use a lot of preservatives to get them in this state and taken great care to keep them attached to the walls the way they did. The female looked to be a teenager, just a bit younger than Darry, same for the male with both of them leaning on one to another with their hands intertwined; the young girl appeared to have thick black stitches on her neck with cobwebs covering her here and there; the young guy appeared to be bald with glassy eyes starring up at the ceiling; in his hand holding the girl's hand, is a ruby red ring with "Wheaton" engraved in the middle. 
She must've stared too long since when she glances back over at Darry, his mouth is silently open in a gasp with his eyes ready to bulge out of his eye sockets. Corbin curses to herself that she got too distracted to just make their way to the exit. She grabs Darry and starts pushing him towards the exit. 
"Let's go, Darius."
Corbin continues to push Darry until he's able to move his legs without having to be shoved. When he realizes this, he wastes no time sprinting straight out the door. Corbin was not too far behind him, not even glancing back at the house of horrors. Instead, urgently running towards the sound of a honking horn.
Back at the car, Trish leans against the hood of her car, anxiously looking in both directions of the road. She clenches her jaw subconsciously as an uncomfortable knot begins to wind itself tighter and tighter within her chest, which only seemed to have grown heavier by the second until settling in her stomach.
'Come on you two, please hurry.  What's even taking them so long? That f*cker could be back at any moment!''
 The only living thing she saw, besides herself, is that same one-eyed raven from earlier. Trish catches its remaining eye staring at her intently, with a slight tilt of its head.  
"What are you looking at? Actually, how did you even lose your other eye?"
As she expected, the corvid doesn't respond, instead, only lifting a wing to start grooming himself. Trish then looks up at the left side of the road, spotting a familiar-looking truck speeding towards where she is. Trish jumps to her feet and opens the car, slamming the car close. She attempts to start it up, but it doesn't as it just keeps sputtering without the engine starting. Trish then honks the horn to, hopefully, warn her brother and Corbin of the approaching truck. However, once it passes by, Trish is able to spot that the truck is a clearly different model from the one that almost ran them over.  Trish leans back to let out a sigh in relief with her back turned to the window. 
"Goddamit Trish."
She groans to herself,  giving a shrilled scream as she jumps out of her seat when Darry runs into the car window, Corbin appearing on the other side.
She breathes heavily, feeling the knot in her chest untangle unexpectantly at the surprise. Once she realizes it's Darry, that fear quickly turns to frustration at the false alarm.
"Goddammit, Darry! You asshole!"
She opens her mouth to continue to pour out her frustration, stopping when looking at the blanch expression on her brother's face. What did they even find in that murder church? 
Trish asks softly, concern shining in her eyes. Getting no answer, she glances over at Corbin.
Corbin gestures her head at Darry before mouthing to Trish, 
Trish accepts this, for now, and unlocks the doors for both Darry and Corbin. Corbin opens the door for Darry on the passenger side of the car before she heads to the back seats. With Trish in the driver seat, she starts the car, this time, actually getting it started.
They all drive in tense silence for a bit, trying to process what they just saw as it seemed too unreal to them in the first place. It couldn't be real, it's just insane to think about someone even hanging all those bodies like that. On the other hand, neither Darry nor Corbin could deny what they saw right before them. Especially with those two corpses in the church itself.  Trish may not have seen what they saw, but she does know that it's enough to horrify her brother. She glances back at Darry, leaning against the window while staring listlessly out the window.
"Would you please just say something? 
Trish starts, breaking the silence. Darry doesn't respond, instead continues to look out the window.
"Any of you?"
Trish looks over at Corbin with the mirror between her and Darry, seeing her head down with her right elbow on her knee and her chin resting on her palm. She reminded Trish vaguely of the Thinker statue, not only in the pose but in the stillness as well. Trish feels her earlier frustration bubble up to the surface once more, causing her to grip the steering wheel even tighter.
"You guys aren't helping with anything besides scaring the sh*t out of me!"
However, she received no response from either of them. Trish takes a deep breath, realizing her frustration and scolding won't be helping at this point. She glances down at the dashboard, seeing the small arrow getting closer to the red capitalized E.
" We have to stop. Did you hear me? Darry?"
Trish looks back over at Darry, who doesn't speak for a few more moments before quietly speaking.
"She did lose her head. Darla lost her head, just like they said. And you know what he did, Trish?"
Trish doesn't respond, staring back at the road. What he says next sends an instant bolt of frost to crawl down her spine.
"You know what he did for her? He sewed it back on. He sewed it right back on."
There's no more talking after that, instead, remaining silent with the knowledge that their unknown enemy is worse than they first thought.
Unknown to all of them. Said assailant already knew that Darry and Corbin came into his base. Filling him both with a feeling of euphoria and anger at the intruders. Already, did he find himself itching for another hunt and becoming addicted to the owner of that intoxicating scent he picked up earlier. Salivating at the thought of even being close to her, all to himself, with only himself allowed to gaze upon her and take in the fragrance that is her. Far from any others that would dare steal her away from him, safely tucked away with his art and plenty of meat to devour to her heart's content. Starting with the damn trespasser.
Hey, all you lovelies! How are y'all doing today? If you read this far and liked it. Thank you so much. I hope I can write frequently as I like, but I may not be able to at times 'cause you know, life, school, and stuff. So please have patience. Hope y'all enjoyed it, and I'll hear you in the next chapter. Stay weird my fellow humans.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 2
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"Ok, name it!"
Darry shouts to his sister on the other side of the field, turned away from her as he relieves his bladder with his sister currently doing the same. 
Trish answers back, scaring away a few ravens that now gather near Corbin, who was currently leaning against the hood of Trish's car. 
'What is she, a bird magnet?'
Trish glances over at the said birds surrounding her friend in a dark thick barrier. She looks towards the blonde to voice her thoughts, only to be interrupted by her younger brother.
" When we made a rule to call it when you see it."
"Will you just give it up already!"
Corbin shouts, before muttering to herself with none of the siblings aware that she was trying to hold in her own smile and burst out laughing at their stupid argument. To them, it looked like she was deeply scowling at their antics. Trish notes to herself it sort of looked like her mom's own scowl when either she, mostly Darry, do something really stupid to displease her. Actually, speaking of mom, Trisha stands back up from the tall grass to the walk towards the car with Darry following not too long afterward.
" Have you talk to Mom lately?"
Darry raises a brow to himself as he quickly thinks back to the day before, turning his head to get his hair out of his face.
" Yeah, to tell her I'd be home for break."
Darry turns around after zipping up his pants to start heading towards the car. Trish presses her lips together in a thin line as she follows her brother shortly after. She gives out a small shout when a raven flies out from the grass too close to her face for comfort. Gathering her wits once more, she continues towards the car.
" She sounded weird to you?"
Darry shouts back as he opens the car's back door before giving a mock bow to Corbin, who gives him a friendly punch in return. She hops in, closing the door but still able to listen to more of the siblings' conversation. Trisha finally arrives at the car to pry her brother some more as he rummages through the back.
"Did you listen to her voice?"
"Could you specify please?"
Darry replies, not really paying any thought to her sister's own concern. The same type of concern she showed with him almost not showing up to Thanksgiving last year, only for it to be nothing given the from traffic. As well as the same type of worry when, as children, she thought she had tuberculosis and started spraying everything down with Lysol but turned out it was only a cold. 
Seeing that her brother wasn't going to take her seriously, Trish huffs through her nostrils as she came to the passenger side.
"Forget it."
Came the reply from Trisha. She enters the car as Darry continues to rummage through the back seat.
" You drink the last water? The last one was mine"
Darry asks his sister, who only shakes his head no. What he didn't notice, is Corbin subtly using her foot to push the empty water bottle she finished under her seat. Darry gives a huff of frustration as he rummages through a black plastic bag filled with dirty laundry, which both gals got a glimpse of.
"Wow, you're just a class act, you know that?"
"Try being the one stuck with smelling Dar's underpants for the entire trip."
Corbin mutters under her breath, looking up when Trish puts her hand on Corbin's shoulder and nodding. 
"You have my sympathy."
Corbin taps Trish's hand with her own. Darry rolls his eyes at the two women as he continues rummaging in the back, pocketing a power bar for later.
"You try living off-campus."
Darry counters as he continues to go through his stuff, as Trisha grabs the car air freshener to then toss into the bag. Corbin mouthes a silent thanks to Trish.  
"You ever try and do laundry in a dorm? What they don't steal, they dye pink. I got like 12 pairs of rosy-pink jockey shorts."
"Doesn't exactly help that I was responsible for half of that dozen."
Corbin gives a grin in remembrance at the look of Darry's jaw looking ready to hit the floor when he pulled out his shorts in the same load she put her other jacket in. Darry turns his head towards the woman in the back seat with a frown that only made her chuckle to herself. 
"Yeah, thanks for nothing."
Darry then heads to the driver's seat next to his sister.
"Well, maybe they know something about you, that you don't."
Trisha argues before putting on a wide fake smile as she holds up an imaginary bag of Darry's pungent laundry.
"Hi Mom. Haven't seen you in forever. Here's my dirty shorts."
 Corbin gives a small clap at Trish's overly dramatic upbeat voice. 
"Thank you, I'll be here all week."
Trish says to Corbin in a bad Elvis Presley voice. Darry shakes his head at them both.
"It's for her, not me."
Darry insists, which only resulted in an incredulous look combo from Corbin and Trisha.
" What? I have to bring home laundry. If I don't, she gets depressed. She thinks I don't need her anymore or something."
Darry finishes which only results in making Trisha give a short laugh.
"Yeah, nothing says I love you mom than a pile od dirty laundry your lazy ass couldn't wash"
"I'm serious!"
Darry finalizes to the blonde in the back who only shrugs before leaning back and tilting her head down as if to doze off again. Trish wouldn't remain silent though at brother's logic.
"Mama's boy"
"Daddy's whore"
"Dick licker"
" Ball sniffer"
"Ass kisser"
"Butt... picker"
Darry hesitantly says. Trisha gives a small cry of victory, pointing a finger at her brother with a smug smile on her face.
"Repeat ass and butt, you lose!"
Darry gives a groan as he dramatically frowns and glares at his sister. Corbin holds in snorting out her laughter as she throws another empty water bottle at Darry. Darry gives an involuntary "Ow!" when it hits him right in the forehead. He glares with his brown eyes at the blonde's own green eyes as he rubs his forehead.
"Really brat?"
Darry glances over at his sister as he gestures with his free hand at Corbin, who sticks her tongue out at him, briefly.
"She threw a bottle at me."
"You need a bandaid? Come on, we're wasting daylight here!"
"Shut up..."
 Despite more grumblings under his breath, Darry complies and starts to once again drive down the road. They remain in comfortable silence for a brief moment before Trish breaks it.
" Don't you think there may be something's wrong?"
Trish starts to which Darry gives a huff.
"You always think something's wrong."
'Last year's Thanksgiving, hello!'
However, Darry couldn't voice that thought when his sister speaks once more.
"Like you would notice anything past the point of your own selfish little existence."
Darry doesn't immediately answer with another quip, instead, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. Corbin kicks Trish's seat who spins around to glare daggers at the woman behind her. She only glares back as if engaging in a silent argument with Trish, tilting her head at her brother without breaking eye contact with Trish. When Trish shakes her head, Corbin kicks Trish in the back seat once more. Trish opens her mouth to argue, yet is stopped short when meeting the intensified green eyes that belonged to her close friend; Trish finding it unnerving how those bright orbs seem to cut straight into Trish's brown ones as if to assert dominance. Unable to handle how they sent a shiver down her spine, Trish finds herself looking away from Corbin who raises a slightly amused eyebrow in response. Trish shakes a strand of hair out of her face as she tries playing off her "defeat". Darry only paid the exchange with a raised brow and a curious glance, yet decides not to interfere, for once.
'How does she even do that?!?'
Trish didn't have time to ask when getting kicked in the seat once more. She looks over at Corbin once more, mouthing, "Later". The blonde crosses her arms as she sits back, giving a reluctant nod at Trish. Corbin takes a deep breath, knowing how Trish can be and how her head is harder than a rhino's own. Trish speaks once more to Darry.
" She's not happy."
Darry doesn't say anything for a bit and Corbin just in the back, unsure what to do since it's not really her business.
 "Not like she used to be."
Trisha continues, concern swimming in her chocolate-colored eyes. Darry glances at his sister with his head turned slightly.
"Who is? Mom's not..."
" Hey, it's beating you."
Corbin interrupts nodding to the truck which is parked near a decrepit old building. Not just any building but a church surrounded and covered with crows; its paint flaked off and peeling off; the glass long shattered and gone; instead, replaced with rotted wooden boards that covered where the windows once were. It would have seemed as if God himself has forsaken such a desolate place, however, that's not what caught the trio's attention the most. No, it was what stood near a large open pipe as all of them watch as a dark stranger dumps a large mass wrapped in cloth down a pipe. From what they could see in the distance, the stranger was a man in dark rags.
"What's he doing?" 
"The hell is that?"
The siblings ask one another, as they all observe the guy, too far away to be sure of his features, but knowing he dumped another bundle down the pipe. Corbin covers her mouth with both of her hands as she watches, breathing through her nose with wide eyes. They drive past him, as he stares and turns in their direction. Corbin could've sworn he bared his teeth at them as he makes direct eye contact with her, with the blonde unable to look away.
"What the hell was he doing?"
Trisha asks breaking the silence as she looks over at her brother and back the way they drove, reaching over to Corbin who takes one of her hands off her mouth to hold Trish's hand tight in response. 
"He dumped something down that pipe."
Darry answers his sister's question with his eyes still wide in shock.
"Wrapped in a sheet."
Corbin responds breathily, taking her hand off her mouth.
"Wrapped and roped in a sheet," Darry concludes.
"Wrapped and roped in a sheet covered in red stains on it."
A brief moment of tense silence fell on the trio as their minds processed the disturbing sight they witnessed. Trish is the one to, once more, break the silence.
"Just get us out of here!"
Trisha demands, freaked out from what she saw, her voice slightly cracking.  
"Grab my cellphone, Corbin!"
Darry shouts at her as he starts pressing his foot down more on the accelerator. She wastes no time to start rummaging through the luggage.
She demands, practically tearing up the backseats in her frantic search.
"It's in the gym bag."
Corbin finds the phone and starts dialing only to find that it had no signal. She looks up behind her, seeing the truck pull up as it honks its horn.
"Oh, Jesus..."
Trish breathes out in disbelief before taking the phone in Corbin's hands, she smashing the numbers into the device. Darry glances behind them at the truck they just saw ran into, his jaw almost dropping at the sight.
"You gotta be-"
"Kidding me."
Corbin finishes as the truck gets on the road.
"The point of having a portable phone is that it works when you need it to!"
Trish looks down at the empty bars, panic rising within her, at the no signal text.
"I have a power cable for it."
Darry assures his sister while increasing their vehicle's speed even more, much higher than the recommended speed limit.
"And I have a cigarette lighter that doesn't work!"
Trish answers back defensively with sarcasm.
"Oh Goddammit, what did I say? My car! We should've taken my car!"
Darry yells at his sister, as the truck speeds up closer and closer.
"What the hell does he got in that thing? He's got it souped-up or something!"
Darry yells exasperated.
"Darry, he's coming up right on our ass!!!"
" What the f*ck is in that thing?!?"
Darry starts swerving the scar left and right, hoping to throw the driver off of their tail.
"Are you out of your F*cking mind!?!"
Trish yells at the driver, in response, the driver rams his truck's cowcatcher at the back of Darry's car which caused them all to fly forward a bit.
" What the hell's your problem?!?"
Darry demands, only for the driver to, once again, crashes into the trunk of the car which causes all of them to be hurled forward.
"F*ck me! Go!"
Darry blurts out as he fruitlessly tries to gesture to the driver behind him to go around them. The driver then pulls up where now they can all see the driver's window, in all it's black tinted glory. Yet, Corbin finds, if she squints her eyes enough, she can make out the faint outline of the strange man's figure.
" What the hell is the matter with you?!?"
Corbin yells out with teeth clenched and bared. Of course, only to be answered with another haunting honk from the truck. The truck then slows down a bit behind the car once more. Darry stomps his foot on the gas pedal with his entire body tensed up. Trish clings to her seat at the change of speed before looking towards her brother. 
"Darry what are you doing?!"
"Hang on!" 
"Just don't kill us ok?"
Trisha pleads, as they all once again are sent flying forward from another hit of the truck. Trish squeezes Corbin's hand tighter in response, to the point that Corbin knew was going to leave a bruise as she heard something pop. Darry swerves the car off the road, crashing through a fence onto an open field, scaring off a flock of random birds. Darry doesn't stop driving into a field until the driver passes by them out of their line of sight.
Darry slams the breaks before leaning back with his eyes ready to pop out of his skull and with his hands still gripping the steering wheel to the point his knuckles turned white. Trish breathed heavily as she continues having a death grip on Corbin's hand, Corbin not saying anything as she continues to glance out the window, leaning over to catch her breath. Neither of the car's occupants said anything as they all stared at one another intense silence, leaving them to process even more about the events that just transpired.
(? POV )
Those meats shouldn't have seen that which means they'll be bringing even more nosey meats around the lair. However, I can't say nothing came out of their fatal curiosity; not only have I've been able to pick up even more delicious fear, I now know who my next meal is. What more, I was even able to smell a bit of that mouth-watering special scent's fear which sends an almost unbearable ache in my loins. I saw her in there with them as she saw me; just as I bared my teeth at her for daring to come near my territory, she only bared her fangs in defiance. Mmmmmhhhh... this hunt should be interesting and if all goes well, my prowess may reward me in catching her attention even more. Even now, I desire to feel her skin underneath my touch as I bury my nose into her neck, breathing in her beautiful scent that soothes yet drives me insane. Perhaps I'll share those two meats with her as a gift cause I will have her as my mate,
No matter the cost.
(3rd person POV)
" We were just attacked!"
Corbin argues back as Darry tries to convince her and his sister to go back to look at the pipe. Maybe it's to show he's looking past his own existence and to prove his sister wrong? Either way stupid plan.
" And you don't even want to find out why?"
Darry argues back.
"Haven't you heard that curiosity killed the cat?"
Corbin counterclaims, slamming her hands on the trunk of the car. They start to move to the doors of the car.
"We just look in the pipe, that's it."
 Corbin gives Darry a hard stare with her green eyes, that he automatically knew meant there was no room for argument.
"Forget it Darry, let's just go to the police."
Trisha nods in agreement with Corbin before speaking her thoughts.
" Is this your idea of a little adventure or something? 'Cause this why girls are smarter, ok?"
" Tell me about it."
Corbin mumbles underneath her breath rolling her eyes.
"We look in the pipe if there's nothing there, nothing we can do,"
Darry gives pauses as if considering his next words to the two women.
" We just drive on home and call the cops. You know that's what we should do."
Darry finalizes. Trisha looks at her brother intently in the eyes.
"Bullsh*t I do."
" Bullsh*t, you don't!"
They argue. Darry starts to plead with his eye, looking desperately at his sister.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you can just drive away."
Corbin crosses her arms, pursing her lips, dragging her foot into the ground on the ground as she looks over her right to an unkindness of ravens, who stands out against the setting horizon. Specifically, one that's missing an eye.
"If it means not being murdered by a psychopath by being smart about this, then yes."
Corbin argues to Darry, who sputters as he quickly comes up with another reason why they should go back there.
"Leave who's ever back there, back there. Maybe find out later they'd still be alive if we just have gone back."
Darry debates. Trisha looks at her brother in the eye still.
"Don't make this about the right things to do. You just want to go back there to see if there's something nasty at the end of the pipe."
Trisha firmly states, making her brother give out a huff.
" Okay. And if it was you back there?"
Darry proposes. There was a bit of a staring contest between the two, who seem to be having a mental conversation until finally Trisha spoke standing her ground,
"I am not getting out of this car."
"You don't have to."
Her brother reassures her.
" I'm not."
Trisha claims.
"Good, since we're not going, right Darius?"
Corbin looks at Darry straight in the eyes as she says this in a deceptively sweet tone, making Darry silently swallow some of his spot at this. He nods as he hastily assures both women with both hands in the air.
"Right, right, right! Come on then, let's just go."
They all get in the car, driving off to the decrepit church.
(Now to the old abandoned church.) "Darry, I am going to kill you for this."
Corbin's mutual disappointment is shared with her friend Trisha as well, who was giving her brother the stink eye for going back to the sight they saw the stranger dumping bodies earlier in.
"I will gladly join you in on that"
"Both of you can kill me later after we look in the pipe"
Darry tries as best he could to stealthily drive the car as close to the church as he dares, in case the driver comes back. Corbin looks incredulously at Darry, Trish thinking from how fast Corbin snapped her neck at him that it should've given her whiplash. 
"You don't go back to the scene of a crime, especially when there's a possible f*cking murderer ready to kill us all!"
Corbin puts her hands in front of her to gesture at the building and over to the general area, they saw the pipe earlier. She then looks over at Trish for support who doesn't respond as she avoids eye contact with the blonde. Corbin sits back against her seat with her arms thrown in the air. 
"I'm surrounded by idiots! You know, this is how people get murdered right?"
For a bit there was nothing, but the mix calls of crows and ravens. With the ravens look down at them in an almost a pitying way, as the crows seem to laugh at them from the roof and from the boarded-up windows. Until Trisha points out,
"What's with all the birds? There seem to be more here than the ones that usually Corbin hangs around with."
Nobody answers as they then finally drives up with the mystery pipe in view.
" Just gonna look."
Darry assures the two.
Darry gets out of the car followed by Corbin, who seems a bit antsy even more so than Darry. The crows continue their caws as if to mock the trio with Corbin giving them a glare. Eventually, Trisha also gets out of the car.
" Let's do this and do it fast."
Trisha urges, ready to get this over with. They all walk cautiously up to the pipe, looking down its wide gaping hole looking like a monster waiting to devour a victim into its dark tunnel to who knows where.
"Oh my God"
Corbin mumbles out, putting both hands over her nose and mouth at the stench with wide eyes looking away, her stomach gurgling in protest. Both siblings have a similar reaction when they get a whiff of the putrid odor emanating from the open pipe.
" Doesn't look like a sewer pipe."
Trish is the first to comment, her voice slightly nasally from holding her nose against the smell.
"Doesn't smell like one either."
Darry adds as they all look down the dark tunnel, with nothing in sight down its cavern.
"Come on Darry, can't see anything in there."
Trish tells her brother with Corbin nodding in agreement. 
"Let's just go and actually be smart about it."
However, Darry refused to budge as he leans forward in the pipe with his eyes squinted. 
"You can see light down there. Get a flashlight. "
Darry lightly taps at Trish with the back of his hand. She gives him a hit back with her eyes narrowed but, nevertheless, acquiesces her younger brother's request by heading to the car.
"Come one, get a flashlight! Hello!"
He shouts listening to his voice as it echos in a way you might expect a ghost to sound like.
"Anybody down there? Hello!"
Darry shouts again in hopes to get a reply.
" Hey! Anybody down there?"
Corbin shouts keeping a hand over her nose. Both she and Darry moves from the pipe until a faint echo was heard. He hurries back to leans in towards the pipe once more, much to his friend's chagrin.
"Hello! Hurry up! Come on!"
Darry advocates his sister, who then hands him a flashlight. He shines it down the tunnel only barely penetrating the gaping darkness.
"There's somebody down there, I just heard them."
"I can vouch for that."
Corbin grumbles to Trish as if disappointed that they may have found a living person. Trish raises a brow at her friend's behavior as he glances at her; however, before she could voice any questions to Corbin, Darry shouts down the pipe once more.
Darry shouts once more.
"You're hearing things Darry."
Trisha insistingly tells her brother, however, Darry starts climbing inside the pipe with his flashlight shining down the pipe.
"Darry don't you think you even think about it! Darry!"
Trisha scolds her brother, holding him back by the shirt along with Corbin who tugs him back with surprising strength.
"I told you I heard someone."
Darry insists, only to be stopped when both Trish and Corbin pull him back.
"You know the part in scary movies where someone does really stupid and everyone hates them for it? This is it."
Trisha persists, but then she heard the faint echo which alerted her the Darry wasn't lying. Darry leans back towards inside the pipe.
Darry shouts trying to lean in, but his sister grabbed his arm.
"NO! Darry!"
"Darry you idiot!"
Trish shouts at her younger brother who still attempted to struggle out of the women's grip.
"Let me slide down!"
Darry persistently tells his sister, leaning away only to be be tugged back by Corbin's strength.
"Goddammit, Darry!"
Trisha grumbles, trying to keep her brother from going down the pipe.
"Let me get a little way in!"
"You're not going!"
Corbin grumbles out from between her teeth. Darry turns to look towards them both.
"I'm not! Just hold my feet."
Darry then taps his sneakers as he repeats what he said.
 Reluctantly, Trish does as her brother requested yet Corbin only attempted to keep pulling him up.
"Don't be a moron!"
Corbin shouts as Darry crawls a little bit ways down the pipe even with Darry slightly throwing him off balance.
"Anybody down there?!?"
"When's the last time you washed these socks?"
Trisha asks mostly to herself.
"I see something."
Darry whispers to himself.
"Great! Let's go then!"
However, Corbin is, once again, ignored by the youngest Jenner sibling.
Both girls glance at one another in the eyes, as if they were just had a telepathic conversation with only a glance of one another, they nod with Trish being the first to speak.
"I'm counting to 10."
Trish firmly states to her brother, however, he continues to investigate down the pipe.
"Somethings moving down there."
"Then we'll both either pull you up and go back to the car or let you go and head to the police without you."
Yet, Darry wasn't phased by his sister's threat, having heard a faint noise and maybe some movement.
Darry shouts gesturing for Trisha to be silent.
"I just saw it again. Something is defiantly moving down there."
His flashlight then shines to reveal small furry bodies that were starting to make their way towards him.
Darry shouts in a panic starting to wiggle and writhe, making it difficult for Trish to hold onto him yet Corbin managed to keep a strong grip as she digs her heels into the dirt. Trish wasn't able to make out what Darry said from how much his voice echoed throughout the dirty pipe.
Trisha asks in confusion.
Darry shouts as he shines the flashlight on them. Trish lets out a scream and lets go of Darry, falling to the grass below her when a rat brush against her hands before more followed, falling to the ground. Corbin hanged onto the foot she was holding, not minding the rodents. In Darry's panic from the vermin crawling in his direction, he didn't pay much mind to where he was kicking his other foot which then hits Corbin directly in the nose, unexpectedly. Corbin releases Darry in response which sent him sliding on his belly down the pipe, screaming the whole way down as he lands on his back the wind knocked out of him. His shirt torn and clothes filthy from the contact with the old filthy pipe. Trisha and Corbin get back up recovering their bearings, rushing to the pipe's opening.
"Seriously Trisha? Got scared by some rats?"
Corbin scolds Trisha, who glares back at her as blood started dripping from her broken nose. Trish cringes when she then takes ahold of her nose to set it back in place with a definite crunch.
"I was just surprised!"
"Well now we better hope Darry's fine or else I'm going down there."
"Don't you dare!"
Corbin points at Trish as she tilts her head at the brunette.
"You know I would."
Trish throws her hands in the air at Corbin.
" Fine then!"
They look down the pipe again, hoping to hear signs of life from Darry.
A/N: Once again hope you enjoy this! Know since I'm adding my character here, there will be alterations to the story and the dialogue. Oh and I don't own any of this just my character and this version of Jeepers Creepers I'm writing. Follow me on Wattpad under JazzyHands02!
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeepers Creepers: unexpected turn of events
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So I noticed how really there's not enough of these stories, but I'm gonna change that with this! Meet Corbin, a close friend of the Jenner siblings. She's just coming with Darry and Trisha because she has nothing better to do over the break; however, what she wasn't expecting was a man-eating monster chasing them in a cat and mouse game for survival. Won't spoil much but know this, there's more to Corbin than meets the eye. Oh, and there will be gore 'cause hey! Man-eating monster. I do not own Jeepers Creepers, that goes to Victor Salva (FUCK THAT GUY). This is a none-profit story meant for fun. Obviously, spoilers if you haven't seen the movie. I hope you enjoy it, and let me know your thoughts.
"No no no no NO! " 
Hissed a figure looking again at the tarot cards, her mother gave her a long time ago which she keeps in mint condition. Sure, her mother used them during her time as a game for a few coins, but she had no idea at the time that when done right, they could be used for more. Even though she herself doesn't use them often anymore, but it has been a while and she thought, 
'Why not?'
 So she then set up the cards and turned the lights off after lighting some candles. That may not really be necessary for her to do, but she just loves the mood its soft orange glow that it gives off. She wasn't expecting anything, not really, but now staring at the order the cards are in with skeleton in the cloak looking like it's mocking her future misfortune as it seems ready to reap the card next to it. The 10  of pentacles.
"SHIT! Not again please! I can't lose another one."
She hissed again, scratching at the coffee table, leaving deep grooves in the wood.
' This couldn't be, right? Maybe I'm just rusty? It has been a while since I've used them.'
She thought to herself desperately looking at the cards again, hoping maybe she's just seeing things; Unfortunately, her eyes aren't deceiving her.
One of them is going to die.
"Oh, Mama. What can I do to prevent this?"
The dark figure begs, with her hands rubbing down her face. A seemingly strange breeze blew through the figure's apartment slightly open window; scattering some tarot cards. The woman picks the cards up again, and turned one over for a card she wished, she would just throw away. 
The card of lovers.
"What do you mean by this?"
The figure asked, not really expecting an answer. What she wouldn't give to feel her warm embrace once more. For the elderly woman who nursed her unwanted surrogate child as a babe, to run her wrinkled hands through her hair as she calmly assures her everything will be alright. Even after all these long years, she still yearns for that familial love and comfort when everything else around her falls to pieces. Yet, some would contradict that want for all the inhumane crimes she's committed.
They were justified in their own sense, for how many mothers has she taken as well? How many children has she's left as orphans in order to extend her own life? It wasn't anything out of spite or malicious intent...mostly. Still, the instinct is too strong to ignore. No matter if how much or how long she tries to put them off and ignore them altogether, she couldn't ignore her body's demands when it gnaws at her strength; yet, that doesn't ease her feelings of guilt or remorse either. 
She clutches her necklace that was a gift from her mama, rubbing her thumb over the swirls designed into the metal.
" Well, it's like you always told me, everything happens for a reason."
She then sighs and starts putting her cards away not really needing to use the light, for she's accustomed to her surroundings. 
' I just hope you're right.'
She thought to herself, retiring for the night. Not worried she'll wake anyone since she's the only living soul in her current dwelling place. It's not home, but it suits well when needing to hang her hat somewhere. 
She doesn't mind this since tomorrow she's traveling with two of her closest friends. She can keep the loneliness at bay until then. 
Hey Guys! I hope you'll enjoy this! I don't know too much about tarot cards, just what I can gather online and from a friend. Don't worry, you'll get to know who she is. Heh, pronoun game ;) Also, you can find the rest of this story on Wattpad under the user name, JazzyHands02. Stay Weird, my fellow humans.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Would You Believe These are The Same Person?
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And to go along with these drawings, 10 facts about Corbin:
Corbin likes the taste of coffee with Haitian coffee being her favorite.
She’s fought in both World Wars
She had an older and adopted sister, who was the biological daughter to their mother, Radda. That sister’s name is Lavinia.
She’s multilingual which includes, Romani (mostly central Romani), Erromintxela, French, Haitian Creole, German, Italian, Dutch, Xosha, Spanish, Creole French, English, etc.
She enjoys the occasional fruit with her favorite being peaches.
She’s bisexual and was once married to a pirate captain.
The shade of Corbin’s eyes can change depending on mood. Redder for when enraged. Lighter Golden when happier. The colors seem to dim when she’s in a depressed mood. Bright yellow for fear.
She has symptoms of PTSD which also came with the effect of delusional parastrosis.
She’s intuitive on whether or not someone is telling the truth, although it’s harder to pick up when it’s a half lie or if a person doesn’t know if it’s a lie themselves.
She doesn’t know how to drive a car but knows how to sail.
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odditycircus-2002 · 9 months
Jeeper Creepers: Unexpected Turn of Events Chapter 5
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Much to Corbin's annoyance with little relief, the two police officers that questioned her and Darry suggested the best course of action would be to escort all of them to Jenners. Both Trish and Darry jumped at the extra security while their friend viewed it more as cannon fodder to put between them and the unknown creep. Oh well, better them than Trish or Darry, in her opinion.
Corbin looks away from the window when Darry is the first to break the contemplative silence.
"How'd he get to the church and back to the diner so fast ?"
"What the hell was he doing with both of your clothes?"
Trish, behind the wheel, adds to the conversation, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the thought of their unknown assailant being some pervert who gets off to smelling boy shorts or panties. Darry doesn't answer, having no idea of the reasoning behind it, instead, following it up with an observation of his own.
" He drives fast, but not that fast."
Of course, the guy already has that thing souped up to go far faster than that decrypt hunk of metal has any right to be. There's no telling what other surprises it and its driver are hiding within the filthy tinted windows. He wouldn't be surprised if that guy were hiding a whole morgue worth of corpses in the back.
" Maybe he can leap tall buildings in a single bound or run at the speed of light."
Corbin shrugs from the back seat before respondingTrish.
"He'd have to be superhuman. Otherwise, the smell would've killed him."
Corbin's nose scrunches as the pungent odor of sweat and other body fluids permeates her senses. She frowns deeply at the bag containing Darry's laundry on the seat next to her before using the toe of her foot to push it as far away from herself as she can.
"I know it's already killing me."
Trish glances at the review mirror, having seen her friend push the odious trash bag.
"I pity your nostrils."
Darry turns around to face Corbin with a hand up.
"it's not that bad."
The blonde gives an unamused frown to her long-time friend. Trish glances out of her peripheral vision with the same expression and sentiment.
"I swear brat, if that guy doesn't get to us first that smell is going to off one of us."
"That I can vouch for that fact."
Corbin piques up, much to Darry's amused disbelief. 
"Come on now, at least I don't smell like that strip-o cop. I'm pretty sure that was perfume he used there,"
Trish rolls her eyes at Darry's change of subject. Deciding not to get into their debate, Corbin tunes out the siblings as she keeps her head on a swivel with her knee bouncing up and down. She glances over her shoulder, the police escort still following them at a steady pace before looking out the window on her right. Not much to see but the odd street lamp here and there with long grass as far as the eye can see. Maybe an odd car here and there, otherwise, there wasn't any other living being that Corbin could spot, except for the ravens dotting the sky. 
With nothing else happening immediately, the blonde allowed her mind to wander a bit. Immediately, it goes to a familiar boyish face with a scar at the corner of his lip, and walks with a spring in his step in her mind's eye, which she immediately shakes away. Suddenly, those legs were gone, torn off from the explosion that rained gravel and debris on them both as everything went silent; somehow though, she knew she was screaming. 
'Stop it. No time for crying now.'
Corbin quickly wipes at her eyes without facing either Darry or Trish as they continued to talk about whatever. Sparing them another look, she opts to start humming to herself to fill the background, the same song she would usually hum when she's sinking back into despair. A song to be optimistic and melancholic all in one. She continues to do so as she leans back against her seat, smiling to herself as she hears both Trish and Darry chuckle over whatever dumb comment he made.
'Nice to see them laugh again, after everything they've been through.' Corbin's humming is interrupted when Darry switches on the radio. 
"What, do I sound that awful?"
Darry sputters in response to Corbin's tease.
"N-no, just um just gonna put something else on."
Corbin didn't get to say anymore as the familiarity of the first lyric from one of the stations strike like lightning in Darry's brain.
" That's the song!"
Darry shouts to both women, wildly gesturing to the radio. Trish looks over to her younger brother with her default mask of irritation.
"What's the matter with you?"
Trish asks sounding most annoyed with a hint of concern in her tone. Darry just turns up the volume in response, leading him to shout to be heard over the song.
"That's the same song tha-that the lady on the phone was playing! Listen it's the exact same one down to the lyrics!"
Darry hysterically cries out to his sister, who starts to appear uncomfortable with the situation.  Seeing her friend freaking out again, Corbin puts a hand on his shoulder.
"We know, we know, we know. Just slow down maybe it's another,"
"No! Just listen! The words are the same, listen!"
Darry urges both of his traveling companions as the radio continues to play. Deciding to let Darry get it off his chest, for now, Corbin turns around to look behind Trish's car, having felt something is way off. Her jade eyes widen with her eyebrows shooting up to her forehead at the sight of a mostly shadowed figure standing on the roof of the police car!
The blonde somehow knew that the figure is the guy that's been chasing her and her companions for the last few hours. Somehow, without even seeing his own eyes, Corbin also knew he was staring right at them, waiting patiently. 
"Jeepers Creepers,"
Corbin started with fear laced into her tone as she tries to gain the siblings' attention, who is, unfortunately for her,  occupying themselves on the song Darry was raving about.
"where'd you get those weepers?"
"Not now Corbin!"
Darry quickly turns around to shout at Corbin who barely holds back an irritated snarl in response. Darry doesn't seem to notice as he goes back to yelling at his sister.
Corbin repeated fear laced in her voice, as she tries to shake their shoulders to gain their attention. Again, she's ignored. Clenching her jaws, she takes a look behind her to check their unknown assailant again, who seems to take a deep breath, puffing up his chest as does so.  Disgust crawls down her spine, its spindly fingers reaching every nook and crevice throughout her entire being at that gesture alone. She quickly whirls around to face both siblings, this time, determined to be heard.
" She was playing this song to us, and said if we heard it,"
Corbin practically roars out so loudly, that Darry covers his ear, having gotten the full brunt of it. 
Trish didn't even get to finish her first word before said blonde starts up again. 
"We're being chased by a fucking psychopath right now! I'm pretty sure that's more important than a damn parody by whatever forgettable band!"
Darry and Trish then shout in surprise at something bouncing off the windshield before landing on the ground. Trish immediately hits the breaks, causing the car to swerve in circles. Corbin latches her hands onto both twins for dear life, her heart just about ready to burst out of her ribcage as her muscles tense up. The car finally stops, simultaneously as the police car parks just behind them. The trio starts to breathe heavily from the shock, Corbin still having a death grip on the two siblings before removing them to smooth back hair and straighten the bandanna she's wearing. Unbeknownst to her, both the Jenner siblings silently agreed to get out of the car to investigate, opening their doors and heading out before their friend could interject. Corbin gives a frustrated sigh.
"Didn't those two learn their lesson, already?"
Corbin grumbles to herself before following Trish and Darry. She walks cautiously and slowly in the same direction the siblings were going to the police car. There's not much noise at first, save for the muffed chatter from the radio transmitter. Neither Corbin nor Darry gets closer than six feet from the vehicle, able to spot a silhouetted figure inside on the driver's seat. It's Trish who dares take another step closer to the crashed vehicle.
"Hey! You okay in there?"
She shouts as she continues to shuffle her way towards the car, much to both her brother and friend's dismay.
'Sure, go poke your nose in something that's none of your business. It worked out sooo well before!'
Corbin gets ready to rush forward and grab Trish if need be, only to turn around as she caught a whiff of something that smells strongly of iron. She observes Trish's car to see a dark stain on the roof where the head bounced off. Darry stares as he watches Corbin dipped two fingers on the stain and observes the liquid on her long digits. Now raised into the light from the billboard, he could see the liquid had a red tinge to it, however, that's not what disturbs him the most. Corbin smells the blood on her fingers and then, to his immense horror and disgust, licks it. Licks it! As if it was nothing more than ketchup to her! 
'Was that lady onto something about her?' 
He ponders only to then spot Corbin's face scrunching in disgust before wiping the blood on her jeans. He shakes away his earlier thought as he scolds himself internally for almost believing a random woman on the phone over his faith in his close gal pal. However, there's still the matter of his older sister approaching the crashed vehicle.
Darry calls to his sister, as they both turn their attention back towards Trish's direction, as she continues to stalk toward the police car.
" I said, hello!'
Trisha shouts again, frustration over the lack of response helping to hide the ever-growing dread crawling up her spine. Within all their minds, a small voice that's as old as the human race and would usually pique up in moments like this, urges them all, concurrently, to do one thing. Runaway.
"Get back in the car."
Her brother is the first to speak, urging her to listen to that instinct and get out of dodge. Trish doesn't listen, so it's up to Corbin to take the initiative.
" Patricia Gina Jenner, you get back in the car this instant young lady! Do you hear me?!"
Corbin desperately demands Trish, who only now stops at the horrific sight in front of her. She and her brother share the same wide-eyes and gaping mouth reaction at the policeman's head, lying on the side of the road near the vehicle. The head having evidently being cleanly cut off. The door to the police car opens; acting fast, Corbin grabs Trish by the arm before pulling her back to the car with Darry. Trish just lets her, not even minding that it felt like her arm almost felt like it's been pulling out its socket as she gets back into the driver's seat.
They all watched with bated breaths, as a man-shaped figure stepped out of the car, then closed the door behind him. The figure's features were mostly obscured by the shadows of the night, and only through the billboard's light were they able to see the figure had white coarse looking hair. The figure walks to the decapitated head as he whistles the tune, they all immediately recognized it as "Jeepers Creepers".
'Well isn't he cheerful over murder?'
Corbin thought dryly, observing as the figure then crouches down to pick up the head in front of the billboard, that read "Tastes so good!" before deeply inhaling at it as if it's the most delectable aroma he ever breathed.
"What is that?"
Darry frightfully whispers, watching in stunned terror at the scene in front of him. The figure continues to smell the head until he puts where his mouth is onto the head's mouth seemingly trying to dig for something with his own teeth. 
'Is he eating it, or making out with it?' 
Corbin speculates to herself, finding herself barely phased all things considered. The Jenner siblings, on the other hand, didn't share this thought as Trish breathes out in disbelief.
"I'm not seeing this."
Trish tries to convince herself, wishing nothing more than all of this she's seeing is a dream, that she can wake from. Wake up to see her brother driving, as Corbin sarcastically tells her "Well looks like Sleeping Beauty didn't need a prince to wake up, eh?" Wake up to see them all at her parent's house, this whole thing behind them. But only,
This is not a nightmare that she can escape.
" What is he doing?"
Trish demands as some tears leak from her eyes, feeling her throat closing up on her. They all watch as the figure then proceeds to, rip the head's tongue out with his teeth. The siblings watched in shock, which Corbin saw all over their faces.
Trish gets the memo, frantically starting up her car. The ignition being frustratingly too slow to start up.
" Go go go !"
Corbin shouts at Trish, who only snaps back.
" I'm trying!"
This time, it's both Corbin and Darry who shout in unison to urge Trish to get them the hell out of there. 
" GO, GO, GO!"
To Trish, it seemed like more than just those two were shouting at her to take action as her own being screeches for her to just floor it and don't look back.
( ? pov )
As I open the back of my truck and proceeded to dump one of my newest victims in, my mind wandered back to what I just saw. It seems to me that my intended female is protecting the two meats with her, for now. Shame if she's really just here to steal my own prey, as I'll have no choice but to kill her myself. However, I can't jump to any conclusions now. Patience is key to waiting for the right moment to strike and reap the awards. 
I tap at my head with both my hands, realizing I almost forgot my hat. Luckily, it wasn't too far from my recent meal. Oh wait, can't forget leftovers or potential art supplies! I simply scoop up the decapitated head before tossing it in the back. As I sat in the driver's seat, I assess what I've gathered so far.
My intended female is unclaimed and starving, also young; it's reasonable to presume she doesn't exactly know whose territory it is. A simple show of dominance is in order, when the dust has settled I'll make my offer. Either be my mate or be considered a rival that must be disposed of. Hopefully, if she has enough sense, she'll go with the first as she's undoubtedly a valuable asset in many ways. At the thought of her, I take out her clothing article from my pocket to hold in my claws.  I close my eyes as I deeply inhale her scent again, letting euphoria take over for a bit. I couldn't help but think back to her rosy cheeks, milky skin, her striking eyes, those soft locks, and those delicious-looking lips. I wonder what she looks like, without her disguise.Oh God! I just want to be near her, and cover her in my scent as I claim her to show the world.
As for the meats, it is a shame to not have a little fun and let more fear build within them, knowing a predator is right after them. This should be an amusing hunt... 
A/N: Hope y'all enjoy it. It warms my heart to read your comments. I'm so glad you like it!😁 Oh and I just made up Trisha's middle name, using her actress instead. Remember to show respect to others and remember I only own Corbin. Also first chapter of the New Year! Hope y'all enjoy it! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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