#Corporate Dsa Channel
aayushpareek69 · 8 months
Corporate DSA Channels: Pioneering Financial Inclusion and Technological Agility
In the rapidly evolving landscape of finance, Corporate Direct Selling Agent (DSA) Channels are at the forefront of pioneering change, seamlessly blending financial inclusion with technological agility. This blog explores how Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel are breaking barriers, fostering inclusivity, and adapting to technological advancements to create a dynamic and accessible financial ecosystem.
Fostering Financial Inclusion:
Empowering the Unbanked:
Corporate DSA Channels serve as champions of financial inclusion by reaching out to the unbanked and underbanked populations. Independent agents, embedded in local communities, bridge the gap, extending financial services to those who have traditionally been excluded from the formal banking sector.
Microfinance Initiatives for Local Empowerment:
Microfinance initiatives are a cornerstone of Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel. By tailoring financial products to the needs of small businesses and local entrepreneurs, these channels empower communities at the grassroots level, fostering economic growth and resilience.
Community-Centric Approach:
Operating within local communities, Corporate DSA Channels adopt a community-centric approach. DSAs build trust by understanding the unique financial challenges and cultural nuances of their communities, ensuring that financial services are not just accessible but also culturally relevant.
Technological Agility: Adapting to the Digital Future
Digital Onboarding for Seamless Access:
Corporate DSA Channels embrace digital onboarding processes, ensuring seamless access to financial services. This not only simplifies the client onboarding journey but also accelerates the efficiency of transactions, providing a frictionless experience for clients.
Data Analytics for Personalization:
The integration of data analytics is a testament to the technological agility of Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel. By analyzing client data, these channels personalize financial offerings, tailoring products and services to meet individual needs and preferences.
Blockchain for Security and Transparency:
Technological agility extends to the exploration of blockchain technology within Corporate DSA Channels. Beyond enhancing security, the adoption of blockchain fosters transparency in financial transactions, instilling confidence and trust among clients.
Driving Financial Literacy: A Pillar of Inclusivity
Educational Initiatives for Empowerment:
Corporate DSA Channels prioritize financial literacy initiatives as a means of empowering clients. Educational programs and resources are deployed to equip clients with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions, promoting self-sufficiency.
Women's Economic Empowerment:
Recognizing the importance of gender inclusivity, Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel actively contribute to women's economic empowerment. Specialized financial products, coupled with targeted educational initiatives, bridge the gender gap and empower women to take control of their financial futures.
Challenges and Resilient Solutions:
Digital Literacy Challenges:
The challenge of digital literacy is met with proactive solutions within Corporate DSA Channels. Educational programs are designed not only to offer financial literacy but also to impart essential digital skills, ensuring that clients can confidently navigate the digital landscape.
Regulatory Compliance:
Staying compliant with evolving regulations is a continuous challenge. Corporate DSA Channels address this challenge through rigorous adherence to regulatory standards, staying informed about changes, and actively participating in shaping industry compliance practices.
Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel stand as beacons of financial inclusion and technological innovation. By fostering a community-centric approach, embracing technological agility, and prioritizing financial literacy, these channels are paving the way for a future where finance is not just accessible but also tailored to the diverse needs of individuals and communities.Discover unparalleled options for loans and Credit Card tailored to your preferences with Arena Fincorp. As a leading digital lending platform in the Loan & Finance sector, we provide industry-best choices, allowing you to select loans that match your needs, determine your preferred interest rates, and set terms according to your preferences. Experience extraordinary – our cutting-edge technology ensures swift application processing, enabling customers to receive funds in their accounts in as little as 12 hours, with minimal documentation required .
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arena-nikita · 5 months
The Invisible Engine: How Corporate DSAs Fuel India's Economic Growth
India's economic landscape is a complex ecosystem, powered by various forces. One such force, often overlooked, is the network of Corporate Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) across the country. This blog explores the crucial role Corporate DSAs play in India's economic growth, specifically focusing on the contributions of DSA channels in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
Who are Corporate DSAs?
Corporate DSA in India are independent agents who act as a crucial bridge between financial institutions and potential customers. They promote and distribute financial products like loans, credit cards, and investment plans offered by banks and NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies). Unlike traditional bank branches, Corporate DSAs reach customers in diverse locations, including far-flung rural areas.
The Power of DSA Channels in Jaipur
Jaipur, Rajasthan, with its vibrant economy and growing entrepreneurial spirit, serves as a prime example of how Corporate DSA channel contribute to growth. Here's how:
Financial Inclusion: DSA in Jaipur extends financial services to a wider population, including those who might not have easy access to traditional banking channels. This promotes financial inclusion, a key driver of economic development.
Increased Loan Disbursement: By reaching a broader customer base, Corporate DSAs in Jaipur facilitate a significant increase in loan disbursements. This injects capital into the local economy, fueling business growth and job creation.
Micro and Small Business (MSME) Growth: DSAs play a vital role in supporting MSMEs, the backbone of the Indian economy. They provide these businesses with access to much-needed credit, allowing them to expand, innovate, and contribute to the state's economic prosperity.
Employment Generation: The growth of the DSA  in Jaipur creates employment opportunities for individuals who act as agents. This not only empowers individuals but also boosts local consumption and economic activity.
Beyond Jaipur: A Nationwide Impact
The impact of Corporate DSAs isn't limited to Jaipur. Across India, DSA channel play a significant role in:
Financial Literacy: Through their interactions with potential customers, DSAs raise awareness of financial products and services, promoting financial literacy and responsible financial behavior.
Market Penetration: DSAs act as the physical extension of financial institutions, enabling them to penetrate new markets and cater to diverse customer segments.
Economic Upliftment: By facilitating access to credit and financial services, DSAs contribute to the overall economic upliftment of communities across the nation.
Corporate DSAs, often unseen and under-appreciated, are the invisible engine propelling India's economic growth. Their dedication to reaching customers in every corner of the country, particularly in areas like Jaipur, Rajasthan, fosters financial inclusion, empowers businesses, and creates employment opportunities. As India continues its economic journey, the role of Corporate DSAs will undoubtedly become even more critical in ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth. So, the next time you see a DSA promoting financial products, remember the significant role they play in building a stronger and more vibrant Indian economy.
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comradeowl · 4 years
Why Socialism
Professor Robert Wolff described socialism as a yearning for something better than the status quo.
Now, months ago, I was an identified Democrat. I was a dutiful soldier to the DNC and that’s changed with revelations. Partly, it is rooted in the coronavirus, but it is also with the growing awareness of how tilted our political and economic systems are. I’ve changed my registration not to Independent, but to the Bread and Roses party, specifically, libertarian socialism. I grit my teeth in 2016 and voted for Hillary, us who wanted to vote for Bernie got blamed by every pundit and political figure who said we were lazy or voted for Trump.
I’d never really thought much of politics beyond voting in general elections. Usually, I’d agree with working politics without much to show for it. That has changed in the face of our political conflict. It started out with the growing anxiety in the face of climate change. I started to enjoy my hobbies less and it lead to a breakdown where I called everyone I knew to just talk and calm myself.
I then began to notice the DNC rarely taking the progressive left seriously. That they didn’t appreciate the alarm and full-throated advocacy for policies that went at the jugular rather than tinker around the edges. Seeing this, I grew sickened and joined a Unitarian Church, sharing my feelings with like-minded people and being active in the local politics. I hadn’t yet shed the notion that the Democrat rank and file along with leadership were funded by the same oil and gas lobbies, big pharma and healthcare executives.
In the last few months, I’ve written letters, signed petitions and campaigned for Bernie Sanders. It’s given me a growing consciousness of the inhumanity of our systems. Capitalism is about the bottom line, viewing you as a source of revenue rather than a human being with wants and desires, dreams and hopes. Now, what does this have to do with socialism, you ask? It has everything to do with college students who are seeing little support reaching them, the millennials who are watching our leadership vote in favor of corporate bailouts than our most vulnerable.
I’ve grown angry, outraged at our society. The injustice and inhumanity of all the crashing decisions that have been made in the previous forty years. Privatize, de-regulate and slash the safety net for the sake of growth. Pundits ask wonderingly and politicians have scratched their heads, completely oblivious to the foundations of the house they have been destroying with the help of Republicans. We’ve turned to socialism because we have seen bankers walk away with bonuses after crashing the economy for a few extra bucks.
We’ve turned to socialism seeing our system legalize corruption. We’ve turned to socialism seeing the destruction of our environment which supports our lives. We’ve turned to socialism seeing jobs outsourced to other countries. We’ve turned to socialism seeing the poverty that shames and locks people out of a better life. We’ve turned to socialism because capitalism has utterly failed and a new politics is needed to breathe life into stale policies.
The final straw for me with Democrats was Biden declaring that he had no patience or empathy for millennials. A dismissive tone, contempt that was spoken rather than implied. As of now, I have switched to the Bread and Roses party and am a proud supporter of the DSA. In the face of what is bearing down on us, I couldn’t be happier to fight for the cause.
To me, it’s about an egalitarian-international platform. A shared sense that your struggle is our struggle. That we can take back what was ours, ripped away by corporations and the ultra-rich thanks to the lobbyists. If you’re feeling depressed and beaten down, reach out and join for a revolution to channel your frustration and outrage. It’s not just the only option -- it’s the best one.
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workersolidarity · 5 years
kinda bothered by all the Red Baiting I see online by the so-called "Left" when it comes to the criticisms of Trump and the GOP
I though this garbage would die out when it became clear after the Mueller Investigations that Trump, nor anyone else in the GOP were Manchurian Candidates secretly working for Russian Government, but just rather your typical, run-of-the-mill Corrupt rich guy.
Clearly I was way off and the Red Baiting bullshit isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Looking at the first ten responses to a recent Tweet by Trump, I found 6 of them were just Red Baiting Right-Wing Reactionary Propaganda, and the other four were just snark and non-Red Baiting memes.
None of the responses involved the slightest but of critical analysis, not even mixed within the snark and memes.
I immediately found something upon my own critical analysis of the Tweet worth pointing out, as Trump was equating fear with respect and Unity, which he assumes will help him to succeed.
I was quick to point out that fear=respect=unity=success was the same formula previous Fascists like Hitler and Moussillini both used. Which of course didn't end well for them since Hitler committed suicide when his defeat was imminent, and Moussillini was publicly hanged and dismembered.
My point is to show how simple it is to criticize Trump and the GOP in legitimate, non-reactionary ways, and it's just as simple to come up with something more clever and humorous.
But instead, 60% of the people I saw on Twitter, most of whom are Petite Bourgeois Liberals in the media world, but many aren't in that world, but are clearly being influenced by Reactionary Herd Mentality, just copying the Right-Wing commentary and social media snark they're accustomed to hearing on MSNBC and CNN.
This isn't a mistake, it's not accidental that this is the thoughtless direction the Trump/GOP Critic crowd has taken when responding on TV and Social Media.
The fact is that Democrats, having lost the 2016 election by letting Trump get to their Left on Economic issues while simultaneously stoking outrage and Nationalism, have no legitimate path to taking down Trump from a Progressive position. Not that they want to either. They don't seem to want to risk helping a "Socialist" get elected in 2020.
Instead the media crowd can only criticise Trump from the Right. Even when they make a serious attempt at criticizing Trump/GOP policies, they fall flat, sounding unconvincing and forced. All they're left with is snarky Red Baiting memes, innuendo about Manchurian Candidates, sounding just as deranged and conspiracy minded as Republicans.
Liberal media figures are only capable of attacking Trump's Immigration Policies from the Left. But because of affects of decades of Neoliberal Free Market Fundamentalism, and successful Fascist Propaganda blaming the poverty inducing results of these policies on Hispanic and Islamic Immigrant Communities, the masses have become highly skeptical of Immigration Policies mostly tailored specifically to keep deflationary pressures on wages domestically. You can't really blame people for seeing through this facade and then falling for the Nationalist Propaganda of the GOP.
So once you realize this, it becomes clear that the Liberal critics are left with two choices. Either they move Left into Social Democratic territory and attempt a more honest if unconvincing line of attack against the Right, or they can dive headlong down a rabbit-hole of continued conspiracies and Reactionary attacks from Trump's Right, continuing to defend the Free Market dogmatism and Corporate Free Trade Policies of the last half-century.
Of course we all know the Neoliberal Paradigm is highly unpopular with most people and become more unpopular by the day, and so they've instead gone whole-hog on the Red Baiting and Conspiracy theories.
Now we seem to have large sections of the White Working Class convinced by the Nationalist Propaganda out of sensation of frustration and a realization of false choice Bourgeois Democracy offers them.
Without any kind of United Socialist Movement in the US, or even a coherent Center-Left Social Democratic outlet for the people's frustrations, this has left them susceptible to calls of Nationalism, Racism, and Xenophobia coming from the GOP Right, as well as the Red Baiting and Conspiracy theories coming from Democrats and the Liberal media ecosystem. Of course this led us to the Trump Era, and inevitably leaves us open to a far more competent, dangerous Fascism in the future.
The only option we have is work harder and faster than ever before to educate Workers and Organize ourselves into a coherent Revolutionary Movement based on the Principles of Marxism-Leninism.
The descent into madness isn't going to get better on its own. The two-Party dichotomy of Bourgeois Liberals and Bourgeois Fascists leave us with a Political System that will see the Fascist gain control 9 times out of 10.
Under the twin threats of Fascism and Climate Disaster, we have no choice but to stop fighting amongst ourselves for scraps of media attention and instead build up a serious, Militant, Vanguard Party capable of defending the Working Class, raising the consciousness of the Proletariat, and challenging Bourgeois Rule.
Failure isn't an option anymore. There are countless Marxist Leninist Organizations out there doing fantastic work. Some are small and unknown, others have a reputation with the Labor Movement, and still others have done great work on analyzing the History of Revisionism and have been working on strategies for years on how to combat it.
From the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), Party For Socialism and Liberation (PSL), the Progressive Labor Party (PLP), the American Labor Party (ALP), all the way down to working groups within the Marxist Center, as well as local Organizations like the one I joined the New Orleans Worker's Group.
Of course there are even more I haven't mentioned but that's my point. All these groups and more are working Independently and separate without any common Goals, Strategies, Tactics or even basic coalitions or basic communication channels.
That's Not a Winning Strategy!
This is too important a time in History, just as importantly it's too great an opportunity to miss just because of individual egos and ideas of turf.
We must begin conversations across Organizations to begin the work and process of consolidating our various organizations into a Vanguard Party of the Proletariat. Fuck the name or where it's headquarters are. It's more important that we do the work of fighting for the Workers and Uniting the Proletariat under a common Marxist-Leninist Movement! We have the greatest opportunity to build a Socialist Movement capable of challenging Capitalist right here in the Imperialist core! People are rediscovering Socialism and we're allowing the Revisionists, Anarchists and Social Democrats of the DSA define Socialism in the 21st Century!
We cannot allow these Right Opportunists to define our Movement for us just so they can hand it over to the Democratic Party betraying the Working Class again as they always inevitably do!
This is our moment, and we have little choice but to seize on it by the very nature of the external forces acting on Imperialist Society.
This is the first time in nearly a Century when the Socialist Movement is growing instead of shrinking. To fail the Workers now would be an unforgivable mistake. All Marxist Leninists have more in common worth fighting for than differences that can be worked out better through inter-Party Dialectics.
The Bolsheviks didn't begin by rejecting everyone they disagreed with. Instead they built up a Socialist Movement within the RSDP and alongside the Socialist Revolutionaries and even the Liberal Cadets until the Left had become a force in Russian Politics. They didn't begin by splitting with the Mensheviks and fighting the SRs and Cadets.
Once they had sufficient strength, then they broke with the Mensheviks. Then they were capable of proving themselves the legitimate Party of the Proletariat through their constant work Organizing, fighting Tsarism and Capitalism, and by showing through their actions why they were the true representatives of the Russian masses and not the Opportunists, the Liberals and the Anarchists.
And it wasn't until after they became the Venguard Party leading the October Revolution to victory that they could afford truly battling the Reactionary Bourgeois Capitalist pretenders during the Civil War.
When the dust had finally settled, they finally had the strength to consolidate their power, and it wasn't until all this was completed that the Bolsheviks now had the strength to purge the Opportunists and Revisionists within their own ranks.
We cannot expect to start a Socialist Movement by rejecting people before we've even begun. We have to educate first, argue internally second, and only when that process has failed does it make sense to reject a member from a Vanguard Party.
Yes, we also cannot afford to allow Social Democrats to corrupt the meaning of Socialism and confuse the Workers. That's obviously unacceptable and cannot be allowed in the Party. But a bit of Pragmatism and restraint within an organization of dedicated Marxist-Leninists would be wise.
As long as a Comrade or Cadre doesn't violate the rules and principles of Democratic Centralism post-debate, as long they don't actively contribute to disunity, then some level of dissent isn't just acceptable, it's preferable. We have to be a Movement capable of self-reflection, self-criticism, and accepting outside criticism and reflecting on that. Lenin and Stalin understood these points of pragmatic reflection very well. They were constantly critical of one another and the Party and yet always fought to preserve unity within. Nothing says these two principles are mutually exclusive and in fact it's brought up repeatedly in the writings of all the most historic figures within the Movement.
So I'm trying to make an appeal to all the disparate Parties and Organizations currently working Independently towards the same goal without a common line, a common strategy or even basic communication.
We all know it makes no sense and yet we've done nothing to bridge the gaps in decades.
Well, within our current time and place, with a revival of Socialist interest, it's incumbent upon Revolutionaries to immediately begin the hard work of unifying Marxist Leninists Organizations into a Vanguard of the Proletariat.
We have no choice! Our actions as Communists today, may very well shape the History of tommorow, and the survival of people across the world, at a time when the Imperialists have made it undeniably clear their willing to destroy the entire planet to continue their rule, may come down to our ability to Organize ourselves.
Just something to keep in mind as my Comrades consider their contributions to the Movement.
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leftpress · 5 years
louisproyect | July 10th 2019 | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
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On their Gray Zone website, Max Blumenthal and his mini-me Ben Norton (aka Ned Borton) have just come out with a 5,600 word diatribe against the Socialism 2019 Conference in Chicago. Most people still tethered to the planet would understand that the main political questions raised by the DSA/ex-ISO conference was whether support for Democratic Party candidates is tactically permissible. Instead, the two geniuses were playing Vishinsky-like prosecuting attorneys making the case that “Socialism is now apparently brought to you by the US State Department”.
They dug up every connection that conference speakers had to inside-the-beltway NGOs and government agencies like the NED to read the DSA and ex-ISOers out of the radical movement. One would think that these two nitwits would put more energy into helping the left put together a conference that did not have such nefarious ties. I can recommend some left groups that are as unsullied as them: Workers World, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Socialist Equality Party, the Spartacist League and Socialist Action. These five groups have never been implicated in smoke-filled room deals with officials of the Deep State, to be sure. In fact, if all of them got together to stage a Communism 2019 Conference, they wouldn’t need to line up a Hyatt hotel. A church basement would do just fine.
To turn NED funding, or any other such body, into a litmus test as to a group’s leftist credentials is a problematic methodology. Its main problem is that it turns the nation-state into the unit of analysis rather than the social class.
For example, they excoriate the China Labour Bulletin for taking money from the NED but do not say anything about what it stands for. If you go to their website, you’ll find articles, for example, on coal mine safety in China that contains such data:
The Daping coal mine in Zhengzhou, Henan province, where 148 people died in a gas explosion on 20 October 2004, had been inspected and approved for an annual production capacity of 900,000 tonnes. In 2003, the mine produced 1.32 million tonnes of coal, and from January to September 2004 it had already produced 960,000 tonnes. Similarly, the Sunjiawan coal mine in Liaoning province, where a gas explosion killed at least 214 miners on 14 February 2005, had been approved for a production capacity of 900,000 tonnes, but its actual output in 2004 was 1.48 million tonnes. The Shenlong coal mine in Fukang county, Xinjiang province, where 83 miners died in a gas explosion on 11 July 2005, had a safe production capacity of only 30,000 tonnes, but during the first half of 2005 alone it had already produced almost 180,000 tonnes of coal.
You will find absolutely nothing about “regime change” in the CLB. It is simply one of the few voices Chinese workers have making their case. If the NED provides funding for their work, there is no stigma as long as the money comes with no-strings-attached.
The truth is that the NED and similar bodies from George Soros’s Open Foundation to Human Rights Watch will always try to take advantage of protests in every corner of the world in order to influence them. Why would anybody expect anything different? To be consistent, you’d have to condemn the student movement in Egypt in 2011 in the same way you condemn CLB. In fact, Global Research—Gray Zone’s closest relative—did exactly that. Tony Cartalucci put it this way in an article titled “The US Engineered “Arab Spring”: The NGO Raids in Egypt”:
It is hardly a speculative theory then, that the uprisings were part of an immense geopolitical campaign conceived in the West and carried out through its proxies with the assistance of disingenuous organizations including NED, NDI, IRI, and Freedom House and the stable of NGOs they maintain throughout the world. Preparations for the “Arab Spring” began not as unrest had already begun, but years before the first “fist” was raised, and within seminar rooms in D.C. and New York, US-funded training facilities in Serbia, and camps held in neighboring countries, not within the Arab World itself.
In 2008, Egyptian activists from the now infamous April 6 movement were in New York City for the inaugural Alliance of Youth Movements (AYM) summit, also known as Movements.org. There, they received training, networking opportunities, and support from AYM’s various corporate and US governmental sponsors, including the US State Department itself. The AYM 2008 summit report states that the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, James Glassman attended, as did Jared Cohen who sits on the policy planning staff of the Office of the Secretary of State. Six other State Department staff members and advisers would also attend the summit along with an immense list of corporate, media, and institutional representatives.
Can you tell the difference between Tony Cartalucci and the Gray Zone? I can’t.
Much venom is sprayed at Anand Gopal and Dan La Botz for the same kinds of reasons. Gopal is an acclaimed journalist who has made repeated trips to Syria from Turkey without Baathist approval. As with other reporters who refuse to write propaganda for the dictatorship, he had to find other ways to interview Syrians. He would crawl beneath a barbed wire fence on the border and follow painted rocks that were place there by villagers to avoid land mines. In a talk on Syria recently, Gopal argued that part of the explanation for the failure of the revolution was that the leadership were small proprietors in the local governments of rebel-controlled territory that insisted on preserving private property relations. If this book is nearly as good as his book on Afghanistan that was a Pulitzer prize runner up, it should gain widespread attention. Meanwhile, Blumenthal’s reporting on Syria is the same as Vanessa Beeley’s, just regime propaganda. At least Beeley went to Syria, even if was limited to 4-star hotels and tea parties with the dictator. Can you imagine Sidney Blumenthal’s golden boy crawling under barbed wire fences and stepping close to land mines to get a story? I can’t.
The attacks on Dan La Botz are just as apolitical. I am just as opposed to La Botz’s special pleading for the reactionary student movement in Venezuela as Blumenthal and Norton but I wouldn’t dream of smearing him as a State Department tool. In fact, this kind of attack has roots in Stalin’s demonization of his opponents who were supposedly trying to overthrow the USSR because both they and the capitalist media described him as a ruthless dictator.
In channeling Stalin, these two pinheads make sure to use the word “Trotskyite” throughout, a term that is a dead giveaway for politics that have largely died out after the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of the CPs into Eurocommunist type parties, except for the KKE in Greece that is cut from the same cloth as Gray Zone.
Looking back at the history of the radical movement, you will find many attempts to take advantage of imperialist rivalry. For Blumenthal and Norton, the only imperialist powers in the world are those in the West. China and Russia are clearly seen by them as anti-imperialist states even though the subjugation of the Uygurs and Syrians that Gray Zone defends are clearly imperialist in character. If Uygurs and Syrians are expected to pass their litmus test, it would mean suicide since the world is divided into two major geopolitical blocs. For all of their ranting against the White Helmets from receiving funding from the West, you would be hard-pressed to see how else they could have assembled a first responder team that has saved thousands of lives. Obviously, Gray Zone must believe that bombing hospitals is warranted in rebel-controlled territory since all the patients are likely carrying the dread sharia-law virus.
Fortunately, people like Roger Casement and others trying to exploit the differences between Anglo-American and German imperialism didn’t take Gray Zone type advice.
Who could blame Irish freedom fighter Roger Casement for trying to strike deals with Kaiser Wilhelm to get weapons to liberate his people? During a period of inter-imperialist rivalries, it was not considered a betrayal of socialist principles to look for such opportunities. In Roy’s case, there was the added dimension of his writing the theses on national liberation adopted by the Comintern. How could you cozy up with imperialists and then write such classic statements of Marxist policy?
This is not to speak of V.I. Lenin’s stance with respect to the same bogeymen. In “To the Finland Station”, Edmund Wilson describes the uneasy feelings that some of his comrades had that were by no means as disgusting as Gray Zone’s attack on Socialism 2019:
In the train that left the morning of April 8 there were thirty Russian exiles, including not a single Menshevik. They were accompanied by the Swiss socialist Platten, who made himself responsible for the trip, and the Polish socialist Radek. Some of the best of the comrades had been horrified by the indiscretion of Lenin in resorting to the aid of the Germans and making the trip through an enemy country. They came to the station and besieged the travelers, begging them not to go. Lenin got into the train without replying a word.
Even after Hitler took power, some nationalists continued in the same vein, the most notable among them Subhas Chandra Bose who relied on both German and Japanese support for an army that could liberate India. Despite this marriage of convenience, Bose was politically on the left and an admirer of the USSR. Indeed, Stalin’s nonaggression pact with Hitler served his policy aims well as indicated by his 1941 Kabul Thesis written just before he travelled to Germany to consult with the Nazis:
Thus we see pseudo-Leftists who through sheer cowardice avoid a conflict with Imperialism and argue in self-defence that Mr. Winston Churchill (whom we know to be the arch-Imperialist) is the greatest revolutionary going. It has become a fashion with these pseudo-Leftists to call the British Government a revolutionary force because it is fighting the Nazis and Fascists. But they conveniently forget the imperialist character of Britain’s war and also the fact that the greatest revolutionary force in the world, the Soviet Union, has entered into a solemn pact with the Nazi Government.
While some sought advantage by aligning with the axis, others found the allies more amenable to their broader goals. While he would eventually find himself locked in a deadly struggle with American imperialism, Ho Chi Minh had no problem connecting with the OSS during WWII as recounted by William Duiker in his 2000 biography “Ho Chi Minh: a Life”:
While Ho Chi Minh was in Paise attempting to revitalize the Dong Minh Hoi, a U.S. military intelligence officer arrived in Kunming to join the OSS unit there. Captain Archimedes “Al” Patti had served in the European Theater until January 1944, when he was transferred to Washington, D.C., and appointed to the Indochina desk at OSS headquarters. A man of considerable swagger and self-confidence, Patti brought to his task a strong sense of history and an abiding distrust of the French and their legacy in colonial areas. It was from the files in Washington, D.C. that he first became aware of the activities of the Vietminh Front and its mysterious leader, Ho Chi Minh.
The next day, Patti arrived at Debao airport, just north of Jingxi, and after consultation with local AGAS representatives, drove into Jingxi, where he met a Vietminh contact at a local restaurant and was driven to see Ho Chi Minh in a small village about six miles out of town. After delicately feeling out his visitor about his identity and political views, Ho described conditions inside Indochina and pointed out that his movement could provide much useful assistance and information to the Allies if it were in possession of modern weapons, ammunition, and means of communication. At the moment, Ho conceded that the movement was dependent upon a limited amount of equipment captured from the enemy. Patti avoided any commitment, but promised to explore the matter. By his own account, Patti was elated.
Right now, the biggest question facing the left is class independence, something clearly of little importance to Ben Norton who is a big Tulsi Gabbard fan. In this interview, he is positively glowing about her political growth even though she had “odious” views in the past.
Trying to stake out a position that will stand out in a crowded “anti-imperialist” left will be tough for Norton and Blumenthal. You can read the same sort of thing in Consortium News, Moon of Alabama, Mint Press, Off-Guardian, 21st Century Wire, DissidentVoice, Information Clearing House, et al. To separate themselves from the pack, my advice to the two careerists is to find some sugar daddy that can throw some money their way. Ron Unz of UNZ Review not only has deep pockets but lots of sympathy for their tilt toward Russia and Syria. That is if you can put up with his neo-Nazism.
[Read More On LeftPress.org]
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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Jovanka Beckles moved to Richmond, California in 2005. Back then Richmond bordered on a company town — the Chevron oil refinery is the largest employer in the city, and the city council was staffed almost entirely by politicians the company backed financially.
Beckles had no political background, but as a children’s mental-health worker for the county, she’d seen the hardships of working-class people throughout the Bay Area and felt that the wealthy needed to pay their fair share. New to town, Beckles started seeing yard signs for a Richmond ballot measure that levied a tax against Chevron to pay for social programs, public education, and infrastructure. She supported the idea but thought the language on the sign was overly technical. So she called the group responsible and suggested it should read simply: “Measure T: Taxes Chevron, Not You.”
That’s how Beckles fell in with the Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA), an anti-corporate, pro-worker independent political organization in the city. By winning a supermajority on city council, RPA has broken Chevron’s stranglehold over the city council.
Beckles has been a councilmember for eight years. In that time, Richmond passed the first rent-control measure in California in three decades, raised the minimum wage to $15 well ahead of the curve, and massively reduced crime and gun violence while also subjecting the police department to more community oversight and facilitating reentry for people who have been incarcerated.
Beckles was born in Panama and immigrated to the United States when she was nine. She attended Florida A&M on a basketball scholarship and has lived in the Bay Area for thirty years. Now she has her sights set on the state house: she’s running for State Assembly in California’s AD-15.
Her opponent this time isn’t Chevron. It’s Buffy Wicks, a former Obama aide who was dubbed “Buffy the Bernie Slayer” in the 2016 primary for her efforts to defeat Bernie Sanders as Hillary Clinton’s California campaign director. Wicks has never held office before and moved to the district two years ago. Even without an organic local social base, she’s pulled in nearly $1.5 million, making this race the most expensive in the district’s history.
Much of the money comes from wealthy donors across the country — and a big chunk of it comes from the pro-charter, anti-union Super PAC Govern for California. You can acquaint yourself with Wicks’s donors at the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America-run website buffywicks.money.
Like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Julia Salazar, Beckles is a member of DSA, and her campaign is endorsed by the group locally and nationally. The contest between Beckles and Wicks is yet another round in the ongoing battle between democratic socialists and establishment Democrats who boast hefty donations from the mega-wealthy — and in turn protect the interests of private insurers, real estate developers, and school privatizers.
Jacobin’s Meagan Day spoke to Beckles about squaring off with a multi-billion-dollar corporate giant, the California housing crisis, the necessity of single-payer health care, the problem with charter schools, and the meaning of democratic socialism.
Meagan Day:
What brought you to Richmond, and to Richmond politics?
Jovanka Beckles:
I commuted up here from Alameda for five years, working for the county. My wife and I wanted to buy a home, but at the time it was on top of that crazy housing bubble where people were out-bidding each other. It was ridiculous, like someone saying, “I’ll sell you this loaf of bread for three dollars,” and you saying, “Oh absolutely not, I insist you take ten dollars.” So, we couldn’t afford a home in Alameda. At the time, Richmond had a reputation as a high-crime area. But we liked it — it was diverse, and we could afford it.
When we moved here, we knew we weren’t just moving into a house, we were joining a community. So we decided we wanted to learn about the politics. The mayor then wasn’t doing much besides cutting ribbons, but Gayle McLaughlin of RPA was running for mayor and she sparked our interest. She was basically running against Chevron.
Richmond’s schools were dilapidated and underfunded, as were its community health services, parks and pools, and so on. There were no resources for children, no resources for substance abusers. And yet here we were in a city dominated by a multi-billion-dollar corporation.
We learned that the majority of councilmembers had won their elections with money given by Chevron. No wonder Chevron was riding high, with policies in place that increased their bottom line. Not only were they not paying their fair share in taxes, but there were policies that did nothing to reduce the levels of pollution they were raining down on the city.
Lots of children who came through the clinic where I work have asthma. I started to see the connection, and I knew I had to become politically involved.
Meagan Day:
Did you join RPA immediately?
Jovanka Beckles:
My wife and I really wanted to get involved with black organizations. But then we started seeing how, unfortunately, all the black organizations were in bed with Chevron. The local NAACP got a lot of money from Chevron and didn’t want to challenge them.
There was an organization called Black American Political Action Committee, and it was mostly black men. At first, I was so excited — all of these black men involved in local politics! Turns out they were getting a lot of money from Chevron, so they always endorsed the Chevron candidates.
At the time, RPA was almost all white. It wasn’t as diverse as we had hoped, but it shared our values. There was this majority-white organization fighting for economic, environmental, and social justice, and then there were these black organizations that weren’t doing jack except helping Chevron elect more Chevron candidates. Even Irma Anderson, the black mayor, you followed her money and it all led back to Chevron. It was so disappointing.
So I joined RPA, and at the same time I started my own black progressive organization. The goal was to reach out to black progressives and channel them toward RPA, and when we got it running most of our members were also in RPA. So RPA wasn’t diverse at first, but they were about what we were about. And now RPA is predominately people of color.
I ran for City Council on an RPA slate in 2010 and won. In 2014, Chevron spent $3 million to defeat the RPA slate but they were unsuccessful, which gave us a supermajority. Now Chevron pays higher taxes, we’ve curbed their pollution, and meanwhile our municipal infrastructure has been renovated and crime is down 33 percent.
Not only did we stop one of our two high schools from being closed, but our schools are so much better funded now — they even have health care centers in them. We passed a $15 minimum wage. We declared homelessness a crisis and passed the first rent-control ordinance in California in thirty years.
(Continue Reading)
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jobsine · 3 years
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Assistant Manager – Direct Sales Job For 2-5 Year Exp In TATA Sky Varanasi, India – 3767311
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aayushpareek69 · 8 months
Corporate DSA Channels: Revolutionizing Financial Engagement Through Empathy and Innovation
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, Corporate Direct Selling Agent (DSA) Channels stand at the forefront of a revolution, driven by a unique blend of empathy and innovation. This blog explores how Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel are redefining financial engagement, emphasizing the role of empathy in understanding clients' needs, coupled with innovative solutions that cater to the evolving demands of a dynamic market.
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Empathy in Financial Engagement:
Personalized Client Relationships:
Corporate DSA Channels prioritize building personalized relationships with clients. Independent agents, empowered with local insights, engage with clients on a personal level, fostering a sense of trust and understanding that goes beyond mere transactions.
Understanding Diverse Financial Needs:
Empathy plays a crucial role in understanding the diverse financial needs of clients. Whether catering to individuals, small businesses, or communities, Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel acknowledge the unique challenges and aspirations, tailoring their approach to provide empathetic solutions.
Guiding Through Financial Challenges:
DSAs within Corporate Channels act as guides, helping clients navigate through financial challenges. The empathetic approach involves actively listening to clients' concerns, offering support, and co-creating solutions that align with their financial goals.
Innovation: Crafting Solutions for Tomorrow
Digital Accessibility for All:
Innovation within Corporate DSA Channels extends to digital accessibility. By embracing user-friendly mobile applications and online platforms, these channels ensure that clients from all walks of life can access financial services with ease, breaking down barriers to entry.
Data-Driven Personalization:
Innovation in data analytics enables Corporate DSA Channels to provide personalized financial solutions. The analysis of client data allows for tailored offerings, ensuring that financial products and services align with individual preferences and requirements.
Blockchain for Transparency and Security:
As pioneers in financial engagement, Corporate DSA Channels explore the integration of blockchain technology. Beyond innovation, this approach brings transparency and security to financial transactions, instilling confidence in clients and reinforcing trust.
Customer-Centric Approach: Nurturing Financial Well-Being
Holistic Financial Planning:
The customer-centric approach of Corporate DSA Channels extends to holistic financial planning. DSAs collaborate with clients, not only focusing on immediate financial needs but also working towards long-term financial well-being through comprehensive planning.
Educational Initiatives for Empowerment:
Nurturing financial prosperity involves empowering clients through education. Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel Invest in educational initiatives, providing resources and guidance that enable clients to make informed decisions about their financial future.
Challenges and Responsive Strategies:
Adapting to Technological Changes:
The rapid pace of technological evolution poses challenges. Corporate DSA Channels proactively address this by implementing ongoing training programs, ensuring that both DSAs and clients can adapt to and leverage new technologies effectively.
Navigating Regulatory Frameworks:
Staying compliant with regulatory frameworks is paramount. Corporate DSA Channels navigate this challenge through active participation in industry discussions, regular updates to practices, and a commitment to upholding ethical standards.
Corporate DSA Channel / DSA Channel fueled by a synergy of empathy and innovation, are transforming financial engagement into a journey of understanding, empowerment, and trust. As these channels continue to evolve, they pave the way for a future where financial prosperity is not just an outcome but a collaborative, empathetic process that resonates with the unique needs and aspirations of each client.Discover unparalleled options for loans and Credit Card tailored to your preferences with Arena Fincorp. As a leading digital lending platform in the Loan & Finance sector, we provide industry-best choices, allowing you to select loans that match your needs, determine your preferred interest rates, and set terms according to your preferences. Experience extraordinary – our cutting-edge technology ensures swift application processing, enabling customers to receive funds in their accounts in as little as 12 hours, with minimal documentation required .
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ravidbmr · 4 years
Vehicle Diagnostics Market Size and Growth Factors Research and Projection by 2027 | Leading Players – OnStar, LLC; Vector Informatik GmbH; DENSO CORPORATION
This report is a comprehensive research on the Vehicle Diagnostics Market. It is designed to analyze and forecast the size of the Vehicle Diagnostics Market across a variety of industries, includes short-term and long-term trends that affect market conditions. In addition, the report provides market momentum, constraints, and potential opportunities. Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market is expected to witness market growth at a rate of 9.32% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Data Bridge Market Research report on global Vehicle Diagnostics Market provides analysis and insights regarding the leading current market analysis scenario, upcoming as well as future opportunities and competitors.
Research studies use the analysis of the different types of information contained in the survey to analyze market at the global, regional, and national levels. The main strategies seen by companies in recent years are diversification, application expansion, and investment in new markets.
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Request for Sample with Complete TOC and Figures & Graphs @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-vehicle-diagnostics-market
Segmentation: Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market
By Equipment Type
Exhaust Gas Analyser
Wheel Alignment Equipment
Headlight Tester
Paint Scan Equipment
By Product Type
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) 2 Scanner
Multi-System Auto Diagnostic Tool
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) II Scanner Bluetooth Automotive ECU Coding Diagnostic Tool
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) 2 Car Code Reader/Scan Tool
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) 2 Adapter Check Engine Diagnostic Tool
Smartphone Diagnostic Tool
Competitive Analysis:
The Vehicle Diagnostics Market has players in both the international and domestic markets. Major players in the market are focused on adopting organic and inorganic strategies to increase market share.
Challenges related to distribution channels, fierce competition, pricing issues, and changing consumer preferences will continue to put pressure on vendor profit margins.
The research study describes new strategies for Vehicle Diagnostics Market vendors in the near future.
The five leading companies in the Vehicle Diagnostics Market industry and their products, SWOT analysis, and comparisons are provided.
This customized report also helps clients keep up with new technology launches in direct and indirect COVID-19 related markets, future strategies and pipeline analysis, and significant developments in vendor operations and government regulation.
Regional Analysis:
The size of the Vehicle Diagnostics Market is divided into different types, applications, and regions. Vehicle Diagnostics Market share across types and applications is provided at each regional level. The five regions covered by the report include North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East Africa, South, and Central America. In addition, it provides country-level market value.
Vehicle Diagnostics Market Report helps industrial, and commercial buyers, manufacturers, governments, and other stakeholders implement market-centric tactics in line with forecasts for general trends within the global market. It’s a good compilation of all the data you need.
Few of the major competitors currently working in the vehicle diagnostics market are Delphi Technologies; VOXX International Corp.; KPIT; Robert Bosch GmbH; AVL; Hickok Inc; SPX CORPORATION; OnStar, LLC; Vector Informatik GmbH; DENSO CORPORATION; General Technologies Corp.; Repairify, Inc.; ETAS; ACTIA Group; Continental AG; Magneti Marelli S.p.A.; DSA Daten- und Systemtechnik GmbH; Snap-on Incorporated; Vidiwave Limited; Softing AG and Dearborn Group, dba: DG Technologies.
Some Points from Table of Content
Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market Report 2020 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, Forecast to 2026
Chapter 1 Report Overview
Chapter 2 Global Market Growth Trends
Chapter 3 Value Chain of Vehicle Diagnostics Market
Chapter 4 Players Profiles
Chapter 5 Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Regions
Chapter 6 North America Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 7 Europe Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 8 Asia-Pacific Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 9 Middle East and Africa Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 10 South America Vehicle Diagnostics Market Analysis by Countries
Chapter 11 Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market Segment by Types
Chapter 12 Global Vehicle Diagnostics Market Segment by Applications
Chapter 13 Vehicle Diagnostics Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2026)
Access Full Report@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-vehicle-diagnostics-market
About Us:
Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market
Data Bridge Market Research
Tel: +1-888-387-2818
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wealthpalofficial · 4 years
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Do you know how Banks and NBFCs get majority of their individual clients who are seeking a loan? It is through Direct Selling Agents (DSAs). There are very few professions that are easy to start and quick to grow as one of becoming a DSA. Also called a channel partner, a DSA is a person who is authorized to work as a referral agent for a Bank or NBFC. There are numerous successful career change stories where corporate employees switched to DSA and multiplied their income in a matter of couple of years. DSAs can specialize in Housing loans, Car loans, Used Car Loans, Personal Loan and Business Loans, or provide all services under one roof. As per Zakir Hussain, DSA with leading Banks and NBFCs at Jodhpur, “In the past, Banks and NBFC ussed to have their own sales team. But now they work through DSAs who play the important role in the field of identifying customers, preparing their loan files and submitting files to dedicated staff at bank for speedy processing.” A detailed background check is done (CIBIL etc.) by Banks and NBFCs before approving someone as a DSA. DSAs are paid a commission (2-3%) based on size and nature of loan; each Bank /NBFC having its own incentive scheme. #businessrequirements #dsa #channelpartner #financialrequirements #careerchange https://www.instagram.com/p/CBH2H__F7Qc/?igshid=17nu6mcvcx1q3
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Automotive Test Equipment Market is Blooming |
Automotive Test Equipment Market is one of the most comprehensive and important additions to Data Bridge market research studies. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the global Automotive Test Equipment market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the global Automotive Test Equipment market. Market participants can use the analysis on market dynamics to plan effective growth strategies and prepare for future challenges beforehand. Continental AG; Softing AG; ACTIA Group; ABB; Delphi Technologies; Vector Informatik GmbH; Siemens; SGS SA; Robert Bosch GmbH; Horiba; Honeywell International Inc.; TÜV SÜD; PTM Electronics; DENSO CORPORATION; DSA Daten- und Systemtechnik GmbH; Millbrook Proving Ground; Sierra Instruments, Inc.; Intelligent Technology Corp.,Ltd.; MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG; CME; MTS Systems Corporation; SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.; Racelogic and MOOG INC. are few of the major competitors present in the market.
Global Automotive Test Equipment Market is expected to grow to a projected value of USD 2.95 billion by 2026, rising from its initial estimated value of USD 2.14 billion in 2018, registering a CAGR of 4.13% in the forecast period of 2019-2026.
Get Exclusive Sample Report: @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-Automotive Test Equipment-market
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By Product Type (Chasis Dynamometer, Engine Dynamometer, Wheel Alignment Tester, Vehicle Emission Test System), End Market (OEM R&D/Technical Center, OEM Assembly Paint, Authorized Service Centers), Vehicle Type (Commercial Vehicle, Passenger Car), Application (Mobile/Tablet Based Equipment, PC/Laptop Based Equipment), Advance Technology (ECU Testing, Data Logger, Simulation Testing, ADAS Testing, EV Testing)
Automotive test equipment includes those devices and equipments that are used for the detection of faults and detecting the capabilities of vehicles by testing their performance and operations. These devices and equipments test the vehicles in challenging conditions and detect the efficacy and effectiveness in various scenarios such as autonomous driving effectiveness, crash prevention, damage on impact prevention and others.
Market Drivers:
Growth in adoption of autonomous vehicles and the need for proper R&D and testing for the capabilities of autonomous vehicles
Growing concerns regarding the environment and presence of strict regulations regarding the calculation of emissions from vehicles and automotive
Market Restraint:
High levels of costs associated with the application and implementation of advance testing equipment; this factor is expected to act as a restraint to the market growth
Global Automotive Test Equipment Market Size, Status and Forecast 2019 – 2026
1 Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Automotive Test Equipment Sales, Revenue, Market Share and Competition by Manufacturer
4 Global Automotive Test Equipment Market Analyses by Regions
5 North America Automotive Test Equipment by Countries
6 Europe Automotive Test Equipment by Countries
7 Asia-Pacific Automotive Test Equipment by Countries
8 South America Automotive Test Equipment by Countries
9 Middle East and Africa Automotive Test Equipment by Countries
10 Global Automotive Test Equipment Market Segment by Type
11 Global Automotive Test Equipment Market Segment by Application
12 Automotive Test Equipment Market Forecast
13 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers
14 Research Findings and Conclusion
15 Appendixes
Access Detailed TOC@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-Automotive Test Equipment-market
Global automotive test equipment market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of automotive test equipment market for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
 The Report Highlights
Historic and forecasted Automotive Test Equipment market size in terms of revenues & unit sales, average selling price, growth rates, and company market shares.
Highlights and compares key application/product categories for growth trends and revenue forecast.
Automotive Test Equipment Market size, revenue and unit sales according to each region
Cross category comparison – Growth and revenue comparison for product categories, historic and forecast through 2026.
Automotive Test Equipment Market share of top key players
Current trends and recent Developments
Scope of the Automotive Test Equipment Market Report
Automotive Test Equipment Market (Actual Period: 2017-2018, Forecast Period: 2019-2026)
Automotive Test Equipment Market – Size, Growth, Forecast
Analysis by Type:
Regional Analysis – Actual Period: 2017-2018, Forecast Period: 2019-2026
Automotive Test Equipment Market – Size, Growth, Forecast
Automotive Test Equipment Market Analysis by Type
Buy now @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/checkout/buy/enterprise/global-automotive-test-equipment-market
About Us:
Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market
Data Bridge Market Research
Tel: +1-888-387-2818
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leftpress · 7 years
What is Net Neutrality ?
Dsa 🌹 | Democratic Left - Democratic Socialists of America | July 12th 2017
By Julianne Tveten
Kitchen Table Socialism:
This spring, Congress passed anti-online-privacy legislation that could hinder organizing efforts by groups like DSA while channeling millions of dollars into corporations. President Donald Trump signed into law a bill that allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to harvest sensitive data, such as medical information, geolocation, and Web-browsing history, and sell it to advertisers. 
Get your Latest News From The Leftist Front on LeftPress.tk → Support Us On Patreon! ←
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endenogatai · 4 years
Google pushes Europe to limit ‘gatekeeper’ platform rules
Google has made its pitch to shape the next decades of digital regulation across the European Union, submitting a 135-page response yesterday to the consultation on the forthcoming Digital Services Act (DSA) — which will update the bloc’s long-standing rules around ecommerce.
The package also looks set to introduce specific rules for so-called “gatekeeper platforms” which wield outsized market power thanks to digital network effects. Hence Mountain View’s dialled-up attention to detail.
The lion’s share of Google’s submission focuses on lobbying against the prospect of ex ante regulation for such platform giants — something the European Commission has nonetheless signalled is front of mind as it looks at how to rein in platform power.
This type of regulation intervention aims to identify competitive problems and shape responses ‘before the event’ via the application of obligations on players who hold significant market power vs after the fact competition enforcement when market harm has been established.
“A blanket approach to ex ante competition regulation could have unintended consequences on user experience as well as multiplying costs for European businesses,” it writes, urging lawmakers to take a long, hard look at existing regulation to see if it’s not able to do the job of ensuring markets are “working properly”.
“Where the evidence shows meaningful gaps, the next step ought to be to consider how one can modernise those existing rules and procedures to address the underlying concerns before turning to consideration of new and distinct regulatory frameworks,” it adds.
If EU lawmakers must go ahead with ex ante regulation of platforms giants, Google — an adtech giant — is especially keen that they do not single out any specific business models. So it definitely wouldn’t be a fan of ex ante regs applied only to surveillance-fuelled ad-targeting platforms. Funny that. 
“The criteria for identifying ‘gatekeeper power’ should be independent of the particular business model that a platform uses, making no distinction as between platforms that operate business models based on advertising, subscriptions, sales commissions, or sales of hardware,” Google writes.
“Digital platforms often operate using different business and monetization strategies, across multiple markets, geographies, and sectors, with varying degrees of competitive strength in each. Regulators should not favor or discriminate against any business, business model, or technology from the outset,” it goes on.
“In certain sectors, the platform may have market power; in others, it may be a new entrant or marginal player. The digital ecosystem is extremely diverse and evolving rapidly and it would be misguided for gatekeeper designations to be evaluated by reference to the position of an entire company or corporate group.”
Nor should lawmakers opt for what Google dubs “an overly simplistic” assessment of what constitutes a gatekeeper — giving the example of number of users as an inadequate way to determine whether a platform giant has significant market power in a given moment. (Relevant: Google market share of search in Europe exceeds 90%.)
“Recent competition enforcement demonstrates the range of platforms that have been found to have market power (e.g., Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple) and other platforms may be found to have market power in the future (borne out, for example, by the UK CMA’s investigation into online auction platform services),” it writes. “The gatekeeper assessment should therefore recognize that a range of platforms — operating a range of different business models (e.g., ad-funded, subscription-based, commission-based, hardware sales) — may hold ‘market power’ in different circumstances and vis-à-vis different platform participants.”
The tech giant can also be seen pushing a familiar talking point when its business is accused of profiting, parasitically, off of others’ content — by suggesting that when regulators are assessing whether a platform is a gatekeeper or not by considering the economic dependence of traditional businesses on a limited number of online platforms they should look favorably on those platforms “through which a materially significant proportion of business (e.g. in the form of highly valuable traffic) is channeled”.
But of course it would say that clicks are just as good as all the ad dollars it’s making.
Google is also pushing for regular review of any gatekeeper designations to ensure any obligations keep pace with fast-moving markets and competition shifts (it points to the recent rise of TikTok by way of example).
It also doesn’t want gatekeeper designations to apply universally across all markets — arguing instead they should only apply in the specific market where a platform is “found to have ‘gatekeeper’ power”.
“Large digital platforms tend to operate across multiple markets and sectors, with varying degrees of competitive strength in each,” Google argues, adding that: “Applying ex ante rules outside these markets would create a risk of deterring pro-competitive market entry through excessive regulation, thereby depriving SMEs and consumers of attractive new products.”
That would stand in contrast to the EU’s modus operandi around competition law enforcement — where a business that’s been judged to be dominant in one market (like Google is in search) has what competition chief Margrethe Vestager likes to refer to as a “special responsibility” not to abuse its market power to leverage that advantage in any other market, not only the one it’s been found to hold most of the market power.
At the same time as Google is lobbying for limits on any gatekeeper designations, the tech giant wants to see certain types of rules applied universally to all players. Here it gives the examples of privacy, transparency (such as for fees) and ranking decisions.
Data portability is another area it’s urging rules to be applied industry-wide.
It also wants to see any online ad rules applied universally, not just to gatekeeper platforms. But it’s also very keen for hard limits on any such rules.
“It will be important that any interventions seeking to achieve more transparency and accountability are carefully designed to avoid inadvertently hampering the ability of online advertising tools to deliver the value that publishers and advertisers have come to expect,” the adtech giant writes, lobbying to reduce the amount of transparency and accountability set down in law by invoking claims of privacy risks to user data; threats to commercial IP; and ‘bad actors’ gaming the system if it’s not allowed to continue being (an ad-fraud-tastic) blackbox.
“Consideration of these measures will therefore require the balancing of factors including protection of users’ personal data and partners’ commercially sensitive information, and potential harm to users and competition through disclosure of data signals that allow ‘bad actors’ to game the system, or rivals to copy innovations. We stand ready to engage with the Commission on these issues,” Google intones.
On updating ecommerce rules and liability — which is a stated aim of the DSA plan — Google is cautiously supportive of regulatory changes to reflect what it describes as “the digital transformation of the last two decades”. While pushing to retain core elements of the current e-Commerce Directive regime, including the country-of-origin principle and freedom to provide cross-border digital services. 
For example it wants to see more expansive definitions of digital services, to allow for more specific rules for certain types of businesses — pushing for a move away from the ‘active’ and ‘passive’ hosts distinction for platforms, to enable them to respond more proactively in a content moderation context without inviting liability by doing so, but suggesting hosting services may be better served by retaining the current regime (Article 14 of the e-Commerce Directive).
On liability for illegal content it is lobbying for see clear lines between illegal material and what’s “lawful-but-harmful”.
“Where Member States believe a category of content is sufficiently harmful, their governments may make that content illegal directly, through democratic processes, in a clear and proportionate manner, rather than through back-door regulation of amorphously-defined harms,” it writes.
It also wants the updated law to retain the general prohibition on content monitoring obligations — and downplays the potential of AI to offer any ‘third way’ there.
“While breakthroughs in machine learning and other technology are impressive, the technology is far from perfect, and less accurate on more nuanced or context-dependent content. Their mandated use would be inappropriate, and could lead to restrictions on lawful content and on citizens’ fundamental rights,” Google warns. “The DSA can help prevent risks to fundamental rights by ensuring that companies are not forced to prioritise speed of removal over careful decision-making,” it adds, saying it encounters “many grey-area cases that require appropriate time to evaluate the law and context”.
“We remain concerned about recent laws that enable imposition of large penalties if short, fixed turn-around times are not met,” it goes on, pointing to a recent ruling by the French Constitutional Council which struck down an online hate speech law on freedom of expression grounds.
“Any new standard should safeguard fundamental rights by ensuring an appropriate balance between speed and accuracy of removal,” Google adds.
You can read its full submission — including answers to the Commission’s questionnaire — here.
The Commission’s DSA consultation closes on September 8. EU lawmakers have previously said they will come forward with a draft proposal for the new rules by the end of the year.
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graciegarner16 · 4 years
Remote Diagnostics Devices Market Revenue and Growth Rate Research Report By 2026
A new market intelligence report released by Data Bridge Market research with titled “Global Remote Diagnostics Devices Market” (covering USA, Europe, China, Japan, India, South East Asia and etc) that provide information, statistics, facts and figures, corporate intelligence, economic data, innovation drivers which are very supportive for the companies to maximize or minimize the production of goods depending on the states of demand. This global Remote Diagnostics Devices business report makes available a profound overview of product specification, technology, product type and production analysis considering major factors such as revenue, cost, gross and gross margin. Businesses can achieve key statistics on the market status of regional and global manufacturers along with precious guidance and direction to drive the business towards the growth and success. The major scope of this Remote Diagnostics Devices market research report involves industry research, customer insights, market sizing and forecast, competitive analysis, market entry strategy, pricing trends, sustainability trends, innovation trends, technology evolution, and distribution channel assessment.
According to the latest research, global demand for remote diagnostics devices market is set to witness a stable CAGR in the forecast period. Increasing scale of hybrid vehicles and rising demand for wearable ECG monitor are the major factor for the growth of this market.
Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts Here@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample?dbmr=global-remote-diagnostics-devices-market
If you are involved in the Remote Diagnostics Devices industry or intend to be, then this study will provide you comprehensive outlook. It’s vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Product Type (Diagnostic Equipment, Software), Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicle, Heavy Commercial Vehicle), Connectivity (Bluetooth, 3G/4G, Wi- Fi), Application (Vehicle System and Component Access, Vehicle Health Tracking & Diagnosis, Service Assistance), Geography (North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa)
What are the major market growth drivers?
Increasing sales of electric and hybrid vehicles is driving the market growth
Rising prevalence for in- vehicle diagnostic technology will also propel market
Technological advancement and development in remote diagnostics devices will also act as a driver for this market
Increasing demand for support in emergency is driving market
Key Market Competitors: Remote Diagnostics Devices Market
Few of the major competitors currently working in the global remote diagnostics devices market are Robert Bosch GmbH, Continental AG, OnStar, LLC., Vidiwave Ltd, Tech Mahindra Limited, Verizon, Transics, ACTIA Group, Magneti Marelli S.p.A, Softing AG, Remote Diagnostic Technologies Limited, Actia UK,  ETAS, General Technologies Corp., KPIT, Fluke Corporation, DSA Daten- und Systemtechnik GmbH, VOXX International., RemoteA, Mindteck among others.
Key Insights that Study is going to provide:
The 360-degree Remote Diagnostics Devices overview based on a global and regional level
Market Share & Sales Revenue by Key Players & Emerging Regional Players
Competitors - In this section, various Remote Diagnostics Devices industry leading players are studied with respect to their company profile, product portfolio, capacity, price, cost, and revenue.
A separate chapter on Market Entropy to gain insights on Leaders aggressiveness towards market [Merger & Acquisition / Recent Investment and Key Developments]
Patent Analysis** No of patents / Trademark filed in recent years.
A complete and useful guide for new market aspirants
Forecast information will drive strategic, innovative and profitable business plans and SWOT analysis of players will pave the way for growth opportunities, risk analysis, investment feasibility and recommendations
Supply and Consumption - In continuation of sales, this section studies supply and consumption for the Remote Diagnostics Devices Market. This part also sheds light on the gap between supply and consumption. Import and export figures are also given in this part
Production Analysis - Production of the Remote Diagnostics Devices is analyzed with respect to different regions, types and applications. Here, price analysis of various Remote Diagnostics Devices Market key players is also covered.
Sales and Revenue Analysis - Both, sales and revenue are studied for the different regions of the Remote Diagnostics Devices Market. Another major aspect, price, which plays an important part in the revenue generation, is also assessed in this section for the various regions.
Other analyses - Apart from the information, trade and distribution analysis for the Remote Diagnostics Devices Market
Competitive Landscape: Company profile for listed players with SWOT Analysis, Business Overview, Product/Services Specification, Business Headquarter, Downstream Buyers and Upstream Suppliers.
May vary depending upon availability and feasibility of data with respect to Industry targeted
Key Developments in the Market:
In June 2018, Royal Philips announced that they have acquired Remote Diagnostic Technologies so that they can expand them in the emergency care market. This acquisition will help them to expand their portfolio in emergency care solutions and will be able to provide better connected and data driven solutions to their customers
In September 2016, Toshiba TEC announced the launch of their e-BRIDGE CloudConnect which is a cloud-based support solution. They have proactive device status alerts and remote diagnostics and automated meter readings and JIT (Just in Time) replenishment of supplies. It has the ability to monitor and diagnose the health of the entire estate and also can accept the repair codes. It provide fast diagnostics
Market Dynamics: Set of qualitative information that includes PESTEL Analysis, PORTER Five Forces Model, Value Chain Analysis and Macro Economic factors, Regulatory Framework along with Industry Background and Overview
Some extract from Table of Contents
Overview of Global Remote Diagnostics Devices Market
Remote Diagnostics Devices Size (Sales Volume) Comparison by Type
Remote Diagnostics Devices Size (Consumption) and Market Share Comparison by Application
Remote Diagnostics Devices Size (Value) Comparison by Region
Remote Diagnostics Devices Sales, Revenue and Growth Rate
Remote Diagnostics Devices Competitive Situation and Trends
Strategic proposal for estimating availability of core business segments
Players/Suppliers, Sales Area
Analyze competitors, including all important parameters of Remote Diagnostics Devices
Global Remote Diagnostics Devices Manufacturing Cost Analysis
The most recent innovative headway and supply chain pattern mapping
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe, MEA or Asia Pacific.
Table Of Contents Is Available Here@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc?dbmr=global-remote-diagnostics-devices-market
To comprehend Global Remote Diagnostics Devices market dynamics in the world mainly, the worldwide Remote Diagnostics Devices market is analyzed across major global regions. DBMR also provides customized specific regional and country-level reports for the following areas. • North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico. • South & Central America: Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. • Middle East & Africa: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt and South Africa. • Europe: UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, NORDIC {Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark etc}, BENELUX {Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg}, and Russia. • Asia-Pacific: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia.
Why Is Data Triangulation Important In Qualitative Research?
This involves data mining, analysis of the impact of data variables on the market, and primary (industry expert) validation. Apart from this, other data models include Vendor Positioning Grid, Market Time Line Analysis, Market Overview and Guide, Company Positioning Grid, Company Market Share Analysis, Standards of Measurement, Top to Bottom Analysis and Vendor Share Analysis. Triangulation is one method used while reviewing, synthesizing and interpreting field data. Data triangulation has been advocated as a methodological technique not only to enhance the validity of the research findings but also to achieve ‘completeness’ and ‘confirmation’ of data using multiple methods
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marketnewsri · 4 years
Medical X-Ray Generator Market Analysis And Industry Insights till 2028
June 03, 2020: The global Medical X-Ray Generator market was valued at $XX million in 2018, and Radiant Insights analysts predict the global market size will reach $XX million by the end of 2028, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2028. This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Medical X-Ray Generator from 2013-2018, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2019-2028 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Medical X-Ray Generator market. Leading players of Medical X-Ray Generator including: •    CPI Medical •    Spellman •    Siemens •    GE Healthcare •    Italray •    DRGEM •    Innomed Medical •    ECORAY •    Listem •    DMS/APELEM •    Asahi •    Shimadzu •    Neusoft •    Yiju Medical •    Hokai •    DH Medical •    Angell Request a Free Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-medical-x-ray-generator-market/request-sample Market split by Type, can be divided into: •    High Frequency X-Ray Generators •    Low Frequency X-Ray Generators Market split by Application, can be divided into: •    CT •    DR •    DSA •    Mammograph •    Gastrointestinal Equipment Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into: •    Direct Channel •    Distribution Channel Market segment by Region/Country including: •    North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) •    Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) •    Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) •    South America Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile etc.) •    Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia etc.)     Download Full Research Report @ https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-medical-x-ray-generator-market Table of Contents Chapter 1 Medical X-Ray Generator Market Overview    1.1 Medical X-Ray Generator Definition    1.2 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market Size Status and Outlook (2013-2028)    1.3 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market Size Comparison by Region (2013-2028)    1.4 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market Size Comparison by Type (2013-2028)    1.5 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market Size Comparison by Application (2013-2028)    1.6 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market Size Comparison by Sales Channel (2013-2028)    1.7 Medical X-Ray Generator Market Dynamics        1.7.1 Market Drivers/Opportunities        1.7.2 Market Challenges/Risks        1.7.3 Market News (Mergers/Acquisitions/ Expansion) Chapter 2 Medical X-Ray Generator Market Segment Analysis by Player    2.1 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Sales and Market Share by Player (2016-2018)    2.2 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Revenue and Market Share by Player (2016-2018)    2.3 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Average Price by Player (2016-2018)    2.4 Players Competition Situation & Trends    2.5 Conclusion of Segment by Player Chapter 3 Medical X-Ray Generator Market Segment Analysis by Type    3.1 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Market by Type        3.1.1 High Frequency X-Ray Generators        3.1.2 Low Frequency X-Ray Generators    3.2 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Sales and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)    3.3 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Revenue and Market Share by Type (2013-2018)    3.4 Global Medical X-Ray Generator Average Price by Type (2013-2018)    3.5 Leading Players of Medical X-Ray Generator by Type in 2018    3.6 Conclusion of Segment by Type About Radiant Insights: At Radiant Insights, we work with the aim to reach the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Our representatives strive to understand diverse client requirements and cater to the same with the most innovative and functional solutions. Media Contact: Michelle Thoras. Corporate Sales Specialist Radiant Insights, Inc. Phone: +1-415-349-0054 Toll Free: 1-888-928-9744 Email: [email protected] Web: https://www.radiantinsights.com
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phgq · 5 years
RBOI-BARMM registers P4.1 billion investments in 2019
#PHinfo: RBOI-BARMM registers P4.1 billion investments in 2019
COTABATO CITY, Dec. 10 (PIA) -- The Regional Board of Investments of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (RBOI-BARMM) has registered a total of P4.1 billion worth of investments and recorded 2,724 number of employment in 2019.
The data was revealed by the RBOI-BARMM on December 4 during the 2019 RBOI’s Year-end Assessment/Reporting and Workshop on Investment Promotion for the BARMM.
Based on the report presented by RBOI-BARMM Senior Investments Specialist Shamera Abobakar, the recorded increase in investments this year exceeded by 180 percent of its target of generating P2.3 billion worth of investment projects.
Abobakar emphasized that there has been 217 percent increase in investments and 200 percent increase in employment from 2018 to 2019.
The approved and registered companies which invested in BARMM are JMI Sand and Gravel Truck Services with P1.4 billion, Lamitan Agri Business Corporation (LABCO) with P1.8 billion, Maguindanao Corn Development (MCD) DSA-1 Corporation with P515 million, Wao Development Corporation with P306 million, and Hong Kong Feng Sheng Heritage Philippine Incorporated (HKFSH) with P100 million worth of investments.
Abobakar said, that with the ratification of the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) and the establishment of the BARMM, more investments have seen in the region.
“Fortunately, after the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) was ratified and the establishment of BARMM, the investments in the region has increased,” she stated.
Abobakar also added that the RBOI-BARMM has been conducting different activities in promoting investments in the region through the BARMM Wide Investment Priorities Plan (IPP), Business Sustainability Framework in the Bangsamoro (BSFB), instilling confidence with local and international networks and potential investors, information channels/media mileage, Philippine Investment Promotion Plan (IPP) Team-Technical Working Group, and Investment Facilitation/On-Site Visitation. 
Meanwhile, Atty. Ishak Mastura, RBOI-BARMM chairman, during his opening speech said, “The investment promotion is a whole government’s affair, it is not just the agency of the RBOI, but all the agencies of the BARMM all the way up to the chief minister.”
He also added that BARMM has shown the benefits of peace in terms of more willing investors who want to invest in the region.  (PIA Cotabato City)
* Philippine Information Agency. "RBOI-BARMM registers P4.1 billion investments in 2019." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031225 (accessed December 10, 2019 at 05:14PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "RBOI-BARMM registers P4.1 billion investments in 2019." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031225 (archived).
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