ecpenkraft · 8 months
Join us for an interactive & fun-filled Penkraft Lippan Art Workshop!
Date: 05 January 2024.
Timing: 2 PM - 5 PM
Fee: ₹ 1999/- (including all material).
Venue: Penkraft, 703, Durga Niwas, Tembhi Naka, Thane (W).
Click to register - https://www.penkraft.in/WorkshopDetails/index?id=936
During this workshop, you shall learn- - History of Lippan Art - Information about the materials used to create your own wall decor with Lippan Art - Learn about various surfaces on which you can use this art form - Information about stretched 12" x 18" Canvas - Learn to create different types of patterns with moldit clay - Guidance to do the mirror work, and form various patterns out of it - Tips and tricks to enhance your expertise in Lippan Art - Step-by-step demonstration and guidance - Do's and Don'ts Material provided - Canvas (12'' x 18''), Mirrors, 3 Packets Moldit clay, Glue, White Color, Brown Color, No.3 Brush, sponge. Takeaways - A beautiful master piece created by you, confidence of creating the next beautiful artwork without any help, a refreshed mind and happiness.
For manual registration/queries, please contact us at +91 91360 24969.
For more Art Workshops by Penkraft, Please click on: https://www.penkraft.in/Workshops
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deepeshchandran09 · 1 year
Corporate Storytelling for HR
Attracting, on-boarding and retaining the right talent, simplified!
Contrary to popular belief, the role of an HR department is not just to organize team-building activities. Effective human resources (HR), with well-defined functions and management, can help provide organizational structure and the ability to meet business needs by managing the organization’s most valuable asset – the employees. 
The HR’s job is one of the most important contributors to an organization’s success but often at times they are undervalued. 
The following challenges denote the speed-bumps they face every day and yet are underappreciated-
Rising attrition rates
Lack of engaging employee orientation programs to instill safety, pride, and enthusiasm 
Top-down lack of empathy 
Disconnect between the management and teams 
Candidate drop-offs after recruitment/on boarding
Lack of alignment with the organizational north star/vision/ mission 
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ROI with storytelling for HR 
Rising attrition rates and lack of engaging employee orientation programs.
Often employees quit mentally 3-6 months before resigning, the trick is to recognize withdrawal symptoms and address those early. Storytelling help leaders strengthen employee connections or retain them by invoking feelings and action based on safety, pride, and enthusiasm. Ditch your regular 32-slide presentations and leverage ‘people stories’ to grab employee attention. Whether conducted in private or in a public meeting, storytelling can change employee attitude.
Top-down lack of empathy and disconnect between the management and teams
People don’t leave companies, they leave people. Empathy-based HR storytelling can help leaders lead with empathy, offer recognition and appreciation for teams and develop a human bond.
Candidate drop-offs after recruitment/on boarding and lack of alignment with the north star
Money can’t buy happiness nor the right talent. Attract the best candidates for your organizational needs with storytelling for human resources. Change your company narrative and inspiring examples to lure the talent of your choice.
Engaging employee orientation programs to instil skillsets, knowledge and enthusiasm.
Translate abstract or complex information into something more meaningful and understandable Making the content more knowledgeable and stimulating. Enhancing the productivity of the organization
Training and development
Help the organisation to keep pace with innovations in technology and upgrade the employees. Better understanding  and clarity on skillsets required Helps the organization to retain top talent and increase job satisfaction
Employee Welfare
Projects how the organization care for their employees Assists in understanding the balance between work and health Secured feeling and awareness on Insurance and future financial planning.
The desire to create stories is not new, but it often feels like a challenge. To kick-start this process, there are several moments or milestones you can turn to. Leveraging them to create, narrate, and recall stories feel more like a conversation and less challenging. Successful HR stories communicate intent, imbibe it and help recollect it at the right moment. Here are some other benefits of storytelling for human resources-
Develop an employee connect
Generate brand recall 
Attract new talent 
Resolve people challenges
Drive an engine of change
E.g.1.: Smita was thinking of leaving the present organization for career growth and better prospects. After attending the HR storytelling session her mind-set changed as she could visualize her growth in the present organization with enhance skillsets through HR Learning and Development workshops.
E.g.2.: Team Leader Rahul got clarity on productivity and goal of the organisation through employee orientation program by HR. This motivated him to enhance and bring out the best output from his team. It also developed his qualities of leadership.
 Are you ready to create a robust story bank to humanize business functions and processes in your organization?
Get in touch by connecting on [email protected] or call us on +919970838025
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netraahazaare · 1 year
Learn how to create, a temporary canopy made of MDF, resembling a miniature temple or a shrine. Ganesh Makhar Decoration is designed to place the Lord Ganesha idol during the festival. Understand the material well that you will be handling, like MDF surface and acrylic paints to color your article. Understand to maintain the consistency of the paint and the technique to apply color on an MDF surface. Guidance to choose the correct and vibrant color scheme, for your Makhar. Learn to decorate your Makhar with beautiful mirror work, to enhance its look. Gain the extra knowledge, to decorate and create a complementary theme, according to the Color Scheme of your Makhar.
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mynihonkai · 5 months
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Corporate Workshop at Nihonkai Delhi's Top #Japanese Language Institute, where we'll empower your team with essential #Japanese language skills and cultural insights. Book Free #DemoClasses Call or WhatsApp +91 9999 798 094 or visit https://www.japaneselanguage.co
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Corporate Workshops - 5 workshop ideas you must know about
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Corporate Workshops - 5 workshop ideas you must know about
Corporate workshops are designed training sessions focused on enhancing employees' skills, knowledge, and team dynamics. These intensive courses allow participants to learn critical skills and strategies in an interactive, hands-on setting. Well-designed corporate workshops provide numerous benefits for organisations of any size or industry. Unlike typical lectures or seminars, workshops emphasise group participation and activities. Employees practice new techniques, collaborate on projects, and receive expert coaching. This engaging approach helps staff fully absorb and apply what they learn. Participants also get to know their coworkers better during team building exercises, improving relationships and communication. Companies utilise workshops for everything from customer service training to leadership development. They allow organisations to efficiently educate employees on key topics and strategies. Workshops deliver several advantages over individual training or web-based learning. The immersive environment helps participants learn more effectively, through practice and immediate feedback. People also retain information better when learning as a group. Bringing cross-functional teams together for workshops can increase collaboration and alignment across departments. The focused format allows for deeper training than an hour-long seminar. Corporate workshops can provide memorable development experiences that stick with employees long after the event.
Types of Corporate Workshops
Corporations invest in workshops for employees for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common types of corporate workshops include: 1. Team Building Team building workshops focus on improving collaboration, communication, and trust between team members. Activities may include group challenges, games, or discussions designed to strengthen relationships and alignment. The goal is to build a cohesive team unit. 2. Leadership Training Leadership training empowers managers with skills to effectively direct teams. Workshops can teach strategic planning, goal-setting, decision-making, conflict resolution, coaching, and other supervisory capabilities. Developing strong leaders is crucial for organisational success. 3. Diversity and Inclusion Diversity training raises awareness of biases and teaches inclusive behaviors. Workshops aim to create a respectful environment where employees of all backgrounds feel valued and able to contribute fully. Covering topics like unconscious bias, microaggressions, and cross-cultural communication helps organisations to leverage the benefits of diverse perspectives. 4. Communication Skills Communication workshops sharpen abilities like active listening, public speaking, writing, presentation delivery, and more. Strong communication leads to engaged teams, clearer direction, productive meetings, and effective change management. Honing these skills is essential for workplace interactions. 5. Creativity and Innovation Creativity training helps teams generate fresh ideas, rethink challenges, and develop new solutions. Workshops utilise techniques like brainstorming, design thinking, and lateral thinking to spark innovation. Unlocking creativity enables organisations to evolve and gain competitive edge. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/wellbeing-workshops/
How Corporate Workshops Foster Teamwork and Collaboration
Effective corporate workshops can greatly improve collaboration, trust, and relationships among team members. By bringing employees together in a focused setting outside of their regular work environment, workshops facilitate quality interactions that may not otherwise occur. This allows teams to build stronger bonds as they learn together, tackle challenges, and navigate experiences as a group. Several aspects of workshops help foster greater teamwork: - Hands-on activities - Exercises, simulations, and games engage participants and require them to work together. This collaborative process breaks down barriers, builds understanding, and develops shared goals. Activities with a fun, engaging element also help teams bond. - Small group discussions - Breaking into smaller groups provides more intimate settings for employees to interact, share ideas, and develop connections. Facilitated roundtable talks create opportunities for sharing perspectives and insights not always visible in larger teams. - Informal interactions - The casual environment of workshops often leads to relationship-building interactions during breaks, meals, and networking time. People get to know each other personally and find common ground. - Common goals - Workshops unite employees behind shared objectives, visions, and problem-solving focus. Working as a team towards desired outcomes brings people together. Development of collaborative mindsets, values, and skills carry over beyond the workshop itself. - New environments - Getting team members out of their everyday workplace routine and into a new stimulating venue energises them and sparks fresh collaborative thinking. The neutral setting also minimises organisational politics or hierarchies. Thoughtfully designed and facilitated workshops provide teams dedicated time and space to gain alignment, improve dynamics, and build the mutual trust and understanding necessary for greater collaboration and performance. Participants leave energised and excited to put new skills, mindsets, and relationships into practice. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/workplace-mental-health-training/ Workplace mental health training: How to transform your work environment.
Team Building
Workshops aimed at team building focus on improving communication, and strengthening relationships between employees. These types of corporate workshops move beyond typical skill-building to address the overall well-being of staff. - Popular workshop themes include yoga, meditation, and sports activities. Yoga workshops bring groups of employees together for instructor-led classes. These provide gentle stretching and movement to decrease stress and muscle tension from office work. Yoga helps center the mind, increase focus, and recharge energy levels. Classes can range from beginner Vinyasa sequences to more advanced poses and inversions. Workshops often start with breathing exercises and finish with savasana relaxation. Some may even incorporate essential oils or calming music. Attendees typically leave yoga workshops feeling refreshed and reconnected with their bodies and coworkers. - Meditation workshops guide employees through mindfulness practices to enhance their mental clarity and emotional stability. Sitting in silence helps participants turn inward and separate from daily distractions. Meditation builds resilience against stress, anxiety, and burnout—common issues in corporate environments. Workshops provide techniques to integrate mindfulness into each day through regular short sessions. Many teach basic seated poses, walking meditations, and visualisation. Employees finish with a greater sense of calm and self-awareness. - Sports activities and outdoor workshops build morale through friendly team competition and shared experiences. Activities might include beach volleyball, mini golf tournaments, relay races, or even a company Olympics. These workshops allow coworkers to bond and unwind together in a relaxed setting. They build camaraderie, communication skills, and trust between teams. Corporations may also hold workshops Facilitators incorporate elements of coaching, strategy, and motivation. Participants learn the value of sportsmanship, collaboration, and effort. Sports workshops create lasting memories employees reflect on fondly. They break up workplace monotony and reconnect staff to their bodies and teammates. Wellness workshops address the mental, physical, and emotional health of employees. Yoga, meditation, and sports strengthen relationships, alleviate burnout, and boost morale. By supporting the overall wellbeing of personnel, companies see greater productivity, satisfaction, and retention. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/wellbeing-wednesday/ Wellbeing Wednesday: Shake Up Your Work Week
Enhancing Leadership Skills
Leadership skills allow managers to effectively guide their teams towards success. Corporate workshops aimed at developing leadership capabilities focus on various areas to strengthen a manager's competencies. - Identifying existing strengths and weaknesses in leadership is an important starting point. Workshops often utilise 360-degree feedback surveys to provide managers with constructive input on their abilities from their team, colleagues, and supervisors. Understanding perceived strengths allows managers to leverage them, while becoming aware of weaknesses provides an opportunity to improve. - Workshops can then provide training tailored to developing essential leadership skills like strategising, decision-making, problem-solving, influence, accountability, and communication. Breakout sessions, roleplaying exercises, and interactive discussions are used to build competencies through hands-on learning. Managers also gain insight into leadership styles and situational leadership approaches to apply in different scenarios. - Further skills developed include coaching team members, providing effective feedback, cultivating talent, and fostering creativity. Workshops teach managers how to align teams to objectives, motivate and engage employees, and create an empowering work culture. This enhances their ability to spearhead collective efforts to attain organisational goals. Equipping managers with improved leadership abilities has a direct positive impact on team and company performance. Corporate workshops aimed at strengthening management capabilities are a strategic investment towards driving productivity, innovation, and growth. The hands-on nature provides meaningful development opportunities for leaders seeking to guide their teams more effectively.
Corporate Workshops - Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity in the workplace encompasses all the ways employees differ, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, personality, and more. While diversity brings many benefits, such as increased innovation and better problem solving, it can also lead to communication issues, conflicts, and unconscious bias if not managed properly. Corporate workshops aimed at diversity and inclusion strive to raise cultural awareness, reduce bias, and promote equality. These workshops help participants understand implicit bias, microaggressions, and how to be an ally. They explore best practices for communicating across differences and creating an environment where all employees feel welcomed, valued, and able to contribute their unique perspectives. Leadership training is key, equipping managers with strategies to build diverse and inclusive teams. Hiring practices may be evaluated to reduce bias in recruitment and promotion. Mentorship programs can be implemented to support career development for underrepresented groups. Employees should be empowered to call out inappropriate behavior and given safe channels to report discrimination or harassment. The goal is to foster mutual understanding and ensure all employees can thrive. Corporate workshops lay the foundation by increasing diversity awareness and giving participants tools to champion inclusion every day. When people feel respected and valued for who they are, they are more engaged, innovative and productive. A diverse and inclusive culture directly impacts a company's bottom line. Corporate workshops can lead to greater innovation, higher employee retention, improved brand reputation, and accessing a wider talent pool. https://wellbeinginyouroffice.com/benefits-of-mindfulness-at-work/ Benefits of mindfulness at work – Unlock your Potential
Communication and Presentation
Effective communication and presentation skills are critical in the workplace. Corporate workshops aimed at enhancing these skills can have a powerful impact on an organisation. Such workshops typically focus on building skills for both internal team communication and external presentations. - For internal communication, workshops may cover active listening, giving constructive feedback, resolving conflicts, and running productive meetings. Exercises could include roleplaying difficult conversations, practicing reflective listening techniques, and discussing case studies. - Presentation skills workshops can improve how leaders and employees deliver high-stakes presentations, training sessions, and public speeches. These workshops build skills like connecting with diverse audiences, designing visual aids, speaking clearly, and handling Q&A sessions confidently. Attendees may practice and receive feedback on short sample presentations. - Beyond individual skills, some workshops address organisation-wide communication, ensuring alignment around goals, values, and culture across departments. Workshops can also optimise communication workflows and channels through collaboration best practices. With improved communication and presentation abilities, employees can express ideas clearly, empathise with colleagues, present effectively, and keep stakeholders aligned. Honing these skills through immersive workshops leads to tangible benefits in morale, engagement, and external reputation.
Corporate Workshops - Creativity and Innovation
Fostering creativity and innovation is a key goal for many corporate workshops. After all, the ability to think creatively and develop innovative solutions is a crucial skill in the modern workplace. Brainstorming sessions are a classic technique used in workshops to spark creativity. Gathering employees together to think freely and bounce ideas off each other often leads to creative breakthroughs. - Design thinking workshops take brainstorming a step further by providing a human-centric framework for developing creative solutions. Employees learn a step-by-step design thinking process of empathising with users, defining challenges, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. This provides a structured way to tap into creativity. Design thinking workshops equip employees with an innovative problem-solving mindset that can generate new products, services, and solutions. - Innovation workshops can also focus on cultivating an innovative culture within an organisation. Employees learn techniques for spurring innovation day-to-day, building on each other's ideas, taking smart risks, and learning from failures. Workshops explore case studies of highly innovative companies and blueprint ways to integrate innovation practices throughout an organisation. The goal is to motivate employees at all levels to contribute new thinking. Workshops that inspire creativity empower employees with the skills to turn imaginative ideas into business solutions. Participants leave excited about the culture of creativity facilitated through the interactive sessions. Companies can tap into their employees' innate creativity through well-designed innovation workshops.
Choosing Effective Corporate Workshops
Many factors contribute to a successful and impactful corporate workshop. Here are some best practices for choosing effective workshops: Assess Needs and Set Goals The first step is identifying the needs and desired outcomes. Ask questions like: - What skills do employees need to improve? - What challenges is the team or organisation facing? - What goals do leadership and employees have? Clearly defining the goals and purpose will inform the workshop selection. The content and activities should directly connect to the stated objectives. Pick Skilled Facilitators The right facilitator can make or break a workshop. Look for these qualities: - Deep expertise in the workshop topic and content. - Experience designing and leading corporate workshops specifically. - Skills to keep participants engaged through interactive methods. - Ability to connect with and relate to the employees. It helps if they have worked with similar organisations and understand the culture. Customise the Experience Each company's needs and culture are unique. Effective workshops are tailored to the specific organisation and participants. Generic, off-the-shelf workshops often fall flat. Work with facilitators to customise the content, discussions, role-plays, exercises, and examples. Make it targeted and relevant. Evaluate Results It's important to measure workshop outcomes and derive data-driven insights. Survey participants, conduct pre and post assessments, track goal progress, and calculate ROI. This will shed light on what's working and guide future improvements. Choosing the right workshop takes effort upfront but pays dividends through an energised and unified team.
Corporate Workshops - Conclusion
Corporate workshops provide immense value for organisations of all sizes and industries. By bringing teams together to learn, discuss, and collaborate, workshops facilitate improved communication, stronger relationships, and alignment on goals. Leaders can gain critical skills to motivate and support their teams. Diversity and inclusion initiatives enable organisations to tap into new perspectives and strengthen their culture. Creative thinking workshops spark innovation, while team building activities forge bonds and boost morale. With so many options for effective corporate workshops, it's important to choose trainings that align with your organisation's specific needs and objectives. Look for workshops that engage participants and provide them with practical takeaways to apply in their roles. The right workshops will inspire teams, deepen company culture, and elevate performance.
Advance Your Team's Skills and Wellbeing with our Corporate Workshops
In a fast-paced corporate environment, keeping your teams engaged, healthy and at the top of their game is paramount. Wellbeing In Your Office offers a range of corporate workshops designed specifically to empower, inspire, and nurture your teams. Beyond traditional team-building and leadership training, we're passionate about helping your team thrive in their work environment. Our offerings expand to unique wellness activities that encompass Read the full article
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abundancecoaching · 2 years
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Corporate Workshop | Abundance Coaching
Take a look at this corporate workshop in Sydney at Abundance Coaching, which helps to give you a comprehensive picture of who you are and how you communicate, act, and behave. For more details please visit our website.
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funwithartz · 3 years
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Clay Popiah. Made using waterproof clay. #virtuallearning #corporateworkshop #sghandmade #igsg #handmadesg (at Singapore / Singapura / 新加坡 / சிங்கப்பூர்) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTHhTdgKAT1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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antonelanutrition · 4 years
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With the COVID-19 situation, working from home is a situation many of us are facing right now. Maybe this is something you have dreamed about but now that you actually have to face it every day, you no longer feel so good about it. The going to bed whenever you want, working in pyjamas and cuddling with your kids all day long while you have to work isn’t so appealing anymore. Some are coping better than others. Some are really struggling and really need some coping mechanism especially with all the uncertainty that we live related to the COVID -19 situation. I’m here to help you with strategies for calming down the anxiety, keeping focused on your tasks and being productive, keeping healthy and supporting your immune system, keeping a peaceful time in the house and much more. My new workshop offers your company resources for this unprecedented situation. If you are interested in getting some support in that area, I would love to have a conversation with you. . . . #selfcare #workingfromhome #worklifebalance #worklifeintegration #workfromhomejob #stress #anxietyrelief #wellbeing #copingskills #focus #corporatewellness #wellnesscoaching #goals #corporateworkshop #successmindset #entrepreneurs https://www.instagram.com/p/B_htuUfDJ5S/?igshid=zdrvymvjh4
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urja-studiocafe · 5 years
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Women' s Day Celebration @sandvikgroup @sandvikcoromantus Superb energy and very positive vibes. Wonderful ladies and the HR team. It was a super fun and happy workshop. Together we had a blast. Write to us if you too wish to do such activity at your work place #corporateworkshop #corporateevents #teamevent #teambuildingevent #womenempoweringwomen #womenday #celebrate #pcmcworkshop #eventsinpune #thingstodoinpune #eventservices #corporatewellness (at Urja Studio Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9bqLXjJzZD/?igshid=1g15lm0wulo4h
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ecpenkraft · 8 months
Join us for an interactive & fun-filled Penkraft Mirror Mosaic Workshop! Date: 01 January 2024. Timing: 11 AM - 5 PM Fee: ₹ 2499/- (including all material). Venue: Penkraft, 703, Durga Niwas, Tembhi Naka, Thane (W). Click to register - https://www.penkraft.in/WorkshopDetails/index?id=935 Creating Mirror Mosaic is a combination of crafting and creative techniques. During this Workshop, You shall - - Learn the concept and technique of creating Mirror Mosaic such as arranging and adhering small mirror pieces on the surface. - Learn about the materials used, while creating the mirror work such as MDF Surface, Grouting Powder, Adhesive Glue, and mirrors. Increase your knowledge, on how to compose the mirrors balancing the surface layout. - Learn to choose the correct size and shape of mirrors for the composition. - Learn to maintain the proper consistency of the paste to create while working with mirror work. - Learn how to give finishing, touches to the edges of the surface once the paste has dried up completely. - Understand dos and don'ts to follow while working with, mirror work. - Get tips to enhance the look of the artwork. - Learn to maintain the shelf-life of the artwork. Material Provided - 18" Dia MDF Cutout, Materials - Mirrors, Glue, Grouting powder, Acrylic Colors any 2, Ice Cream Stick-3. Takeaways - A beautiful master piece created by you, confidence of creating the next beautiful artwork without any help, a refreshed mind and happiness. For manual registration/queries, please contact us at +91 91360 24969. For more Art Workshops by Penkraft, Please click on: https://www.penkraft.in/Workshops
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deepeshchandran09 · 1 year
Keynote Speaker on Mental Health
What is meant by Mental Health in workplace?
Mental health in the workplace refers to employees’ psychological, emotional, and social well-being within a shared work environment. Employees with sound mental health have respect for themselves and others, build positive relationships with co-workers, and cope with the daily challenges and responsibilities involved in the workplace. It is increasingly being recognized that the mental health of employees is a crucial determinant in their overall health. 
When the demands placed on a person exceed their capacity and coping abilities, their mental health could be impacted. Inefficient processes, overly rigid work schedules and workload can make the employees feel stressed, overloaded and exhausted mentally and physically.
Adverse effects of mental health at workplace
The ill-effects of mental wellness can create burn-out amongst employees, by seriously affecting their ability to contribute meaningfully in both their personal and professional lives.
Work-related stress is a major cause of occupational ill health, poor productivity and human error. This means increased sickness, absence, and poor performance in the organization errors as well as psychological effects such as anxiety and depression, loss of concentration and poor decision making.
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Session Module
1.Encourages employee autonomy
Employees who have freedom feel more valued and are more likely to find meaning in their work. Purpose is essential for job satisfaction.  
Session Module
2.Educates employees and managers on basic health practices
Workshops on problem-solving, prioritizing, goal-setting, and self-care to help employees make decisions that promote their mental health. The sessions can focus on various aspects of self-improvement, such as building mindfulness with positivity, emotional wellness and intelligence; self-love and handling change and adversity.
Session Module
3.Open discussion in sessions about mental health
The interactive session assists the employees to understand that the feelings of stress and anxiety are normal and that everyone has to go through these phases sometime in life.
Session Module
4.Implementation of workplace wellness programs
The keynote speaker shares inspiring stories on leading a healthy and holistic lifestyle.
Since the onset of the pandemic, it’s become clear that mental health is one of the biggest challenges faced today and maintaining a positive mind-set is crucial. Gaining an awareness of mental health issues is vital for learning how to look after the wellbeing of the people around us. 
E.g. Employees of a certain organization were quitting and it was difficult for the HR to retain them. She then decided to arrange a session by Keynote speaker on Stress Management and Resiliency. After the session the employees developed empathy for those facing mental health issues. The work culture changed and there was boost up in employees’ performance.
Impact of mental wellness sessions in the workplace:
Reduced symptoms of poor mental and physical health
Reduced sick leave usage, absences 
Increased productivity
Greater job satisfaction
Increased work engagement
Improved employee health and community wellbeing.
We can deduce that through compelling stories narrated by the Keynote Speaker a healthy and thriving company culture is rooted in the mental health of the employees. They are articulators who compensate the inevitable alienation and provide employees with a visceral connection to their workplace. A healthy mentality among individuals and the work community leads to a friendly, supportive, and vibrant work community and company culture. 
Contact us to help your workforce to reduce their stress levels, prevent burnout and live more resilient, personal and professional life.
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netraahazaare · 1 year
History of Lippan Art. Introduction to 18" DIA, MDF surface used for making 3D Lippan Art. Guidance to assemble the motifs of MDF cutout. Learn how to handle acrylic colors. Learn how to work with mouldit to create different types of rolls. Guidance on how to create the lippan art with precision. Learn how to do the mirror work and create designs with them. Learn to handle the acrylic colors for the base coat of the surface. Dos and dont's to follow while working with 3D Lippan Art. Step-by-step guidance and demonstration.
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ilinkdigital · 5 years
Dashboard In A Day - Power BI Go from data to insights in minutes
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Want to become an expert of #PowerBI? Learn it now for #FREE with Microsoft & iLinksystems #DashboardInADay workshop – Boise, ID. https://bit.ly/2AIEh8x #Microsoft #DIAD #SmallBusiness #TechStartUp #StartUp #Educators #healthcare #Corporateworkshop #BusinessDevelopment Read the full article
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claystationblr · 5 years
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Corporate workshops are great way to explore the creative bend in you; once such engaging workshop was conducted last week at our studio with Thoughtspot Team.(@thoughtspotinc ) . . . . #claystationbangalore #claystation #corporateevents #corporateworkshop #team #exploreclay #clay #explore #ceramics #bengaluru #officelife #thoughtspot #teamwork #unwind #creative #creativeworkshops (at ClayStation, Bangalore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hqPZPgSwa/?igshid=178vhme1slhzc
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We hosted another Miami street art workshop focusing on a graffiti team building event. This time, we collaborated with FLIR, the world’s largest commercial company specializing in the design and production of thermal imaging products. We hosted a large team-building graffiti group workshop. The client had leading representatives from across the globe coming together for an annual business meeting. FLIR was looking for an activity that would be engaging, unfamiliar, and exciting. We had the perfect event for this group of predominantly left brained individuals! We setup at the Four Seasons hotel in Miami. There was initially some concern about spray painting indoors. However, our team completely protected the Grand Ballroom for our indoor street art workshop. We split the group into five teams to work on large murals. The theme of the conference was “BE FLIR.” Our team created a custom design considering FLIR’s four brand values. “Be Ready, Be Ambitious, Be Bold, and Be Brave.” In addition, we added various customer industry references to the artwork. These included law enforcement, search and rescue, fire fighting, and military services. Finally, we included the client’s brand representation across the U.S., South America, Europe and Asia. Our team’s creativity and our attention to detail impressed the client. We have high standards for the protection of venue and guests which made the venue feel comfortable. We kicked off the event by providing a tutorial to the participants. After that, we gave artistic guidance to the participants. All of the participants were engaged and had a lot of fun. In conclusion, this was a successful workshop and truly enjoyable experience for everyone! See more projects over at: https://graffiti-artist.net For project inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or call 646-801-6024
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Start your Corporate Fitness Journey with #bigboxactivitycenter today!! now starting at Hyderabad for special corporate packages and demo classes call us at 8600410667/ 9966440120. #bigboxactivity_hyderabad #bigboxactivity #yoga #zumba #kickboxing #corporateworkshop #fitnessworkshop #fitnesslover #stayfit #stayinbigboxactivitycenter (at Big Box Activity Center - Corporate) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2DB0tH7sS/?igshid=mwvvamr6uym7
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