#Corrin x Effie
outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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the-strikingzebra · 6 years
Effie x Male Corrin support rewrite
This was commissioned by @crispytp who wanted a rewrite of Corrin and Effie’s support chain! The support chain is under the read more.
C Support
Corrin: “Huh? What was that loud noise? It sounded almost like an explosion.”
Effie: “HIYA!!! NNGRAAH!”
Corrin: “Effie? Is that you that’s making all the ruckus? What are you even doing?”
Effie: “Huh? Oh hey Corrin. I’m just doing my daily exercises.”
Corrin: “By, destroy boulders? With your bare hands?”
Effie: “Yep. I have to be as strong as possible.”
Corrin: “I’m impressed! Destroying boulders like that is certainly no easy feat. Out of everyone, I think you may be the strongest person in this army. Maybe even stronger than Xander.”
Effie: “Heh thank you Corrin. I’m making it my goal to be as strong as possible to protect Lady Elise. After everything she’s done for me, it’s the best way for me to pay her back.”
Corrin: “Pay her back? Pray tell, what did she do to earn your devotion?”
Effie: “Well I grew up in extreme poverty. My parents were gravely sick, and I had to make a living selling flowers that I used to find on the field. It didn’t do much, but every little bit helped. One day, while looking for flowers, I encountered Lady Elise, who was picking flowers as well, however at the time I had no idea it was her. She struck up a conversation with me and the two of us became close friends. We would often run around the streets, playing tag and having fun as children do. One day however, some Nohrian guards started to harass us. I pushed one of them away, telling them to leave us alone. This only angered them, as they drew their weapons on us. Lady Elise was forced to reveal herself and demanded the guards to leave me alone. After that day, I never saw Lady Elise again. So, I decided that I would join the royal guard, just so I can get to be with her again. And now, I’m her retainer.”
Corrin: “Wow Effie, I had no idea that you lived in poverty, but Elise must have made your childhood much better, right?”
Effie: “She did. She’s the beacon of light in this dark country.”
Corrin: “I agree. Whenever Elise would visit me while I was growing up, I was always so excited to see her, knowing that my day was going to be filled with fun and games! She, as well as the rest of my siblings, helped me forget my dark and lonely day. She was the bright light of my dark childhood. I want to protect her the best I can.”
Effie: “Then let us protect Lady Elise together. We’ll make sure that no harm befalls her.”
Corrin: “Sounds like a plan to me.”
Effie and Corrin have achieved C Support.
 B Support
Corrin: “Hey Effie!
Effie: *Munch Munch*
Corrin: “Umm good job on that last battle!”
Effie: “Mmph?” *gulp* “Oh hey Corrin, you’re just in time for my post workout snack!”
Corrin: “T-that’s a snack?! That’s a whole meal for twelve people!”
Effie: “Well I gotta get all my energy back somehow. My muscles can’t grow without an empty stomach.”
Corrin: “Well… I suppose that’s true… Anyways as I was saying, good job on the last battle!”
Effie: “Thanks, you did quite well yourself.”
Corrin: “Yeah, I’m still in shock at how well you took that huge blow meant for me. That strike would have cleaved me in half, yet you shrugged it off like it was nothing but a mere pebble!”
Effie: “Oh that was nothing, I’ve tanked bigger blows.”
Corrin: “Whoa really? That’s impressive in of itself, but the way you sent the enemy flying with one hit, I’m still speechless about that. It was certainly a sight to behold.”
Effie: “Thanks Corrin, but you were pretty good yourself. Your fast-paced movements allowed you to protect Lady Elise from an incoming attack, and then me from a spell caster. It was like I was seeing you in two places at once.”
Corrin: “Haha why thank you Effie. Xander made it his focus for me to be as fast as possible, so that I can one day best him.”
Effie: “That sounds awesome! Being able to learn under the high prince of Nohr must give you great benefits.”
Corrin: “It does, especially when he’s your brother.”
Effie: “Hey I was wondering; do you think you can help me improve in the speed department? I want to be able to move fast enough so that I can protect Lady Elise from everything, no matter how far I am from her in the field of battle.”
Corrin: “Hmmm, I don’t see why not, as long as you promise to help me in my strength training. I want to be strong enough, so I can be able to take down the enemies that threaten my friends and family.”
Effie: “I can definitely help you with that. I can’t wait to get started. Are you ready to learn now actually?”
Corrin: “I’m always ready to learn!”
Effie: “Great, now…”
Corrin: “E-Effie?! W-why are you reaching into your armor?!”
Effie: “To get you something you need for training. Here we are, put these rocks in your armor and run ten laps around the camp. Then continue wearing them for the rest of training.”
Corrin: “R-rocks?! How will these help?”
Effie: “They’ll help you build your strength, now get to it and run!”
Corrin: “Y-yes ma’am!”
Corrin and Effie have achieved B Support.
Effie: Corrin. I need to talk to you.
Corrin: Ah of course Effie! What is it?
Effie: What the hell were you doing in that last battle?!
Corrin: Gah! W-what do you mean? A-and why are you yelling?
Effie: You took a hit that was meant for me. I would have been perfectly fine and continued the fight without a care in the world. I was really worried that you would have gotten seriously hurt or even worse.
Corrin: Oh that…
Effie: You didn’t need to do that Corrin, I’m just… glad that you’re ok.
Corrin: It’s no thanks to your strength training Effie. While it is a tad insane, I actually felt great improvement in my strength and resilience! I barely felt a thing from that attack.
Effie: Huh, well I guess that’s fair.
Corrin: Mhm, though you did leave Elise unprotected to cut off the enemy that was rushing at me.
Effie: Wait, you saw that?! That was in a moment’s notice, not even Lady Elise noticed that I was gone!
Corrin: Well you tend to notice these things if you’re a strategist. But you moved so fast that you completely blindsided the enemy. They never knew what was coming.
Effie: Well it’s thanks to your dexterity training that I was able to move so fast. I was able to take down the foe rushing you and return to Lady Elise’s side in what felt like mere seconds.
Corrin: Pfft ahahaha!
Effie: Eh? What’s so funny?
Corrin: Ahaha, I’m sorry, it’s nothing. It’s just that we both have grown a lot since we started doing each other’s training, and here we are, showing concern to each other for the others improvements to their strength.
Effie: Ahaha, I suppose you’re right. We have greatly improved upon our weak spots. I feel that we’re able to accomplish more on the battlefield and not just carry the burden of our jobs on ourselves anymore.
Corrin: Yeah, we have each other now to watch the other’s back, as well as Elise. With us together, I’m certain that no harm shall ever befall to Elise.
Effie: You got that right. Elise will be able to sleep comfortably at night knowing that she will be protected from any and all harm.
Corrin: Well, I’m pretty sure that Elise sleeps comfortably already, but I see your point. Let us continue to train together and build our strength to protect Elise.
Effie: You got yourself a deal pal.
Effie and Corrin have reached A-Support.
Effie: Corrin, may I talk to you for a moment?
Corrin: Of course! Is everything alright?
Effie: Well as you know, I’m Lady Elise’s retainer, so my main focus should be to protect her on the battlefield.
Corrin: If you’re worried that you’re not doing a good job about that, then there’s no need to worry. You’re doing an amazing job!
Effie: Thank you Corrin, but that’s not what I was going to say. Lately, my thoughts have been about you and wanting to protect you Corrin.
Corrin: Effie?
Effie: I’m worried about you when you’re on the battlefield, and I want to protect you. During training, I want to become stronger for you so I can continue to protect you as well as Lady Elise.
Corrin: Oh Effie…
Effie: Now I’m worried because of this, I can’t protect Lady Elise to the best of my abilities. I’m unfit to be her retainer now…
Corrin: Effie, there’s no need to think like that. You’re an excellent retainer for Elise. You can protect both me and Elise at the same time with this simple solution that I came up with.
Effie: Oh? Well let’s hear it.
Corrin: Will you marry me Effie?
Effie: W-what?!
Corrin: After training with you, I’ve found myself wanting to be able to protect you too, I want to fight alongside you. Only then did I realize my true feelings for you Effie. I love you, with all my heart.
Effie: Corrin… I love you too, but we can’t do be together. I’m a commoner busy protecting Lady Elise and you’re a Nohrian Prince, you have a bunch of royal duties that you have to attend to.
Corrin: The “royal duties” that I do have I have Leo do, after all he loves all that political stuff. Plus, if we’re to get married, you and Elise would be sisters-in-laws, allowing you two to spend more time together.
Effie: Well… that does sound nice, but first I want you to hug me with all your strength while I do the same.
Corrin: Of course Effie, though may I ask why?
Effie: I swore to myself that I would wed a man who could match my strength ever since I started training. Plus I want to see the fruits of your training.
Corrin: Oh… well, I can certainly try my best.
Effie: Alright, on a count of three, we will give each other the tightest bear hug imaginable. 1, 2, 3! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Effie: Whew… I’m surprised you actually survived that hug, I even felt a bit of discomfort from the hug too. You certainly are strong.
Corrin: Thanks Effie… *pant pant* but I’m no where as near as strong as you are… Your strength is one of the things I admire most about you as well as how you’re not afraid to speak your mind.
Effie: Thank you Corrin, it means a lot to me to hear you say that even though it is true that I am stronger than you. I love your huge heart though. How you want to protect Lady Elise, your siblings, and all your friends, no matter the cost. It’s what I love the most about you.
Corrin: Thank you Effie, I’m blessed to have you as my wife.
Effie: As am I to have you as my husband.
Effie and Corrin reached S-Support.
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authordgaster · 2 years
Age Swap AU Pairings
A list of who gets together and my opinions/reasons for these pairings.
This will be specifically for a Revelations Route, so if you wanna ship different combinations of characters in this AU, I won’t stop you.
I also won’t be getting into the Child Units (yet.) With all of that in mind, here’s the ASAU Pairings:
Corrin X Azura. I mean… it’s Corrin and Azura. How can I not? Especially since they’re not altered in this AU, but their kids are. Imagine big sibling Kana little brother Shigure dynamic.
Sakura X Hana. I’m as much of a sucker for Sakulise as the next FE14 fan, but honestly the bond these two have and have had for easily a decade at this point just overrides the softness of Adult Sakulise. Shiro is their son with Ryoma serving as a surrogate father.
Elise X Effie. Same as with Sakura and Hana, Elise and Effie’s bond in this universe (realm?) is just too strong for me not to pair them together. Siegbert is their son with Xander serving as a surrogate father.
Takumi X Oboro. This is a cute pairing, what can I say? Can you tell I’m a sucker for Liege X Lord pairings? Also, just imagine cute and sweet Kiragi making his mom’s Demon Face.
Leo X Niles. I don’t even know how to put my feelings on this pair into words, so I’ll just trust y’all to accept it. Forrest is their son with Beruka serving as a surrogate mother.
Hinoka X Hinata. This pairing is unique since it’s the only time I don’t ship a lord with their non swapped retainer (or another lord) but honestly I just like the himbo samurai/tomboy princess dynamic. Also protective older cousin Hisame is interesting.
Camilla X Beruka. Cute but strong Malig and her scary Assassin waifu? What’s not to love? Also Niles served as a surrogate father so they raise Nina together.
Ryoma X Xander. I decided to pair these two together since I figured I should do at least one pairing between a Hoshido and Nohrian royal. Since they couldn’t have kids with each other, they agreed to be surrogates so their oldest sisters could have kids, allowing Shiro and Siegbert to exist in this world.
Jakob X Charlotte. A very… very chaotic duo. This was simply a duo born from the fact that they were kinda just leftover after I paired off most of the other characters. Add super strength to Dwyer’s mountain of secret skills.
Silas X Felicia. One: they’re cute. Two: imagining Sophie inheriting Felicia’s clumsiness and ice magic is equally hilarious and terrifying.
Kaze X Orochi. Stoic ninja who struggles with feeling like he failed his liege due to something out of his control plus merry diviner who struggled with feeling like she failed her liege due to something out of her control equals both fun shenanigans and absolute angst. Also imagining Midori being able to somehow use a combination of Divining and her Medicine could make her a force of nature in her own way.
Saizo X Kagero. What can I say, I��m a sucker for this duo too. I’m sure they could be happy together once Saizo learns to stop having the personality of a cactus. Plus having two Ninja parents probably makes Asugi a super ninja.
Laslow X Selena X Odin. If I was gonna have Corrin get with Azura, an OT3 would be needed so all the kids would be capable of existing and I’m just a sucker for this trio. I’ll be using Henry!Laslow, Robin!Selena, and Lon’qu!Odin. Soleil inherits the Fell brand, Ophelia inherits the Exalts’s brand, and they get to be awesome redhead step sisters. Sorry to anyone who ships these two.
Azama X Subaki: …ok, look, so far I’ve done three wlw and only two mlm pairings. Two more guys were gonna have to get together. And after I saw these two, reread their supports, then read @unassumingvenusaur’s fanmade S Support for them, I wound up enjoying this pairing immensely. Also for the sake of not having to do anymore surrogates because this is getting complicated: Transmac Subaki (which I feel could not only make his backstory more interesting given the implications of how terrible his parents are) allowing for them to have a brown haired Caeldori and a red haired Mitama who are sisters.
Arthur X Setsuna. Apparently luck works like integers because when you combine an unlucky Fighter with an equally unlucky Archer, you get a doubly lucky Wyvern riding super hero. Also imagining dorks like Arthur and Setsuna together is just adorable tbh.
Kaden X Peri. When I don’t pair Peri (heh) with Laslow, I usually pair her with one of the furries so I can create an absolutely terrifying Kitsune/Wolfskin. In this case I decided that Peri would be Selkie’s mother and the rest of the army gets to suffer then consequences.
Hayato X Mozu. One: this is basically genderswapped Cyril/Lysithea and Donnel/Maribelle which already makes it a win. Two: Rhajat with Mozu’s hair and freckles is a hilariously adorable image.
Benny X Rinkah. Gentle giant meats muscular spitfire to create flaming good boy.
Keaton X Nyx. Yes, let’s pair the most mature woman in the army who considers herself a monster with one of the most immature guys in the army who can turn into a monster.
Feel free to share your opinions on the pairs, I’ll probably talk more about the child units in the future.
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chickenmcnuggies · 2 years
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The newest update for Unofficial Gay Fates, bringing in 26 new supports, edits to old Revival Patch supports to bring them up to quality, as well as a new paralogue edit!  
The newly added supports are:  
Romantic: Odin x Jakob, Azama x Silas, Benny x Takumi, Subaki x Leo, Charlotte x Anna, Camilla x Peri, Sophie x Nina, Oboro x Arthur, Selena x Kagero, and Corrin(F) x Mitama (S)  
Platonic: Only Izana/Sakura this time!  
Parent Child: Odin/Dwyer, Jacob/Ophelia, Azama/Sophie, Silas/Mitama, Benny/Kiragi, Takumi/Ignatius, Xander/Shiro, Forrest/Subaki, Leo/Caeldori, and Ryoma/Siegbert  
Sibling: Dwyer/Ophelia, Sophie/Mitama, Kiragi/Ignatius, Shiro/Siegbert, and Caeldori/Forrest  
Fixed supports: Reina/Mozu, Asugi/Niles, Jakob x Kaze, Azura x Effie, Azura x Reina, Hinoka x Scarlet, Reina/Shigure PC  
We also added our first parent specific paralogue edit! Now, if Silas and Niles are married, the beginning and endings of Nina's paralogue will have dialogue to reflect it. No more Niles explaining his family drama to his husband!  
Also added: Unisex DLC Classes patch, Playable Lilith Mod patch.
As per usual, the update can be found at it's Gamebanana page: (x)
On a semi-related note, also check out the Playable Lilith mod I released earlier this week! (x)
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xxmorning-gl0ryxx · 5 years
My Fire Emblem Fates Ships!
Hey, since I’m back, I thought I’d share my Fates otps! A good friend of mine told me to pair up whoever I want and forget stats and that’s what I wanted to do. I’m only halfway through Birthright but I already planned ahead on who I want to pair up for my playthrough in Revelation! I love to obsess over them so I’m posting them here! (Please respect my pairings, all have different opinions here) Here we go!
Corrin x Kaze
Jakob x Azura
Silas x Hinoka
Ryoma x Felicia (A leftover pair but I fell in love with them)
Takumi x Rinkah
Saizo x Kagero
Azama x Setsuna
Kaden x Sakura (They were so cute, I could talk about them for hours!)
Hinata x Hana
Subaki x Oboro
Hayato x Mozu (They’re the only two who look the same age besides Sakura)
Xander x Charlotte
Leo x Nyx
Laslow x Peri
Niles x Camilla 
Odin x Elise
Benny x Beruka (I actually love their supports because it’s hard for me to talk to people sometimes and my good friend once told be that just enjoying one’s company is all that matters. I totally agree with her)
Keaton x Selena (Tsundere x Tsundere so cute!)
Arthur x Effie
And let’s not forget the children! Even if some of the pairings only allow them to be friends in the game, I imagine them together.
Shiro x Caeldori
Asugi x Sophie ( A personal favourite)
Soleil x Opheila
Dwyer x Rhajat
Kiragi x Mitama
Hisame x Midori
Shigure x Nina
Siegbert x Ignatius
Kana x Percy
Selkie x Velouria
Well I guess the guys with no romantic supports are Orochi and Forrest. Oh well.
Do we have any ships in common? Let me know in a reply! Have a good day!
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slanax · 7 years
Big ol’ infodump post for Conquest (Lunatic) and how to survive it
(because @xpegasusuniverse asked and I ain’t letting an opportunity to infodump slip by)
Part 1/?: General strategies and earlygame
*cracks knuckles*
Overall, all of this is naturally just a suggestion, not the only way you could ever play Conquest. Especially on modes below Lunatic, you definitely don’t need to follow it to a T to still beat the game, but it’s what I found works best for me (and I played this mode an unhealthy amount :P)
- You’ll want Corrin to be female (you want Jakob earlygame for the insane Def and Avo boost to the avatar that his personal provides) with a Speed boon (Quick) and a Luck bane (Unlucky). Speed is the best stat, and Luck is both the least important and the easiest to patch up because you get a Goddess Icon pre-route split that should fix her Luck for most if not all of the game.
- For her talent, I’ve had the best experiences with Fighter to go Hero later. Generally, you’ll want to stay in the Nohr Noble line until Lv5 promoted to grab Draconic Hex, then switch to a sword class of your preference. I personally find Fighter!Hero to be better than Merc!Hero for its skills; other options include Swordmaster and Paladin. Lategame (one chapter in particular) has a lot of effective weapons that you need to tank though, and your other two main tanks will likely be Xander and Benny, so a regular old infantry class can be beneficial to not get completely screwed by beastkillers and hammers. Hero has a nice balance of good Str, Spd and Def (especially with the Fighter’s HP+5 and its own Sol helping out its bulk) and Axebreaker is great for reliably tanking otherwise risky Berserkers. They can’t crit what they can’t hit.
- For her spouse I usually end up with Jakob (mainly because I tend to want the extra paralogues for EXP and support points) though as her mid to lategame support unit I’ve come to appreciate Gunter a lot, especially reclassed to a Wyvern Lord. Str, Def and Mov on pairup is great, the ability to ferry her quickly thanks to being a flier is awesome, and his personal giving you +15 Hit and +3 damage is a huge boost to her offense. It also means that the Fighter’s Gamble skill amounts to a free +10 Crit since the Hit penalty just gets eaten up by Gunter’s personal. I ended up ditching her Dragon Fang for more Sol procs (the game rolls for Dragon Fang first, so if it procs you can’t proc Sol, and I want Sol procs for more bulk) and using Gamble crits as my “offensive skill”
- Early on, Silas is your best friend. His personal gives him +3/+3 to attack and defense if the avatar is below half health, so just start killing things with her and as soon as she is weakened (or heck, deliberately get her a little banged up) have Silas take over. As soon as they have a C support, you can also pair them up to stack his personal with the avatar’s, giving him a total of +5/+5 and humiliating the game even on Lunatic. I affectionately refer to it as “Juggernaut Mode”. Just make sure to start working on his lance rank ASAP for Javelin utility.
- Make use of Elise! Her personal is incredibly useful at keeping you alive, giving you a huge defense buff if you keep her adjacent to your frontline fighters (watch for ranged enemies though ofc, she is very squishy and can easily get oneshotted) Make sure to have her heal a lot so she hits Lv10 by Chapter 10, early promoting her to Strategist for that is immensely useful.
- Use. Mozu. Bring a Heart Seal and a Bronze Bow to her paralogue, change her to Archer and start training her right there. Baiting enemies with Silas and finishing them off with Mozu by dual striking off him usually works, though depending on levelups Jakob might have to throw a dagger too. Generally, she’s reasonably easy to bring up to speed and once she’s there she’s awesome. Plus, you get so few bow users in Conquest that you’ll want to make use of every single one you can get.
- Speaking of which, Niles. You want to train him too, because Capture is super valuable in Lunatic. The Ch9 boss has Rally Def which is amazingly useful, the boss of Forrest’s paralogue is a Berserker with S axes and Certain Blow, and that’s only the beginning. Plus, bows. You want bows because Fates bows are great and there’s so many places where effective anti-air will save your butt.
- Don’t break any of your Rescue staves. Ever. Trust me on this. Use their first charge if absolutely necessary, but don’t break them.
- General strategy is to low-man with few well-trained units and use leftover deployment slots for pure pairup units and supports like healers or Rally skill users. Watch for enemy skills at all times, and learn to fear the Lunge icon. For help with any specific chapters, let me know where you’re struggling. (Note: Towards endgame, this will naturally shift in favor of more combat units as you get more characters that can kill things really really well. You’ll still usually bring at least a few pure support units all the way to the end though.)
And finally, here’s a quick rundown of the pairings I found to work really well:
- Avatar x Jakob, with Gunter later replacing him as your support of choice. See above.
- Effie x Arthur. Easy to achieve because Effie will see a lot of use early on and Arthur makes a good support unit for her. Percy’s paralogue gives a lot of cash and tbh that’s all you need this pairing for.
- Elise x Odin: Basically, Ophelia’s paralogue gives you several exclusive tomes, all of them are stupidly useful, and you want them. Just have Odin deal some chip damage adjacent to Elise, and pair them up once Elise early promotes. Of all my pairings this one is the biggest hassle to get done in a timely manner (so you don’t waste a recruitment slot on Odin for too long bc he really isn’t all that great) but for the tomes it’s well worth it.
- Niles x Mozu: For two reasons. One, Nina can inherit Quick Draw and that’s awesome. Two, Mozu can partner seal into Bow Knight. You can have her grab Shurikenbreaker (and Mov+1) and then have her go back to Sniper. Trust me, you want Shurikenbreaker. You don’t know it yet, but you want it. With her and Nina (I like Niles in Adventurer to make more use of his magic potential with the Shining Bow) you’ll have two Shurikenbreaker units, and they come very much in handy during one specific lategame chapter.
- Camilla x Benny: Mobility and getting ferried for Benny, hella bulk for Camilla. A filler pairing tbh since they don’t get any fancy skills or classes out of it, but they work well stat wise.
- Kaze x Azura: Now this is a pure filler pairing. Azura generates free support points, Midori’s paralogue gives dank herb, Shigure is a free Rally Spd bot, you don’t need them for anything else, ‘nuff said.
- Leo x Felicia: Magic and Speed for Leo, Demoiselle for Forrest. Felicia herself is pure support.
- Xander x Charlotte: Xander with the ability to Partner Seal into Hero for skills. Xander with Sol. Self-sustaining wall. Need I say more?
That’s all the pairings I usually do, I believe. There’s still a few unpaired characters, but that’s mostly because deployment slots are scarce and I don’t want to bring all their would-be partners along just to get supports.
Also, I did write up a guide for the whole thing way back when. It’s terribly outdated in places (+Def Swordmaster Corrin, what was I thinking) but most of it should still work as a good guideline (heck, I even use parts of it myself, if only for the tried and tested reinforcement listings) Rule of thumb: If this post contradicts the old guide, listen to this instead of the year-old guide. I was young and foolish :P
You can find it here.
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gamerprincess13 · 7 years
Fire Emblem Heroes Unit Review: Xander
“I'd like it if you would train with me from time to time. We don't need to spar—just do practice swings. You'd be surprised how simply that communicates as well as words could ever manage.”
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Available: 3-4 Star (Complete his Grand Hero Battle Map)
Neutral Stats: 44/32/24/37/17 (Will always be Neutral nature.)
Default Kit:
Siegfried (16 Might: Enables counterattacks regardless of distance if this unit is attacked) Locked to Xander. Unlocked at 5-Star.
Special: Blazing Light (Before combat this unit initiates, foes in an area near target take damage equal to 1.5 x (unit’s Attack minus foe’s Defense/Resistance) Unlocked at 4-Star.
A-Slot: Armored Blow 3 (Grants Def+6 during combat if unit initiates the attack) Fully unlocked at 5-Star.
C-Slot: Spur Def 3 (Grants adjacent allies Def+4 during combat) Fully unlocked at 5-Star.
Personal weapon has a built in Distant Counter
Fantastic Defense
Strong attack stat
Great HP to go along with his Defense
Cavalry Unit to take advantage of movement and Cavalry Boosts
Fantastic Enemy Phase Unit
Has two sexy variations of himself (one bunny and one hot summer stud)
Low speed
Terrible Resistance
Not too good at Player Phase
Yes, I know Valter is the newest Grand Hero Battle unit as of now, but let’s just focus on the best one newer players really desire: Prince Xander of Nohr. When the game first came out, everyone wanted to play this badass prince with his amazing legendary weapon. He wasn’t playable until early May when he’s announced as a Grand Hero Battle unit, so anyone that managed to defeat Hard or Lunatic (or both) got their hands on Xander. Sure, he wasn’t a five-star to begin with, but he’s worth the 20,000 feathers!
Of course, his signature weapon, Siegfried, has a built in Distant Counter to it like Ike’s Ragnell and Ryoma’s Raijinto, working very well in Enemy Phase as he has fantastic defense when facing any archers or dagger users. It’s also pretty strong like all legendary swords, having a might of 16, working well with his great attack stat.
His default skills are very defense orientated for both himself and his allies. His special, Blazing Light, works before he initiate combat, dealing massive damage before finishing off the enemy. Unfortunately, it takes too long to charge up and by then, the battle is over; just like with other Area of Effect Skills. His default A-Skill is Armored Blow where he gains +6 to Defense whenever he initiates combat, while his C-Skill, Spur Defense, grants +4 to Defense to his allies if he’s near someone. Not too bad skills, but Xander can easily grab some new skills to his liking.
Also, neither his A or C Slot Skills are unlocked at 4-Star, which is very strange as at least one skill is unlocked at 4-Star for each character (sometimes two). I’m not too sure why that’s the case...
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Oh, never mind about that.
Skill Inheritance opens up a lot of options for Xander, whether if he’s on a Horse Emblem Team or not. Since his sword already carries Distant Counter, his A-Slot is pretty much very open. Fury 3 is a popular option for him as it raises his stats more, but if the 6 points of damage after combat scares you, Attack +3 will work fine as a safer and a cheaper build. Distant Defense 3 works for Xander as well to boost his already high Defense stat, and help his low Resistance Stat. B-Slot can be a breaker skill he’s allowed to have, Vantage 3 to screw some people over (especially if his special is ready), and Quick Riposte 3 (2 is fine) to make Xander an Enemy Phase monster! C-Slot is very flexible as he can carry a Hone/Fortify Skill either outside of Horse Emblem or when he’s in said team. He can even run the Threaten Skills (minus Resistance because why?) to aid his teammates a bit more. His long special can be switched to Bonfire to work with his insane Defense Stat, or even Luna to cut down enemy defenses much better.
But this future King of Nohr has some problems. Firstly, he’s slow with a speed stat of 24, the same as Hector. So Xander will have trouble killing units compared to Reinhardt who can murder them at a blink of an eye. However, Xander can use Quick Riposte to double enemies during Enemy Phase and kill them; something that Reinhardt can not do due to his tome’s effect. Along with that, Horse Emblem boosts can make his speed go up to 30 if possible! ...His Resistance is pretty terrible, and has no means of survivng an attack from a blue mage unless he has the Horse Emblem boosts; especially if that blue mage is Reinhardt or Olwen as they can destroy him in two hits while taking no damage at all.
But despite these weaknesses, Xander is a fantastic unit for any team needing a strong and tanky sword unit. If you don’t have Ike or a lobster Ryoma on your team, but have Xander just lying around, try him and you won’t be disappointed. Especially if he’s on Horse Emblem.
Suggested Skills: (Bolded means Highly Recommended):
Draw Back
Fury 3
Attack +3
Distant Defense 3
-breaker Skill (Green Tome Breaker/Sword/Axe)
Quick Riposte 3 (2 works fine as well)
Vantage 3
Any Hone/Fortify Skill
Hone/Fortify Cavalry
Threaten Attack/Defense
Blue magic units such as Delthea, Reinhardt, and Olwen
Strong lance units like Effie, Sharena, Ephraim, Tsubaki, Camus
Nowi and Female Corrin/Kamui will cause Xander problems
Axe units such as Hector and Cherche
Titania for Horse Emblem
Green magic users such as Julia, Soren, Nino, and Cecilia (especially her in Horse Emblem)
Kagero for a magic check due to Poison Dagger
Should you promote Xander into a 5-Star? (Exclusive section for GHB Units):
If you don’t have Ike or Ryoma
You want a strong red unit for Horse Emblem
Want a strong sword user not named fluffy prince Alfonse
High Mobility
Easy to train
Skill Inheritance is no problem for Xander
Best F2P Sword/Horse unit in the game
Want more options for Distant Counter Sword Units (Ryoma is fast and strong but frail, Xander is slow but defensive and a cavalry unit, Ike is stronger and defense is between Ryoma and Xander; all three have not so good Resistance though...
Already have Ike or Ryoma (or both)
Bias...? (Don’t like him as a character; it does effect who you want to use)
But overall: YES!
Summoner’s Words of Wisdom: “This disciplined prince of Nohr may not be fast, but sometimes slow and steady wins the match. Especially if they’re on a horse with a big sword that can slay enemies. And lobsters.”
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chiaramelle · 7 years
Fire emblem (???
Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
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No especificaste cual Fire Emblem así que pondré la mayoría de mis otps bc aaAAA.
M/F OTP: Hector/Florina, Lyndis/Rath, ELIWOOD/NINIAN I SCREAAAAAAAM, Jaffar/Nino, Henry/Olivia, because of you. (?), Ricken/Nowi, Frederick/F!Robin (aunque los ositos 3), el Lon’qu/Lissa, el Chrobin, M!Robin/Cherche, y el Laslow/Peri.
M/M OTP: Ephraim/Innes, Ike/Soren, Python/Forsyth, Kamui/Leon, LEON/VALBAR I SOB SO MUCH ASDSAFJ, Chrom/Frederick,  Chrobin. bC YEAH IT’S FREAKING GAY. Y el Gerome/Inigo bc yee, and Laslow/Keaton: he a furry dude.
F/F OTP: Eirika/Tana: my gurls and strong princesses Florina/Lyndis: son muy lindas i cry a lot. Say’ri/Tiki: bc AAAAAAAAAAAAAA SON TAN LINDAS TOO HELP. Y el Sumia/Cordelia: SENPAI X KOUHAI (?). ADEMÁS EL Kagero/Orochi también es muy bonito aaa.
OT3: No tengo OT3 en Fire Emblem??? Creo. Nunca me había detenido a pensarlo asjdhaf.
Friendship OTP: Lissa/Maribelle, Olivia/Panne, Tharja/Nowi. Strong gurls all of them Ricken/Henry, Frederick/Henry, Frederick/Ositos (?), Seth/Eirika, Eliwood/Hector. 
Crackship OTP: Robin/Corrin, en todas sus formas(?), CHERCHE/CAMILLA just imagine thAT!1, Hector/Effie: dude rlly hace poco lo imaginé y aaaaa. 
Anti-OTP: Robin/Tharja: de verdad destesto que Tharja sea así con Robin dude, te odio Intsys(?), Gregor/Nowi: like, srsly? No creo que deba decir por qué no me gusta(?).
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fefateskidsuniverse · 7 years
How do your ships change in the Male Corrin Universe? (Because everyone has to marry someone to have all the kids, as Male Corrin)
Revelations!Male Corrin Universe (Male counterpart to this universe)
M!Kamui x Flora = F!Kana
Azura x Laslow = Shigure and Soleil
Jakob x Orochi = Dwyer
Kaze x Beruka = Midori
Silas x Mozu = Sophie
Ryoma x Hana = Shiro
Takumi x Camilla = Kiragi
Xander x Hinoka = Siegbert
Leo x Nyx = Forrest
Hayato x Sakura = Rhajat
Odin x Elise = Ophelia
Subaki x Selena = Caeldori
Niles x Oboro = Nina
Saizo x Kagero = Asugi
Azama x Setsuna = Mitama
Hinata x Peri = Hisame
Kaden x  Felicia = Selkie
Arthur x Effie = Percy
Benny x Rinkah = Ignatius
Keaton x Charlotte = Velouria
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darkflierliesel · 7 years
top 5 awakening ships? (and fates too if you want but i didnt want to ask too much)
ooh i’m always happy to talk about my ships! i’m not doing them in any particular order though bc lmao don’t make me choose even more between my babies ;~;
lucina/severa: hot-spring scramble + future past? MY HEART
cordelia/stahl: miss perfect and mr average bonding over sweet musical supports ;~; and stahl is SUCH a sweet dad to sevvy
laurent/gerome: serious nerd babies in loooove
f!morgan/nah: TINY GOOFIES
say’ri/tiki: i mean. OBVIOUSLY.
HONOURABLE MENTION bc it’s an MU ship haha but robin/frederick, even outside of my love for him i’m just a sucker for that distrust-to-love-to-OHNOTHEDISTRUSTWASWARRANTED thing
felicia/laslow: maribelle/olivia just missed the cut for the awakening top five and felicia/laslow’s supports are v similar except laslow’s a lot more understanding than maribelle about the shyness issues and they’re just so sweet. since i ship laslow/azura and azura/felicia too i also really like azura/felicia/laslow as an ot3.
nina/caeldori: their supports are SO cute, they make such a good team ;~;
orochi/kagero: see: say’ri/tiki
…………………….THIS IS SO HARD. i’m just gonna lump in the rest of my royal/retainer bias lmao so *deep breath* xander/laslow ryoma/saizo hinoka/setsuna elise/effie sakura/hana corrin/kaze
also like. i can’t NOT mention my favourite lesbian scarlet x various ladies (i have a whole blog dedicated to it) especially scarlet/f!corrin, scarlet/flora, scarlet/oboro, and scarlet/kagero
man i did pretty well sticking to five for awakening but failed so hard on fates pffff sorry
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electricprincess96 · 7 years
And that run of Revelations is finished. My pairings were: Corrin x Niles Xander x Felicia Ryoma x Camilla Leo x Hinoka Takumi x Elise Sakura x Saizo Laslow x Nyx Odin x Peri Silas x Kagero Jakob x Rinkah Kaze x Azura Hinata x Hana Azama x Effie Arthur x Setsuna Kaden x Orochi Keaton x Charlotte Hayato x Mozu Benny x Beruka Siegbert x Soleil Shiro x Nina Kana x Mitama Dwyer x Midori Shigure x Selkie Ophelia x Ignatius Velouria x Hisame Kiragi x Caeldori Forrest x Sophie Rhajat x Percy
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chickenmcnuggies · 3 years
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Another update for Unofficial Gay Fates is out!
Supports added this update are: Romantic: Peri x Effie, Effie x Oboro, Odin x Setsuna, Hinoka x Niles, Benny x Silas, Laslow x Leo, F!Corrin x Camilla (S), Mitama x Selkie, Elise x Hana Platonic: Hayato/Ryoma, Takumi/Yukimura, Gunter/M!Kana, Hinata/Kiragi Sibling: Nina/Velouria Parent Child: Niles/Velouria, Keaton/Nina, Hinoka/Nina, Hayato/F!Kana, Camilla/M!Kana, Setsuna/Ophelia Also added was a new ending for Rhajat's paralogue, that only plays if M!Corrin is her father, to match the one she has if F!Corrin is her mother in the base game.
As per usual the update can be found at it’s Gamebanana page
Also I have a question for anybody keeping up with this hack: Do you like the current update schedule of once a month with around 20 added supports? Or would you prefer larger, less frequent updates containing around 40-50 supports? Please vote here
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echoeternally · 7 years
do you have any gay FE ships? maybe some mrobin X chrom?
*deep breath* Where to begin?
First, yes, I severely love the concept of gay Fire Emblem characters. If you’ve ever been to @unassumingvenusaur​‘s page, she even has a blog for gay pairings, and I’ve enjoyed a lot of them. I need to go tell more writers that they do a good job, and it’s really impressive that the mod is even able to keep the blog running while being busy with school and stuff. (I would never have done that when I was in college.)
So, I’ve got a lot of pairs resulting from that page and my own shameless desires, because I’m disgusting great. Obviously, I do like ManRobin with Chrom and FemCorrin with Azura, because story couples are the best. And, of course, I ship both Robins and Corrins with everyone, as they should be able to be paired off with whomever they like. (Though, I like some more than others.)
There’s no way that I can do this simply, so let’s see…I’m only going to stick with Awakening and Fates, because Heroes allows me too much freedom with crossover ships that don’t make sense.
Buuuut, here we go! I’ll put the answers below the cut. And…won’t totally overload it with just how much I love the avatars with other characters.
Gay Awakening
Les Awakening
Gay Fates
Les Fates
There are probably more, but that’s where I’ll leave it.
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lightningbug-lane · 8 years
What are your favorite Awakening amd Fates ships? And who do you think would father each Awakening kid if they were based on the fathers like Fates?
A lot of my favorite ships are not popular, so don’t expect too much from me.(●´ω`●)
Fates: Felicia x Arthur, Azura x Laslow, Kaze x Sakura, Silas x Charlotte, Jakob x Nyx (or Jakob x Setsuna but less so), Mozu x Leo, Camilla x Benny, Peri x Kaden, Beruka x Niles, Selena x Keaton, Effie x Azama, Nyx x Hayato (just cause Nyx seems like the most likely to produce a Rhajat-), Odin x Orochi, Hinoka x Subaki, Takumi x Rinkah, Hana x Saizo, Kagero x Hinata, Oboro x Ryoma (if not marrying Corn to Ryoma), Ignatius x Caeldori, F!Corrin x Xander, F!Corrin x Ryoma, M!Corrin x Scarlet, F!Corrin x Flora, Gunter x Reina.
Awakening: F!Robin x Chrom, F!Robin x Priam, M!Robin x Emmeryn, M!Robin x Tiki, Lissa x Frederick, Sumia x Henry, Gaius x Olivia, Donny x Cordelia, Sully x Kellam, Virion x Tharja, Stahl x Maribelle, Vaike x Panne, Miriel x Gregor, Lon’qu x Cherche, Nowi x Libra, Lucina x Laurent, Basilio x Flavia.
Now, on to kids!!
Inigo = Virion, Owain = Vaike, Kjelle = Lon’qu (stronk dad and stronk daughter who terrifies dad), Noire = Libra, Gerome = Frederick (stern looking guys who are secretly super soft?? yes plz), Brady = Ricken, Cynthia = Henry, Yarne = Kellam, Nah = Stahl, Severa = Gaius, Laurent = Gregor.
I tried not to overdo my own preferences for these parent/child combos but I might have failed. ;v;
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valadren · 8 years
Fuck it. I’m sure that no one’s really asked for the full list, but I’ve rolled up my Hard Mode runs of Awakening, Conquest, Birthright, and Revelations. These pairings and team comps have been selectively randomized (I ensure that each team has main characters and one DLC class. Awakening always has Chrom, Robin, and Lucina on the tem, Fates always has Corrin and at least one member of the royal family (Azura, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura). Yes I’m cycling between them. Yes I know that sounds unreasonable but also hush.
Final Team:
Great Knight!Chrom, paired with Hero!Gregor Falcon Knight!Noire, paired with Sorcerer!Tharja Bride!Emmeryn, paired with War Monk!Libra Valkyrie!Kjelle, paired with Sorcerer!Henry Falcon Knight!Aversa, paired with Valkyrie!Maribelle Assassin!Yarne, paired with Bow Knight!Inigo Dark Flier!Lucina, paired with Dark Flier!Morgan (F) Grandmaster!Robin (M), paired with Dark Knight!Miriel
Chrom x Gregor m!Robin x Miriel Lissa x Sumia Frederick x Stahl Sully x Henry Virion x Lon’qu Vaike x Olivia Donnel x Nowi Maribelle x Gaius Panne x Anna Cordelia x Cherche Libra x Emmeryn Tharja x Aversa Say’ri x Tiki Basilio x Priam Lucina x f!Morgan Owain x Laurent Kjelle x Noire Cynthia x Gerome Brady x Nah Yarne x Inigo
Final Team:
General!Elise, paired with General!Effie Dread Fighter!Laslow, paired with Strategist!Ophelia Hero!Corrin (F), paired with Great Knight!Velouria Sorcerer!Lucina, paired with Dark Knight!Leo Adventurer!Percy, paired with Maid!Nina Master Ninja!Midori, paired with Wolfssegner!Ignatius Kinshi Knight!Shigure, paired with Adventurer!Forrest Dark Knight!Odin, paired with Dark Knight!Nyx
f!Corrin x Velouria Azura x Mozu Felicia x Selena Jakob x Niles Silas x Kaze Shura x Izana Anna x Charlotte Lucina x Leo Xander x Laslow Camilla x Arthur Elise x Effie Peri x Beruka Odin x Nyx Benny x Keaton m!Kana x Siegbert Shigure x Forrest Dwyer x Ophelia Sophie x Soleil Midori x Ignatius Percy x Nina
Final Team:
Blacksmith!Hayato, paired with Paladin!Rhajat Dread Fighter!Anna, paired with Falcon Knight!Kiragi Basara!Sakura, paired with Falcon Knight!Azura Onmyoji!Mozu, paired with Onmyoji!Midori Hoshido Noble!Corrin (M), paired with Priestess Hana Bow Knight!Takumi, paired with Great Knight!Dwyer Falcon Knight!Subaki, paired with Kinshi Knight!Setsuna Basara!Selkie, paired with Basara!Kaden
m!Corrin x Hana Azura x Lucina Felicia x Kagero Jakob x Azama Silas x Kaden Kaze x Mozu Shura x Ryoma Izana x Reina Anna x Takumi Hinoka x Saizo Sakura x Hayato Setsuna x Subaki Hinata x Rinkah Oboro x Scarlet Orochi x Yukimura f!Kana x Dwyer Shigure x Shiro Sophie x Rhajat Midori x Selkie Kiragi x Caeldori Asugi x Hisame
Final Team:
Malig Knight!Velouria, paired with Malig Knight!Rhajat Adventurer!Soleil, paired with Adventurer!Nina Ballistician!Ryoma, paired with Swordmaster!rinkah Dark Knight!Camilla, paired with Sorcerer!Odin Hoshido Noble!Corrin (M), paired with Maid!Anna Mechanist!Shigure, paired with Wyvern Lord!Ophelia
Azura x Lucina Felicia x Silas Jakob x Kaze Mozu x Elise Shura x Fuga Anna x Hinata Ryoma x Rinkah Hinoka x Reina Takumi x Laslow Sakura x Hayato Saizo x Niles Kagero x Orochi Azama x Subaki Setsuna x Peri Oboro x Charlotte Hana x Selena Kaden x Arthur Xander x Keaton Camilla x Odin Leo x Beruka Nyx x Benny Shigure x Ophelia Dwyer x Caeldori Sophie x Kiragi Midori x Forrest Shiro x Hisame Asugi x Selkie Mitama x Percy Rhajat x Velouria Siegbert x Ignatius Soleil x Nina
that’s so many but I love these games and this hack???
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giantfuckbots · 6 years
Xander x Charlotte
Ryoma x Camilla
Takumi x Corrin
Leo x Sakura
Laslow x Azura
Saizo x Orochi
Niles x Setsuna
Odin x Elise
Hinata x Hana
Azama x Felicia
Arthur x Effie
Subaki x Selena
Keaton x Peri
Kaden x Hinoka
Benny x Beruka
Hayato x Nyx
Kaze x Kagero
Silas x Mozu
Jakob x Oboro
Azura x Laslow
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