#Coven Evelynn
aurelion-solar · 10 months
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Legends of Runeterra - Coven Emotes
Ahri - "You Fools!"
Evelynn - "Pretty Please?"
Ashe - "Goofy"
LeBlanc - "Blown Away"
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notoriouslydevious · 1 year
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Coven Evelynn by MagoArt
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behrendninja · 1 year
Seraphine: So, what are you going as for Halloween?
Kai'sa: I was hoping to go as Dragon Master but I need to hit the hairdresser for tha-
*Ahri & Evelynn walk in, dressed as Coven Ahri & Evelynn*
Seraphine: Mommy?
Ahri: No, we can't play right now.
Evelynn: We are going to the woods to sacrifice something to the old gods. Be back late.
Kai'sa: At least we know it's just the tw-
*Akali walks by dressed as Coven Akali*
Kai'sa: .... Kali.... Really?
Akali: Eve told me after the sacrifice, we can do more dirty stuff. So I joined the coven.
Seraphine: Mommy?
Akali: No... Daddy...
Seraphine: Sorry. You look great, Daddy.
Akali: Thanks! Now, time for the sacrifice!
Seraphine: ... we... should... go check out...
Kai'sa: Sera, don't you dare join the coven without me...
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 years
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The beauty of Coven Evelynn's splash art (art by Alex "alexplank" Flores)
I have several friends who might have actually killed me if I didn’t include Coven Evelynn in my analysis of beautiful splash art, and I can’t say that they’re wrong. Well, I mean, they’d be wrong to kill me, but they’re not wrong that this splash belongs here.
This splash pulls the common trick of having the expression left in shadow to sharpen its intensity. And one of the very good decisions made in this splash is that Evelynn is not at all interested in you. She is casually caressing one of the demonic entities that act as her lashers, gazing off to the sice of her shoulder with a pensive, quiet expression, and a playful little smile curling her mouth, as though she’s thinking of something quietly pleasurable or fun, or anticipating something.
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And if her face had been fully lit, would that expression feel as strong? I don’t think so - especially because… look at her eye. Look at that tiny twinkle of blood red peering out from beneath her heavy lids and immaculate lashes. That red works because it’s able to light up from within the shadow.
The light instead falls across the lower half of her face and across her chest, illuminating her shoulders and breasts and the gorgeous ornamentation she is wearing. And yes, certainly the light is also used to sexualize her, to draw your attention to her body, but that’s… appropriate for the character, Evelynn is an erotic character by nature and this entire image is erotic. Not pornographic, please don't demonetize me YouTube, but from the smoke curling softly away from her golden claws, to the naked shadow demons supplicating around her body, to the lashers wrapping around her arms, to her outfit, this image is about sensuousness. Sensation and feeling. 
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So, the light draws your eye to her breasts, and then across the chest to the raised arm, whose brightly highlighted claws has you looking at the lasher. From there to that warm but disconcerting glow as they wrap around her arms, and then perhaps down to the shadow demon gently caressing Evelynn’s thigh.
The beauty here is all sensuous, it’s all sensation and feeling, it’s all imagining what being in this moment might be like, how it would feel to touch the feathery surface of the lashers, how sharp her claws must be scraping against their naked skulls, the touch of dancing shadows - what it might feel like to have someone like this look at you like that.
The Coven skins are based on high fashion, bringing that sense of utterly untouchable, unachievable glamor into a skin, and Evelynn is probably the very peak of that aesthetic approach. She is rendered here like a goddess, like a marble statue come to life. The deeply impractical outfit, with its curved metal detailing, and odd feather structure are expressions of Evelynn’s power - not in a sense of physical strength, but her power to mezmerize, to be beautiful beyond beauty, to present an impossible image. The eroticism is doing the same thing. If you are seduced by this, even a little bit, then she has you.
This is an image of beauty as lethality.
If you liked this, I have a full video essay on beauty in League of Legends splash art HERE.
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xlart01 · 8 months
Ahrilynn Coven, but Modern!AU 😈🦊💙
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the-yellowcouchart · 10 months
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💜See what's beneath, while I - See whats inside💜
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Eclipse Knight Diana is properly...underwhelming
Sooo, this is a Legends of Runeterra exclusive skin released a couple weeks ago, and the boundless excitement that overcame me once I realised that we would get a Diana skin in Coven/Eclipse universe, was swiftly snuffed out as soon as I laid eyes on the splash art.
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Coven is a universe containing two rivaling aesthetics. One revolves around dark, high fashion, elegant witches as we see in the respective skins of Champions like Evelynn, and Morgana,
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and the other encompasses a more medieval Knights fighting the darkness with the power of the Eclipse aka the devoured Primordial Sun God (a tad pretentious if you ask me, but well). Now depending on the solar or lunar aesthetic, the general tone is black armor with orange or blue details.
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And somehow, Eclipse Knight Diana fails spectacularly at anything but lazily nodding toward the Lunar aesthetic of the Order. This skin is little but a glorified chroma of Diana's base form and has left my inner artist reeling.
Her armor comprises of jagged, sharp pieces of polished black metal in a pattern that does nothing to deviate from Diana's normal way of dress and only serves in making the armor seem uncomfortable and angular (Like what even is that thing around her neck, trying to parade as protection, and those bladed shoulder pads are more ostentatious than Irelia's, seeming more dysfunctional than intimidating.)
Her forearms and thighs are only clad in leather and are otherwise exposed, despite the over the top arm and knee protection. The polished silver accents upon the dark metal are a nice detail, though I feel it contradicts the black too much especially in the first splash art.
Speaking of which, what even IS her expression? She is going cross-eyed and her face is otherwise practically blank, the make up across her eyes making her look more like a racoon or a burglar, than a sophisticated warrior donning warpaint.
The fact that Leona is laying on the ground felled by Diana's blade is a wonderful detail that could nod to some lore update about their dynamic in this universe(perhaps? PLEASE).
Movement is also clunky; Diana is too still even though the world around her is moving, and it steals from the dynamic and the power of the piece (I think her base splash has a similar issue, but I am not sure.)
The blue in her armor is minimal and only appears in the form of a conspicuous glow emanating from the symbol on her chest armor, her arm guards and the headpiece. Now, don't get me wrong, Leona's armor also glows orange but it looks more natural, doesn't it?
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A paragon of the Sun's light. And though her own design doesn't come without faults, it is certainly an upgrade from her base from, and fulfills its purpose successfully. I dare say it is actually a pretty good skin. (Note the kneeling Diana in the back, khopesh buried in the dirt? It gives Leona's expression a whole new layer- I love it).
For Diana I would have definitely gone for something less ostentatious, and perhaps completed that set of armor, going with polished sleek pieces of metal that look more like actual armor and less like metal accents on leather. The idea of the symbol burned in the middle of the chest piece is actually great, and could be used as a parallel to Leona (same design glowing blue, or even a symbol more akin to the Moon, pointing to them belonging in different divisions of the same order). Most importantly I think I would like to see a detail or two pointing towards her "Insubordination" within the order, seeing as she searches for the truth in defiance of the predetermined rules.
"In the name of eradicating evil, Kayle has committed an unspeakable transgression. We are the inheritors of her atrocity, the children of her eclipse, and only through rectification of the Sun-Eater's great sin may we find true righteousness."
Diana could potentially be the perfect connection between the Knights and the Coven. Perhaps even forsaking the Order completely and becoming entangled in the Coven's web (Since there is a primordial Sun there should be a Primordial Moon as well RIGHT???) which might ultimately spell her demise OR lead to us getting a proper Eclipse Diana Skin - with a few hints of coven and moon worship, say something resembling a bull, or bull horns (associated with Selene) or even a rabbit (Chinese culture and the Aztecs), that upgrades/turns to a full blown Coven skin with her worshiping the primordial Moon.
In any case, this is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Leona and Diana interactions in this universe. Morgana's and Leona's voice lines already indicate that the two love each other and freaking gosh their interactions can potentially be wonderful. ( GIVE US THE ANGST FILLED LEODIA CONTENT WE DESERVE)
With voice lines like "Thy love will perish Diana. And thou shalt remain. Alone. Forever."(Morgana)
"Brave ser knight. Torn between duty and love. Blind to the truth of thine order." (Morgana)
Not to mention the all time favorite
"In another life, I am so sorry Diana." (Leona)
Riot has already set up the basics for a marvelous story. Full of intrigue, unrest, lies and deception, the fate of the world balancing in a thread, Dark magic and forbidden love that either endures or perishes with the last of the Moon's light.
Needless to say, my own head is spewing one scenario after the other, and I will be really irritated and salty if they don't fix this poor excuse of a skin and accompany it with the appropriate voice lines that will actually acknowledge her bond with Leona (yes I am looking at you Winterblessed) and expand the existing story in the coven universe. Cause it has too much potential to be left like this.
If you have reached the end of this rant, thank you for your patience. Here, have a cookie.
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noctysart · 2 years
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Coven Evelynn
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jarofchaos · 8 months
[April 20, 2022]
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My first Sky AP Commission!
Made for the lovely @/ameloveyt (on Instagram), including Coven Evelynn from LoL and their oc Mafuyu <3
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idkstuffsmth · 8 months
Enraged Husk
"I wore you out? Already? Shame." - Evelynn
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"Your moon's light can't reach you here, sweet thing--so I will keep you warm." - Spirit Blossom Evelynn
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"In this darkened world, what will you worship? That's right, precious pet. Me." - Coven Evelynn
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polinessashut · 10 months
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aurelion-solar · 10 months
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Coven Ahri, Lissandra, Morgana, Evelynn, Ashe & LeBlanc - Legends of Runeterra Splash Art
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Coven Evelynn by Amekoi
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mizii · 2 years
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Wallpaper Evelynn Coven
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nemocrochetart · 11 months
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❥ Coven Evelynn 💞 ❥ I am the daughter of woman and god. Know thy place 💞 ❥ Who will fall for this lady? 💞
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midna-chavelink · 9 months
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Last day of red week. This week was a lot of fun to experiment and try to really go aggressive on the color values.
I will not lie this is SUPPOSE to be coven Evelynn. Whether it looks like her or not is up to you.
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