Eclipse Knight Diana is properly...underwhelming
Sooo, this is a Legends of Runeterra exclusive skin released a couple weeks ago, and the boundless excitement that overcame me once I realised that we would get a Diana skin in Coven/Eclipse universe, was swiftly snuffed out as soon as I laid eyes on the splash art.
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Coven is a universe containing two rivaling aesthetics. One revolves around dark, high fashion, elegant witches as we see in the respective skins of Champions like Evelynn, and Morgana,
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and the other encompasses a more medieval Knights fighting the darkness with the power of the Eclipse aka the devoured Primordial Sun God (a tad pretentious if you ask me, but well). Now depending on the solar or lunar aesthetic, the general tone is black armor with orange or blue details.
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And somehow, Eclipse Knight Diana fails spectacularly at anything but lazily nodding toward the Lunar aesthetic of the Order. This skin is little but a glorified chroma of Diana's base form and has left my inner artist reeling.
Her armor comprises of jagged, sharp pieces of polished black metal in a pattern that does nothing to deviate from Diana's normal way of dress and only serves in making the armor seem uncomfortable and angular (Like what even is that thing around her neck, trying to parade as protection, and those bladed shoulder pads are more ostentatious than Irelia's, seeming more dysfunctional than intimidating.)
Her forearms and thighs are only clad in leather and are otherwise exposed, despite the over the top arm and knee protection. The polished silver accents upon the dark metal are a nice detail, though I feel it contradicts the black too much especially in the first splash art.
Speaking of which, what even IS her expression? She is going cross-eyed and her face is otherwise practically blank, the make up across her eyes making her look more like a racoon or a burglar, than a sophisticated warrior donning warpaint.
The fact that Leona is laying on the ground felled by Diana's blade is a wonderful detail that could nod to some lore update about their dynamic in this universe(perhaps? PLEASE).
Movement is also clunky; Diana is too still even though the world around her is moving, and it steals from the dynamic and the power of the piece (I think her base splash has a similar issue, but I am not sure.)
The blue in her armor is minimal and only appears in the form of a conspicuous glow emanating from the symbol on her chest armor, her arm guards and the headpiece. Now, don't get me wrong, Leona's armor also glows orange but it looks more natural, doesn't it?
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A paragon of the Sun's light. And though her own design doesn't come without faults, it is certainly an upgrade from her base from, and fulfills its purpose successfully. I dare say it is actually a pretty good skin. (Note the kneeling Diana in the back, khopesh buried in the dirt? It gives Leona's expression a whole new layer- I love it).
For Diana I would have definitely gone for something less ostentatious, and perhaps completed that set of armor, going with polished sleek pieces of metal that look more like actual armor and less like metal accents on leather. The idea of the symbol burned in the middle of the chest piece is actually great, and could be used as a parallel to Leona (same design glowing blue, or even a symbol more akin to the Moon, pointing to them belonging in different divisions of the same order). Most importantly I think I would like to see a detail or two pointing towards her "Insubordination" within the order, seeing as she searches for the truth in defiance of the predetermined rules.
"In the name of eradicating evil, Kayle has committed an unspeakable transgression. We are the inheritors of her atrocity, the children of her eclipse, and only through rectification of the Sun-Eater's great sin may we find true righteousness."
Diana could potentially be the perfect connection between the Knights and the Coven. Perhaps even forsaking the Order completely and becoming entangled in the Coven's web (Since there is a primordial Sun there should be a Primordial Moon as well RIGHT???) which might ultimately spell her demise OR lead to us getting a proper Eclipse Diana Skin - with a few hints of coven and moon worship, say something resembling a bull, or bull horns (associated with Selene) or even a rabbit (Chinese culture and the Aztecs), that upgrades/turns to a full blown Coven skin with her worshiping the primordial Moon.
In any case, this is a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Leona and Diana interactions in this universe. Morgana's and Leona's voice lines already indicate that the two love each other and freaking gosh their interactions can potentially be wonderful. ( GIVE US THE ANGST FILLED LEODIA CONTENT WE DESERVE)
With voice lines like "Thy love will perish Diana. And thou shalt remain. Alone. Forever."(Morgana)
"Brave ser knight. Torn between duty and love. Blind to the truth of thine order." (Morgana)
Not to mention the all time favorite
"In another life, I am so sorry Diana." (Leona)
Riot has already set up the basics for a marvelous story. Full of intrigue, unrest, lies and deception, the fate of the world balancing in a thread, Dark magic and forbidden love that either endures or perishes with the last of the Moon's light.
Needless to say, my own head is spewing one scenario after the other, and I will be really irritated and salty if they don't fix this poor excuse of a skin and accompany it with the appropriate voice lines that will actually acknowledge her bond with Leona (yes I am looking at you Winterblessed) and expand the existing story in the coven universe. Cause it has too much potential to be left like this.
If you have reached the end of this rant, thank you for your patience. Here, have a cookie.
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cissa-calls · 6 months
Countdown to Agatha: Day 766
Y/N: “Can a solar eclipse affect your magic?”
Wanda: “That’s something I’m still unsure of myself! Since the source of my magic is chaos itself, the confusion and disarray brought on by an eclipse has the potential to create an even greater well of energy. But, that makes magic cast under it more fragile.”
Y/N: “Oh, but then what about Agatha?”
Agatha: “My powers come from a book. Since I’m not an ancient, prophetic celestial being connected with creation itself, no, the eclipse does not affect my magic. It’s hard to mess with the logic of ~book~”
Y/N: “Untrue! You can’t read the book when it’s dark from an eclipse!”
Agatha, sarcastically: “Wow. You sure know how to make a girl feel like a powerful conduit of magic.”
Wanda: “…still bitter about the whole “trying to take my powers and then failing to ascend past your mortal form and magic?””
Agatha: “Grrrrr, no.”
Y/N: “Agatha, it’s not polite to lie.”
Agatha: “Considering the amount of impolite things I want to commit right now, lying is your best option.”
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volturilovers · 1 year
How you meet your mate Demetri Volturi
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This is my first demetri imagine. english isn't my first language so it might not be the best thing you have read but
I was walking around the castle. The kings have been alerted that I was Demetris mate and human after he found me. They came to an agreement that I could remain human for a limited amount of time since it wasn’t the best time to change me. I can still remember the day we met quite clearly.
I was shivering in the cold, it had started snowing. I had stupidly forgot to check the weather app. It is a well known fact that Sweden had unpredictable weather especially this early in the spring. One day it can be snowing or be sunny with no clouds in the sky. This morning the weather was sunny so I stupidly assumed that the weather would be good for the rest of the day. I was wrong since the temperature dropped to just a few degrees celsius above zero.
I was walking fast, taking a shortcut this cloudy and snowy day hoping that I won't get hypothermia before I reached my apartment. I was so lost in my thoughts that I suddenly bumped into someone hard chest.
"I am so sorry that i bumped into you, I was di-."
When I looked into his eyes I suddenly couldn't speak. I was struck by his beauty and felt a sudden attraction and my heart started thumping faster, I couldn't look away from his eyes. I forgot entirely that my clothes were getting wet since I didn't move when after I fell to the ground. His face held a suprised expression but also a glimse of curiousity. It was like we both forgot our surroundings and we were the only people in this world.
He was the first to snap out of it. Seeing me on the ground he offered me his hand to help me up.
"I am sorry it was my fault, are you okay miss?" he said inquiring me about my name.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N is my name" I said as I took his hand, he helped me back on my feet.
"My name is Demetri Volturi. it's nice to meet you" he bowed as he introduced himself giving me a charming smile. before looking me up and down in concern. " You are shivering. are you okay miss Y/N"
Not wanting to worry him I said I was fine. I was on my way home. He offered me his coat.
"You don't have to. I am fine really"
"I insist. You need the coat more than me. trust me" he said with a genuine smile.
"thank you" I gave him a smile, taking the coat he offered, hesitantly.I felt much better wearing the coat.
" These streets are generally unsafe, I would be honored to accompany you on your way home to assure you making it home safely."
I thought about it looking at him to see if he looked suspicious. Normally I would say no but something told me I could trust him so I answered him with a nod. And then we were on our way to my house.
He walked with me the entire way to my house. We were having a delightful conversation, learning some things about one another. He was Italian and was on a business trip and visiting his cousins that lived in the city, but too soon for my liking we got to my house and it was time to say our goodbyes.
"Thank you for walking me home, see you around?" I told him with a smile, wishing the distance to my house was much longer so we didn't have to finish the conversation since the probability that we would meet again is slim.
"I will see you around. I have some business to attend to before going backn to Italy, I hope we can have more conversations like this sometime"
This was a start of a beautiful relationship
How was my portrayal of Demetri? Leave your thoughts in my inbox or in the comment section. Do you want a part 2 but with Demetri’s experience of the event or a similar imagine but with another character. My inbox is open to requests. It might take time to make these imagines since I am taking courses and are generally very busy. Another Demetri imagine is on its way.
Bye lovelies❤️
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anothertina · 1 year
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Coven Jinx and Eclipse Ezreal sketch
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Twilight Imagines: The untold Stories of Forks
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Request are CLOSED
If I write for the girls it's gonna be family or Platonic, I'm not good at writing romances with girls
I don't do 'shared mate' content, sorry.
Cullen family:
Fire safety
Going to the zoo Headcanons
Cats in the cradle
4th of July Headcanons with my favorite boys
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger
Emmett McCarthy Cullen:
Next to me Series
Forever Now
Being Emmett's and Rose's daughter HCs
Aesthetic Board
Jasper Whitlock Hale:
Jasper dating Bella's sister HCs
Aesthetic Board
Rosalie Lillian Hale:
Being Emmett and Rose's daughter HCs
Aesthetic board
Carlisle Cullen:
Aesthetic board
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs
Edward Anthony Mason Cullen:
Dating Edward Cullen Headcanons
Aesthetic Board
Having a crush on Edward Cullen Headcanons
Esme Ann Platt Cullen:
Aesthetic Board
Mary Alice Brandon Cullen:
Aesthetic Board
Eleazar Denali:
Glory of love series
Aesthetic board
Dating Eleazar Denali Headcanons
Voice of an Angel
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and dating Garrett HCs
Tayna Denali:
Aesthetic Board
Wolf pack:
Seth Clearwater:
Aesthetic board
Jacob Black:
Aesthetic Board
Paul Lahote:
Aesthetic Board
Leah Clearwater:
Aesthetic Board
The Volturi:
-I don't write for them much
The Volturi:
Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter and having the Volturi wrap around your finger
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queenofglassbeliever · 5 months
Eclipse au where the Denali coven -except Irina- shows up to help the Cullens fight Victoria's vampire army. This leads to Bella and Edward breaking up and Bella ending up with Tanya.
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spiritchill · 6 months
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Gen Z: "Nah, fam."
"Jk, it's when that ish goes MIA"
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Lunar Eclipse Nilah & Coven Janna - Legends of Runeterra Eclipse 2023 Event Art
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halfapersob · 2 years
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Hi, hello, I liked your fic
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Interrupted Affair
Felix x Reader
A/N: To the lovely people who requested these there were three very similar requests so I have made some changes to all three and combined them into one story, I apologize but I do not want to write a similar story three times or more over.
A/N: In some translations Danae means she who judges
A/N: I hope you are all having a good holiday season! Drink water, take care of the mental health. I am trying to write much more now that I actually have no school to worry about for the upcoming six months so hopefully more will be coming out soon
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The walls felt cool on your back. In fact, it was the only thing grounding you from the fact that all you wanted to do was scream from the pleasure filling you as you kept sliding up and down ever so slightly with every thrust. I felt one of Felix’s hand gripping your thigh more or less keeping you in place, the other pressed too softly against my throat. The strength I gained from immortality had proven to be a perk whenever I decided to try anything new like this. Felix had proven too eager to please now that you had finally been turned. Our breaths came out in pants, moans escaping our lips every so often.
“I do wish you wouldn’t hide from me Danae, I would have joined in.”
A primal growl escaped from deep within Felix’s throat, “We’re busy.”
“Yes, I can hear that but it seems we are about to be called into a trial soon, so I would suggest getting yourselves decent.”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at Felix’s clear irritation. “I guess we’ll have to pick this up later,” I brought his face towards mine for a kiss deep enough to let him know you were not finished with the plans you had made for your day off.
“There is no guessing little one. We will be finishing this later.” He pushed against you one more time. He moaned against your lips but set you down gently. Both of you making quick work into changing into guard ready attire. You do your best to walk and tie your hair up in a sleek ponytail. Supposedly, it’s the only I ever have a chance of looking the slightest bit intimidating. With quick precision you lined your eyes and touched up any possible makeup that had more or less been smudged with the last hour.
You found Demetri leaned against the wall outside of your shared quarters, “Sorry to interrupt you two.”
“No… you aren’t. Wipe the smirk off your face Metri.” Felix gently pushed his forward and you trailed behind the two. Jane strode up next to you as Alec went ahead with the two males.
“Gross. I can still the two of you on each other.”
“Play nice Jane,” I responded ruffling the young girls hair, “Don’t hate love.”
The young girl stuck her tongue out at you, and then linked her hand in yours. I could hear Felix ask Demetri how much they had before we all had our audience.
“About 15 minutes. Its that Cullen boy.”
“Cullen? Carlisle’s coven?”
Demetri just nodded as he pressed forward, “Mhm. I think Aro believes he is finally offering his services to our cause.”
“Services? What can he do?” I had heard about Carlisle and his rather… complicated relationship with one of your leaders. No one had brought up him siring any others.
“Mind reading cara. Different from Aro, he can read whatever is in the forefront of your mind but he has no need to touch anyone.”
“Sounds invasive.” I grumbled, why would anyone want that around them.
“It is. Lets hope he’s not actually here for that. I don’t see the need for that anyway. Aro may have to work a bit more to understand what everyone is thinking but his gift is not a necessity.” Felix echoed your thoughts.
Jane’s hand squeezing your was enough to jar me from asking anything else, “Danae…could you do my hair before we into the trial?”
“Sure hun, braid today?”
“No there is not much time, could you just do a bun?”
“You can’t do it yourself sister?” Alec teased
“I can, I just like it when D does it.”
“I can do your hair if you really want me to Alec.” I winked at Jane and let her pull me aside for a second while she pulled out some ties. It was a simple bun really, you decide to put a small braid around it while she pulled pins from a small pouch she carried with her at all time. She handed a ribbon as you put the second pin in her hair to secure the braid, “Well you certainly came prepared, didn’t you?”
“I knew you would say yes.” She smiled as she grabbed your hand once again. I couldn’t help feeling a protectiveness over the young vampire. She had such a sad maturity behind her eyes, you had found yourself bonding to her first. You found out later that it had stressed your now mate beyond your comprehension. As Jane and I descended into the throne room, I took in the once terrifying throne room. While the methods that your family had come to use were not always pretty they were you found out, necessary. It was hard remembering all of the details from your human life, you had been unfortunate enough to be found in the middle of a rather serious confrontation. It was supposed to be a walk to clear your head on what your next step in life was.
You remember walking for so long you got lost. A beautiful parallel to where you were in life. Lost. Not knowing what you were doing. Confused. Unsure of whether you had made the right career path. You had spent your life forcing yourself to be good at school, studying the hardest subjects, just for a chance to get out of the home you had learned to hate. A family stitched together by necessity and hate. You had learned to differentiate different kinds of footsteps. Learned different ways to hide. Learned ways to escape. By the time you finished college, you only went back out of a need to for a warm place to sleep. Often times, even that was not promised. You snuck out of your room again after the yelling began, two angry pair of feet stomping towards you. Surely to ask you to start paying more than you already were towards their house. You were tired. So tired.
While you knew you had shielded yourself from everyone, you would have never expected that included supernatural beings. It was so late, seeing two of the most beautiful creatures you had ever seen huddled over what you would later find out was another one of their kind. Someone making a show of their meals. Felix and Demetri had been sent out to take care of the issue. Demetri made eye contact with you first. Beautiful, you thought. There was no other word to describe him but it was the other vampire that would captivate nearly every thought from then on. Beautiful too, but in much different light.
“Felix.” The blond one said tentatively
Felix. The man turned around to face me. A face so used to masking emotions in stressful situations faltered. “How—”
“I- I’m not sure.”
“We… should take her to Aro.” Demetri nodded at his friends suggestion. He began stepping forward, this was enough to register the danger you were actually in. Your legs twitched, ready to sprint, knowing it would mean nothing.
“Relax darling, we just want to talk. It seems you’ve caught us at a bad time.” Demetris voice was satin, “Felix, why don’t you take our new friend to pick up whatever she needs for her trip I’ll see if I can find her after I’ve finished…cleaning up?”
Felix turned to walk towards you. Run, that’s what your body wanted, as if your legs were screaming at me to run. Sprint. Walk away. Turn around. No command worked. You had become a statue in your own right. Felix gently had rested a hand against your arm in an effort to get you to start moving forward. You remember looking up at him still unable to move, every instinct was screaming at you. You were going to die. So, why were you so calm?
“I don’t believe we have met properly, little one. I’m Felix.”
He chuckled a bit, as if surprised, “Did that name mean something to your parents when they named you?”
“Maybe, my grandmother gave it to me.” A distraction. A very well thought out distraction. And you fell for it all the same.
“Well, Danae. Let’s take a walk and I can explain everything you saw tonight.”
“Doesn’t feel like I have much of a choice.” You grumbled. Still, you took his outstretched arm. He immediately explained what you had just seen. That you couldn’t be allowed to go back home. It didn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing if you were being honest. If you came back now, and they were awake… your bruises had just healed from the last time you misjudged. It was always worse for you when you finally came back after a while of hiding, the punishments never got easier. If they did it was only when they had forgotten what they were so angry about in the first place. You had managed to stay away long enough for them to forget they were even mad a few times.
“Would you like to go pick some things from your home?”
“Not really. I probably do need some clothes I guess.”
“That’s all you want?”
“Yeah? I don’t need anything else. But since you guys are vampires I’m assuming you can help me sneak in?”
“Of course, this is rather… sudden. Would it be easier to leave a note or we can have someone make it appear as though something happen.” You should have been concerned, shocked maybe that it would all happen so quick. He wanted you to hesitate. But this was the only chance you might get.
“No. I just need my clothes. I don’t want to stay in this forever.”
“We can always acquire some newer clothing items later as well.”
“Perfect. I only need to get a few things then.” Felix stared for half a second too long. Too eager. Way too eager. He had become eerily silent until you made it to the run down house you had been forced to live in for entirely too long. Felix scrunched his face probably reeking at the smell of alcohol and cigarettes even you could smell from the outside. You pointed, “Is there anyone in that room? Can you tell?”
“I can and no. It appears whoever is in there is asleep.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, “Thank god.”
You could worry about how he knew they were asleep later. Right now you would focus on avoiding any questions as you felt his eyes burn a hole in the back of your head as he helped you in. You went straight to your closet as quietly as you could, you moved a wall panel and grabbed a backpack and turned back to face Felix. It had been ready for years, but where would you have gone? You had next to nothing.
“Ok. I’m ready.”
Felix ignored you. His eyes scanning the room. It was the only time you’d felt frightened around him. He seemed to understand something you were not ready to divulge quite yet. He glided over to your bed, lifting it with ease. You shouldn’t have been surprised his vision was heightened along with his other senses. He set the bed down too gently for someone his size. Going to another spot where he seemed to inspect the floorboards. You had taken to make sure nothing would seem out of place. Yet, he seemed to know what you were hiding under one of the less creaky boards. He made no move toward it, just stared. He stood there for a few seconds longer, you noticed he had stopped breathing.
“Felix? I want to go now.” His head slowly turned to the side, nodding ever so slightly. You scrambled down, eager to get away from this house and not worry about being dragged back, or being forced back from lack of funds. Anything, literally anything seemed like a better option. Even if it meant an eternity of being frozen like Felix and Demetri. Thirsting for blood for your only diet. Better than being starving, you supposed.
You wondered when Demetri would show up, the walk through different alleys was painfully silent. Felix stopped you somewhere barely illuminated by the night sky, “what was under the floor?”
“I have no time for games Danae. What was it?”
“It feels like you know already.”
“There was blood all over that room.”
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, “there’s not.”
“There was. Covered by bleach maybe but stains everywhere.”
“I—what does that have to do with the floorboard?”
“The smell is stronger there. You realize you’ll be living with creatures that thirst for blood constantly?”
Embarrassment. Shame. Guilt. You weren’t proud of how low you had stooped. “It won’t be an issue. It was a long time ago. The knife there is only in case I needed to protect myself.”
“We are done with this conversation, Felix.”
Demetri jumped down from another building, “Nothing. I had to look for you.”
Felix nodded, “take her back to the castle. I left something at the square.”
Demetri scoffed but shrugged off his friend, carrying you off towards your new home.
“Hm?” Caius’ voice cut through the air, you wondered if you would ever not flinch at the sharpness in his voice. An unfortunate side effect to his voice being all to similar to your late fathers.
“I assume you’ve been briefed on the individual on its way here?”
“Yes, Master Caius.”
“Good. You please ensure your gifts surround the entire guard in attendance.”
“Of course.” You had never been able to use your gifts in a trial. Like Felix, I wore the cloak of a lesser guard. Someone meant to fade into the background, not that Felix ever blended anywhere. Caius was risking you no longer being a secret. You wondered just how intrusive the Cullens boy gift could be. You had to work quickly as the younger vampire threw the doors open to the throne room, hardly waiting for the secretary to let him in. Officially I couldn’t stand him, was he always this rude?
“Edward to what do we owe the… pleasure of this visit?” Aro tried his best to remain calm
“I come asking for assistance.” His eyes darted to all three kings. Probably wondering why the sudden silence
“Assistance? In what?” Caius made no effort to hide his annoyance
“I wish to be done with this life. I have nothing left for me.”
That seems a bit dramatic. Aro motioned for him to come forward and show his thoughts. Edward didn’t hesitate. It wasn’t until you were past his eyesight that you glanced at Felix. He waved his hands ever so slightly, then placed them back to his usual position. Calm down, he warned. Your faces must have given you away. I suppose it wasn’t shocking he knew you were annoyed yourself, you often had trouble keeping your face void of your own personal feelings towards others.
“You can tell us, you know?”
You looked at Felix, his voice chillingly quiet. “Hm?”
“We’re all broken here, little one. We may understand better than you think.”
God you’d put your poor mate through the ringer. It’d taken years before he finally broke through the wall you’d spent years building up. Jane had been the one to get you to officially talk about what had happened, as young as she was she was the best bet anyone had at building up your shield, but it was Felix that saw how deeply it affected you. Telling your story was quick, it was after all, done and over with. No need to dwell on it. Felix was the one to ask the hard questions to make sure you were really alright. Slowly you both dug deep into your experiences, trading stories in exchange for telling your own.
You’d grown to accept eachothers past. Now you couldn’t imagine living without him. So, in a way, you understood the crazed vampire standing before you. Aro made sure to squash any sympathy remaining.
“You told her about the secret?”
“And Alice knew how the girl would react to your disappearance?”
“Not the jump. I foolishly hoped her vision had been wrong.” He gave out more details to all but ensure the nail in his coffin, “you saw how reckless I was to be involved with a human. I even caused a pile up in a desperate attempt to try and save her from a nomad.”
“Yes. James, Victorias Mate.” Victoria? One of the girls from Heidis coven?
“I almost endangered the secret when I saved her in the parking lot. Clearly, I have done more than enough to warrant punishment.”
“Indeed. However, true. We…” he gestured to his brothers, “decide a worthy punishment. It would be rather rude of us to not let our dear friend Carlisle know of what’s to come.”
Edwards eyes shone bright with panic. This was not part of his plan. “My family had nothing to do with this.”
“Perhaps not but, instead of leaving the already skeptical town you live in, you convinced them all to stay. They should all be smarter than that.”
“Please, there is no need to involve them. I take full blame.”
“Oh of course young Edward. But as you said punishment is in order, a swift death hardly seems to fit the crime.” Aro turned to Caius, a silent conversation happening before turning back to Edward, “or perhaps we do nothing, after all the secret has not actually been compromised from what you have shown me.”
“Perhaps as a favor to an old friend? Yes.”
Edward concentrated on Aro. Desperate to know what he was really thinking, “So that’s your final judgement?”
“Yes I believe so. Brothers do you have any hesitations?”
Both shook their heads and waved him off, Edward walked out of the room slow for even a human, only pausing at the door “Thank you for the audience.”
Everyone was still until we could no longer hear his footsteps, safe from hearing distance.
“What’s your actual plan brother?” Caius asked
“Unfortunately, what I said was true. There is no definitive way to prove he endangered our kind. He will force our hand sooner than you’d think.”
“Felix, Demetri. Be on standby please. We wouldn’t want anyone to make a scene at the festival. After all, it is in honor of our dear Marcus.”
“Don’t you tire of using that joke, Aro.”
“Not really, no.”
The rest of you were excused from the throne room. As the kings continued their conversation. A secretary already dispatched to call Carlisle. Felix and Demetri left to keep an eye out. You were left to laze around until then. Maybe Heidi knew more about what was going on with Edward if she happened to keep in touch with her old coven mate, then again her old coven was such a touchy subject for her. You decided against it, Heidi already had a lot on her plate with your day today. You all waited around the throne room for the moment the Cullen boy would inevitably return. Fortunately you did not have to wait long. Unfortunately, he did not return alone.
“What a happy surprise! So Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending... they are so rare.”
Jane had been sent out shortly after Felix and Demetri, apparently speeding along the process. Edward explained Aro’s gift to Bella, conveniently leaving out that his gift had no use at the moment. Aro decided to see if Janes powers worked on Bella when his failed, stupidly the Cullen boy tried to protect her. The girl was screaming at Jane to stop.
“Ugh are you kidding me?” Oh god I just said that out loud, didn’t I? Caius smirked at your outburst, you would never live this down, “sorry.”
“Quite all right my dear, is there something you’d like to say?” He was absolutely baiting you but well…better to say you misunderstood not like he could tell you would be lying.
“I just find interesting that she’s crying over someone who knew exactly what leaving would do to her. Bloodsinger or not, he lied to her. Look at her. She looks like she hasn’t ate since this guy left.”
“Knew?” She turned to him, and the tiny vampire that accompanied them, “you knew and you left me anyway?”
“Bella please understand.”
“So you meant it? You didn’t love me?”
“If he loved you we wouldn’t be here right now.” You grumbled, “and you know what while we’re at it? This is the guy you lost it over? He couldn’t even be bothered to go visit a headstone before deciding it was time to die? I mean—“
“Danae…” Aro raised his hands urging you to calm down
“Sorry.” You could see Demetri fighting a smile, but you could almost guarantee Felix was going to scold you for being so bold in front of the kings. Aro continued with Janes test on Bella. Nothing, as suspected.
“Hahahahahaha. Remarkable. She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?”
“You already know what we have to do Aro.” Marcus cut in
“She knows too much. She’s a liability.” Caius stated afterwards
“Tsk. That’s true. Danae?” Me? I was not an executioner of any kind. Then again you’d just made a scene to rival the ridiculous ginger haired vampire, so I suppose there could be a worse punishment. You were almost immediately tackled by Edward, but your mate had trained you well. And he was weak, to be quite frank. You managed to throw him towards Felix, who effectively held him still as you stalked back towards Bella. You saw Demetri holding Alice, you wonders if she had tried to help her brother. You were steps away from the dumb founded girl when Alice chimed in,
“Wait! She’s going to be one of us. I’ve seen it.” She pushed away from Demetri but Aro held his hand up.
“That will not be necessary.”
“She could be useful someday. She obviously has some kind of abilities.”
Behind you Edward struggled to gasp out a single “No…Bella.”
“Has Edward not told you? We have our own shield of sorts. Edward hasn’t been able to use his gift since stepping in this room.” Alice glared at him for the lack of information. He struggled against Felix. Alice’s scanned the room looking for anything that might help them. “Can you guarantee no one else knows of our kind?”
Her hand flinched back instinctively, “Well, she didn’t— not really. She told someone who already knew.”
“Shut up. Alice. Shut up!” She dropped to her knees, she had come into your small town to save someone unknowingly dooming someone else in the process. “No… no no. She’s lying!” The gravity of her choice was settling in. Giving up her own life meant little to her but to punish a friend for what? Someone who she now knew didn’t care for her enough to stay behind. Such a shame. You almost wanted to comfort her, but this was part of the job. She couldn’t go back.
You looked towards Aro. He nodded as you stepped forward, “I am sorry about this. You deserved… better.”
You turned her toward Edward both now kneeling on the ground, he was thrashing to try and save the girl he got into this mess. You wondered how Aro would force him to live. Bella’s screams filled the room. Edward snarls echoing in reply. It only took a minute to drain her. Felix effectively ripping off Edwards head as her body dropped to the ground. You wondered if that would be the last thing he saw or if Aro was ensuring he wouldn’t try and bring matters into his own hands again.
“I was hoping for a happy ending this time.” He turned to the tiny vampire who was frozen in fear of what was coming next, “Alice you can either stay here and await for the tour today to wrap up or suffer the same fate as your brother. We will wait until Carlisle can come so we can explain any…misunderstandings. Heidi should be here any moment.”
There was a squeak that seemed to escape Alice as a sign of agreement as she stood to the side to await for the remaining member of the coven to join the rest of you for the tour. You wondered if she would partake now that you had your fill. The tour came and left you were able to get seconds since Alice was to numb to move from her spot. Every once in a while she would let out a small whimper but nothing more came from her. The lower guard were released minus yourself, Felix and Santiago as you had to wait some more for Carlisle.
“Is Edwar— I mean are you….”
“We have no plans in letting him die dear Alice.” Aro said bored. The secretary poked her head in after a while to let everyone know the other Cullens had arrived. “Felix, put our friend together again please. We don’t want to make a bad impression. Gianna, bring them in please.”
The pair came in hesitantly, the woman’s eyes glazed as if she had been crying. “Welcome to our home Carlisle!…I assume this is Esme?”
“Aro.” He nodded his down slightly to the leader of the three, waiting too long to answer his questions. Staring into his eyes too long for anyone to miss what was happening, “yes, this is my wife and mate.”
“Hello. I’m…so sorry there’s been a misunderstanding”
Aro tilted his head “…yes. It would seem so. Shall I debrief the events that occurred these last few days?” Edwards screamed as the venom glued him back together. Esme tried to rush over to him but was stopped by Alice. A quick head shake in warning of what could happen. She grabbed her husbands arm as she turned back to face the leaders.
The pair nodded as Aro went on to explain how Alice’s vision has come true. Bella had withered away, Carlisle flinched when Aro explained how Alice saw Bella jumping. What we now know was cliff diving, and explaining how Alice had immediately told the Cullens that had been around what had happened when she did not see Bella come up. Alice was told to explain about the reservation and holes in her visions. Another name you were unaware of, Rosalie, broke the news to Edward who decided to call Bella’s home. Where the misunderstanding took place. The rest was quick.
“I appreciate you sparing my son.”
“Sparing? He is still being punished. But as you all can’t seem to respect the law you will be the one to carry out his sentence.” Carlisle and Esmes eyes grew wide, the former looking at his old friend, begging him to reconsider with a single glance.
“Oh it’s nothing like that Carlisle. You are both to ensure he stays alive and out of sight from humans at all times. This does mean you will likely have to stop human interaction so much but, we think he should have to pay for the life of that poor girl. And you all broke the one tule we have at the end of the day. If Edward decides he doesn’t actually care about his family the way he claims he does, you will be the one to end his life.” Aro said calmly
With that everyone was silent. Edward would love a miserable existence, never able to complain about the volturis rather gracious act. From any other perspective at least. And punishment is still served. Edward couldn’t lift his eyes from the ground.
“You may go.” Caius waved them off, the stumbled against themselves as they began exiting the room
“Oh Carlisle?” Aro stopped them, “if anyone from that reservation says anything, it will be your job to take care of all of those children as well. Are we clear?”
Carlisle’s lips tightened into a thin but nodded as turned without so much of a goodbye to his old “friend.”
Finally, everyone was dismissed. Today felt…dirty. I felt dirty. It was time for a bath. Felix started one before you said anything,
“Are you alright?”
His hand caressed your face as you waited for the water, while o be honest you weren’t sure. You felt…fine? But also, guilty?
“I don’t know. It seemed so unnecessary all the things that guy did. He knew the risks, did he think he could get away with it? Or maybe he thought Carlisle’s friendship would save him?”
“Well. It did save him. Aro would not have been so generous to anyone else.”
“Does it get easier?”
“Being the one that finishes the job? Yes and no. You learn to compartmentalize.”
“Sounds exhausting”
He chuckled, “it can be. Let’s try not to get too riled up in front of the kings, yes? You get away with for being a newborn more or less but I doubt they will let it slide again.”
“I mean he deserved it. I thought you would have been proud of me.” You playfully nudged him away. Sticking your tongue out. Playfully getting closer to dangerous territory.
“Proud? Yes. Always. But I would rather not have to punish you for something we can control.”
“I don’t know, you punishing me sounds like a good time.”
“Hmm. I do recall being interrupted while we were in the middle of something earlier?”
“This is true, should I invite Demetri? He was so eager to join us.” A growl escaped from Felixs throat as he scooped you up, a smirk growing on his face as he threw you down on the bed.
�� I suppose we’re going to find out exactly how much you enjoy punishment after all.”
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @imtoanonymousforyou @jelly-fishy-babie @quarthly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx
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inkindofmagic · 1 year
October Monthly Forecast
October 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
— Asstro News
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October promises a dynamic and transformative astrological landscape, urging us to embrace change, explore the depths of our relationships, and seek balance in various aspects of our lives.
🎃 The focus of early October is on Libra-like themes: love, relationships, money, beauty, values, and balance. Libra represents balance, justice, fairness, and equality, often seeking to please others and maintain peace.
🎃 Venus moves into Virgo on October 8th, encouraging a careful and critical approach to love, relationships, and finances.
🎃 Pluto goes direct on October 10th, signaling a shift from introspection to outward manifestation, promoting personal and collective growth.
🎃 Mars enters Scorpio on October 12th, intensifying exploration of social dynamics, relationships, and passions.
🎃 Eclipse Season begins in mid-October, with a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, emphasizing relationship refinement and balance.
🎃 Mercury enters Scorpio on October 22nd, enhancing intuition and deepening conversations, often focusing on taboo or hidden subjects.
🎃 Scorpio Season starts on October 23rd, bringing powerful transformative energies and delving into the depths of our psyches.
🎃 A busy Lunar Eclipse occurs on October 28th, marking the end of a series of Taurus Eclipses and symbolizing the closure of significant collective themes. This Lunar Eclipse encourages us to release old attachments and step into a new paradigm, with the support of expansive Jupiter.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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prissypickle · 2 years
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octolynx · 1 year
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WOAHH the guy from five nights at freddys
(sorry for all the tags!! Trying to see if it works to get our stuff out there :])
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pincushionx · 3 months
Bard Hunter
What kind of instrument do you guys think Hunter would play?
I think about all the types of magic we never saw Hunter use in the show. Besides seeing some non specific staff magic like teleportation , creation and blast we only see him use magic that could be considered construction and have interest in potions but that’s it really.
This actually low key disappoints me because I know a boy like Hunter with such a interest in magic would know how to do so much and we didn’t get to see it. I can imagine all the original and bizarre ways he would use magic since I doubt many people has interest in teaching anything but the basics. Like yeah, he had an artificial staff but he still needs to know the spells like how we see him having to use flapjack for the first time in eclipse lake.
Oh well, that’s what we have fanfiction for
Anyways, while I don’t think Belos would care to much for Hunter to learn Bard magic as it would probably need to another artificial tool and there are other skills Hunter could learn instead.
I just think it’s fun to think about the Golden Guard or just Hunter whipping out an instrument and jamming out mid fight or for funsies.
I think Belos would have him learn some sort of church kind of instrument. Like one you could hear at a church or something in the 1600s.
Like a viol, lute, fiddle or recorder. Since these instruments are pretty old in origin and used in religious spaces which I think suits Belos.
I think Hunter would be good at this and would be commonly used in combat, I can imagine.
Now as for post-canon I can see Hunter learning a instrument as something new to learn. Even better if he can get waffles to turn into one.
I think he would be interested in some sort of string instruments.
I can imagine him vividly with a violin or lyre. Violin because I think they are very powerful intruments that can convey all sorts of tone and emotion and lyre due to the association with birds.
But yeah I love the idea of bard Hunter.
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miss-morgans-lover · 9 months
Twilight Advent: Fav Scene in book or film (Day 23):
My favourite scene/chapter in the main books is probably the Blood Type chapter since I always find it so funny to read. Edward was in his car and saw Mike dragging a paler than usual Bella across to the nurse.
"I thought I was going to have to avenge your murder" - Edward
Mike's face when Edward took Bella from him and started taking her to the nurse and left him behind.
Him getting her out of school and PE with some excuse that she's really not feeling well.
It's just funny.
My favourite chapter in the books outside the main 4 is the section on The Denalis, specifically the Sisters in the Official Illustrated Guide. I love the whole coven but in their little sections it talks a bit more about the succubus thing which I love so much. Plus I just love them. The whole coven is great and pretty unproblematic for the most part. Except for the obvious.
My favourite scene in the films is possibly when Kate gets Garrett with her powers after the whole "or your power has been exaggerated" (Garrett) "maybe it only works on the weak" (Kate). It's funny and cute. I love those two.
But it's more likely to be the training scene in Eclipse and his backstory scene. As a Jasper fan (yeah, a bit controversial I know) I love him in his element. Plus the music, cinematography and such are amazing in it. I love that we found out about his past, despite the controversy in it. We found out about how he knew all this stuff about newborns.
I also love Rosalie's backstory scene as well, as sad as it is. Great cinematography, which is something I appreciate as a film student. Plus, she's one of my favourite characters so finding out more about her and why she acts the way she does is great. Plus (again) Rosella scene!!!!!
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celestialspiceart · 4 months
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Between you and me...
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