#Cow Key Bridge Race
zoesblogsposts · 8 months
o 625 words to know in your target language o
There is a really interesting blog called "Fluent Forever" that aids foreign language learners in tricks, tips and techniques to guide them to achieving fluency "quickly" and efficiently. One of the tricks is to learn these 625 vocab words in your target language, that way you have a basis to start delving into grammar with ease as you can understand a lot of vocab right off the bat. Plus this list of words are common across the world and will aid you in whatever language you are learning. Here is the list in thematic order
• Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal
• Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation
• Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA,
France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location
• Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing
• Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color
• People: son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother, sister, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (# animal), friend (Add a friend's name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person
• Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job
• Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
• Art. band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
• Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverage
• Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, food
• Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
• Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
• Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
• Nature: sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, nature
• Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, material
• Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
• Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective
• Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, direction
• Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, season
• Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, number
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night, time
• Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear (a sound), listen (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
• Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
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onesunofagun · 3 years
I shall now yell about Ingo, please stand by:
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Ingo’s transformation from the underappreciated backbone of the ranch to an absolute ruff-wearing cantaloupe of a man is also pretty interesting (if you’re the kind of person who absorbs the Zelda series through your skin like a frog to live).
I’ve bolded the key points for skimmers.
Granted, the manga has it that Ingo just gets brainwashed by Twinrova into being a staunch follower of Ganondorf. That’s not canon, but it’s not informing any of this thinking, either way. 
In the beginning of OoT we meet Talon by waking him up from a nap, and we learn pretty quickly that he’s lazy and often yelled at by his daughter for slacking off like this. Ingo at the ranch confirms again that Talon doesn’t pull his weight around there, and since Malon’s still a child, it’s pretty obvious that Ingo’s settled with the bulk of the work.
Ingo is grumpy, he’s resentful, and he complains a lot. But he does do the work, and you can find him (presumably) in the process of mucking out the stables. 
Let’s examine what he does at the ranch:
Epona really liked that song... Only I could tame that horse... Even Mr. Ingo had a hard time...
Now, Epona is established in game to be a real winner of a horse. She’s fast, she’s smart, she’s got a lovely sorrel coat and white mane that seems to be quite rare or highly prized coloring. The catch is, she is notoriously wild. The only people she tolerates are Malon and Link, due in large part to being soothed by the song Malon’s mother taught her.
Ingo had to really try to crack this horse, which Malon’s observation suggests is unusual. 
Epona is very young when we first see her, so it’s never really revealed if she was caught wild, or bred at the ranch with a very headstrong temperament.
Ingo’s clearly the guy that’s breaking them in, though. The most Talon is doing is... sleeping in with the cuccos. We never see any organisation of the cuccos, in terms of egg collection or poultry farming, but nevertheless, Talon has the much less physical jobs even if he was doing them. His focus seems to be cuccos, deliveries to the castle and book keeping between naps (and to be fair it’s probably a little depression related, given the dead wife).
Malon gives us a cow later on, and she’s got the egg for the crowing cucco that wakes up Talon, so I’d like to assume for simplicity’s sake that even as a kid, Malon was up at dawn most days helping Ingo with the cows and milking them. It’s never really implied that she has amazing skill in dealing with horses, just that Epona has a special connection with her specifically. Other than that, Malon is simply kind and respectful of her animals (though I’ve got no idea how she got that cow to Link’s treehouse and that’s worth investigating). 
Later on, Ingo is also shown to be a competent rider. Enough that he has absolutely no qualms in challenging Link to races for wagers, and was quite confident of his ability to win.
The takeaway is, Ingo is usually VERY GOOD with both caring for and training horses, if not breeding them for the ranch.
That kind of lends to his grumbling, when he is referring to himself as ‘the Great Ingo’ and comparing himself to Talon, who is a ‘bum’. His claim to greatness may not be undeserved, at least in horse circles, and especially if he’s not getting particular credit for it, his bitterness and frustration (alongside envy, exhaustion, and dreams of recognition) would be quite deeply run.
So it seems that his friend and employer is clearly taking some advantage of him, especially after the death of Malon’s mother.
So now, let’s examine his feelings, and how he changes.
The feelings Ingo has about that are pretty textbook for the sort of thing ‘evil takes hold of and twists’, in the Zeldaverse.
Focussing on the game itself, Malon says this as an adult:
Since Ganondorf came, people in the Castle Town have gone, places have been ruined, and monsters are wandering everywhere. Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... Everyone seems to be turning evil...
We do see other characters in Hyrule become influenced by the ‘darkness in their hearts’ as byproduct of Ganondorf’s reign. 
A prominent example of a character who was visibly dissatisfied with their lot, and then notably changes (while praising Ganondorf for what he’d done), is the Castle Guard who is heavily implied to have become the Poe Dealer. Even if by some slim means it’s not the same person, the Poe Dealer does still express that they could not do the work they do without Ganon as King, and that they now benefit from him being in that position and are grateful to him.
The Kakariko Carpenters seem to have given into their fantasies about living among the Gerudo women, and gone out to the Valley and gotten themselves taken prisoner. Following work near the fortress, the team chooses to act on their selfish desires and go for broke, chasing their dreams. They weren’t previously prepared to act upon these fantasies when Link was young, admittedly much milder in their still very prominent obsession, but seven years later, they’re quite happy to risk it all and piss away the stability of their careers (and nearly their lives) at the first opportunity.
Anyway, the trend is, those across Hyrule who are unhappy with their lot before Ganondorf’s coup tend to be ‘corrupted’ by seven years later, and appear to have given in to a twisted version of whatever they most wanted. 
This is noteworthy especially because the language in the game revolves around the Sacred Realm being opened and corrupted, too, by Ganondorf’s unbalanced heart and selfish goals. It is unable to be ‘sealed’ again while Link has the Master Sword. In aLttP, we know there is a mirror like effect to do with the sacred turned dark realm, in which it reflects the hearts of men. 
So it is very reasonable to say, that for OoT in particular, much of this evil influence plaguing the land and preying on the darkness an people’s hearts is a result of the corruption of the Sacred Realm. It is an indirect byproduct of Ganondorf’s acquiring of the Triforce, but not necessarily something he himself does to people on purpose, unlike the brainwashing of Nabooru.
Mr. Ingo is just using the ranch to gain Ganondorf's favor... But Dad... He was kicked out of the ranch by Mr. Ingo... If I disobey Mr. Ingo, he will treat the horses so badly...
This explains a lot of the more callous and greedy behaviour that Ingo shows later on, and why it seems to disappear when he is truly humbled by Link. 
Link’s win serves as a reminder of Ingo’s stagnating skill with horses, the very thing that made him feel so deserving of praise and recognition in the first place, in that for everything he now has control of at the ranch, he still cannot control that horse. He has become as much of a bum as Talon ever was, relegating Malon to do all the hard work while Ingo struts around uselessly. He’s even lost his touch with the Horses so much, in his arrogance, that now he has taken up mistreating them and using harsh and abusive methods (according to Malon’s concerns).
The humiliation and shame takes hold, his pride shattering with the loss of Epona-- not only as a valuable asset, but also as the horse he could never truly tame.
The dark feelings he was holding onto are let go of, as he regains a sense of humility, and the corruptive influence upon him dissipates. He even seeks out Talon to bury the hatchet and invite him back to the ranch.
Oh, I have to tell you about Mr. Ingo... He was afraid that the Evil King might find out that Epona had been taken away... It really upset him! But one day, all of a sudden, he went back to being a normal, nice person! Now my dad is coming back...I can't believe it, but peace is returning to this ranch!
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But what about his obsession with Ganondorf in particular?
When the coup happened, Ingo watched the King of the Gerudo unwittingly play out a sort of grand parallel to what Ingo felt should happen on the ranch. To Ingo’s perception, I think Ganondorf was representing an ideal version of Ingo himself. 
A man of the desert, where hard work and grit are as second nature to survive the harsh conditions. A man frustrated with the King of Hyrule’s shit, and forced to swear fealty to him despite being a King himself. A man resplendent with wealth, with fine and flashy clothes and plentiful jewelry.
And perhaps the most important note of all, the Gerudo in OoT? 
They’re horse people. 
They love horses. Ganondorf’s horse is reputed to be a purebred Black Gerudo Stallion, which is obviously a specialty breed, that is fully armoured and as flashy as he is. When the Gerudo cut the bridge leading to the valley, the only way in and out is to have a skilled horse jump the gap. 
They also have a huge horseback archery range, and prowess in the sport is an incredible source of respect amongst the Gerudo, and many of the guards possess bladed polearms suitable for mounted use. From this, it can be assumed that during the recent civil war, Gerudo weapons, war tack and military tactics were probably built around mounted cavalry archers foremost, with a lesser focus on light and heavy cavalry aside (iron knuckle armour springs to mind).
Anyway, Horses are very important to the Gerudo in the era of Ocarina of Time.
So Ganondorf is also unique in the sense that he is the King of a people who value what it is that Ingo does very highly. He, of all people, stands to immediately recognise the knowledge and skill that Ingo possesses in rearing horses.
So this is a man who successfully stages a coup of Hyrule, who clearly inspires Ingo to do much the same of the ranch, and who Ingo also feels is very likely to take his side should he appeal the matter.
And Ganondorf does.
And if that’s not a great compliment to Ingo’s actual skill, I don’t know what is, because Ganondorf is not a man that suffers fools. He’s got a limited patience when it comes to shit that is beneath his notice. Clearly, he recognises that Ingo is indeed the backbone of that ranch-- and the main reason for the quality of its Horses-- and rewards this accordingly.
And for Ingo, being on decent terms with the big scary goth King is a very, very good place to be. But it’s more than that!
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What a guy! Not only did he deliver on Ingo’s long due validation, he gave Ingo everything he’d ever dreamed of having to his name, and the authority to kick Talon to the curb. He gets it! Ganondorf, this great eight foot beacon of freshly sought divine power and topaz-encrusted glory, this absolute unit of a man, this great underdog horse-lover after Ingo’s own heart; he really understands how great Ingo is. Ganondorf is paving the way for people like them! Oh, to rub shoulders wiht such greatness when the rest of Hyrule is scorned. 
Ingo feels seen. The Great Ganondorf made all that thankless time spent shovelling horse shit while Talon slept mean something. The Gerudo appreciate Ingo’s talents.
And all Ingo has to do is keep turning out really good horses, and promise to present the King with his finest.
So Ingo knows he’s in deep shit when he gets cocky and loses Epona to a wager, who at this point, he’s prepared pretty well and sunk a lot of money into on the idea that she’s going to Ganondorf. 
Who he’s probably bragged to about how fast she is.
He lost her to some jerk in tights who’d barely ridden before, too. And then when Ingo tried to cheat him out of the win, the kid jumped the damned fence an in ass-bustingly cool move that really just drove home how excellent and rare Epona was.
One does not promise the King of the Gerudo a fast horse and then fail to deliver, let alone for such a stupid reason.
Honestly, by the end, the man’s just happy to be alive.
Also I’d like to think he and Talon had a much fairer delegation of work and forgave each other, each really learning to appreciate what they have and what’s really important.
how the fuck did the Kokiri leave the forest for this scene anyway, they don’t even have their faries???
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houseofneri · 4 years
A while back I was watching (guy’s name) stream Radiata Stories and there was a bit of joking around about all the weird ways Jack makes friends, so I thought it’d be fun to compile a list of many of the ways Jack “befriends” his 177 companions:
Be recruited as a knight due to fame (because this is where everything starts lmao)
Be the son of the man they murdered, kick their ass, then show mercy
Go on exactly one (1) mission with someone
Talk to them. Sometimes once, sometimes more than once.
Cure anxiety with a blunt kick
Listen to a kid lie for five days
Fall for some pranks until it goes too far
Assert your dominance in a duel
Brandish a specific weapon and then assert your dominance in a duel
Meddle with an attempted assassination and then assert your dominance in a duel
Be injured
Thwart identity theft
“Representation matters”
Run a book club
Jam out with some records
Harvest ingredients
Collect rare drops from monsters
Show off rare drops to show how Cool™ you are
Share subjective opinions on agriculture
Have a basic knowledge of music
Got milk?
Gamble (and pray)
Be a guinea pig for dubiously effective medicine
Locate missing pets
Guard their riches for them
Pay their research funding
Destroy the results of their research funding
Recruit everyone in each of the two church branches
Recruit everyone in a single faction
Recruit the bigwigs of every faction
Bring them to the faction leader that you didn’t know existed most of the time
Rummage through garbage (and then take it. with permission.)
Confide in your sister about all the shit you’re going through
Play tag
Impose the Fear of Missing Out
Ruin their lone wolf persona by talking to their mom
Save their stupid asses from a monster
Follow up on the stupid asses with their third friend
Save them from drowning (and then maybe wish you didn’t lmao)
Find the goblins that stole some shit and take it back
Assist in necromancy
Make friends with girls
Make friends with mages
Don’t be friends with anyone
Uncover the magical girl’s secret identity
Agree to pay a bar tab
Make sure you’re too poor to pay the bar tab, then make more money and pay the bar tab
Win (a date) on a radio show
Look for a girl’s lost portrait of her dead father (spoiler: her roommate has it and is in love with it)
Hand out the church newsletter
Find a rare flower
Learn that one of your superiors has been challenged to a duel. Spend a few hours running back and forth through town, from your superior’s guild to that of his rival-turned-enemy, while slowly uncovering the details of their former friendship and the friction that ended their friendship and sent them on different avenues in life, then witness them resolve their years-long grudge in a manly fistfight that ends with them reminiscing and agreeing to commit to their chosen paths with no regrets.
Bring your superior along, talk to his rival-turned-enemy and beat said rival-turned-enemy in a fight.
Play vet for some cows
Play vet for some rats
For another character, beat up some rats and then follow up
Save them from a pile of boxes
Deliver a letter to a guy’s “childhood friend” (spoiler: the recipient doesn’t know the guy)
Be poor and unfashionable
Protect a bridge and assist in the construction of it
Prove yourself and your status as Protagonist™
Find some missing piglets
Take Your Son To Work Day
Defend farmers from monsters
Hunt for a key in some garbage and then cry when you have to spend 10,000 to buy it from a store
Blackmail someone for stealing money from the church
It’s wartime! Have some free friends.
Tell a sick kid some awesome stories for a few days then talk to his sister
Then bring the sister with you to talk to her sister
Pick up an old textbook
Hear out some sad drunks at the bar
Destroy a creep’s fantasies
Check in on a guy’s wife while she’s cooped up in jail
Hunt down a contact lens in the sewers
Beat up some sewer monsters
Customer Loyalty™
Customer Loyalty™: Music Edition
Provide stock for another store
Kick them awake
Just kick. Several times.
Give Baby the bottle
Play hide and seek
Train someone’s apprentice for them
Fight a dragon with them
Take over her likelihood of succeeding her legendary ancestor
Find some meteorites
Chat them up on each of the bridges, bitches love bridges
Humble a guy after he goes mad with power over a suit of armour
Talk to his butler with him after
Rescue them from giant mushrooms
Chat them up after they’ve had mushrooms
Wear blue
Win a race
You’re Not Like Other Humans™
Answer a series of random questions
Avenge a genocide
Catch them drinking on the job
Catch them sleeping on the job
Kick them awake
Learn that the guy you’ve seen the whole game collecting garbage is actually a bad-ass
Learn that the rampant illness and destructive wartimes plaguing the world currently is a repetition in the endless cycle of the entire history of your world, perpetuated by a cosmic order guarded by godlike dragons whose duty is to restore any loss of balance in the cosmic order by seeking to exterminate humanity, as it is the perpetual ambition and rise in civilization that, intentionally or not, causes repeating wars with the fairy creatures that are only spurred on by mutual hatred, and that the end of times for humanity is once again nigh, but current human society has no knowledge of the order of the world and so remain oblivious and helpless to their approaching doom. And then have a chat. :)
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
All The Troubles In The Universe Just Sitting At My Doorstep (1 & 2/?)
So I don’t think I ever posted part 1 here, and I just updated with part 2 after seven years (!!!) at @strangelock221b‘s request, so here’s chapter 1 and you can read on for chapter 2 at the bottom.
All The Troubles In The Universe Just Sitting At My Doorstep - It's the end of the world as they know it, or at least the end of London. Possibly the rest of the world and the universe as a whole after that. Can Lestrade and the team he's gathered fight a reincarnated Moriarty who's possessed by a King of Hell and the Dalek he's controlling without killing each other first?
Read Chapter 1 @ AO3
“This is probably the most unusual case I’ve ever had,” Lestrade said with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He looked at all the assorted people in his conference room. He had hoped to never have to call either of the other two parties for assistance on a case, but this case merited all of their involvement. He looked at everyone. Sherlock and John were to his right, Molly was to his left, and then there were…them.
He knew the Doctor well enough, because long, long ago he had asked him to be a companion. It was what had set him on the path of straightening up his life and working for Scotland Yard. He’d had to pull the Doctor out of a few scrapes in the years since, but it had been drama free for the last three because he had been gone traveling the universe. His two newest companions, Rory and Amelia Williams, were with him. He didn’t know them at all, but the Doctor had vouched for them because apparently they were family.
And then there were Molly’s cousins, Dean and Sam Winchester. Lestrade had a few contacts in the FBI in America, and one of them had given him the short version of what the FBI knew about the Winchesters. The long version probably would have meant he’d have to sit there for an hour. Molly had vouched for them, and explained what they were: hunters of all the things that went bump in the night. With Molly being his girlfriend and his knowledge that she was not completely crazy, he was inclined to believe her. And truth be told, he was glad for the help.
Even if all the help was arguing quite loudly at the moment, and all they were doing was giving him a headache.
“Enough!” he said finally, standing up and planting his hands on the table. Everyone turned to stare at him. “Look, Sherlock, I know you’re a skeptic but trust me, aliens are real and if Molly says demons are real then just believe her, all right? It’s nearly a week to Christmas. Even you can’t ignore the fact that every Christmas season some alien race or another decides to attack. Doctor, the solution to this problem is not herding us all on the TARDIS and taking us somewhere where we can plot and plan. Real lives are in danger and I’m not going to leave London to be tormented by a reincarnated Moriarty who’s possessed by a demon and has a Dalek on the loose. Dean, stop yelling at Molly for dating a copper. She’s about to be married to one if I have any say in the matter so you better get used to the idea.”
“Wow,” Rory said. “I didn’t think anything would get all of them to be quiet.”
“You’re going to marry him?” Dean hissed towards Molly, his eyes wide.
“I didn’t know we were at that point in our relationship yet, Dean,” she said, shaking her head. “But yes, when he proposes properly I plan on saying yes. And you two could use all the allies in law enforcement that you can get. Now then. Can we please bring the subject back to the matter at hand?”
“Thank you,” John said. “I was about to walk out of this ruckus. I don’t see how we can accomplish anything with everyone yelling at each other.”
“Very well. What do all of you need to make this work out to our advantage?” Lestrade said, sitting back down in his seat.
“Sam copied down pretty much everything we might need to vanquish a King of Hell,” Dean said. “If it wasn’t in our dad’s book it was someplace else we’ve been. I mean, we took down Lucifer. A King of Hell should be a piece of cake.”
Sherlock scoffed and he almost made a snide reply before Lestrade glared at him. Sherlock didn’t look cowed, but he did appear to reevaluate what he was going to say. “I know Moriarty’s behavior well enough,” he said finally. “Provided this so called demon that is supposedly inhabiting him hasn’t changed his behavior too much, I can help. I know what’s left of his criminal empire and where he could turn for help.”
“If he’s a cocky bastard it shouldn’t be too different,” Dean said.
“Then I’ll simply assume Moriarty will be much the same,” Sherlock said with a nod.
“I can handle the Dalek,” the Doctor said. “We’ve had experience dealing with the recently.”
“Yeah, that was quite a fun day,” Amy said sarcastically. “Nearly became one of them myself.”
Lestrade looked at her quizzically for a moment before the look dropped off his face. “Then let’s all work together on this. Remember, if London falls, America and then the rest of the world and possibly the whole universe are next. We all want to protect our homes, right?” Everyone nodded and there was a general murmur of agreement. “Then let’s get to work. This is all off the books because, frankly, if I told my superiors about all this they’d lock me up in a psychiatric ward and throw away the key. So let’s get to work on the various aspects of this case and try not to kill each other, all right?”
“Where do we want to reconvene at?” Sam asked. “I mean, if this is off the books than Scotland Yard probably isn’t the best place for us to meet.”
“TARDIS?” the Doctor suggested, looking at Lestrade.
Lestrade bit back a sigh. “I suppose so. But no taking us somewhere to wait it out. We stay here in London and fix the problem. We don’t run away.”
“All right,” the Doctor said with a nod. “If all of you will follow me, I’ll show you where I’ve parked it.”
With that, everyone began to file out. Once the door was opened everyone stayed relatively silent. Lestrade and Molly were the last two in the room. “I’m sorry I said that,” he said.
“That you want to marry me?” she asked. He nodded, and she smiled. “Don’t be. If we all get through this you can give me a ring and a proper proposal.”
“That’s if we all get through this,” he said.
She reached over for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Trust me, if anyone can save us, it’s this group of people. Have some faith, Greg. You got the best of the best.”
“I just hope you’re right,” he said, and with that they left to join everyone else.
Read Chapter 2 @ AO3
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xerrey · 5 years
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•  Animal: dog - pies, cat - kot, fish - ryba, bird - ptak, cow - krowa, pig - świnia, mouse - mysz, horse - koń, animal - zwierzę
 • Transportation: train - pociąg, plane - samolot, car - samochód, truck -  ciężarówka, bicycle - rower, bus - autobus, boat - łódź, łódka, ship - statek, tire - opona, gasoline - benzyna, engine - silnik,  ticket - bilet, transportation - transport,  tram/streetcar - tramwaj
• Location: city - miasto, house - dom, apartment - apartament, flat - mieszkanie, street/road - ulica, airport - lotnisko, train station - stacja kolejowa, bridge - most, hotel - hotel, restaurant - restauracja, farm - farma, court, school - szkoła, office - biuro, room - pokój, town - miasteczko, university - uniwersytet, club - klub, bar - bar, park - park, camp - obóz, store/shop - sklep, theater - teatr, library - biblioteka, hospital - szpital, church - kościół, market - supermarket, country (USA, France, etc.) - państwo, building - budynek, ground - ziemia, space (outer space) - przestrzeń kosmiczna, kosmos, bank - bank, location - położenie, police - policja, army - armia
 • Clothing: hat - czapka, dress - sukienka, suit - garnitur, skirt - spódnica, shirt - koszula, T-shirt - t-shirt, koszulka, pants - majtki, trousers - spodnie, shoes - buty, pocket - kieszeń, coat - płaszcz, stain - plama, clothing - ubrania
  • Color: red - czerwony/czerwona, green - zielony/zielona, blue - niebieski/niebieska, yellow - żółty/żółta, brown - brązowy/brązowa, pink - różowy/różowa, orange - pomarańczowy/pomarańczowa, black - czarny/czarna, white - biały/biała, gray - szary.szara, color - kolor
  • People: son - syn, daughter - córka, mother - matka, father - ojciec, parent (= mother/father) - rodzic, baby - niemowlę, man - mężczyzna, woman - kobieta, brother - brat, sister - siostra, family - rodzina, grandfather - dziadek, grandmother - babcia, husband - mąż, wife - żona, king - król, queen - królowa, president - prezydent, neighbor - sąsiad/sąsiadka, boy - chłopiec/chłopak, girl - dziewczynka/dziewczyna, child (= boy/girl) - dziecko, adult (= man/woman) - dorosły, human (≠ animal) - człowiek, friend - przyjaciel/przyjaciółka, victim - ofiara, player - zawodnik/zawodniczka, fan - fan/fanka, crowd - tłum, person - osoba
 • Job: Teacher - nauczyciel/nauczycielka, student - uczeń/uczennica, lawyer - prawnik/prawniczka, doctor - lekarz/lekarka, patient - pacjent/pacjentka, waiter - kelner/kelnerka, secretary - sekretarz/sekretarka, priest - ksiądz, policeman/policewoman - policjant/policjantka, soldier - żółnierz/żółnierka, artist - artysta/artystka, author - pisarz/pisarka, manager - menadżer/menadżerka, reporter - reporter/reporterka, actor - aktor/aktorka, job - praca
  • Society: religion - religia, heaven - niebo, hell - piekło, death - śmierć, medicine - medycyna, money - pieniądze, bill - rachunek, marriage - małżeństwo, wedding - ślub, team - zespół, race (ethnicity) - rasa (etniczność), sex (the act) - seks, sex (gender) - płeć, murder - morderstwo, prison - więzienie, technology - technologia, energy - energia, war - wojna, peace - pokój, attack - atak, napaść, election - wybory, magazine - magazyn, newspaper - gazeta, poison - trucizna, gun - broń, sport - sport, race (sport) - wyscig, exercise - ćwiczenia, ball - piłka, game - gra, mecz, price - cena, contract - umowa/kontrakt, drug - lekarstwo, narkotyk, sign - znak, science - nauka,
 • Art: band - zespół, song - piosenka, instrument (musical) - instrument, music - muzyka, movie - film, art - sztuka
  • Beverages: coffee - kawa, tea - herbata, wine - wino, beer - piwo, juice - sok, water - woda, milk - mleko, beverage - napój
  • Food: egg - jajko, cheese - ser, bread - chleb, soup - zupa, cake - ciasto, chicken - kurczak, pork - wieprzowina, beef - wołowina, apple - jabłko, banana - banan, orange - pomarańcz, lemon - cytryna, corn - kukurydza, rice - ryż, oil - olej, seed - ziarno, knife - nóż, spoon - łyżka, fork - widelec, plate - talerz, cup - filiżanka, mug - kubek, breakfast - śniadanie, lunch - lunch, dinner - kolacja,  sugar - cukier, salt - sól, bottle - butelka, food - jedzenie
 • Home: table - stół, chair - krzesło, bed - łóżko, dream - marzenie, window - okno, door - drzwi, bedroom - sypialnia, kitchen - kuchnia, bathroom - łazienka, pencil - ołówek, pen - długopis, photograph - zdjęcie/fotografia, soap - mydło, book - książka, page - strona, key - klucz, paint - farba, letter - list, note - notatka, wall - ściana, paper - papier, floor - podłoga, ceiling - sufit, roof - dach, pool - basen, lock - zamek, telephone - telefon, garden - ogród, needle - igła, bag - torba, box - pudełko, gift - prezent, card - karta, ring - pierścionek, tool - narzędzie
 • Electronics: clock - zegar, lamp - lampa, fan - wentylator, cell phone - telefon komórkowy, komórka, network - sieć, computer - komputer, program (computer) - program komputerowy, laptop - laptop, screen - ekran, camera - aparat fotograficzny, kamera, television - telewizja, radio - radio, tablet - tablet
  • Body: head - głowa, neck - szyja, face - twarz, beard - broda, hair - włosy, eye - oko, mouth - usta, lip - warga, nose - nos, tooth - ząb, ear - ucho, tear (drop) - łza, tongue - język, back - plecak, toe - palec, finger - palec, foot - stopa, hand - ręka, leg - noga, arm - ramię, shoulder - bark, heart - serce, blood - krew, brain - mózg, knee - kolano, sweat - pot, disease - choroba, bone - kość, voice - głos, skin - skóra, body - ciało, wrist - nadgarstek
 • Nature: sea - morze, ocean - ocean, river - rzeka, mountain - góra, rain - deszcz, snow - śnieg, tree - drzewo, sun - słońce, moon - księżyc, world - świat, Earth - Ziemia, forest - las, sky - niebo, plant - roślina, wind - wiatr, soil/earth - gleba/ziemia, flower - kwiat, valley - dolina, root - korzeń, lake - jezioro, star - gwiazda, grass - trawa, leaf - liść, air - powietrze, sand - piasek, beach - plaża, wave - fala, fire - ogień, ice - lód, island - wyspa, hill - wzgórze, heat - ciepło, nature - natura
  • Materials: glass - szkło, metal - metal, plastic - plastik, wood - drewno, stone - kamień, diamond - diament, clay - glina, dust - kurz, gold - złoto, copper - miedź, silver - srebro, material - materiał
  • Math/Measurements: meter - metr, centimeter - centrymetr,  kilogram - kilogram, inch - cal, foot - stopa, pound - funt, half - pół, circle - koło, square - kwadrat, temperature - temperatura,  weight - waga, edge - próg, corner - kąt
  • Misc Nouns: map - mapa, dot - kropka, consonant - spółgłoska, vowel - samogłoska, light - światło, sound - dźwięk, yes - tak, no - nie, piece - kawałek, pain - bół, injury - rana, hole - dziura, image - obraz, pattern - schemat/wzór, noun - rzeczownik, verb - czasownik, adjective - przymiotnik
  • Directions: top - góra, bottom - dół, side - bok/strona, front - przód, back - tył, outside na zewnątrz, inside wewnątrz, up - w góre, down - w dół, left - lewa/lewy, right - prawa/prawy, straight - na wprost, north - północ, south - południe, east - wschód, west - zachód, direction - kierunek
 • Seasons: Summer - lato, Spring - wiosna, Winter - ziemia, Fall - jesień, season - pora roku
  • Numbers: 0 - zero, 1 - jeden, 2 - dwa, 3 - trzy, 4 - cztery, 5 - pięć, 6 - sześć, 7 - siedem, 8 - osiem, 9 - dziewięć, 10 - dziesięć, 11 - jedenaście, 12 - dwanaście, 13 - trzynaście, 14 - czternaście, 15 - piętnaście, 16 - szesnaście, 17 - siedemnaście, 18 - osiemnaście, 19 - dziewiętnaście, 20 - dwadzieścia, 21 - dwadzieścia jeden, 22 - dwadzieścia dwa, 30 - trzydzieści, 31 - trzydzieści jeden , 32 trzydzieści dwa, 40 - czterdzieści, 41 - czterdzieści jeden, 42 - czterdzieści dwa, 50 - pięćdziesiąt, 51 - pięćdziesiąt jeden, 52 pięćdziesiąt dwa, 60 sześćdziesiąt, 61 - sześćdziesiąt jeden, 62 - sześćdziesiąt dwa, 70 - siedemdziesiąt, 71 - siedemdziesiąt jeden, 72 - siedemdziesiąt dwa, 80 osiemdziesiąt, 81 - osiemdziesiąt jeden, 82 - osiemdziesiąt dwa, 90 - dziewięćdziesiąt, 91 - dziewięćdziesiąt jeden, 92 - dziewięćdziesiąt dwa, 100 - sto, 101 - sto jeden,, 102 sto dwa, 110 sto dziesięć, 111 sto jedenaście, 1000 - tysiąc, 1001 tysiąc jeden, 10000 - dziesięć tysięcy, 100000 - sto tysięcy, million - milion, billion - miliard, 1st,- pierwszy  2nd,- drugi 3rd,trzeci 4th,czwarty 5th,- piąty number - numer
 • Months: January - Styczeń, February - Luty, March - Marzec, April - Kwiecień, May - Maj, June - Czerwiec, July - Lipiec, August - Sierpień, September - Wrzesień, October - Październik, November - Listopad, December - Grudzień
  • Days of the week: Monday - Poniedziałek, Tuesday - Wtorek, Wednesday - Środa, Thursday - Czwartek, Friday - Piątek, Saturday - Sobota, Sunday - Niedziela, week - tydzień,
  • Time: year - rok, month - miesiąc, week - tydzień, day - dzień, hour - godzina, minute - minuta, second - sekunda , morning - poranek/rano, afternoon - popołudnie, evening - wieczór, night - noc, time - czas, midnight - północ, midday - południe
  • Verbs: work - pracować, play - grać, walk - spacerować/chodzić, run - biegać, drive - jechać (samochodem), fly - latać, swim - pływać, go - iść, stop - zatrzymywać, follow - śledzić, podążać za kimś/za czymś, think - myśleć, speak - mówić, say - powiedzieć, eat - jeść, drink - pić, kill - zabić, die - umierać, smile - uśmiechać się, laugh - śmiać się, cry - płakać, buy - kupować, pay - płacić, sell - sprzedawać, shoot(a gun) - strzelać (z pistoletu), learn - uczyć się, jump - skakać, smell - wąhać, hear (a sound) - słyszeć, listen (music) - słuchać, taste - próbować/smakować, touch - dotykać, see (a bird) - widzieć, watch (TV) - oglądać, kiss - całować, burn - palić, melt - roztapiać, dig - kopać, explode - wybuchnąć/eksplodować, sit - siedzieć, stand - stać, love - kochać, pass by - mijać, cut - ciąć, fight - bić się/walczyć, lie down - leżeć, dance - tańczyć, sleep - spać, wake up - budzić się, sing - śpiewać, count - liczyć, marry - żenić się/wychodzić za mąż/brać ślub, pray - modlić się, win - wygrywać/wygrać, lose - przegrywać/przegrać, mix/stir - mieszać, bend - schylać się/schylić się, wash - myć, cook - gotować, open - otwierać, close - zamykać, write - pisać, call - dzwonić, turn - obrócić/obracać się, build - budować, teach - uczyć, nauczać, grow - rosnąć, draw - rysować, feed - karmić, catch - łapać/złapać, throw - rzucać/rzucić, clean - czyścić, find - znajdować, fall - upadać, push - pchać/popychać, pull - ciągnąć, carry - nieść, break - zbić/rozbijać, wear - ubierać, hang - wisieć, shake - potrząsać/wstrząsać, sign - podpisywać, beat - bić, lift - podnosić,
 • Adjectives: long - długi/długa/długie, short (vs long) - krótki/krótka/krótkie, tall - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, short (vs tall) - niski/niska/niskie, wide - szeroki/szeroka/szerokie, narrow - wąski/wąska/wąskie, big/large - duży/duża/duże, small/little - mały/mała/małe, slow - wolny/wolna/wolne, fast - szybki/szybka/szybkie, hot - gorący/gorąca/gorące, cold - zimny/zimna/zimne, warm - ciepły/ciepła/ciepłe, cool - fajny/fajna/fajne, new - nowy/nowa/nowe, old (new) - stary/stara/stare, young - młody/młoda/młode, old (young) - stary/stara/stare, good - dobry/dobra/dobre, bad - zły/zła/złe, wet - mokry/mokra/mokre, dry - suchy/sucha/suche, sick - chory/chora/chore, healthy - zdrowy/zdrowa/zdrowe, loud - głośny/głośna/głośne, quiet - cichy/cicha/ciche, happy - szczęśliwy/szczęśliwa/szczęśliwe, sad - smutny/smutna/smutne, beautiful - piękny/piękna/piękne, ugly - brzydki/brzydka/brzydkie, deaf - głuchy/głucha/głuche, blind - ślepy/ślepa/ślepe, nice - miły/miła/miłe, mean - wredny/wredna/wredne, rich - bogaty/bogata/bogate, poor - biedny/biedna/biedne, thick - gruby/gruba/grube, thin - chudy/chuda/chude, expensive - drogi/droga/drogie, cheap - tani/tania/tanie, flat - płaski/płaska/płaskie, curved - krzywy/krzywa/krzywe, male - męski/męska/męskie, female - damski/damska/damskie, tight ciasny/ciasna/ciasne or obcisły/obcisła/obcisłe, loose - luźny/luźna/luźni, high - wysoki/wysoka/wysokie, low - niski/niska/niskie, soft - miękki/miękka/miękkie or delikatny/delikatna/delikatne, hard - twardy/twarda/twarde or trudny/trudna/trudne, deep - głęboki/głęboka/głębokie, shallow - płytki/płytka/płytkie, clean - czysty/czysta/czyste, dirty - brudny/brudna/brudne, strong - silny/silna/silne, weak - słaby/słaba/słabe, dead - martwy/martwa/martwe, alive - żywy/żywa/żywe, heavy - ciężki/ciężka/ciężkie, light (vs heavy) - lekki/lekka/lekkie, dark - ciemny/ciemna/ciemne, light (dark) - jasny/jasna/jasne, famous - sławny/sławna/sławne
  • Pronouns: I - ja, you (singular) - ty, he - on, she - ona, it - ono/to, we - my, you (plural, as in “y’all”) - wy, they. - oni, one
22 notes · View notes
vikinglanguage · 6 years
625 basic words in Danish
The words themselves are all from this blogpost, so feel free to make your own version in whatever language! (I also might’ve added in a few, ooops)
This post is very very long and will be under a cut. Please keep in mind that I am a human person and there might be some mistakes and typos.
Note: The abbreviations “fk.” and “itk.” indicate grammatical gender, common (fælleskøn, “en”) and neuter (intetkøn, “et”).
Animals dog – hund, fk. cat – kat, fk. fish – fisk, fk. bird – fugl, fk. cow – ko, fk. pig – gris, fk. mouse – mus, fk. horse – hest, fk. wing – vinge, fk. animal – dyr, itk.
Transportation train – tog, itk. plane – fly, itk. · flyvemaskine, fk. · flyver, fk. car – bil, fk. truck – lastbil, fk. bicycle – cykel, fk. bus – bus, fk. boat – båd, fk. ship – skib, itk. tire – hjul, itk. gasoline – benzin, fk. engine – motor, fk. ticket – billet, fk. transportation – transport, fk.
Location city – by, fk. · storby, fk. (lit. “big-city”) house – hus, itk. apartment/flat – lejlighed, fk. street/road – vej, fk. · gade, fk.  airport – lufthavn, fk. train station – togstation, fk. bridge – bro, fk. hotel – hotel, itk. restaurant – restaurant, fk. farm – gård, fk. · bondegård, fk. court (of law) – domstol, fk. · (lands-/by-)ret, fk. school – skole, fk. office – kontor, itk. room – værelse, itk. · rum, itk. town – by, fk. · landsby, fk. university – universitet, itk. club – klub, fk. · diskotek, itk. bar – bar, fk. park – park, fk. camp – lejr, fk. store/shop – butik, fk. · forretning, fk. theatre – teater, itk. library – bibliotek, itk. hospital – hospital, itk. · sygehus, itk. church – kirke, fk. market – marked, itk. country (USA, France, etc.) – land, itk. building – bygning, fk. ground – jord, fk. space (outer space) – rummet · det ydre rum bank – bank, fk. location – placering, fk. – lokation, fk.
Clothing hat – hat, fk. dress – kjole, fk. suit – jakkesæt, itk. skirt – nederdel, fk. shirt – skjorte, fk. T-shirt – t-shirt, fk. pants – bukser, fk. pl. (you can say “en buks” if you’re in the fashion industry or weird) shoe – sko, fk. pocket – lomme, fk. coat – frakke, fk. stain – plet, fk. clothing – tøj, itk. pl.
Colours red – rød green – grøn blue  – blå yellow – gul brown – brun pink – lyserød · pink orange – orange black – sort white – hvid gray – grå light – lys · lyse- (eg. lyseblå, lysegrøn) dark – mørk · mørke- (see above) colour – farve, fk.
People son – søn, fk. daughter – datter, fk. mother – mor, fk. · moder, fk. (mostly outdated) father – far, fk. – fader, fk. (mostly outdated) parent – forælder, fk. baby – baby, fk. · spædbarn, itk. man – mand, fk. woman – kvinde, fk. brother – bror, fk. · broder, fk. (mostly outdated) sister – søster, fk. sibling – søskende, fk. pl. family – familie, fk. grandfather – bedstefar, fk. · morfar, fk. (maternal grandpa) · farfar, fk. (paternal grandpa) grandmother – bedstemor, fk. · mormor, fk. · farmor, fk. husband – mand, fk. · ægtemand, fk. wife – hustru, fk. · ægtehustru, fk. · viv, fk. · kone, fk. spouse – ægtefælle, fk. king – konge, fk. queen – dronning, fk. president – præsident, fk. neighbour – nabo, fk. · næste, fk. (biblical) boy – dreng, fk. girl – pige, fk. child  – barn, itk. adult – voksen, fk. human – menneske, itk. friend – ven, fk. (gender neutral or male) · veninde, fk. (female) victim – offer, itk. player – spiller, fk. fan – fan, fk. crowd – menneskemængde, fk. · publikum, itk. (audience) person – person, fk.
Job teacher – lærer, fk. student – elev, fk. · studerende, fk. lawyer – advokat, fk. doctor – læge, fk. · doktor, fk. patient – patient, fk. waiter – tjener, fk. secretary – sekretær, fk. priest – præst, fk. police – politimand, fk. (male) · politikvinde, fk. (female) army – hær, fk. soldier – soldat, fk. artist – kunstner, fk. author – forfatter, fk. manager – manager, fk. reporter – journalist, fk. · reporter, fk. actor – skuespiller, fk. job – arbejde, itk. · job, itk.
Society religion – religion, fk. heaven – himmel, fk. · Himlen hell – helvede itk. · Helvede death – død, fk. · Døden medicine – medicin, fk. money – penge, pl. dollar – dollar, fk. bill – seddel, fk. · pengeseddel, fk. marriage – ægteskab, itk. wedding – bryllup, itk. team – hold, itk. · team, itk. race – race, fk. ethnicity – etnicitet, fk. sex (the act) – sex, fk. sex (gender)* – køn, itk. murder – mord, itk. prison – fængsel, itk. technology – teknologi, fk. energy – energi, fk. war – krig, fk. peace – fred, fk. attack – angreb, itk. election – valg, itk. magazine – magasin, itk. · blad, itk. newspaper – avis, fk. poison – gift, fk. gun – pistol, fk. sport – sport, fk. race (sport) – løb, itk. exercise – motion, fk. ball – bold, fk. game – spil, itk. · leg, fk. price – pris, fk. contract – kontrakt, fk. drug – stof, itk. sign – skilt, itk. (like a road sign) science – videnskab, fk. God – Gud *I want to make it clear that I do not believe that gender and sex are the same, however they are the same word in Danish
Art band – band, itk. · orkester, itk. (technically orchestra) song – sang, fk. instrument (musical) – instrument, itk. · musikinstrument, itk. music – musik, fk. movie – film, fk. art – kunst, fk.
Beverages coffee – kaffe, fk. tea – te, fk. · the, fk. (unofficial, but very common spelling) wine – vin, fk. beer – øl, fk. juice – juice, fk. · saft, fk. water – vand, itk. milk – mælk, fk. beverage – drik, fk. · drikkevare, fk.
Food egg – æg, itk. cheese – ost, fk. bread – brød, itk. soup – suppe, fk. cake – kage, fk. chicken – kylling, fk. pork – svin, itk. · svinekød, itk. beef – okse, itk. · oksekød, itk. apple – æble, itk. banana – banan, fk. orange – appelsin, fk. lemon – citron, fk. corn – majs, fk. rice – ris, itk. oil – olie, fk. seed – frø, itk. knife – kniv, fk. spoon – ske, fk. fork – gaffel, fk. plate – tallerken, fk. cup – glas, itk. · kop, fk. breakfast – morgenmad, fk. lunch – frokost, fk. dinner – aftensmad, fk. · middag, fk. sugar – sukker, itk. salt – salt, itk. bottle – flaske, fk. food – mad, fk.
Home table – bord, itk. chair – stol, fk. bed – seng, fk. dream – drøm, fk. window – vindue, itk. door – dør, fk. bedroom – soveværelse, itk. kitchen – køkken, itk. bathroom – badeværelse, itk. · toilet, itk. pencil – blyant, fk. pen – kuglepen, fk. · pen, fk. photograph – fotografi, itk. · foto, itk. · billede, itk. soap – sæbe, fk. book – bog, fk. page – side, fk. key – nøgle, fk. paint – maling, fk. letter – brev, itk. note – note, fk. wall – væg, fk. paper – papir, itk. floor – gulv, itk. ceiling – loft, itk. roof – tag, itk. pool – pool, fk. · swimmingpool, fk. · pøl, fk. · svømmepøl, fk. · bassin, itk · svømmebassin, itk. · badebassin, itk. (specifically and inflatable pool) lock – lås, fk. telephone – telefon, fk. garden – have, fk. yard – have, fk. needle – nål, fk. bag – taske, fk. · pose, fk. box – kasse, fk. · boks, fk. gift – gave, fk. card – kort, itk. ring – ring, fk. tool – værktøj, itk.
Electronics clock – ur, itk. lamp – lampe, fk. fan – ventilator, fk. cell phone – mobil, fk · mobiltelefon, fk. network – netværk, itk. computer – computer, fk. · EDB-maskine, fk. (use this if you’re like 80 years old) program (computer) – program, itk. · computerprogram, itk. laptop – bærbar, fk. · bærbar computer, fk. · laptop, fk. screen – skærm, fk. camera – kamera, itk. · fotografiapparat, itk. (again, great if you’re 80) television – fjernsyn, itk. · TV, itk. radio – radio, fk.
Body head – hoved, itk. neck – nakke, fk. · hals, fk, (technically “throat”, but if you’re talking THE ENTIRE neck area you should use hals) face – ansigt, itk. beard – skæg, itk. hair – hår, itk. eye – øje, itk. mouth – mund, fk. lip – læbe, fk. nose – næse, fk. tooth – tand, fk. ear – øre, itk. tear (drop) – tåre, fk. tongue – tunge, fk. back – ryg, fk. toe – tå, fk. finger – finger, fk. foot – food, fk. hand – hånd, fk. leg – ben, itk. arm – arm, fk. shoulder – skulder, fk. heart – hjerte, itk. blood – blod, itk. brain – hjerne, fk. knee – knæ, itk. sweat – sved, fk. disease – sygdom, fk. bone – knogle, fk. · ben, itk. voice – stemme, fk. skin – hud, fk. body – krop, fk.
Nature sea – hav, itk. ocean – hav, itk. · ocean, itk. river – flod, fk. mountain – bjerg, itk. rain – regn, fk. snow – sne, fk. tree – træ, itk. sun – sol, fk. moon – måne, fk. world – verden, fk. Earth – Jorden forest – skov, fk. sky – himmel, fk. plant – plante, fk. wind – vind, fk. soil/earth – jord, fk. flower – blomst, fk. valley – dal, fk. root – rod, fk. lake – sø, fk. star – stjerne, fk. grass – græs, itk. leaf – blad, itk. air – luft, fk. sand – sand, itk. beach – strand, fk. wave – bølge, fk. fire – ild, fk. · bål, itk. (like a bonfire) · brand, fk. (the kind that firefighters put out) ice – is, fk. island – ø, fk. hill – bakke, fk. · høj, fk. heat – varme, fk. · hede, fk. nature – natur, fk.
Materials glass – glas, itk. metal – metal, itk. plastic – plastik, fk. wood – træ, itk. stone – sten, fk. diamond – diamant, fk. clay – ler, itk. dust – støv, itk. gold – guld, itk. copper – kobber, itk. silver – sølv, itk. material – materiale, itk.
Math/Measurements meter – meter, fk. centimeter – centimeter, fk. kilogram – kilo, itk. · kilogram, itk. inch – tomme, fk. foot – fod, fk. pound – pund, itk. half – halv circle – cirkel, fk. square – firkant, fk. · kvadrat, itk. temperature – temperatur, fk. date – dato, fk. weight – vægt, fk. edge – kant, fk. corner – hjørne, itk.
Misc Nouns map – kort, itk. dot – prik, fk. · punktum, itk. (punctuation) consonant – konsonant, fk. vowel – vokal, fk. light – let (weight, adj.) · lys, itk. (illuminating, noun) sound – lyd, fk. yes – ja no – nej piece – stykke, itk. pain – smerte, fk. injury – skade, fk. hole – hul, itk. image – billede, itk. pattern – mønster, itk. noun – navneord, itk. · substantiv, itk. verb – udsagnsord, itk. · verbum, itk. adjective – tillægsord, itk. · adjektiv, itk.
Directions top – top, fk. bottom – bund, fk. side – side, fk. front – forside, fk. · foran back – bagside, fk. · bagved outside – udenfor · udendørs inside – indenfor · indendørs up – op down – ned left – venstre right – højre straight – ligeud · lige north – nord south – syd east – øst west – vest direction – retning
Seasons summer – sommer, fk. spring – forår, itk. winter – vinter, fk. fall – efterår, itk. season – årstid, fk. (of the year) · sæson, fk. (of a show)
Numbers 0 – nul 1 – en · et 2 – to 3 – tre 4 – fire 5 – fem 6 – seks 7 – syv 8 – otte 9 – ni 10 – ti 11 – elleve 12 – tolv 13 – tretten 14 – fjorten 15 – femten 16 – seksten 17 – sytten 18 – atten 19 – nitten 20 – tyve 21 – enogtyve (one-and-twenty) 22 – toogtyve 30 – tredive 31 – enogtredive 32 – toogtredive 40 – fyrre · fyrretyve (outdated**) · firti (only for cheques) 41 – enogfyrre 42 – toogfyrre 50 – halvtreds · halvtredsindstyve (outdated**) · femti (cheques) 51 – enoghalvtreds 52 – tooghalvtreds 60 – tres · tresindstyve (outdated**) · seksti (cheques) 61 – enogtres 62 – toogtres 70 – halvfjerds · halvfjerdsindstyve (outdated**) · syvti (cheques) 71 – enoghalvfjerds 72 – tooghalvfjerds 80 – firs · firsindstyve (outdated**) · otti (cheques) 81 – enogfirs 82 – toogfirs 90 – halvfems · halvfemsindstyve (outdated**) · niti (cheques) 91 – enoghalvfems 92 – tooghalvfems 100 – hundred · hundrede · et hundred(e) 101 – (et) hundred(e) og et  102 – hundred og to 110 – hundred og ti 111 – hundred og elleve 1000 – tusind · tusinde · et tusind(e) 1001 – (et) tusind(e) og en 10000 – ti tusind(e) 100000 – hundred(e) tusind(e) million – million, fk. billion – milliard, fk. 1st – første · 1. (yes, with the “.”) 2nd – anden · 2. 3rd – trejde · 3. 4th – fjerde · 4. 5th – femte · 5. 6th – sjette · 6. 7th – syvende · 7. 8th – ottende · 8. 9th – niende – 9. 10th – tiende – 10. 11th – ellevte – 11. 12th – tolvte – 12. 13th – trettende – 13. 20th – tyvende 21st – enogtyvende 30th – tredivte 40th – fyrrende · fyrretyvende** 50th – halvtresende · halvtresindstyvende** 60th – tresende · tresindstyvende** 70th – halvfjerdsende · halvfjerdsindstyvende* 80th – firsende · firsindstyvende** 90th – halvfemsende · halvfemsindstyvende** 100th – hundrende 1000th – tusinde dozen – dusin, itk. score – snes, fk. number – tal, itk. · nummer, itk. **Frankly, I’ve added a lot (19, oops) of kind of unnecessary ordinal numbers, but I promise they do serve a purpose. While it is outdated to use “fyrretyve” for the cardinal number, it is however not uncommon to use “fyrretyvende” for the ordinal number 40th. If you want to know why Danish numbers are so weird, here’s a post.
Months January – januar*** February – februar March – marts April – april May – maj June – juni July – juli August – august September – september October – oktober November – november December – december ***In Danish months aren’t capitalised. Also if you REALLY want to assign them a gender, all months are fælleskøn.
Days of the week Monday – mandag**** Tuesday – tirsdag Wednesday – onsdag Thursday – torsdag Friday – fredag Saturday – lørdag Sunday – søndag weekday (Monday-Friday) – hverdag, fk. weekend (Saturday-Sunday) – weekend, fk. ****Days aren’t capitalised either. Again, if you’re really into grammatical genders, the days of the week are fælleskøn.
Time year – år, itk. month – måned, fk. week – uge, fk. day – dag, fk. hour – time, fk. minute – minut, itk. second – sekond, itk. morning – morgen, fk. afternoon – eftermiddag, fk. evening – aften, fk. night – nat, fk. time – tid, fk.
Verbs work – arbejde play – spille (things like sports-ball)· lege (kids’ games) walk – gå · spadsere run – løbe · spæne drive – køre fly – flyve swim – svømme go – There’s no direct translation for “go” in Danish. The closest would be “gå”, but that’s not very accurate. stop – stoppe · standse · holde · holde op follow – følge · efterfølge / følge efter think – tænke (the act of thinking) · synes (having an opinion) speak – tale say – sige eat – spise drink – drikke kill – dræbe die – dø smile – smile laugh – grine · le cry – græde buy – købe pay – betale sell – sælge shoot – skyde learn – lære***** jump – hoppe smell – lugte · dufte hear (a sound) – høre listen (music) – høre · lytte til taste – smage touch – røre · berøre see (a bird) – se watch (TV) – se · kigge på kiss – kysse burn – brænde melt – smelte dig – grave explode – eksplodere sit – sidde · sætte sig (sit down) stand – stå · rejse sig (stand up) love – elske pass by – passere · forbipassere cut – skære · klippe (with scissors) fight – kæmpe · slås lie down – lægge sig · lægge sig ned dance – danse sleep – sove wake up – vågne · vågne op sing – sove count – tælle marry – gifte sig pray – bede win – vinde lose – tabe (a game) · miste (losing an object) mix – blande stir – røre · røre rundt · røre rundt i · røre i bend – bøje wash – vaske cook – lave mad · kokkerere open – åbne close – lukke write – skrive call – ringe til · kalde på turn – dreje build – bygge teach – lære***** grow – gro · vokse · dyrke (the act of growing a plant) draw – tegne · trække (like in a lottery) feed – fodre · made catch – gribe throw – kaste clean – gøre rent · rengøre find – finde fall – falde push – skubbe pull – trække carry – bære break – ødelægge (I break the vase) · gå i stykker (the vase breaks) wear – have på hang – hænge shake – ryste · trykke (shake hands) sign – gøre tegn · gøre tegn til · underskrive (with a pen) · skrive under på (with a pen) beat – slå · tæske lift – løfte *****Learn and teach are in fact the same word in Danish, which is why you will often hear Danes say “I will learn you abt. smth.”
Adjectives long – lang short (vs long) – kort tall – høj short (vs tall) – lav wide – bred narrow – smal big/large – stor small/little – lille slow – langsom fast – hurtig hot – varm cold – kold warm – varm cool – kold · kølig · cool (character trait) · sej (character trait) new – ny old – gammel young – ung good – god bad – dårlig · skidt wet – våd dry – tør sick – syg healthy – rask · sund loud – høj quiet – lav happy – glad sad – trist · ked af det beautiful – smuk ugly – grim deaf – døv blind – blind nice – venlig mean – ubehagelig · dum rich – rig poor – fattig thick – tyk thin – tynd expensive – dyr cheap – billig flat – flad curved – kurvet male – mandlig female – kvindelig tight – stram loose – løs high – høj low – lav soft – blød hard – hård deep – dyb shallow – lav · overfladisk · snæver clean – ren dirty – beskidt strong – stærk weak – svag dead – død alive – levende heavy – tung light (vs heavy) – let dark – mørk light (vs dark) – lys nuclear – nuklear famous – berømt · famøs
Pronouns I – jeg you (singular) – du he – han she – hun it – den · det we – vi you (plural) – I (capital i) they – de
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fluentlee · 6 years
625 words in korean
These are the 625 words to know in your target language in Korean. I excluded honorific/formal words, which you can find in my last post. Please feel free to correct me if there are any mistakes as I’m not a native speaker ^_^
A D J E C T I V E S  ||  형 용 사 to be long // 길다 to be short (vs. long) // 짧다 to be tall // 키가 크다 to be short (vs. tall) // 키가 작다 to be wide // 넓다 to be narrow // 좁다 to be big/large // 크다 to be small/little // 작다 to be slow // 느리다 to be fast // 빠르다 to be hot // 덥다; 뜨겁다 to be cold // 춥다; 차갑다 to be warm // 따뜻하다 to be cool // 시원하다 to be new // 새롭다 to be old (vs. new) // 오래되다 to be young // 젊다 to be old (vs. young) // 늙다 to be good // 좋다 to be bad // 나쁘다 to be wet // 축축하다 to be dry // 마르다 to be sick // 아프다 to be healthy // 건강하다 to be loud // 시끄럽다 to be quiet // 조용하다 to be happy // 행복하다 to be sad // 슬프다 to be beautiful // 아름답다 to be ugly // 못생겼다 to be deaf // 귀먹다 to be blind // 눈이 멀다 to be nice // 착하다 to be mean // 못되다 to be rich // 부유하다 to be poor // 가난하다 to be thick // 두껍다 to be thin // 얇다 to be expensive // 비싸다 to be cheap // 싸다 to be flat // 평평하다 to be curved // 둥글다 male // 남성 female // 여성 to be tight // 팽팽하다 to be loose // 헐겁다 to be high // 높다 to be low // 낮다 to be soft // 부드럽다 to be hard // 딱딱하다; 단단하다 to be deep // 깊다 to be shallow // 얕다 to be clean // 깨끗하다 to dirty // 더럽다 to be strong // 강하다 to be weak // 약하다 to be alive // 살아있다 to be heavy // 무겁다 to be light (vs. heavy) // 가볍다 to be dark // 어둡다 to be light (vs. dark) // 밝다 to be nuclear // 핵이다 to be famous // 유명하다
A N I M A L S  ||  동 물 dog // 개 cat // 고양이 fish // 물고기 bird // 새 cow // 소 pig // 돼지 mouse // 쥐 horse // 말 wing // 날개 animal // 동물
A R T  ||  예 술 band // 악단; 밴드 song // 노래 (musical) instrument // 악기 music // 음악 movie // 영화 art // 예술; 미술
B E V E R A G E S  ||  음 료 coffee // 커피 tea // 차 wine // 와인; 포도주 beer // 맥주 juice // 주스 water // 물 milk // 우유 beverage // 음료
B O D Y  ||  몸 head // 머리 neck // 목 face // 얼굴 beard // 수염 hair // 머리카락 eye // 눈 mouth // 입 lip // 입술 nose // 코 tooth // 이; 치아 ear // 귀 tear (drop) // 눈물 tongue // 혀 back // 등 toe // 발가락 finger // 손가락 foot // 발 hand // 손 leg // 다리 arm // 팔 shoulder // 어깨 heart // 심장 blood // 피 brain // 뇌 knee // 무릎 sweat // 땀 disease // 질병 bone // 뼈 voice // 목소리 skin // 피부 body // 몸
C L O T H I N G  ||  옷 hat // 모자 dress // 원피스; 드레스 suit // 양복 skirt // 치마 shirt // 셔츠 t-shirt // 티셔츠 pants // 바지 shoes // 신발 pocket // 주머니 coat // 코트 stain // 얼룩 clothing // 옷
C O L O R S  ||  색 깔 red // 빨간(색) green // 초록색 blue // 파란(색) yellow // 노란(색) brown // 갈색 pink // 분홍색; 핑크색 orange // 주황색 black // 검은(색) white // 하얀(색); 흰색 gray // 회색 color // 색깔
D A Y S  O F  T H E  W E E K  ||  요 일 monday // 월요일 tuesday // 화요일 wednesday // 수요일 thursday // 목요일 friday // 금요일 saturday // 토요일 sunday // 일요일
D I R E C T I O N S  ||  방 향 top // 위 bottom // 밑 side // 옆 front // 앞 back // 뒤 outside // 밖 inside // 안 up // 위 down // 아래 left // 왼쪽 right // 오른쪽 straight // 직진 north // 북쪽 south // 남쪽 east // 동쪽 west // 서쪽 direction // 방향
E L E C T R O N I C S  ||  전 자  제 품 clock // 시계 lamp // 전등 fan // 선풍기 cell phone // 휴대폰; 핸드폰 network // 네트워크 computer // 컴퓨터 (computer) program // 컴퓨터 프로그램 laptop // 노트북 screen // 컴퓨터 화면 camera // 카메라 television // 텔레비전; 티비 radio // 라디오
F O O D S  ||  음 식 egg // 달걀; 계란 cheese // 치즈 bread // 빵 soup // 국; 수프 cake // 케이크 chicken // 닭고기 pork // 돼지고기 beef // 소고기 apple // 사과 banana // 바나나 orange // 오렌지 lemon // 레몬 corn // 옥수수 rice // 쌀; 밥 oil // 기름 seed // 씨 knife // 칼 spoon // 숟가락 fork // 포크 plate // 접시 cup // 컵 breakfast // 아침 lunch // 점심 dinner // 저녁 sugar // 설탕 salt // 소금 bottle // 병 food // 음식
H O M E  ||  집 table // 식탁; 탁자 chair // 의자 bed // 침대 dream // 꿈 window // 창문 door // 문 bedroom // 침실 kitchen // 부엌; 주방 bathroom // 욕실; 화장실 pencil // 연필 pen // 펜 photograph // 사진 soap // 비누 book // ��� page // 페이지 key // 열쇠 paint // 물감 letter // 편지 note // 메모 wall // 벽 paper // 종이 floor // 바닥 ceiling // 천장 roof // 지붕 pool // 수영장 lock // 자물쇠 telephone // 전화 garden // 정원 yard // 마당 needle // 바늘 bag // 가방 box // 상자 gift // 선물 card // 카드 ring // 반지 tool // 도구
J O B S  ||  직 업 teacher // 선생님 student // 학생 lawyer // 변호사 doctor // 의사 patient // 환자 waiter // 웨이터; 종업원 secretary // 비서 priest // 성직자; 사제 police // 경찰 army // 군대 soldier // 군인 artist // 화가 author // 작가 manager // 부장님 reporter // 기자 actor // 배우 job // 직업
L O C A T I O N S  ||  위 치 city // 도시 house // 집 apartment // 아파트 street/road // 길; 거리 airport // 공항 train station // 기차역 bridge // 다리 hotel // 호텔 restaurant // 식당; 레스토랑 farm // 농장 court // 법원 school // 학교 office // 사무실 room // 방 town // 마을 university // 대학교 club // 클럽 bar // 술집; 바 park // 공원 camp // 야영지 store/shop // 가게 theatre // 극장; 영화관 library // 도서관 hospital // 병원 church // 교회 market // 시장 country (usa, france, etc.) // 국가; 나라 building // 건물 ground // 땅 (outer) space // 우주 공간 bank // 은행 location // 위치
M A T E R I A L S  ||  재 료 glass // 유리 metal // 금속 plastic // 플라스틱 wood // 나무 stone // 돌 diamond // 다이아몬드 clay // 점토 dust // 먼지 gold // 금 copper // 구리 silver // 은 material // 재료
M A T H / M E A S U R E M E N T S  ||  수 학 / 측 정 meter // 미터 centimeter // 센티미터 kilogram // 킬로그램 inch // 인치 foot // 풋 pound // 파운드 half // 반 circle // 원형 square // 정사각형 temperature // 온도 date // 날짜 weight // 중량 edge // 가장자리 corner // 모퉁이
M I S C E L L A N E O U S  ||  잡 동 사 니 map // 지도 dot // 점 consonant // 자음 vowel // 모음 light // 빛 sound // 소리 yes // 네 no // 아니요 piece // 조각 pain // 아픔; 통증 injury // 부상 hole // 구멍 image // 이미지 pattern // 양식; 패턴 noun // 명사 verb // 동사 adjective // 형용사
M O N T H S  ||  달 january // 1월 (일월) february // 2월 (이월) march // 3월 (삼월) april // 4월 (사월) may // 5월 (오월) june // 6월 (유월) july // 7월 (칠월) august // 8월 (팔월) september // 9월 (구월) october // 10월 (시월) november // 11월 (십일월) december // 12월 (십이월)
N A T U R E  ||  자 연 sea // 바다 ocean // 대양 river // 강 mountain // 산 rain // 비 snow // 눈 tree // 나무 sun // 태양 moon // 달 world // 세계 the earth // 지구 forest // 숲 sky // 하늘 plant // 식물 wind // 바람 soil/earth // 흙 flower // 꽃 valley // 계곡 root // 뿌리 lake // 호수 star // 별 grass // 풀 leaf // 잎 air // 공기 sand // 모래 beach // 해변 wave // 파도 fire // 불 ice // 얼음 island // 섬 hill // 언덕 heat // 열 nature // 자연
N U M B E R S  ||  숫 자 0 // 공; 영 1 // 하나; 일 2 // 둘; 이 3 // 셋; 삼 4 // 넷; 사 5 // 다섯; 오 6 // 여섯; 육 7 // 일곱; 칠 8 // 여덟; 팔 9 // 아홉; 구 10 // 열; 십 11 // 열하나; 십일 12 // 열둘; 십이 13 // 열셋; 십삼 14 // 열넷; 십사 15 // 열다섯; 십오 16 // 열여섯; 십육 17 // 열일곱; 십칠 18 // 열여덟; 십팔 19 // 열아홉; 십구 20 // 스물; 이십 21 // 스물하나; 이십일 22 // 스물둘; 이십이 30 // 서른; 삼십 31 // 서른하나; 삼십일서른 32 // 서른둘; 삼십이 40 // 마흔; 사십 41 // 마흔하나; 사십일 42 // 마흔둘; 사십이 50 // 쉰; 오십 51 // 쉰하나; 오십일 52 // 쉰둘; 오십이 60 // 예순; 육십 61 // 예순하나; 육십일 62 // 예순둘; 육십이 70 // 일흔; 칠십 71 // 일흔하나; 칠십일 72 // 일흔둘; 칠십이 80 // 여든; 팔십 81 // 여든하나; 팔십일 82 // 여든둘; 팔십이 90 // 아흔; 구십 91 // 아흔하나; 구십일 92 // 아흔둘; 구십이 100 // 백 101 // 백일 102 // 백이 110 // 백십 111 // 백십일 1000 // 천 1001 // 천일 10000 // 만 100000 // 십만 1 million // 백만 1 billion // 십억 1st // 첫 번째 2nd // 두 번째 3rd // 세 번째 4th // 네 번째 5th // 다섯 번째 number // 숫자; 수사
P E O P L E  ||  사 람 들 son // 아들 daughter // 딸 mother // 어머니 father // 아버지 parent // 부모 baby // 아기; 애기 man // 남자 woman // 여자 brother // 오빠; 형; 남동생 sister // 언니; 누나; 여동생 family // 가족 grandfather // 할아버지 grandmother // 할머니 husband // 남편 wife // 아내; 와이프 king // 왕 queen // 여왕; 왕비 president // 대통령 neighbor // 이웃 boy // 소년 girl // 소녀 child // 아이; 어린이; 애 adult // 성인 human // 인간 friend // 친구 victim // 피해자 player // 선수 fan // 팬 crowd // 군중 person // 사람
P R O N O U N S  ||  대 명 사 I // 저; 나 you (singular) // 당신; 자네; 너 he // 그 she // 그녀 it // 그것 we // 저희; 우리 you (plural) // 당신들; 너희들; 여러분 they // 그들
S E A S O N S  ||  계 절 summer // 여름 spring // 봄 winter // 겨울 fall/autumn // 가을 season // 계절
S O C I E T Y  ||  사 회 religion // 종교 heaven // 천국 hell // 지옥 death // 죽음 medicine // 약 money // 돈 dollar // 달러 bill // 계산서 marriage // 결혼 wedding // 결혼식 team // 팀 race (ethnicity) // 민족 sex (the act) // 섹스; 성교 sex (gender) // 성별 murder // 살인 prison // 감옥 technology // 기술 energy // 에너지; 정력 war // 전쟁 peace // 평화 attack // 공격 election // 선거 magazine // 잡지 newspaper // 신문 poison // 독 gun // 총 sport // 스포츠 race (sport) // 경주 exercise // 운동 ball // 공 game // 게임; 경기 price // 가격; 값 contract // 계약서 drug // 마약 sign // 신호 science // 과학 God // 하나님; 하느님; 신
T I M E  ||  시 간 year // 해 month // 달 week // 주 day // 하루; 날 hour // 시간 minute // 분 second // 초 morning // 아침 afternoon // 오후 evening // 저녁 night // 밤 time // 시간
T R A N S P O R T A T I O N  ||  교 통 수 단 train // 기차 plane // 비행기 car // (자동)차 truck // 트럭 bicycle // 자전거 bus // 버스 boat // 배 ship // 배 tire // 타이어 gasoline // 휘발유 engine // 엔진 (train) ticket // 표 transportation // 교통수단
V E R B S  ||  동 사 to work // 일하다 to play // 놀다 to run // 뛰다; 달리다 to drive // 운전하다 to fly // 날다 to swim // 수영하다 to go // 가다 to stop // 멈추다; 그만하다 to follow // 따르다 to think // 생각하다 to speak/say // 말하다 to eat // 먹다 to drink // 마시다 to kill // 죽이다 to die // 죽다 to smile // 웃다 to laugh // 웃다 to cry // 울다 to buy // 사다 to pay // 내다; 결제하다 to sell // 팔다 to shoot (a gun) // 쏘다 to learn // 배우다 to jump // 뛰다 to smell // 냄새를 맡다 to hear (a sound) // 듣다 to listen (to music) // 듣다 to taste // 맛보다 to touch // 만지다 to see (a bird) // 보다 to watch (tv) // 보다 to kiss // 뽀뽀하다; 키스하다 to burn // 타다 to melt // 녹다 to dig // 파다 to explode // 폭발하다 to sit // 앉다 to stand // 서다 to love // 사랑하다 to pass by // 지나가다 to cut // 자르다 to fight // 싸우다 to lie down // 눕다 to dance // 춤을 추다 to sleep // 자다 to wake up // 일어나다 to sing // 노래하다 to count // 세다 to marry // 결혼하다 to pray // 기도하다 to win // 이기다 to lose // 지다; 잃어버리다 to mix/stir // 섞다; 젓다 to bend // 구부리다 to wash // 씻다 to cook // 요리하다 to open // 열다 to close // 닫다 to write // 쓰다; 적다 to call // 부르다; 전화하다 to turn // 돌리다 to build // 짓다 to teach // 가르치다 to grow // 자라다 to draw // 그리다 to feed // 먹이다 to catch // 잡다 to throw // 던지다 to clean // 청소하다 to find // 찾다 to fall // 떨어지다 to push // 밀다 to pull // 당기다 to carry // 나르다 to break // 부서지다; 깨다 to wear // 입다; 신다; 쓰다; 매다; 끼다; 차다 to hang // 걸다; 매달다 to shake // 흔들다 to sign // 서명하다; 사인하다 to beat // 치다 to lift // 올리다
practice on quizlet
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lucaniisdellamorte · 6 years
Title: Bad Moon Rising
WC: 2300
Pairing: n/a
Summary: Joseph hears the Voice, Wren gets spoilers from her car radio
“Your actions have consequences, Deputy. I’ve gathered all your friends here in Fall’s End to atone for your sins. You’re welcome to join us. After all, if it weren’t for you they wouldn’t be in this predicament… This is your last chance to say Yes, Deputy. Don’t be late.”
The radio crackles and then beeps as it goes silent. Despite knowing that after delivering that little speech, John has definitely turned off his radio to keep her from responding, Wren can’t help but jam her thumb into the talk button as hard as she can.
“JOHN!” She yells and of course the only sound she hears is a few a song birds in the trees around her. “FUCK!” She throws the radio through the open window of her car, hearing it slam into the passenger door as she turns on her heel. As she paces up and down the dirt road alongside her car, gravel crunching underneath her feet, rage and fear rise in her chest.
He said he has her friends and that they were waiting in town, so while he can have anyone he probably has Pastor Jerome and Mary May for sure since they were both almost always in town and the leaders of the resistance there. Outside of that? It could be anyone else or it could even be just those two. The idea of him having Nick floats across her mind. Not that long ago the pair of them had sneaked onto John’s ranch and vandalized his precious plane. In her mind he had more than deserved it when she remembered that it had been John that had blown her and the Marshall off the bridge that night they had foolishly tried to arrest Joseph. There was no way that John wasn’t holding a grudge against the two of them for that little stunt.
That thought is immediately followed by Kim, who is very pregnant and would definitely provide John with a great means of revenge against Nick.
Shitshitshitshit, is her only train of thought as she jumps into her car and slams the gas pedal to the floor. The tires spin and the back end slides until they manage to gain traction and then she’s flying down the dirt road and further into the valley towards Fall's End. It's not safe or smart to be going so fast, she knows, but she can feel every second that ticks by like there's a countdown on her friends lives.
Don't be late.
Shitshitshitshit what the hell did he mean by that? Is there a time limit? Did he just say that to have her rushing over there which is a very John Seed thing to do? It's not like he could know exactly where she is, exactly how long it would take for her to get to town, and plan on doing something horrible if she takes even a second too long, right?
Right he definitely wouldn't do something like that after she had definitely made a big show out of destroying his giant Yes sign. Which she doesn't regret in the slightest actually.
At least not yet.
The car fishtails wildly for a moment before Wren can again control of it once she hits the blacktop, not bothering to slow down for the corner or the change of road make up. She only takes her foot off the gas for the second it takes to straighten the car out before she floors it again, tires squealing against the pavement.
The streets are unusually empty Wren notices as she flies down the road at speeds she would definitely get arrested for  and it's incredibly unnerving considering not a few hours ago she passed both peggies and resistance members regularly. Perhaps the peggies were told to stay off the roads, keep clear so she could get to Fall's End, but that doesn’t explain the lack of resistance patrols. Maybe they heard John's little broadcast too and decided to get the hell out of the way.
She shoves those thoughts to the back of her mind as she down shifts to take the turn to Fall's End. It's a straight shot now right into town and she pulls her pistol from it's holster and sets it in her lap ready for a fight. John hadn't mentioned where they would be in town so she has to be ready for anything. That’s when she hears Bad Moon Rising come on over the radio, playing just loud enough to be heard over the roar of the racing engine. Part of her wants to laugh because it's just so damn perfect right now, this is a bad situation and she knows it. In fact it seems like it's so bad even the person who runs the radio station knows.
“I see bad times today.”
The other part of her is having a moment of startling clarity that this isn’t just but a dire situation and John has played her right into a corner. Her only two options are to not go and possibly let more of her friends end up locked away in John's bunker; or to go and probably get locked up with them all while looking for a way to escape.
No one is coming to save you, Joseph's words in the wreck of the helicopter repeat in her mind. Which right now at least is true because usually she is the one doing the rescuing. One of the two times she needed saving from John, Pastor Jerome had saved her and he was almost definitely already caught.
“Guess I'll have to figure out a way to save us all,” she mutters, slowing down as she enters the town proper. There is a distinct lack of peggies and town citizens as she drives in but given that there's only two roads through Fall's End, it's not hard for her to figure out where John is having this little get together.
Even from back in front of the Spread Eagle she can see the black cult flag hanging in stark contrast to the white siding of the church's bell tower. There's also two peggie vans and a truck sitting out front, John seems to have brought enough of his own people to vastly outnumber the few citizens that had remained in Fall's End. Which means he’s not underestimating her anymore and while she is glad that he finally recognizes her as a serious threat, it's going to make getting out a whole hell of a lot harder.
“I know the end is coming soon,” Creedence Clearwater Revival comes through the radio louder now that the engine isn't racing. In fact besides the current musical prophecy playing through her speakers, the town is silent. When she was here yesterday the town was alive with sounds of people talking, a truck being repaired in the garage, and even cows mooing as they were herded through town back to their pasture.
Today though it's just her and Bad Moon Rising. Wren doesn't want to think about it too much but the words ghost town flash across her mind before she can stop them.
She rolls to a stop behind the peggie vans outside of the church and sighs deeply. Apparently John and the cult have seen fit to redecorate in the gory way the cult does but with John's typical flair. There's a red carpet rolling from the second van to the steps that is so John Seed that it's almost painful in it's predictability, they even built a little archway that they covered in flowers and lace. Actually that wouldn't be so bad -hell even pretty- if they weren't Bliss flowers which are definitely going to mess with her as she walks past. The dead crows nailed around the door and even impaled on stakes on the bell tower kind of detract from the whole presentation a bit though, all dark and dead and at such odds with the rest of the church.
“Hope you, are quite prepared to die,” plays through the speakers and Wren slaps the radio off. Now it's starting to feel too much like the song or fate or hell maybe even Joseph’s Voice is speaking directly to her for her liking. However if the prophetic radio station would like to give her a hint as to how she’s going to get out of this one alive, before she has to atone because John is definitely not going to let her live through that, she’d be a little more willing to listen.
She pulls the keys from the ignition and pockets them before turning to her rifle in the back seat. It's not practical to take it, not in such a tight space, and absolutely not when she knows perfectly well she’s walking into a trap. The first thing they’re going to do is take all of her weapons and she’ll be damned if she’s going to let the peggies just take her favorite gun from her.
So she leaves it and grabs a second pistol from the glove box before she exits the car, slamming the door for extra emphasis. Of course she has no doubts that the peggies and even John having been watching her since she rolled up and she has the sudden urge to keep them waiting. Self preservation be damned, she’s going to fight John every step of the way or at the very least annoy the ever loving shit out of him. That would show him.
With that decided she ejects the clip out of the pistol in her hand, making a show of counting the rounds before slamming it back in and tucking the weapon into the back of her jeans. Then she pulls her dark hair out of it's typical bun, shaking it out before she starts the process of trying it back up again. That's when Wren notices the other little decorations the cult has added to the church. There are large baskets on the stone pedestals with more bliss flowers growing from them, white cloth runners hung almost expertly along the stone fence, and a few bouquets of wild flowers attached to the sides of the arch.
How long had all of this taken? How long had John and the cult been holding her friends hostage in the church while they decorated the outside? An hour? Two? Twelve? The thought of it makes her stomach turn as her arms fall back to her side, task completed. If she didn't know better -and if the crows weren't nailed to the church- she would think that it was decorated for someone's wedding. It's all kind of nice and done with a meticulous attention to detail, not to mention that besides the red carpet and the wild flowers, everything is white.
That thought brings up entirely too many conversations she's had with Sharky and Addy. Hell if either one of them were here that probably would have been the first thing they would have pointed out. Which would have lead into even more awkward conversations where they try to convince her John Seed is only acting like this cause he wants her  while she tries to find a place to hide because absolutely not no fucking way.
Good thing they aren't here though and all she has to do is pretend like she didn't have that particular thought cross her mind.
As Wren starts to walk to the church -since she can't think of anything else to do to procrastinate- she remembers she's wearing her favorite sunglasses and goes back to her car. Sure they're a cheap pair but considering she had to tear apart a garage and four cars to find them, she's not going to let the peggies take those from her either. Or worse break them in the impending struggle. As she tosses them on the dash she realizes that she may not even need the glasses once today is over. That leads down a very dark road though so she stops that train of thought before it even leaves the station, focusing on how she's going to get herself and her friends out of this instead as she walks up to the front of the church.
They're definitely going to take the weapons they can find but maybe she'll get lucky and they won't find the knife she keeps in her boot. Of course for that to work she would need her hands bound in front of her and for the peggies to not pay her any attention for a few minutes which is definitely not going to happen. Plus there's nowhere to hide in the church and John won't leave her to sit by herself a second time. Maybe she can get the knife to someone else Wren thinks as her boots hit the weirdly -but not surprisingly- plush carpet.
She holds her breath as she passes under the arch and the Bliss flowers, but her vision still goes kind of sparkly and hazy around the edges. Thankfully it doesn't last long and by the time she hits the steps, her sight is clear and she can breathe again. Almost instantly she wishes she hadn't though. Judging by the awful stench the crows have been rotting in the hot summer sun for a quite some time. Wren doesn't let herself gag or cough though, instead she takes a step back to get a few breaths of mostly fresh air before holding her breath again as she approaches the door.
Of course it's a trap, so of course there is a peggy waiting for her on the other side of the door. That still doesn't prepare her to be hit hard in the face by the butt of the peggy's automatic. Wren topples backwards from the force of the impact, stars exploding behind her eyes and her face throbs as she goes down. When she lands she’s halfway out the open door, staring up at the blue sky with her vision swimming.
The last thing she hears before she completely blacks out is what sounds like Mary May yelling from further inside the church don't you dare fucking touch her!
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beyondthedustjacket · 6 years
Bridge to Terabithia | Live Blogging
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This post will contain spoilers! You have been warned!
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Hey, everyone! I’ve decided to start doing something new on my blog!
Basically, it’s me commentating on a book as I read it, sort of like how people will live tweet a show or movie. Some other people already do this with books and I thought it was a cool idea. 
However, instead of making multiple posts, I’ve decided to just put it all on one post that’s easy to find and navigate. And yes, there will be spoilers! 
I will put which edition of the book I’m reading, so your copy might be a little different from mine if we don’t have the same edition. Any commentary that I’m making on the book will be below one of those “Keep Reading” markers that way you don’t have to scroll in order to avoid spoilers! 
Enjoy! And let me know if I should do more posts like this one!
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Just want to start by saying that Kate DiCamillo wrote a beautiful foreword for this book!
Chapter 1 
We all officially stan Miss Bessie the cow
‘He had to let that puny chest of his know who was boss.’ - by what, passing out? lol, calm down jess 
Jess’ older sisters are already incredibly annoying; their mom literally told that she has practically no money to spare and they complain about it wtf?!
The “country slang” so far is pretty accurate and it’s hilarious 
I’ll be honest, i don’t really like how rude jess is being to may belle right now
Chapter 2 
“I hate Joyce Ann. She’s nothing but a baby.” - damn, may belle, you need to fucking chill; joyce ann is literally a toddler wtf
The fact that jess’ main art theme is putting animals into crazy situations is fucking hilarious to me and i love it!
Wow, jess’ dad literally traumatized his kid for life by saying he was weak for liking art. that’s some a+ parenting right there (some high-key sarcasm in case you couldn’t tell)
We haven’t even met ms. edmunds yet, but i already stan this queen
Lol, leslie burke just sitting in the middle of a cow field for no real reason is absolutely iconic!
Chapter 3 
“OK, friends, here I am,” - lol that self-introduction tho  
Low-key, high-key, mid-key, i hate it when people say “arithmetic” instead of “math” or “maths” for some reason. ok sorry that was random and had nothing to do with the book’s plot 
The students at jess’ school are apparently not allowed to talk during lunch which is the weirdest thing i’ve ever heard of 
Jess standing up to fulcher’s sexism is great 
Leslie also known as the fastest kid in the fifth grade is a queen and you can’t deny that 
Chapter 4 
Lol the boys just giving up because they can’t beat leslie in a race is the funniest thing i’ve ever read. like... maybe you could try to... i don’t know... improve 
“You never know ahead of time what something’s really going to be like.”
Leslie’s family not owning a television is a detail i’ve never seen in a book; also the kids making fun of her for it is incredibly realistic but sad
Wow, fat shaming another kid for literally no reason whatsoever other than you’re an asshole... really fucking classy (NOT!!!!!!)
I’m pretty sure kicking a kid off the bus and making them walk home is super illegal 
Jess’ family members just really annoy me, especially his parents 
Chapter 5 
Lol, may belle demanding that someone kill janice avery over twinkies is fucking hilarious. like, yeah, janice is being a jerk right now but come on may belle
Stop fat shaming, jess!
I’m getting really fucking tired of people suggesting to jess that “he isn’t a real man because (insert extremely stupid fucking reason here)”  
I don’t like the fact that all of them are immediately just like “LET’S HUMILIATE JANICE AVERY IN FRONT OF EVERYONE BECAUSE THAT’S NOT BULLYING AT ALL!” Like, it’s not wednesday my dudes, just go to a fucking teacher you trust... like, oh i don’t know, MS EDMUNDS!
“You lie, Billy Morris!” - this quote needs to be meme right now  
Chapter 6 
I seriously hate jess’ older sisters. i don’t care what you say, they are horrible fucking people.
Jess deciding to get leslie a puppy for christmas is the cutest fucking thing
also the bus driver telling him “this isn’t your stop” is ridiculous because you literally KICKED HIM OFF THE BUS AND MADE HIM WALK HOME A FEW CHAPTERS AGO (WHICH I’M STILL PRETTY SURE IS ILLEGAL)!
Leslie naming the puppy prince terrien is iconic 
Not gonna lie... i had to google what bobby socks were
Chapter 7 
At least they acknowledged they had to do something when janice was crying in the bathroom 
Everyone in school is treating janice like she’s a terrible person after they all find out she’s being abused at home wtf?! that’s fucking messed up
While i like that leslie tried to help, telling janice to basically “just ignore until it goes away” is really bad advice for someone who is being abused at home 
Chapter 8 
I’m not gonna lie. if i met ellie and brenda in person, i would beat the shit out of both of them. they are acting fucking terrible.
“You have to believe, but you hate it. I don’t have to believe it, and I think it’s beautiful.”
“What if you die? What’s going to happen to you if you die?” - if this is fucking foreshadowing, i’m going to lose my mind
Chapter 9 
The fact that leslie would want to cross the stream no matter how high the creek gets is really worrying me right now 
Chapter 10 
Jess is fat shaming again
I don’t really like the plot point of jess “hanging out” with ms edmunds. it weirds me out.
Chapter 11 
Don’t mind me, just crying 
Jess blaming himself for leslie’s death is so sad. he’s going to be traumatized for the rest of his life
Once again, i hate jess’ siblings. even may belle is being fucking ridiculous right now 
Chapter 12 
The whole scene with jess at leslie’s house is so well-done
“God ain’t gonna send any little girls to hell” - jess’ dad is finally doing something to comfort his son like he should have been doing this whole time 
Chapter 13 
‘Why were they all in such a rush to get rid of her?’ - jess seeing life this way is so depressing. he truly blames himself for leslie’s death and thinks everyone else is just trying to get rid of her memory 
Mrs. meyers comforting jess is so sad. it really shows how many lives leslie was able to touch  
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The formatting of this post was edited on July 21, 2023. 
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
After one 1975 tour, one Jukebox appearance, about seventy-million singles, and, at last, one album, here's "Eighteen"...
Edward Okulicz: This is the one. This is what Charli XCX should have been by combining guitars with gothy obesssions. This song takes all the great things about a murderer's row of good songs and just one-ups them in every way -- two that come to mind are "Clarity" by Zedd and "Heaven Sent" by Killing Heidi, but the list could stretch on for paragraphs. Songs with anthemic qualities that are a little bit doomed at the same time and don't care about that and don't regret one thing. The lyrics to the chorus describe a first love, but as I've got older I've learned that these ideas don't stop being true, and in fact get even more so. Falling in love doesn't change; some of us are lucky enough to get better at it over time, but every time you have that moment where you see someone for the first time, or you see someone in a new way for the first time, it's a revelation, and that's the same whether you're 18 or 28 or 38 or 118. Heather Baron-Gracie is singing the life I wanted at 18 and still want two decades on. The performance is a masterpiece of tension and timing and pop hooks and guitar crunch, but on top of that, it's just a perfect piece of pop songwriting. [10]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: The verses brim with a romanticism that peaks early on: a declaration from Heather Baron-Gracie that she can "finally see in color." The arpeggiating synths and reverberating drums conjure up a dreamlike state that her vocal melody cuts through: a representation of one's thoughts as they transition from "is this happening?" to "this is happening." That she doesn't repeat the melody in the second verse is heartwarming. This absence acknowledges the ecstasy of that honeymoon stage while allowing the ensuing parts of the relationship to feel just as meaningful; the second verse is still dreamlike, still intimate, still life-affirming. The chorus finds the fog clearing, almost blindsiding one with how direct the singing and instrumentation is. Here, Baron-Gracie provides a diaristic recounting of how much her lover means to her, sounding like Avril Lavigne during this endearing confessional. Hearing her profess that she "poured [her] heart out, spilled all [her] truth" makes one want to do the same. The pop-punk spirit of that chorus may scream teenager, but "Eighteen" understands that the people we cherish from those times -- or any time -- stick with us for eternity. [7]
Alex Clifton: "Eighteen" sounds like a lost Killers track full of youthful ebullience. Some songs remind you of being young and have you lost in thought of what that was once like; others put you back directly in the moment, bringing forth vivid sense memories you thought you'd lost. For me, "Eighteen" is the latter, throwing me back to a time when every day felt like a new kind of heartbreak while losing myself in whatever new song I'd found. It's a good kind of ache to remember that kind of youthfulness. I'm never going to be that girl again, but she'll live on in both my memory and in songs like this; in the end, that's all I can ask for. [7]
Thomas Inskeep: Throbbing rock with a Moroder-esque pulse that explodes into Paramore-colored rainbows on the chorus. If I was, in fact, 18, I'd probably be way into this. Since I'm almost 48, I'm just moderately into this. [6]
Juan F. Carruyo: Received nostalgia isn't what it once was. This sounds like third-rate Paramore. [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: This is an unholy fusion of Body Talk Robyn, Speak Now Taylor Swift, and Days Are Gone HAIM with all of the interesting edges or imperfections shaved off, leaving the most deeply radical centrist indie pop record I've heard in a long while. [6]
Katherine St Asaph: I continue to dislike "Call Your Girlfriend" on lyrical grounds, but it's still very obvious how crucial the melodic lift on "that you just met somebody new" or "the only way your heart will mend" or "and then you let her down easy" (Robyn has about six per song) is to the chorus, and how flat a similar chorus would sound if it didn't have one. [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Rattling synth arpeggios lift from the ground as searing guitar swings, and then is swept in a big, goofy hug by the limber, devastating drums. The bass silently bridges the gap alongside Heather Baron-Gracie, and both watch the guitar and drums race on ahead, then swing back as Heather rides it on the way to the beginning of her first relationship. [8]
Alfred Soto: For once dampening the synths for a sugar rush of guitars and harmonies, "Eighteen" takes Tegan and Sara into Undertones territory. Like good pop punk, it distills matters to essentials: "I finally felt like I feel for the first time" -- boom. [7]
Josh Love: Pale Waves present a fabulously goth visual aesthetic but their music is closer to brighter synthpop practitioners like Tegan and Sara or Carly Rae (even Chvrches is moodier). "Eighteen" itself engages in a similar bait and switch; at first blush it seems clearly like a rueful lament -- "I was just 18 when I met you/Poured my heart out, spilled all my truth." Yet the lyrics never deliver the expected betrayal or breakup, and so we're surprisingly left with either a love that's still thriving or one that can be looked back upon without bitterness or regret. [7]
Claire Biddles: Pale Waves' debut single (and my Amnesty pick for 2017!) "There's a Honey" was a big ol' perfect ten -- dually a mission statement for their teen-dream goth aesthetic and a self-contained delight. Each single since then (and there have been a lot, thanks to the over-eager contemporary rollout process) has felt like a watered-down version of that initial sharp hit; same shiny Cure-esque guitar waves, same vocal inflections, same song structure, but less magic. "Eighteen" is no exception to the tried-and-very-tested Pale Waves formula. Being a descendent of such crystallised pop perfection means it retains some sparkle. There's a couple of lovely moments -- the couplet "We sat on the corner kissing each other/Felt like I could finally see in colour" is cute -- but overall the lyrics are a little clunky ("Finally felt like I could feel for the first time," yikes) and the transition between sections is too sudden, too formulaic. They've definitely got something but I'd love to see more variety on the second album. [5]
Jonathan Bradley: Pale Waves makes glistening, tear-struck synth-pop that aches like MUNA and quivers like Matt Healy. Even that alone is not nothing -- good bands have survived on finding one sound and doing it well -- and "Eighteen" has more than that. Moments of Heather Baron-Gracie's narrative detail catch on adolescent crisis: "The city depresses me, but you try to be everything I need/We sat on the corner kissing each other," is drifting emotionalism worthy of a YA novel or a teen movie voiceover. Her tones curl like cellophane: gaudy, thin, and brilliant. That this band is capable of sharper hooks and more potently melodic tracks speaks well for "Eighteen"; even when their inspiration is meanly apportioned, it still shines so bright. [7]
Maxwell Cavaseno: As Dirty Hit distressingly grows into a factory of 1975-soundalike music, Pale Waves were merciful enough to grant us a reprieve from that and to give us their single which sounds the least like The 1975! It's unfortunately marked by Heather Baron-Gracie giving one of her worst vocal performances yet, a continuous grating whine and a mix that feels like an amorphously sleek pop-punk drive to earnestness paired with inane, cheesy lyrics. But at the same time, given the fact that the band has been in a subtle danger of falling victim to perception of simply being a vehicle of extra ideas from their label's cash cow, you have to commend the them for deviating just slightly enough from that mold. Should we be so lucky, maybe they'll get even bolder with time and find an identity that may stand parallel, or even superior. [3]
Nicholas Donohoue: On the level of "Eighteen" being a universal anthemic love song I'm not moved, but I fully see the person who would love this and I have no reason not to be happy for them. [5]
Will Rivitz: This song is the Biggest goddamn Mood I've heard all year. Starting off the song -- and My Mind Makes Noises as a whole -- with the line "This city depresses me"? Big Mood. Doing that over an uncompromisingly triumphant major-key instrumental that only gets louder and more expansive from there? Bigger Mood. Encapsulating the entire scope of young love in a fifteen-second chunk, in which "I finally felt like I could feel for the first time" somehow loses all semblance of cliché thanks to a delivery that teeters on the brink of euphoria before the bridge pushes it over to the other side? Biggest Mood. This is the last twelve lines of "The Fish" mixed with Gerard Way mixed with Carly Rae Jepsen, and I do not make that last comparison lightly. Even if "Give Yourself A Try" had lyrics that fit its sonic tone instead of Matty Healy's too-wise-for-you clunkers, it still wouldn't pack nearly the thunderbolt as this, and I gave that a [10] too, so... [10]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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finnishfun · 7 years
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I hope this hasn’t been done yet! Inspired by the Finnish list by @languagesandshootingstars​ and original post here
kutya - dog macska - cat hal - fish madár - bird tehén - cow disznó, malac - pig egér - mouse ló - horse szárny - wing állat - animal vonat - train repülő(gép) - plane autó, kocsi - car teherautó, kamion - truck bicikli, kerékpár - bicycle busz - bus csónak - boat hajó - ship gumi - tire benzin - gasoline motor - engine jegy - ticket közlekedés - transportation város - city, town ház - house lakás - apartment út - way, road utca - street, road repülőtér - airport vasútállomás - train station híd - bridge hotel - hotel étterem - restaurant farm - farm bíróság - court(room) iskola - school iroda - office szoba - room egyetem - university klub - club bár - bar park - park tábor - camp bolt, üzlet - store, shop színház - theater könyvtár - library kórház - hospital templom - church piac - market föld - country; ground; soil; Earth épület - building (világ)űr - (outer) space bank - bank hely(szín) - location kalap - hat ruha - dress öltöny - suit szoknya - skirt ing - shirt póló - t-shirt nadrág - pants cipő - shoes zseb - pocket kabát - coat folt - stain ruhák (plural) - clothing piros - red zöld - green kék - blue sárga - yellow barna - brown rózsaszín - pink lila - purple narancssárga - orange fekete - black fehér - white szürke - grey világos - light sötét - dark szín - colour fiú - boy; son lány - daughter anya - mother apa - father szülő - parent (kis)baba, bébi - baby férfi - man férj - husband nő - woman fiútestvér - brother báty - older brother öcs - younger brother lánytestvér - sister nővér - older sister húg - younger sister család - family nagypapa - grandfather nagymama - grandmother feleség - wife király - king királynő - queen elnök - president szomszéd - neighbour gyerek - child felnőtt - adult ember - human barát - (close) friend haver - (casual) friend áldozat - victim játékos - player rajongó - fan tömeg - crowd ember, személy - person tanár - teacher tanuló, diák - student ügyvéd - lawyer orvos, doktor - doctor beteg, páciens - patient pincér - waiter titkár(nő) - secretary (male/female) pap - priest rendőr - police hadsereg - army katona - soldier művész - artist író - author menedzser - manager riporter - reporter színész - actor munka, állás - job vallás - religion menny(ország) - heaven pokol - hell halál - death gyógyszer - medicine pénz - money dollár - dollar számla - bill házasság - marriage esküvő - wedding csapat - team faj - race szex - sex nem - gender, sex gyilkosság - murder börtön - prison technológia - technology energia - energy háború - war béke - peace támadás - attack választás - election magazin - magazine újság - newspaper méreg - poison fegyver - gun sport - sport verseny - race; competition mozgás, torna - exercise labda - ball játék - game ár - price szerződés - contract drog - drug jel - sign tudomány - science Isten - God együttes, zenekar - band dal, ének - song hangszer - instrument zene - music film - movie művészet - art kávé - coffee tea - tea bor - wine sör - beer gyümölcslé - juice víz - water tej - milk ital - drink, beverage tojás - egg sajt - cheese kenyér - bread leves - soup torta, sütemény - cake csirke(hús) - chicken disznó(hús) - pork marha(hús) - beef hús - meat alma - apple banán - banana narancs - orange citrom - lemon kukorica - corn rizs - rice olaj - oil mag - seed kés - knife kanál - spoon villa - fork tányér - plate csésze - cup reggeli - breakfast ebéd - lunch vacsora - dinner  cukor - sugar só - salt üveg - bottle étel - food asztal - table szék - chair ágy - bed álom - dream ablak - window ajtó - door hálószoba - bedroom konyha - kitchen fürdőszoba - bathroom ceruza - pencil toll - pen fénykép - photograph szappan - soap könyv - book oldal - page kulcs - key festék - paint levél - letter jegyzet - note (as in “to take notes”) fal - wall papír - paper padló - floor plafon - ceiling tető - roof medence - pool zár - lock telefon - telephone kert - garden udvar - yard tű - needle táska - bag doboz - box ajándék - gift kártya - card gyűrű - ring szerszám - tool óra - clock lámpa - lamp ventillátor - fan mobiltelefon - cellphone hálózat - network számítógép - computer program - program laptop - laptop képernyő - screen fényképezőgép- camera (for photos) (videó)kamera - video camera televízió, tévé - television rádió - radio fej - head nyak - neck arc  - face szakáll - beard haj - hair szem - eye száj - mouth ajak - lip orr - nose fog - tooth fül - ear könny - tear nyelv - tongue; language hát - back lábujj - toe ujj - finger lábfej - foot kéz - hand láb - leg kar - arm váll - shoulder szív - heart vér - blood agy - brain térd - knee izzadtság - sweat betegség - disease csont - bone hang - voice; noise; sound bőr - skin test - body tenger - sea óceán - ocean folyó - river hegy(ség) - mountain eső- rain hó - snow fa - tree; wood nap - sun hold - moon világ - world erdő - forest növény - plant szél - wind virág - flower völgy - valley gyökér - root tó - lake csillag - star fű - grass levél - leaf levegő - air homok - sand part - beach hullám - wave tűz - fire jég - ice sziget - island domb - hill hő - heat természet - nature üveg - glass fém - metal műanyag - plastic kő - stone gyémánt - diamond agyag - clay por - dust arany - gold réz - copper ezüst - silver anyag - material méter - meter centiméter - centimeter kilogramm - kilogram hüvelyk - inch font - pound fél - half kör - circle négyzet - square hőmérséklet - temperature dátum  - date súly - weight szél - edge sarok - corner térkép - map pont - dot mássalhangzó - consonant magánhangzó - vowel fény - light igen - yes nem  - no darab - piece fájdalom - pain sérülés - injury lyuk - hole kép - image minta - pattern főnév - noun ige - verb melléknév - adjective rajta - (on) top alatt - under oldal - side előtt - in front of mögött  - behind kint - outside bent - inside fel - up le - down bal - left jobb - right egyenes - straight észak - north dél - south kelet - east nyugat - west irány - direction nyár - summer tavasz - spring tél - winter ősz - autumn évszak - season nulla - 0 egy - 1 kettő - 2 három - 3 négy - 4 öt - 5 hat - 6 hét - 7 nyolc - 8 kilenc - 9 tíz - 10 tizenegy - 11 húsz - 20 huszonegy - 21 harminc - 30 negyven - 40 ötven - 50 hatvan - 60 hetven - 70 nyolcvan - 80 kilencven - 90 száz - 100 kétszáz - 200 ezer - 1000 tízezer - 10000 százezer - 100000 millió - million milliárd - billion első - first második - second harmadik - third negyedik - fourth ötödik - fifth szám - number január - January február - February március - March április - April május - May június - June július - July augusztus - August szeptember- September október - October november - November december - December hétfő - Monday kedd - Tuesday szerda - Wednesday csütörtök - Thursday péntek - Friday szombat - Saturday vasárnap - Sunday év - year hónap  - month hét - week nap - day óra - hour perc - minute másodperc - second reggel - morning délután - afternoon este - evening éjjel - night idő - time dolgozik - to work működik - to work (“function”) játszik - to play (children, games, sports, instruments) sétál - to walk fut - to run vezet - to drive repül - to fly úszik - to swim megy - to go megáll - to stop (moving forward) abbahagy - to stop (doing something) követ - to follow gondolkodik - to think beszél - to speak mond - to say eszik - to eat iszik - to drink öl - to kill meghal - to die mosolyog - to smile nevet - to laugh sír - to cry vesz, vásárol - to buy fizet - to pay elad, árul - to sell lő - to shoot tanul - to learn ugrik - to jump szagol - to smell hall  - to hear hallgat - to listen ízlel - to taste érint - to touch lát - to see néz - to watch csókol - to kiss ég - to burn olvad - to melt ás - to dig robban - to explode ül - to sit áll - to stand szeret - to love vág - to cut veszekszik (verbally), verekedik (physically) - to fight (le)fekszik - to lie (down) táncol - to dance alszik - to sleep felébred - to wake up énekel - to sing számol - to count házasodik - to marry imádkozik - to pray nyer - to win veszít - to lose kever - to mix, to stir hajlít - bend mos -  to wash főz  - to cook nyit - to open zár - to close ír - to write fordul - to turn épít - to build tanít - to teach nő - to grow (by itself) rajzol - to draw etet - to feed elkap - catch (e.g. a ball) dob - to throw tisztít - to clean talál - to find esik - to fall tol, nyom - to push húz - to pull visz - to carry tör - to break visel, hord - to wear lóg - to hang ráz - to shake jelez - to sign üt, ver - to beat emel - to lift magas - tall hosszú - long rövid - short alacsony - short (person); low sekély - shallow (water) széles - wide keskeny - narrow nagy  - big, large kicsi - small, little lassú - slow gyors - fast forró - hot hideg - cold meleg - warm hűvös - cool új - new régi - old (object) öreg - old (person) fiatal - young jó - good rossz - bad nedves, vizes - wet száraz - dry beteg - sick egészséges - healthy hangos - loud halk - quiet boldog - happy szomorú - sad gyönyörű, szép - beautiful ronda, csúnya  - ugly süket - deaf vak - blind kedves - nice gonosz - mean gazdag - rich szegény - poor vastag - thick vékony - thin drága - expensive olcsó - cheap lapos - flat szűk - tight laza - loose magas - high puha - soft kemény - hard mély - deep tiszta - clean koszos - dirty erős - strong gyenge - weak halott - dead élő - alive nehéz - heavy; difficult világos - light sötét - dark nukleáris - nuclear híres - famous én - I te - you ő - she, he az - it mi - we ti - you ők - they ön, maga - you (formal)
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italicwatches · 6 years
Megalobox - Episode 12
Right now, we need to put the polls out of our mind. And we do that with our fists. It’s Megalobox, episode 12! Here we GO!
-Yukiko’s signing a big deal for the company…At least, if Yuri actually wins his big match. After the signing, she and Yuri are celebrating…But of course, there’s big questions looming. If this is going to work. If the potential of Gear to do so much more than just boxing will be realized. They could change the world, Yuri!
-Yuri’s going to have his Gear removed.
-He wants…needs, to fight Joe on an equal battle. Man to man. Just muscles and will. It’s the only way.
-Yukiko’s boggled. Integrated Gear is a one-way deal. Having it removed is absurdly dangerous, the sort of thing you’re only supposed to do in a medical emergency. But Yuri’s resolute.
-She’ll, she’ll have the finals canceled! She won’t allow you to risk it—
-NO. He won’t allow you to disrespect the ring like that. Not after a man put his life on the line to get there with nothing but his wits. …He’s not coming back to this office.
-What happened to their dream, Yuri…?
-It’s your dream, now.
-The doors shut, on Yukiko’s impotent rage…And then it’s a hard cut to Joe’s rather more potent rage, as he tries to burn off his frustration and tension and everything else on the bags. What happened to Nanbu. His chance to finally fight Yuri right. The stakes of this big final match. What it could mean for him if he wins…And what it will mean for everyone else if he fails. It’s…All of it’s a lot.
-But he’s not going at it alone, either. Because he’s joined by Aragaki and the caretaker. Nanbu called them to help him train. Aragaki’s going to help him spar against someone who can keep up better than a bag.
-So it’s into the ring. Both men wish they could’ve gotten to finish their fight legit, one way or the other…And so they’re both at it, practicing and working, as Nanbu and the caretaker talk. To think of how far they’ve all come…How different things were not that long ago…And how hard they’ve all fought, how much they’ve all lost, to get here.
-Miles away, Mikio’s at his swank-ass cabin…When Yuri shows up. It’s a place Mikio’s been working on, his home away from home…Or maybe just home, now. A place where he can be alone. No Shirato company, no legacy, no worry. No Shirato Mikio, just plain old Mikio.
-But of course, he’s still Mikio. And he’s set up a little lab in the cabin’s basement. A lab…And a medical facility. He can disconnect the integrated Gear. Doing this is dangerous, of course, risky…But Yuri’s not hesitating. They’ve all put everything on the line for this final match. You with developing Ace. Joe with going in Gearless. And now…Him. It’s time to pay his due.
-That night, Yukiko’s lost in thought out on the roads…As she remembers Joe, Junk Dog, challenging Yuri so long ago. It flashes in her mind, in her eyes, as for a moment she swears she can change it, can call out to Yuri, can keep him from being swept up by this dog and led astray…
-Then it’s over. And her cell’s ringing with a number that has no caller ID, an ancient-ass landline.
-A call that takes her to the cabin, to see Yuri out cold and Gearless. Mikio’s surgery was a flawless success, but Yukiko can only see the way he’s throwing away the future over some ridiculous pride. She’s going to cancel the finals. She will not have the final match, the proving grounds of Megalo Box, the place where Gear is pushed to its limits, fought by two men going Gearless.
-Mikio just reminds her how much pain Yuri’s gonna be in when he wakes up. How much he’s gone through. Are you going to deny him now, of all times…?
-Megalobox, Round 12. Leap Over the Edge of DEATH
-Back in Yukiko’s office, she’s looking up all the real info on the men she’s dealing with. The ID, stolen from Sachio when it slipped free, is counterfeit. The name Joe, an alias. The only thing they can say for sure is he’s an illegal citizen, with no right in their ring.
-But…He’s got it where it counts. He did all this to fight honestly. And for the first time in far too long…Yukiko doesn’t know what to do. All she can ask is to keep all of this under wraps, from everyone, until she makes the call.
-Back under the bridge. Joe’s working his ass off with Aragaki, while Nanbu flashes back, remembering where he found the kid…
-In the pits. Below the pits. Junk Dog…No, he didn’t even have that name, yet. He was less than a dog, less than the races and so far below underground Megalo Box. He was a bare knuckled brawler, getting into scraps for pocket money with just some hand wraps. Nanbu found this nameless scrapper, and pulled him out of those depths…
-Back in the Now, Nanbu calls out to Joe. You’re not stepping through with your punches! How the hell can you…
-He can hear it. Your impacts have about as much force as a cow fart. Now get your weight even again, and lock in those punches!
-Eventually, it’s late as hell, everyone’s done. Joe’s looking over Sachio’s recording of his practices, the kids are scraping together a big ol’ pot of stew, and Aragaki just…Watches. Sees the team, the family, that has forged themselves here. …They might just be able to do it. Joe might be able to beat Yuri.
-Speaking of Yuri, he’s…
-How do I put this gently…
-In screaming agony locked in a sealed room so he doesn’t kill anyone or himself in a pain induced rage.
-Listen that was about as gentle as it gets. It’s not just his body that’s screaming at him, it’s his mind. The integrated Gear works based on hooking directly into the nervous system, into introducing new data into the backstage of the mind. Yuri’s head is screaming at him that he’s missing limbs, that he’s missing his body.
-Eventually he’s just lost in his own skull, in a fugue state as he feels his body burst into flame, into molten rock as he burns up from the inside and turns to ash…!
-And when Yukiko gets there…He’s been in that state for five, days. Can’t they do anything?! Can’t YOU do anything?!
-Mikio could absolutely do something. He’s got the injector right here, full of the same little cocktail he used when overdoing it in Ace. All he’s got to do is pop it into Yuri’s neck, and ping, guy’s settled. But Yuri said no. Refused it outright. Said he didn’t deserve to fight Joe if he couldn’t get through the pain the old fashioned away.
-So here they are. You want to try? See if you can convince him to take the dose? Key to the door’s right there.
-She gets in there, and finds him half conscious…She cradles Yuri in her arms, and begs him to let her take him out of there. To get it all reattached, and keep chasing the future. To stand together again.
-He manages to stir, and he’s got enough of his wits to recognize her and his situation…To tell her about the long ago, before she knew him. When he was first getting into boxing. His first trainer said, if he ever met the kind of fighter that he wanted, truly, to fight and to try and beat, to push himself to face, that it would be blessing. One to cherish, and one to never let go…
-Yukiko. You gave him a reason to live. But this…This is his reason to fight. You can’t take that away…Not now…Please.
-Eventually, morning comes. Yukiko stirs on the shitty couch in this cabin, and there’s no more screaming. Yuri’s mind has finally rebooted. And he’s moving like his old self…The self she saw in that gym so long ago, the man whose body glistened with the sweat of hard work and made him look like some muscle-bishonen…
-Her grandfather was still the president, and introduced his granddaughter to his prize fighter. He saw them both as the future of the company’s designs, even then…
-In the Now, after watching for a time, Yukiko takes her leave…Maybe things will change. But for right now…She has no place here. Her company is seeking the future of Gear, and a man with none on his back is no part of it. …Treat him well, brother. He deserves it.
-Down by the bridge, Joe’s taking a nice long swim in the river. Shouldn’t you be training? Nah, not this close. Against a man like Yuri, he’ll get his most benefit just by clearing his head and cooling his nerves. Now come on, Sachio, get your ass in the water and enjoy yourself!
-But that’s when they both spot Yukiko…She’s come to return Joe’s fraudulent ID. And? And…That’s all. If anyone’s earned the right to keep this, it’s you. You sure about this, when he’s punching your fancy champion’s teeth in?
-He’s not her champion anymore. Yuri had the Gear removed.
-He wanted a real fight. An even match. He’s just another bare-knuckled boxer, now. Just so you know what you’re in for.
-And then she’s gone, leaving Joe to realize…That changes thing. Now he’s got a true fire burning in him, as he shadow boxes late into the night, against the song the people will sing of their final bout…Whatever’s coming? Whoever will walk out of that ring?
-They’re, gonna, make, history. The world of boxing will never be the same after this. And every last soul watching the lead with baited breath, knows it.
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michiganandback · 6 years
July 30 – July 2 AM
Left camp and drove north by northeast to Lake Circle Drive which is the historic Highway along Lake Huron. The trees are grown up along the highway so there's not much to look at unless you got off the highway. We Googled a point of land off the coast and tried to go there, but GPS took us to a private road with a guard. We turned around and headed north on the scenic route and went past a Historical Museum. We decide to go back because it was free. I like free museums. The curator was very friendly and we had a nice visit. She showed us the bedroom set that President Garfield's stayed in when he visited this area. I was more interested in the mini loom that was next to that display because my mother had had a loom made in the late 1700s that I worked on. We had a good discussion about that and discussed the various levels of looms and about how the loom works. She showed us some other displays which included a grain separator that was hand-cranked to separate the grain for the chaff. She also showed us something which I had never seen before called a cow poke. It's a device you put around the neck of a cow which was probably a Guernsey because they have small necks. I'll try to show a picture in the blog, but the basic principle was that the cow could only take one step or one-and-a-half steps before the stick poked into the ground to stop them. It was used to keep cows from wandering away before they were fences. It was hinged so that the cow could bend down and nibble at the grass and when she stood up to walk forward the stick with jam into the ground to prevent her from walking very fast. This was a nice unexpected encounter and she told us the point we wanted to go to just down the road was a private Resort but Google didn't know that. We ended up in campground near town called Frankenmuth that was modeled after a Bavarian Village. We registered at the Campground and headed straight to the Village because I wanted to see what they thought a Bavarian Village looked like. They did a very good job with half-timbered buildings and German music played around in the stores. We had an ice cream and walked around to see some of the buildings. We stopped by the Bavarian Inn and Restaurant. I was reading the plaque outside when someone asked me to move a little bit. I did and they were speaking another language which I thought was German I asked them where they came from and they said Germany. I asked in German where do you come from in Germany. The lady said you can speak to this man in German. So I did. He would only admit to being from Austria and not Germany, but we had a nice 15-minute conversation while the ladies waiting patiently. He knew I spoke German with three dialects, Swabish, Bayrisch and Frankish. He said Swabish is impossible to learn. We really had a nice visit until the women said we have a reservation in 5 minutes. We went back to the campground and relaxed for the rest of the evening. We always get a campsite near the bathroom and ours was by big tree. I went over and talked to the campground manager who had have been in the Navy and we swapped military stories. He was station somewhere in Georgia when they told him they were transferring him to Key West Florida or Iceland and he picked Iceland because he didn't want to stay in the states. His duty was to get the pilots on and off aircraft carriers safely. Iceland was not the friendliest place for American servicemen even in the sixties. He did get a 14 day pass and flew over to Germany and visited Munich, Berchtesgaden, Garmisch Etc. We're glad we stayed there but after we played golf the next day, we went to another campground nearby. The golf course was beautiful and reasonably priced. However, after not having played for nine-plus months our scores showed that. We really didn't keep score but I did have three pars and a lot of other scores. I think I lost more balls literally on that course than I have a long time. It looked easy, but there are a lot of rough spots running across the fairways and in front of the tee boxes. We still had fun.  
We drove through a town called Alabaster and didn't know why it's called Alabaster until we got off the main road and found a plaque. A found Alabaster offshore in 1837 and then eventually found another deposit probably on land. The material from here was used to make the marble like walls for the Chicago exhibition buildings of 1893 and that earned it the nickname of White City. The company was bought by US Gypsum and the quarry near here has helped to make Michigan a leading producer of gypsum for over a century. We believe we saw an offshore operation mining Gibson but we didn't find anyone to ask.   We also saw an interesting lighthouse in a state park where we bought our annual non-resident Park permit but they didn't have any Michigan state maps. We have been looking for one for over a week and finally found one at the Lumberman's Monument and Museum. I like having a detailed map of where I'm going.
In the morning, on August 1st we headed more northward toward a National Scenic Highway that was only 20 miles long along the Au Sable River. We stopped at Wally World for provisions and I ended up buying two pairs of cargo pants because the ones I meant to bring are on the bench in front of the bed in Tulsa. I needed some new ones anyway. The road along the Au Sable River was not so interesting, but like Yellowstone you have to take the cutouts to see the interesting things. We went to the Lumberman's Monument and Museum Store. It has some interesting exhibits about the CCC camps and how they actually prepared them for military service after the Depression. I walked down to an exhibit about the cooks and the camp stores that floating down the river behind the lumbermen who floated logs downstream to the sawmills. This area produced millions and millions of board feet of lumber for the growing building industry. That devastated the forest in this area and the CC Camp workers planted millions of trees to replace the forest that had been cut down. There is also a monument to the canoe race that started in 1947. It's a hundred and twenty mile race down the Au Sable River to the town of Oscoda. There are great overlooks if you go off the beaten track. The first one was at the Great Sand Dune that's called the champagne run where they pushed millions of board feet of lumber down into the river to float to the sawmills. We ended up a nice Campground about an hour drive from the Mackinac Bridge which we will drive over on the 2nd of August. Just before dinner, storm clouds rolled in and we have had rain the last 2 hours. It rained all through the night. We will continue to move North by Northwest now on our quest to reach the Isle Royale National Park. We're finally starting to get some good pictures and I have videos that I cannot get Tumblr to accept. I'll keep trying as the Wi-Fi signal get stronger.  
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keywestlou · 7 years
The father of modern Key West is David Wolkowsky. Ninety eight and still going strong.
David built the Pier House. Its beginnings 1968. Nothing but mud where it presently stands. He started with a 50 unit motel. Called it the Pier House Motel.
David knew everyone. Persons of prominence came to stay at his motel. Two United States Presidents at one time in 1969.
I was at the Chart Room last night. John showed me a photo on his cell phone of the two Presidents and their wives. He had received the photo earlier in the day from Tim. Tim and his wife live with David and assist him with his everyday living.
Seated at a piano playing was Richard Nixon. Standing behind him, Nixon’s wife Pat, Harry Truman and Bess. It appears the picture was taken by David. A note written on the photo said: “To David Wolkowsky. The view at the Pier House-the greatest.” Signed: “Richard Nixon.”
A piece of memorabilia.
My Wampsville friend and former Court Clerk Ted was to join me for dinner last night. He called after I was sitting waiting for him for an hour to report he could not make it. He either was sick or met a lady. I hope the latter.
Met John from northern New Jersey at the bar. Nice guy. We chatted about the glories of the Jersey beaches.
I was hungry. No Ted. Called Catherine. Asked if she wanted to feed me. No problem. I hurried over and partook of all kinds of delicious cheeses. Even got to watch a great movie. The one which received this year’s Academy Award as Best Picture. The Shape Of Water. Miss it not! Absolutely fantastic!
The writer had to be extremely talented. I have never seen a movie with so many surprising scenes. The unexpected every few minutes. Great writing!
Tonight at 9:40, Syracuse/TCU. TCU a 4 point favorite.
My day yesterday began with a noon doctor visit with my primary care physician, Dr. Norris. To review my blood and urine test results.
God bless! Everything good.
More importantly, my weight. When I was in last week for my annual physical, I had lost 24 pounds. One week later, 2 more. Total loss to date 26 pounds. Love it!
I suspect my home scale is broke. It has not moved in 7 weeks. Always shows a 20 pound loss. My heart doctor’s machine showed a 22 pound loss 2 weeks ago.
Time to get a new scale.
Blood pressure 110/80. Wowie!
Health increasingly important as one gets older.
The Cuban Coffee Queen is like 50 feet from Dr. Norris’ office. Stopped for lunch. Enjoyed Cuban cheese toast with tomato and a large hot Cuban coffee. I know, I cheated. Cuban bread made with pork lard. Milk in the Cuban coffee. I felt I was entitled.
Spring breakers all over Key West. Well behaved.
It seems every year, the spring breakers look younger to me. Makes sense. As I am one year older each year, they would of necessity look younger. Kids!
Key West a place where adults can be children again.
The foot race for all ages has been scheduled. The Cow Key Bridge Race. April 15.
The bridge is 300 feet long, the length of the race. It has been dubbed a zero K race. Designed for “athletes” who don’t want to wake up early or break a sweat. Over 1,000 will participate. Most costumed.
How we value things sometimes does not make sense. Seventeen were killed at Douglas High School. The students reacted and are reacting. Washington not.
This past week a dog was made to ride in a United luggage bin. The one above the passenger seat. The dog died. Within 48 hours, legislation was filed in the U.S. Senate to make sure a dog would never again be placed in a bin where he/she could die.
It would appear we value dogs more than children.
Trump and his minions are slowly turning our country to one like Germany was in the 1930’s.
Night time in  Delano, California. ICE looking for a particular Mexican to arrest and deport. Saw a Mexican couple getting into a SUV. The man looked like the one they sought.
As ICE approached, the couple panicked and took off. ICE gave chase. The SUV turned over. The couple died. The couple parents of 6 children.
Turned out the couple were illegals. Further turned out the man was not who ICE was seeking.
I appreciate ICE is doing its job as directed by superiors. Such does not make what they are doing correct.
The ICE of today are the Gestapo of yesterday. Our government is moving in the wrong direction. Many support Trump and believe in him. As did the Germans with Hitler.
The madness has to stop. America wake up! If not, in the end everyone will suffer including Trump’s followers.
Enjoy your day!
    WOLKOWSKY DID IT AGAIN…..NIXON AND TRUMAN AT PIER HOUSE 1969 was originally published on Key West Lou
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raleightatum · 7 years
Lorde Wrote the Perfect Party Album
On “Liability,” the standout piano ballad halfway through Melodrama, Lorde (the stage name of 20 year-old Ella Yelich-O'Connor) describes coming home from a breakup and falling into the arms of the only love she’s got left: herself. The interior design of Lorde’s possibly-autobiographical home in Auckland is up for debate, but as for me, I see her returning to an older Victorian number on a quiet street, old married couples and quiet loners up and down the aisle of row houses, with huge tall windows and open, creaky wood floors. I feel good about my vision of Lorde’s place, and go ahead and figure out yours while you can, because this is where the 20 year-old pop star keeps you for this dazzling forty-minute documentary of an album. A stranger walking by, looking up just long enough to catch a glimpse of a girl dancing alone, caressing her cheek, crying, screaming, partying, dancing -- the album produced as if we were hearing the music as sidewalk passersby, with Lorde playing the piano by herself, alone in the dark.
A quick runthrough of Lorde’s second studio album -- or a singles-heavy radio jaunt -- might lead you to believe that Lorde has a firm grasp on the age-old dilemma for twentysomething introverts: should I stay in or go out? The album’s first two singles (“Green Light” and “Liability”) offer decisive polarities: the former rages, the latter hunkers down. But on Melodrama, she does plenty of both, her possibly-Victorian home working as a hub for parties, Uber pickups, and morning cleanups, hallowed ground for the holy and the horror. Lorde seems not to have mastered this internal yanking and pulling of partying or not, but instead chases her whims to their full extents -- parties and painful piano ballads.
Home is ostensibly where we are the safest. We have, after all, the keys to our homes, the alarm code, blinds over the windows. The paintings and throw pillows and television and liquor cabinet are all arrayed just so to protect us -- we have, those of us without roommates, chosen this particular setup because it makes us feel some measure of safety. It is odd, then, to remember that home is where we encounter most starkly the terror, the horror, and the fucking melodrama that Lorde sings so earnestly about. When we’ve just been told that we’re too much, or perhaps not enough, and it all ends, we don’t go file into the queue at Blue Bottle, wander through the aisles at a bookstore, or fling ourselves onto a barstool at a pub (or at least we don’t at first): we collapse into our beds, or onto linoleum kitchen floors, or wilt into the carpet right in front of the stereo speakers. Home is, most precisely, where the horror is. Home is where we scream, where we cry; we slam the doors in our home, break glass in our home, where we kick people out and drag people in.
On Melodrama, Lorde lets us all into her home.
The album opens with Lorde hopping into a friend’s car, flying through a “Green Light,” doing her makeup on the way to a bar. The track is the first single, and it’s a racing, chanting thing that pulls us right back into the Lorde universe: jaunty choruses and tongue-only-slightly-in-cheek wishes for ill upon exes (“those great whites they have big teeth / hope they bite you”), but a kind of hopeful fist-pumping that’s a perfect way to start the night.
Whatever happens after Lorde sails through those green lights is documented on Melodrama, and ends, well, perfectly, with “Perfect Places,” as if the entirety of the album is a day in the life of Lorde.
“Sober” brings the party back to the house, and there’s dancing and drinks and an appropriately-in-her-head Lorde, wanting just to dance out the many questions (“can we keep up with the ruse?”; “what will we do when we’re sober?”). Lorde knows “in the morning (she’ll) be dancing with the heartache,” and that her efforts to pretend she doesn’t care are false, but “Sober,” and Melodrama as a whole, and life on the earth as a human, has this inevitability, this beating presence, this insistence on taking life as it comes, this refusal to confuse self-deprecation for self-shame. Lorde knows it’s time to dance with the truth -- but sometimes the truth is the music's too loud and the conversation will have to wait until the morning.
“Homemade Dynamite” feels like a beer run, a keep-the-party-going callback to “Royals,” but one that drops us off at “The Louvre” and “Liability,” back at the doorstep of the house, suddenly gone quiet, our singer sobered up and gone wistful alone in her living room scattered with plastic cups. These two tracks feel like Lorde at her wisest, her wittiest (“they’ll hang us in the Louvre / down the back, but who cares / still the Louvre,” which pulled me straight to Lonely Island’s “doesn’t matter had sex!” from, well, “I Just Had Sex”), her most willing to share. “The Louvre’s” muffled, spacy chorus is Lorde reminding herself to “broadcast the boom, boom” an earnest self-call to vulnerability, so that others might quietly dance too. This song, along with its partner, “Liability,” are the songs that you or I or Lorde might have been dancing to alone, a lamp and a couple candles lit, strangers looking in at these private moments of cracking, celebration, and devastating beauty. “The Louvre” ends with this gorgeous ninety second guitar plodding, and the raw “Liability” might as well be a live video of Lorde writing this song in her bedroom at four in the morning, spilling with all sorts of beautiful moments, the stuttering “e-na-na-na-everyone” from the chorus, the scooping “then they get bored of me” in the second verse, the v-sound at the end of the last “get you wild make you leave” that I’ve listened to on three different sets of headphones to figure out if the crackling is my speakers, her mic, or (my hope), a heaving, crying spit of saliva that they left in. The dead of night in a Lorde album is a vulnerable place to be.
In the dead of night, if Lorde can possibly fall asleep, maybe she dreams, and “Hard Feelings/Loveless” is that dream, a montage, a remembrance, a drifting through those nothing moments in relationships that turn out to be everything -- grocery shopping, sitting in a running car in front of your house. Lorde is having what they call hard feelings, and singing about it over and over in the chorus, and it does to the listener what it does when you, say, repeat the word “cow” over and over (cow, cow, COW, cow? It’s a funny word), repeating something enough times to question it, to reframe it, so that it starts to sound weird and thus can actually be listened to and heard for what it is: we say we’ve got hard feelings when we’re pissed off at someone, and so that becomes the definition (hard feelings, n: the act of being pissed off at someone). But Lorde’s insistence on speaking these hard feelings remind us that this is no compound word, no standalone term: hard modifies feelings. Feelings are difficult. The swooping, grating metallic strings of the bridge whoosh and crash through to dismantle the otherwise safe song, a twisting, beautiful interlude that is itself hard to listen to, hard to feel.
The semi-song “Loveless” that emerges after the industrial interlude of “Hard Feelings” is, at first, an unusual tack-on to the original song, a playful, childlike chant of “l-o-v-e-l-e-s-s” and a corner-of-the-mouth smile that says “we’re all fucking with our lover’s heads,” a mouth that you’re gonna wanna tape shut (“Writer In the Dark” echoes this warning to not fuck around with someone who’s got a microphone and a following) this playful grinning and fucking-with just one of the many ways Lorde is able to get through the night alone, but after the grins and games of this latenight memory, we find our impure heroine back at home, the house lights on, cleaning up the champagne glasses.
“Sober II (Melodrama)” is a harsh, startingly gorgeous track, as if Lorde, Max Richter, and The Weeknd threw an afterparty in the same top-floor motel suite where Frank Ocean sang about “Pyramids.” Part One of the song (“Sober”) wonders what we’ll do when we’re sober, and concludes we’ll be with heartache in the morning. But “Sober II (Melodrama)” doesn’t wait until then, jolting you from sickly sweet hungover sleep, hurling construction crew lights on the terror and trauma, the carnage of the night before. This song is bittersweet, and it goes.
Melodrama, unlike many of its contemporaries, resists the urge to indulge itself, and (if you just go ahead and count “Hard Feelings/Loveless” as two songs like I think you should) features none of the epic nine-minute tracks we’ve come to expect. Many of the songs (“Liability,” and “Sober II (Melodrama),” perhaps) stop even shorter of what you feel like you want it to be, as Lorde gets us wild and makes us leave to the next song. But then, there in the lazy long afternoon of the album, in a regathering of hope after the traumatic night before, Melodrama goes there, on two otherwise perfectly-fine songs, “Writer In the Dark” and “Supercut,” the latter pushing and pulling (Lorde’s raw vocal singing of the chorus from what sounds to be, like, the floor of her bathroom) into this Eluvium-style stargazy instrumental. It’s in those moments that the album feels tremendous -- the cutting, dazzling touches on songs you weren’t expecting.    
I've heard Andy Greenwald, host of The Ringer’s “The Watch” podcast, say that television show finales tell us what the show was about. And in this melodramatic mini-documentary, Lorde tells us, quite explicitly, what the album is about in the album’s penultimate and final songs.
Throughout our night together, Lorde clearly grapples with her impulses, to stay in or go out, to scream or to cry, to dance or to talk it out, where she experiences these lurching yanks between parties and the nights alone that are all too familiar to those of us who have survived life to this point. In the reprise to “Liability,” the singer posits a been-to-therapy bit of insight: “maybe all this is the party.” The part where you pace around with the curtains drawn, drinking a bottle of wine by yourself, the part where your best friend comes over to help you clean up the mess of the night before, the tears and the cries -- maybe all this is the party.
A friend who toured with the indie band mewithoutYou once witnessed two girls approach Aaron, mewithoutYou’s singer, after a show and ask him to pray. My friend said Aaron kind of looked around, bemused, his arms kind of stretching as if to encompass everything around him, and said, “What do you think we’re doing here?” I’d like to think mewithoutYou and Lorde might agree: maybe all this is the party.
    Lorde might humbly or courteously resist my label, but the album ends with a perfect song. “Perfect Places” is a last-night-in-town rebirth of the party, a kind of partying that has taken what it’s learned from the night before and is able to put things in context, to understand, because partying without a care in the world (or without an understanding of why we’re partying) is fun, but understanding the cocktail of reasons why you might want to spend your night off your face and throwing your head back and dancing anyway: there is some definite mewithoutYou, maybe-all-this-is-the-party wisdom and beauty to that.
    Lorde’s grand finale is a wistful creed for those who would seek out the rooftop parties, the magical 3-a.m.-on-the-porch-conversations, the perfectly blissed-out moments (“Can we pray with you, Aaron?”) above all else, the longing for parties and perfect places when, well, it’s all the party. Lorde herself hopped onto the Genius annotation of the song and said that this dance-through-the-ambiguity, “can’t stand to be alone” partying is what Melodrama is about: “I’m partying so much because I’m just dreading sitting at home by myself hearing my thoughts hit the walls.” And so Lorde brings us the good word that thoughts hitting the walls are a party just like headstands banging the walls are too (“Hooking up...is fun but sad sometimes too!”).
The song dances along, takes someone home, and takes off all their clothes, as if the song was a regathering of the album, a recap of the long night we’ve just spent with Lorde. If all this is a party, we’ve all been invited, all of us young and ashamed, hardly able to stand being alone, and so we all dance ahead, “trying to find these perfect places.”
    “What the fuck are perfect places, anyway?” Lorde asks, and we remember the dashed champagne glasses, the muted dancing alone, our view from the quiet sidewalk, the kitchen floor collapsing, the post-mortem ride home after a breakup, Lorde’s Melodrama, her Victorian house of horrors. This is where, she’ll tell us, we are anything but safe. But it might just be the perfect place for a party.
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mykkapoklad-blog · 7 years
This story happened when neither you nor I had already existed; it was the future, the year 6000.
It had been raining for the whole day and puddles were boiling producing bubbles of froth. The Moon reflected itself in the puddles, making stars drop with its shining and those created tiny golden threads, they were bumping into each other and having bounced several times on the Earth, they flew back to the space. But some of them just drowned in the steel-colored puddles of water.
A city port was swinging in the waves of a stout sea; it was drowning in the blurred lights of the yellow lanterns. A crane, like a black goose, stretched its neck, sending off ships with its squeaks.
All the trees in the city tied their brunches together through the dark crossroads, slightly touching the roofs of the cars, which passed under their crowns.
A clerk was buying food for his humble bachelor’s dinner in a store, he dropped his coins and they, like golden berries of currant sprinkled away. The tiles squeaked.
Black highways, going up to a mountain, met in one spot, and again ran, away from each other as though they were stroked by an impulse.
Big vans and trucks were twining around the city, just like rivers. It seemed that they had minds of their own, without any need of drivers or technicians. People had built a lot of bridges, which could be used to cross the stream of traffic and go to a bakery or a secret butchery, because meat had been finally outlawed, alongside with fish, milk, eggs. It was possible to get those only at black markets where they were piled next to liters of fresh blood and recently brought human organs.
Eden was a sewing factory worker. She had just come home and opened the heavy iron door with a tiny golden key. It was completely dark inside. She felt that she was not the only one in the room. It was the rain, which was bombarding a curtainless window. I have survived another day, thought Eden.
Her small flat in the suburbs reminded a honeycomb in a roll of eternal residential districts.
She turned on the light. Upstairs, someone was playing a familiar tune on an untuned piano.
But today was not just an ordinary rainy day. Eden was waiting for a visitor, just a visitor. Now it is not necessary to even know each other’s names. She loves him, because he exists, not because he has a name. Why can’t we just fall in love with someone we have seen for the first time, if we can eat canned fish, not knowing what’s inside? But even canned fish has become just a memory. In a total race for saving the planet, we have gone too far. We have blown up all the satellites, and now we are afraid of even loading trees with fruits, thus we are forced to create artificial food. Having destroyed all the nuclear weapons, we have made half of the Pacific uninhabited. The Earth is no longer the one you used to know before.
Eden was cooking a salad using pepper, salty vegetables, greenery and something else. She had bought some wine (thanks God it had not been outlawed yet). Eden tried the salad and there was something that did not satisfy her. She grabbed a flashy flask and sprinkled its content over the ceramic bowl. Pepper flew away from the flask, it seemed like a city’s wind took it, carrying it away with its eight hands through the whole world above the equator. The pepper dust flew over a familiar statue with its hands widely outspread over a forgotten city. There were some green banners of the Prophet’s country seen below. Two tailed insular cow was feeding two boys with her milk. The pepper fell on top of the white icebergs of goat cheese, just like snow falls on brown soil.
The salad, candles, napkins with little clouds on them, plates. Eden thought that her table was too plain and empty. She put a big crystal bowl filled with lemony green apples on the table. She decided to cover her bed in advance: green silk sheets, orange pillows, white blankets… Suddenly there was a ring on the door, and the doorbell shot her just in the head, she jumped from the chair she was sitting on and opened the door. It was a load off her mind. She saw Him; they hugged like old friends and kissed each other on the cheek. These are for you; he said in a harsh low voice and gave her a bouquet of fresh sprouts of green lettuce with purple flowers inside. In a moment they were already drinking wine, munching fresh bread, whispering in their own language of mutual appeal.
Biting an apple and leaving a print of her red lips on it, she gave it to the man, stood up and headed for the bedroom.
She fell on the bed like a mist and in a moment she was covered with his pearl skin. The green bed sheets crawled like a snake, falling down and crumbling back on the bed. She had him on her mind.
Suddenly calm light covered her hair. Is it already dawn? She felt something soft touch her body; it was softer than a feather. Eden had opened her eyes, and had almost fallen unconscious, when she realized, that she was standing naked in front of a gold throne, topped with a dove. At the back of her mind she felt ashamed; she wanted to cover her nakedness. The dove flew away from the throne, and like an arrow headed for the Earth. After another wing of her eyelashes, Eden felt that she was now dressed in wool and covered with animal skins. She did not remember what had happened the day before; the woman was just kindling a fire using a few stones. Now it was like a gut feeling for her.
 They have simply become another Adam and Eve.  
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