#Cuban Coffee Queen
avaritia-apotheosis · 10 days
5 Universes Parallel and 7 Perpendicular
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse
A DPxDC Crossover // Read on [AO3] [FF.net] // Fic Masterlist
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse. 
This time, Trouble’s name went by Danny Fenton. Some random kid— “hey I’m fourteen!” — with an impossible physiology and a soul that not even the most desperate demon or benevolent angel would take. Not because Danny is in any way particularly good or evil, but because Constantine is 99.998% sure the Lords of Hell and the Heavenly Hosts even knew what Danny’s soul even was in the first place. 
(If you could even…call it a soul, anyway. He isn’t sure how he can explain it, and Danny has zero clue at what Constantine’s asking for anyway. “It’s science,” Danny would say with a shrug. “Weird science, anyway. Something about ectoplasm and imprinted consciences and mutations in the DNA. I’m not sure on the specifics, but my parents can tell you.”)
Of course, being lost in another fucking universe probably didn’t help.
He clips another cigar and lights it. Cuban, full-bodied, good blend; he got it as a bonus from some clients a few weeks back and he’d been slowly making his way through the pack. He lets the smoke settle on his tongue before he puffs it out, slinging his legs up to rest on top of the coffee table with a groan. 
Danny scrunched his nose at him, uncrossing his arms to go over and open a window. 
“What?” Constantine rolled his eyes, gesturing to the boy with a cigar. “You don’t get to complain. You don’t even need to breathe.”
“Yeah and smoking still makes everything smell like crap. It’s a terrible habit, y’know.”
He huffs, smoke billowing out, and makes a note to himself to smoke like he’s a goddamn dragon just to annoy the kid. “Hey, I think putting up with a bit of my bad habit is enough compensation for having to help your penniless ass, brat.”
Danny scoffed. “It’s not like I had any choice in that.”
Which was the crux of the matter, of course. See, Constantine has had his fair share of inter-dimensional or inter-planar travel. But shit like parallel universes …well, that was more the Justice League’s purview anyway. All those alternate universes where everything is a distorted mirror of their own reality—and apparently home to way too many evil Supermen to be comfortable with— not exactly Constantine’s cup of tea. He’s had his fair share of experiences with them, but definitely not enough to actually help someone whose universe is nowhere even remotely similar to his own.
Oh, according to Danny his Earth did have a London and an America and a Korea, etc. The majority of their countries were the same, give or take a few that only seemed to exist in Constantine’s universe. But it was the people where they differed.  Remarkably, there was no Justice League in Danny’s world. Or any kind of superheroes at all. ( Like in comic books? Danny had said when Constantine asked.)
As far as Danny knew, he was the closest thing that came to a superhero in his world and half of the time people just consider him a menace.  Even big shot ‘civilians’ like Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor, or Oliver Queen were non-entities in that parallel world. Instead they got some creepy asshole called Vlad Masters who should probably get another hobby that isn’t ‘terrorizing a fourteen-year-old.’
But where this strange alternate world lacked in martians and cosmic world-ending threats, they made up for with a shit ton of ghosts. Which brought them to their current predicament: through a ridiculous set of circumstances that Danny really didn’t want to explain, the kid managed to tumble through a rift in the Infinite Realms (something that Constantine hasn’t heard of but you’ll be damn sure he’s gonna make it his business to know) and landed probably five parallel universes and seven perpendicular universes away from  his own earth and right in front of Constantine’s doorstep. (No, those were probably not the correct scientific terms but Constantine was a fucking occultist not a physicist so sue him.)
(Actually, don’t. He’d rather not deal with it.)
Constantine did try his best to do right by the kid. He’d taken Danny’s case up to the Justice League to see if they had the tech that could send the kid home. No such luck at the moment. And even if they did, they weren’t sure if they had the capabilities to connect to not only Danny’s specific branch in whatever cosmic tree was keeping everything afloat, but the correct version of Danny’s universe as well. Constantine’s other contacts said much the same thing.
And since Danny Fenton didn’t exist in this universe, he felt bad leaving the kid alone, so he offered him room and board at his place until they could find a way to get Danny home. (Or until the kid got sick and tired of Constantine’s antics and just moved out.)
(Or until Danny died. Constantine had a pretty bad track record of getting his friends killed by association, y’know. Though considering Danny’s half-ghost… could he even die again?)
(Better not push his luck.)
Constantine set his cigar aside. Danny’s still by the window, elbows propped up on the sill, eyes trained a thousand miles away. No— ‘light-years’ is probably the correct measurement here. 
Constantine rests his chin against his knuckles. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Danny shrugged, chin nestled against his open palm, fingers curled near the seam of his mouth. Nervous nail-biter, maybe? “Just…worried.” His voice is level, but you could feel the anxiety nestled deep within from the sharp staccato of his fingers against the windowsill. Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. “I’ve never been gone this long from Amity Park before. It tends to…attract a lot of annoying ghosts, and it’s up to me to make sure their trouble doesn’t get too out of hand.”
“Ah. Define trouble.”
Danny laughs. “It depends on which ghost it is, I guess. Some of the regulars honestly just want to annoy me. There’s the Box Ghost—yeah that’s literally what he calls himself, he controls boxes, no I am not making this up—who should really learn to just stay in the Zone already. I think my record for beating him is like 15 minutes, and 10 of those minutes was just trying to find him. Skulker’s a bounty hunter that’s just dead set—pun intended—on skinning me for my pelt. I don’t know what he’s gonna do with that pelt, and at the rate things are going I don’t think I’ll ever find out. I’ve probably destroyed more of his robot suits than anyone else.”
Some of his rogues want to skin him? Huh. Maybe Constantine should be more concerned about how nonchalant Danny is when describing all of this. “If you got regulars, then that means you also got ghosts that only come in sometimes, right?”
“Yeah…” Danny raked a hand through his hair. “It’s part of the reason why I’m so worried. Those kinds of ghosts have been coming up at an alarming rate recently. Like, the last ghost I dealt with was this guy named Undergrowth. He’s big, green, looks like a giant weed, and is pretty much able to control all plant life. He took control of the entire town and essentially enslaved everyone using mind vines. I literally had to develop a new powerset just to fight him.”
“Huh. Must be tough, having to fight all this on your own.” 
“It is, yeah…but I’m not alone. My friends help me.”
Constantine lowers his feet to the floor. He scoots up to the edge of his ratty old sofa and pats down the spot next to him. “Friends? That’s good, at least. Tell me about them.”
“Well…” Danny let out a sharp exhale, eyes wavering between the window and the empty spot on the couch as if deciding where he’d be more comfortable being at. Eventually, he pushes himself away from the window and tentatively sits down on the couch, fingers drumming against the burgundy cushions. “There’s Sam and Tucker. I’ve known Tucker since forever ago, but the two of us became friends with Sam back in middle school. They were there with me when I, well, became this. And ever since then, they’ve been helping me fight all the ghosts that’ve been coming through the portal.”
There’s a smile on Danny’s lips as he talks about them. Soft but bright. A flash of teeth every time he has to hold back a laugh whenever he suddenly remembers a funny story. He talks about Tucker’s genius with technology, Sam’s interest in the occult,  and how the two of them have a running argument regarding their food preferences. He goes into anecdotes about their adventures, and how so many of Danny’s own victories couldn’t have been done without their help.
“Sounds like you trust them,” Constantine said.
“With my life.” There’s an air of gravity in the way Danny said those words. As if they were an unwavering truth of the universe.
He placed a comforting hand on Danny’s shoulder. “Then trust that they’ll be able to hold down the fort until you get back.”
Danny’s eyes widened a fraction, before he hung his head low, smiling sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Suddenly finding himself feeling very awkward at this almost-tender moment, Constantine slapped his knees once and pushed himself off the couch. “Well, best stop your worrying for now, kid. Come on, grab your jacket. Let's go get some Nando’s.”
Danny’s brows scrunched up in confusion. “The heck is Nando’s?”
“Oh you poor, poor, American. Come on, let me introduce you to the wonders that is peri peri chicken.”
Trouble often found Constantine like maggots to a corpse. But maybe this time, he didn’t mind Trouble so much. 
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count-alucard-tepes · 10 months
OPs get a call on the Den Den from SO.
"Hey babe! I'm in town and thought I'd get something to eat. You want me to bring you something?"
Kizaru ✨: “…I’ll have whatever you’re having, love”
Akainu🌋: “…something spicy like curry”
Ryokugyu 🌱: “you know I haven’t eaten in years, love…just get your ass back home so we can cuddle”
Fujitora 🐅: “I’m already having soba right now…get whatever you like though”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: “…could you get some cookies for tea time? We’re all out”
Doflamingo Donquixote🦩: “…can I have you with a side of no clothes? Just kidding, I want chicken nuggets”
Benn Beckman 🔫: “…coffee and a bagel”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: “…the biggest chocolate donut you can find”
Killer🔪: “…something with pasta”
Kaido🐉: “…anything with meat is fine with me”
King 👑 : “nothing, love…I already made dinner…come home soon”
Queen👑: “…red bean buns!”
Izou🔫🔫: “…just some bubble milk tea, love”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: “…a Cuban sandwich”
Oven Charlotte 🍞: “I’m not hungry, love…I ate like 15 croissants already”
Buggy🤡: “…a slice of strawberry shortcake”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: “…pineapple with chili powder”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: “…get me a burger and fries…and a chocolate milkshake”
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: “buffalo wings, please and thank you!”
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: “…crab legs…lots of them”
Gecko Moria🦇: “…just get me a bottle of wine, love”
Iceburg💜: “tonkatsu and curry with rice
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: “…wait, just ask the chefs to cook for you! I don’t want peasant food!”
Rob Lucci🐆: “…tacos with chicken”
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gloryride · 10 months
Tagged by @rosapexa and @breezypunk ♥♥ thanks both !
Two tags for the Pink Queen !
Tumblr media
-- Name --
Vanessa Rosalina Vergara-Serrano. Couldn't make it longer !
-- Nickname --
Vaness or Nessa for friends usually. V is only professionnal, or people only knowing me by reputation. Heywood people calls me La Espina, and i always love this name, more than V ! Valentin loves to call me Princesse with his lovely french accent !
-- Gender --
Cis Female
-- Star Sign --
Born in April 16, i'm a fire Aries !
-- Height--
what you're a doc ? pff ... 1m70, or 5"6 if you want
-- Orientation --
Bisexual, both is always good !
-- Nationality/Ethnicity --
American, but my mother (and her family) is Mexican, and my father is Cuban !
-- Fave Fruit --
Strawberry and cherries !
-- Fave Season --
SUMMER ! who doesn't like sun and heat ? i LOVE that ! want to live in bikini and go to the pool under sun !
-- Fave Flower --
Rose, of couse. Pink or red, please.
-- Fave Scent --
The scent of baked cake, my mother's still-warm chilaquiles or Mama Welles. The scent of fresh sheets to jump into and curl up with. The scent of Monoï, because it smells like summer. And roses, of course!
-- Coffee, tea or hot chocolate --
Coffee, and chocolate. No tea for me !
-- Average hours of sleep --
I try to sleep 8 hours per night, but that's chaotic. Some nights are 5, others are 10, but i need to sleep or i'm not in mood. And if i'm not, don't approach me.
-- Dog or Cat person --
Love both but always prefered cats, and i'm happy to find Nibbles. I'm a cat mom now.
-- Dream trip --
Valentin always promised me to go to Paris ♥ so i can't wait !
-- Favorite fictional character --
Dunno, i love just badass women in movies and telenovel.... huh ? no i didn't say telenovelas, i don't watch them !
-- Number of blankets they sleep with --
Only one, and sometimes i remove it because it's too hot. Valentin is also a nice warm blanket, he's hot ya know *wink*
-- Random fact --
If i'm known to wear pink and having pink hair, some people never saw me with ... blue hair ! When i started working as escort, i wanted to dye my dark hair to look classy. Ya know i saw many corpo girls with blue hair and thought was really fancy. Was like that for 3 years and honestly ? i was pretty with. Can show you a pic one day if you're nice !
tagging (no pressure of course) : @fereldanwench @a-pirate @cinnamon-mey @morganlefaye79 @chevvy-yates
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pardonmydelays · 8 months
fav lyrics from carnaval del barrio?
i love this one so much... honestly, seeing it live in theatre changed my life. that was the moment... my favourite lyrics (once again, not easy to pick just three because it's such a long song):
my mom is dominican-cuban, my dad is from chile & p.r. which means... i'm chile-domini-curican... but i always say i'm from queens! - the delivery of this one, IT'S SO FUCKING CUTE!
vanessa, don't pretend that usnavi's your friend, we all know that he loooooooooove you.../now that you mention that sexual tension is easy to see!/yo, this is bogus!/haven't you notice you get all your coffee for free? - you gotta love this one i also want all my coffee for free usnavi pls marry me
yo yo yo! now now, everyone gather round, sit down, listen, i got an announcement, wow, it involves large amounts, it's somewhere in the range of ninety six thousand! atencion, i'm closing shop, sonny, grab everybody a soda-pop! yo, grab a bottle, kiss it up to god, cause abuela claudia just won the lotto! ABUELA CLAUDIA WON THE LOTTO, WE'RE BOOKING A FLIGHT TO D.R. TOMORROW!!!!! - i hope you can see me rapping this one while i'm typing-
everything changes today, usnavi's on his way, off to a better place, LOOK AT VANESSA'S FACE! - no because it always makes me laugh
hold up, wait a minute, usnavi's leaving us for the dominican republic? & benny went & stole the girl that i'm in love with? she was my babysitter first! - i love sonny, ok?
maybe you're right sonny, call in the coroners, maybe we're powerless, a corner full of foreigners, maybe this neighbourhood's changing forever, maybe tonight is our last night together, hOwEvA, how do you want to face it? do you wanna waste it, when the end is so close you can taste it? y'all could cry with your head in the sand, i'm a fly this flag that i got in my hand! - idk i can't decide i love this one so much AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
from puerto rico to santo domingo, wherever we go, we rep our people & the beat go - i broke so many rules already shit i can't stop typing
vanessa, forget about what could've been, dance with me one last night in the hood again!/WEPA! - ok, i'm gonna stop right here
bonus: i'm just gonna give you the reunion concert video cause this is already too long lol
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
hi lemon! i’m here reporting for nice ass(k) week!
first off: this quote in your bio. love happens in a series of bursts and inches, and it is worth convincing the brain to do the work the heart is already capable of.
is this your quote or someone else’s?
also i know you love music. i do too, but have a very basic taste but love finding new music. do you have any recommendations? i’m pretty open to whatever!
do you drink coffee? if so what’s your coffee (or tea if you’re one of those non coffee drinkers) order? i love asking people how they take it!
Hi Rachel!! Thank you for your inquiry 🍑
I wish that quote was mine!! It is from Hanif Abdurraqib, who is one of my favorite writers and also just one of my favorite people in general. We share so many common values and I love his perspective so much (except for cheese. I cannot support this man’s cheese agenda). This quote is from an instagram story he posted talking about one of his favorite Frightened Rabbit songs.
Speaking of music and Hanif, I actually discovered his writing when I was listening to one of my favorite rappers, Loyle Carner, talk about his favorite rappers and he recommended Hanif’s book of essays, Go Ahead in the Rain, which is a love letter to A Tribe Called Quest. Who is one of my favorite rap groups, so I had to go buy and read the book immediately!
I am sure your music taste isn’t basic!! Mine is very, very eclectic! I make playlists for most of my fics, you can find them on Spotify here! I will make a list of some specific recommendations below!
For coffee, yes I am obsessed (but I don’t do caffeine for health reasons 🙈). I like just regular drip coffee with oat milk as a creamer, but I don’t like that burnt rubber coffee like Sbux. I want it to be strong and smooth! If I’m ordering espresso I love a nice cappuccino but generally I’ll go for an oat milk latte. Or a golden milk (Owen Strand core). I also really, really love tea. My favorite is Lady Gray, but I love a nice ginger or chai or Twinings buttermint. I love going to fancy tea houses!
Okay! Music recs! I will start with a few of my favorite albums from last year and then a few I’m looking forward to this year.
Kali Uchis - Red Moon in Venus (pop, Latin pop)
Recommended tracks: I Wish You Roses, Fantasy, Como Te Quiero Yo, Endlessly, Blue
Yussef Dayes - Black Classical Music (JAZZ)
Recommended tracks: Afro Cubanism, Rust, Pon di Plaza
Gabriels- Angels & Queens (Soul)
Recommended tracks: Taboo, Remember Me, Love & Hate at a Different Time
Tekno - The More The Better (Afrobeats, pop)
Recommended tracks: Peppermint, Peace of Mind, Regina
Captain Planet - Sounds Like Home (Brazilian Funk)
Recommended tracks: Destello, Moqueca, Kité Soufè
Drama - Till We Die (Funk, house)
Recommended tracks: Drama, Tighten it Up
June Freedom - 7 Seas (Afrobeats, pop)
Recommended tracks: Messi, Diana
KAROL G - Mañana Será Bonito (pop, Latin pop, raggeton)
Kali Uchis - Orquídeas (Pop, Latin pop) this one is coming on Friday and I am going to be VERY annoying about it!!
NewDad - MADRA (lo-fi, indie pop)
Yard Act - Where’s My Utopia (Brit pop, indie rock)
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tiny-maus-boots · 1 year
Queen of Hearts pt 16
A/N: coming back to an oldie but goodie for the moment.
The Bump
Aubrey paced the length of Flo’s living room with slow heavy steps as she replayed every moment of the last 12 hours. She went over every random choice and deliberate decision she had made with critical judgment just trying to pinpoint the moment she had screwed up so badly it had brought them all here to this moment. Chloe came down the hall with her head bowed and shoulders slumped, rubbing her face with her too pale hands. 
“I need a minute.”
The blonde woman gave a single nod and backed up a step and headed for the kitchen. She wasn’t familiar with Flo’s house but she didn’t have to search hard for what she needed. For a second she considered using one of the Cuban coffee pods arranged neatly in a display rack but figured Doc Beale would need to sleep eventually. Aubrey grabbed a couple of mugs and dropped tea bags into them.
The ritual of making tea calmed her in a way that pacing had not. Whatever she had told Stacie before had not prepared her for actually needing to pick her fiancée up at the police station. Especially after they had found Happy gasping softly for her last breaths. Pain and fury blazed hot in her chest and her hands shook with the effort to contain it all. 
"Is that tea?"
Aubrey looked up with a start and nodded at Chloe. She hardly knew what to expect. If she lost Happy… 
"Stacie in the shower?" Aubrey nodded again and slid a mug across the counter to the other woman. "Let's talk."
It was final sounding and Aubrey found herself almost hoping that Chloe would tell her she was out. Done. Cutting ties. And as much as she needed and valued Chloe…she would let her go. 
"Is Happy going to live?"
Chloe took her time removing the tea bag from her mug and adding honey before she spoke. Her voice seemed as tired as Aubrey felt. 
"Yes. But with complications. There is some nerve damage I suspect. Won't be able to tell until she's healed some and is ambulatory. And that. That's going to take time. Flo is sitting with her now." 
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I don't know if she will regain use of her right arm again, or walk properly. I closed 8 distinct stab wounds. She's going to be on a cornucopia of medication and physical therapy probably for the rest of her life. She has a long road ahead of them."
Aubrey's heart dropped to her stomach then gave a sickening lurch. Just then Stacie's reassuring warmth settled against her back. It brought her a comfort she didn't feel she deserved to have. Stacie’s still damp hair tickled her ear when their heads came together in a silent show of support for one another.
She would fix this somehow. Whatever it took. Chloe was watching her over the rim of her mug. Aubrey raised a brow in question but the doctor held her silence without the slightest indication that she was ready to talk. Aubrey took that to mean that Doc Beale was waiting to see how she would respond to this new information. 
"I need to know exactly what happened today." 
Stacie untangled herself from Aubrey and reached for the blonde's abandoned mug on the counter. Her fingers traced a thin gray vein in the slab of white marble almost absently as she recalled the events of a long night that wasn't nearly over. 
"I don't really know what happened Bree. It all went so fast." 
The blonde acknowledged that with a nod and reached out to give the other woman's shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"It's okay. Start from the beginning and we'll figure it out together."
Stacie gave herself a slight shake to clear her head and sighed. 
"Your drug guy, whoever he is, he gave the right info. Happy and I found Kodie at his place in Harborfront. It’s a pretty exclusive community which seems right for who he is but…” Stacie frowned and hesitated. Whatever she was struggling with she didn’t say. “I don’t know. It’s just a nice place, well maintained and secure. Neither of us expected any trouble.”
Aubrey knew the place. It was pretty swank and it was close enough to the port to make it easy for Kodie Grant to keep an eye on. There was no way a security guard’s salary could afford a place like that but she assumed Kodie was either using family money to pay for it or he had an off the books kind of side gig. She was betting on the latter. 
“Did anything seem off to you? Anything, even if you don’t think it’s important.”
Stacie raised her head, lip caught between her teeth as she considered. 
“Yeah. It was quiet. Too quiet for the time of day it was. There should have been more people around. Not even like people were in their condos but like the entire floor was empty.” Stacie shook her head. “It’s stupid. I can’t possibly know that. It was just a weird vibe I got.”
It was instinct and over the years Aubrey had learned to trust hers. She turned her head to ask Happy to run that down and find out who lived on the same floor as Kodie but she was suddenly reminded that Happy wasn’t there. It took the wind out of her lungs like a punch to the gut and just for a moment Aubrey felt lost. Chloe sensed her struggle and took out her phone.
“I’ll text Detective Mitchell and have her check it out.”
She nodded her thanks without even questioning the fact that Doc somehow had Beca’s phone number and was comfortable texting her. There wasn’t any time to focus on that but she filed it away for later, only the thoughtful look on her face giving away that she’d caught the slip. 
“So then what happened?”
“It all went really fast from there. I told Happy to wait by the elevator while I got Kodie to open the door but when I knocked the door just pushed open and I saw him there on the floor. God, Bree…he was still alive.” She shuddered and Aubrey wrapped her arms around the tall woman. “I tried to put pressure, or, hold the cut closed but his neck…”
Stacie looked like she was lost in the memory of the moment and couldn’t see past the nightmare she had experienced. Aubrey gave her a gentle squeeze, reminding her that it was over and she wasn’t alone now.
“Happy must have heard me scream…I’m not really sure. My back was to the door so I didn’t see it. I just heard her and when I turned to ask for help…” Stacie had to stop and rub her eyes hoping to erase the images burned in her mind. “Some thug, Jesus Christ… he was right behind her and she didn’t even notice. I don’t know what happened after that, they fought, and he would have killed her if she hadn’t managed to get a shot off. I think. I know I heard it and his head…”
That didn’t seem right. She had checked Happy’s gear when Doc had cut it off her. She hadn’t cleared her holster and the safety was still on. There hadn’t been enough time for her to draw in that close of a struggle. 
“And then?”
“And then I don’t know. Alice was there. She was all over me, I got slammed to the ground and cuffed before I could say a word.”
Hm. Too convenient. Too heavy handed. Too…Alice. Aubrey shook her head and paced the length of the small galley style kitchen. In the back of her mind she was aware of the little things. The bright yellow curtains, the cheerful ceramic mushroom salt and pepper shakers, and dinner for two left uneaten. Happy and Flo had been expecting an entirely different end to their day and it pained her to know she was responsible for that being taken away from them. 
“Alice did this. She knew we were on to Grant’s kid somehow and had to tie up loose ends. It was a trap, and I let you and Happy walk right into it. I’m so sorry Stacie, this is all my fault. I gotta think…” 
A quiet unease had settled in her stomach and she wondered where the leak had come from. Beca? Or was it Lou? She and Lou Divine had a long history, longer than the one she’d had with Detective Mitchell. She had known Lou when he was still using his deadname Luz Divina and a part of her couldn’t even fathom that he would turn on her now. Not with their history. But to think that Detective Mitchell had chosen to work with Alice? That was impossible. 
She hoped.
Right now she wasn’t sure who she could trust. Chloe must have sensed what she was thinking because the cold façade of clinical detachment fell and her expressive blue eyes filled with emotion. 
“Someone sold us out.”
Us. Not you. Somewhere along the line Chloe stopped counting herself as outside the family. A faint smile tugged the corners of her lips but it turned grim as she remembered what was happening. Stacie moved closer and wrapped her arms around Aubrey once again.
“Do you know who?”
“I have some ideas but I need confirmation first before I seal the leak.”
“So what do we do?” Stacie gestured to herself and Chloe expecting that they would both have something to do to help. “Do we call in backup?”
The silence was long before she finally cleared her throat to speak. She wanted to tell them both to run and hide and stay away until the dust settled. Hell, a part of her wanted to run and hide too. Her dad’s voice drifted through her mind and she straightened her vest and smoothed her tie. Take the hit, kiddo, then hit back harder.
She could do that. Alice picked a fight with the wrong bully in the school yard. Again This time it was going to bury her. Perhaps even literally. 
“Stay here and help Flo. She’s going to need someone. Doc, as much as I hate putting you there, you have to go back to work. So far no one else knows you’re with us, if you change your behavior now they’ll catch a clue. I’ll send Hap…”
Stacie and Chloe found somewhere else to look while she faltered again at the loss of her right hand man. Aubrey swallowed hard, willing the tremors of grief threatening to make her lose her control to stop.
“I’ll send Lil as soon as she gets back from an errand I sent her on. Just go about your business as usual. You’ll never know she’s there but I promise she’ll have eyes on you everywhere you go. Keep the burner on you, if I call you gotta be prepared to move fast.”
Chloe looked started but she nodded and wrapped her arms around herself. She had plenty of people she could send to watch over Chloe but a dozen people wouldn’t be as good as one Lilly. She needed someone she could trust to watch the Doc, someone that wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever had to be done to protect her. 
“What about you? Where are you going?”
“I need to talk to Lou. He owes me answers.”
“Not alone you’re not.” Stacie’s voice held just enough alarm that Aubrey gave a nod of agreement. “Take Beca with you if she can shake Esposito.”
“Alice won’t be out for long. She’s got backing, she won’t need the local police to cooperate with her case if she thinks she can tie me to something that gives her jurisdiction. She’ll want to finish what she started here so as soon as we can move Happy we’ll get her and Flo to the safe house in Riverside.”
Aubrey lifted the leg of her trousers and took her back up piece out of the holster and placed it in Stacie’s hands. They shared a look and Aubrey desperately wished she had the words to make everything okay. But she didn’t. And Stacie wasn’t asking for any platitudes. Aubrey cupped the brunette’s face, her thumbs ghosting along the other woman’s jaw in a light caress before she kissed her with a gentle passion. Just in case it was the last one for a while. 
“Don’t open the door if anyone knocks, don’t go out. If you need me…”
“I won’t. We’ll be okay, you just take care of business.”
Oh she would. She definitely would.
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aquamanandfriends · 9 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: Rafael Antonio Vazquez ► NICKNAME: Raffy, Raf ► TITLE(S): Dad, Husband, Coach, Olympic Gold Medalist ► AGE: 48 (I play him from high school up) ► SPECIES: human ► SEX: male ► NATIONALITY: Cuban, first generation American ► INTERESTS: do his girls count???? His daughters and his perfect wife are his everything. Dance, travel when he can, he likes watching Forensic Files with his youngest daughter and Doctor Who with his oldest. Teaching, he actually really loves being able to invest his skills in a younger generation. Raf likes to do work around the house and feel useful, he's creative and once he had an idea in his head it's hard to stop him from doing it. ► PROFESSION: competitive dancer all the way up until the first Olympics that recognized dance until he broke his leg, then he worked a building maintenance and eventually became a personal competitive dance coach when he and his wife opened their dance studio ► BODY TYPE: athletic fit when he was younger, now he does his best to stay fit for his wife but he's struggled with a little dad bod from time to time ► EYES: brown ► HAIR: fluffy and brown, he never lets it get too long ► POSTURE: relaxed at home but perfect from on the dance floor or when coaching, most students of his have never seen him slouch ► HEIGHT: 5′ 11″ ► VOICE: I mean... Pedro cause god ► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: he loves Jams World button ups, those dorky dad flowery Hawaiian shirts, he's all over them. He bought one while he and his wife were competing and it became his signature style. Raf will either be in one of those and some jeans or a casual soft polo ► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: @thestoriesincoffeestains Carmen dancing queen Rodriguez Vazquez, his heart and soul ► COMPANIONS: like friends? Emmett, Liam, can he count Mallory? Maybe when he's older... ► ANTAGONISTS: anyone who comes at Carmen for her weight or something stupid, anyone who says he can't do something, for a little while his coach, anyone who has eyes on his daughters ► STRENGTHS: he's good a breaking tension, making people feel comfortable and getting them to laugh. Raf is a good teacher, he's patient and caring, he's always been extremely resilient. Anything that comes at him he's able to take in stride. He is humble but confident and always pushes himself to be better. ► WEAKNESSES: he can be quiet and have pretty bad thought spirals if he's not careful. It's rare but when Raf has an opinion on something he doesn't back down and that can be to his detriment. His wife, his wife and daughters are a huge weakness and strength but he can be blind when it comes to them and over protective. Depending on how you say weakness, cuban coffee for sure ► FRUITS: he loves tangerines, peaches, dates, kiwis, mango ► DRINKS: cuban coffee, sprite, water ► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: sangria, tequila, whiskey, sake, he likes drinks with a kick ► SMOKES: occasionally, when he's stressed or wants to feel close to his late father he smokes ► DRUGS: he was on pain killers after he broke his leg but he was able to wean off them just fine. Very rarely he'll have a gummy or an edible with his wife to relax ► DRIVER’S LICENSE: yes
tagged by @goxinsane
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define ‘noun’
TW: discussion of child loss, implications of poor mental health
A/N: an exploration of That One Line from ‘Ballad’. Sort of a Marley character study I wrote while brooding and I accidentally liked so. Here you go.
He was a father for thirteen days.
Thirteen. The entire length of his fatherhood could fit into the span of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the cold war escalation of miscommunication and silent stares nestling neatly into his memories of that time. His time as a father lasted one day longer than Pope Urban VII's papacy, and one day shorter than Eleanor, Queen of Navarre's reign. Thirteen days. Three hundred and twelve hours. A small number in the grand scheme of things. You could count to three hundred and twelve if you felt so inclined. A drop in the bucket. Thirteen days.
Thirteen. A number. Numbers, he can follow, but they've always been more Ellen's thing than his own. Now Marley, Marley likes words. Words are something he understands. Words are something he *knows*. There were few men in London that knew words like he did. A speech given one way can calm a crowd. The same speech said in a slightly different way could enrage it. *Friends, Romans, Countrymen...*
Words he knows. Words he understands.
There is no word for how he feels now.
On nights when he can't sleep because his mind won't let him and Ellen is a bedroom and a galaxy away, he plays Scrabble on his phone. Marley lies there, making triple word scores in the dark. With Ellen in the other room he turns the sound on, and the artificial click of the digital tiles gives him some satisfaction as he scores against witless American housewives.
He slaps down words such as 'zaxes' and 'hazy'. He vanquishes his would-be Scrabble rivals with clever quips like 'quixotry' and 'zymurgy'.
And he tries not to think about how Ellen hasn't said a word to him unrelated to work in nearly two months.
He's not sure how to define himself anymore. Not really. His words have failed him, in that he has no idea what to say to Ellen to even begin to try and reach her. She has drifted so far from anything he knows about her. He tries his best. He leaves her coffee when she isn't looking and makes elegant excuses for her even colder demeanor at the exchange. He tries to make sure she eats, even if the food goes untouched. Now you know how she feels.
He tries. He tries. But when she is not at work, she sits in silence in the apartment. She watches nothing with an unfixed eye, and will do so until she goes to bed. He knows she's not sleeping, even though they've not shared a bed since Beijing.
He's afraid of what he'd see if they did. So he keeps away.
Sometimes he can hear her wandering, those late nights where he sits there playing Scrabble. Some sick part of him thinks it’d be almost better if he could hear her crying. But he can’t. All he hears is silence.
Before this, he knew what he was. Before this, he could define himself. He was Jacob Marley. Chief Advertising Executive of the fintech firm Scrooge and Marley INC. Fourty years old. Male. Twin. Originally from Scotland. Graduate of Harrow. Graduate of Oxford. Incurable bastard. Literal bastard. Bulimic. Addict. Scorpio. He could define himself with nouns, beautiful, normal nouns that didn’t challenge his thoughts or keep him awake.
He never planned to put 'father' with them.
And then it happened. It had happened, and it was an absolute mess, but it couldn't be made to not happen at this point, at least in a sense of making it have never happened at all, so whatever choice she made he'd live with. And he'd gotten the sense almost immediately that the choice she made would lead to fatherhood. So. Okay. A new definition, he supposed. He tried not to think about it. She never said one way or the other, so he stuck his head in the sand like a well dressed ostrich and tried to pretend that everything was normal. He tried to pretend that all was well. He's gotten very used to smiling through his fears, so he did as he always did. He danced to take away the attention from her, and when he finished he lay in wait like a remora in the wake of a shark. *Tell me what to do, Elle. Tell me, and I'll do it.*
He smiles and he worries and he catches himself making plans for a university fund.
And then it had unhappened.
And now where was he meant to put that word?
Aerie. Noun. An eagle's nest located on a cliff. Five points.
There is a word for a man with no child. A man.
Faquir. Noun. Any Muslim or Hindu man. Seventeen points.
There is a word for a child with no parent. An orphan.
Tell me what to do, Elle. Tell me, and I'll do it. Come back and tell me how to fix this.
Syzygy. Noun. An alignment of three heavenly bodies. Twenty one points.
There is no word for a father with no child.
The person he's playing against in Scrabble places 'generational'. Thirteen point word.
He closes his phone and stares at the ceiling until dawn comes.
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mollydsails · 8 months
February 6 - Molly D spent one night in Marathon prior to making the final leg of our winter journey to Key West. We were scheduled to spend two nights in Marathon, but adverse weather kept Molly D in No Name Harbor an extra day. The Safe Harbor Marina in Marathon has a strict 72 hour cancellation policy. We cancelled one of the two planned nights inside of 72 hours of our arrival date. We had to pay for two nights. Crappy policy!
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Molly D docked in Marathon
On February 1, Molly D travelled the 40+ miles into Key West. Molly D travels the Hawk Channel down the Keys as opposed to traveling further offshore. Hawk Channel has plenty of water depth, but it also has an overabundance of crab pots. David and I have to constantly keep our eyes open for these crab pots. The buoys marking the crab pots are round and smaller than a kickball. Fortunately, the buoys are usually painted in colors that can be seen easily.
David and I breathe a sign of relief at our first sighting of the Key West mainland. We are nearing our cruise destination, and we feel that our 1600 mile journey from Connecticut was worth everything that we endured along the way. Well, almost.
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Key West!!!!
Molly D is occupying the same slip that she had last year. She is front and center to the Marina’s live webcam.
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Molly D arrived in Key West on a Thursday, which happens to be the day of the farmer’s market held at the Truman Waterfront Park. Time for some fresh veggies and a cup of freshly made watermelon juice. So good!
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The fruit and vegetable stand at the farmers’ market.
Sarah and Chris arrived in Key West on the 2nd. As is the tradition, we had half price appetizers and happy hour drinks at The Boathouse.
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Interior of The Boathouse
Sarah and Chris’ favorite coffee place is Cuban Coffee Queen. One of the shop’s location is adjacent to the harbor walk. We met up with them there. An old, rusty pickup truck nearby is decorated with stickers that random people have adhered to the truck. There is a sticker from the Penny Patch candy shop in Provincetown somewhere on the truck. We did not find it.
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Sticker covered pickup truck near the harbor walk.
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It wouldn’t be Key West without a manatee hanging out near the marina docks.
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A famous Key West sunset.
Today (February 6) Key West has been buffeted with high winds in the neighborhood of 26+ knots. All. Day. Long. The Galleon Marina sits behind a breakwater which has helped to keep nearly all of the harbor’s wave action away from Molly D. We also have a tall, beefy powerboat on Molly D’s starboard side serving as a wind break. Amen. Our friends on Sol A Maya are anchored off Fleming Key. They have been subjected to both the waves and the wind all day long. No getting off the boat. Not fun at all. I bet they will be elated to get off the boat tomorrow when the wind dies down.
Today is Sarah and Chris’ last full day in Key West. Today we had lunch at the Waterside Brewery. We met up again for the sunset along the waterfront. It’s been great having them around!
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Wind blown family photo op.
Tomorrow we will say goodbye to Sarah and Chris. 😢. On Sunday, our friends Frank and Mo will arrive in Key West to spend a couple of days aboard Molly D. Life is great!
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rig-bee · 9 months
Sneaky Links
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Context: Namora belongs to a friend of mine (Yanna), Sammy and Divina Diaz are my characters
Fandoms: MHA, Spiderverse
TW: Drinking, smoking, grinding, petnames, unsafe sex, cunnilingus, oral sex
A/N: Sammy and Divina are Afro-Latina fyi
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Namora sighed as she laid down in her queen-sized bed, a sigh emitting from her throat as her mattress shifted with her weight. She was completely exhausted after today, being on a full patrol and dropping Keon off at Keigo's. The two heroes were still separated, especially after Kiego's alleged cheating. And her alleged revenge cheating.
She dryly stared up at the ceiling as she thought over the past couple of months. Kiego cheating. Her cheating back. Thier on and off again relationship. Having to explain to her two-year-old son why he had to see mommy for two weeks and daddy for two weeks.
Bullshit. It was utterly bullshit.
The publicity hero turned over to the side, grabbing her phone and deciding to pass the time slowly ticking away. Instagram was her go-to when she wanted to pass the time, catching up on her friend's life. Funny memes, something for her to stare at as her eyelids slowly go lower and lower over time.
As she opened up Instagram, the first thing to pop up on her screen was Samny's story, Dvina's slightly younger brother. She knew Divina was on a family vacation with her now husband Miguel O'Hara and their two children, so she also knew Sammy was most likely at home smoking dope or working on cars. The only things he did were either smoke, work on cars, or watch his niece and nephew. Nothing else.
Curiosity got to the best of her, clicking on his story and watching it with great intent. The Cuban man had his feet kicked up on his coffee table, showing his freshly rolled blunt held in his tattooed hand. Her eyes traveled down the silver chain decorating his wrist, a chain she was familiar with when it came to Sammy.
All he ever wore was silver jewelry, earrings, chains, and rings. It was one of the reasons she started wearing silver accessories so damn much.
Bit by bit, she watched his story, softly smiling as he peeked into his life. Namora was one of the few people Sammy followed, peering into each other's personal lives—her life as a hero, his life as a stoner and a mechanic.
It wasn't until a notification popped up on her phone that she stopped daydreaming, and surpise, surprise.
It was Sammy.
D.S.2035: Hey chiquita. i see u watchin my stories
Namoa playfully rolled her eyes, opening his message and texting him back.
MoraMora: You stalking me? D.S.2035: would that b a problem?
Namora couldn't help but chuckle, rolling her bright blue eyes. "Oh my god…"
MoraMora: Not necessarily. I think your sister would kill you. Or Miguel D.S.2035: aint nobody scared of that giant she call a fuckin husband. Nigga aint bulletproof.
Namora burst out in laughter, cackling as she texted him back.
MoraMora: Vina gon kill you D.S.2035: Vina can kiss my ass. I watch her damn kids. soeaking of which, its kinda lonely now that the kids aint here MoraMora: really? D.S.2035: yea. kinda miss Ana badass
MoraMora: She aint tht bad. she just curious D.S.2035: curious my ass. anyway, wyd rn MoraMora: chillin at home. D.S.2035: where keon? or yo nigga MoraMora: keon with Kei. and me and him taking a break rn D.S.2035: u always a damn break with his bum ass MoraMora: you aint any better Sam D.S.2035: naw, but I know to leave my women happy
She immediately paused at his text, her stomach flipping just a bit. Sammy was known to be a little, flirtatious, but she knew he was trouble. Divina had gone into deep detail on how many women her brother managed to knock up or how many failed relationships he had from not caring about a damn thing. He was bad news, and she knew. But…at the same time, she didnt seem to care much. Sammy was sexy, hot, and a little dangerous. Plus, it's not like she was cheating on anyone. They were on a break…and she was just having fun.
MoraMora: is that so? D.S.2035: mhm. you want a demonstration?
Namora's stomach flipped as he texted back, her teeth finding her bottom lip.
MoraMora: boy stop playing with me D.S.2035: good thing i aint playin Mora. bring ya fine ass over and come smoke wit me MoraMora: you know damn well you aint tryna jus smoke D.S.2035: and you know damn well you wanna see what else im tryna do
Namora, bit her lip once more, her thighs squishing together as she thought about smoking with Sammy. Occasionally, she would come over with Divina and smoke with him, with Sammy sending her glances every now and then. The two had never hung out alone without Divina knowing, so this would be the first time,
MoraMora: D would kill us D.S.2035: she aint gotta know ma
Ma. That stupid fucking nickname. Namora decided that fuck it, she needed a good stress reliever anyway. Plus …not like anyone would ever know. Sammy was a reserved guy, keeping his business and his information kept and quiet. She needed a guy like that right about now.
MoraMora: whats ur addy?
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maximuswolf · 2 years
Timemore C2 Appreciation Post
Timemore C2 Appreciation Post I'm normally a pour-over guy, and recently upgraded to an Ode Gen 2 for my V60's. I got the updated C2 with the foldable handle off Amazon just for fun, and to have for travel/backup. I've been mind blown...I've tried 3 different coffees now with my usual V60 technique, enjoyed the light roast (The Roasterie - Costa Rica Don Quijote LT) much more at 15 clicks than any setting I've tried on my Ode, and the other two (a dark by "2 Queens" and medium espresso roast by "The Roasterie") were both in the same ballpark...just different.Where this has truly shined is the finer range (~6-12 clicks) listed for espresso. That's something I know my Ode isn't designed to do, and while I don't do Espresso, it has changed my Moka Pot game 1000%. That's the one style I haven't been able to get the results I've wanted, and this grinder is killing it. I've only done cuban Cafecitos, but what I've sampled from the pot has been smooth and delicious. I look forward to trying a normal "Latte" and straight shots with it.Highly recommend! I'm glad it's found a place in my rotation instead of being a redundant paperweight. Submitted February 11, 2023 at 09:11PM by WrongSperm95 https://ift.tt/pQb6Zef via /r/Coffee
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icleanedthisplate · 2 years
Dine-Out Meals of January 2023, Ranked
I ranked the following based on taste alone. I made no consideration for ambiance or the general dining experience or whatever. I included meals I got to go. I included food trucks, catered meals, and fast food.
I always eat well in January, which is my birthday month. This year I celebrated in New Orleans. These top two are probably end-of-year competitors.
Should you be interested in the pictures or reading the few words I had to say about each meal, click on the home page and scroll down or see the archives.
Fried Spanish Mackerel, Roasted Carrots, Carrot Sticky Toffee Pudding. Peche. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.19.2023.
Chicken, Spinach & Artichoke Sandwich w/Broccoli, Coconut Cream Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake (Shared Pies). Town House Café. Harrison, Arkansas. 1.5.2023.
Pork Belly & Fried Oyster App (shared), Sugarcane Duck Breast. Gris-Gris. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.21.2023.
Couyon Daddy, Cat Daddy Biscuit (Shared All). Bearcat Cafe (Freret). New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.22.2023.
Cheese & Charcuterie Board (shared), Allsopp’s House Salad, Redfish, Dark Chocolate Flourless Cake. Allsopp & Chapple. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.14.2023.
Chashu-Glazed Pork Belly, Escargot, Sake-Cured Salmon Tartine. N7. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.20.2023.
Chicken Wing Appetizer Special (Shared), Big Bend Tortilla Soup, Rotisserie Chicken Chop Salad. Redrock Canyon Grill. Wichita, Kansas. 1.23.2023.
Filet Mignon, Grilled Veggies, Five-Layer Lemon Cake. Firebirds. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2023.
Devils on Horseback, Xiong Mao Noodle. Bearcat Cafe (Freret). New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.18.2023.
Cuban Ceviche, Broken Noodle Salad (Shared All). Carmo. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.20.2023.
BLT-AE Sandwich w/Grilled Veggies, Jolly Green Juice. HomeGrown. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2023.
Boudin Boulettes, Grilled Chicken Cobb Salad. Kingfish. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.17.2023.
Chopped Salmon Salad. Cheers. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.16.2023.
Petit Jean Ranch Salad (to go). Zaza Fine Salad & Wood Oven Pizza Co. Conway, Arkansas. 1.3.2023.
Gumbo. The Oyster Bar. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.12.2023.
Beef Debris, Deviled Farm Eggs (Shared All). Justine. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.21.2023.
Vegetarian Patty Melt w/French Fries. Blue Sage Vegan Bistro. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.30.2023.
Cheeseburger. The Root Cafe. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.10.2023. (No Photo)
Seared Redfish w/Garlic Grits, Green Beans & Crawfish Etouffee Sauce. Maddie’s Place. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.11.2023.
Peck’s Special Salad. Trio’s. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.13.2023.
Raw Oysters (Shared). Basin. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.21.2023.
Queso Diablo (shared), Tortilla Soup, Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Shrimp. Abuelo’s. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2023.
Hawaiian Pizza (Shared). Papa John’s. Branson, Missouri. 1.5.2023. (No photo.)
Grilled Octopus, Crispy Braised Ribs. Cane & Table. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.18.2023.
Chicken & Andouille Gumbo (Shared). Queen & Crescent Hotel. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.20.2023.
Chicken Salad Sandwich w/Fried Okra, Strawberry Rhubarb Pie a la Mode. Amish Country Store & Restaurant. Muskogee, Oklahoma. 1.26.2023.
Harvest Cobb w/Turkey, Stuffed Pepper Soup. Blackberry Market. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.9.2023.
Conference Breakfast Buffet. Royal Sonesta Hotel (Catering). New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.19.2023.
Conference Lunch Buffet. Royal Sonesta Hotel (Catering). New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.19.2023.
Shared Pizzas (Hawaiian, Margherita, Italian Sausage w/Veggies). Old Mill Pizza. North Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.2.2023.
Bagel & Lox. Mylo Coffee Co. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.12.2023.
Chicken Pesto Sandwich (?) w/Chips. Paris Baguette. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2023.
Purple Rain (Smoothie). The Big Squeezy. New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.18.2023.
Vegeterian Enchiladas. La Terraza. Lake Village, Arkansas. 1.22.2023.
Egg McMuffin w/Hash Brown (to go). McDonald’s. Belle Plaine, Kansas. 1.26.2023.
Chef Salad. The Anchor. Wichita, Kansas. 1.24.2023.
Shrimp Salad. Sam’s Southern Eatery. Russellville, Arkansas. 1.23.2023.
Southwest Chicken Salad. Mel’s Hard Luck Diner. Branson, Missouri. 1.4.2023.
Turkey Club w/Chips. Lybrand’s Bakery & Deli. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 1.17.2023.
Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich. Starbucks. Wichita, Kansas. 1.25.2023.
Chicken Tenders w/Mac & Cheese, Okra. Gus’s Fried Chicken. Little Rock, Arkansas. 1.27.2023.
Conference Breakfast Buffet. Royal Sonesta Hotel (Catering). New Orleans, Louisiana. 1.20.2023.
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keywestlou · 2 years
BAD GUYS SOCIALIZE TOGETHER - https://keywestlou.com/bad-guys-socialize-together/Rules/customs govern certain relationships. One involves judges, lawyers and lay persons who might benefit from a relationship. Basic.....The three groups do not socialize. Just the way it is. These rules/customs do not seem to apply to Supreme Court justices. They did once. Now their attitudes seem to be to do what they want. Note that Supreme Court justices have no code of ethics which govern them. All other federal judges do. State and local judges also, whether by rule or custom. Chief Justice Roberts sees nothing wrong with the Supreme Court members being unfettered by rules and customs of conduct. He said, "You can trust us, we're Supreme Court justices, we know the right thing to do." Not on a stack of Bibles! Especially in view of their conduct on and off the bench in recent years. My motivation in writing about what I perceive to be a problem is a recent Christmas party. Justice Kavanaugh was at such a party thrown by Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, major Republican conservative operators. Note use of the word "operators." Guests at the party included Matt Gaetz and Stephen Miller. Not a proper ethical mix for a Supreme Court justice, regardless there is no formal code governing his conduct. Syracuse was humbled again yesterday. The Syracuse football team played against Minnesota in the Pinstripe Bowl in New York City. Syracuse did not deserve to be in the bowl. Syracuse lost 28-20. A Syracuse media outlet wrote Syracuse "sputtered midway through the second half.....like a lawn mower with a faulty engine." Hopefully, next season will be better. Gas in Key West is down to $3.51 a gallon. The Florida average is $3.12 a gallon. Everything in Key West is always more expensive. I think it is a gouging excuse rather than an expense one. Yesterday was my haircut appointment. When I arrived, no Lori. She was home sick. I was told I had been called. I do not doubt it. The call probably came in while I was showering and I never checked afterwards. So it is a haircut with Lori today. Followed by a manicure with Tammy. I had lunch yesterday at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Packed. Downtown Key West was packed. A lot of families. Thirty years ago when I first began coming to Key West, the week beginning Christmas Day and ending New Years Day was gay week. A tradition. Gays filled the town. I doubt it is the same any more. Key West has fewer gays. The families suggest a change in the nature of those visiting also. One reason is probably cost. Over the years , Key West has become increasingly expensive. The gay community opted for Miami and Fort Lauderdale where cost is considerably cheaper. Brazilian soccer legend Pele died yesterday. He was 82. Colon cancer complications caused his death. Pele is considered the greatest soccer player of all time. He racked up over 1,000 goals in his career. Brazil declared him a "national treasure" to prevent him from being traded to a European club. Snow buried Buffalo this week. The storm considered the worst ever to strike Buffalo. The British did Buffalo in during the War of 1812. Not with the assistance of nature and a winter snow storm. Rather, the Brits burned Buffalo during the War this day in 1813. Mark Meadows is going to end up doing considerable jail time if he does not straighten out. He needs to see the light of day and cooperate in the various Trump investigations. Silence will only guarantee him a long jail sentence.. It was revealed yesterday that Cassidy Hutchinson during her January 6 Committee depositions testified that she watched Meadows burn documents in the White House "roughly a dozen times." Enjoy your day!
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kingdombythe-sea · 5 years
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Best coffee on the island
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luxebeat · 2 years
Welcome to the Conch Republic!
Welcome to the Conch Republic!
You might not think that roosters, six-toed cats, Hemmingway and President Truman share anything in common. But, they do, having each called Key West home at one point or another. And some, like the roosters and cats, have become permanent denizens of this irreverent southernmost, subtropical paradise.  Located closer to Cuba than to Miami, this Florida destination is known for its colorful…
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unlockthegates · 7 years
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