#Curious Archer Hen Night
enixamyram · 6 years
What were Alice and Robin’s bachelorette/hen parties like?
Robin went traditional. Alice... Not so much.
In Hyperion Heights, Robin went out with her mother, her aunt and Sabine. The four women decided to visit some local clubs in their home town. It wasn’t exactly Regina or Zelena’s idea of fun (they certainly didn’t enjoy being hit on constantly by a bunch of sweaty dancers), but Robin seemed to like it a lot and it was her night after all. Sabine, also turned out to enjoy being able to let loose and have a laugh as well - after all, she said some of the clubs they visited were just like a type of a exotic ball! The biggest trouble they had was when Robin started a fight with a woman who made some comments about her outfit. Regina and Zelena split them up and were about to walk away when the girl called Robin a homophobic name. After they were done with her, the four women were escorted out by the bouncer and banned from returning. Robin, still quite intoxicated, found the whole thing hilarious. They ended up back at Roni’s where they nursed hot drinks to try and take off some of the hit they’d all suffer tomorrow and Regina and Zelena shared with Sabine (and a red faced Robin) some fond memories of her more juvenile years.
Meanwhile, Killian took Alice, Henry and Jacinda to the Enchanted Forest for her Hen night because she’s a Jones and they don’t do anything traditionally. Instead they spent the night on the Jolly Roger. The idea is to settle down on the ship, have some drinks, play some music from the battery operated stereo that Henry brought with and to treat the whole night like a cruise, however they ended up running into a familiar not-so-friendly face (Ahab) and were involved in a battle for the Jolly Roger and their lives. Thanks to Alice’s magic, as well as Henry, Jacinda and Killian’s swordsman skills, they were able to win the fight and get away relatively unscathed. Killian attempted to apologise to Alice for ruining her hen party with his bad reputation, however Alice reveals this was the best night she could have thought of. Because there was no greater party for her than having a real adventure with her papa. The rest of the night was spent using the Jolly Roger to travel to nearby wonders and see the sights on the sea and sharing in one last adventure before Miss Alice Jones becomes Mrs Alice Jones.
[P.S. Rumple was invited to join Alice on the Jolly Roger but instead chose to stay and babysit his great Granddaughter - Hen nights and parties aren’t really his thing.]
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october-rosehip · 6 years
WIP: Fire and Blood
Mama shuts the curtains all over our cottage. In the kitchen where they are thin linen, she tacks up a blanket. The kitchen faces away from the main house, so I'm not sure sure she needs to, but she insists, always, that we take every precaution.
We have an oil lamp for light, but I know that we expect to brighten things up a lot more than that. Across the kitchen table, a pot of earth, a bucket of water, and some candles wait for whatever Tristan, my tutor from the Collective, has planned.
“Thank you, Aysu.” he smiles at Mama. “In addition, do you have any very old rags? Ones that won't be missed?”
She frowns. Everything would be missed, but Tristan has round ears and doesn't live on a farm so maybe he doesn't know that. Still, she goes to the cabinet in the corner and takes out a few of our housekeeping cloths. “Are these enough?” she asks.
“Should be, should be,” he says. He must have read the look on her face and so his own softens. “I won't use any more than we have to. I have some gauze in my pack as well, so we shouldn't need many.”
“What are your plans this evening?” she asked. I'm not sure why she's asking since if he explained it to her, it wouldn't make any sense. Mama has no magic and never sits in on my studies anymore.
“Elements, I think.” He rubbed his blonde, whiskery chin. “She's best at those, which will make it easier to reveal any improvement. I want to see how she progresses and I have a few things to show Nisha that should help her out of tight corners.”
Mama smiled. “Good. Keep my baby safe.”
“I'll certainly try.”
“Mama,” I huff. “I'm thirteen, and sitting right here.”
She smiles down at me. I hope I'll be as pretty as she is when I get older. Her deep, glowing skin, black hair, and dark eyes never change. I watch Silas and Martha, the farm owners, get older by the year, but not Mama. Papa has pale skin and bright orange hair. He burns a lot and has freckles. I combined them and have dark red hair, medium skin that is still darker than anyone else's on this farm except for Mama, and even so I still get freckles. Papa says they're cute, but he would, wouldn't he?
“What are you thinking about?” she asks me. “You focused very hard there for a moment.”
“Can I borrow your lip color sometime?” I ask before I can think better of having this conversation in front of my teacher. I should have played it off as something about magic.
Worse, Mama laughs. “No, I'll make you your own. Blackberry color is all wrong for you. I'll make you a nice, earthy red.”
Tristan frowns and looks around mama to me. “Who sees you out here that you care about looking good for?”
“Me,” I say. I realize it's true. I don't care about anyone out here except my family and they love me despite everything I am. But I want to be the best I can, at everything, and that includes looking nice.
“There are times you won't want to stick out, you know,” he cautions me. His voice sounds casual, but he looks at me very hard.
“I know but I already do. I may as well stick out for reasons I like.”
“Fair enough. Anyway, I have a treat for us. We'll have a long night, but I have some tea I got from a Tevinter merchant. It smells amazing and will keep us going. Want some? Then we can get started.”
It does smell amazing. Papa follows the smell of spices in and we all share a pot. Tristan also has sugar and the resulting brew has a sweet, spiciness to it. It has... anise? Cinnamon? Something else in there that I don't recognize, but also pepper, weirdly enough. I love it and I feel alert and also grounded. I'm ready for the night's work. I'm possibly ready for anything.
“I haven't had that in a long, long time,” says Mama.
“Are you fron Tevinter, then?” Tristan asks her.
“No, but my papa was, she says. “His home stayed in his heart, even if living there is foolish for any elf.”
Living anywhere has its risks, I know that much, even if we have a peaceful place, now. Mama clears away the cups eventually. She and Papa go to their room, leaving us to it. You can't really get very far away from anyone in our house. It has a lot of rooms, but they're small. My bed takes up most of mine. Our whole house could fit inside the front parlor of the main house.
Tristan sits across from me at the table. “First, he says, “I want you to conjure flame for me, on the end of this candle.” He rests a tallow pillar on the table between us.
I do as he asks though i'm not sure why. This is easy stuff. I'm tempted to make it dance or something, but don't. We don't have much time and I don't want to waste it on arguments if there's a reason he only wanted a flame.
“Good, good.” He says. “Now, change the color of the flame.”
That is a little trickier. I focus. Fire isn't meant to be other colors unless it is burning something that changes them. Tallow and wick aren't among the items on that list, of course. I choose a dark red, stretching the color at the tip of the flame down the length of it. I notice that in order to achieve this, the flame goes cooler. Neat.
“Very good. Now I will do the same.” He does, after choosing the thickest candle from the stack.
We continue on in that vein for some hours. I try different colors, I summon ice, I shape the dirt in the pot, and turn some of it to stone. I'm flagging a bit. I ask if we should make more tea, or if we can at least take a break. Mama and Papa went to sleep some time ago.
“What would you do,” he asks, “If mage-hunters came to the door right now?”
“I'm not sure,” I say. “Run, probably. There's too much evidence of what we've been doing right now and I don't think I could lie that well.” Though I'm pretty good at lying. I've had a lifetime's practice.
“Very well. So you run. Which way do you go?”
“I head straight for the windbreak, heading away from town. I don't need the whole town helping them out.”
“Good thinking. Only in the trees, there's another one. He brought backup. This one is an archer. Now what do you do? There's only two of them, but they're in front and behind you.”
At least I chose a direction away from the main house and they might not see it. “Um. I guess I have to fight. I can't outrun an arrow. I set fire to the bow.”
“Sorry. Um, I knock him over by hurtling rocks at him, run past, and shoot fire at him on the way by. I aim at his face, hoping it damages his vision.”
“How fast are you running, with the amount of magic you have left?”
I sigh. “Not very. I honestly don't see this going very well. I know the land and I hope they don't. Plenty of places to hide.”
“Plenty of time for them to gather reinforcements.”
“I know! This is why my parents won't let me do magic outside the house no matter what. The idea is nobody ever finds out so this doesn't come up in the first place.”
He nods understanding. “That is by far your best plan, but sometimes plans go awry. It will eventually come to pass that someone will find out, someone you mean nothing to. Or perhaps it's someone with an axe to grind, or a simple racist. Speaking of that, it may happen that sometime over the years you find yourself away from this farm and people you know and you're in some other danger. You need to know what to do when that happens because it certainly will.”
“All right.” I swallow, and I'm pretty sure he can hear it. I don't like thinking about this. I fold my hands tightly in my lap to still them from trembling. “So what should I do, if running isn't it?”
“Running might be it, sometimes. But for when it isn't, I can show you how to get extra power if you're in a tight spot. I can even show you how to make those hunters forget they ever saw you.”
“I've heard of that. Won't that just get me killed faster?”
“If anyone ever catches you at it. But the irony there is you can use it to make them forget what they saw. Yes, I mean using blood. It has two purposes. It can give you extra raw power when you need it, and it can also enable you to shape the minds of those around you.”
“That... I don't think I want to do that.”
“Good. That's the main reason I'm willing to teach it to you. In the Collective, we have to police ourselves. We can't come to the notice of the chantry, and that means taking care that nobody does anything to make us look bad to the people who know about us.”
“So because I don't want to mess with anyone's head you want to show me how to mess with people's heads. That makes sense.”
He chuckles, still softly. “It does, I promise. This is a road too dangerous for anyone who would want to use it to hurt people. You'll need to learn some of it from spirits. What happens to a curious spirit who spends too much time with someone cruel, or overly ambitious?”
“They turn into a demon, probably.”
“Exactly. Mortals can corrupt spirits. We are, at the end of the day, a worse influence on them than they are on us.” He looks sad, for a moment, and runs his hands through his tangled, gray blonde wisps that are escaping from the tie at the back of his head. “I don't think you will change any spirits you work with for the worse.”
I feel my face heat up. “What makes you so sure?”
“Your favorite hen was born with twisted claws. I remember when Bertie meant to kill it.”
I was so upset. I thought the chick was cute. It didn't ask to be hatched with weird legs, or to be hatched at all, come to that. Bertie, the housekeeper from the main house, meant to crush it. It seemed so cruel, and like such a waste, that I couldn't stand to watch her do it. I snatched the chick up, and ran off with it. I fed it from our grain and it eventually learned to hop and wobble around in an alarming and aggressive fashion. I named her Stars, after the white flecks in her black feathers. She never did learn to hunt mice, but bugs are no match for her. Maybe it's sad that my best friend is a crippled chicken, but I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by humans much older than I am, so it is what it is. Anyway, she lays eggs as well as any hen, so who cares about her legs?
Tristan watches me for a moment. “Yes. Exactly. If you had asked to kill it yourself, I wouldn't have this conversation with you. Or if you had ever done anything worse than steal candy from Martha.”
I startle at that. “How do you know about that?”
“I was guessing. She can't keep a crystal jar of fancy treats on her side table with a child around and expect that none will ever go missing.”
I raise my eyebrow at him. “So I'm good enough to do bad magic.”
“It isn't bad. Nothing is inherently bad. Never hurt anyone you don't have to, and all will be well. Shall we begin?”
I nod. We do.
I use a tiny razor to cut the inside of my nose, the way Trystan shows me. He explains that you never cut your hands. That's the first place they look for scars. The best places are the nose, the inside of the mouth in a pinch, and the legs at about mid-calf, where people are likely to bang into things or trip on thorns. Scars are fine as long as they're likely, and if I heal them in the first place, they might not scar at all, but healing a wound used for magic is problematic, he says.
I feel nothing but pain, at first. Cutting my nose hurt so much. Tristan assures me that's good, that the pain fuels the magic. He asks me to do the candleflame colors again, and try to draw from the pain instead of my usual source- that I picture as a deep spring inside me, with blue moonlight shining on the water.
I think of a cup of blood to draw from, instead, but nothing happens. My magic comes from where it does.
“It's all right. This takes time.” Tristan blows out the candle. “Let me show you.” He cuts his own nose, and conjures flame, but his flame rises like a beacon from the wick in spirals of purple and green flame. It consumes the candle rapidly as well. The wax drips down the side to puddle the wax on the table. He banishes the flame with his magic rather than blowing it out. I'm not sure how he could have snuffed that thing any other way.
“Now, please try again,” he says.
And I do. It takes a while. I'm not sure myself how it goes, but I start to feel- maybe a little buzzed, and when I light the candle next, it is the blue of the lowest part.
“You did it, there. Not all the way, but some of that power came from your pain and blood. Think about how that felt. Follow the path of your magic back in your mind.”
I close my eyes and think about it. It sort of felt like a low-lying mist, deep, deep behind my usual fountain.
I draw a new magic, up from inside myself. I shiver. It feels amazing. My fire is the deepest red of all.
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de septiembre 2020
El mes que tendría que servir como comienzo de temporada para las networks, podréis comprobar que es, de nuevo, una razón más para abonarse a las plataformas de streaming. La mayoría de dramas y comedias de ABC, NBC o The CW tendrán que esperar a 2021. Mientras tanto, Netflix o HBO patrocinan la vuelta al cole.
¡Feliz septiembre!
Verde: series nuevas.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de septiembre: All Creatures Great And Small (1T) en Channel 5
2 de septiembre: 
Two Weeks To Live (1T completa) en Sky One
Freaks en Netflix
3 de septiembre: 
Raised By Wolves (1T) en HBO Max
A.P. Bio (3T completa) en Peacock
Young Wallander (1T completa) y Love, Guaranteed en Netflix
The Sounds (1T) en Acorn TV
4 de septiembre: 
The Boys (2T) en Amazon
Away (1T completa) y I'm Thinking of Ending Things en Netflix
Mulan en Disney+
6 de septiembre: Power Book II: Ghost (1T) en Starz
7 de septiembre: My Octopus Teacher en Netflix
9 de septiembre: 
Woke (1T completa) en Hulu
L.A.'s Finest (2T completa) en Spectrum
Cuties en Netflix
10 de septiembre: Julie and the Phantoms (1T completa), Memorias de Idhún (1T completa), The Gift (2T completa) y The Babysitter: Killer Queen en Netflix
11 de septiembre: The Duchess (1T completa) en Netflix
12 de septiembre: Coastal Elites en HBO
13 de septiembre: 
Escenario 0 en HBO
Our Cartoon President (3bT) en Showtime
14 de septiembre: 
The Third Day (1T) y We Are Who We Are (1T) en HBO
Enslaved en Epix
Wireless (1T) en Quibi
16 de septiembre: 
Archer (11T) en FXX
Criminal: UK (2T completa), Baby (3T y última completa), El practicante y The Devil All the Time en Netflix
17 de septiembre: Das Letzte Wort (1T completa) en Netflix
18 de septiembre: 
Ratched (1T completa) y Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (1T completa) en Netflix
PEN15 (2T) en Hulu
21 de septiembre: Filthy Rich (1T) en FOX
23 de septiembre: Enola Holmes en Netflix
25 de septiembre: 
Utopia (1T completa) en Amazon
Tehran (1T) en Apple TV+
Sneakerheads (1T completa) en Netflix
A Wilderness of Error en FX
27 de septiembre:
Patria (1T) en HBO
Fargo (4T) en FX
The Simpsons (32T), Bless the Harts (2T), Bob's Burgers (11T) y Family Guy (19T) en FOX
The Comey Rule en Showtime
30 de septiembre: The Boys in the Band en Netflix
Estrenos de series
All Creatures Great And Small (Channel 5)
Adaptación de las novelas de James Herriot, en su cincuenta aniversario, sobre un joven veterinario rural recién cualificado (Nicholas Ralph) contratado por un excéntrico cirujano veterinario en los años 30. Con Samuel West (Mr. Selfridge, The Frankenstein Chronicles), Anna Madeley (The Crown, Patrick Melrose), Callum Woodhouse (The Durrells), Rachel Shenton (White Gold, Switched at Birth), Diana Rigg (Game of Thrones, Victoria), Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter, Happy Valley) y Nigel Havers (Coronation Street, Chariots of Fire).
Escrita por Ben Vanstone (The English Game, Merlin) y producida por Richard Burrell (Silent Witness). Seis episodios. Tendrá un especial navideño.
Estreno: 1 de septiembre
Two Weeks To Live (Sky One)
Comedia de amor y venganza a partir de una broma aparentemente inofensiva que sale terriblemente mal. Kim Noakes (Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones) era una niña cuando su padre (Sean Knopp, The First Musketeer) murió de forma turbia. Su madre (Sian Clifford; Fleabag, Quiz) la llevó a una vida de aislamiento rural y extrañas técnicas de supervivencia. Cuando la inadaptada joven sale al mundo real en una misión secreta para honrar la memoria de su padre, entra al pub local de Nicky (Mawaan Rizwan, Next of Kin) y Jay (Taheen Modak, The Bay), donde desencadena una caótica serie de acontecimientos, y los tres acaban huyendo de un mafioso (Jason Flemyng; The Missing, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) y de la policía.
Escrita por Gaby Hull (Cheat). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 2 de septiembre
Raised By Wolves (HBO Max)
Mother (Amanda Collin) y Father (Abubakar Salim; Informer, Fortitude) son dos androides encargados de criar a los niños en una colonia situada en un misterioso planeta virgen. Allí comprobarán lo difícil e incierto que es controlar las creencias religiosas de los humanos. Completan el reparto Travis Fimmel (Vikings, Lean on Pete), Ethan Hazzard (Damned, The Long Song), Jordan Loughran (Dixi, Emerald City), Aasiyah Shah (Unforgotten), Niamh Algar (The Bisexual, Pure), Felix Jamieson (Catherine the Great), Winta McGrath (Doctor Doctor), Ivy Wong y Matias Varela (Narcos).
Escrita por Aaron Guzikowski (Prisoners, The Red Road) y dirigida y producida por Ridley Scott (The Martian, Blade Runner). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 3 de septiembre
Estreno en España: 10 de septiembre en TNT
Young Wallander (Netflix)
Precuela centrada en la vida temprana del inspector Wallander (Adam Pålsson; Bron/Broen), el personaje principal de las novelas de Henning Mankell que ya fueron adaptadas en una serie sueca (2003-2013) y en una británica (2008-2016). Completan el reparto Richard Dillane (The White Princess, Wolf Hall), Leanne Best (Cold Feet, Carnival Row), Elise Chappell (Poldark, Yesterday), Yasen Atour (Marcella, Dark Heart), Sara Seyed, Charles Mnene (The Widow, Misfits), Jacob Collins-Levy (The White Princess), Alan Emrys (Johnny English Strikes Again) y Kiza Deen (Hollyoaks).
Creada por Ben Harris (Hollyoaks, Devils). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 3 de septiembre
Estreno en España: 3 de septiembre en Netflix España
The Sounds (Acorn TV)
Thriller sobre los secretos que salen a la luz cuando desaparece Tom Cabbott (Matt Whelan; Narcos, Go Girls), un hombre que acababa de mudarse junto a su mujer (Rachelle Lefevre; Under the Dome, Mary Kills People) a Marlborough Sounds, en Nueva Zelanda, para escapar de su opresiva familia y empezar una nueva vida. Con Matt Nable (Arrow, Mr. Inbetween), Emily Piggford (The Girlfriend Experience, Warigami), Peter Elliott (Tarzan), Anna-Maree Thomas y Vanessa Rare (Last Man Standing).
Creada y escrita por Sarah-Kate Lynch y dirigida por Peter Stebbings (Wynonna Earp). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 3 de septiembre
Away (Netflix)
Emma Green (Hilary Swank; Trust, Million Dollar Baby) es una astronauta que ha de dejar atrás a su marido (Josh Charles; The Good Wife, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) y a su hija adolescente (Talitha Bateman; Love, Simon; Annabelle: Creation) para liderar a una tripulación internacional en una peligrosa misión a Marte. Completan el cast Ato Essandoh (Altered Carbon, Blue Bloods), Mark Ivanir (Homeland, Barry), Adam Irigoyen (The Last Ship, The Fosters), Ray Panthaki (Gangs of London, Marcella), Vivian Wu (The Pillow Book, The Last Emperor) y Monique Gabriella Curnen (Power, The Following).
Inspirada en un artículo de Chris Jones para Esquire sobre el proceso de despedida de un astronauta, escrita por Jason Katims (Parenthood, Friday Night Lights) y Andrew Hinderaker (Penny Dreadful, Pure Genius) y producida por Matt Reeves (Felicity, The Cloverfield Paradox). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 4 de septiembre
Estreno en España: 4 de septiembre en Netflix España
Power Book II: Ghost (Starz)
En esta secuela de Power (2014-2020), Tariq St. Patrick (Michael Rainey Jr.) comienza a lidiar con la muerte de su padre y el hecho de que su madre (Naturi Naughton) se enfrente a cargos por un asesinato que él cometió, todo ello mientras acude a una universidad de la Ivy League. Pronto comienza a traficar para pagar los costes legales del proceso de su madre y descubre que la única forma de evitar acabar como su padre es convertirse en una versión aún mejor de él. Completan el reparto Mary J. Blige (The Umbrella Academy), Shane Johnson (Power), Gianni Paolo (Power, Ma), Sherri Saum (The Fosters, Locke & Key), Quincy Tyler Bernstine (Power, Ray Donovan), Daniel Bellomy, Paige Hurd (The Oval, Everybody Hates Chris), Cliff "Method Man" Smith (The Deuce, The Wire), Melanie Liburd (This Is Us, Dark Matter), Justin Marcel McManus (Star), Woody McClain (The Bobby Brown Story, The New Edition Story), Lovell Adams-Gray (Coroner, Slasher) y LaToya Tonodeo (The Oath).
Creada, escrita y producida por Courtney A. Kemp (Power, The Good Wife). Producida por 50 Cent (Power, For Life). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 6 de septiembre Estreno en España: 6 de septiembre en Starzplay España
Woke (Hulu)
Comedia de acción real con secuencias animadas inspirada en la vida y obra del artista Keith Knight. Trata sobre un dibujante afroamericano de San Francisco (Lamorne Morris; New Girl, Valley of the Boom) que se encuentra en la cúspide del éxito cuando un incidente relacionado con policías lo cambia todo. Con T. Murph, Blake Anderson (Workaholics), Sasheer Zamata (Saturday Night Live, Corporate) y Rose McIver (iZombie, Once Upon a Time). Creada y producida por Knight y Marshall Todd (Barbershop). Escrita por Aeysha Carr (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Carmichael Show). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 9 de septiembre
Julie and the Phantoms (Netflix)
Julie (Madison Reyes) es una adolescente que recupera su pasión por la música al ayudar a los fantasmas de tres jóvenes que fallecieron en 1995 y formar una banda con ellos. Con Charlie Gillespie (Charmed), Jeremy Shada (Adventure Time, Lost), Owen Patrick Joyner (Knight Squad, 100 Things to Do Before High School), Booboo Stewart (Descendants, Twilight), Cheyenne Jackson (American Horror Story, 30 Rock), Carlos Ponce (Devious Maids, Cristela), Sonny Bustamante, Jadah Marie (Mann and Wife, Descendants 3), Sacha Carlson y Savannah Lee May (Knight Squad). Versión estadounidense de la serie brasileña emitida en la temporada 2011-2012. Escrita por Dan Cross (The Thundermans, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper) y David Hoge (The Thundermans, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper). Producida por Kenny Ortega (High School Musical, Descendants). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 10 de septiembre Estreno en España: 10 de septiembre en Netflix España
The Duchess (Netflix)
Comedia sobre una madre soltera, cuyo gran amor es su hija Olive (Kate Byrne), que se plantea tener un segundo hijo. Y quizás el mejor candidato para ayudarla a conseguirlo sea su mayor enemigo: el padre de la niña (Rory Keenan; Versailles, War & Peace). Completan el cast Steen Raskopoulos (Feel Good), Michelle de Swarte, Linda Marlowe (EastEnders), Emer Kenny (Pramface, Father Brown), Doon Mackichan (Good Omens, Pure). Protagonizada, creada, escrita y producida por la comediante británica Katherine Ryan. Seis episodios. Estreno: 11 de septiembre Estreno en España: 11 de septiembre en Netflix España
The Third Day (HBO)
En los tres primeros episodios, tanda titulada 'Summer', Sam (Jude Law; The Young Pope, Cold Mountain) se siente atraído a una misteriosa isla británica cuyos reservados habitantes y sus rituales comienzan a abrumarlo y le obligan a enfrentarse a un trauma de su pasado. En los tres últimos episodios, 'Winter', Helen (Naomie Harris; Moonlight, Collateral Beauty), llega a la isla buscando respuestas, pero su llegada precipita una frenética batalla para decidir su destino. Entre las dos tantas, se emitirá un especial en directo y en una sola toma desde Londres. Descrito como un gran evento teatral inmersivo, permitirá a los espectadores habitar la historia tal como ocurre. Con Katherine Waterstone (Fantastic Beasts, Alien: Covenant), John Dagleish (Christopher Robins, Mary Poppins Returns), Emily Watson (Chernobyl, Apple Tree Yard), Paddy Considine (The Outsider, Informer), Gianni Calchetti, Amer Chadha-Patel (Beecham House, Year of the Rabbit), Greg Draven, Mark Lewis Jones (Carnival Row, Gangs of London), Richie Lawrie, Simon Lyshon, Bernardo Santos, Freya Allan (The Witcher), Joe Blakemore (Next of Kin) y Nico Parker (Dumbo). Creada y escrita por Dennis Kelly (Utopia) y Felix Barrett. Dirigida por Marc Munden (National Treasure, Utopia) y Philippa Lowthorpe (The Crown, Call the Midwife). Seis episodios. Estreno: 14 de septiembre Estreno en España: 15 de septiembre en HBO España
We Are Who We Are (HBO)
Fraser Wilson (Jack Dylan Grazer; It; Me, Myself and I) es un adolescente tímido e introvertido que llega desde Nueva York a una base militar del Véneto, en Italia. Allí conoce a Caitlin (Jordan Kristine Seamón), que llegó hace varios años y ya habla italiano, y a sus amigos. Este drama coming-of-age cuenta también con Faith Alabi (Cold Feet), Beatrice Barichella, Vittoria Bottin, Spence Moore II (All American, 13 Reasons Why), Chloë Sevigny (American Horror Story, Big Love), Alice Braga (Queen of the South, Cidade de Deus), Corey Knight (Nobodies), Tom Mercier (Synonymes), Sebastiano Pigazzi, Benjamin L. Taylor II, Francesca Scorsese y Kid Cudi (How to Make it in America, Westworld). Escrita y dirigida por Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name, Suspiria). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 14 de septiembre Estreno: 15 de septiembre en HBO España
Das Letzte Wort (Netflix)
Tras fallecer su marido, Karla (Anke Engelke, Deutschland 86) decide convertirse en oradora funeraria junto al empresario Andreas Borowski (Thorsten Merten, Babylon Berlin). A ella le gustaría servir de apoyo a quienes están de luto, pero su socio no termina de aceptar su cuestionable comportamiento. Ni siquiera puede lidiar con su propia pérdida y esto le ocasiona problemas incluso en casa. Basada en una idea original de Merten y escrita y dirigida por Aron Lehmann (Highway to Hellas). Seis episodios. Estreno: 17 de septiembre Estreno en España: 17 de septiembre en Netflix España
Ratched (Netflix)
Precuela de One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest que contará la evolución de Mildred Ratched (Sarah Paulson; American Crime Story, American Horror Story) cuando empieza a trabajar de enfermera en un hospital psiquiátrico en 1947. Completan el reparto Sharon Stone (Casino, Basic Instinct), Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City, The Big C), Finn Wittrock (American Horror Story, American Crime Story), Jon Jon Briones (American Horror Story, American Crime Story), Judy Davis (Feud, A Passage to India), Charlie Carver (Desperate Housewives, Teen Wolf), Harriet Harris (Desperate Housewives, Memento), Hunter Parrish (Weeds, Quantico), Amanda Plummer (Miss Rose White, Pulp Fiction), Corey Stoll (The Strain, House of Cards) y Rosanna Arquette (Ray Donovan, Pulp Fiction). Creada, escrita y producida por Evan Romansky. Producida por Ryan Murphy (American Horror Story, American Crime Story), Sarah Paulson (American Crime Story) y Michael Douglas (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Kominsky Method). Nueve episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada. Estreno: 18 de septiembre Estreno en España: 18 de septiembre en Netflix España
Filthy Rich (FOX)
Tras la muerte del patriarca, la familia Monreaux, una familia rica y poderosa que dirige una cadena de televisión cristiana, descubre que el fallecido tenía tres hijos ilegítimos que aparecen en el testamento. ¿Corren peligro su fortuna, su legado y su buen nombre? Con Kim Cattrall (Sex and the City, Tell Me a Story), Melia Kreiling (Tyrant, Salvation), Aubrey Dollar (Dawson's Creek, Battle Creek), Corey Cott (The Good Fight, Z: The Beginning of Everything), Benjamin Levy Aguilar, Mark L. Young (The Comeback, The Inbetweeners), Olivia Macklin (LA to Vegas, The Young Pope), Steve Harris (The Practice, Friday Night Lights) y Aaron Lazar (Quantico, The Strain). Creada, dirigida y producida por Tate Taylor (The Help, Pretty Ugly People) y escrita por Abe Sylvia (Nurse Jackie, Dead to Me). Producida por Kim Cattrall. Estreno: 21 de septiembre
Utopia (Amazon)
Remake de la serie británica (2013-2014) que trata sobre un grupo de adultos a los que intentan matar por tener una novela gráfica que narra una conspiración real. Protagonizada por Sasha Lane (The Miseducation of Cameron Post, American Honey), John Cusack (Con Air, High Fidelity), Rainn Wilson (The Office, Six Feet Under), Dan Byrd (Cougar Town, Easy A), Cory Michael Smith (Gotham, Carol), Desmin Borges (You're the Worst), Ashleigh LaThrop (The Kominsky Method, Sirens), Farrah Mackenzie (Logan Lucky), Christopher Denham (Billions, Manhattan), Javon 'Wanna' Walton (Euphoria), Jeanine Serralles (Hot Summer Nights), Jessica Rothe (Happy Death Day, Mary + Jane), Felisha Terrell (Shooter) y Dustin Ingram (Watchmen). Escrita por Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl, Sharp Objects). Nueve episodios. Estreno: 25 de septiembre Estreno en España: Octubre en Amazon España
Tehran (Apple TV+)
Tamar Rabinyan (Niv Sultan; The Stylist) es una agente hacker del Mossad que deberá llevar a cabo en la capital de Irán, su lugar de nacimiento, su primera misión: inhabilitar un reactor nuclear. Cuando la misión fracasa, Tamar se rebela, redescubre sus raíces y se enamora de un activista por la democracia. Con Shaun Toub (Homeland, Snowpiercer), Navid Negahban (Homeland, Legion), Shervin Alenabi (Le Bureau des Légendes), Liraz Charhi (Shchuna, Eifo Ata Hai?) y Menashe Noy (Our Boys). Creada y escrita por Moshe Zonder (Fauda). Ocho episodios. Estreno: 25 de septiembre
Estreno en España: 25 de septiembre en Apple TV+ España
Sneakerheads (Netflix)
Devin (Allen Maldonado, Black-ish, You're the Worst), un antiguo sneakerhead convertido en padre y amo de casa, recae en su afición a las zapatillas cuando su amigo Bobby (Andrew Bachelor; The Mindy Project, House of Lies) le lía en un plan para hacerse ricos rápidamente. Casi sin darse cuenta, tiene una deuda de cinco mil dólares. Para intentar recuperar su dinero antes de que su esposa se dé cuenta, reunirá a un grupo de amantes de las sneakers en una búsqueda a nivel mundial por las "Zeroes", las más codiciadas y difíciles de encontrar. Completan el reparto Jearnest Corchado, Matthew Josten (Rodney), Yaani King Mondschein (Saving Grace, Blood & Oil), Justin Lee (Arrested Development) y Aja Evans. Creada y escrita por Jay Longino (Uncle Drew, Jue di tao wang). Seis episodios. Estreno: 25 de septiembre Estreno en España: 25 de septiembre en Netflix España
The Comey Rule (Showtime)
Miniserie que narra los turbulentos acontecimientos que rodean a las elecciones de 2016 y sus consecuencias a través de la historia de dos poderosas figuras que acabarían chocando: James Comey y Donald Trump. Comey fue el director del FBI entre 2013 y 2017. Con Jeff Daniels (The Newsroom, The Looming Tower), Brendan Gleeson (Mr. Mercedes, Harry Potter), Michael Kelly (House of Cards, Taboo), Holly Hunter (Succession, Saving Grace), Jennifer Ehle (The Looming Tower, Zero Dark Thirty), Peter Coyote (The 4400, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial), Steven Pasquale (Rescue Me, Bloodline), Scoot McNairy (True Detective, Halt and Catch Fire), Oona Chaplin (Game of Thrones, Taboo), William Sadler (Roswell, Power), T.R. Knight (Grey's Anatomy, 11.22.63), Kingsley Ben-Adir (Peaky Blinders, High Fidelity), Jonathan Banks (Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad), Joe Lo Truglio (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Reno 911!), Damon Gupton (Black Lightning, Bates Motel), Michael Hyatt (True Detective, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Bryan D'Arcy James (13 Reasons Why, Smash), Steve Zissis (Togetherness, I'm Sorry), Shawn Doyle (The Expanse, Impulse), Richard Thomas (The Americans, It), Seann Gallagher (Good Witch), Amy Seimetz (The Girlfriend Experience, The Killing) y Spencer Garrett (For All Mankind, Bosch). Basada en las memorias de Comey, publicadas en 2018, que explican su papel en las elecciones y su investigación a Hillary Clinton. Adaptada y dirigida por Billy Ray (Shattered Glass, Captain Phillips). Cuatro episodios. Estreno: 27 de septiembre
Estreno en España: Próximamente en Movistar Series
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