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Visit our blog https://dialervendorpredictivecallcenter.blogspot.com/2023/02/managing-customer-queries-and-complaints-with-call-center-services.html
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smsgatewayindia · 1 year
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WhatsApp Business API for Consumer Electronics Retailers
Consumer Electronics Retailers can use WhatsApp Business API for:
• New Product launch
• Offers and discounts
• Answering customer queries
• Product information
• Sending order updates
• After-sales support
• Troubleshooting
• Warranty inquiries
#WhatsAppBusinessAPI #ConsumerElectronics #ProductLaunch #Offers #Discounts #CustomerQueries #ProductInfo #OrderUpdates #AfterSalesSupport #Troubleshooting #WarrantyInquiries
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knoldus · 7 years
In this blog post I’ll try to explain the process wherein you can stream data directly from PostgreSQL database using Scala Slick (which is Scala’s database access/query library) and Akka Streams (which is an implementation of Reactive Streams specification on top of Akka toolkit) in Play Framework. The process is going to be pretty straightforward in terms of implementation where data is read from one of the tables in your SQL database as stream and then it is sent/streamed to one of the REST end point configured to download this data.
For better understanding let’s take an example of an application or service which is used for administrating a huge customer base of an organisation/company. The person involved in administrating the customer base wants to get the entire data-set of customers for let’s say auditing purpose. Based on requirements it would sometimes make sense to stream this data directly into a downloadable file which is what we are going to do in this blog post.
The example uses following dependencies
Play Framework 2.6.10
Play-Slick 3.0.1
Akka Streams 2.5.8
PostgreSQL 42.1.4
Let’s start by assuming we have a customer table in our Postgresql database which has the following structure
CREATE TABLE customers ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, firstname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, lastname VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255) );
Slick’s functional relational mapping corresponding to this table structure should look like this
case class Customer(id: Long, firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String) trait CustomerTable extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile] { import profile.api._ val customerQuery: TableQuery[CustomerMapping] = TableQuery[CustomerMapping] private[models] class CustomerMapping(tag: Tag) extends Table[Customer](tag, "customers") { def id: Rep[Long] = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def firstName: Rep[String] = column[String]("firstname") def lastName: Rep[String] = column[String]("lastname") def email: Rep[String] = column[String]("email") def * : ProvenShape[Customer] = (id, firstName, lastName, email) <>(Customer.tupled, Customer.unapply) } }
Now let’s use the customerQuery to get data from the customers table in the form of DatabasePublisher of type Customer, i.e DatabasePublisher[Customer], which is Slick’s implementation of reactive stream’s Publisher where Publisher is the (potential) unbounded sequence of elements that publishes the elements according to the demand from the Subscriber. This method is defined inside the CustomerRepository.
def customers: DatabasePublisher[Customer] = db.stream( customerQuery .result .withStatementParameters( rsType = ResultSetType.ForwardOnly, rsConcurrency = ResultSetConcurrency.ReadOnly, fetchSize = 10000) .transactionally)
Certain things to be noted when using PostgreSQL, also which are noted in Slick’s Official documentation, are as follows
The use of transactionally which enforces the code to run on a single Connection with auto commit set as false [setAutoCommit(false)], by default slick is set to run in auto commit mode.
The use of fetchSize so that the JDBC driver does not fetch all rows to the memory (i.e on client side) all at once but instead fetch the specified number of rows at a time.
ResultSetType.ForwardOnly sets the type to allow results to be read sequentially so that the cursor will only move forward.
ResultSetConcurrency.ReadOnly makes sure that the ResultSet may not be updated.
Only if all of the above is done will the streaming work properly for PostgreSQL else it won’t and the actions inside the stream behavior will fetch the entire dataset.
So, the database repository end of code base is now sorted out. Let’s focus on the controller and how it’ll stream this data to a downloadable file.
We can create a new Play controller for the purpose of managing all APIs related to the customers and this controller has access to the CustomerRepository we created earlier in which the customers method is defined and implemented.
We’ll use Play’s simple Result to stream the data to our client, i.e to the person administrating the customers on /customers API (added to Play routes) by providing the customers’ stream to HttpEntity.Streamed case class like this
Result( header = ResponseHeader(OK, Map(CONTENT_DISPOSITION → s"attachment; filename=customers.csv")), body = HttpEntity.Streamed(csvSource, None, None))
The entire controller method would look something like this
def customers: Action[AnyContent] = Action { implicit request => val customerDatabasePublisher = customerRepository.customers val customerSource = Source.fromPublisher(customerDatabasePublisher) val headerCSVSource = Source.single(ByteString(""""First Name","Last Name","Email"""" + "\n")) val customerCSVSource = customerSource.map(data => ByteString(s""""${data.firstName}","${data.lastName}","${data.email}"""" + "\n")) val csvSource = Source.combine(headerCSVSource, customerCSVSource)(Concat[ByteString]) Result( header = ResponseHeader(OK, Map(CONTENT_DISPOSITION → s"attachment; filename=customers.csv")), body = HttpEntity.Streamed(csvSource, None, None)) }
Note that the DatabasePublisher[Customer] is converted to Source of Customer using the Source.fromPublisher helper method which is used to create a Source from Publisher.
Rest of the manipulations are done on the Source to convert the data into readable CSV file format.
Also, note the use for Source.combine method which is used to combine sources with fan-in strategy which is Concat.
The entire code base is available in the following repository playakkastreams.
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Managing Customer Queries and Complaints with Call Center Services
Managing Customer Queries and Complaints with Call Center Services
Customer satisfaction is a crucial aspect of any business, and managing customer queries and complaints effectively is crucial for maintaining customer loyalty and keeping them coming back for more. One of the most effective ways to handle customer inquiries and complaints is through the use of call center services.
Visit us: https://predictivedialersolutions.in/
What are Call Center Services?
A call center is a centralized office used for the purpose of receiving and transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone. Call center services can include customer service, technical support, telemarketing, and other related functions.
Benefits of using Call Center Services for Managing Customer Queries and Complaints:
1. Improved Customer Experience: Call center services provide customers with a fast, efficient and convenient way to get the answers they need.
2. Increased Productivity: Call centers can handle a large volume of calls, freeing up internal resources to focus on other areas of the business.
3. Improved Data Collection and Analysis: Call center services can collect and analyze data on customer interactions, which can be used to improve overall customer satisfaction and business performance.
4. Cost-Effective: Outsourcing call center services can be more cost-effective than hiring and training a dedicated internal team.
5. 24/7 Availability: Call center services can operate 24/7, ensuring that customers can reach you at any time.
Effective Techniques for Managing Customer Queries and Complaints
There are several effective techniques that call center services can use to manage customer queries and complaints. Some of these include:
i. Active Listening: Call center agents should listen actively to customers and seek to understand their needs and concerns. This helps to build trust and ensures that the customer feels heard and valued.
ii. Empathy: Call center agents should show empathy towards customers and put themselves in their shoes. This helps to create a sense of understanding and can lead to a more positive resolution of the query or complaint.
iii. Proactivity: Call center agents should be proactive in their approach to customer support. They should take the initiative to provide information and support, even before the customer asks for it.
iv. Escalation: Call center agents should be trained to escalate complaints to the relevant department or team if they cannot be resolved in the first instance. This helps to ensure that customers receive the support they need and that their concerns are addressed in a timely manner.
v. Follow-up: Call center agents should follow up with customers after their query or complaint has been resolved. This helps to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the outcome and that the business has taken the necessary steps to prevent similar issues in the future.
How to Choose the Right Call Center Services for your Business:
1. Determine Your Needs: Before choosing a call center, it is essential to assess your business needs and the type of services you require.
2. Consider the Reputation of the Provider: Choose a call center service provider with a good reputation and a proven track record of success.
3. Look for Customization Options: The right call center services should offer customization options to fit your specific business requirements.
4. Evaluate the Technology: Ensure that the call center services you choose use advanced technology to provide fast, efficient, and convenient services.
5. Consider the Cost: The cost of call center services varies widely, so it is essential to compare prices and choose a service that fits your budget.
if you have any queries, contact us : https://predictivedialersolutions.in/contact.php
In conclusion, call center services can provide businesses with an effective way to manage customer queries and complaints, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased business success. By choosing the right call center services, businesses can enjoy the benefits of increased productivity, improved data collection and analysis, cost-effectiveness, and 24/7 availability.
For further information and queries, feel free to 
visit our website: https://predictivedialersolutions.in/ or 
email us at: [email protected] or 
call us at +91-856-0000-600; +1-408-791-3820
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botgochatbot · 2 years
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Automate Customer Support With Conversational AI Chatbot | AI Powered Chatbot for Customer Service
Chatbots can be extremely helpful for businesses in reducing the amount of time that customers spend waiting in line. By providing a chatbot to customers, businesses can take on some of the responsibilities of customer service, such as answering questions and providing support. This can free up employees to do other tasks, such as helping customers who are actually in the store. Chatbots can also help to reduce the number of calls to customer service, which can further reduce wait times for customers. 𝗖𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝟔𝟎 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥, 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨 & 𝐐𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬! 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:👇 🌐𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝘁 𝗨𝘀: https://botgo.io ☎𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗨𝘀:+91-9650708766
#conversatioanalmarketing #brand #communicationchannel #connectbusiness #lovechatbot #artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #technology #deeplearning #tech #robotics #innovation #business #automation #Chatbot #Chatbotsolution #chatbot #customercareservice #customerservice #business #customercare #onthego #botgo
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botgochatbot · 2 years
The features and benefits of the healthcare consultant chatbot
No one could have predicted the rapid rise of AI, but the pandemic has acted as a catalyst for its growth.
As human-to-human communication has become a risk factor for spreading Covid, AI has become a more appealing option for many people. By avoiding face-to-face interaction, we can minimize the spread of the virus but we still need the mode of conversation where a person can connect easily without a fear and hence, Healthcare consultant chatbot fuel up in health
care industry. What is healthcare consultant Chatbot Healthcare consultation chatbot is an online medical advice system designed to make your life easier by communicating with different doctors and other healthcare professionals 24/7 in an efficient manner. How it works? The experts will guide you through every step of treatment with their specific expertise. The chatbots can answer any queries you may have on a specific medical condition, symptoms or treatment options available. Feature of Healthcare Consultant chatbot Consult from doctor
- You can consult from doctors and ask their suggestion for your health queries.
Request an appointment
- You can request an appointment for diagnostics test, check-up and any other medical consultation.
FAQ health queries
- Doctors will answer all the questions regarding health and health related queries from patients.
Booked Diagnostic test
- You can book online diagnostic tests like blood sugar test, ECG, mammography etc. Benefit of Healthcare consultant chatbot The healthcare consultant chatbot can help you in many ways. It can be used as a virtual doctor, which will guide you through your medical problems and provide solutions accordingly. -Consult Top Doctors 24x7 No health issue happen at time specific. You need a solution in case of emergency. And here is when healthcare chatbot helps. Weather you’re in remote area or at home either you need doctor at 9pm or 4am! You’re able to connect with medical professional and get consult in mid of 24/7.
-Convinent and easy You can also ask any questions related to your health by using this new technology and get answers from it directly without going through any other person or department in hospital or clinic.
-100% safe consultations You can choose your doctor as you feel good to connect with. For Example, Gynaecologist, general physician, urologist and many more.
-Similar Clinic Experience Healthcare consultant chatbot will also be able to suggest you the right treatment options, depending on your condition or symptoms. The virtual mode does not affect your treatment under qualified doctor.
-Free Follow-up As long as you under the treatment. It will made concern to look after changes during the time of severity of health problem. In this way you’ll equally able to cover the health issue without negligence. Conclusion The healthcare industry has been undergoing a digital transformation over the past few years. In order to meet the needs of patients, healthcare providers need to be able to provide them with convenient, real-time solutions with reduced costs and improved efficiency.
A Chatbot is a type of artificial intelligence software that interacts with people to perform tasks like scheduling appointments or ordering prescriptions on behalf of doctors or other medical professionals.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
How can we use chatbots in an event management business?
Event planners have a lot of responsibility on their shoulders! From making sure money is collected for catering to signing contracts with caterers, venues, and more — it’s a lot of work. If you’re looking to make your event planning business more efficient (and who isn’t?!), consider using a Botgo chatbot to automate some of the aspects of your work. Although the chatbot development market is a big industry now, you can explore more options that provide budget-friendly chatbot solutions to you. Back to the point! The thing is, your attendees don’t want to miss a minute of your event. Your event planning chatbot can be their guide. With a chatbot, your attendees can find the answer to common questions, and however, a chatbot helps direct attendees to experience your event the way you want them to. Challenges of the Event Industry
The challenges faced by the event industry are many and varied. But, at the core of it all is communication. To make sure that every stakeholder (participant, worker, guest) of an event receives the right information in time, there need to be effective ways through which they can reach out to organizers. How Chatbot for Event Management can be helpful: Helpdesk: Investing in creating a chatbot for an event helps give a huge boost to the overall customer satisfaction rate of your event. The bot can answer hundreds of queries ranging from the entry fee, registration fee, timings, list of exhibitors, event highlights, schedule, etc.
Bookings & Registration Booking and registration are major concerns for users who are looking to attend an event. Whether they’re interested in learning more about the event and its vital details, or if they have their minds set on registering for that conference, chatbots have the capability to give these users a streamlined experience. Virtual usher If you run an event, it is critical for your customers to find their way to their seats. Virtual Ushers can assist your audience with directions, requests, or whatever else they may need. Like Botgo chatbots work on phones and tablets and can provide conversation whenever your customers need it — even while they’re in line waiting to get into the venue. Live polling When the host has a question, they can select the live polling option. This means that every user in the audience will see a notification on their phone asking them to respond with Yes or No or raise their hands. The chatbot technology not only records all of this information but also sends 100% accurate results back to the host.
Safety during emergencies Safety during emergencies is really important. Sometimes accidents and emergencies occur and it is hard to send out the right message and make sure things are handled properly. Event planning Chatbot can be used for this purpose since it is easier to communicate with a chatbot than with human assistance; people will be able to get safety instructions and updates as they should be.
Collecting feedback
The Audience Feedback Chatbot helps you collect feedback from your audience after your event. This chatbot is installed on the audience’s phone and enables them to give feedback about various parts of the event. It can be used for multiple events by sending unique sets of questions for each event. Like which speakers were most engaging and what was not working well. Collecting this feedback is critical for creating better events in the future.
Long story in short When it comes to the event management business, the most important thing is customer satisfaction. You have to provide the best services to your customers or else you will be left behind in the market. However, due to the high pressure on time and excellent quality of service, it becomes very difficult for organizations to provide a tailored approach among hundreds of attendees at once. A successful event is defined by its ability to convince, engage and motivate the target market. But how does one do this when it comes to events? There is no simple answer. You need to go beyond your imagination as an event planner or organizer. Here is when a chatbot for event management comes into the big picture! The chatbots can help you to manage the event organization without any hassle. The chatbots can monitor attendance, track the schedule of various events and organize meetings with other attendees. With a little help from artificial intelligence, chatbots are very effective for your business, as they will help your employees to focus on other important tasks.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
How car servicing chatbot make car service process convenient?
Automotive chatbots bring convenience to car service buyers, ensuring the best buying experience possible. And because that experience is built on trust and convenience, your customers are more likely to return for future automotive service needs. This can create a sustainable business, since your customers know they will get a friendly, easy-to-use experience every time they purchase automotive care services.
1. Save cost with less human intervention Automotive chatbots will help save costs by reducing human interaction between businesses and customers. This means that you don’t need to hire as many people to handle customer service because you can use an automated system instead. You’ll also be able to communicate more effectively with customers because you won’t have to spend so much time repeating yourself or explaining something over and over again.
2. Seamless and effective communication Automotive chatbots will allow businesses to communicate more effectively with their customers through seamless voice interactions, video calls and text messages on either mobile devices or desktops. The best part about this system is that it will allow businesses to send automated messages at any time during the day or night when they need assistance from their clients or employees, which makes them more efficient overall than hiring human agents who can be difficult
3. Attend to customers in the best possible way Chatbots are able to provide personalized services according to individual needs and preferences of each customer which means they will be able whenever you need assistance or guidance. 4. Saving time and increase productivity
Chatbots are a great tool for saving time and increasing productivity. They can help reduce the number of calls you have to make to your clients which in turn will improve customer satisfaction.
5. Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty The automotive industry is very competitive and it’s important that you keep your customers satisfied. Because only a satisfied customer keeps coming back to you. The best way to do that is by using chatbots because they can help you improve service levels, make things easier for your customers, and hence able to win customer loyalty.
6. Minimize time taken for service maintenance of vehicles No one like to waste time, waiting for their turn exhausts the mind and mood as well. Here is what a chatbot can do for you: If you want your car serviced at an auto repair shop, instead of calling multiple mechanics for estimates and scheduling appointments, you can simply book an appointment online with the help of a chatbot by simply mentioning the make and model of your car in your request. The bot will then locate all available local shops nearby that service that make and model of vehicle and suggest them to you based on their availability and pricing information.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
The Complete Guide: Chatbot for Restaurant Features & Benefits
Nothing hurt more than you visit a place and not a single person welcomes you or asks for your order. It mostly happens when you visit on weekends to enjoy places but that rush takes over the quality of service and left you in an angry mood although it’s all management service and antique to provide a pleasurable experience that should be hassle-free. Here is when a chatbot comes into the picture. With the need for quick results, and short-term powerful strategies, small to large business owners’ chatbots became the only affordable option. And affordability becomes the deal-breaker. Chatbot technology has become a popular tool for businesses across industries. It has the power to help businesses solve many problems, from simplifying customer service to collecting feedback, and even making reservations and taking orders.
But how does this work? What does a restaurant chatbot do? And what are some of the most common ways that you can use a chatbot in your business? Let’s find out the most basic and daily problem chatbot resolves for restaurant service. With the emergence of machine learning technologies, these have become self-learning and smart bots that can solve business problems Chatbots have become a powerful tool for restaurants to boost sales and improve customer experience. Chatbots are one of the most convenient and natural ways to interact with customers. With the mission to make restaurants an inclusive place, chatbots come with many benefits like increased conversion rates and reduced wait times.
Make reservations Easier
The first thing that restaurants want to do is make it easier for customers to book a table. They want you to be able to do this without having to go through the whole process of filling out an online form, uploading your credit card information, etc. This is where chatbots come in handy.
Collecting feedback
Another thing that restaurants want to do is collect feedback from their customers. This is especially important if they have a loyalty program or other offers where they reward customers who provide them with valuable feedback on their experience at their restaurant. This can be done through surveys that are sent out during the reservation process, but also through automated calls after the reservation has been made (if you’re using an appointment booking system). Simplifying the order process Customers often have difficulty understanding how different menu items are prepared — for example, if a customer wants a burger with cheese on top, does that mean it will be grilled or fried? A chatbot can answer this question with ease by providing options for preparation.
Taking orders
Restaurants can use chatbots to take orders from customers who want food delivered or pick up orders from customers who want something delivered while they are out of town or elsewhere. The bots can also interact with customers who want information about upcoming events or promotions at the restaurant and answer questions about pricing or availability of certain menu items.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
Why should you install a Chatbot on your website?
If you haven’t installed a chatbot on your website before, you’re missing out on several amazing benefits. Here are our top six reasons why you should get started without thinking about it too much.
Real-Time Support Chatbots are one of the most cost-effective ways to offer 24/7 real-time support. They can answer your customer’s questions and help them complete their purchase without needing a human operator. By providing instant assistance, chatbots reduce your customers’ wait times and improve their overall satisfaction with your product.
Customer Engagement Customer engagement is a crucial part of any business. Chatbots are the best way to engage your customers as they make them feel like they have a real person to talk to and discuss their issues with. If you have not already installed a chatbot for website, you need to do it right now, or else you will lose out on customer retention.
24x7 availability Here are some reasons why you should use chatbots in your customer service:
· You can save money. To progress in the market, organizations need to cut down their operational costs. A live agent from a call centre can cost anywhere between $3 to $8 per customer interaction, whereas a chatbot for customer support hardly costs anything. An automated solution makes it easier for you to handle your customers and keep them happy, thus helping you grow your business.
· Customers love it! It is important that an organization provides its customers with the best possible experience so as to be able to retain them and increase customer loyalty towards the brand name. By implementing automated solutions like chatbots, an organization can help its clients easily get answers to their queries within seconds of typing them on the chatbot interface.
· 24x7 availability: Human agents are not always available 24x7 — they might be on a lunch break or facing technical difficulties, which means they will not be able to resolve issues immediately and result in higher churn rates. By using modern technology like chatbots, businesses can ensure they’re available at all times without any errors.
A Google Searchable Tool While chatbots have seen some great success in recent years, with more than half of consumers saying they were open to using them in 2016, they can still be prone to errors. However, their accuracy is improving as developers continue to fine-tune the technology. In fact, Gartner predicts that half of all customer interactions by 2020 will be conducted using cognitive technologies such as virtual agents.
Automation of Tasks Chatbots are designed to automate tasks. By using a chatbot, you can save yourself the hassle of hiring employees or paying for software to help with repetitive or day-to-day tasks. There are many ways that a chatbot will be useful, but here are five of the main ones:
Install a chatbot on your website to engage and support customers 24/7. The reasons why you should install a chatbot on your website are many, but I will just give you the following 5 main ones:
1. 24/7 availability. Your customers can access your products or services even when there is no human behind the screen.
2. Automation of tasks that can help save money from hiring employees. Tasks such as FAQs, collecting emails, and lead generation can be automated with a chatbot.
3. Real-time support. Chatbots are designed to answer messages in real-time, so you won’t need to worry about not answering any inquiries right away. You won’t lose potential buyers!
4. Customer engagement is important if you want to sustain traffic on your website. With a chatbot, it becomes easier to increase engagement by sending automated messages to customers whenever they visit your site.
5. Search engines love websites that have chatbots because they provide relevant information through FAQs, stories, and other conversational methods at all hours of the day and night.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
Chatbot role in telecom and broadcasting industry
Chatbot for the telecom industry becomes an essential tool because they are able to assist with many tasks that would otherwise require human manpower; however, they still rely on humans as well due to some limitations such as lack of creativity/critical problem-solving skills, inability to understand more complex questions like “what do you think about X?” or “I’m looking for an app that does Y.” The future of this technology looks bright though because companies continue working towards developing new solutions that will allow these machines even greater capabilities one day soon! According to research, it was predicted that by 2020, about 80 percent of brands would opt for chatbots for their customer care support services. This prediction has come true, and the telecom industry is one of the most successful chatbot adopters. Botgo is one of the popular chatbot service providers that witness the level of chatbot adoption and how increasing it become a demand in many other industries too. More than 83% of chatbots used in the telecom industry are conversational and capable of understanding human language. Why Do Telecom Companies Need Chatbots? -The telecom and broadcasting industry has also witnessed exponential growth ever since chatbot technology came into being.
-Chatbots allow for rapid developments, giving them an edge over other platforms which are still in the phase of experimentation.
-With chatbots, one can develop a bot that understands customer queries and provides an appropriate response immediately.
-Chatbot technology can be used as a tool in customer service, marketing and sales, technical support, and even brand engagement.
The telecom industry consists of two major components: -Telecommunications -Broadcasting. Telecommunications and broadcasting are two components of the telecom industry
Telecommunications refers to the transmission of information over a distance for the purpose of communication. It includes all types of voice, data, text, sound, and video transmission. These telecommunication services are provided by various means like a telephone exchange, trunk lines (wired or wireless), internet protocol networks (IP), satellite networks, and fibre optic networks.
Broadcasting refers to the distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium, but typically one using the electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves), in a one-to-many model. Broadcasting may be classified as either national or local depending on whether it is transmitted nationally or regionally/locally respectively. Customer service is the most important part of the telecommunication industry The customer wants to talk about their phone, mobile or data plan, get their problems fixed and make sure that they are not paying for anything that they don’t need. They want to be heard. They require reliable customer service 24/7, 365 days a year.
Imagine you are a customer care executive in this huge organization with thousands of customers walking in through your doors every day. You have just finished helping out one customer but there are many more waiting in line for you to solve their problems. It can be frustrating if the person standing right next to you has been waiting for hours to get some help when you could have helped them out much earlier if only there were enough time in a day! Chatbot for the Telecom Industry In the last few years, the telecom industry has witnessed a sea change in its technology and market. In this fast-changing world of technology, it has become difficult for companies to keep up with customers’ desires. By providing efficient customer service, telecom companies can ensure their success in the market. Since customer satisfaction is directly proportional to a successful business, businesses are always looking for new ways to give personalized services and deliver seamless experiences. Chatbot for the telecom industry is one such way.
A chatbot provides 24/7 availability through instant chat communication, which helps users get quick replies to their queries. Chatbot in the telecom industry makes them feel valued and gives them an excellent user experience. A chatbot also acts as a feedback collecting tool that can be used by the company to improve their services based on these responses from customers. That’s where chatbots come into place as they can help the telecom industry in many ways. With the help of chatbots, telecom companies can cut down on the number of human agents they need.
Chatbots make life easier for agents and customers, reduce customers’ waiting time, improve customer satisfaction, provide 24/7 support and thus increase customer retention. It also increases revenue and lowers operational costs by being cost-effective and can handle numerous customers at the same time. The telecom industry uses intelligent chatbots to assist customers with their queries and issues by responding immediately in real-time. By using chatbots for the telecom industry instead of human representatives, has been able to improve customer service while at the same time cutting costs. Chatbots can handle hundreds of thousands of requests simultaneously without leaving customers waiting on hold or in call queues. They use natural language processing and can handle complex queries, making it easier for customers to get what they need. They are available at any time, meaning customers can get help when they need it regardless of when that may be. Lastly, chatbots provide a consistent experience every time so that no matter who is behind the screen there will always be someone who knows how to answer questions or resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
8 most important questions to ask before Implementing of a chatbot
As companies become more and more dependent on their customers, so the art of customer service and experience becomes increasingly vital. And, as with all aspects of marketing, the development of innovative and cutting-edge technologies can see a boost in overall sales and engagement. However, when it comes to the creation of new technology — especially something as bold and boundary-pushing as a chatbot — it’s hard to know where to start or even who to ask. There are numerous chatbot solution providers existing with the aim to leverage your business support service, but the point does you know the question which can affect the solution they came up with. That’s why I’ve put together this list of questions you should think about asking your chatbot company before you decide to work together.
A chatbot is a great way to interact with your customers. But how do you get started creating a chatbot yourself? A lot of information is available online, but quite frankly it’s scattered around different websites and forums. In this article, I want to help you cut out the noise. Here, I will answer the five (most important) questions you should ask yourself before you start building your chatbot. 1. What purposes should your chatbot fulfill? Technology work best in your favor if it is used in the right way and knowing the purpose before going first-hand with it makes a better choice. A one-size-fits-all solution can become a nightmare if you don’t really know what you want it to do for your organization or business. A chatbot as a ai-services can be a good way to reduce the number of incoming calls to a customer service department. But this isn’t always the case. You need to have a specific objective for why you want to use a chatbot. For example, if you know the type of queries that can be raised then a simple command bot help that responds in a structural flow with the limited possible questions and answers. And if you want, your chatbot to resolve a bit high level of complexity then you may need a conversational bot with artificial intelligence. Depending upon the factor between reducing contact rate number or you want to focus more on customer satisfaction objectives the choices may differ. Hence, you should design it from the start with this in mind. Otherwise, you’re going to end up with an expensive system that doesn’t really help you achieve your objectives. 2. Knowing about your target audience
A chatbot is good for one thing, interacting with humans. Good robots, smart algorithms, and a natural language processing engine are not enough: what you really need is to ensure that the human on the other side feels like the interaction was worth their time. Consumers have acquired a taste for using chatbots. But when they don’t work as expected, they quickly lose interest. That’s why it’s crucial to define who your chatbot’s target audience is right from the start. Before you start putting the wheels in motion on an AI system, it’s important to take stock of your audience. Doing so will help you figure out who is going to be using your chatbot and how they expect it to work. For example, your major audience prefers Spanish and your chatbot interacts with them in English. This may create a barrier instead of a solution and can frustrate customers on the other side. You need to clarify the chatbot development services company about the type of audience so that they can create a multi-lingual chatbot for you instead of a general type.
3. Which type of chatbot do you want You want a chatbot for your business or organization. There are several factors that may affect the choice you made like the budget and complexity of queries. You’re pretty sure simple or complex are the two main options. But figuring out which one is right for you can be tricky if you don’t know about them. Basically, there are three types of chatbots. The first one, Simple or scripted chatbots that are designed to respond to specific questions. They follow conversational scripts whereas AI chatbots use artificial intelligence to understand the flow of conversation and respond accordingly. And last but not least Voice bot is also a type of them. As with all things in life, it’s best to bear in mind the saying — never jump into something new without knowing what you’re actually getting yourself into. So understanding the complexity of customer questions and choosing wisely the right bot is the only suggestion. 4. What questions should the chatbot be able to answer? If you are looking to build a successful bot to satisfy the greatest number of users, it’s important that you list the questions it should be able to answer. Prioritize your most frequent customer service requests.
5. Where do you want to deploy your chatbot?
It’s a big question, so let’s break down the sites and channels you can use: Facebook Messenger, Slack, Twitter DM, webchat on your site, or your mobile app. You’ll also want to choose one or more channels depending on your ideal user base, keeping in mind that today’s customers want seamless experiences across channels. Use this guide to help you make these important decisions — it can save you time and headaches later on. 6. What is your budget? It may be hard to think about spending more right now, but keep in mind that many vendors offer low-cost chat solutions that usually perform below expectations. Basic chatbots often frustrate customers and put more pressure on your support teams. Most of the low-cost chatbot solutions out there are pretty basic. You get what you pay for, so plan on spending a bit more for an intelligent bot that will actually understand and help your customers rather than frustrate them by not being able to solve their problems. 7. Do you have the capabilities to manage your chatbot? The chatbot needs attention to make sure it’s going well. And for that either you have to hire a member to ensure it’s integrated, optimize well enough and look into the fault which can create miscommunication, or you can choose an external solution? If you have staff on board who are trained in chatbot technologies and know the ins and outs of your customer service strategy, an in-house implementation may be right for you. But if you’re unsure about how to utilize this technology, or don’t have enough team members to handle it, then consider teaming up with an experienced vendor. For example, Botgo chatbot development services company creates and helps you to manage the chatbot ai-service to serve you better results.
8. What is the vendor’s track record with similar companies?
Okay! this question may not seem important, but it helps you to gain valuable insight into the chatbot service provider. It helps to build reliability with a vendor who has a proven record of previous work in the same industry.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
Rule-Based Vs AI-Based Chatbots: Key Differences
The use of bots in digital marketing is an exciting new opportunity that is growing rapidly. In the old era, customer has to follow multiple steps to connect to the assistant to solve queries, and sometimes they just leave it in half out of frustration but now the wheel of time covers those essential deals in a creative yet authentic way. Chatbots have been around since the 1960s. However, more people are just finding out about them in recent years. But what are they? First, they’re bots — computer programs designed to simulate human conversations. This post will clarify everything you need to know about chatbots and the existing types of chatbots and let you know the differences between them. The majorly used chatbots are rule-based and AI-based. We cover what each does, which one is the best for your business, and provide some examples for you to consider. AI-Powered Chatbots Versus Rule-Based — The Difference Rule-based chatbots are limited to prewritten responses, which may appear robotic. On the other hand, AI-powered chatbots apply machine learning and natural language processing to provide a more personable and conversational experience. Plus, the chatbot will continue to learn with each conversation it has. AI-powered chatbots can deliver a customer experience that mimics the experiential level of service you would receive from a human agent. Unlike rule-based chatbots, which rely on predefined answers. Let’s take a deep insight into the difference between both types of chatbots. What is a rule-based chatbot? A rule-based chatbot is much like an automap. It guides the guest with follow-up questions to get to the correct resolution without artificial intelligence. If you want to be in control of the conversation, then a rule-based chatbot is right for you. Unlike an AI-driven chatbot that learns and grows with your users, a rule-based chatbot has pre-defined structures and questions to help guide the user to the right answer, exactly as you’ve planned it. Therefore, it is a good solution if you know what question or topic your customers are asking and where you want the dialogue to end up.
Rule-based chatbot good for? If you’re tired of dealing with endless support tickets, a rule-based chatbot can help to reduce the workload on your team and valuable hours throughout the day. Chatbots are a great way to improve your customer service and engagement. Why you should choose a Rule-based chatbot? You should choose a rule-based chatbot for a number of reasons. First, it means you don’t have to train the chatbot so you can get up and running more quickly. Second, it usually means the implementation costs are lower. And finally, if there are certain structures or behaviors you need to make sure the bot has, rule-based bots allow for better control in that area. Rule-based chatbot limitation A rule-based chatbot will require much more manual maintenance than one that uses machine learning, such as an AI chatbot. The more rules you add to a rule-based chatbot, the more maintenance it will need as new possible questions emerge. For example, if you add the rule “I am interested in a different type of room”, you need to make sure that the bot is able to communicate those different types of rooms back to the user. If not, your bot will have trouble understanding what the customer is typing due to his use of vocabulary and potential typos. This can result in difficult conversations or even customer dissatisfaction if they are unable to reach a human directly from your chatbot. What is an AI chatbot? Chatbots built with Natural Language Processing (NLP) are known as AI chatbots. This means that instead of answering questions based on certain keywords, the bot uses machine learning to understand the intent behind the user’s question and provides an accurate response every single time. Unlike a rule-based chatbot, AI chatbots understand the intent of guests. They understand what it is that your guest wants and focus on answering their requests. AI-based chatbot good for? The complexity of the queries and types can vary. AI-based chatbot may be good for you if you are looking to have a bot that can handle a high volume of queries and responses where more human-like answers and conversational flow are required, AI chatbots are a better fit. Why you should choose an AI-based chatbot? A chatbot developed with AI responds almost like a human. This is because of its machine learning capability, which gives it the ability to understand typos and understood grammatical mistakes — which makes conversations more natural, easier, and gratifying. AI chatbot is ready to go at all times, being very reliable and providing instant answers 24/7. With AI chatbots you will never have to worry about answering the same question more than once again. And the best part is it continuously improve without further assistance. AI-based bot limitation There is no denying that artificial intelligence is an extraordinary technological advancement, but it also has its limitations. For example, a chatbot might use a large amount of data to learn what the customer needs and could take months to train and develop further. As AI chatbots are more advanced, they undergo a longer and more complicated implementation process. Moreover, there is no structure defined to the conversations led by an AI chatbot, therefore they are less predictable. If a chatbot taught the wrong thing. It might take a while to unlearn it and learn the right thing.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
How Will eCommerce Benefit from Chatbots
Although the e-commerce industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, it comes with its own set of challenges. The customers that shop online are looking for a seamless experience. With so many companies operating globally and selling similar products, the e-commerce market is highly competitive. Brick and mortar retail stores don’t have to deal with the same kind of competition that e-commerce merchants do. E-commerce crawls with competitors who sell all kinds of products. Differentiating yourself from your competition is key. Customer service can be one aspect of your customer experience strategy to help you stand out in the crowd of seemingly identical product offerings.
The chatbot is a software application that simulates a conversation with a human customer support representative through a text or speech interface. It is built to be available and responds in a faster manner than humans. The continuous emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning led to the development of chatbots. It can be used as a virtual sales assistant and can provide customer support, answer general inquiries, and carry out other activities.
Chatbots offer all sorts of features, from collecting and analyzing data, to taking over simple tasks like answering customer queries — all without ever skipping a beat.
E-commerce companies are now more proactive toward customer satisfaction to drive customer loyalty. The chatbot can be a good solution to meet this need. Nowadays, customers can get in touch with businesses at any time of the day. And why shouldn’t they? As a company, it’s your job to be there when they are.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
Chatbot benefits in the aviation Industry
With rising customer support costs and growing competition, airlines are changing their approach to providing customer service.  Chatbots have proven to be an effective tool in this evolution. And we realize that two factors have driven the success of chatbots in the airline industry - cost reductions and improving customer demographics. Point 1- cost reductions Chatbot for airlines has emerged to improve communication and by reducing overhead costs.  With a low cost of implementation and adoption from Botgo, these bots can offer more options to passengers than an actual human customer service representative can. Point 2-Improving customer demographics  While at the same time being able to provide real-time responses via text or voice messages. The best part is that they never get tired! Here, in this blog, we will discuss the Chatbot benefits in the aviation Industry.
Help staff manage increased call volume
In order to avoid an overflow of calls, airlines and travel agencies are increasingly adopting the Chatbot.  With a Chatbot solution, employees can spend more time doing the work that only they need to handle better, instead of answering repetitive questions that the Chatbot is programmed to answer more patiently.  This has been shown to greatly reduce call volume and increase customer satisfaction, as customers are able to get immediate answers without having to wait in queues or put up with lengthy hold times before getting a hold of an agent. Chatbots can also handle simple queries without having to transfer customers over to an agent for assistance and are ideal for handling customer queries around the clock. A personalized experience for users Chatbots are a great way to add an extra layer of customer support and provide a personalized user experience. By allowing users to interact with the bot, ask about details of the flight, or even provide rebooking options in case of a cancellation or delay. Chatbots can be used to help customers with travel advisories and information, like providing travel warnings and general advice on destinations. Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty
What's more, customers that use these bots don't have to wait for a customer service representative to get back to them; chatbots are capable of checking their inboxes and responding instantly. This means that customers don't have to sit around waiting for help with their airline reservations or other issues related to their trip—even if they're not sure what kind of assistance they need. A customer support chatbot can take information, find out any issues with it, and do what it takes to fix them. Available always! As a consumer, it's not uncommon to have an urgent need for customer service at an unreasonable hour; but for many businesses, this is simply not feasible. Whereas chatbots are available 24/7—unlike some human representatives who might need breaks or vacations—so there will be someone available around the clock if you ever need immediate help with your travel plans.
Reduced wait times
The first and most obvious benefit of chatbots in the aviation sector is faster response times. Chatbots can answer simple questions almost instantly; no human agent can type as quickly as a machine! What’s more, a chatbot understands and responds to your query in natural language, so you can avoid those frustrating menu options that come with IVR systems.
Improve the customer experience
Hey, you. I'm a chatbot—and my job is to make the aviation industry better for both you and the airlines.
What do I mean by that? Well, put simply, travel is hard. It's expensive, time-consuming, and stressful as hell. We all have horror stories of delayed or cancelled flights—or even worse, having to fly while seated next to someone who smells like they just bathed in vodka and fish sauce. But chatbots can help solve this problem.
First off, we're able to increase customer satisfaction on the front end by making it easier for people to manage their flights and book travel arrangements online. Chatbots can also help airlines increase their customer lifetime value by providing information about loyalty programs and exclusive offers that will keep customers coming back for more.
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botgochatbot · 2 years
Role and Benefits of Payroll Software Chatbot
 “The human resources department plays an important role and is one of the most crucial departments of any company.” We all admit this.
It's not just about hiring, but also about the training, and development but the overall management of employees. Well, the HR department has to be an active part of the organization and not just a passive player. With the advent of artificial intelligence in the world of business technology, it's becoming easier to get more done, faster. A payroll software chatbot is a tool for automating your own workflow. It is designed not only to increase the efficiency of the payroll process but also to simplify the work.
This blog will look into how an organization can use payroll software chatbots to make their task easier and how it can help to handle their day-to-day tasks easily and understandably. Role of payroll software chatbots-Provide 24/7 Payroll support to employee -Resolve payroll-related queries on time - Address multiple payroll FAQ How payroll chatbot help HR management?
A payroll chatbot is one of the cool ways to fulfil a simple task in payroll management, it is always best to use a tool like this that can help you in bettering your productivity. Payroll chatbot is an efficient and reliable software application that helps businesses save time and money and reduce the risk of errors. And for team HR, it is really important that every employee feel satisfied with the mode of communication.
Benefits of payroll software chatbot Payroll self-service Employees don't need to run to HR administration for payroll queries. Like salary breakup. With the help of a payroll software chatbot, one can get the detail of payroll-related queries on time. An AI-powered chatbot is available to you 24/7 and enables you, an employee, to have a payroll self-service. Payroll related inquiries Payroll inquiries will be resolved in a minute like a tax deduction, take-home salary, incentives, and PF amount deduction. HR can be now focused on more integral parts whereas Botgo HRMS payroll module chatbots were designed with the perspective to help them on other regular tasks with the power of automation. Conclusion HR managers can now manage the payroll and employee database with a payroll software chatbot. HR managers can lead the business towards success by ensuring the smooth growth of the business through payroll software chatbot.
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