seaurchin0 · 6 months
As a fellow cyberstalker with much less skill, you amaze and inspire me!!!
- 🐁
thank you 😊 since i'm feeling generous here is some advice for anyone that needs it 🩷
a lot of this depends on if you know them online or irl, but here are some that helped me a lot:
-Look up usernames and irl name if you know it
-If you have pics of them or just any pic they sent you of whatever, reverse image search them, maybe they posted it somewhere else
-Analyze the background of images they're on or they took
-If you're looking for their location, use google maps. Useful af
-Take notes if you dig something of them up, it will help you recognize them online (interests, past experiences, hobbies etc)
-Look at post history obviously
-Check precious usernames and how long they've been using that account and when they registered
-If you find an account that you're unsure of if it's really them, keep that saved too, it could be an alt
-Look at their comments and interactions
-Note down everything. Everything. Make a txt file where you write these, or keep a diary, or save their social media links in a folder or do whatever but i can't stress this enough, somehow, someway, save or note them.
And a ranking of websites based on how good i think they are for cyberstalking:
twitter, reddit, facebook
Twitter is especially amazing because you can't hide your likes or followings, you can see a pretty clear post and commen history, just like with reddit. Facebook, if you want to get to know more about their family, personal lives, friends and stuff like this.
instagram, snapchat
Nothing special about them, good for when you wanna find out what they're up to but not dig up anything too personal.
Could be useful but profile views are a huge disadvantage, and since there's no way to tell if they have it on or not you'll just have to take a wild guess and risk creeping them out.
pinterest, tumblr, spotify
Unless you wanna know what interior design they like, pinterest is useless. Same with spotify, unless you wanna know what type of music they like it's useless. Tumblr is kinda dead tbh.
Hope this helped anyone that was looking for smth like this 😊 I can post more if anyone if anyone wants me to.
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shebrakesforrainbows · 5 months
When an abuser wants to control you, they will find anything and everything to hold you accountable for. They will pull from prior negative experiences you've shared together, or something you said once years ago in anger. They will blatantly misconstrue something and try to accuse you of being outright malicious. Anything you've done even a little wrong is fair game when it comes to wanting to maintain control over your life. Most importantly, they will convince you their behavior is both acceptable and warranted because of your "transgressions". The end goal is to isolate you, to humiliate you, so that you have no choice but to rely on their support.
They want your life to revolve around them.
They want you to feel small, helpless, and afraid.
They want your friends to hate you because they want to be the only person in your life.
In some extreme cases this can even culminate in manipulating or gaslighting them into believing you've done something horrible to them and/or going public to harass you over imaginary experiences either under a pseudonym or to a crowd of people who will always agree with them.
Peer pressure is how abusers keep a lead on a lot of their victims in this day and age, especially with social media in the picture. Teach yourself the signs. Teach yourself to understand that you are capable and worthy of walking away from it.
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authorkarajorgensen · 5 months
A Vent: the Freydis Fiasco
**What is written below is my experience with Freydis Moon and what has gone down since last February. Obviously, all of this is from my perspective, and I have not used other people’s names for privacy reasons. I want to use this post to vent everything that has happened this past year** If you follow me on social media, over the past year or so, you may have seen me posting about how I was…
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dreamingofimpalas · 4 months
Is the situation still ongoing
The Basic Response
The response below the cut is longer; I don't want my other followers to have to read through it when they aren't involved and don't need to be. Regardless, I'd like to mention that I don't condone any anon hate, harassment, bullying, etc. from anyone (especially considering everyone involved is an adult and should've moved on from this incident a while ago).
As far as I'm aware, no one has been sending any anon hate to the victim at the moment, so I'm thankful that portion has stopped. However, they're still posting about her on Tumblr and Wattpad, despite her remaining silent about the situation.
(Additionally, my previous posts about the situation are here and here, so no one has to try to track it down to get all the information.)
Below the Cut
TW: Mentions of gaslighting, bullying, cyberstalking, harassment, and other covert manipulation tactics; mild mentions of cancer, dementia, & drugs (particularly meth)
There are a few points I have to address that go hand-in-hand, so I apologize if it seems "off-topic" for the initial question. I haven't included screenshots in this response because I'm currently working on putting together a post where I can showcase all of the evidence in one place rather than multiple Tumblr posts.
Main Points Addressed (More In-Depth Below)
Shortened version of what caused all of this
A few explanations/textual examples of President + group's gaslighting
Research that humans who think alike change their speech (because some of their claims are that all the blogs they think are the victim "type the same way" and "use the same insults")
Additional Points Addressed (More In-Depth Below)
They're trying to claim that they have "600 screenshots" of the victim bullying them, but their evidence is questionable at best because of the supposed "amount of evidence" (which they haven't actually proven; additionally, their other posts wouldn't have been lacking in evidence if that was the case) and considering they've already been caught cropping screenshots and leaving information out to make themselves look innocent.
President also deleted 6 years of messages on her Wattpad pretty suddenly after I told her to show the full conversations.
Addressing an anon I received from one of them stating I was "unapproachable", "invalidated the victims", and that the screenshots (the ones President + group included in their posts) were "cropped for privacy". Firstly, there is no privacy involved and secondly, I haven't invalidated anyone (see below for more info on both points).
If you're not sure what started all of this, here's a shortened version of events:
This whole thing started on Wattpad; G0dofstories reached out to President Loki and their interactions came across as snarky, but G0dofstories didn’t swear, call names, etc. The victim (G0dofstories) apologized within hours, but other people were being rude to President and G0dofstories asked them all to remove their comments as promised (note that G0dofstories wasn't aware that they were bothering President and that G0dofstories isn't responsible for other people's actions, but she still did the right thing and asked them to take down the comments). President and her followers/group never stopped (which again, we can see this clearly in the present, as they're continuing to post about G0dofstories, despite the victim being silent), then someone contacted G0dofstories about a week after the incident and showed her the books that President + group had posted about her (and there are screenshots of President admitting to having burn books on the victim up to 5 months after the incident, although the books have since been removed from Wattpad, potentially due to a glitch according to President's post - so she still never removed them herself). President had continued to post about her, while none of G0dofstories' friends/followers/etc. had said a word. President keeps saying it's “all over an unfollow”, but it actually started due to a misunderstanding (because text never translates well) and some pettiness/bitterness on President's behalf. President is the one that keeps it going constantly (which I also witnessed on Tumblr prior to interacting with G0dofstories).
The other ridiculous claim that President is making now is that she supposedly has "600 screenshots" of the victim bullying them - if that's the case, why was their evidence so lacking in the other posts? Additionally, even if they did have a good portion, they have probably cropped them to fit their narrative, as that group has done in the past with me and other people (see my previous posts, linked at the top). Again, no solid evidence has been put forward to prove that the victim is behind the numerous blogs they claim they are; they're going off things like "they type the same way", "they use the same insults", "they both do AI art", etc. Note that there's actual research that indicates that humans adapt to speech patterns.
I'd also like to state that I did receive an anon from one of them about a week ago accusing me of "invalidating them" (President + group) and that the screenshots were "cropped for privacy"; that's not true in the slightest. I haven't invalidated anyone - the lack of evidence invalidates itself, and the ridiculous claims they used to try to state those blogs are all the same person ("they type the same", "they use the same insults", "they both do AI art", etc.). I've also already pointed out that they're welcome to show me the full evidence of them supposedly being bullied by the victim (I can almost guarantee it's a misunderstanding/miscommunication between both parties and that someone got upset instead of clarifying and trying to actually resolve the issue). Additionally, the screenshots they provided in their posts weren't "cropped for privacy" - they're all made from public posts, and the ones that are from private messages already show the person's username. Some of them were also tagged in the posts made by Fang and Laurianne. With that being said, there's no "privacy" involved. They also tried to state that I'm unapproachable; I'm usually polite to everyone I interact with until they've given me a good reason not to be (again, that's why I've been here for 12 years and never been a part of fandom discourse until this incident).
Literally all that group has to do is genuinely apologize, drop the subject (as in stop posting about the victim, stop harassing/bullying them, etc.), remove the posts with false information, and move on. Keep in mind the victim already apologized about three times for the misunderstanding; they also tried to take responsibility for the false claims that were thrown at them, thinking it would be easier to accept the blame to try to end the problem and move on.
The apology that President received from the victim is literally them expressing that they're sorry about the entire misunderstanding that took place and that they were dealing with cancer, which doesn't always leave them thinking clearly. And, if you know anything about cancer (I'm praying most of you don't, because it's really not a fun situation or topic), then you already know that part is true; it doesn't leave you in a good head space at times, especially if you're dealing with treatments (I've unfortunately had to experience this with a few family members, so I'm aware of the effects it can have on people).
Instead of accepting the apology and leaving the incident alone, President went on about being a nurse and said she knew about the medical condition (which, if you're a nurse, you're not supposed to try to tell people about their condition or dictate how it affects them when you don't know the full spectrum, don't have access to their medical history, etc. - additionally, she's supposedly a dementia nurse, not even one that specializes in cancer).
President seems to think the victim's initial apology wasn't genuine and was "gaslighting". By definition, that's not how gaslighting works:
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One example of gaslighting is when Laurianne (LokiHiddleston & part of DailyLoki) tried to say she had no part in the "exposed" blogs when I have screenshots that clearly say otherwise (from both the "exposed" blogs themselves and President).
Another example of gaslighting is President denying that she's bullying the victim, even with the evidence we have (at one point, she even tried to insinuate that the victim is on meth, she's tried to belittle and minimize the damage that she's causing to the victim, and countless other incidents - all of which are in screenshots). She also tried to gaslight by saying that it's "only been 6 months" (I have the timestamps in the screenshots that prove it's been a year).
Additionally, 6 months is still too long to be bullying someone, and you just admitted that you were doing it - hello??? I'd also like to point out that President deleted 6 years of messages on Wattpad after I called her out to show the full conversations - why would you keep them for 6 years and then suddenly decide to get rid of them as soon as someone calls you out for hiding/cropping your conversations?? And yes, I'm aware they were getting rid of direct messages on Wattpad, but if you don't care about the conversations to begin with, most people tend to delete them within a closer timeframe, not 6 years later. This doesn't pair well with her gaslighting tendencies, as it only furthers the point that it seems like she's trying to hide her responses - and again, we already saw her trying to hide her replies when she first edited the post she made trying to smear my name, then later deleted it (I did update the link on my other post, so the original post that I responded to is visible again; if that disappears, I already have the screen recording/screenshots of the entire post).
Overall, the point is that the victim is still trying to end the incident; they're trying to move on with their life and they don't want anything to do with the other group. The only thing that the victim asked the group to do is apologize, stop talking about them, remove the posts with false information, and move on from the situation. We're making some progress, as the others have seemingly dropped the topic; as far as I can tell now, it's only President that's continuing to post about her at the moment (although I can't be certain what they're saying in their Discord server about the victim, as President already outed herself on that by trying to accuse me of searching through their server for gossip when I was there trying to find roleplay partners).
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laurellynnleake · 7 months
Hey everyone, heads up that cartoonist Abigail Zero has been cyberstalking and threatening me, my partner Kimball @earnestattempts, and our families for about a month. They've escalated things to outright blackmail and extortion, and spreading heinous lies about us to compromise our income as disabled people.
In the past you may have seen us trying to help them find housing, and vouching for Abigail as a roommate. Although we believe they have every right to safe housing as a human being, we can't vouch that they are a safe roommate any longer. We will never speak to them again or read their frequent abusive messages for our own safety - this warning comes from a friend who checks them for outright threats. We deeply apologize if we put anyone else in danger.
If you've receive any accusations about either me or Kimball being thieves, pedophiles etc, I strongly recommend you not engage and block. If you have any concerns about the contents of the messages or for your own safety, please feel free to reach out.
Currently their Tumblr is @/VirtualRobustness, aka Robust Books, Twitter is ZeroAbigail, Norbert_The_Nag on Insta, and I'd recommend blocking preemptively.
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like begging people to read this list on what cyberstalking is and then think about why this is their immediate reaction to random teenagers online doing dumb shit.
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ealloraio · 11 months
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Gli uomini hanno paura che le donne ridano di loro. Le donne hanno paura che gli uomini le uccidano.
- Margaret Atwood,
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gacha-incels · 7 months
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article link, posted yesterday (feb 22)
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ringsofsaturnnnn · 8 months
just a reminder: cyberstalking isn’t fucking cool. it’s not cute or quirky either. it’s fucking creepy and can seriously affect the person you choose to stalk.
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marsti · 7 months
I'm so tired. Trying to add me on discord wasn't enough, making alts to block evade wasn't enough, now following me to another platform? It's not the first time I've experienced cyberstalking so I'll manage but I really wish it didn't keep happening. This has been going on for a pretty long time and I don't talk about it publicly because I don't want to give anyone ammunition but I really just wanted to go out and have fun tonight, not to think about this stuff. How many times do you need to block someone before they get the message.
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weirdgirl92 · 2 months
Oh and there's no rule against making accounts.
No, but there ARE rules against cyberstalking, and I will keep calling you out on it until you run all out of sock accounts. And I’m gonna make sure my Pokémon mutuals find out about it too, so don’t fuck with me, LunaPrick!
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hc-did-culture-is · 9 months
Ramcoa culture is finding your old tablet and going through Google photos seeing it’s connected to one of your abusers and seeing screenshots of your social media accounts saying you blocked them and 100% conformation they are in fact always watching and listening 😐
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chibidarkness1111 · 2 months
No matter what you feel about his streams and videos, Taiga doesn't deserve this.
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viktoriamagrey · 8 months
It's irritating that someone can just violate your boundaries over and over with no repercussions whatsoever. I wish there was an option to report someone who is making new accounts over and over so that they can no longer do that, or at least give them an increasing cooldown.
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n-dreadful · 3 months
⠀Procrastination is such a terrible habit. I'm paranoid about someone looking through my phone, and at the same time, I'm too lazy to move my things to a cloud.⠀
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Strawberry Fanta
A Shouta Aizawa x Reader Fanfic
TW; Yandere, Stalking, Cyber-stalking, violence, and more.
Pls read this on Ao3 if you enjoy the first chapter, more coming soon! I have 7 so far, 6 ready to post :)
“Y’know, those are horrible for you.” A deep voice pulled you out of your daydreaming, following his eyes to the sickly sweet drink in your hand. The cold stung your warm hands, and you looked back up at the strange man.
“So are those.” You pointed to his killer of choice, Mevuis, Japan's most popular brand of cigarettes.
The strange man looked back into your eyes, deep and invading. You quickly looked away, waiting impatiently for the cashier, who mysteriously seemed absent. The air grew thick with an unknown tension, one that suffocated you. Taking a glance back at the stranger, you saw he had never looked away. Or maybe you both had awkwardly met eyes by chance?
The sound of the analog clock was deafening, but the sound of your rustling jacket somehow was louder. As slyly as you could, you reached into your pocket for your pepper spray, better be safe than sorry. The man seemed to shuffle closer to the middle of the counter, looking at the product stand in the middle of the long counter. Your knuckles turned white as his thick shoes inched closer to you, his breath seemingly on your neck. Turning your head slightly, you could see how close he had gotten, so close in fact, that even if you slightly leaned over both of you would be touching.
Both of you were startled by the door behind the counter swinging open, an alt teenager sauntering out as she popped her pink bubble gum. Thankfully, she rang you up first, eyeing you up before looking back at the dark-haired man beside you. You quickly paid and rushed out the door, refusing to look back as the hair on your neck raised.
You let out a breath as you walked farther and farther from that dammed store, all tension and fear seemed to slip from your body. The walk back to your shitty apartment wasn’t far, and it wasn’t all that bad in the daylight, a contrast to the terrifying dark. The feeling of unease took over you again, so you jogged back to your apartment hoping that you could run off that feeling of fear.
The fear didn’t leave you, even as you locked all the doors to your apartment. 
The sound of your alarm clock awoke you, precisely at 7:30 as it always did, and hastily you got ready for your job as a counselor at the local high school. Simply brushing your teeth and hair would do for beauty today, the train you needed to catch left in 20 minutes, and you needed that ten to walk to the train station. As you shoved yourself into your uniform, you stuffed your mouth with a breakfast bar. Rushing out the door, you quickly made your way through the lively streets. You had barely made the train, quickly settling yourself inside the train, feeling like a packed sardine in the sweaty train. Aimlessly you looked around at the people sitting and standing on the train. It always made you wonder what lives they lived, where they were going, or maybe where they were leaving from. Mindlessly you turned your head around, when your breath caught in your throat, and goosebumps raised on your arms. Quickly you turned back to the window facing the front of you, hastily fixing your panicked face to a calm one. 
It was the man from the convenience store. 
Sure, it could be that you two lived in the same area, given the fact of how late you both went to the store. It could have been just a walk away, just like you. And maybe it was just a coincidence that you both had to ride the same train to get to work or where ever he was going. But it just didn’t feel right, it felt wrong. And you knew it was the same man by his unkempt hair, his dark eyes, and his black clothes. He had the same eyebags, the same stubble, and the same fucking invading stare. Seriously, did no one teach this guy not to stare?
Unfortunately, looking out the side of your eye, you both made eye contact again. It seemed like forever before you got off your stop, your kitten heels clicking behind you as you rushed to your job. It must be a coincidence, it has to be. Yeah. You were just being erratic and deranged, there were tons of people you recognized riding the train during your work days. But they never made you so uncomfortable and so on edge as that man did. 
Taking a deep, calming breath, you let your feelings and anxiety go. A new wave of fresh calmness washing over you. It was fine, everything was going to be fine. You repeated this mantra to yourself over and over, self affirmations always helped ease you. So lost in thought you missed the shadowed footsteps behind you.
This Wednesday was no different than any other day. Students didn't usually come in, only the occasional regular coming in to complain about their problems. Always, you were an attentive listener, always giving advice and directions to the lost students. 
"Goodbye Y/n, I'm glad you decided to show up today." Daiki grumbled out, slamming the door to your office as he left. 
You sighed, smiling. Knowing that he came from a good place and that he was, in his own way, thanking you for listening to him and being reliable. Which wasn't hard, you always came on time, every day no matter what. Packing up important papers, you slipped out of your office for the day, the meeting with Daiki running later than you both would like. 
Your work wife, Aya, stood waiting for you. She was the advanced math teacher, she was smart and beautiful, something you had always been jealous of. To top it all off, she was extremely kind, an example would be how she waited for you every day. 
"Hey! Wanna walk to the train together?" She offered with a bright smile. Her work uniform hugged her body in every right way, all the way to her beautifully placed hair.
"You don't even need to ask at this point Aya, you know we always do." You teased her, interlocking your arms as the both of you descended the stairs of the school. The golden afternoon light casting everything in a T.V-esk glow, making the day even more beautiful.
As the two of you chatted about nothing and everything, you decided to bring up the strange man from the train. Aya nodded attentively, always the sweet girl who listened to your every word.
"Well, I have to agree with the coincidence part! He might be new in town, and maybe that's why you feel off! You aren't used to his face, so that's why it's so uncomfortable for you. Maybe it'll get better if you talk to him." She perked up, happy she solved this life mystery.
You looked away, grimacing. "Hmm, I might just leave it be y'know? He's still a stranger." You looked up at the camera, hidden to the side of the financial building. For some reason, you felt like it was watching you specifically. "Actually, I might as well. This anxiety is taking over my life." You laughed, trying to ease your nerves.
Aya smiled, tugging you closer to her, her face so close that if the two of you just moved just that much-
Before you two could meet, Aya’s phone buzzed to life in her pocket. She snapped her head to her phone as if it had deeply offended her. She made a face.
“What's wrong?” You cawed out to her, saddened by the lost moment.
“Just some unknown number. Weird. C’mon, or you’ll miss your train!” She tugged you forward, the mood dampened by the mystery call. 
You enjoyed the rest of the walk, soaking up Aya's warmth. Everything about her was warm, from her color pallet, and her skin, to the brightness in her smile and hair. You boarded on the train, looking out wistfully as she happily waved you off. Because of the lateness, the dawn slowly but surely became night, and not as many people were on the train with you. The occasional student and late worker were with you. Right across from you, you noticed a person in a black hood. They almost seemed asleep in their slump-over hooded form, though, with how still they sat you knew they were awake. 
You enjoyed the rest of the train ride in peace, only slightly disturbed by the distant fear of being watched. It honestly was probably just from this morning, your mind was more than likely still ringing false alarm bells.
How silly can the mind be, truly?
Read it por favor
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