#D4 Gold
d4goldigmeet · 1 year
Easy & Fast Way To Make Dialbo 4 Gold: Quests, Monsters, Dungeons
With players eager to get their hands on legendary items, many are looking for the best ways to farm them efficiently and quickly. If you’re one of those players, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be sharing the top best methods to farm Cheap Diablo 4 Gold in Diablo 4.
Complete quests and farm monsters
One of the most reliable and easy-to-do methods is to simply progress through the main story and farm new Legendary Gear. You'll slay hundreds of demons, defeat dozens of bosses, and complete lots of quests, rewarding you not only with new gear, but also with a decent amount of gold. You can just sell any gear you don't want, too.
Clear Dungeons and Defeat Bosses
Dungeon runs in Diablo 4 can net players up to three legendary items after completion. While it may get repetitive at times, it’s an effective way to farm legendary items. After every run, it’s important to save any legendaries you get, even if they are at a lower level. You can use these lower-level items to upgrade the stats on your current gear, saving you time farming for better items.
Loot Chests and ContainersAnother strategy to make gold fast in Diablo 4 is by looting chests and containers. These are scattered throughout the game, and they usually contain valuable items as well as gold. We recommend exploring each area thoroughly to ensure that you don’t miss any chests or containers.
Trade your Rare and Magical gear
Rather than tossing away useless gear or salvaging them for materials at the smithy, consider selling them to a vendor for cold, hard cash. They may not seem worth it initially, but emptying your inventory this way can really add up over time during those early hours of the game.
Complete dungeons
We know dungeons can be a little hectic to complete as you have to fight a great number of enemies to clear them. However, they also happen to offer the most exciting rewards, such as gold and rare items. Keep in mind that you can encounter bosses like The Butcher in dungeons, so make sure you’re prepared for them.
Sell Unwanted Items
One simple but effective way to make gold is by selling unwanted items. As you progress through the game, you will accumulate various items that you may not need. While it is possible to store these items in your stash, you can and should sell these items to vendors to earn some quick gold. You can also salvage items that you don’t need for crafting materials, which can also be sold for gold.
That' all there is to know about how to get gold fast in Diablo 4. Finally, players should also focus on crafting legendary items to increase their gold gains. There are many players choose online safe diablo gold store to Buy Diablo IV Gold  such as https://www.igmeet.com/Diablo-4-Gold
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geekmeup-scotty · 1 year
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Carrot Cake or Caramelized Emerald? Either way, I'm apparently thinking food lol. These are up in tomorrow's shop update.
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nanmo-wakaran · 3 months
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angelina fiber dice by Busy Wizard Dice
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motsdice · 2 years
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rucow · 1 year
(WIP incoming! beware of very sketchy sketch!!)
i love that my poto brainrot is so severe that i gave one of my ocs a whole new design inspired by the phantom,,, except its light & sun themed instead of Dark and Emo like our favourite sewer skrunkle,,,
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c-rose2081 · 2 months
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Ella Norwood (thoughts)
“Midnight, gettin' uptight, where are you? You said you'd meet me, now it's quarter to two…”
“I think of you every night and day. You took my heart, and you took my pride away…”
More D4 but make it 80’s thoughts. I didn’t like young Ella’s outfit in the movie at all! It didn’t even look like anything. I know it was supposed to be patchwork but you can’t match that to gold accessories if she’s literally coming from poverty. There was no shape or flow, and it just looked bad.
Ella’s doll actually has overalls without the weird top—which was a perfect fit for her so I went with that. I added a striped blouse with the classic big shoulders, and of course had her pant legs chinch at the ankles so they don’t catch on stuff while she’s working. The patchwork stays, natch, and I like the braided belt just not gold (maybe a straw or fabric belt).
I think, when she’s chilly, Ella wears SO much denim and has a huge patchwork jacket that she wears that absolutely dwarfs her and makes her look extra tiny.
I wasn’t originally going to keep Ella’s blue hair, but I wanted her to match Bridget so the color stays. And yes, it’s still poofy and curly cause the style works here because it’s the 80’s lol.
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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The calendar tell me it's July 27, Gary Gygax's birthday, so I rolled up a character -- 3D6 rolled six times in order referencing Holmes' 1977 basic D&D rules (his tidy edit of Gygax and Arneson's original 1974 little books):
Srength 8
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 10
Constitution 8
Dexterity 10
Charisma 8
In old school D&D this is a perfectly viable character with no penalties, before 50 years of stat inflation was built into the rules. He could be almost anything, but will be most capable as a magic-user, receiving a +5% bonus to earned experience for having a 13 in the prime requisite ability.
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Magic-users and thieves get only a D4 for hit points in early editions, and as often happens I rolled a 1. Survival past the first few levels will be extremely unlikely, but it always was for those classes. He'll need to hide in the middle of the party and hope for the best.
3D6 x 10 for starting gold pieces results in only 60, but he doesn't need much gear. He'll carry some basic tools and a bundle of empty sacks to help carry treasure after his one and only spell is spent.
With Int 13 he has a 65% chance of having a specific level 1 spell in his book, and will have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8. He can roll in any order, and can reroll from the list if they fail to meet the minimum. On the first pass through the list he fails to know Detect Magic, Magic Missile, or Hold Portal, but his book holds Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Protection from Evil, Read Languages, Read Magic, Shield, Sleep, and Tenser's Floating Disc. From that list of 8 he can choose one spell each day to use, only one time per day. In combat Sleep and Charm Person will be useful for reducing the number of opponents.
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Healer’s Voice
Wondrous item, rare ___ This silver and gold necklace hums with a healing energy when you speak certain arcane words. Whenever you cast the “healing word” or “mass healing word” spell and roll a 4 on a d4, you can grant one target of the spell 4 temporary hit points for each d4 that rolled a 4. If you roll a 1 on a d4, you can reroll the die. You must use the new roll. In addition, whenever you make an ability check to calm, heal, or otherwise soothe another creature, you can roll a d4 and add it to the total. Once this property of the necklace has been used, it can’t be used again until you or another creature has cast “healing word” or “mass healing word” while wearing the necklace. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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finally got around to taking pics for weird dice wednesday!
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my big hunk of metal d20 that i don't think i've ever actually used bc i'm scared to see it roll shit
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cute little d4 potion bottle with gold flecks
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the d20 of my rose quartz bard set, this was a bday gift from my main group <3
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OBSESSED with these ones, they are so SMALL
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and my dice box, I just added the gold corners recently and I wanna show it off to everyone in the world. Sticker by The Thornless Rose, box by MaxsDnDTavern
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facts-i-just-made-up · 11 months
Could you offer some tips for D&D?
There is a trick to each dice roll. To get high numbers, try these:
d4: Drop the die from a height of at least 4, this will guarantee you get 4.
d6: The cubic or "Caesar's Dice" can be made to roll a 6 by blowing on them as they fall. Do not try with 3d6 or you will get 666 and Satan will result.
d10: This shape is not physically possible, and works only with the placebo effect to make players think they have rolled it, thus you can make up any number and people will accept it.
d12: Anoint the die with Oil of Abramelin and seek guidance from the holy guardian angel of dice to guide them to roll the numbers you wish. Roll what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, 12 is the law, 12 under Thac0.
d20: Bribe the dice with payments of gold, silver, electrum, or ivory. Photograph yourself doing so, then blackmail them if they refuse. This also works on most politicians in the d20.
d100: This is a ball. Why are you rolling a ball for D&D? That's absurd, balls are for sports people.
dℵ₀: Do not roll infinite dice, this will annoy the DM.
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diiwata · 3 months
my district 4 masterpost!
to me, district 4 is a mix of se/east asian, lat-am, and even a bit of black influence. had a bit of help from @blackoutdays13, creds to her too <3
let's dive in (joke intended). more below the cut!
i like to think dance is an important part of the d4 culture. many artists that contribute to hip-hop culture originate from california, especially dances :) not to mention cultural latam dances, the dragon dance from china, and maybe even tinikling (projecting so hard rn)! movement is how they get through the day.
their diet may consist of mostly seafood, but grains are also a staple. rice, bread, noodles, and tortillas are often paired with meats and vegetables to make meals more fulfilling. of course, they aren't the same to the grains we produce now, but it's close enough to what they are able to get their hands on.
as stereotypical it is to asian culture, i like to think education holds some importance there, too. it doesn't just involve hitting the books, but also street smarts and survival skills. even if you're working, there's some downtime saved for learning/passing on knowledge from the older to younger generation.
there is a large sense of community in the districts. it's a staple in asian culture to identify with your community. your achievements and your failures are not just yours, but is a reflection of the people you identify with. this is touched more on my asian d4/d7 analysis.
since california legalized this, they definitely had... recreational uses for certain substances. you know. mary jane, the 🍃. it's a whole thing in the district and a "hidden gem". it's more popular with the lower class, but the capitol thinks it's used by the best of the best. they don't have to know, though ;)
their marketplace is concentrated in the docks! similar to the piers of santa monica and san francisco, there's a lot of street vendors, kiosks, and street performers.
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the further away you are from the shore, the more impoverished you are. the people of the "inner lands" probably process the food for safer consumption, or travel to the shore to find work (hence the kiosks and such). grains could also be grown in the inner lands, which is how they're able to supply the district with rice and such w/o having to rely on d9 imports too much.
a train or trolley system helps large capacities of people travel to and fro their work. the trolley might be a bit more for tourists, though.
lots of cliffs. lots of mountains. houses on cliffs and mountains are seen as a privilege. I imagine the victor's village is somewhere here!
the houses in the victor's village look like italianate homes in san francisco (1). houses by richer folks look like malibu/southern californian beach houses (2). inner lands houses are either the older, fenced homes or apartment units (3)!
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(i read these in some fics!!) considering that latinos are also big in california, and that a lot of asians share a catholic faith in the state, i could see them using rosaries or crosses. not because of a belief in it, but as an equivalent of a good luck charm.
to add onto this ^ they celebrate ash wednesday, but with their own twist. the ash on their foreheads is instead a reminder of who they lost.
speaking of holidays, the festival that they celebrate during the victory tour months probably closely mimics lunar new year! of course, they don't follow the lunar calendar, but their traditions and rituals to celebrate that day look awfully similar. red envelopes could be passed around, but I highly doubt that there's much in there if you're from the inner lands.
dia de los muertos is celebrated too! possibly during the victory tour months, too. imagine a festival that's just spilling with the golds and reds of lunar new year and the vibrant colors associated with dia de los muertos!
earthquakes. wildfires. droughts. those are the holy trinity of natural disasters in d4. protocols for all three are drilled into the minds of d4 citizens since youth.
thanks to the indigenous practice of controlled fires that persisted during the building of panem, they are often able maintain these wildfires. but sometimes, the wildfires do get out of control and turn the sky orange.
their structures are relatively stable to help accommodate for the earthquakes, but of course, damage will be done especially during a huge one that occurs in california every few centuries.
in my finnick/oc fic, "the big one" occurs before the 65th games. after finnick's victory, they paid more attention to d4.
droughts are not to be taken lightly in d4, especially in the inner lands. don't shower for more than five minutes. turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. never keep the sink running. fix leaking faucets whenever you can b/c every drop counts.
a water limit is imposed on them. most of the water goes directly to the upper class and the capitol resorts by the coast.
the inner lands' lower class, the coast's merchants, the officials, and the victors are all classes in district four. the lower class harbors some resentment towards the upper class, and it's the other way around, too.
since most of the water travels to the upper class, that's where the main resentment lies. everything is for tourism and to maintain appearances.
because of this maintenance and carefully curated appearance, I can see the capitol citizens romanticizing d4 to an extreme degree. with finnick as the "face" of the district, it only worsens. they think of d4 as beaches, tropical fruits, and a sunny paradise. but once they take the train that passes through the rural lands and the poorer urban areas with the fog limiting their view, they realize that district 4 isn't all what they shaped it up to be.
I also imagine the upper class trying to dismiss the lower class because they don't look appealing enough to the capitol. they ARE a career district, after all. this could tie into the model minority myth, which I discuss in this post using hannah's ask, as well as the d4/d7 hc I linked previously. to summarize, reputation is ingrained in asian cultures. this need for a good rep could bring d4 to try their hardest to appeal to the model minority myth and keep up with the other career districts.
all in all, d4 is my little try-hard district rich with culture, mary jane, and the impending doom of "the big one". I love it with all my heart. if you have anything to add, or things you want me to touch up on, feel free to drop an ask or say something in your rb!
stream "california love" by 2pac 🙏🏽
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agentoffangirling · 2 months
And on the topic of redesigns, here's how I would redesign the D4 characters. If a character isn't mentioned here, it's because I like their outfits in the movie and wouldn't redesign it much:
Chloe: Brown hair, often styled in braid(s) so they're away from her face from sword fighting. Looks as though she came from the lap of luxury itself with high-end fabrics and materials. A deeper blue for the majority of her clothes, with lighter blues and whites as accents. More feminine, again going into that luxury angle with bits of gold jewelry and sparkly boots. Maybe a slight skirt train when she's not fighting, or a sparkly shirt with ruffles at the end, resembling a skirt
Red: Keeping the red hair, but more muted; I think brown roots would look really nice on her, as though she dyed her hair out of rebellion, which adds to her arc. Natural brown hair could also play into her being less of a VK. Also keeping the leathers, but a ton more black into her outfits to help with the bright red. White is also an accent color, but she has less of it compared to Chloe. More harsh angles and shapes to set them apart, tank top girly instead of the standard t-shirt
Bridget: Red hair, but muted like Red's. Definitely a lot more curls to her, though, and I think she'd also look really cute with a bow. Very extra and ultra-feminine, is obviously rich but doesn't necessarily flaunt it. While her fabrics are high end, she has minimal jewelry and prefers to stick to a more modest style of dressing. Lighter pink for the majority of the outfits to match her hair better but some hot pinks here or there to help her stand out. Puffed up sleeves, short skirts that are similarly puffy (and sparkly) with some type of bottom. Flats instead of boots, nails painted with card designs
Ella: Exact opposite of Bridget. Braids are done in a similar fashion to Chloe's, but a more utility-esque purpose. Denim for the majority of her clothes, keeping that "scrapped together" feel, and very very minimal makeup. Oversized clothing occasionally due to hand-me-downs from Anastasia and Drizzella. Nailbeds are cracked from working so much, and her boots are muddy, form and function over style. Her outfit from "Get Your Hands Dirty" is really what I'm going for
Maleficent: Out with the hair-wrapped horns. Out with them. They're also going to be shorter, not as grown in, and more standing up to resemble the ones from D1 and "Sleeping Beauty". Dark purple hair, darker than Mal's, kept up in a ponytail braid. Victorian clothing with lace, a lot more drapey, almost trailing on the ground. Long nails, purple with green decals. Her outfit is primarily black with dark purple and neon green accents, and her boots are leather with a sharp heel. Black lipstick and a smokey eye to finish
Morgie: I really don't like that scarf. I know it's supposed to resemble a snake, but it just looks tacky. Tighter clothing made of fine materials, a vest with an almost scale-like design to it. Leather pants with that similar scale style running down the sides. Drapey sleeves are alright, but I feel like he could also do without them. Painted nails for sure, though, he would rock a green. More gold decals and a mild green for his color palette Also I think the eye thing should be permanent
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
My roommate has some D&D stuff in the living room and one them is a box with a barlgura front and center and every time I see it now, I’m like “oh, people on tumblr wanna fuck that guy”
Stick around and maybe that'll apply to the rest of their D&D stuff too!
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motsdice · 2 years
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(Sorry for the back-to-back asks, I was looking through your blog and got distracted by the postman)
I've been trying to find a post I swear I remember you making explaining the rules of Tali, but am coming up empty when I try to search for it on your blog. Can you help me out? All good if not, tumblr do be tumblr. Hope you're having a good day!!
i too suffer from 'cant find my own shit in tumblrs garbage search" disease i had to pull this from the laoft discord server akjsdhaksjdh
Tali, named for the game pieces, which are the talus bones of ruminants.
Each bone has four sides - a broad convex side, worth one, named "Iron," a concave broad side, worth 2, named "Stone," and convex narrow side, worth 3, named "Gold," and a concave narrow side, worth 4, named "Silver." (yes silver and gold are in that order on purpose, humans consider gold more valuable but fae are the other way around)
(when i play these games myself or write them, i just use a d4, but technically talus bones are not equally likely to land on every side. a closer (but still not perfect) analogue vis-a-vis probability would be to use a six-sided die and treat 1 and 2 like Iron, 3 and 4 like Stone, 5 as Gold and 6 as Silver)
you roll four tali - most rolls, you simply add up the total value of the sides, but certain combinations of sides are treated different
First combination roll - 1, 1, 1, 1, or four irons, also called "Cursed Irons." this one varies the most in behavior depending on exactly what game youre playing but its always bad, and usually not worth any points, sometimes worth negative
and there are three categories of trump rolls
Akind (4 of a kind of 2 or 3) which are worth double points,
Doubles (2 pairs), 1122 is lesser doubles (worth 15), 1133 is odd doubles (worth 20), 1144 and 2233 are both middle doubles (worth 25), 2244 is even doubles (worth 30), and 3344 is greater doubles (worth 35)
Finally, Crowns, also called high trump - four 4s, called Silver Crown OR one of each (so 1234), called a jeweled crown
The game Remus and Io play is called "Riches" and is a simple first-to-100 game. the only real odd mechanic is that Cursed irons "robs you" and cuts your points in half.
a variation of Riches called "Iron Riches" has multiple rounds, and is played somewhat in reverse - the first to 100 in each round immediately loses all their points, while the rest keep theirs. at the end of all the rounds, whoever has the fewest points wins.
there are other games you can play but thats the only ones i have real concrete ideas for. "playing blank" means to play without magic, on chance alone. most games can be played in such a way to incorporate some element of gambling, but its not an inherent component of any of them
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thearcanecat · 5 days
Pulp Musicals as dice
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Bonus - Printing press plate
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Edit: There’s more now.
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