#DA Y/N battle royale
winter-soldier-101 · 1 year
You are not her! Part 7
Word count:3007
Not my gifs
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(Y/N) lands cannibal near Kings Landing waiting for her children to join her soon.
“The Conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army- and landed at the Blackwater Rush” Jace says to the maester as he leans High Valyrian.
“The mouth” Rhaenyra tells him.
“The mouth! Come on Jace you knew that” Jace says to himself.
“Perhaps that’s enough for this morning” Rhaenyra says to Jace and the maester.
“No no I want to keep going-maester” Jace tells Rhaenyra and the maester.
“Aegon…. Ordered that the trees should be… killed” Jace says.
“Felled it is a related word, I don’t expect you to learn High Valyrian in a day Jace” Rhaenyra tells him.
“A king should honor the traditions of his forbears” Jace tells Rhaenyra.
“Well… unless you’re planning to depose your own mother you have plenty of time to study” Rhaenyra tells Jace as the doors to the room open and Daemon walks in.
“Leave us” Rhaenyra tells everyone in the room.
“He means to call into question Luke’s legitimacy and by extension Jace and by extension my own claim to the Iron Throne” Rhaenyra says as she reads the letter that Daemon gave her from Baela.
“Vaemond cares only about Driftmark and the Velaryon line not about our politics has he made common cause with Otto Hightower yet?” Daemon asks Rhaenyra.
“That is what I fear Rhaenys has flown to court surely she cannot be planning to back him” Rhaenyra tells Daemon.
“No whatever disagreements we may have had she’s not cruel… or stupid enough to do that” Daemon tells Rhaenyra.
“Disagreements? She believes we had her son killed so that we might marry” Rhaenyra tells Daemon.
“Yes… and yet she’s taken Baela to ward” Daemon says.
“Yes it’s Laena’s memory she honors she has no love for us” Rhaenyra tells him.
“Has the vipers venom spread so far?” Daemon asks.
“Those vipers rule in my fathers name and my father— What choice do I have?” Rhaenyra asks Daemon.
“To Kings Landing then?” Daemon asks.
Kings Landing
“All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen Princess of DragonStone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort Prince Daemon Targaryen” a knight introduces them.
“Welcome back Princess” Lord Caswell says to Rhaenyra as he is the only person to welcome her and her family home.
“Lord Caswell” Rhaenyra says.
As Rhaenyra and Daemon walk around the castle.
“I would say it is nice to be home but I scarcely recognize it” Rhaenyra tells Daemon as they make their way to Viserys’s room.
“Father?” Rhaenyra calls out as she and Daemon walk into his room and up to his bed to see him laying down and looking close to death.
“Who goes there?” Viserys says softly.
“Father it’s me Rhaenyra” Rhaenyra says to Viserys.
“Oh…” Viserys whispers out.
“I’m here with Daemon” Rhaenyra tells him.
“Daemon? Is (Y/N) here is my little dragon home now?— Help me up it has been so long” Viserys asks Rhaenyra.
“The Sea Snake has taken a grave wound in battle in the Stepstones” Daemon tells Viserys.
“When? We won that war years ago” Viserys says.
“No. The triarchy is resurgent the fighting is anew there is a petition to decide upon the succession of Driftmark and the heir to the Driftwood throne” Daemon tells Viserys.
“Petitions? Alicent and Otto they see to all that business now” Viserys tells Daemon and Rhaenyra.
“No brother listen to me you are to affirm your position for Lucerys to be Corlys Velaryons successor” Daemon tells Viserys as the chamber doors open.
“Has something happened to Lord Corlys?” Viserys asks Daemon.
“Father there’s someone we wish to introduce you to” Rhaenyra says bringing the babe closer.
“Daemon” Viserys says as he looks at Daemon.
“Brother” Daemon whispers back.
“Who is that?” Viserys asks.
“Father… this is Aegon and this is Viserys” Rhaenyra says smiling at her sons then at her father.
“Aegon… oh Viserys now that is a name fit for a king… oh oh I’m sorry I’m sorry… please my tea my tea” Viserys whispers out in pain.
“This?” Daemon says geting the tea.
“Yes yes” Viserys says as he drinks the tea and gives the cup to Daemon as Daemon smells the tea and looks at Rhaenyra.
Alicent makes way to Viserys’s room and sees Rhaenyra and Daemon.
“Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon it has been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence” Alicent says looking at Rhaenyra.
“Indeed, Your Grace” Rhaenyra says to Alicent.
“Though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival” Daemon says to Alicent.
“I’m sure the Queen had pressing business, my love. What can either of us know of ruling a kingdom?” Rhaenyra says, looking at Alicent.
“I do not rule as you well know my father and I are mere stewards of the king's will and wisdom” Alicent says to Rhaenyra and Daemon.
“And how exactly is that wisdom expressed? In blinks and wheezes? I’d be surprised if he could even remember his own name or if you could” Daemon asks Alicent.
“King Viserys's condition has worsened since you saw him last it’s subjects him to considerable pain on the advice of the maesters—“ Alicent starts to tell Rhaenyra and Daemon.
“Ah the maesters of course it is they who keep him addled on milk of the poppy while the Hightowers warm his throne” Rhaenyra says.
“Rhaenyra, if you would see him without it, is almost blind with suffering” Alicent tells Rhaenyra.
“Alicent I have no doubt it was an act of the poorest mercy but tell me for the king’s suffering did the maesters also prescribe the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation in its stead of various statues and stars?” Daemon asks.
“The emblems of the Seven serve only to guide us on an uncertain path to remind us of a higher authority” Alicent tells Daemon.
“And on the morrow which authority will sit in judgment of my son's claim on his own inheritance?” Rhaenyra asks Alicent.
“That would be mine… and the Hands but be assured the father is just and commands me to forget the accusations you have spoken in this room today” Alicent says to Rhaenyra and Daemon as she walks away from them.
The Godswood in King's Landing
Rhaenyra looks at Rhaenys and smiles.
“I wandered for many hours what your purpose was in coming here whether you’d speak for or against the suit brought by Ser Vaemond but then I realized… you intended to advocate for yourself this is no fair proceeding it is a trap set by the Queen and the Hand I’d wager to proclaim my sons illegitimate” Rhaenyra tells Rhaenys.
“Yet you did worse than that with Laenor did you not?” Rhaenys asks Rhaenyra.
“I loved your son, you may not believe it to be true but I did. I did not order his death nor was I complicit in it I swear this to you I’ll make you an offer back Luke’s claim and let us betroth Laena’s children to mine Baela will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and her sons will be heirs to the throne Rhaena will rule in Driftmark and the seat pass to her and Lucerys children in time” Rhaenyra tells Rhaenys.
“A generous offer or a desperate one” Rhaenys says to Rhaenyra.
“What does it matter?” Rhaenyra asks her.
“You are right in this at least is does not matter you can bargain with me all you like bring my granddaughters with you to soften my resolve but tomorrow the Hightowers land their first blow they force you to your knees… and I must stand alone” Rhaenys tells Rhaenyra.
Viserys room
“Alicent?” Viserys whispers out.
“No it’s Rhaenyra, father” Rhaenyra tells him.
“Rhaenyra” Viserys whispers.
“The song of ice and fire— do you believe it to be true?” Rhaenyra asks.
“Argon’s dream” Viserys says.
“You told me and (Y/N) it was our duty to hold the realm united apa common foe by naming me heir you divided the realm I thought I wanted it but the burden is a heavy one it’s to heavy” Rhaenyra tells Viserys.
“My…. My First born daughter” Viserys says.
“If you wish me to bear it then defend me and my children” Rhaenyra says.
“It’s….” Viserys whispers out.
The Red Keep
“Through it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survives his wounds we gather here with grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark as Hand I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters the crown will now hear the petitions Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon” Otto while sitting on the Iron Throne.
“My Queen my Lord Hand the history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria for as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies House Velaryon has ruled the seas when the Doom fell on Valyria our houses became the last of their kind our forebears came to this new land knowing that we’re they to fail it would mean the end of their bloodlines and their name I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brothers seat I am Lord Corlys closet kin his own blood the true unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins” Vaemond tells Otto and Alicent.
“As it does in my sons the offspring of Laenor Velaryon if you cared so much about your house's blood Ser Vaemond you would not be so bold as to supplant it’s rightful heir no you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition” Rhaenyra says to Vaemond.
“You will have a chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing him to be heard” Alicent says to Rhaenyra.
“What do you know of Velaryon blood Princess? I could cut my own veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it this is about the future and survival of my house not your My Queen my Lord Hand this is a matter of blood not ambition I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor… The Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides” Vaemond says first to Rhaenyra then to Alicent and Otto.
“Thank you Ser Vaemond, Princess Rhaenyra you may now speak for your son Lucerys Velaryon”Otto says as Rhaenyra walks up and begins to speak.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answers I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago in this very—“ Rhaenyra starts to say but the door to the keep is opened.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen the first of his name King of the andals and the rhoynar and the first men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms protector of the realm” a knight announces Viserys in as he slowly makes his way to the Iron Throne.
“I will sit the throne today” Viserys tells Otto.
“Your Grace” Otto says as he makes way over to Alicent.
“I said I’m fine” Viserys says to the person, Daemon helps Viserys up the steps and sits him down and puts the crown on him and makes his way back to Rhaenyra.
“I must admit my confusion I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession the only one person who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys” Viserys says.
“Indeed your grace it was ever my husbands will that Driftmark pass though Ser Laenor to his true born son Lucerys Velaryon his mind never changed nor did my support of him as a matter of fact the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughters Baela and Rhaena a proposal to which I heartily agree” Rhaenys tells Viserys.
“Well… the matter is settled again I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark the Driftwood Throne and the next Lord of the Tides” Viserys says to the mass.
“You break law and centuries of tradition to install your day as heir yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon no I will not allow it!” Vaemond tells Viserys.
“Allow it? Do not forget yourself Vaemond” Viserys tells him.
“That is no true Velaryon and certainly no nephew of mine!” Vaemond yells out.
“Go to your chambers you have said enough” Rhaenyra tells Jace and Luke as she tells Vaemond that he’s said enough.
“Lucerys is my true born grandson and you are no more than the second son of Driftmark” Viserys tells Vaemond.
“You may run your house as you see fit but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides and gods be damned I will not see it end on the account of this…” Vaemond starts to say.
“Say it… say it '' Daemon tells Vaemond.
“Her children are bastards! And she is a whore!” Vaemond yells out.
“I… will have your tongue for that” Viserys says as he stands and pulls out his dagger.
Daemon stands behind Vaemond and swings his sword as he cuts Vaemonds head in half off his body.
“He can keep his tongue,” Daemon says as he cleans his sword.
The Dinner
“How good it is to see you all tonight together”Viserys says.
“This is an occasion for celebration. It seems my grandsons Jace and Luke will marry their cousins Baela and Rhaena further strengthening the bond between our houses, a toast to the young princes and their betrotheds” Viserys says.
“It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around this table the faces most dear to me in all the world I do wish (Y/N) where here to see everyone together— yet grown so distant from each other in year past— my own face is no longer a handsome one if indeed it ever was but tonight I wish you to see me as I am not just a King but your father your brother your husband and your grandsire who may not it seems walk for much longer among you let us no longer hold I’ll feeling in our hearts the crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided but set aside your grievances if not for the sake of the crown then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly” Viserys says while taking off the golden mask hiding his face and tells the family to stop the fighting and come together as one.
(Y/N) and her children walk through the halls till they enter the dining hall where all her family is sitting.
“(Y/N) is that really you?” Viserys asks while letting some tears fall.
(Y/N) walks over and kneels and holds Viserys hands and kisses them.
“Yes father it’s me and I want you to meet my children, this is my son Aragon and my daughter Aemma” (Y/N) says smiling at Viserys.
“Your home my little dragon and with children of your own” Viserys says kissing (Y/N)’s cheeks.
“Aragon and Aemma this is my sister Rhaenyra and this is your father Daemon and this it your cousins Jace and Luke and your half sisters Baela and Rhaena, Alicent it’s good to see you and oh look how much you’ve grown you are no longer my little Aegon” (Y/N) says while introducing her children to their family while looking at her other siblings.
Aegon looks at (Y/N) and smiles.
“You used to care for me?” Aegon asks (Y/N).
“Yes I was the only one who could make you stop crying and little Helaena was such a fussy babe as well and this must be Aemond” (Y/N) tells Aegon and Helaena and hugs her three siblings.
The next morning
“(Y/N) my little dragon you are truly home I’ve missed you very much why not come home sooner?” Viserys asks (Y/N) while holding you close.
“I… thought I would not be welcomed back the letter you left in my room after Rhaenyra’s wedding” (Y/N) tells Viserys.
“What letter? I did not write to you? I got a letter from you on your bed the night you left” Viserys tells (Y/N).
“I left no letter father?” (Y/N) says to Viserys.
“I wrote the two letters” Daemon says looking at (Y/N) and Viserys.
“You fucking bastard you made me believe my father did not love or care for me you told me you would love and care and protect me Daemon but that was all a lie!” (Y/N) yelled out as she hit Daemon over and over before walking out the room.
“(Y/N)” Rhaenyra calls out for you.
“(Y/N) I’m sorry I did not know he did all that to you and father” Rhaenyra tells (Y/N) as she hugs you.
“Thank you Rhaenyra and it’s not your fault it was mine for believing him and loving him, he broke and hurt me I had our marriage annulled when the twins had their first name day, I also want you to know that Ser Harwin Strong is alive I had some men save him but they couldn’t save his father he shall be here soon and I’ve meet someone who loves me and he truly cares for my children and I care for his we are happy and are to marry soon and I want you there I will not leave your side again sister.” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra.
“I’m happy for you sister and I will be there for you. Do I get to know who he is?” Rhaenyra asks (Y/N)
“He is…” (Y/N) starts to say.
Taglist: @secretdreamlandmentality @malynn @stargaryenx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @splaterparty0-0 @siriusdumblittlepuppy @devils-blackrose @thefandomimagines @impartinghades @immyowndefender @melissarose234 @lazyotakujen @whitejuliana1204 @elizad @thanyatargaryen @afro-hispwriter @aegon-andaemondtargaryenslut18 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hc-geralt-23 @snh96 @animelover18 @danielle-leah1997 @angeliod @lightdragonrayne @talkdiffently6 @yeah-just-a-fan @1950schick @billiesbeans @daemyratwst @impartinghades @nats-whore @dc-marvel-girl96 @noname2246 @targaryenmoony @scarlettqueen190 @slutmeoutsworld @ivanna6026
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hypertonicplague · 2 years
Dia’s momma’s info!!!
Hheheheheh I have time n everything so I thought y not
(If there’s spelling r grammar mistakes just know I’m 10 hours into a 12 hour shift n I’m kinda tired 🗿)
Plz read this first!! It has demon info so ur not confused!! And this one!!
Aight so real quick gon get this out the way: Dia’s mom 1000000% had a harem/concubines n The King didn’t care cuz he had 1 too (polygamy is very much practice all over the Devildom n it’s harder to find ppl practicing monogamy)
Before being married she used to be a hells version of a ring fighter n her main sin is a mix of wrath/pride (da stronger the demon the more sins they can hold but that’s 4 another post hehehe)
She actually proposed to the king! N he denied her!! Cuz they like fought r something ya know n she lost n 4 her that was the first time someone beat her n for him it was another Thursday
They ended up getting married 79878900877+ fights later cuz she managed to scratch his butt cheek in battle (which was an accident btw she was going to his Achilles’ tendon) n that was the first time anyone ever got him so 💁 marriage
They actually didn’t have kids (Dia) right off the altar n if you ask anyone their marriage was more like an EXTREME friendship that u can claim on taxes. They did almost everything together n kinda never showed PDA nor looked like they wanted to. They brawled publicly n she helped him with a lot of royal stuff n meetings n things like that. Y’all know them ppl at bars that r super drunk n keep hugging each other n shouting?? Yea that was them but like all the time “ur my best friend! No UR my best friend!!”
They did sleep in the same room 🙇‍♂️
Demons go through heat and ruts in my hc version so that’s how baby Dia came 2 be lmmmaaaooo a lil /happy/ mistake took the kings bff 🥺 (dw she loved her kid 😌 just wasn’t the right time)
Also gonna throw this out there that if she DID survive she wouldn’t approve of the exchange program at ALL. She doesn’t hate humans like Belphie BUT she also doesn’t see them as individuals. More or less humans are one of two things to her 1: food 2: pets. No more no less, she definitely sees them as sheep or even slaughter animals (but she would love-ish MC cuz how couldn’t she love her son’s let 🥹🥹)
Also she doesn’t like Angels at ALL, she wouldn’t even like Lucifer n their siblings just CUZ they used to be angels. She thinks they’re selfish n too high on grace n would give everything she has to punch 1
She also doesn’t entirely like witches/Sorcerers. Thinks they’re weird n try hards
O yea one thing the Devildom didn’t like is that she never wore her crown or dressed in royalty. Even for parties she’d have her horns out but rarely her wings or jewelry. Her reason for this when asked is “everything’s heavy”
Her original form!! (If ya read them links) is!! A small red/pink-ish ball of what looks like yarn surrounded by lil flecks of glitter
That’s rlly I can think abt!! Umm ummm!!! If u have questions like plz ask!! Hehehehe I wanna doodle her more n make more lore n I’ve got a poo brain so questions would help a lot!!!! R if something needs better defining plz ask!! I like doing stuff like this 😭😭
Plus doodieleleieelee
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hotdamnhunnam · 4 years
King Kink Arthur
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: Here’s the eighth of twelve filthy fics for my Kinkfest! Based on the below request. Please note the warnings – this fic involves the following (consensual) kinks: slapping (in the face) + cum play (in the face). So please don’t read if that’s not suited to your tastes 🙂
Pairing: King Arthur x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, savage sex god KING slapping your face during sex and then cumming all over it (because you beg him for it) Request: Kinkfest request from @turner-cris​
Word Count: ~1.8k
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**Please note warnings above**
Kinks begin after ‘Keep reading’ cut...
... Continued from Part 1 [Read Here]
“Fuck, love...” Arthur groans out, as you go on worshiping his fully drained cock with your filthy whore mouth. You’ve just swallowed down loads of his sweet royal cum but still can’t get enough. He still tastes just as good when he starts going soft.
He won’t stay soft for long, at the rate you’re going. Slobbering all over his delicious length with your devoted tongue. The flavor of him never fails to get your juices flowing, as you grind your soaking cunt against the bed—you’d been so intensively focused on giving him head, you yourself haven’t come yet.
“I hope you’re not too terribly upset, my king,” you murmur as you drop your mouth lower to kiss his balls, the way you know is to his liking. “Your little slut just couldn’t help herself at all...”
His Highness always orders you to let him sleep the whole night through, the eve before a battle. But when you had seen him groaning through a wet dream, huge cock raging hard and bursting at the seams, spouting off dirty words that made it clear he was dreaming of you... it had been far too much to handle.
And now that you’ve begun, you’re just desperate to go again. The slut in you will always long for more.
“Suppose that’s what I get for marrying a fucking whore,” your man playfully snarls, as you go on slurping the sweat off of his balls. “My queen is such a dirty little girl. Is sucking cock the only thing you’re fucking good for?”
You moan in pleasure as he grabs hold of your skull, the forceful way that makes your toes curl. “Sucking... fucking...” you reply, so wet from servicing your king, face buried deep between his strong muscular thighs. “After all, I’ve got two other holes, my lord...”
“You say that as if you deserve my cock, you naughty fucking cunt,” he furiously grunts, shifting position and lifting your head off of his crotch at once. Shoving you down to kneel before him on the floor. “After the order you’ve broken? You know I didn’t want to be awoken. Had no business being such a greedy whore.”
Oh fuck—you watch in silence, numb and dumbstruck, as he strips his sweat-soaked shirt off of his sculpted upper body. With your king looking so godly, all you’ll ever be is naughty...
Arthur crumples up his shirt and flings it down onto the floor where you now kneel between his feet. His dominance cuts to your cunt, pulsing in heat. You know your king is bound to dish out punishment, exactly as you want. Exactly what the nasty slut inside you needs.
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He reaches down to rake his fingers through your hair, slaying you with his ice-blue stare. So goddamn gorgeous it’s not fair...
You look up lovingly at his beautiful face, and at the sweat glistening on the chiseled muscles of his chest. Worshiping him with your adoring gaze. 
One of his hands shifts from your hair to slide his palm against your cheek now in a soft yet somehow threatening caress. “The king needs rest, the night before he rides to war.”
His menacing tone renders you a slutty mess down on the floor. Once again he is already hard as a rock, raw alpha male rage stiffening his cock, and you can tell that he’s about to level up the dirty talk. There’s nothing you want more.
“Do you fucking understand, you good-for-nothing whore?”
Crumbling to dust within the firm grasp of his hands, you tremble at his every word. “Y-yes, my lord...”
“And yet you dared to disobey. Despite the fact that I own you in every way.”
Ugh, fucking shit—arousal gushes from your dripping slit. What else is there to even say...?
“Isn’t your purpose to submit? To serve?” he sneers, palm burning hot against your face. His words are music to your ears. “What kind of punishment do you think you deserve?”
Now this you know just how to answer. “Whatever punishment you wish, master.”
He snickers, clearly pleased as his majestic scepter just grew even bigger. Smirks down at you like a goddamn wicked bastard. Both your hearts are beating faster.
Spank my slutty little ass, sir, you implore him without words. Hoping that he will read your mind and feed your thirsts. Please, spank my naughty ass then fuck me till it hurts...
Your king has done it many times before. You’ve often begged for him to slap you in the face, because you crave that even more—but that’s a kink that Arthur hasn’t wanted to explore. He knows it’s just for play, yet still he shudders at the thought of hurting this beloved face of yours, in any fucking way...
... or so it was until today.
“Bitch, I am going to disgrace your fucking face,” he bluntly states. “Smack it until you can’t see straight. That what you want? You filthy little cunt?”
Oh holy fuck—you can’t believe your luck. What have you done to deserve such a heavenly punishment...?
“Bet you’re already soaking wet, just at the thought. You dirty slut,” he taunts. “Can feel this pretty face getting all hot. We haven’t even started yet.”
You sigh in bliss as Arthur swiftly lifts you up onto the bed. “Yes, I—I want it more than anything, my king...”
“Of course you do. Just look at you,” he devilishly coos, spreading you out naked and taking in the view. “You’re gonna be so fucking ruined by the time I’m through...”
You already are, though. And he already knows.
The king can’t fucking wait to plunge into your soaking wet cunt, just the way you both want. Set on fire with pure primal lust, he’s inside you balls deep in one thrust, with a ravenous grunt.
And then he finally begins your punishment.
The first touch of his palm upon your face... sends you into another dimension of time and space. Though it was barely a slap, just a sharp little tap—still it fucks you up in all the very best ways.
“You like that?” he sadistically laughs, as if he has to ask, while his massive shaft tears you in half. “Fucking whore. You want more?”
“Yes, please, Arthur...!” you groan, like a dog for a bone. “Hit me harder...”
His hand lands against your cheek now with more fury and force behind it; you’ve officially lost your damn mind and will never find it. You’re nothing but his filthy plaything and love being reminded. His touch sends you off to another world farther and farther...
“Thank you, my king...” you whimper, as he pauses to feed you his fingers, sweeping the tips across your breathless lips. You lavish each one with a passionate kiss, the best way to express just how grateful you are for this absolute bliss. Arthur will always be your god, your king, your everything...
“Fuck—look how much you love your punishment. Such a pathetic little cunt, Y/N,” he taunts, swiping his palm across your open mouth to let you kiss his palm then, before slapping you again. Again. Again. You hope it never fucking ends.
Each hit is harder than the last, vicious and vigorous, as his powerful cock keeps pounding into you so furious and fast. You have now lost count of the slaps, and any sense of how much time has passed...
“Want me to cum inside this tight wet cunt?” he asks, blessing you with another smack. “That where you want to take my load? Or deep inside your dirty throat?”
With such heat burning in your cheeks, you are now unable to speak, but if you could you’d beg for both. And you as well are so damn close—whatever hole he chose, surely you’ll find release in the same moment he explodes...
He knows that you’re painfully eager, which is why his words right now are so damn savage. “Well today you won’t get either, you unworthy little bitch.”
In a split second, he pulls out of your wet cunt and manhandles your body into a position of submission on the floor again. Where you belong. On instinct, as you dutifully sink, you stare up at your beautiful king with an open mouth and outstretched tongue.
“Keep your mouth shut, you desperate little slut,” he ruthlessly instructs. “Do as your king says. Told you I was going to disgrace your fucking face.”
Oh yes he had. As much as you love swallowing and savoring his taste, you’ve always craved for him to coat your face in his delicious glaze. And now it seems he’s finally up for that. You want it fucking bad...
He treats your face to one last smack, then grips your hair to pull your head back, while his right hand wraps around his throbbing shaft. Stroking his own enormous length with all his strength to give you the most glorious disgrace your face will ever fucking have.
“Take it, you filthy fucking bitch,” the king commands, as he sprays his divine seed all across the face that he has just destroyed with his dominant hands. The degradation of the act makes your pathetic little pussy twitch. 
You keep your eyes open to gaze upon just how stunning he is, though you then realize you should close them as a spurt of thick white cum splatters across your lashes, landing on closed lids. You’ve never felt like such a worthless piece of shit—and in the presence of His Highness, that is honestly the pinnacle of bliss. Of course it is.
No matter how shitty you feel, there is no doubt that none of that feeling is real. Arthur treasures and adores you more than anything. No act of sex could ever have any effect on the deep mutual love and respect between you and your king. But you’re so fucking glad that he finally decided to indulge these filthy kinks.
Apparently he’s glad as well—looks satisfied as hell, and in the light of the sun rising over Camelot’s horizon, you can tell that King Arthur has never been better prepared for battle. Convinced that there’s no challenge he can’t handle.
Setting his fine ass down on the edge of the bed, His Majesty looks down upon you now and shakes his royal head. The sight of your freshly smacked face all glazed up in his cum must looking fucking obscene. “Fuck, Y/N—I swear your face right now is just about the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. Perhaps you should disobey orders more often, my queen...”
You smile and flick your tongue out from between your cum-slicked lips to lick them clean, happier than you’ve ever been. Now that you’ve had your punishment this morning... all you can think of is how fucking excited you are to explore a whole world of endlessly more kinks with your king.
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Hope there are some kinky bitches out there who enjoyed this filthy shit, and would love to hear if you did!! 🤗❤️
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ragewerthers · 4 years
To Defeat A Dragon
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Summary: With the 100 year war behind them and the battles now lying more in the council room then on the battlefield, Sokka and Zuko take a moment to reminisce over the last few years.
However, reminiscing comes with a few surprises for Zuko when he forgets something rather important about the spars he used to have with Sokka.  But no worries... Sokka is more than happy to remind him.
A/n: Hello and Merry christmas, my friend!!!  I am the secret santa for @calmturquoise​ for the Squealing Santa 2020!  Thank you for giving me the chance to write something so sweet for these two and getting to join in on the fun of ATLA again!
I also want to thank @ticklygiggles​ for hosting this event again!  You're amazing and I’m so happy I got to participate in this once more!
The prompt was for some sweet, platonic Sokka and Zuko and I was so excited to get the chance to write these two!!!
You can also read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28308495
Enjoy! :) 
Word Count: 2941
“I think they’re deliberately starting to make those Council meetings longer,” Zuko grumbled, shifting uncomfortably where he now rested.  Currently, he was sat at the edge of the small turtleduck pond in the middle of the royal gardens.  Attempting to alleviate the ache in his back he went to sit up a little straighter.  The result was his back cracking in a way that was probably unhealthy for someone who was only twenty-three, but really he should’ve known this would be par for the course.  Growing up a child warrior really isn’t kind to the bones in the long run.  Wincing at the dull ache it left behind it wasn’t enough to distract him from the snort of his less than empathetic friend.
“No, buddy.  You’re just finally starting to become the cranky old man you always were inside,”  Sokka teased, practically laying beside Zuko as he reclined back on his elbows… before promptly collapsing next to the Firelord with a yelp.  A charlie ostrihorse had aggressively decided to seize the muscles in his shoulders and neck and all he could do was roll around in the grass like a crazy person.  Apparently, Zuko wasn’t the only one starting to feel the effects of those long meetings. 
Zuko instantly smirked at the reaction, happy to see Sokka getting a taste of the elderly lifestyle they now lived in apparently.  
“First of all, you deserve all of what’s happening to you right now,” Zuko said, waving his hand in the direction of Sokka’s prone form. “Second of all, what do you mean cranky?!  I’m a ray of sunshine.”
The words were spoken so deadpan that Sokka instantly snorted with a bit of pained laughter, still clutching the side of his neck as he lay on the ground.  “Don’t d-do thahat!  Can’t you s-see I’m hurting?!” he whined, though his smile still remained as he looked over at his best friend.  “But yes… how could I forget, oh great Firelord, that the sun is literally supposed to shine out of your butt?”
Zuko finally broke into a more open smile, sitting up a little straighter and nodding.  “And don’t you forget it,” he joked, getting another ridiculous giggle from Sokka.
After a few more minutes, the pain finally seemed to subside as the water tribesman was able to sit up with a wince.  Rolling his shoulder a bit to try and work out the last of the kink he couldn’t stop himself from letting out an almost wistful sigh.  “But isn’t it a bit sad?  I didn’t think it was possible to get aches and pains from just sitting!  Remember the good old days of our youth when we could spar for hours and hours and we wouldn’t even be phased?”
“What do you mean ‘the good old days of our youth’?  You’re only a year younger than me,” Zuko said with a little roll of his eyes as he began to remove his crown.  With no further meetings scheduled for the day he figured he might as well be comfortable. Setting it beside himself on the grass he settled back against the tree, ignoring the look Sokka was giving him.
“Hey!  We’re older than we were back then, right?  So… those are the days of our youth!  And you ignored the question,” he huffed.
“Oh… you were actually looking for an answer to your ramblings?” Zuko teased, a small smile fighting to quirk up the corners of his lips as he tried to ignore Sokka puffing his cheeks up like a toddler.  Oh yeah… the man obviously had matured so much since those days.  “Okay, okay.  I do remember.  I still consider myself proficient with the dual dao, but I think you’re right.  With sitting most of our days away, I’m sure it hasn’t done our skills any favors.”
Sokka’s pout instantly retreated, replaced with a light smile as Zuko agreed with him.  “Right?  Not to mention that it was always super satisfying every time I won which, I mean, was almost always after our first few spars,” he said smugly, causing the Firelord to instantly focus on him.
“I’m sorry… what?” Zuko asked, his eyes narrowed and voice almost dangerously low.
Sadly, enough time and shared moments between them meant that Sokka no longer feared the ‘fire scowl’.  Instead, his smug smile only grew.  “You heard me.  You may have handed my ass to me the first few times we spared, but after that I almost never lost another fight against you.”
“.... did that cramp do something to your memory?” Zuko wondered aloud.  “It must’ve because if memory serves, you almost never won against me.  You came close a number of times, but I was almost always the victor.”
However, regardless of how insistent his statement, that smug smile still remained on Sokka’s face as the Southern Water Tribesman sat up beside his friend.  “Nope.  I’m afraid old age has started to rust up those memories of yours, Sifu Hotman.  I won almost all of our spars and I can’t believe you’ve forgotten.”
“......... did you drink one of Uncle’s experimental teas again?  You know he almost killed himself doing that once!” Zuko warned, because that was the only way that Sokka could possibly think that he had won so many of their duels.
But something akin to worry grew in Zuko’s chest when he saw Sokka’s smile turning from smug to something a little more dangerous.
“Oh my dear Jerkbender.  I think you’ve forgotten that while you may have had the upperhand most of the time when we were dueling, I found out a secret move.  Because I remembered a universal truth about dragons.”
Oh yeah… Sokka definitely drank the experimental teas.  He’d warned uncle that cactus juice wasn’t to be messed with!
Zuko quirked an eyebrow at the comment before closing his eyes to calm his temper.  Taking in a deep breath before letting it out slowly, he turned once more to look at his friend.  “Okay, buddy.  Let’s get you to the healers,” he began gently, carefully reaching forward to rest his hand on Sokka’s shoulder.  “I think they have a remedy for thi-HIHIS?!”
Immediately his arm moved back from Sokka to cover his side as an electric feeling zipped through his veins.
Sokka was only just keeping himself from laughing beside him, his fingers still poised from where they’d managed a small nibbling pinch against the Firelord's lower ribs.  “The thing about dragons…,” Sokka continued, ignoring Zuko’s insistence on getting him medical attention.  “... is that all of them have a soft spot.  Once you find it… you can defeat it.  And I was lucky enough to find a dragon with more weak spots then most.”
Suddenly Zuko remembered almost every one of his spars with Sokka… and with it the memory of an evil, horrible truth.  Sokka had indeed won most of their spars after the first few.  Because that cheating dunderhead had accidentally found out that Zuko… was horrendously ticklish.
And judging from the look Sokka was leveling him with his friend was looking to make sure he definitely remembered this little fact.
“S-Sokka!  Sokka, listen to me… don’t you da-AH!” he shouted, rolling away just in time as Sokka attempted to tackle him into the grass.  Quickly, Zuko managed to get up onto his knees, trying to get his feet underneath him to stand, but fate decided to deal him a cruel hand once more.  His Fire nation robes for all the brilliance and regality they offered him to onlookers were far from practical.  Long and flowing silks were seen as traditional and although he’d made many reforms in his time already on the throne, fashion hadn’t quite made it to the table yet.  Thus, as he attempted to flee from his friend, his feet only managed to step on the front of his robes, stopping his movements and pausing him just long enough to land himself in Sokka’s clutches.
Before he knew it, two strong arms were already locked around his waist and Zuko attempted to use his words once more to try and plead his case for freedom.
Of course… when had that ever played out in his favor? “Sokka!  S-Sokka, I remember, okay?  You…. y-you don’t have to do this!” Zuko attempted to sound reasonable and less nervous then he felt, though he realized stuttering over his words lost a little bit of that authoritative tone he was aiming for.
“Oh, I realize I don’t have to do this,” Sokka teased, crooking the fingers of his left hand to press in just a little bit more against Zuko’s side making the young Firelord gasp and bite his lower lip to stay quiet.  “But at this point I feel it is my duty to remind Lord Jerkbender about this so he doesn’t forget who the number one spar master is.”
“Spar master isn’t even a thing!  You can’t just give yourself titles like th-ahahat!  Ah!  Nonono!” Zuko’s small diatribe instantly died on his lips as Sokka’s fingers began to wriggle against his side, a few rather unbecoming giggles already breaking free before he reined himself in again.
“What was that?  Were you backsassing Sokka the mighty dragon slayer?!” Sokka teased, though he couldn’t help smiling as he already heard the familiar rasp of Zuko’s laughter.  This was going to be far too entertaining.  How could he pass up this opportunity?
“Dragon slayer?!  You’re ridiculous!  Let me gohohoahahaha!  Stahp it!  Stahahahap!” Zuko felt the flutter of Sokka’s other hand where it rested against his lower ribs on the opposite side.  Immediately the jolt of ticklish sensations raced through him and he felt his knees already starting to turn to jelly beneath him.  Of all of the things he could be weak against, something as silly as tickling was more than enough to sap his strength. Sokka’s smirk came back as he heard that, his fingers, scribbling lightly over both the Firelord’s sides.  Working in tandem his fingers lightly brushed along the vulnerable area before massaging quickly into his lower ribs.  If memory served, this had been one of the better weak spots of this particular dragon.
“WAHAIT!” Zuko cried out, his laughter finally breaking free from those raspy giggles to something lighter and more carefree.  Honestly, it was something Sokka had been so proud to draw out all those years ago when Zuko was still that broody teenager who had joined their gaang.  He had been so awkward and to be fair, their dear jerkbender still kinda was, but after attempting through sheer bullheadedness to forge a friendship with him, Sokka honestly couldn’t have been prouder to call him his best friend.
And what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t tease and taunt Zuko into never forgetting his super awesome new title that he just came up with?  A terrible one… and Sokka refused to be a terrible friend.
“Wait?  Wait for what?  Oh!  Were you going to finally call me by my proper title?” Sokka teased as he moved one of his hands down to squeeze along Zuko’s right hip.
Zuko instantly jumped at the sensation, feeling his legs finally starting to cave under him as he attempted to curl up in Sokka’s hold to escape the sensations.  He could feel his cheeks and ears heating up as his laugh bubbled up unbidden, the noise still slightly foreign to him even after all these years.  However, Sokka had never seemed to have a problem drawing it out of him.  He just wished he had remembered that before drawing out the ‘dragon slayer’ once more.
“Nehehehever!” Zuko growled out between his laughter, his hands weakly attempting to push away Sokka’s to no avail.  “Ihihit’s a… a stuhupid naha-EHEHEHE!  STAHAHP IT Y-YOU AHAHAHASS!”  Zuko’s strength finally gave out as his legs buckled beneath him, though with Sokka’s arms around him he was easily lowered to the ground.  Sadly this did nothing for his current situation as Sokka had seemed to remember another one of his worst spots.
His stomach.
“Doth my ears deceive me?  Did you just call my regal and totally awesome title stupid?!  How dare you, good sir!” Sokka teased, his arm braced carefully around Zuko as his other vibrated quickly right against the center of Zuko’s stomach.  He’d learned very early on that the easiest way to break Zuko’s concentration and resolve was a nice little attack on this particular area.  “You know how to get this to stop, Zuko!  Admit that I am the best dragon slayer in the world!”
Zuko snorted as Sokka’s hand began to scribble all around the hyper ticklish spot, trying to shimmy this way and that out of the man's hold to get away from the maddening touch.  However, practically sitting on the ground with a tickle monster clung to your back really didn’t leave much wiggle room and Zuko realized his chances of freedom were slim.  But his pride just wouldn’t allow for him to admit defeat just yet!
“Thahahaha’ts not e-even a thihihing!  I re-refuhuhuse to gihihive in t-to yo-AHAHA!  STAHP IT!  STAHPSTAHPSTAHAHAHAP!” Zuko instantly broke into the most wild and ridiculous laughter as Sokka snuck one of his hands under his arm, his fingers spidering quickly against Zuko’s underarm in a way that drove the firebender crazy with ticklish laughter.  Zuko instantly snapped his arms to his sides, trapping Sokka’s hand against his armpit while the man's other hand continued to scribble and send nibbling pinches all along his stomach.
“Admit it!  Admit that I’m the best!” Sokka called over Zuko’s loud laughter, the sound of it making him smile like an idiot even as a few chuckles escaped him.  Spirits, it really had been far too long since he’d seen Zuko let loose like this even just a bit.  Maybe this was something they needed  in their lives a bit more?  It definitely wouldn’t hurt after all the droll and intense meetings they were forced to go to day in and day out.
Meanwhile, Zuko was dying.  The Kiyoshi warriors were going to show up here to see that their poor Firelord had met his end at the hands of a ridiculous man who had a pension for coming up with truly terrible titles for things!  Sadly he couldn’t dwell on his dramatic end as Sokka’s fingers were still attacking two of his worst spots.  Zuko knew that there really was only one way out of this. “OKAHAHAY!  O-OKAY I AHAHADMIT IHIHIT!” Zuko cried out with unrestrained laughter, feeling the tickling slowing down just a little to keep him giggling ridiculously.
“What was that?  Are you trying to tell me something, buddy?” Sokka teased, his fingers wriggling lightly against Zuko’s armpit as the other hand focused on a particularly sensitive spot on the side of the firebenders stomach.
Zuko snorted and kicked his legs out weakly before nodding.  “Y-yes!  You… you’re the behehehest gah!  Not thehehere!  Not there plehehease!  Agnihihi why-hehehe?!” Zuko giggled hysterically as Sokka found that spot on his stomach.  Taking as deep a breath as possible he tried to once more to make his bid for freedom!  “Y-You’re the behehehest drahagon slahahahayer!  Plehehehase!”
Sokka’s fingers immediately stopped their torment, chuckling a bit to himself.  “See?  That wasn’t so hard was it?” he teased, patting Zuko’s back as he helped the man sit up, watching the firebender wiping away tears of mirth from his eyes as residual giggles still managed to escape.
“Yes.  Y-yes it was,” Zuko shot back, though as he turned to look at his friend, the smile on his face was more relaxed, even after the mini battle he’d just had to endure.  “I can’t believe I… forgot what a… giant pain in the ass you were after you figured that out.”
It was Sokka’s turn to laugh as he heard that and he felt his smile growing all the more fond.  “It was probably one of my greatest discoveries and I will cherish it forever!  Not many people can say they bested the Firelord,” Sokka teased, lightly nudging Zuko with his elbow and getting a chuckle in response.
“That’s fair.  But really?  Dragon slayer?” Zuko asked, trying to earn back a bit of dignity as he attempted to straighten out his traitorous robes.
“What?  It makes me sound so cool!” Sokka cried out dramatically, making it incredibly hard for Zuko not to roll his eyes.
“I’m still not convinced you didn’t try one of uncle’s teas,” Zuko murmured, though he smiled regardless.  “And I hope you know that this is the last time the mighty ‘dragon slayer’ is going to win.  I won’t be caught with my guard down like that again.”
“Oh?  Is that a challenge, Jerkbender?” Sokka teased, leaning closer and wiggling his fingers threateningly.
Zuko couldn’t suppress a snort of laughter as he pushed Sokka’s face away gently with his palm.  “I’m too old for your nonsense,” he joked, making Sokka laugh brightly.
“Nah.  We’re still young at heart.  That’s all that matters,” Sokka said with a fond smile.  “And if you ever forget that as well, I’m more than happy to remind you again about the days of our youth.”
Shaking his head, but with a fond smile on his lips, Zuko couldn’t help feeling that familiar warmth build in his chest.  The world may be changing.  They may still be working to right the wrongs and suffer through countless meetings and council members, but… with friends like Sokka there to remind him it was okay to let loose, laugh and remember that they really were still young at heart, he knew he could face anything.
Even dragon slayers.
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thepineapplejuicer · 5 years
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Imagine...Competing in an Asgardian competition to become the chief guard to Loki or Thor, whom ever may choose you. But upon removing your helmet they both fall head over heels, fighting over who you get to protect.
(not my gifs and I do not claim to own any Marvel characters)
“Welcome, All, to the annual Knight Captian Competition!” The announcer yells into the cloth covered horn. Asgard’s citizens dressed in horse leather tunics and flower pinned dresses, fend each other off for the best seats in the outdoor arena. A complete 360 view of the competitors warming up on the grass and their glistening, unique armor being judged by the crowds who are placing their bets early. 
On the bottom level, closest to the blood spatter zone, sits the Royals, two out of four are more than excited for this day. 
“Must we partake in such silly games?” Loki groans in a hushed whisper so as not to offend their parents.
 “I agree, it’s like saying I can’t take care of myself.” Thor answers in equal secrecy, “I mean, you, I understand, but I’m all meat!”
“Thank you, brother.” Loki rolls his eyes and examines the warriors who are competing. Most are covered in hair, gruff and reek of pride. His eyes find a single warrior sharpening their sword with a small stone, being the only one with a helmet.
“See anyone that looks capable, boys?” Odin asks through his sips of ale. 
“Father, I disagree with this tournament. I am perfectly capable of taking care of Loki and myself.” 
“Be. Quiet. Thor.” Loki whispers angrily, but Thor’s thick golden hair blocks any form of submission. 
“This is just a formality, my sons,” Frigga explains gently, leaning over her husband as he chugs the rest of his ale. 
“Another!” Odin yells, smashing the tankard on the gravel. 
“Your father and I want a face of protection to give to the people, so they know their princes’ are safe. At least you get to choose!” Frigga smiles, calming their annoyances. 
“Yes, I have SO many choices.” Loki continues to complain. 
The horn sounds, signaling the competitors to line up and the crowds to quiet down. The announcer shouts from his podium, “Warriors! You have all trained for weeks to enter this tournament. The rules are simple, two will battle until four- the strongest- are left standing! The last four contenders will battle until our great Princes, Sir Thor and Sir Loki declare the warrior they wish to protect them. A great honor that you should all fight to the death for!”
The crowd cheers and the warriors take in the praise, all except for the one with the helmet. 
“First two, step forward!”
Two giant men battle each other and through sweat and blood, the battles rage on. Clashing of swords and the drumming of stricken shields send an uproar through the arena. Yet none impress Loki or Thor. Where the crowd saw entertainment, the princes only saw flaws in their fighting styles. 
Finally, the last four competitors stand in front of the king’s booth as the losers sit on the side, fruit that had been thrown at them now attracting flies from the heat. Loki and Thor look over the final four, both curious about the one with the helmet, but refused to comment. 
“Now, FIGHT!” The Announcer declares, sending the warriors into fits of rage against each other. Three of the men fought with axes, their heavy form falling prey to the smaller one’s dexterity. 
The helmeted warrior dives and dodges their attacks until an elbow hit sends their helmet flying between Thor and Loki. Beautiful hair begins to blow in the wind as the petite warrior snarls with determination; sword and shield ready to strike back. 
The moment Thor and Loki set their eyes on this gorgeous force of nature they stand up, their chair’s harsh croaking causes everyone to stare at them.  “THAT ONE!” They both yell, unaware of how overly eager they sound. 
The fighters pause, the petite warrior still in a battle stance with blood running down the side of their mouth. 
Thor and Loki look at each other and realize what they both desire. 
“I want that one!” Thor says firmly through his gritted teeth. 
Loki smiles towards the crowds and his alarmed parents, leaning into a subtle whisper, “You spoiled brat, you get everything. This one is mine.”
“Perhaps we should have a competition between the two of you.” Odin teases, signaling the announcer.
“We... uh... HAVE A WINNER! Only one apparently...?” The announcer questionably states, “Congratulations, Knight Commander Y/N!”
Everyone cheers, except for Loki and Thor who are too busy staring at Y/N with lust and amazement.
“They’re mine,” Loki says dreamily.
“Not if I get them first.”
The brothers look at each other respectively, “May the best man win?” Thor offers.
“May the best man win.”
-Thank you for reading and your support. 
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nextnnet · 5 years
Aquellos que me conocen saben que suelo decir una cosa acerca de los juegos de dispositivos móviles: muy pocos me han logrado enganchar. Existe un gran catálogo de títulos free-to-start, incluso antes de que Nintendo se introdujera en este mercado. Durante todo este tiempo, he probado muchos, pero muy pocos han sabido ofrecerme esa diversión que me hiciera volver a ellos cada día. Por ejemplo, Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble fue uno de ellos, junto a otros como Terra Battle e incluso Clash Royale. El catálogo de la Gran N ha corrido más suerte, siendo Fire Emblem Heroes y Animal Crossing Pocket Camp los afortunados a los que he dedicado muchas horas (dentro de los claros límites de jugar sin invertir dinero). Por desgracia, las experiencias más recientes con Dr. Mario World y Pokémon Quest, por citar algo de Pokémon, no fueron igual de divertidas. Pero este artículo trata sobre otro juego que ha logrado una gran popularidad: Dragalia Lost.
    ¿No os suena? Hace un año, Nintendo anunció una nueva colaboración para crear juegos de smartphone, siendo en este caso con Cygames. Los creadores de Granblue Fantasy y Shadowverse se unieron a Nintendo para crear un nuevo título, Dragalia Lost. Quizá no os suene, y es comprensible: llegó a un listado de países bastante limitado, y en Europa llegó de forma oficial solo a Reino Unido e Irlanda. Aun con eso, ha logrado situarse como uno de los títulos móviles que más beneficios genera actualmente para Nintendo (por debajo de Fire Emblem Heroes).
  Quizá os preguntéis: ¿por qué no hemos visto más noticias en NextN sobre este título? Precisamente, debido a la ausencia del juego en el mercado español (aunque en Android se puede instalar mediante la apk y en iOS cambiando la región de la cuenta) y a los constantes anuncios concernientes a Nintendo Switch, Dragalia Lost ha pasado desapercibido en nuestra web. Sin embargo, con motivo de su primer aniversario, he decidido traeros este artículo donde os explico en qué consiste Dragalia Lost y comparto mi experiencia durante este año repleto de historias, personajes y una constante evolución.
  ¿En qué consiste Dragalia Lost?
En Dragalia Lost nos encontramos con un juego de acción RPG en el que recorremos pequeñas mazmorras repletas de enemigos para acabar luchando contra un “jefe” al final de cada nivel. Nuestro equipo está formado por 4 personajes que seleccionamos de la amplia colección disponible, y que se clasifican en 5 elementos (fuego, agua, viento, luz y oscuridad) y en 8 categorías de armas (espada, katana, lanza, hacha, daga, arco, cetro y bastón). Cada personaje cuenta con sus propias habilidades activas y pasivas, por lo que la clave siempre está en crear un equipo variado y preparado para el enemigo al que nos enfrentamos.
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  Hasta aquí, parece que se trataría de un juego similar a otros tantos. Pero el principal factor diferenciador de Dragalia Lost son… ¡los dragones! Los dragones son un elemento clave tanto en la trama como en la jugabilidad. Podemos asignar un dragón a cada uno de los personajes de nuestro equipo, y al rellenar la correspondiente barra… ¡Boom! Nos convertimos temporalmente en ese dragón, con un mayor poder y habilidad que nos ayudan en la batalla. Esto solo se aplica al personaje que estamos controlando en ese momento (los otros son controlados por la IA y no se transforman), de forma que debemos cambiar de personaje si preferimos utilizar un dragón en concreto.
  Pero otro aspecto en el que destaca es en la profundidad que ofrece a la hora de personalizar a cada guerrero. Además de un dragón, podemos fabricar y equipar armas con los materiales conseguidos en las misiones, y también equipar 2 Wyrmprints, cartas especiales que conceden poder extra y habilidades pasivas. Todos ellos (personajes, dragones, armas y Wyrmprints) pueden subir de nivel y de rango para hacerlos más fuertes. Los personajes también cuentan con Mana Circles, unos círculos donde mejorar sus habilidades y aprender otras nuevas divididos en 5 niveles.
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  Por otro lado, a modo de “simulador de aldea”, en Dragalia Lost tenemos el castillo, en el que podemos construir todo tipo de edificaciones para que nos aporten dinero y objetos extra o bien para potenciar incluso más el poder de nuestro equipo. Es también en este apartado donde podemos hacer regalos a los dragones para mejorar nuestra amistad y que nos aporten beneficios extra (como mayor duración para la transformación) y apartados donde conocer las historias tanto de los guerreros como de los dragones, lo que da más trasfondo a todo el universo de este juego.
  Y en cuanto a modos de juego, tampoco nos deja descontentos. Además de un modo historia bastante interesante con 10 capítulos (y el capítulo 11 recién anunciado para diciembre), los desarrolladores han añadido distintas misiones de evento a lo largo de este tiempo para hacernos más fuertes en todos sus aspectos y con mayores niveles de dificultad para retar a los más expertos. Por supuesto, esta clase de juegos también ofrece pequeñas campañas temporales con las que relatar historias adicionales y presentar a nuevos personajes y dragones. Todos ellos se pueden jugar en solitario o en multijugador online con otros jugadores, controlando cada uno a un guerrero de su elección.
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  La evolución de Dragalia Lost
Como jugador que lleva disfrutando de Dragalia Lost desde el comienzo, he podido comprobar todos los cambios que ha recibido el título durante este primer año. Me recuerda un poco a cuando mi compañero Takaregal me habló de Realm Royale de Hi-Rez Studio y de cómo había cambiado muchísimo desde sus orígenes hasta lo que es hoy. Aunque la base de Dragalia Lost no ha cambiado tanto, sí ha mostrado una gran evolución.
  Por ejemplo, hablé antes de los modos de juego. Al comienzo, aparte de la historia, solo contaba con las clásicas misiones para obtener dinero (Avenue to Fortune), experiencia (Avenue to Power) y orbes (Elemental Ruins) para mejorar a nuestros personajes o construir edificaciones. Con el tiempo, se añadieron misiones en las que luchar contra los dragones protagonistas (Dragon Trials), e incluso contra una versión más poderosa de ellos (Advanced Dragon Trials), o contra ejércitos especiales (The Imperial Onslaught). Posteriormente, introdujeron los Void Battles, poderosos jefes con los que obtener objetos para crear armas más poderosas. Los dos últimos añadidos fueron The Mercurial Gauntlet, un modo especial en el que, cuanto mayor sea el nivel que obtengamos en este modo, más recompensas mensuales recibimos; y las Astral Raids con las que luchar contra jefes de eventos anteriores.
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  También cabe mencionar los eventos o campañas especiales. Cada mes han traído eventos en forma de Raid Events, en los que jugamos con otros jugadores contra grandes jefes, y cada uno juega con su equipo completo (por lo que hay 16 personajes luchando al mismo tiempo) y Facility Events, con los que regalan una nueva instalación para nuestro castillo que solo aporta beneficios para ese evento y solo podemos mejorar con las recompensas de dicho evento. También han probado con otras actividades, como un evento de San Valentín con el que desbloquear historias especiales o el evento especial de Fire Emblem Heroes con misiones en las que proteger ciertos puntos del mapa.
  Pero muchas veces, lo destacable suele ser lo que no se ve a simple vista. A lo largo de este año, Dragalia Lost ha recibido muchos cambios pequeños para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Por ejemplo, al principio solo se podían fabricar las armas básicas. Si querías obtener un arma avanzada, era necesario fabricar primero todas las armas básicas necesarias, fusionarlas y mejorarlas hasta conseguir el arma avanzada deseada. Ahora, te puedes ahorrar todo ese tiempo fabricando directamente el arma que desees. Lo mismo ocurría al canjear glifos en los Raid Events para conseguir objetos: solo se podían canjear de 10 en 10, pero ahora puedes canjear todos los glifos a la vez. Otros cambios, por ejemplo, incluyen poder canjear unos objetos por otros de forma automática (si los necesitas para fabricar algo) en lugar de ir al correspondiente apartado, o que al seleccionar un objeto te indique en qué misión lo puedes conseguir e incluso acceder directamente a ella.
  El juego en el que se preocupan por los fans
Sí, pensaréis que la frase de antes se puede coger un poco con pinzas. Al fin y al cabo, el objetivo de todo juego es generar beneficios, y sobre todo en uno como este. ¿No os lo había dicho? Dragalia Lost, siendo free-to-start, tiene un sistema de gacha o invocaciones para obtener nuevos personajes y dragones. Es lo más habitual en los juegos de smartphone hoy en día (incluso lo tenemos ahora mismo con Mario Kart Tour). Y claro, como meten nuevos personajes cada poco tiempo, hay gente que invierte dinero para conseguirlos. Pero entonces, ¿a qué me refiero con lo de que se preocupan por los fans? Pues, aunque no lo parezca, así es.
  Si bien esta clase de juegos dan cierta ventaja al jugador que gasta dinero, Dragalia Lost también permite progresar a aquellos jugadores que no invierten nada. Por ejemplo, los Raid Events ofrecen desde el principio un nuevo personaje totalmente gratuito (con la única condición de utilizarlo en misiones durante un tiempo) y la posibilidad de reclutar a un dragón especial. Por otro lado, los desarrolladores han sorprendido en numerosas ocasiones a los jugadores con regalos en forma de cupones o Wyrmite (la moneda para el sistema gacha), siendo a veces bastante generosos. O también pueden obtener Wyrmite a través de peticiones, misiones o historias secundarias.
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  Pero sobre todo, Cygames se ha preocupado en escuchar a los fans y en ver qué problemas había con el juego. Uno de los mayores cambios lo sufrió precisamente el sistema gacha. Al principio, este sistema te podía conceder personajes, dragones o Wyrmprints. Sin embargo, a los jugadores no les gustaba tener que gastar las monedas para acabar consiguiendo cartas, perdiendo la oportunidad de conseguir los personajes o dragones del momento. Pues no solo redujeron el precio de este sistema, sino que lo cambiaron para que solo ofreciera guerreros o dragones, dejando las cartas en un sistema aparte que se consigue con Eldwater, objeto que se obtiene al conseguir personajes repetidos. Además, conforme añaden nuevos niveles de dificultad, también añaden nuevos sistemas para mejorar a los personajes que tenemos, lo que permite a cualquier jugador progresar poco a poco sin tener que pagar para ello.
  También es evidente en la comunicación que tiene Cygames con los fans de Dragalia Lost. Los desarrolladores mantienen un contacto constante con la comunidad, indicando los fallos que encuentran y cuándo los solucionan (y compensando con regalos interesantes), y los planes para el futuro del título. De hecho, con motivo de esta celebración, ayer publicaron la presentación Dragalia Digest, donde mostraron todos los regalos que ofrecerán durante esta gran ocasión. Son todas estas razones las que han logrado que haya una gran comunidad alrededor del título y que se haya colocado como uno de los títulos móviles de Nintendo que más beneficios les reporta.
  ¡Dragalia Lost cumple un año!
¿Cómo se está celebrando este primer aniversario? Pues con una gran cantidad de regalos que podéis disfrutar desde hoy mismo. Aquí os traemos un resumen de la presentación Dragalia Digest:
    Bonus iniciales
Una nueva tanda de bonus iniciales desde el 27 de septiembre hasta el 1 de noviembre, en el que destacan 5000 Wyrmite el primer día y un nuevo dragón especial Mini Mids que está ya al nivel 100.
    10 invocaciones gratuitas al día
Cada día desde el 27 de septiembre al 7 de octubre, podréis realizar 10 invocaciones gratuitas para obtener nuevos personajes y dragones.
    Campaña de Twitter
Aquellos que retwiteen el siguiente Tweet participan en el sorteo de objetos especiales y dragones de 5 estrellas. Además, según el número de retweets, harán regalos a todos los jugadores.
  Gala Prince
Cada cierto tiempo, los desarrolladores incluyen un personaje bastante poderoso en la categoría denominada Gala Dragalia. En esta ocasión, el elegido ha sido el protagonista de la aventura. Gala Prince estará disponible para invocar durante la duración del aniversario, y se pueden utilizar las invocaciones gratuitas para obtenerlo.
    6 invocaciones de objetos gratuitas
Además de invocar personajes, hay otra opción para invocar objetos normales. Normalmente regalan una invocación al día de 10 objetos, pero en esta celebración, se pueden realizar 6 invocaciones de objetos al día.
    Nuevo evento: Fractured Future
Un nuevo Raid Event se aproxima. Fractured Future nos presentará a un nuevo dragón y un nuevo guerrero de oscuridad, y nos dará la opción de obtener un arma de 5 estrellas si completamos el nivel de dificultad más elevado, EX Raid Battles.
    Próximos cambios
En primer lugar, se producirá un cambio en los Raid Events. Hasta ahora, los EX Raid Battles aparecían ocasionalmente al superar un combate de nivel Expert o Nightmare. Ahora estará siempre activo, y necesitaremos el nuevo objeto Otherworld Gems (que se obtendrán en las dificultades antes mencionadas) para poder luchar. También introducirán una dificultad superior, las Omega Raids, que resultan más difíciles de acceder. Por último, al superar combates Raid, los jugadores obtienen bonificaciones acumulables para que las futuras Raids resulten más fáciles.
    Por otro lado, introducirán un nuevo objeto para finalizar al instante la construcción o actualización de una edificación en el castillo, y permitirán recuperar stamina en el castillo para poder jugar durante más tiempo. Por último, un regalo especial para los nuevos jugadores que comencéis hoy. Si completáis el primer capítulo y los primeros tutoriales a partir de hoy, recibiréis una rebaja a la mitad en el tiempo de construcción de instalaciones durante 30 días.
  El futuro de Dragalia Lost
Para finalizar el Dragalia Digest y acabar este artículo, nos toca hablar de lo que nos depara en el futuro del juego. Yuji Okada, director del título, apareció al final del vídeo para mostrar las futuras actualizaciones para los próximos meses.
  En primer lugar, el modo Advanced Dragon Trials recibirá las dificultades Expert y Master en octubre. Estas misiones introducirán nuevos objetos con los que fabricar “high dragon weapons”, armas más poderosas que cualquier arma de 5 estrellas actualmente disponible. Además, incluirán un ranking de tiempo para el modo Expert con el que recibir recompensas adicionales. Después, crearán un sexto nivel dentro de Mana Circles (hasta ahora, todos los personajes tienen 5 niveles) para ciertos personajes. Esto permitirá mejorar incluso más sus habilidades y parámetros.
    Lo siguiente que muestra es un nuevo tipo de jefes, que define como incluso más poderosos que los High Dragon (del modo Advance Dragon Trials). Por ahora son un misterio, pero el diseño muestra un poder oscuro. Por otro lado, el capítulo 11 de la historia llegará en diciembre, y a partir de entonces, introducirán un nuevo capítulo cada dos meses y nuevos segmentos de historia durante los meses en los que no hay nuevo capítulo. También han prometido otras nuevas funciones, como cambiar la apariencia de las armas o incluso poder jugar a eventos temporales antiguos en cualquier momento.
    Y la sorpresa más loca llega con un evento de crossover con… ¡Megaman! Con el nombre de Megaman Chaos Protocol, este nuevo evento estará protagonizado por el robot de Capcom, aunque aún se desconoce de qué forma. Por el momento, tendremos que esperar al día 1 de octubre, fecha en la que recibiremos más información.
    Dragalia Lost – Una aventura épica para todo el público
Lo sé, lo sé. Ha sido un artículo bastante largo. Pero creedme cuando os digo que si hay un juego de dispositivos móviles del que me ilusiona hablar, ese es sin duda Dragalia Lost. No solo presenta una historia emocionante a la par que divertida, sino que ofrece una jugabilidad rápida pero con mucha acción y un plantel de personajes y dragones creados con gran cuidado. Es un juego que muestra el compromiso de Cygames y Nintendo para ofrecer una experiencia divertida para todos los jugadores, incluso para los que tenemos cuidado con nuestras carteras. Una experiencia que ofrece muchas opciones para los nuevos jugadores, pero también grandes desafíos para los que busquen una mayor dificultad. A pesar de que solo está disponible en inglés, os invito a que le deis una oportunidad a Dragalia Lost.
¡Dragalia Lost celebra su primer aniversario! Os explicamos todo de este título popular a la par que desconocido Aquellos que me conocen saben que suelo decir una cosa acerca de los juegos de dispositivos móviles: muy pocos me han logrado enganchar.
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dlucets · 6 years
stargazing | oikawa tooru x reader
Title: Stargazing Fandom: Haikyuu!! Character: Oikawa Tooru Genre: Fluff? Extra Notes: Once again... wrote when i was #goin thru exam season. mess. hate exams. cross posted from dA, originally written in 2017. formatting issues maybe.
The night sky was awake, staring down on the earth and shrouding it with a warm cloak of darkness. The sun had long ago crept behind the staggering horizon that stood far beyond them. The skies had long since transitioned between colours, colouring the skies with mellow pumpkin shades that bled into blushing pinks, then royal purples had begun to dominate the sky.
Thus, the night had once again reclaimed its throne, reigning over the Earth as it slept, safeguarding it from the glaring heat of the sun for but a few hours like a doting parent watching over a child as it slept.
Yet not the entire  country over which the night had taken up residence had subjected itself to sleep. This time ruling over the skies of the Miyagi prefecture, in Japan, the moon was casting a luminescent glow down on the ground that should’ve lulled them to sleep. Yet with every passing moment, every tick of the clock that reminded that dawn was crawling toward them slowly, they only lay evermore awake.
A sigh escaping from your lips, your eyes flitted to the window once more. You knew, really, that it was time to be asleep. Yet there was an irrefragable force that pulled at your mind, coaxing your soul away from the utopian land of your dreams and leading you blindly towards the confliction of your mind as you stared awake.
Two o’clock, and your mind was yet again battling in a war that had gone on for far too long.
One that had been the causation of the dark circles imprinted underneath your eyes and the halfway-there dazed look that always lived in your eyes, even when you were focusing so intently.
“Are you okay?”
“Is everything okay?”
“What’s up?”
Casually spoken words that you’d answer with a lie, a lie that was easier to you than breathing. Just simple syllables that would pass your lips, masking your emotions with an opaque, thick wall that was impenetrable.
Two o’clock, and your mind was treading water in inky liquids that were threatening to drag you under the surface. Threatening to fully submerge you into the freezing, murky waters. Trap you underneath the heavy surface and anchor you to the bottom of what seemed to be an endless pit.
Helplessly treading water; too afraid to yell out for a hand to grasp your’s and secure your safety.
And it was at times like these, when the earth as you knew it had come to an absolute standstill, when the conflict worsened. A conflict that could seemingly only ever soothe once your eyes made contact with the dozens of constellations that decorated the night’s sky with a shimmering, ethereal glisten that lasted but a few hours before fading back; retreating, blending into the dawn’s skies once more.
With a leaden heart, you threw back your sheets, gingerly laying a foot on the floor as though testing foreign waters before they fully connected with the ground. Feet that were softer than felt on the floorboards padded over to the curtained windows, and delicate hands pulled them curtains away, allowing a river of moonlight to stream in through the window. The breathing was caught in your throat once more - this ephemeral beauty that your eyes could behold every night for as long as your heart beated would never once grow old.
Even though the moon was as ancient as anything you could comprehend, it never gave up in its impressiveness. Never once.
And for a while, you were content, cheeks resting in your palms as your face fell into a serene smile that was illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. For a while, you forgot about the conflict, as though the scenery had been enough to fog over the draconian thoughts that taunted your soul.
Then, something snagged your attention. Through your peripheral vision, you could make out a vague silhouette; a male stood underneath a lone streetlight. He was clad head-to-toe in thick clothing to prevent the cold from digging deep into his body, his hair a mass of cowlicked curls that flew off his hair in amber-chocolate soft wisps. He wasn’t doing much, one hand shoved into the pocket of his coat whereas the other held a mobile - the only other source of light sans for the moonlight and streetlight that he was stood under.
But there was something about him that tugged at your memory. A drifting thought that you knew him, the mysterious boy that was out strolling in the early hours of the morning before the sun had dared rise.
There was something about the casual way he stood, the angle of his head as he surveyed the mobile held in his hands and the way his hair sat atop his head. Something in you wanted to pause time, to zoom in on the boy if only to quell the unwavering curiosity that was poking away at your thoughts. Though in a way, this sudden curiosity was something of a blessing in disguise; another layer that masked the conflict in your mind.
In the space of not even thirty seconds, he’d pocketed the phone, his keen eyes searching the vicinity before he went to start off on his walking once more. After a brief scan, he seemed satisfied, and once again went to walk again. But then keen eyes whipped around once more, and for a brief second you felt your heart plummet into oblivion. You could’ve sworn he was staring into your soul, dissecting every thought you were having at that very moment, pinning you to that place alone with his liquid cocoa stare.
He could’ve been anyone, you noted warily. Anyone in the world. A thief, a murderer, perhaps an arsonist. Hell, he could’ve been anyone in the entire world, and he’d noticed that you’d been looking at him. He’d noticed, before walking off at a brisk pace, retracting his phone from his pocket once more. His facial expression unreadable from your distance, you only hoped he hadn’t spied your curious (E/C) eyes despite looking in your direction twice.
You jerked into movement, every nerve awakening at once with a jittering tremor throughout your body as your phone vibrated with a notification.
Shaking hands reaching to it, your arms enclosed around the phone and watched the screen brighten up with a wary, cautious eye. Had he somehow found your number? Was he a stalker? What was he doing, walking around at this time?
1 New Message from: Tooru
Your nerves visibly eased at the name that was displayed on your screen, and you clicked onto the notification to read the message.
Tooru: [02:14] (Y/N)-chan, what are you doing awake at this time?
You: [02:14] … how do you know I’m awake?;;
Tooru: [02:14] Educated guess from my usual neighbourhood stroll^^
You: [02:15] Wait that was you?
Tooru: [02:15] Yep!!^^ Did you wake up to watch my beautiful figure pass by your house?
You: [02:16] Ok first of all, why were you walking around at 2am do you know how dangerous that is tooru???? Second of all, what beauty Third of all, the moon is especially beautiful tonight.
Tooru: [02:16] I agree! The moon is gorgeous~ Next time you’re awake, you should text me. We could go watch the sky at night sometime~
You: [02:17] Hahah no thanks Tooru, why are you walking around at this time, though??
Tooru: [02:18] The moon is especially beautiful tonight, as you said. We should stargaze. Sometime. After exams. Maybe. Sleep well, (Y/N)-chan!
You frowned at his answer, beating around the bush through his round-about way of inviting you on a date. Yet you said nothing in return sans for a quick goodnight message, shutting off your phone entirely before returning your focus yet again to the masterpiece that was laid out in the skies above you. A massive, open canvas of endless blues and sparkling whites.
Stargazing with Tooru… a small smile graced your features as you watched the scene above you.
Perhaps it wasn’t a bad idea.
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progamertrcom · 6 years
Tumblr media
New Post has been published on https://www.progamertr.com/pcde-cikan-klasik-bioware-oyunlari-konsollara-geliyor/
PC'de çıkan klasik BioWare oyunları konsollara geliyor
Son dönemde yayınladığı oyunlarla dikkat çeken ve rakipleri arasında sivrilen oyun stüdyolarından Skybound Games, yayıncı firma Beamdog ile el sıkışarak bugüne dek sadece PC platformunda yayınlanan bazı klasik rol yapma oyunlarını ilk kez konsollara uyarlayacaklarını duyurdu. Bahsi geçen bu oyunlar önceden BioWare tarafından PC’de oynanabiliyordu. İkili arasında kurulan yeni ortaklık Dungeons & Dragons oyunlarının yeni ve geliştirilmiş versiyonların bambaşka bir platformda yayınlanmasını kapsıyor.
Rol yapma oyunları sevenler bayılacak
Her ne kadar şu sıralar battle royale kategorisindeki oyunlar dikkat çekiyor olsa da, yaşı belli bir sınırı geçmiş olmasına rağmen hala daha oyun oynayan kişilerin rol yapma oyunlarına ilgisi devam ediyor. Skybound ile Beamdog da yeni işbirliğiyle birlikte aralarında Baldur’s Gate, Baldur’s Gate ll, Baldur’s Gate: Siege of Dragonspear, Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment ve Neverwinter Nights gibi kaliteli rol yapma oyunlarının bulunduğu bir dizi yapımı konsol platformuna getirmek için kolları sıvadı.
Birçok oyun PC’den Xbox One ve PlayStation 4’e uyarlanacağı için bu sürecin biraz uzun olacağını tahmin edebiliyoruz. Nitekim iki şirketten yapılan açıklamada da 2019 yılının son günlerine işaret edildi. Ancak hala daha netlik kazanmamış bazı detaylar var. Mesela Nintendo Switch’in de adı geçen konsollar arasında yer alıp almayacağı bunların başında geliyor.
Yeni bilgiler gün yüzüne çıkabilir
Henüz Şubat ayında olduğumuzu hesaba katarsak oyunların çıkışına hayli uzun bir sürenin kaldığını söyleyebiliriz. Tahminler önümüzdeki hafta ve aylarda listede adı geçen oyunlara ilişkin daha detaylı bilgilerin ortaya çıkacağı yönünde. Skybound Games’ten yapılan basın açıklamasında da bu tahmin teyit edilmiş durumda. Bu arada oyunların hem dijital, hem de fiziksel ortamda satışa sunulacağı bilgisini de paylaşmakta fayda var. Sıkı RPG hayranlarının dijital yerine oyunun fiziksel kopyalarını satın alabilecek olmaları sevindirici bir gelişme.
Bu arada Beamdog’un yayımcılığını yaptığı oyunlardan bazıları, ABD’nin Boston şehrinde 28 ila 31 Mart tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek olan PAX East etkinliğindeki Skybound Games çadırında sergilenecek. Katılımcılar da bu oyunları oynayıp geliştirici ekibiyle tanışma fırsatını yakalayabilecekler.
0 notes
lifesmanga · 8 years
Can I as k what manga would you recommend
Hellooo, I so sorry for not respond you. I worked this weekend. 
The genres of manga: shoujo, josei, smut, comedy, romance and drama.
Watashi ga motete dousunda
Shigatsu no Kimi, Spica. Bokura wa Itsumo
Sabaku no Harem Totsuzen desu ga ashita kekkon shimasu
Asami sensei no himitsu
Beauty Bunny
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy
Suki ni Naranai yo Senpai
Kuusou Spin Flower
Honey Lemon Soda
Mata Ashita (MURATA Mayu)
Kurosaki-kun no Iinari ni Nante Naranai
Ano Ko no - Toriko 
Tsubaki Chou Lonely Planet
Kedamono ni Lollipop Koi Wazurai no Ellie 
Boku no Ie ni Oide Love Phantom Onimiya-sensei no Kisu ni wa Sakaraenai
SP x Baby
Gozen 0-ji- Kiss shi ni Kite yo Koko Kara Saki wa NG! Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare Futsutsuka na Oyako de wa Arimasu ga Koi-Izi Haru Matsu Bokura
Gakuen Ouji
Kuchibiru ni Kimi no iro
Tsubasa to Hotaru
Ore Yome Ore no yome ni Nare yo Ichirei Shite- Kiss
Nanohana no Kare!
Coffe & Vanilla 
Kimi wa Kawaii Onnanoko (it’s so cute)Hinadori no Waltz Toshishita no Otokonoko (HIRO Chihiro) Shinobi Shijuusou Hana to Rakurai Mikazuki to Nagareboshi Love Tore - Renai Taishitsu Kaizen Kouza
Sensei Kunshu (I liked because it’s so funny)
Shuriken to Pleats Sugar Soldier Beauty Honey Rasetsu no Hana Katsu Curry no Hi Ookami-heika no Hanayome B-O-D-Y ByeBye Liberty Watashi wa tensai o katte iru Mune ga Naru no wa Kimi no Sei Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses War of Love and Brains
Suijin no Ikenie   2 DOME NO KOI WA USOTSUKI Ane no Kekkon Yume No Shizuku- Ougon No Torikago
Chocolate Junkie
Haru wa Nano Mino   
Hotaru no Hikari 
1-Senchi yori mo chikaku   
Haji-Otsu (cute)
LIAR X LIAR Crimson Hero Renai Mentalism
Kenka Bancho Otome ~ Koi no Battle Royale ~ (i like)
Kitto Aishite Shimau n da 
Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai (I like, it´s so funny)
Tonari no kaibutsu-kun (this manga also in anime) 
Ao haru ride
Hibi chouchou
Taiyou no le
Dengeki Daisy
Hirunaka no ryuusei
Koi dano ai dano
Heroine shikkaku
360° material
Kyou no kira-kun
Switch girl
The one
Stardust wink
Kamisama hajimemashita (anime)
Last game
Keishichou tokuhanka 007
Cosplay animal
Junai bride
True love
Hana ni kedamono
Hana-kun to koisuru watachi
Biyaku cafe
Rijin was Chou
3D kanojo 
Kimi ni happiness 
kaichou wa maid-sama ( I love, it my favorite manga and anime)
I hope you have been served!!!! *0* 
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New Post has been published on https://www.aorhan.com/fortnite-gercek-parayla-esya-satmak-38302.html
Fortnite Gerçek Parayla Eşya Satmak
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Fortnite, dünyanın en çok oynanan Battle Royale oyunlardan birisi, oyunda harika bir özellik bulunuyor ama bir çok oyuncu bunu bilmiyor. Aslında oyun içinde doğrudan olmayan bu özellik başka bir site üzerinden kullanılabiliyor. Fortnite, bazı eşyalarınızı gerçek parayla satma imkanı sunuyor.
PlayerAuction platformu üzerinden eşyalarınızı yayınlayarak ,gerçek para karşılığı atmanız mümkün. Sitede 500’den fazla eşya satın alınmayı bekliyor. Elbette fiyatları ve piyasayı oyuncular belirliyor.
Sitenin para birimi dolar, ülkemizden satış yaptığınızda oldukça yüksek gelirler elde edebileceğinizi hatırlatalım. Bunun yanında platformda diğer oyunlar içinde eşya, oyun süresi ve oyun lisans anahtarı satışları yapılıyor.
Fortnite kullanmadığınız değerli eşyalarınızı atmanız mümkün, ya da eşya kasıp gelir elde etmek için bile oyunu oynayabilirsiniz.
Siteye ücretsiz üye oluyorsunuz. Komisyon oranlarının düşük olduğu ve aksilik çıkmadı halinde iade politikası olduğu da açıklanmış.
Ayrıca bir çok oyun ve Fortnite için hesap satışı da mümkün.
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techtechblog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.aorhan.com/fortnite-gercek-parayla-esya-satmak-38302.html
Fortnite Gerçek Parayla Eşya Satmak
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Fortnite, dünyanın en çok oynanan Battle Royale oyunlardan birisi, oyunda harika bir özellik bulunuyor ama bir çok oyuncu bunu bilmiyor. Aslında oyun içinde doğrudan olmayan bu özellik başka bir site üzerinden kullanılabiliyor. Fortnite, bazı eşyalarınızı gerçek parayla satma imkanı sunuyor.
PlayerAuction platformu üzerinden eşyalarınızı yayınlayarak ,gerçek para karşılığı atmanız mümkün. Sitede 500’den fazla eşya satın alınmayı bekliyor. Elbette fiyatları ve piyasayı oyuncular belirliyor.
Sitenin para birimi dolar, ülkemizden satış yaptığınızda oldukça yüksek gelirler elde edebileceğinizi hatırlatalım. Bunun yanında platformda diğer oyunlar içinde eşya, oyun süresi ve oyun lisans anahtarı satışları yapılıyor.
Fortnite kullanmadığınız değerli eşyalarınızı atmanız mümkün, ya da eşya kasıp gelir elde etmek için bile oyunu oynayabilirsiniz.
Siteye ücretsiz üye oluyorsunuz. Komisyon oranlarının düşük olduğu ve aksilik çıkmadı halinde iade politikası olduğu da açıklanmış.
Ayrıca bir çok oyun ve Fortnite için hesap satışı da mümkün.
0 notes
genelbilgiblogu · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.aorhan.com/fortnite-gercek-parayla-esya-satmak-38302.html
Fortnite Gerçek Parayla Eşya Satmak
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Fortnite, dünyanın en çok oynanan Battle Royale oyunlardan birisi, oyunda harika bir özellik bulunuyor ama bir çok oyuncu bunu bilmiyor. Aslında oyun içinde doğrudan olmayan bu özellik başka bir site üzerinden kullanılabiliyor. Fortnite, bazı eşyalarınızı gerçek parayla satma imkanı sunuyor.
PlayerAuction platformu üzerinden eşyalarınızı yayınlayarak ,gerçek para karşılığı atmanız mümkün. Sitede 500’den fazla eşya satın alınmayı bekliyor. Elbette fiyatları ve piyasayı oyuncular belirliyor.
Sitenin para birimi dolar, ülkemizden satış yaptığınızda oldukça yüksek gelirler elde edebileceğinizi hatırlatalım. Bunun yanında platformda diğer oyunlar içinde eşya, oyun süresi ve oyun lisans anahtarı satışları yapılıyor.
Fortnite kullanmadığınız değerli eşyalarınızı atmanız mümkün, ya da eşya kasıp gelir elde etmek için bile oyunu oynayabilirsiniz.
Siteye ücretsiz üye oluyorsunuz. Komisyon oranlarının düşük olduğu ve aksilik çıkmadı halinde iade politikası olduğu da açıklanmış.
Ayrıca bir çok oyun ve Fortnite için hesap satışı da mümkün.
0 notes
The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 1
Part 2 | Part 10 | Part 11
Is it wise of me to be posting this at like... 4:45 am? Probably not. Am I doing it right now anyway? SURE AM!
So here we are at the first annual (or rather only/ever) DA Y/N OC Hunger Games. A horrible struggle for survival is taking place. Our combatants are in the arena and ready for battle. Time for round 1!
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Gray ( @without-celine ) isn't sure whether to cry, laugh, or tear their hair out.
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da​ ) wishes they could go home.
Link ( @eddeha ) hums a song to himself.
Mike ( @ask-mike-the-da​ ) fails to grasp the gravity of the situation.
Great start. Completely understandable for said parties.
Dee's bad brain turns them into a horrible person...
Oh no! Bad brain strikes! Dee is now Devious! Deevious? HAHA! THESE ARE THE JOKES, PEOPLE!
??? ( @youraverageauprocrastinator​ ) could get used to this place.
Athena (Pre-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite​ ) wasn't looking and fell off a cliff...
Fucking oof. The trophy for first to die goes to Athena! Someone had to do it, and unfortunately it was you. Hopefully your future self fares better!
Y/N ( @purple-anxiety-blog​ ) looks on the verge of snapping.
Celine tries to get others to notice her.
Can I just imagine that Celine is trying to seduce Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog) here...? Actually they would be pretty cute together. But Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog) isn’t taking it very well. At all. But I mean... Fair. Celine was pretty complacent in the whole mirror thing.
Eerie ( @eerietheda​ ) attacks Y/N ( @ask-the-wkm-group​ ) from behind and murders them!
So... Uh... Remember how you said that Y/N (ask-the-wkm-group) wouldn’t last a single round...? Well... Unfortunately you were right! Very sorry to see them go. *Sad canon shots.* To be fair though, Eerie may just be one of the most terrifying contestants in this game. And at the very least, you can continue to watch your roomies/buddies live on and fight in your place. u.u
Damien really doesn't want to, but he finds himself having to get rid of Link ( @eddeha​ ).
Uh... Jesus fucking Christ, Damien? What the actual fuck!? What did Link do that was so bad that he needed to be killed!? Was his humming really THAT heinous!? And they were so cheerful a moment ago too! APPARENTLY DAMIEN’S OUT FOR BLOOD TONIGHT, KIDS! You had best watch yourselves!
Or maybe he just isn’t taking Y/N (ask-the-wkm-group)’s death very well and has immediately decided to go feral.
(Actor) Mark is only looking out for himself.
But I mean... Isn’t he always...?
Moria ( @xshatteredreflectionsx​ ) tries to kill Arthur ( @arthur-the-district-attorney​ ), but Arthur retaliates and kills her instead.
Woof. Very sorry to see you go, dear! Better luck next time! Whispers and Arthur is usually so nice too... I suppose that’s just the way it goes sometimes. This really is turning out to the quite a bloodbath isn’t it? Even though it’s only the first round!
Abe feels strong enough to handle anything.
Alice ( @chelseareferenced​ ) is being adorable as always.
Alright. Alright. We got two A’s doing A-okay here!
Wilford Warfstache isn't sure whether to cry, laugh, or tear his hair out.
Yeah. That sounds about right. Pretty average day for him, really. He probably hasn’t even realized that a deathbattle has started around him yet. I’m sure he’ll be delighted once he finds out!
Rosie ( @lostanddrowned​ ) sobs quietly...
Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark​ ) looks for someone dumb enough to believe her.
William wonders about the future.
Well, Will, if you would take a look to your right, you can see exactly what your future has in store for you! Apparently mostly just sitting on a rock and losing your mind, it seems.
Y/N ( @the-tragic-hero-and-you​ ) fails to grasp the gravity of the situation.
And hey! Would you look at that. Y/N (the-tragic-hero-and-you) has exceeded all of your expectations and has survived past the first round! Congrats! (However, in all of practice matches I did before this they actually did immediately die in the first round. So lucky day for them!)
Abe wants to end things once and for all with Y/N ( @dormats-town​ ).
Abe bites the dust!
And the “How Dare You Kill Abe He Did Nothing Wrong” Award goes to Y/N (dormats-town)! How dare you. Did you even know him!? I feel like the two of you would have gotten along great! Well, too bad. He’s dead now.
Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda​ ) finally snaps!
Veridia is now frenzied!
Well... You had best watch out for her! Veridia is out for blood! (I guess she’s just following Damien’s example to its natural conclusion.)
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) finds a slingshot! How quaint...
Might be useful in a pinch.
Hey hey hey! Lucky day for Dylan! They’re the first one to find an item! (Even in the practice matches your Y/Ns are just really randomly good at finding shit. Real weird...)
Lillian ( @indic0lite​ ) tries to get others to notice them.
Hey! Why don’t you hang out with Celine and the two of you can try seduce each other!? Or you could seduce literally... Every one else. But together! ... Actually the two of them would be really cute together as well... Aaaaaand now Grifters by Charming Disaster is in my head again!
Arthur ( @arthur-the-district-attorney​ ) tries to kill Seth ( @who-killed-the-da​ ), but Seth retaliates and kills him instead.
Huh. So I feel like Arthur may just deserve an award for being the person to go from killer to killee the quickest! And in round 1 no less! Congrats on your even score sheet, Arthur! But also how dare you make Seth kill. They are babby.
Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite​ ) won't give up so easily.
Well given how your past self JUST died, you had better not!
Y/N ( @ask-the-mirror-da​ ) calms down for good, no longer subject to the whims of a changing brain.
........... Huh. So apparently Y/N (ask-the-mirror-da) has IMMEDIATELY stopped being a madlad the MOMENT they stepped into the arena. They are no longer a lunatic. So sad. A shame, really. This must be some serious shit going on right here.
Darkiplier mopes around uselessly.
HAH! Worthless edgelord.
Daffodil ( @shattered-da​ ) finds some leather scraps, just enough to patch together some rudimentary clothing.
It looks rather caveman-like.
Very primitive. But adorable. Gotta love it.
And that is the end of round 1! 6 dead. 24 remaining. Who’s going to die next? Who’s going to thrive in the field of glorious battle!? Find out next time in Round 2 of the DA Y/N OC Honger Games!
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paletteswapped · 7 years
Palette Swapped: Ep.293 - 08/22/17
(Artist - Track - [Album]) + indicates new release brinq - If I Ever Feel Better - [MAGICAL BRINQ TOUR] Hot Dad - Undertale - [Single] METAFIVE - Maisie's Avenue - [META] The Midnight - Sunset - [Endless Summer] Chad Valley - Seventeen - [Entirely New Blue] Anchor & Braille - Detroit Stab - [Songs for the Late Night Drive Home] +Toro y Moi - You and I - [Boo Boo] +Vindata x Skrillex x NSTASIA - Favor (Fracx x Spyde Remix) - [N/A] NDUA - Memories - [Single] Lindstrøm - Closing Shot - [Windings] +ginrei - Supreme Vacation - [Clarification] +Lite Show Magic - Candy Cream (kamome sano Remix) - [We are “Lite Show Magic”] +Nhato - Great Vengeance - [POP | CULTURE 6] +Ujico* - Lotus - [[FLOWERS]] +aran - Pixel Boy - [HARDCORE SYNDROME 11] +kors k vs Camellia - The Rolling - [Battle Royale] +XIO & 708 - Don`t Leave Me Alone - [YATSUZAKI HARDCORE VOLUME 7] +void - Sixteen - [Mesmerised] +かめりあ - Ethnik Khemikal Teknologi - [INVAIDAS FROM DA JUNGLE] +Camellia & Massive New Krew - Octo-bug (Massive New Krew Edit) - [EVOLUTION]
0 notes
The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 || Part 4 | Part 10 | Part 11
You know what time it is? IT’S TIME FOR PEOPLE TO DIE! Time for round 3 of the DA Y/N Hunger Games! :D
We're really starting to run out of people, aren't we? The less people there are, the shorter each round is, and I can already feel it in my bones! Pretty soon here, I'll have to start putting multiple rounds in each post. We haven't gotten to that point yet, but I sure can feel it comin'!
But enough stalling! Here are the results of round 3!
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Rosie ( @lostanddrowned​ ) twiddles her thumbs. Daffodil ( @shattered-da​ ) does something really cute.
Buff friend and cute friend hanging out together? I can dig it. They can be friends! And hey! They also both have flower themed names! So that's neat!
Y/N ( @dormats-town​ ) finds a pitchfork, which they figure is great for lobbing at enemies.
Oh yeah. Like you need to give the one who killed Abe with their bare hands an actual weapon! Pointy farm tool, but still an adequate weapon. This can only end well, amiright!?
Dee isn't sure whether to cry, laugh, or tear their hair out.
Dee! Calm the fuck down! You’re not helping! You're such a disaster right now! Or should I say... A Deesaster!? Yes boo me. It only makes me stronger!
Wilford Warfstache ambushes Damien and eviscerates him!
Jesus Christo, Wilford! That was absolutely brutal! Woof! Why'd you have to do that anyway!? Sure, Damien may have been topping the kill count leaderboard, but it was all in self-defense probably. Besides! He was your buddy! The past version of your bestest buddy at that! (Well, presumably at least.) HOW COULD YOU!? Actually thinking about it, maybe Wilf really was just jealous of Damien's kill count and wanted to usurp him before he could kill anyone else. Yeah... Actually that sounds about right! Nice to know that Wilford is finally getting into the spirit of things at least...?
??? ( @youraverageauprocrastinator​ ) is determined to survive this.
You've gone from liking this place to hating this place to being determined to survive in this place. MAKE UP YOUR MIND ALREADY, WON'T YOU!? (I kid. Your indecision is understandable.)
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) finds a sword, shiny and sharp. A rather nice find!
And the rich just get richer, don't they. Hey! Look at that! Their mun told Dylan to arm themselves, and arm themselves even further they did! Who needs a slingshot when they now have a fuckin’ sword! Sure, a slingshot may help with stoning people from a distance. But a pointy metal stick is much is more useful when killing people!
Celine tries to get others to notice her. Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite​ ) looks on the verge of snapping.
... I'm just imagining the two of them standing next to one another, like... Just... Celine, are you TRYING to get yourself stabbed!? ... On second thought, I could see her being into people who could kick her ass. Which must be hard to come by given how good she is with an axe.
Y/N ( @the-tragic-hero-and-you​ ) kind of wanders off and gets lost, never to be seen again.
Their mun said that having her characters die is what she does best? Looks like she wasn’t wrong, I guess! Y/N has wandered off, never to be seen again. Dead. Looks like their mun got exactly what she wanted. And this way of going out actually sounds pretty appropriate for them, tbh. I sure hope they weren’t serial killed... And right after they were beginning to befriend Daffodil too! They never did figure out what the hell was going on, did they...? They shall be missed. Probably
(Actor) Mark is only looking out for himself.
Hey! Mark! Asshole! Maybe turtleneck Y/N back there wouldn’t have wandered off and be dead right now if you weren’t being a selfish prick and only looking out for yourself! I'm sure that they're rooting for you to win from the other side, but still. Bastard.
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da​ ) catches a strange glow in the corner of their eye and discovers an ancient scepter! Arcane magic courses through their body as their fingers touch the carved wood.
Oh! Huh! Would you look at that. Seth here may have just gotten one of the most overpowered and broken items in this game! So this should be fuuuuun! As if they needed any more help with killing people considering that they already have a kill count with Arthur... Quick! Someone kill them before they kill everyone! I kid! That was in self-defense! I can’t imagine that Seth’s going to be going around killing a lot of people now.
In a fit of frenzy, Alice ( @chelseareferenced​ ) creeps up on Darkiplier and snaps their neck!
Jesus fucking Christ, Alice! That took a surprising turn! Your frenzy is really paying off immediately for you here isn’t it!? And would you look at that. Both Damien and Dark died in the same round. Tough break for him today! Dark died as he lived. Completely useless. u.u Also, shouldn't Dark's neck already be broken...? I guess that it's just double broken now! He has no neck now and his head just flops around. (You're welcome for that mental image.)
Y/N ( @ask-the-mirror-da​ ) thinks about what they did to end up here.
You did nothing, sweetie! Keep going! You're doing great!
Lillian ( @indic0lite​ ), still trapped, screams for help, but nobody answers...
Sad days right here. Oh the humanity! Won't someone help them out!? ... Please? Before the bleed out or starve or one of the scary people comes to kill them...? ;^;
Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda​ ) looks for her next victim...
Okay, so Damien may be dead... But at least she's taking it well...? This is what a healthy coping mechanism looks like, right?
Something inside Gray ( @without-celine​ ) snaps! Gray is now frenzied!
Uh oh! That's not good! Looks like Damien wants to try his hand at murdering people again! Damien! Calm the fuck down in there! If you give the two of you a heart attack, I swear to God... Quick! Stop him before he gets carried away again!
Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark​ )'s corpse writhes with maggots.
Thanks for that mental image, game! I definitely needed to know that!
William's bad brain turns him into an absolute pain to deal with.
Uh oh! Bad brain strikes again! Will has now officially become Annoying. Or perhaps he's simply become just as annoying to everyone else as Mark has always seen him! Either way, what a lovable guy! Such a shame that he’s an asshole now.
Y/N ( @purple-anxiety-blog​ ) wishes she could go home.
Don't we all?
Well, that's it for round 3, everyone! Exciting stuff indeed. There were some very interesting kills this round! Is anyone going to make Damien proud by beating his current kill count? Let's find out! Next time! On this blog! Probably!
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The DA Y/N OC Hunger Games Part 2
Part 1 || Part 3 | Part 10 | Part 11
Sorry it's taken me a hot sec to get back to this. Been busy. Hopefully the pace will quicken from here on out, so long as I get my peace and quiet. In any case, BACK TO THE COMPETITION!
What an exhilarating round 1, am I right!? Some survived. Some perished. Some just uselessly moped around in the corner for the entire round. Exciting stuff! Are you ready for more action!? (Well, I'd hardly call this action, but still.) You had better be! Because it’s time for round 2!
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Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark) does something really cute. Celine is looking for an easy out. ??? ( @youraverageauprocrastinator ) wants this to be over already.
Alright, alright! Solid start. These three just chillin'. HEY! ???, I thought that you were starting to like this place. You changed your mind? GOOD! Go and suffer with everyone else like a good contestant!
Seth ( @who-killed-the-da ) finds a lovely bikini and puts it on! It's quite revealing.
Okay, that is actually rather adorable. I'm having a hard time seeing them in a bikini... But I’m certain that it's perfect. Leaves them pretty exposed though, don't you think...? All those precious guts exposed! Even if the tiddy is protected.
Veridia ( @ask-the-femaleda ) looks for her next victim...
Veridia! Calm the fuck down! Even your mun thinks that you need to chill! At this rate you're going to give yourself a heart attack! And if you have a heart attack, how are you going to keep up with Damien’s kill count!? HUH!?
Y/N ( @purple-anxiety-blog ) twitches uncontrollably. Y/N ( @ask-the-mirror-da ) twiddles their thumbs.
Fidgety Y/N buddies? Yes. Fidgety Y/N buddies indeeeeed. I'm just imagining them. Sitting on a log. In silence. Y/N (ask-the-mirror-attorney) hoping that Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog) doesn't just snap and kill them on the spot. ... You know what? There are so many Y/Ns in this competition and typing out each of their usernames is a lot of work... So fuck it! You guys are getting nicknames! Y/N (purple-anxiety-blog), you're now Braid... Braids? Braidy...? Eh, I’ll figure out what sounds/feels best later. (Purple would be another option, but I wanted something different so that one can easily differentiate the character from the mun.) And Y/N (ask-the-mirror-attorney), you're now Nakey.
Wilford Warfstache seems unshaken by any of this.
Yeah... That may just be a little TOO in character for ol’ Warfy here! God this man is terrifying...
Damien feels protected by his wealth.
And by the fact that he just murdered someone! Just like he should. u.u Though seriously. What the hell is money going to do to help you out of this situation, Damien? HUH!?
Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite ) sets down a trap.
Uh oh! That's going to be bad news for someone! Who's gonna get their leg stuck in a bear trap? We'll just have to wait and.
Mike ( @ask-mike-the-da​ ) eats something he shouldn't have and dies of horrible stomach pains.
Oh Mike. Poor, sweet Mike. Taken away from us so soon. You were the first one to die this round. An unfortunate fate, but one that someone had to fulfill. You didn’t even know what was coming for you! ... Though I feel like this is oddly in character for him. Mike just running off into the woods like, "I don't need Mark! I don't need anybody! I can survive all on my own! Ooooh! Berries!" And then he just fuckin' dies.
Dylan ( @the-mirror-realm​ ) gathers ammo for their slingshot.
As one of the few people with an item, good luck with that one! Maybe you can David and Goliath someone up in here!
Darkiplier thinks of a dark, dark poem.
And the edgelord continues to be useless! How is it that the more sane and less violent version of Dark manages to be more bloodthirsty and seemingly competent than this asshole...?
Alice ( @chelseareferenced​ ) finally snaps! Alice is now frenzied!
Uh oh! You better watch out. You better watch out! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! We got another crazy murder lady on the run now!
Lillian ( @indic0lite​ ) gets caught in one of Athena (Post-WKM) ( @withjust-a-bite​ )'s traps... What a stupid mistake! They should have known better. All they can do now is hope to be freed...
Ah! So that's what happened with that trap. Unfortunate. Hopefully someone can save you before it's too late! Maybe Dylan can save you. Who knows?
Y/N ( @the-tragic-hero-and-you​ ) fails to grasp the gravity of the situation. Daffodil wearing leather scraps is a sight to behold.
Sounds about right. These two beans just chilling all sweet and innocent in the corner just like, "Nice caveman outfit!" "Thanks! Nice turtleneck!"
(Actor) Mark wants to end things once and for all with Bethany ( @ask-bethany-and-dark​ ). Bethany bites the dust!
Ouch! It seems that the Actor absolutely refuses to tolerate anyone who stans anyone except for him! Very sorry Bethany. The fact that you hold some level of affection for Damien/Dark means that he just had to kill you! Because Mark is a terrible, terrible person. The jealous fuck! Not even your cuteness factor could save you, sadly.
Y/N ( @dormats-town​ ) looks around for stuff to scrounge.
After brutally murdering Abe and finding nothing on his body but a LOT of photos of all of his old, dead partners, they move on to scrounge around for more supplies. (And for more lives to take!)
Gray ( @without-celine​ ) isn't sure whether to cry, laugh, or tear their hair out.
I mean... A place like this will do that to you. But you two should probably calm down for both of your sakes. You’ve done this for the second round in a row...
William sizes his muscles. Rosie ( @lostanddrowned​ ) doesn't care much for this place.
You know what? These two can be buff buddies... Who both don’t like this place very much. Which I mean... Understandable.
Eerie ( @eerietheda​ ) tries to kill Damien, but Damien retaliates and kills them instead.
Me: Tells everyone that Damien can take care of himself. Everyone: Doesn’t believe me. Damien:
Also Damien, what the fuck? Why are you of all people so quickly racking up the highest body count!? At least this one was clearly a case of self-defense. So... Like... Fair. And congrats on taking out one of the scariest competitors in this game! Very sorry to see you go, Eerie. Better luck next time. Hopefully next time Damien won't be as bloodthirsty!
Dee is looking for an easy out.
And that's the end of round 2! Stay tuned for more DA on DA action, right here! On this blog! When? Sometime! I'm not really certain when. Whenever I get around to it, really!
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