#DEW directed energy weapon
americanmysticom · 1 year
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Locals Tell What REALLY Happened Maui Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Zmz2Z8JE8
I Am Eloho
The people of Maui speak out. There is speculation that arson is related to the unusually patterned fire, this includes the possible use of federal government DEW (arson by use of newly developed Directed Energy Weapons is possible, and not out of scope.)
The people of Lahaina ask for your help. They don't want carpetbagger globalist government loans.
They are also being harassed by developers. The community is built on mainly native property. https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/
[Not unlike the trauma of the Las Vegas shootings. Deluge the newswires to divert attention from governmental treason?]
HAWAII HIT, KINGSTON QUESTIONS | The Prather Brief Ep. 86 https://rumble.com/v37m1x8-hawaii-hit-kingston-questions-the-prather-brief-ep.-86.html
Jeffrey Prather builds his case for suspecting the use of DEW weaponry on US native citizens, citing government affiliated special interests
MAUI MAYHEM/OLD GUARD VS NATIONAL GUARD VS COAST GUARD! | The Prather Brief Ep. 87 https://rumble.com/v38azne-the-prather-brief-ep.-87.html
Government gods want native land.
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https://www.secretdonttell.com/shop pdf&mp3 available
The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It’s the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.
It’s also referred to as the Hegelian Dialect after the philosopher Georg Hegel who wrote about its effectiveness. He described it as: THESIS — ANTI-THESIS — SYN-THESIS.
Others have described it as: PROBLEM — REACTION — SOLUTION
https://www.secretdonttell.com/shop pdf&mp3 available
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reality-detective · 5 months
🔥 Fire Forensic expert confirms what we already know... Like many recent fires around the world, the devastating Maui and California fires were intentionally ignited by direct energy weapons⚡️
These are courtesy of the WEF and our corrupt governments, that's City, State and Federal 🤔
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starseedpatriot · 1 year
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Fine I will say it. I believe with the little evidence I have many mass fires (worldwide) have been started (not necessarily continued) by D.E.W* (direct energy weapons).
I saw this because of:
1-eye witnesses
2-the burn track and hyper focus of it. Too perfect, concentrated, and unnatural. Fires do NOT regularly burn like that, let alone, all over the world.
3-people who knew NOTHING of DEW weapons describing what they saw, not knowing they were talking about DEW weapons (lasers from the sky).
4-the political ramifications. EVERY-SINGLE-PLACE that got lit up was fighting against the status quo. Either of the rich or the government. Canada was trying to do France 2.0, CA was trying to take away power from the fed & elites, giving more power to the state. Hawaii has ALWAYS wanted independence, with billionaires trying to buy up land, and a Russian/Chinese war on the horizon, we REQUIRE them for a military base.
Just remember this: historically, the rich/government/military have purposely lied, abused, stolen, tested on, and killed their own citizens to keep the rest in line. They always have and always will till we do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stop them. The time is coming where each of us make a choice, or it's made for us. Being on the fence will get you pushed to the side of the oppressor.
* who controls them and from where and who dictates how to use them is totally up for debate. But I can say this much. There's definitely only a small select few who get to make those decisions.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
Hey I sent the dew ask. I have no clue what they are but their giving me headaches and making me horney. I understand what's going on here but I don't know why they're still doing it, really.
I don't know what country you reside in. Let me know if you would like specific information. As I'm unable to narrow down anything with the limited information.
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linkrecargado · 2 years
Compartan la verdad.
El proverbio la verdad los hará libres nunca había tenido tanta relevancia como en este momento de la humanidad donde el libre albedrio y la libertad ha sido destruida por completo eliminada de la ecuación. Estamos siendo controlados y neuromodulados por las antenas de 5g y los satelites. Tambien torturados con frecuencias electromagneticas . Queman el cuerpo o alteran el ADN causando mutaciones cancer tumores ,etc. Por favor difundan la informacion ya que toda la sociedad esta bajo el engaño y el control mental.
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Blue Roof, Part 1
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kramlabs · 9 months
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blogparanormal · 11 months
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kabbalart-blog · 11 months
Patents for Directed Energy Weapons
WEAPONS FOR TARGETING INDIVIDUALS, Groups and Animals LINK TO PDF US 6091994 A US 6488617 B1 US 7629918 B2 US 6470214 B1 US 3393279 US 3951134 US 4395600 US 4834701 US 4858612 A US 4877027 A US 5123899 A US 5159703 A US 5356368 A US 6587729 B2 US 6052336 A US 6011991 A US 5889870 A US 5507291 A US 3393279 A US 3647970 A US 8579793 B1 US 20140309484 A1 US 6488617 B1 US…
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americanmysticom · 1 year
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My Brother Warner's Lahaina Fire Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq-k09xBhgw
see also:
https://www.secretdonttell.com/shop pdf&mp3 available
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reality-detective · 5 months
Direct Energy Weapons ⚡ being used to target individuals 👇 Part 2
Do you think you're safe? 🤔
Part 1 👇
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vomitdodger · 7 months
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Much comments about “solar flare” likely and “can’t be an EMP because everything would be fried”.
Not an expert on EMP but I can read and research among the best. We’ve had EMPs for over a decade of ALL shapes, sizes and uses. Same as Direct Energy Weapons (DEW). Everyone is fixated on how the movies portray an EMP and everything electrical just gets fried. That can of course happen, but the resulting damage depends on the delivery system, altitude, magnitude and type of delivery system. An equivalent example is a aerial bomb or projectile. They of course comes in nearly infinite designs and consequences. Same for EMP. BASIC explanation in below article but note pic from the article showing the variety of effects:
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It’s not like we allowed CCP “weather balloons” to float across our country and military bases in a test run or anything.
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ikemenomegas · 2 years
wishing on every one that you'll be mine
Haku x Reader || Dandelions
a/n: with the song anon told me their name was from, it felt pretty easy to stick with a sort of aesthetic sense for this one. I've had the bullet points in my notes since I first got the ask and I'm very excited to have the time and energy to finish it this week! Haku was very popular at the start haha and it was fun to expand upon a sort of OC idea for them cw: haku working through the "i was raised to be a weapon" mindset, imaginary sunburns, omegaverse setting, alpha!reader
You collapsed onto the warm grass with a delighted huff, rolling between patches of shade and sun.
Haku looked down at you with amusement, putting his own pack down next to yours but stretching out beside you with no less enthusiasm.
The summer afternoon was already pressing down heavy and languid, threatening another light rain. With nowhere in particular to go, you could bend to the movements of nature. As midday had become hotter and rain had become more frequent, you and Haku had taken to waking while the dew was still wet and the morning still dark, moving on in whichever direction he chose, and finding a place to camp when it grew too hot.
But finding a place is not the only step to setting up camp. You pull yourself upright with a groan and Haku waves from the ground as you wander into the woods surrounding the little clearing you've dropped into.
You've more or less entirely embraced Haku's habit of wandering. It's remarkable how much freedom there is in living as a civilian with all the safety of knowing that you are probably one of the more dangerous things on the road. Haku had wanted to see the world and you had wanted to go with him, to be with him while he discovered world without purpose but to live how he wanted.
Ahead, you could see the brightness that signaled another break in the trees. Your eyes widened in delight and you rushed back to where you had left your traveling companion.
He was already rummaging around in the bags for something and the tent had been released from its sealing scroll.
You sighed inaudibly. Haku preferred to keep his hands busy, but this had as much to do with his feelings of worth being tied to his level of productivity as anything else.
"Hm?" He looked up at you, his wide dark eyes alight.
You cleared your throat. "Come see what I've found."
Haku immediately stood up, brushing his hands off. "What is it?"
You beckoned him over and were pleasantly surprised when he grabbed onto your hand. You retraced your steps.
With a sudden burst of inspiration, you told him to close his eyes, which he did with an amused expression.
You moved carefully, but even with his eyes closed he never stumbled and moved with sureness. You were glad his eyes were closed so he couldn't see the way you shifted uncomfortably your neck in your suddenly over-warm collar.
You stopped on the edge of the meadow.
Haku gasped a little. The first thing he saw was a field of gold and white.
He stepped slowly from the treeline, graceful as a dear and practiced in crushing as few of the fluffy yellow flower heads as possible. He cupped a cluster in his hands, feeling the leaves.
"These are so healthy," he said. You could hear the quiet delight in his voice. "Dandelions make wonderful tea and they're good to eat, and there's a lot of uses for medicines-"
You bit back a growl, you weren't upset at him, but sometimes he really could have a one track mind. He was meant to relax! Not everything in the world had to be looked at for its utility!
You bit back a smirk and hummed as you half circled Haku with your hands behind your back, catching just enough of his attention before charging out into the field and spinning around, carving a path through grass and sending parasol-headed seedlings whirling into the air.
"They're also beautiful and smell nice and are soft enough to lay on," you said, darting away further into the wide stretching meadow. Come on, please come with me.
Haku's eyes darted to the yellow flowers and then to the incredible expanse of them. With a quirk of his lips he was almost invisible and then he was right behind you.
You laughed, elated as you raced him to the top of a little hill not far away.
Petals and drifting seeds had landed in Haku's hair. Heaven just might be Haku leaning against your legs while you combed through his long, silky hair with your fingers, brushing dandelion fluff away and twisting the dark strands into loose braids.
Even when you were done, he didn't move and you almost wanted to hold your breath, scared to frighten him away like some small wild thing.
He skimmed his hand through the grass, letting it tickle his palms. He held up a full headed flower, perfectly round and white like a cloud. You blew on it and watched the seeds float away. You brushed away a few that didn't make it far.
The air was heady with the scent of the field and Haku's hyacinth scent mixed with yours, thick in the air as you sweated lightly in the early summer heat, a welcome breeze wicking moisture from your neck. You drew it deep into your lungs to savor the clean, green taste, purring faintly on each exhale. All you wished for was more moments like these.
As the sun sank westward, it would tinge the whole meadow golden, gilding the dandelion covered field.
You too were learning to do things without a set purpose. You looked down at Haku. To let beauty rest without request.
Haku was drowsing in the sun, eyes half open, his cheeks and lips tinged pink and a flush just visible where his collar had slipped. You looked somewhere else, anywhere else.
His voice was low and languid and hypnotizing. He could name the birds that darted across the sky and the unseen insects by their sounds. His sharp nose could detect the presence of other plants in the forest. When he fell quiet and his breath momentarily deepened, you could hear the far off sound of running water.
You felt yourself growing briefly drowsy too and leaned back on your hands, tilting your head back and closing your eyes.
You came back to after Haku. The sun had not moved much but the embracing the brief lull in your energy had perked you up again.
"We could make dandelion wine," Haku said. Clearly he felt the same as you because his hands were trailing busily over the ground again. After a moment, he stood up and walked to a thicker clump of brush.
You watched as minutes passed and he worked his way along the outskirts of the meadow. Some seeds lazily drifted up after him, but before another quarter of an hour had gone, Haku had seated himself on the ground and started pawing about for flowers he deemed suitable.
He looked tranquil as always, but also vaguely like he was only doing this because he had to be doing something. The wind carried towards you a low, odd sound, almost between a whine and a growl, that stuck in you like a thorn. You weren't even sure he knew he was making it.
You shook away the last of the afternoon sleepiness and stood up, shaking dandelion seed from your clothing.
You were quick enough and Haku distracted enough for you to displace the pouch of plucked flowers from his lap and scoop him up into your arms before he could protest. You drew upon your alpha's strength and your training, pushing chakra through your limbs until Haku, tall though he was, felt as though he weight no more than a particularly oddly shaped sack of rice.
"What are you doing," Haku gasped, arms going around your neck.
You turned around. "You know what else you can do with dandelions?"
You picked up speed until you were running, clouds of fluff rising around the two of you as you discovered a part of the meadow where the stalks were higher and almost every single flower had gone to seed.
"Make a wish!" you shouted over the sounds of your own feet. Your heart was beating so very quickly.
"Make a wish!" You spun around, Haku was looking at you like you'd gone mad. "I wish to dance under a full moon. I wish to be light as air. I wish for a red cherry tree!"
Haku started laughing as you shouted into the sky.
"I wish to find sweetfish!" he joined in after a moment. "I wish to climb a tall mountain! I wish for you to carry me on your back!"
With another spin, you did just that, swinging Haku around so that his arms were draped over your shoulders and his knees settled on either side of your ribs. He reached up to drag his fingers through the rising cloud of floating seeds, laughing breathlessly as the wind stirred by his reaching sent them wobbling just beyond touch.
"I wish to see snow in July!"
"I wish I could whistle!"
"I wish my backpack was as light as Haku!"
"I wish my feet wouldn't hurt at the end of the day!"
All my wishes are that I could be with you. Maybe one day, I'll have the courage to ask you if I can stay.
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gusty-wind · 1 year
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brettvatcher · 5 months
The United States is currently testing advanced military-grade weapons and quantum computer systems on the unexpected global population. Targeted Individuals are tortured and tormented every day of their lives through DARPA’s Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) Program utilizing CIA agents – acting as Artificial Intelligence [AI]. In the future, the system will be marketed as deviceless “Spatial Technology.” 
Neurotechnology is a brain-computer interface [BCI] connecting to the central nervous system. Call it Mind Control. 
If one can control the mind, they can control the body.
MIND CONTROL:  Mind reading, mind and body control, 24/7 tracking, brainwashing, dream manipulation, spatial holograms as well as physical assaults and verbal harassment produced by CIA agents. This is accomplished by combining data sets from 5G towers and directed energy weapon satellites [DEW]. The system connects to the central nervous system – including the brain – and operates without a device. Invisible physical assaults are constant. Even if well documented are challenging to prove. The system can cause sensations anywhere on the body.
DOMAIN: Every human has a domain attached to their mind. This is where the agents broadcast their transmissions and control the victim. ​All living things have a domain. Plants, insects, animals and humans. Domains have infinite capabilities. The entire global population is replicated within human domains – in vertical cubicle formation. These replicants, as the agents call them, are tortured constantly. The replicants watch everything you do from your perception. This is the New World Order plan. The subdomain advent calendar is located behind the perception. Everything a person sees, hears and thinks is recorded utilizing a BCI. All memories from 2019-present can be viewed like a film. Domains are recorded, as well.
BRAINWASHING: Brainwashing the victim leads to behavioral modifications and mood control. The agents create “programs” that can be turned on or off at any time. Subliminal messages come in the form of faint visions flashing in the front of one’s mind. Victim’s vision becomes increasingly grainier over time – and depending on active sequencers.
The agents create intricate dream sequences to affect the victim’s subconscious. Dream sequences combine people, places and things that are familiar with the victim. They can be extremely lucid.
VOICE-TO-SKULL: DARPA started a program called LifeLog in 2003. They refer to it as the V2K era. It’s when they began recording transcripts of all of our thoughts. Mind-reading. This technology is also known as Microwave Hearing, Synthetic Telepathy, Voice-of-God weapon and is utilized for traceless mental torture. Agents constantly disrupt, censor and redirect the victim’s freedom of thought. Victim’s get wrongly labeled as mentally-ill [schizophrenia] when reporting on this. V2K is also used for deception and impersonation of voices.
News reports in the media describedLifeLog as the “diary to end all diaries — a multimedia, digital record of everywhere you go and everything you see, hear, read, say and touch”. –USA TODAY
NO PRIVACY: The system completely disregards fundamental human rights such as: privacy, mental and physical health, safety, data security, family security, financial security, etc. Freedom of thought – or cognitive liberty – is a God-given right. The technology was deployed without implementation of new laws and there is little to no oversight, as the CIA has full control of the system.
Welcome to Infinity. You’re Welcome.
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