#DID YOU GUYS HEAR HER TEA PARTY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE COULD HAVE A TEA PARTY WITH ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monards · 7 months
guys id literally sell all the blood in my body for fontaine teyvat travel guide just to hear about alice meeting furina
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meowlod · 11 months
focalors in the 4.2 archon quest does something to me. that VOICE is so pretty. the OUTFIT. shes so mother.
i would let her destroy me, make me a mess, do stuff to me and i wouldn‘t mind. please continue.
shes definitely a titty grabber. likes to randomly grab your breasts from behind and squish them like a toy.
i think she would be a great cuddle partner, like, she would give you a thousand of warm cuddles. burying and resting her face into the crook of your neck and have her soft arms wrapped around your body as you both lie under the blankets. she wants to keep you warm and comfy so you wont get sick.
oh and shes a big teaser, definitely. basically teases you about everything possible until you get super embarrassed from all of it. and that woman wouldn‘t stop!! no she will not, until you actually want her to stop, then she‘ll respect you and stop, of course.
if she used to battle and fight, then she would teach you on how to use a sword. she is always being careful to not wound you. and if she does, she will just simply heal you or get you bandages.
talks about furina sometimes whenever you both are sitting somewhere, or laying down on a bed.
and when she dies, she wants you to take care of furina. comfort her at any time whenever shes in a sad mood, get her favourite desserts, give her cheek kisses, dance with her, go to her tea parties, etc. make her happy, and focalors would be proud of you.
but you also have to stay close to furina whenever shes in a bad mood. if you went out somewhere without telling her, especially at night, she'll think that you are starting to dislike and leave her, or that you got kidnapped, making her panic. if you come back, the first thing she always does is run up to you and hug you tightly, asking you where you went, and why you didn't tell her that you went out. its best to tell her the truth, or she will ignore you for a day.
but she cant ignore you for long, because she can be a pretty clingy person. slowly crawling into the bed you're sleeping in, quietly wrapping her arms around your body and slowly starting to cuddle you, mumbling to herself about stuff such as “am i too annoying for them?“ or “i'm sorry if i did something you didn't like.“, hoping you wouldn't wake up and hear her talking bad about herself.
furina will randomly pin you to any wall to jokingly flirt with you. if you flirt back, she'll have a red face for the rest of the day! it can be outside, inside, to the bed, to the grass…seriously, everywhere.
if you buy her gifts, especially with desserts inside them, she'll buy you a gift aswell, but a bigger, and a more expensive one.
LOVES to teach you to dance a waltz or help you sing. if you suck at any of those, she will gladly help you because you are someone she deeply cares and trusts.
if you're sad, she comes running up to you with your favourite food, plushies, etc. to comfort you and have you smiling again. she hates seeing you sad, and doesn't want you to go through the stuff she did.
too shy to ask you out on a date, but will pull an all nighter to practice words and flirty pick up lines to say to you. if you're the first one to ask her out on a date, she'll get mostly flustered but will be happy, jumping into your arms and giving you thousand of kisses.
if you guys are together, she's extra clingy and could be a little jealous if a man or a woman stares at you. you're her partner, of course you should be paying attention to her! if you look back at the stranger, she will wrap her arm around your waist and glare at the stranger who was looking at you, silently telling them that you're hers, and shes yours.
animal lover! if she sees a cat or a dog anywhere, she pulls you along and walks towards the little animal and will pet it, feed it, caress it, etc. if you're a animal lover aswell, expect a lot of animal plushies in the house and furina bringing a random cat inside.
if you kiss furina in public infront of everyone, she would push you away and laugh like nothing happened. but if you're somewhere private, hidden, or in a back alley with her, she'll kiss you with alot of passion like she was starving for that kiss.
cake lover. please buy her cake anytime! it can be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or anything. she will even demand you to get her a cake when she feels like it. or you both just cook a cake together.
can't cook, but is still learning! loves to make sweets, and sometimes asks you for help. if you can't cook aswell, then…expect alot of flour or a whole mess in the kitchen. you both have to clean everything up if you guys are finished with baking or cooking. she can also make YOU clean everything, just to piss you a little off. but she will help a little bit, don't worry.
listens to your problems in life, and talks to you about her problems aswell. you both deeply care for each other, and she trusts you enough to talk about her secrets and stuff she never wanted to mention because of her insecurity.
makes you sit on her lap while you both play games or watch a movie on the tv.
and furina absolutely loves piggy rides.
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gracev0609 · 8 months
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I Was Born to Love You - Jake's Version Pt. 1
A gracev0609/ @losfacedevil collaboration.
We are so excited to release this installment in our little universe. This story runs parallel to Josh's.
Meet Jake and Sevda, and the things they left unspoken...
Warnings: Struggling to Conceive, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Explicit Sexual Content, Adult Themes, Breeding Kink
Jake rolled his eyes as his older brothers name lit up his phone screen. Sliding the answer bar across his screen he quickly tapped the speaker button and continued to pluck away at the guitar in his lap. 
“This better be important dude.” Jake almost growled, unsure of what could be so important as he had just seen Josh yesterday. He heard Josh take a deep breath over the speaker.
“Jake listen, you can’t tell mom or dad or Sam or Danny okay?” Jake quirked a brow before placing the guitar in his grasp on the floor and scooped up his phone, quickly turning off the speaker function and pressed it firmly to his ear.
“You didn’t kill anyone did you? You didn’t crash the car? Y/N’s alright, right?” Jakes mind began to move a mile a minute, unsure of what could be so important that he was being sworn to secrecy. He could hear Josh pacing, the sound of the breeze through the line changing every time he turned. 
“No, I didn’t kill anyone or crash the car, yes she’s okay. She is better than okay actually. Jake, you’re gonna be an uncle.” 
Jakes mouth fell open as tears quickly sprang to his eyes and the phone slipped from his hand, clattering to the floor and drawing the attention of his girlfriend, Sevda. She turned her head quickly and her eyes widened slightly at the look of shock on Jake’s face. She made her way over to him quickly and perched herself on the arm of the couch, reaching over to press his jaw together.
“What’s the matter Jake? Who’s on the phone?” She bent at the waist and scooped the phone up off of the floor, tapping the screen to light up the caller ID. 
Josh could hear the commotion on the other end of the line. Sevda remained calm as she tried to shake Jake out of whatever trance he was in. Pulling a deep breath in through her nose she tapped the speaker function on the phone screen. 
“Josh what have you done to break your brother? I think he’s forgotten how to function outside of letting tears stream down his cheeks. Jake, darling what happened?” 
She heard a nervous chuckle escape Josh as he prepared to say the words once more. Sevda cupped Jakes cheek in her hand and swiped her thumb under his eye to rid his skin of the tears that lay there. 
“Sev, she’s pregnant.” 
A soft gasp escaped Sevdas lips and she turned her attention to the phone in her hand. Another nervous chuckle escaped Josh in the deafening silence, both his brother and sister in law now both shocked by the words that had come out of his mouth. 
“Hey, guys? Can you say something… anything?” Josh pleaded.
Jake sniffles as Sevda murmurs soft words of encouragement. We're okay baby… Her forehead pressed against his as she held the phone away from their faces. She hoped that Josh couldn't hear the vulnerable moment happening.
Jake blinked his eyes a few times, regaining his composure, “I’m sorry, it’s just.. I’m so happy for you Josh, you’re gonna be the best dad. And she’s gonna be the best mama, you see how she is with Jade even though she’s older.” Jakes eyes danced across the room to where Sevdas four year old Jade sat and his heart soared with the idea of her having a baby cousin. 
“Where is she, Josh? Can I speak to her?” Sevda asked, her mind reeling with just how she had felt when she found out she was pregnant. 
“She’s shopping for all the babies apparently, I thought we were here for Bennie but I’ll have her call you guys as soon as we get home.” 
Jake pulled another deep breath in through his nose as Jade found him across the room and reached out in his direction. He smiled softly at the little girl and nodded. 
“I’m being summoned to the tea party. Princesses know nothing of their Kings importance. I’m so happy for you guys.” 
“Send her all our love, Josh. We’ll talk to you guys later.” Sevda kept her voice light and sweet as she bid Josh a farewell and hung up the phone.
Jake picked up the little girl and held her in his lap as her fingers twirled around the ear of the stuffed bunny she had in her hands.
Breathing deeply his mind reeled with doubts and insecurities, it was almost paralyzing. 
You're not good enough to be a real father.
Y/N got pregnant so easily, there must be something wrong with you.
You're not good enough.
Something is wrong with you.
Sevda pets Jake's hair noticing how stiff and silent he's become,” Hey, don't get stuck in that brilliant mind of yours. Tell me what's going on.”
Jake clenched his jaw before speaking,” Not right now Sev, just give me a few.”
Her hand lovingly skirts down his back before she picks up Jade,” I'm going to go put her to bed, and then we're talking about this.”
He gives her a soft smile,” Okay baby. Goodnight Jade, I love you.”
A small,” I love you Jakey.” Comes from Jade's mouth, muffled into her mom's shoulder.
Jake made his way to their master bedroom, the heaviness in his chest becoming almost unbearable. He curls up on his side of the bed, hugging one of the pillows to his body and he can't help the tears that start to flow. His shoulders shake and it feels as if his chest is collapsing in on itself. 
Jake starts to get pissed at himself for bawling like a baby as he forces himself to calm down and get a grip. He sits himself up slightly and wipes his face with his hand.
Sevda makes her way into the room and takes in his position on the bed along with his red tear stained face.
Softly she murmurs his name as she climbs onto the mattress to get to him.
She intertwines their fingers together,” I'm upset too babe. I can't help but feel disappointed, it's natural. We've been trying to have a baby for months.”
“ Six. Six months Sev.”
She lets out a shaky breath,” Yeah. Six months.”
Jake's voice booms, completely laced with hurt,” We've been diligently trying to have a baby for six months and Josh just gets the idea in his head and now she's pregnant! Why was it so fucking easy for them!” His voice rang out in their otherwise quiet bedroom.
Much softer now,” Is there something wrong with me? Y/N got pregnant so easily, you got pregnant with Jade so easily. When is it our turn?”
Sev gulps down the lump in her throat because she knows she doesn't have a concrete answer for him, and she wishes to God that she did.
“All I know baby, is that I want this so badly. I'd have a thousand babies with you if I could Jake. For whatever reason it's not our time yet, but one of these days, it will be our time.”
She threads her fingers in his hair, pulling his head forward so she can place a soft kiss to his lips,” I know your hurt love, but please. Please don't hold any anger towards Josh, he's going to want to share so much with you.”
“I won't. I promise I won't, I don't want to take any of this away from him. I don't want him to know that we've been struggling. He shouldn't have to censor himself around us.”
“I agree love. Soon enough we'll be the ones giving him a call.”
Jake swallows hard,” Soon enough… can't come soon enough.”
After a few moments of silence Sev picks up their hands that are interwoven, placing delicate kisses to Jake's knuckles. 
“I have to tell you something.”
He utters a soft,” What is it babe.”
Now turning his hand over she kisses his palm, feeling the rough calloused skin.
“When I picked Jade up from daycare today she was carrying a picture that she drew.”
He furrows his brow lightly as if to ask what's so special about it?
“ The assignment was to draw their families, and she drew me and you.”
“That's sweet Sev.”
“She labeled us as Mom and Dad Jake. She finally referred to you as Dad.”
Jake felt his hurt melting away. Sevda's daughter, his stepdaughter finally thought of him as her dad. 
“Can I see the picture she drew?”
She laughs lightly,” I think she left it in the car”
Jake juts his bottom lip out to pout,” Well tomorrow morning you're running your cute little ass out to the car and getting it. That piece of art is going on the fridge!”
Sev rolls her eyes lightly,” Okay Daddy.”
Jake whips his head towards her,” Enough of that, I get a very different reaction when you say it.”
She gets up from the bed and walks over to her dresser, picking out pajamas,” Don't be gross Jacob.”
“Gross? You've said it before Sevvie.”
The pitter patter of Jades sock clad feet sounded from down the hall and a faint ‘Honey, we’re home!’ Could be heard as Sevda closed the back door behind them. Jakes ears perked up at the mixture of the sounds and he slipped the bookmark he was holding in between the pages of his book before placing it down against the tiny table to his right. 
“Jacob!” Jades tiny voice carried as she ran into the living room, tossing her coat on the couch before she jumped up into his lap. He couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips as he wrapped her in his arms and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. 
“Hi my love, how was school?” He asked, brushing the loose strands of hair out of her face. She pulled her little legs up and tucked them next to his as she turned to face him. 
“So guess what happen?! My friend Wyatt has a new little brother at home and his mama brought him today so we could meet him! His name is Liam and he is just so so soooo tiny!” Her little hands flailed about at she spoke, and her big brown eyes grew wide with excitement. 
“Did she? Did you say hi to him?” Jake asked, a soft smile playing across his face as he continued to tuck her hair gently behind her ear. She nodded enthusiastically, a smile as big as her face spreading across her lips. 
“Yeah! And I got to touch his hand. He was so soft like my baby doll. But we couldn’t hold him, it was not safe Wyatt’s mama said!.” Jake nodded along and let his hand fall, resting it against his thigh. 
“She’s right you know, you have to hold a baby just right so they don’t get hurt.” Jade nodded softly and rested her head against Jakes shoulder, letting her eyes flutter shut as thoughts of the new baby danced in her head. 
Jake reveled in moments like these where she felt safe enough to cuddle up with him and tell him all about her day. He rocked her gently, watching as she reached over for his hand with her two tiny ones and began to spin the ring he wore on his finger. 
“Jakey?” She cooed, her little voice even smaller as she relaxed fully against his chest. 
“Yes baby?” He tilted his head down, trying his best to find her eyes in the position they were seated in. 
“When… when are you and mama gonna have a baby?” Jake took a deep breath, his heart shattering in his chest at her innocent question. She pushed up off of his chest and looked up at him with her big brown eyes full of unanswered questions. 
“I don’t know baby, maybe one day we will when the time is right.” A soft smile spread across Jades face as she looked up at him and leaned up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Mamas a good mama, and you’re a good daddy. Mama should have a baby.” She giggled. Jakes expression softened and he fought the tears that threatened to well up in his eyes. Pulling a deep breath in through his nose he tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling, exhaling through his mouth.
“Am I a good Daddy, Jade?” He kept his voice soft, not trusting his tone to break. She nodded her head enthusiastically and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“You take me to school when mama can’t and we get McDonald’s for lunch! You play dress up with me and let me brush your hair. And you make good snacks and cuddle when I’m sick. You’re the best daddy.” She mumbled against his skin. 
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Jades head, thoughts of the night before dancing in his head. His heart swelled at the thought of her thinking of him as  her dad. 
A soft sigh slipped past Jake’s lips as he slid into bed. Another long day in his music room took a toll on him as his eyes fluttered shut and he wrapped his body around Sevdas sleeping form. It was then that he realized there was a little body wrapped up in Sevdas arms. Something between a tired chuckle and a sigh escaped him as he pulled himself out of bed and walked around it, bending slightly to find Jade tangled in the blankets. 
“You’re not safe on the edge, baby girl.” Jake muttered and slowly wrapped his arms around the sleeping baby, lifting her gently and rested her against his chest. He knew he should turn and bring her to her bed, not wanting to create a habit of her sleeping with them but something in his heart warmed as he looked down at her peaceful little face. He shifted his arm and brought her face closer to his, leaning down to press a soft kiss against her warm skin. 
“Alright, fine. You win.” He muttered, just loud enough to cause Sevda to stir. She peeked her eye open and looked up at Jake, a soft smile spreading across her face as she watched him swaying and gently speaking to Jade. 
“Where are you taking her, love?” She mumbled, rolling so she was laying flat on her back. Jake nodded to his side of the bed and slowly maneuvered his way back around, sitting down slowly and placing Jades sleeping form gently between his body and Sevda. 
“She won my one sided fight. I was gonna put her in her own bed but she said ‘no daddy, I wanna sleep with you and mama.’ And I couldn’t resist that little face.” Jake reached out and placed his palm gently against Jades cheek and pushed his fingers up into her tangled hair. 
“She said I’m a good daddy, you know. Earlier when she was telling me about her classmates baby brother. ‘When are you gonna have a baby? Mamas a good mama and you’re a good daddy.’ I just about cried.” Sevda reached out and laced her fingers with Jakes, running her thumb gently along the length of his palm. 
“She told me she wants you to go to lunch with parents' day this week, not me. I’ve gotten stood up.” Sevda giggled quietly. A soft smile spread across Jakes face as he looked down at Jade once more. 
“Me? She wants me to go?” Jake asked, the high pitch tone of his whisper clueing Sevda into the tears that were welling in his eyes. Sevda nodded gently and squeezed Jakes hand. 
“She does, she wants to introduce them to her daddy since they all know me, or at least that’s what she said. I just think she’s hoping for a happy meal for lunch since I always bring her a sandwich.” Jake couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips as he reached over and gently brushed some fly away hairs out of Jades face. 
“It’s okay, you know, if we stop actively trying and just enjoy Jade for now. Maybe the stress of wanting a baby of our own is hindering our ability to conceive.” Jake fought the tears that threatened to well up in his eyes and swallowed hard around the lump in his throat. 
“But I want to keep trying babe, until we get it right.” Sevda pushed herself up and rested her head in the palm of her hand. Jake pulled a deep breath in through his nose and let his head fall back as he exhaled silently. 
“I know you do, my love. But something tells me the more we actively try the more something isn’t going right. I think if we just have fun and let nature take it’s course we might have more luck.” Jake mumbled, flicking his gaze down to Jade as she rolled over and nuzzled her face against his thigh, her little hand reaching out and swatting at his leg sleepily. 
“Shhh, daddy, sleep.” She mumbled, wrapping her arm tightly around his thigh. A soft gasp escaped Sevda as she processed what Jade had just mumbled. Jake chuckled lightly and pried the tiny arm off of his thigh, slowly lowering himself to lay down next to her. Jade quickly snuggled into his side, rubbing her cheek soothingly over his chest. 
“Daddy…you’re her daddy.” Sevda mumbled, scooting over to wrap herself around her little family. Pushing up slightly she pressed a soft kiss to both Jake and Jades cheeks before settling in and snuggling up to her baby girl. 
Sevda came into the kitchen, over to where Jake was loading the dishwasher. As she made her way over to him a playful smirk appeared on her lips. She places her hands on his hips as she tucks herself into his side,” My mom just called. Jade was begging to sleep over there tonight.”
“Yeah?” Jake bent down to grab the door to the dishwasher, closing it and pressing the ‘go’ button. He turned in her grasp facing his love.
“ I told Mom it's okay.”
“Yeah? You did now?”
“I did. I was feeling a little needy today Jake, and this is the perfect excuse. Now I can be as loud as you want me to be.”
Jake felt himself stir in his pants, briefly picturing the love of his life writhing beneath him, with her unbridled whining echoing through their empty home. 
“Go upstairs and get ready for me love. I'll be right there.”
As she stepped away her hand slid from his hip to cup him in his pants, squeezing lightly.
“Don't take too long Jacob, I want you.”
He releases the breath he didn't realize he was holding as she walks away, heading to their bedroom. Quickly he goes over to the wine rack and selects a bottle. Bringing it over to the counter he uncorks it and pours some into two glasses. Stopping the bottle he puts it in the fridge and grabs the beverages making his way to meet Sev.
He toes the door open with his socked foot, to be met with the sight of his beautiful girl in her light pink silk nightgown hiked up around her hips with her hand between her legs.
“Oh. Sev, baby. You are a needy little thing tonight aren't you. I brought us a glass of wine so we could relax and enjoy each other, but you want to get right down to business, huh?”
“I miss you, you know Jade hasn't been sleeping well. That's definitely put a damper on things.”
He chuckles lightly knowing all too well that a baby with nightmares is the biggest cockblock. Jake sets the wine down on his nightstand and removes his clothes. He smirks to himself as he catches her staring at his half hard cock as he maneuvers into bed.
“Come here, relax with me.”
She quickly scoots in close to Jake, half laying on his chest as she takes a first sip of her beverage.
They mindlessly chat as she melts against him, letting go of her usual responsibilities and just letting herself enjoy him.
Once the wine is gone she places her free hand on his soft stomach, gently tracing shapes teasing his skin and making his muscles flutter. 
“Can you touch me baby?” Jake asks softly, kissing the top of her head.
She dips her hand down under the covers and grasps him, thick and heavy in her hand as he pulses reacting to her touch.
She feels his body melt underneath hers and her hand lightly pumps him.
She whispers into his chest,” I love how big you are.”
The praise made him flex his hips into her touch. 
Jake snakes his hand down her back, grabbing a fistful of her ass before reaching down further. His fingers part her lips before running his digit through her slick. Her eyes flutter shut as she finally gets the attention she's been craving.
He circles her clit a few times before prodding at her entrance, her hand stutters on him as he dives his middle finger inside her. Gently pumping in and out.
“Jake, can I have your mouth? I've been thinking about it all day.”
Her words are sent straight to his cock as it throbs. Gently he scoots her off of him and lays her down on her back. He kisses his way down the silky fabric, and her hips buck impatiently.
“Lucky for you Sevvie, I've been thinking about sucking on your pretty little clit all day too.”
She's sighs a breathy, Jaaake. 
“Remember love, be loud for me baby.”
His tongue licks up her slick, sweet and salty on his taste buds. After just a few laps he places hot open mouth kisses to her achingly hard clit.
She arches her back away from the mattress, threading her fingers into his hair,” ohh, Jaaaake.”
Softly swirling his tongue around her bud until her legs are clamping down on his head. He shifts his face down dragging his tongue over her entrance, nudging it inside as his nose brushes her clit. He gulps down her arousal, tasting more divine than the wine they were consuming.
She gasps,” Getting close.”
“Cum in my mouth Sev. I need it.”
His thumb glides over her clit as his tongue reaches as far inside her as it can go.
His eyes flutter closed as he feels her clenching around him.
“There, there!” She pulls him by his hair even closer to her cunt, pushing her hips into his face as her high rips through her body.
Jake licks and sucks like a madman, moaning and growling into her heat.
Her body relaxes around him and he disconnects from her. The entire bottom half of his face is glistening with arousal dripping off his chin.
He looks up at her, eyes lidded with lust,” More.”
She smiles at him as he ducks his head back down, lapping at her center. Jake sucks her swollen puffy lips into his mouth, relishing in the feel, the taste, and the smell of her. 
“God I love your pussy.”
As he goes to dive in again she lifts his head up, “No baby, I want you.”
The ache between his legs making itself known again. He rises to kiss her, her cum dripping onto her hot skin. She gives him her best doe eyes before tentatively licking his cheek. His breath catches in his throat as she continues to lick herself off of him.
Giggling, her voice full of sex, “ I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”
A sigh escapes his chest as he lightly shakes his head in disbelief at her lewd gesture. She always knows how to make his head spin. He grabs his cock in his hand and runs the head through her soaked folds. She shifts her hips down impatiently asking him to enter her. Giving into their desires he nudges into her entrance, reveling in the soft stretch of their bodies meeting. Sevda lets out a sigh once Jake is fully seated inside her.
“Fuck, my cocks missed you.”
She giggles lightly tapping the tip of his nose,” Just your cock baby?”
“No love, not just my cock,” Jake laughs placing a kiss to her lips before rearing his hips back and sinking deeper inside her.
Her hands glide down his broad back settling on his ass, pulling him even closer to her. His pace stays steady, just enjoying her fully, he doesn't want to rush.
Sevda whines underneath him, lightly thrashing her head in frustration, throwing her blonde locks over the pillow,” Come on Jakey, harder. Give it to me good.”
Jake leans up on his knees, pulling her hips into his lap as he thrusts sharply into her,” Is that better? Is that what my girl needed?”
His mind gets sidetracked as he can't help but watch his cock disappear into her pink folds. Over and over again he watches himself sink into her.
“Like the view baby?” Sevda coos. His heavy gaze meets her and he can't help but smile when he sees how fucked out she looks.
“I love the view. My girls going to go to bed sore and full of my cum how does that sound?”
“Perfect Jakey.”
He adjusts his hold on her hips, driving himself deeper. He thrusts into her hard, driving them to their ends. She's clenching around him so sweetly. He's overtaken by the feeling of love flowing through them, he so badly hopes that this time it'll work. He yearns for it to be the time they make a baby. He needs it deep in his being.
The word please echoing in his head as he met his final thrusts, chanting it over and over like a mantra as he poured his entire being, his entire soul into her. Desperate to create a life that was equal bits of him and his soulmate.
Sevda sighed and collapsed on the couch next to Jake. Another night Jade was out on the town with Josh and Y/N, taking a walk with them through the park and skipping off to dinner at the restaurant of Jades choice. Sevda reached up and rubbed at her eyes, the quiet nature of the house causing her lids to get heavy. 
“You know what sounds so good right now? Tomato soup and grilled cheese.” Jake scrunched up his nose and turned his attention to Sevda. 
“Excuse me?” He chuckled, pushing himself up into a seated position. Sevda nodded her head and pushed his feet off of her lap before pushing herself up off of the couch. She made her way slowly into the kitchen and pulled two blocks of cheese out of the fridge and, bending at the waist, pulled out the bottom utensil drawer and began digging around for the cheese grater. 
“Creamy tomato soup and a buttery, stringy, warm, grilled cheese. Doesn’t that sound so good?” She giggled, slowly unwrapping the block of cheese to begin to grate. 
“Tomato soup and grilled cheese? Do we even have any tomato soup?” Jake questioned, raising an eyebrow and turned to begin raiding the cupboard. Sevda picked up a slice of cheese and began to munch on it. 
“I picked some up when I went to the market the other day, it’s on the second shelf.” 
She slowly continued to grate enough cheese for their sandwiches. Jake snatched two cans of condensed tomato soup off of the shelf and plucked a pan out of the dish drainer. He placed the pan on the stove top and popped the tops off of the cans, dumping their contents into the pan before making his way over to the fridge to get the gallon of milk.
Jake gauged the look on Sevdas face as she began to slowly butter the bread and placed it off to the side for him. Making his way over to her he placed the milk down on the counter top and wrapped his arms securely around her waist, letting his fingers sneak up under the bottom of her shirt, splaying them across her stomach. 
“What’s going on in that head?” He asked, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her temple. Sevda pulled a deep breath in through her nose and nodded before exhaling it in a whistle. 
“The last time I craved this… hell the only time I craved this was when I was pregnant with Jade.” Her voice was just above a whisper and she dropped the knife in her hand to the counter with a clatter. Jakes body tensed in a way that he wished it hadn’t, and he tried to relax around her body, pressing soft kisses to her cheek. 
“Don’t play with me, Sevvie. Do you think you should take a test?” He mumbled, running the tip of his nose along the length of her cheek. She shrugged her shoulders, not really wanting to get her hopes up. Sevda shrugged her shoulders but ultimately nodded and continued to butter slices of bread. 
“Maybe after we eat, I might start crying if I don’t get my grilled cheese.” She giggled, laying her head back against his shoulder. 
“Deal.” Jake mumbled, pressing a kiss to her temple and unraveled himself from her, snatching up the milk jug and slowly made his way back to the stove. 
Once the both of them rush into their master bathroom, all smiles and giggles, Jake stands behind her with his hands on her hips as she reaches up into the medicine cabinet grabbing a pregnancy test. He smiles through the kisses he places on her shoulder, excited butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. She's been having cravings, that's a good sign, right?
Sevda stifled a giggle,” You know you're going to have to let go of me for me to actually take the test right?”
Jake slides his hands from her hips to rest across her stomach, holding her close to his body,” Give me a kiss, for good luck.”
She cranes her neck and places a soft kiss to his waiting lips, he deepens it softly sucking her bottom lip into his mouth before letting go,” I love you baby.”
Jake walks over to perch himself on the edge of the bathtub, pulling his phone out to start a timer for her while she takes the test. She quietly finishes and places it face down on the bathroom counter and turns to look at him. Sevda takes in Jake's sparkling hopeful eyes and it makes the butterflies dance in her stomach. 
Jake eventually drops his gaze to his phone,” Thirty seconds left, baby.”
Sev nods and removes herself from the spot against the counter she's been leaning against, walking over to him,” Give me a kiss for good luck.”
She captures his lips with her own yet again as the timer goes off. 
Jake studies her body language as she flips the test over to see the results. She's still as a statue for a few breaths, and he waits for her to do something. She grabs the white plastic pregnancy test in her hand and forcefully throws it into the trash can, the sound of plastic clinging against metal echoing off the bathroom tiles. Jake's heart shatters once again in his chest. She storms out of the bathroom and Jake follows her. She only makes it a few steps into their bedroom before her head hangs and she starts to sob. 
He reaches out for her, wrapping her up in his arms, trying to shelter his soul mate from the blinding heartache they are experiencing. The sounds of her cries are making his ears ring as he holds her close, slowly he works them over to their bed. Laying her down he covers her body with his before rolling them to their sides. His own tears fall from his eyes. He knows she's tired of this. The ever constant disappointment. He provides her silent comfort as she cries into his chest, his hands rubbing soothing circles over her back. Her tears that are soaking the fabric of his shirt are tearing the hole in his heart a little bigger.
After a long time, their tears run dry, and she's sniffling into his chest.
Sev speaks, for the first time in a while, voice unsteady,” Jake… I don't know if I can do this anymore.”
Yet again his heart breaks in his chest, and he pulls her body closer to his,” I know Sev,  l know.”
Josh sets his drink down and moves his hand to lay flat against your bump, “ The other night we felt her kick for the first time and it was the coolest thing Jake.”
Jake smiles at his twin.
“ Come on Sunshine, I know you want to kick your little feet out for us,” Josh cooes.
“Babe, I don't think she's going to do it on command.”
As the words leave your mouth, you feel your baby press on the right side of your stomach. Quickly you grab Jake's hand and press it over the area she's nudging, next to Josh's palm.
“Holy shit,” Jake whispers. His eyes widen as he looks at Josh. You notice Jake's eyes soften and he leans in and places a gentle kiss on your temple. He looks at you, “ You're so beautiful,” his gaze shifts to your stomach and then to Josh,” This is so beautiful. Thank you for letting me experience this with you.”
“Jake-” you start.
“I just, I just love you guys okay?”
He removes his hand from your stomach and you wrap your arms around him instead, “ She's going to love you so much, you're her Daddy's other half.”
Pulling away from you slightly, he wipes his under eyes, “ Damnit Y/N, don't make me cry.”
Jake pulled a deep breath in through his nose as he pulled up to his home, willing the tears that collected in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks to stop. He was so happy to have felt his niece kick, but the moment solidified what he wanted even more. Jake threw the car into park and reached up to wipe the tears off of his face. 
He made his way into the house, taking note of how quiet it was and wracked his brain for Jades whereabouts, making a mental note to ask Sev where she had gotten off too. The smells in the house were heavenly and Jake followed his nose to find Sevda standing at the stove in the kitchen. Her back was to the cut in the wall between the living room and kitchen and she tossed a look over her shoulder as Jake sauntered into the room. 
“Hi, Handsome. My mom took Jade for the night so it’s just the two of us.” She cooed, slowly stirring the cheddar broccoli soup to make sure it didn’t burn to the bottom of the pot. He nodded softly and made his way slowly over to where she stood. He reached up and rested his hands on her shoulders, slowly kneading the tense muscles before he wrapped himself around her and placed his hands gently against her stomach. 
“I thought you’d want something cozy to eat and we could curl up to watch a movie since Jade’s gone for the night.” She giggled, tilting her head slightly as Jake leaned down and buried his face in the crook of her neck. 
“I felt their baby kick.” He mumbled, pressing soft kisses to her skin. Sevdas eyes widened as the realization of what he said set in. She placed the wooden spoon she was holding down into the holder beside the burner. 
“What?” She kept her voice light, treading gently around the subject matter at hand. He nodded against her shoulder, letting his head fall to the side so she could hear him clearly.
“Yeah, I felt their baby kick. Josh said they had felt her kick for the first time and started harassing the poor little one, and Y/N got so excited almost like ‘Uncle feel’ she reached out and grabbed my hand, placed it against her stomach and boop a little foot kicked my palm. I cried…it was the most embarrassing thing, I couldn’t hold back the emotions and just cried. It was such an intimate moment you don’t expect to be a part of.” Jake couldn’t hide the way his voice cracked or the tears that slowly welled in his eyes. Sevda remained quiet for a moment, silently processing how big of a moment Jake had with Y/N and Josh. Her heart broke in her chest at the thought of that being them, how badly she wanted there to be a baby of their own to kick at his palm and lips when he pressed soft kisses to her bump. 
“Are you okay?” Her voice was a whisper, her own emotions slowly beginning to become bigger in her chest. Jake smiled and nuzzled his face back into the crook of her neck, letting his fingers dance lazily over her stomach and the thoughts of putting his baby in her took over his mind. 
“Yeah baby, I’m okay. It was exciting to feel how the tiny life they’ve created can be so powerful while still in the womb. Just think one day we’ll have a little life in here that we can feel kick and move.” He spoke in a dreamy tone and his fingers never stopped their dance along the expanse of her stomach. Sevda nodded and leaned her head to the side, pressing her cheek against the side of Jakes face.
“Soon baby… that’ll be us soon.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she reached forward and scooped up the wooden spoon to continue and stir the soup in the pot. Jake nodded and slowly began to sway their bodies, lulling both of their minds into a sense of peace and thoughts of little ones running through their heads. 
Sevda kisses Jake on the cheek before leaving him and Josh to get some creative work done.
“Us girls are gonna go take Jade to the park for a bit, and probably some ice cream or something. We'll be back in a couple hours.”
Jake walks with her to the door, where Y/N and Josh stood, kissing goodbye.
“Dude, let her breathe! She'll be back soon.” Jake busts on his twin.
“Sorry, sorry!” Josh's cheeks flame,” Be safe okay, I love you.”
Once the girls left for the afternoon Jake and Josh found their way into the music room filled with the various instruments he owned.
Settling down on the couch Josh pulled a small pre roll and a lighter out of his pocket,” Care to get the creative juices flowing?”
Jake snatched it out of Josh's hand,” Fuck yeah. Let me open a window so it doesn't reek in here when the girls get home.”
After finishing their session, they tried to work on new music, but the conversation kept veering elsewhere. 
Josh leaned back on the couch, relaxing fully,” Dude. The other night was insane. I was admiring her bump, it was all very wholesome. But uh, it got heated really quickly, I ended up finger fucking her in front of the floor length mirror -”
“Woah woah woah. I don't want to hear that! That's Y/N you're talking about. Sweet little Y/N. She's nice!”
Josh blinks blankly at his twin who is sitting crosslegged on the floor in front of him.
“How do you think she got pregnant Jake?”
“I mean I know how she got pregnant Josh, it's just she's so sweet. You're dirtying her all up man,” Jake laughs. “ Defiling the poor woman.”
“I'm not defiling her! She's got a breeding kink too, ya know.”
Jake runs his hand through his hair getting flustered,” No I didn't! I didn't need to know either Josh.”
Josh rolls his eyes,” Yup, yup, I've never touched her, we got pregnant because we wished really hard on a shooting star Jake.”
“Fuck off man, you're such a dick,” Jake chuckles. 
Josh laughs,” Look, I just thought you'd want to know about the mirror thing because it was fun. Maybe try it out. Do another position other than missionary for once.”
 Jake scoffs,” We don't just fuck in missionary…”
Josh waves his hand in the air,” See! I knew Sevvie isn't always that prim and proper act she puts on for all of us. I know you well Jake.”
A shit eating grin appears on Josh's face as he takes in his twins reddening cheeks, telling that he was indeed correct. 
“I'm sure pure filth comes out of her mouth behind closed doors, but you can keep it to yourself.”
Jake groans as Sevs cool body meets his as she snuggles back into bed with him,” I just dropped Jade off at school. You're off today too right?”
“Well good morning to you too. Yeah, no plans today love.”
“Okay good.”
Sevda slides herself down under the covers, maneuvering herself between Jake's legs. 
“What do you think you're doing?”
Silently she softly sucks his soft cock into her mouth.
Jake mutters, oh fuck, as her mouth begins to work over him as he hardens.
He exhales shakily as she spoils him, licking and kissing it before bobbing her head down his length.
He laces his fingers in her blonde locks, encouraging her to take him further.
“Fuck you're so good at that.”
She swirls her tongue over all of his sensitive spots making his hips buck. When she couldn't take anymore she pulls off of him, a string of saliva connecting her bottom lip to the tip of his cock. He swipes his thumb over her bottom lip, cleaning her up.
“So pretty baby. You always look so sexy with my cock in your mouth. I'd take a picture and hang it in our bedroom if you let me.”
She laughs and shakes her head before rising to straddle him. She grabs him in her hand, lining him up with her entrance before slowly sinking down, taking him to the hilt.
She sighs placing her hands on his chest,” You fill me up so well Jake,” grabbing his hand and placing it on her lower stomach,” I feel you up here baby.”
Sev places her hand back on his chest and begins to rock her hips, grinding on him. Lifting her hips and slamming them back down they groan out in unison, wet slapping sounds fill their bedroom as she rides him.
“You're so fuckin wet baby, just dripping all over me.”
Jake raises his hands to her chest, pinching her nipples before soothing them with his thumbs. She clenches around him, capturing his length in a silken vise grip.
“Fuck Sev, not gonna last like this, flip over.”
He pulls out of her and flips her around on the bed. She wiggles her ass in the air, enticing him to enter again. Roughly he grabs her ass in his large palms spreading her before he leans down and spits directly on her entrance.
She moans out, in disbelief,” God Jake that was so hot. Are you going to fuck your tight little pussy now?”
A feral groan rips from his chest as he pushes himself in to the hilt.
His hands find her hips, pushing and pulling them to match the brutal pace he has set. He feels her walls fluttering around him, signaling that her orgasm was approaching.
He leaned down over her hips,” Getting close baby?” 
She whined a breathy yes, as he felt himself start to reach his end.
Jake tangles his fist in her hair, pulling lightly as he feels her let go around him,” Fuck… I'm gonna fuck a baby in you Sev.”
Jake's eyes roll back as he reaches his high, releasing deep inside her.
He leans down, placing his forehead against her back breathing heavily.
“What did you say to me Jake?”
His cheeks flame as his brain back pedals,” I, uh. Did you like it?”
“ Trying something new are we?”
Gently he pulls out of her and she sits back down on the bed,” It was hot Jake. Did you like it?”
“Maybe? It didn't turn me off.”
“Good, because the more I'm thinking about you saying it the more it's turning me on.” She leans her body flush against his and takes two fingers, gliding them between her legs gathering his cum before grabbing his still hard cock, lightly pumping him. 
“I think somewhere in that brain of yours you liked it too, Your cocks still hard love, you like thinking about getting me pregnant huh?”
Jake pants lightly as she continues to pump his length,” I like hearing you say it.”
“ Go ahead Kiszka, put a baby in me. Fill me up to the brim. Fill me to the point your cum overflows and runs down my thighs.”
“Christ Sevda, that's so hot.”
Jake pounces on her, pushing her back against the bed kissing her rough. When he pulls away she looks up at him with round doe eyes,” Make me messy Jake.”
He growls, pushing his hips into hers, entering her in one swift thrust.
“Gonna cum in you so deep, fill you up, get you pregnant so fucking fast.”
His hips find a quick to the point pace, both of them feeling close already in the heat of the moment. Sevda claws her manicured nails down his back, surely leaving red lines in her wake.
“Fuck Jakey, do it, put a baby in me.”
He pulses and throbs inside her, getting so close to releasing.
“Here. Here baby, take it. I'm cumming-” his moan cuts his sentence off as he finishes, throbbing wildly as he cums harder than he has before. The feeling sending her over the edge once again.
Breathing heavily they come back down, his body shaking from exertions.
“I came so hard…”
A soft fucked out smile spreads on her face,” I know, I can feel it dripping out of me.”
Jake nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck,” You're going to be the death of me I swear.”
After he pulls out of her for the final time this morning she snuggles into his side, reveling in the post orgasm bliss. Sevda lightly chuckles.
Jake looks down at her face,” What could you possibly be laughing at?”
“Oh. Just that I owe Y/N $20. Since we just discovered that you also have a breeding kink.”
Jake's jaw drops as she laughs harder into his chest.
“God you two have no secrets do you?”
“Nope, none.”
Sevda sets the plastic pregnancy test face down onto the counter and squirts a few pumps of soap into her hands, working it into a lather. Seizing the moment to herself, Jade busy with her imagination playing with Barbies and Jake off at rehearsal, she took it upon herself to take a test. Her period was late, but she hasn't put much faith in that since stress has greatly interfered with her cycle before.
As she shuts the water off she hears little footsteps heading her way,” Hi mommy.” Jade makes her way into the bathroom, little fingers grasping at the edge of the counter hanging off of it, peering at what was on top.
“Hi baby. Done playing with Barbies?”
Jade nods her head, the static-y fly aways swooshing around like a halo,” What are you doing mommy, what's that?”
Sev grabs the hand towel and drys her hands before replying simply,” Just taking a test baby.”
Jade tries to climb up the counter, her little feet kicking on the cabinets of the vanity.
“Hey, don't do that love. We have to be nice to our things so they don't break, furniture included.”
Jade nods her head and Sev could tell she was hurt by her gentle scolding,” Hey, can you help Mommy?”
Jade's eyes light up, eagerly replying,” Yes! Let me help!”
Taking a deep breath Sev picks up the test, still face down,” Can you be a big helper and tell Mommy if you see one line or two lines?” 
Sev holds up her fingers to accentuate her words. Jade shakes her head yes over and over.
“Okay, you tell me what you see!” 
Sevda holds the test out to her daughter so she can tell her the results.
“I see two lines Mommy! Two!”
Quickly she turns the test around so she can see the results for herself, and indeed there were two pink lines.
Two lines. 
Finally two lines.
Her free hand comes to her mouth as she gasps. Elation, relief, and joy harmonize within her body as she finally sees the results she's been waiting for. What her and Jake have cried for. What they have prayed to the higher powers for. 
Tears spring to her eyes and run down her cheeks as the biggest smile spreads on her lips. Her daughter looks up at her with wonder,” Mommy?”
Sev puts the test back down on the counter and pulls her little girl into her body, careful not to crush her as she holds her close.
“Jade! Mommy's so happy! These are happy tears baby.”
Jade's little eyebrows furrow as she asks,” Happy tears?”
“Yes! My love, Mommy's going to tell you a secret, we can't tell Daddy. It has to stay between us, it's for girls to know only okay?”
Jade nods her head, eager to be a part of the secret,” Mommy has a tiny baby growing in her stomach. You're going to be a big sister.”
“Mommy and Daddy have a baby?”
“Yes sweetheart, Mommy and Daddy have a baby.”
“Yay! I want a sister!”
Sev laughs and puts her pointer finger in front of her lips,” Remember Jade, it's a secret. Only for you and me.”
Sevda let go of her daughter and she goes back to her Barbies, eager to get back to imagination land. She decided to hide the positive test in her nightstand within the pages of a Cosmo magazine knowing that's the last place Jake would look. As she sat down on the bed she placed her palm against her stomach, Sev couldn't wait for there to be a bump. She knew Jake was going to be so incredibly happy, this was the only thing he had wanted for so long. The more Sevda thought about how he would react the more she realized that she needed to keep this a secret until she knew for sure everything will be okay.
Hearing Jade yell that Jake was home, an enthusiastic ‘Daddy!’ ringing out through the house, her heart dropped into her stomach and she wiped her eyes and went to the bathroom to make herself presentable. Making sure everything was in place and nothing looked suspicious as Sevda knew she guarded the information that would turn Jake's life upside down.
“Jake, can I ask you something? Something like a favor, if needed.” Josh asks his twin, twisting his fingers in his hands.
Jake furrows his brow lightly and sets down the acoustic guitar he was holding.
“What's up?”
“Um, would you be able to be there for Y/N, if needed of course, for the birth? Like in case we, I, need back up.”
“You want me to be there for your daughter's birth?”
“I mean yeah. If needed. Most likely you will just wait in the other room until she's born. If for some reason I can't handle it, I need to know that someone I love, someone that loves her, is going to be there to support her through this.”
“ I'm honored Josh. Of course I'll be there,” Jake chuckles softly,” If needed.”
Josh exhales, relieved for the conversation to go the way he imagined. The men fall silent, the only thing being heard is the dull clinking sound of the girls washing the dishes in the kitchen.
Nerves begin to amp up in Josh's stomach, he feels like he just needs to get some things off of his chest, things he couldn't possibly worry Y/N with.
His voice slightly shaking Josh asks,” So. How do I get a feel for what the baby is going to want? Like how do I know that she's crying because she's tired, or if she's hungry?”
Josh picks at the skin of his fingers, waiting for Jake to respond with something.
Jake clears his throat before answering,” Um, I'm not really sure Josh. You'll get the hang of it.”
“But, how am I supposed to be supportive and help Y/N navigate breastfeeding? I don't think I exactly understand what that means.”
Jake sighs,” Yeah man, I don't know. I met Jade right after she turned 3. Sev already did all of that by herself before she let me meet her.”
Jake feels his emotions rising as Josh keeps asking questions that he isn't sure he'll ever know the answers to.
“How am-”
“Josh I don't know! I'm Jade's stepdad. I don't have the answers to what you're looking for,” he mumbles,” I don't know if I ever will.” Jake clenches his jaw hard,” I don't want to talk about this anymore.”
Josh clasps his hand over Jakes squeezing it tightly. Josh is picking up on what Jake isn't saying reading between the lines.
“Jake…. I'm sorry.”
After a few breaths Josh asks if he wants to talk about it. Jake stays quiet, not trusting himself to speak, he simply shakes his head no.
“ You know you can trust me. Always.”
Jake's bottom lip quivers as he ducks his head down, his hair shielding his face. After a few breaths he pulls himself together enough to speak.
“I haven't told you because we didn't think it would take this long, and then Y/N got pregnant and you've been so busy with that. We've been trying to have a baby for so long, Josh.”
“Jake, I -”
“ It's been so hard. Every single test she's taken has been negative. I just….. I just don't think it's going to happen.”
Jake finally lifts his gaze from his lap to meet Josh's and there's tears in his eyes that match his own. Josh can barely stand watching his twin's heart break in front of him. 
“We may just have Jade, and only Jade. It just… it hurts to see you guys living what we want… and I don't mean to sound rude but it hurts.”
Josh responds by moving closer to Jake on the couch and wrapping his arms around his brother. He could feel the dampness of Jake's tears against his shoulder.
Josh rubs comforting circles over Jake's back as he quietly asks,” Is this the real reason why you cried when I told you that she's pregnant?”
“Yeah Josh, it is.”
“I'm so sorry Jake. If you would have told me sooner I would have been sensitive to the topic. I didn't know.”
Jake sniffles,” No! No. I didn't want you to censor yourself around us. I want you to fully feel the joy you're experiencing. As much as it hurts, I really love watching you grow through this.”
“I love you Jake. And I'm really so sorry.”
“I guess if the time is right it'll happen, and if it's not…” he shrugs his shoulders.
Josh places his palms on his thighs,” I mean what about surrogacy? Y/N could -”
“No we couldn't ask that of her, oh my god.”
“ Okay well there's artificial insemination!”
“Josh. It's okay, you don't have to come up with an answer for us.”
“I know I know, we just love you, and we'd help you anyway we can.”
A smile cracks on Jake's face,” I know. Really just having this talk and you finally knowing what has been going on really lifts some weight off of my shoulders.”
A matching smile appears on Josh's face,” I’m glad I could help.”
It was late in the evening, Sev had already put Jade to bed hours ago and she was sat on the couch in one of Jake's worn tshirts and sweatpants. She had decided to put on a corny movie from her youth, something she knew Jake would have no interest in watching, Legally Blonde. She picked up her phone, texting Y/N, chances are she was doing the same thing Sevda was, the boys being out late at the studio. 
Sev- Are you up still?
Y/N- Bitch, you're really sending me a ‘you up’ text?
Sev- Fuck off, I wanted to show you something.
A thumbs up reaction appears over her last text. With trembling fingers Sevda locates the picture she took of her positive pregnancy test and pressed send. She was dying to tell one of her closest friends about her news. A minute or so after she sent the picture an incoming call from Y/N appeared.
“Sevda you're pregnant?!”
A huge smile forms on her mouth as she giggles ,” Yes!” 
“Oh my God! Did you tell Jake yet?”
“Not yet, I was trying to keep it under wraps, I told my mom but I couldn't wait any longer to tell you. I want to surprise Jake, I'm waiting on a few things from Etsy to come in.”
“He's going to be so happy babe.”
Sevda hears small sniffles over the receiver.
“Sweetie, are you crying?”
Y/N laughs,” A little, it's these damn hormones.”
Sev and Y/N talk for the better part of an hour before Y/N got too sleepy to continue the conversation. Sevda said goodnight and let her go after making her promise to keep her secret.
Shortly after she presses play on her movie once again, soon she hears Jake's keys in the door. He quietly takes his boots off before making his way into the living room where he can see the tv illuminating on the walls.
“Hey Sevvie, I'm surprised you're still up, it's almost two a.m baby.”
Jake sits down on the couch beside her and picks at the shirt she has on. He cocks his head,” You're wearing my clothes? You never wear my clothes.”
She snuggles into his side, resting her hand on his upper thigh,” I do when you're away. They smell like you, makes me feel close to you.”
He pulls her into his lap, “ You were missing me today my love. I'm sorry I had to be gone all day.”
“It's really alright, I understand.”
She kisses his cheek, smirking lightly, knowing that part of the real reason she was wearing his clothes was that the usual silky nightgowns she wore were getting a bit tight on her midsection. It wasn't quite a bump yet, but she didn't want to draw his suspicion. Her body was starting to show her second pregnancy much sooner than her first and she couldn't risk spoiling the surprise she had for Jake.
“You should wear my clothes more often, you look really cute.”
She cocked her eyebrow,”Yeah? I'll have to, your shirts are soft.”
“Are you ready for bed?”
She yawned into her palm before agreeing. Jake helped her up off of the couch and she led him up the stairs. Jake's palm squeezes into the flesh of her ass and he comments,” I think you should wear my shirt to bed tonight, you look hot baby.”
Once in their bedroom she pulls the borrowed sweatpants off of her body and crawls into bed with him, the soft fabric and scent of her lover wrapping her in comfort as he positions himself to spoon her.
“Goodnight Sev, I love you.”
“Night Jake, I love you too.”
Jake lightly snores behind her sound asleep already, Sev can't help but smile into her pillow as she runs different scenarios in her head, A little boy with Jake's features playing with toy monster trucks, or maybe a little girl playing dress up with Jade when she's old enough. Careful not to disturb Jake, she laces their fingers together and moves his hand so it's splayed over her slightly swollen stomach.
“Do you mind driving, love?” Jake asks Sev, holding the key fob in his outstretched hand.
She grabs the keys from him and hops in the driver's seat, adjusting the rear and side view mirrors. They sit in Josh and Y/And driveway for a moment collecting their thoughts.
“I can't believe that just happened. Like I saw Halina be born with my own two eyes! I held Y/N’s hand and told her it'll be okay! That's fucking insane.” Jake runs his hands through his hair, processing the nights events. 
Sev reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly,” I am so proud of you Jake. They love you. I know Y/N is so thankful that you were there for her.”
Jake murmurs,” I love them too. I'd do anything for Josh, even help birth their baby, I guess.”
Sev starts the drive home, the overwhelming amount of love she has for Jake swirling in her chest. During the ride she realizes that she has to tell him that she's carrying his baby. Tonight. She was going to wait until a few days after her birth, but she can't wait any longer.
“Jake… I love you so much. I'm not even sure I understand the magnitude of how much I love you. I am so in love with you.”
She turns her head to look at him and she's met with a smile and glossy eyes, surely his emotions are fried at this point.
Once back at their home, she leads him inside,” I have a gift for you Jakey, so does Jade.”
He smiles,” She was saying something about a gift earlier. I just figured that could mean anything from a rock to a Polly Pocket shoe.”
Sev laughs grabbing Jade's gift from the kitchen. She meets up with him and presents him with a shotglass full of yellow dandelions. “She said,’ Daddy needs flowers too.’”
He lets out a small chuckle,” I love them. I'll be sure to thank her.”
“Okay love, your gift is in the spare bedroom closet, let me go get it. Just wait in our bedroom”
She retrieves the blue bag with silver tissue paper sticking out, and butterflies erupt in her stomach. She was actually about to tell him that she was pregnant. 
When Sev walks into their bedroom she's met with Jake sitting on the edge of the bed, twirling a single dandelion between his fingers.
“Sev? I want to thank you for letting me be Jade's dad. I know she isn't mine, but I really love her and that's enough, ya know? She's enough for me.”
Sevs bottom lip trembles as she places the gift bag in his lap, and she whispers,” I think you should open it now.”
He pulls away the tissue paper and it reveals three gifts placed in the bag. He furrows his brow and dumps them onto the bed in disbelief. He's met with a personalized guitar pick, engraved with ‘Soon to be Dad!’. Sevda's positive pregnancy test, and a newborn size onesie with ‘Newest Member of Greta Van Fleet’ on the front.
He immediately sinks to his knees in front of her, his face turning red and twisting with emotion as he hugs her body to him. He lifts her shirt pressing wet tear soaked kisses to her stomach,” You're pregnant?!”
“Yeah baby. We did it. We made a baby.” She pets his hair, holding him close. 
“I can't believe it, oh my god. How long have you known?” He presses more gentle kisses to her skin,” My baby.We made a baby.”
He stands and pulls her with him to the bed, sitting down,” I've known for a few weeks love. I had to wait for your presents to arrive.”
He leans her back, kissing her softly,” I love my gifts, I do, but next time, I don't need them.”
Sevda lets out a laugh that echos in their room,”Next time?! This one isn't even here yet and you're talking next time.”
He presses gentle kisses to her face, trailing down her neck, “ You know I'll give you as many babies as you want.”
After a moment he raises his head again,” I'm seriously so happy Sev. This is the best gift I could have ever gotten. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Jacob.”
“Can I show you? Show you how much I love you? Let me make love to you Sevda.”
“Please do baby.”
Jake trails hot kisses down her body before lifting her shirt, paying special attention to her swollen stomach. 
Tag list🩷 @lipstickitty @joshsindigostreak @myownparadise96 @stayinginthesun @vanfleeter @lyndz2names @takenbythemadness @sinarainbows
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humanmorph · 1 year
PALISADE 28.crazy good this week etc
New radio person for the intro...! This comes at a good moment. I still miss Baldwin Home like. That very first PALISADE intro is genuinely so hard to beat... but this feels good. I'm once again thinking about Austin writing these... The style used for Black Screens intros obviously shines through (she's his protégé) but she does have her own voice already (way more rhyming? I mean, I'd have to doublecheck HIS intros, it's literally just a feeling). Just the tone used and intonation already does a lot. Austin is so good at this fr. I'm still curious how he even approaches that. Also the "watch me unloose 80 Ls on these next lines" I knewwww that's 80 Ls for real as soon as Parti said illogical. I wonder if he wrote that bit first trying to see how many Ls he could fit in there & then finetuned it to get to a good number? I guess that's just how I would do it.
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(who knows if we'll ever get a description for Parti. we never did for Black. maybe if she shows up in a conflict turn somehow? so im just fuckin around for now... i haven't sold myself on the clothes. i'm just not a fashion guy. but i do like the braids)
Oh & new guy alert part 2!!! New Keith character! And he has a funny hat. Not even funny as in goofy it just makes me laugh a bit because my dad and maybe every 5th 70+ y/o man I see has a hat like that. Love the sequin poncho.
(btw I am almost certain Keith has posted a picture of that teapot on Cohost before... He posts about tea sometimes so there's at least a chance. I mean the description of the coloring he gives is actually pretty good IMO, you can work with that, but I as an artist I like to have a visual reference. EDIT: someone just asked him. thank you keith and also rosecrest)
I have the. I got Armor Astir & a lot of the playbooks other people made in a bundle a while back and I'm real torn if I should just look at the Investigator because I'm really curious. But. I also love to be surprised. So I probably won't, but it's good to know I COULD, if I wanted to. Anyways, I was pretty sure it'd be another B-Plot character too, just because it makes sense. Brnine COULD go alone on a B-Plot, I guess, but it's more fun with 2 groups to jump between, surely. Though this means the Eclectic-Brnine dynamic is crucial! I hope they can meet up soon... But yeah I just really am gonna miss Phrygian backing them up and cheering and clapping and asking questions. They were so fun together... A great team :' (
ok so I wrote everything else about Eclectic down yesterday & then noted down "vibes?" as break between paragraphs because all I had at that point was the description & I wanted to get back to this. And ooohhh my god the vibes are fucking immaculate right off the bat I'm having a hard time to not Already be obsessed with this guy he's SO funny conceptually and it KEPT getting better... Truly delighted with this new type of guy (& Keith is doing a voice!). And I fucking love the hooks. Truly so great to me. The thought of these getting loosened OR deepened is already really really good. "Leap says"..... oh it's SO funny I keep laughing to myself
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And I'm VERY excited it's a delegate like genuinely so happy. I was mourning the loss of a branched onscreen (okay.I still am) but this does make it worth it. Ever since they got introduced basically I so badly wanted to know anything more about them, but especially what Austin mentioned in the episode itself: the delegates relationships to the divines they are made from & of course the divines themselves (who are alive!!! Apparently that was already written in a dossier way back when, but I rarely read those). That has me sooo excited.
Oh and the like... I only thought about this just now but the connection there to Thisbe's new project is. That's gotta be something! "The divine who's being held captive somewhere on this planet, and has been tortured for millennia" hearing a message of... That this can end & rest is possible and it's SO CLOSE? But does that just make it worse... Ohhhhh. Yeah this rules. What a great idea.
That project generally is really... god, I love Thisbe so much. I love how Janine talks about her and what she thinks and why she does what she does. Thisbe's relationship to work and being a tool and of use is so interesting to put here, with the divines wanting to rest. (And Janine saying something like... Thisbe thinks of herself in relation to divines how Mow is to her? Kind of?) And saying it seems so solitary a project... every divine should know about it. Every divine deserves the right to rest. But it's also a call to action of sorts when she talks about like... "shouldn't you want to protect this?" I think her "Fighting is not my purpose, but there is nowhere else for me until the fighting is over." hook could be in conservation here too... Also I'm just looking forward for Thisbe to Broadcast again. It was like, one of her things in PARTIZAN. I really liked her & Cori working on this together with the. Experience they just had behind them. Sylvi & Janine reading the hooks for each others characters kind of sheepishly was soooo funny "I forgot how bitchy this was!". That's good stuff to me. (as an aside: god, Thisbe has always had good as hell hooks/beliefs/whatever else. Remember "Operant Broun lies to me because they believe I am a person."? Banger. ) I also love that she thought of this/about this at the rib(?) of Barricade. Barricade as an axiom who had this close (& good, protective) relationship with another axiom...
btw now that Leap is NOT coming back I do miss him a bit. Mostly out of principle like I am So happy we have Eclectic but Leap is my guy.... shoutout to him... being a bitch bastard pirate out there in space... + shoutout to Figure A too always : ) (speaking of, on the Gathering Information Extra bit from today he talked about if he had played Leap, picking a class that also had like, a crew, and I'm mostly just really curious who that would've been. I would love for Keith to make up some funny guys for Leap to order around. I wonder if Eclectic or an Eclectic type would've been on that?)
(Also Leap investigating Motion. Ok. To ME it's at least partly bc this was so important to Millie. And he has reason to be concerned generally he fought Motion too but. That's MILLIE'S rival! And it doesn't even have to be at the front of his mind when he does this. Maybe it isn't. But it's real & it's something to remember her by through actual action. Because he's not the sentimental type.Do you get me.?)
Brnine talk show. This was sooo good. After they joked about it in PAL25 too. I recognized the hosts name, but wasn't quite sure from where until I read the dossier - of course he's that guy from the podcast. God. I have got to relisten to that sometime... I remember Ali on one of the recent Gathering Information ep (the one w/ Austin on, I think) mentioning a conversation that was like. stressful to do. and then also to listen to? (since she has to for production/editing) and I figured it would be another Gucci-type talk but ooohh my god. This was sooo. EDIT: ACTUALLY what if it wasn't even. What if it's about to be this talk with Rye edit: GALLICA i cant believe noone called me on this. mixing my elects up. rye is the one gur killed (mvp). Austin was sounding a bit ominous about it at the end of this episode! HUGE shoutouts to Ali again she is just absolutely killing it this season for real... And I honestly feel like overall Brnine was, considering the situation, doing very well. Genuinely. You're feverish and hollowblooded and have this fucking. Guy needling you & asking the stupidest questions... & like. "You made Kalmeria. They'd never let you rot in jail." of courseeee they want Brnine working for them. They're so GOOD at what they do. They messed with the parts of A Fucking Divine. . I just had a scary thought and it involved Mustard Red. But. Surely not. Nooo. I'm shaking my head. However Arbitrage? An Arbitrage deal (like they tried to make them take before) would work just perfectly for this, wouldn't it...
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some other stuff:
When Austin mentioned Grand Mag in that vision Cori had I thought something like 'man. sucks to be him : (' but like. In a genuine way. "I can't stop it from hurting people a little"........... Hah oh wow I just thought of this but I am so excited for people who haven't listened to TM to meet him now. He's not even my favourite he just makes me crazy in a way almost no other character does? Like there's something so WRONG with him. And there's things wrong with a lot of FatT characters but it's like... Well. Grand Magnificent.
I love the thought of them watching Brnines interview at the next movie night (POOR BRNINE.) but I also want to know what Eclectic would pick for movie night. Oh and Partial too. Though he may not be staying I would still really love to know. Partial coming on board for the mission has me intrigued generally.
Oh and Gur talking! Even if just a little. I still feel so bad for them. "I believe in whispers in ears"... and they have reason to now. Figure is a person trying their best to do good & make changes, which is what Gur wants. I just wish they weren't a specter haunting someone elses body & what even happens when Figure rolls a 10+. Is Gur still there and Figure just stops seeing him? oohh it hurts a bit.you can't do this to him you can't (related: I extremely forgot about the other specters and ghosts and ghouls and whatnot that Figure can also see. It's not just my friend Gur Sevraq. Looking forward to hear more about that & how it affects Figure so much as to roll with disadvantage!)
Love to learn just a little more about devotion. I really need to just relisten to that again & think about it a bit harder.
At one point Austin says "Still flanked by guards, you are" and it caught me off guard & made me wheeze. He didn't even do that on purpose . I get him I do this way too often(realize I forgot to say part of a sentence and pack it at the end)
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en-logs · 3 years
special chapter two ㅡ the hidden clues, explained.
warnings: please read the smau till chapter 23 before reading this segment, thank you.
click here for the masterlist with all chapters
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before we start, i would like to say that there may be more hidden clues in the chapters but this is to highlight the more obvious ones and how it adds to the identity.
1. prologue - sunghoon was not mad at y/n following jay but he found it funny which explains his behavior in the chapter. he then proceeds to say he has "ur mom" as his bitch and y/n's second priv is @yourmom which will soon fall under the line that y/n is a "milf" to sunghoon as she's older than him.
2. episode two - y/n's "My Iced Lemon Fruit tea" = MILF. and sunghoon proceeds to tweet "im a motherfucker" from kanye west's remix of drunk in love. they planned it after a night together - where y/n came over to sunghoon's apartment in the end of chapter one.
3. episode four - y/n and hoon shading each other on twitter once again with the "obsessed with me i think" tweets and y/n says "not him tf" and beomgyu thought it was an indirect to him instead as he knew about their friendship.
4. episode five - yes. sunghoon was texting y/n while she was with heeseung and the texts are not that wild but it will be released shortly. and yes, sunghoon referred to heeseung as - that thing.
5. episode six - sunghoon did not join the guys as he already made plans with y/n. she then posts a picture of them both together but with a pie sticker on his face. beomgyu knows.
6. episode seven - sunghoon wears a flannel where y/n later posts a matching one too, on the same day, which explains sunoo's tweet of seeing two people on campus with flannels although nobody wears them anymore. heeseung then joins the train thinking it was normal since two of his friends who supposedly do not know each other, are wearing plaids.
7. episode eight - jay says "ur mom" is pretty to sunghoon but he does not know what they have going on so it was pretty coincidental. sunghoon then goes saying "no" when taehyun asked the question but it was just a teasing reply as taehyun knows (shown later).
8. episode nine - hoon then says "ew why was she on top of you then" when heeseung was with his classmate but he said that as he knew y/n was hurt by it. somi then goes saying "are you hearing yourself" to y/n as she knows y/n does the same thing as heeseung but worse (banging his bestfriend).
9. episode ten - "did you manage to read it? (no) hm... good. for you i mean" sunghoon did not want heeseung to read whatever was on y/n's screen as he truly does care for heeseung a little bit from the other panels where he gave him advice. he then proceeds to say y/n looks like his foot as a tease.
10. episode eleven - hoon mentions that heeseung blew his chances, but what chances? only he would know as y/n most likely vented to him about heeseung's actions.
11. episode twelve - yes, sunghoon was wearing white. just like the other guys who did as well, but in the picture y/n posted, the material and color is more towards sunghoon's outfit - creamier white. beomgyu accidentally slipped out that y/n was with felix and sunghoon as he was a lil tipsy but they were both talking to felix so that they could borrow a room.
12. episode thirteen - "i woke up with your mom next to me" by sunghoon. which later revealed for the first time that y/n's second priv's handle is @yourmom. beomgyu also mentioned that y/n hooked up with "him" at the party, because he saw.
13. episode fourteen - taehyun and soobin are laughing at baby clothes because they were making fun of sunghoon for it. (sunghoon showed them the conversation where y/n told him she was late as a joke).
14. episode fifteen - sunghoon comforts y/n but he knows its also their fault because heeseung was getting back at her (for no reason) but like.. yeah.. and he knows y/n likes heeseung. and tells her its a mutual feeling but y/n doesn't believe whatever sunghoon says.
15. episode sixteen - hoon gives hee advice on the matter and he truly wishes that heeseung acts right one day, by reading the chapter you can figure out the multiple clues for example how y/n would be mad and how shes on her period.
16. episode eighteen - taehyun replied under heeseung's tweet saying that they were beating his ass up in the priv qrts. (spoiler: he knows as he follows y/n's second priv).
17. episode nineteen - jake mentions "is he not coming over tonight, i can replace him for u" which hints about settings. coincidentally, jake did replace him that night.
18. episode twenty - beomgyu asks "which one" to taehyun when talking about y/n's man as they knew about it. but sunghoon is being labeled secretly as y/n's man as a joke. jay also mentions that sunghoon tried to gnaw on the doorknob while drunk and hoon had previously mentioned in chapter nineteen that he does not get drunk easily (lie).
19. episode twenty one - somi and beomgyu agrees that heeseung is gullible (from the fact that two of his friends are seeing one another behind him). "without me???" when y/n told hoon about hooking up with jake. hoon likes jake (lovingly), he thinks he's a nice person. hoon got nervous and anxious when jay texted him, thinking they might have been caught by the second person y/n doesn't want to know. sunghoon then accidentally tweets out that y/n is a slut, which is a joke as y/n and jake did not invite him to have fun with them. taehyun and soobin was confused as well as it was on hoon's public instead of his second priv.
20. episode twenty two - y/n wasn't mad as she knew it was a joke, which is why she did not seem to care about it. hoon pushes jay to make a move on y/n as he knows y/n is interested in jay based on her second priv and what she says to him. hoon and y/n then argue on twitter as a form of entertainment for themselves - fake fighting for no reason. they were just teasing one another which may come out as serious to those who don't know, aka jay and heeseung.
21. special chapter one - y/n has a hedgehog as she is friends with soobin as well, so she might have came over with hoon one day to play with odi, jay was probably at the jayhoon apartment that day so they decided to meet at soobin's place instead (soobin lives alone). public enemy #1 is sunghoon based on the pfp and user. y/n was talking about jay in her tweet which later leads on to jay mentioning that he is always locked in his room at night by sunghoon so that he wouldn't see y/n.
22. episode twenty three - y/nhoon were beefing on twitter but their friends aren't too focused on it, why? because they knew they were just messing around and sunoo wished it was a real fight too, with the rest encouraging more. soobin also mentions "you two are embarrassing me" which is self explanatory.
so! that's the end of phase one!! with all of the important clues that one may find, did you manage to guess any? stay tuned for more updates when heeseung finally finds out, how jay would react, and how the story will end off.
and i would like to apologise for making this story too detailed so far, but i hope you guys had fun reading and will continue to read more!!
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authors note:
here u go.. i hope u r happy.. and reread the fic if you need to, to piece everything up together !!
updates will most likely be on the weekends from now on as uni is starting again
please ask if more clarification is needed!
please re-blog with tags or simply interact! thank you for reading <3 ask anything :D
taglist (open): @giyyuzz @jongsaengseong @hobistigma @sunshine-skz @p2arks @darkheartpeace @c9tnoos @hoonbokki @papiibuprofen @acciomylove @datiny-zen @shigamiryuk @luvrseung @fiantomartell @chuntians @yn-dere @nyfwyeonjun @mykalon @yurazuyori @myouikomi @yizhoutv @theskzvibe @sunarindior @softforqiankun @itsyaapollochild @leilaidk @babygay-stay @hrrhmay-primaryblog @kac-chowsballs @hibuki-chan @hxxsng @w3bqrl @grassbutneo @enhacolor @sleepyenhasasha @lost-leopard-beanie @vely-jake @wondering-out-loud @softbaekhours @ily-cuz-i @ncityy04 @heeseungblues @daintysan @roseless1213 @xoxodinaryheroes (ask or comment!)
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jeonfiles · 3 years
once more to see you | kth 01
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pairing: taehyung x reader ft. seokjin
genre: angst, fluff, unrequited love
synopsis: taehyung is the complete opposite of you, and you're so in love with him. he's not interested in you at all, but he's willing to pretend so he won't be known for breaking the sweetest girl in school's heart. he knows you'll end up hurt either way.
warnings: taehyung is an idiot, a lot of pining, y/n is annoyingly dependent on validation, y/n does a lot of silent prayers, y/n is a track star, childhood bsf seokjin (cute), mentions of deceased family member
music for this chap: she had the world , carry me out
a/n: taehyung will disappoint u in the beginning but hes cute i promise
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"I get why you like him Y/N," Sohee swallowed the rest of her sandwich before finishing her sentence, "He's so hot. People say he's interested in you too, y'know?"
Sohee visibly tried to get food out from the back of her mouth using her tongue, and it made you chuckle at the sight. "I don't think he does." You sighed, resting your chin in your palm.
You were both situated at the table in the inner corner of the cafeteria, with a full view of who walks in the door, and sometimes you swore you could see Sohee drool when attractive guys walked in that exact door.
"Hello, of course, he does! Even his friend Jimin told Kang Seulgi from Class 1, who told Go Euntaek in class 3, who eventually told his girlfriend Baek Ho-rang who ran to me to tell me the great news." Sohee gasped for air after rambling, and you rolled your eyes,
"Stories change when that many links contribute." You scoffed, sitting back in your chair and reaching for your juice box on the table, taking a huge slurp, which you knew would annoy Sohee.
"You don't believe me? Guess we gotta ask a link closer to the source then." Sohee stood up from her chair, and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Park Jimin, get your ass over here will ya?" She nearly shouted across the cafeteria, and now all looks were pointed at you two, and you felt the urge to just slip down the cracks of the floor tiles and hide there forever grow stronger for each nanosecond.
You sunk further down on your tacky, orange chair, but you could still see Jimin's black locks sway a little over the crowd as he walked over to the table you were sitting at.
"What's up sugar?" Jimin smirked at Sohee, and Sohee didn't even budge, and you had no idea how she did it. He was stupidly attractive and could make any girl drop her pants with a comment like that.
"Jimin my dearest, a little birdie told me that Taehyung likes my sweet Y/N, could you confirm?" She batted her long lashes and smiled prettily at Jimin.
He looked to the left, sucked his teeth, and said, "I can't, I'm sorry." You realized you had grown a little too hopeful, and your heart sunk quite a bit when he spoke.
"Does he think I'm pretty at least?" You spoke up, eyes shining when you looked up towards the standing Jimin, the harsh lights in the cafeteria reflecting in them.
"He hasn't mentioned you much, to be quite honest." He shrugged, walking back to his table, where Taehyung and the rest of his friends sat.
Your heart thumped when he met your eyes, and you looked away in panic. The rest of lunch was just Sohee apologizing and you avoiding eye contact with any of the students at the nearby tables.
Jimin mentioned you and Sohee's name several times, he was a loud speaker, and you were so scared of what he was saying you could probably die right then and there.
Saved by the bell, you picked up your stuff and got ready to start running to your classroom, praying you wouldn't meet any of Taehyung's friends, and especially not Taehyung as you ran Usain Bolt style.
You looked down while running, not thinking twice about leaving your best friend behind, you suddenly fell to the ground with a thud. This was surely not one of your glory days.
When you looked up, you wanted to cry. It was none other than Kim Taehyung, and he didn't look pleased. You gathered your things and muttered "Sorry." under your breath probably about 10 times, and he just watched, disappointingly.
"You're a klutz. Why were you running?" He spoke, and your knees turned into jelly when you tried to stand up, you nearly fell and dropped all your stuff again, but he caught you by the arm, straightening you up like it was nothing.
"Uh... Uhm... Err..." you mumbled, and he rolled his eyes, and not in a joking manner. "Fuck that, why are you going around telling people I like you?"
Your breath hitched, and he stared at you coldly. "I didn't! Gosh, my friend Sohee told me someone had told her that you liked me, and- uh... We asked Jimin, and-" He put his hand over your mouth, making you shut up.
"I don't want you two to go around making up baseless rumors about me, it's incredibly annoying for me to go around correcting people who assume shit just because your little friend speaks louder than a bunch of hyenas at a tea party." Taehyung nearly spat, and you took a step back.
You noticed that people were listening in, their stares burning holes in your back. He was livid, and you didn't understand why, you just smiled, praying to god that this would end soon.
"I just thought you liked me-" You began, and he interrupted you, "You thought I was gonna like someone like you? Get over yourself and enter the real world."
The hallway went silent, your lips trembled as hot tears raced down your face, and like the track star you were, you fled the scene and passed the finish line into the bathrooms.
You stayed till the school day ended, not knowing what was unraveling outside the four walls of the stall.
Sohee 💜: 01:12 pm
Y/N, where are you? i heard what happened :( i hate taehyung im gonna chop his sausage off
Sohee 💜: 01:38 pm
taehyung is fighting w doyoung because doyoung decided to defend you this is hilarious
but fr where are you
Sohee 💜: 01:57 pm
doyoung gave taehyung a black eye damn
doyo is on the verge of tears when taehyung said you liked him and not doyo
taehyung cant not have feelings for you like there must be smth deeper going on
Sohee 💜: 03:39 pm
class just ended i'll wait out back
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Sohee always knew when to leave you alone, so she did, partially. You usually shut off your phone when you're upset, but she still sends you texts to update you whenever you turn it back on.
This time, it was quite dramatic, and you rushed out of the icky stall and ran (again) to reach Sohee to get the full story, and as you expected, it was interesting.
"Basically, Doyoung punched Taehyung and Taehyung was a little too OP, so he failed to initiate a fight, so it just turned into Taehyung being an ass to Doyoung for defending you." She shrugged, adjusting the straps of her leather backpack as you walked home.
"Taehyung's rep is so tainted right now, I don't know how he's gonna fix this my dear Y/N, so I guess he got his karma. He's an idiot and I'm glad other people are starting to see."
You nodded yes, pushing out a fake chuckle, while silently you prayed that everything would soon be back to normal and that Taehyung would forgive you for the mess you caused.
Being in love with Taehyung for a year had taken a toll on you, and your best friend since freshman year had noticed too. You were different.
You used to be so independent and optimistic, but now you would strive for validation, and you had turned into one of the most insecure people Sohee had ever met.
Sohee tried to pull you away from him, but to her demise, it only got worse when you tried to meet other guys. She figured that the only way for you to disconnect from him was if you had your go with him, or if he treated you like a complete idiot.
You waved goodbye to Sohee as you entered your house, kicking off your shoes and throwing yourself down on the couch. You wanted to scream, but you saw your brother's and another guy's shoes in your hallway, so you kept it inside.
After having watched an episode of Seinfeld, you could hear the floorboards creak, and your gaze found its way to the hallway, where your brother, Yoongi stood, peeking out from his door.
"Ah, Y/N, you're the one who's home?" He smiled brightly, eyes turning into small crescents, which made you awe at the sight.
"Yuppers." You said and sat back again, pressing play to start the next episode. "Who's your guest?" And as you uttered your last word, another head peeked out from the door, and you couldn't help but feel the happiness brew inside you.
It was Kim Seokjin in all his glory, and this time, he looked even hotter. It had been about two years since you last saw him because he moved to Germany to study medicine.
Seokjin had been your neighbor since you were born, and you pretty much grew up with two older brothers who always took care of you.
No one dared to mess with you, because Seokjin and Yoongi always got to them first. That way, you grew up without a care in the world, protected from all evil.
You had no idea when you fell in love with him. It was somewhere during puberty, where your interest in Brad Pitt and Kim Soohyun from Dream High had grown stronger.
You remember Seokjin was scouted for modeling, acting, and even idol groups all through your childhood. He did a few ads, photoshoots, a popular teenage drama called Double Trouble, and even managed to get his own Wikipedia page.
There was no doubt that Seokjin was an attractive man, and in the two years he had been gone, his face fat was completely gone, and he had defined cheekbones, a slimmer and tighter figure, and you thought he couldn't be any more perfect.
"None other than God himself," Seokjin said smugly, opening his arms to greet you with a hug, and you threw your blanket you were covered into the side as you bolted into Seokjin's arms, legs wrapped around his waist.
He slowly put you down so your feet touched the parquet, and you felt a kind of euphoria as he smiled at you again, the same smile he had flashed you as long as you could remember.
Everything about Seokjin had matured and changed, but his smile remained the same. "What are you doing back?" You sniffled, holding back the happy tears that were forming in your eyes.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, I love Germany, but it's a little bland. I miss ahjumnas complimenting me on the subway and the bomb ass food here in SK." Seokjin grinned as he wiped a tear that fell down your face.
Yoongi was leaning against the door frame, smiling at the grand reunion. You knew he liked seeing you two together, and you had a small suspicion about him shipping you guys.
"Please don't ever leave again." You gripped onto his shirt, digging your face down in his chest, and he said, "I swear to god if you're wearing makeup right now-"
You laughed as you pushed him away, placing your hands below your chin and batting your eyelashes dramatically, "I'm all-natural."
"Naturally pretty." Seokjin leaned forward and whispered in your ear, and your heart did a little somersault.
Seokjin's always been a charmer.
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You woke up in your room, pink sheets draped over your half-naked body as tons of messages poured in on your phone, vibrating so much it nearly fell off the edge of your nightstand.
You grab it while rubbing your eyes, and you're shocked to see the messages that had exploded on your lock screen.
Unknown: 08:39 am
Hey, it's Kim Taehyung.
Look, I'm sorry for the shit I said to you and I would love to make it up to you in some kind of way.
Maybe I could take you out?
I get it if you don't want to, but I heard you were interested in me so...
What kinda food do you like? Activities, hobbies?
I really wanna make this right :)
You: 08:43 am
oh hey! I'd love to, you kinda owe me one. if it's your treat, I suppose we could get some sushi and boba...
btw I don't like u like that
Contact made, saved as "taehyung <3" at 08:44 am
taehyung <3: 08:47 am
Okay. Meet me at Nori Table at 6 pm. Don't make me wait.
Your heart was palpitating, and when you pressed your phone up to your chest, you could feel your body heat up from your scalp to your toes.
Maybe Kim Taehyung had no interest in you right now, but he sure would after tonight. You were gonna make him love you, soon enough,
Running to the shower a few hours of Seinfeld later, you scrubbed with all your might with your newest strawberry scrub, did your makeup, curled your hair, and sat down on the couch, outfit draped over the armrest of the chair.
It was an hour till you were leaving, so for the time being you sat with hair rollers in your hair, dressed in pink sweats. Seokjin and Yoongi had been awake all night, you had heard them laugh and play Mario Cart all night, it reminded you of old times.
Old times where you went to bed crying because Yoongi and Seokjin's bedtime was later than yours at sleepovers. Thinking back, your parents made a pretty rational decision, but you resented them for it.
When Seokjin left for school in Germany, during your Sophomore year you cried again. You thought it was so unfair that you had to be two years younger, why couldn't you come with him?
You were painfully in love with him, and you had been probably since you were. A few months after he moved, your feelings faded. You were love-free, only to fall stupidly in love again with Taehyung just a year later.
You were forced to snap out of your train of thought because you heard the floorboards creak again. When you looked over at the dark hallway, you saw a tired, yet familiar face smile at you.
Seokjin looked quite disoriented, hair ruffled and eyes puffy, yet he looked like a Greek god. Sculpted to perfection, he smiled at you like he did yesterday and all the times before.
"Morning." He grunted out, his morning voice prominent. You chuckled when you looked at the time, feeling kind of bad for Seokjin who had slept away the majority of his day, which you knew he didn't like.
"It's 5 pm, cutie. Mom said you guys could order takeout, cause she's working late." You stood up, and Seokjin gave you a good look up and down, and then diverted his gaze to the lavender ruffle skirt and white long-sleeve blouse you had neatly hung over the armchair.
"What's the occasion?" He nodded over at the clothes and then your hair rollers and full-face makeup-covered face. He threw a few walnuts from the little bowl on the coffee table into his mouth.
"It's none of your business, but I have a date tonight," you said smugly, and a walnut flew out of Seokjin's mouth in shock.
"A date? Like a real one?" He frantically asked, and you nodded as you walked away with your outfit in hand.
You came back out minutes later, and Seokjin had to hold his mouth shut so it wouldn't drop to the floor. You had matured so well, a white blouse adorning your waist, and the lavender skirt hugged your curves nicely.
You had decorated your neck and ears with golden jewelry, and you had a pair of Air forces dangling from your left hand. You were beautiful, hair let free from the hair rollers, curls swaying as you did a twirl.
"It's alright, I guess." He pretended not to care, and your proud grin morphed into a frown pretty quickly, and he noticed.
He stood up and walked towards you, standing very close. His tall figure was hovering over you. Seokjin leaned forward towards your ear, not whispering this time,
"You're gorgeous." He pushed your curls behind your shoulder, adjusting your golden necklace as he returned to Yoongi's bedroom.
You were screwed.
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The time on your phone showed 6:06 pm. You recall him saying ‘don’t be late’. What a hypocrite. It had started to pour down, so you were squeezed up against the brick wall of the restaurant so the ledge above you would shield you from the rain.
You were shaking from the cold, legs exposed because of your skirt. Sighing deeply, you reached down into your purse to text Taehyung, but when you looked up, you saw him running over to you.
He was holding a bouquet of pink delphinium and peonies. You’d always been interested in flowers, and this small gesture made you all fuzzy inside.
“I apologize for my late arrival m’lady. The flower shop was about to close down for the day, and I had to beg the cashier to let me in, promising to buy a huge bouquet if she did.” He smiled as he stood in front of you.
“No worries sir, I haven’t been waiting for long.” You chuckled, as you accepted the bouquet. His eyes scanned every inch of your body, and he said, “You’re shivering. Let’s go inside.”
This was a side of Taehyung you had barely seen before, caring and warm. This was also the side of him that initially made you fall for him.
The memories of him reading stories for children at the hospital was heartwarming. Whenever you went to visit your brother, who has now passed, you would see him read stories for all the unlucky kids.
Your brother, who was only 7 years old talked about Taehyung like a superhero, and it seemed as if Taehyung’s stories were the highlight of his days at the hospital.
Daejung wasn’t a kid you would pity. In his last months in the hospital he never once cried. You believed that Taehyung was a big part of the reason.
That’s why you fell in love with him. He hadn’t been a superhero in the form of saving lives, but he definitely made a whole lot of sick kids happier.
How could you ever repay him?
Taehyung rested a hand on your shoulder and lead you inside the door, and there stood a beautiful tall woman, black hair to her waist, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips.
She was beautiful. You looked up to see Taehyung’s reaction, and he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at you. His eyes met yours, and you could’ve sword the whole world stopped.
“Excuse me?” An unfamiliar voice spoke up, and it kicked you right back into reality. It was the pretty woman speaking, an even prettier voice to match her.
“Do you have a reservation?” She questioned, smiling so genuinely from ear to ear. “Yes. It’s on Kim.” Taehyung spoke so confidently.
“Ah, for two. I’ll be your server tonight.” She waved for you to follow her, and before she turned around, you saw her name tag.
Bae Eunmi. A pretty name for a pretty person. Of course, she had to be pretty. Your confidence sunk even lower, and your insecurities grew.
“I’m not interested in her, by the way. I’ve talked to her before. She’s all beauty and no brains. Not for me.” Taehyung whispered into your ear, possibly to reassure you.
You sat down at the table and ordered a huge plate of different types of sushi, maki, nigiri, uramaki, and even sashimi.
This restaurant was fancy, nearly too fancy for your liking. It was huge and flashy, and it made you doubt your outfit choice completely.
The restaurant fell silent since there weren’t many guests here this early. The silence wasn’t awkward between you guys. It was just, too silent, and you decided to break it.
“Do you still write stories?” Taehyung’s face froze. How did you know about the stories he wrote? Had you been stalking him? Was this when everyone would find out how weak he truly is?
“How did you find out... About them?” He asked hesitantly, fidgeting with a small woven basket with bread placed on your table.
“When sun and moon met, moon felt bad. When the moon was alone at night, he cried, because he wanted to shine just like the sun.” You quote his story word by word, it was your favorite paragraph.
He looked at you with a confused look and his eyes told you that he wondered why you knew the story so well.
Before he could speak up, you said, “My brother's name was Daejung. He looked up to you and constantly told me about how he wanted to be like you when he grew up.” You placed your hands on top of his over the table.
Taehyung was speechless. He sat there, body completely frozen as he processed what you just said. The little boy he had mourned for many months was the same flesh and blood as you.
“Daejung told me how he wanted me to marry you because he thought no one else deserved me.” Letting go of his hands, he continued sitting completely still.
First, he felt disappointed in himself. Disappointed of the way he had treated you, how sad Daejung would be if he knew.
Second, he could see him in your traits. Your button nose matched his completely, and your eyes sparkled just the way his eyes did.
Third, he realized he had to take care of you. Fall in love with you, for Daejung. Taehyung had promised the little boy to take care of his friends and family when he has at his worst.
His expression completely changed. It softened, and his eyes looked at you like you were godsent. He believed you were too. It was fate.
join the “once more to see you” taglist
a/n: u guys know the angst isn't over lol u guys r never gonna see the light at the end of the tunnel ! this chapter was originally a bit longer but i have to test the waters and seeing how u guys like it !! pls reblog <3
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In Which They Needed Cosmic Help - Ch 16
Summary: Ingo never really knew what to do at parties. This was an important celebration, the Pokedex had just been completed, after all. The Gods were conquered.
He didn't expect a sudden appearance of a familiar face because of an almighty deity, though.
Word Count: 961
Hurt/Comfort, slight angst
The next day was just as long and difficult as all three of them thought it would be. Emmet, Ingo, and Akari all marched up to the Subway before the sun had risen, opening its doors and turning on the lights. Ingo and Emmet had sent out messages to their employees, informing them of their return and that they still had a steady job. Then they got to work going through the massive pile of paperwork from before Emmet had left a week prior. Ingo had brought the Sneasel egg along, setting it atop a heated blanket and keeping it in the middle of a table, propped up against some blankets. Akari decided to explore the subway itself.
Samurott and Luxray helped her clean off some of the grime and dirt leftover in the lobby and on the platform. Luxray ensured that the lines were all still properly charged with electricity, adding an extra pump to those that weren’t. For about three hours, this is all the trio did, working through the mountain of busywork set aside for the twins and cleaning the subway for Akari.
And then the hoard came. Reporters, Subway regulars, and even just other people of Unova lined up at the locked Subway doors, demanding entrance. They could only see the lights on inside and the new sparkling floors, but they knew that something was amiss. The crowd only grew as time went on, people milling around and spreading rumors in hushed tones.
And then there they were. Both Subway Bosses, wearing their old uniforms in perfect condition. One smiling broadly, the other frowning intensely. Both with their hands tucked behind their backs, standing straight and proud. Neither seemed to have aged a day as they stood in front of their subway, greeting the people of Nimbasa City. Reporters nearly fought each other to get to the front of the line just to get the first interview with them.
“Bosses, when did you return?”
“Ingo, it is true that you started a tea shop in Galar?”
“Emmet, what are your thoughts on the Subway’s reopening?”
Thus the questions went, some outright dumb, some legitimate, all being flung at them at once. In reality, both brothers had frozen, completely unsure what to do. They stood with near expressionless faces. They’d expected bad, but not this bad.
Thankfully, they were saved. “Hey! If you want to hear something about them so bad, beat them first! The first person to beat them in a Doubles Battle or me in a Single Battle gets to hear the story!” Akari had popped out between the two brothers, startling them both. She shouted over the conundrum of people, also startling them. They were quite sure they’d never seen them before. She grabbed the two brothers by the wrist, throwing them into the control room to get everything set up. They took over wordlessly and with practiced ease. People filed into the lobby. Akari grinned, holding her stupidly overpowered team. Their balls shook. She was prepared.
The brothers nodded their affirmative at her, each giving her a thumbs-up. She practically pushed them onto the Doubles train. “Just go as hard as you can and don’t answer questions unless they actually win. I’m sure you guys can do it!” Then she hopped on her own train and faced an older Trainer. The train lurched, picking up speed as it went. She tossed out Samurott, who looked at her with anticipation. The opponent sent out a Heatmor. Akari grinned. This was going to be fun.
It took them most of the day to make it through the crowd. They were constantly battling and healing their teams until the sun finally went down, as the last few stragglers gathered up their fainted teams and ran to the nearest Pokecenter. However, all three emerged victorious. Ingo and Emmet exited their train, wiping their brows with the backs of their hands. Akari was waiting for them in the control room already, wrapping up a burn on Luxray’s paw. Some other individuals had joined her, people who used to work here. They all chatted amongst each other, watching the cameras and laughing over some of the events of the day.
Akari was seated off to the side. The brothers strode into the room and immediately all conversation stopped, everyone standing. They all watched the two with anticipation. Emmet’s smile was tired, but definitely genuine. Ingo looked exhausted, but his eyes were bright.
“Thank you all for coming back today on such short notice. We can hope that today was the worst of it, but I am doubtful we will see decreased numbers of passengers for an extended period of time. All of you performed well today. Sometime, we can discuss our absence, however, I believe we all need some rest after today.” Ingo tipped his cap, indicating that his speech was finished.
“I am Emmet. I am once again a Subway Boss. And thank you for helping us today.” Emmet tipped his cap as well. The employees all clapped, clearly happy to have their bosses back. Both of them. Ingo and Emmet strode over to Akari, kneeling down beside her and hugging her.
“Thank you for taking over, Akari. I’m not certain what we would have done with our engines so scrambled this morning. Talking with the press is not our most well-oiled track.” Akari smiled and hugged them back.
“I can handle PR after everything in Hisui,” she laughed. The two let go and stood, allowing Akari to recall Luxray and help her to her feet. “I could get used to this, though. Today was so much fun! I could see myself doing this forever!” Ingo and Emmet glanced at each other, grinning.
“I think we could arrange that.”
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jae-canikeepyou · 3 years
| into you | j.jh
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pair: jaehyun x fem!reader
word count: 7.7k+
summary: as the uni campus’ social butterfly, it’s a given you have a lot of friends, invited to almost all gatherings and all adore you. for the latter, jaehyun does too. he’s so into you and likes how you’re his happy place. or; jaehyun— an unsocial, often misunderstood person, finds his behaviour different with you and perhaps wants to keep you for himself, not anyone else.
genre: fluff + elite!au
a/n: i’m back after a while since i’ve been so so busy! this is not proofread again and i’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes down there :> this is not canon with “letting go” scenario in case there’s any similarities with the characters. hehe anyway i hope you all enjoy reading! ♡ ~j.
seated at the front row in the amphitheatre-shaped lecture hall, jaehyun frustratingly put his hood back on to hide himself from those who were staring from all around. they were definitely whispering about him, hands by their lips to conceal their voices in case he heard them. he hated this much attention, all because he chose stay of out school and classes— and claimed that it didn’t interest him.
so did coming today.
but the point was his attendance for this class was on the line and his busybody parents were sick of receiving phone calls or mails that kept filling their boxes, all for the same reason; that their son could be expelled despite handing assignments.
he rolled his eyes at the heat creeping up his ears as the whispers grew louder. he slammed the thin granite table, causing everyone to flinch at the sound and his presence. “can i have some quiet?! i can hear you guys talking crap about me!” he turned around at the pairs of eyes, soon frozen like meerkats.
they ticked him off. he couldn’t stand being in the same room with people who repeatedly questioned his existence of being here. he knew that rumours were going around, that the ‘jeong jaehyun’ in high school got into an private elite university— it could be anywhere but never expected it‘d be this campus. it was written in the judgment of their faces.
“chill man,” a guy his age swung his lollipop with legs on the desk. “some are curious why you decided to show up today since first semester’s a week away from ending, while some even wonder why you got into such prestigious and elite university.”
jaehyun’s eyed him slowly from legs to head. “who are you supposed to be?” he snorted at the stranger.
“just a guy who wants to break the distraught you’re trying to start.” he kicked his legs off the desk and stood up on his suede shoes, showing off his pearly whites.
he looked at everyone whose eyes averted from the two of them. “our town’s a small neighbourhood, so everybody knows everybody. we know exactly who you are, jeong jaehyun.”
“excuse me?” he swirled his tongue that it was evident he was pissed. “careful what you accuse me of. you and i both know it’s not going to end well-”
“they’re near they’re near!” a voice echoed the hall, cutting jaehyun’s attempt to intimidate the young man any further.
and with that signal alone, jaehyun could see and observe ladies fixing their hair and make-up, while the guys gave fistbumps to those near them. he rolled his eyes at him returning the favour to them as the guy unbuttoned his collar. “what’s wrong with you?” jaehyun was utterly weirded out. “with everyone?”
the crimson-haired guy only gave a flirty grin with raised brows. “this happens everytime.“
the door swung open with the professor rushing in. the students swifted heads, it wasn’t the first time he ever was late. he was young and good-looking, and it was hard to believe he still a bachelor. he gestured someone at the door, then the held-in giggles and mumbles were soon replaced with whispers of awe, as you walked in carefully with a tower of binder folders halfly covering your view.
clearly the guys around him have been secretly admiring; some had the confidence of taking selfies even if you were far, while others took a picture with their eyes so you were marked in their memories. ladies flocked towards the flustered professor like little chicks and surrounded him.
and that’s when the comments started coming in.
“park seojoon is so hot.” “hey remember to use ‘professor’.” “i guess genes runs in the family.” “his sister is ethereal too.” “i see her weekly and y/n’s a goddess.” “y/n! are you coming to the party tonight?”
jaehyun knew who you were through social media and common friends. and he included himself part of the people who admire you. he also remembered because he bumped into you during orientation. he wouldn’t usually care about passerby’s and strangers and although that was a brief moment and short eye contact, something about you was hard to not forget. you had people and friends under a charming spell he couldn’t describe, and that was in a good way.
you tucked a strand behind your ear and became shy afterwards as they whistled and cheered towards your gesture, making you heat up a thousand degrees higher. you should be used to this but every time it happens, you were just as flustered as your brother.
jaehyun’s legs got up on its own and was surprised at himself for making his way to help you. he picked up the fallen binder files and scattered papers while the whiskers by your eyes creased up in shyness.
he hitched a breath realising that the clumsy you was adorable too.
“thank you.” a smile then appearing at the corners of your lips caused jaehyun to freeze for a while. yuta wouldn’t miss anyone’s reaction. he slid his chair close to jaehyun’s as the he came back, nudging his chair for him to give into your beauty.
“i know a person with heart eyes when i see one. now you understand why we’re whipped for y/n. isn’t she a babe- agh.” he held the back of his head from the smack.
“don’t call me that, nakamoto.” you hissed sharply with how confident and careless he could get, especially with people you weren’t familiar with. you looked at the guy in a black sweater and let out an embarrassed sigh. “i’m sorry about my annoying best friend. yuta tends to be chatty when he feels lonely.” you winked at him.
it was jaehyun’s turn to flash short chuckle, its faint sounds perked not only your ears, but yuta’s as well. “not a problem. i know a lonely person when i see one.” jaehyun emphasised through his gaze.
“i’m not lonely! i have y/n and my men!” he whined and turned towards you. “see what you did y/n?”
“it’s good to finally see you, jeong jaehyun.” you ignored yuta and brought out a hand for a greeting.
you pursed your lips to stifle a laugh, jaehyun’s ears quickly turned from pink to red. he gulped loudly and took your hand in his, eyebrows lifting at how you knew his name.
lost for words and you both locked eyes where he forgot to let your hands go. “we take the same course together? i know your name because you’re the only one missing from the class-” you said, shaking his hands to subtly let him know it had been a minute since your hands felt his vainey flesh.
“okay young lad that’s enough time holding my sister.” seojoon separated your hands and jaehyun snapped out of his admiration, inhaling quite stressfully with how stupid he looked. “get to your class y/n.”
“alright, i’ll see you at tea hour.” you waved at the boys.
“as long as you’re treating i’ll go.” yuta hummed in a monotonous voice, fixing his laces that went untied.
“i’m not talking to you dimwit.” you flicked his forehead, leading to your satisfaction of the nut-like sound from it. “jaehyun, because you missed yesterday’s class, prof assigned me to assist you, along with the other topics you’ve yet to cover. i’ll be expecting you at the café near campus.”
before you stepped out of the hall, yuta pulled your sweater, yanking you back. “are you going to taeyong’s party tonight? you never miss an event!”
you puckered your lips, pinching his cheeks that a cute gummy smile came out from it. “you know my rules. as long as you’re driving me home, i’ll go. see you later.”
jaehyun nodded yet was still in a daze. he realised what you said when yuta pushed him. “gross. don’t act as if we’re already close.”
“hm? was i really? i think it’s normal when you’re making a move on my best friend.” he brought out his laptop and typed his password.
i wasn’t. “whatever.”
and to say that jaehyun didn’t feel butterflies flying uncontrollably in his stomach would be an understatement. they made the intestine churn in ways he couldn’t imagine, and he himself wanted to deny that what he was feeling was just from the influence of others. but wouldn’t that mean his feelings were temporary? because if it were, he should perceive you an ordinary person.
yet here he was outside, still admiring you before he entered the café. he found it was amusing of how oblivious you were of his presence— you were too immersed into this assigned task by professor, but others found it funnier when jaehyun looked stupidly in-love and cowardly the lad looked, despite having the overall aura of a stuck-up.
as the sun’s rays brightened the city and the wind’s breeze made the trees leaves dance, only then had you raise your head to see jaehyun waving at you. ten minutes early, not bad for an actual first impression. “hey,” he greeted, making you smile with his low but gentle voice. “am i late?”
you took your bag from across and asked him to sit down. “no no. you’re just in time, it’s really nice to have an early bird around.”
his dimples deepened at the compliment. “how about the project? is it too late? you think i can still catch up?” jaehyun cleared his throat.
“that depends on your dedication. based on the record professor gets, you’ve been doing your tasks and homework quite diligently. he’s just worried about your habit of not attending his lectures might lead to procrastination when second semester starts.” you gave him a slice of cheesecake to eat. “he’s still teaching us another subject.”
“it’s quite the contrary.” he dove in for the dessert. “i don’t have the will to procrastinate at all.”
“then good.” you twisted the pen in your fingers. “let’s get started?”
for that span of two hours, how he wished it could be more. who knew you would have a lot of things in common with him? that time alone was not enough to talk about vinyl and jazz singers and pretty much everything that were overlooked by people. he brought up his favourite spots in the city and how they became a safe haven to escape the reality.
to cut the explaining short, his shell slowly started to open, bits and new things were showing. if you were surprised he was a good person, jaehyun himself couldn’t believe he was able to converse with people normally. being the awkward and shy type, doing this almost seemed impossible.
was it your magic that caused him to do so?
you learnt that jaehyun was rather special and by special it meant he had gifts that you believed were way beyond human limits. he never studied in a library, rewatched lectures or written his notes. and the professor mentioned how jaehyun received good grades in most of the things he submitted.
to be very honest, you were a little jealous. from how he was sitting in front of you, he didn’t seem to be interested but was definitely listening. and you sort of gave up in continuing anyway. “i don’t understand why i’m told i need to guide you when you’ve already caught up with everything.” you let out a soft chuckle that seemed more of a question.
“i was waiting for you to stop..” jaehyun said quite blatantly and stretched his arms and you were hurt because if he didn’t want to, he could’ve said so. heck, even more so, he shouldn’t have come here and wasted time-
“..because it looked like you were forced to do this by prof.” his smile then faded seeing you mirror the same. “are you alright? you’re a little pale..”
your eyes widened. “oh uh, sorry, i assumed-” you sputtered and probably died inside with what he said. you cursed in your mind. dammit y/n.
jaehyun raised his brows, making you more flustered and panicky. you sighed and waved your ‘its-nothing’ hand. “assumed that i’m brusque and a stuck-up?”
he pierced his eyes at you and you weren’t going to lie, he scared you a bit. but that fear immediately disappeared when a gentle giggle and adorable dimples replaced it. “i get that a lot, but don’t worry. i’m different from what people think. they think i’m not friendly, a-and a loner too.”
“you’re not.” he heard you counter him, slightly slamming the fork down. “if you were, you wouldn’t be here with me. or even bothered to come.”
his heart became warm through your words, that act of kindness torn down his walls of inferiority and his perception towards people changed. “thanks.” he checked the time on his watch and twisted his wrist to show to you. “don’t you have a party to attend to?”
“lee taeyong’s?” you stood up to leave the café. “i feel like skipping it for tonight. i’m not in the mood for parties somehow.”
“because i’m a better company for you?” jaehyun teased and boy was he proud with his remark, you didn’t even deny it. “you don’t have to go if you really don’t want to. it’s better to have time for yourself sometimes.”
“you’re saying from experience?” you asked, putting pressure on your words about his claim of being alone.
“it’s more of an advice for you.” he winked.
you thought he was quite observant even though he barely socialised with others. he noticed the light in your eyes sparkling, in which he felt his chest squeeze. you twirled in your toes as you hugged your laptop. “say.. are you up for a movie marathon?”
including now, it’d be the fourth time you both have rewind the specific scene just for that certain song jaehyun kept singing nonstop. and although you loved his voice, having the song on replay would be a little too much and the purpose of the marathon might go in vain. it seemed jaehyun was way into it, so interrupting him would be mean of you so you sang along.
“the nostalgia still hits me ‘til this day.” jaehyun tossed a bag of chips from your kitchen island to you.
jaehyun kept saying it may sound stupid and corny coming from him, but as a child he liked the whole high school musical series; and he pretty much became one when breaking free started to play.
because you both couldn’t decide where to watch the beloved movies by everyone, the marathon ended up being at your apartment. it was subtle, yet quite obvious to you he didn’t want it to be held in his place. you thanked your psychology course for giving lessons to notice even the little things in behaviour.
“how many times do i have to keep telling you it’s okay to like it? not like anyone would tease you for it.” you giggled as you opened the bag and popped a couple of chips into your mouth.
“yeah sure, but i know you would.” he squinted his eyes for you to admit that that was your plan eventually.
“have i?” you singsonged, sipping on the large cola cup.
he pointed at the hairbrush you held and suddenly you bursted out in laughter since jaehyun was obviously— maybe a little— offended with how you mimicked him singing earlier. “okay you caught me.”
jaehyun felt his entire body heating up. still in denial about actually being into you, he took a challenge upon himself and scooted next to you. his arms slightly brushed and touched against yours. “you in for hsm 2?”
“well we are having a marathon, might as well go for camp rock later.” you shrugged and eyed him with a confirming gaze.
“uh-huh.. but i’m still a fan of the trilogy.” jaehyun stole the chips in your hands.
“now aren’t you cheeky.” you gasped at his playful behaviour, and you didn’t dislike it. perhaps you prefer this naught over yuta’s as it didn’t get into your nerves or have the urge to hit him because of the hyperness.
he sat deeper into the beanbag. “i’m comfortable in here. your house feels too homey.”
“so is it my fault that you’re in your comfort zone?” you stated, taking the bag of chips back into your arms.
“yes.” he protested with frequent waves of his palms. “you’re too kind and i might come here to visit often.”
“suit yourself.”
since he arrived here it had him wondering, why did he decide to show up today at campus when there was actually a pure human being like you? he just needed a person— just one— to knock onto his heart. yet with many people in his life trying to do the same thing, none held the correct key. and somehow,
it had to be you.
you’ve lost count of the number of times jaehyun has been hanging at your crib since then. it became a normal routine but never have you been to his place. it was always yours and you didn’t mind that. though he did promise, you respected his decision.
you found out he could be little dorky and corny but that was the unique trait about him. like friends at kindergarten, you both were still at a get-to-know-each-other stage. so that day, he created a schedule where he would hang out with you on wednesdays and fridays, claiming that he didn’t want to be seen by others, e.g. mr. nobody with ms. golden girl.
however, since then, people close to you have been looking at you rather differently. it wasn’t because they sometimes see jaehyun following you around, they sensed a different aura from you. you could feel their piercing stares from all directions, as if you were the centerpiece of a watch. there was something a little different than usual.
and you tried to ignore this ominous feeling for now.
yuta shook his legs vigorously, in which was an unsightly act to see for someone on the soccer team. you could see him from afar with his hands by his lips, biting it as he waited for your arrival at the university’s sports ground. jaehyun jogged towards you with his bag slung diagonally across his torso. he poked your neck and as a person with severe tickle spots, that caught you off guard into a fight-me position to the doer.
“chill, it’s just me.” jaehyun had both of his hands up, whiskers appearing just by the sides of his nose.
“jaehyun!” you relaxed your limbs. “got a better way of greeting? i don’t like being surprised.” you pulled the hem of his sleeve, missing how he pursed his lips in glee when you both instantly became close, like it was overnight.
he let you grab him as you both walked towards where yuta was standing by the bleachers. “i’m sorry?” he giggled loud enough only for you to hear. “i thought i’d get a priceless reaction from you.”
you rolled your eyes that it almost hurt doing so. “be glad i have enough patience for you.”
“and i didn’t have enough patience last night!” yuta joined the conversation seeing you and jaehyun before him. “where have you been? you said you were coming to my place yesterda- why is he here?” he looked at him then at you. “with you? again?”
“ever thought that i want to have my own ‘me’ time for once?” you took off your cardigan and placed it on the bleachers. you could feel jaehyun chuckling softly when you made reference to his remark.
and boy was he proud. “you’re emphasising on that quite often nowadays.” he helped you carry your bag as you to settled down.
“that’s because i never realised how true it actually is until i say it out loud, since being in everyone’s eyes does pressure me.” you balled your fists to nudge him lightly on the arm, and for him to dramatically receive the attack did put yuta in an awkward position.
“uh hello? i’m still here!” in front of you and jaehyun, yuta snapped his fingers several times to divert attention. “what’s going on with you two? how are you both suddenly so close when you’ve just met for the first time two weeks ago?”
jaehyun swifted his head towards you, and the telepathic exchange of words between you and him had yuta clicking his tongue in disbelief. “you were right, he will react.” jaehyun’s voice prolonged while munching on a corn dog.
“told you so.” you flicked your hair and turned to yuta as you continued talking. “bestie, we’ve been seeing each other since then.”
what the hell? the way yuta’s face turn sour at your smile towards jaehyun, he could almost faint right then and there since he swore he saw mr. dimples smile subtly at you too. “and with just that i’ve been replaced-”
“no i would never replace my best friend.” you held his palms hoping he would calm down from his high emotions, but he immediately pulled his hand away from you, much to your dismay. “hey, i’m here to make amends-”
“yeah?” he clicked on a pen and wrote something on a tissue, soon grabbing your bag from the seat and fished out your wallet. “then you’re treating me my meals for a month. i have another order right now.”
now it was your turn whose face became sour. “a month?! i can’t do that- hey!”
yuta tossed your credit card up in the air and upon seeing his eyes darken— though that was all in your head—you gave in and sighed heavily. you stomped your way to the caféteria while yuta comfortably put one leg on the benches with a satisfied grin. “man she’s easy to tease.”
“is that so? then i know now who she gets it from.” jaehyun said through his chews on his food, making yuta’s ears perk up at the response.
the atmosphere lingering between the two of them invited dark clouds. both could sense the change in their moods, and they both weren’t liking it.
yuta spun and played the ball on his hands then forearms, later let out a scoff when jaehyun raised his brows. he didn’t like the vibe jaehyun was giving and so did the latter. “i do it for fun. it’s natural between us.” yuta said.
“hm? she told me she doesn’t like it when you do.” he saw you on your tiptoes as you struggled to tell the order to the person at the high-levelled counter. but another scoff came out from yuta. “you got a proble-?”
“yeah kinda.”
“i don’t think so. i can tell it really bothers you when y/n hangs out with me.” jaehyun sat up straight at yuta’s comment about him.
“i should be. because i’m her best friend and who knows what type of person you are.” he did a few tricks with his legs. “but if you really want to know then your attitude is what i have problems with.”
“i remember telling you it wouldn’t be good for you when accuse me wrongly.”
he let out a monotonous and rather mocking laugh, taking jaehyun aback but he anticipated this kind of response from him. “and what? you’ll go berserk like you did years ago? as a high school freshman? beating the innocent up or whoever comes your way?”
“look i don’t know where the hell that came from but it’s not what you or everyone else thinks.” jaehyun aggressively crumpled the hotdog wrapper in his palms.
“c’mon you don’t have to hold it all in,” yuta set his ball aside and rested his hands on his waist. jaehyun was getting uncomfortable the more he listened to him. “unleash that side-”
jaehyun rolled his tongue, nodding his head to test him. “alright, i guess i don’t have to when i have feelings for y/n. thanks for the advice.”
what the..? yuta stared at him when there wasn’t a change in his expression. jerk- “now you’re talking. you wanna fight? let’s do that-”
“tsk yuta! the bill’s too expensive!” you whined and gently put down the tray.
while yuta clicked his tongue at your sudden entry and with how quickly you came back, for a moment jaehyun wanted to hug you for being his saviour. he was so close to lose his temper towards your best friend. the relief seen in his tensed shoulders, but you interpreted it otherwise. “are you okay?” you asked while you sat down beside him.
he hummed, folding his arms and looking at the distance, clearly avoiding eye contact with yuta. “mhm, i just realised the deadline is coming up in three days.” he excused.
you managed to utter out a giggle as you finally ate, finding out how jaehyun’s ears always turned red when given attention to. “you’re stressed about it?”
“aren’t you?” jaehyun drank the remains of his soda.
“not really since i finished mine. but, if you’re worried about your progress, i can help you.” you swirled the fork in the air like a wand. jaehyun smiled to himself when yuta took his ball to throw a fit.
“i’m not worried about the project. but there’s an annoying bug i’m trying to hit so help me.” jaehyun’s dimples appeared deeply again and as the darkening ombré sunset shoned his side profile, there you witnessed how pure he actually was— and you missed out on yuta’s frown towards jaehyun.
you gulped and almost choked on your own saliva, eyes still locked in jaehyun’s. his hair caught in the wind, making it look fluffy and his entire demeanour softer than you usually see him. you hitched a breath since jaehyun seemed like he had no plans to avert his gaze too. both of you were definely mesmerised and hypnotised, and for jaehyun it was just like that time. he remembered the colour palette of your makeup while you recalled the perfume he wore.
in the recent marathons with him you’ve never been this close, physically speaking. so this close-up really debunked the impression you heard from people, especially from yuta.
however, as you were oblivious with the pressure behind jaehyun’s words and even smiled back at him, yuta flicked your temple. he was indeed a worry wart and sometimes he would like to flick you just this once for being too much of a social butterfly. he knew it was in your nature to be kind and always on the look out for others. he’s fine when you were with anyone except with this guy you befriended. not him.
he dodged your flying limbs in attempts to hit him. “oi, you’re not going to ask how i am? if i’m worried?”
the pain from the flick remained on your temple. “no? you look fine to me-” you stared at your phone. the message reminding you of the singles elite party a month from today at 8pm. “a party?”
“yeah if you attended the previous party you’d know that there’ll be another one after taeyong’s.” yuta took off his shoes in change for his casual.
“hm. i’m don’t feel like going.” you jumped off the bleachers to dust off your pants. “probably gonna be boring.”
“i’m the one who’s holding it this time!” yuta put you under a headlock in his arms. “you’re ditching your best friend?!”
you giggled and ticked his sides and followed it with a playful hug. “just kidding. i heard from momo! i’ll be there.” you brushed your hair up into a messy bun while spotting jaehyun starting to feel out of place. “oh! do you wanna come to the party, jae?”
yuta mentally facepalmed and it was given he didn’t like what you did. but your eyes were quick to see his reaction and you slapped his chest. he glared at you while his hands caressed it. why did you have to invite him? it was the whole purpose why he decided to hold a party; maybe you’d finally appreciate his hardwork, or perhaps, notice him as someone more and as not a best friend who only worries and teases you.
jaehyun nodded in response, no words needed. a smile crept your lips as if you were given chocolates on valentine’s. “cool.” you pulled him on the wrist after hearing the coach calling yuta, followed with a loud whistle. “ah yuta, we‘ll get going! see you.”
“mm yeah..” yuta hummed, seeing you both vanish in the distance. “see you..”
your sulking self laid sideways by jaehyun’s lap, head rested on a pillow. it’s been too long since yuta avoided you, purposely ditched your hangouts, seenzoned your messages and ignored your calls. as if these weren’t obvious enough for you to know something was up. there definitely was but you couldn’t put a finger to it. so you forced jaehyun to let you stay at his place, being it your apartment was currently invaded by your brother’s friends from abroad.
but honestly it was also because you discovered jaehyun’s unit was blocks away from yours. fate was gladly on your side.
“y/n, you know i can’t work properly when you’re like this.” jaehyun sighed while he adjusted his sitting posture and lifting his laptop.
you slightly and lazily your body turned upright, seeing his dimples beginning to show themselves. “let me be.” you complained.
jaehyun put down his laptop. “i can’t. you’re in my way of cramming hours. plus, how long have you been coming here? it’s getting too frequent..” he paused when your eyes were no longer on him— rather they were on your phone, staring at the last conversation from yuta.
he couldn’t bring himself to say that he was reason why yuta acting the way he was to you. and for all honesty he would keep this matter to himself. “did i do something wrong?” you asked.
“of course not. he’s probably in his emo phase. guys have them a lot more than you think.” jaehyun typed on the keyboard for the remaining parts of the essay. “but he’ll get out of it eventually.”
“fine i’ll trust on that.” you sat up and scooted over to see his progress. you submitted your assignment hours ago. looking at jaehyun, it seemed he was struggling at some parts. were you unconsciously pressuring him? the beads of sweat began to roll down his temples and that made you giggle if it was the case. uh-huh. he was really feeling that way.
he gulped so loudly that it came out as a weird noise. he hoped you didn’t hear that. but the way you pursed your lips to hold the laughter in only had him discontinuing his report. “d-don’t do that.”
“do what?” you snicker.
jaehyun rolled his eyes and poked your forehead. “you’re too distracting.”
oh how the tables have turned. that comment flipped your head upside down, your heart in a frenzy and stomach churning. it wasn’t “so”, but “too”— that only meant he wasn’t concentrating on his work for a while.
even so, you waited for him to finish despite questionable feelings you’ve been feeling. his coffee cup already did seconds and thirds. and suddenly you remembered the happy hour the local café was promoting and there was a few minutes left until it ends for the day. you had to bring him there.
but you decided that because you wanted to be out of that suffocating air jaehyun caused.
the more you walked faster, the more jaehyun’s wrist reddened and hurt. but he let you be as he liked how you were comfortable with someone like him. your hair flowed with the wind, the remains of your shampoo left a sweet scent. was it lavender? and the wind blew stronger, making the scent clearer to the nose. his heart skipped beats, because it was indeed lavender. he swore in his head. scrap aside the frequent marathons and meet-ups. lavender’s all the more reason why fell for you quickly than ever.
and when the local café closed early for the day, you almost lost sight of the pedestrian signs. jaehyun pulled you in as the light emitted red. though you had your emotions get the best of you, you realised how childish you were for something so minor. you laughed in awkwardness, he did too. “i didn’t want anyone to see this side-”
warmth. that was all you thought of right there. you were in his embrace.
“..of me.” you soon mumbled in his chest, realising later of the action he just did. “jaehyun-”
“it’s okay. i don’t too.” his hand gently caressed the back of your head, treating it with care as if he held a newborn baby. “so can i keep you?”
that warmth became hotter, almost boiling that you weren’t able to breathe properly. “i’m sorry.” he said, that must’ve surprised you.” jaehyun chuckled.
surprised? of course you were. how was it natural for him to do skinship? and that smoothly? you both weren’t at that stage yet, let alone have a relationship with mutual feelings. even yuta couldn’t hug you because of how conscious you felt.
but then again, you looked up. you saw his ears. it was red, the usual reaction whenever you were with him. was it normal though? you were never aware of it up until now.
because it was so clear now.
“i’ll see you tomorrow? i have to help my mom with some things.” you lied as you scratched your neck.
jaehyun nodded and pulled away. “alright, go on ahead.”
you poked his dimples because he has been staring at you like he had questions to ask. “what is it?”
maybe he didn’t notice or maybe he did, but he was leaning closer, his head tilting to the side and eyes staring into your soul. you knew what he was about to do, you feel like letting him do so but at the same time you weren’t sure of your feelings.  
just a little more and you could’ve locked lips but..
your phone vibrated.
in panic you looked at your device and eyes widened that brought jaehyun aback.
“ah yuta!” you brought your phone so close to your face, not believing your best friend’s announcement on social media, in which he then followed up with a text message.
the light in your eyes was something jaehyun liked seeing, but didn’t so as well.
“oh! he said the concept for the elites’ party is live wardrobe. all singles will go through a ballot draw. it’s for the clothes to wear for the night..” you locked your phone. “tsk i wanted to wear my favourite dress.”
“i think you’ll look great in whatever gown is chosen for you.” jaehyun pat your head while you were immersed in your phone. “now go. it’s getting late.”
“i’ll expect the same for you.” you replied.
he laughed and that didn’t want to make you leave just yet. “nah don’t. i’m just ordinary in a suit.”
funny how he was so damn wrong.
fate let him draw red, and confidently chose a suit once it was his turn to change. it was as if he knew this attire would go well with him. a suede texture with a black outline on its collar accentuated his brushed up light brown hair, while his black under-shirt contrasted with his porcelain skin. gladly it wasn’t halloween, or else you would’ve mistaken him for a vampire.
he had you feeling all sorts of things, and you didn’t know why when you were nothing more than friends.
an hour ago he was in his usual casual wear. now he was surrounded with ladies who already seemed like they were friends with him for decades. you could see jaehyun was uncomfortable but he kept his cool with folded arms as he leaned against a column. the comments from them irritated you, because at one point they were badmouthing him— and the second he showed up they flooded him with compliments of his good looks and how they named him the “model elite”.
you swirled the wine glass in your hand, the other arm hugged your waist. you rolled your eyes at the falseness these people have towards him. “can’t believe it.” your fingers curled as irritation began to cover your sight. “look at them trying to make a move on him. erlgh too close. they weren’t like that before.”
sicheng rolled his tongue, hands in pockets and walked to be in front of you. “really? you weren’t like that before too.” he pointed out.
“i agree. recently you’re stuck like glue whenever you’re with him.” yuta gestured.
“am so not?” you gasped while your eyes trailed to jaehyun, who was still had patience for the ladies surrounding him. “i just like how he’s a good friend.”
“doubt it.” sicheng poked your cheek. “you wouldn’t feel like this when you have feeli-”
not this again. “i’m grabbing a drink.” yuta suddenly cut the conversation.
“get me one too!” the younger one yelled and after he was satisfied with the gesture, he winced as you pinched his sides from the remark he said earlier. “ow! y/n! it’s true though! i know what i’m seeing!”
truthfully, nothing about sicheng’s words or actions bothered you. but if there was anything that did, it was your own heart. as of tonight, you began to question your feelings towards jaehyun. when did it start? how was it possible to like someone so quickly? “i’m telling you i don’t.” your eyes trailed to him, not realising the rush of heat creeping your cheeks.
jaehyun was approached by yuta, who was giving him a glass of beer. the ladies fled after stealing pictures of the guy and he took the drink in his hands. then they headed towards the garden of the mansion. wonder what he’s here for?
“nice party you have here. concept’s cool.” jaehyun started to break the lingering silence because he knew how awkward this was going to be with your best friend.
“yeah, never knew you’d end up in red. it’s y/n’s favourite colour.” yuta’s voice lowered. there was an impact jaehyun could describe but assuming that would be too rude of him.
“really? i didn’t know.” he hummed. aren’t you a little too happy, jaehyun told himself. he shook it off, for he doesn’t expect him and you to go any further than this.
“now you do. so can you back up for a while? take a week off or something from y/n.” yuta raised his brows.
this was the same feeling from before. he knew this feeling because he felt the exact same way. he wanted to be selfish for once. not like he hated yuta, it was just.. he always had to appear whenever he didn’t want him to. then he would mess his mood. he interrupted his joy of admiring you. jaehyun licked his lips to dampen them. “i’m sorry, who are you to tell me what to do?”
yuta grinned and leaned against the column as he mirrored jaehyun. “don’t you get it?” he asked, his tone rising. “i love y/n. you entering the picture just ruins everything.”
my hunch’s correct. he does love y/n. “if you love her you wouldn’t ignore her.”
“it’s because you’re with her! and she does the same to me! it’s like she’s found someone else-”
“you’re being dramatic.” jaehyun pushed himself off the column and turned to him. “y/n’s sad and moping around because you treated her like she’s all alone. you have no idea how much she waited for you to contact her.”
“what do you know, smartass? you’re just another guy trying to fit in when you know you couldn’t. no matter how much you tried, everyone’s afraid of you. and now you’re telling me you have feelings for y/n? please.” his lips jutted with sounds of disbelief while his body posture challenged jaehyun. “y/n’s kind to everyone she meets. it’s who she is. but to think you have hope to be with someone like her? if you ask me, all i see is a greatest mismatch.”
jaehyun usually didn’t give a damn of the comments about him. he couldn’t care less of any of those. in fact he’d hear them through one ear and out they went. but when he said anything, it irked him.
you see, that was the thing— right now, he actually listened.
he turned a blind eye on yuta’s words and let it off for the night. he was given a drink and maybe the alcohol didn’t work its way on him than it did to guy. in the end, yuta was probably spilling tea even if he didn’t intend to.
“what i feel for y/n has nothing to do with you. just like people can’t control the tides,” jaehyun lightly knocked onto yuta’s chest. “i can’t control mine.”
the footsteps echoed in yuta’s ears, he could hear them despite the noisy hall. “rghhh!” he grabbed hold of his glass and threw it towards jaehyun.
sounds of shattering glass met the ground, as well as catching everyone’s attention. then there was silence. jaehyun began to lose his patience as he turned around. his smirk challenged him. ouch. this was the fight yuta was looking for, seeing jaehyun’s heavy breaths only made him stand on his toes.
jaehyun punched him in the jaw though he knew it wasn’t worth his time. but he wanted to give him a taste of stepping beyond boundaries. yuta punched him back too. he made sure the star of the night was the other— shone the brightest and reveal his true nature. he didn’t count the number of hits he received, as long as jaehyun stayed that way.
“i told you it wouldn’t be good if you provoked me!” jaehyun growled. “you’re asking for show? i’ll give you one!”
“huh..” yuta wiped his bleeding lip. “you sure about that, beast?”
jaehyun held himself for the next punch, feeling all of the pairs of eyes on him. yours included. that was what he feared. “aw. what impression does she have on you now?” yuta’s cooing words caused jaehyun’s eyes to soften.
all bleeding and bruised, jaehyun’s injuries have matched with his suit. he clenched his fists as he frustratingly left the hall.
in your peripheral, your eyes trailed his direction and your legs followed him by heart, without realising yuta calling out your name several times. everything went blank, not thinking things straight because while everyone watched, no one understood. you glared at yuta before heading outside, a more disappointed sigh was the only response he got from you.
yuta was then nudged by sicheng. the latter could see the change in his expression. “what did i tell you?”
“you don’t have to tell me.” yuta dusted his pants.
“i’m still gonna.” sicheng rolled his eyes and poked the lad’s temple. “that’s what you call ‘stupidity’. if only you confessed to her before maybe things would be different between you guys.”
“i don’t want things to be different dude.”
“i’m gonna state the obvious, you probably already know this but.. you lost this battle.”
“crap..” yuta’s voice changed from a nervous chuckle to a soft sob. “i liked her first.”
you spotted jaehyun sitting atop a metal barrier just in front of the carpark— head down to mend his injuries and scratches. he sniffed from the cool night breeze before hopping off. “you’ll hurt your feet.” he pointed at the heels you had dangling in your hands.
his gaze softened when you pointed at his face, especially the black eye. “touché.” he chuckled, later feeling your cold hands against his throbbing flesh. “it’s no big deal-”
“i’m sorry about yuta’s behaviour.” you sighed. “don’t let it get into you. he’s an airhead when he’s drunk-”
“you sure? he seemed pretty sober when he said- ah.” he pursed his lips to speak any further. “nevermind.”
now that gotten you curious. “what did he say? spill it!” you whined, causing jaehyun mouth to curve a little in amusement.
jaehyun prolonged the silence and grabbed your shoes, leading you towards his car. once he unlocked it and opened the door, he bursted out in a loud, healthy laugh. “he said he was head over heels for you.”
you pushed him to the driver’s seat and slammed the door, rolling your eyes at the pun. “that was so lame!” you sat on the other side. “but i know that already if you thought i didn’t. i subtly turned him down ages ago. guess he didn’t take the message.”
as you tended to his wounds, one question still had your curiosity at its peak. jaehyun was quiet through-out, so it was hard to bring the topic up for a while. until your eyes and his met.
“what did you tell him before he threw the glass at you?” you dabbed the cotton onto the beaten area. “it must’ve pissed him.”
he dropped his car keys and let out a nervous hum. “uh..” he didn’t know what else to say. right when he was finally about to tell you, you suddenly giggled.
“unless you told him you like me and that made him angry, but i doubt that happened.” your lips shrank to a circle, cursing at yourself for assuming too much. girl the guts you have was incomparable—
jaehyun’s large hand held yours while you continued to apply medication. the warmth, the heat and the building tension of skinship made you weak. “you’re right.”
your smile and breaths changed in an instant when he fixed himself on the seat. he smirked a little, finding how cute you were. it drove him crazy.
“i like you, for the longest time, since the orientation. i’m so into you that i couldn’t help myself be selfish and have you to myself— i- i don’t know what i’m saying.” he sighed, pushing himself away in embarrassment with arms above his face.
“t-thanks.” you fiddled with your fingers.
“i’m not asking for an answer. i just wanted to let you know.” he said. “gosh this is a bad timing for confession.”
“then is it a bad timing if i said i’m into you too?” you looked away and out in the distance. you could see his reaction on the window’s reflection. he was shocked, but an uncontrollable smile was forcing itself on the surface. it was written in the dimples.
“no,” his husky voice called you to look back. “you’re just about right.”
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floraltypes · 3 years
Ohshc Headcannon
OHSHC - Y/n in a uncomfortable situation head-cannons
saw someone else do something similar and wanted to put my own spin on it :))
TW: creepy males making y/n uncomfy
gender neutral x host club members
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Haruhi 💗
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You’ve decided to go visit the girl while she’s working.
She’s busy talking to one of her guests so you decided to wait and sit at one of the couches
One of the men quickly walked over, he was here to drop off some shipments but thinks that now you’re a new host/hostess
He sits across from you, just staring for a moment before striking a conversation
“So, you seem like a cutie, are you new here?”
Your eyes widen a bit, taken aback by his presence and how blunt he was
“I’m not apart of this club,” You awkwardly chuckle, hoping that Haruhi is almost finished because now you are starting to feel uncomfortable
“Good, good, that just means I don’t have to share you with anyone,” They wink, standing up and now sitting besides you
Haruhi, stops her conversation with the girls, hearing that awkward chuckle of yours her head turns
At first, she just thinks your talking with one of the boys, one telling a inappropriate joke and you just trying to be kind
But soon realizes that’s not the case, and excuses herself
Haruhi doesn’t exactly feel jealous, just a bit confused, and frankly worried
She can tell by your apparent facial expressions that you’re also worried yourself
Finding a empty tea tray, she grabs it, and rushes over with it, then taking a seat besides you
“Y/n!” She smiles, handing you a tea cup, not even filled. “I’m glad you waited for me, sorry to waist your time,”
You’re overjoyed she’s here, the man sending you some interesting glares and you didn’t want to cause a scene
“I’ll do better at watching the time. Um, i’m sorry you don’t look familiar,” She looks at the man while taking one of your hands and intertwining it with hers
“Oh, you were waiting for someone?” He asks you. “You should have told me, it was like you were leading me on,” he scoffs, standing up and leaving
Haruhi looks at you with a small smile
“What a jerk, would you like me to make some actual tea now?”
The both of you laugh, you feeling much more comfortable with her being by your side
Tamaki 💞
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He was so excited to spend today with you!
You didn’t feel like doing much, just wanting to maybe go to a cafe with the man
He had tons of things planned, zoos, cafes, shopping, musicals, etc
If there was something fun, he had it planned for you two to do soon
After spending half a day planning the dates you’d have when you both had off, today the both of you would go to a pet shop
Tamaki always expressed how much he loved animals, ever since he was able to go to one, and it’s something he still enjoys indulging in
The both of you were outside the shop, he had some money almost spilling out of his wallet, prepared to buy some animals
Leaving you to make sure he doesn’t, or at least doesn’t go overboard...
Once inside the worker set up a room for you two to play with the puppy
Unfortunately, today was a busy day and many people were also coming, so you were paired up with another group of guys
They had a harsher look, not being so friendly, and smelled kind of gross
You weren’t one to judge, sometimes, but something about them gave off a weird feeling
“Gosh, aren’t these puppies adorable!” Tamaki beamed, picking up the little dog into his arms, then bringing it up to his face
“Tamaki, you have to share with the rest of us,” You reminded him, taking the puppy from him and placing it on the ground
The man sat on your other side, quickly went to grab the dog, his hand touching yours a bit
“But Y/n, I didn’t get enough time with him,” He whined, shaking your shoulders a bit while the other men stifled chuckles
“Y/n, that’s a nice name,” The man on your side commented, sending a smile
“Um, thanks,” You just messed with your fingers, not looking at him
“So,” The one man tried to start up a conversation with Tamaki, giving his friend the chance to talk to you
Tamaki knew they were trying to do something, so he made sure to keep a eye on you, making sure you felt okay
“You know, we don’t have plans after this, what if you came and hung out with us?” The man asked you, moving closer
“Sweetie! Don’t forget that you promised to go get ice cream with me after. It’s the perfect end to our date,” Tamaki smiled widely, grabbing your arm and standing up “Ah, I think i’ve seen enough puppies for today,” He put a hand on your cheek and kissed your lips. “Bye now!”
Kyoya 🤍
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His father was hosting a dinner party tonight
The Ootori group just opened a new high tech hospital, with the helps of your families business
It was great to see both families interacting well, and felt good to have his father like you, even if you didn’t really like him
Kyoya was thankful that his father was okay with you, worried it would affect his opportunity in being the heir eventually
You were all dressed up for the night, told to keep a smile and kind words the whole time
But you were mostly planning on spending it by Kyoya’s side..
Eventually he was moved away because his father wanted to introduce all his children to a potential business partner
Your family did the same, to a different man, one who kind of seemed to take a particular interest in you
“I love your hair,” The older, 40 year old man complimented you, your father just smiling lightly and soon walking away
“I should go find, uh, Kyoya!” You smiled oddly at the older man, about to walk away
“Wait up handsome/beautiful,” The man wrapped his chubby fingers around your wrist, tugging on it, and pulling you to stand right in front of him
You frantically looked around, your father talking to someone else, and the mans smile was fretting away from friendly
Kyoya had just finished talking to some painting company CEO, someone he could care less about
He wanted to use this time to do things with you, talk more, hear about your day maybe, just see your smile and hear your laughter
Luckily he turned around at the right moment, seeing the man yank you back and his facial feature turning to a wicked expression
He quickly, but respectfully, whisked over, titling his glasses down a bit and reaching a hand across your lower back to wrap around your waist, pulling you into his side
“Darling, who is this?” Kyoya asked, seeing your expression change to a grateful one
“Um, I never caught his name....?”
“It’s Toling, from America,” He smiled at you, his ‘smile’ changing when looking at Kyoya. “You have a boyfriend?”
“And your from America?” Kyoya questioned back, not letting you answer his. “What exactly is your position, my father, Ootori, he also told me no one from out of country would be here. Why are you here? I don’t think you were invited, this seems like a appropriate moment to call security, do you agree, dear?” He looked at you
“Yeah, I think so,” You grinned at him, pecking his cheek while the older man ran off towards the front door.
Hikaru 💓
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The two of you heard about this new performance group in the area
They weren’t anything professional but still interested you both, maybe being so bad you could make a couple jokes about it
It started off... well interesting to say the least...
You both couldn’t figure out where it was going, what the overall theme of it was, I mean someone spilt their ‘prop’ on the stage floor
It was a disaster in the beginning, the both of you already having jokes in mind, but being respectful to wait till the end to say them
During the performance a hand intertwined with yours, that being Hikaru’s of course
When it was finished, the both of you had no words, just tears?
You didn’t know when they got there, or how the performance all of a sudden changed sad, but it was there
You got up to walk by a concession area, hoping to purchase a pack of tissues
Someone was behind you in line, and you could just feel their gaze on your behind
“Do you have a pack of tissues on hand?” You asked, pulling out some money and the women handing it to you
“Tissues, I could have given you those for free,” The man behind you smiled. “Now, what’s a attractive kid like you doing here?”
“Watching a show, like everyone else,” You motioned with your hand, taking a tissue and wiping your eyes
“You’re a funny one, sparky. How about I treat you to a meal?”
“No, thanks,” You scratched the back of your head, trying to step away, but him just blocking you
“Come on now,” He chuckled, reaching for your arm before you pulled back.
“Y/n, hey, you got them,” Hikaru pushed past him, planting a longer kiss on your lips and swinging his arm to rest over your shoulders. “Do you mind? We’re on a date,” He told the older man, guiding you away from him. “You okay, that man sure was a idiot trying to take you away from me,”
Kaoru 💝
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He was honestly super pumped about getting to spend time with just you
He saw how much his stubborn twin could fall in love with Haruhi and become a better person, to mature, he wanted that with someone and that was you
To say he was nervous, was a understatement, this was your guys’s first date and he wanted it to be great
Sure you had been dating for a while, but still
You both decided on just going to a carnival thing in town
Sounded fun and would let you both get loose a bit, chat about life, truly have a break from everything and everyone
(not everyone, the club was secretly there making sure it went great)
After a long day, and many rides, Kaoru went to go order some food for the both of you while you waited on the bench
“Is this seat taken?” A man around your age questioned, you nodded you head no, and moved over on the bench to give him some space
“Go ahead,”
“Thanks, wow, uh your eyes are really pretty,” He complimented, taking a sip of his drink
“Oh, thanks?” You shyly smiled, tapping you finger on the bench to a beat, waiting for Kaoru to come back
The man kept asking random questions about yourself though, like ‘how old are you’ ‘what do you think of the weather today’ ‘did you like that ride over there?’ it was awkward for you to answer
Kaoru had just bought the food, starting to walk over, but quickly noticing you chatting with the man
He felt, jealous?
This perfect day he was having, and you’re talking to another guy?!
But wait, he remembered his brother talking about really looking at someone’s actions to truly understand, things they say, really paying attention
He soon realized that you weren’t really liking the conversation, your eyes widening after he spoke, slowly returning the comment to him
He whisked over there, honestly just plopping himself in between the two of you, in the (little) empty space
“I, uh, got the food,” He waved it in the air a bit, not spilling it. “You still hungry, babe?”
“Thank you Kaoru, you’re so kind,” You grinned, kissing him on the lips, his cheeks beating up.
“Mhm, let’s go eat somewhere else, just the two of us!”
Mori 💜
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Mori and you weren’t big on doing a bunch of stuff for dates
You both mostly ended up at one another’s house, lounging there, maybe a cafe, who knew
But today he kind of wanted you to watch his practice, he was a bit awkward which you noticed quickly
“Takashi, you okay?” You asked him, tapping his shoulder. “What do you want to do today?”
He wanted to straight out say ‘come watch me practice’ but also didn’t want to be inconsiderate of what you wanted to do
He shrugged his shoulders, cracking his knuckles a bit, hoping you got the sign...?
“You know, I haven’t seen you practiced yet, that could be fun!”
He was beaming inside
So it was set, the two of you planning to meet up at the place he practiced at
It was something nice to do, he worked on his moves for a while, you starting some homework but still watching
One of his partners he worked on some of the skills with sat near you
“Hey, what are you working on?” You two chatted a little, trying to be kind, but you knew he was just trying to speed up the small talk into something more fun, for him
“Anyways, I need to focus,” You told him, standing up and getting prepared to move to a different space
“I think you should take a break, what do you say?”
“I can’t, I have a test tomorrow, need to get this done,”
“Don’t be like that, i’ll help you study after our break,” He was slowly/quickly closing the distance between you two
Mori just finished throwing a man, going to have a drink of water and see how you’re doing, but seeing that ‘opponent’ of his flirting with you?
“Y/n,” He walked up, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “I’m done here, let’s go,”
You nodded, the man across from you shaken up a bit at the stare Mori sent afterwards
Honey 💛
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Honey was babbling about a new cafe that popped up, very VERY excited about it
Apparently it was cute, had a nice seating area, and the BEST cake in town
So, of course, he had to decide that himself
(I think he secretly has a blog online dedicated to trying and critiquing cakes)
He thought this would be a perfect time to catch up and share the lovely moment with
You agreed, wanting to spend time with the boy you liked so much, always enjoying sharing treats with him
After school you both headed right there
The place was nice, and a little packed, since it did just open
You both found a little booth in the back, away from the crowd a bit
Honey ordered, almost, one of every cake they sold
“I’ll just try one of his,” You told the waitress, who looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head due to Honey’s order
“If you want Y/n-chan!” He smiled at you, soon going into a ramble about one place he bought a bad cake at
Usa-chan also wasn’t pleased with the taste of it
Once a few of the pieces came, he gave you Usa-chan to hold, to make sure he didn’t get dirty
You spent the time, watching him eat cake, feeding him cake, eating some yourself, and chatting about the Host Club
He eventually had to go to the bathroom, telling you he would be right back and to watch Usa-chan
While he left another man came up, figuring you were by yourself
“Aren’t these a lot of treats for you?” He asked, secretly judging you
“I’m sure it’s not your place to decide what’s enough for me,” You scoffed, looking the other way
“And you have a stuffed bear? So cute. Let me buy you something else, for a little kid like you,” He placed some money on the table, trying to reach for Usa-chan
major pedo vibes ....
You moved away from him, not letting his dirty hands touch your boyfriends precious bunny
“Aw come on now,”
“Y/n-chan, let’s go now!” Honey walked over, you climbing out the empty way of the booth, standing near Honey
“Aw you’re here with your brother,” The man cooed, standing up himself.
You grabbed Honey’s hand, not wanting to interact any longer with the man, and leaving the cafe
“Sorry Honey, I- I just really don’t-”
There the man was, he followed the both of you out
He was moving to touch/grab you from behind, Honey quickly noticing and pushing you out of the way a bit
Pulling a classic move, the older man was on the ground
The surrounding crowds were in awe, you were still a bit surprised from his strength sometimes
“That’s not nice, please don’t touch Y/n-chan or I’ll have to call the cops!” He smiled at him, soon grabbing your hand and the two of you walking away like nothing happened
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charming-charlie · 3 years
The Compliment Game
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Title // The Compliment Game
Pairing // Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings // Light amount of cussing. Some cute fluff and a bit of spice at the end.
Summary // Buck poses as your fake boyfriend at a friend’s birthday party.
Word Count // 3k
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You stared at the invitation before you, trying to hold back a laugh. Having just got the mail, you found a pink envelope mixed in with your bills. The envelope had elegant script and for a moment, you thought you were invited to a wedding. Upon opening the envelope and pulling out the card, your suspicions still stood in place. Glitter fell to the floor and the invitation was written in such a beautiful script, except it was not for a wedding at all. It was for a birthday party. Your childhood friend Viola’s birthday party.
The invitation included a dress code, which basically stated prom attire. Yeah, fat chance of that happening. There was also a list on the back of the invitation with appropriate albeit expensive gifts to buy for the birthday girl. Cool, so money it is!
The invite was definitely in line with Viola’s personality. The two of you were supposedly childhood best friends, and as you grew up, you realized that Viola was a bit of an embellisher. She told the most insane stories, some you knew to be completely fake since you were there when certain events happened. It was like she always had this need to one up everyone she met.
The two of you barely talk now since you distanced yourself from her, but honestly, she was still your friend. However, since Viola liked to embellish, who says you couldn’t either? Why not one up the birthday girl at her own birthday? Maybe she needed a healthy dose of her own medicine.
The wheels were turning as you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts before landing on Evan Buckley’s name. He was, in all honestly, the hottest man you knew. While he was only a recent friend, he was the best option for what you had in mind.
You called him, hearing the phone ring a few times.
“What a coincidence,” Buck said when he answered the phone, “I was just talking about you.”
You were surprised that you were on his mind, especially in the middle of the day. You were sure he was at work too, which only seemed to excite the butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey,” you said, unable to hide your growing smile, “I got an invite to a birthday party. Want to go with me as my fake boyfriend?”
“Whoa,” you heard Buck say on the other line and you could just sense the confused expression he had on his face, “wait, what?”
You stared at the invitation, knowing full well that this would be the perfect event to have a little fun and maybe put Viola in her place. However, you took what few precious minutes you had on the phone with Buck to explain everything. You talked about your friendship with your friend, and how she just continued to make up her entire life story in order to appear interesting. It was either that or for attention, you weren’t sure which one.
“Basically, I just want to show off the hottest guy I know, so are you in or what?” you finished. You were out of breath from rambling quickly to share your story. You never knew when the alarm bell was going to go off because of a fire or something.
“And you thought of me? I’m touched. Sure, I’ll do it. But you owe me a beer,” Buck said. You could practically hear him grinning on the other side of the phone. “I’ll pick you up after my shift. Say, eight?”
You agreed and the two of you hung up.
This was perfect. Now the party would be very interesting. Who knew what was going to happen?
The hours ticked by and you were dressed. You texted Buck your address and waited for him to show up. He knocked on the door and you truly felt giddy and nearly pranced to the door in excitement. You weren’t looking forward to the party at first, but spending time with Buck? That was clearly a game changer.
Having relayed the dress code to the firefighter beforehand, you were in awe of his outfit choice. Buck was sporting a casual black suit. It wasn’t the fanciest of outfits but that didn’t matter. He looked like a stunner. It was nice seeing him out of his usual fire uniform or regular t-shirts. You could tell he put effort into his appearance for the night.
You, on the other hand, took a page right out of Princess Diana’s playbook. You wore a black dress, your favorite LBD, with some strappy heels. It was your own revenge dress, and you knew it wouldn’t exactly fit in line with the dress code of the night, but did you really care?
You were only going to support your childhood friend and nothing else. You had a card for her with some cash and that was it. You were going to make nice and leave when the cake was cut. That was called being a good friend, you at least showed up to the events you were invited to.
Viola’s parents owned a ranch and she lived in a house on her parent’s property. The drive was smooth, with you and Buck jamming to 80’s tunes and timing the red lights. He was such a charmer, just like he was the day you met him.
There were a few cars when you arrived, and Buck easily parked along the rocky path. Both of you got out and made your way to the front door. Being polite, you knocked.
The door opened instantly, almost like someone was literally waiting on the other side.
Viola appeared and your eyes almost popped out of your head. Apparently the “elegant prom” theme was still ongoing, since she wore a floor-length white gown. It looked like a cross between a prom dress and a wedding dress. Your eyes caught Buck’s, who was standing next to you. He looked horrified. Perhaps he was just now realizing your over exaggerations were not over exaggerations.
His mouth fell to the floor, not from awe, but from shock. The birthday girl cascaded along the floor. Her hair was done up in an elaborate bun and she wore a crown. Not a cute little tiara, but a full blown one thousand gems kind of crown. The kind of crown that was obviously from a costume store, since you knew Viola wasn’t fabulously wealthy like she pretended to be and there was no way she would be able to afford the same jewels as Queen Elizabeth.
“Oh, who is this?” Viola asked you when she saw Buck. No hello. No how are you. She just immediately noticed the eye candy on your arm with absolutely no regard for you, her supposed best friend.
You had to give the firefighter some credit. He cleaned up very well. He sported a business casual suit, not at all falling in line with whatever prom theme that was happening. Then again, you did not either with your little black dress.
“This is Evan Buckley,” you said, trying to put on the best sincere smile that you could muster, “my boyfriend. Happy birthday, Viola.”
Your best friend (although, let us be honest, that is a bit of a stretch at this point), did not seem convinced nor did she thank you for the nice birthday message. Instead, she turned her sights onto the man next to you, and you felt a small hole in your heart forming. If Viola went after Buck… it would not be pretty.
“Boyfriend, huh? What do you do?” Viola asked as she extended out a hand, and you cringed when you saw the white corsage that sat on her wrist.
Buck, being as polite as ever, shook her hand and kept his smile. “I’m a firefighter with the LAFD.”
“What a coincidence!” Viola said with a smile, “My boyfriend works for the LAPD. Maybe you know each other.”
Buck was catching on and there was a sort of twinkle in his eyes as he looked at the birthday girl. “I have friends in the LAPD. What’s his name? Maybe I know him.”
The fact that Buck was pressing for more information caught Viola off guard. She acted busy, acted like someone was calling her name, but you didn’t hear anyone. “Oh, that’s for me. I’ll talk to you guys later, yeah?” she sauntered off quickly, almost like she was rushing away as fast as she could so that you didn’t have a chance to call her back.
Buck turned to look at you with a quizzical expression as if to say, what the hell was that? You only shrugged your shoulders and whispered that Viola doesn’t have a boyfriend, ending the statement with a blatantly obvious eye roll.
The two of you made your way into the house where the party was in swing. No one else looked like Viola, no one else sported fancy gowns or black tie suits. In fact, a few of the party guests were wearing jeans. That must’ve been a highlight in the tea drinking gossip Viola was probably spewing in the corner with some other friends. Is it time to leave yet?
You led Buck outside to the fenced in backyard. There were a few guests here and there, but it wasn’t a massive turnout. Both of you sat on a wrought iron garden bench, away from most of the crowd. It was kind of nice to be there at the party but not really participating or engaging in small talk with the other guests.
“You know,” Buck broke the silence with a smile, “being your fake boyfriend is a lot of work.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to look at him, returning the smile. “You only agreed once I said you were the hottest person I know.”
“Listen, that’s a compliment I don’t hear often,” Buck sat back along the bench, keeping his eyes on you.
“Should I keep them coming?” you asked, and it surprised you that there was a little bit of a tease to your voice. You never noticed that before.
“How about this? You compliment me, I compliment you. I feel that is only fair,” Buck responded.
It took a moment for you to forget that you were actually at a birthday party for someone else. In this moment, on this bench, everything around you seemed to fade into the background.
“I like your suit.”
“I like your dress.”
Okay, starting out kind of simple here but it did make you smile. You thought you wore the dress to impress Viola. Maybe you wore the dress to impress him? Did your subconscious plan that?
“You are very good at your job,” you responded.
His eyes were alight and there was that twinkle again. You could stare into his eyes forever, they were stunning, just like everything else about him.
“Not exactly a compliment, you haven’t seen what I can do,” Buck said with a smirk. That was when he pulled the move. The fake-stretch put-an-arm-around-you move. What in the fresh hell was that? Because, and this is what shocked you the most, it actually worked on you.
“You’re beautiful,” Buck said.
Fuck, he won the compliment game. Your face flushed, fast and hard, creeping down to your neck and down your spine. You had to look away from him, and you heard him laugh when you did.
You didn’t get to enjoy the moment for long because you heard Viola approaching the two of you, with some minions behind her. You looked at her. Her white dress was absolutely blinding in the fading sunlight and you squinted just to see straight.
Buck stood up to greet her and you did the same, smiling politely at her.
“Sorry about that. Being the birthday girl means never ending attention. Anyway, Y/N didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend. How did you two meet?” Viola said. There was a sudden look in her eyes, and you knew. You knew she was catching on, pulling on loose threads to see what would unravel.
You felt Buck slip his hand in your own and he didn’t miss a beat. “Y/N locked her keys in her car. I just happened to be driving by.”
That was the truth. That was literally how the two of you met. If fate were a thing, you would swear that was how you guys met, through some act of divine fate. But you remained quiet.
“Forgive me, but I’m having a hard time believing this. If you are really Y/N’s boyfriend, then kiss her,” Viola said. She seemed to be smirking, like she trapped you and Buck in a corner, like it was a big reveal that your relationship with Buck was fake.
Buck inhaled deeply, like he needed to calm down a bit. His hand gripped yours tightly, but you could feel that it was tensing up. Thank god for that, because you didn’t know how he would react if you didn’t keep him grounded and firmly planted next to you.
“Y/N,” Buck said, and your head snapped to his attention. He was looking at you. Once your eyes fell into his line of sight, he swooped in. His free hand went to the side of your face, caressing the soft skin of your cheek. His lips landed on yours, moving delicately, gently. You were not in control of your body as you felt yourself pushing into Buck’s muscular physique. When he pulled away, your lips quite literally pulled down into a frown. You didn’t want the kiss to end, and it showed.
Once the environment came back into view and you were aware of your surroundings, you quickly fixed your expression and turned to look at Viola, who looked slumped and defeated in her white gown. Perhaps she truly felt she was going to win the game you and Buck were playing, and she wasn’t prepared for the outcome.
“Is that enough proof or do you need more?” Buck quickly looked at Viola, and he didn’t look very happy. Viola got the hint. She disappeared as fast as she arrived, with her entourage scattering in different directions. Once she and her friends were gone, Buck turned to you and said, “I don’t like that girl.”
You were still in a bit of a fog from the kiss, and you could feel your lips tingling for more. The sensation would not go away.
Eventually, much to your chagrin, it hit you. The moment was over, you proved your point. No need in keeping things going. You did your job, made your appearance with a devilishly delicious man on your arm, and now you can go home and leave Buck alone. He probably was not thrilled with the outcome of events, given the look on his face.
“I think it’s time to put an end to the fake boyfriend thing,” you said with a frown as you looked at him.
There was something new to his expression, an unconvinced look as he shook his head. “Maybe I want to be the real thing someday.”
Was this playful banter or was he serious?
“That would require going on a real date,” you said. You grabbed him by the arm, keeping up with appearances as the two of you walked to the gate in the fence. You unlatched the opening and watched the gate swing open.
“So ask me.”
You stared at him in confusion as the two of you slowly walked toward the car. It was starting to get interesting again.
“Ask you what?” you replied.
“Ask me out,” he said suddenly, not missing a moment.
Your heart was erratic at this point, and you let go of his arm now that the two of you were away from the party.
“Dearest Evan Buckley, would you do me the absolute pleasure of going on a date with me?” you said sarcastically.
He wasn’t playing games anymore. Without a warning, he had you pinned against the car, leaving very little wiggle room. Your body pressed along the passenger side door, and you felt his hands rub against your waist. You were facing him, and you wished you weren’t. Looking at that incredibly handsome face was becoming a weakness. Your knees shook as you tried to steady yourself.
He leaned in and whispered in a soft voice. “Try again.”
You felt his hot breath against your ear as he kissed the sensitive spot under your earlobe. An explosion of tingles erupted throughout your body as his lips brushed against your weak spot.
“What are you doing?” you asked quietly. Any louder and you were afraid how shaky and trembling your voice would sound. First, he won the compliment game, now he was winning whatever this was.
“Ask again,” Buck whispered in your ear.
One of your arms ran up his, and fuck, that was a mistake. The bulging muscles were almost too much for you to bare.
“Will you go out with me?” you whispered.
You felt his lips leave a trail from your neck, across your jawline, ending with a sweet peck against your lips as he smiled.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he said as he opened the car door behind you, “Let’s go get that beer.”
It was easy to slide into the car since you were already a puddle of goo. Your whole body was on fire just from his touch. Buck walked around the car and entered the driver’s side. He turned the key in the ignition and the car roared to life. His hand reached for yours and you accepted it instantly.
How in the world did the evening turn out like this? And where in the world was it going to go? You could only wonder as Buck began driving. Inviting him to a party as your fake boyfriend was the best decision you ever made, and you couldn’t wait to see what else was in store tonight.
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
318 notes · View notes
palbabor-writes · 4 years
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Adult language, SMUT/18+only, cunnilingus, switching, bratting, face-riding, Satoru being Satoru, so he’s chatty & in general the worst  
Words: 12,815
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“Knock it off,” you huff, doing your best to ignore how your breasts press against the flat planes of his chest. Then his fingers are under your chin, gently tipping your head up and leaning so close that his lips are inches from your own. 
“But what if I don’t want to?” he teases, his voice falling into a lower, hushed pitch before he relaxes his hold, letting you slip from his hands.
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Notes: this thing has been languishing in my drafts since like, January. because it was my first step away from BNHA i’ve sorta over analyzed it & edited it, likely to death. but anyway, without further ado, here is my first venture into the JJK fandom! thank you for edits & suggestions: @albinoburrito, @kugutsuu​, @kogo​ & everyone else that i’ve forced to look at this thing. love you all sm & ty for putting up with me!
& it’s gojo because of course it fucking is. 
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Impetuous im·pet·u·ous /imˈpeCH(o͞o)əs/ adjective done quickly
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“I hate to be a harbinger of bad news, and I can understand your frustration, but that’s what they asked me to do. Doesn’t matter what continent we’re on, elders are elders. Honestly, I’m a little shocked that this teaching pathway is even an option for him.” Although you speak softly, your voice seems to carry more in these close meeting rooms, clattering off the tatami mats and gleaming leather couches.   
Yaga massages the bridge of his nose and adjusts his dark sunglasses before lifting his eyes to yours. “I understand, but I still feel that he would be an asset to our school. As long as his motivations remain pure, that’s all I can ask for, at present.”
“Pure or not,” you continue, lacing your fingers as you cross one leg over the other. “It’s vital to see how he handles himself on these missions. What if he has a student with him? I’ve never seen his fighting style, but I’ve heard he can be reckless. How can he foster confidence and proper growth if he’s not measured on the basics? There’s the additional worry of taking him off of the higher ranked missions. Or, if you elect to keep sending him on them, can he handle both? Can he teach and still be a successful sorcerer and asset?”
“He’ll be expected to do both. He knows this,” Yaga sighs, reaching for his lukewarm cup of tea. “While he’s not known for his conventionality, I don’t think that will interfere with his teaching. As I said, some recent events at the school have helped to illuminate the importance of managing the coming generation. Satoru is confident, and I believe that will translate well to any future students. He’s already taken on some responsibility with young Fushiguro and the boy is doing well under his instruction.”
“Fushiguro?” you ponder. Your school administration and the head elders had given you a list of names, people who represented the top families among Japan’s sorcerers, but you don’t remember seeing a name like Fushiguro among the others.
“He’s related to the Zen’in family,” Yaga explains, spreading his vast hands open as he replaces his tea cup against the low table that rests between the two of you. “So, if I’m understanding correctly, your superiors in America have sent you to Japan to collect a series of reports. One is on the influence of curses and how our alumni comport themselves in the field. The other is the analysis of our teaching styles and to, how did you put it, ‘further diversify your own teaching abilities as a jujutsu educator.’ And, as if that wasn’t possibly enough, to observe our newest teaching candidate, Satoru Gojo.” 
“In a nutshell,” you confirm, a smile quirking the edge of your lips. “We’ve got some missions lined up, right?”
“Yes. You will enter the field with Satoru and one other returning alumna, Shoko Ieiri. She’s finished her medical degree and will join our research facilities in the coming weeks.”
“Oh! She’s the one who can use the reverse healing technique! I’ve heard of her.”
“Yes. She was in Satoru’s class. I realize your report is the main aim that you have here, but I would ask that you keep an open mind. While your report is of value to our school, it will not affect my decision on the matter.”
You lean against the stiff cushions of the couch and cock your head at Yaga’s impassive expression. “Of course,” you assure him, noting that nothing in his outward appearance shifts as you give him the response he was waiting for. “Should be an interesting week, at the very least.”
“Oh,” Yaga replies, finally cracking a less than reassuring grin. “Satoru will make sure of that.”
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“Hey! (L/N)-san! The next report is up and they’re sending a manager for us, hurry up! Stop scribbling things in that little notebook. What are you writing anyway? Is it some kinda biography? Oooh! Is it on me? Is that why you keep looking at me? It is, isn’t it? Ahh, now I’m gonna feel self-conscious.”
You snap your notepad closed and slip it into your hip pouch, stepping toward the two fellow members of your team. “It’s just routine notes and you don’t need to call me (L/N)-san. I realize it’s likely force of habit, but please, just call me (Y/N).”
“Ahhh! We’re already on a first name basis! I’m blushing. I’ve never had a girl be this forward with me!” Satoru sighs, clapping his hands against his cheeks and leaning over you. “You’re so bold!”
“Ugh,” you scoff, rolling your eyes at him. “Liar, and stop that. I’m still the senior sorcerer in this party. I–”
“But you’re just a grade 1,” he interrupts, bracing his hands on his hips and exaggerating his stance, moving his face close to yours. As he looms ever nearer, you raise your chin and hold your ground. This invasion of personal space is a tactic he loves to use. 
At first, you’d figured he was just another one of those guys who weren’t aware how intimidating their sheer height and presence came off to others. However, as the days wore on, you noticed his intentional maneuvering. He would press at Shoko too, but she was better at ignoring him, so he soon turned his full attention to you.
“Yeah, I might only be a grade 1, but they have given me the command on all of our missions. It’s my job to file the reports, a task that you, as the technical ‘junior party’, aren’t trusted to do.”
“You’re so right! That’s a tremendous responsibility. How do you stand under all that pressure (Y/N)! The role of the pencil pusher is such a big job. I should act right! Or I’ll never be a real jujutsu sorcerer! God, look at this Shoko, we need to get our shit together! At this rate, we’ll never be able to file our own reports!”
“Now, now,” you tut, raising a finger in front of your face, forcing him to take a subconscious step backwards. “Watch what you say, after all, you’re wanting to become a teacher. So some part of the masochism of endless paperwork must appeal to you.” 
Satoru’s smooth lips raise into a broad smirk and pulls away, arching his arms behind his pale head. “Hmm, I’ll give you that one (Y/N). Mainly because of your choice of wording. Masochism. What a word for it. And why’d you have to say it so straight faced? Oh, that reminds me, what time is our next mission at?”
“Uh, why did masochism remind you of that?” you pause, lifting your wrist so you can check the time on your watch. “I think it’s in two hours, give or take traffic.”
“Hmm, and it’s in the Chiba district?”
“Yeah, that’s in Tokyo, right?”
“It is,” Shoko chimes in, twirling a lock of her long brown hair between two of her fingers. Her low voice reminds you, and you turn to face her. “Speaking of names, I never asked, would you prefer Shoko or Ieiri?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she replies, lifting her tawny eyes to yours, catching some of the bright sunlight as it fades into the deep circles under her eyelids. The contrast makes her skin look even more pallid. “First name, last name, whatever is easier.”
“Shoko okay with you then?”
“Sure,” she nods, the ghost of a smile lifting her lips. 
“Oi!” Satoru interrupts, slinging an arm over Shoko’s shoulder and fixing you with a pointed look. Or you assume he is, it’s hard to tell where he’s looking because of those white strips of cloth that obscure his eyes. “You know what’s in Chiba, don’t you?”
You blink at him, unsure if this is another one of his aimless questions or something genuine. “No. Should I?”
“You’re a tourist and you really don’t know what’s in–”
“We’ve already been over this Satoru; I am not a tourist,” you protest. “I’m here on official business from my administration to–”
“Yeah, yeah. Look, special, ‘top secret’ assignment or not, you’re still basically a tourist because it’s your first time to Japan. You’re honestly telling me you didn’t look up anything before you arrived?”
“Um,” you waver, eyes narrowing at the cheerful leer that’s drifting over Satoru’s angular features. “I looked up some basic things. I know about the Shinjuku and Roppongi districts. Oh, and Harajuku, that’s a big one too.”
“Mmhm, very good, my little tourist, but do you know what’s in the Chiba district?”
“Don’t call me that and stop screwing around Satoru. If this has nothing to do with the mission, then I’m not interested. I could care less what’s in the district–”
“Might just be rumors, but I’ve been hearing about an increase in cursed activity. Especially around that theme park. I’m sure you’ve heard of it,” he looks upward, pearlescent hair tumbling behind his wrappings. “I guess it’s not surprising that it’s a hot spot, what with all the people who are always checking it out. It’s pretty famous.” 
Tch. He’s not gonna tell you. 
You suck your teeth and twist your hand back to your hip pouch, digging for your phone. As you peer over the search results you can hear him rambling on about the notoriety of the unnamed place but as soon as you hit the second result, your head whips back up. 
There’s no way. 
Of course you’d heard of it, you’d even thought about it when the higher ups asked you to take on the assignment to Japan, but never, not in a million years, would you have figured that you’d have a chance to go. Not on this trip.
“Are you serious?” you breathe, blinking up at his smug face. Satoru doesn’t answer, just pops one hand under his chin and gives you a shit-eating grin. You look back at your phone and bite your lip, doing your best to contain your budding excitement, double checking the map for the district.
If he’s not pulling some kind of elaborate joke, it looks like Tokyo Disneyland is the location of your next mission.
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“What… what the fuck is this, some kinda elaborate joke??” 
The gates to the amusement park are warped, and the paint is peeling; one side looks like it’s about to melt off of the frame, all twisted metal and faded rust. Just past the gates you can see what looks like an old merry-go-round, complete with lions, tigers, bears and several sets of horses. At the tip-top of the ride rest a star, and atop that star is a wraith like curse. It spindles around the flecks of gold and cool bronze, baring its teeth at the three of you and sputtering a long line of broken speech as it twists and turns. 
“Huh, still looks about the same. This place was enormous when I was a kid. Now it’s a trendy spot for ghost hunters and thrill seekers! I think five or six people died here last year.” Satoru grins, tucking his hands into his pockets as he strides forward. In seconds, he’s beside the curse on the merry-go-round, silencing chittering of its inane dialogue, letting an eerie quiet seep over the rest of the abandoned grounds.
“So stupid. I cannot believe I let him make me think we were going to Disneyland. You know what he’s like, Shoko! Why didn’t you tell me? He–”
“I honestly don’t listen to him. No idea he was making you think this was Tokyo Disney,” Shoko interrupts, already following the path Satoru took, tucking her brown hair behind her neck with a loose hair tie. “But since we’re here, could you lower the curtain and take care of those level 2 curses on the ticket booth?”
You let out a long sigh and toss her a quick affirmative, reciting the familiar incantation, watching as the darkening shield slopes its way down from the skies, sheltering the three of you within its haze.
The first set of curses are easy enough and you swiftly take care of them, unleashing your cursed technique and splicing them into faded dust. How ridiculous, you think, opening the door to the booth and dodging an ill timed lunge from a sneakier curse who was hiding inside. Satoru honestly had you thinking that you’d be going to the Disneyland theme park. On the way over, he’d even told you about the layout of the park and what potential curses might be lurking about. 
What a jerk. 
Still, you muse, turning toward another shrieking hulk of a curse that’s lumbering toward you, it’s impressive he’d led you on so easily. You make a mental note to get back at him later, for now you need to clear this area and focus on the task at hand. 
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“I cannot believe that you led me on like that!” you pout, knocking back a small swig of beer.
“Pfft,” Satoru chuckles, wagging one long finger at you. “Didn’t ever say it was gonna be Disneyland, did I? You came to that conclusion all on your own.”
“Oh please! Making me look up what ‘famous tourist spots are in Chiba’ and then nodding each time I said I was excited to see some of the rides on the way over.”
“You could have really been into haunted carnivals. How was I supposed to know?”
“Ass,” you snap playfully, sticking your tongue out at his pleased smile. 
After the mission and spotting your peeved expression, Satoru had insisted that you let him take the two of you out for a drink. According to Shoko, the bar in this neighborhood was highly rated and had some of the best specials in the entire district. 
The place was packed; but somehow Shoko had secured three seats up at the bar top, ushering you to sit between her and Satoru, informing you there must always be a three foot buffer between her and ‘that loser’. The bartender seemed to know her and, before you could pull yourself into the worn leather seat, three foaming lagers were passed across the rough surface of the bar top, one for each of you. 
“Thanks,” you’d murmured, cupping your hands around the glass. On your right, Satoru pushed his lager toward you, raising two fingers at the distracted barkeep as he chatted with Shoko. “What’s wrong? Don’t like beer?” you’d asked, bemused by his disgruntled expression. 
“Nah,” he’d confirmed, wagging his digits a little faster, chin lifting as he let out a huffed exhale. “Messes with my eyes. I want something to eat, though. Hey! Shoko! Stop flirting with him and ask if they have anything sweet! Shokooo! Don’t ignore me!”
Shoko made a show of rolling her eyes but, a few minutes later, a plate of piping hot fried sweet buns appeared and he’d swiftly grabbed up one, popping it in his mouth and smacking it hungrily. You’d turned to ask Shoko what they were, but by the time you’d twisted back to Satoru over half of the cakes were gone. 
“Damn, you inhaled them,” you’d exhaled, a little shocked he could scarf them down that quickly.
“Well, they’re not bad and hit the spot, for now,” he’d grinned. “Want one?”
“I’m good. You might bite my finger if I get too close… mistake it for one of the buns…”
“Awe, what’s wrong? Think you wouldn’t taste good?”
“Yikes,” you laugh and Satoru hums, clearly pleased with your genuine mirth.
Shoko, who was soon engrossed in conversation with a few of the other patrons to the left of her, kept ordering rounds for the both of you. To keep up, you diligently sipped at each fresh beer, careful to keep abreast of the thrum of the alcohol with several responsible swigs of water. Satoru seemed content with his small order of sweets and peppered you with questions about life in America. He asked about what grade year you taught, the ins and outs of curses within the states and how you liked Japan. He kept things lively and made a point to throw in a few lighthearted jokes at you, beaming each time you laughed at his barbs. 
“So, what you’re saying is there’s no one in America quite like me?” he teases, stretching his long arms dramatically before leaning closer to you.
“Stop that! You’re gonna hit someone,” you grin, trying to shove at his side, watching as your hand freezes in midair, held off by his limitless technique. “Seriously? You’ve still got that on?”
“Mmhm,” Satoru intones. “24/7, 365!”
“You would,” you try to jostle him again, bemused by the fraying and shimmering sliver of infinity that rests between the two of you.
“It’s a tremendous strain on my brain, you know,” he bemoans, dropping his head and fixing a long frown over his lips.
“You deserve it.”
“Ack!” Satoru cries out, clutching at his heart. “Wow! No sympathy! You really gonna treat me like this? My senpai?”
“May I remind you - Tokyo Disneyland,” you intone, glaring at his haggard expression. 
“WOW. You’re never gonna let that go, huh?” Satoru cracks a face, arching his mouth and hollowing his cheeks, letting a high pitched, cracked voice leech from his lips. “Ahhh, that damned man! He deprived me of my dreams! The chance to see Tokyo Disneyland, one last time!”
“What is that? Me? But… old?”
“Pretty good, right?”
“Well, I think it was uncanny!” he crows, nodding.
“What in your warped mind makes you think I’ll sound anything like that when I’m old?” you ask, pushing your empty beer pint forward as you purse your lips. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so excited over the idea of a theme park,” he ponders, tapping a bent index finger against his smooth chin. “Don’t you guys have them in the states? The Disney parks, I mean.”
“We do, we have two. But, since you made me think we were coming to Tokyo Disneyland, I looked up some rides,” you snatch your phone from the counter, scrolling through a few photos before you land on the right one. “Ah! Here it is! Look at this! See?” you chirp, pushing the gleaming screen of your phone toward him.
“Uh. What am I looking at?”
“It’s the Tower of Terror!”
“Which is… ummm… a ride?”
“Yeah? And look at it! It’s upside down! I don’t think the one in America does that,” your finger reaches toward your phone and you blow up the closest image, tapping at the bright colors. Satoru laughs and waves a hand up, attracting the bartender once more and gesturing for another beer for you. “Imma get you another drink, you’re fun like this, plus, you’re just too cute with that little smile.”
You miss his last comment, wholly focused on finding another set of images. “Oh my God! Look! During Halloween they have a night parade in front of it! And… ahhh! Satoru! There’s a green ghost at the top! It’s almost like that curse we saw tonight at the carnival!” 
His long fingers snatch up your bright device, and he yanks it away from your wide eyes. “Ok, that’s enough of that. I’m worried you might end up cursing me for not taking you.”
You give him a sour look and vainly try to grab your phone back, fingers unable to pass through his unseen barrier. “What? No fair! I still don’t understand how you can always have this up!”
“Practice,” he taunts, shaking his head at your determination and wandering touch, chuckling each time you bounce off of his cursed technique. “On another note,” he begins as your new lager is placed in front of you. “What’s in that report that you’re working on?”
You decide to ignore the fact that he’s still holding your phone and cautiously sip past the foam of your fresh beer, peering up at him, studying the lines of his white cloth. It doesn’t tell you much, so you look at his lips instead. They’re pale, but they’re held in a serious line, so you carefully construct your response. “What makes you think I have a report?”
“Why else would you be here?” Satoru counters, rapping his nails against the warped wood of the bar top. “I know you met with Yaga and you’re too cautious and overpowered to be sent on missions with Shoko and me. So you must be here for something else.”
“Officially,” you concede, “I’m here to observe the teaching techniques and skills of the alumni of your school. I’m sure this will come as no shock, but curses are getting more powerful, both here and overseas, and we’re doing our best to keep ahead of those changes. I’m supposed to pick up what tricks I can and bring them back home, to see how we can implement it.”
“Reasonable,” he allows, spreading his fingers before coiling them under his palms again. “But that’s not everything, is it?”
No, you think it’s not. 
You lower your beer and look over at him. He’s braced himself against the bar and his head is dipped so his chin is almost against his breastbone. He doesn’t exactly look dejected, but you can see that he’s thinking deeply and something about that openness makes your heart squeeze. He looks a bit like a kicked puppy. 
Ugh, he’s not a bad guy. He’s funny, and he knows what he’s doing, plus he has the confidence to get where he needs to go. In all honesty, he wouldn’t make a terrible teacher. Maybe not the best, but he certainly wouldn’t be the worst. 
“I–there… there’s some concern you’d be too divided - that it’s not practical to have you teach and go on missions. I also don’t think your own elders trust you much.”
“Ah-ha!” Satoru beams, springing upward and pointing two finger guns at you. “You are here to look in on me! Knew it!”
You can’t help but laugh at him. “Fine, fine, you got me. Let’s get this over with, huh? So we can get back to talking about things other than work, I liked that. What’s the most direct thing I can ask? Hmm, oh! I’ll start with something easy–Why do you want to teach?”
“That’s easy?” he whines, head falling again. 
“It’s straightforward,” you bargain, propping your chin on your fist, looking him over. 
“Sure, let’s pretend that’s not a deceptively loaded question! Alright, well, it’s the best way to change things.”
“Change things?”
“Yup. Like you mentioned, lately curses have become more powerful and lately it feels like I’m the only one who’s being sent on these high-level missions. Frankly, it’s stupid to rely on just me that much, you know? That’s not practical, or even realistic. So, to my mind, it’s vital I throw my support behind some of these up-and-coming kids. You know, foster the next generation and all that. I want reliable allies in the field and to have that, I’ve gotta make sure they’re taught right. Give them everything I know, make them better than me, stronger than me.” 
You’re quiet for a long breath, eyes wide, fingers frozen around your glass, which was midway to your lips. “Damn,” you smile, letting the word hang. “You know, that was actually a pretty good answer.”
Satoru clicks his tongue and curls his lips in a grimace. “Don’t sound so surprised.” 
“I mean,” you chuckle and look up at him, eyes bright. “Well, your attitude doesn’t always inspire confidence.” 
“Ahhhhhh,” he groans, thumping his covered forehead against the bar. “Such a low blow! Bartender! Another round for me!”
“Please,” you sigh, finally taking a sip of your beer. “Do not call your sweet buns ‘another round.’” He grins at you and leans across the bar top, shifting his weight toward your bent arm. The pressure of his shoulder is warm and you nudge at him a little, playfully. He tuts at you but continues to stare ahead, a faint smile teasing the edge of his lips. 
As the bartender slides the requested plate of sweets down, you suddenly realize that you’re touching him. Your eyes widen and you slowly turn your head toward his. He’s not looking at you, content with chewing on his sweet bread, but he’s still braced against you. It’s like all of your senses are finely tuned to that one spot of faint friction between the two of you. You can feel the lines of his muscled arm as he shifts and you involuntarily gulp, doing your best to ignore the abrupt thudding of your heart. 
He said he always kept it up, didn’t he? Something about 24/7 and all the days of the year, so why is he…
“Hey,” Shoko’s voice startles you and you instinctively slide closer to Satoru, arm dragging against his shoulder as you try to right yourself again. “I’m gonna go win this drinking contest these guys have started. You two sticking around for a bit?”
“Uh,” you begin, but Satoru cuts you off, draping an arm over the back of your chair. “Yeah, we’ll be here. What are the stakes?”
“Not sure. But the pot is likely against me, if you’re in a betting mood.”
“Sure, I’ll put 20,000 yen on you.”
“Is…” you start, but Shoko is already walking off, one arm pumped into the air as she shoulders her way to the long table that’s filled with five or six others, all of them holding a full pint glass of beer between their hands. You turn back to Satoru and let out a long breath. “Is that safe?”
“Huh?” he asks, face close to yours. You can smell his cologne from here and the heady scent of him and crisp patchouli fills your senses. “I mean Shoko, will she be ok?” you elaborate, eyes studying the space where his own would be, silently hoping that he’ll pull down the barrier that covers half of him from your curious gaze. 
“Ah,” he nods sagely, leaning back a little to look out at where Shoko is sitting, quietly waiting for the start of the game with her full beer. “She’s got a ridiculously high tolerance. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s part of her cursed technique. She’ll be fine.”
“True, she likely knows the limits of the human body better than anyone else. But… I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so… excited?” you muse, sitting against your chair and running into the flat palm of Satoru’s hand. For a moment, you debate shifting away, but he’s not really doing anything, just letting the tips of his fingers rest against the curve of your spine, tapping a disjointed rhythm as he watches the start of the contest, that all too familiar smile still tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“She used to be a little more laid back, you know?” he replies, leaning a little harder into your side as he lowers his voice, keeping close to your ear so you can hear him. “She always looks so tired now and her whole outlook has changed, but I suppose four years of med school will do that to you. Although, I did hear that she cheated her way out.”
“No!” you gasp, eyebrows lifted in shock. Satoru laughs, and for once, you’re not thinking it might be at your expense. “Yeah! Just the word on the street. But I wouldn’t put it past her. Shoko’s always done her best to avoid things, namely confrontation or extra work, so it makes sense she’d jet outta med school as fast as she could too.”
“That’s crazy and frankly, terrifying.”
“Riiight?” he shivers, lips raising in an exaggerated wince. “But that’s our Shoko. I’ve got a feeling she’ll do well at the school and I’m grateful I’ll have time to work with her again. It’s been way too long…” Satoru trails off and you can feel his hand slip up your back, fingers ghosting over your shoulder blades.
“Stop that,” you scold, shaking him off with a quick jolt and twisting around to look at his roguish smirk. “What happened to always maintaining your barrier?”
“Awe” he groans, dunking his head against your shoulder with a thump. “Come on, I’ve gotta win you over somehow!”
“Are you serious?”
“Well, I mean, I want the job.”
“I’m gonna hit you,” you threaten, doing your best to keep your bubbling amusement contained. 
“Try it,” he taunts, lifting his head and keeping his face close. His nose is inches from yours and you can barely make out his sharp grin, but you can feel the drag and pull of his breath as it passes over you, leaving a lingering sweetness against your skin. Instantly, your hand lifts to him, fully intent on shoving him back, but you can’t move any closer, trapped by the sudden emergence of his infinity. 
“Ass,” you prickle, shaking your head at his antics. Another peal of laughter falls from his soft lips and you can’t help but smile back, caught up in his infectious joviality. “Tch. Don’t make me find more Tokyo Disney pictures.”
“You can’t,” he informs you, cocking his head at your confusion. “I still have your phone.”
“Hey! Give that back!” you gasp, snatching blindly at him. He shifts back into his seat and yanks your device out of his pocket, waggling it tauntingly in front of you. “Uh-uh! Gotta get past the barrier first!”
“That’s not fair!”
“Never said that I’d make this… oh! Shoko! How did it go? Win me something?”
You twist and spot Shoko’s dark head approaching the two of you. She pauses beside Satoru and flips a large stack of bills down on the bar top, a wide grin on her usually impassive face. “As expected, I won. Here’s your cut, Satoru. Don’t spend it all in one place or on another order of sweet buns, would you? Think you can do that for me?” 
She and Satoru bicker back and forth playfully as you unfold several of the notes, aimlessly organizing them on the countertop as their brisk conversation winds back down.
“So,” Shoko murmurs, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket and knocking one free from the carton. “You two gonna head out soon? I don’t really see a need to call one of the managers, the school’s close by and so is (Y/N)’s hotel.” 
“Yeah,” Satoru replies, finally passing your phone back as he collects the neatly stacked set of yen from you. “Figured, I’d see her back.”
“I can find it!” you protest, jamming your phone safely into your pouch once more.
“Sure,” he mocks, arching toward you as he braces an elbow against the bar. “You can barely speak Japanese and I know you can’t read much kanji, but sure thing, let’s let you loose in the city. See how far you make it before you’re calling one of us, hmm?”
“That’s not… I–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Satoru waves his hand back and forth and turns back to Shoko. “I’ll let her finish her drink and then we’ll head out. See you tomorrow?”
Shoko nods at his question and, for a moment, you think you spy a knowing look pass between the two of them, but before you can call out to her, Shoko is already making her way toward the door.
“What was that?” you ask, eyes narrowed as Satoru looks down at you, white hair gleaming under the low lights. “What?” he asks innocently, propping his chin onto his open palm. “That look that the two of you just gave each other.”
“No idea what you’re talking about. You sure that beer didn’t hit you a little too hard?”
“Ugh, shut up.”
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Despite it being late August, a cool breeze greets the two of you when you step out of the bar. “It’s so nice out,” you comment, readjusting your boots as you hop onto the sidewalk. 
“Mmhm,” he agrees, bracing his arms behind his head as you make your way down the street. “So did you decide what you’re gonna write in your report?”
You glance up at him and make sure he can see you rolling your eyes. “Back to trying to butter me up?”
“Never! Just asking. If you wanna say I’m crazy and can’t be trusted, that’s fine. I can think of a few others who’d agree with you.” 
“Oh? Who?”
“Most people,” he laughs, stepping a little nearer and bumping against you, shocking you with the actual weight and warmth of his body again. As you continue on, you lift your hand to his arm and press the pad of your finger against his sleeve. This time, nothing bars your way so you run the digit slowly along his arm, smiling when he shivers and bats you away. 
“Stop that! Someone’s gonna see and think you’re taking advantage of me!”
The laugh that explodes from your chest at that mental image makes you stop dead in your tracks, arms lacing around your shaking stomach. Satoru scoffs at your bent figure and leans down, shaking his head at your guffawing.
 “The… the… fact that you… think that anyone… would think that… I–” 
“You’re lucky your laugh is so cute,” he muses, bracing his arms over your bent back, playfully pinning you down as he crosses his forearms.
“Hey!” you protest, squirming under his hold. “Let me up!”
“Tell me what you’ve written about me!” he threatens, chuckling as you squirm under him.
“I only said that Satoru Gojo is an absolute monster and shouldn’t be trusted with anyone’s future,” you cry out, overly pantomiming your overwrought expressions, peeking up at him from under his laced arms.
“Oh? Just that? Well, you’re right. So, fair is fair!” Satoru replies, slipping off of you so fast that you nearly tumble to the hard concrete. Half a beat later, he’s back in front of you and lifting you back to your full height, fingers soothing over your arms as he tugs you toward him. “Would it kill you to toss in a bit of praise? Talk about my undeniable prowess and skill? Wax poetic about my stunning efficiency? You know, make them think that I’ve won you over with my charms. After all, you can’t resist me, can you?”
“Knock it off,” you huff, doing your best to ignore how your breasts press against the flat planes of his chest. Then his fingers are under your chin, gently tipping your head up and leaning so close that his lips are inches from your own. 
“But what if I don’t want to?” he teases, his voice falling into a lower, hushed pitch before he relaxes his hold, letting you slip from his hands.
A distant quake dashes up your spine, but it’s not from the chill in the air. “Uh, you sure you didn’t sneak some shots under the table? The way you’re pawing at me, you’d think you were the one in the drinking contest.”  
“Nah, I told you, I don’t drink. Messes with my eyes.” Satoru pats his index finger against his white wrappings for emphasis.
“Mmm, the six eyes, right? Powerful ability, from what little I’ve heard of it.”
“Yeah,” he hums. “It’s a rare technique. Wanna see?”
You’d walked on, but once the question leaves his lips your feet swivel back, as if they have a mind of their own. He’s standing where he was, hands dug into the pockets of his pants, a lazy smile resting on his lips. The moonlight makes his hair shine, and the gleam is bright against the darkness of the street. The glow makes him look taller, imposing. He’s quiet as he waits for your answer and you take advantage of the extra time to mull over the strange man in front of you. 
He’s enigmatic; a force to be reckoned with, for curses and fellow sorcerers alike and, like most jujutsu users, a little crazy. Even knowing all of this, there’s something about him that’s drawing you in. It’s like the pull of a magnet. It tugs at the forefront of your mind and makes you step closer, wanting to see if you can unravel the puzzle that’s Satoru Gojo. 
“Fine,” you hear yourself reply, crossing your arms, steadfastly watching for his next move. “Go on. Let me see what all the hype is about.”
He grins and that mischievous look makes your heart beat race against your breastbone as yet another quake slips up your back. “Ready?” he asks, right thumb hooking under the fabric that covers his eyes. You nod once and the pad of his finger starts that short, upward, pull. 
He’s slow, painfully slow, in his unveiling. 
The smooth angle of his upper cheek peeks out, and he’s careful to roll up the white cloth as he goes. Then, right as he hits the groove of his lower eye, he stops, a frown pulling over his lips. “Mmm, I don’t know…” he contemplates, holding his thumb under his wrappings. “What if I don’t live up to your expectations? Can’t let you down. Not when you’ve been so patient. I know you’ve been wanting to ask, I can see it in your face. Every time we’d start an exorcism you’d look at me, like you were waiting, watching to see if I’d finally take off the coverings.”
Did you? 
Does it matter?
Do you want it to matter?
Flabbergasted by his all too true accusations and entirely eaten up with curiosity, you march up to him and wrap your fingers around his raised wrist, not noticing that you’re actually touching him and completely unaware of the alluring smile he flashes when your hand coils around his. “Ugh, come on! For once in your life, stop being such a tease! You’re never fair, always so… so pompous and… and–”
You’d shoved his hand upward as you began your preamble but as soon as the tightly wrapped cloth passed over his right eye you feel your breath leave your tensed body. 
His eyelashes are pale, the same ashen color as his hair, but they contrast beautifully with the lone eye that peers down. Beautiful? No, it’s more than that. It’s… it’s…
Truthfully, it’s indescribable and unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
It’s blue; but it’s not an ordinary shade. No, the color seems to meld and shift before your shocked gaze, drifting from hue to hue as the color deepens and lightens. Clouds. It’s like clouds passing over a summer sky. The brightness of the cerulean ensnares you, and you can feel your mouth go dry as you stare up at him. 
His eyes are stunning, perfect, and irresistible, hauntingly so.
“So, what do you think?” Satoru asks, pulling his wrist from your grasp and snatching your limp hand in his, twining his long fingers between your own. His skin is warm and you need to say something, anything, but your mind is stuttering, lagging miles behind as you fall headfirst into the overwhelming pull of his presence. 
Finally, you unstick part of your tongue. 
“They’re… uh… I don’t… ha… God…” You shake your head roughly and the familiarity of that motion slips out of the trance he’s placed you under. As soon as you can think again, you jerk your hand from his and blindly walk down the darkened street. Your heart feels like it’s about to fall out of your chest and you can’t stop nibbling on your lower lip. 
It’s not… this isn’t how this is supposed to go, you think, trying vainly to get the shine of Satoru’s eyes out of your mind.
“Never answered my question,” Satoru coos beside you, his long legs quickly catching up with you. “What’s wrong? You like em’ a little too much?… Or…” 
“They… they’re kinda creepy,” you blurt out, fingers curling into your palms. 
“Creepy!” he gasps, hopping in front of you and lifting up both sides of his wrappings, granting you a peek of both eyes. You do your best to avoid looking at him head on, turning and weaving from him, but he dances closer each time you shift. Damn it. His animated performance makes you exhale a quiet chuckle, and he takes your amusement as a sign to continue, constantly placing himself in your way with a broad grin. 
“Stop!” you plead, openly laughing at his sudden burst of silliness. “Now you’re acting like a creep! Satoru! Don’t! Stop showing them to me! You’re losing all of your appeal! Isn’t part of your charm the mystery? Actually, that’s likely all of your charm. Come on, stop it, there’s a cop on that street corner, he’s gonna think you’re drunk and harassing me!”
“Whaaat!” Satoru gulps, whipping his head around to look at the tired policemen that’s leaning against a dim street lamp. “Oh no! The police! Quick (Y/N), before he spots us!” His long fingers snatch up your pliant wrist and he tugs you into a dark alleyway. 
“Hey! Where are you taking me? Officer!” you call out playfully as you balefully follow him, dragging your feet along the dusty ground. “He’s over here! Help!”
“Oi! Knock it off! You wanna get me arrested?”
“Oh please, there’s no way that guy is about to follow–”
“Shit! Shhh, he’s coming this way! Come on!” The sheer force of his grip yanks you forward and you stumble after him. He takes the corner of the next alleyway and the pair of you dash along the wet patches that litter the broken concrete. He’s moving at a tremendous speed, but his feet barely make a noise as he glides over the grimy ground and it takes everything you’ve got to just hold on and keep up.  
A few twists and turns later, you can finally see the bright lights of the busy street that your hotel is on and you feel a heavy exhale of relief leave your burning lungs. Satoru skids to a halt right before he tumbles onto the safety of the sidewalk that rests a few paces ahead and pulls you beside him, grinning down at you as you try to catch your breath. 
“I think we lost him!” he beams and you suck your teeth as you bend over, hands bracing themselves against your knees. “There…there’s no… he wasn’t actually chasing us. Even if he was, I doubt he can catch up now….” your voice trails off as you hear a distant shout from the alleyway and the thud of heavy boots. 
No. There’s no way you think dumbly as you stare into the darkness, eyes searching for movement. 
“See? I told you he was on to us. He’ll see us if he comes this way. What if… Oooh, lemme try something,” Satoru’s broad hands grab at you and he swiftly maneuvers you against the damp brick of the nearest building, careful not to scrape your back as he pushes you against the rust colored siding. “Just play along, I doubt he’ll notice. Don’t give me that look, it’s your fault he’s following us!”
“My fault? I didn’t… oh–”
His lips are sleeker than you’d imagined. 
That first, teasing kiss he gives you already has you lifting your head, following the beguiling smoothness of his mouth, silently asking him for another caress. When he leans down your hands bunch into the dark fabric of his uniform and you can feel his smile against your slackened lips. He doesn’t touch you; his fingers don’t wander to the back of your jaw or the dip of your skull, instead he opts to flatten his angles against your curves, pressing until you can’t feel anything but him. 
The next kiss he gives you has a little more bite behind it, literally. 
His sharp nose bumps your cheek and his teeth worry against the plush swell of your lower lip, sucking and nipping until you’re snatching for his shoulders, searching for some kind of leverage. His mouth parts and right when you think he’s about to deepen his strokes and teasing pecks, he leans back and cocks his head at your flustered expression. “I’ve always wanted to try that,” he tells you, bracing one of his arms above your head. “It looks so fun in the movies.”
That cop could be right behind him, could be waiting for you both to stop your ridiculous routine and face the harsh gleam of reality, but you don’t care, not right now. 
Your hands had fallen from him when he pulled back, and the absence of his warmth makes you desperate to touch him again. But, when you snatch at the corners of his dark jacket, you’re met with that damned barrier. 
“Really?” you bemoan, licking at your kiss slick lips, trying again. “You’re the worst, you know that? You let me get used to the idea of having access to you and then just cut it–mmmph…” 
With a faint shudder of space, his barrier is lowered once more and his lips are back against yours. This time, his hands join in and he cups his fingers behind your ears, tilting you up as he glides his soft touch over you until you’re groaning. 
“Could have just told me you wanted more…” he rumbles in between his caresses, fingers tracing over the line of your jaw, your neck, and the slope of your shoulders. It’s like he can’t decide where he wants to go and you love the momentary burst of indecisiveness that’s broken over him. 
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More, apparently, entails you asking him to come up to your room. 
He’d laughed when you’d mentioned it, your lips swollen and glassy from his attentions, and you’d almost taken it back, peeved by his genuine amusement at the idea, but then he’d plucked you into his arms and smoothed any lingering doubts with another flurry of nips and kisses. 
“This gonna make it into your report?” he grins, yanking his high collared jacket off and tossing it carelessly onto the floor. “I should,” you barb, pulling the long band of your hip pouch off, letting it clatter to the ground as your fingers work up the buttons of your own uniform. “Let them think that you’re abusing your status.” 
“Tch, me? Abuse my power? Never. Hey, I think you’re supposed to go slower with that. Don’t just yank all of your clothes off. You know, take your time, tease me a little,” Satoru chuckles, jerking his chin toward your busy hands.
“Oh? Wanting a show?” you ask, threading the last button and spreading the heavy material apart, revealing the thin shirt that’s obscuring his view of your breasts and stomach. “Well, that’s too bad, because taking all this gear off is never fun, or sexy for that matter…”
“Not with that attitude,” he hums, stepping closer, peeling his skin tight undershirt off and revealing the sleek planes of his rippled muscles. Most sorcerers are fit; and many boast beefier sets of pectorals and curving arches of biceps and triceps, but there’s something about the streamlined leanness of Satoru that’s making your hands itch. He’s not far, you could reach out for him, slip your fingers over the dips and beveled lines of his abdomen and follow that tempting strip of white that winds down the front of his pants, but that makes this too easy and there’s nothing about Satoru that’s easy.
“Mmm, that’s a new look.” His voice is distant to your ears, but the satisfied note that’s vibrating through his words makes you snap your head up, fingernails scraping against your palms. “You look like you wanna eat me (Y/N)… or maybe, taste is a better adjective. Awe, what’s the matter? Worried I won’t let you?”
You run your tongue over your lips and lift one hand, holding it steady and crooking your index finger at his brazen expression, pleased to see that cheeky smile of his falters a little. “Do me a favor, come here and take off that blindfold.”
“Ah-ha, so bossy,” he growls, voice sinking into that sinfully lower octave as he raises his broad hands to the back of his wrappings, unwinding the fabric and slowly advancing toward you. He stops when the tips of his toes are inches from your own, bracing his palms toward his face, holding the last strip across his eyes. “Wanna do the honors? Or are you expecting me to do all the work tonight?”
“As if. Besides…” you snicker, pulling two fingers to the remains of his blindfold and peeling it down, watching as his hair falls forward, slowly divulging the top of his forehead, pale eyebrows and that shock of avid blue that’s already gazing down at you. “I think you like when I tell you what to do, don’t you?”
“Ahh, looks like she figured me out,” Satoru groans, letting the ivory bindings fall to the floor, his hands already reaching for your waist. He doesn’t give you an opportunity to study him, but they’ll be time for that later, you reason, arms lacing around his chorded neck. 
This kiss is hungrier and his tongue immediately dances along the seam of your lips, pressing until you give in. It’s an awkward angle, but he expertly adjusts himself to you, slotting a warm palm against the small of your back and raising the other to curl into your hair, lifting you until it’s perfect. 
He’s greedy, devouring every inch you give him with a ravenous edge, but when you suck on his lower lip, he slips into something that’s clearly a little more unhinged. 
Suddenly, he’s the one who’s bending forward, trying to get as close to you as he physically can, hunching until you can trace your fingertips over the sharpness of his jaw. His teeth clink against yours as he snatches you up, and you can feel the sharp bulge of his length, the hardness grinding down your hips and stomach as he yanks you nearer. It’s hard to breathe, but he’s refusing to let you budge, lips avariciously seeking and pulling, leaving you with nothing else but the sheer enormity of his touch.  
“Fuck,” he gasps, finally letting you fall from his grasp, heaving out a few unsteady breaths. “You’ve got way too much on. Why do you still have so much on?” He plucks at your shirt but stops when he frees the edge from your pants, cerulean eyes bright in the moonlight. “Take it off,” he heaves, forehead pressing against yours, lifting his fingers from you. “Take it off for me, please?” 
You nod, a little taken aback by his sudden desperation, and he watches closely as you yank the thin material up, blue eyes shining as you unveil yourself. When the shirt passes over your breasts, he gives you a distracted kiss to the temple before he pulls away, freeing you to pull it over your head and sighing happily when it finally hits the floor, leaving you partially bare. As soon as your arms lower, he’s back against you, hands cupping at your hips, jerking you forward. “Whoa,” you gasp, bracing your palms against his chest. “Slow down. Let me get the rest of this–”
“No, no, no, no,” he chants, fingers smoothing up your spine. “Stop, for a second… just… just gimme a minute. You feel so nice. Your skin, it’s… it’s so warm and so fucking smooth, ahhh. Ohh, yes. A few more seconds (Y/N), just let me… It’s been so long since I’ve touched someone like this. I kinda forgot what it felt like and I don’t wanna let go, not yet.”
His head is bowed and that hauntingly blue gaze is covered by his winced eyelids, but he can’t seem to stop moving. Even as he asks you to hold still, to let him touch you, feel you, he keeps shifting his weight and burrowing his brow into the dip of your shoulder. 
“Can I take this off?” he asks, nails scritching at the clasp of your bra. “Please? Lemme take it off. Come on. I know you wanna touch me too, I saw how you were looking at me a minute ago. You’re so fucking cute, I can’t… ahaha, fuck, I sound insane. Look, I’ll slow down, I promise, just gimme a little more of you.”
When he mischievously snaps the strap of your bra against your shoulder blade, you can’t help but laugh at his infectious exuberance. His head lifts from you and he turns his attention to your neck, soft lips sucking and nipping at you until you’re wriggling in his hold. “Alright, alright! Just step back, Satoru! I’ll take it off,” you placate, knocking him away and huffing at the long face he gives you in return. “Here,” your fingers unhook the two pronged clasp and the delicate lace slips from your shoulders, falling to the carpeted floor with a hush. “Okay, that’s everything on the top half. Now what are–Ah! Satoru!” 
He takes full advantage of his superior speed and before you can blurt out a proper retort, he’s against you. 
His teeth worry at your earlobe and he immediately hoists you upward, seizing the lush curve of your ass and pulling you into his powerful arms, urging your legs to wrap around his trim waist. When you shakily oblige, he cups one lean arm under you, but the other drags you forward, scraping your newly bared breasts and stiffened nipples against the planes of his powerful pectorals. When he walks, you jostle in his grasp and coil your fingers around his neck, smiling when he moans contentedly at your reliance on his firm hold. “Damn,” he grunts, cocking his head so he can lick a wet circle into your pulse. “You feel fucking good (Y/N). So damn smooth, how are you so soft? God, I want more, I wanna feel everything.”
The front of his shins hit the edge of your bed and he tumbles you down, a dark grin spreading over his face as he watches you stretch out teasingly. He plants a knee into the soft bedding and braces both arms beside your head, leering over you. 
For a long breath, both of you study each other, eyes whisking over gleaming skin and the curves of your faces. Without the added heft of that blindfold Satoru’s snowy hair hangs loosely over his face, straight tendrils clinging to his brow, making him look younger, mellower, and so very handsome. Opting to take advantage of this lull, you reach up and thread your fingers into the silken strands.
When you reach the edge of his temple, you scrape your nails against his scalp, grinning as he lets a heavy exhale fall between his lips, cerulean eyes falling to a pleased half mast. “You’re trying to distract me,” he accuses, gliding a wide palm up your side. You shake your head and keep twirling his hair across your fingertips, marveling at his own softness. “No. I just like your hair.”
“That’s a first,” he snorts, cupping a palm underneath one of your breasts and pulling his thumb over the swelling bud of your nipple. “Here I am, trying to feel you up, and you’re too distracted by my hair to appreciate it. How rude.”
“Shut up,” you gasp out, arching into his hand as he tweaks and plucks at your pebbled tip. “You’re lucky I’m even… mmm… letting you do this.”
“Please. It was your idea, remember?”
Satoru lowers one of his braced arms, letting his weight fall heavily to one side as he keeps his deepening ministrations up. Your fingers are still buried in his hair when he drops his lips to your breast. You feel the flick of his tongue first, and the light tap has you bowing your back, gasping out a faint cry as his rough appendage continues to swipe and twirl over your sensitive flesh. Instinctively, your hands tug at his pearlescent strands and he tilts his head up, fixing you with a lazy stare. “That’s better, looks like I just need to refocus you, huh?” he muses, his words half garbled as he sucks your plump breast into his mouth. He keeps flicking his tongue over you as he suckles, lapping and nipping until you’re writhing under him. 
Once he’s satisfied, his free hand lowers to your grinding hips, forcing you to lay flat against the bed, switching his attention to the neglected twin, sucking and pressing open mouthed bites to your damp, shaking skin. 
A tight heat is coiling in your core and your thighs rub against each other, trying to cool the sharp pricks of arousal that are coursing through you. As soon as your hands fall from his head, Satoru picks up his pace, licking his sloppy tongue under your breasts and nibbling his way down your quivering stomach. “You’re still wearing way too much,” he scolds, fingers toying with the gold clasp of your pants. 
“It’s… oh… difficult to take things off when you… ah–won’t let me move more than two feet from you.” You’d meant it to sound a little firmer, but his constant touch is wearing down your focus, distracting you with brilliant flashes of his luminescent blues and whites. 
“Awe, (Y/N),” he whines, popping his hand against your hip, long fingers digging into your swelled curves. “That’s not fair. I told you, I always have my barrier up. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve touched someone, anyone? I mean really touched them?”
“Daw,” you sigh, propping yourself up on your elbows and peering down at him. “You poor thing. The all powerful Satoru Gojo, too honed and practiced with his neutral technique that he can’t even hold anyone’s hand.” 
“Ha, such a jerk,” he laughs, exaggerating a wounded frown. “I bare my soul to you and this is how I’m treated?” 
“Stop being so dramatic,” you scoff, yanking your legs from under him and popping up on your knees, hands reaching for him, curling under his jaw and urging him upwards. His eyes lock onto yours and the grin that tweaks the corner of his lips gives you an idea. “You said you wanted to touch more of me, right?”
As you wait for your answer, you scoot backwards, making him follow you across the bed, finally luring all of his sprawling form onto the cool sheets. “Mmhm,” he grunts, doing his best to keep close, teasing fingers inches from your skin at all times, always ready to stroke and cup each time you pause. When you hit the headboard you stop, studying his features, admiring the growing hunger that’s screaming its way out of his wide eyes.  
“You ever eaten a girl out?”
The question hangs for half a second and you can see his pupils dilate, the black threatening to swallow up the sky streaked blue of his eyes. Then, right when you’re about to tease him for his gaping mouth and flushed cheeks, he’s bowling past you, splaying out against the mattress and pulling you on top of him. 
“Fuck, that’s by far the best thing I’ve heard all day. Hell, all month. I’ll likely go to my grave thinking about that question. Ouch! Stop squirming, you’re kneeing me in the ribs.” 
“I wouldn’t… Satoru! I can’t breathe if you hold me like that!” His arms are like cables, all tensed muscle and raw strength as he pins you against his heaving chest, lips kissing and nipping at any part of you he can reach.
“Whatever,” he grumbles, sucking a bruise into your arched collarbone. “Hurry up and take your pants off. And don’t say you can’t do it like this, you’re a grade 1 sorcerer, you can do anything you put your mind to.”
“Is that going to be part of your teaching regime?” you smart, bucking your hips up so you can unclasp and wiggle your pants down your legs.
“Oooh, you’re right, that sounds good. Damn, I gotta start writing this shit down. That way I can have a whole list of euphemisms. Can you imagine? Molding young minds and helping them to stand up to all the bullshit that those so-called elders make everyone suffer under. All those rules and regulations, the stupid ins and outs they make us all jump through–”
“Hmm,” your voice falls to a gentle hum as you snatch at his chin, stilling his chatter with a single finger against his lips. “That sounds ambitious, but why don’t we take things a little slower, give that mind of yours something else to focus on?”
“Oh?” Satoru smirks, arching an ashen eyebrow at you. “Then you better get up here, before I get distracted again.”
“Don’t you mean down?”
“Huh, down? Ah, I see where the confusion is. Nah, I want you to ride my tongue, baby, so hurry up.” His long arms help him jerk you upward, easily lifting and enticing you forward. That early impatience is peeking out once more, and he pops his head up, nostrils flaring as your uncovered cunt drifts nearer. “Ah, God, I bet you’re so fucking wet. I can smell you from here. Come on, grab onto the headboard and let me get to it.”
Your legs shake as you plant them beside his head and you do your best to steady your pounding heart, pulling a thin stream of air through your parted lips. As soon as you touch the wood of the headboard, he’s gripping your thighs so tightly you’re sure he’s going to leave bruises behind. The tip of his nose is the first thing you feel, and it’s so close to your pulsing clit that you inadvertently cant your hips forward. “Ooh, sensitive, are we?” he crows, nestling himself under you, his breath hot against your dampened folds and wet curls. 
The following slick slurp of his tongue and the slow pass of his lips make your head tip back. He’s surprisingly gentle, slowly licking his way along your labia, pulling and sucking as he goes, teasing closer to that tight bud that’s waiting, just a little bit higher. 
At first, you worry about crushing him, too caught up in the placement of your weight to fall into the haze his mouth is begging you to slip into. But then his lips latch onto you, careful to mouth in time with the thud of your clit, suckling and squeezing until you can’t help but grind down, earning yourself a sharp groan that reverberates against your trembling skin. Using the weight of the headboard as leverage, you roll your hips over him, shifting in time with his well-placed rhythm. 
He’s good, but even the great Satoru Gojo isn’t perfect, not all the time.
When he nips at you a little too hard you shift back, depriving him of your wet heat, loving the petulant sighs and moans he gives you when you do. “Ah, sorry. Gimme a little more time,” he bargains, fingers sinking into the voluptuous curve of your ass, tying to urge you back over his glistening lips. “I’ll do better, (Y/N). Besides, I want you to cum for me. You taste so fucking good and I want it, I want all of it. Hey! Don’t be like that! I said I’d do better. Come back here.”
God, he’s such a brat. 
Every time you shift away he’s got another string of exasperated pleas ready, twitching his fingers and shaking his pale head at your impudence. “Less talking,” you moan, shivering as he delves his tongue into you, feeling his grin as your cunt squeezes around his intrusion. “Ok, ok,” he growls, using his brute strength to overpower your tensed legs. “Mmm, yes baby, ah–just relax, I’ll take care of you.”
Fuck, you think as you sink your fingers into his hair, spurring him on, this feels way too good.
When he captures your clit between his teeth and tweaks the tip of his tongue against you, you can’t help but fall to pieces. Your orgasm hits you like a battering ram, seizing hold of your muscles as it rolls through you and scattering a faint spark of spots across your vision. Satoru’s arms wrap around your blindly pistoning hips, helping you to sink closer, ravenously slurping and swallowing down each wave of arousal that hits his gluttonous lips. 
You’re still shaking when he pulls out from under you, flipping you bonelessly under him as his hands finally rid himself of his clearly tented and damp pants. Your eyes are just clearing when you catch sight of him, studiously following that trail of white curls to his impressive length. His cock is long, curving proudly toward his chiseled stomach and bubbling a clear string of pre-cum from the flushed tip. You do your best to sit up, but as soon as he catches sight of your movement, his broad palm is pressing you back. “Ah-ah,” he taunts, stroking a hand over his swollen cock and wiping the last of your slick from his face against his shoulder. “Keep still for me, ‘kay?’” 
His wide palms spread your legs apart, and he soothes his fingertips along your skin as he tugs a few heady groans from himself. “Fuck, you look so good. You’re so goddamn pretty. When you were sitting there at the bar and you looked so fucking happy I couldn’t take my eyes off you, you just looked so nice. Haven’t even known you a week, and I’m already obsessed with hearing that laugh of yours. You put some kinda spell on me, huh? That what this is?”
“Ugh, stop talking, Satoru,” you threaten, watching the steady ebb and flow of his clenched fist. His cock looks so smooth and you’re desperate to reach for it, to take hold of velvety flesh and see how long it would take for the world’s strongest sorcerer to be putty in your hands. 
He arches a pale brow at your blatant stare. “You want it?”
“I want you,” you correct, and the smile that breaks across his handsome face makes your heart squeeze. 
“Awe, how can I possibly say no to that?” he asks, gleefully lining himself up with your slit. Despite his early eagerness, he’s taking his time with this part, running the bulbous head of his cock over you, gathering up some of your gossamer strands, slicking himself with your dripping arousal. “Sorry,” he amends when he makes another pass along your folds. “It’s been awhile and I want to take it all in. I don’t wanna rush this.”
“It’s fine,” you smile, lifting your hands to pass them over his stomach, watching as his muscles ripple under your delicate touch. “Just don’t take too long or you’re not going to be on top for much longer.”
“That a threat or a promise, baby?” Satoru leers, finally slipping his tip past that first, tight ring of your entrance. Despite his bravado, his lips curl over his teeth and he lets out a low hiss as he sinks into you, inch by shallow inch. The pressure of his cock makes you arch, legs automatically wrapping around his waist, heels digging into the small of his back. He bows his head and his ethereal gaze falls behind his shaking eyelids as he thrusts forward, edging himself along until he bottoms out within you. Fuck, you feel so full.
The stretch of him makes you shake and you’re grateful he’s taking his time when he stills, lips smacking distracted kisses over your heated cheeks and parted lips, giving you time to adjust to him, and he to you. After a few steadying breaths, his teeth bite at the hollow of your throat and he pulls his hips back, grinning as your hands grasp into the sheets, a sharp whine escaping you. He echoes your sentiment, letting a gasping string of curses tumble from his shaking lips as he ruts forward again, one hand gripping at your right leg, prying you from his waist and slinging the trembling limb over his shoulder.
This angle has him pressing against something wonderful and sharp, and you can’t help but gasp out his name as he starts to methodically ram into it, over and over. You can feel him swell at the sound of your pleading moans and you savor the feel of his cock throbbing against your tender walls. “More,” you shudder, fingers trying to hurry his steady hips as he diligently cants into you. 
“In a minute,” he grunts, biting at your pliant skin, arms coiling under your back. “This feels too fucking good. Let me just… ah… fuck…” 
He slows, moving at a pace that sets your teeth on edge, and you thrash under him. Although his cock is digging against that aching place that’s sending dots and stars across your eyes, it’s not enough pressure. Licking your lips, you worm one of your hands between the two of you and pinch and roll your fingers over your clit, easing some of the tingling bittersweetness that’s pulsing over you. 
“Alright, alright, point taken,” Satoru chuckles, releasing your leg from his tight grip and re-lacing it around his hips. “How do you want it, baby? You want it fast? Or do you want it hard? Tell me.”
“I don’t know,” you murmur, peeking up at his enthralling cerulean, willingly ensnaring yourself in the intensity of his gaze. “I just want more of you.”
“Tch,” he hums, cupping a hand against your warm cheek. “Don’t say shit like that, I might end up falling for you.”
The laugh that echoes from your lips is swiftly cut off by a gasp as he abruptly ups the pace of his thrusts. He’s quick, but he’s still listening and watching for what you like. When you moan he’s right there with you, steadying his rhythm, and when you call out his name, he digs a little harder. 
It’s too much. It feels raw, like you’re scratching at a cut. Like there’s some itch that you just can’t reach. 
All of it, the feel of his meaty balls slapping against the sticky plushness of your ass, and those breathy moans makes your head spin. The intensity of the moment slips your fingers from your clit, but he makes up for their loss by grinding down each time he sinks into your cunt, scraping the hard edge of his pelvic bone against your throbbing bud. 
He’s good. Fuck.
You can feel the hazy slope of your orgasm approaching and you blindly arch up each time he careens downward, ensuring that he’s hitting right where you need him to. His movements start to hit a lull as he slips into his own fog of lingering pleasure, dipping his head to your neck and sighing contentedly when you kiss at his temple. But the tenderness of your touch must knock him out of his own whirring thoughts and he rewards you with another set of rapid fire thrusts, his lips pulling from your neck to seek out yours, kissing and nipping until you’re gasping for air. 
“Mmmm,” he moans, breath hot against your skin. “You feel so good and you’re getting so fucking tight. You gonna’ cum for me? One more time?”
You do your best to gulp out a reply, but the abrupt press of his calloused thumb against your clit makes you shake instead, a tingling rush of heady arousal racing its way up your spine. Smiling down at your awed expression, he lifts his fingers away and uncoils your legs from his waist, flinging them both over his broad shoulders, his knees settling forward as he continues to roughly thrusts his hips forward, driving you quivering body into the soft sheets. 
“You like that? Does it feel good? Does it? Fuck baby, I’m begging you, give it to me one more time. Can you do that for me? Can you cum for me? I want you to cum on my dick, ah, come on (Y/N), just once more, that’s all I’m asking. You can do it, can’t you?”
He’s rasping his questions against the shell of your ear, hands cupping at the side of your face, keeping you close as he races toward his own end, voice lifting into a frantic plea as he hurtles closer, desperate to feel your satisfaction rippling around him before he completely looses himself to the aching pleasure of your body. 
“I–” you choke out, arms lacing around his back, nails pressing half moons into his skin. He moans at the bite of your touch and tilts your hips upward, seeking more of you. 
That change is all it takes. 
The tip of his cock presses down, lifts, and then suddenly you’re seeing stars. 
“I’m… yes! Oh, fuck. Satoru, just like that. Don’t… don’t stop!” For once, he doesn’t tease. He just smiles, his face flushed, pale cheeks dusted a pleased pink and repeats the motion, careful to keep everything absolutely steady. The repeated push and pull, the warmth of your cunt, the feel of your skin, it’s making his cock throb and his heart race, but he’s determined to see you break. 
There. There it is. Fuck, you’re so pretty.
On an outward pull of his hips, your back arches and your thighs tense and he lets out a long growl, quickly breaking his fastidious rhythm and sinking back into you, gasping as you flutter around him. A new flush of wetness leaks out of your cunt and squelches between your pinned legs, dripping over the cleft of your ass.
He only lasts a few extra ruts, but the feel of him swelling and pulsing inside your tender pussy almost topples you over the edge again and you cling to him in the aftermath of his release, your heaving breasts catching against his flat pectorals. 
With a quick peck, he slowly lowers your legs and eases himself out of you, blue eyes widening at the sight of his softening hardness leaving your leaking pussy. “I don’t know which I like better,” he contemplates, leaning back on his haunches and slicking his index finger up the pooling dribble you’ve both left behind, spreading the spidery traces across his hand. “You wet and dripping for me or filled to the brim with my cum.” His lewd comment makes you huff out a low groan of exasperation and you roll off of the bed, shaking your head as you steady yourself and walk toward the bathroom. 
After a brisk rinse in the shower, you pad back into the darkened room, fully expecting to see an empty bed. You’re not sure why that’s your first thought, but something about Satoru doesn’t scream: I’m the kind of guy who likes post coitus cuddles. So the sight of him, bundled under your sheets, white hair poking just above the edge of the blankets, is a surprise.
“Oh,” you pause, dropping your towel on the floor as you openly gape at him. “You’re still here… I, well, I figured you’d take off.”
“Huh?” Satoru croaks, popping his head up, his face comically askew. “What kinda guy do you think I am?”
“Apparently the kind that stays over,” you snicker, digging around for your discarded bra and panties. 
He lets out a mock gasp, popping a hand against his cheek. “How could you say that! And after I gallantly brought you back here?”
“And fucked me,” you remind him, slipping your lacy underwear back on and re-adjusting the clasp of your bra.
“That too!” he qualifies, arching a pale eyebrow at your impassive face. “I’d say I was pretty generous. You did cum twice after all.”
“Oh my God,” you sigh, crossing your arms across your chest and perching beside the edge of the bed, shaking your head at the sprawling man under your covers.
“Come on, you wouldn’t seriously make me walk all the way back to the school at this hour. What if something happens to me? How could you live with yourself, knowing you kicked me out into the cold?”
“It’s summer,” you point out, rolling your eyes. “And you’re… what six foot three… and you have the legendary six eyes… I mean, I think you’ll be ok.”
“(Y/N),” Satoru begins, narrowing those bright blue eyes at you.
“Is it your habit to sleep with helpless guys and then kick them out? You’re so cruel.”
“Stop it,” you warn, snatching at the sheets and yanking them off of his naked form.
“No!” he protests, fingers clutching vainly at the thin cover. “Your bed is so nice! Come on, I’ll be good and I don’t snore. Well, not that I know of anyway…”
“Ugh, fine. I don’t have the energy for this and we have to be up in four hours. Just shush and scoot over.”
“Oh? Do you not have the energy because I fucked it out of you?”
“I’m sorry, were you wanting to stay the night?” 
“Alright, alright,” he splays his hands up in supplication and makes room for you, watching closely as you curl up beside him, a smile playing over his lips. “Hey,” he asks once you’ve closed your eyes, leaning close to your reposed form. 
“What?” you groan, cracking an eye open.
“Can I be the little spoon?”
“Shut up.”
notes: hehe. i feel like he’d be so freaking chatty in bed. plus, how could i not make him a little touched starved? stop making me like characters that just wanna be held universe, gosh :3c
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
Homebound - Deya’s childinnit au
This oneshot is for the amazing @deyageka ‘s hotel arc childinnit au! Go check it out, please! This is long, 8 page or 2,641 words, long, please note!
Sam walked home that day, humming to himself. Really, he wasn’t going home per say - just to the small house that Puffy, Foolish and himself had built after they found Tommy. Sam was calm as he could be, he walked instead of using his trident in an attempt to calm himself down after how long the day was. Dream has pulled at his strings early in the morning, and Ranboo sent him on a wild goose chase the second he left the prison. 
Sam hoped that Ranboo’s alright, his message didn’t sound right, even in chat. Why would Ranboo need a totem?
Sam walked into the house, and felt mounting dread as lights didn’t turn on. They should have already been on, the only reason why they would be off is if Puffy had taken Tommy out, but she had sent him a message asking him to come home as soon as possible. They weren’t in danger, she had said, Tommy had just wanted him back.
“I’m back!” Sam called. He smiled as he hoped that the pair were just napping as he shut the door.
False hope can only last so long.
“Puffy!” He screamed, looking at the woman as she lied on the floor. Blood ran down her face, unconscious. Almost like she was dead.
Sam doesn’t remember much of what happened next. Of course, he knows what happened. 
Dream escaped, stealing Tommy. At least, thats the basics. He knows Ranboo was there, he knows that Ranboo was - is - possessed. He knows that Tommy woke up as he was teleported away. He knows that some of the toys that Tommy had were taken.
He knows that Puffy hasn’t woken up yet, even though it’s been three days.
Phil and Techno came around, Techno helping Sam track down Dream and the boys. Tubbo moved Micheal into Sam’s base, hoping that it would be safer. Quackity, Karl, Sapnap and George also joined the search party. The groups split up, scouring the land. Tubbo joins, looking through places he knows Ranboo frequents.
Sam has been banned from searching after Phil found him, half dead, in the snow. 
Ponk helps him heal, but it isn’t enough. Sam can’t - won’t, he’s too much of a coward - voice why he won’t rest. It’s his fault that Tommy’s gone. It’s his fault that Dream got out. He is - was - Tommy’s father, and his was - is - the warden. He failed his jobs. He let not only Tommy, but the entire server down by letting Dream out.
Dream was right, Sam can’t protect anyone, let alone Tommy.  This is his fault.
“Hey, Sam.” Ponk says softly, carrying in some warm soup. “You up to eat now? I’ll eat some too, it can be a real date.”
There’s kindness in Ponk’s eyes, love and sympathy and caring in the brown eyes. Sam doesn’t deserve it. Sam’s hurt too many people, Ponk shouldn’t-
“You’re thinking too hard.” Ponk smiles, handing Sam the soup. “Stop blaming yourself for Tommy’s kidnapping. You couldn’t have known.”
“He’s gone because my prison failed.” Sam whispers. “I failed everyone. I was supposed to be the warden, I was supposed to protect-”
Sam breaks, sobbing. He can’t keep being strong, he can’t keep up this facade. It’s dragging him down, pulling him under the water. Vines wrap around his throat, squeezing the life out of him. The void would be a kinder death, he’s falling apart and-
And Ponk wraps his arms around Sam, letting the creeper hybrid sob into his arms. He holds Sam together, as the world falls apart.
“Tommy, settle down.” Dream rolls his eye, not that Tommy can see under his mask. The child is still annoying, but he follows orders easily.
“I want Papa.” Tommy protests, clinging to the Sam Nook toy that Ranboo had stolen for him when Dream took him. “Where’s my Papa.”
“I’m right here.” Dream says, cooing at the child.
“No you’re not.” Tommy glares, tears forming in his tiny eyes. “I want my Papa and Big Q and Karl and Foo’ish and Mama Puff and Sap and George!”
“Do you like George?” Dream asks quietly, shock filling his chest. He could have George back, his best friend.
“Yeah! He reads to me and is safe.” Tommy smiles, tapping the Sam Nook toy around. “Makes me sleepy, though.”
“How would you feel if I asked George to come around?” Dream offers, taking out his communicator.
“Will he?” Tommy looks up, happily. 
“I’m sure he’d love to.” Dream says, and Tommy cheers, throwing Sam Nook to the side as he gives Dream a hug. “But now you need to go to bed.”
Tommy whines, but doesn’t struggle as Dream picks him up. The small child - only two or three years old at most - yawns, snuggling in to sleep as Dream places him in the bed. Dream smiles from under his mask, shutting the door slightly as he leaves. Dream walks down the stairs, watching through the door as Ranboo tidies up the living room. 
Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: Would you like to come around, I haven’t seen you since I left prison. Dream whispers to Georgenotfound: You can bring Sapnap as well, I guess. But I’d like to catch up with you - and tommy’s missing you i guess :/ Georgenotfound whispers to Dream: What are your co’ords? I’ll come now. We can bring Sapnap once he’s calmed down.
Dream smiles, sending through the coordinates without a second thought. Of course George would agree to come around. George is his best friend, he’s Dreams other half. George - and Puffy, a traitorous part of his brain whispers - would do anything for him.
Ranboo stops cleaning for a moment, looking up the stairs. Dream frowns, following his line of sight. No one is there, but he notices the small sobs that emit from the higher floor. Tommy. The child must be crying, maybe a nightmare. He’s too young to remember L’Manburg, the disks or the wars. He only remembers some people, after all.
Sam is one of them. Tubbo was not. A child's mind is a strange place.
Dream walks up the stairs, pausing outside Tommy’s room. He knocks before he enters, warning the boy. Dream turns on the light, not knowing what to expect. 
Tommy sits up in his bed, his eyes screwed shut as he sobs. Tommy hugs Sam Nook close, but no words fall from his lips. Dream sighs, scooping the boy up and gently rocking him. Tommy blinks his eyes open before he screws them shut, crying again. Dream frowns, sinking to the ground as he tries to settle the boy.
“Please stop crying.” Dream mumbles, rocking Tommy. He’s so small, so fragile. Dream can feel every shake of Tommy’s tine body as the child cries himself back to sleep. 
Dream sets the boy back into bed, tucking him in gently. He’ll wait with the boy until Ranboo is done, and then he’ll go to greet George.
“Dream sent me a message.” George says, casually leaning against the doorframe. “I have his coordinates.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Eret gasps, covering their mouth. Bad and Phil stand up, looking over George with carefully concealed confusion. “How long ago did you receive the message?”
“About fifteen minutes?” George frowns, checking the time. “Yeah, around fifteen minutes ago.”
“And you didn’t tell us until now?” Techno glares, an axe summoned into his hand.
“I couldn’t find you until now. Are you guys coming or what?”
“Have you told anyone else?” Phil asks, pulling his wings out of his cloak.
“Quackity, Karl and Sapnap are halfway there.” George says, walking towards the coordinates.
“Doesn’t need the stress.” George says. “He’s too sick.”
“What’s the plan?” Bad asks quietly.
“Karl, Sapnap and Quackity stake the house out from a distance. I go in, distract Dream and Ranboo, and then grab Tommy and run.” George says.
“Where do we come in?” Techno asks.
“I dunno, we didn’t think that far ahead.” George shrugs. “Work it out when we get there.”
And with that, they walk.
Dream stands in the kitchen, watching the kettle boil as he waits for George to arrive. He’s boiled the kettle twice so far, waiting for his friend, but he doesn’t want the water to go cold before George can have some tea.
A knock sounds at the door, and Dream cautiously walks over, opening it. White clout glasses and brown hair appears, and Dream relaxes, opening his arms for a hug. George hesitates for a split second before he sinks into the hug. Dream doesn’t - wont - think about it. The hesitation.
“Hey.” Dream breaths, and George smiles. 
“Hey yourself. How are you?”
“Good. I’m a father now.” Dream smirks, and George pulls out from the hug. “Do you want some tea?”
“The gosip type or the good type?” George jokes, and Dream steps aside, showing George the kitchen bench, where two cups are laid.
“Why did George hug him?” Techno whispers to Eret.
“They’re best friends, he’s keeping up the persona.” Eret replies. “Letting Dream’s guard down.”
“Will it work?”
“Well, we won’t know unless George either gets Tommy.” 
“Or he starts screaming.” Phil says darkly, his wings fluttering nervously behind him.
“Dream wouldn’t-” Bad shakes his head. “No, this Dream isn’t the same one who played with Sapnap as a kid. Dream would hurt George, wouldn’t he?”
“Is Tommy sleeping alright?” George asks, trying to sound casual. “Sam used to complain that he’d only ever sleep peacefully if I was there.”
It’s a lie, but George and Sam had both noticed that Tommy would sleep easily in George’s arms. Nightmares would still happen, but Tommy would calm down faster.
“He’s been having so many nightmares.” Dream admits. “He also cries a lot, even during the day. I think he needs you around. Familiar faces and all that.”
“What about Ranboo?” George asks, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Ranboo hasn’t been Ranboo since I escaped.” George can hear the self centered smirk in his voice, the proud lilt of admitting that he’s controlling the teen. “I think Tommy can tell that. It doesn’t seem to bother him all that much, he’s seen my face and isn’t scared.”
George’s stomach drops at that, fear lacing his insides. There’s a reason Dream wears the mask. He doesn’t look safe to be around, he looks like if the void had a neon green eye and a glowing, neon green hole gaping where his mouth and nose should be. But George knows better than to mention that, only raising his eyebrows with surprise.
“I would have thought that would make him cry.” George jokes, lightly elbowing Dream. “Is he sleeping?”
“I hope so, do you want to check?” Dream cocks his head to the side, not too unlike a puppy. George nods, and let’s Dream walk him up the stairs. 
Now’s his chance.
Sapnap nervously paces, the treeline hiding him from Dream’s watchful gaze. He’s far enough away to see everything, but not be able to hear anything. It’s safer this way, watching from a distance. Karl and Quackity won’t get hurt if he’s caught, this way. He doesn’t trust the silence, and from the nervous looks on his fiancees’ faces, they don’t like not being able to hear either.
An ear piercing scream tears the silence in half as Karl makes eye contact with Sapnap.
“GEORGE!” Sapnap screams, running towards the house. Snow melts under his feet, he can’t contain his anger. “George!”
Sapnap slams open the door to the house, his hand melting the door handle. George lays on the ground, his glasses under Dream’s foot. Blood. There’s so much blood. Too much blood. George is curled around Tommy, who wails at the top of his lungs. George isn’t moving. Why isn’t George moving? Why isn’t he struggling.
Ranboo’s punch misses.
Sweep your opponents leg out from under them.
Ranboo falls to the ground, his head cracking painfully.
Keep your eyes on the room.
Blood pools under Ranboo’s head. Dream laughs.
Don’t let your guard down.
“Did you really think that George could take Tommy from me?”
Don’t let your opponent see any fear.
“I trusted you both. You’re my friends. I can’t believe you would betray me like this.”
Focus on the fight.
“I thought you cared about me, all I wanted was for us to be a family again.”
Dream stands on George, and Sapnap can hear the pained weaze that George breaths out. He’s still alive.
“Eyes on me, Snapnap.” Dream taunts, and Sapnap’s eyes jump back to his once-best friend. “You’ve got to work on that.”
Don’t make the first move.
“Not going to talk to me?”
Go on the defensive.
“That’s rude.”
“Let’s dance.”
Duck. Sidestep. Block. Jab. Punch. Duck. Owch, was that his eye? Duck again, keep focusing. Get to the door. Duck. Open the door. Punch. Step outside. Block. Run backwards. Duck. Throw a punch
Sapnap is thrown through the air, landing with a scream on the ground. Snow melts around him, and he lets out a gasp of pain. There’s blood underneath him, staining the snow red. It’s pretty, almost.
Sapnap can see Phil and Techno fight Dream, out of the corners of his eyes. Eret and Bad run into the house, carrying out Ranboo, Tommy and George. They’re safe. Everyone is safe now. Sapnap did good.
“Stay awake Sap.” Karl says, and Sapnap forces his eyes open - when did they close - to see his fiancee’s. Quackity cradles his head in his lap, and Karl fumbles with his pockets. “Keep your eyes open, yeah, that’s good. Keep it up.”
Sapnap groans as Karl pours a healing potion directly onto his torso. It wont help much, there’s something in his back, but he can’t speak. It hurts too much.
“Open your eyes.” Quackity says, and Sapnap feels warm fingers on his cheek. “Open your eyes. BAD! BAD SAPNAP’S-”
Sam watches out the window of his room as birds flit around tree branches. Ponk had left the room half an hour ago, just after he served breakfast. Ponk hadn’t said much, simply kissing Sam’s forehead and telling him to relax.
Sam can’t relax. He shouldn’t be allowed to, pneumonia or not. Not while Puffy suffers, while Tommy suffers. 
“Hey Dad.” Quackity’s voice doesn’t surprise Sam, who sees his son every morning.
“Hey duckling.” Sam smiles. “How are you this morning?”
“Good. Sapnap and George are in a bad shape though. Bad kicked me out of their rooms.” Quackity laughs wetly, tears in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sam says, opening his arms out for Quackity. The man smiles, but shakes his head, wiping away tears. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Quackity says, and apparently thats a cue for something, because Jack opens the door to his room.
Niki wheels Puffy into the room, the woman sitting on a wheelchair, her hair falling down over her shoulders. She’s still got a bandage on her head, but there is colour in her cheeks and a knowing smile on her face.
“Puffy.” Sam gasps, happy to see his friend better, if not up and running. Sam tries to stand, to give Puffy a hug, but Quackity just pushes him back into his bed.
“If you’re that happy to see me, you’ll need someone to hold you back with who Foolish has.” Puffy jokes, though her voice is hoarse.
Foolish walks into the room, gently holding a wiggling Tommy. Sam gasps, and true to Puffy’s prediction, it takes Quackity and Jack to stop Sam from getting out of his hospital bed. Foolish passes Tommy to Sam, and the man holds onto Tommy gently, still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he’s here. He’s safe, finally.
“We’ll explain later.” Quackity says. “Just relax for now. Everyone is safe.”
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svchengss · 3 years
hey barista! | l.dh
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summary | befriending the barista from your local cafe doesn’t seem too bad
pairing | lee donghyuck x fem!reader ft. jaemin who’s a rlly cute side character in this :(
genre | fluff, angst, slight humour (?)
warnings | a kiss?? i don’t think there’s any but if i missed anything do lmk !!
word count | 3k+
s. tg | @hyuckefi [my apologies since i didn’t release a proper teaser for this 🙏🏻]
author’s note | this is my first fic exceeding 1k words so if u enjoyed reading this, please leave some feedbacks !! rb’s are also appreciated :D ALSO I SUCK AT SUMMARIES LMAO PLS IGNORE THAT
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just another day of working at palm coffee, the same old routine. cleaning the countertop and tables before opening up the cafe, prepping the ingredients - more for top favourites! - and examining the machines to make sure they’re working properly. that’s some of hyuck’s daily routines as a barista. he didn’t mind them though, he loved his job. he couldn’t specify the reason why but all these tasks are genuinely interesting to him.
seeing you drop by the cafe is a normal occurrence for him. since you are a regular customer after all, the rest of the staff already know you well. heck, they’re even good friends with you. jaemin hangs out with you more than he does despite being jaemin’s childhood friend. except for him, he doesn’t really know why. he’s not really shy, considering the fact that he’s a social butterfly. he just couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you, the only times he did so was to take your orders when the rest of the workers were busy in the store.
upon hearing the doorbell chime which signals a new customer entering the cafe, hyuck blurted out the usual line. “hello, welcome to palm coffee! how can i help-“, looking up from the cash register only to find you in a disheveled state. “-you?” he eyes you up and down, noting how a few strands of your hair were out of place, the nude lipstick smeared on the left corner of your mouth and your outfit looks really rushed. 
“sorry, what was your name again, hyuck right?” you quickly glanced at the nametag hanging nicely on his apron. “i’m in a rush right now, can i get a,” you scanned over the menu behind him, “uh, white coffee, please?”. 
“that will be six dollars. you can use the restroom in the meantime to, you know, touch up your makeup and stuff,” he takes the bills from your hand, putting them in the machine in front of him before flashing you with that warm smile of his. you wished him a quick thanks before disappearing into the back of the place.
now that was embarrassing.
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your eyes scanned over the hall to find your friend before hearing her shout your name from across. damn, why does she have to be so loud? stares were directed towards you as you walked up the stairs to your designated seat. all the chatter going on in the lecture hall became quiet as soon as your professor placed her things on the desk, which means class has started. 
after hearing a two-hour lecture and writing some notes - where suddenly song lyrics and scribbles appear - the words you’ve been waiting to hear finally echoed through the speakers. 
“class is dismissed, thank you everyone for listening,” mrs. hui’s voice later being flushed out by the buzzing voices of the students walking out the hall, determined to finish their own activities. you stuffed your ipad and papers into your light yellow jansport backpack before going out to meet vic who’s waiting for you outside. 
“i’m exhausted, what did she even teach just now?” vic sighed to her heart’s content. you can’t blame her, today’s topic was quite complicated. circuits analysis or something? you can’t really wrap your head around it, your brain being stuffed with all the information. vic kept on ranting  about the problems she faced from the moment she woke up, making you giggle at some comments she made. 
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“wait for me, i’m almost done,” he folded his apron neatly before shoving it into the drawer and grabbing his bag from the counter to join jaemin, who’s waiting at the front door with the keycard. hyuck accepted jaemin’s request to help him with some shopping for his sister’s birthday party next week. obviously, the rest of the staff were also invited. 
jaemin divided the shopping list into two, allowing hyuck to find the rest of the things with ease.
“now where are the streamers…” he muttered out loud enough for himself to hear, crouching down to browse through the party decorations on the shelf. or he thought so, as you could hear him sighing clearly in dire need of the certain decoration, that you decided to help him out. 
“um, hyuck? i think the party streamers are in the aisle beside this one? you look a bit troubled there,” you chuckled lightly. the heat flushed to his cheeks, feeling dumbfounded. 
“really? uh, thank you for the help,” he gave you a small grin that could hardly be seen if you didn’t spot the corner of his lips. and with that, he’s long gone with his shopping basket.
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you are fond of the atmosphere you’re in right now. the decorations left you in awe - white and pink silk hanging from the wall with silver letter balloons spelling out happy birthday stitched onto them. you can see jaemin’s sister, eun-ji, being carried out of her room with a small flowy white dress and wearing a golden bow on her head, her brunette hair being tied into ponytails. the na family really adore their youngest girl.
meanwhile, there are only a couple of adults your age attending the party -  jaemin’s co-workers, some of his other friends which you aren’t familiar with and hyuck. he looked rather chill, with an oversized beige sweater and white jeans to suit the party’s theme. you’re not quite bad as well, your hair combed nicely and kept neat with a headband, a white sundress with strawberry patterns on it fit nicely on your figure, complemented with a heart-locket necklace placed on your collarbones. before reaching jaemin’s house, you made sure to drop by a local store to get some gifts for eun-ji. she’s a very well-mannered kid which made you adore her very much.
“y/n? very glad to see you here,” hyuck said as he approached you, offering you a plate of cake which he cut.
“i could say the same to you too, mr. lee,” you let out a soft laugh. he made sure to keep a mental note over how pretty you looked today.
“y/n, hyuck! glad you two broke the ice, did you know how hurt i was seeing you two act like strangers whenever y/n came by the cafe?” jaemin enveloping you into a small hug before fake pouting. you can only laugh at the fake debate the two guys in front of you were having. after conversing with hyuck and jaemin for quite some time, you realised that he’s a cool person to talk to, where all this time, you thought he hated you for some reason. before leaving, you made sure to thank mrs. na for hosting the party and off you went home. 
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following the previous encounters, hyuck felt much more comfortable around you - even hanging out with you during his shift where you would do your assignments at the cafe he’s working at. every now and then, he would also invite you to hang out with him and jaemin. however, what he didn’t realise was how he slowly pent up feelings - romantically. 
ding dong!
he pressed on the doorbell button with a box of doughnuts in his left hand. the three of you were supposed to be having a movie night, but jaemin got caught up with his groupwork which leaves the two of you alone. 
“hey hyuck! come in,” you gestured, arranging the cushions on your sofa to make it look more organized. the interior of your rented apartment is calming, the light grey walls suiting the navy blue sofa and furniture with darker undertones. the walls are also not left empty, with modern art portraits hanging from it. 
“i brought donuts, your favourite, right?” he opened the box, placing it on the coffee table while you set up the television. you wished him a quick thank you before grabbing two canned drinks from the refrigerator, handing one to him and pressing play on the remote control. you two weren’t quiet throughout the whole movie, with snarky comments on how hot the actors were or how stupid they were being were made. 
he didn’t know you were sleepy though as all of a sudden, he could feel the weight of your head on top of his shoulder. it was a rather awkward situation as he didn’t move at all so you could sleep comfortably. before long, he joined you and dozed off to wonderland. the next morning, you were more than embarrassed to find yourself cuddling up to him, with the next movie still playing on the screen.
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seeing your figure outside the front door made hyuck more excited to greet you today. after making a quick order for a green tea latte, you fished out your purse from your handbag, feeling frantic if you’ve lost it outside. luckily, you were the only customer in line as the rest of them were already seated and carrying out their own businesses.
“sorry, but i think this might be yours,” you turned around to find a tall-looking guy handing out your black purse. a wave of relief washed over your soul, thanking the latter profusely.
“mind if i buy you a drink? i hate feeling like i owe someone,” you offered, which he gladly accepted. 
“i’d like a double espresso, please,” he kept his hands into his pockets. 
“and your name, sir?” hyuck looked mildly bothered.
“yukhei,” he ran his slightly blonde hair through the slender fingers. hyuck hated how cocky he looked, feeling more annoyed than ever over the scene that was played in front of him just now. he hated how yukhei looked at you. 
why should he get jealous? he’s just a mere friend to you, that’s all. you have to stop overreacting, hyuck. 
those words kept running through his mind all day.
“dude, are you okay? you looked-” jaemin opened the staff room, interrupting him from the self-talk he was having, “-distracted,” finishing up his sentence. 
“nope, i’m just fine,” he said, bringing the honey smile back onto his face. jaemin nodded before disappearing back to the front to serve the customers. 
stop being so jealous, hyuck. you’re just a friend. not more, not less. 
“jaemin, how do you know if you like someone?” that question is kind of shocking to him, especially if it’s coming from hyuck. of course, he’s had a crush before but it was during middle school. just a silly, little crush. growing up, he’s never had one - not even in high school.
“you’ve asked the right person,” jaemin managed to do his obnoxious voice, even while driving the car. he’s right, he is the matchmaker of the friend group, just how many relationships worked out because of him? eyes still focused on the road - he’s a responsible driver of course, he began to explain the feeling to hyuck, making his points loud and clear.
“first of all, you start feeling a little too happy whenever you’re around them. and no, this is not the oh-we’re-best-friends-forever type of happy, it’s the i’ll-make-you-the-happiest-person-on-earth one. not to forget, you will also experience some kind of turbulence in your heart, expect them to be jumping around a bit. or a lot, whichever suits you the best.
you also tend to feel nervous around that person. like, stuttering your words in obvious or non-obvious ways, feeling faster heartbeats than usual, you name it. oh! if you’ve ever felt jealous whenever they are around someone else, i mean, in affectionate ways, you might have one. however, my tip is for you not to act out of your mind. you don’t want to ruin whatever relationship you have currently, do you?” even when driving, he still managed to deliver his points with full precision and accuracy. 
nodding his head, hyuck took some mental notes to be thought through when he gets home. 
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hyuck stared at you, whose figure is snoring soundly on his lap. he assumed you must be feeling exhausted, mid-terms just ended after all. while threading his fingers through your hair, he remembered what jaemin said to him weeks earlier.
1. being happy around them
like jaemin said, it is normal to be happy around your friends. but being with you, it kind of gave more joy for him. not to mention that he started to catch himself smiling over your texts and being reminded of you over small things - your favorite donut topping, the name of that one stray puppy you gave. 
2. feeling nervous around them
his heart would beat a lot faster whenever you get closer towards him, whether accidentally or to mess with him. 
3. getting jealous over someone else
he shouldn’t be jealous of how yukhei looked at you. but he seriously can’t help it. and the way he’s always there during your hangouts. he doesn’t care if he seems petty, yukhei just isn’t in his favour.
his deep thoughts came to a halt when you called out his name, eyes still half-closed, attempting to open them a bit more. 
“did i interrupt you or something? gosh, i’m so sorry,” you quickly stood up but he pulls your body back onto his lap, asking for you to stay.
“what are we?” that question caught you off-guard. the same one that has been at debate in the back of your mind these days. 
i don’t know hyuck, it’s complicated. 
“what do you think we are, hyuck?” you shot the question back at him, your gaze piercing through his soul.
“i don’t know. it’s just-” 
“are you sure?” a deep sigh left your lips. have you been interpreting his body languages wrong? did he only see you as a normal friend, nothing more? 
“sorry, i’m not feeling well. see you later hyuck, bye,” you tried your best to shoot the sweet smile of yours but only a faint one seemed to appear. once you stepped out of the room, he buried his face into his hands. 
god, what have i done?
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“don’t feel too down, y/n. maybe there’s something more that he couldn’t bring himself to say?” vic suggested, handing you some tissue.
“i don’t know, i seriously have no idea. why can’t he just say it?” you continued to sob into her arms, she pitied you, especially in your condition right now. but she can’t do anything to help you, other than consoling and listening. 
jaemin knew something was wrong, from your rare visits to the cafe to hyuck not being himself lately. something was definitely wrong and it’s between the both of you. sure, hyuck might be saying that he’s fine again and again, but his expressions can’t lie. the sweet smile of his is long gone and his jokes are no longer heard. whatever it is, jaemin is determined to solve it. he just wants his best friends back. 
looks of dismay can be read all over hyuck’s face when the person facing him is no other than the guy himself, yukhei. still, he tried to control his composure, not making his inner feelings any more obvious.
“so what brings you here?” he took a sip of the mineral water, still making his throat rough from the tension hanging in the air. 
“look, i’m not here for any fights. i know you like y/n, everybody can see it. and honestly, you were oblivious to your own feelings,” he rubbed his hands together. the latter’s puzzled face made him continue his words.
“i’m not trying to make her like me, or whatever you’ve been assuming. sorry if i gave the wrong message but you are the one who should make a move. i can see from the way she looks at you, the feelings are mutual,” he straightened up the denim jacket outside the white shirt wrapping his figure. 
letting out a heavy sigh, hyuck’s face begins to soften up. “no, i should be the one who’s sorry. i’ve been such a prick to everyone around me lately, especially you,” he took of the cap from his head, messing up his hair. 
“no problem, bro. it’s understandable, i guess. now good luck with her, please treat her well,” the two guys exchanged a fist bump for the problem solved. jaemin leaned his back against the wall, smiling and feeling satisfied.
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you called out jaemin’s name but to no avail. he invited you to his apartment but seeing that the lights are out, it’s clear enough that he hasn’t finished whatever he was doing yet. just as you were about to leave, you saw hyuck at the other side of it, both your faces mirroring the same look of confusion.
“so, uh, how have you been doing these days? it’s been a while since we talked,” he chose to break the silence. now, you two were sitting facing each other by the balcony. inhaling the breeze, you paused for a moment before responding to his question.
“i’ve been feeling, not as usual. definitely not happy but not that sad,” you pushed some of the loose hair strands hanging on your forehead behind your ears before asking about his.
“you know what, i’m just going to be direct with you. i, lee donghyuck have been holding feelings for you since i don’t know when. yeah sure, i wasn’t really sure at first about what i was going through. i guess i was just scared of how you would react,” he scratched his ears which are not feeling itchy at all, but rather an attempt to distract himself from the overwhelming emotions deep inside him. 
not wanting to waste time any longer, you placed your right hand onto his cheek, standing on the heels of your feet to bring your two lips together. the kiss was short before he pulls you back in for another, this time a more passionate one. he could feel you smile against his lips before enveloping your body into his arms.
“i’ve missed you, you know?” he whispered, his voice tender, directing right into your ears before you replied with how you missed him more. the both of you continued to whisper sweet nothings while embracing each other’s presence. 
jaemin looked at the both of you from a distance, his heart swelling with pride. 
— another pair of lovers matched, cupid jaemin signing out.
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annab-nana · 3 years
Piss Boy Peter - Tom Holland
When you’re best friends, sometimes the lines are blurred and feelings can be confused, but all it takes is one moment for Tom to realize he’s utterly in love with you.
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 2.5k+
“Hey, Mrs. Nikki! It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever! How have you been?” you gushed as you hugged the woman you would very much consider to be your second mother tightly in your arms. She rolled her eyes playfully at you before chuckling to herself.
“Y/n, you can just call me Nikki now. No need for the other part,” she grinned beautifully before continuing, “I’ve been good, sweetheart. We haven’t seen you in almost three years but we’re all so proud of you for graduating college early. I know how hard you’ve worked but we did miss you. The boys are somewhere around here.” As soon as her words were finished, the familiar pitter-patter of paws clicked against the hardwood flooring as one Tessa Holland came running up to you.
“Hi Tess!” you squealed while you bent down to let the pup show you how much she loved you. “I think you missed me the most, isn’t that right Tess?” you asked her as if she would speak right back to you. Her wide grin and generous licks told you that she did in fact miss you as she hopped into your lap while you petted her.
“Well, I don’t know about that. I think it might’ve been Tom,” Nikki piped up as she walked into the kitchen while the frowning boy appeared from the hallway.
“Mum,” he whined as if you did not already know he missed you the most. His red cheeks could be spotted from a mile away.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Tom. You are my best friend. You’re supposed to miss me the most.” He rolled his eyes and bent down to pet the incredibly happy dog who sat in front of you too.
“Tessa, what am I gonna do? I thought we got rid of her and now she’s back,” the boy joked as he talked to who he called his best girl, but he knew that Tessa was his second-best girl, and you were first.
“Oh, I can go back to The States if you’d like? I’m sure I’m missed over there a lot more than I am over here it seems,” you scoffed in faux annoyance and hurt which caused the boy to snicker. There was a reason he was the actor out of the two of you.
“Get over here, you div,” he told you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his embrace. However, since you both were on your knees just petting Tessa, you both toppled over onto the floor and Tessa wasted no time in joining the party as she wiggled her way between you and Tom. Your laughter sounded throughout the home as you two shared a tight embrace which was soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
“Harry!” you stated excitedly before getting up off Tom to give the boy a hug. You grew up around this family, so you were pretty close to them all and you had seen Tom a couple of times since you’ve come back to London. This was your first time seeing Harry in a year when he and Tom came to visit you during the week between your spring semester ending and your summer classes starting. The curly-headed boy let out a small ‘oof’ when your body collided with his, but he was quick to wrap his arms around you.
“Hey y/n,” he spoke above you as you swayed back and forth before pulling away to see Sam right behind him.
“Oh my God, Sam! Hi!” you shouted and gave him a big, long hug.
It had been three years since you saw the rest of the Holland’s. You got an amazing offer at a college in the US and had to go but that meant being away from your home, your friends, and your best friend, Tom. Tom had endured many phone calls where you were homesick and crying but he always assured you that London and all who inhabit it will be waiting for you when you get done. Thankfully, he came over there a good bit for filming purposes and he would always make sure to schedule a few days before and after and sometimes in between filming to spend time with you. Those days were the ones you treasured and held close to your heart, and you wouldn’t have been able to stay away if they hadn’t happened. And yes, you could’ve come back in the summers, but you decided to get it all done at once, taking summer classes and cutting a year off to graduate in three years instead of four.
“Y/n, how are you?” Sam asked as he pulled you away to look at you, a wide smile plastering his features at the sight. As you two kept up a conversation, Harry nudged Tom with his elbow.
“How long are you gonna stare at her, mate?” his younger brother inquired causing Tom to rip his gaze from you and look elsewhere.
“I just can’t believe she’s back,” he muttered before squatting back down to play with Tess, missing the eye roll and head shake from Harry.
“You losers ready to play some kickball?” Paddy shouted as he trotted down the stairs, stopping when he saw you and then running to give you a hug.
“Well hello to you too Padster,” you giggled while reciprocating the hug from the youngest Holland brother.
“Why didn’t you guys tell me she was coming?” he asked, arms still around you as he looked to his brothers.
“They didn’t know except for your mom who I texted like fifteen minutes before I came, but did you say kickball? You know I’d love to play if you let me,” you questioned and by the way the boy’s eyes lit up and he profusely nodded his head, you took that as a yes before he began to head outside. Sam and Harry followed but Tom hung back. “Are you not coming?”
“I’ll be out there in a bit,” he stated which was kinda weird seeing as he was normally so eager to get out and play with his brothers. Your brows furrowed and the mop of brown curls sighed. “Well, if you’re going to make me say it, I have to take a piss. Would you like to come along?”
“Ew no. Keep all that to yourself,” you grimaced before turning to the dog whose eyes flitted from you to Tom. “Come on Tess. Let’s go play outside,” you told her as you patted your leg to get her to follow. “See you out there in a bit, piss boy!” you yelled, closing the back door behind you.
“Hey piss boy,” he heard the soft voice of his mother snicker when she popped out of the kitchen, beckoning him over with the wave of her hand. He obliged and sat down on the stool across from her as she worked at making some tea for you all. “So, I bet you’re excited now that y/n is back,” she spoke up to start a conversation with her son. She has been talking to Harry a little recently about Tom possibly liking you more than a best friend. Harry confirmed her suspicions that it wasn’t too wild of an accusation so of course, she was going to be a little nosy and try to at least get Tom to hint at it. What a meddler mothers are.
“Well yeah. She’s my best friend and as much fun as she did have over there, she called me all the time crying because she missed London and her family and friends. I hate seeing or hearing her cry,” he spoke as he played with the hem of his shirt.
“So, she had a bit of fun, yeah? Did she meet anyone?” Nikki prodded on.
“She made some new friends that I know she’s gonna miss but she said that some of them are coming over here at the end of the month. Cam and Avery I think were their names. Cam was her freshman year roommate and then they met Avery one night at the library and the three hit it off,” Tom explained what he knew to his mum. He actually met Cam when he visited you, but Avery was never around when he was.
“So, she didn’t meet any new guys or anything?”
“Avery is a guy but they’re just friends as far as I know,” Tom told his mother as his eyes found the window and gazed out it to see you on the ground being attacked with loving licks from Tessa. He just couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto his lips at the view.
“What about you and her?” his mum interjected, effectively interrupting his trance on you.
“Me and her?” he inquired with a furrowed brow while his eyes found his mother once more. He didn’t understand what she was trying to get at.
“Yeah, you and y/n. Are you two together or do you look at all your friends that way?” she grinned to herself while busying herself with the tea. Heat rushed to his cheeks, and he shook his head immediately.
“N-no, we are just friends. Nothing more,” he mumbled as he let his face fall into his hands.
“But you want to be more?” she continued while Tom let out a sigh, his eyes wandering out the window again. You had gotten up now, Tessa right behind you, and you were walking over to where Paddy was with the ball. Your head snapped up to face Harry when he said something apparently funny and you threw your head back in laughter.
You looked so ethereal in that moment. Little pieces of grass in your hair thanks to Tessa rolling you around in it, a wide genuine and shining smile so radiant it was almost blinding, your shirt was kind of wonky since you were on the ground earlier and you had not bothered to fix it yet, but he liked the way it was sitting on your body beautifully. Everything about you and everything you did, the way you did it, was so captivating. You had Tom wrapped around your little finger and didn’t even know it. He had it bad for you and he hadn’t realized until now. His feelings for you, his true feelings that he could deny no longer, hit him like a freight train in that moment.
“Oh my God, Mum, I think I’m in love with her,” Tom whispered in shock as his wide brown eyes met her face which wore a knowing look.
“Darling, I’ve known that for years. I was just waiting for you to realize it.”
“Do you think she’ll like me back?” he pondered while his mother let out a laugh.
“Yes, just as I’ve seen you swooning over her for years, I’ve seen her doing the same for a while now too. Of course, she will like you back,” she reassured her son before looking out the window at her boys playing around. “She’s coming in, so I’ll leave you two.” His mother took off to somewhere else in the house as you walked in.
“What are you doing? I thought you were coming out after the bathroom,” you asked as you sat down on the seat next to his. Right then, you noticed something was off. You could feel it.
“Yeah, Mum and I just got to talking,” he stated, not giving you any sort of clue as to what was going through that brain of his. All you knew is that you wanted to help him.
“Hey,” you spoke softly as your hand reached out for his, “are you okay?”
“Yeah, I- yeah, we were just… uh, can I ask you something?” Now, you were definitely worried. Tom was only a stutterer when he was nervous and why he was nervous in your presence was beyond you.
“Um yeah always. What’s up?” You watched his eyes dart around the room before they landed on his own that rested in his lap, yours held between them.
“This is gonna sound weird, but- Fuck, I’m just going to say it. Do you wanna go out with me?” Hopeful yet cautious brown eyes gazed at you while the breath was knocked out of you.
“Like as your fake girlfriend to get you out of something or for real?” You had to be sure. You could not let your heart go into the fake thing again believing it was real. You did that once and you were heartbroken afterward.
“Something real. Y/n, I like you as more than a friend, more than a best friend. I don’t want to hide it anymore,” he confessed those words you’ve waited to hear for ages while hiding the small grin trying to show on your face before you spoke up again.
“Tom… I don’t know how to say this,” you started, still trying to mask your smile.
“You’re with Avery,” he assumed which you thought was a wild presumption but let it slide.
“Harry asked me out while we were outside.” Tom’s eyes widened and brows shot up. Well, he certainly did not expect that.
“I- uh, what? Really? I had no idea he felt that way,” he tried to play it off. He was never one to impose on his brothers like that and if Harry liked you, then he would for sure back away and let him have his shot with you. Tom would get used to just being your best friend. He’s done it for years so he could continue if need be. Then, you finally let your grin show before you burst into a fit of laughter. His raised brows lowered then furrowed, completely confused with the situation before him as you were doubled over giggling.
“No dumbass, but that’s what you get for making me wait so long,” you breathed out through your chuckles, watching the color return to Tom’s face and a feeble smile show itself on those thin lips you loved so dearly.
“O-oh, sorry,” he laughed nervously along with you before actually processing your words. “Wait, you like me back?”
You nodded your head while rolling your eyes at his stupidity. Wasn’t it painfully obvious? “Yes, I like you back, piss boy, and I will gladly go out with you too. Now, will you come out and play with us?” Well, how could he say no when you asked so nicely?
“Yeah, let’s go.” So, he got up first, you following him out to where the boys were, and you watched as he did a little skip before walking up to Paddy.
“So that’s where Peter Parker gets it from,” you wondered aloud when Sam came up behind you.
“He did the skip, didn’t he?” he asked before you nodded to answer his question.
“So, he made a move, and it went well?” Harry popped up on your other side.
“Yes, he did. He’s a lot more like him than people realize,” you mentioned when Tessa found your side again and watched everyone getting ready to play.
“Maybe, but he is no genius,” Harry quipped, causing laughter to erupt from you and Sam.
“Hey, I heard that!”
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E121 (Jan. 19, 2021)
Aaaand we're back! The epic pet montage at the start is still the greatest thing ever.
Tonight's guests? Matthew Mercer and Marisha Ray!
We begin with an extensive discussion of waffle farts. As you do.
Matt is asked what it's been like to get to build out the characters in the Tombtakers. Lucien is Matt's favorite, but they've all got some fun traits to them. "It's one of those rare experiences as a dungeon master where you get to watch your players combat with the necessity of playing along. The instinct is: fuck these guys, I want to fight them, we'll take their shit... or I guess we have to play nice. And they begrudgingly grit their teeth and I smile internally."
On the Lucien accent: "You guys are all so mean to Taliesin!" Matt knew his own take would be a "weird mutation" of Mollymauk's accent anyway.
How's Marisha feeling about a lot of her predictions panning out? "Aw, I mean, gee, me? What? Noooo. It's definitely vindicating, I'm not gonna lie, and rewarding, but I also know that I write a lot of shit down in that notebook that's never relevant ever again. It's definitely a good feeling to know that I didn't go on that fifteen-minute deep dive and was utterly wrong about everything I said." Matt: "I was super proud. I was just silently cheering you on as you went on these long tangents."
What does Lucien think of the Mighty Nein? "Lucien is definitely curious about why they're getting involved in his shit and what they're planning alongside them. One, he hates Beau because he doesn't like people who challenge his authority. He gravitates towards Jester to an extent because she's the most open, which from his standpoint makes her easiest to manipulate. He loves toying with curiosity, and so between Jester and Caleb, those are the two people that he's the most comfortable interacting with. Caduceus makes him feel a little weird. He's amused by them. Fjord to Lucien is one of the more guarded and less accessible at the moment."
Is Beau enjoying getting under Lucien's skin? "Beau's picking and poking still kind of stems from her defensiveness and guardedness and her feelings, in a lot of ways, and the way that she's coping with things. It's a few steps removed from her default and what she often resorts to when she starts throwing up those barriers. She still has in the back of her head that she's looking at her dead friend. It's her way of protecting herself if she can go, fuck you, I don't care about you. This isn't too dissimilar to the way she reacted when Yasha was brainwashed." Matt: "It's a unique social sparring match the whole time they're traveling side-by-side. It's unique to have an antagonistic force that you're--" Marisha: "That we're going camping with."
Navigating the Tombtaker/M9 relationship as a DM is "challenging. At any given moment, a wrong statement could escalate matters one way or the other. It's having to pay attention to a lot of things at all points in time to be ready for how those chain reactions can happen and where it might go." He likens it to trying to follow and participate in two different conversations simultaneously at a party.
On the note from Yasha: "Oh man, you guys. Oh, it was so sweet. I don't think Beau was expecting Yasha to be so forthcoming with everything, and so complimentary and eloquent. Beau is awkward with healthy relationships, so she doesn't know how to handle them. She's still processing that and wants to not ruin it. No, it was magical." Ashley told Marisha after the episode that she was trying to think of what to say and wound up basing it on what she would say about Marisha.
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Vax (by stormfeather_cosplay, photograph by travi_b, both on Instagram)!
On using variations on the Wild Magic table: "I wanted to give it some variation to consequences. They took some of the tooth out of it from earlier editions. I knew it would be fun once I gave them the specifications of when these things would happen - players are just waiting for someone to roll a 20 or a 1 at all times."
Why is it so important to Beau that she and Yasha have a proper date? Part of it is a fresh start. "So much of Beau's past relationships have been rooted in some toxic behavior. Beau feels like, well, maybe we should just start from the beginning in the most us way possible: fighting through the tundra with our dead-ish friend."
The sci-fi-ish theme came toward the end of developing Aeor, but it mostly comes from rationalization. Matt is intrigued by how all these different societies want to usurp the gods... which has parallels with modern society. He notes that focusing more on the science of the magic means the aesthetics pull away to "instead facilitate the utility or the most direct route to the answers you want. You streamline as opposed to focusing on the aesthetics."
Beau’s reaction to all the weird magic stuff? “I think Beau’s just so focused on the pragmatic aspects of it all right now. There are greedy people with motives and the will and want to corrupt across all spans of cultures and times. She’s trying not to get lost in the magic, both proverbially and literally, of it all, and just trying to focus on the motives of these people at hand.”
In some ways, Matt was surprised by Caduceus’ strong reaction to the creepy woods. “It was the first major reveal that there are some other sides to the coin that he hadn’t learned about. I had no idea how he would react. It pushed him away more in ways than I expected.”
Fan art of the week: an amazing Lucien! (by oratorkayla on Twitter)
What’s Dagen’s motivation? “He’s definitely a man of his word when it comes to fulfilling a contract and getting the other half of his pay, but it’s not hard to see they’ve grown on him a little bit. He’s really good at getting around the tundra unseen and unnoticed.”
Brian: “In true Sam fashion-” Marisha, instantly: “OH MY GOD.”
Marisha: “Here’s the thing. Here’s the tea, okay? If I ever hear one more fucking person trying to claim that I’m ruining things by metagaming, I’m going to point to Sam. I’m expected to respond accordingly to Veth being a Sam troll. Gods damn him! Raven Queen curse upon him! Let chaos reign! He made me pull out my earphones, I can’t hear anything you’re saying. It’s frustrating because I’d be mad at it if it wasn’t so god damn funny.” Matt notes that at a different table this wouldn’t be great behavior, but they all know each other well enough (and check in with each other enough) that it’s comfortable teasing.
With a bit of a deeper pull, Matt is asked whether he knew Avantika would return someday? “I knew she was a fun, interesting option out there. The M9 still have in their grasp the single most important artifact, in Uk’otoa’s opinion, at the moment. As long as they carry that artifact, his eye of Sauron is upon them.” Matt notes that he has more encounter tables going, so a lot of the time even he’s not sure what’s going to happen.
Caduceus suggested contacting Essek, but Beau and Caleb nixed that idea. Does Beau trust him? “Gods no. Absolutely not. She can like Essek personally. As a person, he’s fine, I guess. But I think a lot of people might be forgetting that he’s kind of a war criminal and kind of set off a lot of bad things in motion with this war with the Empire and the Dynasty, because he wanted power and to know things. So now here he is, also in Aeor. Yeah. Just kinda putting two and two together there. It is another one of those things of, you’re walking that line on trying to keep him on your good side and having a mutually beneficial relationship before it could easily go completely south.”
On the Star Razor being a Vestige: “I don’t want this to be--- the Vestiges aren’t always a thing where it’s like, you get a Vestige and you get a Vestige! I want them to be still considered special and rare. This is one that had to be earned, it had to be reforged. I didn’t know the circumstances that would involve it coming about.” He based it on the circumstances of Fjord’s evolution into a paladin. “In essence, not only did he finish the creation of the sword, but he Awakened it at the same time as he made this transition. It is Exalted at this point, it’s in its final form.”
What does Beau think might lie ahead? “I have no idea. I am trying to abandon expectation when it comes to that. I know what we don’t know, and that’s it. Beau is trying to compensate for the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns. I hope we can keep this tenuous relationship through to Aeor, because we need more answers before it explodes in our face. Beau, and Marisha, is hoping for a little more information before shit hits the fan.”
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