dylanconrique · 10 months
i don't wanna see my precious baby girl lucy ever get hurt, but i live for parallels and would love another chenford ambulance ride to parallel the opening scene of s2.
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l-in-the-light · 1 month
Luffy's and Law's similarities
Because people always talk only about their differences, time to do the uno reverse! You might be surprised how many there are, actually.
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Snapping at exactly same thing.
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Snapping at same stuff again, because sometimes they share exactly the same brain cell. Even their face expressions are exactly the same in both examples lol.
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Whenever Law actually loosens his guard, he reacts in exact same ways as Luffy does.
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They both have a very similar experience with their mentors sacrificing themselves for them and same selfblaming reaction. This serves mostly as a prologue because we will compare how child Law and child Luffy behaved.
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Both were reckless brats with very wrong self-harming ideas to get what they want.
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They hate "dirty tricks" and being lied to. And easily lash out.
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Their initial reaction to making fun of someone tripping/being pushed on the floor or making fun of anyone. Also standing there in exact same pose with their fists clenched.
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"I will go find a real role model", same vibes here honestly.
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"You will pay for this" mentality. They were also both literally thrown which endagered their lives and they both can't believe it's actually happening, that anyone would do something like that. Also bonus points for swearing child Luffy haha.
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Both consider some people to be just total scums that deserve punching. Bad guys should be taught a lesson. Law at least managed to land a stab, so 1:0 for him.
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This is intriguing. This is the last time Law asks someone for help. And last time Luffy asks someone to help him. Both seem to be convinced "asking for help" caused their loved ones to get hurt, so you will never hear them do it again. The only difference here is Law is asking to help Corazon, while Luffy is the one who needs the help.
Later on Luffy is taught to ask for help by Vivi in Drum Kingdom, but he isn't asking for himself, but to help Nami. Meanwhile Law never again uses the polite words. The most he is capable of is to ask Cavendish "tanomu" which is more like "I'm counting on you".
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Both sit in same pose whenever Law isn't trying to impersonate Corazon's style (yes, Law mimicks Cora a lot, also in the way he walks). At least once he slipped and sat in the way he found naturally comfortable instead and it was exactly same way as Luffy's preferred sitting position. What a curious coincidence.
Another funny thing about them is that they both like to wear exactly same type of shoes they used to wear as a child, Luffy the sandals, and Law his dark boots. It's not really that common thing in the manga, for example, Nami and Zoro didn't stick to same type of shoes they used to wear when they were kids.
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They also sleep in exactly same position, the infamous T-pose. For comparison, the rest of the Strawhats all have their own different sleeping positions (first from the right is Usopp ofc lol).
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They also match each other's pace pretty well. "Let's go, Torao!" and "Ike!" as Law's answer which literally means just "Go!", because Traffy is ready too, no need to stall back.
And finally my favourite:
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If Law wasn't under Corazon's "calm" spell, would his laugh sound familiar? Perhaps would it be "shishishi" we know so well? Of course that's the last time Law laughs like that, so we can't compare him laughing when he's an adult. Families in One Piece often share similar laughs, it seems. Unless you're a devil fruit user, that also changes your laughter apparently hm.
There's probably even more similarities between their behaviour, thinking patterns and expressions than I managed to find. I find it suspicious considering those two did not grow up together, so why are they so similar when they're both children?
I dunno if whole D. clan is an actual family, but I think Law and Luffy definitely had a shared ancestor and probably not that far in the past. Very curious since they're from East Blue and North Blue, the two seas mentioned to be the hardest to travel from one another.
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Many people speculated Dragon isn't related to Garp or Luffy because they don't really look that much alike, but if you compare Monkey, Trafalgar and Gol family members together you can start to see some pattern emerging: they all have naturally black ruffled hair Potter-family style (you're welcome for that comparison you never wanted to notice and now you can't unsee haha). I wonder if Joyboy will also be revealed of sporting similar style of hair.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
Ever since watching The Wire for the first time, my brain has doggedly kept working away at the Especially the lies of it all, and specifically at how much the structure beneath the different stories Garak tells contributes to the overall meaning of what he’s trying to say. While the contradicting narratives of course expertly obscure the factual circumstances of his getting exiled, using them also allows him to tell aspects and facets of the emotional truth I don’t think he ever could have, if he’d simply told the actual story of what happened. (It’s very Varric-core of him honestly.)
The first story — the ‘oh, you think you know me?’ story — says I have done things that would sicken you if you knew any detail of it. It’s clearly meant to scare Bashir away so he’ll leave him to die shamefully in peace already lol. But it’s also one of his (probably much-needed lbr) little lessons to Julian that are so frequent in the beginning, given while Garak still has some hold on himself — “Don’t be so quick to forgive me if you don’t even know what I’ve done; what would you do if this really were the sum total of what I am?” (And Julian seems to surprise him by going ‘Well, exactly the same thing, because no matter who you are I am a doctor. But I sort of take your point.’)
The second story — the letting the orphans go story — says I have failed to smother my soul in its cradle when it was required of me, and I regret that more than anything I’ve done. To my ears this is the one most shot through with active self-loathing too, which is interesting. He’s officially lost the control he’s been clinging to and it’s about to get ugly. His TL;DR is ‘Sentiment is the greatest weakness of all’, even all the way back here. (Which is the one lesson Julian steadfastly refuses to learn, which I think in turn does some serious rearrangement of Garak’s soul over the course of the show haha. Get uno reversed into the process of loving and being loved without shame asshole.)  This is also where he builds up to admitting to having any sort of need for companionship or closeness at all and — so much worse — that Julian’s role in his life actually has fulfilled some of that need, and he’s DRIPPING with defensive venom over it b/c well I get it Garak vulnerability is scary it can take a person like that. 
(I also feel there’s something honest and forbidden in ‘Suddenly the whole exercise seemed utterly meaningless’. I suspect ‘actually… why the fuck are we even doing this???’ is not a welcome sentiment in an Obsidian Order water cooler environment, no matter what you’re saying it about lmao. The very first seeds of him deconstructing the things he’s been taught about Cardassia and his work might be hinted at here, though they of course take a looong time to come to any real fruition.)   
The third story — the ‘Elim was my best friend’ story — says hey, remember that thing you said once, about how sometimes, you have to be loyal to yourself before you can be loyal to anything else? Well. guess what. I couldn’t even be that lmao. It also furthers that thread of being divided from yourself, split, that having ‘Elim’ as a separate person around in all versions of the story brings in. He’s in control of himself again, but he essentially hands his life and soul over to Julian to decide what should be done with them. 
I’ve done horrible things and it finally caught up with me, I’m getting what I deserve → I let sentiment master me and the fact that I’m too weak to do what’s needed of me shames me more than the evil I’ve done → I fucked up. I betrayed myself and everything I held to, all for nothing, and I have no one to blame for it but myself. But it’s very nice that you’re here anyway, Doctor. (Wow. I didn’t realize quite how isolated and lonely that last one was before right now. The way Tain has shaped him really has just… locked him completely into himself, huh.) We can also see a movement through from a completely professional context in the first story, to an intensely interpersonal and internal context in the last one — even his fake stories spiral in towards intimacy, which I think is what he longs for here even if he can’t quite like. Touch that without the stories as a buffer yet, it’s clearly like touching a hot stove for him to interact with it too directly. 
And you know what I find incredibly interesting the whole way through? Even on his deathbed, where he’s dying from the thing Tain had put in his head, he’s protecting Tain. He puts all the blame for where he is on himself (‘My future was limitless, until I threw it away’), even if he has to employ a strange twisty logic where he’s split himself into two to do it. Don’t get me wrong, Garak has done horrific things all on his own haha, but it’s notable that he almost isolates Tain from that. ‘Tain was the Obsidian Order. Not even the Central Command dared challenge him. And I was his right hand.’ Tain in Garak’s stories is this infallible implacable weirdly distant figure, even now. Indeed, as will make a lot of sense with the revelations further down the line, more than anything it seems the gaze of an abused child desperate for recognition looking up at an idealized (if not in any way nurturing) parent.‘He was retired at that point; he couldn't protect me’, Garak says, as if what he’d need protection from in the first place isn’t Tain himself lmao, as if Tain had no active part in any of this. He never lets blame touch Tain at all. At this stage he would rather consider himself a broken flawed tool than accept that the hands that have wrought and wielded him have ever had any fault in them. AND in the middle of it all, with plausible deniability, on death’s door and knocking meekly to be let in before he must finish the mortifying ordeal of being known and test the even more daunting possibility of being loved, Garak at the same time manages to drop the breadcrumb trail of clues to make it possible for Julian to find Tain if he so chooses and gets in the ‘sons of Tain’ thing too for future dramatic irony purposes. Truly he is the Michelangelo of lying. Every falsehood a multifaceted masterpiece. Elim ‘achieving a state of intertextuality in real life is possible if you work hard and believe in yourself’ Garak. I love him so much. 
I think all of this is why “I forgive you. For whatever it is you did,” works so well, because it too works on a structural level. It’s such a deceptively multilayered response — it has the syntax of a joke, in a way, and it is kind of funny even under the circumstances, but delivered with such earnest warmth and fondness. It’s both recognition and acceptance (forgiveness!). It’s saying ‘I finally understand enough of what you’re trying to tell me beneath and through all that, in whatever way you’re capable of, I see you’ and ‘my answer hasn’t changed (bitch)’. The forgiveness Julian offers here is complete — on principle, and out of personal feeling and empathy (only one of which Garak deigns to respond to during the second story, where he calls it ‘smug Federation sympathy’, placing it more completely on the principle side than it probably is. ‘Dude you’re my friend please don’t just lie down and die in a completely avoidable way on me, who else is going to not only tolerate but actually gleefully enjoy me being annoying as fuck over lunch’ seems to be the subtext that’s a lot harder to acknowledge and invite in for both of them. And yet Tain seems perfectly clear on the fact that Julian is Garak’s friend, which, y’know. Must be fun living with the knowledge that Tain has eyes everywhere looming over you every day haha guess you’d just have to tune that out.) 
Most of all — ’Don’t give up on me now, Doctor’... and he didn’t! He didn’t. Augh. Ow.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Hi! It's me again :3, I don't know (and remember) if anyone has asked this before but I would like to know:
How did OG!MK feel when he found out that SW is his father in another dimension (I feel like Mei would say something like "See? I told you he was your dad" or something)
If it happens before S4, I feel like Mk would be a little jealous of his other self seeing that he doesn't have the problem of not knowing who his biological parents.
(The idea occurred to me when I remembered a tiktok that said MK used any type of editing app to get an idea of ​​what his parents would look like 🥲)
omg if you have that tiktok I'd love a link XD
Think i did do a post like that ages ago, but only with an earlier draft of TMKATI and canon. Now I have like three more verses to torment MK with >:)
When the Canon verse and the other verses collide, the quickest thing the MKs would notice is their appearances.
OG!MK: "Whoa!! These me's are monkey demons!" TMKATI!MK: "And you guys are... human???" SlowBoiled!MK: "Yeah, why wouldn't him- I mean me be?" CenturyEgg!MK: "I don't know about you guys - but my parents are monkey demons. Then again my gūtā [dad's gender neutral older sibling] is human, I think???" JTTWEgg!MK: "My parents are monkey demons! The coolest monkey demons ever I may brag." TMKATI!MK: "Oh no way! My parents are monkey demons too! i have a bunch of adopted siblings though. Does your dad work with Bóbo[dad's older brother] Pigsy too?" CenturyEgg!MK: "No cus Uncle Pigsy and Tang lives in the city. We all live on Flower Fruit Mountain - but we visit as often as possible! Uncle Sandy ferries us across all the time." :3 OG!MK: "Wow!! You two live on the mountain!? What's it like?" JTTWEgg!MK, shrugging: "It's cool." CenturyEgg!MK: "Sometimes feel pressured by my role as Heir to the Stone Throne - but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I really don't like having to visit the Celestial Realm though. The nobles are kinda mean about my dad cus he caused a bunch of havoc a long time ago." The Other MKs: "wut" OG!MK: "Uh... Please explain who your parents are?" CenturyEgg!MK, confused by their confusion: "Sun Wukong the Monkey King, and Liu'er Mihou the Sage of Wind??? I thought you guys were too???" JTTWEgg!MK: "Yeah, mine are too. I thought you guys knew??" SlowBoiled!MK: "No- well kind- it's complicated! Ok!?" TMKATI!MK: "Not me. My parents are normal monkey demons, dude." OG!MK: "Oh my gods the Monkey King *is* our dad in another universe! Mei is never gonna let me forget this!" CenturyEgg!MK: "Well techinically he's my mom too so..." The Other MKs: "lol wat?" JTTWEgg!MK: "lol same."
The different MKs collaborate to tell stories about themselves (and get a solid PSA on Stone Eggs) while their respective Meis are snapping photos with eachother.
The different monkeys watch on nervously. The different monkey kings are sitting politely as their Macaques hiss at eachother from across the room.
OG!SWK: "So uh... did you tell him yet?" Other Monkeys: "Tell him what?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "About him being made by Nuwa, or the fact that we were forced to abandon him?" The CenturyEgg and TMKATI monkeys: "What." TMKATI!SWK, laughing nervously: "What? Oh gods no. I thought you guys meant telling him who we are!" The Other Monkeys: "Wut" CenturyEgg!SWK: "Your MK doesn't know that you guys are... Us?" TMKATI!LEM: "Nah, we've sorta been off-the-grid ever since genius here [thumb-points at his SWK] got me pregnant with our MK." The Stone Egg au SWKs: "Hah!" "Uno reverse card, plums!" Stone Egg LEMs: *all three have varying looks of horror, indignance, and bashfulness* SlowBoiled!LEM: "I said I was sorry!" OG!LEM: "Wait... what do you mean by sorry?" SlowBoiled!LEM, looking uncomfortable: "Cus of our uh... fight under the Mountain, and me not returning to feed him, I sorta caused Wukong's body to create a Stone Egg... and then I sorta died before I found out so..." JTTWEgg!LEM: "Ooof. Glad I learned early then." CenturyEgg!SWK, to his SlowBoiled counterpart: "Oh bummer, you got left with Stone Egg all the way back then? I started up the process willingly after I had to seal away DBK. When was the little guy born?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "Little lady actually. Yuebei was born about six months ago. Our MK was crafted by Nuwa - then again I did raise him the first year until I became too weak to care for him..." *looks sad* TMKATI and CenturyEgg monkeys: "Oh no..." :( "Stone eggs are super dangerous to the people around them. I don't blame you." JTTWEgg!SWK: "Odd. I got an Egg from the mountain too - but mine was born shortly after I completed the Journey. And mine was our MK. Did losing Mihou make the process longer??" OG Monkeys: "What?" "How many of you have MK as your kid!?" (*Cue them having to make a Venn Diagram of Whos' MK is What to Whom*) OG!SWK: "Ok so! Mine and the guy with the super-adorbs baby got our MKs dumped on us." SlowBoiled Monkeys: *proudly showing photos of their Yuebei* OG!LEM: "The me in sweatpants had him cus of a comet /slash/ stone egg soul mishap." TMKATI!LEM: "Oh, my Wukong was still responsible there. He sealed the Harbringer's soul inside me after using a sealing spell. TMKATI!SWK: "I panicked, ok!" OG!SWK, pointing at the remaining universes: "Annnd you two literally birthed him yourselves." CenturyEgg and JttwEgg SWKs: "Yup." "Stone shell and all." OG!SWK: "...is there anything else I'm missing?" The other universes: (*scratching their chins in thought*) SlowBoiled!LEM, slyly: "So are you guys back together yet, or what?" OG Monkeys: "What!?" "As if!"
Laughter just erupts around the room as the canon shadowpeach pairing realises that they're the odd ones out as *not* being together.
Complete and utter chaos reigns when the parent and MK groups reunite, and they recognise some sort of connection...
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probablyintensemuses · 11 months
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CC @mageofspace__ on IG
TRACY!! I JUST FELL TO MY KNEES IN THE MIDDLE OF WALMART! THE WHOLE GANG!! I’m so happy to see Valec, Alice, Will, & Mariah in the flesh like wtf! But while we are here, I want to talk about some of my Oathbound predictions…because I can. ❤️⚔️💙
• Okay first, I truly believe that Bree has had her squire and kingsmage all along, Nick and Sel. I mean just with the relationships between those three, there is no way it goes any other way.
also, Alice will wake from her coma and have somehow inherited powers from Will as she was LITERALLY breathing his aether signature in. Like I’m not 100% sure how that would work, but we’ve seen it in media before, take Monica Rambeau and Wanda’s hex for an example! Maybe that interaction with magic will awaken Alice's own unique magic too, or maybe it's closely related to Bree again how the Mesmer did too in LB.
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Regardless, when she awakens I think bby girl will be given an even more important role in the finale of this series. Maybe like being Will's squire...
• it’s going to come out that not only is shadow daddy, IYKYK not spoiling for potential new readers who have no sense of self-preservation and are reading this anyways, is not only Sel's father but VALECHEZ’s! Like not only would that be pure comedy considering how they were at each other's NECKS in BM, but it makes sense as to why Sel was succumbing to his demonia so fast, faster than others, maybe because a little more demon than others…
•I think this new magic system that Tracy is cooking up is going to tap into Natasia and Faye’s relationship a bit more and even Sel and Bree’s.
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I also think it’s going to be the solution to not only Sel’s demonia, but Bree’s bloodmark, and even abatement and all these fucking legendborn oaths. I mean think about the word OATH, practically meaning something one HAS to abide by. Vera took an oath of sorts with the blood mark “one daughter at a time for all time.” The legend born and their oath of service and all this, as I call it, greedy magic which shortens their life spans, the Merlins too! What if, just what if, Faye and Natasia found a way to combine both their forms of magic (root + aether + blood craft) and created something entirely new? Something so potent and powerful, defying these “oaths” or what you could call them, curses, to cure all these things…and what if since Bree is from Faye’s lineage, sel from Natasia, what if they can do it together too.
• I think we will learn more about the Morgaine. More on Nick….hmm. A lot of LB fans keep calling him boring, but with his mom's disappearance, and the fact that Tracy is too good of an author to simply leave his arc hanging, I don't trust it. Maybe he will even go rogue, I'm not too sure ATP, but don't sleep on Nick!
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• Lastly for my final predictions…more like a pipe dream. I really, for the life of me, need Bree to pull a Wanda from episodes 8-9 of WandaVision with Shadow Daddy.
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We know Bree is smart and clever, this ain’t new! So, I need her to take what she has learned from shadow daddy, and then pull a clean uno reverse, and get out of there! EXPEDITIOUSLY!
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Then from there, I need her to find Sel and Nastia (preferably in some cute cabin in the woods, and Natasia needs to be a MILF) this revelation of Bree's survival prompts Natasia to discuss the above ^^^ She and Bree get to work! Sel is now cured and they can get these oaths removed!!! Once these oaths are removed, the REGENTS ARE TOAST, TOR TOO! Then we get to work on Camlann in book 4! Cuz that’s how tf Tracy does it! Period!!
THESE ARE JUST MY PREDICTIONS, NONE OF THESE ARE CANON!! All I have to say is I'm fucking so excited about this book and even though it's still two years out I'm trusting Tracy's expertise to bring us something DE-LI-CIOUS! Also is it too much to ask that if this is adapted for television to have it animated, we know how much Tracy loves and takes influence from anime... it's only fair, and I feel can make for a more accurate and dynamic visual medium.
That's all for now. PEACE.
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I finished reading your fic to my request and it was really fun!! Although what I had in mind was different, it was still fun! I really like how it really matches the vibe :DD
But I'm here to explain the nanbaka reverse au: so basically there's like this one picture I found of cell 13 wearing different guards' outfit so I went like "Oh my god what if the guards and prisoners had a reverse role" like it would be so cool
That's my whole thought process :]
- 🍰nom
Naaaw, now I wanna see that pic too... Anyways, my precious 🍰nom, I'll start with headcannons and then I will just recreate one of the scenes if that's alright with you, okay?
Warnings: Nanbaka on crack, hopefully funny scenes, swearing
Don't let your guard down!
To be honest, Hajime didn't even deserve to be here
He was just minding his business when all of a sudden, some drunk guy came to him and punched him
And that's how he somehow ended up here, in Nanba
Nanba as itself was nice, but the inmates as well as the guards there were a bit stupid
For example there was one building, where apparently two "handsome" guards, aka Trois and Honey, went to events for who was the most pretty person, along with their "handsome" inmate, Kiji Mitsuba
why were there even events for handsome prisoners and guards??
Or when he saw a blue haired woman who glared at him?
Hajime always shuddered when he thought about her glare.
Then there was his old friend, Mitsuru Hitokoe who was way too loud, and even though Hajime held him somwhat dear to him, he was glad he didn't have to share a cell with him.
but when looking at his own guards?
No thanks
Hajime didn't like this. One. Bit.
Why couldn't he just chill in his own cell? He could've been more productive. He'd even share a cell with the monkey inmate, Samon Gokuu. At least he could fight against him...
But here? In cell 13?
Nah, everything was shit.
He had to share his precious cell with the crybaby Seitaro Tanabata, who got bullied by the four guards who were supervising this building. The other cellmate was Yamato Godai, who was eerily fond of training his body and tormented his it with a sunshine face.
Yeah, Hajime didn't get why or how these two guys could end up doing a crime that they'd end up here in Nanba, but oh well.
"Hajime~!", Uno's voice echoed, and Hajime 'Tsk!'ed only at the approaching footsteps of the young guard. "Did ya miss us~?"
"Hell no. Now leave me alone.", he only grumbled, facing the door with his back.
Uno only chuckled before he started speaking again. "A special inmate would like to speak to youuuuu!"
Hajime only had a vague idea of who it might be.
Samon? Maybe. Or that dog like guy...what was his name?
Yakuza...yokai...Ah! Yozakura Kenshirou!
"Who is it?", he only asked impatiently before he got dragged out. Uno was humming happily ahead while Hajime was thinking of a way to escape or at least go back to his cell, but Uno's grip was terrifyingly strong.
"Say...where's the rest of you? You know, Jyugo, Nico and Rock?"
"They are speaking to her. That's why I'm dragging you there as well, you know? To be honest, it should've been one of the others to take you there. She was so pretty!"
All Hajime heard was Uno's annoyingly high pitched voice as the guard described the girl to him. Hajime had a feeling that he knew that girl all too well.
When they finally arrived the cell, tick marks appeared on Hajime's temple and neck.
"What the hell are you doing here?!", the inmate yelled, but got hit by Rock.
"Hello Hajime!", the person on the other end of the visiting room greeted.
The guards looked back and forth between the blonde and the bald one.
"So what gives? You said you didn't have a girlfriend Haji-"
"Don't change the subject!", the inmate yelled.
"That's his girl? Ah, there's no way.", Rock said.
"Out of his league.", Uno stated.
"You catch her at a low point?", Nico asked.
"You freaking punks-", Hajime started, but got interrupted by the blonde.
"Big brother, who are all these boys?", the relative asked, and the guards repeated the words "big brother" in an asking manner.
"Oh so are these your friends?"
"Like hell they are!"
The blonde haired person then looked at the guards with a smile. "Everyone, please take care of my brother."
and they answered with blushing faces. "Sure~!"
However, Jyugo had a question. "What's the deal Hajime? You never told us you had a sister."
Undo chimed in, again with his high pitched voice. "It's also kinda rude that you haven't untroduced us yet!"
"Her dress is adorable!", Nico complimented the blonde.
"Almost as cute as her.", Rock said while averting his eyes.
"He's my brother.", Hajime only said.
"This is my little bro-ther.", Hajime pronounced.
His brother smiled. "Hitoshi Sugoroku."
And then the guards lost it. They all screamed and Uno asked Jyugo something weird. "You said you liked boys too, right, Jyugo?!"
And he just nodded. "Yep, I did."
Hajime just couldn't with these idiot guards.
Hello again! I hope this was okay, I didn't really know what else to write, so this is it for now! Tbh it was kinda short in my opinion...
Please write in the comments how you found it, and yeah!
Read you in the next post!
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reshramlove1ob · 5 months
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Happy birthday, @iinkxerror
Things are gonna get sappy, so I'd say sit down for this one. I'm putting it under the cut, since it's gonna get long.
Thank you.
You are truly the best. You are so creative, imaginative, fun, and such a joy to talk to. Meeting you was a miracle, I'm serious.
You were one of the first people I ever interacted with on here. If not for my interest in role playing, and if you didn't post that post about potions, I don't think I would have made friends with you. Remember how you would spam tag me? I thought it was so annoying, and I even considered ghosting you. I'm so glad I didn't. Remember when DS!Blue and your sona fell in love? I was so invested, even if DS!Blue was a jerk. Remember when we'd draw scenes of the characters, sometimes as ponies? I sometimes think back to that and want to go back just to experience that joy again. We created one of my most precious things to ever come out of our combined concious because of that silly role play that never made sense.
When I was down, you were always there. I always feared the day I might take my life, but I kept going. I couldn't leave my life, my family, my pets. My friends. You. Even when I'm stressed now, you're always there. When I'm angry or frustrated, I always go tk you because you just existing makes me happier.
I still remember when you created Griffin. I kicked my feet in joy because, even as crazy as she looked, it was you who created her. I still remember when I was still trying to figure out my OCs lore, and yet it seemed like you knew yours already. If not for you, Heaven and Hell War wouldn't be like it is today. My most important project, and my longest, was because of you.
I remember learning learning you entering into high school. I was also entering it at the same time. My life suddenly turned upside down, though. My workload suddenly increased. I had more homework. I was spending less time on my phone. I was scared I was neglecting you.
I remember being in drivers Ed wishing I was role-playing with you instead of falling asleep in a boring class. I remember when I finally got my license. Then, a year later, I learned that you're working on getting yours. At this moment, I realized something. You've grown so much. And I'm so proud of you.
You mean the world to me. I wouldn't be the same without you. I wouldn't be as confident in my interests or talking about them openly. I wouldn't of drawn as much as I do. I wouldn't of wanted to write.
So thank you. Thank you for being born. Thank you for being alive right now.
When this is posted, I'll be in finals week. I don't know how you'll respond, maybe with just emojis, with a keyboard smash, maybe even an uno reverse card.
But I don't care how you respond. I just want you to read this and know how much I love you. /p
With all my heart, Selena
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emelinstriker · 10 months
I like what mara321 said, what if the Reader gets bored and decides to appoint one of the others with the role of the master, like a swap? I personally would walk right up to Nehza and be like "YOU. YES YOU. Congrats, you're the master now and I get to be the eternal servant, how fun is that?" Or maybe Inky would take that role given he's not as loyal as the others... I think it would be funny to see one of the champions giving orders then pausing and looking at the Reader like "Was that ok?" I love this concept, I really do.
Also huge fan of your Macaque (because butterflies, that's the only way I can describe the emotion) and your Wukong (he's so elegant, I wanna cry-)
And, speaking of Inky, I adore him with every fiber of my being, he needs more love.
Ok I just love your AU, keep up the amazing work!
nfhgndfhgndf thanks! c:
And in terms of the Reader swapping up roles, I feel like that borders a previous ask I got about the champions being dared/tasked to basically worship another champion instead- [This one]- Just with the addition of the Reader wanting to be a champion too.
So pretty sure whoever would be chosen as the temporary Master would just be awkward af and wouldn't give his actual Master any tasks, besides just cuddling or something where he can help them to spend time with them.
Unless it's Mink.
But I generally advise against picking Mink as a Master for the Reader.
Especially if their relationship isn't stable and he doesn't like them.
Because unlike the others, depending on his standings with the Reader, he does not give a flying fuck whether or not the Reader is actually comfortable with something.
He would most definitely give them tasks that can range between being embarrassing and literally deadly.
If he despises them, of course he'll try to get rid of them in any way possible, even if that involves getting them killed over their own choice to pick him as Master.
If involved in a rather wholesome relationship with him, he might even just uno reverse that task and give the Reader the task to be Master again.
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
In my brief wanderings and touching of grass plus £4.50 Mr Whippy from the ice cream van the economy is in shambles, I have concluded:
Rogue!Master the Dungeon Master cosplaying Captain Jack is definitely still the most logical Occam’s Razor and fitting of the episode themes, both full of depth but also fairly easy for casuals to also follow along with, which is how Rusty likes it.
However. You could theoretically do differently if you were willing to fully commit to the 5d chess that is the Doctor knowing it’s the Master but also roleplaying cus he just really wants this. Because then you uno-reverse yet again, red-herrings bait-and-switch, with this actually being Pantheon member The Rogue, who knows that the Doctor will know it’s the Master cosplaying Captain Jack, and when daddy trapped him in the tooth this allowed the Rogue to do exactly what we see at the start of the episode and effectively take the Master’s place and life in the universe. And we can still explain the all important ‘but why is he cosplaying as Captain Jack’ for basically the same reasons - The Rogue is a Pantheon member and they’ve all watched the show.
(It’s not about just pretending to be Jack, he’s a baddie, he entered to “I’m the bad guy” I’m assuming you know your theory let’s continue)
Pantheon is valid for him because their only shared qualities so far have been 1) Being American, 2) Being Gay, 3) Being about Creativity* *however he is actually shit at improv and ad lib so point against tbh, 4) Being The Something - Rogue works, and the unknown but likely 5) Have watched Doctor Who.
(Whether extradimensional beings crosses over with beings ‘beyond the universe’ I think can easily swing either way, so I won’t use it as a point either way, just note it).
But obvious question is: Why? Sure we need more Pantheon but we don’t need two baddies that fulfil the role of Doctor’s Spouse. This does nothing for us. The ecological niche is already filled.
Option A) Maybe we’re using this to work out a way for the Master to ultimately be a Pantheon member on par with the Doctor. Seems like a dumb way of going about it with bigeneration and so on, but if you were to dedicated a series subplot to it with a few episodes I’m sure you could smush them together and get there.
Option B) We’re going to reveal that the Rogue is actually much more metaphysically malleable than that. He’s a Wildcard, a Joker, he’s ‘rogue’ because he just sees a gap and he fills it, whatever that gap might be for better or worse. Bring back the Master and he becomes something else. He is the plotbunny for plotholes, he’s making a home in there. Fitting for a dungeon lowercase-m-master. And it’s funny and drama time when you let the Master out and at him.
…But again realistically you just don’t have two characters filling the same ecological niche in the first place, Occam’s Razor says it’s just the one. Just that I think you could do it if you were willing to push your audience and do the groundwork - and I don’t think we’re getting rid of the Pantheon this season just introducing them so…
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gamesception · 9 months
Sception Reads Cass Cain #30
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Batgirl (2000) #13 Writer: Puckett Art: Scott & Campanella
Event Crossover's done for now, and the immediate fallout - Gordon's & Alfred's retirements - don't directly impact Cass, so we're back to one shot Batgirl stories with the usual creative team. Or, well, sort of. While this issue works as a stand alone story, it will have some fallout that pushes Cass's story forward a bit.
So yeah, this is the one where Cass saves the repentant sniper from his US government handlers who are out to kill him now that he's become a loose end by growing a conscience. Yes, you can draw a parallel to Cass herself, also a repentant assassin, and point out that thematically she's saving herself here - or at least attempting to, given what follows. Plus this issue is set up for coming issues that will examine the theme of Cass's isolation and Bruce's role in keeping her isolated, a topic I recently discussed in a reply to a post by @but-a-humble-goon over here.
But most of that deeper thematic stuff is attached to the fallout from this issues events that we'll see going forward. So for the moment, especially considering this post is half a week late already, I'd instead like to just take a moment to acknowledge that his issue has some really iconic moments, both from the art and the writing.
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Like this bit of Cass dodging bullets.
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Or this bit of the gov't agents openly laughing at the sniper for believing the story he had been given for why he was supposed to kill his target.
Like, these agent guys are super cliche, sure, but they're also so perfectly hate-able. They're kind of fantastic, and I wish Cass had feuded with them more.
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Cass no-selling the agent's threats is great.
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And uno-reversing the threat immediately after is even better, because unlike this agent guy we know who her friends are.
Though, I mean, honestly, they're in Gotham. Dude should be able to put 2 and 2 together.
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And this panel of Cass leaping off a building is fantastic.
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At the end, when the guy asks her why Cass would do all that to help a complete stranger, how it was she knew he was somebody who deserved to be saved when he himself just found out he'd been killing innocent people.
And her answer directly calls back to the end of issue 6...
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Where her instinct to protect others even at the cost of her own life was what had, at least for the moment, overcome Bruce's doubts about her.
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And this great bit at the very end, where he asks her name and the ending title card answers for her. Who is she? She's Batgirl.
Of course, follow up to this story in future issues will examine how the fact that she has no identity, no name, no life besides being Batgirl is kind of a bad thing actually, but for the moment, treating this issue as a one of story, it feels kind of triumphant. She knows who she is, she likes who she is. She's happy! She's thriving! She's having adventures where she saves a symbolic representation of herself!
But yeah, this fun high spirited story that ends on this upbeat triumphant note is just building her up so the coming issues can tear all that down. She's not 'living in the moment' - she's running from a past that's too painful to think about and a future that she fully expects will see her dead at Shiva's hands in less than a year. She's not happy just being Batgirl because that's everything she needs, she just doesn't know any other life because first David and now Bruce have kept her from having one outside of their own ambitions for her.
She's not even symbolically saving herself through the metaphorical stand in of this sniper guy because he /isn't/ her and she /didn't/ save him. He has connections and a life outside of his past as an assassin, the kind of connections Cass was never allowed to develop, ties he can't just walk away from to start a new life, ties that the people Cass rescued him from today can use to go after him again tomorrow.
Again, though, that's discussion for future issues. In this moment Cass is happy, as happy as we've seen her in a while, and we can let her have that for a week or so.
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mimiruku · 1 month
Hi Jojo! For Mimi: "🍕 - What is their favorite food?" , "🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?" And "✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?"
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█     𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐎𝐂. ⸻   ( ⚝ )
It's so crazy how my memory is so shabby, I had to look for this ask all over again, but thank you for your patience as always!
🍕   -   What is their favorite food ? ╰┈➤    Unfortunately, Miruku suffers from quite a bit of dulling when it comes to physical sensations in which also affected his relationship with food ⸻ he's not a particularly picky eater and would likely eat anything you put in his plate regardless of the quality or safety of the meal in question, ultimately he doesn't enjoy food at all and don't have a favorite as a result, however he does quite enjoy the sentiments of what it means when someone cooks for you or the passions that comes with it. ; It had been what initially gravitated him in the first place in becoming a regular at TakeSushi. So, I suppose in this way his 'favorite food' would be whatever his favorite person made him in that moment.
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🍎   -   What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like ? ╰┈➤    He's the one neglecting his parents actually, uno-reverse card. Miruku is spoiled rotten, an only child who was taught to only follow his whims, which ultimately lead to him leaving his family at an early age ⸻ they should learn to say no, but Miruku has yet to meet people that didn't sway his way. ( Not until Reborn that is. ) He quite frankly punked his parents enough to have it his way irregardless of how strange the request was. He was loved very dearly, but Miruku doesn't seem to understand this sentiments nor indicated otherwise that he feels the same way.
Fun fact : The reason as to why his 'gender' is insubstantial is entirely the fault of his parents. He was raised uninformed of gender roles, with one particular exception! His mode of language is male leaning because he emulated his father growing up, the masculine pronouns were just a result of being a copy-cat.
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✂️   -   What is one of your OC’s worst memories ?
CONTENT WARNING   :   stalking, childhood abuse by adults. short summary.   from the age seven to his early teen-hood, miruku had been plague by a particularly persistent stalker.
Miruku has long forgone this memory ⸻ he doesn't remember the details of it : but he remembers the feeling of dread against a strange confession , when someone says "I love you" , "Do you love me back. " ; the insistence of it all and the confusion only a child could muster against a grown adult. He thinks he's perfectly fine, but ever so often a wave if disturbance would wrack him. It's his teacher, she was...really " in love" with him.
As Miruku moved to Japan, she also moved with him. It had resulted to her timely departure as a result, though Miruku was not in formed of her death and as as such remained somewhat perpetually spook.
This was not the first time he was stalked however nor will this be the last, he seems to have an unlucky draw when it comes to obsessive types.
This memory returns along with his future! arc memories, Yuni jogged his head so much, things he didn't wanna remember started resurfacing.
lThis one particularly tops everything else including the death, killing and future abduction because it went on for years and years without her being able to defend herself effectively.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Reverse Uno: now you do Karl and Ardyn >:3
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Karl Heisenberg
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First impression: I thought he was going to play a significant role in RE8, perhaps even fall into the trope where he's truly the Big Bad (TM) versus Mother Miranda. I think I got that impression because Karl always came across as smarter than he lets on. Either way, I knew I was gonna fucking love this dude. Does he look like trash? Yep. Does he hold a grudge? Yep. Sign me up! 
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That's seriously my biggest gripe when it comes to Karl, he's a great character that didn't get used to his full potential. I mean, sure that gives fanfic writers such as myself a lot to play with and makeup, but he deserved better. Karl's character was fucking fun. I could tell his motion capture and VO artist had a great time playing hobo metal man (Neil Newbon you sold it, mother fucker).
Seriously, Karl is hot trash but he's my hot trash. I'll defend him all the way.
Favorite Moment: In every scene Karl is in, he just steals the damn show. I always enjoy the scene where he confronts Ethan with partnering up (Ethan, you should've taken the hobo's hand) and goes on a verbal rampage about the other lords and how much he despises Miranda. You can feel his passion and hate for what's become of his life, and even sense how desperate he is to get out of it by any means necessary.
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Idea for a story: I've been working on a story with Karl called The Sacrifice that takes place years before the events of RE8. Karl falls in love with a gal named Sonja Ainsley, and this pushes him to wanting to break free from the village and Miranda's clutches.
The story is on hiatus, but I intend to finish it when I get the motivation again. I love him and Sonja very much.
Unpopular Opinion: For all his bravado, Karl is sensitive and cautious deep down. I’ve read many stories where is unyielding and very sexual (ngl I indulge in that cause I’m nasty like everyone else on here lol) but given the abuses he has endured, I think he would be quite reluctant to indulge himself with someone until several layers were peeled back and his partner gained his trust. 
Favorite Relationship: I ship Karl with happiness. I don’t care if it’s an OC, Reader, Canon, etc. etc. etc. I just want this fucking hob goblin to feel like he’s on top of the world and has support. I love reading material where he gets to just fucking live and be happy. 
Favorite headcanon: Karl is quite good at making jewelry pieces. 
Karl is artistically inclined and enjoys sketching, and doodling. He keeps most of his pieces to himself since he considers having a hobby like that could lead him to being taken advantage of (he’s kind of a victim of toxic masculinity there in that regard, where “men can’t like things like the arts without being seen as less than”). 
Karl struggled with reading well into his early 20s, but he taught himself and is quite fond of novels (Sonja helps him there in The Sacrifice, and he likes Pride and Predjudice). 
Moreau and he watch TV together, and they get invested and I do mean invested to the point where they both yell and scream at the characters on TV for fucking up. 
Ardyn Izunia/Lucis Caelum
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First Impression: I want to preface by saying that my late grandmother bestowed upon me the knowledge to protect myself from peculiar people. She told me to never trust a man who has shaved off his eyebrows and never trust a man that wears a tunic. All her wisdom couldn’t prepare me for what the fuck to do about a man who wears over 5 layers of clothing, and looks like a homeless guy who walked into a thrift shop and picked out every item that screamed, “Hi there, I’m Johnny Depp.” I’m frightened, but I gotta follow my principles: does he look like trash? Check. Does he hold a grudge? Check. Okay everyone…let’s pray….
Impression now: Your honor, I love him. I love his quirkiness. I love his humor. I love his mannerisms. I love his darkness. I love his imperfections. I love his humanity and lack thereof. I love his daemon form. I love his charisma. I love how he carries himself. I love his ambition. I love how unsettling he can be. I love his wild hair. I love his piercing eyes. I love how he used to love and care for others. I love how he tried to hold onto himself despite failing. I love how he’s unapologetic. I love his faults. I love his flaws. I love that I see bits of myself in him. I love his bloodlust. I love his taunts. I love his sarcasm. I love how tragic his story is. I love how unyielding he can be. I love him. Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.
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Favorite Moment: Pretty much everything he is in. However I adore his entire appearance in the Lestallum chapter. You can tell he’s clearly up to shit, but can’t necessarily prove it. Hell, I even felt bad for judging him after he goes through the trouble of saving everyone’s ass in a later part of that section. I even had a moment of second guessing. 
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Idea for a story: I already wrote an Ardyn x OC (Caelan) story called Immortal Shield. I wanted to give Ardyn a happier ending, and explore his character if he were resurrected years after the final battle with Noctis (went with the Dawn of the Future ending). I think it turned out okay.
Cause I am not over him by any means, I’m working on a Ardyn x Reader story. It takes place two years before the events of the game. I’m 10 chapters in thus far. 
Unpopular Opinion: Ardyn is one of the best FF villains in the franchise. I’ve seen people complain about him being lackluster as a character (from his quirks/backstory, to the final battle cause he didn’t have a ‘final form’). Then there’s the camp that sees the adoration fans have for him and go, “tragic guy does tragic and terrible things and people make excuses for him”. I mean…yeah, to a degree? But what makes me still stand by my statement is the fact that unlike most FF villains: the guy actually fucking wins. We are talking about a man who spent YEARS and I mean fucking YEARS plotting, wearing various masks, and lining up pieces to ensure he would FINALLY get to rest in peace after all the shit he had been forced to endure. That is dedication and shows how he’s so damn dangerous and intelligent. A man that can bide his time for thousands of years isn’t someone to fuck around with. 
Favorite Relationship: Ardyn x Aera. Those two deserved happiness and peace. I also ship him with OCs, other canon characters, and readers/inserts. I love stories where no matter who it’s with, he is appreciated and cherished. 
Favorite headcanon: Ardyn’s love language is gift-giving. If he sees something that reminds him of someone, he’ll get it for them or even try his hand at making the thing himself if he wants to go the extra mile. Getting a gift from him says A LOT, and the people around him know it’s kind of a big fucking deal. 
Being a former healer, he’s very much in tune with people’s emotions that it’s almost like a 6th sense. Even being corrupted by the star scourge, he can never truly tune that part of himself out. He uses this natural gift to manipulate others to get ahead. 
Since sweets like chocolate and other delicacies were rare and quite expensive 2,000 years ago, Ardyn takes full advantage of modern decadence. The man’s got candy everywhere. 
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phoenixcatch7 · 3 months
Fic idea collection: sephiroth reincarnates into mdzs.
Now I've been rotating this in my mind for a while, but it went through several iterations before I was happy with it. Feel free to expand on or even use any of them!
Sephiroth reincarnates into lwj. Straightforward, pretty 1 to 1, we get lovely white v black and anime swordsmen and a bewildered love at first sight gay panic that goes differently to but about as well as canon. Room for gorgeous scenes and lots of angst. Wings, war heroes, on a pedestal, etc. Becoming a new person vs cycles of trauma. Devil you know etc. Problem: I don't like writing romance, I don't particularly want to one true soulmate wwx with someone who isn't lwj, and should wwx still die (pretty inevitable) the issue abruptly becomes sephiroth grieving for his brutally defamed and murdered One Love and not going on a genocidal spree about it. Lsh is not enough of an deterrent when the jianghu wants the kid dead too.
Sephiroth reincarnates into lwj and lxc in a split soul/mind situation, and they 'both' fall in love with wwx. I loved this, but the logistical issues (particularly the war) clashed with anything to do with the canon plot, and again it didn't fix the other romantic issues.
Sephiroth reincarnates into just lxc and that would have very little bearing on the wwx centric plot, so maybe a romance with jc? Again, cute, but sephiroth is pretty much the polar opposite of lxc and that'd mess up so much. They could work a grumpy (cold, uncaring) with a grumpy (hot, cares so very much) dynamic, I think they'd work pretty well under the right circumstances, but that combined with the fact I don't really ship them (sorry!) put me off expanding it further.
The one I finally decided on:
Sephiroth as... nmj! The combination of the special sabers and their resentment, the war leader role, the reputation, the kid brother abruptly foisted on him, it really struck me! I really like the idea of nmj slipping NHS some of his dna as a baby (qi covering for hojo science in this case) and the compulsive consequences of that. Feeling like NHS only really cares for him because of the s cells mind control. Having to take care of him like those egg/flour bag baby projects to teach kids empathy and responsibility but with a real human kid brother.
Nmj letting NHS slack even if he hates it because his subconscious will protect him in an emergency. If you've seen the scene in ff7 rebirth of cloud with the soldiers you'll know what I mean (it was SUCH a good scene. Ice cold). Imagine NHS of all people getting in trouble (like in the live action) and suddenly like a switch is flipped turning into a merciless murder machine.
I feel like they'd bond a lot in their own way, with NHS both thinking the world of and being sibling scared of him, them thoroughly enjoying battles of wits like weiqi but having no/few shared interests outside of that. Nmj honing NHS' observation skills, ruthlessness, quick thinking (and unwittingly, acting skills lmao). Sephiroths total inability to comprehend NHS' want to be lazy and indulgent with his own childhood of being genetically made to be a high functioning child soldier and then having to lead the sect and raise a kid from a young age, but having no real reference for how a normal childhood would look.
It'd be really interesting to see how it'd affect the war efforts, with someone well versed in large scale conflict, with sephiroths own overwhelming power. Wwx wouldn't be the sole ace, and how would that affect his own motivations and reputation if he wasn't as necessary?
And of course!! The venerated triad!! How would sephiroth take lxc and jgy, so much like his old genesis and angel? Would the experience of crisis core prepare him for those two, or for betrayal and distrust? Without the threat of degradation, would he find himself clinging to them? Would he notice lgys betrayal or underestimate him? Would he feed him his dna and pull an uno reverse??
And should he die, there's no way his corpse is going to be normal. Like, at all. (And poor NHS would sense it, react to it, part of his mind and cells getting ripped out, shut down, the warmth and love of his brother.) Would it constantly try to revive? Would its presence cause mania or mood swings, hallucinations, nightmares? Would people exposed start picking up habits or beliefs he had while alive? Would it be cut up to try and weaken it? Would its eyes track lgy until he hides it away? Would he start oozing green?? And don't even start on what a temple scene would look like in this situation, oh man. It'd be Bad. I think he'd claw his way back to full consciousness out of pure homicidal refusal. He's clawed his way back from total annihilation far too many times to let some conniving POLITICIAN do him in for good.
Nmj staunchly returning from the dead to take up being a Co sect leader again because now he's actually unkillable and NHS is not about to let this happen without shoving as much work as possible back onto him lmao (so he can't leave). And befriending wen ning. The white hair and blank eyes with the iron grey skin and black/gold would be striking.
Basically nmj would be ripe for really good canon divergence and character analysis and growth but even if you keep canon the exact same there's still plenty of room during and after for anything ranging from hurt/comfort to fluff to pure crack (we're putting Sci fi dystopia allegory man in Chinese High Fantasy it's not going to go completely smoothly. And this man does not have experience with raising a child).
There is, also, the option of split mind nhs/nmj sephiroth, in which one body takes the brawn and the violence and the attention and the other keeps the brain and the secret longing for safety and comfort and leisure, acting as though two separate people to allow this space to rest and heal and learn to be human in the way a child soldier or orphaned teen sect leader isn't allowed. It'd mean NHS and nmj would have to be twins, and thus full blooded, but that could be rectified by nmj just being the youngest of the trio and NHS being a few years behind in classes so he's in the same year as the other clan heirs (and wwx) like canon. He'd also be a lot, lot harder to kill and if jgy did anyway sephiroth would quite brutally extract revenge immediately for killing his other body and that means no happy ending for wwx (or a lot of people tbh).
So which idea is your favourite?
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skye-huntress · 1 year
The Witch from Mercury Season 2 Reaction
Episode 16: “Cycle of Sin”
So, Prospera apparently transferred Eri into the Lfrith in order to save her. This actually makes a lot more sense to me than what I saw most people assume. And her goal is to achieve a Permit Score of 8 to grant Eri “freedom”. By the sounds of it, she wants to turn Eri into some kind of machine god using Quiet Zero. I’ve had a growing suspicion that Eri may be the final boss of this series, but it’s hardly definitive yet.
Belmeria really tried to pull the ethics card and Prospera responded with an UNO reverse
The cat’s out of the bag. Easy to cover up what happens at a restricted facility, but not at a school during in an Open Campus period.
And now the Benerit Group’s under pressure after trying to take matters into their own hands. Now they’re such a mess that they need a new President to weather the shitstorm they are currently in
Suletta really did email Miorine three times a day, even though they went unread
Looks like a lot of students are either leaving or getting pulled out of school. I did notice one of the text on Secelia’s notebook say something about not being able to sit in a cockpit again after the incident. I couldn’t help thinking, what did they think they were learning to pilot for? After all that target practice, what did they think they were learning to shoot?
Of course, Earth House is copping all the suspicion and harassment. Never mind the fact that if there was evidence they were actually found guilty of something they’d probably be thrown in a cell immediately and indefinitely, that’s not enough for their prejudiced classmates.
Yes, their friend died and that is a tragedy, but let’s not pretend that he didn’t die while piloting a machine of war, designed to kill. Well, war finally found you and if that upsets you all so much, you should probably stay as far away from a mobile suit as possible.
She’s finally back!
Earlier Chuchu was ready to go on a rampage to find Nika but when Miorine comes with some info and says to wait for more, Chuchu agrees. The girl who wakes up everyday and chooses violence is now listening to her Spacian friend/boss and taking the wait and see approach.
Everyone trying to get Miorine’s attention while Suletta kind of shrinks in the background, so leave it to the quietest person in the room to get Miorine’s attention on her behalf
The way Miorine’s mood changed when Prospera showed up is so relatable.
Guel returns and causes his brother to faint on the spot. Does this count as yet another L? He really can’t catch a break, and now it seems he’s about to do something dramatic, again.
When No. 5 was tasked with stealing Aerial, I already knew exactly how this was going to go and I couldn’t wait to see it. I was not disappointed. Suck it, 5!
Is Eri more powerful now, or did she just not see No. 4 as a threat?
Belmeria, it’s a bit late in the game to have a crisis of conscience, especially in the presence of one of your Enhanced Persons.
We have a number of different factions and schemes at play, but I’m not sure how big a role Peil will play. They are after Aerial, but now it’s clear they can’t just steal it, and No. 5 hasn’t done too well at trying to win over Suletta. After hitting another dead end, what new approach will they take?
So now we’re having that conversation. It started out well, but… It is unfortunate that that was necessary in order to save Miorine, however the problem is that it is not framed as a tragedy in Suletta’s mind but as yet another instance where her mother was right.
Suletta’s complete faith in her mother’s judgment is truly unnerving. She’d give up her dreams if her mother told her, too, and we already know she’d kill if she was told to. That’s not to say there isn’t a line, but Prospera is probably clever enough not to cross it.
I will say though, this might actually contradict the mantra that Suletta has been living by. Run and you gain one, move forward and you gain two. Allowing someone else to make the decisions for you instead standing by your own judgments is just another form of running away. Suletta will only ever truly be able to move forward if she learns to stand on her own and live true to her own principles
I expected the confrontation, but I never expected that Prospera would flat out tell Miorine she wants revenge against her father for the mass murder of her husband and colleagues. Of course, Miorine’s priority is protecting Suletta, if their parents want to kill each other they should leave their children out of it.
For a moment, I’d forgotten that Prospera was actually trying to recruit Miorine for her cause, to take over Quiet Zero. It makes a certain sense that the best way to ensure the Suletta survives what is to come is for Miorine to take over that project. It’s not like she can trust any of the other power players to leave Suletta alone, especially if they discover Prospera’s true identity and intent.
It seems we’ll be focusing on the election for the next President and Miorine has to win for Suletta’s sake
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industryhbo · 1 year
yj thoughts mostly about the antler queen 😒
maaan..... this show got so much cheaper this season. cause they originally planned for lottie to be the antler queen (the writers literally called it the oracle, which is still lottie even if nat is the leader) but after the show blew up and the queen became such a Big Deal they decided to change it just to surprise people. which. i don't like lmao. it was a cool dimension to lottie that she was so resistant to leadership, and that would've been really interesting with her becoming antler queen, accepting the mantle but treating it with such grave seriousness. but instead they just uno reversed it
lottie saying she can't feel the wilderness anymore but you'd think she felt it when she let shauna beat her up, and also when javi died and she got healed. if she can't feel the wilderness anymore, and assuming she won't really feel it for the rest of the 19 months, then the entiiiire thread of adult lottie feeling the wilderness again and becoming convinced it wants a sacrifice makes NO SENSE. her connection to the wilderness had literally nothing to do with the sacrifice ritual (unless her connection comes back and it becomes an important part of the sacrifices, but it really seems like all that will be up to nat from now on). lottie started the spilling blood thing but at no point has teen lottie felt the wilderness asking them to make a full sacrifice like she is proposing in the adults' storyline, and if she lost connection to the wilderness then teen lottie never will, and adult lottie's sacrifice plan is coming out of literally nowhere.
plus adult van's reaction to seeing lottie again like. she was so affected and it made sense because lottie was their leader! but now they are going to shift onus of the wilderness onto natalie, and van didn't react at all to seeing nat again. i feel like there's hardly any narrative support in the adults' storyline for nat being the antler queen. like, was there any scenes or lines that alluded to this? other than nat's dream where she is the antler queen because obviously.
in light of the finale, so much of season 2 doesn't make sense anymore... like when lottie is talking about the bees killing each other and nat says "i see why you like them". but lottie was literally the most removed from the first attempt at killing and never wanted it to happen?? nat was much more involved. so what the fuck is that line supposed to mean
and why did lottie have a mental breakdown when they got rescued? it makes sense if she was very in tune with the wilderness, and had gotten used to its power and being the leader of the group. and then returning to regular society feels wrong for her. but if she couldn't even feel the wilderness for the rest of the 19 months?? and she's just a follower with no more visions??? then why would it be so jarring for her?
the first season was just so clean and purely good tv but now it's more sensational and shock value i think. it's cool to watch but doesn't have the gravitas of season 1. and i really wish there was more psychological horror
ig it depends on what lottie's role becomes going forward in the teen's timeline but i feel like switching the antler queen messes with her character so much. is there any logical/narrative explanation for this someone pls explain
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appleatcha · 1 year
I had a long winded thing typed and tumblr deleted it 😭 so here we go again !
I wanted to waffle a bit about the shift in tone/aura of my blog lately.
My blogs vibe has shifted a lot since its inception, but I had really gotten into this "positivity inclusive (read: anti-trad/anti-terf) housewife" thing in 2023. And in the months I spent focusing on that in my life I learned so much about gratitude and positive thinking that has truly fundamentally changed my mental health and how I see and experience the world around me. But it always felt like I was just ignoring a huge part of myself.
I would come on here and write about gratitude and positivity and subconsciously I feel like I postured myself as this elegent and soft spoken lady when thats....not me at all. I am an air-headed and ham-handed lady that either doesn't take something seriously or has panic attacks over how serious i believe something is. I am awkward and stiff and most importantly I am NOT a positive, perfect kind of person that I feel like my blog gave off. I am an anxious mess and have a tendency to be negative. Which is a big reason why I focused so much on positivity and gratitude, which again has really positively impacted me. Even with my anxiety and mental health struggles I am way less negative than I ever was before.
I've mentioned before, but the end of 2022 brought up some challenges for me that I had never encountered before and never thought I would encounter. And I feel like I really grabbed onto the whole positivity/gratitude shtick as a way of avoiding coping with that. But when my I had to resuscitate my husband last month along with a few other stressful things that were new experiences for me, I think it kind of "uno-reversed" the stress of late 2022 and I had a real "I've lost myself bit" introspection.
I've said it twice, but the complete focus on positivity and gratitude and my role as a wife and a mother helped me so much. So much in fact, that I spent some time struggling with the thought that I'd lost myself a bit. I had this thought of "well, this way of thinking and living has done me so good, why should I ease off the gas?". But in focusing so much on that side of me, I was neglecting the other side of me. I couldn't tell you how many times my husband would sit me down and say something to the effect of "Nivids, you're going too hard in the sauce. You don't have to put all your eggs in one basket" and I would write it off. And as usual, here i am realizing that he knew me better than myself all along yet again!
So I've been trying to let loose on here. I refused to post about my interests on here beyond "nature, appalachia, housewife, positivity, gratitude, and occasional witchery" because I didn't think my weird interests or humor could mesh well with it. But im trying to just not give a damn. This has also coupled with an effort to engage in my silly weird interests in my real world life as well.
My husband points out a lot that I don't let myself enjoy my own things. One thing about my husband is that he drops some harsh truths sometimes lol. One big one is that 99% of the situations i feel i CANT do something, i am just not letting myself do it. For example, if I lament that I haven't had a chance to watch a video I've been waiting to watch because my son has been watching his stuff on TV, he will say "you can tell him he's had his turn and watch your tv" and I think "wow, I guess I really did just want to feel powerless to validate my inaction huh". And I think I've been doing a lot of that self-regulation this year to cope with everything that's been going on.
All of that is to say, I am sorry if you followed me this year because you are a fellow housewife and enjoyed my peaceful, nature-centric positivity and are like WTF happened to this girl when I start posting Mary Reilly, Chris Fleming, and clown doll lmao
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