fagsex · 2 years
no one quite understands me like the protagonist of girl all the bad guys want
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
Buck is outside manning the comms, with Chimney monitoring two people breathing in oxygen, having been closest to the malfunctioning pyrotechnics. The arena is being checked by the rest of the team. At least there aren't any serious casualties.
Two guys clad in leather gear - one of them with long braided hair and eyeliner, the other with very striking blue eyes and impossible abs- wander over to Buck.
"Hey, thanks for what you're doing," says the shorter one. He has a distinct Irish accent. Buck is certain that if he were not already happily attached, he'd want to try his luck with this one. "Pyro really fucked up tonight."
The tall one laughs, his voice a mellow, deep tone. "Hunter's gonna have their heads for this screwup. Imagine if this was at Mania." He mimes an axe chopping at his neck.
"Sometimes circuits go haywire," Chimney chimes in. "I heard there wasn't anything wrong yesterday during rehearsals."
Irish shrugs. "I was there only for our bit. Pyro went off okay at that time." Then he smiles, and it's a megawatt smile that hits Buck like a truck. "Forgot my manners. Fergal, but people round here also call me Finn."
"Damian," says the tall one.
Buck shakes their hands. Damn, they're strong. "Buckley, but I go by Buck. This is Chimney."
Damian looks curious. "That's an interesting nickname. How did you get it?"
Before Chimney shares his story, another guy calls out, "Heyo! I was looking for you guys. Ay, who's this handsome brother?"
The guy that called out and joins them is taller than Fergal, with a genuine mullet and some unfortunate facial hair, but he has a bouncy, golden retriever energy about him even though he's dressed in purple and black, like Finn and Damian.
Buck grins. "I'm Buck, this is Chimney."
"Firefighters! So cool. I wanted to be one when I was a kid, pero it was only for, like, a month, just before that custody match. I'm Dom." The guy waves at someone behind Buck. "AY, MAMI! Get here, we got two hotties to chat with while they deal with the inside."
A young woman with insanely sculpted shoulders and back - Buck feels almost skinny next to her - walks over. Her eyes are heavily made up and her hair gelled down, making her look intimidating and extremely goth, but her tone is light and cheery. "Hey! Agnes got my makeup done in the parking lots instead. I hear Bob say we're just gonna start half an hour later." She waves hi to the two firefighters. "Rhea. Can't thank you guys enough for what you're doing, lots of fans traveled here for tonight and I'd hate to let them down."
"It's our duty," Chimney says. Then he adds, "Say, we don't have paper or pens on us, but is it cool if we do a group selfie?"
"Sure!" Dom is the first to whip out his phone. "Dames, your arm's the longest."
"World Heavyweight Champion and a glorified selfie stick, that's me alright," Damian grumbles good-naturedly.
Buck is thanking them when Chimney suddenly says, "Hey, Fergal, can you Too Sweet Buck?"
"What? What's that?" Buck is thoroughly bewildered. It sounds kinky, but Chim wouldn't suggest something inappropriate.
Chimney rolls his eyes. "How have you been dating Tommy and not watched any pro wrestling?"
Buck wants to retort that he and Tommy have better things to do, but realizes that he's literally with a bunch of pro wrestlers.
Fergal chuckles. He has really red lips, Buck notices, distracted momentarily.
"You just hold your hand up like this, touch the tip of your middle and ring finger to your thumb," Fergal explains, demonstrating. "Hold it here - okay."
Then Fergal does the same gesture with his left hand and touches their fingertips together, holding the pose long enough for Chimney to get a couple of photos on Dom's phone.
"I'm posting these to Instagram," Dom announces. "You want I should tag you both?"
Tommy is staring at his phone when Buck gets home, but his head snaps up and he is totally starstruck.
"You were Too Sweeted by Fergal Devitt? What's he like? Is he more handsome in person?" Tommy asks in a rush.
Buck rolls his eyes fondly. "Nice to see you too, babe."
Tommy jumps off the couch and kisses Buck. "Sorry. Welcome home. Also, wow? The Judgment Day? And Fergal fucking Devitt?"
"Why? Is he a big deal?" Buck already knows - he spent the rest of his shift looking up the group he took selfies with and watching some of their matches.
"Only the founder of one of the most influential factions in all of pro wrestling?!" Tommy is practically squealing. "Tell me everything."
Buck has to laugh at his boyfriend fanboying hard. He pecks Tommy's cheek and taps the tip of his aquiline nose. "You are ridiculously cute. I gotta shower, and I'll tell you over dinner."
"At least tell me he's as pretty in person as in pictures," Tommy almost whines.
Buck smirks. He's also checked out their socials. "Oh, way prettier."
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thenixkat · 24 days
good golly the art in this issue
whent full extreame 90s
superman's back and he has a mullet
Guy did get a haircut. Man's ot rocking that hideous bowl cut anymore Wonder Woman lost her ability to fly off screen Ice, I get you miss home, but if all that melts while yer away on a mission that would fuck up the whole building
Ice gained superstrength and the ability to fly after fighting her brother and absorbing some of the magic from the staff that his benefactors gave him
this paneling is overly dynamic for what's going on right now
ah teh casual ableism in comics. Ted getting called a head case for becoming withdrawn after his coma and more easily stressed out by shit this level of detailing is excessive
ALso why is Oberon lean now? He used to be stockier
RIP to this dude Everett becoming aware that destiny is gonna force him to become a superhero, something that destroyed two generations of his family, and reacting to it with the appropriate horror of his situation
also some big cosmic fuckshit is heading to Earth giving fuckers prothetic dreams and premonitions that Dreamslayer guy that once possessed Max and tried to seduce Bloodwynd is involved with shit
I'm currently on issue 87 of 113
so Skeets and Ted have been collaborating offscreen working on Booster's fugly new suit. I would have loved to have seen them working together, b/c I wanna see Ted be friends with Skeets
I'm actually surprised that Ted hasn't been having issues managing his weight post coma given its been implied that he's a stress eater and he most certainly has reduced his exercise between lingering chronic pains and being unmotivated granted that would mean Ted's weight issues existing outside of being a gag and the series has taken a more serious bend with the past few writers
also man, Skeets has been underutilized since he got out of that box
of course using Darkseid's cred to make the new threat sound more dangerous
the fuck is going on with Bloodwynd's cape? that much fabric would be a hindrance
also Bloodwynd is still teh only recurring Black superhero here. And we've gotten a either join the villain or die ultimatum presented to him so I'm getting the JLA is gonna be all white again soon
against this series isnt beating the racism allegations that started with the Brownface Fire's powers come back while a villain is trying to murder her Captain Atom is a Christian and tries to lecture this cultist on false idols when he should fucking know that other gods exist in this universe
why does Vandal Savage have blue eyes if he's older than the fucking blue eye mutation? Hell, why is he so pale if he's older than any of the mutations that lead to lightskinned people?
like I'm pretty sure even if he's a Neanderthal that they probably weren't that lightskined or had blue eyes (but scientists reconstruct-- scientists have racial biases all the damn time)
also we have so many big name villains coming out of the woodwork to sell the new threat as being teh end of times again there's actual gods on Earth and personified concepts why dont those fuckers do shit? ok Bloodwynd didn't die of get kicked off the team yet granted several characters are still immensely distrustful of the only Black heroes that's been around for the past few dozen issues which is yikes. Everett, the new Amazing Man seems to be set to join soon so we're up to two Black people. Hopefully folks are dicks to him also since when did Oberon get such a tucked waist, he used to be stocky
also Fire, why are yer titties all up on Max's back like that (yes I know its been implied before that she's fucked an employer to get favors nut like) yall about have a meeting oh hey Dr. Light, that's like 3 nonwhite people here
oh hey Booster Gold finally remembered something useful from his history classes
also, if we go with the stable time loop shit (which i dont personally by) Booster's continued existence means this shit didn't end humanity did they retcon the nuclear war being the reason most of this eras' records didn't survive into the future?
Captain Atom who's also been thrown through time thinks they should trust Booster's story
Power Girl's pregnant? I'm gonna assume she lost the baby since I've not heard of her having kids
Ted accuses Booster of knowing shit that would have been helpful and is angry about it
is this what the big bad looks like? That is not hype worthy this generic ass looking motherfucker
Ice got possessed and flipped sides
i just realized that knowledge of teh future records are crucial to this fight but instead of asking Skeets, who has a perfict machine memory, they're relying on whatever Booster remembers from his history classes
once again Skeets being under utilized if I'm remembering right this shit probably killed Booster, who only kept living due to the big bad suspending all death and birth on the planet
yeah that fucking Booster up majorly
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freakazoid1997 · 1 year
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Palutena Guidence:Issei Hyoudou(High school DXD),Freakazoid,Monika(Doki Doki Literature Club),Chainsaw Man,Tatsumi(Akame Ga Kill),Captain Planet and Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist!
Pit: Whoa who this spiky hair guy with the red glove?
Lady Palutena:That Issei Hyoudou he is Red Dragon Emperor and servant of Rias Gremory!
Pit:Boosted Gear?
Palutena:yes Pit it allows Issei Boost his Powers and Give him Unique abilities!He even use Balance Breaker which covers his body with Dragon Armor!
Viridni: Yeah Issei is a bit of a pervert using his power to strip girl clothe off!
Palutena:Well he is a Devil and when Asia was Destroyed Issei Broke out into his Juggernaut, Drive and wrecked havoc!
Pit:That Awful!
Palutena: Don’t worry Pit she came back and Everything is back to normal, but back to Issei He his Sacred Gear allows them to increase his powers and Strength
Viridni: Be careful when he when he enters Balance Breaker That’s when his powers increases!
Pit: OK I’m ready!
Pit:Duelist Draws Near
Palutena:That Yugi Moto the King Of game
Pit:King of Game?
Palutena: Yes Yugi is a talented Duelist using trap and Monster Card like Dark Magician, Dark Magician girl,Slifer The Sky Dragon and many other
Viridni:Yugi has gone through a lot in his Adventures he even fought went up against enemies like Seto Kaiba, Maximilian Pegasus,Marik and Dartz!
Palutena: It’s all thanks to the heart of the cards!
Pit: Do you think he will let me have some of his cards?
Palutena: fight First and than we will talk about!Yugi is very light opponent and will use any card at his Disposal!
Viridni: Just be careful of Slifer the Sky Dragon!
Pit: Get ready Yugi It’s time to duel!
Pit:whoa did Sora Do Something to his Hair !?
Viridni:No Pit that Tatsumi of Night raid
Pit:what night raid?
Palutena: There are a group of assassins, dedicated to save the Kingdom
Viridni: They’re willing to kill their enemies in order to restore peace!
Palutena:Tatsumi himself how to kill people too, but all in the name of peace!
Pit: Wow, that’s awful That’s a little too extreme to make peace!
Palutena: Anyway, back to Tatsumi he can pretty fast opponents can use Sword to his Advantage!
Viridni: He also uses armor called Icarso That increases his Strength!
Pit: I think I’m ready now!
Virdni: Of all the fighters Captain Planet is my rival
Pit: Why is that?
Viridni: Not only protects the environment he Protects Humans With his green Mullet hair,Blue Skin and Planeteers!
Captain Planet and Gaia:Oh Really😒
Palutena:Why hello Gaia haven’t seen you since the 90s
Captain Planet: Hello there Pit how it going!
Pit: Just fine😊😇
Viridni: Can we please get to the fighting please!
Captain Planet: Sure Pit As you know, I have SuperHuman Strength,Speed,Durability and control all the elements!
Gaia: You’re safe as long as you keep your distance! Just don’t lose your head!
Pit: The power is mine!
Pit:Duelist Draw Near
Palutena:That is Jaden Yuuki Slifer Red Student at Duel his dream is to become the next king of game!
Viridni:Jaden Doesn’t take his studies seriously he mostly like dueling and food!
Pit:Really he like me than?
Palutena:did you know can also talk to duel spirits and has connection to the Supreme king? He also has carries Elemental Heroes in his Deck l!
Pit:No Way
Viridni:Guess he doesn’t need to Study than!
Palutena:anyway back to Jaden like Yugi he a skilled Duelist can use trap and Spell card?
Viridni: Do you mind without his elemental hero Neos! Watch out when he does that!
Pit:Get your game on Jaden!
Freakazoid:Hello I here everybody!!!!!
Pit:Huh? Where this guy come from?!
Freakazoid:Hi I’m Freakazoid! How are you doing?
Pit:Hi I Pit Captain of the Palutena Army!
Palutena:I’m Palutena The Goddess of Sky World
Viridni:I Viridni Goddess of Nature
Freakazoid: Nice to meet you guys, so where am I anyway, this doesn’t look like Warner Bros.
Pit: You’re in super smash brothers A crossover game where you fight!
Freakazoid: Wow, that is so cool!
Pit: Why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Freakazoid: Hi, I’m Freakazoid, I have the ability of a Zany cartoon character I have Super Human Strength,Speed,Durability and move Lightning Quick,but i can’t Fly!I was created by the Internet in the 90s!
Pit,Viridni and Palutena: He can break the fourth wall like we can?!
Freakazoid:is that a Problem!?
Viridni: We do it all the time
Pit: I hope you’re ready Freakazoid!
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kaleschmidt · 1 year
DSAF Assorted HCs (Part 2)
yeah. uh. get fucking jumpscared. previous part here
once again expect some TKPverse stuff here ok? nice
This is important okay you need to fucking listen to me. that is a short, fat, hairy man. I don't care that he's corpsy he is hairy as hell.
he has. so many issues. there's probably more but my current hcs for him are npd, bipolar, n adhdtism
his nervous stim is backflipping (thx quentin)
He chose his own middle name and it starts with an F. that's all i'm saying
It has a biting/chewing stim and will chew on anything it can get its hands on. Dave can get bited as a treat. otherwise shirt
Jack can sew!! They did it often when they were taking care of Dee and picked it up from their mom.
^ Jack made Dee's scarf btw. also after dee's death, jack stopped sewing
Jack DID pick sewing back up again (kinda) when he realized he kinda has to sew their body parts back up
He fucking HATES being called "Jackie". no exceptions
From DSAF 1-2, he wears a wig. Pre-DSAF 3, he starts growing it out, though. cuts/shaves it into a fucked up mullet for DSAF 3 though.
..... the mullet is made out of mold. Sorry. He's insane and so am I
As it worked on the machine for the Flipside, whenever it got KFC, it always broke any wishbones in the bucket, hoping it would help contribute to the machine working- that all his efforts would be worth something. TKPverse, he still does this
This is obviously i LITERALLY MADE A WHOLE FUCKING POST ABOUT IT but Dave has bpd. He also has adhdtism n probs a few other things
Dave really doesn't like when people are behind her and rather people walk in front of her instead. ESPECIALLY when walking through doorways
actually likes licorice. in my heart.
Dave has faint tastebuds after the whole "eating an ashtray" thing. Kebabs are his comfort food though
Capable of falling asleep with his eyes open. This has made Jack shit a few times
Dave steals Jack's clothes sometimes. they're big on him
major sin i'm sorry. peter is a big disney fan. i don't have a favorite movie for him yet
more of a silly hc n not anything solid but when he dressed up as The Rat, I like to imagine Peter did a very horrible mickey impression. we love you peter
When Naomi's (his daughter) sixth birthday passed, Peter was so relieved that she survived that he cried to Caroline about it, after Naomi was tucked into bed
This is like. a hc i debatably switch between having and not, but Peter's middle name is Guy. for normal reason.s
She and Jack actually got along well! They like to tease each other a lot
VERY skilled in wrestling
Caroline had several brothers she used to live with (she was the oldest sibling), so she can relate to Peter abt older sibling troubles
SHIT at fucking cooking. peter was the one who cooked. she did her best though
Japanese-American i can't accept her being fully white i'm sorry.
Further elaborating on the timeline stuff he has going on: Matt more or less has a hivemind throughout timelines that shares memories throughout. hope that helps
I can't believe i never said this but Matt is mixed. filipino + white specifically. GO WASIAN BOY GO. he's not exactly as connected w his filipino heritage though
he actually likes madonna as an artist but he'd rather die than admit that. you're not getting that out of him.
On the few occassions the two take a shower, Jack + Dave shower together. helps a lot. they make a fucking mess sometimes though
Sometimes they sleep together naked. fuck you. ok? sniff. let me have this
i'd put this in their respective sections, but jack + dave have specific sleeping styles. Jack likes to sleep all sprawled out, and Dave does that sometimes too! But mostly she's all cozied up to Jack. likes to feel smaller sometimes
Dave likes to knock his head against Jack sometimes ok? ok.
now that i have gotten him i can finally confirm. oscar + matt bffs 4ever
Matt likes Jack, in the sense that he's interesting to it, with most timelines revolving around him. Would never want to get involved with his business though. It's too hot for that shit
Peter + Dave frenemies ftw... they will begrudgingly get along. they're more similar than they think
so like i know that i said jack + harry had a fling in the last post but i grew and changed as a person. that's a lesbian phone. I do think that Jack trusted Harry the most out of the other phoneys, though
I think Jack saw a bit of itself in Roger. never admitting though.
off-topic but has jack fucking hit on every phone employee of his. i haven't seen jake's shit but has he. Jack.
Dave actually has a ... somewhat nice acquaintanceship w Steven! i kinda need them to bond a little more ok?
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inkedtae · 3 years
i. rotten angelcake ⇾ kth. [M]
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chapter one : art gallery ⤑ taehyung’s generosity does not begin and end with money. it is something else entirely when his diamond rings scratch between your legs.
masterlist | next ⇾
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⌁ pairing; ceo!taehyung x curvy!reader (f.)
⌁ genre/rating; s2l, ceo au, sugar daddy au, smut, fluff, 18+
⌁ word count; 13k
⌁ warnings; mentions and usage of vape, mentions and consumption of alcohol, mullet!taehyung (yes, bestie this is a fucking warning), dom!taehyung, daddy!taehyung, ass enthusiast!taehyung, sub!reader, brat!reader, virgin!reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, public sex, jealousy, praise kink, daddy kink, hand kink, corruption kink, clit rubbing, finger sucking, cum tasting, begging, teasing
⌁ le playlist
ও a hundred thanks to cam ( @sunshinejunghoseokie ) for making this pretty, pretty banner for me!! and a special massive thanks to sammy ( @chateautae ) for encouraging me, motivating me, reading and betaing this all along the way and to eva ( @nottodayjjk​ ) for happily reading this over and betaing so wonderfully!! I love you all so much and will forever be grateful for all your help and support!! 
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Kim Taehyung is never late. At least, that’s what Google tells you when you look him up. For every interview or business meeting, Taehyung arrives between thirty minutes to an hour early. It’s been rumored that he will pace the agreed meeting spot and closely watch how the others operate. A nameless employee at Brooks Brothers Incorporated once reported that he had spotted Taehyung lurking around the company building, strolling through the floors so naturally, they didn’t notice it was him until he reached the top floor. When questioned about what he was doing, the employee could only answer: He’d just walk and watch and sometimes just stand and stare. 
Taehyung later debunked the rumor, despite the employee’s words, insisting that it was only good manners to arrive early. I am not in the business of wasting my time, he’d said - well, according to his exclusive with Vogue anyways. 
You shift in your seat, thankful your nerves always pushed you to arrive all too early for your appointments too. Swiping out of the Chrome app on your phone, you tap on the dating one. Dating is possibly not the best way to describe Sugar Rush. You are not exactly dating on the app as you are trying to find someone who is willing to pay your student loans off until you can find a decent job. Technically, it’s a Sugar Daddy app. And it took you a long ass time to find someone you can provide company to that did not involve getting naked. 
Taehyung was a close call. He did not use his real name at first, only a V.  And, like any sane person, you did not believe him when he told you who he really was. Though you were not completely familiar with him, you were with his name. Bangtan Industries dominates most, if not all, news outlets, magazines, billboards and conversations. You regret mocking him for trying to use such a powerful man’s name in order to win over your company, cringing at how you tried to save yourself when he sent you a photo of himself that you couldn’t find anywhere on the internet. 
Tapping on the chat, you re-read the address for the tenth time, confirming that you are in fact in the right place. The quick scroll takes you back to those embarrassing moments of attempting to recover from your mockeries.
[V] : I’m Kim Taehyung.
[angelcake] : I’m Dora the Explorer. 
[V]: That’s not remotely clever.
[angelcake] : Says the liar. 
[V] : I’m not lying.
[angelcake] : Shall I call out the Map and point out the bullshit to you?
[V] : cute.
[angelcake] : Oh! Maybe Backpack has a bullshit detector we can use!
[V] : I doubt a children’s show would use such vulgar language. 
[V] : I am not lying. 
[angelcake] : What the fuck would Kim Taehyung want with a sugar baby? 
[V] : Pull that Map out and have it direct you to where we already discussed that. I am not a man who likes to repeat himself. 
[angelcake] : I don’t take orders from liars :))
[V] : has send a photo
[V] : since you’ve been silent for the last 10 mins i take it you believe me now.
[angelcake] : I always believed you.
[V]: Says the liar. 
He seemed amused. You hope he was amused. Really though, who could blame you for questioning him? Kim Taehyung is untouchable; his company’s logo is printed on every other screen. Creating revolutionary software can do that to a reputation. 
Now that you think back to the conversation before his confession, you must acknowledge that your relationship with him had never been normal - not to sugar daddy standards anyways. He had entirely different priorities. He did not want to meet-up and simply requested to chat online. When you told him you were not up for any sexting either, he told you that wasn’t at all what he was looking for. He just wanted to talk. He would send good morning texts and goodnight ones too. He would wish you good luck on your job interviews and ask if you needed a hand with the applications. After long days he would ask about your day, and you his. You’d ask if he had eaten, knowing he tends to get so caught up in his day, food usually slips his mind. Then after that final goodnight, two thousand dollars would be credited to your account. Once on a particularly hot August day, you had reminded him to stay hydrated, tacking on a set of pink hearts at the end. He sent you an extra thousand then and there, adding a little black heart to his final message for the night later on. 
Your heart still flutters every time he sends one of those hearts now. He was never an expressive man, never really liking to use emojis before picking the habit up from you. Even then, they were bare of any affection until that text. A part of you wants to tell him that at this point, you do not check up on him throughout the day for the money but because you genuinely care. Admitting so will only jeopardize the relationship though. You’ve been each other’s exclusive partners for a little over six months now - per his request. It’s helped you pay off your loans more than having multiple sponsors has done. You cannot risk it all now when you’ve finally made some progress. No matter how many times his name popping on the screen makes you smile. 
The gallery falls quiet. You look up from your phone to find it empty. From your seat in the middle of the long hall, you search through the exhibit for someone, anyone. It was packed with viewers seconds ago. You recall a little girl tugging on her mother’s skirts to be picked up so she could see the art better and a group of friends mimicking the poses of statues for Instagram photos. Now, not even the security guards who scolded those teenagers from touching the art linger in the hall. 
Heavy footsteps redirect your attention to the exhibit’s entrance. A form fitting, black turtleneck sits under his matching coat, button undone.  Hands shoved in his pockets, Kim Taehyung walks towards you. He looks like he came straight from a meeting. His long hair is combed back and curled behind his ears, but a strand still manages to dangle before one of his eyes. His eyes. Why does he look at you like that? What normal person holds such intense eye contact? 
You stand to greet him, smoothing out the short skirt of your white dress. The fabric is breathable even while it hugs your frame. It’s one of your favourites since the sleeves are long and fall off your shoulders. They poke out of the brown checkered blazer coat you threw on after taking a step out of your apartment to find autumn has arrived. 
His attention bounces around your face first, fixating on the white beret then your glossed lips. Then, it falls down to your shoes, raising a brow at how you styled the brown oxford heels with white socks. He drinks in your figure next, gaze lingering far too long around your hips. The usual instinct to pull your coat around yourself does not kick in. Maybe your gut brushes it all off as curiosity rather than something more. 
You just don’t understand. No one has ever paid such close attention to your fashion sensibilities before. 
When he meets your gaze again, a little smirk tugs the corner of his lips. “Morning,” he greets when he’s about an arm’s length away. 
Tall, he easily towers over you. It’s his deep voice that makes you feel so small though. You swallow thickly, peering up at him through your lashes. His photos are astonishing, you have never been able to deny that. Up close, however, you find that very little editing must have taken place after every photoshoot. He looks computer engineered. No… science could only dream to create someone so perfect. 
“Morning.”  Your ego coils at how meek your voice sounds. Clearing your throat, you attempt to regain your composure and steadily ask, “How did you know it was me?”
“The name suits you.” 
You try not to blush. It’s a losing battle when your shy smile gives you away. He seems pleased with himself when you cannot meet his eye anymore. Slightly tilting his head with an all too proud smirk, he watches you fluster over his words. You hate how easily you’ve lost yourself. When behind a screen, it’s easy to come up with something witty. You don’t have him watching you so intently. 
Licking your lips, you force yourself to look back up at him. Your pride is desperate for a recovery. You tilt your chin down and exaggerate the way you gaze at him through your lashes, sweetly replying, “I know.” 
The innocence laced in your voice rights his head and darkens his eyes. “You’ve been waiting long.”
It’s not a question. You suppose the rumors are true. “You’ve been watching me.”
“Aren’t you wary of meeting strangers alone?”
“I didn’t think we were strangers.”
“We aren’t.”
“So, what’s with the third degree?” 
There’s something in your tone that makes him swallow thickly. His Adam's apple bobs as he stares. 
You raise a brow at him, impatiently waiting for an answer. 
That smirk widens. Wordlessly, he turns towards the wall, directing his lethal stare upon the displayed artwork instead. Entitled Spoiled Dessert, the nineteenth century painting depicts a fallen angel with wings made of rotting cake. Icing smears her face. 
“Have you been here at night?”
“I’m not a woman who likes repeating herself,” you echo his texts, ignoring his question. 
Taehyung glances at you over his shoulder, bottom lip between his teeth. Nodding his head towards the art, he silently requests your presence beside him. Hoping it will result in some sort of reply, you obey and move to stand next to him. 
“I asked one question,” he says, looking back to the fallen angel. He’s having trouble keeping his smile at bay. “How is that the third degree?”
“Because I said so.” 
The attitude in your voice piques his interest. He raises a brow and turns his body towards you. There’s less space between you this time. You’re craning your neck to properly meet his gaze. Expensive cologne floods your senses.  You suddenly take note of the short dangling pearl earring on one of his ears. The channel logo glimmers in tiny diamonds where the stud meets skin. Whatever confidence you once held wavers under his steady silence.
When he parts his lips to speak, his warm breath fans over your face. It smells of cherries and cream. “I was just curious. Is there a problem with curiosity, Angel?”
He has used the name countless times through texts, specifically when wishing you a good morning or night. To hear it though, straight from those all too close lips and spoken in an all too deep voice, churns your stomach with a desire you have trained yourself to ignore. You clasp your hands behind you, feeling weak until you remember that he simply said your name - well, the name you gave him. There’s no need to completely lose your senses over something as plain as that. 
This is not personal. This is a professional endeavor. He asked you to meet to discuss using your company for events his board members force him to go to. That is all you will do. There will be no more pausing, thinking, or dwelling on his attire, or voice, or the way he can’t stop fucking staring. 
“Nope.” You pop the ‘p’ which makes him lick his lips for some reason. 
“At night, the moonlight comes in from the ceiling,” he suddenly explains, flickering his gaze upwards to the peaked glass letting in the mid-morning sun before continuing, “And these paintings come to life.”
“They come out of the frame?”
Taehyung laughs. Your heart warms. “God, no. This isn’t the Tales of Magic Shop.”
You’re not sure what he has against a great franchise, but brush off his mockeries to get the answers you need. 
“They just move. This one here,” he says, looking at the fallen angel, “flaps her wings as she falls.”
You try to imagine it; the closest thing you can muster in your mind is something similar to a gif. You wonder if bits of the cake fall too? Is there weather? “Doesn’t take from the art itself?” you think aloud. 
Taehyung raises his brows at you. It’s hard to believe no one else has wondered either, so you’re not sure why he looks so surprised. Schooling his features, Taehyung clears his throat and gestures to the bench you were sitting on before. He sits far enough away that another person can fit between you. With the way he spreads his legs, however, you wonder why he didn’t just put you in his lap. 
Not that you would want that… or even like it.
He gazes at the painting again and confesses. “I thought that too when I first created it. But the board has been pressuring me since I declined the international contract with China.”
An article headline flashes before your eyes. You don’t remember all the words, having fixated on the fact that he lost out on about half a billion dollars on that deal alone. Coming from a less than credible source, the tabloids never really getting anything right, you thought it was all lies. You don’t doubt that he had a plausible reason not to take the deal. Taehyung is clearly a man of values. The stress on his face and exhaustion in his tone compresses your heart with sadness. Online it was easy to detach yourself from him and the pressure of his work. It’s much harder when you’re met with it face to face. 
Resting a hand on his knee, you dip your head a bit to catch his eyes. He stares at where your hand rests instead. “You read about it.”
Again, he is not inquiring but insisting. What always gives you away, you wonder. What makes him so sure? 
You shrug, “Just saw a headline in passing.”
He quirks a quick brow, as if to say he figured, then reverts his attention to the floor. Words are not usually so far away from you. There’s always a comment to be made, always something to, at the very least, mock. The way he reacted though, festers your chest with shame. You haven’t done anything wrong, but you just feel bad that you googled him. He wasn’t really at the top of your list of interests before this - not directly anyways. V was always a priority. The cardboard image of the powerful Kim Taehyung was most definitely not. 
You remove your hand, clutching onto the edge of the bench instead, and stare down with him. The shiny black of his shoes highlights the purity in the white marble. 
“They needed something new - fast. I had this drafted but…” he trails off with a sigh and a little shake of his head. 
You peer back at him. He’s already staring. Though you probably saw that coming, your cheeks still grow hot. Desperate to regain control over yourself, you say, “In a way, it is kind of like honouring the art.” 
He smirks. “Oh?”
“Yeah, it’s like revolutionizing the past into the future.” You sit up straight the longer you talk and he listens. “If they were here, they’d love how you made their art real and something more than an object of admiration.” 
He can’t hide his smile. Or, perhaps, he stopped trying to. He nods when you finish talking and grabs your hand in his. His touch is gentle, like the wrong move will bruise you. His hand is somewhat rough. It feels as though it may have once been calloused but treated, regaining whatever softness it probably had before. Looking into your eyes, his own crinkled behind the apples of his cheeks, he says, “You’re pretty cute when you’re full of shit.”
Seriously, what the fuck is your tell? How does he always do that? Okay, perhaps that is not your first opinion… but is in an opinion you hold. So you are not entirely full of shit. You don’t have time to tell him all this however, that tell of yours confirming his suspicions. 
Still, you attempt to salvage what little pride you have left. “I’m serious!” 
“Me too,” he says, mimicking your slightly whiny tone. He chuckles to himself when you playfully glare. 
Taking your hand out of his, you cross your arms and turn to face the wall. He only laughs harder. You have to curl in your lips to keep yourself from smiling at how adorable he sounds. It’s very rare that you’ve seen photos of Taehyung smiling, let alone laughing. The realization heats your cheeks all the more. 
“Come on, Angel. Don’t be mad,” he coos all too happily. His voice borders on condescending. You aren’t a fan at how much it tightens your gut with pleasure. “I’ll tell you what,” he starts, using a finger to flip some of your hair off your shoulder. You shyly meet his gaze. That boxy smile of his doesn’t waver. “You can tell them all this yourself when you come with me to the opening on Friday.”
You drop your arms in your lap, back straightening. Though you already knew he was going to ask you to accompany him to an event, you didn’t think it would be so soon. All the money he gave you has been split between rent, bills and your student loans. You don’t have the funds to shop for new clothes. Even if you save some for yourself from whatever he will give you tonight, you won’t have enough to buy something worthy of such an expensive event. 
Taehyung’s amusement falls from his face when he notices your hesitance. That smile once lighting up his face is replaced with a scowl as he furrows his brows in confusion. “Did you change your mind?”
“No,” you rush to say, grabbing one of his hands with both of yours. “No, Tae - Can I call you Tae? Do you prefer Taehyung? Or should I just stick with V? I mean, you call me Angel and I’m not complaining or anything. I’m just saying that you use my screen name so I think I should use yours? Unless you prefer Tae-”
“(Y/N),” he cuts you off, voice thick with authority. He’s holding onto your shoulders, forcing you to meet his eyes. “Take a breath, my God,” he somewhat teases. 
It’s now that you realize he’s been calling your name… your real name. You don’t remember giving it to him. 
“You can call me whatever you want,” he reassures while brushing his thumbs soothingly against the curve of your shoulders. 
Slightly quirking your head to the left, you ask, “You know my name?”
He pauses mid-stroke. With a swallow, he nods. “I may have looked you up too.” 
“On the internet.”
You deadpan, picking up on his mocking tone. “I mean how did you know to look me up? I don’t use any real information.” 
“You have your name on the void cheque.”
What void cheque? “The one I put in the app?” you question. “I didn’t know they shared that with sponsors.”
Taehyung licks his lips. His eyes flicker to the floor for a second. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was debating on whether or not to tell you the truth. “They don’t…” He clears his throat before continuing. “I may have hacked it to run a quick background check on you.”
Did you expect anything less? Should you have? The man owns one of the biggest software companies in the world. Technology thrives to adapt to the pace he sets, not the other way around. The fact that he needed to ensure you will not jeopardize his empire does not bother you. You would have done the same. In a way, with how actively you googled him, you pretty much did the same thing. 
But if what he is saying is true, then he knew exactly who to look for when he came in here. “I thought the name just suited me.”
“That’s not what I said. I never said just.”
“You implied it.”
He smirks, that amusement colouring his features once more. “So, what’s on your mind? Do you not want to come?” he asks, seamlessly changing the subject. 
You let him do so. Your attention is fixated on the way his hair falls over his eyes anyways. Resisting the urge to brush it out of his face, you focus on his questions instead. How exactly do you tell him you're broke without sounding like you’re fishing for money? Are you even fishing for money? Meeting his gaze, you realize it’s kind of odd taking money from him now. He’s a friend. You don’t feel like you should be paid to be friends. 
Taehyung fixes your hat for you as he waits for you to answer. You blink at him when he curls your hair behind your ear too and tilts his head at you. Softening his voice, which somehow makes it sound deeper, he reassures in a whisper, “You can tell me, Angel.”
“I want to come.”
You have to ask him how he can always tell when you’re withholding information from him later. Sucking in a deep breath, you decide instead of awkwardly fumbling around the topic of money, you will ask for exactly what you need. “I don’t have anything nice enough for an event like that. And I don’t know where to start with finding one.” 
A relieved sigh escapes him. “Is that all, Angel? I can take care of that for you.” 
“You’re sure?”
He falls silent for a moment. Ghost of a smile hovering over his lips, Taehyung searches your eyes. You wonder what he’s looking for, if he can see you’re still holding something back. If he does, he doesn’t vocalize it. Instead, he quickly quirks a brow and nods. He does that a lot, you notice. His brows have bounced you into his thoughts, or what you assume are his thoughts, all too often in this conversation for that not to his tell.  
Rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand redirects your attention to his lap. You have both your hands in one of his and they only just cover a little more than half of it. They’re so big, vein laced and perfectly manicured. You didn’t think well cleaned hands would pique your interest so much, but here you were, staring at his hand and becoming increasingly aware of how uncomfortably wet your panites seem to be getting. 
He squeezes your hands. It's not too hard; it’s just enough to pull your eyes back to his. He’s staring, searching again. The action is not as intense as when he greeted you. It’s softer and gentle and content. You’re not sure how long you two have been sitting here, gazing at the other. The thought doesn’t trickle in your mind until a security guard walks back into the exhibit hall. He stands at the door and waits for Taehyung to acknowledge him. 
“Duty calls?” you ask after he nods to the guard. 
Taehyung offers half a smile. “I have an early lunch with Berlin,” he explains. His hand is still in yours though, thumb still brushing softly over your skin. His face suddenly lights up like he remembered something and he begins to pat down on his coat. Your hands feel cold and you have to convince yourself that it's the autumn chill, even while indoors, and not the fact that his hand isn’t warming yours anymore. They still rest on his thigh, however. His thick, muscular thigh, restricted in pants so tight, you’re sure it would feel like it was bare if you ever sat on it. You flush within yourself at how that thought has not surprised you in the slightest. 
Pulling out a pink velvet box, Taehyung draws you out of your thoughts. He offers you it, but you can’t seem to move. Lips parted, eyes wide, you can only stare at the gift. You already told him, more than once for that matter, that he does not need to pay you extra for meeting him outside of this arrangement. You told him it was all part of it, that you are willing and comfortable to talk with him because you too enjoy his company. It’s been a while since someone other than your roommate, Mrs. Chu, asked you about your day and if you’ve eaten and how your family is doing. It’s been a while since someone cared enough to check up on you throughout the day. It’s been a while since you had a friend. 
“You can’t possibly hate it yet. You haven’t even opened it.” Taehyung jokes, gesturing the box closer. 
You give him a pointed look. “I said no gifts.”
“You said no money.”
“Did you steal this?”
The renewed attitude in your tone makes him smile. You can’t help but do the same, hoping a raised brow and crossed arms would be enough to still maintain the impression that you are in fact still mildly annoyed with him. 
He drops his hand on his thigh and rolls his eyes. You bite your lip at the sight. After peeking a glance back at the guard, who is suddenly all too captivated by the glass ceiling, Taehyung leans in closer towards you. You get another whiff of cherries and cream and he whispers, “Angel, we have an agreement. Are you not my baby?”
The fact that he dropped the ‘sugar’ from that sentence makes you flush. Being called his, being coddled so casually has you leaning in closer towards him as well. You lean your hands against his strong thigh and nod. 
With a widening smile, he asks, “By definition, I should be spoiling you.” Again, he offers the box. “And for a girl who once had fifteen sponsors at the same time, I know you adore being spoiled.”
The app does not offer that information on your profile. He must have found out about that during his background search. That only makes you flush all the more. Even with fifteen, you have never been so connected with a sponsor like you are with Taehyung. You debate on telling him that as you take the box from him. But the reminder that this is just a job cinches the words at your throat. 
A string of pearls gleam under the mid-morning sun that seeps in through the windows above. Breathless, you can barely form the words to thank him let alone remember what the hell you were just thinking about. You’ve been wanting pearls since you saw your grandmother wear them at a wedding when you were young. She was shortly robbed a few years after, the pearls forever in another’s possession. The memory consumed you when Mrs. Chu was recounting her college years. She said she wore pearls with every outfit back then. It triggered a sprilling search of pearls online that you dream to afford. 
A little gasp escapes you, tears welling up in your eyes. “How did you…” You trail off, the familiar lump in your throat warning you that your voice might break. 
He rubs the back of his neck. “The app tracks your ads,” he confesses.
Of course it does. You’re not even fazed at how that technically is a violation of privacy. A choked chuckle escapes you. You sniffle, looking back down at the pretty, soft pink pearls. 
“I actually went ahead and put up some firewalls around your account so it won’t track what you do on other apps anymore,” he adds. “Anyone could’ve been able to get your information otherwise.”
“I don’t think anyone can ever do what you do,” you reply through another chuckle. You just can’t believe it. He wanted to get you something. And not just anything, but something you actually like.
He blushes. The sight makes you chew on your lip and you immediately redirect your gaze back to the box. In the midst of admiring the pearls again, you notice the clasp is a diamond lined channel logo. It matches his earrings. You pull the necklace out, the diamonds scratching at the pad of your thumb.
Taehyung takes it from you and unclasps it. “Turn around,” he orders in a soft whisper. 
You do as he says, giving him your back and bunching up your hair in a sloppy, makeshift ponytail. The pearls are cool to the touch, decorating your neck gracefully. You bring a hand up to touch them, not quite believing it all just yet.
His lips just graze the shell of your ear. “Let me have a look.” His voice is so gentle, you could almost swear the sentence sounds more like a plea than a command.
Fighting off a shiver that dances the length of your spine, you drop your hair and face him once more. In the steadiest voice you can muster, you ask, “Pretty?”
Taehyung admires how it drapes around your neck with a little smile. “The prettiest.”
Shutting the box and shoving it into your purse is the only way you know how to hide your heated cheeks from his view. You are not a child. You are not some little school girl who unravels at the simplest of compliments. But, he thinks you’re pretty. 
“I really have to go now,” he sighs before getting up. 
You shoot up from your seat with him. “Right. Berlin is waiting.”
He nods. Silent. Looking. You fidget under his undivided attention. 
“Text me when you’re home, yeah?”
You nod. He cups your chin and a rush of embarrassment poisons your chest at how fast you straighten your posture. He’s staring at your glossed lips. You think for a moment that he’s going to kiss you. You wonder for a moment about how soft his lips are. 
He traces the curve of the pearls instead. Then, he drops his hand. “Bye, Angel.”
“Bye, Tae,” you, rather pathetically, squeak. You wait until he’s out of the hall before rolling your eyes at yourself. 
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Mrs. Chu is not home when you return from the grocery store. Stumbling into the kitchen, you drop the bags on the table to be greeted with her neat cursive. You’re not sure why she won’t just text you. You’ve got her a good deal for her phone plan, looping it in with yours now that you’re able to afford it. You even bought her the latest model and set up all her contacts, putting your own number as the first speed dial option just in case. Still, she won’t even look. Well, not for long anyways. She’ll scroll through Facebook and haggle her grandchildren just because she can, then switch on the TV with an all too satisfied smile. She’ll try not to cackle at their mildly resentful responses as she flips through the channels. 
I snagged a hot date at the auto shop for tonight, so I went out with Minho for a new outfit. I put the leftovers in the fridge. Don’t wait up! 
Oh! And a big parcel came for you while you were out. I had them put it all in your room. Whoever he is, keep him! Have fun at your party!
Mrs. Chu
You ignore her comment about Taehyung, not sure how she deduced the gift is from a man, and focus on the rest of the note. How she managed to convince Minho, an honours college student, to drive her around looking for new clothes is beyond you. Though, you know how persuasive she can be. If she sets her mind to something, nothing can stand in her way. 
Picking up the blue pen, you wish her good luck on her date and thank her for accepting the package on your behalf. You haven’t ordered anything, but you remember the women at the boutique Taehyung referred you to mention something about sending the finished dress in the next couple of days or so. You draw a heart beside her name and then pin the note to the fridge with a magnet. In case she doesn’t have her glasses to read your response, the heart should be enough indication to let her know you got her message. 
You start on the long process of putting away the groceries, annoyed to find that there is already at least one of whatever she had listed for you to buy in the pantry or fridge. You kick yourself for not double checking before leaving. Mrs. Chu has a hoarding problem. You knew this before being roped into living with her. She says she simply hates when she is craving something and does not have the sufficient amount of ingredients to make it. 
“That is a tragedy I refuse to be a part of,” she said when you questioned her about it. 
It is a terrible feeling to crave something you cannot have. You found it was better to agree with her at the time. However now, as you try to shove everything in its designated spot, you’re starting to rethink that stance. 
With a fold of the reusable bags, you shove them in another reusable bag that hangs by the garlic stocks and shuffle your way into your room. 
A rack of plastic covered dresses takes up the length of your small room. You trip over the boxes of shoes placed right in front of it as you try to maneuver your way to your bed. An array of Tiffany bags sit upon your comforter. You tilt your head in confusion. Recalling your conversation at the gallery, you distinctly remember telling him you needed an outfit, meaning only one. Why there’s five different dresses, with five matching shoe boxes and Tiffany blue bags is beyond you. 
[angelcake] : For a genius you have a terrible memory
[V] : I know it’s not your birthday so what are you talking about? 
[angelcake] : Why are there a hundred dresses in my room?
[V] : five.
[angelcake] : I asked for oNe
[V] : We have more than oNe event to go to. You’ll need more than oNe dress.
You can’t help but smile at the way he mimicked your emphasis on the word one. That little dose of amusement is soon replaced with anxiety. He never mentioned other events. You have four others to go to now? What if you don’t do a good job tonight? What will you do with all these dresses and shoes and jewelry? Those diamonds you know he bought are going to be the hardest to return, you can already tell by the way your palms itch to grab the blue bags. 
[V] : Don’t like my taste? 
He adds the emoji of the winking face with its tongue sticking out. You use it when you tease him. It makes you smile all too hard at the screen. Glancing at the dresses, you realize that you haven’t even really taken them in when you entered, too astonished by their general presence. They range from shades of off-white to soft pink. Each one has a little card stapled to the flimsy plastic cover with the event name, date and time stamped on. 
You pull out the one you picked out for the art gallery. A satin white dress drapes to your feet. The seamstress took your suggestions for the skirt, cutting in a tasteful slit on the side that shows just enough skin to be deemed acceptable. The bust looks a bit wonky being that the dress is strapless and hanging onto the hanger with the thinnest strands of ribbon you’ve ever seen, but it still looks beautiful. Reading the card, you notice a little 1 in the bottom corner. You find the sequence of numbers on the other dresses. The shoe boxes and bags follow the same theme. 
Laying the dress on your bed, you grab the shoe box labeled with a 1 and open it to find the strappy shoes you picked out. He styled the other four. Curiosity nags you to peek at the corresponding Tiffany bag. It’s tiny compared to the others. You open it to find large diamond studs. They’re twinged a sheer rose gold. A pleased giggle tumbles out of you. You’ve never worn diamonds before. You’re sure they’re going to weigh down your earlobes but you're excited to wear them all the same. 
You stare back at the chat. Unsure what to say, you figure expressing your gratitude is a great place to start. You add the revolving heart emoji for good measure. He replies with a black heart. 
[angelcake] : Thanks Daddy. 
[V] : Of course, Angel. 
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Taehyung has been waiting outside of a black car for thirty minutes now. You peek out your window every few minutes, worried to find him huffing, puffing and ready to blow this entire night off. Instead, you find him calm, collected, and all too still. He looks like a statue, well cut in that black suit and gleaming under the moonlight. You should have gotten ready earlier. Or maybe you should have just stuck with your first makeup look. The whole night has just been daunting, weighing heavy on your chest with anxiety. Thoughts about looking good enough, let alone presentable, lap around your mind with every curling roll you pull out of your hair. 
What if you’re overdressed? What if you’re not wearing the right shoes? You compared the ones you picked out with the ones Taehyung did. They don’t look remotely the same. Why did he pick open toed heels for the third function and not the fifth? Why did you just let him pick everything out to begin with? You groan, exhausted with your own thoughts before flipping your up and hair to perfect the loose, blowout curls you’re going for. 
By some miracle, it doesn’t look horrible. With the hair finally finished, you’re able to take in the outfit in its entirety. You’ve somehow managed to channel a 1950’s beauty queen persona. It’s not exactly what you were aiming for but it looks good all the same. God, you hope it looks good. 
Grabbing your phone and lip gloss, you realize you forgot to pick out a purse when you were at the boutique. You know damn well you don’t have anything expensive looking, let alone something that matches your outfit. Nor, you realize, do you have the time to look. You’ve already kept him waiting longer than you promised. 
You check your notifications. They are empty of the cotton candy logo. You click open the app and check your messages, thinking it might be a glitch. He has not texted since he told you he was on his way. He’s been standing out there for half an hour and has not had the urge to ask you to hurry up. It fills your chest with shame along with the already growing stress. 
[angelcake] : I’m sorry. I’ll be right down~
[V]: Take your time.
[angelcake] : Trying to find a purse. 
[angelcake] : nothing matches!!
You add an array of sobbing emojis and broken hearts, hoping they point to the shred of humor you have left in you that is somehow keeping you sane. 
[V] : You’re sure?
[V] : You can put your things in my pockets if you’d like?
You smile at how he didn’t wait for you to confirm, already offering a solution. It wouldn’t be so bad putting your things in his pockets. The idea only gives you more reason to remain glued by his side other than the fact that you don’t know anyone there at all. Eyeing your vape, which sits on the edge of your vanity, you try to wrack your memory for a purse you know you don’t have. You’re fine with Taehyung keeping your phone and lip gloss safe. You’re not quite sure what he would say about your occasional smoking habit. You haven’t listed it on your profile. The interest isn’t listed on his either. You’ll be damned if you have to leave without it though. Sometimes it’s the only thing that helps keep you grounded. 
Snatching the vape, you tuck it into your dress, just between your breasts. It’s thin enough to fit seamlessly and right within reach should you need it. 
[angelcake] : How big are your pockets?
You know you will only be handing two relatively small things, but teasing him is always just so much fun. You smile down at your phone as you shut your lights off and leave the apartment. He replies as you’re locking the door. 
[V] : We can always stop somewhere and pick one up?
[angelcake] : just one or oNe?
You manage to hurry down the stairs and get to the lobby in time to watch as he rolls his eyes at your text. A smile is hovering over his lips as he types. His driver emerges from the car, circling around to Taehyung only to be waved back to his spot behind the wheel. 
“Sir, I can get the door for you,” you hear him say when you open the door. 
Taehyung only stares. It’s not charged with the same tender intensity you received at the gallery the other day, but rather with annoyance. The driver returned to his seat. You’re not quite sure what that is about, but you’re thankful you have not been on the receiving end of such a lethal look.
The click clack of your heels redirects his attention towards you. Whatever anger he once held disappears from his features. His jaw slacks, eyes widen and you hear his breath hitch as you approach him. Growing hot all over, you don’t register the cool evening breeze under his gaze.
“I know I’m late,” you say as a way of another apology. “I just didn’t know if this was the right look. I mean, how big is this thing anyway? When I went to openings in college, it was much more lowkey and I think our professor came in jeans. So, I had to redo my makeup and-”
“You look beautiful,” he cuts you off with a chuckle. His attention lingers on the string of pearls around your neck. “The prettiest.”
If your face wasn’t hot before, it is now. Did he not hear you or is he just saying what you want to hear to make you feel better? He must see the questioning on your face as his hand traces your frame from your cheek to your waist. He pulls you closer to him, forcing you to crane your neck to maintain eye contact as he looks down at you. Your cheeks ache from the constant smiling and, no matter what you do, you cannot regain control over your features. It’s especially hard to do so when his body is practically pressed up against yours. 
You hold onto his shoulders, the hand clutching your phone and lip gloss simply resting against him. Taehyung notices and wordlessly takes them from your hand to put them in his pocket. You hold onto him properly now, swallowing thickly. This is just a job, you remind yourself. This is just a job and just for a night. You can handle yourself for a night, right? 
A little freckle rests just under the tip of his nose, just above his right nostril. You didn’t notice that before, it’s not very clear in any of the photos. You spot a similar one under his left eye, in his waterline. Ignoring the urge to touch them, you clear your throat and take a step back. 
Taehyung does not question your actions. He keeps a straight face, removing his hands and opening the car door instead. 
The car ride is quiet. You’re not really sure what to do or say and cannot hide behind your phone as it sits in his pocket. Pressed up against his legs, which seem to always spread so wide when he is sitting, you inspect your nails. Before getting your measurements, Taehyung had told you that he booked you an appointment at some nail place, confessing that he noticed you were browsing some when he sneaked a peek at your ads. He paid for a new set of elegant french tips. The usual white however is jeweled with rows of tiny swarovski diamonds. The women told you how they were to inform you that you may come at any time during operating hours and get them changed whenever you’d like. 
Taehyung slips his hand in yours. Bright rubies sparkle around his fingers under the passing streetlights. You look up to meet his already lingering gaze. 
“You’re not usually this quiet,” he notes, rubbing your hand with his thumb again. If nothing else, you want to remember this feeling. 
You shift closer to him as your hammering heart calms. “We’ve only met once. How do you know how I usually am?” 
The playful glint in your gaze pulls his lip between his teeth. He glances at your lips for a moment before reminding you, “We’ve been talking for months. You’re most chatty at night.” 
It’s true. Your brain has always been more active during the night than the day. It’s usually when you get the most work done too. You like how he knows this about you. It warms your chest and relaxes your tensed muscles as you roll your shoulders back before further leaning into him. He doesn’t seem to mind it, slightly tilting his head as if he’s prepared to caress you with his whole body. It feels so comfortable and casual, it’s like you’ve known each other for years. 
“I’m so nervous,” you confess in a whisper. “The only art gallery I’ve been to was the one on campus, which I think is half the reason why my professor showed up in jeans. There was amateur art and just a bunch of people who were as clueless as I was. I don’t think I’m the right per-”
The furrow of brows cuts you off. He doesn’t look as angry or annoyed as he did when he was silently scolding his driver, but the mild implication of his vexation still lingers. “Angel,” he practically coos, tightening his hold on your hand. “Everyone there is just as clueless. They’re just better at hiding it.” 
The heavy layer of anxiety resting on your shoulder slowly sheds at the realization that he’s right. No one really knows what they are doing. The entire “fake it till you make it” concept is ruled by the one percenters. And, judging by the way he’s holding onto you, you know you’ll have Taehyung by your side all night. Your nerves still linger but do not charge your veins with worry or fear as intensely as they used to. 
“Thank you, Taehyung,” you mutter, peering up at him through your lashes. “You’re a great friend.” 
The party is already well underway when the two of you arrive. Taehyung warned you about the cameras as the driver pulled up, but you did not think they would be as severe as they were. You kept your head down and tried to ignore them though still, as you sip on your champagne in the refuge of the grand exhibit hall, you can recall every last blunt question about who you are and what Taehyung thinks he’s doing with you. 
“What do you think?” 
You look up from the rim of your drink to find three board members of Bangtan Industries staring at you. You blink at them, offering a little smile. What the hell were you talking about again? The one in the glasses works in the film department at the gallery, you remember Taehyung introducing him because he mentioned something about a new silent film that the department was working on. You can’t remember his name though and he wasn’t even the one talking to you so that information is rather useless. When they look between each other, confused by your silence, panic takes over and you laugh. Very loudly. Their bewildered looks only make you laugh harder. The one in the glasses suddenly joins you, turning to his colleague who then also laughs. By the time they are rocking with laughter, Taehyung reappears by your side. 
“Didn’t I tell you she was fun?” he asks, face expressionless. Had it not been for the hint of tone in his voice, you would have assumed he was being sarcastic. 
You’ve come to find, within the hour you’ve been hovering around different circles of well established people, that the Taehyung you met days ago, the same one who showers you with gifts and physical attention, is not the same Taehyung who stands before these businessmen tonight. No, the moment you exited the car, Taehyung became Kim Taehyung and all hints of vulnerability diminished from his features. He does not put his hands on you, does not look at you too long as he bounces between circles and talks shop with people you just know he has no real interest in. When he comes to check up on you like this, it is merely to redirect you to another group of people who, shockingly, have openings in their departments they are willing to fill. You’re starting to think that he did not ask you here to accompany him, but rather to help you get a job. 
You suppose that’s thoughtful… enough. 
“...And she laughed at you, Arthur. What do you think that says about your company?” 
You hadn’t realized they were talking. Maybe you need to lay off the champagne for the rest of the night. 
“I think it means we can use new voices on our team,” Arthur says as he turns to you. He smiles and pulls out his card from his pocket. “Give my office a call on Monday. I look forward to seeing your resume on my desk.” 
You force a smile, accepting the card with a humble thanks. The men disperse, leaving you alone with Taehyung. Carefully glancing at him, you try to hide your discomfort and hand him the little piece of hardstock. 
“Keep it safe for me?”
He gives you a peculiar look. “Something the matter?” he asks, taking the card and shoving it in his pocket. 
“Mr. Kim?” 
A woman in her mid thirties derails your conversation as she approaches you two - well, actually she simply approaches Taehyung. She makes it a point to emphasize the sway of her hips with each step. She has kind eyes and a pretty smile, looking beautiful in a shimmering gold dress. Her attention narrows on Taehyung however as she offers you her back, icing you right out of whatever conversation she plans to have. 
“We missed you at dinner the other day,” she says in a near whine, wrapping her hands around his arm. The gesture tightens your chest with pain. You ignore it before your mind can label the feeling to a concrete emotion. 
Taehyung bounces a single brow to acknowledge her presence as he pulls himself out of her grasp. “Had a meeting,” he explains, looking to you before she can get another word in and adding, “Have you met, (Y/N) (L/N)?” 
Her smile wavers when she turns to face you. Those kind eyes swim with unease as she attempts to regroup her expression. “No, I haven’t.” 
Hints of anger taint her tone. You’re nervous to return the smile but do it all the same. 
“Mrs. Geraldson is Arthur’s wife,” Taehyung explains as a way of introduction. “(Y/N) is a new graduate of SGU.” 
“Double majored in English Lit and Art History,” he corrects. 
You want to for the life of you ignore the hurt in her eyes, in the way she can’t keep them off him, but you can’t. It jumbles your stomach with nausea and you find yourself downing the last bit of champagne in your glass. You turn to a waitress walking by and place your glass on her tray to find her glaring at Mrs. Geraldson. Her gaze then flickers to Taehyung. You recognize the longing immediately. 
This playboy reputation was not reflected in your Google searches. You’re not sure if it would have made a difference if it did. You would have still shown up, still played the part of the perfect date. It’s clear this is not the detail that weighs heavily on your heart. You don’t want to hear this from newspapers or magazines or the tabloids. He should have told you his history if it was going to be present at the event. He should have told you what he was leading you into. 
“Is that right?” Mrs. Geraldson asks, tilting her head to meet your distant gaze. 
You really need to learn to multitask if you’re going to survive the night. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” you try to smile. It’s now that you realize Taehyung has left the conversation, forcing you to converse with his ex alone. At least, you hope it is his ex. He cannot be serious. 
“You met him at SGU,” she repeats. “In the campus art gallery?” 
You figure that’s better than a sugar daddy app. “Yes,” you smile with a nod. 
You’re taken back by the sudden aggression in her tone. She must have noticed your disarmed look, clearing her throat and forcing a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Since you’re not sure if he had already told her, you opt for a vague yet truthful answer, “Recently.” 
She pauses before falling completely silent. You watch as her gaze drifts to something behind you. When you follow her line of sight over her shoulder, you find a tall, beautiful professor already glaring at her. She then shifts her anger towards you before returning to her conversation. 
“Might have to get used to that,” Mrs. Geraldson dryly chuckles when you look back at her. 
“Excuse me?” You don’t mean for it to come off so haughty, offering an apologetic smile right away. 
Mrs. Geraldson seems to understand. Whatever hostility she held against you falls as she returns the smile and says, “Taehyung is… well-rounded.” 
You swallow thickly, knowing she is using her words carefully. 
“You’ll have to get used to that if you’re willing to stick around,” she explains. 
“Thanks for the heads up,” you sigh as she picks up a glass of champagne from a passing server. “Would you excuse me?” 
The moment she nods, you make your way down the hall and around the corner. You’ve been here enough times to know your way outside without actually having to be outside and if there’s one thing you need right now, it's a dose of fresh air. Mind reeling, you try to keep your pace leveled as you weave between conversationalists. 
You just can’t believe he didn’t tell you. This whole time you thought that the two of you were friends. Yes, maybe this is a job but you don’t hold a job the way Taehyung holds you. You don’t throw someone into their job without briefing them about what they are being thrown into. He didn’t lie to you but, with the way your chest aches and stomach turns, it sure feels like he did. Mrs. Geraldson is kind too. So very kind that if there wasn’t some sort of history between her and Taehyung, you feel like maybe she could’ve been someone you would turn to during dull parties like this. You almost feel bad for invading her relationship, even though she is pretty much cheating on Arthur. 
Climbing up the stairs to the fifth floor, you try to push all other thoughts about Mrs. Geraldson and the rest of Taehyung’s sexual history out of your head. But then the horrible thought of him being that intimate with them plagues your mind. You could not have found the balcony sooner, rushing through the dark hall and pushing the glass doors open. 
A breath of fresh air followed by a gust of cold greets you as you lean against the railing. The balcony juts out of the building enough for you to see the party rage on. The floor to ceiling windows don’t make it that hard either as golden light seeps out before the city. 
You pull out your vape from between your breasts, so thankful you thought of stashing it there and taking a long drag. As you exhale, you dump all thoughts of those other women out of your head and focus on the horizon. You’ve never seen the city from this height. The grand peaks of parliament cut through the clouds, buildings light up and stars just barely sparkle. 
A jacket drapes over your shoulders, shielding you from the cold. You don’t need to look back to know who it belongs to. The familiar, expensive cologne is enough indication. 
“You’ll catch a cold,” he says as he leans against the railing with you. 
You take another drag. Words don’t seem to come to you and even if they did, you’re not sure you have the strength to say them. You’re hurt and that’s all you can think about as you breathe out a heavy dose of smoke into the air. 
“Are you upset with me?” 
There is a sincerity in his voice that you cannot ignore. When you finally meet his gaze, you find the twinge of hurt in his eyes too. The vindictive part of you wants to tell him that it really sucks when friends hold out on each other, doesn’t it. But your rational side knows better than to explode on him when you pretty much have no right to. 
You’re not dating him. You’re not his girlfriend. You’re just some girl he met online. You miss being the girl online. You miss being trapped in those pink and white walls of the chatroom where only the two of you existed. 
“Are you sleeping with Mrs. Geraldson?” You find yourself asking. 
Taehyung glances at your vape. He pulls his own out of his pocket, much to your surprise, and takes a puff before nodding. “I was. I cut it off a few months ago.” 
You’re taken aback by his honesty. If he had nothing to hide, why didn’t he tell you this all before? “How many?” 
There’s no overlap, you can’t help but conclude. It somewhat eases the pain poking at your heart. “And the server?”
He chuckles as the next cloud of smoke escapes through his nose. You press your legs together at the sight and find yourself having to remind your body that you are upset with him. 
“That was so long ago, I don’t even remember her name.”
“And the professor?”
“Which one?”
The fact that he has to ask makes you scoff. You turn back to the view, shifting your weight and sucking harshly at the tip of your vape to keep your emotions from spilling all over the floor. 
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset.” 
“Of course, you don’t. You’re a man.” You internally cringe at your tone and pointed words. It’s a low-blow. You’re fully aware that it’s a low-blow. You might as well have slapped him and told him to go fuck himself. 
He stands to his full height, glaring down at you as he asks, “What does that have to do with anything?” He’s using his business voice - the one he uses with all those people he hates. 
“It means you don’t think with your head.” You beg yourself to stop talking. Every word is becoming a bullet. 
He towers over you, forcing you to stand straight too and face him. The sheer dominance of his stance already makes you cower, but his gaze is what makes you squirm. Heavy with ire, his eyes darken as he glares. Another bout of smoke escapes through his nostril. Your thighs rub together, eases an itch between them you are having trouble to ignore tonight. 
“I haven’t done anything wrong,” he hisses. You shiver. “I didn’t cheat on any of them. Before it started I told them it was just sex and once I found you, I cut off all ties. So tell me, what grand crime have I committed for you to think it’s okay to talk to me like that?” 
When he lines it all up like that, you find it hard to hold onto your anger. Furrowing your brows, you pout and turn away from him, but he grabs hold of your shoulders and forces you to face him once more. 
Locked under his harsh eyes, you can’t help stomping one of your feet and blurting out, “I thought we were friends!”
“We are friends!”
“So, why didn’t you tell me all this before? Between my apartment and the gallery, you had all that time to say, ‘oh hey, a bunch of girls I fucked are gonna be there. I’m not fucking them anymore but just a heads up in case they try to corner you.’” 
He does not find your impression of him amusing, deadpaning at the sound of your foolishly deep voice. He parts his lips to explain himself, but you don’t seem to be done just yet. 
“And then you leave me alone with her. You actually walked away from the conversation and left me alone to find out that half of every department in the city has been in your bed.”
“No one has been in my bed.”
“So now you’re denying it all?” You let out a dry chuckle, shaking your head at him before taking another sip of your vape. He’s unbelievable, completely unbelievable if he thinks he can sneak his way right out of all this by lying right to your fac-
“I’m not denying anything. I’m just saying no one has been in my bed. And for fuck’s sake, stop bouncing around like that! If you need to go, just go. We can finish this conversation after.” 
It takes you a moment to realize you have been bouncing around in place. Then, it takes you another horrifying moment to realize why. You don’t have to go to the restroom, not for the reason he thinks anyway. Throughout the argument, you’ve been rubbing your thighs together, pressing them tight and trying to relieve the wet tension between them. 
You swallow thickly, shrugging his hands off you and turning back to the cityscape. “I don’t need the washroom,” you insist. 
“You look like you do.”
You thought you’ve stopped your legs, but the daunting realization has only made you ache for a… tender touch all the more. “I don’t,” you repeat through gritted teeth, stilling your legs and sucking another round of smoke. 
After a moment of silence, his voice drops an octave as he whispers, “I think you do.”
The jacket around your shoulders begins to suffocate you under the wave of heat that follows the humiliation festering in your chest. You shrug it off, not too concerned with its worth or the soft clatter of your things as it hits the floor. You’re squirming again, clutching onto the railing to stabilize yourself long enough to say, “I can assure you that I don’t.”
Taehyung leans his back on the railing beside you, resting his elbows casually as he looks down at you. “I can go if you’d like to do it here,” he teases with a smirk all too cocky for you not to glare at. 
“This isn’t funny, Taehyung,” you whine. It only feeds his amusement. 
“It happens to the best of us, Angel.” His tone is condescending. He doesn’t even try to hide it. You can’t believe how hot that fact is making you. 
“Taehyung, please,” you beg as a way to ask him to stop being so crass about the situation. 
He takes the plea differently and raises a brow. “Asking for help?” 
You hate how you hesitate. He waits patiently amongst the silence. The smooth jazz of the party drifts between you but isn’t loud enough to shatter the tension. “I’ve never…” You trail off, feeling that familiar brust of humiliation coil around your heart again. 
Taehyung nods. “You’re a virgin, I know.” 
You’re certain whatever makes that so obvious is the same thing that always gives you away when you’re trying to hide something from him. With that in mind, you think there’s no use in trying to keep this from him too and admit, “It’s not just that. I’ve never really touched myself before.”
Taehyung is quiet. Too quiet. For far too long. All amusement drops as he stands back to his full height and with the most shock you’ve ever seen in him. “So you’ve never-”
“Not even-”
“How about-”
His eyes almost fall out of their sockets as he asks, “You’ve never watched porn?”
“What? Of course, I have!” you shout back. When he opens his mouth to question your previous answer you add, “I didn’t know that’s what you were asking. I just want to get this whole night over with. I’m horny and upset and you should have told me, okay? You’re my friend and the least you could’ve done was tell me! But, all you wanted to do was ignore me all night and leave me with exes I didn’t even know you had and make me so unbelievably horny I can’t even enjoy a smoke, let alone stand straight!”
Taehyung lets you get it all off your chest, shoving his hands in his pockets as you rant. He does not cut you off nor look at you with that usual challenging stare. His eyes are instead filled with concern and understanding. You almost feel bad for shouting, heaving by the time you get to the end of your sentence. 
“You’re right. I should have told you,” he says with a nod. “We are friends. I should have taken you with me when I left. I don’t think I should have left at all actually. I’m sorry, Angel.”
His words are all you need to let out a heavy sigh, your frustrations falling out with it. His use of your nickname only reminds you of the dampening issue of your panties. You squirm again. He doesn’t fail to notice. 
He gazes at your hips, asking, “Seriously, why don’t you just do it? You’ll feel much better.” 
“It’s not the same,” you say before you process the words. When he raises a brow for more information, you explain in a voice so tiny, he has to lean down close to hear you, “I just know it won’t be the same as someone else’s touch.” 
He pauses. He stares. He bites his lip then matches the volume of your voice, saying, “If you’d like, I can help you.” 
The mere thought of it makes you shiver. He fights off a smirk. It only proves his sincerity. Had he only wanted to mock you or embarrass you for your feelings, he would have. You take a step closer, too shy to meet his eyes as you mutter, “I don’t want your fingers in me though.” 
His lips rest right by your forehead. You can feel his warm breath against your hairline as he whispers, “I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He uses a finger to tilt your chin up so that he can peer into your eyes. “I’ll only do as you ask. Are you sure about this, though, Angel?” 
The softness of his voice has you sinking your body into his. You clutch onto his chest, the white dress shirt bunching up in your fists as you try to balance yourself. You’re so horny, it aches. Your clit throbs, and you have to press your thighs together again to keep from moaning. Nodding your head, you look up at him through your lashes and whisper, “Yes, Daddy.”
Taehyung is sure, but gentle in his handling of you. He starts his hands on your waist and pulls you close against him. When you gasp a moan at the soft impact, he drops his hands to your ass. You tighten your grip on his shirt and burrow your head into his neck to be tsked at. 
“Eyes on me,” he orders in a whisper. 
That’s probably the worst thing you can do, you realize the moment you look back up at him. He’s watching you so tenderly, carefully, like you’re a little thing of porcelain that can break at the slightest wrong look. It makes you pout. 
He jiggles the cheeks of your ass, getting a feel for the weight and how each one bounces in his hand. It coaxes a whiny moan out of you too. No one has touched you like this. No one has regarded you with such devotion. As he hooks one of your legs around his waist, you hope and pray no one other than him ever will. 
Taehyung leans your back against the railing. You wrap your arms around his neck, letting out shaky breathes when his hand snakes between your body to cup your sex. You press your lips together to hold back a moan, but it fills the silence anyways, high-pitched and desperate as ever. His brows bounce at how wet his hand becomes from the first touch alone. He gives your panty-clung pussy a little brush with the tips of his fingers and you squirm at how dark his eyes get when his pupils are dilated. 
“Are you teasing me?” You ask in a voice too weak, it borders on pathetic. 
He nudges your nose with his. “I wasn’t trying to,” he breathes as a smile takes over his features. “Do you want me to rub you from out here?” 
You shrug. You can’t imagine it would be as extraordinary as having his fingers against your bare clit. Pulling him closer, you swallow thickly and timidly ask, “What feels better?” 
He gives you a pitiful look. “You tell me, Angel?” He all but coos as he slips his fingers around your panties. 
The first brush of his middle finger on your clit makes your eyes roll, the right one twitching in the process. Lips against your chin, he moans. You aren’t sure why and don’t have the time to think about it, as he rubs you again and again, adding the tiniest sliver of pressure each time. 
“God,” you gasp. Your hips roll on their own and it makes Taehyung tighten his hold on your ass. 
As you whine at the harsh grip, he smirks, “Daddy will do just fine, Angel.” 
If his hand wasn’t circling around your pussy right now, you would’ve tossed him a playful glare. “Now, I know you’re teasing me,” you pout, voice sounding so small and whiny, you almost don’t recognize it as your own. 
He laughs and quickens his pace, using all his fingers to rub you. His diamond rings scratch at your inner thighs, and you find that it tickles. You can’t help a giggle the fourth time it happens. That whimpery, giggy ripple of air makes him groan. Taehyung further presses himself against you. His bulge rests against your other leg. From that mere impression alone, you just know he’s fucking huge. 
It makes you moan.
“Does that feel good, Angel?” Taehyung asks as he rests his forehead against yours.
Fuck. Fuck. “Fuck!” you whimper. Your hips are moving on their own, rolling into his hand as he continues his ministrations. “Dad-dy feels so g-good!” Shortly after that embarrassing confession, he rubs you especially hard and your mouth falls open.
Taehyung opens his mouth too. He hovers it over yours and moans along with you, mimicking your breathy, whiny sounds like he too is being pleasured. Then he tilts his head, just like he would if he was kissing you and moans louder. 
“Pretty little Angel is gonna cum, isn’t she?” 
His voice is fucking sinful. He sounds all too cocky, all too smug as he pretends to be concerned. He’s babying you because he can… because he knows you like it. 
You’re not sure how to tell when you’re close, having never been close before. But, there’s a build up at the pit of your stomach and your pussy just keeps clenching and clenching. You know you’re getting wetter because you can hear the squish and splash of your arousal moving around his fingers. You’re getting louder too. You’re getting so loud, you’re sure the whole city can hear you. 
“That’s a good girl,” he coos. “That’s right. Fuck yourself on my hand, Angel.” 
You didn’t realize that you’ve been gyrating against his hand this whole time. You’ve been too consumed by the ecstasy coursing through your veins, buzzing your nerves with desire and anticipation. 
“Oh my god,” you cry, throwing your head back. “Daddy! Daddy!” 
Taehyung presses his lips to your chin. “So good, little Angel,” he mutters before pecking the tip of your nose. “You’re my good, little Angel, right? You’re fucking my hand so good.”
You squeal at his words, burying your face in the crook of his neck. The action offers you his scent, and it’s not that usual cologne you smell but rather a musky cross of black anise stars and sage. Your tongue acts on its own, you try to convince yourself, and licks at his skin before you suck on it. 
“Mmm, it’s okay, Angel. It’s okay to cum,” he breathes into your hair. “You can do it. I know you can.” 
Your fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck. You’re so close. You’re so sure this time. You can feel that build up inching towards your pussy as you rut recklessly against his hand. 
“Sweet Angel,” he whispers, lips at the shell of your ear. “My sweet, horny little Angel. How long have you been wanting this? Hmm? How long has my Angel been waiting to cum?”
“Too fu-cking long, Daddy!” you cry. You pull your face away from his warmth in the crook of his neck, pressing your forehead against his.  “I really wanna cum! I re-really do, Dad-dy!” 
“I know, Angel,” he purrs, brows furrowing with understanding and concern. “You can cum on my hand like the good, little girl I know you are. Go on, Angel. Cum for me.” 
You prove him right in a matter of seconds. Throwing your head back, you let out a loud, high-pitched moan as your body trembles in his hand. You feel your arousal rush out of your pussy and all over his hand, the wet splatters sounding filthier. A vigorous wave of euphoria floods your mind and ears, Taehyung’s sweet encouragements becoming distant and muffled. 
“That’s it! That’s it, baby. Cum on Daddy’s hand just like that,” he kisses your head, “That’s my pretty, pretty Angel!” He groans, continuing to rub you even as you spaz and quiver in his hands.
You must have almost fallen right out of his grasp because the hand that was kneading your ass shoots to your waist and cradles you close against him. 
Tears soon spill from your eyes, the pleasure of his hand on your clit becoming unfathomable. You grab hold of his wrist and pull your hips away from his hand. He catches onto your silent request to stop and instantly removes his hand from your slightly overstimulated pussy.  
Your legs fall from his hip, but Taehyung keeps you standing with his tight hold of your waist. Legs trembling, you quiver against him. You just came. You really just came. You never thought the first time you come would be at the hands of someone like Taehyung, someone so obsessed with your pleasure, it fuels their own. 
Heaving, you start to come down from your high as your hearing returns to you. The reality of your actions hits you again… You just came. Shame heats up your face as you look down at his cum covered hand dangling by his side. “Fuck, I’m so sor-”
Your apology is cut short as Taehyung brings his wet hand to his mouth. He holds your astonished stare as he sucks. Your mouth parts as you watch his tongue loop around, licking up between each finger. He pulls them out and asks, “Want a taste?”
Words fail you. Voiceless, you simply part your lips wider. You taste sweet, brows shooting up. 
He mimics your expression with an amused smirk. “Good, right?” 
Your tongue swirls as you nod. 
Taehyung lets you suck a bit longer before finally pulling his hand away. He holds you close while waiting for your uneven breath to regulate. The wind whips at your collided bodies, pushing your hair in your face. He gently brushes it back behind your ears. The gesture almost makes you want to continue your laboured breathing just so you can be held a little while longer. 
When you’re finally back to normal, Taehyung places a chaste kiss upon your cheek, whispers, “Good job, Angel,” and picks up his jacket before guiding the both of you back downstairs.
He holds you close for the remainder of the night, his large hand resting on the small of your back. Guiding you around the gallery, he begins to introduce you as his Angel. His interest in you results in more than just polite small talk from others. You catch Mrs. Geraldson by the grand window. 
Her face is drained of colour. 
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tags : @marcoazz2​ @complexmolecule​ @whats-good-ross​ 
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note; please do not leave hate towards me or any other readers. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my work without my permission.
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mulletmitsuya · 3 years
Bonten texts
Warnings: swearing, rinsanzu (idk if that's what their ship name is called), mentions of cheating, suggestive themes, mentions of drugs, mentions of toxicity?? idk but yeah
Dm between Sanzu and Rindou
Sanzu: hey um I need to tell you something
Rindou: oh okay. what's up
Sanzu: it's pretty bad
Rindou: what did you do
Sanzu: .....I cheated on you
Sanzu: with your brother...
Rindou: hold up
Rindou: cheated on me???????
Sanzu: yes I know I'm sorry I'll never do it again give me another chance Ran isn't even that attractive I swear you're the only one for me
Sanzu: with the exception of Mikey of course
Rindou: Sanzu are you serious?
Sanzu: I'm sorry man shit happens ig like I really didn't mean to I was trippin sack and he kind of looks like you
Rindou: No like are you fr, this isn't some kind of joke? Like are you high rn??
Sanzu: Yes but I swear I'm not making this up I'm sorry
Sanzu: ok so I cheat on you once and you deny we were ever in love. that's low rin
Rindou: IN LOVE????
Rindou: ALSO IM NOT GAY??????
Sanzu: yes you are
Sanzu: if you aren't gay then why are we a couple
Rindou: ???????????
Rindou: WHEN
Sanzu: this isn't funny rin🙁
Sanzu: ok so now you're gonna leave me on read okay
Bonten Groupchat
Rindou: Does anyone think me and Sanzu are a couple??????
Takeomi: 🤨
Koko: this is a fucking work related groupchat
Koko: also ???????
Kaku: omg I'm so happy for you guys 😍🤗☺️
Ran: why do you text like that
Ran: and you and Sanzu are a couple? 😟
Sanzu: Yeah and what happened between me and Ran didn't mean anything Rindou please
Ran: 💀
Koko: this is embarrassing😟
Rindou: no fr I don't understand what's going on is this a joke
Sanzu: you're literally breaking my heart rn
Rindou: WHA-
Mikey: shut the fuck up. if you guys wanna talk about this shit make another groupchat or smth, idc
Sanzu: sorry Mikey
Ran: ok so Sanzu thinks him and Rindou are dating, why is that exactly?
Sanzu: when we are sitting together in the hotsprings he looked at me and told me my mullet was nice
Sanzu: you're also a lot nicer to me than the others
Takeomi: you really need to lay off the drugs man
Sanzu: why do you always feel the need to include yourself in conversations that have nothing to do with you
Sanzu: go smoke another pack of cigarettes or smth
Takeomi: 😐
Koko: Mikey please just kill him, we don't need him here
Sanzu: you're a homophobe
Sanzu: nvm you're the gayest mf I've ever seen actually
Sanzu: the embodiment of homosexuality
Sanzu: what's that internalized homophobia doing for you
Sanzu: stfu and go project akane on to another blonde or smth it's obvious you're bored and lonely ever since inupi left your toxic ass
Ran: STOP 😭
Kaku: 😰
Koko: what the actual fuck is wrong with you
Rindou: ok so this conversation took a turn for the worst
Takeomi: no infighting
Sanzu: you're literally so old please just leave the texting to us
Sanzu: you're lungs will collapse soon, go rest
Sanzu: and idk Koko, maybe ask yourself the same question and do some self evaluation?🧐
Mikey: I'm so fucking tired of all of you
Sanzu: and ok rindou I never liked you anyway, you're mullet's musty and it just looks like you put a jellyfish on your head
Sanzu: also who the fuck does the splits while in a gang fight
Sanzu: I've seen you do it more than once and it's weird
Sanzu: bye
*sanzu has left the chat*
Rindou: no because what's wrong with him
Koko: I'll kill him istg
Kaku: but why did him and ran sleep together tho
Ran: he gives good head
Rindou: we didn't need to know that
Mikey: 3
Takeomi: ???
Mikey: 2
Ran: ok I'm out
Takeomi: sorry Mikey we'll go
Rindou: sorry
Kaku: sorry 😞
Koko: even tho this isn't my fault sorry ig
Mikey: just leave
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
please pleas eshare the thought with jean. please i’m legitimately begging you please
ahsjsks because you begged nonnie
warnings: smut/18+/minors DNI, vouyerism, cucking, oral, absolute fucking filth
a/n: this has actually haunted me for weeks…shout out @mitsuyasmistress for being the first one i screamed too, @aiiwa the loml who helped me add the missing piece to this, and @yeagerslut who is here to help remind you that all these boys are disaster bis, enjoy
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Dating frat boy Eren who lives in the room next to fellow frat brother Jean, subjecting the poor boy to the sounds of your moans through those thin walls that makes Jean’s morning wood just a little bit harder when he wakes up, even though his boyfriend Marco is sleeping soundly right next to him.
Jean who feels that pit of guilt grow when you giggle at the way he gets so flustered when he catches you coming out of the bathroom, towel clutched to your wet body oh so innocently as you bounce back to your boyfriend’s room — Jean shutting the bathroom door behind him quickly so he can bury his head in his hands to try to quell the terrible thoughts he’s thinking of you.
So when Marco calls him over to a quiet room in the party, he feels his stomach drop — its over — he’s figured him out, the least thing he’s expecting is you and Eren sitting in the room too, legs spread over Eren’s thighs with your skirt flipped up so Jean can get an eyeful of your pretty pussy.
Marco did figure him out, and Eren was able to put two and two together too, the both of them coming to you with this little proposition to finally quiet down the storm in Jean’s mind.
Jean can’t believe it, alternating from looking back at the two of you and Marco in shock, causing Marco to hold his face still as he tells him “It’s okay, I’m fine with this.”
“I think it will be hot.”
Jean drops to his knees, crawling between your open legs to press a soft kiss on your clit, hands resting over with Eren’s over your thighs as he dives into your folds.
You’re squirming in your boyfriends lap, gasping as Jean eats you out like a man starved, your whines causing you to feel your boyfriend stiffen against your back and Marco to palm over the crotch of his pants.
And Jean?
Well, he’s in heaven. You taste so much better than he could have ever thought, tongue prodding into your entrance so he could lap all of you up, and he realizes he needs more than just this. So he takes a break to beg, mouth covered in your slick as his lips quiver when he begs you to give him a chance to fuck you, and you’re nodding deliriously in agreement as long as Jean will get you to finish.
Eren gets sick of his whining, fisting Jean’s honey brown mullet to shove it into your puffy folds. “She said make her cum, damn it, then we can negotiate,” he grits.
“Do what he says, baby,” Marco calls out, his own voice strained as he pumps himself at the sight in front of him. “You want to be good, don’t you? Be a good boy and listen.”
So Jean obeys, wrapping his lips around your bud and giving it a desperate suck as you shatter in Eren’s arms.
You feel like jello, looking down at Jean with half lidded eyes and a dopey smile as Eren starts to whisper in your ear. You let out an airy laugh and nod, and Eren slips from out from behind you, maneuvering you so your head hangs over the edge of the bed so you can gaze up at Marco with big doe eyes and your lips parted. A blush dusts his freckled face, a soiled hand holding his flushed cock as he watched his boyfriend eat you out like you were his last meal.
“She wants you too, Marco,” Eren says.
“Trust me when I say she sounds so much better with out having a wall muffle her out.”
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osakunt · 3 years
Hii!! Can I request for the Haitani brothers + Mikey with a reader that they're pining for but are hesitant cuz they think they like their best friend/brother? (Like Mikey with Draken, and the Haitani being vice versa) Thank u so muchhh <33
➟ Haitani’s & Mikey
➟ Enjoy, baby <3
- You didn’t like him so why even try to ask you out to the party Sanzu was throwing. Ran shakes his head with a silent scoff turning around to not see his younger brother ask you out. “Okay here’s the plan. You come with me then I’ll excuse myself so you two can have your corny moment” Rindou rolls his eyes
“Shut up. You offered to help so shut up” you follow behind him getting closer to his brother. Ran was taken aback when you smiled at him and frowned at Rindou. Why were you growing at his dimwit of a brother if you liked him ? “Ahh sorry. Excuse me” Rindou excused himself, nodding at you. The tensioned silence between you and Ran was so unbearable that you decided to shoot your shot then and there.
“Ran ? …. Would you like to go with me to Sanzu’s shit of a party ?” “Me ? Why not Rin-don’t ?” He asks with sass.
“Cause I like you (?) it’s fine if you don’t. I can ask Kakucho or - ”
“No !! No need. I’ll go with ya” he breaks into a smile happy to know that you liked him. “Awww but you ruined it !!! I wanted to ask you out !!!”
“Don’t matter. I’ll see you later” you kiss his cheek making the grown man melt. “I’m love” he whispers imagining Cupid’s arrow go through his heart
“Ask her out !! Stop being a pussy and go” His older brother pushes him towards you but Rindou frowns seeing how you smiled at his brother who waved at you. “No it’s fine. I’m going home now” he walks away, glancing back to see your smile falter.
“You didn’t ask her out cause you think she liked RAN ?! Are you fucking stupid ?? Yea clearly you are” Sanzu waves his gun all over the place without the lock on.
“Rindou you need to get your shit together. Y/n does like someone but it ain’t Ran”
“Who ?”
“Nah ah ahhhh~ not telling” Sanzu snickers lighting up a cigarette. “Find out for ya self” he points his gun towards Rindou “I hate you” the man with a mullet sucks his teeth at Sanzu, with the courage to ask you out, to find out who you liked.
When he found you talking to Mikey about the bullets he was purchasing, you greet him with the same smile you greeted everyone with. RINDOU STARTED SHAKING BRO !! “Thanks for the amo Y/n I’ll see you in two weeks for the order coming in” “yea, of course - take care” you smile at him and make your way to the end of the counter where Rindou put his own gun in it. “The slide jammed” he stuttered out.
“Did it, now ? I’ll get it fixed, don’t worry” you grab the weapon -putting it in a back room for you to work on it later.
“I wanted to ask you something too” he mustered up everything he had in him.
“Mm, okay - shoot”
“Would you uh- would you like to go out with me sometime ? We can go out for lunch”
Hearing him ask you out, your hands start to sweat from the nervousness you were starting to feel. “How does this Friday sound to you”
Hearing you answer, Rindou let’s out the breath he didn’t know he was holding “I’ll pick you up” “deal, see you Friday” you smile seeing him walk out your shop. ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂
Mikey truly thought that you liked Draken. I mean, why else would you be so close to him ? That just had to be the answer to his thoughts.
“What’s got you looking worried ?” Mitsuya pulls up in front of him. “Y/n always rides with Draken” Mikey says looking your way.
“Oh yea !! They’re really close” Mitsuya responds getting a vibe that Mikey didn’t really like you being close with Draken. “Are you jealous, Mikey ?”
“Jealous ? No. I was just wondering” he crosses his arms looking away with a pout
“Right ? Yea ‘course you are. Y/n and Draken have been good friends even before you, Mikey. They grew up together and the only feeling they have for one another is them feeling like a sibling to the other”
“What makes you think that ?”
“They told me the same thing when I asked them if they had feeling for each other. Mikey if you like Y/n, there’s nothing stopping you from telling her your feelings”
“Who said I liked her ?”
“You attitude told me enough” Mitsuya slyly smiled at Tomans leader riding away to round up his division.
Riding up next to Draken, Mikey asks you to go with him because he wanted to discuss your role of protecting Emma. Once y’all got to a space far from the others Mikey hugs you.
“You good there, bud ?”
“Yea. Just felt like hugging you. Thank you for helping keep Emma safe when we fight other gangs.”
“ ‘S no problem, really. I’ve noticed she can be slow with reflexes so I try my best to keep her away” you feel his embrace tighten. Responding to the his embrace with your arms circling around him - Mikey relaxes into your touch. He pulls away a little to kiss your temple.
“I like you” he murmurs
Laughing younger him go- “is this what you came to tell me hahahahha” you hold your stomach laughing. After a few more seconds of laughter, you calm down wiping a tear from your eye.
“Let’s go out, Sano. I’ll take you to one of those bike shows” you walk away trying to still hold in your laugh. “You should’ve asked me out sooner, I could have gotten Draken to take us to this fancy food place”
mikey malfunctioned
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swbumblebee · 3 years
What if Qui-Gon Jinn was not particularly special in his post-mortem abilities?
AKA “Old Ben” and his many Force parents.
They had all watched, their collective Force aura swamped in sadness, grief and longing, as Qui-Gon finally introduced himself to Obi-Wan.
They’d never call him ‘Old Ben’. The fact that he was only 40 years old notwithstanding, this was the boy they’d raised, grown up with, idolised. They remembered him toddling about the gardens, fascinated by the brightly coloured flowers; Getting shy around pretty people and developing awkward crushes. They remembered him standing alone at the head of an army, quietly confident and immeasurably capable. They had vivid memories of him carrying them back to the creche, so steady and strong; of his measured wisdom, and the confidence that Obi-Wan Kenobi would always triumph.
They remembered the mullet.
Nobody named “Old Ben” ever had a mullet.
The man they now, as they always had really, looked to for a light when everything else went dark.
They didn’t catch the murmured words. They were Jedi after all, (even if they were now technically one big Jedi rather than a temple full of Jedi) and eavesdropping was rude. Nobody listened to the sulky mutterings of the presence that was Quinlan Vos.
Their boy was nodding, sitting quietly on the floor whilst he finally, finally after weeks of careful and gentle persuasion, of them all keeping a tight rein on the order’s maverick (“Do not, we repeat do not, come out of the water tank. You’ll give him a cardiac arrest or something”) believed in the presence he saw before him.
They watched once more, pleased, as their missing piece allowed himself to be bullied to his feet, and guided over to the pile of blankets he called a bed.
They could feel Qui-Gon’s bitter relief as he perched next to his former student, his longing to pull the blankets up around his boy and smooth back his hair.
But words were all they had.
Still, as Obi-Wan Kenobi had shown the Galaxy; you could do a lot with words.
They’d argued (as much as an incorporeal fusion of spirits could argue) at length over who got to go next.
“I knew him longest, he’ll trust me!”
“He needs someone calm, measured. I will go”
“No offence Master Plo but you’ll make him cry. He needs cheering up, I’ll go!”
“Vos so help me Force-“
“I was the Master of the Order, I should do it”
“Master, we’re dead. I’m not sure seniority applies.”
In the end it was narrowed down to two options; Bant Erin, Obi-Wan’s oldest friend. Sweet natured and kind, she would be the perfect choice.
And Mace Windu.
It turns out seniority does still apply beyond the grave.
A small part of Obi-Wan’s subconscious was telling him that it was starting to get a bit awkward.
The transparent blue form of Mace Windu was looking down at him, the welcoming smile quickly turning into a grimace.
No. no no no this was not happening. He didn’t have time to go round the bend he had a child to protect!
He wasn’t sure if it was reasonable to measure sanity on the volume of dead loved ones he was hallucinating, but somehow one seemed saner than two.
Though it turns out he’s insane, and so not a good barometer of these things.
He knew his stare was starting to get very unnerving as his hysterical inner-ramblings reached a fever pitch.
“…Obi-Wan, are you alright?” Imaginary Mace Windu asked, concern and a tiny bit of nervousness showing on his face.
“I’m fine, how are you?” Obi-Wan asked, remembering a solid piece of advice from his formative years; Always fall back upon good manners when in unfamiliar territory Padawan mine.
Well, this was about as unfamiliar as it got.
Imaginary Mace looked at him, utterly baffled for a moment.
“Well…I’m dead, I suppose, is how I am” he answered awkwardly.
“Right. Obviously.” Obi-Wan nodded politely. “My condolences”
There was another awkward silence.
Imaginary Mace tilted his head for a moment, listening for something.
“Well…here I am” he said, spreading his arms a little.
The other Jedi frowned at Obi-Wan’s strained reply and his act of scrubbing his hands down his face as if to wipe away the image in front of him.
“Qui-Gon didn’t…didn’t mention we were coming?” he asked tentatively.
Obi-Wan shook his head, wordlessly.
The frown on Imaginary Mace turned into a complete scowl as the pieces seemed to fall into place.
“JINN” he bellowed, and Obi-Wan felt it echo in the Force like nothing before.
“He can’t hear you, he’s with Yoda”
Another figure popped into existence next to Mace, and Obi-Wan rubbed his eyes once again as Depa Billaba bowed to him.
“Obi-Wan” she greeted with a grin.
“…hi” He took a deep breath, mentally cursing his absent-minded Master.
“Are you alright?” Depa didn’t stop for a reply as she looked down with him and gestured at him, gently instructing him to get up from the floor. “Oh look you’ve scraped your knee there! Master I knew you’d startle him!” she scolded her former Master.
It felt like he was having an out of body experience as Depa ushered him into a chair (the only chair in the hut), Mace looking on anxiously.
“There we go” Depa soothed as she got him settled “I wish we could make you some tea my friend.” She said disappointedly.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat.
“You ah…you can’t?” he asked, something permeating the haze. Of this whole situation, that seemed by far the most unfair thing.
Mace smiled encouragingly, seemingly happier to be on more binary ground.
“I’m afraid not, we are beings of the Force, like your Master.” He explained, before scowling again. “Who, I would kill if he weren’t already dead,” he growled.
“I’m so sorry Obi-Wan” Depa said, dismayed “We all wanted to come and be with you, but we though Qui-Gon might be best to start with, so as not to overwhelm you”
“Sorry about that” Mace said apologetically.
They sat in silence a moment, Depa and Mace watching him process.
For the first time ever, Obi-Wan had exactly zero thoughts in his head.
He was starting to feel the pressure.
“All?” he tried.
Depa and Mace looked at each other.
“You ah…you said ‘all wanted to come’” he clarified.
Depa nodded happily.
“Yes yes, we’re all there Obi-Wan” she smiled at him
“Any Jedi slain by a Sith, or the machinations of the Sith, is there” Mace explained.
Obi-Wan was having the slightest bit of trouble taking deep breaths. Neither of his companions seemed to have noticed.
“Where?” he asked, only mildly aware that his voice was getting just a little pitchy.
“In the Force, we’re all one in the Force” Depa started again, and then paused a little lost for words.
“We’re all together and we kind of…share our presences” Mace picked up, with difficulty “Everyone who was killed by Palpatine’s evil, everyone from us right down to the littlest initiate, we share one consciousness in the Force.”
Obi-Wan was none the wiser.
Mace waved a hand frustratedly.
“Sorry, Plo explains it better”
“Plo?” Obi-Wan loved Master Plo. He loved all of them. And they were gone.
“Hello Obi-Wan”
“Well, if Plo and Depa get to see him I’m bloody well here too!”
“Hi Obi”
He could only watch, speechless, as the faces of old friends, comrades, mentors and carers crammed into his hut, all looking at him with unadulterated, unfiltered pleasure and love was the last thing he saw before his scrambled brain decided it’d had enough, and he knew nothing but darkness.
It turns out, living with the forms of all your dead teachers, carers and friends was actually rather trying, after a while.
“Oh thank goodness you’re not still drinking that awful caff”
“I like caff – Master Plo please don’t try and lift that”
“Relax Obi dear, we’re incorporeal”
“Can still see things though”
“Vos get out of my fresher!”
“What does this do?”
“Never you mind. No don’t – Ugh. Why don’t some nice, well behaved padawans ever come to see me?”
“They’re not allowed, only those who knew you personally can visit. We thought it might get a bit stressful otherwise.”
“…I can’t imagine.”
Aside from having to adapt his busy routine to accommodate half a dozen fidgety and curious…ghosts (?) poking around his small hut at any one time, another unexpected addition to his (attempted) isolation on Tatooine was the nagging. And Force could they nag! The concentrated worry of many, many, beings with nowhere else to direct their extra energies was powerful.
“Obi-Wan you haven’t drank enough today. Go and check the vaporators”
“Padawan aren’t you going to eat?”
“Listen, that plie of cloth can’t be good for your spine”
“Force! Get some sun block Kenobi or you’re going to look like an old shoe in three months”
“No right, I saw a sunhat he can buy at the market”
It was…weird. He’d always been very self-sufficient, not to mention being the centre of everyone’s attention was difficult, to say the least. But as the months went on, he found himself transitioning from awkward acquiescence to see-sawing between mulishness and good-natured obedience. The stubbornness rising usually when the despair did. But those days were few and far between.
And now, when they did occur (for one can only avoid one’s demons for so long) and he felt like he was drowning in the weight of existence, he could rely on his friends for encouragement, care, and the motivation to carry on.
“If you join us before your time I will KILL you Obi-Wan Kenobi. Now kriffing well eat something!”
Of course, when their brother, friend, son, comrade, teacher and last hope did at last join them, there was no nagging or disappointment (or violence). The ultimate Jedi was back in the fold and they were once again complete.
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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I got seven different asks about the College AU so here are some headcanons I have about them! (imagine aiura is in the picture I couldn’t find a good one with all of them)
I definitely didn’t mean to make this so long but I can’t help it I love them all so much<3
Saiki Kusuo
→ marine!!!biology!!!major!!!!!!!!
→ doesn’t need to study but he still does bc he finds marine life so fascinating
→ read all of his textbooks on the first day bc he was so excited eeeek
→ always wears his germanium ring in class so he can stay hashtag focused
→ him and aiura have to bail toritsuka(didn’t go to college) out of jail once a month
→ speaking of aiura, she somehow has convinced him to go on a date on five different occasions
→ i think after high-school he realised he didn’t mind a kind of casual not-relationship with her
→ lets her hug him to greet him and sometimes he hugs back bc college boys stare a lot and he is just worried for her okay?
→ maybe I’m just projecting bc I kin aiura
→ does not go to parties unless he absolutely has to
→ if he does go to a party he’ll drink something quietly in a corner, just watching the crowd
→ a perv laced Teruhashi’s drink and almost lured her up the stairs so of fucking course Kusuo sprinted to help her, holding her on the way home bc men are drawn to her like bees to honey
→ she didn’t let him live it down ever
→ he rented a studio apartment and keeps it super clean, minimum clutter but enough to look lived in
→ cooks amazing food that Nendo smells from upstairs and next thing you know, they’re all bringing chairs to Kusuo’s apartment and have dinner
→ nothing excuses the fact he makes at least eight servings every time–
→ such a dad to everyone honestly
→ usually studies at a library or teleports back home if there’s a big test
→ mrs. saiki was banned from visiting every two days but she still ends up there somehow
→ not that he minds bc he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever
→ probably graduates a year early
→ doesn’t move away even though he got a job at the aquarium at the other side of the city help–
Kaidou Shun
→ fine arts major you can NOT change my mind
→ doesn’t do good in theoretical subjects but mans can draw some good bowls of fruit
→ wears those stained from the paints t-shirts all the time bc ‘no they’re not dirty it’s art!’
→ him and aren have small designated spaces in their apartment so they can focus on their hobbies/studying
→ his corner at the living room has newspapers on the floor to protect it from the splattering paint, some canvases propped up on the wall and a lot of unfinished projects
→ hides all of them when Nendou comes over
→ can not cook or clean to save his life
→ so he calls his mum to help clean up when Aren is at work
→ got over his 8th grader syndrome at some point
→ still wears red bandages bc he’s edgy
→ volunteers at the neighborhood exhibit centre
→ got asked to showcase his own works for a night and hasn’t shut up about it since
→ goes to yumehara for relationship advice and braids her hair as a thank you
→ couples sleepovers with Yumehara and Teruhashi (yes they’re dating shut up)
→ always makes something for Aren at special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries etc)
→ at first he went back home every saturday bc he missed his family :(
→ Aren helps him get over it though!!!!
Nendou Riki
→ got in on a sports scholarship
→ we already know he couldn’t be accepted in a college otherwise
→ in the chiropractic major bc he wants to be one of those athlete doctors
→ has failed way too many exams and classes
→ Hairo helps him so much though!!!
→ the last one in the group to graduate but somehow gets a job first (excluding Saiki)
→ him and hairo get up at 5 am for jogging or to hit the gym
→ and then he goes and gets noodles bc ‘if noodles aren’t for breakfast why do shops open at 6 am?’
→ hasn’t stepped foot in class in months
→ he gets decent grades after failing the first semester and it’s totally not Saiki’s doing
→ he ends up signing up for way too many clubs
→ attends all of the meetings and has so many friends through them
→ I would be his friend too in college honestly
→ a fraternity wanted to get him bc he’s so good at sports
→ he declined bc he does not understand how fraternities even work
→ is the life of EVERY SINGLE PARTY change my mind you can’t
→ whatever you do don’t imagine nendo surprising his boyfriend with flowers after every practice
→ *dies cutely*
Kuboyasu Aren
→ idk I just think he would enjoy Marx’s Capital
→ debate club? hell yeah
→ gets in philosophical conversations at the school yard for HOURS
→ kaidou has to drag him away
→ only shops at thrift stores and makes coffee at home bc “capitalism is not accepted in this household”
→ rides his motorcycle to college even though he lives five minutes away
→ grew his hair out in a mullet again and he looks *chef’s kiss*
→ thought he would be moving too fast if he asked Kaidou to rent an apartment together
→ aiura convinced him it was fine
→ cooks kaidou’s favorite foods every day
→ participates in student rallies, human rights protests etc etc
→ comes home with bruises and kaidou thinks he looks so hot but still yells at him
→ Aren’s favorite place to study is his balcony or at a coffee shop
→ always with kaidou! cute boyfriends who do everything together!!
→ gets so drunk when they go out
→ drunk karaoke with kokomi yes yes yes
Hairo Kineshi
→ did someone say Athletic Training?
→ does every single sport and is amazing at it
→ will cheer for his bf if they have a game at the same time though
→ it was his idea to move in together bc ‘hey we’ve been dating for three years now might as well’
→ volunteers at a nearby elementary as a coach for the kids
→ wants to be a P.E. Teacher and he’s going to be great at it
→ does everything he can at campus
→ helping random clubs, making posters, cleaning up the hallways, helping the cheer squad with their new routine
→ dances ballet as a hobby even though he’s so good at it that he could be a professional
→ makes everything a competition with Nendo so they never get bored
→ once made everyone get up to jog with them and they ended up sleeping on random benches while Hairo and Nendo were halfway across town
→ will punch someone if he sees them catcalling a girl
→ doesn’t drink at all and eats super healthy
→ designated driver for the group’s outings downtown
Aiura Mikoto
→ is so good at stage acting it’s unreal
→ lands the lead role almost every time
→ is also an amazing singer so she gets great roles in musicals as well
→ doesn’t have to get a job bc she gets all her money from doing readings on campus
→ gets coffees and pastries from all the coffee shops around campus and sits Kusuo down so he can taste them
→ they have a little taste-testing date in his apartment until they decide none of them are as good as the ones at Cafe Mami
→ she totally doesn’t make him teleport there every morning and he totally doesn’t listen to her
→ moved in with chiyo bc they wanted a nice place that they couldn’t afford on their own
→ teruhashi told them to move in with her but they already loved their little place
→ aiura’s bedroom is the most comfortable and cozy room ever
→ their apartment is also the hang out spot for the group bc it’s just so homey
→ hangs out with her theatre group a lot, especially after class
→ they can’t compare to her friends though:(
→ everyone goes to her when they’re worried and she loves it bc she’s the mummy of the group
→ she makes everyone coffee and their comfort food before big exams:)
Yumehara Chiyo
→ psychology major one thousand percent
→ you know how they say that people choose psychology bc they don’t know what major they want?
→ that’s exactly what happened except she fell in love with it immediately
→ such a good student!!!
→ always does her assignments on time and still manages to have a social life
→ teruhashi asked her out at the end of their first semester and that’s the first time chiyo missed a deadline
→ practically lives with teruhashi, insisting it’s just to leave aiura alone
→ she’s just IN LOVE OKAY?????
→ would want to be a sorority girl at first
→ changed her mind when she realized how much shit they all talked
→ her and kaidou drink wine and talk about their relationships and studies
→ she’s so sleep deprived it’s unreal
→ she doesn’t need sleep anymore though
→ coffee is her best friend
→ makes asks Aiura for readings twice a week
→ brings all her psychology friends home and they analyze their textbooks
→ once she got the hang of it, she decided to examine Kusuo
→ she told him he needs actual medical evaluation
→ he almost threw her out the window when she offered some Xanax for his nerves
→ chiyo is a neat freak one hundred percent
→ hates when Aiura throws everything on the floor, but she loves cleaning
→ opens her own office after school
Teruhashi Kokomi
→ lesbian doctor :)
→ just wanted to get away from her perv brother at first
→ she always wanted to be a doctor though, preferably a neurosurgeon
→ she’s super duper smart and hates when she gets good grades bc of her good looks:(
→ makes it her goal to show her professors that she’s more than a beautiful girl
→ hasn’t failed a single exam
→ helps everyone with their studies even though she’s drowning in work
→ drops the perfect girl image at college and decides she should try and aim for something normal
→ gets invited to every single party
→ in a knitting club bc it would get disbanded without one more member
→ knits!!!matching!!!sweaters!!!for all of her friends!!!
→ asked Chiyopipi out while drunk
→ never regretted it though
→ her and aren get so drunk when they go out with the group
→ it’s honestly unreal how much they can drink before passing out
→ has to get carried home
→ wakes up after getting drunk and runs to her class before remembering it’s Sunday
→ her penthouse has the perfect view of the sunset and sunrise and is all she could ask for in life
→ does get lonely so she’s practically living with Chiyo and Aiura
→ once she realized she didn’t like boys she made it her goal to get Saiki and Aiura together
→ people wonder how she has so much time to play matchmaker and volunteer while she’s in premed
→ does her internship at a hospital
→ ends up working there as a neurosurgeon after her Doctorate degree
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
TSB Plays Legends Arceus Part 27
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I think with how cold it is, just your NIPPLES will break off, buddy boy. Also I have a fire type. I think you are-as Kalosians would say- Royally Screwed beyond Belief.
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Thank you Thysplosion, you are a good spicy boy who melts bullshit-GOD the  fucking MANSCAPING on your chest is DISTRACTING me.
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Thank you Irida. But I don’t know why you just didn’t FLEX your LEADER status on the man?
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Wait, I gotta go UP? Hey wait a minute, wait a damn minute, I am not ACCLIMATED to THIN AIR. I’ll fucking pass out as soon as I get there. There’s not a whole lot of oxygen up there. I’m gonna lose brain cells. The Oxygen tank hasn’t been invented yet
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This arc of the game brought to you by ‘ROASTING-the only way to flirt apparently in this day and era’
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....This entire place is just one big eternal ice, what’s so special about this, Adaman.
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I just realized your guy has a full on MULLET. He is a WRECK.
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I GOTTA RIDE A BIRD?? HOLD ON, BRAVIARY? You can’t LEGALLY catch that pokemon in a LOT of areas, they’re a protected species of raptor. What, are they just really plentiful here?
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Is that a child?
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How are you able to discern anything a child does; have you MET a 9 year old? Once my brother climbed on the top of an rv camper when we weren’t looking it was WILD.
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Ohh.....You are...ADORABLE??? I think you may be the cutest little Warden I’ve ever seen, look at you and your big mittens and big hat! Oh Sabi, you’re precious, we’re gonna be FRIENDS
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And its nice to meet YOU, Sabi! And.....The giant carnivorous Raptor next to you.
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I do know a lot of games. Red Rover, Red light Green Light, I can play chopsticks on the piano, I can also make fart noises with my hands. I’m not that good at tag, I don’t really RUN good.
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Oh yes please small child, I would like to borrow one of those giant birds.
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros": Rat Tail
*Every god has their secrets....this is the tale of Ares's secret*
Dionysus, Apollo and Hermes: *chatting away about stuff*
Ares: *comes in sort of dancing after a long day of WAAAARRRHHHHH* do do do, de do *takes his helmet off, revealing a slightly long but thin braided rat tail just gently unravel down his shoulder*
Dionysus, Apollo and Hermes: *stop everything and just stare at the literal war crime against humanity that was hiding under Ares's helmet this whole time* (̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅.......
Ares: *goes over to a fountain to wash up like some homeless dude.*
Dionysus: *raises arm and over dramatically points at Ares*......OH SHIT. A RAT!....tail.
Ares: *turns around nonchalantly* ugh....yeah....yeh guys didn't know?
Apollo: Oh really? Did you HONESTLY think we would even suspect the existence of that........THING?!?
Hermes: Yeah man, I mean... really? A rat tail????
Ares: Ugh...yeah...I mean, it's convenient.
Ares: ok I'll bite, why do you guys have such a problem with my hair style?
Apollo: *deeply offended and disgusted by it* oh how do I put it.......ITS FUCKING HORRID.
Dionysus: *personally feeling like Ares could do better with a mullet or something* yeah ugh....looks a little out dated
Hermes: *actually having the insatiable craving to just pluck it right off* ugh...*sweats profusely* .......*does the grabby hand thing and just kinda is mesmerized at the possibility of just easily ripping that tantalizingly thin braided strand like an satisfying ASMR video* ....hhhhnnnnggggg.
Ares: .... First off, fuck off. I ain't getting rid of my "Leonidas's rope". Second, you guys don't understand how hard it is to maintain this look and third off Aphrodite braided it herself so ain't losing that too.
Apollo: Oh there's your accomplice.
Dionysus: I always knew she was an enabler how toxic of her to do so.
Hermes: ....*slowly sneaks closer*
Ares: *slowly backs away.* Screw you guys, I'm going to get a snack. *Covers his rat tail with his hand while he runs off*
Hermes: *like a predator who has been triggered by the running of his prey* must. yank. *
Apollo: *grabs Hermes's collar* no no. I have a plan.
Hermes: *whines* ....but...it would have been so....゚.*・。゚satisfying ☆゚.*・。゚
Ares: *eats his 3rd gryo*
Dionysus: *tries to lasso the rat tail*
Ares: *moves like 3 inches*
Dionysus: *lassos an amphora, pulls the lasso without realizing he has pulled the wrong thing and gets the whole bottle to the face*
Ares: *reaches for the amphora but he notices it's gone.*..........*shrugs and goes get another*
Dionysus: ow.
*later again, in Hephaestus's secret lab*
Apollo: So...do you have any suggestions?
Hermes: *playing with what looks like a stim toy because he got bored* c:
Hephaestus: hmm...yes.... Ares's unfortunate choice of hairstyle is a challenge...but...I do have an idea. *Pulls a rope and a overly complicated Rube Goldberg-esk guillotine the cuts a pumpkin in half* .....
Apollo and Hermes: *both feeling that was WAY too much* ....
Hephaestus: .....
Apollo: ...um... don't you have something a little less..... drastic?
Hephaestus: *lying through his teeth knowing the plan was to at least save his marriage by just killing Ares* ....I apologized dear half-brother...but I'm afraid that is beyond my capabilities.
Apollo and Hermes: *look at each other*
Ares: *standing in the middle of a platform with ropes and such tied to different places on his body and only the one tied to his rat tail actually does anything*.....are you sure this isn't going to emancipate me for my 'rope'
Hermes: Wut? Oh no of course not, me and Heracles just wanted to do...ugh...an experiment. *Holding on to one rope on a pulley system*
Heracles: *has been brought from his room to harass Ares, holding on to the other*
*later after that failed spectacularly*
Dionysus: *puts a raw steak on his face from earlier* ....so....no plan?
Hermes: no....and I've already satisfied my craving to yank that thing off. Honestly it probably wouldn't have been interesting anyway.
Apollo: *massages his temples* that disgusting, trashy and absolutely repulsive little yarn weff is getting to me.
Dionysus: guys let's be real here ....are we all really going to let Ares's braid really bother us?
Apollo: I REFUSE to relate to another god who wears THAT behind his occipital region of his head.
Ares: *comes in* alright that's it, I'm sick of you guys being so fucking weird about my 'rope' and honestly it's not like you guys have something to hate either! Apollo you and your stupid bowtie on your head makes you look like a poodle! Dionysus I don't know what the shit is going on with your hair so for fuck's sake get a haircut and Hermes.....ugh....YOUR HAT WINGS PISS ME OFF....sort of.
Apollo: *not actually bothered by that comment considering its removable*
Dionysus: *scoff* I see you're jealous of my mane dude.
Hermes: *wings droop* :c
Ares: See? Doesn't fucking suck for someone else t-*hears a snip* .....
Apollo, Dionysus and Hermes: 👁️👄👁️
Artemis: *with a pair of scissors, has just cut the rat tail*...wut?
Ares: *absolutely speechless*......
Apollo: *surprisingly thankful* ARTEMIS! What on earth was that act of mercy for? :D
Artemis: wut? You guys don't have the urge to cut the tails off of rats or anything? Just me? Ok.
Dionysus and Hermes: *wanting to laugh like crazy but slightly feels like Ares is going lose his shit so their just quite*
Ares: *turns around in disbelief* ..........you... little....
Artemis: *unloving gives Ares his rat tail back* whatever Ares, fucking gross looking thing anyways. *Walks away*
Ares: *kneels down in defeat*..........
Apollo: well well well it seems everything is back to normal.
Ares: *sees that Artemis left the scissors, sees only red* .....well....looks like we got to go *picks up the scissors, looks at the trio* BALD.
Apollo, Dionysus and Hermes: *suddenly happy feelings gone.
Zeus and Hera: *waiting for the Olympians to arrive at the meeting*
Ares: *walks in a fresh buzz cut sits down*
Apollo: *expressionless and with his hair sloppily chopped in various places, looking like it was a home job*....
Dionysus: *slightly similar but he's feeling like a sheered lamb* .....
Hermes: *has a slightly messy version of a buzz cut but there's a really sloppy fade*
Zeus and Hera: *honestly have no idea what happened and look at Ares*
Ares: *has the look of satisfaction on his face*
Apollo: *sits down and slumps over*
Ares: *doesn't even have to turn his head*
Apollo: I hope you choke on those brass balls of yours because I hope you enjoy retaliation.
Ares: Name a place and time and we'll trade hands you pansy.
Apollo: man slut.
Zeus: BOYS!
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Okay, college professor headcanons for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures
Included characters: Dio (Part three, not vampire, fairly out of character, so sorry about that), Jonathan, Avdol, Joseph, Caesar, Polnareff with a little bit of Iggy, Kakyoin, Jotaro, and a bonus of Okuyasu, Josuke, and Koichi teaching a self-defense class to their peers (Not college profs)
He is part three in this btw, and he isn’t a vampire, I was thinking about the whole night class thing and deadass forgot he was a vampire
He teaches a night class
He teaches a criminal forensics class
No matter how many students he has at any given time, he knows them all by first and last name
He absolutely allows cussing in his class and takes full advantage of this rule
He will without a doubt notice attitude shifts in his students and will be fairly straightforward about it in his office after asking them to stay for a while after class or after they’re done with classes for the day to talk to them about it
He’s the cool professor
He only refers to students by their last name if he’s mad at them
He has his students skip titles and just call him Dio
He has helped students remove smell from their cars after someone left food in it and they didn’t know and it ended up rotting, or if they had stoner friends they had to pick up
It doesn’t matter if they aren’t in his class he’ll help them
He takes time out of his night/morning to help his students
He shows up about 5 or so hours before school starts and allows students who live in noisy ares to come in to sleep, he sets up pillows and everything
It doesn’t matter if he isn’t their first class he still lets them come in
Basically as far from canon Dio as you can get, just with appearance and accent, along with a few tendencies to snap at his students
He brings in meals on exam days because he knows students skip meals
You’ll literally never get lighter homework in any other class (Besides maybe Joseph)
He doesn’t allow cussing, he won’t report you for it. but will scold you, which normally gets anyone to stop, because no one wants to upset this man, he’s too nice to his students
He will report his students for any form of slurs, and that is the only time he will get angry unless one student is actively attacking another verbally or physically
He has stepped in front of a student in the parking lot who was being mugged and just knocked the mugger on their ass
Constantly jokingly butting heads with the criminal forensics teacher, sometimes gets heated between the two
They’re step siblings
Very few students know this
He’s a ELA (English language arts) teacher
MASSIVE golden retriever vibes, super energetic, loves his students, is the kind of man who would take one of his student’s secrets to the grave (As long as it wasn’t something like self harm or being a victim of a crime)
An absolute lumbering machine of a man, he seems imposing at first, until he breaks out into a smile and laying down the few ground rules, telling his students to feel free to talk to him about anything bugging them
Much like his brother, he brings in meals on exam days
He will fall, no if about it, it’s an inevitable thing, all of his students will see it at some point
The room normally erupts into chaos of running around and picking up his papers and freaking out about whether or not he’s okay until he looks up and is just an absolute blushing mess and he’s laughing
After the first time people still help pick up papers but it isn’t as chaotic
This man is so understanding about late work
He encouraged an enby (Born female) to get their hair cut to a mullet and made a 360 video for them to show to their barber
Absolutely would understand anything his students were going through or would at least try his best
He will hug his students if they’re having a rough time  
Can be counted on to extend due dates unreasonable amounts for large projects
Stickler about late work
He does love his students, but for every 3 school days something is late, a point gets marked off
Unless you have good reason
Is a recreational class on astrology and other forms of psychic readings (I have no doubt that’s a class, my sister almost took a class on the history of James Bond)
He also brings in tea for his students daily
Will talk to his students if he sees them in public
Widely loved by students
Amazingly attuned with his students
Not many other details that stand out about him
He’s that one guy that no one is really sure what he teaches
The presentations from student projects end up being the kinds that end up being iconic(?) images like the “How I lost my virginity to a mint cookie” thing, because no one knows what the presentations are supposed to be on
It’s harder to fail than it is to pass, seeing as if you forget to turn something in you have to remind him to mark it as missing, otherwise it just sits as not turned in, not as late, so it won’t affect your grade
He shows a lot of movies in class
Brought in a gaming system once and held a tourney amongst the students in all of his classes
There isn’t a single student who doesn’t like him
Cooking class
Lets his students eat what they cook after the taste test for grading
Is often brought flowers by his students after they inevitably find out his love for the colorful displays
Let’s be quite honest, we know Joseph is the one that exposes this
The two of them have a running joke of bringing each other jokingly “romantic” gifts as a show of their friendship
He was at first quite uncomfortable with the students bringing him flowers as it is generally quite a, romantic I could say, gesture (Funny lil’ side note, I was a weird child, apparently I thought as like, a 4 yr old I would have multiple husbands, and this guy that’s like, 7 or so years older than me was one of them, apparently planned to be the last???? I dunno lmao, but he brought me flowers because it’s now a running joke and we’re now sorta friends, anyways, he brought me flowers when I was 9, at least I think I was 9, but his girlfriend got mad???? Like hun, I'm not going to steal your man) until he started getting notes in them (Will post those in a later post)
He blushes very heavily upon receiving the flowers, any blush at all is extremely prevalent and he gets flustered and very happy upon receiving the flowers, his students have likened him to a blushing schoolboy
Has a fondness for paintings of nature, which have also been brought in as gifts by students, and they all get hung on his wall, which is always a great surprise to the students that paint them.
He teaches French
He brings in pastries
Very comedic
I don’t really know what else besides he's just a friend more so than a teacher to all of his students
He definitely brings in Iggy frequently, though he makes sure to keep the coffee gum accessible to himself, but not where Iggy could easily get to it
All of his students love Iggy
Iggy will curl up in students’ laps if he likes them enough
He teaches a history of gaming
Tournies in his class
He’s a bruh dud, just a friend more so than he is a teacher
Doesn’t give two fucks about late work policy cause there is rarely ever any late work from his students
I dunno, his students bring him a bunch of cherry stuff lol, a mini bean bag that looks like a cherry, cherry pastries, cherries grown by the students, maraschino cherries, even a hat that looked like a cherry
Jotaro (Part 4 Jotaro)
Marine biology, duh
An absolute hardass
Half points for late work unless you have a damn good excuse
A student brought him a dolphin stuffed animal once, and Star Platinum broke out in happy tears (No stand using students) while Jotaro kept his composure, although he did crack a smile
Deadass takes students on aquarium trips I shit you not
Secretly loves all of his students
Most of his students love him
Okuyasu, Josuke, Koichi, all canon age of part 4, not college profs
Self-defense classes
Open to any gender
Very kind but firm
Okuyasu either makes people laugh or cry or confused
Koichi normally comforts the people who end up crying
Josuke heals everyone up after sparring matches and is also a sparring partner to many
Tomoko may pop in every so often for some harassment tips to the participants  
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blamblambitch · 3 years
• 13 years had passed and not too much was happening with keith's life
• besides the fact that his brother was getting married in two weeks
• shiro and adam had been stressing the fuck out for the past month getting things for their wedding planned out
• currently they were searching for a bakery to get a cake from
• shiro thought it would be cute if the two of them made the cake themselves
• but knowing how much of a disaster shiro is in the kitchen, adam turned down his idea quicker than one could blink
• apparently, he didn't want to have to call the fire department anytime soon
• but this was about shiro and adam
• keith's personal life was really interesting
• at the moment, keith was heading to the grocery store to pick up a few necessities
• but at the corner of his eye he saw a bakery
• he was hesitant at first but decided he might as well check it out, having to backtrack just a bit
• the place was split in half, one side for catering and commissions and the other your local friendly café
• he had to do a double take at the name of the bakery because "hunkalicous" wasn't your average name for a bakery
• inside it was pretty cozy and welcoming and smelt like heaven
• he wouldn't be surprised if this place were popular, though there weren't many people inside
• a man at the other side of the counter had his back turned and was yelling something at the doorway that lead to the back
• he turned around when hearing keith's footsteps come close
• keith nearly had a fucking heart attack
• lance himself was freaking the fuck out on the inside
• he needed to play it cool
• which was pretty hard considering his cr-RIVAL, had some crazy glow up
• but of course, the words that leave his mouth are: "sorry, but we don't serve people with mullets."
• lance instantly regrets saying it
• keith, who was in the middle of trying not to have a gay panic and trying your figure out why lance looks so familiar, has a flip switched on in the back of his mind after hearing that sentence
• the guy behind the counter was lance
• lance as in the dorky and annoyingly charming guy he's had a crush on but for some reason he was looked at as a rival
• why? keith hadn't a clue
• keith not saying anything had made lance nervous so he starts apologizing then keith realizes he hasn't been saying anything which makes him start apologizing
• they stop when coming to notice that they're talking over each other and share an unwanted moment of uncomfortable silence
• lance breaks the ice to ask keith if he'd like anything
• keith snaps out of his thoughts to order a chocolate chip muffin and after that the two just chat for a little while, catching up before keith had to leave
• lance watches keith leave, a dopey grin on his face
• somewhere around then hunk shows up to start closing up the place, making lance jump out of his skin cause: "jesus christ, hunk! don't you make any noise when you walk!?"
• hunk just ignores him
• hunk: sooo...did you get his number?
• lance:
• hunk: you chickened out, didn't you?
• lance: i did not! ...i just...forgot to is all
• hunk: mhm yeah sure
• lance: oh shut up, you shouldn't have been spying on me
• lance not asking keith for his phone number had came to haunt him throughout the evening and onto the next day
• he does what he's been doing, grumbling about how stupid he is, this time during work
• however, things seem to change as hunk explains during their lunch break that he's gotten a special order for a wedding cake
• meaning lance might have another shot at getting keith's number
FINNALY FINISHED :D (yes I'm making a part 3 which will be the last part) and ty to liya for ur hc's on the bakery idea, I somewhat incorporated them into this and ty to dem for the amazing name. @lesbianklance @cluelesslesbian ((almost forgot to tag u guys lol))
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aprxl-showers · 4 years
so this is happening again... sneak peek from my coffee shop au one shot i’m way too proud of
lance is pining and keith delivers (coffee beans) (and kisses)
Lance sucks in a breath and approaches the counter hesitantly. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Keith replies, smirking. Before Lance can ask he adds, “I was in the neighbourhood, thought I’d pop in.”
“Huh.” Lance tilts his head, scanning Keith’s face. “You want a drink? I’m on my break right now but I’ll make you one and we could… catch up? Unless you have somewhere to be.”
“That would be great, actually.” Keith leans forward on the counter. “And I don’t have anywhere to be. I’ll stay as long as you want.”
Lance flushes, not expecting that, and busies himself with the register. His voice is strained. “Cool. What would you like?”
“A black coffee is fine.”
Lance gapes at him, all confusion and nerves dissipating instantly. “A black coffee? You’re asking me, with my months of training, years of experience, to make you a black coffee?”
“Yes?” Keith’s expression is one of both confusion and slight amusement.
Lance huffs. “Fine. This is going to be the best damn black coffee you’ve ever tasted.”
He makes the order with probably more performance factor than needed but, although he’s been chatting with Keith once a month for almost a year, he wants to impress him. This is the first time they’ve spoken outside their usual, work routine. For good measure, he scribbles ‘mullet headed coffee man’ on the cup and slides it across the counter to Keith, who rolls his eyes when he spots the name.
“It’s not--”
“It is, you’re just in denial,” Lance interrupts, shutting the topic of Keith's hair down. They’ve had this conversation too many times and he isn’t about to waste precious time bringing it back up.
“Right,” Keith says, unconvinced, and fishes into his pocket, producing some notes. Lance’s eyes widen and he immediately pushes the money away, ignoring how warm Keith’s hand is against his own.
“On the house.”
“Thanks,” Keith says before shoving all the notes in the tip jar and turning away from Lance before he can protest. He seats himself at a table by the window and looks up at him expectantly. Lance scowls but makes his way out from behind the counter, grabbing two muffins en route.
He slumps down in the chair across from Keith who watches him with a silent smile on his face.
“You like your coffee?”
“Oh.” Keith seems to remember he’s holding it and snaps his eyes away from Lance. He takes a huge swig from the cup and slams it down, fanning his mouth. His voice is strained, “That’s good.”
“Yeah, a bit.”
Lance chuckles at him, passing over a muffin. It’s one of Hunk’s ‘new and improved’ recipes - the sweetest blueberry muffins Lance has literally ever tasted. Keith seems to agree, staring at the muffin with wide eyes after he takes his first bite.
“These are incredible.”
Lance smiles widely. “Yeah, Hunk made them. That man has talents abound.”
“What about you?” Keith watches him over the top of his coffee. “Apart from making really good coffee, thanks by the way, what are you good at? What do you study?”
“Okay, first off,” Lance starts, taking his cap off and running a hand through his wavy hair. Keith’s gaze flickers to the movement. “What I’m good at and what I’m studying do not overlap. I study physics and astronomy at Altea but I’m on the brink of failing. Turns out I am really good, though, at procrastination, so...”
“Ah.” Keith nods, an amused smile working its way onto his face. “Well, do you do anything outside of this and school?”
“I mean, I’m on a swim team. I’m pretty good at that, I guess?”
Keith seems to soak this in. “I don’t know how to swim. Moved around foster families a lot so they never thought it was worth it.”
Lance gapes at the new information. Keith looked slightly awkward, obviously preparing for the usual response which probably involves lots of apologies and pity. Lance takes a different route, determined to break the tension.
“You can’t swim?” He cradles his face in his palms, elbows on the table, leaning towards Keith a little more. “Maybe I could teach you at some point?”
Keith's expression evens out into a relieved smile and god if that doesn’t make Lance’s stomach flip. “Sure, maybe.”
“I’m holding you to that, mullet.” The image of Keith in swim trunks appears unhelpfully in Lance’s brain and he leans away again, asking the same questions to Keith. As he gets his answers, he adds the following points to his mental list:
1. Keith had been studying engineering at Marmora University, Altea’s rival school, but was expelled after a ‘discipline issue’
“Care to expand?”
Keith levelled him with a look. “No I do not care, Lance.”
“Alright.” He’d get it out of him eventually.
2. He had an adoptive brother called Shiro who was engaged to someone called Adam and their wedding was in two months
“I’m the best man.”
“Well you’re the best, man, so I’m not surprised,” Lance jokes.
Keith rolls his eyes and fakes throwing coffee on him. Lance doesn’t even flinch, knowing Keith wouldn’t dare ruin his uniform. The blue polo brings out his eyes!
3. He works at a bar during the night and does coffee deliveries all over the city
“Which job do you get hit on more often? Bar or coffee?”
“Um, none?”
“What?” Keith shrugs. Lance stares at him in shock. “But you’re--”
He pauses and Keith tilts his head curiously. “I’m what?”
“Nothing. Never mind,” Lance dismisses, mind still reeling from the fact Keith apparently didn’t know how hot he was? Lance knew he had nice eyes and good legs - surely Keith knew he had the body of a god.
4. Lance likes him a whole lot more than he thought he did
When Lance’s free time eventually runs out, he reluctantly pulls his cap back over his waves and offers Keith a small smile.
“I have to get back out there.”
“Okay.” Keith nods, rising from the table. “I’ll see you soon?”
Lance grins. “Maybe, yeah.”
Keith grins back, eyes sparkling as he leaves. Lance watches, a wave of sadness washing over as Keith sends him a two fingered salute before walking out the door, the bell tingling. It isn’t until Lance looks away that he sees money on the table. For the muffins. Lance huffs, smiling to himself.
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