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tobbogan-13 · 3 months
i honestly hate how the performances are centered around the cameras
like ik its televised (i love that im watching it from my couch) but TURN AROUND AND FACE THE FUCKING AUDIENCE
like idk it just really annoys me
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laserlem0n · 2 months
idk if it's just me but there's something about sapphire bullets, minus vocals, that reminds me of a maybe mid-2000s lemon demon song. I think it's mainly the instrumentation. like without prior knowledge of the song, if you gave me an instrumental, and told me oh this is a bonus track from. httjb or something. I'd believe you
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hope-drunk · 1 year
i need abby to give me a stern talking to not joking 100% serious like
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Genuine question: any of you ever feel like you’re not one person but kinda a bunch of people that keep switching constantly? I don’t mean it in a “multiple personality disorder” kind of way and not in a “I’m different with friends and different when I’m with strangers” kind of way. I mean it as in: I love quiet places and being alone and reading books and the aesthetic of the rain and the forest AND I love being social and the vibes of a karaoke and a dance party and singing along in a group and climbing on tables to dance there AND I love the aesthetic of an elegant scholar and the idea of studying various subjects and being educated and mature AND I love the idea of goofing around and I want to go to a paintball and have a water pistol battle and I want to do silly things and experiments that just can not end well like putting things into a microwave AND I want to be all sarcastic and kinda like an outcast and insult people and wear black AND I want to be girly and wear dresses and pink and glitter and be bubbly and friendly and lovely and nice to people and always have cookies so I could offer them to others and be the sunshine kind of a person AND…
Like, some of the wants are contradictory so it doesn’t make sense to be all these people at once and in one moment I’m one of them and in the next I’m another but at the same time it’s all me?
I really hope this post will find others who feel like this too and can share their wisdom with me cause I have no idea what “be myself” even means rn
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i think working in literature has really made me realise that things need to change deeply in how writing is produced, the metrics of what writing is good, the dreams we have for our future books
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sweetcherrybpd · 5 months
I feel a deep disconnect from my body that nobody seems to understand. I feel like I can't link my emotions and my body at all. I feel like I'm floating in the background of everyone's lives. I don't really fit in anywhere. not even my family. I just. am not a part of this world. and I don't feel real. my body doesn't feel real.
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mybatimblog · 3 months
hey so i wanna post some writing but i'm kind of afraid that it won't go over well?? i like... dont wanna share my baby? i hope this writing goes well because of my characterization of sammy because i worked really hard on it but like, it includes soem oc stuff. and i just...
i dont know how to explain it
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evansbby · 3 months
sometimes ari levinson gifsets overwhelm me like my brain short circuits and i have to scroll past them bc they are too much to handle or sometimes i’ll reblog them and i’m too overwhelmed to think of something to say in the tags so i just say “#ok” bc it’s too much to handle 😭😭😭🥲
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slyboldreynardine · 4 months
think i need to admit to myself that most poetry just doesn't speak to me. to me this is different from lyrics bc most of the time it's the words in combination with music that evokes a deeply emotional response but poetry alone doesn't do it. i read it, i tried writing it, and i'm starting to think the reason i hate writing it is bc i'm trying to force a medium i'm uncomfortable in.
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hatsunepiku2009 · 6 months
Me when my computer is in my room: I love my computer! I never wanna get off!! <3
Me when my computer is not in my room: I love my computer but it is unusable because there's too many people here :(
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maybeamultiverse · 1 year
I get so flustered when people I know in real life who I'm like, acquaintances or sort of friends with say, "We should hang out sometime," and then don't make plans with me, and then two weeks later they're like, "Why don't I ever see you?!? You're so elusive. When are we gonna hang out?" CAN SOMEONE MAKE PLANS WITH ME I genuinely don't understand what's going on socially
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fungusqueen · 1 year
the Duolingo update has me fucked up. it put me in an advanced section that I have barely any knowledge of and it says I’ve completed levels I definitely haven’t. the progress is also no longer displayed as linear, it’s several pages of non-linear lessons where you start in the middle of the section...so it’s hard to tell which lessons are building on each other. i’m still going to use it because it helps me get valuable practice, but I feel like I’m more confused than ever before and it’s really discouraging
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froggycakes · 9 months
do you ever feel like the things you're getting into now are things you should've liked when you were younger. like you feel like you're too old to like something and you don't wanna be even though it's literally something that someone of any age can like
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megan-renee · 2 years
Does anyone else just feel like there’s so much in life to look forward to… even just thinking about next May makes me feel like…… almost crazy with anticipation. Just because it’s going to be spring again. Like I can’t WAIT I can’t believe I’m so lucky that I get to experience ANOTHER spring. Do you know what I mean
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you know whats crazy even though i draw a lot and have been doing that since i was 7 whenever someone tries to accuse me of being an artist im like uhm.., me?? idk … i just draw jokes and stuff…
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