gothoutlaw666 · 8 months
it’s actually such good writing with how insane the tutorial ace attorney cases are because it gives you the need to find out what the fuck is going on after like .
aa1 you meet mia and see her dynamic with phoenix, how much she cares for him and how she’s excited to see what he does. she guides him/the player when he’s trying to save larry, who he’s been friends with since childhood. and then she’s murdered at the end of that night before she can even formally introduce her subordinate to her sister, and her story doesn’t end there—it constantly continues throughout the original trilogy. phoenix has to figure out what’s going on and she’s not physically there to guide him anymore, not without maya or pearl’s help.
justice for all starts with phoenix literally getting bonked and suffering amnesia, and while it’s incredibly stupid it’s also a great way to help new players learn the mechanics. it also introduces the importance of phoenix’s relationships to said new players and emphasizes this to veteran players. phoenix is a man built on the love and trust he has in others, and it’s such an important aspect of his character throughout all of the games.
trials and tribulations gets even crazier because we get to see both 20 year old phoenix and rookie mia—and they’re so much different than what we’ve known them to be. we get a part of the context for a story that we don’t get to fully piece together until the end of the game, and this case gives us details that give more emphasis to the story of the previous two games too. it’s a great way to get people invested into the story and think even deeper about the games we’ve been playing this whole time.
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Yall I am in the middle of a Ace Attorney hyperfixation and I just finished Turnabout for Tomorrow (fantastic closer holly shit) so let's talk a bit!!
I desperately wanna talk about the dark age of the law
First thoughts! I dont know how well the series will stick the landing with SoJ, but after some thought Im pretty happy with how it connects with Apollo Justice and continues the world the series set up in this regard.
Style aside, in world it makes so much sense why the public slowly lost faith in the legal system with all the acidents in the trilogy (I'm specially looking at Rise from the Ashes as the case thats meant to transition us and set up to AJ) and AJ where people connected to the legal system show to have their hands dirty (in AJ I can remember the chief of justice, detective sharkboy himself, ...Kristoff - and he was a member of the bar as well ouch...). There is no category of person involved in the legal system we didn't have arested at some poin
The one the game explicit calls out too with Phoenix! Like urg we saw the man had buit such as reputation for himself over the years Apollo was still starry-eyed meating him (we also see that in Trials and Tribulations with the start of Recipe and Phoenix helping spirit mediums slowly regain credibility in teh eyes of the public), I can't imagine how much of a public scandal it was when people recived the news they couldn't trust him and all the results he' had got over the years.
I also think being on a verge of a legal collapse also retroactively explains AJs much darker tone where even the defendents Apollo had were all guilty of some crime. Im still not sure about the implementation of the dark age in game (it can be a bit comedic how they keep mentioning it by its full Dark Age Of The LawTM title), but I can't deny all the building blocks are there in a way that it feels like the natural progression of the world, specially after the way things ended in turnabout succession.
I also like Simon's trial as a straw that breaks the camel's back situation. We have policeman, bailiffs, detectives, defense attorneys, prosecutors, the people at the very top of the judicial system (I believe we are only missing a judge criminal moment lmaooo One day! Unless that's in Investigations lol) and then this guy apparently just straight up cold blooded killed someone, no tragic backstory like Godot, no apparent motive just kills someone and sets bombs off??? Fucking crazy stuff, I kinda love it.
Last thoughts on the dark age and how it connects with AJ, but I can see how addressing this plot here could work as a soft reboot for the series in the future, like I've seen people claiming the game is meant to be! A big part of AJ as a game is showing how ineffective the legal system can be with its rules (we had to use forged evidence to trick Kristoff in case 1, I dont remember how we got Alita (that had so many parts to make it work whichis the premise of that case), but Daryan had to be threatened with his accomplice, and Kristoff wouldn't be convicted again if Phoenix didn't orchestrate a jury because we never had one piece of truly decisive evidence in any of these cases) I feel like bringing all the darkness we uncovered -pun intended- and resolving it can be used in the future to bring back a lighter tone without all the baggage. We will see!!
I'm curious if the DLC case will give me more to think about but these are my thoughts on how the Dark age TM is set up before Dual Destinies. Hope you guys like the analysis I get very enthusiastic for themes :)
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robthewischmop · 3 months
yay nintendo direct
nintendo direct spoilers here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Idk why I am even making this, but I'm just so happy about the Direct, so I'm going to tell you about it or something.
Every game I wanted/needed/am hyped for:
First of all, Mario and Luigi Brothership. It looks great I like the art style. I was completely surprised I thought they would wait a bit before announcing another RPG after the TTYD and Mario RPG remake. Also it's been nine years there's finally a new game (also 11 years since a game I wanted to play).
MIO: Memories in Orbit looked great also (it's not skong, but I'm excited for it).
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. I really wanted a new zelda like this(not really a zelda where you play zelda but the gameplay and art style is what i mean ) but I didn't expect it. I thought they would make a new remake, but since they already said there will be no TOTK DLC I was expecting something The Legend of Zelda related.
Metroid Prime 4: finally Tbh I didn't really think they would say anything before the September Direct but it's great that there is gameplay now and a release window [ yes its an entire year but its somethin] at least. Also, I think if any game is going to be released with the new console like BOTW did, its going to be this one. But they could also just announce a new mainline (probably 3d) Mario game in September that does this, or there just isn't a game like that this time.
And finally, the game I am personally most excited for is the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection. I am playing the Phoenix Wright Trilogy now, and for some reason, I just can't keep playing it for a long time. I just stop after playing it for like 10 minutes, and this will probably motivate me to finish the game or something. (Also, please no spoilers for any game. I have almost finished the first one (the first game in the trilogy, not the entire first trilogy), and I have never even seen anything to do with Apollo Justice.) Also I already knowed(sorry idk how to spell right now) I wanted to play them but now I dont have to pirate them(look nintendo you just need to port your games and they arent going to get pirated as much bring back the fucking virtual console )
And I think that was everything. Considering they already confirmed a new console is going to be announced, this was a really good Direct.
Anyway, thank you for reading. It is 5:45 PM on 18/06/2024 (DD/MM/YYYY), and I started writing this like 15 minutes after the Direct. I don't know when that was.
Oh, I looked at the trailer again and I completely forgot the new game by the Danganronpa people: "The Hundred Line - Last Defense Academy." It looked good. It just looked like Danganronpa without Danganronpa from the trailer. I mean, the gameplay and story look very different, but the art style and just the fact that you are in a school with 16 students are very Danganronpa-esque.
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clefclefairy · 5 months
i miss ace attorney so fucking much please aa7 come back and give me [redacted] sibling reveal PLEASE. thats not a hot take i just miss it. my biggest hot takes with this series:
1 i dont care for kay faraday that much. she's fine! but i think she's about the point where I started to get weary of the generic "genki girl assistant girl-teen who is there to be chipper suffer then be chipper again" thing that is this series' assistant mold. maya grew up, emma became a bitch, (cant stress enough how good this was for her. i wish she'd stayed a bitch! in my head she does. at least a little, come ON.) pearls is like...only a temp assistant and gets a Babey Pass, trucy loves card counting and tax fraud, and athena is ready to physically throw down 24/7. kay is kind of hamstrung by the fact that she's around miles and can't commit crimes. i think if she'd actually been allowed to steal more it could've been fun, but miles is a no fun haver, boo. honestly i think if she'd been SEBASTIAN'S companion and justine was hanging around threatening to hit miles with her magical girl gavel staff that would've been fun! I don't think sebastian would notice if kay committed grand larceny in front of him, god bless that boy.
2 the reveal at the end of aa5 was so fucking stupid. the entire final case of that game was a horrible execution of common series final case tropes and such a disappointment. aa5 in general is such an epic highs and lows of gay lawyer drama game. hate that phoenix just goes back to being pre aa4 nick with nothing learned or gained from his years away. boring. final case sucks. not nearly enough interesting stuff done with the dark age of the law and the final "boss" not really being connected to that sucked too. hate hate hate the failed flailing at giving apollo a backstory he doesn't fucking need for a pre-fridged tragic gay best friend when i only got to see klavier, my beautiful princess who loves apollo more than this dead bitch!!, for like 5 minutes. however simon blackquill is my specialest little princess and the yokai case is funny as hell. plus i love bobby fulbright even though i miss gumshoe. also i adore aura blackquill, Bitch Supreme, who deserves the world and to be explicitly called a lesbian i mean this is a fucking M rated game what the hell's your excuse.
3 sorta piggybacking on this, aa4 was super interesting BECAUSE it changed up a lot of familiar elements and it's super depressing that the series immediately hard pivoted back to the status quo after that without any acknowledgment of what had changed. I'm glad nick got his badge back, but I think a bit of change in his attitude or approach would've been nice. also it meant apollo was just super underutilized. aa6 tries to course correct, but....overall it feels like post aa4 games are both an unfulfilling sequel to apollo justice AND the original trilogy, separately, even though there are elements I really like from both. alas!
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blueskittlesart · 4 years
Do you have any info for getting into AA? It looks like a game I'd enjoy but...its a LOT to see and I'm not sure where to start admittedly
ABSOLUTELY i do. ace attorney is a really fun series and i’d definitely recommend it!! before going in tho, if you really don’t know much about it it’s important to know that despite its appearance, it’s not a kids game. aa depicts murder, suicide, emotional abuse, etc, and certain plot points do have the potential to be triggering. @athenadykes actually compiled a spoiler-free list of potential triggers in all the games, so if you’re someone who could potentially be triggered by that kind of thing i highly advise you to look at it so you know what youre getting into. 
If you want to play the games following the canon timeline, this is how you should play:
aa1 (phoenix wright: ace attorney)
aa2 (justice for all)
aa3 (trials and tribulations)
ace attorney investigations 1
ace attorney investigations 2 (gyakuten kenji 2/prosecutor’s path)
aa4 (apollo justice)
aa5 (dual destinies)
aa6 (spirit of justice)
the first 3 games (aa, jfa, t&t) are a complete story and are referred to as ‘the trilogy’ by most fans. they’re definitely where you want to start. after aa3 is where things get a little murky with the timeline and play order. ace attorney investigations/gyakuten kenji are spinoff games following edgeworth instead of phoenix. they take place narratively just after the end of aa3, but were released between aa4 and aa5. they can technically be played at any time after completing the trilogy, and you don’t HAVE to play them to understand the rest of the games, but if you like edgeworth or franziska i’d recommend them! (note: aai2 never got an official US release, so if you want to play it in english you have to use a fan translation. there’s one that’s easy to find and very high quality tho.)
here’s a link to another ask where I explain how I emulated for aa1-4 and aai1&2, as well as emulation and ds hacking options for aa5&6. it also has links to every aa game in emulator-playable format. I’d pretend I love to suck nintendo’s dick at this point and say that there’s a switch and steam version of the trilogy for i think $30, but that only helps you out for the first 3 games and they just took dd and soj off the app store anyway so i hope they lose money because of me specifically actually. get fucked nintendo <3
(note, i didn’t include the dgs games here because 1. they haven’t been translated or released in the US and 2. i haven’t played them yet and honestly dont know if i even can because i havent tried the translation patches BUT if you do want to play them i think the general consensus is that you should play them after completing all the other games, even though they take place narratively a couple hundred(?) years before aa1.)
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furihatakoukis · 7 years
yaho >:3c for the ace attorney ask meme: the questions divisible by 5 if u wanna lol
i lvoe u
5. Favourite ship?
10. Favourite quote?
call me corny but i actually really like godot’s quotes.. i remember few of my faves like “Men that are trapped by the chains of “Maybe” can never reach their dreams!”, “Once you eliminate the impossible…whatever remains must be the truth.…No matter how improbable it may seem.“ and the iconic "The only time a lawyer can cry is when it’s all over.” I also really like Dhurke’s “A dragon never yields”.. idk it feels?? powerful??? or Klavier’s infamous the gay™ quote “But this is the first time I’ve felt this way with a man.” ;^)
15. Least favourite ship?
uhhhh i obvious dislike minor/adult, way too big age gap and incest ships.. don’t really have any “least fav ship” even if i have many ships i dont fancy or feel pretty “meh” about
20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney?
i don’t remember the exact moment but i was playing case 2-3 and at one point i just thought “god i hate this case when will it e n d”
oH YEA I REMEMBER i was at the end of 6-3 and the end of the case where ppl started rebelling n so on was so intense and i was so ready to play more and THEN WE GET A FUCKING ABSOLUTE FILLER CASE THAT HAS TO BE THERE BECAUSE “athena and blackquill must be in a game somehow” LIKE COME ON IT KILLED MY MOOD SO QUICKLY the only good things were nahyuta and blackquill’s interactions and ueno.
25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin?
klavier obviously, although id like to find more info about both of them… like.. make klavier main prosecutor again p l e a s e i want more depth for him
30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice?
idk i love both emas and theyre both charming in their own ways?? but i guess im going for AJ/SOJ ema since she def feels more like her own character than in 1-5 (where she was supposed to remind phoenix of maya)
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise?
ive always deeply loved aa’s soundtrack.. in some games some songs shined more than others.. for example imo first game had the best trial ost while JFA shined with reminiscences. even if some songs werent that great, aa def has much more more memorable and good soundtracks and they fit characters and atmosphere so well aaaaaaaaaaaa when will wandering heart stop making me feel emo every damn time i hear it also i really love orchestra and jazz versions.. theyre so great
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime?
we got one but wE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
(ok but the filler ep about phoenix larry n edgeworth was pretty nice tho)
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on?
this goes for 5th and 6th games.. please stop bringing useless cameos just to appeal the “trilogy only” fans (like wtf was purpose of edgeworth being in 6-5?? or honestly maya in aa6 was just an attempt to bring old fans back) also ple ase just focus on answering questions of AA:AJ and properly finish apollo’s story before moving to athena’s.
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating?
no like… ya all damn babies if u think the cutscenes of athena were bad??? aa’s deaths are.. pretty mellow if u actually think about it
THANKS ALINA i lv oe u did i say that already idc ILL SAY IT AS MANY TIMES AS I CAN-
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lets do this
1. Favourite Ace Attorney game?Justice for all because Franziska
2. Favourite case?I really like the last one from trials and tribulations (the one with misty or ‘’’elise deauxnim’’’) because dahlia finally got the shit she deserved
3. Favourite defendant?miles bc he’s finally been put on trial for something he ‘did’ so he’s really distraught during that case because he had to remember all the things from 2001
4. Favourite prosecutor?im tied between miles and franziska but i also kinda like godot
5. Favourite ship?naumitsu theyre so cute
6. Favourite victim?gregory edgeworth (dont get me wrong im very sad he died but apparently he’s in aai2 so im very excited)
7. Favourite murderer? godot (this was a really hard choice)
8. Favourite assistant?maya of course but also kay
9. Favourite witness? guess who its kilometers cornermoney
10. Favourite quote?‘you have saddled me with unnecessary feelings’ and ‘a fool’s fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool’s fool’
11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game?i actually love all of them so theres no answer for this one
12. Least favourite case?i dont have a least favourite case but i do absolutely hate the parts with dr.hotti and sal monella and some other people those guys are the definition of disgusting
13. Least favourite defendant?matt engarde he can go fuck right off
14. Least favourite prosecutor?manfred von karma (which goes without saying as you may have noticed that i am happy about the fact that he dies soon in the aa universe)
15. Least favourite ship?franziska and miles that is disgusting they are basically siblings
16. Least favourite victim?turner grey fuck him
17. Least favourite murderer?dahlia
18. Least favourite assistant?i dont think i have one?
19. Least favourite witness?there are too many to name
20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney?every time one of my favourite characters dies or has something bad happen to them
21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice?phoenix - sorry dodrio but firebird wrong wins
22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright?maya i guess
23. Investigations or trials?i cant choose i love them both
24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix?COLLEGE PHOENIX IS SO CUTE I LOVE HIM
25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin?klavier for the looks and kristoph for the creepiness
26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations?still cant choose
27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama or Athena’s Mood Matrix?i really like the perceive bc of how you can pick up nervous tics in people (which you can also do in real life as opposed to having a mystically charged green stone) and i also love the perceive music
28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? trilogy! i do love apollo but i havent played dual destinies yet
29. 3D models or sprites?3d models look cool but sprites are cute so… both
30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice?apollo justice she’s even prettier and is on her way to becoming a forensic investigator! (plus she starts to snackoo people in aj i think)
31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?i kinda do because it shows that even phoenix lost his morale after something that was caused by another person
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban?i havent played/watched it yet but it seems really cool
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West?oh god i hope so but for right now that seems like an impossible thing
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off?why not both? i really want characters like franziska and gumshoe to have at least a little thing for themselves
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise?YES
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy?i havent played much of the newer games but it seems like i would like them
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction?what the fuck capcom
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction?to cry
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game?yes (even though i havent even played the first one)
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? i would like more of the anime (and also rfta they took it out and i am angery
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney?its really cool bc level 5 did the same thing in professor layton games- although it confused me because i thought there was another season of the anime that i wasnt told about
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutors role?oh my god yes (although thats kinda aai but thats not really in court)
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games?i dont really mind but it wouldnt be fair if that dlc isnt available like 5 years from now
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline?it was good i guess i dont have any complaints
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on?they are already amazing i dont have anything i want them to improve on
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline?a new case would be cool because then they wouldnt have to leave anything out- everything would be completely new!
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated?i really like the 2d animated style but there is a live action movie (that i still have to watch)
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise)maybe pokemon or like hp or something
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.)i understand that its for the developers to be able to save space but i really do like it because then those characters get to be built up a bit more and also i love some of them
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating?i dont even know why it would have an m-rating? like is it because simon was being too angsty or what
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